Ayurvedic Management of Sciatica

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ejpmr, 2016,3(4), 360-366 SJIF Impact Factor 2.

Case Study
Tank et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
ISSN 3294-3211
www.ejpmr.com EJPMR


*Vd. Neha G. Tank and Vd. Shruti Pandith K.

MD Ph.D (Panchakarma) Reader- Panchakarma Department, Shree Gulabkunverba Ayurved Mahavidhyalaya,
Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Gujarat. India.
BAMS Medical Officer Panchakarma Dept, Shree Gulabkunverba Ayurved Mahavidhyalaya, Gujarat Ayurved
University, Jamnagar, Gujarat. India.

*Correspondence for Author: Dr. Vd. Neha G. Tank

MD Ph.D (Panchakarma) Reader- Panchakarma Department, Shree Gulabkunverba Ayurved Mahavidhyalaya, Gujarat Ayurved University,
Jamnagar, Gujarat. India.

Article Received on 16/02/2016 Article Revised on 07/03/2016 Article Accepted on 27/03/2016

In this hectic life sciatic pain is a very common disorder that hampers people from doing their routine activities.
Most of people suffering from this, complains about moderate to severe pain in buttock region which then radiate to
thigh, calf and down to the foot and even toes. The main cause of sciatica can be a horizontal or slipped disc,
piriformis syndrome, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis. In the starting stage people neglect this but later this
becomes a major issue when the pain becomes unbearable. At this stage they might search for a better cure. There
are wide ranges of treatment for sciatica which includes internal medications for pain and inflammation, Physical
therapy & spinal injections. And lastly surgery is advised for those who do not respond for conservative treatments.
But, these are not much successful and therefore those who are suffering from this are always in search of result
oriented remedy. Classics of Ayurveda have references related sciatica, according to Ayurveda signs and symptoms
of sciatica is much similar to "Grdhrasi-Vaata Roga." Grdhrasi can be treated remarkably with procedures of
panchakarma and internal medications. Here in this case study, the patient was suffering from sciatic pain due to,
herniation at L4-5 andL5-S1. She was treated with one course of Kaala Basti followed by Matra Basti along with
Abhyanga(ayurvedic massage), Swedana(fomentation) internal medicines were Yogaraja guggulu and
Chandraprabha vati. The patient recovered remarkably and could do all her routine activities.

KEYWORDS: Sciatica, Grdhrasi, Panchakarma, Abhyanga, Swedana, Basti.

INTRODUCTION Spinal stenosis-this condition results from narrowing

Sciatica is a kind of neuralgia characterized by intense of the spinal canal with pressure on the nerves.
pain and tenderness along the course of the bodys Spondylolisthesis-this is the slippage of one of the
longest nerve (sciatic nerve) extending from back to the vertebra, so that it is out of the line with the one
thigh down to calf region then down towards foot and above it narrowing the opening through which the
toes.[1] Sciatica can be occurred suddenly or it can be nerve exists.
occurred gradually. The pain can be associated with
numbness, burning sensation and tingling sensation. It is DIAGNOSIS
more accurately termed as lumbar radiculopathy. This is This can be clearly diagnosed clearly by complete
a syndrome involving nerve root impingement or medical history including review sings, symptoms and
inflammation that has progressed enough to cause physical examination like straight leg raising test. Other
neurological symptoms. People suffer from sciatica as a improved diagnostic tests like x-rays, magnetic
result of pinched nerve affecting one or more of the resonance imaging (MRI), electromyography,
lower spinal nerves. Nerve might be pinched inside or myelogram etc will give the accurate cause of sciatica.
outside of spinal canal as it passes down.[2]
CAUSES There are wide ranges of treatment for sciatica. The main
The causes of sciatica can be aim of treatment is to decrease pain and increase the
A herniated disc or slipped disc-that causes pressure mobility. The treatment often includes
on a nerve root. Limited rest-these advices to stay away from hectic
Piriformis syndrome-when piriformis muscle that works, prolong sitting, standing and weight lifting
lies deep in the buttocks, become tight or spasm etc.
which can put pressure on and irritate the sciatic

