Table of contents:
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3
2. Bruker software commands and our pulse program conventions .......................................... 4
Pulse phases ........................................................................................................................ 5
Shaped pulses ...................................................................................................................... 6
Delays ................................................................................................................................. 6
Gradients ............................................................................................................................. 6
Example: 1D pulse program ............................................................................................... 7
Processing ........................................................................................................................... 8
3. Calibration of frequency offset, pulses, gradients etc. ........................................................... 9
Pulse calibrations .............................................................................................................. 10
Calibration of the frequency offset and the power level for the proton pulse .................. 10
Calibration of nitrogen pulse ............................................................................................ 12
Calibration of carbon pulses ............................................................................................. 13
Calibration of deuterium pulse ........................................................................................ 16
Calibration of water-flip-back pulse ................................................................................. 16
Calibration of soft pulse water-gate .................................................................................. 17
Echo/Antiecho gradient calibration .................................................................................. 18
Calibration of adiabatic pulses .......................................................................................... 19
4. 1D & basic 2D pulse sequences (heteronuclear correlations) .............................................. 20
1D experiments ................................................................................................................. 23
1H,15N HSQC (Sensitivity-enhanced, watergate, SOFAST) ............................................ 23
1H, 15N TROSY: ............................................................................................................... 24
1H,13C correlations ............................................................................................................ 28
Isotope Filters ................................................................................................................... 31
Estimation of amide proton T2 times ............................................................................... 31
Bruker standard pulse programs (3D pp) .......................................................................... 31
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
1. Introduction
The practical will be done during two sessions, 2h30 each. The first part concerns basic
steps for heteronuclear triple resonance experiments, e.g. determination of pulses (rectangular &
shapes), phases, gradients, etc. During the second part, some basic heteronuclear 2D
experiments will be set up and compared (e.g. HSQC, HMQC, TROSY).
The different NMR experiments and pulse programs are stored in the data sets indicated
below. For each data set, you have a brief description of the pulse program showing what the
pulse program does and which are the important parameters to be set up and checked. Copies of
the pulse programs are included. Graphical representations for many of the pulse programs can
be found in the lecture notes.
Note that the experiments together with the discussions easily go over the time limit
of the practical session. The intention is to guide you towards a critical evaluation of
elements of a pulse sequence rather than to quickly cover all experiments in the handout.
So take your time and discuss!
A very brief overview of the most important parameters and commands used on Bruker
spectrometers is provided in the next section and should be read before the practical.
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
There are 4 channels (f1, f2, f3 and f4) on the NMR spectrometers: f1 for protons, f2 for
carbon, f3 for nitrogen and f4 for deuterium (it can be checked with the command edasp in
Basically, the pulse program is executed line by line. When a line is finished the
program continues on the next line. When two commands are written on one line they start both
at the same time. The line lasts as long as the longest command on that line. The pulse program
text file is visible when clicking on the PulProg tab. A more graphical representation is obtained
by clicking on the pulse icon in the PulProg window, executing spdisp in TOPSPIN or running
nmrsim showp (name) in a shell.
Power levels
Power levels are either specified directly in Watt plw[0-64] or as attenuation of the
maximum power for a given channel pldb[0-64] (in dB). (note that topspin is not case
sensitive, e.g. Plw1,PLW1,pLw1 are all the same)
Example: pl1:f1 sets up the power level to the value pl1 on channel 1 (1H).
Pulse flip angles are proportional to the B1 field strength as given below:
= 1 p= B1 p
Radio frequency power levels are adjusted by attenuating the maximum amplifier power,
typically 100W/300Wor500W for 1H/X nuclei. On Bruker spectrometers power levels P are
therefore measured directly in Watt or as attenuation in the logarithmic decibel (dB) scale:
P = Pref 10dB/10
The attenuation difference between two power levels (P1, P2) is then given by:
dB= 10 log10(P1/P2)
Note, that rf power (and sample heating!!) is proportional to the square of the voltage:
P = V2/R
dB = 20 log10(V1/V2)
Thus, attenuation by 6.02 dB reduces the power to and the pulse flip angle by 2; or requires
doubling of the pulse width ( p) to obtain the same flip angle. At the same time this corresponds
to depositing of rf power (and thus heating) in the sample.
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
Shaped pulses are scaled in a similar way; however, the amplitude scales with the integral over
the rf shape. This can be conveniently calculated with the TOPSPIN module called stdisp (which
starts the shape tool).
Usually the amplifiers are linearized during the installation of the spectrometer. The real output
for each channel is measured and the phase and power are corrected using the cortab table to
produce the theoretical output. Thus power levels of all hard and shaped pulses can be
calculated if the pulse length at one power level is known. From this one can use the automation
calcpowlev in TOPSPSIN or the shell script db in a Unix Shell.
- On Bruker spectrometers the lower the dB, the higher the power (this is
opposite to the Varian convention!).
- Starting with topspin3 the power and attenuation levels are defined
independent of the routing. So if the cortab is set correctly, the physical
attenuation on the corresponding channel (SGU) is set automatically. The
attenuation on the input level is defined by setting 0 dB = 1 W (topspin 3), while
in earlier topspin versions the attenuation specifies the attenuation on the
corresponding SGU (with -6 dB corresponding to full power or 1Vpp on the
SGU output).
