04 Ignition System

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Ignition System Description

The three essential elements of a gasoline engine are:

good air-fuel mixture, good compression, and good spark.
The ignition system generates a powerful spark through
proper ignition timing in order to ignite the air-fuel mixture.
1. Powerful sparks
In the ignition system, sparks are generated between
the electrodes of the spark plugs to burn the air-fuel
mixture. Because even air has electrical resistance,
when it is compressed highly, tens of thousands of
volts must be generated to ensure the generation of
powerful sparks that can ignite the air-fuel mixture.
2. Proper ignition timing
The ignition system must provide proper ignition tim-
ing at all times to accommodate the changes in engine
speed and load.
3. Sufficient durability
The ignition system must be able to provide sufficient
reliability to withstand the vibrations and heat that are
generated by the engine.

The ignition system uses the high volt-

age that is generated by the ignition coil
Ignition switch
to produce sparks, which ignite the air-
fuel mixture that has been compressed.
The air-fuel mixture is compressed and
burns in the cylinder. This combustion
generates the motive force of the
Primary coil Ignition coil engine.
ECU (with igniter)
Through self-induction and mutual
induction, the coil generates the high
Secondary coil
voltage that is necessary for ignition.
The primary coil generates several hun-
dred volts and the secondary coil gener-
ates tens of thousands of volts.
Spark plug (2/2)

: Primary circuit
: Secondary circuit

Changes in Ignition Systems
High-tension cord The types of ignition systems are as fol-
High-tension cord lows:
1. Breaker points type
This type of ignition system has the
Ignition switch
ST Distributor
most basic construction.
With this type, the primary current
and ignition timing are mechanically
The primary current of the ignition
Capasitor plug coil is controlled to flow intermittently
through the breaker points.
The governor advancer and the vac-
Cam Breaker uum advancer control the ignition
Resistor Vacuum advancer The distributor distributes the high
voltage that is generated by the sec-
ondary coil to the spark plugs.
In this type, the breaker points must
be regularly adjusted or replaced.

An external resistor is used for

reducing the number of windings of
the primary coil, improving the rise of
the primary current, and minimizing
the reduction in the secondary volt-
age at high speeds.
Reducing the number of windings of
the primary coil reduces resistance,
increases the primary current, and
increases the generation of heat. For
this reason, an external resistor is
provided to prevent the primary cur-
rent from increasing excessively.

2. Transistorized type
High-tension cord In this type, the transistor controls
High-tension cord
the primary current so that it flows
intermittently in accordance with the
electric signals that are generated by
the signal generator.
Ignition switch
Distributor Timing advance is controlled
mechanically in the same way as in
advancer Igniter
Transistor the breaker points type system.
Ignition plug


Vacuum advancer

3. Transistorized type with ESA
High-tension cord
(Electronic Spark Advance)
High-tension cord
The use of the mechanical vacuum
advancer and the governor advancer
has been discontinued in this type.
Instead, the ESA function of the
Ignition switch
Distributor engine ECU controls the ignition tim-
Transistor (3/4)

Ignition ECU plug


4. DIS (Direct Ignition System)

Type1 Type2
Sensors Sensors Instead of a distributor, this type
employs multiple ignition coils to sup-
ECU ECU ply high voltage directly to the spark
plugs. The ignition timing is con-
trolled by the ESA function of the
engine ECU. This system is predomi-
nant in recent gasoline engines.
coil HINT:
Ignition coil High-tension Type 2 ignites two cylinders simulta-
(with igniter) code
One spark occurs in the compression
stroke and the other in the exhaust
Spark Spark
plug plug (4/4)
Ignition coil

