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18991919, 2002
2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
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PII: S0305-750X(02)00110-9
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Summary. It is widely argued that a countrys economic performance over time is determined
to a great extent by its political, institutional and legal environment. We refer to these institutions
and policies as the governance infrastructure of a country. We utilize newly developed indices to
examine the eects of governance infrastructure on both foreign direct investment (FDI) inows
and outows for a broad sample of developed and developing countries over 199597. In addition,
we examine the role of other forms of infrastructure including human capital and the environment.
The results clearly indicate that governance infrastructure is an important determinant of both FDI
inows and outows. Investments in governance infrastructure not only attract capital, but also
create the conditions under which domestic multinational corporations emerge and invest abroad.
It would appear that investments in governance infrastructure are subject to diminishing returns, so
that the benets, in terms of inows, are most pronounced for smaller and developing economies.
2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Key words foreign direct investment, capital ows, multinational corporations, infrastructure,
equalized. He considers a number of possible Our paper adds to the relevant literature in
explanations and rejects several prominent ex- several ways. Most prominently, we utilize
planations on conceptual grounds, including newly developed indices to examine the eects
the possibility that technological change makes of governance infrastructure on both FDI in-
capital substantially more productive in devel- ows and outows for a broad sample of
oped countries. An explanation that he con- (at most) 144 developed and developing coun-
siders quite plausible are the eorts of host tries over 199597. Specically, we use the
country governments to appropriate economic governance indices developed by Kaufmann,
rents associated with inward FDI through in- Kraay, and Zoido-Lobaton (1999a) to measure
struments such as heavy taxation. He oers this governance infrastructure. These six indices,
as a possible explanation for relatively low rates described below, cover a broad range of insti-
of capital formation in developed countries in tutional and policy outcomes and are available
the face of substantial factor price dierences for a large sample of countries. In particular,
between developed and developing countries. they include factors not commonly found in
While Lucas identies explicit policies that are the FDI literature, notably measures of the rule
targeted at foreign investors, other governance of law, the regulatory environment, and graft.
policies that discourage domestic capital invest- Our results clearly indicate that governance
ment may also be relevant factors inuencing infrastructure is an important determinant of
intercountry dierences in economic perfor- both FDI inows and outows. The results
mance. In general, however, he highlights an suggest that investments in governance infra-
argument that capital ows cannot be predicted structure not only attract capital, but also cre-
by looking exclusively at labor and capital ate the conditions under which domestic
scarcity. multinational companies (MNCs) emerge and
There is a relatively extensive empirical lit- invest abroad. It would appear that invest-
erature focusing on the characteristics of loca- ments in governance infrastructure are subject
tions that seem to either attract or repel foreign to diminishing returns, so that the benets, in
investors. 4 While it seems plausible that FDI terms of inows, are most pronounced for
will be attracted to regions characterized by smaller and developing economies.
more favorable governance infrastructures, all Governance infrastructure is not the only
other things constant, most of the relevant lit- infrastructure that can contribute to economic
erature has focused on economic determinants well-being and create a favorable climate for
of FDI inows. It is, of course, true that the FDI. Investments in human capital, physical
international business literature has acknowl- infrastructure and the environment may also be
edged the importance of country-specic po- important. In the context of FDI, the absence
litical risk (Kobrin, 1976). As a consequence, of educated and healthy workers can pose a
empirical analyses of FDI now routinely in- signicant deterrent to foreign entry. As in-
clude some kind of variable to control for in- creasing amounts of FDI becomes skill- and
tercountry dierences in the broad political eciency-seeking, access to an educated and
environment (Altomonte, 2000; Bevan & Estrin, skilled workforce becomes essential. There is
2000; Mody & Srinivasan, 1998; Morisset, evidence that a more highly educated populace
2000; Stevens, 2000; Tuman & Emmert, 1999), does in fact attract FDI (Mody & Srinivasan,
albeit with somewhat mixed results (Dawson, 1998), but the role of health has to our
1998). 5 knowledge not been explored. Similarly, envi-
It is dicult to generalize about the statistical ronmental regulation may increase the costs of
impact of political governance attributes, in doing business and thus deter FDI. On the
part because the attributes are measured in other hand, a clean environment may be asso-
dierent ways in dierent studies. Moreover, ciated with a higher quality of life, and thus
although many previous studies adopt mea- attract FDI. To date, there are only a limited
sures that are closely related to the idea of number of studies linking environmental poli-
governance infrastructure, there has as yet been cies to FDI (List, 2001; Smarzynska & Wei,
no systematic attempt to relate directly gover- 2001 and Wheeler, 2001), with no consistent
nance infrastructure measures to FDI ows for evidence of a race to the bottom with respect to
a wide cross-section of countries. Nor has there environmental policies. That is, there is no
been much discussion regarding the specic consistent evidence of a negative relationship
infrastructure elements that are especially ro- between FDI inows and higher environmental
bust determinants of FDI. standards.
In this study, we account for aspects of hu- notions of physical infrastructure, social capital
man capital development and the environ- and human capital.
mental regime using the Human Development Governance infrastructure, so conceived, can
Index (HDI) developed by the United Nations, be contrasted with physical infrastructure and
and the Environmental Sustainability Index human capital. Physical (public) infrastruc-
(ESI) developed jointly at Columbia Univer- ture is conventionally thought to include in-
sity, Yale University and the World Economic vestments in the construction and maintenance
Forum. The HDI is a composite index created of communications, transportation and utility
by combining GDP/capita, an education out- networks. Human capital reects less tangible
come index and a health status index. The ESI investments in people, mainly in the form of
measures environmental sustainability using a education and health. To the extent that edu-
variety of dierent measures. Our study con- cation and health are provided by government
trasts the linkages between FDI and HDI and or inuenced by public policy, human capital
ESI to the linkage between FDI and gover- may be thought of as human infrastruc-
nance infrastructure. ture. Indeed, Vining and Weimer (2001) dene
The study proceeds as follows. In Section 2, infrastructure broadly to include both human
we dene governance infrastructure and com- capital and physical infrastructure on the
pare and contrast our denition to other related grounds that they both facilitate investment
concepts. In Section 3, we operationalize our and growth, and are subject to market failure.
