Emerging Concepts of Brain Function PDF
Emerging Concepts of Brain Function PDF
Emerging Concepts of Brain Function PDF
Research Report
Departments of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Medicine
and of Biomedical Engineering, 1300 University Avenue, Room 2756
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA
[email protected]
For over 40 years, since I rst obtained evidence for nonsynaptic diusion neurotransmis-
sion (most scientists call it Volume Transmission), I have been convinced that we scientists
were ignoring organizational dynamics other than the mechanistic synaptic organization
of the brain. For many years it was an uneasy feeling, since I was aware there are so many
avenues to explore in brain function. I have wondered how much we scientists have ignored,
in our quest to understand how the brain really works, due to our eorts to be scientic.
In addition to the diculty of understanding how the brain functions, how could we even
begin to explore the human experience? In this paper I will rst discuss some emerging
concepts of brain function. I will then comment on the development of concepts that have
been a part of my own research experience.
1. Introduction
The connectionist-localizationist theory of brain function, based on the neuron doc-
trine, was the product of many brilliant studies by Broca [37], Ramon y Cajal [38],
Sherrington [85], and other scientists of the last half of the 19th and the rst third of
the 20th century. Anatomical, physiologic, neurochemical and clinical data collected
during and shortly after that period t comfortably within that concept of how the
brain works.
However, that model was developed and established before the era of molec-
ular biology, before extrasynaptic diusion neurotransmission, before G-proteins
and ionic and metabotropic membrane signaling systems, before co-transmitters,
before glial involvement in neurotransmission, before the reappearance of adult
brain plasticity concepts, but after a century of domination of the neurosciences
by localizationism. As each of these and other processes were demonstrated over the
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last third of a century, their roles have been interpreted within the existing concep-
tual framework. The t has not always been comfortable [10, 14, 16, 84], but since
there really was no alternative viable theory, the old paradigm has endured.
views synaptic function as . . . the light play of high notes in an organ recitation
against the sustained structure of base notes (VT), both carrying the activity like
two legs in walking [16]. Our studies [12, 16, 31] suggest that Freemans sustained
structure of the base notes may be sucient in those cases where sustained rather
than immediate action is required.
During the century of virtually total domination of the neurosciences by hard-
wired localizationist concepts that followed Brocas demonstration of functional
localization, some scientists presented evidence for plasticity, but their ndings were
generally ignored. Thus, in a well known study, Hubel and Wiesel [63] sewed the
eyelid of one eye in kittens, eliminating visual input to the retina and to the cor-
responding part of the visual cortex. When they removed the sutures, the kittens
showed no ability to see with the previously sutured eye and they remained perma-
nently blind (amblyopic) in that eye. However, Chow and Stewart [39] repeated their
study but added visual training (rehabilitation), and obtained morphological, phys-
iological and behavioral evidence for recovery, which demonstrated the plasticity of
the brain. Nevertheless, at that time the conceptual substance of the neurosciences
did not include plasticity, and their study was rarely cited. Our early brain plasticity
studies demonstrating the capacity of congenitally blind persons to be trained to
perceive visual information delivered to the skin via a modied television camera and
an array of vibro- or electrotactile stimulators [7, 11, 27] were also incongruent with
the prevailing localizationist concepts. Thus, the prevailing conceptual framework
aects the generation of knowledge at all stages, including the choice of experi-
ment, the experimental design, the experimental methods, and the interpretation
of the results. In addition, it aects the interest generated by the results, as evi-
denced by the minimal interest in the Chow and Stewart and other brain plasticity
The prevailing conceptual framework also aects the therapy for specic dis-
ease entities; the conclusions of Hubel and Wiesel [63] regarding the permanence of
amblyopia following lid suture were not likely to have inspired plasticity-based reha-
bilitation approaches to brain dysfunction due to developmentally-induced abnor-
malities. Similarly, although Franz and associates demonstrated recovery from brain
damage with appropriate rehabilitation in both animals and humans and published
their results in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1915 (in which
they suggested that we should not speak of permanent paralysis in hemiplegic
patients, but rather of untreated paralysis), their study did not inuence the clini-
cal management of stroke patients [48]. Furthermore, cerebral ablation experiments
led to the long-dominant clinical concept of permanent loss of function following
stroke or traumatic brain damage; little recovery was expected within that con-
ceptual framework, and (consistent with Mertons [73] ideas on the self-fullling
prophecy) little recovery was obtained [16, 32, 33, 42].
Within that conceptual framework, even most practitioners in the eld of Neu-
rological Rehabilitation have sought functional adaptation to the disability resulting
from a brain lesion, rather than reorganization of function [16, 23]. Yet Luria [72]
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noted that automatic and instinctive reorganizations after a lesion simply exclude
the dysfunctional part of the body, while with appropriate rehabilitation, including
conscious eort, function is reorganized to include the motorically dysfunctional
parts of the body, resulting (within certain limits) in functional recovery.
It appears that the neurosciences are slower to shift paradigms than other elds.