If you have activated the Powercheck in topspin (see e.g. POWCHK in the status line
of topspin) the program checks if the maximum allowed power on any channel
exceeds the specification of the probe and does not start acquisition if any power is out
of limit. However, the power deposition is not calculated, so you still can burn the
probe by giving full power for long times.
Rectangular pulses are p[0-31]
We use the following nomenclature:
p1 H 90
p2 H 180
p3 C 90
p4 C 180
p5 N 90
p6 N 180
p12 H 90 selective shape
p16 and p19 Pulsed field gradient
p29 H presaturation
Pulse phases
Pulses can be given a certain phase (ph) (if nothing is specified, x is used)
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
Example: p2 ph7:f1 (means a 180 deg hard pulse on protons with phase 7)
Shaped pulses
Shaped pulses power levels are indicated with sp# (there is sp0 to sp31) and come with
some variables including:
p13:sp1 90 on resonance
p13:sp2 90 time reverse on resonance
p14:sp3 180 on resonance
p14:sp4 180 off resonance
p13:sp5 90 off resonance
p13:sp6 90 time reverse off resonance
In the previous table, the pulse length is defined by p# and the power level is defined by sp#
Additionally, the phase needs to be defined: e.g (p14:sp4 ph0):f2 is a shaped pulse with name
spnam4, offset spoffs4, power level sp4 and length p14, having a phase of ph0 (a 180 deg on the
C' when o2p is at 40ppm and spoffs is set accordingly)
Delays are indicated by d# (there is d0 to d63) and can either be given in the dataset (in
XWINNMR) or calculated on top of the pulse program.
Examples: "d6=9.0m" or "d30=d6+6u-d7+p13*2"
A delay can also be written directly in the pulse program (e.g 20u or 10m) and can be
incremented or decremented during the pulse program with id# and dd# e.g. id10 means
the delay d10 is incremented with value in10.
Gradients can be rectangular or shaped. A rectangular gradient has a constant strength
during its execution whereas a shaped gradient has a variable length.
Rectangular gradients are created with the gron# statement; the groff statement switches
off all gradients that were switched on by a gron# command.
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
What also has to be set up in the dataset (in TOPSPIN) in this case?
1. offset for protons: o1 (in Hz) or o1p (in ppm) (e.g. on resonance at solvent signal!)
2. number of scans: ns (multiple of the phase cycle)
3. number of dummy scans: ds
4. receiver gain: rg (the higher the number the more sensitive)
The CYCLOPS phase cycling was designed to cancel out imperfections associated with errors in the x and y
phase detectors.
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
Get an overview of essential parameters that have to be set from ased and eda in TOPSPIN.
An outline of the processing parameters can be found with edp.
1D spectra can be processed using the following commands:
ft = Fourier transform
fp = ft + use predefined phases (see edp)
efp = fp + exponential window function (line broadening is defined by lb)
gfp = fp + Lorentzian-to-Gaussian window function (defined by lb and gb)
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
During this session the calibration of 1H, 15N, 13C and 2H pulses will be explained.
Change to directory "cal 1 1 embo nmr" by typing emcal in TOPSPIN (emcal is a user defined
TOPSPIN macro; it can be displayed with edmac emcal)
Standard procedures before you can start: Temperature, Wobble, Lock, Shim
Before we can start the experiment we have to put the sample in the magnet and perform some
standard procedures. These standard settings are very important to get high quality spectra.
First check the sample temperature using the command edte. This opens a window with several
icons to define different parameters to stabilize the sample temperature during the experiment.
The adjustments are achieved by a feedback loop, which measures the Temperature in the
sample chamber and regulates the power of a heater to warm up the cold nitrogen gas that flows
at a constant defined flow rate through the probe chamber. The reaction time and amplitude of
the heater change upon a change of temperature is determined by additional parameters, which
are automatically determined by the self-tune procedure. These parameters have to be adjusted if
you change the Temperature by more than ~5deg, change the flow rate or turn the BCU on or
off. On cryoprobes it is important to keep the flow rate relatively high and avoid heater power
above 15%. The absolute Temperature of the sample can be calibrated using a chemical shift
thermometer. (for cryoprobes use very diluted samples to avoid radiation damping, e.g. 99.8%
Methanol d4)
After inserting the sample, we have to tune and match the resonance circuit. The tune and
match should be checked for all channels in use, starting from the least sensitive nucleus. The
procedure is started with the command wobb. We see the rf reflection profile of the channel that
is selected in edasp. We start the adjustment always with the match, then continue with tune and
iterate until we have reach the optimum. The match should move the minimum of the reflection
curve to the x-axis and the tune should move the minimum to the center y-axis of the screen. Be
careful not to overwind the screws!!
The lock is a feedback loop that controls the slow frequency drift of the magnet by readjusting
the field strength if the resonance frequency of a NMR experiment changes. The lock
experiment is running constantly in the background and operates in our cases on the signal of
deuterated water. As for the temperature control, the feedback loop has certain parameters that
control how fast the correction follows a change in frequency. The lock is started by typing lock
and choosing the corresponding solvent. The command reads standard parameters for the chosen
solvent which are stored in a table accessible by the command edlock. There are parameters for
the lock power, lock phase and the loop time, loop filter and loop gain. The optimal lock power
can be determined via an automatic adjustment or manually by just checking at which power the
lock starts to saturate. For a given lock power the other relevant parameters are set by the
automation loopadj. If one uses regularly different H2O/D2O or other mixtures, the edlock table
can be extended to store the corresponding solvent.