Necessity of Ignition Timing Control
In a gasoline engine, the air-fuel mixture is ignited to
TDC cause combustion, and the force that is generated by the
Ignition explosion causes the piston to push downward.
timing The thermal energy can be most efficiently converted into
a motive force when the maximum combustion force is
generated at a crankshaft position of 10 ATDC (After Top
Dead Center).
An engine does not produce the maximum combustion
force simultaneously with ignition; instead, it generates
the maximum combustion force slightly after ignition has
Therefore, ignition takes place in advance so that the
maximum combustion force is generated at 10 ATDC.
The ignition timing that enables the engine to generate
the maximum combustion force at 10 ATDC changes
every moment, depending on the operating conditions of
the engine.
Therefore, the ignition system must be able to ignite the
air-fuel mixture at a timing that enables the engine to gen-
erate an explosive force in the most efficient manner in
Rotational direction accordance with the operating conditions.
of crankshaft

1. Ignition delay period
C Combustion of the air-fuel mixture does not occur
TDC instantly after ignition. Instead, a small area (flame
nucleus) in the immediate vicinity of the spark starts to
burn, and this process eventually expands to the sur-

rounding area.
The period from the time when the air-fuel mixture is
ignited until it is burned is called the ignition delay
B period (between A and B in the diagram).
The ignition delay period is practically constant, and is
not affected by the changes in the conditions of the
BTDC ATDC engine.

2. Flame propagation period
C After the flame nucleus is formed, the flame gradually
TDC expands outward. The speed at which the flame
expands is called the flame propagation speed, and its
period is called the flame propagation period (B~C~D

in the diagram).
When there is a large amount of the intake air, the air-
fuel mixture becomes denser. For this reason, the dis-
B tance between the particles in the air-fuel mixture
decreases, thus accelerating the flame propagation.
Also, the stronger the swirl of the air-fuel mixture, the
BTDC ATDC faster the flame propagation speed will be.
When the flame propagation speed is fast, it is neces-
sary to advance the ignition timing. Therefore, it is
necessary to control the ignition timing according to
the engine condition.

Ignition timing control

The ignition system controls the igni-
tion timing in accordance with the
engine speed and load so that the
maximum combustion force occurs
at 10 ATDC.
In the past, ignition systems used a
governor advancer and vacuum
advancer to control timing advancing
and retarding. However, most ignition
systems today use the ESA system.

(1) BTDC10 t ATDC10 (2) BTDC10 ATDC10 (3) BTDC10 ATDC10
1. Engine speed control
(1) It is considered an engine to output
power most efficiently when the max-
imum combustion force occurs at 10
ATDC, on which the optimal ignition
timing is set to 10 BTDC (Before
Top Dead Center) at a speed of
1,000 rpm.
1000rpm 2000rpm 2000rpm
(2) It is supposed that the engine speed
is increased to 2,000 rpm. The dura-
tion for the ignition delay is practically
Spark adavance

constant regardless of the engine

Ideal ignition timing speed. Therefore, the crankshaft
ESA rotational angle increases, as com-
Governor advancer pared to when the engine is running
Engine speed High at 1,000 rpm. If the same ignition tim-
ing described in (1) is used at 2,000
t : Duration for ignition delay rpm, the timing at which the engine
produces the maximum combustion
1 Ignition timing
force will be retarded more than 10
2 Timing that produces the maximum combustion force ATDC.
3 Boundary between the ignition delay period and flame propagation
(3) Therefore, to produce the maximum
combustion force at 10 ATDC while
A Ignition delay period the engine is running at 2,000 rpm,
B Flame propagation period the ignition timing must be advanced
in order to compensate for the crank-
C Timing retard
shaft rotational angle that was
D Crankshaft rotational angle retarded in (2). This process for
advancing the ignition timing is called
timing advance, and for retarding the
ignition timing is called timing retard.

