Micro Tub Ulos
Micro Tub Ulos
Micro Tub Ulos
1. Introduction
(Fig. 1). It is located in the cell cortex where fusion of the future cell plate
occurs at the end of mitosis. Using the electron microscope (EM), many
examples of PPBs were observed and the following possible functions of
PPBs have been proposed (Newcomb, 1969; Pickett-Heaps, 1974; Hepler
and Palevitz, 1974; Gunning and Hardham, 1982; Gunning, 1982): (i) a
source of tubulinslMTs for mitotic spindles (Pickett-Heaps and Northcote,
1966a); (ii) establishment of the division site (Pickett-Heaps and Northcote,
1966b); (iii) response of the premitotic cell to factors inducing polarization
FIG. 1 Mature PPBs in late prophase cells of onion root tips. (a) Stereo pair images of tubulin
immunotluoresccnce taken by a confocal laser scanning microscope. Note that the mature
PPB positions are a t right angles to the prophase spindle axis (arrows). Arrowhcads show
MTs connecting the PPB to the spindle pole region. Scale bar = 10 pm. (b) An electron
micrograph of a cross section of a mature PPB. CW, cell wall; N, nucleus. Large arrows
indicated smooth ER, and small arrows indicate small vesicles. Scale bar = 0.5 pm (photographs
by A. Nogami).
(Pickett-Heaps, 1969a,b,c, 1974); (iv) premitotic nuclear migration and/or
nuclear orientation (Burgess and Northcote, 1967; Jarosch, 1989, 1990);
(v) premitotic nuclear anchoring (Mineyuki and Furuya, 1986); (vi) mitotic
spindle orientation (Burgess and Northcote, 1967); (vii) localized cell wall
deposition (Packard and Stack, 1976; Galatis and Mitrakos, 1979);
(viii) guidance of edges of the growing cell plate (Gunning et al., 1978b);
(ix) prevention of the initiation of ingrowing cleavage furrow (OBrien,
1983); and (x) deposition of the MT-organizing center (MTOC) after cell
division (Hepler and Palevitz, 1974; Gunning et al., 1978b; Gunning, 1980).
PPB studies were systematically reviewed by Gunning (1982). Since then,
two reviews have appeared (Gunning and Wick, 1985; Wick, 1991). Ad-
vances in immunofluorescence microscopy (IFM), video and confocal mi-
croscopy, and microinjection techniques enable us to examine three-dimen-
sional localization of components of PPBs in cells (Lloyd et al., 1992;
Gunning, 1992; Mineyuki, 1993) and to observe the behavior of associated
molecules directly in a living cell (Zhang et al., 1990; Hepler el al., 1993).
The aim of this review is to present recent views of PPBs and their roles,
summarizing about 30 years of research on the topic.
A. Terminology
1. Division Site
Sometimes the term division site is used ambiguously as a place where
cell division takes place. In this review, the division site in higher plants is
defined as the cortical region where fusion of cell plate and parental cell
walls occurs at the end of cytokinesis (Gunning, 1982). In animals the
corresponding division site is the site where the cleavage furrow begins to
form at the cell surface.
2. Preprophase
The term preprophase was first introduced by Pickett-Heaps and North-
cote (1966a) to describe the stage of cell division cycle in which there is
visible activity or organization in preparation for cell division, i.e., formation
of the PPB. Pickett-Heaps (1969a) tried to define the stage of preprophase
in terms of the stage of chromosome condensation and characteristic ap-
pearance of the nucleolus and of a PPB. Although the idea that preprophase
equates with early prophase was implicit in some early E M works (Cron-
shaw and Esau, 1968; Esau and Gill, 1969; Roberts et aL, 1985; Apostolakos
and Galatis, 198Sa; Bakhuizen et al., 1985; Simmonds, 1986), many others
have described PPBs in interphase cells using a wide range of materials.
The early appearance of the PPB was confirmed by IFM (Wick and Duniec,
1983, 1984; Mineyuki et al., 198%). Now many workers agree that PPBs
are seen in most prophase cells and some interphase cells (see Section V).
It is therefore not appropriate to use the term preprophase to refer to a
specific stage of the cell cycle, such as the stage between G2 and prophase.
The term preprophase must be defined as a stage of a cell in which there
is a visible activity or organization related to the division site establishment,
i.e., formation of the PPB in higher plants and other kinds of apparatus
comparable to a PPB in lower plants.
Apical end 11
Basal ei
9 h I
FIG. 2 Diagram illustrating Biinning and Biegerts (1953) observation on the stomatogenesis
of onion seedlings (a-f) and the experimental manipulation of stomatal differentiation using
basipetal centrifugation (a-g-h-i-j). (a) Elongated epidermal cell of cotyledon. The nucleus
(N) is in the center of the cell. (b) The nucleus migrates to the apical end. (c) The cell divides
asymmetrically to give rise to a small apical cell and a large basal cell. (d) The apical cell
(GMC; guard mother cell) grows. (e) The GMC divides longitudinally to give rise to two
guard cells (GCs). (f) The GCs grow and the intercellular space between these cells develops
to become a stomatal pore. (8) The elongated epidermal cell is centrifuged basipetally to
displace the nucleus to the basal part of the cell. (h) The nucleus divides in the basal part of
the cell to form a small basal cell and a large apical cell. (i) Neither the small basal cell nor
the large apical cell differentiates; they remain as epidermal cells. GMC and G C are shown
hatched. An arrow in front of the nucleus in a shows the direction of the nuclear migration.
An arrow with a small letter g shows the direction of the centrifugation (330-600 g for 30 min).
The cytokinetic apparatus that establishes the division plane is quite differ-
ent in the plant and animal kingdoms. Insertion of the final division plane
in animal cells (cleavage furrow) is carried out by a contractile ring, an
array of actomyosin encircling the cell cortex (Mabuchi, 1986), whereas in
higher plants cell plate formation is achieved by a phragmoplast in which
MTs play an essential role (Gunning, 1982). While cleavage furrows start
on the cell surface and grow centripetally, cell plates usually originate in
the middle of the cell, between daughter nuclei, and grow centrifugally.
