Effect of Mother Tongue PDF
Effect of Mother Tongue PDF
Effect of Mother Tongue PDF
Journal of Emerging
Scholarlink Trends
Research in Educational
Institute Research
Journals, 2013 and2141-6990)
(ISSN: Policy Studies (JETERAPS) 4(3):542-546 (ISSN:2141-6990)
Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies (JETERAPS) 4(3):542-546 (ISSN:2141-6990)
ignored. Ajayi (2005) stated that the native languages of instruction in the first two or three years. The
were de-emphasised. in contrast to the imperial that medium switches to English in the third or fourth
the African themselves were reportedly sometimes year abruptly in most schools. In some areas, where
not interested in, Indeed, official policy was often there are many linguistic groups, English is
opposed to the teaching of African language. In introduced actively from the first year.
final analysis, no foreign language can take the place
of the mother tongue and no system of education can From experience, education administrators who
afford to regard it without serious detriment to the insisted that the medium of instructions in the senior
mental development of the child. Thought and classes in primary schools in Nigeria should be
language are together as an entity. One is dependent English are either ignorant of the great national
on the other for its existence. They grow and decay suicide implied as they are committed to dragging the
together, the child thinks and dreams in the language nation backward and are not informed about the
through which he acquires the firsthand experience of secrets of how the developed nations got there .
life. This naturally happens to be the mother tongue
and for this reason the mother tongue becomes the Kolawole (2005) discovered that students in Owo
first conditions of schooling and for intellectual local government area of Ondo State perform better
development of children. whenever they are taught some basic concept in
Yoruba. Abiri (1990) stated that Mathematics taught
The National Policy on Education (NPE) affirmed in a childs mother tongue has a lot advantages, such
that Government recognizes the importance of as overcoming limited knowledge of foreign
language as a means of promoting social interaction, mathematical vocabulary,. Teaching in mother
national cohesion and preservation of our culture. tongue also bring closer to children mathematics
The policy endorsed the need for every child to learn example and concepts, it helps the children to
the language of the immediate environment. In the develop a mathematical vocabulary in the mother
interest of national unity, it is expedient that every tongue. It equally helps adults who are not literate in
child shall be required to learn one of the three major English to understand and appreciate mathematics.
Nigerian languages Hausa, Igbo or Yoruba. It is not
surprising that many children cannot speak any of the Mathematics language is the collection of signs or
indigenous languages including their mother tongue. symbols, abbreviations, axioms, lemma, methods,
The challenges of teaching in mother tongue may formulae, and units that are necessary in mathematics
remain unattainable unless Nigeria education system teaching and learning. Understanding of its usage is
is decolonised, English may remain the official imperative and cannot be underestimated.
language since it is our colonial heritage (Adekunle, Obodo(1997) affirmed that failure of the learners to
2008). Fafunwa (1998) attributed the continued master the mathematical language lead to poor
retention of English as our official language to performance in the subject. Hoffman (1988)
colonial mentality. Fafunwa stressed that children remarked that mathematics has often been described
should be given early education in mother tongue, as arithmetic with letter, however notations used in
because it will last longer in their memory than any mathematics such as +, , or are symbols while
other tongue. Even The United Nation Education other mathematicians believed that mathematics
Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO, language are special emblem that guided the learners
1953) found out that children will excel more when on steps to take.
taught in local language .Fafunwa faulted the school
of thought that Yoruba or other native language have The uniqueness of mathematics language has
no numerals, scientific formulas and terms. Since distinguished mathematics from other subjects.
English used Arabic numeral successfully, any Anyone that cannot cope with imperial and native
Nigerian languages could as well borrow numeral language which is based on verbal reasoning may
and others from other region of the world. All great, likely get lost easily in quantitative reasoning where
highly developed countries of the world speak their the use of mathematics language is necessary. Spatial
own languages, including the newly emerging and mathematical reasoning will help students to
economic and industrial powers of South East Asia, generate, retain, retrieve and transform well
even though they were colonised by Britain that had structured visual images into mathematics
colonised Nigeria appreciation with the aid of mathematics
There is need for mathematics experts in Nigeria to
shrug off colonial mentality by discarding English Basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction,
and developing a curriculum and textbooks in multiplication and division) are commonly use in
mathematics that will meet up the cultural, ethnic and occupational and educational settings where it is
linguistic diversity of the three major Nigerian essential. Yet, the knowledge of arithmetic is not
languages In Yoruba, Igbo or Hausa speaking areas, enough for the learners to think reflectively and
the child starts with the mother tongue as a medium creatively. There is need for the mastery of
Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies (JETERAPS) 4(3):542-546 (ISSN:2141-6990)
Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies (JETERAPS) 4(3):542-546 (ISSN:2141-6990)
Therefore the null hypothesis is rejected; this implies appears that Igbo pupils performed better than the
that there is significant difference in the performance rest of the two as a result of the closeness of their
of the pupils in the three Nigerian languages after tongue to English language.
