DODGE SAF-XT & SAFS Pillow Blocks: Instruction Manual
DODGE SAF-XT & SAFS Pillow Blocks: Instruction Manual
DODGE SAF-XT & SAFS Pillow Blocks: Instruction Manual
Inspect shaft. Ensure it is smooth, straight, clean, and within
commercial tolerances.
NOTE: Housing caps and bases are not interchangeable; they
must be matched with mating half. Install non-expansion bearing
top of roller. Write down the measured clearance and compare Find a lockwasher tab that aligns with a locknut slot and
with specifications (Table 1). NOTE: Do not rotate bearing bend tab into slot. If slot is past tab then tighten, not loosen,
when moving feeler between roller and outer ring. locknut to meet a washer tab. Sizes larger than 8 require a
lockplate bolted to the locknut with the inner prong of the
WARNING: Because of the possible danger to person(s) or property from plate located in the slot of the adapter sleeve. If necessary,
accidents which may result from the improper use of products, it is tighten, not loosen, locknut to allow prong to fit in adapter
important that correct procedures be followed. Products must be used slot. Lock plates for only the 9 must be hand fitted on site.
in accordance with the engineering information specified in the catalog.
Proper installation, maintenance and operation procedures must be
observed. The instructions in the instruction manuals must be followed.
Inspections should be made as necessary to assure safe operation
under prevailing conditions. Proper guards and other suitable safety
devices or procedures, as may be desirable, or as may be specified in
safety codes should be provided, and are neither provided by Baldor
Electric Company, nor are the responsibility of Baldor Electric Company.
This unit and its associated equipment must be installed, adjusted and
maintained by qualified personnel who are familiar with the construction
and operation of all equipment in the system and the potential hazards
involved. When risks to persons or property may be involved, a holding
device must be an integral part of the driven equipment beyond the
speed reducer output shaft.
Table 1 - Internal Clearance Reduction 10. Tighten cap bolts to the recommended torque in Table 2.
Shaft Diameter (inches) Reduction in Internal Clearance (inches)* 11. Assure there is seal running clearance then install V-ring seals
1-15/16, 2-3/16 .0012/.0015 onto the seal rings. Coat V-ring seals with grease.
2-7/16, 2-1/2, 2-11/16, 2-3/4 .0015/.0020 12. Misalignment of pillow blocks must not exceed values shown
2-15/16, 3, 3-3/16, 3-7/16, 3-1/2 .0018/.0025 in Table 3.
3-15/16, 4, 4-3/16 .0020/.0028
4-7/16, 4-1/2, 4-15/16, 5 .0025/.0035 Table 3 Static or Dynamic Allowable Misalignment Degrees Spherical
5-3/16, 5-7/16, 5-1/2 .0030/.0040 Roller Bearings
5-15/16, 6, 6-7/16, 6-1/2 .0030/.0045 Block TRIPLE-TECT LER Auxiliary
Shaft Size
Size Seals Seal Seal
6-15/16, 7 .0035/.0050
1-15/16 511 108 052 035
7-1/2, 7-15/16, 8 .0040/.0055
2-3/16 513 101 055 032
8-7/16, 8-1/2, 8-15/16, 9 .0045/.0060
9-7/1610-1/2 .0045/.0065 2-7/162-1/2 515 059 050 028
2-11/162-3/4 516 052 052 026
*Amount of clearance to be removed from clearance measured in Step 2.
2-15/163 517 048 052 025
f. Seal Ring Install second seal ring with large O.D. toward
3-3/16 518 106 051 032
g. V-ring Seal Slide second V-ring seal onto shaft, making 3-7/163-1/2 520 103 046 030
certain lip is toward bearing. 3-15/164 522 055 042 028
NOTE: Do not install V-ring seal on seal ring until housing 4-3/16 524 049 041 027
cap has been set in place and tightened. 4-7/164-1/2 526 056 044 026
4. Remove any paint, dirt or burrs from the mating surfaces of 4-15/165 528 055 040 024
the housing halves. Thoroughly clean seal grooves on each 5-3/16 530 048 035 022
side. Set lower half of housing on base with all four cap bolts in
5-7/165-1/2 532 047 034 022
place and apply light oil to bearing seats. Apply grease to seal
grooves in the lower housing. 5-15/166 534 043 032 022
NOTE: Be sure the housing is positioned as shown in Figure 2 6-7/166-1/2 536 033 023 026
view relative to adapter nut. 6-15/167 538 037 027 025
5. Apply grease to the bearing and seal rings. The lubricant 7-1/2, 7-15/16, 8 544 031 024 022
should be smeared between the rolling elements (see Grease 8-7/169 048 036 025 022
Lubrication section). 9-7/169-1/2 052 026 023 033
6. Place shaft with bearing into lower half while carefully guiding 9-15/1610-1/2 056 028 016 030
the seal rings into the housing grooves.