FIG.3 Asymmetrical PPBs in GMC formation of onion cotyledon epidermis. Tubulin immuno-
fluorcscence images of prophase cells with a migrating nucleus (a) and with a nucleus after
migration (c) (reproduced with permission from Mineyuki et aL, 1991. J . Plant Physiol. 138,
p. 645, Fig. Sc). (b) Hoechest fluorescence of the prophase nucleus in a. Note that the nuclear
migration in this cell takes place in midprophase. The longitudinal axis of the cotyledon is
vertically oricnted in the micrographs and the apical end of the cell is positioned toward the
top of the page. Brackets mark the cell limits. Note MTs that appear to link the perinuclear
MTs with the narrow PPB in the migrating nucleus (a) and that the distal pole is appressed
to the apical wall when the nucleus has reached the distal end of the cell (c). Nu, nucleus.
Scale bar = 10 ym. See detail in Mineyuki and Palevitz (1990) and Mineyuki ct al. (1991a).
1 t
Animal Plant
FIG. 4 Effects of the displacement of mitotic apparatus on the position of the division plane
in the animal and plant cell. (Left) An animal case and (right) a plant case. Each panel shows
a sequence of events from metaphase (top), through anaphase just after the experimental
relocation of the mitotic apparatus and telophase, to the end of cytokinesis (bottom). (Animal)
Experiments with sand dollar (Echinarachnius parma) eggs (Rappaport and Rappaport, 1985;
this diagram is redrawn from Rappaport, 1986a, Fig. 2). When a sand dollar egg is confined
in a capillary (82-pm inner diameter) so that it is reshaped into a cylinder and the mitotic
apparatus is oriented parallel to the capillary axis, the sand dollar egg can divide normally
and a furrow forms midway between the asters. However, when the mitotic apparatus at early
anaphase is relocated by pushing the cell pole inward using a microneedle (direction is shown
by a transversely oriented arrow), the furrow that appears before experimental manipulation
disappears and the new furrow begins midway between asters of the relocated mitotic appara-
tus, and the cleavage furrow completes there. (Plant) Experiments with Tradescantia stamen
hair cell (Ota, 1961). A stamen hair cell divides in the middle of the cell in the normal
condition. When a stamen hair cell is centrifuged (35506. or less for 15 min) to displace the
mitotic apparatus in metaphase or early anaphase (right arrow shows the direction of the
centrifugation), cell plate formation starts between the daughter nuclei; however, the daughter
nuclei and the cell plate gradually move to the central part of the cell. Because the movement
of cell plate edge is faster than the nuclear movement, the growing cell plate is often U-shaped,
and finally the edge of the cell plate meets the site where it would have been inserted if there
had been no centrifugal treatment.
apparatus (at the limited stage of anaphase) within the cell. On the contrary,
Otas (1961) experiment suggests that the division site is predetermined
before displacement of the mitotic apparatus, i.e., before metaphase.
FIG. 5 Spatial relationship among PPBs (left), metaphase spindles (center), and cell plates
(right). (a) Symmetrical transverse division. (b) Asymmetrical transverse division. (c) Symmet-
rical longitudinal division of onion GMC. (d) Asymmetrical division to produce a grass SC.
PPB, preprophase band; MA, mitotic apparatus; CP, cell plate.
relationship among PPBs, metaphase spindles, and cell plates in four differ-
ent cell types. Because the orientation of an equatorial plane does not
always match that of a cell plate, a question arose whether a PPB predicts
the position of a metaphase equatorial plane or that of a cell plate. Using
onion GMCs, in which a cell plate is inserted longitudinally while the spindle
initially orients obliquely, Palevitz and Hepler (1974a) clearly demonstrated
that the PPB predicts the position of the cell plate but not the position of
the equatorial plane (Fig. 5c).
A partial inconsistency between the PPB and the final cell plate arrange-
ment has been found in divisions for triangular and lens-shaped subsidiary
cell and leaf hair cell formation of grasses (Galatis et al., 1983, 1984b; Cho
and Wick, 1989), in Marchantiu superficial thallus cells with incomplete
PPBs (Apostolakos and Galatis, 1985a,b),and in floating stomata of Anemia
(Galatis et al., 1986). However, their cell plate divergence can be explained
by the disturbance of premitotic polarity and/or space limitation, and thus
the generalization that the PPB site predicts where the attachment site of
the cell plate with the parental walls will be remains true.
FIG. 6 A diagram illustrating a PPB. (a) A late prophase cell. (h) A midlongitudinal section
o f a. (c) A midtransverse section of a. (d) The enlarged PPB regions (enclosed by a rectangle)
in h. ( e ) The cell just after cytokinesis. Cell plate attaches to the former PPB region. N,
nucleus; CP, cell plate; CW, cell wall; AF, actin filament; MT, microtuhule; PM, plasma
membrane; V, vesicle.
Setterfield, 1986; Falconer and Seagull, 1985; Gorst et al., 1986; GMCs:
Busby and Gunning, 1980; Galatis, 1982; Cho and Wick, 1989; Mullinax
and Palevitz, 1989; Galatis et al., 1982). The width of mature PPBs is
different among cell types even in the same tissue and it can also be changed
by the environmental conditions. While a mean width of asymmetrical
PPBs to produce GMCs is 4 pm, that of symmetrical PPBs is 6 p m in onion
epidermis (Mineyuki and Palevitz, 1990). While the mean width of PPBs
in the dark-induced cell division of Adinnturn protonemata is 13.3 pm, that
in blue light-induced cell division is 9.5 pm (Murata and Wada, 1989).
While protoplasts of Helianfhus cultured in liquid have a narrow PPB,
those in agarose beads have only broad PPBs (Caumont ef al., 1997).
The MT number in a cross section of a PPB varies from a single layer
with <20 MTs (epidermal cells in capsule of Funnria; Sack and Paolillo,
1985) to >10 MT layers with >250 MTs (onion root; Nogami et al., 1996).
The depth of PPBs in a cross section varies from <0.15 pm to 2.6 pm. A
comparative study on MT numbers of PPBs among Triticum species of
different ploidy levels suggests that the number of MTs increases with the
number of chromosomes (Eleftheriou, 1985b). Heavy water can induce
the formation of additional MTs in a PPB (Burgess and Northcote, 1969;
Hardham and Gunning, 1978).