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Physical therapy-exercises which strengthens the India, in the month of may, a 35yr old female patient
back muscles thigh muscles and abdominal muscles came with complaints of severe pain over buttocks on
are advised. her left side that which is radiating to the thighs, calf
Medicines-pain medicines and anti inflammatory region and down to the foot. The severity of pain can be
drug that which helps to reduce the pain, marked out from her face itself tears were about to role
inflammation and stiffness. They includes non- from her eyes as she was explaining her condition. The
steroidal anti inflammatory drug(NSAIDs) like Pain severity is more during morning hours when patient
aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen etc. Muscle relaxants gets up from the bed. she was not able to do her routine
like cyclobenzaprine are also given. work like sitting on floor, climbing upstairs, cleaning etc.
Spinal injections-an injection of cortisone into lower The pain was associated with heaviness and numbness of
back region might help to reduce swelling and pain. the leg. She also suffered from difficulty in walking and
Surgery-this might be needed for those who do not prolong standing. Her sleep was disturbed since then due
respond to conservative treatment, and have to the shooting type of pain that comes in the midst of
progressing symptoms. They include night. Her appetite, urine, stool, menstrual history were
microdiscectomy and laminectomy.[3] normal.

But these are not much successful and therefore people Onset of disease was 6 months prior. Before 6 months
with such disease are always in search of result oriented she had just tolerable pain only during morning hours
remedy. The complications associated with untreated which was neglected by the patient. Slowly the disease
sciatica is if the pinched nerve is seriously injured has progressed and now the pain has aggravated and it is
chronic muscle weakness such as drop foot might occur. unbearable, which is disturbing her routine normal life.
The patient has undergone MRI study which shows disc
Classics of Ayurveda have references related to sciatica. dessication is seen at L4-5 and L5-S1levels. Annular tear
These types of diseases are being discussed under the is seen at L4-5 level. Diffuse and right lateral bulge is
chapter of Vaata Vyadhi (diseases of Vaata). According seen at indenting dural sac. Diffused and broad based
to Ayurveda the signs and symptoms of sciatica can be postero central bulge at L4-5 level disc is seen indenting
correlated with that of Grdhrasi' explained as 'Grthavath the dural sac. Peudo diffuse bulge and postero lateral
Gati- meaning individual affected with this disorder herniation of L5-S1with left foraminal extension is seen
walks like vulture. Hence It is termed as Grdhrasi. As it indenting the dural sac, impinging upon exiting bilateral
is caused by vitiation of Vaata (biohumor) it is popularly L5 nerve roots.
known as Grdhrasi Vaata Roga. The symptoms
mentioned in classical references are specific type of On examination there was no swelling, tenderness,
pain which arise from low back region which radiates to reddishness or increase in temperature on her back and
lumbosacral region, buttocks, thighs, down to calf and whole course of lower limb. Her straight leg raising test
then to foot and even toes. if the pain is characterized was positive at app.60 degree on left side. Her blood
with stiffness, pricking and throbbing in nature then it is pressure was120/80mmHg and pulse 72/minute. She was
due to only Vaata and if there is involvement of Kapha not having any complaints of diabetes or previous drug
then the pain will be associated with heaviness, allergy. Her routine blood and urine examinations were
drowsiness and lassitude. Depending on dominancy of normal. As per Ayurveda she had kapha-Vaata
Dosha, Grdhrasi is divided into two types, they are. Prakrti(constitution)and mentally she was madhyama
satva (moderate mental capacity). Body built was
Vaataja- Involvement of only Vaata Dosha. healthy. she was advised for admission in hospital for
Vaata kaphaja- Involvement of Kapha along with Panchakarma treatment.
Vaata Dosha.[4]
TREATMENT According to Ayurveda patient had Grdhrasi Vaata
There are wide range of treatments, which includes Vyadhi, So, treatment was planned accordingly. Main
line of treatment was Abhyanga (Ayurveda massage)
with Bala taila on the back and both legs followed by
Agnikarma-chemical cotrisation
Patrapinda Swedana and Kaala Basti (therapeutic enema
Abhyanga- Ayurvedic massage with medicated oils
for 16 days) followed by Matrabasti (therapeutic enema
Swedana- medicated fomentation only with oil )for 14 days. Along with internal medicines
Basti- therapeutic enema i.e. Yogaraja guggulu and Chandraprabha Vati.
Lepa-external application of drugs
Internal medicines-different kind of decoctions, DIETARY ADVISE
Tablets and powders which decreases Vaata Dosha. Patient was strictly advised for simple food without
red/green chills, any type of spices were not allowed. In
CASE STUDY pulses only green gram (Mung) were allowed and in
One fine day during my OPD hours at Shree vegetables (Taroi) Luffa acutangula/ Ridged gourd,
Gulabkunverba Ayurveda hospital, Jamnagar, Gujarat, (Dhamargava) Luffa cylindrca/Sponge gourd, (Patola)