The last procedure before starting an experiment is the homogenization of the magnetic field
across the sample by adjusting the current through the shim coils. This procedure is automated
by the program topshim, which you can start by topshim gui or the corresponding macro tg. The
program sets the axial shims in 1D mode and for water sample also all shims in an automatic
way. You can check the adjustments by clicking on the Report in the graphical user interface.
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
Pulse calibrations
Calibration of the frequency offset and power level for the proton pulse.
1 EMzg (see pulse program above)
Set p1 to 0.5 s and record a single scan experiment. Use H2O signal for calibrating
the 1H pulse and make sure the carrier is set up on resonance (o1) on the water
[1H pulse (p1, pl1) detection]
Use larger flip angles and try to determine 180 and 360 pulses.
Why does the spectrum look so funny for larger flip angles? Look at the FID of
the 180 pulse: How can this be used to calibrate the pulse?
2 EMzgpr
Calibration of the offset. (make sure water is on resonance)
gs modify o1
#include <Avance.incl> Import nomenclature and definitions from Bruker file Avance.incl
ph1=0 2 2 0 1 3 3 1
ph31=0 2 2 0 1 3 3 1
- Make sure that the pre saturation is in a steady state (generally: first nutation, then
saturation): depends on the relaxation properties of the water ~ 4-10 s
- Run the experiment with DS=0, NS=1, set phc1 = 0 and phase the right hand side of
the spectrum using phc0 only
- If the rest water resonance is dispersive with a dip on the right, the o1 is too small,
otherwise it is too large
- The residual water origins from the edges of the sample. Sequences with several
pulses and gradients can achieve better water suppression (e.g. a 1D noesy pr
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
3 EMzgproff
Calibration of the 1H pulse
[off resonance presat (p18*10, sp0, spoffs0) 1H pulse (p1, pl1) detection]
Optimize p1 and pl1 for zero signal (180 pulse or 360 pulse?)
What do we change p1 or pl1 ?
#include <Avance.incl>
1 ze
2 d1 Delay of length d1 for interscan T1 relaxation
d12 pl7:f1 Set power level on 1H channel to pl7
18 (p18:sp0 ph0):f1 ; squ.1000, 100m, 55 db Off-resonance presaturation
2u Check the spnam0, spoffs0, also coroffs (!) for processing
lo to 18 times 10 Loop (presat is p18*l0)
10u pl1:f1
p1 ph1
go=2 ph31
50m wr #0
ph1=0 2 2 0 1 3 3 1
ph31=0 2 2 0 1 3 3 1
How does the value compare to the value that you obtained before? The automation
creates a dataset 99999 where it executes the pulse program pulsecal. The
calibration is done in a single scan nutation experiment. Have a look at the pulse
program and the spectrum. How is the pulse length determined here?
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
4 EMinvp90f3
Calibration of 15N hard pulse
[Off resonance presat 90 1H delay of 1/(2JHN) 180o 1H 90 15
N 90 /180 on 15N delay
1/(2JHN) detection]
Optimize p4 and pl4 for pulse calibration.
Unclear? - make a little drawing of the pulse program and use the product operators.
; F1 1H 4.7ppm (H2O)
; F2 15N ~118ppm (or select amide with unique 1H shift in 1D)
"d2=5.4m" ; 1/2J(N,H)
"p18=100m" ; for off resonance presaturation set SPOFFS0
1 ze
2 d1 do:f3
d12 pl7:f1
18 (p18:sp0 ph0):f1 ; spnam0=squ.1000, 100ms, sp0=pl7 loop
lo to 18 times 10 ; off resonance presaturation
20u pl1:f1
(p1 ph1):f1 90 1H
d2 pl3:f3 d2
(p2 ph3):f1 180 1H
(p3 ph2):f3 ; 90 deg 90 15N
10u pl4:f3 change power level to pl4 (15N channel)
(p4 ph4):f3 ; 90/180 deg 90 (signal) or 180 (no signal)
d22 pl13:f3 set decoupling power level
go=2 ph31 cpd3:f3 decoupling on
d11 wr #0 do:f3 writing data and switch decoupling off
ph2=0 0 2 2
ph4=0 2
ph31=0 2 2 0
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
5 EMinvp90f2
calibration of 13C hard pulse
1 1 13 13
[off resonance presat 90 H delay 1/(2JHC) 180 H 90 C 90/180 C delay 1/(2JHC)
Optimize p4 and pl4 for pulse calibration, same principle as for the 15N calibration
; EMinvp90f2
; for calibration of rectangular pulse on F2 (13C)
; p3 pl3: ~ 90deg
; p4 pl4: 1) 90deg: phase spectrum
; 2) 180/360deg: optimize for zero signal
; F1 1H 4.7ppm (H2O)
; F3 13C ~20ppm (select methyl group with unique 1H shift in 1D)
"d2=3.8m" ; 1/2J(C,H)
"p18=100m" ; for off resonance presaturation set SPOFFS0
1 ze
2 d1 do:f2
d12 pl7:f1
18 (p18:sp0 ph0):f1 ; spnam0=squ.1000, 100ms, sp0=pl7
lo to 18 times 10 ; off resonance presaturation
20u pl1:f1
(p1 ph1):f1
d2 pl3:f3
(p2 ph3):f1
(p3 ph2):f2 ; 90 deg
10u pl4:f2
(p4 ph4):f2 ; 90/180 deg
d22 pl12:f2
go=2 ph31 cpd2:f2
d11 wr #0 do:f2
ph2=0 0 2 2
ph4=0 2
ph31=0 2 2 0
6 EMinvq5
Use the shape tool in XWINNMR to check the difference in excitation profile
between the 90 and 180 deg hard pulses and the shaped pulses (Q5 for 90 deg, Q3
for 180 deg).
