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A study submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science in Information Management





September 2009
Information Management 2008-09
Feasibility of Cloud Adoption in Taiwans Organisations


First of all, I would like to thank my dissertation supervisor, Professor Angela Lin for

her full support and valuable recommendations throughout this project.

Moreover, I really appreciate the wholehearted support from my family for my

studies abroad and encouragement from my girlfriend in the face of difficulty. It is

their support and encouragement which has enabled me to complete my studies in the


Furthermore, I would like to acknowledge all those who were willing to participate

in the interviews: in particular, my friends and ex-colleagues who assisted me by

introducing their colleagues to the research project. Their help was invaluable in

enabling me to gather a wide variety of useful thoughts on cloud computing for the


Finally, I am grateful to staff in the Information Studies Department and various

other friends for their help. Also, I would like to thank Rachel for proofreading my


Department of Information Studies i

University of Sheffield
Information Management 2008-09
Feasibility of Cloud Adoption in Taiwans Organisations


Background: In the last two years, the emergence of cloud computing has been

receiving attention and a lot of research and expertise in the field of information and

communication technology has been engaged in the discussion of how cloud

computing can improve the usage and development of information systems.

Therefore, it can be seen that cloud-based application is, generally, becoming a trend

in the development of information systems.

Aims: In order to assess the feasibility of the adoption of cloud computing in the

development of information systems, this study aims to investigate IT professionals

thoughts on cloud computing, and explore the key factors which may influence cloud

adoption in Taiwans IT industry.

Methods: This study adopted qualitative method and a snowball approach to

interviewing the participants: who all work in Taiwans IT industry. An interview

guide based on previous studies was developed to guide an investigation of cloud

adoption. Through the in-depth interviews, the research gathered different thoughts

of IT professionals in relation to cloud computing.

Results: Based on the theory of diffusion of innovations, the results of data analysis

suggest that most IT professionals do not have extensive understanding of cloud

computing; and this has influenced the rate of cloud adoption in organisations. In

addition, a lack of innovative business models for enterprises has tended to deter the

interest in cloud computing on the part of potential adopters. Furthermore, not all of

the relative advantages of cloud computing are perceived by the interviewees.

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Feasibility of Cloud Adoption in Taiwans Organisations

Therefore, it can be seen that the efforts of IT service providers to increase adoption

rates are still insufficient. Finally, incentive schemes are a necessary instrument in

encouraging organisations to adopt cloud computing.

Conclusion: Although there are several obstacles to cloud adoption, the development

of cloud computing is expectable and achievable in the next few years. Through the

efforts of IT vendors and government support, individuals or organisations will be

able to understand cloud computing in depth and uncertainties will diminish.

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Feasibility of Cloud Adoption in Taiwans Organisations

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement .................................................................................................................. i
Abstract ................................................................................................................................... ii
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................. iv
List of Figures ....................................................................................................................... vi
List of Tables ......................................................................................................................... vi
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 RESEARCH RATIONALE .............................................................................................. 1
1.2 RESEARCH QUESTIONS ............................................................................................. 3
1.3 RESEARCH AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ............................................................................. 4
1.4 STRUCTURE OF REPORT ............................................................................................ 4
2. Literature Review........................................................................................................... 5
2.1 W HAT IS CLOUD COMPUTING? ................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Cloud definition ................................................................................................... 6
2.1.2 The relevant computing paradigms .................................................................... 7
2.2 W HY CLOUD COMPUTING? ...................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Tendencies towards computing in the cloud .................................................... 10
2.2.2 Current cloud-computing activities ....................................................................11
2.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF CLOUD SERVICES .................................................................. 12
2.3.1 Types of cloud services .................................................................................... 13
2.3.2 Feature Comparison of Cloud Providers .......................................................... 16
2.3.3 Successful cases using cloud services ............................................................ 18
2.4 PROSPECT OF GLOBAL CLOUD MARKETS ................................................................. 18
2.5 THE PROS AND CONS OF CLOUD COMPUTING .......................................................... 20
2.5.1 Comparison of cloud-computing attributes ....................................................... 21
2.5.2 The Benefits of cloud services to business ...................................................... 22
2.5.3 Drawbacks of cloud services ............................................................................ 24
2.6.1 Economic concerns .......................................................................................... 25
2.6.2 Business model concerns ................................................................................ 26
2.6.3 Security concerns ............................................................................................. 26
2.6.4 Technical concerns ........................................................................................... 27
2.6.5 Reliability concerns .......................................................................................... 28
2.6.6 Staff expertise concerns ................................................................................... 29
2.6.7 Political concerns.............................................................................................. 29
2.7 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 30
3. Framework for Evaluating Cloud Adoption .............................................................. 32
3.1 VARIABLES DETERMINING THE RATE OF ADOPTION.................................................... 32
3.1.1 Perceived attributes of innovations .................................................................. 33
3.1.2 Type of innovation-decisions ............................................................................ 34
3.1.3 Communication channels ................................................................................. 35
3.1.4 Nature of the social system .............................................................................. 36
3.1.5 Extent of change agents promotion efforts ...................................................... 36
3.2 STRATEGY SITUATION ANALYSIS............................................................................... 36
3.2.1 Internal organisational environment ................................................................. 37
3.2.2 Internal information systems environment ....................................................... 37
3.2.3 External micro-environment ............................................................................. 39
3.2.4 External macro-environment ............................................................................ 40
3.3 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 41
4. Methodology ................................................................................................................ 42
4.1 RESEARCH METHOD AND STRATEGY ......................................................................... 42
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4.2 PARTICIPANTS ......................................................................................................... 43

4.2.1 Snowball sampling ........................................................................................... 43
4.2.2 Sampling composition ...................................................................................... 44
4.3 DATA COLLECTION................................................................................................... 46
4.3.1 Data collection method ..................................................................................... 46
4.3.2 Data collection instruments .............................................................................. 46
4.3.3 Data collection procedure ................................................................................. 47
4.4 DATA ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................... 47
5. Results Analysis .......................................................................................................... 49
5.1 PERCEIVED ATTRIBUTES OF CLOUD COMPUTING....................................................... 49
5.1.1 Relative advantage ........................................................................................... 50
5.1.2 Compatibility ..................................................................................................... 52
5.1.3 Complexity ........................................................................................................ 58
5.1.4 Trialability .......................................................................................................... 59
5.1.5 Observability ..................................................................................................... 59
5.2 TYPE OF INNOVATION-DECISIONS ............................................................................. 60
5.3 COMMUNICATION CHANNELS ................................................................................... 61
5.4 NATURE OF THE SOCIAL SYSTEM ............................................................................. 62
5.5 CHANGE AGENTS PROMOTION EFFORTS ................................................................. 63
6. Discussion ................................................................................................................... 65
6.1 LACK OF IN-DEPTH RECOGNITION AND UNDERSTANDING............................................. 65
6.2 LACK OF INNOVATIVE BUSINESS MODELS FOR ENTERPRISES ..................................... 66
6.4 EFFECTS OF INCENTIVES ......................................................................................... 68
7. Conclusions and Recommendations ........................................................................ 70
7.1 RESEARCH CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................... 70
7.2 RESEARCH LIMITATIONS .......................................................................................... 72
7.3 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY ........................................................................ 72
Bibliography ......................................................................................................................... 74
Appendix: Interview Questions .......................................................................................... 80

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List of Figures
FIGURE 2-1 PERVASIVE COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (SOURCE: LIJUN ET AL., 2008) ................................ 9
2009). .......................................................................................................................................... 15
FIGURE 2-3 THE TREND IN CLOUD COMPUTING BY 2012 (SOURCE: LEAVITT, 2009) .............................. 19
TECHNOLOGY DUE TO CLOUD COMPUTING (SOURCE: LEAVITT, 2009).......................................... 20
FIGURE 3-1 FRAMEWORK FOR ASSESSING CLOUD ADOPTION................................................................. 32
FIGURE 3-2 TYPES OF DEVELOPMENT DECISIONS (SOURCE: KANG ET AL., 1990: 24) ............................ 39

List of Tables
IN AMERICA (SOURCE: HORRIGAN, 2008). ................................................................................... 12
.................................................................................................................................................... 17
TABLE 2-5 THE BENEFITS OF CLOUD COMPUTING (MILLER, 2008) ........................................................ 22
TABLE 3-1 PERCEIVED ATTRIBUTES OF INNOVATIONS (SOURCE: ROGERS, 1995) ................................... 34
TABLE 4-1 DETAILS OF THE MANAGERS ................................................................................................ 45
TABLE 4-2 DETAILS OF THE ENGINEERS................................................................................................. 45

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1. Introduction

This chapter aims to outline the feasibility study of the adoption of cloud computing

in the development of information systems in Taiwans Information Technology (IT)

industry, and covers five areas. The first section looks at the history of computing

paradigms, after which the motive of the dissertation will be introduced. Then the

third area defines the research questions. The following section carries out the

research aims and objectives to guide an investigation of cloud adoption. In the final

part, the structure of the dissertation is presented.

1.1 Research Rationale

The revolution of digital technologies has changed the way human beings record data

and transit information from traditional (e.g. writing) to digital methods. In this day

and age, most people tend to use a wide range of technological products to perform a

variety of tasks. The invention of computers is the best example of such changes to


In terms of the history of computing paradigms, Voas and Zhang (2009) identified six

distinct phases (figure 1-1). Obviously, computing infrastructures usually vary with

the emerging concepts and technologies. The preliminary phase is that people work

in powerful mainframes through the connection of terminals. In the second phase, the

widespread usage of stand-alone personal computers enabled people to work on their

own computers. In the next phase, people were able to share data stored on

computers with others via networks. The invention of the Internet in the fourth phase

has placed the entire world at our fingertips and all information can be accessed at

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Feasibility of Cloud Adoption in Taiwans Organisations

the click of a button. The subsequent phase started to give rise to the concept of an

electronic grid that focuses on a convergence of shared computing power and storage

resources. Cloud computing is a tendency towards scale-out computing and forms

part of the latest phase. Through the Internet, people will be able to use different

portable devices and computers to manipulate applications and access data anywhere.

Although cloud computing is currently at the developmental stage, some companies

are convinced that it is the key to opening the doors to Web 3.0 (Fenu and Surcis,


Figure 1-1 Computing paradigm shift - Over six distinct phases, computers have evolved from dummy
terminals to grids and clouds (Source: Voas and Zhang, 2009).

In the last year, the concept of cloud computing has been the most widely discussed

issue in the IT industry around the world. Many global IT companies (such as

Google and Microsoft) are actively promoting cloud computing. Rishi Chandra,

product manager for Google Enterprise, clearly declared that The next 10 years of

innovations are going to be in the cloud. Enterprise software is not going away, but
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there is a transition taking place (Ricciuti, 2008). As a consequence, it could be seen

that there is a convergence of tendencies towards computing in the cloud.

Although cloud computing is still relatively new today (Leavitt, 2009), many people

have used Internet-based applications in their daily lives which are related to cloud

computing. A most common example is Google search engine. By contrast, cloud

computing itself is only adopted by a number of Web 2.0 firms (Leavitt, 2009). For

this reason, the motive of this study is to undertake an in-depth survey of the

attitudes of Taiwans organisations and IT departments to this technical innovation

and key issues they are concerned about. Therefore, the details of this research will

be clearly illustrated in the subsequent sections.

1.2 Research Questions

As the conception of computing in the cloud has emerged, it has brought significant

changes to the IT industry (Hutchinson et al., 2009). However, it has not been widely

practised in Taiwan. Therefore, this research will survey the diffusion of cloud

computing in Taiwans IT industry and discuss the relevant questions listed below.

What is the definition of cloud computing?

What do IT professionals consider to be the benefits of cloud computing to

organisations and the obstacles to implementation of this innovation in


What are the factors for IT professionals in Taiwan in evaluation of the

adoption of cloud computing?

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1.3 Research Aims and Objectives

This project aims to investigate IT professionals thoughts on cloud computing, and

explore the key factors which may influence cloud adoption in Taiwans IT industry.