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Trichosanthes dioica/Pointed gourd were permitted and Abhyanga (Ayurved massage) and Swedana
all leafy vegetables were allowed. More emphasis was (fomentation) and internal drug was Yogaraja guggulu
given for various gruel preparations, soups, green gram and Chandrapraba vati.
soup, rice and various rice recipes and Indian preparation
made from rice and lentils (khichadi) because, during Abhyanga
Basti treatment improper food may aggravata Vaata Special Ayurved massage was done on back and both the
thereby disturbing the treatment. Patient can consume legs with warm Bala Tail for 20mins daily.
milk but not curd and buttermilk. Sour things like lime,
tamarind etc should be avoided strictly. Fruits are not Swedana (Fomentation)
allowed during Basti treatment. Swedana was given by using heated pack of fresh herbal
leaves of Nirgundi (Vitex negundo) known as Patrapinda
Patient was advised for complete bed rest to get
maximum result of Basti. Any type of physical or mental Basti (Therapeutic enema)
exertion, walking, exercise, Gym, Yoga, sexual Kaala Basti was planned which is for 16 days, followed
intercourse, exposure to cold-wind-dust, exposure to by Matrabasti for 14 days.
excessive sunlight etc should be avoided during Basti
treatment. Kaalabasti
It consists of two different types of Basti, Anuvaasana
DETAILS OF TREATMENT SCHEDULE (oil enema) and Niruha Basti (decoction enema).
The Panchakarma treatment consists of Kaala Basti Schedule is mentioned in table 1.
(therapeutic enema) followed by Matrabasti along with

Table- 1 A-means Anuvasana Basti, N is for Niruha Basti.

Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Type of Basti A N A N A N A N A N A N A A A A

Basti drugs
Table-2 Drugs used for Anuvaasana Basti (oil enema)
No. Name of drug Dose Duration
Bala Ashwagandhaadi oil.(Arya
1 60ml
vadiya shala Kottakal) Both these oils were mixed together and total 120ml
Rasanadi Tail (Arya vadiya shala of Anuvaasana Basti was given every alternate days.
2 60ml

Table- 3 Drugs used for Niruha Basti (decoction enema)

No Name of drugs Quantity Description
1 Saindhava (Rock salt) 5gms
2 Honey 60ml
Kalka- consists of fine
powder of 5 herbs they are
Triphala, Trivruta, Kataphal,
3 20gms All these drugs were mixed as per classical indication i.e. first
Madanaphala and Vacha.
saindhava and honey should be mixed properly than both the oils,
availed from the in-house
but one should not add the whole quantity of oil at a time it
pharmacy of the hospital
should be mixed by pouring very small quantity in honey. If you
Each oil
Oil-Bala-Ashwagandhaadi add the whole quantity of oil in honey it will not form
60ml so total
4 and Rasanadi Tail. (Arya homogenous mixer. Once oil and honey are mixed properly we
vadiya shala Kottakal) can add Kalka and lastly warm decoction of Dashmool. [6]
Dashmoola decoction
availed from the in house
5 400ml
pharmacy of hospital

*Kalka drugs Trivruta- Operculina terpethum

Triphala it is combination of 3 herbs they are Kataphal- Myrica esculenta
Haritaki- Terminalia chebula, Bhibhitaki- Madanphala- Randia spinosa
Terminalia bellirica and Amalaki-Emblica Vacha- Acorus calamus

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*Drugs of Dashmool decoction It mainly contains Bala (Sida cordifolia) and

Shalparni (Desmodium gangeticum), Prashniparni Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) along with other
(Uraria picta), Kantakari (Solanum surattenese), Bruhati Vaata decreasing drugs like devadaru (Cedrus deodara)
(Solanum indicum), Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris), Bilva chandana (Santalum album) laksha (Laccifera lacca)
(Aegle marmelos), Agnimanth (Premna integrifolia), manjishta (Rubia cordifolia).
Sonapaatha (Oroxylum arborea), Paatala (Sterospermum
suaveoleus) and Gambhari (Gmelina arborea). Contents of Rasanadi Tail
It mainly contains Rasana (Pluchea lanceolata) and many
Contents of Bala-Ashwagandhaadi other Vaata decreasing drugs.