A PPB consists predominantly of overlapping relatively short MTs (aver-
age length, 2.7 pm) (Hardham and Gunning, 1977). C - or S-shaped MT
profiles are reported in transverse section of a PPB (Burgess and Northcote,
1967; Galatis et al., 1984b). Depletion and the shortening of MTs can be
induced by MT drugs, high pressure, or cold treatment. Although C-shaped
termination is not frequent in the short MTs induced by colchicine or
high pressure, cold treatment produces more C-shaped MT terminations
(Hardham and Gunning, 1977).
While the majority of MTs in PPBs follows the contours of the plasma
membrane (PM) closely, others curve into the cytoplasm (Pickett-Heaps
and Northcote, 1966a; Burgess, 1970b). MTs between perinuclear MTs
and PPBs are reported by EM (Burgess, 1970b; Bakhuizen et al., 1985;
Eleftheriou, 1985a, 1996; Mineyuki and Furuya, 1986; Schnepf, 1984) and
by IFM (Tiwari et al., 1985; Wick and Duniec, 1983, 1984; Mineyuki and
Palevitz, 1990; Mineyuki et al., 1991a; Nogami et al., 1996; BaluSka et al.,
MT-MT and MT-PM cross bridges in PPBs are seen (Pickett-Heaps
and Northcote, 1966a; Burgess and Northcote, 1967; Galatis and Aposto-
lakos, 1977; Hardham and Gunning, 1978; Schnepf, 1973). In leguminous
stomatogenesis, MT-PM linkage is often seen in GMCs (Galatis et al.,
1982), whereas it is infrequent in the nondifferential and early divisions
(Galatis and Mitrakos, 1979). In a number of cases, a cross bridge either
to the PM or to an adjacent MT occurred on the terminating profile of
MTs. Occasionally, two bridges connected a single MT profile to PM, and
cross bridges between MTs and vesicles are also reported (Hardham and
Gunning, 1978).
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) may occur at the periphery of the
PPB, but no structural link between ER and MTs has been reported (Bur-
gess and Northcote, 1967, 1968; Galatis and Mitrakos, 1979; Galatis et al.,
1982). In Triticum roots, smooth E R is seen in the early PPB stage but it
is almost absent in the later stage (Burgess and Northcote, 1968). Small
electron-dense vesicles, which sometimes appear to fuse with the PM, are
seen in a PPB (Burgess and Northcote, 1968; Packard and Stack, 1976;
Gunning et al., 1978a; Galatis and Mitrakos, 1979; Galatis, 1982; Galatis
et al., 1982; Eleftheriou, 1996). The vesicles are positive to the periodic
acid-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate reaction, the reaction against
polysaccaride (Galatis, 1982), and in onion the density of vesicle contents
corresponds closely to the density of the cell walls (Packard and Stack,
1976). These vesicles and the smooth ER still exist when MTs are depleted
by colchicine treatment (Burgess and Northcote, 1969). Coated vesicles in
a PPB are reported only in leguminous GMCs (Galatis and Mitrakos, 1979;
Galatis et al., 1982).
in Azolla roots and concluded that PPBs exist in every category of cell
division in the meristem. Observations summarized in Table I imply that
PPBs occur in meristems and meristemoids during vegetative growth and
in wound-induced cell divisions of higher plants.
PPBs are absent in microsporogenesis (Van Lammeren et al., 1985; Ho-
gan, 1987), in the first asymmetrical mitosis (Heslop-Harrison, 1968; Tera-
saka and Niitsu, 1990), in other mitosis in pollen grain development (Bur-
gess, 1970a; Terasaka and Niitsu, 1989; Palevitz and Cresti, 1989), and
throughout megasporogenesis and in embryo sac development (Bednara
et al., 1988; Willemse and Van Lammeren, 1988), but PPBs are reinstated
as early as the first zygotic division (Webb and Gunning, 1991). Endosperm
also has no cortical MT arrays during syncytial division, cellularization, and
the subdivision of starchy endosperm (Bajer and Molk-Bajer, 1972; De
Mcy et al., 1982), but interphase cortical MTs (1CMs) and PPBs appear
during aleurone layer development (Brown et al., 1994). A recessive muta-
tion of the maize gene Ameiotic causes the replacement of meiosis I with
a synchronized mitotic division. Because PPBs are observed in this ameiotic
division, this ameiotic gene may encode a product that eliminates the PPB
(Staiger and Cande, 1992). This implies that a PPB-containing mitotic cell
cycle is the default condition for plant cell division.
PPBs are also seen in certain suspension cultured cells, in cultured
protoplasts, and in callus. The PPB index (Gorst et al., 1986) or PPB
value (Wang et al., 1989b) describes the frequency of PPBs in cell
cultures. Often a low PPB index reflects the inability of cells to undergo
morphogenesis. In Petunia callus, a three to five fold increase in the
PPB index marks the transition to organized growth (Traas et al., 1990).
Cells having the potential for morphogenesis had a higher PPB index
than nonembryonic cells, but high PPB index is not obligatorily coupled
t o embryogenesis or other organized growth (Gorst et a[., 1986). Although
high frequencies of PPBs are reported in soybean protoplast culture
(Wang et al., 1989b) and in suspension cultures of tobacco BY-2 (Katsuta
et al., 1990) and Spartina (Hogan, 1988), these cultures do not regenerate
in the reported culturing conditions.