To achieve its goal, this research has listed the following objectives for conducting an

investigation into the feasibility of adopting cloud computing in the development of

information systems.

To examine the definitions of cloud computing.

To identify the benefits and drawbacks of cloud computing to business.

To identify the obstacles to the implementation of cloud computing.

To investigate the factors influencing cloud adoption in organisations.

1.4 Structure of report

The dissertation is composed of seven chapters. These chapters are briefly described

as follows: Chapter 1 introduces the research rationale, and the aims and objectives

of this study. Chapter 2 presents a review of the literature in relation to cloud

computing. Chapter 3 highlights the framework for evaluating cloud adoption.

Chapter 4 illustrates the methodology used to conduct the research. Chapter 5

analyses the collected data and displays the results of the analysis. Chapter 6

discusses the findings and results from the literature and result analysis, and

considers how the explored factors may affect cloud adoption in organisations.

Chapter 7 concludes the results of the research, and gives recommendations for

further study.

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2. Literature Review

This chapter explores the key issues in the literature which are relevant to this project,

and includes six major sections. The first section reviews the literature on cloud

computing in relation to cloud definitions and computing paradigms. The second area

examines tendencies towards computing in the cloud and explores the current cloud

activities. The third part clarifies characteristics of cloud services, including service

types, public and private services, and feature comparison of service vendors. In the

fourth area, the prospect of global cloud markets is analysed. The subsequent section

identifies the pros and cons of cloud computing. Finally, the barriers to cloud

adoption are explored. This study refers to a variety of materials, in order to carry out

a thorough and comprehensive literature review in relation to cloud computing.

Resources are mainly drawn from books, academic journals, news and information

on the World Wide Web.

2.1 What Is Cloud Computing?

Strictly speaking, the early formulation of cloud computing can be traced back to

1997 (Lijun et al., 2008). Due to the rapid evolution of Information Technology (IT),

Cloud Computing has re-emerged and become a fashionable term today. Generally,

cloud computing could be roughly defined as provision of a new computing

infrastructure or a scale-out computing paradigm shifting the location of the

traditional infrastructure to the Internet in order to cut costs for managing resources

of hardware and software (Vaquero et al., 2009). In this section, this study will

clarify the cloud definitions in depth and review the current cloud services.

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2.1.1 Cloud definition

The cloud is the key to the definition of cloud computing. However, so far, there is

no exact definition of the Cloud (Cloud computing, 2009; Introduction to Cloud

Computing, 2009; Voas and Zhang, 2009). Also, Vaquero (2009) noted that there are

many different definitions of cloud computing. Because it was widely recognised that

the cloud is a metaphor used for the Internet and depicted in computer network

diagrams (Erdogmus, 2009), a simple explanation of the cloud is an abstraction for

the complex cloud-computing infrastructure. In detail, this means that there is a

massive group of interconnected computers and servers somewhere on the Internet,

as well as internet users who will be able to deal with many kinds of computational

matters via the cloud (Miller, 2008: 9).

On the other hand, another further definition of the cloud is that a cloud is a type of

parallel and distributed system consisting of a collection of interconnected and

virtualised computers that are dynamically provisioned and presented as one or more

unified computing resources based on service-level agreements established through

negotiation between the service provider and consumers (Buyya et al., 2008).

Vaquero (2009) synthesised a lot of research related to the cloud definition; and he

worked out the current conceivable definitions with respect to the Cloud are as

follows: First of all, Clouds can be defined as a large pool where there are many

easily usable and accessible virtualized resources. Hardware, development platforms

and services are examples. Secondly, service users can dynamically reconfigure these

resources to scale their infrastructures for an optimum utilization. Thirdly,

Infrastructure Providers typically charge service users for the usage of resources in

the pool by means of a pay-per-use model.

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2.1.2 The relevant computing paradigms

Recently, the up-to-date notion of cloud computing has become a major theme in the

IT industry. However, the nature of the conception is not state-of-the-art technology.

In fact, cloud computing is formed from various computing paradigms and it aims to

provide certain capabilities and deliver IT products as services (Buyya et al., 2008).

The relevant computing paradigms are as follows:

Network Computing

In the early 1990s, Network Computing was developed and it radically

changed IT infrastructure (Revett et al., 2001). This approach means that

applications placed on servers in the network can be accessed remotely by

client machines. The evolution of the World Wide Web (WWW) is the best

practical example of network computing. On the other hand, network

computing contributed to the simplicity of building information systems

and the development of electronic business and mobile computing. In

addition, the most important benefit lies in reduction of total costs of

ownership and operating costs. For these reasons, today, network

computing is widely applied to an underlying basis of information systems.

Grid Computing

For most computers in America, on average, only 25 percent of the time of

the central processing units is taken up by tasks in hand. Hence, the goal of

Grid Computing was to eliminate the geographical boundaries and connect

remote computers into a network, in order to combine idle resources of all

computers on the grid and to create a virtual supercomputer (Laudon and

Laudon, 2006: 190). Similarly, a major goal of cloud computing is to

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connect a great number of computers in a data processing centre through

the networks, and to create a high-performance computing power with the

same technologies, such as distributed computing, parallel computing and

cluster computing (Milojicic, 2008).

Utility Computing (On-demand Computing)

Utility Computing could be defined as a new paradigm for the provision of

the grand computing power (Laudon and Laudon, 2006: 191; Buyya et al.,

2008). The remote and large-scale data processing centres, such as IBM,

HP and Oracle offer utility computing services and these services are

available whenever consumers require them. Moreover, these computer

utility services are like electricity and gas in that consumers only need to

pay for the amount of their usage of computing power. Therefore,

companies can reduce the costs of their investment in IT infrastructure by

purchasing utility services on demand.

Pervasive Computing

Pervasive computing refers to an emerging mobile technology. These days,

it is plain to see that the wide usage of mobile devices (such as laptop,

Netbook, Personal Digital Assistant, Smartphone or some future device)

has caused computation to become part of the computing environment

(Turban, 2008: 60). Pervasive software is often embedded in these devices

and it is designed to automatically adapt to the surrounding computing

environment. Through a well-development computing environment, users

will be able to easily utilize pervasive software to access data everywhere,

without extra effort (Lijun et al., 2008). Figure 2-1 exactly demonstrates

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the pervasive computing environment.

Figure 2-1 Pervasive computing environment (Source: Lijun et al., 2008)

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

In the last three years, IT professionals have started to pay attention to SOA

(or service computing) (Vouk, 2008). Strictly speaking, SOA is a concept

similar to Web 2.0 and cloud computing and it provides a network-based

way for organisations to integrate different systems conveniently. In detail,

the approach of SOA is to follow some principles (such as interoperability,

componentization, reuse and standards compliance) for modelling, creating,

operating and managing business services (Lijun et al., 2008). In general,

these services are published in specific public registries and form a set of

network services. As a result, users can discover and subscribe to the Web

services they need from public registries and bind services to their own

applications through standards protocol (e.g. SOAP - Simple Object Access


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2.2 Why Cloud Computing?

This section aims to discuss which factors drive an upward trend of cloud adoption in

information system development. Moreover, the activities that current cloud users

prefer and the way they use them are also mentioned in this section.

2.2.1 Tendencies towards computing in the cloud

The Internet has brought significant changes to our lives in the last ten years.

Hutchinson (2009) clearly illustrates that the evolution of the Internet contributes to

an always-on, always-connected and device-independent environment. For this

reason, it also has had a great impact on the development of information systems.

This means that people can connect to a variety of information systems over the

Internet via different kinds of computational devices (Laudon and Laudon, 2006:

263). In addition, Hayes (2008) noted that for most applications, the entire user

interface resides inside a single window in a Web browser; and it is widely

recognised that recently web-based applications have become more and more

widespread in their use. This is reflected by the development of Web 2.0 and the

elimination of traditional conceptions of storing data and running software

programmes on each computer you own (Oberhelman, 2007; Buyya et al., 2008;

Miller, 2008; Vaquero et al., 2009).

As part of the evolution of cloud computing in the last two years, many renowned

companies have begun to engage in the provision of cloud-computing infrastructures

and services. Amazon, Microsoft, Google, EMC, VMware, IBM, Sun, Dell,

SalesForce.com and Activision are examples of Service Providers and Infrastructure

Providers (Klems, 2008). This is mainly due to the fact that the emerging innovation

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has great commercial potential and it reflects a revolution in information systems, as

well as the potential to change the whole IT environment and IT market in the next

few years (Leavitt, 2009). Therefore, it could be seen that there is an upward trend in

computing in the cloud.

2.2.2 Current cloud-computing activities

The report of the Pew Internet and American Life Project (Horrigan, 2008) describes

the six types of activities associated with cloud computing listed below (Table 2-1):

56% using webmail services (such as Google mail and Yahoo mail), 41% storing

photos and videos online, 29% using online applications (such as Google Documents

and Adobe Photoshop express) and 10% paying to store computer files online and

backing up hard drives to an online site. In addition, it is reported that 69% of the

American internet users have performed at least one, and 40% of them at least two,

activities. However, currently, not only are these activities related to cloud computing,

but there are also many different types of cloud-computing activities, such as

web-based desktops, web-based databases, online project management applications,

contact management and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications,

online bookmarking services, social networks and online groupware (Miller, 2008).

As a consequence, from results of the investigation, it can be seen that it is more and

more common for people to use cloud-computing services in todays world.

On the other hand, the Pew Internet and American Life Project indicates that 34% of

participants have been away from home or work and used laptops to go online

(Horrigan, 2008). This means that internet users are able to access these online

services easily via the mobile computer or phone. Not only can people go online by

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using different mobile devices, but the various business purposes of the Internet are

also apparent. For example, LaMonica (2009) reports that Hohm is a free web-based

application of home-energy management built by Microsoft and by means of this

cloud-computing application people can monitor and conserve electricity and natural

gas. This example of the new business related to residential energy management

clearly represents that there is great potential for using the Internet in association

with cloud computing in the future.

Cloud Computing Activities

(An investigation into American Internet users)
Those who use a laptop to connect
Groups of cloud activities All internet users
WiFi away from home or work
Use webmail services
56% 64%
(e.g. Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo Mail)
Store personal photos online
34% 44%
(e.g. Flickr, Picasa or Facebook)
Use online application
29% 38%
(e.g. Google Docs)
Store personal videos online
7% 13%
(e.g. Youtube)

Pay to store computer files online 5% 10%

Back up hard drive to an online site 5% 9%

Table 2-1 Results of a survey of cloud computing activities undertaken by internet users in America
(Source: Horrigan, 2008).

2.3 Characteristics of Cloud Services

It is widely recognised that Service Providers (SPs) view software services as their

business basis and they make these accessible to Service Users via Internet-based

interfaces. Currently, Infrastructure Providers (IPs) struggle to build the large data

centres called Cloud Centres for the provision of the cloud-computing

infrastructure required to host services. Therefore, cloud services can be defined as a

business model provided by IPs. Cloud services with general purpose data-centre

capacity are elastic, scalable and cost-saving. SPs could choose their optimum

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resource requirements when moving their computing infrastructure to IPs (Leavitt,

2009; Vaquero et al., 2009). This section aims to discuss types of cloud services and

make comparisons of cloud service providers. Moreover, the issue of private clouds

and successful examples of the usage of cloud services are also dealt with.

2.3.1 Types of cloud services

In terms of business models of cloud computing today, there are three common

kinds of cloud services, namely, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a

Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) (Leavitt, 2009; Vaquero et al.,

2009). From Figure 2-2, it is obvious that each type of cloud service is located in a

different layer of the architecture. The different purposes and capabilities of

components are as below.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

According to Melvin B. Greer (2009), SaaS is an approach of one-to-many

model, which means that multiple users or organisations use the same

application via a Web browser, using, for instance, word processors and

excel processors. Google Apps are the best example in the

software-as-a-service area. In general, many people recognise what SaaS is

because of its actual and easy-to-use interfaces (Weinhardt et al., 2009). As

a result, SaaS is the typical business application of cloud computing

representing potential interest (Vaquero et al., 2009). Table 2-2 below

shows examples of SaaS.