(1) (2) (3)
2. Engine load control
(1) It is considered when the maximum
combustion force occurs at 10
ATDC, on which the optimal ignition
timing is set to 20 BTDC when the
engine load is low.
(2) As the engine load increases, the air
Engine load Engine load Engine load
density increases and the flame
Low High High propagation period decreases.
Therefore, if the same ignition timing
described in (1) is used when the
Spark adavance

engine load is high, the timing at

which the engine produces the maxi-
Ideal ignition timing
mum combustion force will be more
Vacuum advancer advanced than 10 ATDC.
Manifold vacuum High (3) To produce the maximum combus-
Engine load Low
tion force at 10 ATDC when the
1 Ignition timing engine load is high, the ignition tim-
ing must be retarded in order to com-
2 Timing that produces the maximum combustion force pensate for the crankshaft rotational
3 Boundary between the ignition delay period and flame propagation angle that was advanced in (2).
speed Conversely, when the engine load is
A Ignition delay period low, the timing must be advanced.
(When the engine is idling, however,
B Flame propagation period
the amount of timing advance must
C Timing retard be kept small or zero, to prevent
unstable combustion.)
D Crankshaft rotational angle

Knocking control
Optimal ignition timing
Knocking in the engine is caused by spontaneous
Small Large
Knocking combustion that occurs when the air-fuel mixture self-
ignites in the combustion chamber. An engine

Fuel consumption becomes more susceptible to knocking as its ignition

timing is advanced.
Excessive knocking negatively affects the perfor-
Engine power mance of the engine, such as by causing poor fuel
output economy or reduced power output. On the other hand,
slight knocking has the opposite effect of improving

both fuel economy and power output.

Retard Ignition timing Advance Recent ignition systems effect ignition timing control to
(Engine load and engine speed are constant) retard the timing when a knock sensor detects knock-
ing, and advance the timing when the knocking is no
longer detected. By preventing the engine from knock-
ing in this manner, these systems improve the power
output and fuel economy.

Ignition Coil Description
The ignition coil generates a high voltage that is sufficient
for arcing sparks between the electrodes of a spark plug.
The primary and secondary coils are wound around the
core. The secondary coil is wound approximately 100
times more than the primary coil.
One end of the primary coil is connected to the igniter,
Secondary coil Core Primary coil
and one end of the secondary coil is connected to the
spark plug. The other end of each coil is connected to the
S N battery.

Spark plug

Operation of Ignition Coil

1. Current flowing to the primary coil
When the engine is running, the current from the bat-
Igniter tery flows via the igniter to the primary coil, in accor-
dance with the ignition timing signal (IGT) that is
output by the engine ECU.
As a result, lines of magnetic force are generated

around the coil, which contains a core in the center.

Secondary coil
Primary coil





Ignition coil (with igniter)

2. Current stopped to the primary coil
As the engine continues to run, the igniter rapidly
stops the current to the primary coil, in accordance
with the IGT signals that are output by the engine
As a result, the magnetic flux of the primary coil starts
to decrease.

Thus, an EMF (Electromotive Force) is generated in a

direction that impedes the loss of the existing mag-
netic flux through the self-induction of the primary coil
Secondary coil
ECU and the mutual induction of the secondary coil.
Primary coil
The self-induction effect generates approximately 500
V of EMF in the primary coil, and the accompanying
mutual induction effect of the secondary coil gener-
ates a high EMF voltage of approximately 30 kV.
S N This induces the spark plug to produce a spark.
The more abruptly the primary current stops and the
greater the primary current, the higher the corre-
OFF sponding secondary voltage will be.
Spark (2/2)

Ignition coil (with igniter)

Igniter Operation
Low Engine speed High The igniter carries out the precise inter-
ruption of the primary current that flows
IGT signal
to the ignition coil in accordance with the
Constant current
ignition signal (IGT) that is output by the
control engine ECU.
Prescribed value
Dwell angle
IGT signal
Ignition coil
with igniter
control When the IGT signal turns from off to on,
Primary current
the igniter starts the flow of the primary
Constant current control
When the primary current reaches a
Spark plug specified value, the igniter limits the
Primary voltage maximum amperage by regulating
the current.
Ignition Dwell angle control
To ensure the proper duration of the
primary current, which decreases as
the engine speed rises, this control
regulates the length of time (dwell
angle) during which current flows.
(On some of the recent models, this
control is effected through the IGT
When the IGT signal turns from on to off,
the igniter shuts off the primary current.
At the instant the primary current is shut
off, hundreds of volts are generated in
the primary coil and tens of thousands of
volts are generated in the secondary
coil, which cause the spark plug to