measure of governance infrastructure, as well Governance infrastructure can also be dis-
as of indices measuring human capital, physical tinguished from social capital. Social capital
infrastructure and environmental sustainabil- refers to the networks and shared values that
ity. Section 4 describes our statistical model. encourage social cooperation, trust and, possi-
Section 5 discusses our estimation technique bly, economic growth (Knack & Keefer, 1997;
and results. A summary and conclusions is OECD, 2001). Unlike much physical capital
provided in Section 6. and governance infrastructure, social capital
resides in social relationships. Indeed, to the
extent that transactions rely on sanctions and
2. GOVERNANCE INFRASTRUCTURE trust (Humphrey & Schmitz, 1998), one may
think of sanctions (legal recourse, regulation)
Broadly speaking, governance infrastruc- as elements of governance infrastructure, while
ture comprises public institutions and policies trust emerges from moral and social norms.
created by governments as a framework for Nevertheless, social capital and physical and
economic and social relations. We are most governance infrastructure may overlap because
concerned with those elements of the gover- social capital can involve public organiza-
nance infrastructure that can aect the in- tions such as schools or government agencies
vestment decisions of MNCs. A positive (OECD, 2001, chapter 3). It might also be
governance infrastructure would therefore in- augmented by investments in physical and
clude: an eective, impartial and transparent governance infrastructure, as well as human
legal system that protects property and indi- capital. In this regard, there is some evidence
vidual rights; public institutions that are stable, to suggest that the existence of social capital
credible and honest; and government policies (trust) is linked to better performance of
that favor free and open markets. These con- government institutions, including publicly
ditions encourage FDI, and presumably private provided education (Knack & Keefer, 1997,
domestic investment as well, by protecting pri- p. 1253).
vately held assets from arbitrary direct or in- In fact, a measure of social capital was ex-
direct appropriation. In a related manner, the cluded from this study for two main reasons.
same conditions encourage sunk cost invest- One is that there is no consensus in the litera-
ments by MNCs that facilitate ecient opera- ture as to the appropriate way to specify social
tion in host countries. capital in studies focusing on dierences in
As we use the term, governance infrastruc- performance among organizations or geo-
ture is similar to the notion of social infra- graphical regions. 6 Second, and related to the
structure used by Hall and Jones (1999) in that rst, the relationship networks underlying so-
the denition includes both institutions and cial capital can be formed in many dierent
policies. We prefer the term governance be- ways. One would presumably need to aggregate
cause it is readily distinguishable from related the various forms of relationship networks into
broader indices comparable to governance in- further advantage is that these measures are
dices. In this regard, we are unaware of the available for an unusually large sample of
existence of reliably estimated meta-indices countries (between 145 and 158 countries). For
of social capital for even a few of our sample these reasons, we believe that the KKZL indi-
countries. While the exclusion of social capital ces are superior to other indices that have been
might contribute to biased estimates of the used in empirical studies.
coecients for included infrastructure vari- A disadvantage is that the indicators are es-
ables, to the extent that social capital is sys- timated, and thus subject to measurement
tematically correlated with the latter, the error. But, the magnitude of the measurement
literature says little about whether social capital errors can be estimated which facilitates inter-
and governance infrastructure are strongly pretation of how informative each indicator
correlated in either a positive or negative di- is about the broader concept of governance
rection. (Kaufmann et al., 1999a). In addition, the in-
Governance infrastructure is related to mea- dices are highly correlated with each other such
sures of country-specic risk commonly used in that it is very dicult to use them all in a single
the international business literature (Bevan & equation (Table 1). We have therefore created
Estrin, 2000; Keefer & Knack, 1997; Mody & an aggregate measure estimated as the rst
Srinivasan, 1998). Private rating agencies typi- principal component of the six measures. We
cally determine these measures by assigning refer to this aggregated governance infrastruc-
weights to various economic, political and in- ture index as GII.
stitutional factors that dene the investment In order to control for both physical infra-
environment. These factors are not conceptu- structure and human capital, we employ the
ally much dierent from those used to dene HDI published by the United Nations. This
governance infrastructure. Indeed, we show index is now available for 168 countries, al-
below that there is a very high statistical cor- though not for every year. HDI is derived from
relation between our measures of governance three subindices: GDP/population, educational
infrastructure and one commonly used measure literacy and enrolment, and life expectancy at
of country-specic risk. Nevertheless, the mea- birth. Each of the subindices is also available.
sure of governance infrastructure we use is We have calculated the average value of HDI
arguably more comprehensive. for 1995 and 1997. The health and educa-
tion components are direct measures of human
capital. The GDP/population component is a
3. MEASURING GOVERNANCE AND measure of wealth that we use as a proxy
OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE measure for the amount of physical infra-
structure. 8
Governance infrastructure is measured in Because neither the HDI nor the KKZL in-
our study by the six governance indicators es- dices directly measure environmental quality or
timated by Kaufmann et al. (1999a,b). These environmental regulation, we also employ the
indices (which we will refer to as KKZL indi- ESI, created by The World Economic Forum,
ces) describe various aspects of the governance in conjunction with Columbia and Yale Uni-
structures of a broad cross-section of coun- versities. The ESI index is derived from 22
tries, including measures of political instability, factors that contribute to environmental sus-
rule of law, graft, regulatory burden, voice and tainability including air quality, public health
political freedom, and government eective- and environmental regulation. The ESI index
ness. 7 The indices have been estimated (using therefore reects environmental infrastructure
an unobserved components model) employing in the form of policy choices made by govern-
31 dierent qualitative indicators from 13 dif- ments, as well as human capital reected in
ferent sources, including BERI, DRI/McGraw public health conditions.
Hill, the Heritage Foundation, the World We treat the HDI and ESI indices as mea-
Bank, the World Economic Forum and the sures of human capital and physical and envi-
Economist Intelligence Unit. Thus, they are in ronmental infrastructure, but they may also
a sense meta-indices, encompassing many of measure development outcomes. As a conse-
the various measures used in previous studies. quence, the three indices (GII, HDI and ESI)
Aggregate indicators drawn from a variety of may be related. In particular, eective gover-
sources should provide more precise measures nance may be a determinant of development
of governance than individual indicators. A outcomes, as measured by HDI or ESI. 9
Table 1. Correlation matrix: governance infrastructure and other measures n 144
HDIa 0.68 (0.19) 1.00
GDPC 0.63 (0.25) 0.93 1.00
Nevertheless, we include these measures be- components are not published. As noted above,
cause development outcomes are also rele- the measure is often used in the FDI literature
vant to any discussion of FDI ows. The FDI (Bevan & Estrin, 2000; Mody & Srinivasan,
literature suggests that host country wealth 1998). The KKZL indices and their rst prin-
(normally measured by GDP/capita) is an im- cipal component (GII) are all highly correlated
portant determinant of FDI ows (Dunning, with the Institutional Investor risk variable.
