Livestock Marketing Performance Evaluation in Afar Region, Ethiopia
Livestock Marketing Performance Evaluation in Afar Region, Ethiopia
Livestock Marketing Performance Evaluation in Afar Region, Ethiopia
Vol. 4(2), pp. 152-160, August, 2017. ISSN: XXXX-XXXX
Research/Technical Note
This research evaluates the performance of livestock marketing in Afar region, an area
characterized by recurrent drought, inadequate basic livestock market infrastructure and
accessibility. In addition to secondary data, survey data was collected from 120 randomly selected
traders together with intensive price monitoring in seven markets over a period of two months.
Markets structures were evaluated using market concentration ratio and; the price co movement,
determinants of price and efficiency of the market was also investigated using statistical analysis
of multivariate correlation, regression model (ANOVA) and marketing margin respectively. The
result indicated that Ayssita, Chifra and Sabure markets had oligopsony market structure with
higher wholesale buyers concentration; and most of the markets were also inefficient with higher
marketing margins except for Yallo market. The regression model showed that livestock price
was significantly influenced by markets, breeds, gender, age group, and grades of animals and
the multivariate correlation result showed, markets were not integrated at all levels. Policies
directed to livestock development projects, mainly improving marketing facilities can change the
situation there.
Key Words: Livestock marketing, Marketing margins, Market structure, Market integration, Afar region
Ethiopia has the largest livestock population in Africa Afar is one of the nine ethnic divisions of Ethiopia, and
(Helina and Schmidt, 2012). The livestock sub-sector contains the homeland of the Afar people located in north
contributes an estimated 12% to total gross domestic east Ethiopia stretched from the north Danakil depression
product (GDP) and over 45% to agricultural GDP. The to south lowland awash valley sharing international
pastoral livestock population accounts for an estimated boundaries with Eritrea and Djibouti. The region land about
40% of the total livestock population of the country 96,707 square kilometers is structured into five zones and
(Philimonetal, 2016; Gbremariam and Yemiru, 2015) but 29 woredas (political administration divisions) (Piguet,
when it is compared with the large potential, the existing 2002)
income generating capacity of livestock is not encouraging
(Temesgen et al.2015). Pastoralists in Afar region had Afar Region is one of the poorest and least developed
1,990,850 cattle (83.8% share of those animals in the Regions of Ethiopia. The climate of the region is arid and
Region in 2003, 2,303,250 sheep 3,960,510 goats, semi-arid with low and erratic rainfall, bi-modal throughout
759,750 camels (CSA, 2003). Central Statistics Agency the region with a mean annual rainfall below 500 mm in the
also estimated in 2005 that farmers in Afar Region had a semi-arid western escarpments decreasing to 150 mm in
total of 327,370 cattle, 196,390 sheep, 483,780 goats, the arid zones to the east (Joanne et al., 2005). The people
99,830 camels. widely inhabit dry, harsh environment where the
temperature sometimes rises to 48 0c in the hottest
Livestock Marketing Performance Evaluation in Afar Region, Ethiopia
Berihun T. 153
months. The northern part of the region is the driest and policy decision and supportive intervention of livestock
hottest part of the region including Dalol depression, one marketing in the pastoralist context.