Calculate the power level of the shaped pulse from the known power level of the
hard pulse. (What is the basic assumption for the calculation?)
Calibration of 90 (Q5) C shaped pulses:
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
; EMinvq5
; for calibrating 90 shaped pulse on f3 (i.e. Q5, G4)
; 1) acquire spectrum with program as it is, phase to absorption
; 2) delete the ";;", acquire another spectrum,
; and optimize sp1 & sp2 for zero signal
; F1 1H 4.7ppm (H2O)
; F3 13C ~20ppm (select methyl group with unique 1H shift in 1D)
"p2=p1*2" Check o2p
"d2=3.8m" ; 1/(2J(CH))
1 ze
2 d1 do:f2
20u pl7:f1
18 (p18:sp0 ph0):f1 ; sp0=squ.1000, 100ms, sp0=pl7
lo to 18 times 10 ; off resonance presaturation
20u pl1:f1
(p1 ph1):f1
d20 ; d20 or d2 Compensate for p13
3u pl3:f3
(p13:sp1 ph3):f2 ; 90 Q5 or G4 (z->xy) spnam1 spoffs1
(p2 ph0):f1 spnam2 spoffs2
(p13:sp2 ph4):f2 ; 90 Q5tr or G4tr(xy->z)
(p13:sp1 ph4):f2 ; 90 Q5 or G4
d2 pl12:f2
go=2 ph31 cpd2:f2
d11 wr #0 do:f2
ph3=0 2
ph4=0 0 2 2
ph31=0 2 2 0
1. [90 1H delay 1/(2JHC) 90 shaped pulse (q5) (p13, sp1) 180 1H 90 shaped pulse (q5 time
reversed) (p13, sp2) delay 1/(2JHC) detection]
2. [90 1H delay 1/(2JHC) delay = p13 90 shaped pulse (q5) (p13, sp1) 180 1H 90 shaped
pulse (q5 time reverse) (p13, sp2) 90 shaped pulse (q5) (p13, sp1) delay 1/(2JHC) detection.
Why change a delay here, and not in the hard pulse calibrations?
Exercise: Optimize sp1 and sp2 for having no signal (zero crossing).
Compare the calibrated power level with the one you calculated earlier!
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
Calibration of 180 C shaped pulses
Change the pulse program in this dataset to EMinvq3: type pulprog EMinvq3 in
1 1
[off resonance preset 90 H delay 1/(2JHC) 90 shaped pulse 180 H 180 shaped pulse on
C (q3 = p14 sp3 spoffs3, or an other 180 shaped pulse) delay 1/(2JHC) detection].
; EMinvq3
; M.Sattler (EMBL Heidelberg), J.Schleucher (U Umea), C.Griesinger (U Frankfurt)
; F1 1H 4.7ppm (H2O)
; F3 13C ~20ppm (select methyl group with unique 1H shift in 1D)
"d2=3.8m" ; 1/(2J(CH))
1 ze
2 d11 do:f2
18 (p18:sp0 ph0):f1 ; sp0=squ.1000, 100ms, sp0=pl7
lo to 18 times 10 ; off resonance presaturation
30u pl1:f1
(p1 ph1):f1 90 1H
d2 ; d2=1/2J(HC)
(p13:sp1 ph3):f2 ; 90 Q5 or G4 90 13C, Q5
(p2 ph0):f1 180 1H
(p14:sp3 ph4):f2 ; 180 Q3 or G3 180 13C, Q3
d22 pl12:f2
go=2 ph31 cpd2:f2
d11 wr #0 do:f2
ph1= 0
ph2= 0
ph3= 0 2
ph4= 0
;ph4 = 1
Exercise: check the effect the shaped pulses have, compared to the normal hard
pulses, by modifying the pulse program EMinvq5 and using hard pulses on
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
Calibration of 2H pulse
7 EMzg2h
Calibration of 90 H pulse
Use the D2O Signal of the lock substance to calibrate the deuterium pulse (e.g. for
decoupling deuterium in deuterated proteins.)
[ 90 H detection].
IMPORTANT: Change the lock power to the lowest value!