Types of Cloud
Online calendar Google Calendar, Yahoo! Calendar, Windows Live
applications Calendar, Apple MobileMe Calendar

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Online scheduling
2 Presdo, Windows Live Events

Online planning and task

3 Voo2Do, TracksLife, HiTask, Tudu List

Event management
4 Event Planning and Workflow management
Contact management
Salesforce.com, AppleMobileMe Contacts,
5 and CRM management
BigContacts, Zoho CRM
Project management
6 AceProject, Basecamp, Project Drive

Web-based word
7 Google Docs, ajaxWrite, iNetWord

8 Web-based spreadsheets Google spreadsheets, EditGrid, eXpresso

9 Web-based databases Dabble DB, QuickBase, MyWebDB

Web-based presentation
10 Google Presentations, Presentation Engine

Online file-storage and

11 Amazon S3, Microsoft Office Live Workspace
-sharing services

Online bookmarking
12 Del.icio.us, Yahoo!MyWeb

Online photo-editing
13 Adobe Photoshop Express, Snipshot

14 Flickr, Picasa Web Albums, dotPhoto

15 Web-based desktops ajaxWindows, eyeOS, Desktoptwo, StartForce

16 Gmail, Yahoo!Mail, Windows Live Hotmail, meebo
communication tools

17 Social networks Facebook, Myspace

18 Online groupware Google Sites, ProjectSpaces, Nexo, AirSet

19 Blogs and Wikis Blogger, WordPress, Wikispaces, Zoho Wiki

Table 2-2 Current types of Cloud Computing activities (Source: Miller, 2008).

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

The layer of IaaS includes a large set of computing resources, such as

storage capabilities and computing power. The development of

virtualization makes it easier for IPs to dynamically manage and

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reconfigure these resources as demanded by consumers (Leavitt, 2009;

Weinhardt et al., 2009). Nevertheless, pay-per-use and subscription pricing

are the most important features of IaaS. For example, Elastic Compute

Cloud (EC2) and Simple Storage Service (S3) offered by Amazon allow

many enterprises to run their applications on this platform and exchange

data with their business partners, suppliers and external parties via secure

and trusted connections (Melvin B. Greer, 2009).

Figure 2-2 Cloud computing architecture (Source: Vaquero et al., 2009; Weinhardt et al., 2009).

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

From the aspects of technology and business, the layer of PaaS focuses on

the provision of value-added services, which make it easier for developers

to write applications and upload them into cloud without worrying about

effects upon the growing usage of applications (Weinhardt et al., 2009). In

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other words, PaaS could be viewed as a tool of cloud-computing system

development. Google Apps Engine is a typical example of PaaS.

As mentioned above, SaaS, PaaS and IaaS are usually offered and managed by

various cloud vendors and directly obtained from the open market (zur

Wirtschaftsinformatik). Due to the fact that a variety of consumers use the same

cloud resources, these clouds are called public clouds. In contrast, private clouds

refer to an enterprises internal usage of cloud service. The reasons for firms to adopt

private clouds are mainly associated with the management, cost and security of

clouds (Grossman, 2009). In this case, the organisation may establish its own cloud

or outsource to a third party to operate. As a consequence, there are two options for

IT infrastructure (Reese, 2009).

2.3.2 Feature Comparison of Cloud Providers

Today, IT departments very commonly outsource their software requirements to

application service providers (ASPs). This is a multitenant business model for the

delivery and management of applications and computer services from a remote data

processing centre (Laudon and Laudon, 2006: 205). In order to ensure the quality of

services, formal service-level agreements (SLAs) are essential to ensure the expected

services and computing responsibility between consumers and IT vendors (Turban,

2008: 546). Similarly, SLAs for cloud services are also necessary and important. In

addition, there is noticeable debate in relation to choice of appropriate services and

vendors. Therefore, feature comparison of cloud vendors is relatively important. In

order to compare the differences in cloud platforms, Table 2-3 shows the features of

five service providers.

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Amazon Google Microsoft Sun GRIDs Lad

EC2 App Engine Live Mesh Network.com Aneka

Focus IaaS PaaS IaaS IaaS SaaS

Service type Web apps Storage Compute Compute
OS level Job Resource
Virtualisation running on a OS level management manager and
Xen hypervisor system scheduler
Dynamic SLA-based
negotiation resource
None None None None
of QoS reservation on
parameters Aneka side
Live Desktop
Amazon EC2 Web-based Job submission Workbench,
User Access and any
command-line administration scripts, Sun Grid Web-based
Interface devices with
tools console Web portal portal
Live Mesh

Web APIs Yes Yes Unknown Yes Yes

Linux-based Solaris OS,
Programming Python, Java Not programming
Amazon Java, C, C++,
language (new) applicable models in C#
and other .Net
Image (AMI)
Table 2-3 Comparison of some representative cloud platforms (Source: Buyya et al., 2008)

Based on the comparison above, it can be seen that each service provider focuses on

different types of cloud services. This study briefly analyses the key points in

evaluating the cloud offerings. In addition to service type, programming framework

is a most crucial factor in adoption of computing services, especially for

organisations. Some companies have their own applications developed with specific

programming languages and this raises the issues of compatibility of systems and

effort of introducing a new system. For example, Amazon EC2 only enables users to

run Linux-based applications. For this reason, organisations have to spend much time

and money on modifications or even creating a new system if they intend to switch

from their own Windows-based applications to Linux-based applications. The second

vital feature is user access interface. A convenient, friendly and rich interface can

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allow a user to easily manipulate and maintain a system.

2.3.3 Successful cases using cloud services

Up to now, cloud computing has not been widely applied in the IT industry (Leavitt,

2009). However, there are a few successful real cases, which help to make apparent

the services that can be provided. According to Chaganti (2008a), Amazon Web

Services (AWS) is a typical cloud computing provider and it has four major services,

namely, Storage, Computing, Messaging and Datasets. As for Amazon Elastic

Compute Cloud (EC2), the New York Times used this service successfully to deal

with terabytes of archrival data in less than 36 hours (Gottfrid, 2008). From this case,

it can be seen that the strong and rapid computing capacity is an important feature of

cloud computing. In terms of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), SmugMug is an

example of an online photo storage application that stores a great amount of data on

S3: approximately more than half a petabyte. Hence, this company cuts costs by

around $1 million (Chaganti, 2008a). In this day and age, it is widely recognised that

it is getting more and more common for people to store data in networks. However,

certain crucial issues such as reliability, simplicity, scalability and inexpensive

pricing should be addressed (Chaganti, 2008b). On the other hand, it is apparent that

organisations raise important issues that require extensions and revisions of

previous foundational work on commitment, norms, strong paraconsistency, and

model checking (Hewitt, 2008).

2.4 Prospect of Global Cloud Markets

Cloud computing reveals the next-generation application architecture (Hutchinson et

al., 2009) and there will be a sea change in computing in the coming years (King,
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2008). Merrill Lynch, a global financial services company, estimates that by 2011 the

volume of cloud computing market opportunity is expected to be worth $160 billion

(figure 2-6) (Klems, 2008). This accounts for business and productivity applications

and online advertising at $95 billion and $65 billion respectively. Also, Morgan

Stanley stated that cloud computing is one of the prominent technology trends

(Buyya et al., 2008). From the viewpoint of organisations, the trend in cloud

computing will have a great impact on the adoption of information systems.

Weinhardt (2009) states that Current trends in cloud computing lean heavily toward

the business world: companies seem increasingly motivated to focus innovative

business models on various aspects of cloud computing.

Figure 2-3 The trend in cloud computing by 2012 (Source: Leavitt, 2009)

On the other hand, the level of maturity of cloud-computing technologies has an

important impact on the market. Gartners analysis predicts that cloud application

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infrastructure technologies will take seven years to become mature. From 2007 to

2011, the first phase is that an increasing number of cloud providers will explore

potential interest within the market through a variety of business activities. During

the period, the market will begin to mature and be dominated by particular cloud

vendors. The second phase is from 2010 to 2013. In this period, more and more

organisations will consider the adoption of cloud computing and this will contribute

to them changing their ways of using technology and achieving market consolidation.

Figure 2-4 below shows the differences in technical usage between 2008 and 2012.

By 2015, due to mainstream critical mass, commoditization will be a natural

outcome of competition and technological advance (Ferguson, 2008; "Gartner Says

Cloud Application Infrastructure Technologies Need Seven Years to Mature", 2009).

Figure 2-4 Market-research firm IDCs predictions of changes in organisations use of technology due
to cloud computing (Source: Leavitt, 2009)

2.5 The Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing

On-premises software refers to applications such as Windows-based software

("On-premises software") which are installed and run on a local single computer. In

addition, it is the major approach to traditional information system development. By

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contrast, off-premises computing services, such as web-based applications, are

located at a remote place and owned by particular organisations, (Melvin B. Greer,

2009). The fact that off-premises computing is gaining in popularity today,

encourages the conception of cloud computing. In the following section, firstly, this

study will distinguish the attributes of cloud computing compared to traditional

computing and identify the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing.

2.5.1 Comparison of cloud-computing attributes

As mentioned above, todays Internet environment and a convergence of new and

complex technologies contribute directly to the transition from traditional computing

to cloud computing. This shift to computing in the cloud is transforming the delivery

and acquisition of IT products and service contracts with SPs (Melvin B. Greer, 2009:

15). In short, the innovation reveals that there is a tendency towards off-premises

computing services, instead of on-premises software products. To compare cloud

with traditional computing, Table 2-4 below presents the distinguishing attributes of

cloud computing from four different aspects. First of all, cloud computing enables

consumers to rent services they need, rather than investing in ownership of IT

infrastructures. Secondly, the pay-per-use pricing model is cheaper than traditional

fixed IT expenses. Thirdly, it is convenient for end-users to use various devices to

access services placed on the Internet, even when they are away from the home or

office. Finally, cloud-computing infrastructure is more scalable, elastic, dynamic and

multitenant than that of traditional computing.

Traditional Computing Cloud Computing

Buy assets and build
Acquisition model Buy service (aka rent)
technical architecture

Pay for fixed assets and

Business model Pay based on use
Administrative overhead
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Over Internal network, to

Access model Over the Internet, to any device
Corporate desktop

Single tenant, non-shared, static Scalable, elastic, dynamic,

Technical model
(often not shared) multitenant
Table 2-4 Cloud Computing Distinguishing Attributes (Source: Melvin B. Greer, 2009: 16)

2.5.2 The Benefits of cloud services to business

Strictly speaking, cloud computing is a theoretical conception of technology.

However, cloud service is the practical implementation of cloud computing. It thus

becomes apparent that there is a certain overlap between the benefits of cloud

computing and cloud services. In order to clarify the differences, first of all, Table

2-5 briefly identifies the overall advantages offered by cloud computing (Miller,

2008: 24).

Categories The benefits of cloud computing

Lower-cost computers
Capital costs Lower IT infrastructure costs
Lower software costs
Increased computing power
Capacity Improved performance
Unlimited storage capacity
Increased data safety
Fewer maintenance issues

Improved compatibility between operating systems

Improved document format compatibility
Instant software updates
Ease of use Latest version availability
Easier group collaboration
Universal access to documents
Removes the tether to specific devices
Table 2-5 The benefits of cloud computing (Miller, 2008)

As for the benefits of cloud services to business, firstly, cost saving is the primary

and most important financial benefit (Reese, 2009: 13). This is mainly because of the

usage-based pricing model. In terms of organisations, it helps them reduce their

capital expenses and barriers to entry (Grossman, 2009). Table 2-6 below clearly

reports that the cost of cloud services is quite low compared to other IT

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Internal IT Managed Services Cloud Services

Capital investment $40,000 $0 $0

Setup costs $10,000 $5,000 $1,000

Monthly service fees $0 $4,000 $2400

Monthly staff costs $3,200 $0 $1000

Net cost over three years $149,000 $129,000 $106,000

Table 2-6 Comparing the cost of different IT infrastructures (Source: Reese, 2009: 14)

Secondly, due to the fact that less than 50 percent of the total capacity of IT resources

in enterprises is used (Leavitt, 2009), IPs concentrate on enabling consumers to scale

up their capacity on demand and to enjoy the same economies of scale by means of

using cloud services (Grossman, 2009). In short, a large scale, general-purpose data

centre should offer more availability than an in-house IT infrastructure. As a

consequence, this contributes to consumers increasing the efficiency of their

operations and business continuity, especially for small or midsize companies.

