Systemdesignfinalreport Cumene
Systemdesignfinalreport Cumene
Systemdesignfinalreport Cumene
Production of Cumene
Submitted to:
Dr. John Schlup
CHE 570
Submitted by:
Tristan Grieves, Nikki Klaassen, Patrick OConnor, Sarah Keffer
December 9, 2015
Table of Contents
Table of Figures ............................................................................................................................. iii
Table of Tables .............................................................................................................................. iv
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 1
Problem Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 2
Results ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Process Description ......................................................................................................................... 7
Design Goals and Constraints ..................................................................................................... 7
Overall Process Design Description ............................................................................................ 7
Reactor Process Overview .......................................................................................................... 9
Separation Process Overview .................................................................................................... 10
Description of Equipment/Design Process ................................................................................ 10
Health and Environmental Considerations ................................................................................ 12
Process Controllability, Instrumentation, and What-If Hazard Analysis .................................. 14
Economic Evaluation .................................................................................................................... 18
Fixed Capital Investment .......................................................................................................... 18
Capital Costs ............................................................................................................................. 19
Depreciation .............................................................................................................................. 20
Discounted Cash Flow .............................................................................................................. 20
Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................................. 22
References ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Appendix A: Reactor Design ........................................................................................................ 24
Appendix B: Separation Process Design ...................................................................................... 37
Appendix C: Equations Employed in Economic Analysis ........................................................... 51
Table of Figures
Figure 1. The production of cumene (right) from benzene (left) and propylene (middle). This
reaction proceeds irreversibly by Friedel-Crafts alkylation (Deng-Yang Jan 2013). ..................... 2
Figure 3. The above figure shows a detailed process flow diagram (PFD) for the cumene
production process. Major pieces of equipment are labeled and the general flow can be
visualized. The designation P (i.e., P-101) indicates a pump. VL indicates a valve. R indicates a
reactor. T indicates a distillation column. HE indicates heat exchanger. All flow streams to and
from external sources and recycle are labeled with a name (i.e., FEED), and all subsequent
internal streams are labeled with a number (i.e., 9). ....................................................................... 5
Figure 4: Stream Temperature Profile for Heat Exchanger 101, showing the Cold and Hot
streams over the length of the exchanger, measured by heat duty. ............................................... 11
Figure 5. Preliminary piping and instrumentation diagram around T-201 distillation column .... 16
Figure 6. Cash flow diagram discounted to 2013 starting with year 0 as the start of construction
of the plant, and production starting at year 3. ............................................................................. 21
Figure 7. Molar composition of each component in reactor as a function of position of the Aspen
simulation. The concentration near the end of reactor stops changing, which is due to the
reaction being completed. ............................................................................................................. 31
Figure 9. Sensitivity analysis to optimize distillate flow for Column 1. In this example, a flow
rate of 14.6 kmol/hr was selected as the optimum point of operation because of the maximized
benzene flow and minimized cumene flow. ................................................................................. 41
Figure 10. Column 1 composition profile by mole fraction and stage based on Aspen simulation
....................................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 11. Column 2 composition profile by mole fraction and stage number based on Aspen
simulation...................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 12. Column 3 composition profile by mole fraction and stage number based on Aspen
simulation...................................................................................................................................... 46
Table of Tables
Table 1. The below table shows all name-labeled stream specifications including molar flow
rates, temperature, vapor quality, and pressure for the PFD shown in Figure 3. All flow rates are
in kmol/hr. All temperatures are in C. All pressures are in bar. .................................................. 6
Table 2. The below table shows all number-labeled internal stream specifications including
molar flow rates, temperature, vapor quality, and pressure for the PFD shown in Figure 3. All
flow rates are in kmol/hr. All temperatures are in C. All pressures are in bar. ........................... 6
Table 3: Mass flow streams entering and exiting the reactor and the major equipment, and the
change across the equipment. Flow rates are in kg/hr. ................................................................... 9
Table 4: Table of the purchase and bare module cost for all major equipment. Cost is in
$thousand. ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Table 5: Table of the cost factors for the capital costs. Cost is in $thousand ............................... 19
Table 6. Annual material costs and prices of reactants and products. Propylene/propane and
benzene are costs, and cumene and DIPB are profits. .................................................................. 19
Table 8. Yearly depreciation values using 6 year schedule MACRS with a half year convention.
....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Table 9. Yearly taxes, discounted net cash flow, and cumulative discounted cash flow. Year 2
includes working capital as an expense in the cumulative column while year 17 includes working
capital as a profit returned............................................................................................................. 21
Table 10. Basic reactor design parameters used in Aspen. The inert packing percentage is
directly proportional to reaction kinetics. ..................................................................................... 29
Table 11. Stream table of cumene reaction process simulation as provided by Aspen. The
resulting output of cumene is high enough to meet the goal of 100,000 metric tons per year. .... 29
Executive Summary
This design report outlines an isopropylbenzene, or cumene, production facility with a process
flow diagram, sized equipment, and an economic analysis of the process. The facility uses a
preheater and a fired heater to increase the temperature of the feed to reactor conditions. The
reactor is a packed bed reactor, packed with 30% proprietary catalyst and 70% inert packing. The
product stream is separated using three distillation columns. The first column separates the
propane impurity and the recycle stream from the sellable product streams. The second column
separates the impurity to be used as a fuel gas from the recycle. The final column separates the
two products, cumene and diisopropylbenzene, into the required purities to sell.
The facility is designed to produce 96.2 thousand tonnes of cumene annually, at a purity of 99.5
mol%. The facility also produces 3.74 thousand tonnes of diisopropylbenzene with a purity of
98.6% as a byproduct that can also be sold. The propane impurity from the propylene feed is
used as a fuel gas, reducing the amount of fuel gas needed to be purchased.
The process has a capital cost of $29.4 million over the two years of construction, with a fixed
capital investment of $25 million, and a working capital of $4.4 million. The process has a
discounted payback period of 4 years after startup. The process has a net present value of $27.8
million at a minimum rate of return of 15%.
The process was simulated using Aspen Plus V8.8, while PolyMath was used for initial reactor
designs. The economics were calculated using the guidelines from Analysis, Synthesis, and
Design of Chemical Processes by Turton, Bailie and Whiting, and equipment costs were
calculated using the CapCost spreadsheet provided with the textbook.
The recommended actions derived from this report is that the plant should be approved to move
to the next stage of design. Before construction can begin, a more detailed design should be
conducted, including a piping and instrument diagram for the full process, and vendor priced
equipment. The current model is highly profitable with a quick payback period, and has
accounted for differences in expected and actual costs. Further development into this plant will
be a valuable investment for the future of the company.
Problem Introduction
Isopropylbenzene, or cumene, is traditionally a key component in global phenol production.
With a 2011 market demand of 12.4 million tons (Stephan 2013), this makes cumene production
nearly a 20 billion dollar per year industry. Nearly all of the cumene produced in the world uses
the reactants benzene and propylene operated at high temperature and pressure over a zeolite (or
other) catalyst (Deng-Yang Jan 2013). The Research and Design department at Wildcat
Petrochemicals, Inc. has recently developed a new proprietary catalyst. With the proprietary
catalyst, Wildcat Petrochemicals, Inc. will attempt place a stake in the global cumene market by
providing a more pure product at a similar price. This report will investigate the chemical and
economic feasibility of developing a new cumene production process an existing plant site for
the synthesis and purification of cumene with an output goal of 100,000 metric tons per year for
a plant life of 15 years.
Cumene in the global petrochemical industry is used primarily as a reactant for production of
phenol. Benzene and propylene, the two reactants used to create cumene, are produced primarily
as a byproduct of crude oil refining. On the downstream side of cumene production, phenol is
used to produce important chemicals including bisphenol-A (BPA), polycarbonate resin, and
phenolic resins. These chemicals are used extensively in the packaging, construction, and
pharmaceutical industries and are expected to increase in demand (Stephan 2013).
The reaction process for the synthesis of cumene involves the Friedel-Crafts alkylation of
benzene with propylene as shown in Figure 1. This process typically involves temperatures
greater than 350 C and 30 bar. The primary (and only) byproduct of this reaction as the result of
further alkylation of cumene is p-diisopropylbenzene (DIPB), the structure of which is shown in
Figure 2. While this product can be if pure, the desirable product for this plant is cumene. This
process is assumed to be an irreversible reaction due to a relatively insignificant rate of reverse
reaction due to the catalyst and operational temperatures. The catalyst used to increase
selectivity towards cumene in the market today is zeolite, a crystalline-aluminosilicate
composite. Newer exotic composites involving mixtures of zeolites, inorganic oxides, and
silanol are making ground in providing greater selectivity (Deng-Yang Jan 2013). The catalyst
developed by Wildcat Petrochemicals, Inc. also shows promise in providing enhanced kinetics at
a lower cost.
