Tiny Epic Quest Rules v1 ©2016 Gamelyn Games LLC All Rights Reserved
Tiny Epic Quest Rules v1 ©2016 Gamelyn Games LLC All Rights Reserved
Tiny Epic Quest Rules v1 ©2016 Gamelyn Games LLC All Rights Reserved
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12 Heroes (ITEMeeples TM
) 4 Spell Tokens 4 Health &
(3 each in 4 player colors) (4 player colors) 4 Power Tokens
Front Back
12 Legendary Items
(Sword, Shield, and Staff; 1 First Player Token
1 set for each player)
12 Treasure Items
1 Item Rack
(assemble with 3 parts) 4 Max Health and
4 Max Power Markers
A world at peace has been torn apart by the opening of chasms across the
land. Goblins spew forth from the underworld, pouring into the sacred
mushroom grottos and destroying eons of ancient knowledge and magic.
To end this, you must venture forth on an epic quest!
There are many ways to help save the Mushroom Realm: defeating nasty
Goblins, learning ancient Spells, raiding dangerous Temples, acquiring
powerful Items, and completing treacherous Quests. Along the way, you'll
need to rely on planning and wit, but be careful not to push your luck too far!
1. Give each player: D C
2. Place the Magic Card, "2-4 player" side face up, on the table:
A. Place the players Spell Tokens (matching their player colors) off to the left of this card near
the Spell Library (denoted as books on the Magic Card), designating a spell level of "0".
B. Place the Magic Token onto the marked first space of the Magic Track.
3. Place the Round Card on the table, and on the right side of the card, place the Round
Token on the number 1, designating the first of five rounds.
5. Place the 3 Heroes of each player on the Map Card with the Castle matching the color of
their Player Cards.
6. Place Goblin Tokens, passive (green) side face up, on each of the 7 Goblin Portals on the
Land Map, matching the diamond on the token with the diamond on the Map Card. Place
the unused Goblin Tokens in a stack where all players can reach them.
7. Place the 5 Movement Cards, face up, in a row within reach of the players.
8. Shuffle the Quest Cards and place them into a deck, face down. Deal 3 face up Quest
Cards in a row so all players can easily see and reach them. There should always be at least
1 Movement Quest and 1 Treasure Quest (see pg. 10-11) face up in the row. If there is
not, discard the last card in the row and draw a new one until this requirement is met.
9. Place the Item Rack, along with the 12 Treasure Items in it, and the 5 Adventure Dice
within reach of the players.
10. Give the First Player Token to the player who has most recently done a scavenger
hunt, or as a group determine who gets the token. This player goes first. The token
should be placed with the face up at the start of the game.
5 Movement Cards
Magic Card
with Magic Token
on first space and
Spell Tokens off
the card at "0"
Goblin Tokens
3 Heroes
6 5 Adventure Dice &
12 Treasure Items
in Item Rack
First Player Token with first player, side up. Quest
Separate the Map Cards into
2 decks: 4 Castle Map Cards (with
Castles) and 13 Regular Map Cards. 4 Castle Map Cards 13 Regular Map Cards
Using the Bright side of each Map Card,
lay out the Land Map as follows:
1 Shuffle the Regular Map Cards, 3 3
then deal 5 into a "cross."
2 Randomly place all 4 Castle Map 3 2 1 2
Cards in the corners of the "cross."
3 Deal 8 Regular Map Cards, 2 to
3 1 1 1 3
each side of the center cards.
These Cards, along with the Castle
2 1 2 3
Map Cards, will serve as the
Coast of the Land Map.
3 3
Gameplay Overview
The game is played over 5 rounds, after
which players total their final scores. Each of
the five rounds consists of two phases:
This completes the Day Phase (see Day Phase Completion, pg. 12).
Hero Movement
There are five types of Movement Cards in the game, each describing a unique
travel method. The travel method for the turn is the same whether you selected
the card yourself or you are following the player who selected the card.
When a Hero moves, they must always move to a different Map Card.
A Hero cannot be moved to a Region (see Regions on the Map Cards, pg. 9)
on the same Map Card. When moving across any number Map Cards, your
Hero is considered to be moving through each Map Card between the
start and finish locations.
The 5 Movement Cards and their respective travel methods are:
By Horse
Move 1 Hero horizontally to
any different Map Card
along the "road".
By Raft
Move 1 Hero vertically to
any different Map Card
along the "river".
By Gryphon
Move 1 Hero diagonally
to any different Map Card
along the diagonal path.