The third advantage is relative to agility of implementation which makes it easier for

IT professionals to develop cloud applications quickly and deploy them instantly.

Simultaneously, developed or revised cloud-based applications can be used by

hundreds or thousands of users in different locations all over the world (Melvin B.

Greer, 2009: 19). Equally importantly, this ability shortens time to market, as it

eliminates the wait for the organisational deployment of hardware and software sign-

off (Vile and Liddle, 2009: 156).

Fourthly, perceived ease of use greatly encourages an increase in user adoption rates

and customer satisfaction rates. Generally speaking, the operating interfaces of cloud

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applications look like browser web based applications or windows based applications.

Both interfaces tend to be intuitive and easy to use (Melvin B. Greer, 2009: 19).

Finally, most service providers do not call for contracts, which in turn makes users

more disposed to adopt cloud services as needed to develop systems and expand their

businesses. Also, vendors can benefit greatly from the wide usage of service users, in

the form, for example, of advertising revenue (Leavitt, 2009). Strikingly, it can be

seen that its inherent flexibility is a key factor in cloud adoption, especially for the

SaaS model ("Cloud Computing Research Shows Flexibility a Factor in SaaS

Adoption", 2009).

2.5.3 Drawbacks of cloud services

In contrast with the benefits discussed earlier, cloud computing and cloud services

both suffer from certain disadvantages. First of all, one significant drawback is

relative to bandwidth in that cloud services are often remote and rely on the Internet.

Therefore, any lack of constant and high-speed Internet connections leads to cloud

applications not being able to work well (Miller, 2008: 28; Leavitt, 2009). To address

this problem, service users and entrepreneurs could upgrade the speed of their

broadband. From the viewpoint of business, cloud services can help save money on

hardware and software. However, remediation of latency may result in higher

bandwidth costs (Leavitt, 2009).

The second important disadvantage is that the performance of off-premises

applications is not as fast as on-premises software. Moreover, another drawback

related to cloud applications is that features may be limited (Miller, 2008: 29; Melvin

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B. Greer, 2009: 46). Take Google Docs as an example. Its functionalities are quite

basic in comparison with Microsoft Office. In addition to the three major

disadvantages, further crucial issues, such as security and reliability, require in-depth

discussion (Grossman, 2009).

2.6 Further Implications for Implementation of Cloud


As discussed earlier in the previous section, the drawbacks present the indisputable

fact that there are significant barriers to the widespread adoption of cloud computing.

In addition to the obvious disadvantages, there are other challenges to cloud

computing on the horizon. Further issues related to the evolution of cloud computing

fall into the following groups:

2.6.1 Economic concerns

For individual users and organisations, economic issues have an extremely vital

effect upon their decision whether or not to adopt cloud computing (Reese, 2009: 13).

The preliminary capital investment is the first point that consumers need to consider.

Some enterprises may already have their own IT assets, and hence they stress this

matter in particular. Moreover, ongoing costs must be involved in the consideration

of cloud adoption. For service providers, in order to attract many customers and

increase cloud adoption rates, a reasonable pricing structure is relatively important,

especially for the current, difficult economic climate (Leavitt, 2009).

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2.6.2 Business model concerns

Before the shift to computing in the cloud, companies must decide upon updates to

their business models and how cloud computing can help them make money (Miller,

2008). Obviously, innovative business models will contribute to companies adopting

cloud computing (Tsai, 2009; Weinhardt et al., 2009). Moreover, another significant

requirement for firms is selection of cloud services that are fit for purpose. For

instance, one benefit of SaaS is to enable companies to expand their businesses

appropriately (Melvin B. Greer, 2009).

2.6.3 Security concerns

As we know, in todays society, the privacy of personal information and the

confidentiality of business and governmental information are always an important

issue, particularly as new technologies are developing. As Leavitt (2009) noted in his

reviews of cloud computing research, most people worry about security. Generally

speaking, the security issues relate to technological changes, data regulations,

compliance, policy making and law making. Additionally, of course, service users,

service providers and governments should share responsibility for the improvement

of cloud security. Service vendors, on their part, have to engage in enhancing the

algorithm of data encryption, in order to ensure that data, network and host are

secure (Reese, 2009: 100).

Service users should also require more vigilance, in the face of potential security

risks. IT departments are usually wary of data control, particularly if they outsource

their data centres to cloud service providers. This is mainly because the cloud

platform on which their data is hosted may be located anywhere around the world

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and none of that organisations staff works there (Leavitt, 2009). This means they are

unable to see or touch the equipment, to say nothing of governing their data. In most

cases, solutions to security problems do not lie in security technologies but in

regulatory and standards compliance (Reese, 2009: 103).

On the other hand, because of the obligation that cloud service providers must

guarantee the quality of their services, better and clearer policies and practices would

be helpful for consumers in assessing potential security risks they face (Hewitt, 2008;

Fenu and Surcis, 2009; Melvin B. Greer, 2009: 42). However, sometimes, the

potential risks regarding privacy and confidentiality may not be solved by changes in

policies and practices. The government should appropriately change the existing laws

or make new laws (Melvin B. Greer, 2009: 42).

2.6.4 Technical concerns

The key to speeding up diffusion of cloud computing is in the maturation of cloud

technologies. As mentioned in the previous section, the speed of broadband and

performance of web-based applications should be improved. In addition, for cloud

computing to mature, it also requires interoperability to address the problems

associated with dependencies and standardisation (Fried, 2009; Tsai, 2009). Ideally,

consumers should have the ability to bring cloud applications back to their own

information systems or move them from one cloud vendor to another offering lower

costs or a greater range of cloud services (Grossman, 2009). However, so far, current

cloud computing platforms have no standardisation of application program interfaces

and platform technologies (Melvin B. Greer, 2009: 163). This being the case,

enterprises have to entirely depend on the support of specific cloud providers. If

organisations intended to move the existing systems to another vendor, this would

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oblige them to spend extra money on reforming systems. As a result, recently, there

has been an online document dedicated to fulfilling interoperability. It clearly points

out the following six principles of an Open Cloud on which technical suppliers and

communities should collaborate ("Open Cloud Manifesto", 2009):

1. Open collaboration and the appropriate use of standards are necessary for

cloud providers to tackle the barriers to adoption of cloud computing.

2. To avoid monopolising the cloud computing industry. Cloud providers must

let customers have choice of different vendors, instead of locking them into

particular platforms.

3. Cloud providers have to follow the existing standards, but not duplicate or

reinvent them.

4. The judicious and pragmatic consideration of the creation of new standards as

needed is necessary.

5. All community efforts associated with the open cloud should mainly depend

on customer needs and should completely satisfy real customer requirements.

6. To avoid conflicts and overlaps, cloud-computing standards organisations,

advocacy groups, and communities should collaborate and coordinate.

2.6.5 Reliability concerns

Due to the fact that reliability has a great impact on cloud adoption, consumers

should take care of the two key issues related to transparency and service quality.

First of all, transparency means that the capabilities of cloud services must be audited

by third parties (Leavitt, 2009). To achieve the goal, service vendors must provide

reliable systems to ensure that customers can check who has access to their data and

keep unauthorized personnel from retrieving information (Vile and Liddle, 2009:
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162). On the other hand, Leavitt (2009) points out the problem that vendors cannot

always offer round-the-clock cloud services. This leads to the issue of reliability that

consumers are very concerned about. To address this problem, vendors must

establish a sound operating environment for their cloud services. A sound

environment reflects how good the disaster recovery plan of the service provider is

and whether its cloud service is indeed reliable (Reese, 2009).

2.6.6 Staff expertise concerns

As always, employees working in the IT environment have to address various

challenges, in the face of innovation (Hutchinson et al., 2009). Therefore, a lack of

relevant IT professionals in organisations presents a current barrier to cloud adoption

(Tsai, 2009). Technology suppliers and service providers should be responsible for

provisioning cloud training activities, such as consultant services, technical seminars

and training courses. Furthermore, the provision of development and testing tools for

adoption of cloud computing is also important; in particular, these help developers

create cloud applications rapidly (Hutchinson et al., 2009).

2.6.7 Political concerns

If cloud computing can bring great benefits to business and our lives, we may need to

consider whether the government should shoulder responsibility for adding impetus

to the evolution of cloud computing. Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister of the

United Kingdom, declared that The digital revolution is changing all our lives

beyond recognition and today we shall set out how Britain must change with it

(Brown, 2009). Along these lines, the UK government will invest in information and

communications industries and aim for accelerated digital development. From this

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example, it is apparent that government support affects the innovation of technology.

2.7 Summary

The review of the literature has covered the important issues in relation to cloud

computing. At the beginning of the review, it focuses on the definition of the cloud

and the understanding of the attributes of the relevant computing paradigms

associated with the cloud. In the second section, this study discusses reasons for the

current tendencies towards cloud computing, and looks at the popular cloud activities

in America. From the preliminary review of cloud computing, it can be seen that

cloud computing is both a developing concept and a set of existing computing

paradigms. Further, and most importantly, it has become integral to our lives.

In the third section, the characteristics of cloud services are discussed and compared.

Public cloud offers three types of cloud service: SaaS, PaaS and IaaS. Among these

services, the cloud applications of SaaS are becoming more and more popular for

people in dealing with their daily jobs, at the expense of on-premises applications.

The other two services are not as widely used as SaaS. However, examples of

successful practice have proved the benefits of cloud computing. Due to the fact that

some well-known companies have succeeded in the strategy of cloud adoption, the

fourth section looks at the global cloud market. According to evidence from the

review, it can be seen that positive predictions for the future of the cloud market have

been made by the professional analysts.

In order to gain further understanding of cloud computing, the fifth section highlights

the inherent advantages and disadvantages of this innovation, as well as its benefits

to business. Because of the low rate of cloud adoption in organisations today, the
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sixth section discusses the barriers to adoption of cloud computing. These critical

issues relate to economy, business models, security, technology, reliability, staff

expertise and policy.

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3. Framework for Evaluating Cloud Adoption

This chapter builds the research framework for assessing the feasibility of adoption

of cloud computing in development of information systems, and mainly covers the

following areas: the variables determining the rate of adoption, strategy situation

analysis and personal cognition. The first part reviews the literature on diffusion of

innovations with regard to the variables determining the rate of adoption. The second

area points out four dimensions in relation to strategy situation analysis. In order to

achieve the goal of the project, the framework mainly refers to the diffusion of

innovation theory. Figure 3-1 shows the conceptual structure of this framework and

the way to assess the feasibility of cloud adoption. This framework will help

investigate the factors influencing cloud adoption in organisations.

Figure 3-1 Framework for assessing cloud adoption

3.1 Variables Determining the Rate of Adoption

As Rogers (1995: 216) noted in his theory of diffusion of innovations, the diffusion

of an innovation is an uncertainty-reduction process. In order to explore the factors

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in relation to diffusion of innovations, the theory discusses many key issues involved

in the uncertainty-reduction process. It mainly covers the following crucial matters:

the generation of an innovation, the formation of an innovation-decision, attributes of

innovations and rates of adoption, diffusion network, innovativeness and categories

of adopter, innovations in organisations and the promotional efforts of change agents.

Although many important issues involves in the theory, this research chiefly focuses

on the discussion about variables determining the rate of adoption.