- 10 -
IGF signal
The igniter carries out the precise inter-
ECU IGT Igniter ruption of the primary current in the igni-
Constant voltage tion coil in accordance with the IGT
signal of the engine ECU. Then, the
igniter transmits an ignition confirmation
IGF signal
signal (IGF) to the engine ECU in accor-
Micro processor
circuit dance with the amperage of the primary
IGF current.
The IGF is output when the primary cur-
rent that flows from the igniter reaches
the prescribed value IF1.
When the primary current exceeds the
IGT prescribed value IF2, the system deter-
mines that the required amount of cur-
rent has flowed, and allows the IGF
IF1 signal to return to its original voltage.
(The waveforms of the IGF signal vary
Primary current
from model to model.)
If the engine ECU does not receive an
IGF signal, it determines that a failure
has occurred in the ignition system. To
prevent the catalyst from overheating,
the engine ECU stops the fuel injection
and stores the failure in the diagnosis
However, the engine ECU will be unable
to detect a failure in the secondary cur-
rent circuit because the engine ECU
monitors only the primary current circuit
for an IGF signal.
On some models, an IGF signal is
determined through the primary volt-

- 11 -
Spark Plug Description
The high voltage generated in the secondary winding of
the ignition coil produces a spark between the center and
ground electrodes of the spark plug in order to ignite the
Terminal air-fuel mixture that is compressed in the cylinder.



Glass seal



Copper core

Insulator nose

Center electrode
Ground electrode

- 12 -
Ignition Mechanism
The explosion of the air-fuel mixture by a spark from the
spark plug is generally called combustion.
Combustion, however, does not occur in an instant, but
Center electrode
Flame proceeds as described below.
Arc propagation The spark travels through the air-fuel mixture from the
center electrode to the ground electrode. As a result, the
air-fuel mixture is activated along the path of the spark,
reacts chemically (through oxidation), and generates heat
Ground electrode
to form a so-called flame nucleus.
The flame nucleus activates the surrounding air-fuel mix-
ture, which further activates the surrounding air-fuel mix-
ture. Thus, the heat of the flame nucleus expands
outward in a process known as flame propagation, to
burn the air-fuel mixture.
If the temperature of the electrodes is too low or the spark
plug gap is too small, the electrodes will absorb the heat
that was generated by the spark. As a result, the flame
nucleus is extinguished, causing a misfire.
This phenomenon is called electrode quenching. If the
quenching effect of the electrodes is great due to the heat
generated by the flame nucleus, the flame nucleus will be
extinguished. The smaller the electrode is, the lesser the
quenching function will be. And the squarer the electrode
is, the easier the discharge will be.
Some spark plugs have a U-shaped groove in the ground
electrode or a V-shaped groove in the center electrode in
order to improve ignitability.
Those spark plugs provide a smaller quenching effect
than the spark plugs without grooved electrodes, which
allows the flame to form a large nucleus. Also, there are
some spark plugs that reduce the quenching effect by
providing thinner electrodes.

- 13 -
Ignition Performance
The following factors affect the ignition performance of a
spark plug:
1. Electrode shape and discharge performance
Rounded electrodes make discharging difficult, while
squared-off or pointed electrodes facilitate discharg-
ing. As electrodes are rounded off through long use, it
becomes difficult for the spark plug to discharge
Easy discharge Difficult discharge sparks. Therefore, the spark plugs must be replaced
regularly. It is easier for a spark plug with thin and
pointed electrodes to discharge sparks. However,
those electrodes wear faster and shorten the service
life of the spark plug. For this reason, some spark
plugs have platinum or iridium, which resist wear,
welded to their electrodes. They are usually called
platinum-tipped or iridium-tipped spark plugs.
Discharge voltage