1993). Moreover, some recent evidence suggests For example, the correlation between the latter
that the location decisions of foreign investors and GII is r 0:87. Thus, despite the possi-
may be inuenced by quality of life variables, of bility of measurement error, it would appear
which GDP/capita is but one (Peterson, Mal- that the KKZL measures are robust, at least in
hota, & Wagner, 1999). Given that GDP/capita relation to expert judgments of national po-
is not necessarily a good measure of well-being litical environments.
or quality of life (OECD, 2001), the HDI and
ESI indices may serve as such measures and
therefore attract FDI. 4. MODELING FDI INFLOWS AND
The means and correlation coecients for OUTFLOWS
the main indices (GII, HDI and ESI), and their
components are presented in Table 1. 10 All The basic question we seek to address is
measures are quite highly correlated, but the whether governance infrastructure, as measured
within group values are typically higher than by GII, aects FDI inows and outows across
those between groups. In particular, the HDI countries. In doing so, we also consider the
and GII indices are highly correlated with their impact of physical and environmental infra-
individual component measures. 11 It is, there- structure, as well as human capital. In order to
fore, inappropriate to include individual com- estimate the impacts of the variables of interest,
ponent measures in the estimating equation, as we need to hold constant other potentially im-
doing so would provide little more information portant inuences on FDI within the connes of
than is gained by including only the HDI and a parsimonious model. The model chosen to
GII indices. estimate FDI inows is specied as Eq. (1).
The HDI and GII indices are correlated Ln FDIit b0 b1 Ln GDPit1
r 0:69, which is not surprising given that
b2 Governance Infrastructure Index GIIit
the HDI index likely measures both inputs and
output. The ESI variable is the least correlated b3 Human Development Index HDIit1
with any other measure, and it is the only b4 Environmental Sustainability Index ESIit
variable that explicitly accounts for environ- interactive terms eit
mental quality. It is not however, available for
as large a sample of countries (122 in total, but
only 114 in our sample). Globerman and Shapiro (1999) have argued
We experimented with various combinations that FDI inows and outows are symmetrical.
of the KKZL and HDI subindices. For exam- The presumption is that capital outows may
ple, we created a human capital index that was be stimulated by the same factors that encour-
the sum of the education and health subindices age capital inows. Specically, superior gov-
of the HDI. This variable was still highly col- ernance encourages inward FDI, as well as
linear with HDI and the GDP/capita compo- increased capital investment more generally.
nent of the index. Similarly, we created a new Some of the successful rms created through the
variable from the KKZL indices that was the domestic investment process may, in turn,
sum of the government eciency, regulatory invest abroad as world-class multinational com-
burden, and legal system eciency indices. This panies. In eect, superior governance encour-
variable was also highly collinear with GII, and ages capital investment and the expansion of
with the remaining KKZL indices. businesses that, in turn, are associated with
As noted earlier, the KKZL indices are esti- increases in inward and outward FDI. Accord-
mated and, therefore, possibly subject to mea- ingly, the same specication is also used to es-
surement error. We attempted to assess their timate equations whose dependent variables are
reliability by comparing them to a measure of either capital outows (Ln FDO), or net capital
political risk published by Institutional Investor ows, dened as Ln (FDIit FDOit ). In the next
Magazine. This measure is a composite index subsection, we discuss in more detail how the
derived from a variety of sub-measures, but its statistical model was chosen and specied.
measure and the GII index. In fact, our results ticity of FDI ows. Given its GDP level, a
indicate that open economies attract FDI. country will be more or less attractive to for-
The relationship between FDI and the ex- eign investors depending upon the extent and
change rate is more complex. The relevant issue nature of its infrastructure and quality of life.
is whether greater volatility of exchange rates Alternative specications to (1) were consid-
discourages FDI. On the surface, it would seem ered and tested. In particular, we estimated
to be the case, since risk-averse investors pre- models in which the dependent variable was
sumably view such volatility as a direct cost (if specied as being the ratio of FDI (inows or
hedging is used to reduce the volatility) or an outows) to GDP, and the Ln GDP term was
indirect cost (if risk is unhedged). But, to the dropped as an explanatory variable. This spec-
extent that MNCs operate across a number of ication was rejected because the depen-
exchange rates, the volatility of any one cur- dent variable was typically clustered within a
rency might actually reduce the overall vola- narrow range, and the limited variation pro-
tility of the MNCs cash ow. This will be the duced very unreliable parameter estimates and
case, for example, if movements in that cur- low degrees of explanatory power when either
rency are uncorrelated, or negatively corre- ordinary least squares (OLS) or Tobit estima-
lated, with movements of other currencies in tion methods were employed. As an alternative,
which the MNC operates. In this case, currency the logisitic transformation of the FDI/GDP
volatility might be largely osetting for MNCs ratio was calculated and employed as the de-
operating across a basket of currencies. In pendent variable. This specication produced
short, it is theoretically unclear how trade results that are similar to those reported below.
openness and exchange rate volatility aect Indeed, there is virtually no dierence in terms
FDI ows, and our results may reect this of levels of signicance of the explanatory
theoretical ambiguity. variables, and none of our conclusions would
change as a consequence of using this alter-
(b) The dependent variable native specication. 19
In addition, we estimated models in which
We measure FDI in terms of ows. To the the dependent variable was specied as the
extent that inward and outward FDI have been proportion of total global FDI received by any
going on for a long time, recent and relatively country (PFDI), or the logistic transformation
large changes in FDI behavior may not be ap- of PFDI. These measures were highly corre-
parent if FDI stock gures are used. That is, lated with Ln FDI, suggesting some indier-
changes in stocks on a year-to-year basis will be ence as to the choice among them. Thus, the
quite small when they occur against an abso- results are in fact similar, regardless of how the
lutely large accumulated base value. As a result, dependent variable is measured, and so we only
it may be dicult to identify the empirical present results based on the (natural) logarith-
factors aecting FDI stock values given rel- mic specication (with GDP also in natural
atively small variations in the FDI stock logs). This specication allows greater exibil-
dependent variable. Moreover, inward and ity in that it allows the elasticity of FDI with
outward FDI behavior is more comprehen- respect to GDP to be estimated, and it permits
sively measured for ows than for stocks. us to introduce lagged GDP as an explanatory
The data on both inows and outows were variable.