of the lowest and hottest places on earth 116 m below sea
level. The people rely on livestock for survival; more than
90 per cent of the population depends on cattle, sheep,
goats and camels as a source of food and cash METHODOLOGY
(Gbremariam and Yemiru, 2015). They move from one
area to another depending on the availability of seasonal According to the Regional Agriculture Pastoral and Rural
water and grazing land. Sometimes in different parts of the Development Bureau at preliminary survey, seven markets
region conflict forces pastoralists to change their usual (Asayita, Chifra, Yallo, Sabure, Abala, Gewane, and
migration patterns and most importantly were denied Amibera/werer) were recognized as the main markets
access to either traditional water points and wells or specialized in all specious (sheep, goat, cattle and camel)
grazing areas or both together. On top of this rather in the region. These markets are also known by high
complex and confuse conflict situation, drought due to lack volume of weakly animal supply and their linkage to
of rain in the region forces the pastoralists to migrate in terminal and export markets. Accordingly, all the seven
neighboring regions (Piguet, 2002). markets are purposely selected for both traders survey
and market price monitoring. A total of one hundred and
Preliminary studies and reviews (Belachew and Jemberu twenty sample traders have been randomly selected and
2002; Aklilu 2002) indicate the structure and performance interviewed from the list of traders operating in the seven
of live animal market both in export and domestic markets markets. Quantitative survey through cross-sectional
of the country are poor. The wide-ranging problems of market price monitoring system were also collected from
Underdevelopment and lack of market-oriented these markets by direct observation and discussion with
production, lack of adequate information on livestock key informants at a time in two months on the basis of
resources, inadequate permanent animal route and other market days (short term intensive weakly price
facilities like water and holding grounds, lack or non- monitoring). Other market data from secondary sources
provision of transport, ineffective and inadequate (Collected by GL-CRSP Livestock Information Network
infrastructural and institutional set-ups, prevalence of Knowledge System) was also used. To capture seasonal
diseases, illegal trade and inadequate market information variation and changes due to religious festivals, time-
(internal and external) negatively affects the overall serious data were used from secondary sources.
Ethiopian livestock trade. Despite these are some of the
major problems of livestock marketing outlined in the Analytical tools
nation at large, specific evaluation of the regions livestock
marketing performance with intensive market throughput In order to evaluate the livestock marketing performance
and price from the major markets is not sufficiently of the region market concentration ratio, marketing margin
available so far. Peripheral areas of the country have an analysis, Analysis of Variance and multivariate correlation
absurd gap in livestock market information (FAO, 1999) coefficient were` used.
and Afar region in particular have suffered lack of market
information and support on access and market Marketing Margin
infrastructure (Piguet, 2002). In absence of data on the
magnitude and seasonality of supply and prices analysis; In measuring the marketing margin cross-sectional margin
and without market evaluation livestock market analysis method were used in a stepwise analysis through:
development projects and institutional supports will not Indicating the market structure and linkages
grant the desired success. So, the wide information gap in Making out the main physical and facilitating
marketing system and market integration through operations performed between the different outlets
alternative channels of the region needs to be narrowed as specified
the main component of livestock market development Estimating the cost of operations including hidden
effort. Therefore, this study evaluates the livestock costs performed within each outlet
marketing performance (live animal of cattle, camel, sheep
and goat) of the Afar region and tries to justify whether FAO, (1999) Reference standards can be used to set up a
there are reflective and actual problems prevailing in the point at or beyond which performance is judged to be
region and likely to cause poor performance of the sector "satisfactory" or "unsatisfactory". Market margins of more
in the nation as it is reviewed in the widest sense. And the than 15%, for example, could be considered unacceptable.
study will also give a clue to the comparative advantage of Efficiency in performance of marketing functions is not in
livestock marketing proposal and strategic development all cases equated with small marketing margins. Similarly,
options in assessing and determining the degree of market large margins are not necessarily a firm indication of
efficiency in terms of marketing margins and spatial price inefficiency or excess profit by traders. Marketing margins
correlation of markets. In broad-spectrum, this study on and costs can only be meaningfully discussed in relation
the above issue will also help policy makers to fine-tune to the services and functions which are provided.
Market Concentration Grades of animals: There are four grades of animals that
represents; grade1 represents large mature animals for
FAO, (1999) Market structure is a measure of market export quality. Grade 2 represents medium size export
evaluation which can complement the market margin quality. Grade 3 represents young animals having good
analysis. Market structure refers to the characteristic of body condition used by export abattoirs. Grade 4
market participants which technically influences the represents animals greater than immature and having
market behavior in determining competition and pricing average body condition mainly used for local consumption.
system. The basic indicators of a particular market
structure are the number of participants and their size Market places: Asyita, Chifra, Yallo, Abaala and Werer
distribution in the market that entail the degree of market markets were also taken as a discrete dummy variable.