Spark plug replacement intervals
Conventional type: Every 10,000 to 60,000 km
Platinum- or iridium-tipped type: Every 100,000 to
240,000 km
The replacement intervals may vary by vehicle model,
Spark plug gap Large
engine specifications, and country of use.
2. Spark plug gap and required voltage
As the spark plug becomes worn and the gap between
its electrodes widens, the engine can misfire.
When the distance between the center electrode and
the ground electrode increases, it is more difficult for
the spark to jump across the electrodes. Thus, a
greater voltage will be required to generate a spark.
For this reason, the gap must be adjusted or the spark
plug must be replaced at regular intervals.
If the required voltage can be provided despite a
wide gap, the spark plug will be able to produce a
strong spark and facilitate ignition. For this reason,
there are many spark plugs on the market with a gap
as wide as 1.1 mm.
The platinum- and iridium-tipped spark plugs do not
require gap adjustments because they are not sus-
ceptible to wear (they only need to be replaced).

- 14 -
Heat Range
The amount of heat radiated by a spark plug varies by the
shape and the material of the spark plug. The amount of
DENSO radiated heat is called a heat range.
W EXR-U11 A spark plug that radiates more heat is called a cold type,
NGK because the plug itself stays cooler. One that radiates
Heat range
BPR EY11 less heat is called a hot type, because its heat is retained.
Spark plugs are printed (inscribed) with an alphanumeric
code, which describes their structure and characteristics.
Codes differ somewhat depending on the manufacturer.
Usually, the larger the number of the heat range, the cold
Pre-ignition temperature plug, because it radiates heat well. The smaller the num-
ber, the hot plug, because it does not radiate heat easily.
900 Hot plug Spark plugs perform best when the minimum center elec-
800 trode temperature is between the self-cleaning
temperature of 450 C (842 F) and the pre-ignition
Center electrode
temperature ( C)

Cold plug temperature of 950 C (1,742 F).
Self-cleaning SERVICE HINT:
400 The most appropriate spark plug heat range for a par-
400 ticular vehicle is determined by the model. Installing a
spark plug of a different heat range will upset the self-
Engine speed Range for cleaning and pre-ignition temperatures. To prevent
cold plug
Range for these problems, always use the specified type of
hot plug spark plugs for replacement.
Using a cold spark plug when the engine is operating
under low-speed and low-load conditions will reduce
the electrode temperature and cause the engine to
run poorly. Using a hot spark plug when the engine is
operating under high-speed and heavy-load condi-
tions will excessively increase the electrode tempera-
ture, causing the electrode to melt.

1. Self-cleaning temperature
When a spark plug reaches a certain temperature, it
burns off the carbon that has accumulated in the igni-
tion area during ignition, in order to maintain the
cleanliness of the ignition area of the plug. This tem-
perature is called the self-cleaning temperature. The
self-cleaning effect of the spark plug takes place when
the temperature of the electrodes exceeds 450 C
(842 F). If the self-cleaning temperature has not been
reached, meaning the temperature of the electrodes is
Normal Abnormal below 450 C (842 F), carbon accumulates in the
ignition area of the spark plug. This can cause the
spark plug to misfire.
Spark plug 2. Pre-ignition temperature
If the spark plug itself becomes a heat source and
ignites the air-fuel mixture without sparking, this is
called the pre-ignition temperature. Pre-ignition takes
place when the temperature of the electrodes is above
950 C (1,742 F). If it occurs, the engine output will
drop due to incorrect ignition timing, and the elec-
trodes or pistons may partially melt.

- 15 -
Platinum/Iridium-tipped Plug
Conventional plug Platinum-tipped plug Iridium-tipped plug
On the platinum-tipped and iridium-
tipped spark plugs, the center electrode
and the opposing ground electrode are
covered with a thin platinum or iridium
tip. Therefore, these spark plugs provide
a longer service life than conventional
spark plugs.
Because platinum and iridium resist
wear, the center electrode of these spark
plugs can remain small and offer excel-
lent sparking performance.
1. Platinum-tipped spark plug
Iridium- On the platinum-tipped spark plug,
platinum is welded onto the tip of the
tipped center electrode and the ground
The diameter of the center electrode
is smaller than in the conventional
spark plug.
2. Iridium-tipped spark plug
On the iridium-tipped spark plug, irid-
ium (which provides a higher wear
resistance than platinum) is welded
onto the tip of the center electrode,
and platinum is welded onto the
ground electrode.
The diameter of the center electrode
is smaller than in the platinum-tipped
spark plug.
Some of these plugs do not have
platinum welded onto their ground