Most ol the meristematic tissues in Pteridophytes have PPBs, but they
are absent in the first asymmetrical cell division in Onoclea spores (Bassel et
al., 1981), in meiosis (Brown and Lemmon, 1985b), and in spermatogenesis
(Marc and Gunning, 1986) except for the early steps of antheridia develop-
ment (Schraudolf, 1993). Some cells in Bryophytes have a PPB, but these
may be atypical in terms of the width and number of MTs and are thought
to be primitive (Apostolakos and Galatis, 1992). Some types of cells in
Brophytes apparently lack a PPB. Moss protonemata do not develop a
PPB when the tip cell divides or a side branch is formed (Schmiedel and
Schnepf, 1979a; Schmiedel et al., 1981; Doonan et al., 1985,1987). However,
Occurrence of PPB MTs
~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~
Seed plants
Shoot apial meristems: Coleus (EM: Lehmann and Schultz, 1976); Hedera ( I F Marc and
Hackett, 1989)
Root apical meristems (including root caps): (Monocot) Allium (EM: Deysson and Benbadis,
1968; I F Wick et al., 1981); Bouteloua, Chloris, and Cyperus (IF: Cleary and Hardham,
1988); Hordeum ( I F Mineyuki et al., 1996); Lolium (IF: Cleary and Hardham, 1988);
Ornithogalum ( I F Hogan, 1987); Phleum (EM: Burgess and Northcote, 1967);
Potamogeton and Tradescantia (IF Cleary and Hardham, 1988); Triticum (EM: Pickett-
Heaps and Northcote, 1966a; IF: Marc and Gunning, 1988); Typha (IF Cleary and
Hardham, 1988); Zea (EM: Hardham and Gunning, 1978; I F Cleary and Hardham, 1988);
dv mutant (IF: Staiger and Cande, 1990); (dicot) Arabidopsis (IF: Traas et al., 1995);
Brassica (EM: Gunning and Steer, 1975); Chrysanthemum ( I F Mineyuki et al., 1996);
Cucumis (IF: Woo and Wick, 1995); Cyperus (EM: Busby and Gunning, 1980;I F Gunning
and Wick, 1985); Datura (IF: Gorst et al., 1986); Daucus (IF: Cleary and Hardham, 1988),
Glycine (IF: Liu et al., 1993); Hibiscus (IF: Mineyuki et al., 1996); Lepidium Root caps
(EM: Hensel, 1984); Lycopersicon ( I F Hogan, 1987); Medicago (IF: Cleary and Hardham,
1988); Nicotiana (EM: Ding ef al., 1991; IF: Gorst et al., 1986); Pisum (EM: Bakhuizen
et al., 1985; IF: Wick, 1985); Vigna (IF: Mizuno et al., 1985); Vicia (IF: Brown et al.,
1989); Zinnia (IF: Cleary and Hardham, 1988); (gymnosperm) Pinus and Zamia ( I F
Fowke, 1993)
Vascular bundle development
Root protophloem mother cells: Aegilops (EM: Eleftheriou and Tsekos, 1982); Triticum
(EM: Eleftheriou, 1985a)
Root protophloem sieve elements: Triticum (EM: Eleftheriou, 1996)
Root procambial cells: Triricum (EM: Eleftheriou, 1985b)
Cambial cells in coleoptile: Trilicum (EM: Pickett-Heaps and Northcote, 1966a)
Fusiform initials and ray initials: Ulmus and Tilia,ray cell (EM: Evert and
Deshpande, 1970)
Leaf development
Mesophyll cells: (Monocot) Commelina (EM: Pickett-Heaps, 1969b); Hordeum ( I F Wick
ef aL, 1989); Triticum (EM: Pickett-Heaps, 1969a); (dicot) Nicotiana (EM: Cronshaw
and Esau, 1968); expanding leaf blade (EM: Esau and Gill, 1969); Spinacia ( I F Wick
et al., 1989)
Spongy parenchyma cells: Spinacia (IF: Wick et al., 1989)
Cotyledonary cells: Allium (IF: Mineyuki et al., 1991a); Pisum (IF: Doonan et al., 1987)
Stomatogenesis (including nondifferential epidermal division); (Monocot) Avena (EM:
Kaufman et al., 1970; I F Mullinax and Palevitz, 1989); Allium (EM: Palevitz and Hepler,
1974a; IF: Mineyuki et al., 1988a); Commelina (EM: Pickett-Heaps, 1969b); Hordeum
( I F Cho and Wick, 1989); Lolium (IF Cleary and Hardham, 1989); Saccharum (EM:
Singh et al., 1977); Secale (IF: Cho and Wick, 1989); Triticum (EM: Pickett-Heaps and
Northcote, 1966b; IF: Cho and Wick, 1989); a case that two SC formations are induced
by two successively aligned GMCs in an epidermal cell (EM: Galatis et al., 1983); Zea
(EM: Srivastava and Singh, 1972); (dicot) Cucumis (IF: Kazama and Mineyuki, 1997);
Sinapis (EM: Landre, 1972); Vigna (EM: Galatis and Mitrakos, 1979); Phaseolus,
Trifolium, Medicago, Calycotome, Vicia, Pisum, Cicer, Spartium, Robinia, Melilorus,
Coronilla, Caratonia, Cercis, and Acacia (EM: Galatis et al., 1982)
TABLE I (continued)
Seed development
Zygote and procnibryogenesis: Arabidopsis (IF: Webb and Gunning, 199 I )
Aleurone layer development: Ilordeum (IF: Brown et a/., 1994)
Other specialized cells
Tapetal cclls: Zea (IF: Staigcr and Cande, 1YY2)
Stamen hair and filament cells: Trudescuntia (EM: Busby and Gunning, 1980; LC: Zhang
K f d., 1990)
Leaf hair cells: Triticirm (EM: Galatis et al., 1984b)
Anieiotic division: Zea, arnf mutant (IF: Staiger and Candc, 1YY2)
Wound-induced cell divisions: (Monocot) 7radescnnrict epidermal cells (IF: Goodbody and
Lloyd, 1990); (dicot) Unfura, periderm ( I F Flanders et al., 1990); Nuutilocrdyx, leaf
explants (EM: Venverloo et nl., 1980; I F Goodbody et a/., 1991); Nicotinnu (IF: Wilms
and Derksen, 1988); Pisurn, roots (EM: Hardham and McCully. 1982; IF: Hush et a/., 1990)
Suspension culturc cells: (Monocot) Spartinu (IF: Hogan, 1988); (dicot) Arahidupsis (IF:
Liu et al.. 1994); Datura ( I F Gorst et al., 1986): Medicago (IF: Meijer and Simmonds,
1988); Nicoriana (IF: Gorst eta/., 1986): BY-2 (field emission SEM: Vesk et ul., 1996: IF:
Kakimoto and Shibaoka, 1987); Vicia (IF: Simmonds eta/.. 1983); Zinnia ( I F Falconer
and Scagull, 1985); (gymnospcrrn) Piciu, embryonic, and Pinus, nonernbryonic (IF:
Tautorus e t a / . , 1992)
Cultured protoplasts: (Dicot) Glycinc ( I F Wang et al., 1989a); Helianthus, liquid medium,
agarose embedding (IF: Caumont et d.,1997);Medicago and Nicotiunu, budding protopast
(IF: Meijer and Simmonds, 1988); BY-2 (IF: Sonobe, 1990): Viciu ( I F Simmonds, 1986);
(gymnosperm) Picia (IF: Fowke el a/., 1990)