Figure 1. The production of cumene (right) from benzene (left) and propylene (middle). This reaction proceeds irreversibly by
Friedel-Crafts alkylation (Deng-Yang Jan 2013).
Figure 2. Structure of p-diisopropylbenzene (DIPB). The addition of cumene to propylene via further alkylation leads to this
undesired byproduct (NIST 2011).
While the exact structure and chemical composition of the proprietary catalyst remains largely
undisclosed, the following reactions and kinetics were provided:
3 6 + 6 6 9 12
Propylene Benzene Cumene
1 = 1
1 = 3.5 104
3 6 + 9 12 12 18
Propylene Cumene p-Diisopropylbenzene
2 = 2
2 = 2.9 106
Global market analysis by Wildcat Market Research Solutions, Wildcat Petrochemicals sister
company, indicates this is an optimal time to be involved in the production of cumene. The
global market of cumene is expected to grow to nearly 50% by year 2020 to an estimated
demand of 18 million tons per year. The economic driving force behind this large increase is due
to an expected increase in demand from growing industries in Asian-Pacific countries such as
China. Even greater demand could be possible in the coming years with expansions being made
in phenol production sites such as India (Stephan 2013). Generally, the outlook for cumene
demand looks positive.
The current trends in market costs for the reactants, benzene and propylene, also appears to be
optimal for entering the cumene production market. Since benzene and propylene are produced
as a byproduct from refining crude oil, the prices are directly responsive to crude oil prices. As
of 2015, trends in the crude oil prices have taken a dramatic downturn. As a result, benzene and
propylene prices have dropped as well. The ICIS Petrochemical Index (IPEX), a measure of
global petrochemical prices, shows a dramatic decrease in the 2015 calendar year. With no
dramatic raise to pre-2015 crude oil price expected out of OPEC in sight, the low prices of
benzene and propylene are expected to stay (ICIS 2015).
A full economic evaluation will be included in the report for an existing plant with new
equipment. The project will be built over 2 years and have a project life of 15 years. A
depreciation schedule using MACRS over a 5 year recovery period will be used. All costs will
be given in 2013 dollars. A minimal acceptable rate of return is set at 15% per year, with a
marginal taxation rate of 35%. A full evaluation of profitability will also be discussed.
While overall outlook looks positive, there are a few concerns for the outlook of cumene demand
and production in the market highlighted by Wildcat Market Research Solutions. The global
demand for bisphenol-A, an important end-product of phenol, appears to be decreasing in the
near future. The main cause for this is that bisphenol-A is currently being phased out of
industries that supply human needs because of certain carcinogenic properties (NIEHS 2015).
However, this is not the only use for bisphenol-A, and bisphenol-A is only a small part of phenol
end-products, so the effect on cumene prices should be minimal. Additionally, great strides are
being made in developing process to produce phenol that skip the production of cumene entirely.
One such process involves the direct air oxidation of benzene over a copper-chromium catalyst
with high selectivity towards phenol (ACS 2014). While this process appears inexpensive in
terms of phenol production, it is still far from application in the global industry. In addition, the
reaction run time takes roughly 2 hours, which is much slower than current cumene production
methods. Overall, opportunity for entrance into the cumene production market is ideal.
The primary health and safety concerns in the process involve primarily the high pressure and
temperature streams feeding into and out of the reactor. All products and reactants in this
process are flammable if a leak were to occur in the process. None of the products and reactants,
nor the coolants used are directly toxic or harmful to humans. A general hazard of operations
risk analysis of each piece of equipment will be included in this report. In designing the reactor
and separators, great care will be taken in ensuring the safety of those operating the equipment.
While the reactants and products used can be harmful to the ozone, any waste generated in this
process is expected to be used as fuel for a fired heater.
The final design for cumene production was simulated using Aspen Plus simulation software. A
process flow diagram (PFD) of the final process is shown in Figure 3, below. A detailed
description of the design can be read in the Process Description section of this report.
Figure 3. The above figure shows a detailed process flow diagram (PFD) for the cumene production process. Major pieces of equipment are
labeled and the general flow can be visualized. The designation P (i.e., P-101) indicates a pump. VL indicates a valve. R indicates a reactor.
T indicates a distillation column. HE indicates heat exchanger. All flow streams to and from external sources and recycle are labeled with a
name (i.e., FEED), and all subsequent internal streams are labeled with a number (i.e., 9).
The final process used a plug flow reactor to produce the cumene from the reactants, benzene
and propylene. DIPB was produced as a byproduct. Three separate distillation columns were
employed in order to purify cumene from the byproduct, remaining reactants, and inert
(propane). The first column, T-201, separates benzene and propane from the remaining
components. The distillate is fed into T-301 to separate benzene from propane, where benzene is
recycled back through the reactor. The bottoms of T-201 feed into T-301 where cumene is
purified from DIPB.
Table 1 presents the component molar flow rates, temperature, pressure, and vapor quality of
streams leaving or entering the process. These are the named streams in the PFD. The required
cumene purity for this process was deemed to be 99.5%. The cumene stream contains cumene at
99.5 mol%, matching the minimum required purity of cumene. The DIPB purity in the DIPB
stream is 98.6 mol%. This exceeds the requirement of 98% purity of DIPB necessary to sell it as
a product. The recycle stream contains benzene and cumene. These are recycled back into the
process so as not to waste those resources.
Table 1. The below table shows all name-labeled stream specifications including molar flow rates, temperature, vapor quality,
and pressure for the PFD shown in Figure 3. All flow rates are in kmol/hr. All temperatures are in C. All pressures are in bar.
Table 2, below, presents the component molar flow rates, temperature, pressure, and vapor
quality of streams traveling between pieces of equipment. The overall mass balance for each
stream is maintained throughout the process. The temperatures and pressures of each stream
correspond to the conditions of the piece of equipment it just exited.
Table 2. The below table shows all number-labeled internal stream specifications including molar flow rates, temperature, vapor
quality, and pressure for the PFD shown in Figure 3. All flow rates are in kmol/hr. All temperatures are in C. All pressures
are in bar.
STREAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Cumene 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 97.52 97.52 97.52 0.18 0.18 97.34 97.34
Benzene 107.02 107.02 107.02 107.02 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.42 6.42 0.43 0.43
DIPB 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83
Propane 5.03 5.03 5.03 5.03 5.03 5.03 5.03 5.03 5.03
Propylene 103.00 103.00 103.00 103.00
Total Flow 215.23 215.23 215.23 215.23 112.23 112.23 112.23 11.63 11.63 100.60 100.60
Temperature 28.9 33.1 211.2 377.2 372 332.9 180 130.5 80 237.3 200
Pressure 1.01 40.5 40.5 40 39.3 6.17 6.17 6 6 6.02 6
Quality 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0.42 0 0
Process Description
Design Goals and Constraints
The main basis of this project for Wildcat Petrochemicals, Inc. is to use the new catalyst
properties to develop a reactor and subsequent support systems to produce 100,000 metric tons
per year of a 99.5 mol% cumene product for a 15 year plant lifetime with 2 years of construction.
The input of benzene is assumed to be pure, while the input of propylene has a 5 mol% impurity
of propane. As a byproduct, DIPB can be sold if purity is greater than 98 mol%. The production
goal translates to an approximate reactor output of 95 kmol/hr of cumene. Every aspect of the
reactor, separation systems, and other units were designed to reach this output goal while
minimizing costs, reducing environmental impact, complying with common industry good
practice standards. These standards are incorporated throughout the design process, and are
explained in detail in subsequent sections.
The final cumene process design is shown as a PFD in Figure 3. The properties and flow rates of
each stream of the process can be found in Table 2. At the start of the process, a feed carrying
benzene, propane, and propylene (see Table 1 for component flow rates) enters the plant from
the storage facility. The Recycle stream intersects the Feed stream at a check valve, VL-101.
Upon mixing the Feed and Recycle streams, Stream 1 enters the first pump, P-101. The pump
increases the pressure of Stream 1 from 1.01 bar to 40.50 bar so that the mixture is at reactor
operating pressure. This requires a net work of 39.09 kW while operating at a pump efficiency of
50.45 mol%. The pump also increases the temperature from 29C in Stream 1 to 33C in Stream
Stream 2 exits the pump and enters the first of two heat exchangers, HE-101. HE-101 is a
preheater for the reactor feed stream, while also acting as a condenser for the reactor exit stream.
The streams run countercurrent, to allow for a higher heat transfer over the length of the reactor.
Stream 3 exits HE-101 at a new temperature of 211C and enters HE-102, while Stream 7 exits
the exchanger at 180C. HE-102 is a fired heater, with a steady state heat duty of 1434 kW. The
fired heater raises the stream to reactor conditions, of 377C and 40 bar. The pressure drop over
both heat exchangers is 0.5 bar.