- 16 -
The platinum-tipped and iridium-tipped spark plugs must
be replaced at the specified intervals.
They do not require the plug gap adjustment or cleaning
between replacements if the engine is running properly.
Platinum- and iridium-tipped spark plug replacement
Every 100,000 to 240,000km
The replacement intervals may vary by vehicle model,
engine specifications, and area of use.
To prevent the electrodes from being damaged, do not
clean platinum- or iridium-tipped spark plugs.
Cleaning will damage the electrodes and will inhibit
the full ability of the spark plugs.
However, if the electrodes are sooty or excessively
dirty, they may be cleaned for a short period of time
(20 seconds maximum) in a spark plug cleaner.
UTILISEZ DES BOUGIES IRIDIUM. The gap of these spark plugs does not require adjust-
NE PAS AJUSTER LECARTMENT DES ELECTRIDES. ment except when installing as new.
The illustration on the left shows the type of caution label
that is affixed in the engine compartment of a vehicle
using platinum- or iridium-tipped spark plugs.

TDI (TOYOTA Direct Ignition System) Description

In the TDI system, the conventional dis-
Conventional type
tributor is no longer used as in the igni-
Ignition coil
tion system. Instead, it provides an
ignition coil with an independent inte-
grated igniter for each of the cylinders.
Because this system does not require
Distributor the use of a distributor or high-tension
cords, it can reduce energy loss in the
high-voltage area and improve durability.
At the same time, it minimizes electro-
magnetic interference because contact
DIS type ECU
points are no longer used in the high-
Ignition coil voltage area.
with igniter
The ignition timing control is performed
through the use of the ESA.

Spark plug

Crankshaft position

- 17 -
ESA (Electronic Spark Advance)
The engine ECU, which receives sig-
nals from various sensors, calculates
Ignition timing (timing advance)
the ignition timing and transmits igni-
tion signals to the igniter. The ignition
timing is calculated continuously in
accordance with the conditions of the
engine, based on the optimal ignition
timing values that are stored in the
computer in the form of an ESA map.
Compared to the mechanical ignition
timing control of the conventional
High system, the control method with the
ESA provides higher precision, and
Engine speed
Amount of intake air the freedom to set the ignition timing.
(Engine load)
As a result, this system offers
improved fuel economy and power
ESA map

The TDI is also known as DIS (Direct
Ignition System) or DLI (Distributor-
Less Ignition).

- 18 -
7. Ignition coil with igniter 8. Engine ECU
The direct ignition system consists of the
6. Water temp.
sensor following components:
9. Spark plug 1. Crankshaft position sensor (NE)
1. Crankshaft position
sensor Detects the crankshaft angle (Engine
2. Camshaft position sensor (G)
Identifies the cylinder and the stroke
and detects the camshaft timing.
3. Knock sensor (KNK)
Detects the knocking of the engine.
5. Air flow meter
4. Throttle position sensor (VTA)
3. Knock sensor
Detects the opening angle of the
throttle valve.
2. Camshaft position sensor
4. Throttle position sensor
5. Air flow meter (VG/PIM)
Detects the amount of the intake air.
(On some models, this detection is
performed by a manifold pressure
4. Throttle position sensor
6. Water temperature sensor (THW)
5. Air flow Detects the engine coolant tempera-
7. Ignition coil 7. Ignition coil with igniter
with igniter
Turns the primary coil current on and
off at the optimal timing.
9. Spark plug
Sends the IGF signal to the engine
2. Camshaft position sensor
8. Engine ECU
3. Knock sensor
6. Water temp. sensor
Generates an IGT signal based on
1. Crankshaft position sensor the signals from various sensors and
sends the signal to the ignition coil
with igniter.
9. Spark plug
Generates electric sparks to ignite
the air-fuel mixture.