;avance-version (07/04/03)
;1D sequence
;using 2H lockswitch unit or BSMS 2H-TX board
1 ze
d11 LOCKDEC_ON ; allow for 2H decoupling (lockswitch)
d11 H2_PULSE ; lock off, 2H transmitter on
2 30m
30m H2_LOCK ; lock on, 2H transmitter off
d11 H2_PULSE ; lock off, 2H transmitter on
p1:D ph1
go=2 ph31
30m mc #0 to 2 F0(zd)
d11 H2_LOCK ; lock on, 2H transmitter off
d11 LOCKDEC_OFF ; disable for 2H decoupling (lockswitch)
;pl1 : f1 channel - power level for pulse (default)
ph1=0 2 2 0 1 3 3 1 ;p1 : f1 channel - 90 degree high power pulse
ph2=0 2 2 0 1 3 3 1 ;d1 : relaxation delay; 1-5 * T1
ph3=2 0 0 2 3 1 1 3 ;d11: delay for disk I/O [30 msec]
ph31=0 2 2 0 1 3 3 1 ;NS: 1 * n, total number of scans: NS * TD0
;locnuc: off
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
#include <Avance.incl>
1 ze
2 d1
; (p27:sp11 ph27:r):f1 ; H2O sel. Gauss_1.1000, 2.5m, 270deg
(p12:sp11 ph11:r):f1 ; H2O sel. sinc_1.1000 1m, 90deg 90 selective pulse
d12 pl1:f1
p1 ph1 90 hard pulse
go=2 ph31
wr #0
ph1=0 1 2 3
ph27=0 1 2 3 ;270 deg
ph11=2 3 0 1 ;90 deg
ph9=2 3 0 1
ph31=1 2 3 0
;avance-version (02/05/31)
#include <Avance.incl>
#include <Grad.incl>
1 ze
2 30m
10u pl1:f1
p1 ph1 90 hard pulse
p16:gp1 gradient
d16 pl0:f1
(p12:sp12 ph12:r):f1 90 selective pulse
d12 pl1:f1
(p2 ph3) 180 hard pulse
d12 pl0:f1
(p12:sp12 ph12:r):f1 90 selective pulse
p16:gp1 gradient
go=2 ph31 acquisition
d1 wr #0
ph1=0 2
ph12=0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3
ph3=2 2 3 3 0 0 1 1
ph31=0 2 2 0
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
;1D sequence with f1 presaturation
; off resonance presat
#include <Avance.incl>
1 ze
2 d1
d12 pl7:f1
18 (p18:sp0 ph0):f1 ; squ.1000, 100m +55 db Presaturation on water
lo to 18 times 10
10u pl0:f1
; p2 ph0 Inversion of the magnetization
(p17:sp17 ph0):f1
90 hard pulse
10u pl1:f1
p1 ph1
go=2 ph31
50m wr #0
ph1=0 2 2 0 1 3 3 1
ph10=0 2 2 0 1 3 3 1
ph27=0 2 2 0 1 3 3 1
ph31=0 2 2 0 1 3 3 1
Why is the pulse calibration so different from a hard pulse calibration? What
happens before/after the theoretical power level is reached? What are the basic
assumptions for the calculation of the power level?
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
During this session some real experiments will be set up and analyzed.
Type "re 1h 1 1 w embo" to access the data sets for this practical.
101 EMzgpr presat on resonance and 90 H. (same pp than cal/2)
Try to understand the WATERGATE pulse, e.g. by using the assumption that the
excitation profile corresponds to the Fourier transform of the pulse.
What happens if you decrease/increase d19?
; EM1dwg
; 1D with Watergate
#include <Avance.incl>
#include <Grad.incl>
1 ze
2 d1
d12 pl1:f1
p1 ph1 90 hard pulse
p16:gp1 gradient
p1*0.231 ph2
p1*0.692 ph2
p1*1.4621 ph2
p1*1.4621 ph3
p1*0.692 ph3
p1*0.231 ph3
p16:gp1 gradient
4u BLKGRAD acquisition
go=2 ph31
d1 wr #0
ph1=0 0 2 2 1 1 3 3
ph31=0 0 2 2 3 3 1 1
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
103 EM1dwgs 1D spectrum using soft pulse WATERGATE (same pp than cal/9)
Record the spectrum with and without the water flip back pulse in the beginning.
Compare the spectra.
; E1dwgs
; bs1dwgsp
; 1D with Watergate using 90 deg H2O selective pulses
#include <EMBL.incl>
1 ze
2 d1
d12 pl12:f1
(p12:sp11 ph11:r):f1 ; wfb 90 selective pulse
d12 pl1:f1
p1 ph1 90 hard pulse
p16:gp1 gradient
d16 pl0:f1
(p12:sp12 ph12:r):f1 ; wfb 90 selective pulse
20u pl1:f1
p2 ph2 180 hard pulse
20u pl0:f1
(p12:sp12 ph12:r):f1 ; wfb 90 selective pulse
p16:gp1 gradient
go=2 ph31 acquisition
d1 wr #0
ph1=0 0 ;2 2 1 1 3 3
ph31=0 0 ;2 2 3 3 1 1
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
;zggpw5 4u
;avance-version (02/05/31)
;1D sequence p16:gp2
;water suppression using watergate W5 pulse sequence with gradients d16
;using double echo p27*0.087 ph5
;M. Liu, X. Mao, C. He, H. Huang, J.K. Nicholson & J.C. Lindon, d19*2
; J. Magn. Reson. 132, 125 - 129 (1998) p27*0.206 ph5
p27*0.413 ph5
#include <Avance.incl> d19*2
#include <Grad.incl> p27*0.778 ph5
"p16=600u" p27*1.491 ph5
"d16=200u" d19*2
p27*1.491 ph6
p27*0.778 ph6
1 ze d19*2
2 30m p27*0.413 ph6
d1 d19*2
10u pl1:f1 p27*0.206 ph6
p1 ph1 d19*2
50u UNBLKGRAD p27*0.087 ph6
p16:gp1 d16
d16 pl18:f1
p27*0.087 ph3 4u BLKGRAD
d19*2 go=2 ph31
p27*0.206 ph3 d1 wr #0
d19*2 exit
p27*0.413 ph3
p27*0.778 ph3 ph1=0 2
d19*2 ph3=0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3
p27*1.491 ph3 ph4=2 2 3 3 0 0 1 1
d19*2 ph5=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
p27*1.491 ph4 2222222233333333
d19*2 ph6=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
p27*0.778 ph4 0000000011111111
d19*2 ph31=0 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 2
p27*0.413 ph4
p27*0.206 ph4
p27*0.087 ph4
Compare the water suppression and signal to noise of the different 1D sequences!