Stream 4 then exits HE-102 and enters the reactor, R-101. The reactor feed contains large
quantities of propylene and benzene, and smaller quantities of propane and cumene, from the
feed impurity and the recycle stream, respectively. The reactor operating conditions can be found
in the section Reactor Process Overview, and a more detailed description can be found in
Appendix A. Stream 5 leaving R-101 contains 86.9 mol% cumene. It also contains small
amounts of benzene, and DIPB, and the propane impurity. All of the propylene was consumed in
the reactor. Stream 5 exits at as a vapor at a temperature of 372C and 39.3 bar.
Stream 5 then enters an expansion valve, VL-102. This valve lowers the pressure of the stream
to 6.17 bar for a pressure drop of 33.1 bar while decreasing the temperature to 332C. Stream 6
then exits the valve and enters H-101 as the hot shell-side fluid. This allows energy already in the
system to be used to preheat the feed stream while condensing the reactor outlet stream. This
cools the stream to an exit temperature of 180C.
Stream 7 exits HE-101 and enters the first distillation tower, T-201. Operating conditions of each
tower can be found below in the section Separation Process Overview, and a more detailed
description can be found in Appendix B. T-201 is designed so that benzene is the light key, and
cumene the heavy key. This separation allows for a small column for the distillate to separate the
recycle, and a secondary large column to separate out the DIPB.
The distillate of this column, Stream TOP1, contains 55.2 mol% benzene, 43.3 mol% propane
and a small cumene impurity. Stream TOP1 then enters a heat exchanger, HE-103 to prepare the
stream for the second tower. HE-103 lowers the stream temperature from 130.5 to 80C while
operating at 6 bar, with a net heat duty of 69 kW. Stream 8 leaves HE-301 as a liquid and enters
T-301, the second distillation tower. This tower is designed to remove the propane from the
recycle stream. The distillate stream, Propane, exits the column with 75.9 mol% propane and the
remaining molar flow consisting of benzene. The stream exits at 6 bar and 92C. The bottoms
stream of T-301 is the Recycle stream. This stream contains 96.4 mol% benzene with the
remaining molar flow consisting of cumene. This stream exits at 6 bar and 153C and is
transported back to the start to add into the initial Feed stream.
The bottoms stream of T-201, BOT1, exits the reactor at 237C. It contains 96.75 mol% cumene,
2.8 mol% DIPB, and the remaining molar flow is made up of benzene. BOT1 enters a heat
exchanger, HE-104, to lower the temperature. HE-104 has a net duty of 320 kW and lowers the
temperature from 237C to 200C in Stream 9. Stream 9 is then ready to enter the third
distillation tower, T-401.
T-401 separates cumene and the remaining benzene from DIPB. The distillate stream,
CUMENE, exits at a purity of 99.5 mol% cumene with an impurity of 0.44 mol% benzene and
0.05 mol% DIPB. This stream exits at 236C and 6 bar. The bottoms stream, DIISO, exits at
304C and 6 bar with a purity of 98.6 mol% DIPB with an impurity of 1.4 mol% cumene. Both
of these purities reach the requirements needed for the sale of the products.
The following table shows the mass balances for the plant, showing that the plant does conserve
mass and the Aspen simulation is accurate.
Table 3: Mass flow streams entering and exiting the reactor and the major equipment, and the change across the equipment.
Flow rates are in kg/hr.
Table 3 shows that the mass balances around the reactor and all three distillation towers are all
net zero change, as is the plant itself. This shows that the Aspen simulation is converging to
conserve mass. This proves that the Aspen simulation is accurate at describing the process.
The cumene production method used in this process invokes the reaction of propylene and
benzene over a proprietary catalyst in vapor phase to produce cumene with selectivity towards
cumene at lower temperatures. Thus, a single pass co-current shell and tube plug flow reactor
would allow for appropriate cooling. In order to design a functioning plug flow reactor, a
comprehensive design approach must take into account reaction kinetics, pressure drop,
temperature variation, coolant fluid, and individual component properties. Both Polymath and
Aspen were used to simulate and optimize the reactor. Optimization of the reactor took into
account several factors, including operational temperature, tube types and numbers, inert
catalyst, coolant inflow, and relative reactant flowrates. This reactor is made of 500 schedule
40 carbon steel tubes, a catalyst to inert ratio of 30-70. The coolant used was water. The inlet
flow rate was selected to be 107 kmol/hr of benzene, and 103 kmol/hr of propylene with a 5%
impurity of propane. As a result of the process simulation used in the Aspen software, the
cumene production goal of 100,000 metric tons per year was met with a reactor output flowrate
of 97.52 kmol/hr of cumene. Additionally, 2.83 kmol/hr of DIPB was also produced. The
remaining benzene flowing out of the reactor is 6.85 kmol/hr, which is to be purified and
recycled back into the reactor. The designed reactor also incorporates a minimal pressure drop
of only 1.75% from 40 bar.
For a full report on the reactor design process, results, and evaluations, see Appendix A: Reactor
Separation Process Overview
The goal of this design process is to produce cumene product at 100,000 metric tons per year
with a purity of at least 99.5 mol%. Distillation was selected as the primary method to separate
cumene from propane, DIPB, and benzene. Three distillation columns in series were employed to
purify the cumene product. These columns were sized in order to maximize stream purity while
minimizing size and cost. The first column, T-201, is fed the total mixture of the four
components and separates benzene, propane, and propylene from the cumene and DIPB. In this
column, benzene is treated as the heavy key and cumene as the light key. T-201 is a trayed
column containing 19 sieve trays with a height of 15.24 m and a diameter of 0.76 m. The
distillate from T-201 then enters T-301. T-301 separates propane and propylene from benzene.
This is a low energy-intensive process so the column is small in comparison to the other two.
Due to its small size, T-301 is a packed column consisting of 4 equilibrium phases with a height
of 5.48 m and a diameter of 0.31 m. The bottoms containing benzene at 96.4% purity are then
recycled back into the reactor. The bottoms of T-201, the stream containing cumene and DIPB,
enters T-401. This column separates the cumene at 99.5% purity from the DIPB at 98.6% purity.
Both of these purities meet or exceed the requirements for sale. T-401 is a trayed column
containing 23 sieve trays with a height of 17.68 m and a diameter of 1.37 m. Other process
designs were studied for this separation, most notably three columns with the bottoms of each
feeding to the next column. Other methods of separation were explored, but were determined to
be inappropriate for the necessary separation.
For a full report on the separation design process, results, and evaluations, see Appendix B:
Separation Process Design.
A check valve, VL-101, is used at the conjuncture of the recycle and the feed streams. The check
valve is designed to not allow any backflow from the inlet or the recycle stream. The recycle
stream has a small flow rate compared to the feed stream, and the prevention of backflow is
needed to stop the possibility of the feed stream flowing backwards through the junction of the
feed and recycle streams.
Heating and cooling process streams is an integral part of a chemical production process. Heat
exchangers are used for transferring heat from one stream to another, and fired heaters are used
to generate heat from a combustion reaction. The fundamental equation for heat exchangers is:
Where Q is the heat transferred, or heat duty, U is the heat transfer coefficient, A is the heat
transfer area, F is the correction coefficient, and Tln is the log mean temperature difference.
The largest heat exchanger in the plant is HE-101, which pre-heats the reactor feed while
simultaneously cooling the reactor product stream. The heat exchanger was designed as a shell-
and-tube model, with a heat transfer area of 22.77 m2. The product stream from the reactor is the
hot stream, and is cooled from 332C to 180C, and condensed from all vapor to all liquid. The
cold stream is the reactor feed, which is preheated from 33C to 210C, and boiled to a vapor.
The heat exchanger is designed to run countercurrently, which allows for the outlet temperature
of the hot stream to be lower than the outlet of the cold stream. The total heat duty of the
exchanger is 2,196 kW. Figure 1 below shows the temperature profile for the heat exchanger.
Tamperature, C
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250
Heat Duty, kW
Cold Side Hot Side
Figure 4: Stream Temperature Profile for Heat Exchanger 101, showing the Cold and Hot streams over the length of the
exchanger, measured by heat duty.
Figure 1 shows that the hot side decreases to 235C linearly, then becomes almost linear before
sloping downward. This corresponds to the phase change starting at 235C, then the liquid
becoming subcooled as more vapor condenses. The cold side enters from the right side of the
graph, and begins heating up to reach the final temperature of 210C. The cold side stream is
boiling over the majority of the exchanger, and the vapor is becoming superheated as the liquid
fraction decreases.
