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Intl. . toctural Piogrammi

Copyright 1972 by Edward T. White
All Rights Reserved
Primed in the United States of America

5".4<> *>Book
|.f>6_H*W'ostage and i^...i

iyt>0*^^^ ^^^^ Prepaid

Architectural Media
P.O. Box 4664
Tucson, Arizona 8571
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Although its FORM and ROLE may vary from project to pro-
ject and from design method to design method, PROGRAM-
IVIING is nevertheless an integral part of the planning of any
building. With the architect involved in projects of greater and
greater complexity, the value of the program has grown from
a means of "getting to know the problem" to that of an
instrument which LIMITS and DIRECTS the planning process.
Whereas in the past programming amounted to little more than
a superficial involvement with familiar and uncomplicated
functions which had little or no direct influence on the
operations of design synthesis, it is developing into a syste-
matic, analytical discipline with ever increasing INTERFACE
with planning operations. number of firms
The increasing
which specialize in this area is evidence of the new importance
placed on programming and its recognition as a distinct compo-
nent of the design process.


A. This book is meant to:

1. PROMOTE the concept and value of programming.

2. SERVE as a text for introductory programming courses.
3. AID the practitioner as a guide in developing his own
programming services.

4. PROVIDE clients with a general introduction to program-

ming as a needed service in facilities planning.


A. Emphasis will be placed on the VALUE of the different

aspects of programming, the OPERATIONS involved in

writing and responding to a program, and the RELATION-

SHIPS between issues within programming, between pro-
Jljduti^ i^^WW^ AldUtlfil^i^t^

gramming and design synthesis, and between program and

the final design.

B. Only TRADITIONAL programming operations

are discussed. There is no treatment of mathematical models
or computer The use of these more sophisti-
cated techniques demands development of a clear under-

standing of BASIC programming concepts.

C. The contents offer an INTRODUCTORY overview of pro-

gramming as an architectural activity. The book does not ~Ja<^J^<^^^^**^
claim to comprehensively cover ALL aspects and attitudes
of the field. There are many TANGENTIAL issues which
have not been pursued because of the Introductory nature
of the book.

D. Although there is an inevitable PERSONAL view of design

and programming which has served to provide the basic
organization of the contents, there has been an effort to
present the information in a way that facilitates the reader's
assembly of HIS OWN programming paradigm.

E. The subject matter includes both THEORETICAL and

PRACTICAL aspects of programming.


A. The book is divided into INTRODUCTORY issues, BACK-

GROUND concerns which provide a context for discussing
programming and considerations that apply directly to the
PROGRAMMING operations.

B. The text is in OUTLINE form with accompanying explan-

atory diagrams where appropriate.

C. A table of SUB-CONTENTS occurs at the start of each of

the three major divisions.

D. The subject matter is organized around the PROGRAMMING

PARADIGM presented below.
^ >


- ^"^^
A. Where there
are complex operations to be performed or a
body of Information to be presented, the use of
--Ttliii iiiiiiii i iiii i

MODELS often proves useful. ^fe^ UA^Mia/tomi/^

Models or paradigms provide a WAY of understanding

information or operations and their relationships and so
also serve as MEANS for organizing and presenting ideas
1 about both.

B. The programmer's VIEW

helps to establish the
OF DESIGN as a process often
ROLE of programming in that process.
*o*5ji~*^ir'*' *?

Role in turn assists in the determination of specific OPER-

ATIONS and RELATIONSHIPS and in establishing the
NATURE of the programming document.


A. The OPERATIONS performed and their sequence in design
are largely a result of the designer's PERSONAL attitude
and values.

B. As PROGRAMMING is part of the DESIGN process, it is

reasonable to assume that the designer's view of design will

influence the programming phase just as any other phase. -pttazfi/tMfu^_
If the designer is not the programmer, he is nevertheless
often in a position to set the goals of the program and so,
in effect, direct its operations and final form.

values regarding programming and design yf/Tii^t^Oi^

C. Consistency in

synthesis is vital to insuring a SMOOTH TRANSITION from

problem statement to solution. If a program is written with
a different view of design than the designer has, he may have
difficulty relating to it in trying to solve the problem.

D. In order to insure this consistency, the designer must be

aware of his ATTITUDES and VALUES about design. The
more complete this awareness in this regard, the more able
he will be to tailor the programming phase to his particular
design problem.


A. In all professions there is not only a concern for the quality

of the PRODUCT but also a value placed on the quality of
the PROCESS that produced it.

means it is important to not only

B. In architectural design this ,'<'f**M^l^e^>Kf\t'^. ,

arrive at agood BUILDING DESIGN but also continually

work to improve the PROCESS for ARRIVING at solutions.
This requires that an attempt be made to bring as much of
the process to CONSCIOUS AWARENESS as possible. It

also requires an analysis of values and attitudes with respect

PROCESS ISSUES even though
to major design In time they

C. This self analysis to arrive at a "view of design" cannot occur

while "doing a design." When attention Is focussed on
MAKING a product It cannot also be focussed on the
PROCESS of production. This demands a "stepping back,"
as It were, and reflecting upon what Is done when designing.

What kinds of things In design are VALUED?

D. A view of DESIGN Is an extension of a broader LIFE view.

In reflecting on our view of design, sometimes we discover
something about our value system in general. In the same
way, an awareness of our values on broader issues can be of
help In analyzing our view of design.

E. Descriptions always Involve the COMPRISING COMPO-

NENTS of what we are describing and their RELATION-
SHIPS to other things we know. Our knowledge of some-
thingis more complete the more we become aware of Its

relationships or view it from DIFFERENT STANDPOINTS.

F. For example, to attempt to know a person better demands

that we know how he acts In different circumstances
(talking, acting under stress, tendencies when depressed,
tendencies when content) and what his views are with
respect to given Issues (foreign policy, civil rights, eutha-
nasia, women's lib., abortion, politics). It Is the accumulation
of all these INDIVIDUAL and SPECIFIC Items that result
in KNOWING or describing the person.

Another example Is knowing or describing a building. It is

Impossible to describe it as a WHOLE. Only through the

accumulation of specific individual ASPECTS about the

building can it be described or known (structural system,
mechanical concept, form, light patterns, geometry, response
to context). In fact, even these categories are too broad to
WHOLES and would need
describe as to make reference to
COMPONENTS within themselves in order to arrive at an
adequate description. aM0cC

H. Our "view of design" Is a result of our values and attitudes

with respect to many INDIVIDUAL and SPECIFIC AS-
PECTS or issues regarding design. Tlie broader and more
comprehensive the list of aspects to which we relate our
design method, the more complete will be our description
and the more thorough our knowledge and awareness of our
view of design.

I. Just as we hold certain issues or aspects of people or build- X44iAJL/

ings as being particularly important to KNOWING or
DESCRIBING them, we also probably hold particular aspects
about design as being of more importance than others. The
identification of what we consider to be these CRITICAL
ISSUES is a key goal in expressing our view of design.


A. This text was written with a view of design in mind. The r-r-y^^^-^?^^-
model essentially involves the identification of a series of
which lead to an architectural product. As programming is

PART of this sequence, the event chain provides a context

for defining the ROLE of programming in PLANNING. ^tyifi^ta^m^**'^^

B. The view of design sequence used is as follows;

1. Reality (laws, principles).

2. Search for and discovery of laws and principles (fact-

3. Known facts.

4. Gathering of facts.
5. Analysis, evaluation and organization of facts into mean-
ingful patterns.

6. Response to facts in design synthesis.

7. Building product.
8. Building consequences.
9. Evaluation.

C. REALITY. Both research and programming assume the

existence of objective reality. They depend upon the fact
that there are laws and principles which govern cause-effect
i4 .#T .rf
relationships and that these laws exist independently of our
awareness of them.
D. RESEARCH. It is the objective of research to uncover these
laws to allow us to predict and control the consequences of 'iyt4aayt'^A^
our design decisions.

E. FACTS. Out of research, facts are "produced." Although

we are never absolutely certain of them, still they provide |p2JfiS5^'^==^=|
us with a basis for making choices with some assurance of

the outcome. There are many categories of facts. They range

from natural or physical laws (those governing structural
design), to "man made" facts (traffic laws).


ZATION OF FACTS. These form the core of programming
in architecture. They are essentially concerned with insuring
that as many of the important consequences of the building
design as possible are anticipated and planned for so that
the building is successful in these critical respects.

G. RESPONSE TO FACTS IN DESIGN. The planning of the

building is based upon the establishment of the desired build-
ing effects or consequences in programming and the creation
of the physical product which will most effectively bring

about those consequences. The more comprehensive the

designer's program the more knowledgeably he can plan his

H. BUILDING. The physical product of the design process is

not the designer's final concern. The consequences of the

building are in the last analysis the critical issue in design.

I. BUILDING CONSEQUENCES. Buildings will have their

whether planned for or not. Because a fact has not

been, considered in programming or design will not prohibit
it from having its consequences.
\ l^^^A
J. EVALUATION. This is an effective method for expanding
our awareness of consequences of individual design decisions
and building features. In effect, evaluation is a form of

research and serves as a feedback mechanism to facts,

programming and design. Evaluation and feedback loops
also occurbetween every event in the sequence.


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A. A program usually takes the form of a WRITTEN AND

GRAPHIC document wherein background information, fact
analysis and evaluation and conclusions pertinent to a

project are organized and presented.

B. The specific CONTENT AND FORMAT of a program

may change depending on the nature of the project.

C. No matter what form it takes or project it addresses,

the INTENT of a program is always the same.

D. A program is a PLAN OF ACTION for defining and

yit^A^Z. ,

achieving desired results and goals (consequences).

E. The program INTENT may be a new building, orderly

operations or facilities growth, improved operational effi-

ciency, better working environment or informed choice

of site location.

F. Although the TRADITIONAL programming type is that

which is prepared for the design of a new facility, pro-
grams may also take several OTHER forms.

1. A LONG RANGE PLAN assesses present conditions,

projects current trends and outlines future potentials
regarding a client's operation and building development.

2. A FEASIBILITY STUDY may involve issues such as

timing, phasing or advantages and disadvantages regard-

ing site selection and acquisition or building expansion
versus remodeling.

3. OPERATIONS ANALYSIS can be applied to overall

efficiency, cost-benefit issues, staffing projections, alter-
ation or expansion of services, equipment purchases,
quality control or environmental inventories.

4. A PROGRAM for a new building serves as a tool for

recording client needs, insuring that these needs are
met and evaluating the building design before construc-
tion begins.

G. In its broadest definition as a "plan of action," program- ipSliiilipHiili^iiiiilly^

ming has existed for as long as architecture itself. Program-
ming in its present roles and forms, however, is a relatively

RECENT development. There are several possible reasons '1yii<fid^k/Hu^


why programming has lagged in its maturation as a dis-

. cipline.

1. "Primitive" building largely dealt with immediate and W^^E^tf"*'**^

personal needs (shelter). The needs were those of the
builder, and programming, design and construction oc-

curred virtually SIMULTANEOUSLY.

2. Even as construction techniques became more sophisti-

cated, they still housed relatively simple functions with

which the designer-builder was often very FAMILIAR

(religious structures). There was no need to write down

what he already knew about what was to be housed

in the building.

3. As building tasks became more complex, they were

often subjugated to the "formal" qualities of the build-
ing. The functions were a reason to "make a work
of The designer's knowledge of what was to
happen inside could be SUPERFICIAL.

4. The view of a building as a "whoPe" kept the NUMBER

and COMPLEXITY of individual concerns in design
relatively small. This also delayed the need to be
systematic in documenting the many variables involved.

5. Allied fields such as psychology and sociology had

not developed to the point where they could add to
the list of building CONSEQUENCES which the de-
signer must be aware of. With relatively few effects
to concern himself with, a program wasn't really nec-

6. Architects have regarded the architectural program as

RESTRICTIVE. Many see no direct correlation between "'"
the program document and their own operations in liiiliL..::^ i\^..
the design process.

7. Programming has not been considered as a DISTINCT

architectural service in terms of FEE STRUCTURE.
Many firms cannot afford to do a comprehensive pro-
gramming job.

H. Although there are still many improvements to be made,

programming is recognized today as an ESSENTIAL part
of the
-p'U^'Wu^ru^ /jjiiii
planning process for most design situations. This
is largely due to several factors.

1. Architects are now faced with the task of designing

buildings which must house FUNCTIONS about which
they know little or nothing.

2. There is an increased need for IVIULTI-FUNCTIONING nii

jjii iiiii i ii i iii ii i i i..

buildings whose operations are extremely complex and

whose variables defy an unsystematic approach to plan-

3. The architect is required to take responsibility for more

and more DETAILED planning in his projects. The
number of individual decisions to be made is becoming
increasingly unwieldly.

4. Much more is being demanded of buildings in terms

of PERFORMANCE. An "exciting piece of sculpture"
or "pleasant composition" is no longer sufficient justi-

fication for the design, construction and maintenance

costs incurred by the client. Programming is an impor-
tant step in insuring that the building "performs."