By Ship
Move 1 Hero on the Coast
(perimeter of the Land Map) to
any different Map Card on the
Coast. Map Cards passed along
the Coast are considered to have
been "moved through."
By Foot
Move 1 Hero in any direction to
any adjacent Map Card.
Moving Past Goblins
Goblin Tokens have two sides:
Passive Goblins (green) Aggressive Goblins (red)
When moving through a Map Card (not your
start or destination) with an aggressive Goblin
(red) at its Portal, you must spend 1 Power FLIP
(move the Token down 1 number) for
EACH such Map Card that your Hero moves
through. Then flip that Goblin Token to its
passive side (green) with the diamond on the
Goblin Token aligning with diamond on the
To perform this Raft Movement
Map Card. with this Hero, you must spend 1
to move through a Map Card
If you end your movement at a Portal with with an aggressive Goblin (red).
an aggressive Goblin (red), flip it to its Then both aggressive Goblins are
passive side (green) without spending . flipped to their passive side (green).
Regions on the Map Cards
Each Map Card has two Regions: a Left and a Right Region (the top and bottom
of each side are considered to be the same Region). When you move your Hero
to a Map Card, you must choose on which Region of Map Card your Hero is
going to be placed, either on the Left or Right. Some Regions have actions that
may be taken when you move there. A Hero who starts on a Region like this
must move off the Map Card and back onto it during a subsequent movement
in order to take that Region's action again. The different Regions are:
Only 2 Heroes from
Place your Hero on the entrance of the 2 different players
may be in a Temple
Entrance Temple. You may attempt to complete at the same time.
this Temple and potentially gain Items
(see Exploring Temples, pg. 15). Only two
players may have 1 Hero (each) in any
part of the same Temple at the same time.
Spell Obelisks
Place your Hero in front of the Obelisk's 1 Hero per player.
spell book. You may attempt to learn the
Spell Book
Spell of that region during the Night
Phase (see Learning Spells, pg. 17). Any
number of players, 1 Hero each, can be in
this Region learning the same Spell.
Mushroom Grottos
Place your Hero on the Grotto, and
1 Hero per player.
then you may immediately take the
action that is described. Multiple
Heroes may occupy a single Grotto at
the same time. Heroes in a Grotto do
not perform any actions during the
Night Phase. Any number of players,
1 Hero each, can be in this Region.
Regions (continued)
Goblin Portal
Place your Hero on the circle below the
Goblin Token. The Hero is considered
Circle to be Attacking the Goblin, and you
may attempt to defeat it (see Attacking,
pg. 16). ONLY 1 Hero can attack a
Goblin at a time.
Only 1 Hero.
Place your Hero on a Castle to
immediately gain 1 OR 1 . You
also may gain this if you Idle while one
of your Heroes is at a Castle (see Idling,
pg. 8). Multiple Heroes may be in the
same Castle at the same time.
The 3 face up Quest Cards are available for any player to complete,
provided they meet the required conditions. There are two types of Quests:
Movement Quests and Treasure Quests
Movement Quests
Movement Quests are completed by moving
your Heroes in the manner described on the
Quest Card. After moving, when your Heroes
meet the requirements, declare it completed
and take the Quest Card, immediately
gaining the reward listed on it. Then slide the
card under the "Completed Quests" section of
your Player Card to count for final scoring.
Treasure Quests
To complete a Treasure Quest, you must complete the Temple listed
on the Quest Card (see Exploring Temples, pg. 15). You can complete
a Treasure Quest during either the Day or Night Phase.
To complete a Treasure Quest during the Day Phase, your Hero
must be the first Hero to reach the last space on the Temple Track.
To complete a Treasure Quest during the Night Phase, you must be the first player to
Rest (see Night Phase, pg. 12), with a Hero on the last space on the Temple Track.
In either case, when you complete a Quest Card, you would then resolve it
immediately by gaining the Treasure Item, taking the Quest Card and sliding
it underneath your Player Card under "Completed Quests," and return your
Hero to your Castle.
Equipping Heroes
When you gain an Item, you must immediately equip it to any of your
Heroes that has an available "hand" for it. Then gain the completed
Treasure Quest Card, if applicable. Each Hero can hold up to two
Items. The Hero who carries the Item gains its benefit as described on the Quest
Card. You MAY rearrange Items amongst YOUR Heroes on YOUR Castle freely. If
you gain an Item but none of your Heroes has an open "hand", keep the Item near
your Player Card. You may exchange it freely with your Heroes on your Castle.