Horrobin [62] suggested that this may be due to the absence of an appreciation for
theory and hypotheses. He noted that the concept of the dependence of observa-
tion on theory and hypothesis is thoroughly understood in physics, chemistry and
related sciences; in these elds there is a balanced tension between hypothesis and
theory on one hand and experiment on the other. It is recognized that discovery in
science almost always begins either with a hypothesis or with an observation that
can be seen as anomalous against the background of a clearly dened theoretical
construct. Horrobin noted that the situation in the biomedical sciences could hardly
be more dierent. We treat ideas in the absence of observation as something that
must not be allowed to see the light of day. He further noted that we have no tra-
dition of analytic criticism of existing theoretical concepts, and as a result, general
beliefs persist within the biomedical community long after evidence is available to
quash them.
In the absence of broad-based support for theoretical approaches within the dis-
ciplines of the neurosciences, theories have often been imposed by the strength of
personality and the professional reputations of the proponents, instead of resulting
from open debate in the neuroscience literature. This in no way detracts from the
great scientic contributions of those scientists; rather, it reects the virtual dei-
cation of those persons by their followers. Thus, in addition to connectionism and
localizationism discussed above, other exclusive theories have been dicult to over-
turn. One of these is the Sherringtonian reex-based concept of cortical function.
When experimental evidence from sensory denervated primates demonstrated that
motor control could be organized and initiated by brain activity without sensory
input, Taub [87] concluded that the reex-based concept of cerebral function could
no longer be supported. However, he reports the anger and rejection with which he
was confronted due to this challenge to the hallowed Sherringtonian dogma, despite
the fact that there was no claim that reex-based and internally-initiated actions
are incompatible alternatives.
Theory that is congruent with modern neurobiology will inuence our under-
standing of mechanisms such as learning, plasticity, drug actions, recovery from
brain damage, and of mood, sleep, hunger and other mass sustained functions [12],
as well as inuencing developments in the elds of articial intelligence and neuronal
networks [4], which are connectivity-based at present. However, the intrinsic limi-
tations in the evolution of scientic thought will limit the speed at which radically
new (or old but previously ignored) experimentally supported concepts enter into
the conceptual substance of the neurosciences. We scientists are convinced that we
are scientic. Ultimately, fashion has been as dominant in science as it is in the
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eld of ladies clothing; when the hemline goes up, everyone follows suit. Similarly,
when a concept such as synaptic communication to the exclusion of all else is rmly
established, there is pressure to conform to the conventional dogma.
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Ranvier. A small (10,000 neuron) module would require approximately 1 joule per
liter of brain. Furthermore, the volume of the nerve bers necessary to fully connect
the brain synaptically would create a brain so large that it would not t in the
head [25].
The strictly hard-wired scheme is unfeasible, given available brain metabolic
resources. VT oers a less costly alternative to synaptic communication. Thus, rather
than purely synaptic process, it is more likely that a hybrid process, exhibiting
varying combinations of hard-wired (synaptic) and wireless (VT) connectivities,
would t into the available volume in the brain, with a signicant decrease in space
and energy costs resulting from signicantly reducing number of hard links (and
the nerve bers needed to connect them) and replacing them with soft, diusive
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conditions, which may involve a role for VT in negative plasticity leading to a dis-
ease state.
model of cell assemblies; as noted elsewhere, the initial VT studies revealed delays of
up to 4 seconds, which were considered to be related to multiplexing of polysensory
pontine cells that could have the eect of reducing the numbers of cells needed for
sensory messages [5].
Kercel [66] has pointed out that it is clear that the brain is not a computer,
and crucial brain functions cannot be implemented as a connectionist network.
Semantic ambiguity exists in real-world processes of life and mind. It is inherent
in these processes, and is not a pathological condition that can be resolved by
some sort of process of disambiguation. Semantic ambiguity also exists in high-
order logical abstractions, such as hypersets. Such structures are logically coherent
despite their ambiguity. Thus, it is feasible to rationally investigate a real-world
semantic process, such as the interaction between synaptic communication, glial
communication and VT, by placing the process into a modeling relation, such as
an impredicative logical representation, and gaining novel (albeit qualitative rather
than quantitative) insights about the real-world process by asking questions about
the model.
What is not feasible is serious investigation of such processes by algorithmic com-
putation. Algorithms disallow internal semantics, and specically prohibit ambigu-
ity. Attempting to ignore that prohibition leads to algorithms that deadlock [65].