concentration. Market concentration ratio refers the total
numbers of buyers/sellers and their size distribution to Breed of cattle: All the cattle breeds in the region (Arsi,
have a share in a market. Boran, Danakil, Mixed, Raya Azebo and Zebu) were also
taken only in Cattle category.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Table 2: Cattle and Shoat (Sheep and Goat) marketing costs and margins at regional and terminal markets
Mean purchase price from producers 119.8 16.5 120.7 17.4 103.0 15.5
Market costs up to regional markets Assayta Yallo Sabure
- trekking 0.9 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.1
- watering fee 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1
- food and lodging 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2
- loss - trading 0.2 - - 0.1 0.2 0.1
- others 0.2 - 0.2 - - -
Total 2.0 0.4 1.5 0.7 1.2 0.5
Mean sales price at regional markets 130.9 19.9 130.0 21.6 114.1 18.7
Trader's mean gross margin at regional market 8.5 3.0 7.8 3.5 9.9 2.7
Mean purchase price at regional markets 130.9 19.9 130.0 21.6 114.1 18.7
Marketing costs up to terminal markets Djibouti Mekelle Nazret
- County Council fees 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2
- trekking fee 3.3 - 1.5 - 0.5 -
- watering fee 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1
- food & lodging 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.2
- transport 7.0 0.8 6.5 1.0 4.0 0.6
- miscellaneous costs 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2
- loss - trading 0.2 - 0.1 - - -
Total 12.0 1.7 9.0 2.1 5.5 1.3
Mean sales price at terminal markets 153.3 26.3 148.2 27.2 129.8 23.8
Trader's mean gross margin at terminal markets 11.0 4.3 9.2 3.5 10.2 3.8
Total Gross Marketing Margin (TGMM) 21.85% 37.26% 18.56% 36% 20.64% 34.8
Source: Authors computation
firms concentration in all Shoat, Cattle and Camel in to use. For this study markets linkages are
markets. This market is mainly influenced by large traders disaggregated among the main channels of market chains
from Tigray region. Relatively large volumes of camel are in the region. These markets are Ayssita, Yallo, and
traded from this market that is going to be exported to Sabure vertically linked with 2terminal markets of Djibouti,
Sudan through Humera. Mekelle, and Nazret respectively. Other markets have
direct relation in feeding the three regional markets in the
Marketing Margin chain towards the final markets.
Prices of uniform products at each market stage cross- In every stages of the marketing chains the direct cost of
sectional at one point in time across a variety of market transportation and assembling are used with no
agents are used to determine livestock marketing margins. complexity. While the indirect cost of transportation like
In computing the marketing margin at selected level of death and loss of weight are calculated in adding up the
marketing channels both direct and indirect cost estimation weighted average loss on the remaining traded animals.
of physical and facilitating function of marketing are made Due to the traditional marketing system at each market
Livestock Marketing Performance Evaluation in Afar Region, Ethiopia
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Table 3: Regression Result (ANOVA)
yards in the region, none of the costs of 3facilitating the cost becomes higher without additional service or
functions; finance, risk bearing, and information are came value. In this respect the retail price change at all links of
out as direct costs and as a result these are not included the selected market channels in the region is associated
in the cost estimation directly. with traders margin and transportation cost. These costs
in fact have no more value addition other than the place
Generally, the lower the marketing margin the more value. So, since there is no extra service or value addition
markets tend to be efficient. But to determine the overall for the change in retail price, the marketing margin can
market efficiency, operational and price efficiency should show efficiency of markets within certain economic
be examined from the producers and consumers point of context. As a result, 18.56% TGMM of cattle marketing
view. Compatible cost increases with the demands of makes the channel from Yallo to Mekelle relatively