treatment. By implication, the treatment given to the
entire three Nigerian tribes pupils really affect their LIMITATION TO THE STUDY
performance in mathematics. There are several constraints encountered during the
2 There is no significant difference in the study. Firstly, the issue of language barrier made it
performance of the students expose to difficult in locating mathematics teachers in the three
mathematics language. languages. Secondly, identifying the schools where
certain tribe concentrated was very tasking.
Table 3: Summary of ANOVA on the Pre-test Score
of the Students exposed to mathematics language RECOMMENDATIONS
Sources Sum of Df Mean F-cal F- Resul With the above findings, it is therefore recommended
squares square table t that, indigenous language must not be only taught
Betwee 152.900 2 76.450
n group 96421.10 23 406.84 0.18 .2.9 NS
and use but taught properly at all level of educational
Within 0 7 0 8 9 ladder both by utilizing the outcome on research with
groups 96573..30 23 483.29 these language and by ensuring adequate and suitable
Total 9 training for the teachers concerned..The National
p 0.05 Mathematical Centre (NMC) Abuja should address
the mode of instruction to depend solely on the
Table 3 shows that F- calculated (0.188) is less than mother tongues. Specialist in the mother tongue in
F- table (2,99) at 0.05 level of significance. Therefore this lexical committee should be involved. The use of
the null hypothesis is not rejected; this implies that mother tongue and mathematical language should be
there is no significant difference in the performance prioritized so as to improve the nations technological
of the Students knowledge of mathematics language basis since Kolawole & Oginni (2009) affirmed that
prior treatment By implication, all the tribes HAUSA, neglect of mathematics teaching by any nation works
IGBO & YORUBA students have homogenous injury to all knowledge, and eventually lead to
mathematics language understanding before ignoramus and poverty. Teaching of mathematics
treatment. strictly in English should be de-emphasis to enable
the mathematics teachers explain in the mother
Table4: Summary of ANOVA on the Post-test Score tongue whenever they are teaching..The use of the
of the Students exposed to mathematics language national language in our primary schools should be
Sources Sum of Df Mean F-cal F- Result
encouraged: this will help to preserve our national
squares square table
Between 1231.40 2 615.45 . culture and heritage. Textbooks writers, Publishers
group 5135.100 237 21..009. 29.29 2.99 S and Curriculum planners should work together with
Within 6366.5 239 636.419 experts in mathematics, so as to produce standard
groups texts in mathematics for the pupils mother tongues to
gain its pride of place in schools for better
p 0.05
understanding of the subject..Society and groups
should be educated on the need to support mother
Table 4 shows that F- calculated (29.29) is greater
tongue initiatives in the teaching of
than F table (2.99) at 0.05 level of significance.
mathematics..Mother tongue in the teaching of
Therefore the null hypothesis is rejected; this implies
mathematics should be extended to post primary and
that there is significant difference in the performance
tertiary institution so as to increase the numbers of
of the Students exposed to mathematics language in
mathematics learners in schools
the three Nigerian languages after treatment. By
implication, mathematics language influences their
performance in mathematics positively. REFERENCES
Abiri J.O (1990) Preparation of the Secondary School
Mother Tongue Teacher. West Africa Journal of.xx
Table 5 Summary of Post-Hoc Analysis on Mother
NO 1
Tongue (*) and Mathematical Language(^)
HAUSA ^ * Adekunle A (2008) African Language Vanguard
IGBO ^ Media Limited http;//groups.yahoo.com/
YORUBA ^ groups/African language/join/yahoo/ID required
This implies that the performance of pupils in the Ajayi J.F. (2005).Christiana Mission in Nigeria
three Nigerian languages with use of mother tongue (1841_1901).London Longmans green and
favoured the IGBOs better than the other two tribes, co.Pg.140.
while in mathematical language, there is no
significant difference in the pupils performance. It
Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies (JETERAPS) 4(3):542-546 (ISSN:2141-6990)