Looking at the heuristics for heat exchangers, the heat transfer coefficient for a condenser is 850
W/m2C. This value gives an F=0.85. This is an acceptable value for a condensing system. The
shell for the heat exchanger has a 60 cm diameter, allowing for up to 37.2 m2 of heat exchanging
area, using 1 triangular spacing of OD piping, 16 ft long. The heat exchanger will have 777
tubes, and both the tubes and the shell are made of carbon steel as both streams are the
hydrocarbons used in the reaction. The heat exchanger is used as a preheater, due to the log mean
temperature difference being over 100 for cooling water. Using water would waste large
amounts of thermal energy which can be recycled in the preheating process.
The reactor feed leaves the preheating exchanger HE-101 then proceeds into the fired heater,
HE-102. The fired heater is sized for a maximum heat duty of 3624 kW, though only 1434 kW
are needed during steady state operations. The fired heater was sized so that it could provide the
full heating necessary to raise the feed to reactor specifications if the preheater was not
operational. This is the case during the start-up of the plant, during the unsteady state operating
conditions. The heater is made of carbon steel.
Two final heat exchangers complete the plant design, HE-301 and HE-401. Both heat exchangers
are designed to cool the inlet streams into their respective distillation columns. HE-301 has a
heat duty of 68.8 kW, and HE-401 has a heat duty of 320 kW. Both heat exchangers are water-
cooled, and have a U=850 W/m2C. A correction factor of 0.9 is assumed from heuristics, as
there is no phase change occurring, and gives a conservative estimate for area. Both heat
exchangers are cooled with water, with an inlet temperature of 30C and an outlet temperature of
45C. The area for HE-301 is 1.4 m2, and the area for HE-401 is 2.3 m2. The design chosen for
these two heat exchangers is double pipe, as it is a simple design, and is useful for small area
applications. Even though the two heat exchangers cost under $30,000 combined, they greatly
improve the separations in the distillation columns they feed into.
There is one major pump in the process, P-101. The pump is a centrifugal pump with a required
output of 39 kW, or 52.5 hp. The pump that was priced was 60 hp, so as to choose a standard
sized pump available on the market. The higher horsepower also allows for a performance
decrease over the lifespan of the pump that does not cause pressure problems in the process. The
efficiency used was 0.50, as the pump was increasing the pressure from 1 bar to 40.5 bar. The
reactor operates at 40 bar, and the expected pressure drop across the preheater and fired heater is
0.5 bar total. The pump was positioned before heating so that the pressure change occurred when
the stream was a liquid, instead of a superheated gas.
A throttle valve, VL-102, is installed after the reactor to lower the pressure from 39.3 bar to 6.17
bar. The first distillation column was designed to operate at 6.0 bar, so the valve releases a
slightly higher pressure to account for the pressure drop across the heat exchanger. The valve
only interacts with a vapor stream, and only vapor is present after the valve. No liquid or solids
should be present to cause any clogging in the valve.
Design of any chemical process involves health and environmental considerations, and the
cumene production process is no exception. The safety of workers from chemical exposure is a
prime factor in any plant design. The compounds involved in this process include benzene,
cumene, DIPB, propylene, propane, and water as a coolant. Each of these compounds are
exposed to high and low temperatures and pressures at different points in process. Benzene,
cumene, and DIPB are all volatile liquids at room temperature and pressure, while propane and
propylene are gases. All compounds are considered volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with
several legal regulations to minimalize output from chemical plants.
Propane, an impurity from the input of benzene in this chemical process, also acts as an inert in
the reaction. The remaining propane entering the reaction is distilled off and used as a fuel gas
to reduce waste and energy usage. Propane in itself is not toxic at low levels. However, at
higher levels of exposure (>0.1%), propane can act as a central nervous system (CNS)
depressant. Asphyxia is a possibility at high concentrations from reduced oxygen concentration.
Since propane is a colorless and odorless gas, it is hard to detect if a leak occurs. Symptoms of
propane toxicity are feelings of drowsiness and loss of consciousness. Propane is heavier than
air and will flow lower to the ground when in gas form. Propane is a flammable gas at a lower
flammability limit (LFL) of 2.1% in air and an upper flammability limit (UFL) of 10% in air.
Use of propane as a fuel gas allows possibility of environmental leakage in gas. However, since
it lacks reactive functional groups it is deemed as a safe compound for release in gas. The half-
life of propane in the atmosphere is 14 days. Because propane is extremely volatile, even
leakage into water will result in complete vaporization within a few hours (NLM Toxnet:
Propane 2009).
Propylene is used primarily as a reactant in this process. It is in highest quantities before the
reactor, but is not found in any stream downstream from the reactor. Propylene has similar
physical properties to propane. The health effects of propylene are similar to the CNS
depression found at high concentrations in propane, but are not as severe. Asphyxia is a
possibility at high concentrations from reduced oxygen concentration. Propylene acts similar as
a gas to propane in that it is odorless, colorless, and is heavier than air. The LFL and UFL of
propylene are 2% and 11.1%, respectively. Propylene has a minimal environmental impact, is
volatile in water leakage, and has a half-life in the atmosphere of 26 days (NLM Toxnet:
Propylene 2014).
Benzene is another reactant found in the cumene production process. However, benzene is found
in nearly every stream in this process since it is recycled. Benzene is heavier than propane and
propylene, and tends to exist as a volatile liquid at room temperature. Benzene liquid is clear,
but has a sweet odor and is slightly soluble in water. Benzene toxicity can have a wide range of
health effects. Exposure to gas phase benzene in high concentrations has been shown to lead to
acute CNS depression with abnormal cardiac rhythm that can lead to ventricular fibrillation or
asphyxia. Ingestion of benzene can cause intestinal irritability including vomiting. Long term
exposure to benzene can result in bone marrow damage leading to hematological problems such
as leukemia and can act as an immunosuppressant. Benzene is also flammable with a LFL and
UFL of 1.2% and 7.8%, respectively. In the atmosphere, benzene has been shown to form some
ozone compounds (but at relatively low levels) and has a half-life of 17 days. Benzene can also
result in toxicity to animals if leaked into soil or water, leading to reproductive problems (NLM
Toxnet: Benzene).
Cumene is the primary product formed in this chemical process. The highest concentrations of
cumene are found after the reactor and downstream in the separation processes. Cumene exists
as a volatile liquid at room temperatures and pressures that is not soluble in water. As a gas,
cumene can act as a CNS depressant much like benzene, and can do so at lower concentrations.
There is some indication of abnormal cardiac rhythms with cumene exposure. The long term
effects of cumene are largely unknown, but do not appear to be as toxic as benzene since cumene
is readily metabolized in the body. Long term exposure in workers shows some evidence of
altered bilirubin and liver enzymes, indicating probable hepatic damage. Long term exposure
also mimics bone marrow and hematological damage found in benzene. Cumene may also
slightly irritate the eyes and skin. Cumene is a flammable liquid with a LFL and UFL of 0.9%
and 6.5%, respectively. Atmospheric release of cumene has an approximate half-life of 1.5
hours and does not appear to significantly affect ozone levels. Cumene shows no indication of
harm in environmental life at low concentrations and volatizes in water (NLM Toxnet:
Isopropylbenzene 2014).
P-Diisopropylbenzene (DIPB) is the only byproduct produced in this process. It is not produced
in high quantities relative to cumene and is only found in high concentrations downstream in the
separation process. DIPB, like cumene, exists as a volatile liquid at standard conditions and is
not soluble in water. DIPB affects humans similarly to all other compounds in this process in
that it acts as a CNS depressant at high levels. Lower level exposure can lead to burns on the
skin and in the respiratory tract. Effects of long term exposure remain largely unknown, but has
been shown to lead to bone marrow damage and subsequent hematological effects including
leukemia and anemia. DIPB is a flammable liquid with a LFL and UFL of 0.8% and 6.5%,
respectively. DIPB does not show any indication of harm towards environmental life. DIPB
also volatizes in water and is a VOC with a half-life of 30 days (NLM Toxnet:
Diisopropylbenzene 2003).
This process attempts also attempts to minimalize environmental impacts as the result of carbon
emissions from energy usage, and from waste prevention. The separation flow process, for
instance, was designed in a specific order to significantly reduce the size and utility requirements
for one of the columns. The design of a heat exchanger that uses two existing streams (reactor
outflow and feed stream) in the process to exchange energy between the two also lowers required
energy consumption into the process. This internal conservation of energy within the process not
only lowers utility costs for the plant, it reduces the potential environmental impact of the
chemical production industry as a whole. Additionally, all products formed from this process are
either sold or recycled. The cumene and DIPB products are moved into the petrochemical plant
for further processing. The benzene stream is recycled back into the reactor to save costs from
new benzene input. Finally, the propane distilled off from the process is used as a fuel gas,
further reducing utility requirements of the plant. Overall, this process produces no chemical
waste, and makes a great use of internal energy to reduce environmental impact into the 21st
century and beyond.