According to Rogers (1995: 10), diffusion is defined as the process consisting of the

innovation, communication channels, time and the social system, and the display of

the process is a wave shaped S-curve divided into three phases. In the first diffusion

phase, the rate of adoption grows slowly. To a certain extent, the adoption rate takes

off in the second phase. With time passing by, the rise in the percentage of adoptions

becomes more and more stable in the third phase. In the subsequent sections, this

study will discuss the relative variable determining the rate of adoption.

3.1.1 Perceived attributes of innovations

As discussed in the previous chapter, it is obvious that cloud computing is an

innovation of technology that has been gradually applied in IT industry and become

an emerging technology. As Rogers (1995: 11) noted in his theory of diffusion of

innovations, an innovation is an idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new

by an individual or other unit of adoption. Also, the innovation implies changes of

product, process, position and paradigm (Tidd et al., 2005: 10). On the other hand,

Rogers (1995: 207) indicates that the innovation has five perceived attributes which

are viewed as the key to explaining the variance in the rate of adoption. These

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perceived attributes of innovations are as follows:

Attributes Definition
Relative The degree to which an innovation is perceived as being better than the
advantage idea it supersedes
The degree to which an innovation is perceived as consistent with the
existing values, past experiences and needs of potential adopters
The degree to which an innovation is perceived as relatively difficult to
understand and use
The degree to which an innovation may be experimented with on a
limited basis

Observability The degree to which the results of an innovation are visible to others

Table 3-1 Perceived attributes of innovations (Source: Rogers, 1995)

Rogers offers a sound theoretical basis for evaluating of the rate of cloud adoption. In

general, the ways to measure the degree of these attributes often refer to the practical

benefits of an innovation to individuals, organisations, the economy and the society.

Therefore, in order to address this topic, the previous chapter has analysed the

benefits and drawbacks of cloud computing through the medium of the relevant


3.1.2 Type of innovation-decisions

According to Rogers (1995: 206), the type of innovation-decision has an impact on

the rate of adoption. In general, the innovation-decision is made by an individual or

an organisational decision-making unit. However, an individual-optional decision

enables an innovation to be adopted more rapidly compared to other types. In other

words, the number of people who are involved in the formulation of an innovation

will influence the rate of adoption. Therefore, the following three types of

innovation-decisions will be used to evaluate the rate of cloud adoption (Rogers,

1995: 372):

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1. Optional:

An individual decides to adopt or reject an innovation.

2. Collective:

Most members of an organisation decide to adopt or reject an innovation.

3. Authority:

A relevant individual who owns power, status or technical expertise in an

organisation decides to adopt or reject an innovation.

3.1.3 Communication channels

An innovation-decision process takes the form of sequential stages, including (1) the

acquisition of knowledge, (2) persuasion, (3) decision making, (4) implementation,

(5) confirmation (Rogers, 1995: 162). The five stages above help to identify the roles

of different communication channels, including (1) interpersonal or massive media

and (2) local or cosmopolite sources. For example, massive media is more important

than interpersonal at the knowledge stage. This is mainly because that massive media

enables a large number of people to acquire information or knowledge more rapidly,

leading to changes in weakly held attitudes. By contrast, at the persuasion stage,

interpersonal can provide a two-way exchange of information and persuade someone

to change a strongly held opinion. Further, local or cosmopolite sources also cause

different effects at each stage. Take English as an example. As we know, the global

language is English, and hence English materials are relatively more plentiful than

others. For these reasons, Rogers (1995: 207) points out that communication

channels are related to the rate of adoption.

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3.1.4 Nature of the social system

A social system is a set of interrelated units that concentrate on addressing problems,

in order to achieve a common goal (Rogers, 1995: 23). The units of the social system

consist of individuals or organisations, and hence the norms of the system depend on

the number of units. The more units involved in the system, the faster the rate of

adoption. Furthermore, the degree of network interconnectedness also affects an

innovations rate of adoption. Based on the theory, this study will try to discuss the

appropriate way to diffuse cloud computing and who should be the opinion leaders.

For example, should the government or leading firms be responsible for impetus to

diffuse cloud computing?

3.1.5 Extent of change agents promotion efforts

The extent of change due to agents promotion efforts is the final variable

determining the rate of adoption. Rogers (1995: 208) indicates that an increase in

agents efforts will not always get greater payoff from a given amount of the activity

unless the innovation is adopted by from 3% to 16 % of opinion leaders and

continues to spread at a certain rate. As discussed in the second chapter, Google,

Microsoft, Oracle and Amazon are agents of change. Therefore, this project will try

to assess their promotional efforts in Taiwan.

3.2 Strategy Situation Analysis

Before the move into an innovation, an appropriate information strategy and plan can

help an organisation adapt to change (Davenport and Prusak, 1997: 47). Therefore, in

the judicious and pragmatic consideration of an innovation it is relatively important

for organisations to develop a strategy. In order to achieve strategic benefits, Daft

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(1998: 289) states that managers can focus on the following types of changes:

technology, product and service, strategy and structure, and people and culture. In

addition, an assessment of the current status of an organisation in relation to the new

strategy is quite helpful in planning a strategy. Based on these points above, this

project focuses on evaluating the four dimensions of situation analysis with respect

to the adoption of cloud computing. The key issues of these dimensions are explained

and listed below:

3.2.1 Internal organisational environment

As Rogers (1995: 133) states that the innovation-development process starts with

needs or problems, it can be seen that the first step of situation analysis is to identify

the organisational needs. According to Goffin and Mitchell (2005: 3), the need for

innovation and market change are usually driven by technological advances,

changing customers and needs, intensified competition and changing business

environment. The value chain model is a common analytical technique at the

business level and it enables organisations to understand individual value chains

(Laudon and Laudon, 2006: 92). This methodology aims to analyse a variety of

primary activities and support activities, including business processes and structures

in an organisation. After ascertaining needs, the next stage is to identify the different

characteristics of the internal organisational environment which may affect the

strategy of cloud adoption. The scope of the assessment includes strategy, structure,

systems, style, staff, skills and superordinate goals (Chaffey and Wood, 2005: 294).

3.2.2 Internal information systems environment

The dimension of the internal information systems environment involves reviewing

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the current sophistication of IS usage within a company (Chaffey and Wood, 2005:

296). Moreover, for organisations, the ability to reform the existing systems or build

a new one is another issue. Generally speaking, there are two approaches to the

transition: internal IT infrastructure and support, and outsourcing to managed

services (Reese, 2009: 11). On the other hand, organisations must evaluate the

spending and effort required for cloud adoption in advance. To address this problem,

this study adopts the feature-oriented reuse method (FORM), which is based on the

featured-oriented domain analysis (FODA) feasibility study, to evaluate the


In detail, the method of FODA emphasizes the feature model which relates the

results of domain analysis to requirements analysis (Kang et al., 1990: 21). The

feature model is used to negotiate the capabilities of application with users or to

evaluate the possibility of reusing software products. To integrate with the method of

FORM, it focuses on using the feature model to develop reusable domain artefacts

(Kang et al., 1998: 145). In order to identify the goal of reusability, FODA explores

four factors that enable IT experts easily to develop generic and reusable components

for many applications (Kang et al., 1990: 23). On the other hand, the factors listed

below also represent the types of development decisions. Figure 3-2 shows that in

general, the outer factors (the earlier development decisions) affect the inner range of

decisions (Kang et al., 1990: 24). Similarly, FORM includes the four perspectives

as well.

1. Capabilities:

The capabilities of applications satisfy the end-users requirements.

2. Operating environments:
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The operating environments mean the software or hardware environment in

which applications are used and operated.

3. Domain technology:

The application domain technology means the specific knowledge (e.g.

avionics domain know-how) which is the basis for developing applications.

4. Implementation techniques:

Implementation techniques mean technical skills, development tools and

algorithm which are used in the design.

Figure 3-2 Types of development decisions (Source: Kang et al., 1990: 24)

3.2.3 External micro-environment

The external micro-environment reconsiders the current IS capabilities and external

information needs (Chaffey and Wood, 2005: 306). This research adopts Porters five

competitive forces model to assess the core competence of cloud computing and

observe the impact of micro-environment on a company (Porter, 2004: 306; Chaffey

and Wood, 2005). The five forces are as follows:

1. Threat of substitutes:

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To evaluate whether cloud computing will be able to help individuals or

organisations generate new products or services.

2. Bargaining power of customers:

To evaluate whether use of cloud services has the potential to continue

increasing in popularity

3. Power of suppliers:

To evaluate how suppliers will be able to promote cloud computing more

efficiently and persuade organisations to adopt it.

4. Threat of new entrants:

To evaluate whether the barriers to cloud computing will become much

lower and lead to an increasing number of potential entrants appearing.

5. Extent of rivalry between existing competitors:

To evaluate whether the appearance of cloud computing will result in

competitive changes to the IT market.

3.2.4 External macro-environment

The final dimension is the external macro-environment with regard to the social,

legal, economic, political and technology development (Chaffey and Wood, 2005:

309). Similarly, Avison and Fitzgerald (2006: 32) also mentioned four points to

evaluate whether a proposed system is feasible. First of all, a feasible system should

be built legally. Secondly, the organisational and social acceptance of proposed

systems is important. The third point is to discuss whether technology is available to

develop a proposed system. Finally, the economic issue involves discussion of cost

saving and marketing. This project will evaluate whether these aspects mentioned

above will have a positive or negative impact on the evolution of cloud computing.

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3.3 Summary

As mentioned in the earlier section, Figure 3-1 shows the three models in the

research framework for evaluating cloud adoption. The first model of variables

determining the rate of adoption is mainly based on the theory of diffusion of

innovations. Through the criteria of the rate of adoption, it makes it easier for the

researcher to identify the factors that have a great impact on cloud adoption.

Moreover, the model of strategy situation analysis looks at the current situation in

organisations from multiple points of view. Therefore, it is used to gather the

considerations of the interviewees in reality, and to analyse compatibility of cloud

computing. In terms of the model of personal cognition, the study will not focus on

this because personal cognition could cover a wide range of issues. Therefore, for the

purposes of this research, personal cognition refers to the considerations of the

interviewees based on their work experiences and personal recognition of cloud


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4. Methodology

This chapter addresses the main considerations. The first section focuses on the

research method and strategy used in the study. The second section explains the

sampling approach employed in the study and how participants were selected. In the

third section, the data collection details are presented, including method, instruments

and procedure. The final section describes how the collected data was analysed.

4.1 Research method and strategy

For the purpose of the study, qualitative method, which is often referred to as an

inductive approach, was employed to conduct the research. Qualitative researchers

use a language of cases and contexts, employ bricolage, examine social processes

and cases in their social context, and look at interpretations or the creation of

meaning in specific settings. They look at social life from multiple points of view and

explain how people construct identities, said Neuman (2006: 157). Through the

interviews, this study will be able to understand the thoughts of the interviewees with

respect to cloud computing, as well as the pros and cons of cloud computing.

Furthermore, the researcher will understand the barriers to adoption of cloud


Qualitative researchers emphasize the social context for understanding the social

world. They hold that the meaning of a social action or statement depends on the

context in which it appears, said Neuman (2006: 158). Therefore, through the

interviews, the researcher can comprehend in depth the awareness and experiences of

the interviewees in relation to cloud computing, and explore the factors which may

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have a great impact on the adoption of cloud computing. This study recognises that,

whilst the main focus is cloud computing, the personal experiences of the

participants are also important. The research will make a detailed assessment of the

feasibility of the adoption of cloud computing in the development of information

systems by means of the observation and analysis of the interviews.

The researcher has previously worked in Taiwans IT industry, and this experience

will be helpful to gaining further understanding of the thoughts of the interviewees.

Furthermore, a major benefit of qualitative research is that, by means of in-depth

interview, barriers are eliminated and extremely comprehensive data can be collected

for the study.

4.2 Participants

This section explains the method used in the study and the criteria for selecting

subjects. Furthermore, it supplies background details about the interviewees.