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
Change the pulse program so that there is no decoupling during t1 and t2.How
does the spectrum change compared to before?
; Ehnhsqc_dec
;------------------ SE (HzNy -> Hx) --------------------------
(p5 ph4):f3
#include <Avance.incl> d8
#include <Grad.incl> (p1 ph0):f1
p2=p1*2 (p6 ph0):f3
p6=p5*2 (p2 ph0):f1
d29=p16+d16+3u+100u (p5 ph6):f3
d27=(p6*2+6u-p2)/2 d9
d4=2.7m (p1 ph8):f1
;d28=p2+p16+d16+6u ; no p14, i.e. N15-only sample d4
d28=p2+p16+d16+p14*2+6u ; with p14 (p5 ph8 3u p6 ph0 3u p5 ph8):f3 (d27 p2 ph0):f1
d0=3u+in0/2 ; 90/-180 phase in F1 (p1 ph0):f1
;d0=3u d29
(p2 ph0):f1
d8=p1 3u
d9=p5 p16:gp3
d16 pl12:f2 pl13:f3
1 ze ;-----------------------------------------------------------
2 d1 do:f3 do:f2 100u BLKGRAD
3 15m go=2 ph31 cpd3:f3 ;cpds2:f2
4 6m d1 do:f3 do:f2 wr #0 if #0 zd
5 3m 5m ip6 igrad EA
6 1m 5m ip6
30u pl1 :f1 lo to 3 times 2 ; E/AE
30u pl3 :f3 10m id0
;----------------- INEPT (Hz -> HzNy) ----------------------- 5m ip3
(p1 ph0):f1 5m ip3 ; States-TPPI
d4 5m ip31
(p5 ph8 3u p6 ph0 3u p5 ph8):f3 (d27 p2 ph0):f1 5m ip31
d4 lo to 4 times l0
(p1 ph1):f1 exit
20u pl11:f1
(p12:sp11 ph11:r):f1 ; H2O sel. Sinc1.1000, 1m, 90deg ph0=0
3u ph1=1
100u UNBLKGRAD ph2=0
p16:gp1 ph3=0 2
d16 pl1:f1 ph4=0
(p5 ph3):f3 ph5=0
;--------------------- 15N RT evol. (t1) --------------------- ph6=1
d0 ; td1/2 ph8=1
(p14:sp3 ph0):f2 ; dec. Ca (on res. Caliph. G3 268u) ph12=2 ; ph27=2 for 90 deg bs
(p2 ph0):f1 ; dec. 1H ph31=0 2
(p14:sp4 ph0):f2 ; dec. CO (G3 268u offset: +16500Hz)
d0 ; td1/2
(p6 ph0):f3
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
Compare the SOFAST HMQC to the HSQC spectra. (Note the differences in the style due to
extended software features: frequency determination in F1, spectral width of F1, frequency
jumps, ..)
;avance-version (07/08/28) ;pl3 : f3 channel - power level for pulse (default)
;SOFAST HMQC ;pl26: f3 channel - power level for CPD/BB decoupling (low power)
;2D H-1/X correlation via heteronuclear zero and double quantum ;sp13: f2 channel - shaped pulse 180 degree (adiabatic)
; coherence ;sp23: f1 channel - shaped pulse 120 degree
;phase sensitive ; (Pc9_4_120.1000 or Q5.1000)
;with decoupling during acquisition ;sp24: f1 channel - shaped pulse 180 degree (Rsnob.1000)
; ;p8 : f2 channel - 180 degree shaped pulse for inversion (adiabatic)
;P.Schanda and B. Brutscher, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 8014 (2005) ;p16: homospoil/gradient pulse [1 msec]
; ;p21: f3 channel - 90 degree high power pulse
prosol relations=<triple> ;p39: f1 channel - 120 degree shaped pulse for excitation
; Pc9_4_120.1000 (120o) (3.0ms at 600.13 MHz)
#include <Avance.incl> ; (or Q5.1000 (90o) (2.0ms at 600.13 MHz) )
#include <Grad.incl> ;p40: f1 channel - 180 degree shaped pulse for refocussing
#include <Delay.incl> ; Rsnob.1000 (1.0ms at 600.13 MHz)
;d0 : incremented delay (2D) = in0/2-p21*4/3.1415
"d11=30m" ;d1 : relaxation delay; 1-5 * T1
"d12=20u" ;d11: delay for disk I/O [30 msec]
"d21=1s/(cnst4*2)" ;d12: delay for power switching [20 usec]
;d16: delay for homospoil/gradient recovery
"in0=inf1/2" ;d21 : 1/(2J)NH
;cnst4: = J(NH)
"d0=in0/2-p21*4/3.1415" ;cnst19: H(N) chemical shift (offset, in ppm)
;cnst39: compensation of chemical shift evolution during p39
"DELTA1=d21-p16-d16-p39*cnst39" ; Pc9_4_120.1000: 0.529
"DELTA2=d21-p16-d16-de-4u" ; Q5.1000: -0.07