The growing view of buildings as a SYNTHESIS OF

SUBSYSTEMS has resulted in the identification of
many "parts" of the "whole" which can be studied,
evaluated and designed for. This has provided pro-
gramming with SUBJECT MATTER.

6. The rapid advances made in ALLIED FIELDS which

have established many facts in terms of man-environment
relationships have greatly increased the scope of building
CONSEQUENCES which the designer must take into

7. There is increasing recognition that the design process

for solving a problem is directly linked with the
PROBLEM STATEMENT and that the key to a succes-
ful building lies as much in having a good PROGRAM
as in good design SYNTHESIS.


A. The most critical ROLE of programming is the purpose
it serves in the "view of design" system outlined in

the Introduction. This role will be discussed more fully

in later sections. Briefly, in terms of the design paradigm
mentioned, programming finds, selects and organizes per-
tinent facts and translates them from VERBAL to
GRAPHIC expression so that they may, in turn, be trans-
lated into a physical expression.

Programming is a vital segment of the chain of events

leading to the PREDICTION and attempted REALIZATION
of valued building CONSEQUENCES. j^tmmtRHiKu p'UaCcctcfiK/' Jwcmtiif HW '

^ yi

B. One convenient way of organizing the roles of program-


ming is in terms of their TEMPORAL relationship to

the act of planning a building. Generally programming ' lllljjfi llllllllllllK
may be Itulhc

There are many simultaneous roles that a program may

play. Widely differing roles become mutually exclusive ^^^i^^i'^^^T^l
or detrimental when the program becomes specially tail-
ored for very unique purposes.

1. Pre-design

PRIOR to the start of the building design process,

a program may:

a. Serve as a PROMOTIONAL package for the client.

b. Be used to promote client staff MORALE.

c. Function as a CATALYST for discussions before
governmental approval boards.
d. Serve as a COMMUNICATIVE TOOL between the
client and the design firm.
e. Define the client's NEEDS in terms that can be
translated into design issues during building planning.
f. Provide the basis for PRESENTATIONS to interested
civic groups.

g. Help to organize the DECISION-MAKING responsi-

bilities of the client related to building planning.
h. DOCUMENT the client's project budget, organiza-
tional and operational structure and record recom-
mended improvements.
i. Provide the client with a FRAMEWORK for outlining
his future needs and requirements.
j. Serve the design firm as a framework for
UNDERSTANDING the client's operation.
k. EDUCATE the client regarding the planning process^.
and provide him with an understanding of the reasons
behind design decisions to be made.
I. Avoid OVERESTIMATION of furniture, equipment
and space needs.

2. Design

DURING the planning process a program may:

Direct the building PLANNING PROCESS.

Aid in generating viableALTERNATIVE building
Serve as a vehicle for active CLIENT PARTICIPA-
TION in the planning process.
Help insure a GOOD FIT between client operations
and the building.
Determine building QUALITY and SCOPE based on
BUDGET and TIME limitations.

the needs of the client, especially in projects of

large scope or great complexity,

g. Function as an EVALUATIVE tool for investigating
and testing different planning approaches,
h. Give the designer an INSIGHT into the "spirit"
of the probienn.
i. Serve as a catalyst in fostering a CREATIVE approach
to the problem,
j. Provide a basis for RESOLUTION of differences with

the client during planning,

k. Function as a mechanism for design CONTROL for

architectural principals who are not actively involved

in the planning process.

3. Postdesign

AFTER the design process is complete, a program may:

a. Provide the client with a TOOL FOR EVALUATING

the design proposal.
b. Insure the most ECONOMICAL building design within
the problem requirements.
c. Result In a facility planned for GROWTH AND
d. Serve as a manual for the USE AND OPERATION
of the new facility.

e. Allow the client to ORGANIZE and DIRECT his

future rather than merely reacting to situations and

needs as they occur.
f. Insure maximum operational EFFICIENCY and
PRODUCTIVITY for client functions in the new

g. Maximize the opportunity for the new building to

contribute to its URBAN and ECOLOGICAL sur-

roundings. trigHC^
C. One role not mentioned above is as a PROMOTIONAL
and EDUCATIONAL tool for the programming or design

D. A program may or may not be put into PUBLISHABLE

form depending on its PURPOSES. Simulation of the use
of the document in its respective roles is vital in designing
the program. Oftentimes the very same data will appear
in different FORMS and FORMATS because of its use
for different TASKS.


A. The process of programming is composed basically of

ING and PRESENTING information pertinent to the design

B. The PROCEDURES and FORMATS in programming are

intended to organize and outline the factors relevant
to predicted desired BUILDING CONSEOUENCES and
to present these factors in a way that the designer may

easily UNDERSTAND and USE.

C. The PROGRAMMING firm need not be the DESIGN


D. The specific operations performed in programming will

. depend upon the program TYPE and PURPOSE.

E. In building facilities programming the programming TEAM

is composed of representatives of the client and program-
ming firm.

1. To insure effective programming and expedite the process,

team members must have AUTHORITY to make deci-

2. The client group is responsible for providing information

about their operational NEEDS.

3. The programming firm is responsible for GATHERING,

tinent Information.

4. Together, the team members review the functional and

organizational IMPLICATIONS of the information.

5. The team approach facilitates the evolution and testing

of INNOVATIVE changes in the client's operations.

6. The team approach insures that the program will be

a JOINT EFFORT of the client and programming firm.
F. Many work tasks within the programming process are
Tfe .J^
to shorten total programming time.
rather than sequentially l ir7r-v JM^?*a*^j|jj rm CHI OjZ^I

G. In addition to various other introductory information,

the program format basically includes GOALS, FACTS,

1. GOALS include the purpose of the project, client

and user goals and the project description.

2. The FACTS involve both quantitative and qualitative

information and issues.

3. QUANTITATIVE data may encompass site, climate,

codes, utilities, zoning, project scheduling, space re-

quirements and building quality and scope in relation

to budget.

4. QUALITATIVE information may pertain to activity

analysis, sensory considerations and desired environ-
mental qualities.

5. Some facts are IIVIIVIEDIATELY available (description

of client operation) while others must be DERIVED
(space needs).

6. PRECEPTS are individual planning commitments dealing

with important quantitative and qualitiative factual issues.

7. The precepts serve as criteria for EVALUATING design

alternatives and ELIMINATING those not in sympathy
with the initial programmatic and design ASSUMP-

8. The precepts are generated by the programming team

members and provide a method for discussing and
arriving at DECISIONS about critical project issues.

9. Some precepts are reasonable and logical on FACE

VALUE while others demand considerable STUDY
before accepting them as design assumptions. f JS^" ^ pgag
10. Precepts inevitably contain VALUE JUDGMENTS made
by the programming firm based on the "spirit of the

problem" and other difficult-to-document factors.

11. Precepts are the direction-giving part of the program

and suggest to the designers what the ARCHITECTURAL |fiir"iiiin jT ;.^WMt^

IMPLICATIONS of the goals and facts might be. They SM..,i

are in essence mini-design commitments.

12. Taken together, the precepts are meant to suggest

overall planning directions CONCEPTS. The con-
cepts suggested may be a LITERAL extension of the
precepts or an INTERPRETIVE one.

13. CONCEPTS are general planning directions suggested

by the goals, facts and precepts.

14. There may be SEVERAL viable concepts possible

that answer the critical issues and precepts. The
program should clearly indicate which seems the MOST

15. At the conclusion of the development of ALTERNA-

TIVE concepts, and the recommendation that ONE
of these be selected, the program is complete.

16. The responsibility for the FURTHER development of

a concept into a BUILDING DESIGN is SEPARATE
from the programming responsibility.

H. A good program should include more than an accumula-

tion of NEUTRAL facts and actually extend into the
realm of DESIGN commitments and recommendations.


A. The definition of programming as an ARCHITECTURAL

SERVICE and the description of how the architect should

be COMPENSATED for this task is still unclear in the

profession. This reflects the general lack of agreement in

the profession regardingwhat constitutes a "basic" pro-

gramming service and what constitutes an "additional"
service. (Basic services are performed as part of the

SCHEMATIC DESIGN fee. Additional services warrant WP^^^^^P^^ 4" iljij

EXTRA compensation).

B. Some architects believe that all programming services should

be performed as part of their responsibility to design and

build the BEST building possible. For them, there is
NO additional compensation for programming. Others feel
that the increased complexity of buildings and the growing
amount of details which an architect must design for make
itunreasonable to assume that the ever increasing program-
ming time should be ABSORBED into the basic fee.
These architects often write a SEPARATE CONTRACT
for the programming phase of the job with compensation
for this work being in ADDITION to the basic fee for

C. Clients are often able to supply much of the needed

programming information themselves. Some are capable
of executing almost all of the programming work per-

taining to their operation. Generally, however, a large

percentage of programs done by clients are NOT of

value to the architect. The success of a client-executed

program depends largely on the client's knowledge of his

organization and his ability to state his needs in terms

which are MEANINGFUL to the architect.

D. In a limited survey, it was found that the average cost

of programming to the client is between % and Vz percent

of the construction cost of the building. This, of course,

may vary with the SIZE of the job, the COMPLEXITY
of the needs and the amount of data that the CLIENT
can supply. Programming firms vary manner in
in the
which they contract to do their work. Methods include
a percentage of the estimated construction cost, cost plus
expenses, and predetermined total amount.

E. Because programming is demanding greater and greater

sophistication in terms of gatlnering and organization
niques, there is an increasing number

of firms that

SPECIALIZE in programming. Many of these limit their

work to SPECIFIC building types (hospitals, schools) while
others are more general and diverse in their work.

F. Usually, only the LARGER architectural firms are able

offer comprehensive programming services to clients

representing complex organizations.

G. The qualifications of a programmer vary from firm to firm.

Some feel he should be an ARCHITECT because he
must communicate with DESIGNERS. Others feel he should
NOT be an architect because he will be biased in his pro-

gramming. Several programming firms use psychologists, O'uJl^i^^^^^^^^ -pWl^i/tfi^fiUl^

sociologists, anthropologists, engineers, operations research-

ers, and systems analysts. It can be assumed that a combina-

tion of architecture with any of these would be

H. As programming is becoming a more QUANTITATIVE

discipline, it would be beneficial for a prospective pro- "^" &
grammer to have as much exposure as possible to statistics,
computer science, principles of basic research and systems

I. Some of the people who are currently very active in

developing architectural programming as a DISCIPLINE


1. William Pena - Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, Architects

2. W. R. Matthews - Matthews and Associates, Architects
3. Lester Gorsline Lester Gorsline and Associates,
4. Gerald Davis The Environmental Analysis Group
5. Edward Agostini Becker and Becker, Planning
6. Christopher Alexander Center for Environmental
7. E. Todd Wheeler - Perkins and Will, Architects
8. C. Herbert Wheeler Pennsylvania State University
9. Ben H. Evans Building Research Institute



A. Research: careful, systematic, patient study and investiga-

tion some field of knowledge undertaken
in to establish

B. Research may be BASIC (above definition), or APPLIED,

APPLIED research attempts to take facts uncovered by
BASIC research and find useful applications for them.

Research is distinct from data or fact gathering (as done

for example in programming) in that the latter involves
accumulating and organizing facts which are KNOWN,
while the goal of the former is the discovery of NEW
facts. The one is attempting to make a CONTRIBUTION cv^^^^ff^i^^
to knowledge while the other
is making use of EXISTING
r\ t M4e^i/ic4^


A. Research assumes the existence of facts (laws and u/iiMfinoh/- /&n4un^~^ U/t^Ji''^Un\y

principles) as INDEPENDENT of our awareness of them.

Man is "immersed" in these laws and is governed by
them in that they determine the consequences of actions.
Man does not "make" basic natural laws but is faced
with the task of finding out what they are.

B. The "facts" discovered by research are never absolute

certainties. They are at best, statements of PROBABILI-
TIES for certain effects, given certain situations.

C. We value research because by isolating and identifying

cause-effect relationships we are better able to CONTROL
and PREDICT those effects which we value and depend

D. Research generally is QUANTITATIVE in nature. Rela-

more exactly in this way. Probabili-
tionships can be stated
ties can be expressed more precisely with the use of

numbers. Research in some fields lends itself to mathemati-

cal models more readily than others. Many researchers
feel that this is because the qualitatively-oriented fields
have not developed far enough to be able to use the
mathematical mode.

E. The invention and refinement

us to EXTEND our senses
of techniques which
are vital to the

success of research (microscope, telescope, spacecraft). -^


F. There are some general VALUES and ATTITUDES charac-

teristic of researchers as a group:

1. flexible in their beliefs

2. tentative in their conclusions
3. beliefs based on evidence and not authority
4. value knowledge of underlying reasons for phenomena
5. skeptical
6. tolerant

7. value honesty and accuracy in reporting data

8. detached emotionally as much as possible from their

9. individualists
10. dedicated
11. value knowledge as an end in itself

There are many intrinsic PLEASURES of research which

relate to the maturation of the scientist.