consumers as a result of improved service may cause efficient. As shown in Table 2, cattle marketing in all the
higher marketing margin, but this doesnt imply the market channels relatively perform well with lower TGMM (21.85%
is inefficient. The market will remain inefficient only when Ayssita to Djibouti, 18.56% Yallo to Mekelle and 20.64%
Table 5: Pairwise Correlations result of the same types of animals in different markets
Pairwise Correlations result of Sheep price Pairwise Correlations result of Goat price
Variable by Variable Correlation SignifProb Variable by Variable Correlation SignifProb
Ayssaita Chifra 0.3552 0.0008 Ayssita Abaala 0.5666 0.0000
Abaala Chifra 0.0362 0.7406 Chifra Abaala 0.3191 0.0027
Abaala Ayssaita 0.2938 0.0060 Chifra Ayssita 0.2398 0.0262
Werer Chifra -0.0524 0.6316 Werer Abaala -0.1749 0.1072
Werer Ayssaita 0.0797 0.4660 Werer Ayssita -0.3614 0.0006
Werer Abaala 0.0218 0.8422 Werer Chifra 0.2089 0.0535
Yallo Chifra 0.0584 0.5930 Yallo Abaala 0.0991 0.3638
Yallo Ayssaita 0.0639 0.5590 Yallo Ayssita 0.1763 0.1044
Yallo Abaala -0.0818 0.4541 Yallo Chifra 0.1814 0.0945
Yallo Werer 0.0920 0.3995 Yallo Werer -0.1920 0.0766
Pairwise Correlations result of Cattle price Pairwise Correlations result of Camel price
Variable by Variable Correlation Signif Prob. Variable by Variable Correlation Signif Prob
Ayssita Abaala 0.0940 0.4710 Ayssita Abaala 0.3031 0.0259
Chifra Abaala 0.0638 0.6251 Chifra Abaala 0.0436 0.7545
Chifra Ayssita 0.5947 0.0000 Chifra Ayssita -0.1738 0.2089
Were Abaala 0.0646 0.6211 Yallo Abaala -0.1617 0.2429
Were Ayssita 0.4832 0.0001 Yallo Ayssita -0.0508 0.7151
Were Chifra 0.3684 0.0035 Yallo Chifra 0.1519 0.2727
Yallo Abaala 0.0010 0.9941
Yallo Ayssita 0.1053 0.4193
Yallo Chifra 0.2097 0.1048
Yallo Were -0.1147 0.3789
Source: Authors computation
Sabure to Nazret). Shoat marketing in all channels among all groups and grade four goats have much lower
seemed to be inefficient with higher marketing margin. price.
Coordinated supply chains along the market channels by
market actors can reduce transaction costs. Sheep price
Price Analysis The analysis of variance result of sheep price is the same
as goat price result. Only Abaala market has significantly
Price as a main continuous dependent variable was high mean price variation from the other four markets.
regressed with discrete variables that are livestock breed, There is no significant mean price variation among the rest
age group, gender, market places and grade of animals. four markets. But other factors like age, gender, and grade
The whole regression model shows significant relation of animals have significantly different mean price variation.
between price and all the regressors, except gender in Male sheep have higher price than female and the higher
cattle price. the age of sheeps (mature, immature, and young) and the
superior the grades of animals the price will get higher and
To identify the mean price difference within the groups of higher.
each factor for each species one way analysis of variance
was conducted. Cattle price
Goat price The most traded cattle breed in all parts of the region is
Danakil breed. And Raya Azabo breed is common in the
One way analysis of variance of goat price shows that northern part of the region. The statistical analysis result
there is a significant mean price variation in all groups. As indicates that price variation exists among markets. As
it is shown in Table 4, Abaala market has significantly high displayed in Table 4, Abaala markets average cattle price
mean price difference from other markets and the rest of is significantly different from other markets having higher
four markets mean goat price is not considerably different. mean price of 140.6USD and Werer market as well have a
The result also shows there is significant mean price minimum mean price 89.7USD which is considerably
difference among all age groups with high price of mature different from other markets. The rest markets of Chifra,
ages and relatively low price of immature ages. Regarding Yallo, and Ayssita have no significant cattle price variation.
to gender, male goats have significantly high price than Price difference among cattle markets may be resulted
female goats. Grade one goats also have highest price from the domination of typical cattle breed in the market.