4.2.1 Snowball sampling

Snowball sampling is a form of convenience sampling which is adopted in this

dissertation. Neuman (2006: 223) noted that the explanation of snowball sampling is

that it is based on an analogy to snowball, which begins small but becomes larger

as it is rolled on wet snow and picks up additional snow. Similarly, referrals

enabled the research to get a representative sample through an interconnected

network of people or organisations (Bryman, 2004: 100). Due to the fact that cloud

computing may have a great impact on the IT industry, snowball sampling in the

study is mainly used to investigate IT professionals from different kinds of

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Taiwanese organisations. In facilitation of the research, personal friendship plays an

important role. With this approach to sampling, the researcher will make initial

contacts with friends and ex-colleagues who are working in an IT department of

organisations or IT firms, and then use the referrals to establish contacts with their

colleagues. After that, the researcher will ask for their agreement to the interviews. In

addition, participants in the study should have more than three years work experience

in Taiwans IT industry. This is mainly because sophisticated IT experience is helpful

for the evaluation of cloud adoption.

4.2.2 Sampling composition

To ensure some homogeneity of social background, all participants for this research

were selected from the population of IT professionals employed by organisations in

Taiwan. Of the twenty subjects with at least three years experience in the IT industry,

nineteen completed all questions within the research: fourteen were male and five

were female. Participants were drawn from ten different companies and work for

either an IT firm or an IT department of an organisation and they focus on the

provision of IT services for the different types of customer. For example, most of

their companies engage in providing software services, such as accounting

applications, human resource (HR) management systems and the design of websites.

Moreover, the nineteen participants involved in this research have been further

categorised by their job titles, for the reason that job functions may affect their

considerations of the adoption of cloud computing in the development of information

systems. Eight are classified as managers and eleven as engineers. The following two

tables report details of the participants which helped the researcher analyse the

collected data.

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Code Job Title IT Seniority IT Service Type Responsibilities

Senior Managing the company
M1 27 years Software
manager Developing business strategy

M2 19 years Software Managing system development
Managing projects
M3 16 years Software Managing system development
Developing business strategy
Middle Managing projects
M4 11 years Transportation
manager Managing system development

Middle Managing projects

M5 9 years Software
manager Managing system development

M6 9 years Software Managing system development

Middle Managing projects

M7 7 years Banking
manager Dealing with system design

Middle Managing projects

M8 6 years IT Security
manager Managing system development
Table 4-1 Details of the managers

Code Job Title IT Seniority IT Service Type Responsibilities

Senior Dealing with system design
E1 20 years System integration
engineer Dealing with system integration

Senior Developing applications

E2 10 years Transportation
engineer Maintaining system

Senior Dealing with system design

E3 7 years Aerospace
engineer Developing applications

E4 6 years Telecommunication Dealing with system integration

Senior Dealing with system design

E5 6 years IT Security
engineer Developing applications

Senior Dealing with system design

E6 6 years Banking
engineer Developing applications

E7 5 years Telecommunication Dealing with system design

Senior Dealing with system design

E8 5 years Aerospace
engineer Developing applications

E9 Engineer 5 years Software Developing applications

Senior Dealing with system design

E10 4 years Software
engineer Managing projects

E11 4 years System integration Dealing with system integration

E12 Engineer 3 years Software Developing applications

Table 4-2 Details of the engineers

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4.3 Data Collection

The section describes data collection for the qualitative research. First of all, it will

look at the data collection method, and then illustrate the instruments used and the

process of data collection.

4.3.1 Data collection method

The interview is widely employed in qualitative research and is also the main source

of data in this dissertation (Bryman, 2004: 319). Indeed, the study adopts the

in-depth interview approach for collection of data. According to Taylor and Bogdan

(1998), the definition of in-depth interview means repeated face-face encounters

between the researcher and informants directed toward understanding informants

perspectives on their lives, experiences or situations as expressed in their own

words. Therefore, this data collection method enables the researcher to investigate

the broader research questions and to understand the interviewees specific

experiences in depth. In terms of the method for interviewing the participants,

telephone interview is employed in this study. This is mainly because 95% of the

interviewees could be reached conveniently by telephone (Neuman, 2006: 300).

Moreover, Skype, which is a free internet telephone program, makes it easier for the

researcher to interview the participants in faraway places and reduces the costs of the


4.3.2 Data collection instruments

The two main data collection instruments, used in the study for conducting the

interviews, were the interview guide and digital recorder. The former was designed

by means of the strategy situation analysis model and sent to the participants before

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the interviews. The latter was used to record the content of the interviews and the

interview recordings were used for this research only. Additionally, the purpose of

the interview guide was to give the interviewees a conceptual framework with

respect to the research topic, and to help the research systematically analyse collected


4.3.3 Data collection procedure

The data collection procedure of the study started with a few friends and

ex-colleagues of the researcher. Then the interviewees introduced other participants

to take part in the research. Among these subjects, some were managers, and others

were engineers. For this reason, some interview questions varied according to the job

of the interviewee. On the other hand, there was a problem in that the participants

might not have a clear basic concept of cloud computing. In order to address this

problem, a document written by Trend Micro Corporation was enclosed with the

interview guide in the mail in order to support the subjects in their understanding of

cloud computing. During the period of the interviews, the research also explained the

meanings of the specific terms to the interviewees when necessary.

4.4 Data Analysis

For this dissertation, the framework built in the previous chapter is the basis for data

analysis. In the process of data analysis, the study begins with coding qualitative data.

According to Neuman (2006: 461), there are three stages of coding qualitative data,

including open coding, axial coding and selective coding. In the first stage, the

interview data is examined and condensed into categories based on the framework. In

the second stage, this study will organise the reduced codes and link them, in the
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light of analytic memos. In the final stage, the researcher will identify and select data

from the processed codes and place them into categories of the framework in relation

to variables determining the rate of adoption of innovations. After data analysis, in

the subsequent chapter, the key factors influencing cloud adoption by organisations

will be discussed.

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5. Results Analysis

The chapter analyses the interview data in relation to the evaluation of the adoption

of cloud computing in the development of information systems, and covers the

following debates based on the evaluation framework of cloud adoption. Further, the

interview transcripts are cited to display the considerations of the interviewees in


1. Perceived attributes of innovations

Relative advantages





2. Type of innovation-decision

3. Communication channels

4. Nature of the social system

5. Extent of change agents efforts

5.1 Perceived Attributes of Cloud Computing

According to Rogers (1995: 206), the five perceived attributes are considered as

independent variables and used to explain 49% to 87 % of the variance in the rate of

an innovation. Therefore, in order to evaluate the rate of cloud adoption, this section

will use the perceived attributes to analyse the interview data.

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5.1.1 Relative advantage

Relative advantage is taken as a significant indicator whether the benefits of the

adoption of an innovation to individuals or organisations exceed those of the

previous idea. Generally speaking, before potential adopters decide to adopt an

innovation, they tend to analyse what specific type of the relative advantages is

important to them (Rogers, 1995: 216). Therefore, it is essential for IT professionals

to seek information about the relative advantages of the adoption of cloud computing.

Through the interview data, analysis of the following perceived benefits and

drawbacks are presented:

The advantages:

From the viewpoint of IS capabilities, it is plain to see the relative advantage of

cloud computing. According to results of the interviews, there are some benefits.

First of all, interviewees felt that cloud-based applications enable them to easily

access data anywhere via desktop computers, mobile devices. The second

advantage is ease of use. In addition to friendly interfaces, the interviewees can

easily utilize browser web applications without the installation of software.

Moreover, they can collaborate and share data with others through the usage of

Google Docs. Finally, higher performance and larger online storage capacity are

also important reasons for using cloud-based applications.

The advantage of cloud-based applications is convenience. You do not

need to install software on your own computer and you do not need to

update applications provided by a third party. Moreover, take Google mail

as an example; you save your mails on the Internet without downloading

them to your disk, and then you can access the information anywhere via
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the Internet. So it is quite convenient. (E7)

You can access Gmail service anywhere. This enables the internet users to

check their mails anywhere and its performance is satisfactory. Moreover,

the application interface of Yahoo mail is easy to use and quite friendly

because its design is the same as Outlook, in particular Windows users find

it easier to adapt to the use of cloud applications. (E6)

The disadvantages:

By contrast, there are also some significant drawbacks of cloud computing. The

first one is relative to bandwidth. Obviously, this drawback has a great impact

on the speed of internet access. Secondly, security is also a very important issue

for the adoption of cloud computing. Thirdly, the performance and

functionalities of cloud applications are limited compared to on-premises

software (e.g. Microsoft Office). Finally, document format compatibility is a

problem influencing the usage of cloud-based applications.

The main disadvantage of cloud computing is relative to the convenience

of the usage of Internet and bandwidth. (E4)

There is no doubt that the performance and functionalities of on-premises

are faster and more complete than off-premises applications. By contrast,

as for Google docs, its support to the advanced functionalities may have

some problems. Furthermore, the main important point for documents is

compatibility. Also, the rate of cloud adoption depends on the popularity of

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the Internet. In fact, not all computer users can be always online. Once we

could not connect to the Internet; more than half of the computer

capabilities were unavailable. As far as I know, few of my colleagues still

connect to the Internet via the method of dial connect. (M4)

As for security, it depends on the type of users. For most users, they may

worry about the privacy of personal information and the confidentiality of

business due to negative news reports. For me, as an IT professional, I

believe that the security problems related to technology can be solved.

However, I think that people should pay attention to reliable service

compliance, rather than technology. (M3)

5.1.2 Compatibility

Compatibility refers to the consistency between the previous idea and the perceived

innovation. When an innovation is more compatible with the existing values, past

experiences and needs of potential adopters, the uncertainty will decrease. Also, the

rate of adoption will increase (Rogers, 1995: 224). Through the interviews, the

degree to which cloud computing is perceived as consistent with the current situation

in organisations is exhibited from four different aspects:

Internal IS environment:

The internal IS environment relates to reviewing the current sophistication of IS

usage within a company. In order to evaluate the feasibility of cloud adoption,

this study focuses on the following two points. First of all, through the

interviews, it is apparent that the definitions of cloud computing that the various

IT professionals gave are quite different.

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Cloud computing is that the remote servers provide computing power and

practical services. Further service providers may charge users. (M5)

In short, all capacities on a computer will shift to the cloud and end-users

will access cloud services via the Internet. Further, they can enjoy the

resources of computing power and storage. (E11)

As far as I know, cloud computing is to interconnect many computers via

networks, in order to achieve high-performance computing power like a

supercomputer. (E10)

Cloud computing is like a regular service located somewhere and users

can access its resources of computing power through the Internet. (E2)

Secondly, based on the experiences of the interviewees, this research focuses on

the prediction of the efforts to transform the existing systems to cloud-based

systems. According to FODA method (Kang et al., 1990: 24), there are four

factors in relation to the possibility of reusing software products: capabilities,

operating environments, domain technology and implementation techniques. In

this research, the interviewees were questioned about potential efforts involved

in transition from the four aspects. From an overall perspective, data analysis

suggests that the adoption of cloud computing will have a great impact on the

development of information systems: in particular, in terms of implementation

techniques. Moreover, the interviewees think that well designed development

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toolkits can ease the maintenance and development of information systems.

If we decided to adopt cloud computing, our existing financial systems

would have to be reformed substantially. This is because the existing

financial software was based on an older infrastructure and it cannot

integrate into the cloud-based infrastructure. (M2)

I think that the effect of cloud computing on coding is more serious than

others. When techniques are changed, you need better development toolkits

to support the transition. If the development toolkits did not provide

adequate capabilities, engineers would have to spend more time on the

development process. (E3)

Sophisticated toolkits would make it easier for software companies to

develop and maintain systems. (M1)

Internal organisational environment:

Internal organisational environment mainly focuses on business level

assessment (Chaffey and Wood, 2005: 294). From the results of the interviews,

it could be seen that cloud computing has received attention from organisations:

in particular IT companies are interested in cloud computing. In the meantime, it

also reveals significant problems associated with practical implementation of

innovative business models.