1. curiosity
2. delights of ambiguity and uncertainty
3. contest with nature
4. escape from boredom of everyday experience
5. aesthetic pleasure
6. joy of exercising the intellect

STATUS in the research community is dependent upon

several factors: SlilllHIBI
1. stage of development of the discipline
2. role played in research (theorist ranks higher than
scientist, basic research higher than applied research )

3. originality and influence on others (including impact

of contributions to the field)
4. institution with which the scientist is associated

G. Scientific concepts have no INTRINSIC moral content.

H. An important issue for many researchers to resolve for

themselves is that of FREE WILL vs. DETERMINISM
as it relates to research. Since human action is part
of the world's phenomena, should it not be included as
one of the objects of control and predictability? Does
free will and unfettered choice diminish with the growth
of data about the human mind?

fatalist: "Certain results are destined to happen no matter

what a person does."

determinist: "There are functional relations between variables

and this knowledge can be used to predict the
future (to predict the consequences of design

decisons in architecture). There must be some

degree of determinism for an individual to have
free will, since he has to be able to choose from
among predictable behaviors."

I. "Scientific laws are not PRESCRIPTIVE - that is, they

don't say HOW people OUGHT to act. Scientific laws
areDESCRIPTIVE. They DESCRIBE how people and things


A. In research, no DECISIONS are made on the basis of faith,

power, monetary rewards or self-protection.

B. Science is distinguished from dogma in that science is based

on FACT. Dogma is based on BELIEF.

C. A "fact" is the actual occurrence of an EVENT. It is

singular and happens at a given time. After it occurs

it is gone forever. "Data" is the recording of that fact
in some SYMBOLIC form.

D. Criteria for accepting events as FACTS:

1. Must be singular.
2. Available to public scrutiny.
3. Different individuals can know what the event was that
is being described.

E. Scientific laws are descriptions of relatively constant

RELATIONSHIPS between certain kinds of phenomena.
Laws are established by the consistent repetition of rela-

tions between kinds of events and not by a singular

occurrence of any succession of events.

CRITERIA for accepting a statement as a scientific law:

1. Must be about kinds of events and not directly about

any singular event.
2. Must be a large amount of data supporting the law
and little or none discounting it.

3. Must show a functional relation between two or more

kinds of events.
4. Relation should be applicable to very different events.

F. An important goal in research is to develop the SMALLEST

set of hypotheses or principles which will account for
the GREATEST variety of events. ailiill
G. For any law in science we find that at some level it
rests on INDUCTION. An ASSUMPTION is made that since

the event has occurred before on several occasions, under
SIMILAR conditions it will happen again. Regularity does
not guarantee certainty, and all induction is based on

A. Sequence

1. casual observation
2. identification of area of concern
3. suspicion of cause-effect relationships not previously
uncovered through experiment
4. formulation of hypothesis or tentative theory
5. testing of hypothesis
6. hypothesis disproved or accepted as a theory

B. Remarks

is to


The purpose of
system developed to

be observed under certain specified

events and to

2. A tentative theory is needed in research to provide the
scientist with a FRAMEWORK for experimentation.

3. Experimental design consists of three factors:

a. independent variables directly manipulated by the

experimenter to effect dependent variables
b. dependent variables measures taken during the
experimental process
c. control variables should not vary systematically
from condition to condition (constants)

4. Experimental results provide data that is used to con-

firm, develop or modify a theory. A theory tends to
be confirmed if actual observations agree with those
PREDICTED by the theory.

5. Theories about phenomena we see play an important

role in directing the research of scientists. "Concept-
getting" is at the heart of research progress and points
to the need for CREATIVITY in science. Before experi-
mentation can begin, an hypothesis must first have
been formulated. This is the point at which "discoveries"

A. The rules and methodology of research in general apply

to ARCHITECTURAL research as well.

B. The development of research in architecture is largely

due to the broadening of architectural involvement into

fields more advanced as scientific disciplines. These provide
the subject matter and rigor needed for research.

C. Architectural research is intended to establish greater cer-

tainty about the
cisions so that
those decisions
of specific design de-
may be made more
knowledgeably and with greater predictability.

D. The list of topics for possible doctoral research at uni-

versities is a good indication of those areas in archi-
tecture which are felt to have enough "substance" for
research. Representative categories are:

1. Architectural Design and Design Process

2. History and Philosophy of Architecture
3. Building Technology
4. Behavioral Science
5. Urban Design
6. Facilities Design (specialty in a specific building type)
7. Architectural Operations
8. Man-Environment Relationships



A. Fact: "the state of things as they actually ARE: reality,

actuality, truth."

B. In defining facts as "the way things are," we can distin-

guish between existing or past DESIRABLE conditions -^ffn^a^

and UNDERLYING principles or laws that brought them
about. What is seen on the "surface" is a RESULT
of cause-effect relationships. For example, to a layman,



of what
is experienced
those deeper principles
we perceive which
and perceived.
removed from

\\ J\
what we perceive. The scientist is involved in under-
lying, causative relationships.

C. Another viewpoint defines facts as METAPHORS. This

definition sees "facts" as expedient means for explaining
and categorizing perceived new phenomena in terms of
KNOWN phenomena. Facts here have no relationship to
any "reality" or "truth" but serve simply as a system

The facts we know are composed of both METAPHOR IC

and actual CAUSE-EFFECT relationships.

D. Facts, as the term is used here will always connote

cause-effect relationships. These relationships can be ex-
pressed as, "IF a given situation, THEN a resulting effect."

Basic laws and principles are not altered by our failure

to discover or understand them.

E. The belief that there exists an objective reality inde-

pendent of our awareness of it is an ASSUMPTION.
It cannot be proven with absolute certainty. The assump-
tion is based on the fact that we can identify repetition
in the effects of certain actions, but repetition does not
assure that given the same situation the same effect
will result. All choice and action are based on a predicted
outcome and so DEPEND upon the assumption of an
independent reality.


A. Philosophy: "theory or investigation of the principles or

laws that regulate the universe and UNDERLIE all reality."
Philosophy deals with hypotheses which attempt to ex-
plain why things are the way they are, not in terms of

empirical research but by constructing broad explanatory

frameworks based on logic and reason.

B. Man seems to need to EXPLAIN the causes of those

things he values and depends upon. This form of control

or possession of that which is valued is often evident in

the prevalent philosophies of different periods in history.

The TYPES of things

of a
the causes
that are explained and the
provide insight into
the values oo
C. Earliest recorded philosophy deals with pleasure, pain,
good and evil and the laws and principles which must be
followed to achieve what is valued. No matter what the
goal of a philosophy, it always sets forth a SYSTEM of
cause-effect, action-consequence relationships, a system for
explaining the "nature of reality."

D. In proposing explanations of events, philosophy usually

begins just beyond the frontier of scientific discovery.
At any given point in time, research is able to trace cause-
effect relationships only so far. The INTERFACE between
philosophy and science is at this frontier. Philosophy
proposes the way things are beyond where science is able
to empirically probe. As science widens and deepens its

domain, philosophical assumptions are proven true or


If explanations
more removed
(facts) are thought
ranging from immediate causes to deeper,
of as

existing on
^. ^Wc^ .eA^j^
causes, this provides a of describing
g^ H^Sr-
the so-called "conflict" between religion and science.
Because it has claimed explanation of causes "near the
surface" of observed events, religion has appeared to have
retreated as science has advanced. This has not meant
Ju ""

that religion is invalid, only that it has underestimated

the NUMBER of of discoverable causation behind
events before the

concept of "first-cause" can be dis-

-4ciayft<e^ .^U^i^ihi^


A. Depending upon our viewpoint, there are different levels

at which facts exist. Each level has to do with more
BASIC cause-effect relationships as facts become more
REMOVED from "surface events."

One method for outlining these levels follows:

1. Unknown facts laws and principles which are as I 1 iliBr"

yet UNDISCOVERED (aspects

molecular structure, astronomy and physics). The devel-
of brain chemistry,


opment of our ability to extend our senses will be

largely instrumental in new discoveries.

2. Emerging facts principles which are in the PROCESS

of being tested for their validity. If these prove to be
EXPLANATIONS, they will become known and usable
facts. We can then use these as a basis for making
decisions with some assurance of PREDICTABLE out-
comes. Emerging facts represent the furthest that
science has been able to probe into the causes of
surface events.

3. Known facts these are all the unchanging or "natural"

relationships that we have been able to discover. They
serve as a basis for DECISIONS. There are many
"levels" of known facts due to the receding nature
For any

of cause-effect relationships. surface event
there is a chain of events which led to and caused It.

Each "link" in the chain Is a fact.

__J i

4. Man-made facts the levels of facts up to and includ- -.yyy-^^^n^'.yH^^h!Ce^

ing "known facts" have all pertained to relationships

which have no dependence upon our awareness of

them. "Man-made facts" are our REACTION to them.
Man-made facts are principles or laws that we institute
to regulate our behavior with respect to known facts
(building codes, structural formulas and traffic laws).

Man-made laws or facts must be based upon a CORRECT

assessment of the consequences of "known facts" if

they are to produce DESIRED results.

^4**^f^cl^t*C' (fC^j/ioSt>c
The effects of known facts are neutral. We make man- I

made facts based on a VALUE JUDGMENT about

these effects. (The causes of physical pain are
laws." Whether pain is considered
a positive or negative
Q-^:* I ...

experience may depend upon the cultural situation).

In a complex society, the man-made facts that are based

on the consequences of natural laws sometimes become
so far REMOVED from their original intent that it

becomes difficult to find their real meaning. Man-made

laws become "layered" where new laws are instituted liiiBll ****^ j^a^ _M. ill

based on existing man-made laws which can ultimately

be traced to the effects. Values begin to rest upon
these removed concerns as they used to rest on the
ACTUAL natural consequences. New needs are created
v#iif^a)-J^J&i^ jliiiiili
which are in essence ARTIFICIAL. We begin to deal
with the symbols of the consequences as though they
were the consequences themselves (suicide at bank-


A. In gathering the facts which relate to a given design problem,

a key issue is that of RELEVANCE. A fact is

relevant to programming and design if it is part of a

chain of events or cause-effect relationships that lead

to an effect or consequence that we judge as important.

B. In architectural design we are faced with both NATURAL .-**3ttl'****'*TLr

and MAN-MADE facts. All may be viewed as "if . . .

then" situations. As a designer becomes more aware of

the consequences or effects of his design decisions he
enables himself to make his decisions more knowledge-
ably and confidently and to more easily achieve the

result that he predetermines as desirable.

C. The relationship between design DECISIONS and building

CONSEQUENCES is vital to architectural programming
and design. Programming serves to gather the facts, eval-

uate their relevance to the situation, identify the effects

they may have on each other and organize them for the
designer's use in design synthesis. Design synthesis attempts
to make a physical product whose consequences are those
called for in the program.

D. The facts pertinent to an architectural design situation

can be classified as TRADITIONAL and NON-TRADI-


Traditional facts are those which we customarily include

on our list of concerns when programming or designing.
These may include activity patterns, people involved,
furniture and equipment needed, site information, climate
information and perhaps desired effects of the building
form and environment on its inhabitants. The effects

of our decisions with respect to SOME of these facts we

feel confident about. For others we may know what we
want the consequences to be but are not sure of the WAY
to produce them. This is especially true in matters that
involve psychological reactions to the environment we
create. It may even be true for some of the areas that we
consider familiar (functional efficiency).

architectural facts are
to design (they involve building consequences)
those that are
but not ordinarily considered in programming or synthesis.
The growth of non-traditional architectural facts is largely

due to research in ALLIED FIELDS such as psychology,

sociology, anthropology and physics. They may involve
relationships such as light level-work efficiency, desk orien-
tation psychological security or glass additives glare


These may seem too "detailed" for the architectural

designer to concern himself with. Nevertheless, the deci-
sions he makes in programming and design RESULT in
an environment that has these types of CONSEQUENCES.

If it is of value to know what the EFFECTS of our designs

are, then it is important to become more familiar with
non-traditional architectural facts.


A. For any given building there is a spectrum of facts

that are relevant to the CONSEQUENCES that the build-

ing will have and that its context will have on the building.

B. The building can be thought of as an ADDITION to an

existing set of cause-effect relationships (existing car and
pedestrian traffic on and around the site, site drainage
to adjacent property, existing foilage, sunlight, noise,

scale, image, activity tempo, client functions, activity

patterns of clients' workers such as driving to work or

going to lunch). The building becomes PART of many
of these situations. For some, there is little change, while
others are altered drastically. The addition of a building
to these situations can be likened to a relative coming
to live with a family permanently. It is important to
know how the "addition" may ALTER the existing
systems or patterns of events.

C. One of the functions of programming is to document

the "existing situation" in its broadest sense. The program
should also include some REACTION to the different
"existing situations" in terms of the value of preserving
or altering them. This is of great help to the designer
in setting his objectives (determining what building effects
would be desirable).

D. Generally, facts have a twofold importance in programming

and design:

1. The omission of a fact in programming about the

"existing situation," whether due to negligence, inex-
perience or because the relationship has not been dis-

covered (is not a known fact), may result in building

consequences that are both UNANTICIPATED and
UNDESIRABLE. (Unhappy design accidents usually far
outweigh the happy ones when designing from incom-
plete data).