In other words, in a fundamental manner, the operational constraints of algorithms
dier from the processes of life and mind. Thus, algorithmic descriptions of such
processes are supercial, capturing the incidental syntax but excluding the essential
Kercel [64, 66] has further noted that the reductionist paradigm that leads to
connectionism, especially in its modern computational format, claims in princi-
ple to be capable of completely representing any process that occurs in physical
reality. This claim is clearly refuted by its failure to describe inherent semantic
ambiguity, and by its inability to account for the fact that the mind deals eec-
tively with ambiguous sensory cues. The concept of an inherently ambiguous model
that enables us to reason about inherently ambiguous natural processes is gain-
ing interest among logicians and mathematicians [64]. The resulting descriptions
are qualitative and incomplete, but those partial descriptions nevertheless provide
information about relationships and processes that are totally inaccessible to com-
Kercel [67] has concluded that brain dynamics depends on the interacting dynam-
ics of synaptic, diusive, and glial activities. Observations indicate that synaptic
and diusive activities modify each others morphology, and glial activity modies
both. Synaptic activity modies glial network morphology. Whether diusion mod-
ies glial morphology has not been reported but it is reasonable to expect that
it does. The relationship between these three functions forms a closed-loop hier-
archy of causation in brain function, and the inherent causal ambiguity of such a
hierarchy may account for some of the seemingly bizarre properties of cognitive
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thus have not developed the mechanisms for analyzing information through the lost
A thorough study of persons learning to use a sensory substitution system, with
the information from an articial receptor delivered to the brain through sensory
systems (e.g., tactile) that have remained intact, has oered unique opportunities to
evaluate mechanisms of brain plasticity. It has taken more than 30 years for instru-
mentation technology and neuroscience concepts to mature to the level necessary for
the expected major applications to emerge from those studies, but it now appears
that the stage is set for those to occur.
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than the visual responses. Studies in adult congenitally blind persons reveal that
the non-visual inputs to the visual cortex become prominent [94]. These more ten-
uous pathways may be the type of masked pathways that are unmasked following
neural lesion, provided that there is an appropriate rehabilitation or substitution
program, and that there is the functional demand and the motivation to obtain the
increased function.
community. This has been the source of frustration, but at least now it does not
shock people or worse, make them laugh in disdain. More signicantly, we are now
receiving substantial and consistent research funding.
But why has it taken so long? Clearly it was far out of the mainstream of science.
In addition, it posed a very simple solution to a major problem. There are very
extensive and complex mechanisms involved in vision, but we were oering a simple
low-resolution visual image through the skin, and it works. It is an example of the
tremendous capacity of the brain to extract information from even the simplest
input. An example is the enormously useful information gathered by a blind person
entering a room using a long cane. A single point swept sequentially provides the
information to create a spatial knowledge of the room and contents.
I have previously noted that blind subjects who have trained with the TVSS
demonstrate perceptual equivalence between and across modalities [16], and that
this is also frequently noted under other circumstances. Gibson [55] noted that re
is the same whether the information has been obtained by hearing, feeling, looking,
or smelling. There is a common aspect of perceptual activity that permits one to
utilize information from several channels in such a way that invariant properties of
objects are extracted.
As learning progresses, the information extraction processes become more and
more automatic and unconscious. Miller [74] considered that a chunking phe-
nomenon allows the number of bits per chunk to increase. A blind subject looking
at a display of objects must initially consciously perceive each of the relative factors
such as the perspective of the table, the precise contour of each object, the size and
orientation of each object and the relative position of parts of each object to others
nearby. With experience, information regarding several of these factors is simultane-
ously gathered and evaluated. The increased information transfer through a sensory
substitution system can be interpreted in terms of Millers chunking model. The
highly complex visual input can thus be reduced by selective processes to man-
ageable proportions, allowing the input to be mediated by the somesthetic system
or, in Gibsonian [55] terms, the subject learns to extract the relevant information.
Many relevant studies have been summarized in Dennetts 1990 book [44]. He
noted that There are perceptual analysis tasks, such as speech perception, that
would be beyond the physical limits of the brains machinery if it didnt utilize
ingenious anticipatory strategies that feed on redundancies in the input. The world
provides an inexhaustible deluge of information bombarding our senses and when we
concentrate on how much is coming in, or continuously available, we often succumb
to the illusion that all of it must be used at all time. However, our capacities to use
information and our epistemic appetites are limited. If our brains can just satisfy
all our particular epistemic hungers as they arise . . . we will never be able to tell . . .
that our brains are provisioning us with less than everything that is available in the
world. A conscious mind is an observer, who takes in a limited subset of all the
information . . . available at a particular . . . continuous sequence of times and places.
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7. Closing Comments
In April 2004, I celebrated my 70th birthday shortly after I was diagnosed with a
stage-4 lung cancer. Both of these events are inducements to reviewing my lifes
work. What I would like to see happening in the near future is the birth of a for-
mal eld of Theoretical Neuroscience which would allow the evolution of concepts
of brain function and lead to applications in the health elds. Thus, as experimen-
tal evidence becomes available and challenging the concepts being debated within
Theoretical Neuroscience, old ideas would be displaced much more rapidly than
the 50 or more years that it now takes. Mechanisms, such as VT, which may very
well compose the majority of neuro-communication in the brain and play important
roles in brain energetics, evolution of species, brain plasticity and recovery of func-
tion after brain damage or sensory loss, would be recognized and integrated into
new insights and practical applications in learning and recovery. Mechanisms such
as those related to motivation and consciousness that have not been evaluated by
available technology, would be acknowledged as legitimate areas for serious study
by neuroscientists. The dialogue between humanistic and scientic approaches to
human communication would increase from its present levels. A eld of Theoretical
Neurosciences would bridge the gap between the laboratory and the public and serve
to make the capacities of healing and reorganization of the brain, universally known
and immediately useable.
These studies were supported by an SBIR2 and an RO1 from the NEI, and an SBIR2
from the NIDCD, National Institutes of Health.
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