As for the current cloud services, I am more familiar with SaaS and this
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may be the direction of our products. We have started to make strategy for

SaaS, but we have not found an appropriate practical opportunity for the

implementation of cloud computing. (M1)

In our company, we have already adopted google mail and google docs to

manage mail and share documents with others. (M5)

On the other hand, the interviewees think that staff expertise, reliability of

service providers and costs are potential factors which will influence the

possibility of implementing cloud computing.

If we adopted cloud services, service providers would have to offer stable

and reliable services and avoid any disasters. Moreover, the governance of

IS systems is also important. To compare with our current systems: these

can be controlled and managed by ourselves. On the other hand, the

financial system usually needs a round-the-clock environment. Therefore, it

is a crucial issue whether cloud vendors can assure the quality of their

services. (M2)

In the banking industry, broadly speaking, I think that it is possible to

adopt webmail services and online document applications. As for the

internal financial systems and the development techniques, I think that

cloud computing will not be adopted in the near future. The main barrier to

the adoption of cloud computing in the development of information systems

is the ability of our developers. (M7)

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External micro-environment

In terms of the external micro-environment, it is necessary to review IS capacity

and information needs. According to the results of the survey, most interviewees

have experiences of using cloud services and they think that the future trend is

towards cloud computing, especially for individuals. Moreover, the widespread

use of mobile devices contributes to the evolution of cloud computing.

Obviously, cloud services have already brought significant changes to our lives:

and will continue to do so in the future.

Cloud computing will be a trend in the IT industry because users can

enjoy powerful processing ability and unlimited storage without building

their own systems and investing in hardware devices. (E1)

I feel that cloud computing will become a trend in the global IT market.

This is inevitable, particularly in multimedia applications used around our

lives. This is because these services need a large capacity of storage and

computing power. (M1)

For individuals, cloud computing will be a trend. In my opinion, the

concept of Google everywhere can be expressed as the future trend. Today,

not only can computers connect to the Internet, but it is also possible to use

mobile phones to access cloud services. In fact, the usage of mobile phones

is higher than that of computers. Because of the wide usage of mobile

phones, these services will become a commodity in our lives. (M4)

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Moreover, some interviewees are also concerned about over dependency caused

by interoperability. Take JAVA programming language as an example. Because

of its interoperability, Java-based systems can be run on the different operating

systems. Therefore, standardisation is essential.

I hope that cloud computing can develop standardisation and avoid over

depending on a specific provider. This would enable us to switch systems

from A platform to B platform. (M6)

External macro-environment

In order to explore the possible factors which may influence the future evolution

of cloud computing, it is necessary to evaluate the external macro-environment,

such as social, legal, economic, political and technology development (Chaffey

and Wood, 2005: 309). The data analysis suggests that maturity of technology is

the key factor because most interviewees are much concerned about whether

systems are stable. Moreover, they also think that other factors may affect the

development of cloud computing at certain levels. The growth of the IT market,

the support of the government or the leaders in IT industry, and legal constraints

are examples.

The success of iPhone is mainly because of the adoption of cloud services.

Through the interface of iPhone, users can easily connect to the Internet

and enjoy cloud services. Also, this has changed the traditional way of

using applications to acquire information. As a consequence, I think that

cloud computing would be able to increase the growth of the IT market, in

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particular the profitability of the mobile market should be higher than that

of the traditional computer market. (E8)

Personally, I think that the mobile market will grow rapidly in the near

future. In time, everyone will own a smart phone and use it to access cloud

services and to deal with daily jobs, instead of using computers. When it

happens, this means that the age of cloud computing is coming. (M8)

5.1.3 Complexity

Complexity is relative to the degree to which cloud computing is difficult to use,

recognise and realise. According to Rogers (1995: 242), complexity of an innovation

is not positively related to the rate of adoption. Although complexity is not a decisive

factor, data analysis still suggests the potential effort required to adapt to cloud

computing. According to the results of the interviews, most of the engineers think

that cloud-computing techniques comprehensively range from hardware to software.

Due to a lack of practice and technical data, they will not be able to realise the

relevant techniques and applications. In some developers opinion, better toolkits

would enable them to learn cloud-computing techniques more easily.

I think that it may be difficult to learn the techniques of cloud computing. This

is mainly because it covers a wide range of IT techniques, leading to barriers to

understanding cloud computing being higher. (E5)

In my opinion, when the existing systems shift to cloud-based infrastructure,

system architects and system engineers will deal with the infrastructure side of

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things. For example, the Microsoft .NET Framework offers a parallel computing

platform in terms of ease-of-use and scalability. This will contribute to software

developers being able to develop applications much more easily and to fulfil

user requirements. (E8)

5.1.4 Trialability

Trialability means that potential adopters can experiment with cloud services on a

limited basis (Rogers, 1995: 243). According to the theory of diffusion of

innovations, the trialability of an innovation will lead to an increase in the rate of

adoption. From the interviews, it is clear that all the interviewees have used cloud

services in their daily lives, even though not all of them are aware of the current

types of cloud services. For individuals, the data analysis suggests a high rate of

cloud adoption. By contrast, only one company in the survey has formally started to

adopt cloud services as its internal IS system. However, it is interesting that some

cloud services, such as google docs, have been informally used in organisations.

At present, applications of SaaS are rarely used in the company whereas these

are used by individuals. (E9)

In our company, cloud services are sometimes used for informal activities. For

example, we use google docs to investigate the number of people who are

interested in group buy. (E6)

5.1.5 Observability

Observability is relative to the visibility of successful cases and practices. When an

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innovation is visible to others, it will help raise the rate of adoption (Rogers, 1995:

244). From the viewpoint of organisations, the interviewees think that there are no

significant successful practices which are helpful for increasing the rate of cloud


I think that the adoption of cloud computing may help reduce complexity of the

development in information systems. However, at present, cloud computing has

not been applied in the development of financial systems. I just cannot exactly

forecast if it is helpful to the current systems. (M2)

5.2 Type of Innovation-decisions

Rogers (1995: 28) indicates that the type of innovation-decision is a very important

influence on the rate of adoption. Generally speaking, the decision on adoption of an

innovation is much easier for individuals than organisations. Therefore, this section

identifies what types of innovation-decisions the companies of the interviewees need

to make. According to the interview data, it is apparent that the most common type is

contingent innovation-decision. Because of the project-oriented or customer-oriented

strategy, innovations of these companies mainly result from customer requests.

Hence, there are two phases in their innovation-decisions processes. The first phase

is usually authority innovation-decision. In order to find an adequate IT solution,

managers will ask members of a project team or an organisation to seek information.

The next phase is collective innovation-decision. Managers and engineers will

discuss the feasibility of explored solutions, and then they decide to adopt an

innovation. Therefore, it can be seen that contingent innovation-decisions are choices

made only after the prior innovation-decision (Rogers, 1995: 372).

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Basically, when an innovation may be helpful to our products, our managers

usually start to evaluate its feasibility, and then we assign some engineers to

experiment the new technology in depth. After that, we will have a meeting to

discuss the results of the experiment. Finally, we will decide to adopt or reject

the innovation. However, sometimes, customers may have an innovation request

for a project. In this situation, we have to do it. (M3)

Generally speaking, the adoption of an innovation results from the customer

requirements and the promotion of information technology service providers. As

for the innovation-decision, it is usually made by the boss. Then, he will ask us

to seek information and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the

innovation. After that, we will report the results of the survey. Finally, the boss

will make a decision. (M6)

5.3 Communication Channels

According to Rogers (1995: 194), communication channels are categorised into mass

media and interpersonal. The characteristics of mass media are rapid transmission to

a large number of people, the creation of knowledge and the spread of information,

and changes of weakly held attitudes. In comparison with interpersonal channels, a

two-way exchange of information enables the formation and change of strongly held

attitudes. According to the experiences of the interviewees, their information sources

on cloud computing are mainly from websites, news and magazines. Only a few

participants get cloud-computing information through interpersonal channels.

Obviously, this reflects that their innovation-decision processes are at the knowledge

stage (Rogers, 1995: 195).

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The information sources for cloud computing are mainly the technology

magazines, online news and advertisements, and the website of service vendors,

such as Microsoft. Moreover, colleagues may talk about cloud computing.

However, it is not common because most of us are not familiar with it and there

is no chance to practice. (M5)

I had learned a little bit of the relevant information from the external training

institute. In fact, I think that there is a lack of in-depth training courses

associated with cloud computing in Taiwan. Most people acquire the relevant

information from websites and communities online. (E8)

5.4 Nature of the Social System

In the theory of diffusion of innovations (Rogers, 1995: 23), the social system means

that many interrelated units work for a common goal. Broadly speaking, the social

system has a wide range of influence on diffusion of innovations, and covers several

key issues: social structure, system norms, opinion leaders and change agents, types

of innovation-decisions and consequences of innovations. From the interview results,

data analysis suggests that companies should have a consensus of collaboration for

cloud computing.

I think that the development of cloud computing should have a relationship

with the government. In fact, as a whole, everyone should share know-how to

build up the development of cloud computing. For example, the success of

Google as a strong search engine is mainly because there are many kinds of

people who engage in the development of the search. Similarly, in order to

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achieve the success of cloud computing, this should be carried out through the

collaboration of vendors and people in the different industries. Therefore, this

large plan needs an appropriate leader to help implement it. In my opinion, the

government should be the leader because it has enough resources and power to

manage this plan. (M8)

5.5 Change Agents Promotion Efforts

According to Rogers (1995: 208), the variability of change agents promotion efforts

also affects the rate of adoption. In the theory, the broad definition of a change agent

means teachers, development workers, consultants and salespeople. In this study, the

change agent is defined as information technology service providers, such as IBM

and Microsoft. Moreover, in order to evaluate change agents promotion efforts, the

sequence of change agent roles will help this study identify the current role of change

agents in the process of introducing cloud computing. The seven roles are as follows:

1) To develop a need for change, 2) to establish an information-exchange relationship,

3) to diagnose problems, 4) to create an intent in the client to change, 5) to translate

an intent to action, 6) to stabilize adoption and prevent discontinuance, 7) to achieve

a terminal relationship. From the results of the survey, data analysis suggests that the

current roles of Taiwans change agents are to develop a need for change or to

establish an information exchange relationship.

I mainly gain information about cloud computing from the Internet, such as

news and blogs. Moreover, Taiwans Sun Microsystems also sent promotion

documents to me. (M3)

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Service vendors had been to our company to introduce the concept of cloud

computing and promote its relative products. (M7)

Sun Microsystems had a seminar that enabled more people to recognise and

realise the benefits of cloud computing. This campaign contributed to people

having a basic concept of cloud computing. Moreover, if there were examples of

successful practice in place, it would help to persuade customers to adopt cloud

computing. (E6)

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6. Discussion

This chapter focuses on discussion of the findings and results from this research and

the literature review. Further, the key factors in relation to effects of cloud adoption

in organisations are explored and presented.

6.1 Lack of in-depth recognition and understanding

According to the interview data, it is found that a lack of in-depth recognition and

understanding with respect to cloud computing is the first and the most important

factor in the feasibility of cloud adoption. From an overall perspective, this factor is

relevant to the cloud definition, types of cloud services and staff expertise.

First of all, from the interviews, it is obvious that the definitions of cloud computing

that various IT professionals gave are quite different and the features of cloud

computing that they described are not exactly the same (data analysis - 5.1.1). As

discussed in the earlier chapter of the literature review (Vaquero et al., 2009), all of

the following features are included: remote services, located anywhere, a massive

group of interconnected computers, enjoying the resources of storage and computing

power and the usage of the Internet. Therefore, this finding supports the

demonstration that the definition of cloud computing is unclear and incomplete

(Buyya et al., 2008; Vaquero et al., 2009; Voas and Zhang, 2009). Furthermore, the

uncertain definition will lead to IT professionals not being able to explore new

practical applications for the usage of cloud computing (Vaquero et al., 2009).