obtained from the United Nations publica- In terms of independent variables, we ar-
tion, The World Investment Report (UNCTAD, rived at the nal specication by eliminating all
1998, Annex B). The UN, in turn, obtained control variables that were not statistically
most of the data directly from the International signicant in preliminary estimations. In the
Monetary Funds computer tapes. In those (unreported) results, the GDP variable was
cases where a country did not report to the always statistically signicant; moreover, it ex-
IMF, data were obtained from the UNCTAD plains virtually all of the variance in the de-
FDI/TNC database. pendent variable. As noted above, none of the
other control variables for which data were
(c) Specifying the model available was ever statistically signicant with
the exception of GDP/capita. Since GDP/capita
The model is specied such that both FDI is part of the HDI index, we control only for
ows and GDP are measured in logarithms, GDP (measured in logarithms) in our reported
with the GDP coecient measuring the elas- results. Standard F-tests indicate that this
model is preferred over ones that also include for only 114 countries, while only 98 countries
the control variables discussed above. recorded FDI outows. At the time the data
The simple specication described by equa- were collected, 1997 marked the last date for
tion (1), without interaction terms, was sub- which FDI data were available. But, use of a
jected to RESET specication tests (discussed single years data on FDI ows can be mis-
below). When the specication failed the RE- leading, particularly for small countries, where
SET test, we considered specications in which a single transaction in a given year can create
the GII, HDI and ESI indices were interacted temporary and possible large changes in re-
with the Ln GDP term. When the inclusion of corded FDI ows, including negative values. In
the interactive term or terms allowed the spec- order to minimize this possibility, we chose to
ication to pass the RESET test, they are re- average the FDI data over 199597. At the
ported. To the extent possible, all independent same time, the GII measures were available for
variables were lagged relative to the dependent only one year (1997), and the HDI indices were
variable. The measurement of the variables is not available for every year, thus limiting our
discussed in the next section. ability to create a useful time-series panel.
In fact, there is remarkable temporal stability
(d) Data and measurement in most of the relevant variables employed in
this study. For example, FDI inows in 1995
The sources and measurement of all variables and 1996 have a simple correlation coecient
is summarized in Table 2. We were able to of 0.75. The correlation coecient for FDI
measure most variables for a cross-section of inows for 1996 and 1997 is 0.986. Out-
144 countries. The ESI variable was available ward FDI ows are also highly correlated on a
year-to-year basis. Specically, the correlation structure attributes. Since the FDI values are
coecient between outward FDI in 1995 and also highly correlated on a year-to-year basis
1996 is 0.965. For the years 1996 and 1997, the for the mid-1990s, as are the values of the in-
simple correlation coecient is 0.981. dependent variables, it seems unnecessary to
Key independent variables are also highly estimate dierent cross-sections over time or to
correlated over the mid-1990s sample period. pool cross-sections over time. A single cross-
For example, the index of human development section in which the relevant variables are
(HDI) created for 1995 has a simple correlation averaged over the sample period seems a su-
of 0.979 with the same index calculated for ciently robust approach to modeling in this
1997. The subindex measuring educational case.
attainment for 1995 has a simple correlation
equal to 0.992 with the same index for 1997. (e) Multicollinearity
Real GDP in 1995 has a correlation of 0.999
with real GDP in 1997. Despite the parsimony of the basic model,
In summary, values of relevant dependent there is still a potential problem created by
and independent variables in models of FDI intercorrelations among the independent vari-
behavior change relatively slowly over time. 20 ables of interest, i.e. real GDP and the mea-
As a consequence, although adjustments to sures of infrastructure. In addition to the
changes in the relevant independent variables correlations among the infrastructure variables
do not occur immediately, departures from presented in Table 1, Ln GDP is correlated
equilibria are arguably ordinarily small, at least with the HDI index r 0:92, and also with
relative to past FDI behavior. Discrete and GII r 0:69. These correlations underscore
substantial short-run departures from equilib- the potential diculty in statistically identifying
rium values for the dependent and independent the inuence of specic infrastructure measures
variables would presumably be associated with in FDI models that include conventional eco-
much lower year-to-year correlations of each nomic variables such as GDP.
variable than we identify for our sample, as
discussed above. As a result, cross-section dis-
tributions of the relevant variables may, for our 5. ESTIMATION AND RESULTS
sample time period, reasonably approximate a
steady-state equilibrium. Given the highly cor- (a) The FDI model
related values of the dependent variables across
our sample of countries, the precise choice of The basic results for the FDI model are
year(s) for those variables does not seem a found in Tables 3 and 4. Each reported equa-
crucial issue. tion was estimated by OLS, with heterosked-
To the extent possible, we attempted to astic-consistent standard errors. The dependent
measure the independent variables for a prior variable is measured in logarithms, as is GDP.
period. GDP is measured in US dollars and The other variables (HDI, GII, ESI) are indices
averaged for 199496. The GDP variable was and are not transformed. We tested for speci-
lagged both to allow for adjustment lags, and cation error through a series of RESET tests
to reduce the potential for a bias created by the (one and two power). For the full sample (de-
dependent variable (FDI) causing higher values ned below), it was found that any equation
of GDP. HDI and its subindices are averaged with GII alone always failed the RESET test
over the two years 1995 and 1997. GII and its (one power), but passed comfortably when GII
subindices were only available for 1997, but it is was interacted with Ln GDP. Interactive terms
doubtful that its value would change much over involving HDI and ESI were never statistically
a relatively short period of time. The earliest signicant. The implication of this nding will
year for which ESI was available was 2000, but be discussed below. All other equations passed
it is also doubtful whether this index changes the RESET tests.