- 19 -
1. Ignition coil united with igniter
This ignition device consists of an igniter and an igni-
tion coil that is integrated into a single unit.
In the past, high-voltage current was sent to the cylin-
ders via high-tension cords. Now, an ignition coil can
be connected directly to the spark plug of each cylin-
der through the use of the ignition coil united with
The distance that the high voltage flows will be short
Primary coil
by directly connecting the ignition coil and spark plug,
Secondary coil causing the voltage-loss and electromagnetic interfer-
Core ence to be decreased. Thus, the reliability of the igni-
tion system is improved.

Plug cap

Crankshaft Here is an operation example based on
position sensor IGT1
the DIS of the 1NZ-FE engine, which
uses the ignition coil united with igniter.
Camshaft Spark plug #1
position sensor 1. The engine ECU receives signals
from various sensors and calculates
Knock sensor
the optimal ignition timing.
Spark plug #2 (The engine ECU also effects timing
ECU advance control).
position sensor 2. The engine ECU sends the IGT sig-
Spark plug #3
nals to the ignition coil united with
Airflow meter
igniters. The IGT signals are sent to
each igniter according to the ignition
order (1-3-4-2).
Water temperature Spark plug #4
sensor 3. The ignition coil, to which the primary
current has been shut off rapidly,
generates a high-voltage current.
4. The IGF signal is sent to the engine
ECU when the primary current
exceeds a prescribed value.
5. High-voltage current, which is the
generated in the secondary coil,
flows to the spark plugs, causing

- 20 -
Reference Operation Principle of the Transistor-
ized Type
1. The signal generator generates an
ignition signal.
Ignition coil
2. The igniter receives the ignition sig-
nal and causes the primary current to
flow intermittently.
3. The ignition coil, to which the primary
current has been shut off abruptly,
generates a high-voltage current.
Distributor 4. The distributor distributes the high-
voltage current generated by the sec-
ondary coil to the spark plugs.
Spark plug 5. The spark plugs receive the high-
voltage current and ignite the air-fuel
Signal generator

The timing advance is controlled through

the use of the governor advancer or vac-
uum advancer.

Governor advancer
Governor weight The governor advancer controls the
timing advance in accordance with
Driving plate the engine speed.
Ordinarily, the position of the gover-
Governor plate
nor weights is determined by their
Governor spring springs.
Distributor shaft As the speed of the distributor shaft
Signal rotor increases with the speed of the
engine, the centrifugal force over-
comes the force of the springs, allow-
ing the governor weights to expand
As a result, the position of the signal
rotor advances only to a specified
angle, which causes the ignition tim-
ing to advance.

Braker plate Signal generator

Vacuum advancer
The vacuum advancer controls the
timing advance in accordance with
the engine load.
The diaphragm is connected to the
breaker plate via the rod or carbure-
Advance rod The diaphragm chamber connects
Diaphragm spring the advance port of the intake mani-
Advance angle
When the throttle valve opens
slightly, the vacuum from the
advance port pulls on the diaphragm
in order to rotate the breaker plate.
As a result, the signal generator
moves and advances the ignition tim-

- 21 -
Operation Principle of the Transistor-
ized Type with ESA
1. The engine ECU receives the signals
Ignition coil
from various sensors, calculates the
optimal ignition timing, and sends an
ignition signal to the igniter. (The
engine ECU controls the timing
IGT advance.)
2. The igniter receives the ignition sig-
nal and causes the primary current to
flow intermittently.
ECU 3. The ignition coil, to which the primary
current has been shut off abruptly,
Spark plug
generates a high-voltage current.
4. The distributor distributes the high-
voltage current generated by the sec-
ondary coil to the spark plugs.
5. The spark plugs receive the high-
voltage current and ignite the air-fuel

