1 Proposal
1 Proposal
1 Proposal
Submitted by:
ANUP DEVKOTA Roll No:14520190
JANAK KARKI Roll No:14520206
SAROJ BHATTA Roll No:14520249
SUJAN BHANDARI Roll No:14520256
SUNIL GAUTAM Roll No:14520260
Submitted to:
Department of Civil Engineering
An abstract is the Summary of your proposal about Detailed Survey, Design and
Estimate of Jaishree khola to Chishapani, at Gaindakot Municipalities,
Nawalparasi District is planning for the project work. The team is planning to study
with various aspects, technical, social and economic sides and the technical standards
and guidelines.
The road connect zone of high agriculture production filled and tourism spots and
gives contribution to the socioeconomic development of the rural people of Dhodni
Problem Statement
The construction of roads are done in different stages, they are: detailed survey,
design and estimation and so on. Some problem during above stage of construction in
the field which may be arise are as listed below:
Project Objective
The main aim of this project is to survey, Design and Estimation of the link road for
better flow of traffic. The site is located on the rural area of Nawalparasi district and
follows hilly terrain. The propos alignment is around 1kM
This section describes the requirements with regard to the survey and design
procedures that need to be followed to develop the Design Drawings necessary for the
construction of roads. Road works, drainage, erosion control and associated site works
and earthworks the application of the various standards, codes and principles to road
design is intended as a guide in providing minimum standards for the geometric
elements of the road. Of importance to the total development, are factors such as the
coordination of vertical and horizontal alignments, fitting the road to the natural
contours of the land, preservation of natural features (including vegetation). Also,
consideration must be given to practicalities of public access and safety. Technical
Specification and Standard Drawings are to be used by the Contractor. Variations
from these may be necessary from time to time and these are to be discussed with the
NRS (Nepal Road Standard) Engineer and approved prior to detail design work
The study tem member discuss the related matter of the project. At first the filed
survey worked at that location is required then desk study is needed during the desk
study the information and material required for the project such as topographic map
reference and survey equipment are gather. the literature review is briefly conduct and
the information are gather.
Total station
Level instrument
Compass by using mobile
Measuring tape
The field work consist of detail engineering survey of road project. The liner traverse
method is adopt for the survey. All reading is taken using total station and leveling
instrument and data are record.
The RL of center point of the cross section are measured using total station instrument
reading. The observation of horizontal angle at each right and mean of two are done
with the both left and right face and mean of two use for calculation to eliminate
errors due to eccentricity and centering. Profile leveling is to be carried out by the
leveling instrument at interval of 50m and all points where sudden change of
topography are observed. During the filled work all the data need are record and
register. BM is established where deemed necessary and fixed.
Measuring tape
Total station
The cross section of 5m from the center line on both side of each chainage point and
curve points are taken the horizontal curve are design where deflection angle is to be
greater than 3 degree . Mythology which going to be adopted is shown in flow chart
below .
The methodology can be shown in flowchart also in the following way:
Road Survey
Walkover Survey
Feasibility study
Alignment Selection
Detail Survey
For the knowledge and process for the support of the project work, the
previous project detail reports of road design, Nepal Road Standard (NRS), Nepal
Rural Road Standards (NRRS), training manual for engineers are thoroughly study
and discuss among the project team. Different road related publications, document
study gave us knowledge about the real project scenario and guided us for the
proposal for the road project for the basis of 8th semester; Civil Engineering Program.
The highway alignment may be defined as the position or the layout to the ground
surface by the line of the highway. In other words, the alignment is the route of the
road, defined as arises of horizontal tangent and curves. Generally, there are two
types: Horizontal and Vertical.
The basic requirements of an idal alignment between two terminal stations are that
it should be:
II. Factors Controlling Highway Alignment
The following factors which controls the highway alignment, may be listed as:
Obligatory points
Geometric design
Other considerations
After completing this work all the technical and geometrical aspects and
standard of road are fulfil.
Safety and sound road.
Economical feasible roads.
Well manage traffic operation.
Easily accessible roads for all people.
sustainable roads.
Design, drawing and estimating of highway.
The project encourage us by the practical application of gain theoretical
knowledge about highway in the college and familiarization of real fieidwork
Project Plan
Department of Road. Nepal Road standard 2070