2. Assuming the rare situation where the designer is fully

aware of all the networks of relationships in the existing

situation, if he is to AFFECT those relationships as
intended or desired, he must also have a knowledge
of the CONSEQUENCES of specific design decisions
about the physical building (effect of scale on existing
area image, effect of space on psychological reaction
of workers, effect of layout on client function effi-

ciency or effect of materials combinations on visual


The need
for this
knowledge also applies to the effects

structure or sunlight on thermal comfort).

the existing situation
on maintenance, snow load on

E. Although the number and types of "building on situation"
and "situation on building" effects are many, the general
CATEGORIES of these effects are fairly traditional (func-
tion, site, climate, form, light, materials, structure, openings,
mechanical). Within each of these groups we are aware
of many individual cause-effect relationships or "facts."

Some of these we assume as "rules of thumb" without

really knowing the UNDERLYING principles involved. For ooi:n!!!Z3l '
^ _^
others we are aware of the principles to a certain depth Ip^
beyond the surface event.

F. In discussing the broad spectrum of facts which are perti-

nent to building design, it is sometimes helpful to make

a distinction between "traditional" and "non-traditional"

Traditional facts are those that we CUSTOMARILY include ^3tac^^^^n^

on our list of concerns when programming and designing. /'
Non-traditional architectural facts are those that are rele-
vant to design (they involve building consequences), but CZ=3i:i
are NOT ordinarily considered in programming and syn-


A. There is no clearcut division that can be made between

^^, j
\ ]^n^n.-i^.
traditional and nontraditional architectural facts. The clas-

sification of a fact as one or the other will depend

upon the degree of programming and design DETAIL
required for the building type in question, the UNIQUE-
NESS of the building type and the depth and breadth
of the KNOWLEDGE of the designer. What is non-tradi-
tional for one building or designer may be very common
for another. i^u^^--
B. Research in fields ALLIED to architecture is primarily
responsible for the discovery of non-traditional architec-
tural facts (psychology, sociology, anthropology, physics,
engineering, systems engineering, business management,
finance, economics, computer technology, industrial proc-
essing). The discovery of cause-effect relationships under
the title of "architectural research" has occurred largely
in these fields.

C. When dealing with facts generated by another field, the

issue of RELEVANCE becomes important. There is a
temptation to try to apply the whole field to architecture
even though much of it may not be pertinent. It is

important to SCREEN facts from related fields in terms

of their relevance to building consequences.

D. Because these related fields are seldom concerned with

APPLYING their findings to architecture, it is equally
important not to overlook facts because their architec-
tural implications aren't immediately evident. The con-
tinued generation of non-traditional architectural facts
largely depends on our sensitivity to these sometimes
HIDDEN or REMOTE relationships.

E. Non-traditional architectural facts may be applicable not

only to the effects BY and ON a building but also
to the process of PROGRAMMING and DESIGNING it

(systems analysis, computers, decision theory).


A. With respect to the "levels" at which facts exist, non-
traditional facts are unknown, emerging, known and man-

B. Related to the traditional architectural concerns (function,

site, climate) non-traditional facts include:

1. whole new CATEGORIES of cause-effect relationships

(radiation protection system for moon structures)

2. new developments within TRADITIONAL areas of con-

cern (plastics, adhesives, office landscaping)

3. remote levels of UNDERLYING laws or principles

of "rules of thumb" within traditional fact categories
(molecular causes of paint deterioration)

4. minute or subtle building CONSEQUENCES which the -^iih/i^^ A/l^Jlh^

programmer or designer seldom is able to concern
himself with. Though they may in fact have an impact
on the effects of the building, there are many facts
which have so little to do with the important building
consequences that they warrant no consideration. Taken
alone they may be relevant. The judgment of the
programmer or designer may render them irrelevant. r^^^^
C. Areas where research is discovering RELATIONSHIPS ap-
plicable to architecture include man-environment, build-
ing materials, techniques of assembly, economics and design
process. Example relationships that might be classified
as non-traditional to architecture are:

1. role of physical environment in learning

2. effects of visual order versus complexity on learning

3. effects of centralization vs. decentralization of workers

on efficiency

4. effect of worker group size on performance

5. relationship between topic of conversation and conver-

sion distance

6. effect of background brightness on visual acuity

7. effect of specific colors on visual comfort

8. effect of visual clutter on visual efficiency

9. relationship between sound frequency of speech and

intelligibility at receiver

10. noise frequency-sonic annoyance relationships

11. relationship between continuous and random noise and


12. effects of random noise on boredom

13. relationship between exterior image and customer buying


14. relationships between natural land features and settle-

ment patterns of high' income families

15. effects of government involvement in housing on con-

struction techniques

16. effects of new shopping centers on surrounding areas

17. effects of new CBD construction on the municipal


18. physical effects of sunlight on architectural surfaces

19. actual effects of large amounts of glass at exterior

walls on mechanical equipment costs

20. effects of fire on architectural materials


21. effects of washing machines on individual sewerage

disposal systems

22. effects of exterior plastics on interior thermal comfort

23. effects of new adhesives on traditional architectural


24. relationship between the use of mathematical models

in design and building programming

25. effects of new decision theory on sequence of con-

cerns in design synthesis

D. Given the recognition that non-traditional facts are rele-

vant to building design, it behooves the programmer and -pU^fiJ^m*K/Ulj.

designer to expand and deepen their awareness of them
insofar as possible. Ideally, by staying abreast of current
developments these facts will become SECOND NATURE, IN
much as our traditional facts have largely become. It

is important to at least be familiar with SOURCES that JU^ifyiMy

may be used for specific projects as the need arises.

E. Ideally, there should be NO non-traditional architectural

facts. They should be as FAMILIAR to the designer
as the traditional ones so that the effects of our buildings
can be controlled and predicted more accurately and


A. Traditional architectural facts are those that we "usually"
CONSCIOUSLY deal with in programming and designing
a building.

B. The requirement of a designer to be involved with more

than the traditional architectural facts is largely dependent
upon the degree of DETAIL required in planning and
the UNIQUENESS of the project.

The more that is required of a building in terms of

PERFORMANCE and the more important to it is be
ACCURATE in predicting the building consequences, the
less adequate traditional architectural facts become. This
is to say that the "usual" involvement of the programmer
and designer in building consequences is relatively


C. Like any facts, traditional architectural facts determine

the effects of the building on the existing situation and
vice versa. They are important in directing and controlling

D. Failure to consider a fact may result not only in NEGATIVE

consequences on or by the building, but also in some
potential POSITIVE consequence not being brought to

E. Traditional facts may be descriptions of the EXISTING

situation, an
EVALUATIVE statement about the existing
(preserve or alter) or a statement as to desirable
iiil ill I \

FUTURE situations or consequences.

When a statement serves as a RULE for making design

decisions and for evaluating those decisions after synthesis,
it is called a PRECEPT.

Precept: A rule or maxim to DIRECT actions or decisions.

In programming
to strive to achieve
a precept
is a directive for the

building consequences or situation.

DESIGNER f^rmm^mt/^^^ mmw
F. It is sometimes a convenient model in organizing our design
experience to think of the synthesis process as a progressive
"response to the existing situation." It begins in program-
ming with the documentation of the "situation" as brought
to the ARCHITECT by the CLIENT. Through his evalua- A.^!>&r4l^

tive reaction to the client's situation, tine PROGRAIVIIVIER

adds to the "existing situation" that which the DESIGNER
must respond to. The designer's first conceptual responses
to the program expand the "existing situation" even further.
As design decisons are made they become the existing

situation or "facts" to which subsequent responses must

be made. Feedback and evaluation loops allow us to UNDO
the "existing situation" to different degrees and begin

the process anew when needed.

G. It seems clear then that the evaluative responses of the

programmer to the client's existing situation are highly
instrumental in setting the DIRECTIONS of design synthe-
sis. In the same way, the early stages of synthesis become
DETERMINANTS for those decisions which come later.
Even with recycling and feedback, the early stages of
design are critical. The first "view of the problem" is
the beginning of the CONVERGENCE process leading
to the chosen solution.

H. The more comprehensively aware of not only GENERAL

but SPECIFIC details in traditional facts, the
more thorough and efficient the designer can be. He can
also avoid the frustration of having to REDESIGN con-
ceptually because of a more detailed, "fact" that he simply
wasn't aware of.

I. Individual facts don't intrinsically belong to any "family"

or category. Depending upon which of their QUALITIES
is important in a situation, we group them differently.
The choice of how to group facts in programming is an
EVALUATIVE design act in itself. It "how we

see the problem" and is a prelude to how we will go

about solving it. Information GROUPINGS may be a more
important determinant in the conceptual stages of syn-
thesis than the individual facts themselves.

J. Specific facts may be more pertinent to conceptualization

than to design development or vice versa. Some facts
are PRIME ORGANIZERS, while others are SECONDARY.

K. "Background facts" which form the governing context

of the design situation (client goals) often prove important
in making specific design decisions. These are especially
useful where there seems to be no immediate criterion
for making a decision. These types of facts which at
first may seem remote from the "front line" of synthesis
decisions may often be the only BASIS for making im-
portant judgments about very specific building issues.


A. Different facts may be pertinent to different types of

PROGRAMMING DOCUMENTS. In the same way that
we screen facts in terms of their RELEVANCE to building
consequences, we also evaluate their PERTINENCE to
the purpose of the document where they will be contained.

Some of the different types of programming documents

in architecture are:

1. master plan
2. long range plan
3. site feasibility

4. building program
5. comprehensive plan
6. project definition.

B. Below are some TYPICAL traditional architectural fact

categories.For any specific situation some are more rele-

vant than others. Groupings may also be different depend-
ing on the problem (pertain to and involve important
building consequences).

1. Similar projects and critical issues.

a. past projects of similar function, circumstance and

b. critical issues involved in the building type
c. trends in the field

2. Client

a. client goals

b. philosophy of the organization

c. goals of the client's process sub-goals to achieve
main goals user goals
d. staff organization and framework personnel diagram
e. rank and role of personnel
f. major departmental divisions within the organization
role of each goals and sub-goals within the overall
g. critical issues involved in the organization (people to
people relationships, "channels")
h. does organization actually operate the way it is struc-

i. divergence of present operations from expressed goals
possible improvements
j. degree of achievement of sub-goals
k. individuals or committees responsible for planning
with architect role and responsibility in decision-


I. related (non-client) organizations which might affect

m. impact of change or growth of related organization

3. Financial

a. budget firmness, degree of flexibility

b. funding methods bonds, loans, fund raising
c. timing construction costs, escalation, interest rates,
concurrent similar projects taxing public support
d. construction phasing prices, local construction mar-
ket, strong and weak local trades, incremental con-
e. design requirements of lending institutions
f. comparative cost data on similar projects which have
been constructed

4. Building Codes

a. occupancy allowed
b. structural loads allowed
c. exits required
d. stairs (number, type, access, fire rating, size, minimum
distances to reach stairs)
e. fire ratings required of materials
f. ventilation openings
g. toilets (number and fixtures of each)
h. fire sprinklers

i. alarm systems

5. Planning by related organizations

a. duplication of services
b. review boards
c. approval boards (regulations, by-laws, planning criteria)
d. projected construction of similar projects

6. Function

a. operational systemsincluding links beyond the build-

b. critical issues in insuring success in systems' operation

c. needs which are supporting to operation (lounge,

waiting, toilet, janitor)

d. main operational sequences "feeder sequences"

which support main sequence
e. divisions or departments in the system
f. general departmental relationship affinities

g. number and type of people involved (task categories)

h. operations performed by each type of person
1. systems of people movement

(1 ) points of origin and destination

(2) frequency and pattern (continual or intermit-
(3) degree of urgency
(4) role in the overall operation
(5) peak loads

j. systems of information movement

(1) points of origin and destination

(2) frequency and pattern (continual or inter-

(3) degree of urgency (speed required)
(4) role In the overall operation
(5) form
(6) storage implications
(7) operations performed on information (including
production and removal of trash)
(8) peak loads

k. systems of material movement

(1) points of origin and destination (including de-

livery and pickup)
(2) frequency and pattern (continual or intermit-
(3) degree of urgency
(4) role in the overall operation
(5) form (size, weight)
(6) special considerations (fragile)
(7) operations performed on material (including
unpacking and disposal of waste)
(8) storage implications
(9) peak loads

I. work nodes (stations where work is performed)

(1) number, type and relationships

(2) number and type of people at each
(3) nature of tasks performed

(a) key issues in successful performance of

(b) identification of possible sources of strain
in performing tasks

(4) furniture and equipment required for each per-

son (including visitors, clients)

(5) accessories required for each person

(6) sizes, electrical requirements and other con-
siderations regarding furniture, equipment or

(7) area requirements of each node

(8) circulation patterns within each node (people,
material, information)
(9) security requirements (open, closed, locked)
(10) general electrical requirements at each node
(11) criteria for selecting architectural surfaces and

(12) special relationships with other work nodes

(visual control)
(13) lighting requirements

(a) intensity required at task

(b) incandescent vs. fluorescent
(c) direct sun vs. indirect
(d) skylight vs. window
(e) need for total darkness
(f) need for controlled lighting