7. Bolt lower half of the non-expansion bearing to the base. Move Table 4 Bearing CL to Housing CL Offset S Dimension
shaft endwise so stablizing ring can be inserted between the (Expansion bearing located at center of expansion)
bearing outer ring and the lower half shoulder on same side as
the locknut. Make all other bearings on same shaft expansion Shaft Size
by centering bearing in the middle of the housing seat. Bolt Non-Expansion Expansion Non-Expansion Expansion
expansion housings to base. 1-15/16 19/64 3/16 0
NOTE: Only one bearing per shaft is non-expansion, other 2-3/16 25/64 1/4 0
bearings should be expansion. 2-7/162-1/2 17/64 5/32 1/8 0
Table 2 - Recommended Mounting Bolt Torque Values (ft-lbs) 2-11/162-3/4 3/8 3/16 3/16 0
Size 7/1614 1/213 5/811 3/410 7/89 18 1-1/47 2-15/163 3/8 3/16 3/16 0
056L 3-3/16 31/64 19/64 3/16 0
515 048
SAF-XT 524 530 3-7/163-1/2 9/16 3/8 3/16 0
511 516 520 544S
Series 528 534
513 517 526 544 3-15/164 35/64 3/8 3/16 0
Housing 530 536
518 052
532 4-3/16 39/64 27/64 3/16 0
Grade 5 4-7/164-1/2 41/64 29/64 3/16 0
40-50 60-75 120-150 208-260 344-430 512-640 896-1120
4-15/165 11/16 1/2 3/16 0
Stainless 5-3/16 3/4 9/16 3/16 0
25-30 35-45 75-90 105-130 165-200 240-290 435-540
Steel 316)
5-7/165-1/2 49/64 37/64 3/16 0
Size 7/1614 1/213 5/811 3/410 7/89 18 1-1/47
5-15/166 25/32 37/64 3/16 0
SAFS 515 518 528 6-7/166-1/2 3/4 35/64 3/16 0
534 538
Series 516 520 526 530 6-15/167 13/16 5/8 3/16 0
536 544
Housing 522 532
524 7-1/2 29/32 23/32 3/16 0
Grade 8 56-70 88-110 168-210 304-380 480-600 728-910 1456-1820 7-15/168 29/32 23/32 3/16 0
8-7/169 25/32 * 25/32 0
8. When closed end is required, the end plug supplied should be
fit into the center seal ring groove of the housing. 9-7/169-1/2 45/64 * 45/64 0
9-15/1610-1/2 7/8 * 7/8 0
9. Grease the bearing seal grooves in the housing cap and place
* One spacer on each side of bearing.
over the bearing after wiping the mating surfaces. The two
dowel pins will align the cap with the lower housing half.
NOTE: Each cap must be matched with its mating lower half as
these parts are not interchangeable.
MAINTENANCE Use Table 6 as a general guide for regreasing the bearings. A
small amount of grease at frequent intervals is preferable to a
WARNING: To ensure that drive is not unexpectedly started, large amount of grease at infrequent intervals.
turn off and lock out or tag power source before proceeding.
Failure to observe these precautions could result in bodily For special applications involving high speeds, high temperatures
injury. or oil lubrication, consult the factory.
Remove housing cap in order to inspect bearing and grease. Be-
Table 6 - Regreasing Intervals (Months)
fore reassembly it is important that the V-ring seals be removed.
(Based on 12 hours per Day 150F Max.)
This will ensure the seal lip will not be damaged while setting cap
in place. Reassemble per installation steps 9 thru 11. RPM
Shaft Size
250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Seal Replacement When removing bearing it is recommended
1-15/16 8 6 4 3 2 1 .5 .5 .25 .25
that V-ring seals and seal rings be replaced.
2-3/16 7 5 3 2 1 1 .5 .25 .25
Auxiliary Seals Install per seal instruction manual.
2-7/163 6 4 3 2 1 .5 .25 .25