much over time. Of course, it would be pref- We were also concerned about measurement
erable to lag all explanatory variables (or at error, particularly with respect to the gover-
least to test for the appropriate lags), but data nance variables. These variables were estimated
constraints did not allow us to do so. by Kaufmann et al. (1999a), and therefore each
We conclude that a cross-section sample of observation has a standard error. For each of
countries should allow the identication of a the KKZL variables, we took the ratio of the
long-run relationship between FDI and infra- standard error to the mean estimate, and in-
Table 3. Regression results, FDI inows dependent variable is Ln FDI
All countries dependent variable is Ln FDI Developing and transition economies dependent variable is Ln FDI
Table 4. Regression coecients, GII and HDI subindices dependent variable is Ln FDIa
(1) All countries (2) Developing and transition economies
Coecient R2 Coecient R2
(standard error) (standard error)
HDI 2.890 (0.943) 0.67 2.095 (0.740) 0.52
Gdp per capitaa 1.674 (0.569) 0.66 1.194 (0.606) 0.50
Educationa 2.365 (0.604) 0.67 1.960 (0.616) 0.52
Life expectancya 2.142 (0.747) 0.66 1.642 (0.768) 0.50
ESIb 0.037 (0.011) 0.69 0.053 (0.016) 0.58
GII 0.744 (0.136) 0.73 0.930 (0.182) 0.61
Rule of lawc 0.609 (0.161) 0.69 0.640 (0.211) 0.54
Voice and accountabilityc 0.669 (0.144) 0.71 0.795 (0.164) 0.58
Political instability/violencec 0.649 (0.157) 0.70 0.638 (0.197) 0.56
Government eectivenessc 0.748 (0.146) 0.71 0.909 (0.225) 0.57
Regulatory burdenc 1.119 (0.154) 0.77 1.105 (0.198) 0.69
Graftc 0.595 (0.136) 0.68 0.721 (0.218) 0.57
n 144 114
Figures in parentheses are heteroskedastic-consistent (White) standard errors. Each equation contains an unre-
ported constant term and Ln GDP.
Indicates variables that are components of the GII index.
Indicates variables that are components of the HDI index. For this variable n 114 for the all country sample and
n 86 for the developing and transition economy sample.
p < 0:001:
cluded a dummy variable in the equations When we add HDI, GII and the interaction
where this ratio took on extreme values (greater of GII and Ln GDP (model 2), or these vari-
than two) for any measure. Inclusion of this ables plus ESI (model 4), the explanatory
dummy variable did not alter the results re- power of the equations improves. But, the only
ported below. To be sure, this procedure will variable that is statistically signicant in both
not correct for systematic measurement errors equations is GII (positive) and its interaction
that, if present, might bias our parameter esti- with Ln GDP (negative, although signicant
mates for the GII coecients; however, we only at the 10% level in model 4). 22 This
have no reason to believe that such systematic specication suggests that while governance
biases characterize the KKZL indices. improvements can attract FDI, they do so at a
Table 3 presents results for the full sample of diminishing rate. That is to say, there are di-
countries n 144, as well as for a sample that minishing returns to governance improve-
excludes OECD members plus Hong Kong and ments, so that the greatest eects will be felt
Singapore n 115. The latter sample is re- by smaller economies (which are typically
ferred to as developing and transition econo- poorer). Thus, larger and richer countries have
mies. Because there were fewer observations for less to gain (at the margin) from governance
ESI, and a more limited sample size, we present improvements than do smaller and poorer
two sets of results for each sample: one for the economies. The smaller impact of governance
largest possible sample (n 144 and 115), but improvements on FDI in larger countries might
excluding ESI, and one for a restricted sample be a statistical artifact of relatively limited
(n 114 and 86) that includes ESI. variation in the governance index across de-
For the full sample, the rst model (1) veloped countries. To assess this possibility, we
presents a simple regression of LnFDI on calculated the standard deviations of the GII
LnGDP (lagged one period). This model pro- variable across the full sample of countries, as
duces a surprisingly high level of explanation well as the separate sample of developing and
for cross-section estimation R2 0:64, which transition economies. In fact we found that the
suggests that GDP acts as a control variable for standard deviations of GII for the latter sample
a variety of economic factors. The coecient is lower than that for the whole sample. In this
on the GDP term is highly signicant and regard, the smaller impact of governance on
suggests an elasticity that is not statistically FDI as GDP increases seems a worthy topic for
dierent from unity. 21 further research.
The HDI and ESI coecients are not statis- improvements than do richer countries. It is
tically signicant in these specications, al- also noteworthy that we nd no evidence
though they are each signicant, and positive, that FDI ows are attracted to developing
when entered individually (with Ln GDP). economies where environmental conditions are
There are grounds for concern that collinearity poor. 25
among the independent variables is hampering We also note that for both samples, a variety
reliable estimation of the individual coecients. of alternative specications were estimated with
Some indirect evidence that the HDI index is a various combinations of the main indices (GII,
statistically relevant inuence on FDI is pro- HDI and ESI), and the subindices. We have
vided by substituting the educational compo- already determined that individual components
nent of the HDI index for the HDI variable and of the broader indices such as EDUC and REG
the regulation component of GII for the GII are positively related to FDI ows. In order to
variable (Models (3) and (5)). The simple cor- examine the potential impact of the other
relation between REG and EDUC (0.37) is components of the HDI and GII indices, we
lower than the simple correlation between HDI estimated equations that contain various com-
and GII (0.69), and lower than for any other binations of Ln GDP, subindices of HDI and
combination of the subindices. Both REG and GII, and the interaction of Ln GDP and an
EDUC are less correlated with GII and HDI infrastructure subindex. The results indicate
than are other subindices. In eect, EDUC and that no interactive terms are statistically signif-
REG can be seen as instrumental variables for icant for any of the subindices, and that when all
the broader HDI and GII measures. 23 the subindices are entered into an equation at
Models 3 and 5 provide improved explana- once, only two variables are statistically signif-
tory power, with both the EDUC and REG icant (and positive): education and regulatory
coecients positive and statistically signicant. burden. In addition, government eectiveness
This result suggests that the HDI index suers (GOV) was often nearly statistically signicant
more from a collinearity problem with the GII and positive. In order to give some sense of the
index than do the individual components of the relative contributions of these variables, Table 4
HDI index. In any case, the result with respect presents results where variables are individually
to EDUC certainly suggests that educational included in an equation with Ln GDP. For
infrastructure encourages FDI in the expected comparative purposes, this table also includes
way. As before, the ESI index remains statisti- the GII, HDI and ESI indices.