Callus: Petunia (IF: Traas et a/., 1990)
Sporophytc roots: Atfiantum (IF: Panteris et al., IYY1); Azolfu, all categories of divisions
(EM: Gunning et a/., 1978a); Ceratopteris, apical cell (EM: Gunning, 1982): Dryopteris,
adventitious roots (EM: Burgess, 1970b); Isoetes (EM: Brown and Lcmmon, 1984; IF:
Cleary et a/., 1992b); Se/aginella (EM: Brown and Lemmon. 1984)
Azollu, stomata of a single unspecialized annular gaurd cell with two nuclei
(EM: Busby and Gunning, 1984);Anemiu, a floating stomata (EM: Galatis el a/., 1986):
Se/ugine/lu. monoplastid GMC (EM: Brown and Lemmon, 198%; IF: Cleary ef 01.. 1992a)
Trichome development: Salvinitt (EM: Busby and Gunning, 1980)
Tricoblast and atrichoblast formation: Azolla (EM: Gunning et al., 197%): Hydrocharis
(EM: Gunning et a/., 197Sb)
Protonemata: Adiantum (EM: Wada et ul., 1980; IF: Murata and Wada, 1989); Athyrium
(EM: Jenni eta/., 1990)
Antheridia development: Anemia, very early steps of antheridium development (EM:
Schraudolf, 1993): Rlechum (EM: Busby as cited in Gunning, 1982)
Mosses: Funaria, nonstomatal epidermal cells in capsule (EM: Sack and Paolillo, 1985);
gametophore tissue (EM: Schnepf in Gunning, 1982); Tmema cell mother cell (EM and
IF: Sawidis et nl., 1991): Physcomitrda, apices of leafy shoot (IF: Dooniin et al., 1987):
Sohannum, leaflet (EM: Schnepf, 1Y73)
Hornworts: Phaeoceros, meristematic portion of young sporophyte (EM and IF: Brown
and Lemmon, 1988)
Liverworts: Marchantia, thallus cells (EM: Fowke and Pickett-Heaps, 1978); initial aperture
cells (EM: Apostolakos and Galatis, 1985a); differential division of mucilage papillae
and other scale cells, inner thallus cells, photosynthetic filament cells and their mother
cells (EM: Galatis and Apostolakos, 1977; IF: Apostolakos and Galatis, 1992, 1993);
Reboulia, archegoniophore stalk cells (IF Brown and Lemmon, 1990); Conocephalurn,
sporophyte (IF: Shimamura et al., 1998)
Note. Cell types and genus names in which PPBs are observed by electron microscopy
(EM), by immunoflurescent microscopy (IF), or by the direct MT observation in living cells
(LC) are listed and a reference is cited for each item.
f 0 h
FIG. 7 Changes in MT distribution during the progression of PPB and spindle development
in onion root tip cells. The ellipse in the center of the cell represents the nucleus. MTs are
shown as thin black lines. The cell cycle stage in each MT stage is as follows: (a) G , , S, or
G2 phases; (b-d) G2 or prophase; (e and f ) prophase; (8) late prophase or prometaphase;
(h) metaphase. These diagrams are made based on observation from Wick et al. (1981), Wick
and Duniec (1983,1984), Mineyuki er al. (1988b), Mineyuki (1993), and Nogami et nl. (1996).
PPB fluorescence in late prophase is much brighter than that in the early
narrow PPB (Fig. 9). EM study of onion PPBs shows that the number of
MTs increases during prophase and the distance between adjacent MTs
becomes less as the MT number increases (Nogami et al., 1996). The nar-
FIG.8 Tubulin immunofluorescence images of double MT band in onion root tip cells. (a)
A double MT band seen in the normal condition. This is thought to be a transition stage
from a broad PPB to a narrow PPB. (b) An irregular double MT band induced by the
treatment of 36 p M CHM for 2 h. Note that the distance between two MT bands is irregularly
long and each MT band is well packed. Scale bar = 10 p m (photograph by A. Nogami).
FIG. 9 MT bundling processes on the cell cortex in onion root tip cells. (a) lnterphase cortical
MTs. (b) A broad PPB. (c) A narrow PPB, which is almost bundled. (d) A mature PPB; each
MT in the PPB cannot be distinguished. (e) Loosening of MTs in the PPB at prometaphase.
(a-e) Surface view. (f) Midoptical section of the cell in e. MT connection between spindles
and the PPB (arrow) are seen. Arrowheads, MTs in a PPB. Scale bar = 10 pni.
Because a PPB is one of the earliest intracellular structures that predicts the
future division site, a question arises whether the division site is determined
during PPB formation or before the PPB starts to form. A hint to the
answer to this question comes from IFM observations of MT reorganization
during stomatogenesis. Figure 10 summarizes changes in MT organization
during PPB formation in various types of cell division. Because the orienta-
tion of the division plane is the same as that of the preceding division in
most cells, ICMs in these cells are already oriented parallel to the future
division plane (Fig. 10a). In GMCs, however, the division plane must reori-
ent perpendicular to the former division plane. IRonion GMCs (Fig. lob),
interphase MTs are randomly oriented in the cytoplasm and the first indica-
tion of the new orientation of the division plane is a broad PPB (Mineyuki
et al., 1989). Graminean GMCs (Fig. 1Oc) have interphase MT bands
that orient perpendicular to PPBs (Singh, 1977; Busby and Gunning, 1980;
Galatis, 1982). This transverse interphase MT band precedes a radial MT
array, which is then replaced by a PPB prior to the longitudinal cell division
(Mullinax and Palevitz, 1989; Cho and Wick, 1989; Cleary and Hardham,
1989). Because shifts in division plane orientation occur around the time
of formation of the broad PPB, broad PPB formation emerges as a process
in which the orientation of the division plane is fixed.
Although the broad PPB predicts the orientation of the division plane
and its appropriate location in the cell cortex, it cannot precisely define
the division site. In asymmetrical division of onion epidermis, ICMs do not
always orient transversely, especially in basal regions of young cotyledons.
