Pour Na Rakis
Pour Na Rakis
Pour Na Rakis
The data
PRESS -.583**
FDIC .309 -.353**
CIVIL -.558** .768** -.282*
POLIT -.673** .915** -.238 .880**
GNI .706** -.302* .379** -.553** -.366**
INFL -.190 .140 -.136 .064 .074 -.193
EXP .541** -.504** .463** -.493** -.542** .354** .037
INTR .507** -.479** .443** -.399** -.492** .323* -.031 .983**
equation (1) is the adequate one by assuming that all parameters are equal
for the ten-cross-country units. If the assumption is correct, there are no
behavioural differences across countries and the data can be treated as one
sample of 58 observations. In order to test for common or different intercepts
in individual countries the least squares dummy variable model (Griffiths,
Hill and Judge, 1993) was applied. The estimated F-statistic suggests that
the null hypothesis, the constant terms of the individual countries are equal,
could not be rejected at p=0.01. Thus the constant term is the same across
countries and it was possible to proceed by considering the data set as one
Even though the data span is rather narrow (five years for
each country), however, they are the most stable for our sample
countries. Furthermore, taking into consideration previous
findings in the literature, the findings of this article are an initial
hint for policy orientation in these countries in order to catch
up with their Western neighbours. Since good institutions
guarantee property rights and minimize transaction costs they
create an environment conducive to investment. Thus, the
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