Significant mean price variations among all breeds are
Livestock Marketing Performance Evaluation in Afar Region, Ethiopia
Int. J. Agric. Mark. 158
observed. Zebu breed has highest mean price 173.4USD This analysis lacks dependability to conclude the general
followed by Mixed breed 156 USD. While Borena and trend of livestock price other than the year under
Danakil breeds have lower mean price of 85.5 and 113 consideration.
respectively. There is also significant price difference
among all grade and age groups. But the price difference Price co-movement and market integration
of male and female cattle in immature age group is not
remarkable. Market performance can be analyzed using the indirect
market efficiency measures of spatial price behavior that
Camel price is price co-movement. Price co-movement indicates
degree of price integration (how linked markets are across
Considerable camel price difference is found between the different channels). This can be studied using multivariate
markets. Abaala and Yallo have higher mean price of 254 correlation coefficient. Price at a given market is assumed
USD and 223.9 USD respectively whereas in Ayssita and to transmit or co- moves to other markets through arbitrage
Chifra market camel price variation is not significant with in a competitive and efficient transaction system. Here we
lower average price of 194.8 USD, and 190.1 USD see livestock price integration in two ways; different
respectively (Table 4). Matured age Camels have much specious and grades of animals in the same market and,
higher price and it decreases as the age decrease in the the same grades of animals in different markets. If the
range. There is also significant price change between Multivariate correlation coefficient exceed +0.6 the market
male and female camel. is known to be integrated (Blyn, 1973)
Abaala market is found in the driest and hottest part of the Multivariate correlation analysis of the same types of
northern region where there is no as much local livestock animals in different markets
markets as in the rest of the region. So absence of
alternative markets in the nearby locality could be the Positive multivariate correlation coefficients of particular
reason for high price of all specious in Abaala market. grades of animals in a number of different markets indicate
there is potential integration and the markets are likely to
Impact of seasonality on livestock price function well. Animals of matured age group at each
species are used to the multivariate correlation coefficient
Livestock of Matured age group (the most traded age analysis of the five markets (Abaala, Ayssita, Chifra,
groups with large body condition for both export and local Werer, and Yallo).
consumption) is selected for this seasonality analysis.
Seasonality in general refers different climatic conditions Sheep
within a year. The largest part of Afar region remains very
hot all the year round and other parts which are adjacent Significant price correlation coefficient is observed only
to the highlands of the country experiences the four between Ayssita and Chifra markets (p = 0.0008) and
seasons. The general pattern of price depends on the Abaala and Ayssita markets (p = 0.006). The result
availability of pasture and water over the year. During the generally indicates, there is no significant price correlation
dry season (mid-December to mid-march) general among the majority of markets except the moderate price
livestock price tends to decline due to the drought that co-movement observed between Ayssita and Chifra
causes pastoralists to sale their animals. Depending on markets and Abaala and Ayssita markets with positive
the rain condition, if it comes early, price of livestock will correlation coefficient 0.355 and 0.294 respectively (Table
go up between mid-March to mid-June. It is noticeable that 5).
festivals and demand in domestic and export markets
increase price along the year. Goat
When we look at Camel price, it is high in January and Relatively significant positive price correlation is observed
becomes low to June and starts to rise to August. And in goat market between Ayssita and Aballa, Chifra and
there is also price increase in September and remains Abaala, and Chifra and Ayssita markets with correlation
slightly lower until December. Cattle price also starts to coefficient of 0.566, 0.319, and 0.239 respectively (Table
decline from early February to May and rise the month 5). Unexpectedly, a significant negative price correlation is
onwards till it reaches to the peak in August. Then the price observed between Werer and Ayssita markets. Werer and
remains the same at average rate to December. Ayssita markets are geographically located in a distant
from each other and served as sources of livestock supply
Goat and Sheep prices trend is almost the same. Both to the border Djibouti market and Nazret market
Goat and Sheep price starts to turn down at declining rate respectively. The high cost of exporters and abattoirs that
from January to March and becomes high rapidly at April, collects Goat at Werer market may cut the price down
then goes down to June and remains high again between there, and possibly the demand against the supply of
August to October, and it begins to decline in December.