Inspection Inspection
1. Check initial timing
TE1 (1) Allow the engine to warm up and short the terminals
TE1 and E1 on DLC1, or TC and CG on DLC3.
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 (2) Connect the pick-up of the timing light to the power
source line of the ignition coil.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
(3) Inspect the ignition timing with throttle valve fully
CG E1 closed.
The initial timing is set by shortening TE1 and E1 on
DLC1, or TC and CG on DLC3.
There are two types of pick-up for the timing light:
Detection of the primary current ON/OFF or detec-
tion of the secondary voltage.
Since the ignition timing is advanced when the throt-
tle valve is opened, the throttle valve should be
inspected while fully closed.
Incorrect initial timing may cause decreases in output,
worsened fuel consumption or knocking.

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2. Check spark plug
A spark will not be generated when there are cracks, a
dirty electrode, wear or too large of a gap. When the
plug gap is too small, quenching is possible. In this
case, the fuel does not ignite even if a spark is gener-
If a spark plug of an improper heat range is used, it
may cause the spark plug to accumulate carbon on
the electrode or to melt.
Normal Carbon fouling

Oil fouling Overheating

3. Spark test
Ignition switch
(1) Disconnect all injector connecters so that fuel cannot
be injected.
(2) Remove the ignition coil (with igniter) and spark plug.
(3) Re-install the spark plug in the ignition coil.
(4) Connect the connectors with it, and ground the spark
plug. Check that the spark plug generates a spark
when cranking at this condition. This test determines
which cylinder does not have a spark.
Do not crank for the spark test over 5 - 10 seconds.


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These are the pre-course study materials for the Frequent Service Job Course. The objective of this course
is to learn the work procedure and points of frequent service jobs. In the pre-course study, you will study the
basic knowledge needed for repair work, and the basic mechanism and operation of automobiles. After you
finish studying all of the chapters, please take the Examination.

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Question- 1
Mark each of statements True or False.

No. Question True or False Correct Answers

In the ignition system, high voltage which is necessary for ignition is

1 True False
generated by use of the coil self-induction and mutual induction.

For DIS (Direct Ignition System), the engine ECU sends the ignition
2 signal (IGT) to the igniters of each cylinder in accordance with the True False
ignition order.

It is difficult for the knocking to be generated as the ignition timing is

3 True False

Platinum-tipped and iridium-tipped plugs are not required to adjust

4 True False
the gap or clean the electrode when the engine runs smoothly.

Question- 2
The following statements pertain to the components of the ignition system. From the following word group, select
the words that corresponds to each statement.

1. It generates high voltage that is necessary for igni- 2. It cuts the primary current off depending on the igni-
tion. tion signal (IGT) from the engine ECU.

3. It generates the electric spark to ignite the air-fuel 4. It sends the ignition signal (IGT) to the igniter based
mixture. on signals from sensors.

a) Igniter b) Distributor c) High-tension cord d) Engine ECU e) Spark plug f) Ignition coil

Answer: 1. 2. 3. 4.

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Question- 3
The following illustration shows the discharge of the spark plug. Select the appropriate illustration.

1. 2.

Easy discharge Difficult discharge Easy discharge Difficult discharge

3. 4.

Easy discharge Difficult discharge Easy discharge Difficult discharge

Answer: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Question- 4
The following statements pertain to each type of the ignition system. Select the statement that is False.

1. In the breaker points type, the primary current is controlled at the breaker points mechanically, and flows

2. In the transistorized type, the primary current flows intermittently by the transistor.

3. In the transistorized type with ESA, the engine ECU controls the ignition timing.

4. DIS (Direct Ignition System) controls the ignition timing mechanically.

Question- 5
The following statements pertain to the inspection of the initial timing of DIS with ESA. Select the statement that is

1. The inspection of the initial timing must be performed after the engine warm-up.

2. Shorten the TE1 and E1 of DLC 1 or TC and CG of DLC 3 to inspect at idling.

3. The timing light clamps the pick-up of the timing light to the high-tension cord.

4. Perform the inspection with the throttle valve fully opened.

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