;inf1: 1/SW(N) = 2 * DW(N)
"spoff23=bf1*(cnst19/1000000)-o1" ;in0: 1/(2 * SW(N)) = DW(N)
"spoff24=bf1*(cnst19/1000000)-o1" ;nd0: 2
;NS: 2 * n
1 ze ;DS: 16
d11 pl26:f3 ;aq: <= 50 msec
2 d1 do:f3 ;td1: number of experiments
3 d12 pl3:f3 ;FnMODE: States-TPPI, TPPI, States or QSEC
50u UNBLKGRAD ;cpd3: decoupling according to sequence defined by cpdprg3: garp4.p62
p16:gp2 ;pcpd3: f3 channel - 90 degree pulse for decoupling sequence
d16 ; use pulse of >= 350 usec
(p39:sp23 ph1):f1 ;use gradient ratio: gp 1 : gp 2
p16:gp1 ; 11 : 7
DELTA1 ;for z-only gradients:
# ifdef LABEL_CN ;gpz1: 11%
(center (p40:sp24 ph2):f1 (p8:sp13 ph1):f2 (p21 ph3 d0 p21 ph4):f3 ) ;gpz2: 7%
# else
(center (p40:sp24 ph2):f1 (p21 ph3 d0 p21 ph4):f3 ) ;use gradient files:
# endif /*LABEL_CN*/ ;gpnam1: SINE.100
DELTA2 ;gpnam2: SINE.100
d16 pl26:f3 ;preprocessor-flags-start
4u BLKGRAD ;LABEL_CN: for C-13 and N-15 labeled samples start experiment with
go=2 ph31 cpd3:f3 ; option -DLABEL_CN (eda: ZGOPTNS)
d1 do:f3 mc #0 to 2 ;preprocessor-flags-end
F1PH(ip3, id0)
exit ;$Id: sfhmqcf3gpph,v 2007/09/14 16:17:35 ber Exp $
ph3=0 2
ph4=0 0 2 2
ph31=0 2 2 0
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
; Etrosysewgs_dec DELTA
; with E/AE gradient coherence selection p19:gp5*EA
; with wfb (many 1m Sinc pulses !!) d19
(p1 ph6)
#include <Avance.incl> 3u
#include <Delay.incl> (p12:sp11 ph26:r):f1 ; water-flip-back (+z)
#include <Grad.incl> 3u
"p2=p1*2" p16:gp6
"p6=p5*2" d16 pl1:f1
"p16=1m" (CEN_HN2 p2 ph0) (p6 ph0):f3 ; water -z
"d16=300u" d14
"p19=500u" p16:gp6
"d17=200u" d16
"d19=d17" 3u
(p12:sp11 ph28:r):f1 ; water +y
"d4=2.7m-p16-d16-4u" 3u
10u pl1:f1
"d0=100u" ; 0/0 phase (p1 ph0):f1 ; water +z
;"d0=100u+in0/2" ; 90/-180 phase (p5 ph1):f3
"p12=1m" ; 90 selective H20 p16:gp7
"d14=d4-6u-p12" d16
"d27=p19+d17" d14
(p12:sp12 ph12:r):f1 ; wg
; for 13C sample use the following line and use [p14 4u p14] below! 3u
"DELTA=220u+(p5*4/3.1416)+(p14*2)+4u" 10u pl1:f1
(CEN_HN2 p2 ph0):f1 (p6 ph0):f3
"CEN_HN2=(p6-p2)/2" 3u
(p12:sp12 ph12:r):f1 ; wg
aqseq 312 d14
1 30m ze p16:gp7
30m pl13:f3 d16
2 d1 do:f2 do:f3 4u
15m (p5 ph7):f3
3 5m d27
4 20m (p12:sp12 ph12:r):f1 ; wg
5 15m 3u
6 10m 10u pl1:f1
7 50u UNBLKGRAD (p2 ph0):f1
20u pl1:f1 3u
20u pl3:f3 10u
(p1 ph0):f1 (p12:sp12 ph12:r):f1 ; wg
4u 3u
p16:gp1 p19:gp8
d16 d17 pl13:f3
(CEN_HN2 p2 ph10) (p6 ph0):f3 go=2 ph31
4u d1 do:f2 do:f3 wr #0 if #0 zd
d4 5m ip6*2 igrad EA
p16:gp1 5m ip26*2
d16 5m ip7*2
(p1 ph1) lo to 4 times 2 ; E/AE 15N
3u 5m id0
(p12:sp11 ph29:r):f1 ; water-flip-back 5m ip3*2
3u 5m ip31*2
10u pl1:f1 lo to 5 times l0 ; TD1/2
p16:gp2 exit
20u ph0=0
(p5 ph3):f3 ; 90 N ph25=0 ; == ph0 water flip-flip
d0 gron0 ph1=1
10u groff ph3=0 2
(p14:sp3 ph0):f2 ph7=0 ; ph7=0 trosy H
4u ph6=1 ; trosy N
(p14:sp4 ph0):f2 ph26=3 ; == -ph6 water flip-back
d0 gron0*-1 ph12=2 ;
10u groff ph28=0
p19:gp5*EA*-1 ph10=0 ;0 (add) 1 (subtract) 15N Zeeman magn
d19 ph29=0 ; 0 (add) 2 (subtract) wfb for Zeeman phase
(p6 ph0):f3 ph31=0 2
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
1. Confirm that the 15N Zeeman magnetization is added and not subtracted from
your signal
2. Change phases/gradients in order to select the other (undesired) multiplet
3. Check signal to noise compared to HSQC and TROSY
110 trosyetf3gpsi2 1H,15N TROSY with E/AE gradient selection, variant with improved
relaxation properties and efficient anti-trosy line suppression (Lit: D. Nietlsipach, J.