Ethiopian exporters at border market can pick up the price concentration ratio of wholesale traders, as a result the
at Ayssita market. This is a plain assumption behind the largest market share go away with these groups and they
negative correlation between them. also have the power to influence price. Yallo market is the
only competitive market having a lower four firms
Cattle concentration in all Shoat, Cattle and Camel markets. The
price difference from each local and regional markets to
Significant positive cattle price correlation is observed final markets in all main livestock market channels are
between Chifra and Ayssita, Werer and Ayssita, and evaluated and the result indicates Yallo market to Mekelle
Werer and Chifra markets with correlation coefficients market is relatively efficient in all animals marketing with
0.595, 0.483, and 0.368 respectively (Table 5)but the lower marketing margin and cattle marketing in particular
markets are not yet said to be well integrated. is relatively efficient in all market channels compared to
shoat and camel marketing. Improving marketing facilities
Camel can reduce direct costs and indirect costs of transportation
like weight loss and death. The regression analysis shows
Significant positive Camel price correlation is found only livestock price is influenced by livestock breed, age group,
between Ayssita and Abaala markets with correlation gender, market places and grades of animals. The one-
coefficient of 0.30. The significant positive correlation Way Analysis of Variance also reveals there is significant
coefficient shows that there is a price co-movement but it mean price variation among each price determining factor
is not enough to say the markets are well integrated groups. Availability of pasture and water largely affects the
general pattern of price over the year. During the dry
Generally the degrees of price co-movement between season (mid-December to mid-march) general livestock
markets are low. In large numbers of market pairs the price tends to decline due to the drought that causes
animals price correlation coefficient is close to zero. That pastoralists to sale their animals and if rain comes early
implies no correlation and co-integration is found at all price will go up between mid-March to mid-June. In
between markets. But in relative sense Ayssita market is integrated markets, price shocks from one geographic
better correlated with some other markets followed by market are transmitted to other markets through the
Chifra market. Inadequate marketing services such as lack trading system and the supply of animals adjusts spatially
of timely market information and inadequate market to meet demands but in this study result shows the
infrastructures causes lagged response of price to the degrees of price co-movement between markets in
demand and these can be the main reasons to lack of price general are low and that implies markets are not
co-movement. integrated. Relatively Ayssita market has better price co-
movement with other markets. Strong price co-movement
Multivariate Correlation analysis of different types of is observed between different grades of same animals in
animals at same market the major markets, and also strong price co-movement is
observed between Goat (buck) and Ram (sheep) in
Positive correlation coefficient of different specious or Ayssita market that indicate potential substitution between
grades of animals in the same market indicates potential them. Weak information and infrastructure and high
substitution for one another. Strong price co-movement is transport and other marketing costs can be the reason for
observed between different grades of same animals in the the poor market integration so working on marketing
major markets. There is a strong price correlation between facilities can improve the situation in the regions livestock
Heifer & Fattened ox, Steer & Fattened ox, and Steer & marketing system
Heifer with correlation coefficients of 0.833, 0.854, and
0.665 respectively. And a strong price co-movement is
observed between Goat (buck) and Ram (sheep) in REFERENCE
Ayssita market. No price co-movement is observed
between large stocks and small stocks; this can indicate ACDI/VOCA (2010). Impact Assessment of the
lack of substitution between them. ACDI/VOCA Livestock Markets in Pastoralist Areas of
Ethiopia. PLI Policy Project Tufts University November
CONCLUSION Akililu, Y. (2002). An Audit of the Livestock Marketing
Status in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Sudan. Volume 1.
This study evaluates marketing performance in view of Nairobi, Kenya.
market structure, marketing margin and market Belachew Hurissa and Jemberu Eshetu. (2002).
integration. Organizational characteristics of a market and Challenges and opportunities of livestock trade in
its influence on the nature of competition and pricing is Ethiopia. Paper presented at the 10th annual conference
mainly explained by market structure; the result indicates of Ethiopian Society of Animal Production (ESAP), Addis
that most of the regions markets are dominated by Ababa, Ethiopia, 2224 August 2002. ESAP, Addis
oligopsony market structure with a higher market Ababa, Ethiopia.