However, all cortical MTs are oriented transversely during broad PPB
formation (Fig. 10d). Then, narrowing of the PPB occurs to define the final
division site (Mineyuki et al., 1989). Cytochalasin does not affect formation
of the broad PPB nor the progression of the cell cycle, but it inhibits PPB
narrowing. The persistent broad PPBs in the presence of cytochalasin are
associated with subsequent changes in the position of the mitotic apparatus
and the cell plate. The number of apically located small GMC-like cells
decreases, indicating the importance of the PPB-narrowing step for determi-
nation of the division site (Mineyuki and Palevitz, 1990).
PPBs in graminean subsidiary mother cells (SMCs) (Fig. 10e) first appear
as fan-shaped arrays of MTs in the paradermal cortex that focus on two
FIG. 10 Changes in MT arrangement during PPB formation. (a) Symmetrical cell division
commonly seen in root meristems or epidermal cells (Wick and Duniec, 1983,1984; Mineyuki
et d,,1991a). (b) Onion GMC division (Mineyuki er ul., 1989). (c) Graminacean GMC division
(Cho and Wick, 198Y;Mullinax and Palevitz, 1989). Many graminacean plants (Avena, wheat,
and maize) maintain a broad PPB until it disappears, but a narrow PPB is reported in Luliurn
(Cleary and Hardham, 1989). (d) Asymmetrical cell division of onion cotyledons (Mineyuki
and Palevitz, 1990). (e) Graminacean SMC divisions (Cho and Wick, 1989; Cleary and Hard-
ham, 1989; Mullinax and Palevitz, 1989). The longitudinal axis of the cell is vertically oriented
and the apical end of the organ is positioned toward the top of the page. Thick lines show
thc outline of cells, and the thin lines show MTs. I, interphase; BP, broad PPB stage; NP,
narrow PPB stage; SP, a narrow PPB stage with a bipolar spindle.
relatively broad regions along the edges of the SMCs. This arrangement
may reflect the transverse cell polarity that is governed by the GMCs. Then,
interaction of MTs within and between these arrays gives rise to a curved,
narrow band that defines the ultimate division site (Mullinax and Palevitz,
1989; Cho and Wick, 1989; Cleary and Hardham, 1989). These steps may
correspond to the successive stages of formation of a broad PPB and a
band narrowing stage, as seen in other cell types.
The division plane orientation in a cell can be influenced by nearly
mechanical injury. The first indication of the new division polarity is a
reorientation of cortical actin filaments (AFs) that occurs within 30 min
after wounding (Goodbody and Lloyd, 1990). Reorientation of ICMs to
the future division plane is also reported to occur 2-6 h after wounding,
i.e., long before PPB formation (Wilms and Derksen, 1988; Hush et al.,
1990). However, in Nautilocafyx explants, if a second wound is inflicted
before cell division, reorientation of the division plane is inducible until
the early stages of PPB formation (Venverloo, 1990). This means that
although the orientation of the division plane can be determined early
before PPB formation, it is reversible until the beginning (or early stages)
of the PPB formation. Coexistence of differently oriented MT bands in a
cell is reported in Azoffaand pea root tips (Gunning et af., 1978a; Gunning
and Wick, 1985) and in the shoot apical meristem of Hedera (Marc and
Hackett, 1989). This may be explained as a transitional stage from an old
division plane axis to a new axis.
This evidence supports our hypothesis (Mineyuki et af., 1989) that forma-
tion of a broad PPB is a necessary step to fix the axis of division polarity
(division plane orientation) in a cell and the subsequent narrowing of the
MT band determines the ultimate site where the cell plate will join the
parental walls. In some cases, cell polarity is predetermined long before
the former divisions, but it can be adjusted by environmental factors until
the beginning of PPB formation. The division polarity is fixed during broad
PPB formation and the precise division site is determined by the narrowing
of the MT bands, with submicrometer accuracy.
Where do PPB MTs come from? Are they nucleated at the site of incipient
PPB formation? Because MTs can translocate over a substratum with the
help of motor proteins and cofactors in vitro, the idea of rearrangement,
Are there any specific MTOCs in the PPB? Packard and Stack (1976)
pointed out that the PM is a candidate for a MT-nucleating site, claiming
that PPB MTs often appear to terminate in or on the PM. Hardham and
Gunning (1978) could not confirm such patterns of termination in PPBs.
Gunning et al. (1978b) proposed that initiation sites for the PPB are situated
along the cell edges. This possibility is also raised by work on other cell
types (Galatis, 1982; Apostolakos and Galatis, 1992). The observation that
MTs are better organized at cell edges than cell surfaces in broad PPBs
that appear during recovery from colchicine for 12 h further supports the
idea (Galatis and Apostolakos, 1991). However, there have been no reports
on the specific localization of candidate MTOC molecules at cell edges.
A survey of MTOCs in the PPB using autoimmune serum 5051, which
recognizes animal centriolar materials, failed to reveal any positive signs
of MTOCs in PPBs (Clayton et al., 1985; Wick et al., 1985; Palevitz, 1988).
However, the specificity of this serum to plant MTOCs is questionable
(Harper et al., 1989). Anti-centrin also fails to stain the PPB (Del Vecchio
et al., 1997). Colchicine-induced paracrystals often occupy the cortical cyto-
plasmic zone where a PPB is expected to be assembled, suggesting the
possible existence of MTOCs (Apostolakos et al., 1990; Karagiannidou
et al., 1995). Antibodies that recognize an EF-la homolog reveal PPBs
(Hasezawa and Nagata, 1993). Although these antibodies were originally
raised against sea urchin centrosomes, immunologically cross-reactive pep-
tides are colocalized with all categories of MTs in plants and animals (Ohta
C. PM-MT Connection
The question of whether the nucleus, or the position of the nucleus, influ-
ences the determination of the PPB site has been investigated. In Adianturn
protonemata, nuclear position apparently influences the site of early PPB
formation (Murata and Wada, 1991a). A PPB forms around a basipetally
displaced nucleus when a protonema cell is centrifuged before the time of
PPB formation. However, double MT bands are formed, one in the correct
position and another around the displaced nucleus, when the nucleus is
displaced in an early stage of PPB formation (Figs. lla-llc). Similarly,
when binuclei induced by caffeine are separated using centrifugation, two
PPBs are formed, one around each nucleus (Murata and Wada, 1993).