3. Then all Adventuring players may simultaneously use these symbols toward
resolving their own Adventures:
4. Then the dice are passed clockwise to the next Adventuring player who starts
by choosing to Adventure or Rest. Once all players have chosen to Rest, or are
Exhausted (see the next page), move onto Resolution (see Resolution, pg.18).
Adventure Dice Actions:
Take DamageCount up each
rolled. This represents the total damage
dealt to the Adventuring players, and it is equally Clockwise
distributed clockwise starting with the player who Adventuring
rolled the dice and going to each Adventuring player.
Going clockwise, each player loses 1 Health (-1 )
for each damage taken until all the damage is dealt.
For instance, if you roll 3 , you take 1 , the
next Adventuring player is takes 1 , and the You
Adventuring player after that takes 1 . In the case
that there are only 2 players still Adventuring, you
would receive the third, taking 2 total.
Defending Damage
You may defend a that would deal damage by spending
2 . This action must happen immediately when each is
taken. This action is listed on your Player Card as a reminder.
Becoming Exhausted
If your Health Token ever reaches 0 , you become
Exhausted. Flip your Adventure Card to the Rest side and
immediately return ALL of your Heroes to your Castle. Set
your Health Token to 6 and your Power Token to 3 for the next
round (regardless of your Max Health or Max Power) and lose 1
Spell Level (-1 ) in the Spell Library (reduce Max Power Token if needed: see
Power Threshold, pg. 17). You can not resolve any more dice actions this round.
Level 0 (0 ) Players cannot learn a Spell; all dice are resolved normally.
Level 1 (1 ) Players can learn a Spell 1 Level higher than their current
Spell Level (represented by books); all dice are resolved normally.
Level 2 (2 ) Players can learn a Spell up to 2 Levels higher than their
current Spell Level; 's deal -2 in damage and 's do not give power.
Level 3 (3 ) Players can learn a Spell up to 3 Levels higher than their
current Spell Level; 's deal -3 in damage, 's do not give power,
and now 's no longer conjure magic and instead deal -1 in damage.
Forge Ahead
During the Night Phase only, any player who is still Adventuring,
and who has a Hero exploring a Temple, may at any time advance
that Hero by 1 or 1 by spending 2 . This can be paired
with any or rolled, but does not have to be. This can be done as many
times as the player can afford, and is listed on your Player Card as a reminder.
Exploring Temples Each player may
advance a Hero
Temples hold Legendary Items and Treasure Items that in a Temple 2
your Heroes can use to gain abilities. You start exploring
Temples during the Day Phase by moving your Hero
onto the Temple's entrance.
You may advance your Hero on the Temple Track (4
total spaces) by using and rolled during the Night
Phase, or with the help of certain Mushroom Grottos. If
the next space on the Track shows 2 symbols, they must
be rolled at the same time and both assigned to the same
Hero. You can also Forge Ahead in addition to the dice
rolled (see the previous page), and may advance multiple
Heroes, and advance multiple spaces on the same
Temple Track, if enough symbols were rolled or Forged.
If a player's Hero reaches the last space on a Temple Track during the Day Phase
(through use of a Grotto), that player has completed that Temple and they immediately
return their Hero to their Castle and gain 1 OR 1 . Then, that player can
take the Item and Quest Card they achieved, advance a Legendary Item on its track
on their Player Card, or both, if applicable.
If a player's Hero reaches the last space on a Temple Track during the Night Phase, the
completion of the Temple is resolved only when that player Rests. If a player becomes
Exhausted before they Rest, the Temple is not completed. Their Hero returns to their
Castle, losing their progress in the Temple, even if they were on the last space.
Legendary Items
There are 3 Legendary Items that are not acquired through completing
Treasure Quests. These Items require you to complete two Temples
separately in order (as presented on your Player Card), and when each
Temple is completed, the Item advances forward on its track. Completing
both Temples at the same time does not advance the Item twice. The first
Temple must be completed first, then the Item advances. After completing
the second Temple needed (see above), you gain the Legendary Item, and
may now equip it to a Hero of your choice (for clarification on each Item's
abilities, see Legendary Item Clarification, pg. 20).
This "Sword" is held in the Shadow Temple, but the Ice Temple must be completed first.
Dice Actions (continued)
When you Rest, either by choice or by becoming Exhausted, you
flip your Adventure Card over to its "Rest" side. If you were just
passed the dice, pass them again clockwise. You can no longer
Adventure or take part in rolling. You now must resolve your
Heroes depending on the Regions in which they are located.
