Ph.D. Qualifying Examination Department of Physics and Astronomy Wayne State University

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Friday, January 8, 2016

10 AM 12 noon

Room 245, Physics Research Building

INSTRUCTIONS: This examination consists of three problems each worth 10 points. Use
a separate booklet for each problem. Write the following information on the front cover of
each booklet:
1. your special ID number that you received from Delores Cowen,
2. the exam and problem number (i.e. III.1).
Please make sure your answers are dark and legible.
Do NOT write your name on the cover or anywhere else in the booklet!
Problem III.1. A beam of particles can be described by a quantum-mechanical wave.
Consider the 1-dimensional motion of a beam of particles of mass m and energy E > 0
traveling (non-relativistically) in the x direction and incident on a step potential at x = 0.
(The particles have x > 0 before they reach the step.) The potential energy is described

U0 x < 0
U (x) =
0 x0

where U0 is a positive real number.

a) (2 pts.) State the time-independent Schroedinger equation for each region of x.
b) (2 pts.) State the form of the solutions for each region of x.
c) (2 pts.) State the boundary conditions.
d) (3 pts.) Find the probability that a particle is back-scattered (reflected).
e) (1 pt.) Using the result in d) find the probability for back scattering in the classical
Problem III.2. A one-dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator of mass m has ground
state time-independent wavefunction 0 (x) for potential energy V (x) = 12 kx2 (k > 0).
a) (6 pts.) Find 0 (x) with the correct normalization factor
pusing the lowering operator a

for which an (x) = nn1 (x), where a = ip + mx, = k/m, and p is the momentum
operator. A mathematical table follows.
b) (4 pts.) At a certain point in time, k is instantly doubled so that the potential enmergy
becomes V00 = kx2 for which the ground state is 00 (x). For the instant when V0 is changed
into V00 , find the numerical value of the probability of finding the particle in state 00 .
~ = B0 z through the
Problem III.3. A spin 1/2 particle interacts with a magnetic field B
~ where is the magnetic moment.
Pauli interaction H = ~ B
The Pauli spin matrices are ~ = (x , y , z ) where the i are

0 1 0 i 1 0
x = y = z = .
1 0 i 0 0 1

The eigenstates for z are the spinors

1 0
= = .
0 1

(a) (3 pts.) Suppose that at time t = 0 the particle is in an eigenstate x corresponding to

spin pointing along the positive x-axis. Find the eigenstate x in terms of and .
(b) (7 pts.) For a later time t, find the probability that the particle is in an eigenstate
corresponding to the spin pointing along the negative y-axis.



Friday, January 8, 2016

1:30 PM 3:30 PM

Room 245, Physics Research Building

INSTRUCTIONS: This examination consists of three problems each worth 10 points. Use
a separate booklet for each problem. Write the following information on the front cover of
each booklet:
1. your special ID number that you received from Delores Cowen,
2. the exam and problem number (i.e. IV.1).
Please make sure your answers are dark and legible.
Do NOT write your name on the cover or anywhere else in the booklet!
Problem IV.1. One mole of a van-der-Waals gas (at pressure Pi and temperature Ti ) is
held within a container with a movable piston. The walls of the container are adiabatic
(cannot absorb any heat). A piston can be used to change the volume V of the gas in
the container. There is a valve on the piston that when opened allows gas to freely flow
through it. Initially the gas is only in the bottom portion of the container with a volume
V0 /2.
a) (5 pts.) The valve is opened and the gas is allowed to expand into the remainder of the
container (the full volume V0 ). Assuming that the specific heat at constant volume cV is
independent of temperature, what is the new temperature of the gas?
b) (5 pts.) Then the piston is drawn completely to the top. The valve is now shut and the
piston is pushed down until the entire gas is in the bottom of the container within volume
V0 /2. What is the new temperature of the gas ?
The van-der-Waals gas has an equation of state
P + 2 (V b) = RT (1)
where a, b are small constants.
Maxwells relation is    
= . (2)

Figure 1: A gas is contained in a volume with a movable piston and a valve.

Problem IV.2. A box contains 4 distinguishable (classical) particles and 4 energy levels
0, a, 2a and 3a (where a is a positive constant). Ignore zero point energy in all calculations
a) (3 pts.) Initially the box is completely thermally insulated, with total energy 4a inside.
What is the degeneracy of this state ?
b) (3 pts.) In the next scenario, the box is held in thermal contact with a heat reservoir
at a temperature T = 1/ (Canonical Ensemble). What is the partition function for the
box? What is the mean energy at a temperature T of the reservoir? Find the temperature
T4a at which the mean energy of the box is equal to 4a. Just set up the equation for this
temperature, but do not solve it.
c) (4 pts.) Now, consider the case where the box in part a) is brought in contact with
a reservoir at a temperature of T4a . What is the mean energy transferred between the
reservoir and the box? What is the variance (fluctuation) of this energy transfer?
Problem IV.3. A photon of energy E collides with a stationary electron whose rest mass
energy is 511 keV. After the collsion the photon scatters at an angle (with respect to its
original direction) with energy E 0 . The motion of the electron can be described classically
Answer the following questions in terms of the given variables and fundamental con-
a) (1 pt.) What is the initial wavelength of the photon?
b) (2 pts.) What is the final-state (DeBroglie) wavelength of the electron?
c) (2 pts.) Suppose that the photon loses 100 eV of energy in the collision. Find the factor
= v/c of the final state electron.
d) (5 pts.) Denote the ratio of E to electron rest mass energy by r and the ratio of E 0 to E
by f . Find the scattering angle of the electron relative to the initial photon direction.

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