Counter to the centrifugation experiments in Adianturn, other pieces of
evidence indicate that the position of PPBs is not particularly influenced
by the nucleus or nuclei, especially in the organized tissue. First, in some
asymmetrical divisions, a PPB is formed asymmetrically although the nu-
cleus has not yet migrated (e.g., Fig. 3a; Mineyuki and Palevitz, 1990).
Second, centrifugation experiments on cell division in stornatal develop-
ment show that PPBs remain at the correct position (Pickett-Heaps, 1969c;
Galatis et al., 1984a). Third, in cases in which two SCs are induced by two
successively aligned GMCs in a wheat epidermal cell, four PPB sites are
seen in a longitudinal anticlinal wall (Galatis et al., 1983), although the
induced cell has only one nucleus. Finally, in division of caffeine-induced
binucleate cells in organized tissues, the PPB position is suggested to be
a b C
d e
A. Actin
Cortical actin bands encompassing the PPB (Fig. 12c) have been reported
in various cell types (Palevitz, 1987, 1988; Trass er al., 1987; Kakimoto and
FIG. 12 PPB MTs and actin in onion cotyledon. All three cells are in late prophase judged
from the nuclear staining (data not shown). (a, b) Tubulin immunofluorescence images and
(c) an image of AFs stained with rhodamine phalloidin. Cells are treated with (b) or without
(a, c) 20 y M cytochalasin D. Note that in control, PPB MT is narrow but AF band is broad.
Scale bar = 10 yrn. See detail in Mineyuki and Palevitz (1990).
Shibaoka, 1987; Lloyd and Traas, 1988; McCurdy et al., 1988; Mineyuki
and Palevitz, 1990; McCurdy and Gunning, 1990; Katsuta et al., 1990; Liu
and Palevitz, 1992; Eleftheriou and Palevitz, 1992; Panteris et al., 1992;
Cleary et at., 1992a, c; Cleary, 1995; Cleary and Mathesius, 1996; BaluSka
et al., 1997) using fluorescent phalloidin derivatives, immunostaining, or
microinjection. The existence of microfilaments in the PPB is also confirmed
by EM (Ding et al., 1991). The width of the actin band always exceeds the
area covered by the MT band (compare Figs. 12a and 12c), and it sometimes
occupies the whole of the cell surface. While formation of the actin band
precedes the incipient PPB formation in onion and Tradescantia roots (Liu
and Palevitz, 1992), it appears sometime after a broad PPB formation in
wheat roots (McCurdy and Gunning, 1990) and Tradescantia stamen hair
cells (Cleary et ul., 1992~).While the actin band disappears when PPB MTs
are destroyed by MT inhibitors (Palevitz, 1987;Trass et al., 1987; Mineyuki
and Palevitz, 1990; Katsuta et al., 1990; Panteris et al., 1992), it remains in
other cases (Lloyd and Traas, 1988; McCurdy and Gunning, 1990). Also,
while the actin band disappears before the breakdown of PPB MTs in some
systems (Liu and Palevitz, 1992; McCurdy and Gunning, 1990; Cleary et
al., 1992c), in others it persists, even in metaphase (Lloyd and Traas, 1988;
Mincyuki and Palevitz, 1990;Fig. 12 in Cleary, 1995). Recovery experiments
from cytoskeletal inhibitors indicate that MTs are necessary for the mainte-
nance of the actin band (McCurdy and Gunning, 1990; Panteris et aL, 1992).
While some actin persists in the cell cortex throughout mitosis, it disap-
pears from the division site after the disappearance of the actin band. This
actin-depleted zone was found independently by IFM of root tips (Liu
and Palevitz, 1992) and by microinjection of rhodamin-phalloidin into
Tradescantia stamen hair cells (Cleary et al., 1992~);its existence was con-
firmed in other systems (Cleary, 1995; BaluSka et al., 1997). Although it is
not conspicuous, some photographs presented in the earlier works on actin
band also suggest the existence of actin-depleted zone, For example, I
present a picture of Fig. 12c as a broad PPB actin, but if the image is
carefully examined, the fluorescent signals in the central part of the actin
band appear to be weak. If we regard this as an actin-depleted zone,
transversely aligned cortical AFs are not a PPB actin. Reexamination of
actin bands described in the early work will be necessary. Because observa-
tion of living cells indicates that cell plates are inserted accurately in the
area of the cortex defined by the actin-depleted zone, the actin-depleted
zone may have some essential roles for the memory of the division site
(see Section IX).
Cytochalasin D interferes with the narrowing of the PPB MTs (Fig. 12b)
(Mincyuki and Palevitz, 1990;Eleftheriou and Palevitz, 1992). PPBs become
wide within 15 min after cytochalasin treatment, indicating that the cytocha-
lasin treatment also leads to rewidening of the MT band. PPB MTs do not
bundle to form a narrow band in GMCs of winter rye in normal conditions
(Fig, IOc). The abscence of actin bands in these cells (Cho and Wick, 1990,
1991) supports the idea of involvement of actin bands in PPB bundling, al-
though it is not certain that the procedures used were capable of detecting
the delicate actin (Clearly and Mathesius, 1996). Although PPBs in GMCs
of Selagitzella kruusiana never become narrow, an actin band is observed
(Cleary et al., 1992a). Whether the difference between the presence and ab-
sence of actin bands between these GMCs with a broad PPB is a result of the
phylogenetical difference between a grass and a fern ally remains unsolved.
B. Cyclin-Dependent Kinases
cdc2, but it does not associate with the PPB (Hepler et al., 1994). A mono-
clonal antibody, MPM-2, has been used to identify a family of proteins that
becomes phosphorylated at mitosis in a range of eukaryotic cells (Davis et
al., 1983). Although MPM-2 fails to stain the PPB, the increase in MPM-2
fluorescence in a cell apparently correlates with PPB formation (Trass et
al., 1992; Young et al., 1994). Effects of phosphatase inhibitors on PPBs
are also reported. Hasezawa and Nagata (1992) show inhibition of the PPB
formation by okadaic acid, whereas Zhang et al. (1992) observe that cells
incubated with okadaic acid are accumulated in G2 and that the PPB
develops and disassembles with the same timing as controls, although the
treated cells do not progress to prometaphase. More examination may be
necessary to understand these inconsistent results. However, it is clear that
some kinases (including cdc2) and phosphatases act in concert to control
PPB development and degradation.