cally insignicant. The results conrm the importance of gov-
To assess the possibility that the stage of a ernance infrastructure, as measured by GII and
countrys development, as distinct from a the KKZL indices. The GII index provides
countrys size, conditions the relationship more explanatory power than ESI and HDI as
between FDI and infrastructure measures, measured by the coecients of determination,
we examined a subsample of developing and and this is true of both samples. In general, the
transition economies (the full sample less GII index provides more explanatory power
OECD members as at 1996 plus Hong Kong than do any of its components (except regula-
and Singapore). 24 The results are reported in tory burden), while the HDI index does not
Table 3, columns 610. One dierence between provide much advantage over any of its com-
these results and those for the full sample is ponents. The results also suggest that education
that interaction term between GII and Ln GDP is the most important of the HDI variables
is never statistically signicant in the estimating (education, per capita GDP and life expec-
equations for the smaller sample of countries, tancy) as judged by the size of its coecient,
and the non-interactive version passed the and this is true for both samples. When con-
RESET test. As a consequence, no interactive sidering the variables that comprise the gover-
specications are reported. nance (GII) index, the regulation coecient is
Although the explanatory power of the larger than any of the other coecients, sug-
equations estimated for the developing econo- gesting that open economies with free markets
mies is lower than those for the full sample, the will attract more FDI than will economies in
coecient estimates and levels of signicance which external and internal competition are
are quite similar. The nding that the impact of discouraged. This is true regardless of a coun-
political governance does not diminish with size trys stage of development, although the eect
among developing countries suggests that they is marginally weaker for the developing coun-
stand to benet more at the margin from such try sample. In both samples, the second most
important of the governance variables is eec- between FDO and some of the independent
tive government, and this variable is stronger variables is not clear a priori. On the one hand,
for developing countries than for developed factors creating a favorable domestic business
countries. environment may both attract foreign capital
Perhaps the most important result to emerge and limit capital outows. In this case, the in-
from Table 4 is that the HDI coecient and all frastructure variables that encourage FDI will
of its component coecients are lower in the discourage FDO, and will carry opposite signs
sample of emerging and transition economies, in the relevant equations. On the other hand, as
while the GII coecient and most of its com- discussed in an earlier section, the same factors
ponent coecients are higher. This suggests encouraging foreign-owned MNCs to establish
that governance is relatively more important to aliates in a country may also encourage
developing and transition economies, while the growth of domestically owned MNCs that
wealth and human capital are relatively more then establish their own aliates abroad. In
important to developed countries. this context, the infrastructure variables that
In summary, our results point in a consistent directly encourage FDI may indirectly encour-
direction. Specically, they conrm the well- age FDO. 26 Thus, an eective domestic gov-
established fact that the size of a national ernance infrastructure could well encourage
economy strongly conditions how attractive capital outows by successful domestic rms.
that location is to foreign investors. They also Moreover, the relationships between infrastruc-
strongly support the notion that governance ture variables and FDO may be more com-
infrastructure is an important direct inuence plex than relationships between infrastructure
on FDI, although the inuence diminishes measures and FDI. For example, already
as countries become larger. An additional in- established investments by MNCs might be
ference suggested is that FDI will be more characterized by relatively large sunk costs. As
strongly aected by improvements in political a result, factors that have relatively large neg-
governance in developing countries than in ative impacts on inward FDI may have much
developed countries. Of the governance indi- smaller impacts on FDO. 27
cators considered, the evidence suggests that Clearly, if one is interested in the overall
regulatory burden and government eective- impact of infrastructure variables on MNC
ness are the most important determinants of investment in a country, one should consider
FDI ows for all countries. both FDI and FDO. Hence, we estimated the
There is less reliable evidence regarding other model summarized in equation (1) using both
variables, where issues of collinearity and cau- the logarithm of FDO and the logarithm of
sality arise. In particular, the HDI is not sig- FDI minus FDO as dependent variables. 28
nicant in the presence of GII. One possible Analogous estimates to those reported in Table
reason is that the HDI is in fact an output 3 are reported in Table 5. As before, each
measure which is determined by GII, as sug- equation was subjected to RESET specication
gested by Kaufmann et al. (1999b). When we tests resulting in the reported specications.
estimate a model with independent variables Each reported equation therefore passed the
that relatively uncorrelated with each other, RESET test.
however, there is evidence that education levels The FDO results are both similar to, and
are important independent determinants of dierent from, the FDI results. In both cases, it
FDI ows. Furthermore, there is no evidence is clear market size is a crucial determinant of
that the impact of this variable decreases with FDI ows. As economies grow larger, there is a
the size of the country. Finally, we nd no evi- tendency for both capital inows and outows
dence to suggest that FDI is in any way at- to increase. This is true for both samples of
tracted to locations with weaker environmental countries. But, as the net FDI equations for the
regulations or with inferior environmental total sample indicate (columns 4 and 5), there is
quality. no relationship between Ln GDP and Ln (FDI-
FDO), so that the two eects cancel out, on
(b) The FDO model average. The same is not true of developing and
transition economies, where the Ln GDP co-
Globerman and Shapiro (1999) argue that ecient is positive and statistically signicant
the same factors encouraging inward FDI in- (columns 9 and 10), suggesting that for these
uence outward FDI (henceforth FDO), al- economies increases in market size result in
though the precise nature of the relationship positive net capital ows.