In terms of cloud services, it is apparent that most of the current cloud service

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vendors, such as Google mail and Facebook, do not require contracts with the

internet users (Leavitt, 2009); and hence all interviewees have experience of using

the cloud activities (data analysis 5.1.4). However, data analysis suggests that only

a few of the interviewees are aware of the differences between SaaS, PaaS and IaaS

(data analysis - 5.1.4). This finding reflects that most of them do not have extensive

understanding of cloud computing. Moreover, the interview data shows that at

present mass media is the major communication channel for diffusion of innovations

(data analysis - 5.4). This means that a lack of the relevant information may lead to

IT professionals not being able to understand cloud computing in depth.

On the other hand, the interview results also reflect that organisational managers

would be concerned about staff expertise if they decided to adopt cloud computing

(data analysis 5.1.2). Similarly, Tsai (2009) mentioned that a lack of appropriately

skilled IT professionals is a barrier to cloud adoption. Also, Hutchinson (2009) noted

that IT professionals always have to tackle new challenges, in the face of innovation.

Therefore, if they achieve in-depth recognition and comprehension of cloud

computing, this will help increase the feasibility of cloud adoption in the

development of information systems.

6.2 Lack of Innovative Business Models for Enterprises

From the results of the survey, most interviewees think that cloud computing will

become a future trend in the development of information systems and its market will

grow in the next few years (data analysis 5.1.2). To compare with the literature

study of the prospects of a global cloud market, the interview results support the

prediction that cloud computing will be the next-generation application architecture

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(Ferguson, 2008; "Gartner Says Cloud Application Infrastructure Technologies Need

Seven Years to Mature", 2009). According to Rogers (1995: 224), an innovation

which is incompatible with cultural values will have a low rate of adoption. Hence,

this means that raising common consciousness could help increase the rate of cloud


Moreover, the interview data show that some Taiwanese organisations have focused

attention on cloud computing (data analysis - 5.1.2). This is in keeping with

Weinhardts (2009) finding that more organisations are beginning to seek information

about the benefits and drawbacks of cloud computing. However, the data analysis

raises the important issue that there are no innovative business models and practices

for enterprises to follow (data analysis 5.1.5). Similarly, Tsai (2009) noted that a

lack of innovative business models can block the adoption of cloud computing.

Additionally, Leavitt (2009) also states that best practices can reduce uncertainty and

fear in potential adopters: which explains why most companies are taking a

wait-and-see attitude. As a result, this study finds that a lack of innovative business

models for enterprises is an important factor in decreasing the feasibility of cloud


6.3 Efforts of Information Technology Service Providers

According to Miller (2008: 24), the advantages of cloud computing are relative to

capacity, reliability, compatibility, ease of use and flexibility. However, the interview

data reflected differences in the perceived benefits of cloud computing. So far, only

flexibility, ease of use and capacity have been fully endorsed (data analysis 5.1.1).

Overall, according to the data analysis, the advantages of cloud computing are
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perceived to a greater extent by individuals than by enterprises.

On the other hand, the theoretical disadvantages of cloud-computing are entirely the

same as those arising from the interviews(data analysis 5.1.1), and include bandwidth

and latency, concerns over privacy and confidentiality, limited functionalities and

slow performance compared to on-premises software (Miller, 2008; Grossman, 2009;

Leavitt, 2009; Melvin B. Greer, 2009). In addition to the disadvantages mentioned

above, the results of the interviews reflect other potential problems that have a great

impact on the adoption of cloud computing. Firstly, the data suggests that the

interviewees are concerned about stability, reliability, interoperability and the

development toolkits (data analysis 5.1.2). An unstable and unreliable system or

technique will raise the barriers to adoption of cloud computing (Leavitt, 2009;

Reese, 2009). In addition, interoperability is important for organisations because

standardisation of systems will enable them to switch their systems from a platform

or service vendor to another type (Grossman, 2009: 163; Melvin B. Greer, 2009).

Therefore, the change agents are struggling to overcome these problems and thereby

eliminate the barriers to the adoption of cloud computing. Further, it is necessary for

change agents to establish an information relationship, in order to convince their

customers that their technology and services are stable and reliable.

6.4 Effects of incentives

Through the interviews, the interviewees reflect that industry collaboration can help

the development of cloud computing. However, there is an argument about who

should assume leadership in the diffusion of cloud computing. Some consider that

the Taiwanese government should be responsible for the promotion of cloud

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computing whereas others think that it is better for the leaders of the IT industry to

take on this role (data analysis - 5.4). Recently, Taiwans public sector has

collaborated with Microsoft on the Networked Communications Program (NTP)

(Tseng, 2009). Such schemes illustrate that it is vital that the necessary incentives are

put in place to speed up the rate of cloud adoption by organisations (Rogers, 1995:


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7. Conclusions and Recommendations

The purpose of this chapter is to draw conclusions from the research. Moreover, the

research limitations are mentioned in the second section. Finally, the research will

make some suggestions for further study.

7.1 Research Conclusions

With the rapid growth of the demand for use of the Internet, it becomes more and

more common for people to access the online resources via computers or mobile

devices. Concurrently, this phenomenon reveals drawbacks of the current

information systems, such as lack of data portability, limitations of on-premises

software and insufficiency of computing power. In order to address these problems,

the concept of computing in the cloud is now being offered. Moreover, the emerging

computing infrastructure, based on the existing technology, has been implemented

and applied in some international companies. Although most internet users have

experience of cloud activities, the unclear and incomplete definition of cloud

computing restricts their understanding of its effects on information systems.

From the mass media, it is apparent that some IT service providers in Taiwan are

actively promoting cloud computing today. They make efforts to introduce the

advantages of this innovation; whereas, the interview data reflects that most IT

professionals are not aware of its benefits to businesses and organisations. This is

mainly because the relative advantages of cloud have become apparent to computing

IT professionals from their experiences in using the free cloud services: not from

formal training courses or advanced materials associated with cloud computing.

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On the other hand, from the business point of view, the vendors efforts in terms of

individual users are plainly visible. By contrast, for organisations, it is apparent that

there are certain barriers to adoption of cloud computing in the development of

information systems. As a consequence, service vendors should pay more attention to

development of innovative business models. Equally importantly, maturity of the

technology, higher quality of cloud services and well established practices could help

raise the rate of the adoption of cloud computing in the development of information


From an overall perspective, the development of cloud computing is expectable and

achievable. The external environment suggests that many renowned companies, such

as Microsoft, Google and Sun Microsystems, are struggling to overcome difficulties

in the diffusion of cloud computing. Additionally, the prediction of global cloud

markets suggests an upward trend in off-premises applications and an increasing

profitability of cloud markets. Furthermore, the collaboration between the IT service

vendor provider and Taiwans government is enhancing confidence in cloud adoption

as well as reducing the uncertainty surrounding cloud computing.

In conclusion, IT service providers should make efforts to offer innovative business

models for enterprises and adequate solutions to compatibility problems. Moreover,

enhancement of personal recognition and understanding of cloud computing will

enable IT professionals to make in-depth evaluation of compatibility between the

current IS infrastructure and cloud computing, and to consider how organisations can

benefit from the adoption of cloud computing. Furthermore, government support or

industrial collaboration can also encourage organisations to adopt cloud computing.

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7.2 Research Limitations

Due to the fact that cloud computing is a developing concept and is not widely

applied in Taiwans companies, it is difficult to identify a company that has adopted

cloud computing in the development of information systems for the purpose of

specific research. Another research constraint is that most IT professionals in Taiwan

have not enough experience in the implementation of cloud computing. This leads to

the inability of the research to focus on the advanced issues. Furthermore, a lack of

complete and in-depth literature and studies limited the range of the research.

Because of these limitations, this study focuses on evaluating the degree to which

cloud computing has been diffused.

On the other hand, the changes brought about by cloud computing influence various

kinds of business activity, such as manufacturing, banking and telecommunications.

As the research was conducted by means of qualitative methodology, its range was

limited to a small group. It would be quite difficult to cover all kinds of organisations.

Also, the findings of the survey could not represent the opinions of all IT

professionals in Taiwan.

7.3 Suggestions for further study

With the development of cloud computing, the research constraints may become

different. Therefore, the following suggestions for further study are expressed below.

First of all, investigation of the feasibility of the adoption of cloud computing could

focus on the policy and strategy of IT service providers. An in-depth comparison of

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their strategies and policies could identify the factors which influence their customers

in the adoption of cloud computing.

Secondly, it would be possible to evaluate whether cloud computing is feasible, from

the viewpoint of the end-user. The researcher could select specific cloud-based

applications to investigate the extent to which cloud computing affects the internet

users day-to-day behaviours in using on-premises and off-premises applications.

Thirdly, if the rate of cloud adoption increased to a certain level, the researcher could

concentrate on a specific company and investigate strategies and benefits relevant to

its adoption of cloud computing; and the feasibility of cloud adoption could also be

evaluated through advanced research.

Word Count: 16,510

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Information Management 2008-09
Feasibility of Cloud Adoption in Taiwans Organisations

Appendix: Interview Questions

Interview Guide
Cloud computing is a style of computing in which dynamically scalable and often
virtualized resources are provided as a service over the Internet. Users need not have
knowledge of, expertise in, or control over the technology infrastructure in the
"cloud" that supports them. (Source: Wikipedia - Cloud computing, 2009)

I. Personal cognition
1. Do you know about cloud computing or cloud services? If yes, please briefly
give your definition of them and interpret the sources of the relative information.

SaaS: Software as a Service

PaaS: Platform as a Service
IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service

2. The cloud service is the implementation of cloud computing. As an end-user,

have you ever used the following cloud activities? If yes, please indicate the
advantages and disadvantages.

Use webmail services (i.e. Google mail, Yahoo mail and Hotmail)
Use online applications (i.e. Google document)
Store personal photos or videos online (i.e. Youtube, Flickr)
Use online storage service (i.e. MSN SkyDrive)

II. Internal IS environment (for engineers)

1. Do you know about the following concepts related to cloud computing? Please
try to describe whether cloud-computing techniques are complex to understand,
from the viewpoint of the developer.

Pervasive Computing
Network Computing
Utility Computing
Grid Computing
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Department of Information Studies 80
University of Sheffield
Information Management 2008-09
Feasibility of Cloud Adoption in Taiwans Organisations

2. What type of services might your company adopt firstly?

SaaS (i.e. Google Docs and Google mail)

PaaS (i.e. Google Apps Engine and Salesforce CRM system)
IaaS: (i.e. Amazon EC2)
Private cloud

3. If your company adopted cloud computing in the development of information

systems, would there be any benefits to the operation of the company?
4. If the company transformed the existing systems to cloud-based systems, to what
extent will you be involved in the transition?

Capability feature
Operating environment
Domain technology
Implementation technique

5. What internal factors does the company need to consider if they adopt cloud

III. Internal organisational environment (for managers)

1. According to past experiences, how do your company usually make strategy in
the face of an innovation? What attitude does the company adopt towards
2. How does your company usually evaluate the benefits resulting from adoption of
an innovation?
3. According to the current status of your organisation, is it possible to adopt cloud
computing? If yes, please try to interpret what benefits your company will
4. What type of services might your company adopt firstly?

SaaS (i.e. Google Docs and Google mail)

PaaS (i.e. Google Apps Engine and Salesforce CRM system)
IaaS: (i.e. Amazon EC2)
Private cloud

Department of Information Studies 81

University of Sheffield
Information Management 2008-09
Feasibility of Cloud Adoption in Taiwans Organisations

5. What internal factors does the company need to consider if they decide to adopt
cloud computing?

IV. External micro-environment

1. Please try to analyse the future trend on the demand for cloud computing or cloud
services, from the viewpoint of end-users?
2. How do information technology service providers promote cloud computing and
assist the companies in the adoption of this innovation?
3. From the viewpoint of information systems development, what opportunities
does cloud computing present to IT business?
4. To what extent may cloud computing affect competition in the marketplace of the
IT industry?
5. Does cloud computing increase or decrease barriers to entry to a market sector?

V. External macro-environment

1. What factors may have a positive or negative impact on the evolution of cloud

Legal constraints

2. If cloud computing offers great benefits to the IT industry, do you think that
external training institutes or the Government have the responsibility to promote
it? Or should it be done by the leading companies in the IT industry?

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