Return your Heroes to your Castle:
All of your Heroes on Portals, Obelisks, or on the last space of a Temple Track
MUST return to your Castle. If you chose to Rest (not became Exhausted):
any Hero on the last space of a Temple Track completes that Temple (see
Exploring Temples, pg. 15), and any Hero on an Obelisk learns that Spell if the
Magic Level allows (see Learning Spells, pg. 17).
First, all players should have already resolved their Heroes when they Rested
(see Resting, pg. 16). This includes collecting defeated Goblin Tokens, learning
Spells, and completing Temples. Next, players perform the following to set up
for the next round:
Game End
The game's end is triggered at the completion of
the Night Phase of round 5.
Final Scoring
When the game ends, players add their Victory
Points. Players score Victory Points from four different sources:
Total Quests Completed
Total Goblins Defeated (Tokens)
Total Spells Learned (Spell Level)
Legendary Items found
(4 Victory Points each)
Legendary Item Clarification
The Sword is used to help attack Goblins during the Night Phase. For the Hero with the
Sword, you can spend 1 , any number of times, to deal 1 damage ( ) to a Goblin.
This can be used in conjunction with symbols rolled or independently. This action
may be taken even when you're not the player with the dice. However, the Hero must
be at a Goblin Portal to use it. Note: if also equipped with a Bow and attacking from one
Map Card away, the Sword ability does not apply.
The Shield is used to help defend against taking damage during the Night Phase.
It does not matter which Hero is equipped with the Shield. When you receive 1 ,
instead of spending 2 to defend, you only spend 1 . Note: if is spent to defend
1 , it negates all the damage that would otherwise deal -1 to -3 damage.
The Staff is used when you Rest during the Night Phase to help you learn Spells. For the
Hero with the Staff, you can spend 1 , any number of times, to learn the Spell that Hero
is on as if the Magic Token was advanced that number of additional spaces on the Magic
Track. Do not physically advance the token. For instance, if the Magic Token is on the fifth
space, you can spend 3 to act as if it were on the eighth space when you Rest. This allows
you to learn Spells that are a higher level than the current progress of the Magic Track.
Game Variant
Just when you thought the impending struggles of the Mushroom Realm couldn't get any
darker, a gloomy haze appears, covering the world in a fog and making your experience
more difficult. The GloomFall Variant adds additional challenges to gameplay.
Game Setup- Use the Gloom side for each Map Card while creating the Land Map.
Gameplay- There are slight differences to the Regions on Map Cards:
Goblin Portals Temples Mushroom Grottos
When new Goblins Tokens The second space on Temple New abilities that add
appear at Portals, they are placed Tracks has a double icon. more chance and actions.
aggressive side (red) up.
Solo Variant RuleS-
"The Legend of the Chosen One"
The Legend of the Chosen One tells of one
noble hero, guided by destiny, who alone can
thwart the minions of evil and bring peace
to this land. That hero is you! The fate of our
kingdom rests on your shoulders....
Game SetUp
The game is set up the same as a multiplayer game. However,
flip the Magic Card to the 1 player side. Also, the First Player
Token is not needed and should be left in the box.
Levels VP Goal
Solo Variant (continued)
Night Phase- Adventuring
As you Adventure, you are always the player with the dice. The Magic Track and
how it affects dice actions for each Magic Level are different in the Solo Variant:
Level 2 (2 ) All 's deal -1 in damage. All 's do not give power.
Level 3 (3 ) All 's deal -2 in damage. All 's do not give power,
and all 's now deal -1 in damage.
Night Phase- Resolution
The rightmost Quest Card is always discarded and other
cards are shifted to the right, regardless of whether the
player has completed one or not.
When flipping over Goblins Tokens to the aggressive side
(red), only 3 Goblins will turn aggressive at the end of each
Night Phase. The player chooses which 3 turn aggressive.
End of Game
If you reach the Victory Point Goal you decided on by the time the five
rounds have ended, you are victorious! If you fail to reach your Victory
Point Goal, the Mushroom Realm crumbles to ruin and you lose.
Designer: Scott Almes Game Developer: Michael Coe
Illustrator: Miguel Coimbra Graphic Designer: Benjamin Shulman
Editor: Richard A. Edwards Logo Design: Adam P. McIver
Honorary Producers
Stephen B. Eckman, Robert Corbett, Gregg Almes, Jonathan Wilkerson, Mike Paul,
Colin McRavey, Jason Neufeld, Robert Slack, Jung-Hun Lim, and MendoZen
Adventure Dice Symbols
Resolve First:
Take Damage* Lose 1 , and -2 or -3 at
higher Magic Levels.