(14) sensory

(a) type and intensity of stimuli produced

(noise, odors, vibration, dust, electro-mag-

netism, bacteria)
(b) type and intensity of stimuli which must
be excluded or screened (including visual
(c) important environmental situations
(mood, atmosphere)

(15) air conditioning requirements

(a) heat generated by equipment and people

(b) special air circulation or ventilation |-e-

quirements (isolation, 100% exhaust, de-

(c) special temperature requirements
(d) air additives
(e) special controls over air conditioning
(f) grouping of similar air conditioning re-

(g) total needs
(h) space required for mechanical
(i) vibration control
(j) heating and cooling seasons

7. Site

legal description of property (boundaries, dimensions,

rights of way, deed restrictions, easements, curbs, curb
cuts, hydrants, poles)

b. zoning

(1 ) present allowable uses

(2) setbacks
(3) access points
(4) relation to street lights and median breaks
(5) density
(6) heights allowed
(7) parking required

c. utilities

(1) locations
(2) distances to site
(3) depths
(4) telephone, gas, water, sewer, electrical
(5) capacities (present and projected)

d. soil conditions

(1) percolation
(2) bearing
(3) chemicals
(4) density

e. land contours

(1) elevations
(2) drainage patterns (including from and to adja-
cent land)
(3) flood basins (tides)
(4) blocked visual access due to mounds and ridges

(5) points of visual emphasis

(6) flat areas

(7) slope orientation to surrounding areas (visually)

f. significant features

(1) rock outcroppings

(2) existing buildings

(3) ditches
(4) water
(5) trees

g. existing foliage

(1) tree types

(2) limb spread
(3) height
(4) ground cover (where drainage may be affected)

h. sensory

(1) noise (direction, intensity, frequency, pattern,

probability of continuance)
(2) odors (direction, intensity, pattern, type, proba-
bility for continuance)
(3) visual (poor views, good views, public and
private zones, reliability of continuance of view)

i. time-distance

(1) car - pedestrian

(2) to and from significant points on and around

(3) time-distance on site

j. existing pedestrian traffic on and around site

(1) volume
(2) location
(3) frequency and pattern (time of day, continual,
(4) nature (to work, school, lunch, random stroll)

(5) possible contribution to these activities

k. existing vehicular traffic on and around the site

(1) volume
(2) location
(3) frequency and pattern
(4) nature
(5) possible contributions to these activities

I. surrounding physical environment

(1) surrounding zoning

(2) possible development on adjacent and surround-
ing property

(3) profile (skyline)

(4) scale

(5) image
(6) materials
(7) forms
(8) density
(9) light (shade and shadow)
(10) orientation (views of site from other points)
(11) landscaping forms
(12) details

(13) geometry (existing paving patterns, building

edges and heights, axes, walls, modules and

m. surrounding social environment


(1) identifiable patterns

(2) ethnic groups and values

(3) relationships between groups

n. shadow patterns on the site (trees, adjacent buildings)

o. parking and site circulation

i-d) needs (present and projected)

H2) area required

(3) dropoffs required at entry
^(4) lighting

I (5) special controls (restricted parking)

(6) on-site circulation required (between buildings)

(7) supporting circulation (to lunch, to work)

(8) volume and frequency patterns (peak loads)

(9) patterns of direction of entry approach and

departure (people and cars)

>(10) existing roads

'^(11) points of logical access-egress (all types of


(12) surrounding land values

8. Climate

a. rainfall (frequency, volume, patterns)

b. sunlight (critical vertical and horizontal angles)
c. temperature (seasons, extremes)
d. wind, breezes (seasons, directions, velocity, extremes)
e. snow (seasons, volume, patterns)
f. humidity (seasons, percentages)
g. potential natural catastrophes (tornado, hurricane,
earthquake, flood)

9. Growth and Change

a. present and projected supporting market or public

b. projected staffing (number and type)
c. projected goals and supporting sub-goals
d. anticipated deletion of departments and addition
of new departments
e. areas of expected changes in operations (layout and
building perimeter implications)
f. projected changes in information or materials systems
g. influence of growth and change of one department
on all others
,^h. future area needs (construction, cost, design and
parking implications)

V i. projected utility needs comparison with present

and projected supply capacities


C. Each of these fact categories may be EXPANDED to

more DETAIL depending on the design requirements.
"~' *^'
here r-L-irr
There are also many other fact categories not listed
hdi^ >\ph
that pertain to some of the other programming FORMS i_ki
(long range plan).

Every fact category and specific fact contained under

its heading involves CONSEQUENCESwhich the building
has on its environment and contained functions and which
the environment has upon the building.
<*.ii!^<*Sf >-vv r\y^


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, The quality of a PRODUCT is determined by the quality of
the PROCESS that produced it. A building is the result of
operations performed in the design process. Its actual limita-
tions and achievements are "prescribed" before construction
begins. If thought of as simply one end of a series of actions
and decisions performed through time, we can see the value
of not only studying buildings as PRODUCTS but also the
OPERATIONS that make them.

B. The specific operations performed in programming and

design that finally describe the future physical product to
be built are limited or influenced by the BROADER views
held by the designer. His framework for ordering his

EXPERIENCE IN GENERAL has implications on his models

for IDENTIFYING and MANIPULATING the elements of

C. Information gathering is the start of the "formal" program-

ming process. Although possibly remote from the final

design in time, it has a very real effect upon the character

of the resulting building. Included here are some of the
values, operations and relationships involved in "gathering"
as a link in the chain of design events that prescribe the
CONSEQUENCES on and by the resulting building.


A. In relation to our design model FACTS can be thought of
as "consequence categories." They are the areas of concern
wherein the building AFFECTS and is AFFECTED BY
what surrounds it and what it contains.

B. The gathering of facts in programming assumes there are

EXISTING DATA which must be allowed to be influential
in making the building design. The degree to which the
designer ALLOWS the facts to form the building will depend
on his design philosophy. In the same way, the programmer
may FORM his gathering format and collected facts to a

greater or lesser degree depending on his attitudes about his

role in the design process ("let the problem SOLVE
ITSELF" versus "it is the function of the programmer
and designer to GIVE the problem order").

C. Although the particular approach or model for gathering

information is essentially a product of the programmer's

some qualities about this opera-

DESIGN VIEW, there are

tion that seem to generally be desirable.

1. Relevance -
Facts gathered should be PERTINENT to

the CONSEQUENCES on or by the building. Irrelevant

causes inefficiency and confusion in gathering,
and evaluation. p2MZ<f/u
analysis, design

2. Completeness - It is important to have ALL the pertinent

data at hand when designing. An incomplete program can
result in design omissions and erroneous conclusions
regarding the required BUILDING TASKS. fyif^i/ta'pyt^

3. Accuracy - This quality is especially important when there

are surveys or other statistical studies that will be used
later in making other design FACTS (precepts, conclu-
sions). It also applies to the recording of information
from all sources including qualitative statements by the
client and users.

4. Clarity Clarity is vital to insuring good communication

with the client about the facts as we see them. This also
relates to giving the designer a CLEAR statement of
determinants that both he and the client UNDERSTAND

5. Usability - The gathering sequence and the forms used

for recording data should relate to when and how it will

be used in programming analysis, organization, and design


6. Efficiency - Wasted motion, materials and time and re-

tracing of steps should be MINIMAL.

D. In discussing data gathering as a programming operation,

it is convenient to divide it into FOUR general groups of

1. planning of procedures.
2. outlining of data to be collected.
3. design of forms and formats.
4. definition of sources and execution.


A. This operation is sometimes called "defining the program

for the program." It is the design of HOW we plan to go
about gathering our information.

B. As in all design operations the planning of procedures is

largely dependent upon the DESIGN VIEW of the program-


mer. There are, however, some concerns that can apply to

data gathering in general.

1. A plan
relate to the
of procedure for gathering information must
overall TIME FRAMEWORK for the job.
^ .yt^^HX <*^ lA^^V^UA*,^

Information analysis, organization and presentation, sche-

matics, design development, construction documents and
construction, all come after and depend upon this first

step. They all have their time allotments based on the

overall job organization and budget. The success of the
project for the architect as well as the client largely
depends on execution of all the design steps within their
ASSIGNED time frame. Planning of data gathering cannot
be separated from the planning of the WHOLE project.
Intermediate dates for the completion of different gather-
ing tasks and the use of critical path planning may be

2. Before a plan of procedure can be undertaken, the pro-

grammer should first know HOW MANY people will be
assisting him and what their QUALIFICATIONS are for

certain tasks. A complex project requiring many "ga-

therers" creates yet another need: that of organizing the
communication between the STAFF during the gathering

3. A plan of procedure deals with what must be DONE.

It should be stated in terms that describe OPERATIONS.
This is absolutely essential where gathering is to be done
by several people. Questions such as "where do you
start?" and "how do you know you're finished?" must
be answered by the plan of procedure.

4. It is sometimes helpful to begin a plan of procedure by

projecting or anticipating what the CONTENTS and
FORMAT of the final document will be and working
backwards to methods for getting the needed information.
The definition of a detailed TABLE OF CONTENTS
for the program is usually an excellent way to organize
gathering tasks.

5. In any data gathering situation there are some facts that

are FIXED and others that are TENTATIVE. In the inter-
est of efficiency it may be helpful to gather fixed or
"hard data" first. This type of information often provides
the basis for "firming up" the tentative facts and usually
constitutes many of the critical determinants in DESIGN.

This issue relates to the distinction that can be made

between RAW data or facts and facts that are CONCLU-
SIONS or REACTIONS to the raw data (precepts, eval-
uative statements) which result in secondary or once-

removed information. The programmer must be careful
to distinguishin his document between what isFIRST

HAND raw Information and what is, in effect, his

OPINION about or REACTION to information.

C. The use of MODELS or "concepts of approach" for gather-

ing information is one of the clearest illustrations of how a

view of design affects specific operations. Four issues that

relate to the formation of a model for data gathering are:

1. particulars to generalities versus generalities to particulars.

2. segregated gathering versus integrated gathering.
3. immediate fact evaluation versus deferred fact evaluation.
4. atomistic synthesis versus wholistic synthesis.


individual and specific facts and makes no groupings or
larger categories until after all the pertinent "particulars"
are gathered. The assumption here is that "generalities" are
composed of "specifics." Generalities have no meaning
except as TITLES for particulars that possess similar quali-
ties. Individual facts must be known before broad conceptual
frameworks can be constructed. To artificially set the cate-
gories ahead of time would jeopardize possible linkages

between facts that have ARBITRARILY been put in diff-

erent categories.
joia^ ^fu^ d,1xf^&cJ^


made that since we will eventually STRUCTURE the facts

that we should be able to establish these broad categories
ahead of time. This point of view assumes that the program-
mer is an active "form giver" to the information and that
the giving of that form may occur at any level of facts,
general or particular.

E. Facts may be evaluated AS they are gathered (immediate)

or AFTER the gathering process is complete (deferred).

1. In IMMEDIATE EVALUATION, facts are studied for

linkages, relationships, and hierarchies and groupings are
made "as we go." Values are placed on the data and
precepts are formed based on the facts the programmer
has AT THAT POINT in his gathering progress. This -e (o
approach assumes that in any design problem there are
facts which are "prime organizers" for synthesis and that
the sooner these are Identified, the sooner the synthesis
process can begin.

2. DEFERRED EVALUATION involves putting off the

grouping, sorting, hierarchy linkages and relationships
until "all the facts are in." It assumes that it Is of value
to check for relationships between facts on all levels in

all categories and to form values and precepts based on

a knowledge of the WHOLE PICTURE. Prime organizers
are not uncovered here until gathering Is essentially

complete. This viewpoint is tempered by the recognition

that we NEVER can be absolutely certain when all the
facts are in.

F. Fact gathering may be either SEGREGATED or INTEGRA-

TED with design synthesis.

1. SEGREGATED GATHERING requires a comprehensive

gathering, organization and documentation of facts BE-
FORE design synthesis. It is based on the assumption
that even the first design decision should not be made
without ALL the facts. To do so is to risk the possibility
of having to undo design decisions because some "derail"
doesn't come to light until well into the design synthesis
process. This attitude argues that it is unreasonable, for
example, to document space needs without knowing what
is needed in the spaces.

2. INTEGRATED GATHERING assumes that conceptual

design decisions require only "overview" data and that
specific information need not be gathered until those
decisions are being made. In this method, gathering is

divided into "schematic facts, design development facts,

and construction document facts" and it occurs WITH
those respective synthesis stages.

G. Where data gathering is integrated with design synthesis

(Immediate evaluation), the designer may take an ATOM-
ISTIC (suboptimized) or WHOLISTIC approach.

1. In the ATOMISTIC approach, the programmer (who In

this case Is also the designer) tries to find optimal solu-

tions to SUB-PROBLEMS or individual situations as I i i i
they are uncovered in fact gathering. He later attempts
to combine these "sub-solutions" into a coherent WHOLE
without compromising them. This approach assumes that
since a building "works" at this very specific level, the
designer should begin with solving those problems first.