Assuming this project is approved, greater design detail will be required for full process
integration. This future design will include all necessary controls, piping, and instrumentation to
operate a complete process from startup to shut down. An example of a future piping and
instrumentation diagram for one piece of equipment is shown in Figure 5. This P&ID includes
distillation tower T-201, the equipment necessary for its operation, and the various valves and
safety controls around these pieces of equipment.
During the formulation of this P&ID, process safety and controllability is kept in mind. As
shown, there are many temperature, flow, and pressure indicators. These allow for operators to
monitor the process. Some of these are in control loops to prevent spills, leaks, or other
potentially hazardous conditions. There are three places on the column where temperature and
pressure are monitored. These include right at the feed stream, in the top, and towards the
bottom. This gives the operators a good view of the process, so they are able to observe if an
upset has occurred.
Through the distillate, there is another temperature indicator past the condenser. Past the
condenser is a small vessel that can hold distillate to allow the pump to maintain a steady flow to
reflux, as well as to the next stage of the process. This vessel has a level indicator, along with
low and high alarms which will alert operators to a potential problem. There are two reflux
pumps, which are automatically set to run one at a time. This way if one pump goes down or
needs repairs, the other can run the process. Past the pump, a flowmeter is connected to a control
valve to maintain a steady reflux rate.
The bottoms flow also has control loops to maintain a steady flow. The first is a flowmeter that
connects to a control valve to either close, which forces more liquid through the reboiler or open
to allow the stream to continue through the process. Once through the reboiler, there is a
temperature indicator which controls the flow of steam to maintain a steady temperature.
Figure 5. Preliminary piping and instrumentation diagram around T-201 distillation column
Another consideration is safety and hazard analysis. While many of the concerns in the What-If
analysis are accounted for in the design, care is to still be taken to ensure the process runs safely
and smoothly. The following is a summary of the analysis completed using the P&ID provided
What if the feed temperature is higher or lower than specified?
o Personal protection equipment (PPE) includes gloves and full arm and leg
covering. This will protect from potential burns from the outside of the pipe.
Additionally, this should not pose a safety threat, only create a worse separation.
What if the flow from the top to the condenser is more or less than specified?
o The vessel after the condenser will keep any excess liquid produced during high
flow, or allow for that excess liquid to be used during low flow. A level alarm is
included to prevent overfilling. This poses no safety risk.
What if the reflux pump goes down?
o The control panel automatically will switch the other pump on, preventing a
pressure buildup. Pumps can also be manually turned on from the control room to
allow for pump repairs.
What if the flow from the bottoms is higher or lower than specified?
o A flowmeter is connected to a control valve to prevent too much or too little
going through the reboiler. This will mitigate pressure issues.
What if the reboiler is heating the stream too much or too little?
o A temperature indicator is connected to a flow control valve on the hot side of the
What if the sample port leaks while taking a sample?
o PPE is required in the plant at all times, and includes safety glasses. Additional
PPE for taking a sample includes a full face mask.
Economic Evaluation
The most important aspect of plant process design is the economics behind the plants
construction and the future value. The initial year for the plant is 2013, and all prices and
discounts will reference to 2013 dollars. All equations used in economic analysis are included in
appendix C. The economics will be displayed in four categories: fixed capital investment, capital
costs, depreciation, and discounted cash flow.
The total CBM is just under $3.15 million. This yields a CTM of $3.7 million. This gives a FCI of
$25 million. Working capital is 17.5% of the FCIL, giving a working capital of $4.4 million.
Capital Costs
The Direct Capital Costs (CD) is $127.6 million/year, with raw materials consisting of over 95%
of the total. The full breakdown of the Direct Capital Costs is shown in Table 5. Further
breakdowns of raw materials and utilities are in Tables 6 and 7 below. The prices for materials
are from ICIS and utility prices from Wildcat Petrochemicals preliminary research are assumed
to be 2013 values.
Table 5: Table of the cost factors for the capital costs. Cost is in $thousand
Table 5 includes the prices of all streams entering or leaving the process. The first two are
reactant streams containing benzene and propylene. These streams are included in the material
cost, which accounts for the majority of direct capital costs. The next two rows are the product
streams, which are revenue producing.
Table 6. Annual material costs and prices of reactants and products. Propylene/propane and benzene are costs, and cumene and
DIPB are profits.
Table 6 shows the utility costs for various pieces of equipment. HE-101 is not included since it
does not use outside utilities. HE-102 uses natural gas, but we account for a fuel gas credit from
our propane distillate from T-301. The reboilers all use low-pressure steam while the pumps
require electricity. Cooler HE-201 uses cooling water, while HE-301 needs refrigerated water.
All utility prices are from Wildcat Petrochemicals, Inc. and are assumed to be 2013 values.
Table 7. Yearly utility costs.
The depreciation method used is the modified accelerated cost recovery system, or MACRS.
This utilizes a hybrid of the double declining and the straight line methods. In addition, a half-
year convention is employed. The depreciation values are shown below in table 8.
Table 8. Yearly depreciation values using 6 year schedule MACRS with a half year convention.
While completing economic analysis, all future value money was discounted to year 2013 using
the minimum acceptable rate of return as 15% p.a. Figure 6 below shows the discounted cash
flow diagram. It is apparent that this project is favorable, since the net present value is
significantly above the break-even point. The discounted payback period is four years after the
start of production, or six years after the start of the project. Since the life of the plant will be
more than 15 years, the income provided from this plant will continue to grow past the scope of
this analysis.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Figure 6. Cash flow diagram discounted to 2013 starting with year 0 as the start of construction of the plant, and production
starting at year 3.
Table 9 shows a yearly breakdown of the data used to create the diagram in Figure 6.
Table 9. Yearly taxes, discounted net cash flow, and cumulative discounted cash flow. Year 2 includes working capital as an
expense in the cumulative column while year 17 includes working capital as a profit returned.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The process design presented for cumene production uses benzene and propylene to produce
cumene using a proprietary catalyst. The process design includes three distillation columns for
purifying the products and the recycle. Considerations were taken on column order and sizing,
and on conversion of thermal energy throughout the process. The plant design will generate 97.8
kmol of cumene per hour, with an annual production of 96.2 thousand tonnes.
The design has a capital investment of $25 million over the two years of construction. Using a 5
year MACRS depreciation model, the project has a discounted payback period of 4.0 years after
start-up. The net present value of the project is $27.8 million, with a minimal accepted return rate
of 15%.
From the final design and the calculated economic review, the recommendation is to begin final
design and start construction as soon as possible. The plant has a high annual output, and has a
large profit potential. The health hazards of the components are that of any organic compound
processing facility, and the safety technology can be implemented to minimize the potential for
any dangerous incidents. The process will has a short payback period, so investors will be
interested in the project if the company does not have the required capital to initially invest.
ACS Patent Watch: September 1st, 2014. American Chemical Society.
IPEX shows petchem and plastics markets reacting to crude swings. (2015, March 12). Reed
Business Information.
Jan, Deng Yang (Inventor). (2013, September 3rd). Catalysts for improved cumene production.
United States Patent and Trademark Office, (US 8524966 B1).
Seader, J, & Henley, E (2006). Separation Process Principles (3rd ed). New York, New York:
Wiley & Sons.
Stephan, Dominik (Ed.). (2013, February 6th). Booming Petrochemical Industry Assures
Cumene Sales to Grow by 4%.
Turton, R; Bailie, C; Whiting, W; & Shaeiwitz, J. (2012). Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of
Chemical Processes (4th ed). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Appendix A: Reactor Design
Submitted to:
Dr. Keith Hohn
CHE 550
Submitted by:
Tristan Grieves, Nikki Klaassen, Patrick OConnor, Sarah Keffer
Appendix A: Reactor Design
A.1 Executive Summary
The cumene production method used in this process invokes the reaction of propylene and
benzene over a proprietary catalyst in vapor phase to produce cumene. As a byproduct, p-
diisopropylbenzene (DIPB) is also produced. The method of this reaction makes it appropriate
for the use of a co-current shell-and-tube plug flow reactor. Optimization of the reactor took into
account several factors, including operational temperature, tube types and numbers, inert
catalyst, coolant inflow, and relative reactant flowrates. This reactor is made of 500 schedule
40 carbon steel tubes, a catalyst to inert ratio of 30-70. The coolant used was water. The inlet
flow rate was selected to be 107 kmol/hr of benzene, and 103 kmol/hr of propylene with a 5%
impurity of propane. As a result of the process simulation used in the Aspen software, the
cumene production goal of 100,000 metric tons per year was met with a reactor output flowrate
of 97.52 kmol/hr of cumene. Additionally, 2.83 kmol/hr of DIPB was also produced. The
remaining benzene flowing out of the reactor is 6.85 kmol/hr, which is to be purified and
recycled back into the reactor. The reactor side of the process minimalizes the hotspot with a
maximum temperature change of only 10.1 C. The designed reactor also incorporates a
minimal pressure drop of only 1.75% from 40 bar.