As discussed in Section III,A, cell plates fuse to the parental walls at the
former PPB site, without exception. Cell plate formation includes two
separate phases (Mineyuki et aL, 1991b): (i) the appearance of cell plate
fragments between the daughter nuclei and (ii) expansion of cell plates to
the former PPB site. In cells whose equatorial planes are not parallel to
the future division plane (Fig. 5c), location of the incipient phragmoplast
is independent of the PPB site and it is restricted by the position of daughter
nuclei. Reorientation of cell plates to the division site occurs in the second
phase. Experimental obliteration of the PPB in Adianturn protonemata
(Mineyuki et al., 1991b;Murata and Wada, 1991a)causes incorrect insertion
of cell plate. In these cases, the appearance of the phragmoplast between
the daughter nuclei looks normal, but phragmoplast expansion toward
the correct division site is affected by the treatment (Figs. 13a and 13b).
Malorientation of the cell plate is also reported in large cells with PSs
following colchicine treatment during preprophase (Venverloo and Lib-
benga, 1987).This indicates the involvement of the PPB site in the guidance
of phragmoplast expansion. Because cytochalasin and phalloidin also inhibit
the cell plate expansion process, actin must somehow be involved in this
process (Palevitz and Hepler, 1974b; Palevitz, 1980, 1986; Mineyuki and
Gunning, 1990; Cho and Wick, 1990). In cells with a PS, it is proposed that
actin (see Section VI,C,l) guides the expanding phragmoplast to the division
site (Lloyd and Traas, 1988), but this does not seem applicable to meriste-
matic cells, for which evidence to the contrary has accumulated (Cleary,
1995). However, Valster and Hepler (1997) recently showed that AFs link
the expanding edge of the phragmoplast with the cortical division site and
FIG. 13 Cell plate formation in altered cell division of Adiantum protonemata. (a, b) Tubulin
immunofluorescence of a development of phragmoplasts in cells whose PPB formation is
obliterated by the experimental manipulation with red light (see detail in Mineyuki et aL,
1991b). (a) Early telophase. (b) Late telophase. Note that while the incipient phragmoplast
appearance seems normal, the expansion of the phragmoplast becomes abnormal. (c, d) Cell
plate in the dark-induced cell division in the presence (c) or absence (d) of 2% dimethyl
sulfoxide (DMSO). Note that although cell plate is inserted transversely in control, DMSO-
treated cell plate is inserted obliquely. Scale bars = 10 pm.
Because the ultimate prophase spindle axis has been found to be perpendic-
ular to the PPB in all cases reported to date, involvement of the PPB in
prophase spindle orientation has been suggested (Wick and Duniec, 1984).
This has further been confirmed by observation of GMCs (Figs. 10b and
1Oc; Mineyuki et al., 1988a; Cho and Wick, 1989; Cleary and Hardham,
1989). In onion GMCs, the prophase spindle orients transversely, perpen-
dicular to the PPB, but it gradually changes its orientation during prometa-
phase and it finally orients obliquely in meta and anaphase (Mineyuki et
al., 1988a). In Haemanthus endosperm, a cell type which lacks PPBs, three
well-developed spindle poles are often formed in late prophase but are
transformed into normal bipolar spindles during prometaphase (Schmit et
al., 1983, 1985; Smirnova and Bajer, 1994). On the contrary, cells with a
PPB never show well-developed tripoles, suggesting that the PPB provides
a reference plane to which spindle poles can be established unambiguously.
Clear MT-linkage between spindle poles and the PPB have been seen in
late prophase (Figs. l a and 7f; Mineyuki et al., 1991a; Nogami et al., 1996).
When the narrowing of a PPB is inhibited by cytochalasin (Mineyuki and
Palevitz, 1990) or cycloheximide (Nogami et al., 1996), bipolar spindle
formation is also inhibited. These results indicate the possible involvement
of the PPB on bipolar spindle organization and/or spindle orientation.
XI. Conclusion
The determination of the division site and correct insertion of a cell plate
at the predetermined division site contain the following elementary pro-
cesses: (i) Orientation of the division plane is fixed in a cell in terms of the
parallel alignment of cortical MTs to the future division plane orientation
(broad PPB formation); (ii) the precise position at which the cell plate will
fuse with the parental wall is determined by narrowing of the broad MT
band (maturation of a PPB); (iii) accumulation of some information at the
PPB site (division site) is necessary in the final stage of cytokinesis;
(iv) disappearance of the PPB to utilize MTdtubulin for spindle formation
at the prophase/prometaphase transition stage; (v) appearance of cell plate
fragments between daughter nuclei at the anaphaseltelophase transition
stage; (vi) centrifugal expansion of the cell plate to the division site; and
(vii) cell plate maturation after the cell piate edges attach to the parental
cell walls. The PPB is somehow involved in steps i-iv, and the positional
information accumulated at step iii may be involved in steps vi and vii. As
discussed in Section VI,B, the PPB is not a determinant of the division
plane orientation but a determinant of the ultimate division site. The most
important function of a PPB may be the accumulation of positional informa-
tion at the division site that may be necessary for the correct insertion and
maturation of the cell plate (see Section IX). Thus, it is important to know
the molecular mechanism of PPB narrowing for the ultimate division site
determination and finding molecules which are accumulated at the PPB
site may be the next crucial step for studying the function of PPBs.
I thank Dr. Masashi Tazawa (Fukui Institute of Technology) for the encouragement to write
this chapter and to Dr. Takashi Murata (University of Tokyo) and Professor Brian E. S.
Gunning (Australian National University) for critical reading of the manuscript. I also thank
colleagues both inside and outside Japan for their helpful comments on the manuscript and
for generously providing their unpublished information, micrographs, and figures. 1 especially
thank Ms. Akiko Nogami and Chikage Okushima for their help in preparing the manuscript.
This work was supported by the Ito Science Foundation, the Surnitomo Foundation, and a
research grant from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture in Japan.
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