Matra Basti
Table- 4: MB-Matrabasti (therapeutic enema with medicated oil).The oil used are Balashwagandadi oil and
Rasnadi oil 30ml each.
Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Type of

Table- 5: Contents of Yograja Guggulu[7]

Sr. Name of drugs used in Botanical / Englishl Sr. Name of drugs used in Botanical / Englishl
No. Yogaraja Guggulu Name No. Yogaraja Guggulu Name
1 Citraka Plumbago zeylanica 15 Dhanyaka Beej Coriandrum sativum
2 Pippalimula Piper longum 16 Haritaki Terminalia chebula
3 Yavani 17 Bibhitaki Terminalia bellerica
4 Krsna Jiraka Carum carvi 18 Amalaki Emblica officinalis
5 Vidanga Embelia ribes 19 Musta Cyperus rotundus
6 Ajamoda Carum roxburghianum 20 Sunthi Zingiber officinale
7 Svetajiraka Cuminum cyminum 21 Marica Piper nigum
8 Devadaru Cedrus deodara 22 Pippali Piper longrum
9 Cavya Piper chaba 23 Dalacini Cinnamomum zeylanicum
10 Ela Elettaria cardamomum 24 Usira Vetivera zizanioides
11 Sandhava Lavana Rock salt 25 Yavaksara Hordeum vulgare
12 Kustha Saussarea lappa 26 Talisapatra Abies webbiana Lind.
13 Rasna Pluchea lanceolata 27 Tejapatra Cinnamomum tamala
14 Gokshura Tribulus terrestris 28 Suddha Gugulu Commiphora Mukul

Table- 6: Contents of Chandrapraba vati[8]

Name in Sanskrit Botanical / English Sr. Name in Sanskrit /
Sr. No. Botanical / English Name
/ Hindi Name No. Hindi
1 Musta Cyperus rotundus 20 Marica -Krsna Piper nigrum
2 Bhunimba Swertia chirata Buch. 21 Pippali Piper longum
3 Amrta (Guduci) Tinospora cordifolia 22 Maksika Bhasma Chalko pyrite, Copper Pyrite
4 Daruka (Devadaru) Cedrus deodar Roxb. 23 Yava ksara Hordeum vulgare
5 Haridra Curcuma longa 24 Sarjika Ksara Fullers earth
6 Ativisa 25 Saindhava Lavana Rock salt
7 Berberis aristata 26 Saurvarcala Lavana Black Salt
8 Pippali Mula Piper longum 27 Vida Lavana
9 Citraka mula Plumbago zeylanica 28 Tivrta (Syama) Ipomoea turpenthum R. Br.
10 Dhanyaka Coriandrum sativum 29 Danti Mula Baliospurmum montanum
11 Haritaki Terminalia chebula 30 Patraka Cinnamomum tamala
12 Bibhitaki Terminalia bellerica 31 Tvak (Dalacini) Cinnamomum zeylanicum
13 Amalaki Emblica officinalis 32 Suksmaila Elettaria cardamom
Cavya Kanda /
14 Piper chaba 33 Vamsarocana Bambusa bambos
15 Vidanga Beeja Embelia ribes 34 Loha Bhasma Iron
16 Gaja Pippali Scindapsus officinalis 35 Sita Sugar

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17 Sunthi Zingiber officinalis 36 Silajiat ( Shuddha ) Purified Black Bitumen
18 37 Suddha Guggullu Commiphora mukul
19 38 Goghrta Cows Ghee

Internal medications Yogaraj guggulu 1 tablet Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifra) is Bruhaniya (the
three times a day with warm water, one which nourishes the tissues), Balya (promotes the
Chandrabaprabha vati one tablet three times a day tone and power of muscles), Rasayana (rejuvinates),
with warm water. Both tablets were given after food. Vrishaya (aphrodisiac), and Shothahara (decreases the
Total two types of Basti were administered, i.e.
Kaala Basti- Basti with schedule of 16 days alternate Some of the research work on anti-inflammatory effect
days oil enema and decoction enema and followed of Ashwagandha are as follows.
by Matra Basti which consists of only oil enema and
was administered for 14 days immediately after Anti-inflammatory effects
Kaala Basti. During the administration of Basti Ashwagandha acts as an effective anti-inflammatory
patient was asked to continue internal medicines. agent and relives the symptoms of arthritis and variety of
After completion of Basti patient was discharged rheumatologic conditions. Naturally, it has much higher
then she was asked to continue with internal steroidal content than that of hydrocortisone. In one of
medicines, along with application of oil on her back the animal study it was observed that rats treated with
and legs, with strict diet and regimen. Patient was powder of Withania somnifera root orally for 3 days, 1 h
advised to continue maximum rest for 3 months. before injection of inflammatory agent produced anti-
Slowly the pain reduced and there was marked inflammatory responses comparable to that of
improvement. hydrocortisone sodium succinate.[12]