A.2 Introduction
The production of cumene involves multiple reactants in vapor form and catalyst particles; thus
the reaction is perfectly suited for a plug flow reactor. Cumene formation is an exothermic
reaction, with selectivity towards cumene at lower temperatures. This indicates it is probably
necessary to cool the reaction while it is taking place to prevent reaction runaway or selectivity
toward a byproduct, p-diisopropylbenzene (DIPB). Thus, a single pass co-current shell and tube
plug flow reactor would allow for appropriate cooling. In order to design a functioning plug
flow reactor, a comprehensive design approach must take into account reaction kinetics, pressure
drop, temperature variation, coolant fluid, and individual component properties. Both Polymath
and Aspen were used to simulate and optimize the reactor.
A.3 Equations
To begin the process of designing the reactor, the necessary equations to be solved are listed
below. There are three basic sets of equations to be solved: mole balances for all species, the
energy balance for both co-current and counter-current flow, and the momentum balance.
A.3.1 Variables
G superficial mass velocity
bed porosity
Dp particle diameter
D diameter of tube
N number of tubes
catalyst density
U overall heat transfer coefficient
a heat transfer area
A cross sectional area
P pressure
Ci concentration of component i
Fi flow rate of component i
heat capacity of component i
flow rate of coolant
heat capacity of coolant
z position in reactor
A.3.2.Mole Balances
= (1 2 )
= 1
= (1 2 )
= 2
= 0
= 0
= 0
= 0
= 0
A.3.3 Energy Balances
( )
Heat of Reaction: () = +
Reactor Temperature:
( ) + =1[( () )]
1 150(1 ) 0
= ( 3 )[ + 1.75 ] ( ) ( ) ( )
0 0
( )
= 0.1043 + 48.3
= 0.019 + 169
= 0.315 + 102.5
= 0.196 + 248.8
= 0.125 + 58.16
( )
= 103892
( )
= 98550
= + + + +
= 1600000 g m-3
P0 = 40 bar
T0 = 250.2 K
U = 60 W m-2 C-1
Cpcool = 4.2 J/g*K
FI = 0.1168 mol s-1
mc = 2922.47 g s-1
Dp = 0.003 m
= 0.0000000204554*T + .000004784
Mpropylene = 42.08 g mol-1
Mbenzene = 78.11 g mol-1
Mpropane = 44.1 g mol-1
(Aspen Plus Version 8.8)
Data provided from problem statement
A.4 Results
The reactor design reflects both the constraints provided by the task request as well as some
considerations for future reports when optimizing overall plant costs. For basic design
parameters of the single pass shell and tube plug flow reactor referred to in Table 1, the tubes
were chosen to be produced out of common Schedule 40 stainless steel, with a total of 500
tubes. The inert packing, which allows for better control of reaction kinetics, was to be 70% of
the reactor packing. Finally, the length of the reactor was 5.4 meters. The inlet temperature and
initial flow rates were also selected based upon the suggested design parameters as shown in
Table 2. An inlet temperature of 377.2 C was used at a pressure of 40 bar. A flowrate of 107
kmol/hr of benzene and 103 kmol/hr of propylene, with an impurity of 5.03 kmol/hr of inert
propane. With the inclusion of a recycle stream in the final process, the actual flow rates were
107.02 kmol/hr of benzene, 0.18 kmol/hr of cumene, 103 kmol/hr of propylene, and 5.03 kmol/hr
of propane.
As a result, the reactor output of the primary product, cumene, was 97.52 kmol/hr. The output of
the secondary product, DIPB, was 2.83 kmol/hr. Some of the reactants also exited the reactor,
with 6.85 kmol/hr of benzene which can be separated off and recycled later in the process. The
temperature of the reactor components stayed well within the recommended 20 C, with a
maximum temperature change from inlet temperature of only 10.1 C. The exiting temperature
was 372 C, a decrease of 5.2 C from inlet temperature. Finally, the pressure dropped 0.7 bar
from the initial pressure of 40 bar (Table 2).
The coolant stream variables were selected in order to optimize the reaction, shown in Table 2.
The flow rate of 584 kmol/hr of water was selected to be nearly the same as the flow of reactants
on the reactor side. Water entered at 20 C and 1 bar as a pure liquid and underwent a phase
change to exit at 102.1 C and 1 bar at 27.5% quality.
Table 10. Basic reactor design parameters used in Aspen. The inert packing percentage is
directly proportional to reaction kinetics.
Number of tubes 500
Length (m) 5.4
Diameter (m) 0.02134
Inert packing 70%
Table 11. Stream table of cumene reaction process simulation as provided by Aspen. The
resulting output of cumene is high enough to meet the goal of 100,000 metric tons per year.
Coolant In Coolant Out Feed Product
Cumene kmol/hr 0 0 0 97.52
Benzene kmol/hr 0 0 107.02 6.85
Propylene kmol/hr 0 0 103 0
DIPB kmol/hr 0 0 0 2.83
Propane kmol/hr 0 0 5.03 5.03
Water kmol/hr 584 584 0 0
Total Mole Flow kmol/hr 584 584 215.23 112.23
Temperature C 20 102.1 360 376.601
Maximum Temp C 80.1 10.1
Pressure Bar 1 1 40 39.3
Quality 0 0.275 1 1
For the mathematical simulation performed in Polymath, the same input constants and
temperatures were used as were used in Aspen. The resulting reaction did not proceed as far and
the output stream contained 88.05 kmol/hr of cumene and 7.47 kmol/hr of DIPB. Reactants were
much more abundant in the output stream, with 6.69 kmol/hr of benzene and 0 kmol/hr of
propylene. The products exited at 399.4 C and 39.75 bar. The coolant stream had a much
larger temperature increase, up to an exit temperature of 326.4 C (Table 3).
Table 3. Stream table of cumene reaction process simulation as provided by the mathematical
model used in Polymath. When compared to the Aspen simulation, the reaction shows greater
selectivity towards DIPB.
Coolant In Coolant Out Feed Product
Cumene kmol/hr 0 0 0 88.05
Benzene kmol/hr 0 0 107.02 6.69
Propylene kmol/hr 0 0 103 0
DIPB kmol/hr 0 0 0 7.47
Propane kmol/hr 0 0 5.03 5.03
Water kmol/hr 584 584 0 0
Total Mole Flow kmol/hr 584 584 215.05 107.24
Temperature C 20 326.4 377.2 399.4
Maximum Temp C 306.4 32.83
Pressure Bar 40 39.73
The concentration of each species follows different trends in both the mathematical model
(Figure 2) and the Aspen simulation (Figure 1), and the reaction does not show quite as much
selectivity towards cumene as it does in Aspen. The differing profiles are most likely directly
related to the difference in temperature profiles between the two models (Figures 3 and 4). The
difference in final concentration could be due to the models developed from provided data for
heat of reaction and heat capacity of each species used when solving the differential equations in
Polymath. The heat of reaction and change in heat capacity used in Aspen is a much more
dynamic model that takes into account factors such as pressure and temperature change, and
effects of mixing. In addition, Aspen uses a model for mass transfer through catalyst effects
throughout the reactor, which was not used in the mathematical solution.
Figure 7. Molar composition of each component in reactor as a function of position of the Aspen
simulation. The concentration near the end of reactor stops changing, which is due to the
reaction being completed.
Figure 2. Polymath component concentration profile in reactor as a function of position. Notice
the different curve profile found in the mathematical model as opposed to the Aspen model. The
x-axis is in meters, while the y-axis represents relative compositions.
The co-current model was used in both the mathematical model and in Aspen. In the simulation
completed in Aspen, the resultant coolant output stream reveals a phase change took place in the
shell side of the plug flow reactor. In Polymath, this phase change was not modeled. The
temperature profile for the mathematical model of the reactor (Figure 4) follows a similar trend
in the Aspen simulation (Figure 3). The exit temperatures of both the mathematical simulation
and Aspen are fairly similar. However, the coolant temperature continues to increase in the
Polymath model but does not do so in the Aspen model. This is a direct result of the phase
change, which was not taken into account over the length of the reactor. The model used in
Aspen does take into account this steady phase change and the change in pressure resulting in a
temperature increase (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Temperature profile in reactor as a function of position of the Aspen simulation. The
sudden temperature plateau of the coolant is due to a phase change taking place. The sudden
spike in reactor component temperature near the end of the reactor is when the reaction is
Figure 4. Polymath reactor and coolant temperature profile in reactor as a function of position.