Biomol. NMR 31, 161-166 (2005))
1H,13C correlations
111 EMhchmqc H,13C HMQC using presat for water suppression
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
;2D H-1/X correlation via heteronuclear zero and double quantum coherence
;A. Bax, R.H. Griffey & B.L. Hawkins, J. Magn. Reson. 55, 301 (1983)
#include <Avance.incl>
#include <Grad.incl>
1 ze
2 d11 do:f2
3 5m
4 20u pl7:f1
(p29 ph2):f1 Presaturation
p16:gp1 Gradient
20u pl1:f1
30u fq=cnst20(bf ppm):f3 ; 13C o2p 40 ppm
;---------------- HMQC (Hz -> HxCy) -----------------
(p1 ph1):f1 90 pulse proton
d2 pl2:f2 1/2J
(p3 ph3):f2 ; HxCy 90 pulse carbon
;----------------------- 13C RT ev. -------------
(p2 ph2):f1 ; 1H dec 180 pulse proton
;----------------------HxCy -> Hy --------------------
(p3 ph4):f2 ; HxCz 90 pulse carbon
3u 1/2J
d2 fq=cnst22(bf ppm):f3 ; 13C o2p 70 ppm for decoupling
20u pl12:f2
go=2 ph31 cpds2:f2 Acquisition
d11 do:f3 wr #0 if #0 zd
20m ip3
lo to 3 times 2
5m id0
lo to 4 times l0 ; l0=td1/2
ph1=0 0 2 2
ph2=0 0 ;1 1 2 2 3 3
ph3=0 2 ;
ph4=0 0 ; 0 0 2 2 2 2
ph31=0 2 2 0; 2 0 2 0 0 2
#include <Avance.incl>
#include <Grad.incl>
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
1 ze
2 d11 do:f2
3 15m
4 6m
5 3m
6 1m
100u fq=cnst20(bf ppm):f2 13C o2p 40 ppm
30u pl7:f1
(p29 ph0):f1
50u UNBLKGRAD presaturation
30u pl1:f1 gradient
30u pl2:f2
30u pl3:f3
(p1 ph1):f1 90 pulse proton
d4 1/2J4
(p3 ph8 3u p4 ph0 3u p3 ph8):f2 (d7 p2 ph0):f1 180 pulse carbon and proton
(p1 ph2):f1 90 pulse proton
p16:gp2 Gradient
(p3 ph3):f2 90 pulse carbon
(p2 ph0):f1 180 pulse proton
(p4 ph0):f2 180 pulse carbon
(p3 ph4):f2
90 pulse carbon
(p1 ph0):f1
90 pulse proton
(p3 ph8 3u p4 ph0 3u p3 ph8):f2 (d7 p2 ph0):f1
3u 180 pulse carbon and proton
d4 fq=cnst22(bf ppm):f2
20u pl12:f2 13C o2p 70 ppm for decoupling
go=2 ph31 cpds2:f2
d11 do:f3 wr #0 if #0 zd acquisition
5m ip3
lo to 3 times 2
10m id0
lo to 4 times l0
ph1=0 0 2 2
ph3=0 2
ph31=0 2 2 0
112 EMhchsqc H,13C HSQC using presat for water suppression
Compare the 13C signals of aromatic and methyl signals in the HMQC vs. HSQC
implementation. Make sure the decoupling power is sufficient.
Modify the pulse sequence (rename it!) in order to use an adiabatic 180 pulse
during the 1H,13C INEPT transfers and compare the effect for the 13C signals far
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
Isotope Filter
The spectrum should show the unlabelled components, for example in a complex of protein
(doubly labelled) and unlabelled peptide and purge magnetization of protons directly bound to
N and 13C. These filters are used as building blocks for 2D and 3D experiments, i.e. TOCSY
and NOESY.
What types of filters are used here simultaneously, single/double? For which spins?
EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
Heteronuclear NMR Practical
; EM1djrT2
; 1D with Watergate
#include <Avance.incl>
#include <Grad.incl>
1 ze
20u pl13:f3 15N decoupling
2 d1 do:f3
20u pl1:f1 90 hard pulse
p1 ph1
d19 d19 (4 )-1 for max excitation @ 9.5ppm (e.g. 100/85u 500/600/MHz)
p0 ph2:r
d4 of relaxation delay
p1 ph3
p0 ph4:r
go=2 ph31 cpd3:f3
10u do:f3
wr #0
ph1=0 1 2 3
ph2=2 3 0 1
ph3=0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
ph31=0 3 2 1 2 1 0 3
Superimpose the spectra recorded with d4=4us and d4=?ms. From the ratio of intensities,
estimate the T2 time:
T2 = 2( A B)/ln(IA/IB)
The amide proton T2 is important for quality check and to decide which labeling strategy and
NMR experiments should be used ( lecture Daniel Nietlispach).