It also holds the value that the whole is no more than the
sum of the parts and that if all the specific aspects of the
building are successful, the "whole" by definition will be

2. The WHOLISTIC approach subjugates "sub-solutions" to

the larger context of a SCHEMATIC CONCEPT. Here a
framework or overall organizational idea is established
first and the more detailed concerns are "worked out"

within the model. The "broad" concepts are determinants

WITHIN WHICH the remainder of the problem must be

solved. For this reason, the sequence of information

gathering is very important. That which is gathered and
responded to FIRST sets the general direction for the

H. The models discussed above may or may not occur in their

PURE form. A programmer may use combinations and other
models depending on his view of design. It is important to
know the models to be used prior to planning the gathering


A. It is in this stage of the programming that the ELEMENTS

are identified that are to be MANIPULATED in design. The
manner in which the facts to be gathered are IDENTIFIED
and GROUPED begins to determine how the problem
situation is "divided up" into manageable pieces which in
:::: ::::. .:::: ""p<.^
turn influence the pieces which the DESIGNER will attempt :::::n)ft::::;

to put together into some sort of coherent whole. It is im-

portant that the programmer be CONSISTANT throughout
his entire process once the problem parts have been

B. In the interest of efficiency it is of value to know what data

needed and what not needed PRIOR to beginning data


The cost of gathering unusable data is high and Sr^lil?^2^")^

of evaluating, analyzing and organizing even higher.
"^!!:-!:!!:^ z\
It must be recognized that with the EXPERIENCE that
allows an efficient gathering operation also comes the
danger of forcing NEW situations into OLD molds.

C. Fact gathering should NEVER be done "cold." Prior to out-

lining his facts to be gathered, the programmer should be as
familiar as possible with:

1. past solutions to similar design situations.

2. prevalent critical issues in the client's operation.
3. current trends and developments.
4. general problem areas encountered in the building type.
5. the terminology for communicating with the client about
his operation.

In effect this amounts to "unofficial" fact gathering. Its

purpose is to enable the programmer to be EFFECTIVE at

his task. This familiarization or introductory involvement
will help to avoid the "unusable data" problem and will
facilitate the DEFINITION of that information which is

crucial to the project.

D. Some of the WAYS that familiarization can be achieved are:


1. checking the art index for all articles on the building type
including examples of past designs.
2. searching the libraries for books on the client's operation
and the building type.
3. reviewing journals or other periodicals that specialize In

the client's process.

4. contacting organizations that might supply literature on
the client's operation.
5. writing for reports on conferences held on the subject.
6. writing prominent individuals in the field for a review of
their current work.
7. compiling a bibliography from all the above sources and
acquiring as many of the pertinent publications as
8. visiting existing buildings which house similar functions
and interviewing people there if possible.
9. attending conferences on the client's process or on plan-
ning for the client's process.
10. executing a quick design esquisse to identify what may be
critical information areas or particularly difficult design

Familiarization also permits the programmer to talk KNOW- ^ n^

LEDGEABLY to his client about his operations.
never be the client's responsibility to "educate" the program-
It should
i^ of*
mer in the broad issues of his (the client's) field.
E. The TYPES of facts and the degree of DETAIL required may
depend upon:

1. the purpose of the program document (for the client to

make decisions?, to design from?, to feed into a compu-


2. the degree of complexity, precision and size of the client's

3. the performance standards required of the building.
4. the number of special or unusual conditions involved.
5. the nature of the project regarding new construction,
addition, remodelling or a combination of these.
6. the values of the programmer as to non-traditional
architectural facts and the level of detail he feels must
be responded to in design if the building is to be
7. the uniqueness of the project. The more "common" the
building type the more the programmer may tend to
"assume" that the designer knows about the client's
8. the philosophy of the designer.

F. Where the client is a LARGE organization intending to

undertake a PHASED expansion project, there may be
"pre-programming" data gathering to help determine the

NATURE and SCOPE of the first phases of design and


G. Some of the potential FACT CATEGORIES are outlined

in the section on Traditional Architectural Facts. It is

important to note that both QUANTITATIVE "hard" facts

and QUALITATIVE or "soft" facts are needed. The program
must give the designer a SENSE of the problem. This some-
times means that the program should contain a significant
amount of the programmer's OPINION or information that
he might ordinarily consider PERIPHERY.


A. In gathering facts, especially for more complex projects,
it is of value to RECORD the information AS IT IS
GATHERED. Do not depend on remembering.

Without the documentation of the facts as they are gathered

much of the programming effort can be WASTED in

erroneous interpretations, retraced steps and multiple veri-


B. The design of the FORMS on which data will be collected

may be influenced by several factors:


Is it qualitative or quantitative? Does it lend itself to
graphic or verbal representation? Does it involve a large
number of people or other sources of just a few?


Will you gather it yourself or send assistants? Will an
interviewer be present or will the subject simply fill out
a questionnaire at their own convenience? Can the infor-
mation be gathered at your own pace or must you record
facts as fast as the client can talk?


Can the gathering form also provide an opportunity to
see relationships between facts? How can the gathering
form facilitate evaluation, analysis and organization pro-


subject matter standard enough that it could be used in

a later job? Would the building of a "data bank" be of

value (information from many separate projects for use
in future similar projects).



all the forms be grouped to form a raw data "package"?

C. The forms used to GATHER data are very strongly related

to those used for EVALUATING, ANALYZING, and OR-
GANIZING information after It is collected. Firms that
are active in programming ordinarily develop STANDARD
forms for gathering their information. Some of these include:

1. functional matrices.
2. sensory production - conflict matrices.
3. function - context matrices.
4. critical path diagrams.
5. site evaluation forms.
6. questionnaires.

7. drawings of plans for existing buildings housing client's

8. checklists.

9. bubble diagrams of affinities, conflicts and sequences.

10. furniture inventory forms.
11. specific space needs form (furniture, electricity, HVAC)
12. code check form.

Other FORMS used for collecting data are tape recorders,

photography, sketching, xerox and game playing.


A. For each "bit" of information outlined as being needed by
the programmer, he must also know WHERE he can get
that fact. This awareness is actually needed BEFORE he can
plan his procedure for collecting his data.

B. Typical "source areas" with which the programmer may be

involved in gathering facts are:

1. interviews with the client himself.

2. interviews, questionnaire surveys and observation of the
client's staff and operation.
3. consultants (site surveys, soil tests, furniture and equip-
ment, efficiency experts, researchers, electrical, mechani-
cal, structural, fund raising, financial planners).

4. books and periodicals on planning for the building type.

5. general planning standards (FHA Minimum Property
Standards, Time Saver Standards, Building Planning and
Design Standards, Graphic Standards).
6. planning information from pertinent associations and
7. Uniform Building Code and local zoning ordinances.
8. governmental regulations.
9. empirical measurement of important sensory situations.
10. manufacturers' catalogs and representatives.

11. city building inspector.

12. city planning and utility departments.
13. local utility companies.
14. local aerial photographiy firms.
15. city, county and state studies and publications (popula-
tion growth, traffic volume, visual surveys).
16. studies done by local firms such as banks or utility com-
panies (projected growth, etc.)
17. books and publications on cost data ("Construction
Outlook" F. W. Dodge, "Dodge Building Data and
Cost," "National Construction Estimater").
18 subscription to services such as "IDAC," "Pattern Lang-
uage," or "CAD-LAB."
weather bureau,
personal visits and observation.
21. school district surveys and publications.

Some of the "methods of familiarization" listed earlier also

apply to this concern.

It is often helpful to list ALL the potential sources for EACH

fact needed. This fact-category-potential source matrix is

very useful where there more than one gatherer involved.

:::::::::i:::::::i:i:::;x:i O O O O
Tasks can be easily divided among the workers. The matrix O O O
iilliiililiiillllllll o
can be DEVELOPED and EXPANDED as it is used again and :: ::::::::::::::::::!: O O O o
again for different projects.

D. Don't overlook YOURSELF as a principle source of infor-

mation. It is usually quite effective to "empty your head"
in writing regarding EVERY issue that may have an IMPACT
on the problem. These may in turn be organized into topics
and sub-topics. BRAIN STORMING with fellow program-
mers may add to the issue list.

E. In actually executing the gathering of the information there

are several factors that may be influential in having the
gathering operation succeed.

1. When interviewing the client or his staff:

a. try to avoid SPONTANEOUS meetings or phone calls.

b. attempt to plan meetings and set up appointments for

SPECIFIC purposes.
c. have an agenda and avoid tangents except where nec-
d. try not to OVERSTRUCTURE an interview. Allow
the client freedom to communicate. Often, the client's
initial comments regarding what he feels are impor-
tant issues prove to be major determinants. The client
should be allowed to express these at the start of an
e. client comfort, attention span, boredom, participation

and involvement are key issues when Interviewing.

f. attempt to get the client to quantify his qualitative

statements wherever possible ("on a scale of one to

ten"). This will provide a clearer understanding of
relative values he places on his needs.
g. have the client talk in terms of NEEDS and not solu-


h. where administrative commitments need to be made

before you can continue with programming, outline
the situation but let the client make the decision.
Always have client representatives present who have
the authority to make decisions that won't be changed
by superiors.
i. always VERIFY data collected in interviews by writing
reports of the meetings and sending copies to all con-
cerned. ^**pMc^V'
j. when interviewing staff, always touch base with their
administrative superiors. Staff can define needs but

administration must have the final decision as to the
degree to which those needs
know the
will be satisfied.
decision-making structure of the organi-
zation. Where appropriate, have the client designate
a committee to work with you. Be sure of their
decision-making responsibilities.

2. When using a survey or questionnaire to be executed by

staff without supervision:

a. attempt to explain the form personally to all involved.

b. include an explanation sheet telling the PURPOSE of
the survey as well as giving instructions for executing it.

c. try to avoid any ambiguous questions. Whenever

possible judgments of those surveyed should be ex-
d. relate the survey results to those who were involved.
Their understanding of the value of their efforts is

important to securing their continued cooperation.

3. When using a consultant, always be very clear and

and the form in which you expect their findings.

4. As in design, the programmer's sensitivity, awareness

and analytic-synthetic abilities are CRITICAL to his
success. Programming is not a mechanical endeavor but
still largely an ART where creativity, initiative and a
constant search for new ideas are VITAL.


A. Design synthesis involves COMMITMENTS made by the
designer. He must ADVOCATE, PROPOSE and RECOM-
MEND and finally make relationships between particular :dlf^d^
and individual elements so that the effects of his product
are as anticipated.

The architectural program STRUCTURES, LIMITS,

DIRECTS and DEFINES those commitments and the mak-
ing of relationships. The program is the "plan of proceeding
with synthesis."

B. The architectural program is never an END in itself but

an instrument to be used in some SUBSEQUENT process.
Its uses and roles must be KNOWN to insure that it be
made a usable and effective working tool. uihy

C. Analysis, evaluation and organization of facts are ESSEN-

TIAL to the making of an effective and usable program.


A. Both design and programming involve
The program

the design process to bring these

concerned with defining building
considered desirable

to REALIZATION. Analysis, and organization of infor-

mation in programming are meant to SUPPORT these


B. Definitions

1. Analyze: To separate or break up a WHOLE into

PARTS so as to find out their nature,

function and relationships; examination of

M ir'^'"" 1 ii i r iii h ..! r '-aJJ-mr-'^

the relations between variables.

2. Evaluate: To determine RELATIVE importance; to


3. Organize: To STRUCTURE, arrange, establish or order.

C. The actions defined by these three terms are very indivi-

dual and specific. It is impossible, however, to COMPART-
MENTALIZE each operation separate from the other two
in programming. Evaluation is needed in both analysis
and organization. There must be some organization for

evaluation and analysis. Analysis provides evaluation with

subject matter.

Like the phases of the total design process (program-

ming, schematics, design development), "analysis",
"evaluation" and
"organization" only
similar kinds of activity
in effect
ODn Ife^ oil

permeate each other to differing degrees. They are separated


as distinct
here not
that they actually
but to study

and hopefully refine and improve them.

D. Whether these processes are considered INTEGRAL or

SEPARATE from data gathering depends on the "models"
that we use for gathering (separate versus integral gathering
synthesis, immediate versus deferred evaluation of
bridge the gap between RAW data and DESIGN SYN-
THESIS. Out of these processes comes the material for
the production of the program document.

F. The FORM in which the data comes from GATHERING

may facilitate or hinder these processes. It is of value
to perform asFEW operations on the form of gathered
data to make it USABLE for analytical, evaluative and
organizational tasks as possible.


A. In ANALYSIS, the programmer is principally interested

in the DECOMPOSITION of the data into its components.
The process plays a supporting role to evaluation in that
facts are broken down to allow very SPECIFIC and DE-
TAILED determination of relative importance. Analysis
also is important to organization because it uncovers
RELATIONSHIPS between facts and between facts and
building consequences. Qualities of facts that establish
similarities and differences are determined in analysis.

These qualities are used as a BASIS for SORTING and

GROUPING of facts into SYSTEMS.

B. The decomposition of information or facts into smaller

comprising SUB-ISSUES not only serves to reduce the
data to a "finer grain" which can be more easily dealt
with in design but also often results in the UNCOVERING
of what prove to be major design determinents which
otherwise might have remained BURIED within broader
more general facts.