The temperature is in units of Kelvin on the y-axis. The x-axis is in meters. Notice the fairly flat
temperature profile of the reactor components. Additionally, the coolant does not plateau. The
Polymath model did not take into account phase change.
Both the Aspen simulation and the mathematical model use the same equation (Ergun equation)
to approximate pressure drop. Thus, the final drop should be the same assuming the input and
output temperatures and flow rates are approximately the same. However, the output flow rate
of the Polymath model was slightly smaller than the output flow rate from the Aspen simulation.
The resulting pressure drop in the mathematical model should therefore be smaller than the drop
from the Aspen simulation. This holds true, as the change in pressure over the reactor in the
Aspen simulation is 0.7 bar (Figure 5). The mathematical model yields a pressure drop of only
0.27 bar (Figure 6).
Figure 5. Pressure profile in reactor as a function of position of the Aspen simulation. The
temperature profile decreases steadily.
Figure 6. Polymath pressure profile in reactor as a function of position. The x-axis is in meters
and the y-axis is pressure, in bar.
A.6 Design Discussion
Fully functional reactors depend on a number different complex variables in order to balance
production, cost, and safety. Some variables have less room for change than others. These
include pipe diameter and the output flow rate. Pipe diameter is generally a standardized value
based on what is available. The pipe diameter should be small but still several times the catalyst
particle diameter. For this reactor, schedule 40 carbon steel piping. Carbon steel was used
because it is cheap and the chemicals used have no considerable corrosive properties.
Flow rates are based on the desired output of cumene, and the output flow rate of 97.52 kmol/hr
is adequate for the requested production of 100,000 metric tons per year. A flowrate of 107
kmol/hr of benzene and 103 kmol/hr of propylene, with an impurity of 5.03 kmol/hr of inert
propane. With the inclusion of a recycle stream in the final process, the actual flow rates were
107.02 kmol/hr of benzene, 0.18 kmol/hr of cumene, 103 kmol/hr of propylene, and 5.03 kmol/hr
of propane. This flow rate was selected to maximize production of cumene. While the
selectivity towards cumene could theoretically be improved by dramatically increasing the inlet
concentration of benzene, the cost of separating and recycling the benzene proves to be too high
to make a difference in cost efficiency.
In order to fully optimize the reactor, the balance of several different parameters has to be taken
into consideration. These include reactor length, inlet flow temperature, coolant temperature,
percentage of inert catalyst, and number of tubes. The reactor length was chosen to allow
appropriate length for the reaction to be completed (complete consumption of propylene reactant
The inlet flow temperature was chosen in order to balance reaction selectivity toward cumene
while also maintaining an appropriate reactor length. The coolant inlet temperature allowed for a
small temperature range (<20 C change from inlet temperature) in the reactor and maintained an
adequate reaction temperature. Much like the inlet temperature, the percentage of inert catalyst in
the reactor can greatly affect reaction kinetics. A catalyst to inert ratio of 30 to 70 maximized
reactor productivity while minimizing the reactor hot spot. As a result the temperature only
varies 10.1 C at most from the inlet temperature, preventing a runaway reaction. The number of
tubes within the reactor plays a major role in the pressure drop across the reactor and tubular
flow rate. The resulting pressure drop is only around 1.75% of the initial pressure, allowing the
reaction kinetics to maintain a more constant value over the length of the reactor.
For this reactor, water was chosen as the coolant of choice for the reactor. The boiling point of
water, at the pressure used is 100 C. This means that the water in the cooling side of the reactor
undergoes a partial phase change. This phase change is actually beneficial because it allows the
temperature profile of the coolant to stay relatively constant after reaching the boiling
temperature of 100 C. As a result, the thermal driving force is nearly constant throughout the
For a single pass shell and tube plug flow reactor, thermal fluid can be run through the reactor
co-current or counter-current with the feed stream. For this reaction, the thermal fluid runs co-
current with the feed stream. The reactor initially drops in temperature, but then rises as the
reaction proceeds. If the thermal fluid is fed in to the reactor co-currently, the thermal driving
force (or temperature difference between the two fluids) is maintained at a larger average value.
When the thermal coolant is run counter-currently, the thermal driving force is larger at the
hotspot, but does not allow the reactor to maintain an appropriate temperature range for the
length of the reactor.
Appendix B: Separation Process Design
Submitted to:
Dr. Jennifer Anthony
CHE 560
Submitted by:
Tristan Grieves, Nikki Klaassen, Patrick OConnor, Sarah Keffer
Appendix B: Separation Process Design
B.2 Introduction
The goal of this design process is to produce cumene product at 100,000 metric tons per year
with a purity of at least 99.5 mol%. The mechanism for production of cumene in this process is
by the Friedel-Crafts alkylation of benzene with propylene. A secondary reaction involved in this
process is the formation of a byproduct, p-diisopropylbenzene (DIPB), from propylene and
cumene. If the purity of DIPB exceeds 98 mol%, the byproduct can be sold for profit.
3 6 + 6 6 9 12
Propylene Benzene Cumene
3 6 + 9 12 12 18
Propylene Cumene DIPB
The separation of cumene from this mixture involves a multistage distillation process. This
appendix provides the detailed separation process for cumene purification, the approach behind
the design, and an overall cost analysis for the separation portion of cumene production.
The original base case for this process includes a column separating the lightest components of
the feed mixture, propylene and propane, from the feed, leaving benzene, cumene, and DIPB in
the bottoms. The bottoms mixture from the first column is then fed into a second distillation
column to separate benzene from the cumene and DIPB. From there, the cumene and DIPB
enters a third and final distillation column to achieve the finished products of cumene in the
distillate and DIPB in the bottoms. When comparing this base case process to the approach in the
final process, both designs achieve similar separations. However, the final design does so at a
lower cost. This is primarily due to the small size of Column 2 when compared to any column in
the base case design. The separation of propane and propylene from benzene with a low flow
rate is a low energy-intensive process and thus does not require a large separation vessel to
achieve the desired separation.
Another aspect of column design for this process was the means of separation: trays or packing.
The final design includes one packed tower, Column 2, and two trayed towers. Similar
separations and operating costs are achieved by trays and packing for all three columns, so the
main consideration for each column was size. By convention, a column with a diameter of less
than 0.61 m (2 ft) is too small for a worker to service the trays in the tower and packing must be
used instead of trays. Column 2 in the final separations design has a diameter of 0.305 m, and is
therefore suitable for using packing. Columns 1 and 3 are trayed because of their larger overall
size. The diameters of both columns exceeds the minimum necessary for service within the
column. Additionally, packing in a tower with a height greater than 6.1 m may cause liquid
channeling. This leads to a reduction in contact because liquid flows down the sides of the
column while gas flows up the center. Columns 1 and 3 are 15.24 and 17.68 m, respectively,
making them too tall to sustain packing as the separation medium without liquid channeling
Multiple separation types were considered for the purification of cumene before settling on
distillation. Absorbing and stripping columns transfer a target compound from the gas phase to
the liquid phase and vice versa. This technique only moves the target compound, cumene, into
another material. This would necessitate another column to separate the cumene from another
material. This technique also requires a large difference in volatilities between the target
compound and the rest of the stream, which is not true for cumene, benzene, and DIPB.
B.3.3 Design Optimization
To optimize each column, different parameters are run using sensitivity analysis on Aspen. A
block parameter, such as distillate flow, is selected and varied while collecting exiting stream
composition data. These compositions are evaluated by graphing them to visually determine the
optimum distillate flow. This process is then repeated with reflux ratio, number of stages, and
feed stage location. One example, Figure 2, shows the distillate flow for Column 1 was varied to
determine the point where maximum benzene and minimum cumene would exit with the
Figure 9. Sensitivity analysis to optimize distillate flow for Column 1. In this example, a flow rate of 14.6 kmol/hr
was selected as the optimum point of operation because of the maximized benzene flow and minimized cumene flow.
In the packed column, the tray height and diameter are both relatively small. As a result, the
pressure drop is minimal and the separation fairly sharp. Thus a generic random plastic Pall ring
is selected as the packing of choice, because the need for a more expensive type of random
packing or structural packing is not present. The use of corrosive-resistant metals is not needed
because of the relatively mild chemicals used in this process and the high cost of metal packing.
The ring size is to be 25 mm to minimize liquid channeling by reducing packing size to less than
one-eighth of the column diameter. The Eckert Generalized Pressure Drop Correlation, which is
appropriated for most generic random packing types, is used as the method to calculate pressure
change throughout the column.