Table 5. Regression results, FDI outows and net FDI ows
All countries Developing and transition economies
Dependent variable is Dependent variable is
As was the case for FDI, governance infra- Finally, the results in Table 5 provide no
structure is an important determinant of FDO evidence to suggest that there is capital ight
for both samples (columns 2 and 7). In the case from areas where environmental conditions,
of FDO, however the results suggest that im- including the regulatory environment, are sup-
provements in the governance infrastructure portive of a sustainable environment. Indeed,
will restrict capital outows for small econo- the relevant ESI coecient is negative and
mies and encourage capital outows for larger statistically signicant in the FDO equations
economies. 29 But, the former eect only holds for both samples. The higher is the index of
for very small economies, so that for most environmental sustainability, the lower are the
countries the eect is positive. As governance capital outows. For the most part, the ESI
improves, most countries should expect to see index is not related to net ows.
increased capital outows. For the total sam- As was the case for FDI, we examined the
ple, the evidence (column 4) suggests that the impact of the various indices and subindices
net eect is positive for smaller economies, but when they were entered individually (or with
negative for larger ones with the latter eect interactive terms) with Ln GDP. In order to
dominating for economies with Ln GDP conserve space, we do not present these re-
greater than 9.7 (compared to a mean of 10.6). sults. 30 In general, we found that the indi-
When the sample is restricted to developing and vidual indices (GII, HDI) provide stronger
transition economies, the linear specication explanatory power than any individual subin-
was found to be appropriate, and the GII co- dex. We conrmed that education and health
ecient is not statistically signicant. Thus, the are not signicant determinants of FDO ows
evidence suggests that for smaller economies, for developing and transition economies, and
improvements in governance will either result that the regulatory burden term is the most
in positive net capital ows, or will have no important of the GII terms (as judged by R2 for
eect on the balance, while for larger econo- both samples). For the total sample, it is gen-
mies improvements in governance will likely erally true that raising any of the subindices will
create the conditions for successful domestic cause capital outows to increase for large
rms to expand abroad. economies, and these will also result in lower
As was the case for FDI, there is no evi- net FDI ows for larger countries.
dence that HDI aects capital outows. More- In summary, we nd fairly strong evidence
over, when we substitute the education index suggesting that improvements in governance
(EDUC) for HDI, and the regulation index infrastructure will also aect capital outows,
(REG) for GII in order to minimize the eects and thus net FDI ows. In general, the ef-
of multicollinearity (columns 3 and 8), we nd fects are strongest for large economies, and
that education is not a signicant determinant are likely most important when liberalization of
of FDO in either sample. Investments in edu- the economic environment is involved. There is
cation are therefore not found to result in one type of liberalization that may not cause
capital outows. For the total sample, the net capital outows and that is environmental
eects of education on capital ows are positive regulation. Finally, education infrastructure is
(column 5), while for developing and transition not related to capital outows and may there-
economies the net eect is zero (column 10). fore have a positive net eect on FDI ows.
The regulatory burden term performs in
much the same way as the over-all GII index.
Movements toward the creation of more open
and free markets will limit capital outows for 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
small economies, but not for larger ones, and
the turning point occurs before the mean level The purpose of this study is to assess whether
of GDP is reached. The net eect on the total and to what extent the governance infrastruc-
sample is such that reducing the regulatory ture attributes of national economies inuence
burden will have a net positive eect on FDI FDI ows into and from those economies. In
ows for small countries, but the overall ef- addition, we examine the role of other forms of
fect will be negative beyond a critical size that infrastructure including human capital and the
is reached before the sample mean GDP level environment. This study therefore focuses on a
is reached. Thus, relatively small and poor broad set of indices measured for a relatively
countries will experience net inows as a con- large sample of countries for the second half of
sequence of creating more open markets. the 1990s. Estimation of both FDI inow and
outow equations is based upon a symmetrical Our ndings might lend some support to ar-
and parsimonious specication. guments for public investment in infrastructure
The results clearly indicate that governance attributes that have other intrinsic social bene-
infrastructure is an important determinant ts. For example, support for improvements to
of both FDI inows and outows. On balance, national health care systems can be defended on
for most countries, both inows and outows grounds that improved health care generates
respond positively to good governance. In public goods-type externalities. Increased in-
particular, good political governance is char- ows of FDI that themselves create spillover
acterized by policies promoting competition on eciency benets for host economies oer an
both a domestic and an international level, as additional source of social benet to an overall
well as by open and transparent legal and reg- benet-cost appraisal of government health care
ulatory regimes, and eective delivery of gov- expenditures. For many developing countries,
ernment services. These appear to be more public goods arguments for improved health
important than measures of political voice and and educational systems, as well as for a cleaner
political stability, and even the rule of law. The environment, may trump considerations about
evidence also suggests that the returns to in- their impacts on FDI. Nevertheless, comple-
vestments in good governance (in terms of net mentarity between public goods investments
FDI ows) are greater for developing and and inward FDI strengthens the case for such
transition economies. 31 investments in developing countries.
The results with respect to human capital Perhaps our most important conclusion
(education and health) and environmental sus- is that political governance matters, and im-
tainability are less reliably estimated owing to proved political governance does not neces-
problems of multicollinearity and causality. We sarily oblige governments to make large
do however nd evidence consistent with nd- investments of taxpayers money. In this re-
ings of previous studies that investments in gard, our ndings reinforce similar conclusions
education are likely to attract FDI. Moreover, drawn in Altomonte (2000) and UNCTAD
there is no indication that the positive impacts (1998). Indeed, improved governance might be
of education on FDI are a diminishing function more consistent, in many cases, with a smaller
of real GDP. We also nd that such investments economic and regulatory role for government.
are not associated with capital outows, so that As well, any set of policies that broadly pro-
the net eect of investments in education on motes economic growth will indirectly promote
FDI ows is likely to be positive. Our ndings increased inward FDI by encouraging a higher
with respect to both the human capital and level of real GDP.
governance infrastructure indicators are subject Finally, it should be recognized that policies
to the caution that they may reect the inuence promoting inward FDI will likely indirectly
of omitted variables, most notably a measure of encourage increased outward FDI by promot-
social capital. It is also possible that there is ing the emergence and growth of successful
some feedback from FDI ows to infrastructure home-country MNCs. But, this development
that would, if signicant, contribute to biased should not necessarily be seen as a cost of
estimates in our regression models. investing in governance or other types of in-
Our results also provide some support for a frastructure. Rather, intra- and inter-industry
claim that initiatives to promote environmental FDI ows among countries facilitate special-
protection and remediation encourage, rather ization in production along the same lines as
than discourage, inward FDI. Similarly, we intra- and inter-industry trade. Such special-
nd no evidence of capital ight from coun- ization, itself, can be a source of improved
tries pursuing relatively strong environmental productivity and real economic growth in host
policies. While estimation of precise relation- economies.
ships between environmental policies and FDI Our results are subject to a number of cave-
ows is hampered by multicollinearity, statis- ats. In addition to the statistical problems
tical problems do not obviate rejection of the discussed above, it is possible that the parsi-
claim that governments will engage in an en- monious specication adopted might result in
vironmental race-to-the-bottom in order to omitted variable bias. Our specication relies
attract and retain direct investments. 32 Indeed, heavily on GDP as a control variable, and
our results suggest that weakening environ- further research on the relationship between
mental protection regimes are more likely to market size and other possible determinants of
discourage than encourage FDI. FDI is warranted.
