Apex Locators and Tri Auto ZX

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Apex Locators and Tri Auto ZX

Apex Locators are the instruments used in Endodontics to determine the

Working length in Root Canal Treatment as an adjunct to Radiography. They
are used to locate the Apical foramen by determining the Apical constriction or
Cementodentinal junction. These are divided into 4 types based on the way the
apex is located

Classification of Apex locators based on Generations:

1st generation Apex locators:

These are also known as Resistance Apex locators. This measures the
opposition to flow of direct current i.e resistance. It is based on the principle
that resistance offered by periodontal ligament and oral mucous membrane is
the same i.e. 6.5 K ohms. It is called as Sonoexplorer. These apex locators
give false readings in the presence of Blood, pus, chelating agents, irrigants in
the root canal.

Advantages of 1st generation Apex locators:

- Ghadeer Hassan suwaimil

Easily operated
Digital read out
Audible indication
Dtects perforation
Can be used with K-file
May incorporate pulp tester

Disadvantages of 1st generation Apex locators:

Requires a dry field

Patient sensitivity
Requires calibration
Requires good contact with lip clip
Cannot estimate beyond 2mm


Neosono Apex locator

2. 2nd Generation Apex Locators:

It works on the principles of Impedance, hence they are also called
as impedance apex locators. They work by measuring opposition to flow of
alternating current or impedance. A major disadvantage of second generation
apex locator is that root canal has to be free of electro-conductive materials
to obtain accurate readings. Presence of electro-conductive materials to obtain
accurate readings. Presence of electro-conductive irrigants changes the
electric characteristics and lead to inaccurate readings. Examples of Second
generation apex locators.


Sono explorer
Apex finder endoanalyzer it is a combination of Apex locator and pulp
Extract a pex
Foramatron IV

- Ghadeer Hassan suwaimil

Pio apex locator

Advantages of 2nd generation Apex locators:

Does not require lip clip

No patient sensitivity
Analog method

Disadvantages of 2nd generation Apex locators:

No digital read out

Difficult to operate
Canal should be free of elecro-conductive irrigants and tissue fluids

3. 3rd generation apex locator:

They are also called as Frequency dependent apex locator. Works on the
principle of frequency or Comparitive impedence. They are based on the fact
that different sites in canal give difference in impedance between high (8 KHz)
and low (400 Hz) frequencies.The difference in impedance is least in the
coronal part of canal. As the probe goes deeper into canal, difference
increases. It is the greatest at cemento dentinal junction.

Advantages of 3rd generation apex locator:

Easy to operate
Uses K-type file
Audible indication
Can operate in presence of fluids
Analog read out
Disadvantages of 3rd generation apex locator:

Requires lip clip

Chances of short circuit

Root ZX
Neosono Ultima
Mark V plus

- Ghadeer Hassan suwaimil

Justwo or Justy II
Apex finder A.F.A

4th Generation Apex Locators:

These measure the resistance and capacitance separately rather than the
resultant impedance value. There can be difference in the combination of
values of capacitance and resistance that provides the same impedance, thus
the same foraminal reading. But by using 4th generation apex locators this can
be broken down into primary components and measures saperately for better
accuracy and thus less chances of occurance of errors.


Tri Auto ZX
Tri Auto ZX - Mechanical root canal enlargement with monitoring the file tip.

The Tri Auto ZX is a root canal treatment system with a low speed endodontic
handpiece and built in apex locator by J. Morita Mfg. Corp. Mechanical root
canal enlargement and the removal of gutta percha points can be performed
safely and efficiently.

Easy to use - cordless for maximum flexibility

Safer mechanical enlargement - with apical reverse auto start/stop auto

torque reverse

Monitor position of file while cleaning and shaping

Measuring Function - It can be used as the root canal measuring device.

Flexible - by nickel titanium files

- Ghadeer Hassan suwaimil





- Ghadeer Hassan suwaimil

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