B.4 Results
The final cumene separation design met the required purity of cumene at a final purity of 99.51
mol% as shown in Table 1 in reference to the flowsheet provided in Figure 2. Table 2 displays
properties of each stream in the separation process. The final purity of DIPB was 98.6 mol%, just
above the 98 mol% required purity needed to sell the byproduct. The purity of the benzene in the
final benzene stream is 96.4 mol% benzene. This is pure enough to be recycled back into the
process. The actual feed into Column 1 does not contain propylene because all of the supplied
propylene is consumed in the reactor. Therefore, the second column only separates propane and
benzene and no propylene exists anywhere in the separation streams.
Table 1. Stream table of separations process design showing composition percentages for each
component. The feed stream refers to the stream entering Column 1, Stream 1 is the distillate of
Column 1 while Stream 2 is the bottoms stream. Stream 1 enters a cooler and Stream 3 is the
exiting cooled stream. The propane, benzene, cumene, and DIPB streams are the streams in
which those components are the primary component.
Stream Feed 1 2 3 Prop Benzene Cumene DIPB
Table 2. Stream table of separations process design results including component flow rates, component
mole percentages, operating conditions and quality of each stream.
Stream Feed 1 2 3 Prop Benzene Cumene DIPB
6.85 6.42 6.42 0.43 1.60 4.82 0.43 -
5.03 5.03 5.03 - 5.03 - - -
97.52 0.18 0.18 97.34 - 0.18 97.30 0.04
2.83 - - 2.83 - - 0.05 2.78
112.23 11.63 11.63 100.6 6.63 5.00 97.78 2.82
Flow (kmol/hr)
180.00 130.50 80.00 200.00 92.00 152.90 236.40 303.7
Pressure (bar) 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.02
Vapor Quality 0.00 1.00 0.42 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
B.4.1 Column 1
Column 1 separates benzene, propane, and propylene from cumene and DIPB. The column
design, laid out in Table 3, includes a height of 15.24 m and a diameter of 0.762 m. The height to
diameter ratio is within the acceptable limits. The column requires 19 trays to obtain the
necessary separation.
Height-to-diameter ratio 20
Number of trays 19
As shown in Figure 3, the cumene mole fraction increases as the stages move down the column.
As a heavier component, this is expected. The benzene, propylene, and propane mole fractions
increase toward the top of the column, as is expected of the lighter components. DIPB has a very
low mole fraction overall, but it does increase slightly near the bottom of Column 1.
Column 1 Composition Pr ofile
0.95 Benzene
0.90 Propylene
0.80 DIPB
Mole fraction
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Figure 10. Column 1 composition profile by mole fraction and stage based on Aspen simulation
Column 2 separates propane and propylene from benzene, and is the only packed column in the
design. The column design, laid out in Table 4, includes a height of 5.486 m and a diameter of
0.305 m. The height to diameter ratio is within the acceptable limits. The column requires 4
packed equilibrium stages to obtain the necessary separation.
Height-to-diameter ratio 18
Figure 4 details the composition in each equilibrium stage. Like in the trayed columns, the
heavier components are more prominent in the bottom while the lighter components are more
prevalent in the top of the column.
Column 2 Composition Pr ofile
0.70 Benzene
0.60 Cumene
Mole fraction
1 2 3 4
Figure 11. Column 2 composition profile by mole fraction and stage number based on Aspen simulation
B.4.3 Column 3
Column 3 separates the desired product, benzene, from DIPB. The column, with its parameters
displayed in Table 5, has a diameter of 1.22 m and a height of 17.68 m. The height-to-diameter
ratio is well under the maximum ratio of 20. The column is trayed and consists of 23 sieve trays.
Number of trays 23
As can be seen in Figure 5, the lighter component, cumene, has a high mole fraction at the top of
the column and the heavier component, DIPB, has a high mole fraction at the base of the column.
This separation gives the final product at above the necessary purity.
Colum 3 Composit ion Profile
Mole fraction
0.55 DIPB
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
Figure 12. Column 3 composition profile by mole fraction and stage number based on Aspen simulation
approaches are far less costly than the base case design, and the series with a packed column
proves to be most cost efficient long term (Table 5).
Table 6. Economic analysis of three design configurations
Split series,
Original series Split series
1 packed
Operating cost $1,628,050 $1,389,970 $1,376,500
Capital cost $7,008,540 $6,425,310 $6,541,120
Year 1 $8,636,590 $7,815,280 $7,917,620
Year 2 $10,264,640 $9,205,250 $9,294,120
Year 3 $11,892,690 $10,595,220 $10,670,620
Year 4 $13,520,740 $11,985,190 $12,047,120
Year 5 $15,148,790 $13,375,160 $13,423,620
Year 6 $16,776,840 $14,765,130 $14,800,120
Year 7 $18,404,890 $16,155,100 $16,176,620
Year 8 $20,032,940 $17,545,070 $17,553,120
Year 9 $21,660,990 $18,935,040 $18,929,620
Year 10 $23,289,040 $20,325,010 $20,306,120
$12,400 $83,800 $12,400 $77,400 $13,700 $94,700
Reflux pump $4,400 $32,200 $4,400 $25,900 $5,500 $40,300
Cooler $51,700
TOTAL $1,585,800
B.6 Discussion
The final separations design for cumene production results in a cumene stream that exceeds the
required purity. This is done using one packed column and two trayed columns in series. The
design chosen minimized capital and utility costs while maximizing purity of cumene and DIPB.
The design was also formed with safety and environmental impact in mind.
The distillate composition of Column 1 contains all of the propane and propylene, almost all of
the benzene, and a small amount of cumene. The distillate contains 95.5 mol% of the benzene
from the feed, and the bottoms has 99.8 mol% of the cumene from the feed. This separation
allows for almost all of the cumene to be recovered, and the remaining cumene will be recycled
back into the reactor. This design allows for the highest separation without requiring higher
energy costs to cool the feed stream by a significant amount.
Column 2 is designed to separate the propylene from the benzene. Propane and propylene are
very similar, linear compounds, and are very different from the ring structure of benzene and
cumene. The column also has a small feed stream, consisting of 14.5 kmol/hr total feed. The
small feed and simple separation leads to a small column design, which in turn dictates a packed
column. The column diameter was 0.305m (1ft), and the packed height was 1.22m (4ft). The
small size allows for a much cheaper column than having a depropanizer column at the
beginning of the distillation process, which would have required many more stages of trays or
packing. The distillate of Column 2 contained almost exclusively propane and propylene, with
only 0.5 mol% benzene. The bottoms of the column contained the benzene and all of the
cumene, with only 0.4 mol% propane and 0.3 mol% propylene in the stream. This allows for a
nearly pure benzene recycle, and a distillate to be used as a fuel gas with little benzene impurity.
Column 3 was designed to separate the cumene from the DIPB. These two compounds are even
more similar than cumene was to benzene, so the separation took more stages, and a larger
column diameter. The final column had a diameter of 1.77m (4ft), a height of 17.7m (58ft), and
had 23 trays. This gave the column a height-to-diameter ratio of 14.5.
The column produced a distillate containing 99.6 mol% cumene, with a bottoms containing 99.6
mol% DIPB. The cumene product has a 0.3 mol% benzene impurity, and a 0.1 mol% DIPB
impurity. The DIPB product has a 0.4 mol% cumene impurity. Both streams produce chemicals
with high enough purity to be sold.
Reducing the environmental effect of the plant involves primarily reducing operational utilities,
and therefore operational costs. When the columns were optimized, certain actions were taken in
order to reduce utility usage as much as possible. For example, a heater between the first and
third columns used in previous simulations was eliminated. This reduced the effectiveness of
Column 3 in the separation, but was able to reduce utility usage dramatically. Several other
tradeoffs were used in the optimization process to sacrifice a marginal increase in capital costs,
but reduced utility and total costs in the long term.
In addition to reducing environmental effects by reducing utility cost, plant waste and recycle
potential was also heavily considered in designing the columns. For instance, the purification of
benzene (Column 2) was not necessary to separate cumene. However, since the cost of benzene
is relatively high, and because of the potential environmental impact of benzene as a volatile
organic compound (VOC), the decision was made to include this process. In the final design of
the plant, benzene can now be recycled back into the reactor. This will both reduce the intake of
benzene into the plant and reduce the waste of benzene leaving. The separation of propylene
from inert propane was also considered for recycle, but was determined to be not economically
feasible for an additional column because of the relative difficulty of separation between propane
and propylene.
Appendix C: Equations Employed in Economic
FCI = FLang * total equipment cost
Working capital = 17.5% of FCI
Cost of Labor = $59,580 * number of operators
Supervisors and clerical employees = 17.5% of cost of labor
Maintenance and repairs = 6% of FCI
Operating supplies = 0.9% of FCI
Laboratory work = 15% of cost of labor
Catalyst cost = $2.25/kg * catalyst loading * density of catalyst * volume of reactor
Plant overhead = 70.8% of cost of labor + 3.6* of FCI
Administrative costs = 17.7% of cost of labor + 0.9% of FCI