Another caveat is that the geographical unit infrastructure comparisons will likely be cir-
of analysis is the nation-state. In fact, the cumscribed to the few regions that enjoy
inuence of infrastructure on the location other necessary pre-conditions. 33 The avail-
decisions of MNCs might be more geograph- ability of infrastructure data at the national
ically circumscribed. For example, MNCs in level dictates the geographical level of ana-
the electronics sector will likely have strong lysis. Whether the results would be signi-
preferences to locate in specic regions of the cantly dierent if it were possible to carry
United States regardless of the availability of out the analysis at subnational levels is un-
infrastructure in other regions. In this case, certain.
1. For a broader survey of the literature see Brunetti 10. The indices are all reported in their original scales,
(1997). and these scales are also used in the regression analysis.
But, the results are robust to scale transformations,
2. The impact of FDI on host country eciency arises including logarithmic. The ESI is derived from 22
from spillover productivity gains. A summary of avail- subindices, a number too large for individual analysis.
able evidence on this phenomenon is provided in
Blomstrom, Kokko, and Globerman (2001). 11. GII was also measured as the sum of the six
underlying indices. The correlation coecient between
3. A focus on FDI ows rather than stocks reects the this measure and the rst principal component that we
fact that FDI data are widely available only for ows. employ is 0.99.
4. Dunning (1993) oers an extensive review of empir- 12. Dunning (1993) identies an exhaustive list of such
ical studies of the determinants of FDI. Globerman and variables and also discusses empirical evidence regarding
Shapiro (1999) provide an updated literature review with their importance. For additional summaries of available
particular emphasis on the inuence of government evidence, see Caves (1996) and Globerman and Shapiro
policies. (1999).
5. Available studies also identify the specic impact of 13. Some studies identify a near perfect positive
government corruption on FDI ows. See, for exam- correlation between FDI and GDP across host coun-
ple, Wei (2000). tries. See, for example, Morissets (2000) study of
African countries.
6. See, for example, Nahapiet and Ghoshal (1998),
Pennings, Lee, and van Witteloostuijn (1998); Putnam
14. The various sources of agglomeration (or external)
(1995) and Sparrowe, Liden, Wayne, and Kraimer
economies are discussed in Krugman (1991).
7. The data are available at: http://www.worldbank. 15. Altomonte (2000) references several studies that
org/wbi/governance/datasets.htm#dataset. Further de- provide ambivalent ndings on the relationship between
tail is provided in Kaufmann et al. (1999a) (Appendix labor costs and the geographical distribution of FDI.
A) and Table 1 of this study. The full set of variables
employed in this study and their sources are presented in 16. The presumption is that a country will x its
Table 2. currency against the major currency (or currencies) in
which its trade and investment ows are most heavily
8. We did collect data on physical infrastructure, but concentrated. As such, if currency volatility discourages
these variables were typically highly correlated with FDI ows, countries operating xed exchange rate
GDP/capita. These measures are discussed below. regimes should be characterized by more FDI than
those operating oating rate regimes, all other things
9. Kaufmann et al. (1999b) suggest that their gover- constant.
nance measures are important causal determinants of
development outcomes, including GDP/capita and 17. The data sources for unreported variables and the
health status. unreported results are available from the authors.
18. See, for example, Cheng and Kwan (2000); Kumar 27. This argument is developed in Rugman (1990).
(1996); Loree and Guisinger (1995); Mody and Sriniva-
san (1998); Wheeler and Mody (1992); Zhao and Zhu 28. The sample size is reduced, since a number of
(2000). countries recorded FDI but not FDO. This reduction
allowed us to use a single sample with ESI in all
19. These results are available from the authors on estimates. Ln (FDI-FDO) was calculated by separating
request. countries with net inows and outows, and assigning a
negative value to the latter.
20. This is more likely to be true for developed than for
developing countries. In particular, marked short-run 29. The point at which Ln GDP encourages capital
changes in the political environment surrounding FDI outows occurs where Ln GDP 5:6 for the total
have been identied for certain African countries (Mor- sample, and Ln GDP 8:2 for the sample of developing
isset, 2000). and transition economies. The respective means (stan-
dard deviations) are 10.4 (2.7) and 9.6 (1.6). In both
cases it is only the very smallest economies for which
21. This is not however always the case. In specica-
improvements in governance do not result in capital
tions that include other explanatory variables, the
elasticity is at times less than unity. The latter ndings
further support the use of FDI, rather than FDI/GDP,
as the preferred specication of the dependent variable. 30. The results are complicated by the fact that some of
the preferred specications include an interactive term
and some do not. In general, specications for the total
22. Similar interactive terms were estimated for the sample include interactive terms, while those for the
other variables (ESI and HDI), but none were statisti- sample of developing and transition economies do not.
cally signicant.
31. This result is consistent with an interpretation
23. To be sure, the EDUC variable can also be suggested by Altomonte (2000). Namely, that the
interpreted as a conventional human capital variable. quality of a host countrys legal framework is posi-
tively related to expected future rates of economic
24. For a discussion of this concern, as well as growth. Hence, FDI will be attracted to countries with
empirical evidence for Asian MNCs, see Erramilli, higher quality legal frameworks because of the superior
Agarwal, and Kim (1997) and Zhao and Zhu (2000). economic performance that those frameworks encour-
age. If the economic benets of higher quality legal
25. There is a potential variable measurement problem, frameworks are subject to diminishing returns, the
since the ESI index is measured for the year 2000. It linkage between FDI and political governance might
seems unlikely to us however that the values of this be nonlinear.
variable changed substantially between, say, the mid-
1990s and 2000. Moreover, this nding is broadly 32. Thomsen (2000) discusses these and related objec-
consistent with those of Smarzynska and Wei (2001) tions to international investment.
and Wheeler (2001).
33. The relevant notion here is that rms are attracted
26. There is no notion implied here that FDI is to regions that are home to clusters of rms engaged
necessarily good while FDO is bad for a country. Both in the same or closely related activities. In the United
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national production that should improve real incomes ities are disproportionately located on the East and West
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