Changes in MRI study was obtained which can be seen Anti-inflammatory effects
in reports. Scanned copy of MRI study of LS Spine In vitro and animal experiments suggest W.somnifera
before and after treatment is attached here with. Disc may possess anti-inflammatory properties. Cultures of
desiccation and diffuse circumferential mild posterior cartilage from patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid
herniations at L4-5 and L5-S1 encrouching on bilateral arthritis have been used to demonstrate W.somnifera 's
neural foramin. Right exiting nerve roots at L4-5mildly protective effects on chondroplasts. Related effects on
abutted. Compared to previous MRI there was much cytokines and transcription factors and suppression of
improvement. nitric oxide have also been demonstrated. In experiments
in rats with induced inflammation, decreased
DISCUSSION inflammation (paw volume), pain and disability were
Panchakarma is main line of treatment in disease of noted, as well as an antipyretic effect after administration
Vaata and amongst it Basti is considered as a 50% of W.somnifera root powder.[13,14,15]
treatment. So, keeping in mind these facts in the present
case Basti treatment was planned along with Abhyanga RASANA
and swedana (fomentation) as again they are very Pluchea lanceolata. Rasana is best drug for Vaatahara
important to subside Vaata biohumor. The oil used in (the one which subsides the Vaata biohumor).[16]
Abhayanga was Bala oil (Sida cordifolia) which Amapachana (improves the digestion), Kapha
decreases the increased Vaata biohumor. Vaatanashana (destroys the increased Kapha & Vaata bio
humor), Shothahara (decreases the swelling), useful in all
Probable mode of action of drugs used in 80 types of Vaata diseases.[17] It is highly effective in the
Anuvaasana, Niruha Basti & Matra Basti. treatment of Low Back Pain, sciatica and Sacro-Iliac
Oil and decoction are main drugs for Basti and its joint disease / pain. Being bitter in taste (Tikta rasa) and
probable mode of action can be explained as below. hot in potency (Ushnaveerya), combats both Kapha and
Vaayu, thus relieves stiffness and pain associated with
Bala-Ashwagandhaadi oil contains mainly Bala and back pain low, sciatica and other painful conditions of
Ashwagandha and Rasanadi oil contains mainly Rasna the back and lower limbs. It is also a potential analgesic.
along with many other drugs which are Vaata decreasing. It also relieves inflammation and regional swelling
Bala (Sida cordifolia)- it mainly promotes the tone and
power of muscles and it decreases Vaata.[9] The plant is Since it is one of the best Aamahara (expels metabolites
analgesic, anti-inflammatory and tonic. It affects the and detoxifies the system) it is also used in back pain
central nervous system and provides relief from anxiety. occurring due to inflammatory arthritis like Aamavata
Kanth and Diwan also demonstrated that S. cordifolia (rheumatoid arthritis).
can increase pain tolerance and appears to have anti-
inflammatory properties.[10] (Kanth et al., 1999).

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Dashmoola Kwatha intestine part of gastrointestinal tract and break the

It is combination of 10 drugs which are mentioned pathology of disease. In Basti Karma, a homogenous
above. It mainly destroys diseases of all the 3 biohumors, emulsion[22] of Honey, Saindhava, Sneha Dravya, Kalka,
decreases pain & swelling and promotes interest in and decoction mixed in remarkable combination after
food.[18] proper churning (break the large and middle chain fatty
acid into small chain fatty acids) is given which
Probable mode of action of Internal drugs facilitates absorption better then a single drug per
Internal drugs were Yogaraja Guggulu and rectum. In Ayurveda classics, various Basti Dravya are
Chandraprabhavati. It's probable mode of action can be mentioned in diverse proportion in different diseases, it
explained as below. again confirms pharmacodynamics of Basti through
absorption mechanism.[23]
Yogaraja Guggulu-indicated in Amavaata (Rheumatoid
arthritis), Gout etc diseases, it increases the digestive REFERENCES
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