C. If each design issue or fact category is EXHAUSTIVELY


extended with respect to ALL related subissues and sub-

subissues, there will be considerable OVERLAP and
REPETITION regarding the fine grain information. The
same bits of information will be claimed by different
Issue headings. The resolution of this problem must occur
in the ORGANIZATIONAL processes of programming.
may be GROUPED
After analysis, fine grain information
and ORGANIZED totally differently than when the proc-
ess began and NEW topic headings may need to be
invented for the new information groupings.

D. Analysis does not finally fix the relationships between

data that will be used in synthesis. It is NOT a synthesis
operation but deals only with discovering POTENTIAL \(i/tuMf4'Li^
relationships and qualities for information, organization
and design. %r-^
E. Some of the qualities and relationships that offer potential
means for organizing the data are:

1. the types of CONSEQUENCES that the fact deals

with (social, economic, physical, psychological)

2. the ELEMENTS of the future building, the design

of which must respond to the fact (site, structure,
function, environment)

3. the relative IMPORTANCE of the fact to the client

or to the designer

4. the SEQUENCE in which the facts will be used in

synthesis (schematic, design development)

5. the relative FLEXIBILITY or FIXEDNESS of the fact

(hard versus soft data)

Also of use in the analysis of facts are those qualities

that result from the EVALUATION of the data.

F. The importance of analysis as a separate operation will

depend on how STRUCTURED the gathering process has
been in terms of FACT CATEGORIES. Even where the
relationships between data have been predetermined for
may sometimes be
of convenience and
valuable to
in gathering,

>:f}> -^D'W
t D/5k
to provide an opportunity for discovering
potential relationships between facts.
G. Analysis is directly concerned with the study of specific
facts in terms of their POTENTIAL IMPLICATIONS on
the physical building. As in "non-traditional facts", these

implications are sometimes not immediately evident. The

programmer must be perceptive and thorough enough
to trace the implications of even seemingly "remote"
data on the building design. Remoteness of a fact as

a causative agent to the surface event does not mean

it is not relevant, that is, part of the chain of events


H. An important by-product of checking facts for their archi-

tectural implications is that it may point out the need
for MORE DATA in certain areas. This feedback to

gathering also results in refinement of gathering tech-



A. Evaluation here is to be DISTINGUISHED from the evalua-

tion of fact relevancy in data gathering or the appraising

of design decisions or final building.

B. As facts are gathered (or after they are "all" gathered o

and analyzed), their RELATIVE IMPORTANCE to the
problem must be determined. The programmer must have o
some bases or criteria for making these judgments. The
criteria for deciding the relative importance of data may
relate to:
^MJl!'""" ir ::::::::::::::::

\,Jjjr~~- .;i:jj::j::H:||

1. Whether the data has a DIRECT bearing on the design

of the building or not.

2. Whether the fact, need or future desirable situation

is one that will be AUTOMATICALLY taken care

of by the solving of other problems, response to other

problems, response to other facts or satisfaction of
other needs or whether it demands the DIRECT atten-

tion of the designer.

3. How SOON the fact will be important to the designer's


4. The relative IMPORTANCE of the fact in terms of

the client's goals.

5. The relative importance of the fact in terms of the goals

of the ARCHITECTURAL firm.

6. The relative FLEXIBILITY or FIXEDNESS of the fact,

" ftx VklS
("hard" or "soft" data) .

C. Through evaluation, PRIME ORGANIZERS are identified

Jkmub '(>^^^
which may serve in the forming of synthesis.

Also, by defining the facts that are fixed and unchanging

(site made aware of the FRAIVIE-
shape), the designer is

WORK more VARIABLE aspects of

around which the
the problem must be worked. The GREATER the body
of fixed facts, the
will be available in
the alternative solutions that
o \. o o
D. Where a large number of facts are involved, it is sometimes
helpful to assign QUANTITIES to the criteria for evalua-
tion and to express the relative importance of the facts
NUMERICALLY. This promotes clarity in the feedback
to the client and in the communication to the designer
regarding the VALUE RANGE assigned to problem deter-


A. Analysis and evaluation are TOOLS of the organizational

process in programming. Both are necessary as BASES
for organizing program information.

B. Although there is a degree of organization related to

both analysis and evaluation, organization as a FORMAL
process in programming usually happens AFTER the data
has been evaluated and analyzed. This is true even where
analysis and evaluation are integrated with the gathering

The work done in analysis and evaluation should be RE-

FLECTED in the organized data.

C. Organization is the SYNTHETIC, DECISION-MAKING f^^kt^

operation in programming. Here the programmer begins
to make COMMITMENTS in terms of relationships and
qualities to be used He begins to draw conclu-
in design.
sions and make recommendations about what should happen
in schematic design and design development. Involvement
extends BEYOND a description of the "existing" to a
projection of future desirable situations. The program
should contain statements about HOW this might be

It is advisable for the sake of clarity that DESCRIPTIVE

statements about the existing situation and ADVOCATIVE
statements about what SHOULD happen be DISTIN-
GUISHED in the program. Even though all of program-
ming reflects the values of the programmer, statements
that are obviously judgemental should be clearly indi-

cated as such.

D. The organization of data is the essential process for

bridging the gap between the PROBLEM STATEMENT

and the SYNTHETIC OPERATION that will result in

CS^=: 4^<4j(<.d1^
a solution. It is the point where client needs and their .^^^^^^^
relationships with the other facts gathered, analyzed and
evaluated are TRANSLATED into the language of the

Needs and other facts at the gathering stage are largely

/Id/i/roL <n^^^3^ p^4icaC'
VERBAL concepts. As architecture is a PHYSICAL (visual)

expression of the solution to the problem statement it

much of the program GRAPHI-


of value to express as
grammatic translation of the programming
as possible. This dia-
facts is the start
of the formation of the physical building, as diagrams have
DIRECT implications on physical building form.

The programmer's ability to design visual, graphic communi- /UM>Ut

cation of programming data will largely determine the
extent to which all the programming NEEDS are met in


E. The SEQUENCE of data and the FORM in which it appears

must be related to the WAY it will be used. Ideally, after
the program is complete, there would be no additional
operations performed on the data to make it directly
usable In design. This may sometimes create difficulty
as the same facts often should take DIFFERENT forms
when being used for DIFFERENT design tasks.

F. It is helpful to the designer if the program format

CLEARLY indicates Information types, priority and em-
phasis. Some
cate these issues are:
of the WAYS that may be used to communi-
'^ I II|A o
1. diagrammatic expression of important issues
2. use of capital letters. Italics or underlining words
3. tones applied over important phrases
4. color coding of title pages or pages of a section
5. use of large dots or other shapes beside important facts
6. use of receding page sizes to reveal all program sections
7. tabs applied to each program chapter or section
8. tables of contents at each chapter in the program

G. As a DESIGN INSTRUMENT, the program should be

organized to allow the designer to easily FIND and USE
data that is directly pertinent to synthesis. A common
response to this need Is to group all supporting Information
In an APPENDIX, separating it from the facts that have
DIRECT architectural implications.

H. The use of SUMMARY SHEETS where all critical data


under a given heading is GROUPED and SUCCIIMCTLY

presented is of great help to the designer. Typical data
sheets might include space needs, code requirements or
overall functional relationships. These may be grouped
together in a summary CHAPTER or may occur separately
in EACH topic section.

I. Related to the summary sheet concept is the issue of

STANDARD information forms. Highly systematic program-
ming may involve gathering the information on these
forms w^ith the saving of hours of organization time
later. sheets are the most
common of these forms.

J. The major information HEADINGS that proved useful

In gathering, analyzing and evaluating the information may
or may not CONTINUE as the major headings in the
organizational processes. After decomposition of data in

analysis, may be REGROUPED on the basis of newly


discovered SIMILARITIES and DIFFERENCES. Totally

new information groups and titles may emerge which
have little relationship to those used for the earlier tasks.

K. From the preceeding issues it becomes clear that the

ORCHESTRATION of the data (sequence, clarity, accessi-
bility, groupings, major headings) is as important as the
INFORMATION itself. A very strong determinent is the
particular manner in which the elements to be ASSEMBLED
in design IDENTIFIED. In putting a building
have been !Sa5
together, may work in any of several ELE-
the designer
MENT SYSTEMS (people, activities, room areas and shapes,
space volumes, furniture). The information groupings and
their titles establish a VIEW of the problem that strongly
promotes the use of CERTAIN element systems over

L. As in the gathering of information for programming, organi-

zationmay be based on a MODEL or concept about its

RELATIONSHIP to the design of the final building product.

Two such examples are:

1. THE PROGRAM IS A SET OF INSTRUCTIONS TO :::::ia*T::j:{:j|:|i. ;r"Ty^iii?HiiTT!f:TT' _, .,.W&

THE DESIGNER. This implies that the program format
take the form of a series of DIRECTIVES.


AND DIAGRAMATIC TERMS. This involves not only
drawing conclusions about the consequences that indi- MPi^MMf^
vidual aspects of the building should have but also
PROPOSING the physical building situations that will
most effectively bring them about.


M.The programmer should not be concerned about INFRING-

ING upon the PROVINCE of the designer. The LINE
between programming and design operations is in DIF-
^p^f^itmsm^ ^ \ ci(li^c/yf\.e\y
FERENT places depending on the project issue involved.

Different people may have differing opinions on the matter


The program should contain INTERPRETIVE information

of the raw data. The programmer's preferences for direc-

tions in design should be clearly indicated. This tactic

provides the designer with the recommendations of those
MOST FAMILIAR with the problem. It is always the
designer's OPTION to ignore the design content in the
program. The extent of the design content in the program
is up to the programmer. Some may stop at suggested
Oo t>0
SUB SOLUTIONS with the designer assembling these into
a WHOLE. Others offer concept FRAMEWORKS within
which the designer works out the DETAILS.

The fundamental PREMISE behind this attitude is that -4- wm^

it seems UNREASONABLE to develop information from
its raw state through several stages of translation to its

architectural implications and then to terminate the process Hir**

at some IMAGINARY and ARBITRARY line between ""
^p__ -f f "sg3p\
programming and design operations. It seems much more
reasonable to CONTINUE the process to its CONCLU-
SIONS, allowing the designer to CHOOSE how much of
the design content he will use.

N. Depending on the nature of the project, it is often desira-

ble to have DESIGN DEVELOPMENT information available
when doing SCHEMATIC DESIGN. This permits the de-
signer to TEST his schematic design decisions against
the more detailed requirements that schematics must
eventually ACCOMMODATE. Schematic design can pro-
ceed more CONFIDENTLY with a view toward what

O. In outlining a program for schematic design, the inclusion

of what might ORDINARILY be considered "details"
can serve two purposes.

1. For the value of the INFORMATION itself as a PRE-

VIEW of requirements which must eventually be met.

2. As a CATALYST for discovering what may prove to


P. Like the analytical and evaluative processes, the opera-

tions performed on data in organization depend on HOW
MUCH was done to the data during its gathering. Some

example organizational operations are:

SORTING and GROUPING of facts into categories


based on qualities identified in analysis and according

programnner (sequence
to criteria established by the
of use, relative importance). \

2. Sorting and grouping of the EFFECTS on the design

of individual building aspects implied by the program


3. Establishing a HIERARCHY of determinants which will

direct the sequence and intensity of the designer's

attention in synthesis.

4. Writing DEFINITIVE precepts describing individual con-

clusions about the data and proposals about what
the final design should accomplish.

a. Precepts should be SHORT, CONCISE, deal with

only ONE issue at a time and be expressed GRAPHI-

b. Precepts should identify the UNIQUENESS of the

problem. The extent to which general or "universal"
precepts are written down and contained in the
document depends on the PURPOSE of the docu-
ment. OBVIOUS precepts may need to be included
when EDUCATING the client.

c. Precepts should deal with issues involving building

SECTION and ELEVATION as well as plan. This

will help to avoid the "extruded plan" difficulty.

An important role of precepts that of EVALUAT-


ORS of directions taken in the


conceptualization d- - KD
stages of By checking alternative design
synthesis. o- n
directions against the precepts, the development of o ^O
concepts can
be avoided. Precepts help
design alternatives.
Theoretically a comprehensive establishment of pre- Cjn*<i^ p'vujifi^ i^f^^^f*^
cepts at all levels of design synthesis (schematics,
development) will result in a CONVERGENCE to
the most viable solution to the problem. Hence,
the statement, "the solution is contained in the
statement of the problem."

e. The use of precepts can help identify POTENTIAL

CONFLICTS in the design problem. This is most
clearly illustrated when two precepts COMPETE for

a response from a particular building aspect or


element where a response to one EXCLUDES the

possibility of responding to the other.

f. PATTERN LANGUAGE (Alexander) is closely related ^^W^wd^ 4^^ciXUf\^y ^^l^*;^^^'

to the precept model. Essentially it proposes synthetic
solutions to sub-problems which can be used in

designing many different building types. The RESO-

LUTION of conflicts in the patterns and the
SYNTHESIS of them into a whole is left to the


5. Identifying the ALTERNATIVE CONCEPTS for the

design of the building SUGGESTED by the precepts. liiSSfc:^^^

6. Putting all the analyzed, evaluated and organized data

into USABLE form (presentation). This task has special

implications where the program is to be published

or where data is to be fed to a computer for sorting
or grouping.

Q. Oftentimes the discipline of designing a document for i^jr^tZ^^i c&mImum:^

LOGICAL CONTINUITY can be of help in structuring
the organizational processes in programming. In a sense
this is designing the program through designing its table
of contents.

R. One programming tactic that often proves useful is the

development of a reusable PROGRAM OUTLINE. As it
is used from project to project it may be EXPANDED
and A comprehensive program outline

usually COMPLETELY applicable to every project.

It must be TAILORED to suit the building type under
study. An outline can serve as a CHECKLIST to insure
a thorough and organized programming effort.
|ft0 off
y -^M^JM -A ..^

S. A program outline should not only be as DETAILED as

possible but it should also convey a sense of information

PRIORITY with respect to schematic design and design

T. There are several considerations that may assist in the

development of a program outline.


sign view or way of understanding and explaining the

design process can help in firming up views about
programming and its role in that process.

2. READINGS IN PROGRAMMING. Familiarity with his-

toric and current issues in books, periodicals, conference
papers and publications of professional firms provides
a base for forming a personal programming approach.


It helps to see how others have structured their pro-
gramming approach and the information types that have
been used by different firms for different building types.


attempt at the outline should be as and

detailed and usable as possible. "Emptying your head
on paper" is a good way to start.

'fyiipa^K^ aiMi/iou ci^4U^^

must be tested for usability, comprehensiveness and
relevancy to both the programming and the design
tasks. On the basis of as many of these applications
as possible, the outline can undergo many evaluations
and refinements.

6. DESIGN EVALUATION. It is often revealing to use

the building program as criteria for evaluating the
design. The degree of applicability of the program
in this role many times provides insight into needed
outline alterations.

A program outline probably never reaches "final form."

It must be continually USED, EVALUATED and IM-

U. Ordinarily the MAJOR program subsections of INTRODUC-

quately serve as DIVISIONS of programmatic information.
In organizing a SPECIFIC program however there is often
a need to TAILOR the information groupings to suit

the UNIOUENESS of the project.

Some of the information CATEGORIES or program

SUBSECTIONS are listed below. They are not ordered
in any particular manner but are intended only to briefly
present the scope of AVAILABLE titles which may be
used in organizing a program. The CHOICE of these titles
and their ARRANGEMENT in a program would depend

upon the overall ORGANIZATIONAL CONCEPT of the

document. It should be noted that there is some overlap
between this list and the outline of traditional architec-
tural facts.

1. pre-programming
2. acknowledgements
3. forward or preface
4. table of contents
5. purpose of the document
6. scope of the document
7. spirit of the problem (quotes)


8. client identification

- 9, client background and philosophy

.10. history of client operations
11. general client goals
12. goals of specific project aspects
13. general trends in client's field
14. glossary of client vocabulary
15. time schedule and budget
16. project priorities
17. program organization and format
18. programming methodology
19. overall project goals and objectives

20. project status

21. project descriptions
22. reason for the project
23. general design philosophy
24. general description of client's operation
25. major constraints and limitations
26. analysis of existing conditions
27. facts (see Traditional Architectural Facts)
28. precepts - general explanation
29. site precepts
30. building precepts
31. phasing precepts
32. premises
33. assumptions
34. givens
35. architectural design criteria
36. general building systems design criteria
37. mechanical systems design criteria
38. electrical systems design criteria
39. structural systems design criteria
40. building performance (consequence) standards
41. concept alternatives
42. patterns
43. action plan
44. concept aspects (description)
45. evaluation of concepts (advantages and disadvantages
46. composite evaluation
47. project phasing
48. recommendations
49. review
50. general conclusions
51. summary
52. appendix
53. exhibits
54. definitions and glossary
55. index
56. bibliography
57. credits and programming team

V. All of the above information types INFLUENCE the nature


CONSEQUENCES that the resulting BUILDING will

of the
have on its SURROUNDINGS and CONTENTS and


will have on the



A. Although its ROLES may vary, the principle purpose
of a building program is that of a DESIGN TOOL.
Its validity lies in its USE and its value depends on
the degree to which it facilitates the synthesis of a

building design solution that is successful in all its pre-

dicted and desired CONSEQUENCE aspects.

B. Synthesis: the putting together of parts or elements so

as to make a WHOLE.

C. As a "design event" the nature of the response to the

program in synthesis depends largely upon HOW the pro-
grammer gathered, analyzed, evaluated and organized the

D. Depending on the amount of SYNTHESIS already con-

tained in the program, the "parts" to be assembled in

design may range from a simple statement of desired

consequences with no stated architectural implications to
a series of presynthesized sub-solutions such as pattern
language or precepts that describe optimum ARCHITEC-
TURAL responses to individual needs.

E. In the same way that programming is a transition from t^ayi^4ii*^ Xhj^Miti^n^

the ACTUAL client needs and the ACTUAL existing
situation (site, climate) to an organized statement to
DESIGN BY so also is synthesis a transition from the
program STATEMENT to the actual PHYSICAL solution.

Both programming and synthesis can be thought of as

TRANSLATIONS where a situation in one language is

expressed in another.

The programmer takes the "raw situation" and TRANS-

LATES it into the language of the designer. The designer
in turn TRANSLATES the program into a physical solu-
tion. The first expresses VERBAL concepts GRAPHICAL-
LY, the second expresses GRAPHIC concepts ARCHI-
TECTURALLY. If a concept cannot be expressed
GRAPHICALLY, it usually cannot be expressed ARCHI-

For the building to accurately and comprehensively ex-

press the original "raw situation" that initiated the entire

process, BOTH translation operations are critically im-

portant. The INTENT and MEANING of the original

situation must be presented in both programming and


F. As the DESIGNER must anticipate and simulate the use

of his building to insure that it functions to suit the future

situations, so also must the PROGRAMMER anticipate

and simulate the use of his program to insure that it

functions successfully as a tool in synthesis.

The simulation required for both depends upon previous

experience (direct or learned) in situations similar to
those yet to be. This need is more commonly recognized
when designing the building than when programming, yet
no more important. SYNTHESIS may fail due to poor
PROGRAMMING, just as the BUILDING may fail due
to poor SYNTHESIS. The net result of either is a building

that does not successfully respond to the original situation

which was brought to the architect by the client.


A. There are several QUALITIES of the program-synthesis

relationship that are of value:


planning process should be CONTINUOUS from the
original situation to the realization of the building. The
program should DETERMINE the solution. Synthesis
should be directed as completely as possible by the
program, and there should be no gaps between pro-
gramming and synthesis to be "filled in" by the de-
signer's "assumptions." If the program has clearly iden-
tified the ELEMENTS to be MANIPULATED in DE-

SIGN and the issues involved in determining their

relationships, design-program interface will be facilitated.


GRAM. Sometimes when manipulating the elements
of the physical building, the designer may be tempted
to INVENT new needs, INFLATE the importance of
a determinant or DE-EMPHASIZE a critical issue to
facilitate the resolution of some geometric, spatial,

structural or aesthetic problem. Recognizing that

ARCHITECTURAL (physical) concerns may sometimes
cause a deviation from program intent, the designer
should nevertheless strive to make his building an
accurate reflection of the program statement.


THE PROGRAM. Some programs leave more for the

designer to "fill in" than others. The degree of detail

and thoroughness required in synthesis is not optional

to the designer but determined by the LEVEL OF
DETAIL at which the building will function when
occupied and in use. The designer may sometimes
be inclined to cut short his development of the solu-
tion when it reaches the tedious stages of providing
for the fine details of function. This thoroughness and
attention to detail can be facilitated by the program.

When the program is INCOMPLETE either in terms

of general issues or details, unwarranted pressure is

put on the designer to gather, analyze, evaluate and

organize the needed information. When the designer
must by-pass programming and go directly to the
"original situation," there is a danger that the solution
will begin to be "patched together." Ordinarily, the
designer is concerned with "putting the building to-

gether" and will seldom do justice to the raw infor-

mation in terms of its analysis, evaluation and organi-
zation prior to responding to it in his design. Here,
that might have been discovered through reflection
upon analysis of program information are lost.


FROM THE PROGRAM. When the designer must
stop synthesis to gather more data or to translate it into
usable form, this results in an INEFFICIENT and
UNSYSTEMATIC response to the program. Where pro-
grammingis PHASED so as to provide only enough
data for a given segment of synthesis (schematics),
that phase of synthesis should be able to be com-
pleted SMOOTHLY with the data supplied in the pro-

The separation of information that has DIRECT archi-

tectural implications from SUPPORTING or backup
Information allows the document to be much more
efficiently used by the designer. An APPENDIX should
be used for supporting information while directly usable
data should be grouped and identified.

Anything that causes the designer's attention and con-

centration to be DIVERTED from synthetic issues is

detrimental to the design process. The designer's

"incubation," subconscious problem solving and
creativity, even when not at the drawing board, should
not be cluttered with thoughts relating to what must
be done BEFORE he can begin designing (gathering
more data, sorting out usable data).


B. Where there is MORE than one designer on a project

and different aspects of the design will be addressed

by DIFFERENT people, in order to achieve the above

mentioned quality the program must respond to multi-
designer situations.

C. The view of "programming as a determinant of synthesis"

and of "synthesis as a determinant of the building"
are GENERAL descriptions of two cause-effect systems.
However, the DETAILS of each system must be studied
for thetwo systems to be OPERATIONALLY meaningful.
SPECIFIC aspects of programming affect SPECIFIC aspects
of synthesis and SPECIFIC aspects of synthesis affect
SPECIFIC aspects of the building design.

The isolation of specific cause-effect relationships between

program and synthesis and between synthesis and building
permits us to REFINE and IMPROVE both systems in a
way that affects what the programmer and designer DO.
This refinement cannot occur as long as relationships
are studied on a general level remote from the actual
particular operations of programming and design.

D. It is virtually impossible to precisely define a point where

programming ENDS and synthesis BEGINS. The definition
of programming as SEPARATE from design serves only p^tC^U^i'KyMM^ .^ifuMuU-
to organize the fee structure in the profession and to
identify and group operations of similar nature.

The "formal" beginning of building design is in the

ORGANIZATIONAL process of programming. Depending
on how far this process is taken the program will con-
tain varied degrees of synthetic decision-making.

E. The stronger the DISTINCTION between programming

and design, the greater the chances that the spirit of
the program will be lost in synthesis. The one process
should be CONTINUOUS with the other. This implies
that the optimum situation in this regard is for the program-
mer to also be the designer. This, of course, assumes that
it is of value for the designer to respond to all the subtleties
of the program and the way the problem was understood in

F. The most CRITICAL TEST of the communicative value

r ^ yi, ^ ^ ___. ,11 111 ' iiitt
of a program is where the programmer is not the designer
and where the designer's ONLY exposure to the project
is through the program document.

G. Where synthesis is CONTINUOUS with programming the

term "response" is a misnomer. "Response" implies that

there is an INTERRUPTION in the continuum from pro-

gram to design and .that they are two independent opera-
tions that are "brought together" artificially.

In the same way, the use of the program as a means of

evaluating the final solution means little when the program
and design are CONTINUOUS (high percentage of inter-
face). If the solution is DIRECTLY generated by the criteria
for evaluation, the design is by definition successful. Where
the "stream of design events" between program and solution
has been BROKEN, the use of the program as a criterion
for evaluating the building becomes a more appropriate

Where the designer works on design independently of

the program for periods of time, the program may also
serve as an evaluator of INDIVIDUAL design decisions
(decisions and directions tested against precepts). "'p^j^pa^fC^'

H. As the program may be used to evaluate both the final

DESIGN and the PROCESS leading to it, both of these

may be used to evaluate the PROGRAM. Some of the
ways that synthesis may test programming are: Jme^
1. degree of "fit" between the program and the designer's
view of design (can he relate to it PHILOSOPHICALLY

2. thoroughness and required degree of informational detail

3. usability of the information forms and convenience

of the overall format

4. relevancy of the data

5. information sequence as presented in the program

6. "visual palatability" of the document including the

efficiency with which the designer can grasp program
issues (related to strength and clarity of graphic ex-
pression of issues)

7. degree to which program serves as a catalyst in determin-

ing initial design concepts and directions

8. clarity of the priorities in the program as criteria

for resolving design conflicts

9. degree to which program removes the need for arbitrary

assumptions and judgments in synthesis

10. extent to which the program promotes a creative syn-


thesis of the problem elements and issues

These criteria of evaluation may apply to ANY or ALL

of the gathering, analysis, evaluation and organization proc-
esses in programming.


The operations performed in synthesis as a response to the
program vary from designer to designer. They depend upon
his VALUES as reflected in his VIEW OF DESIGN.

A. No matter how differently two designers may operate

in synthesis, they are both essentially concerned with the
CUMULATIVE establishment of relationships that will

eventually result in a SINGULAR solution.

B. The way the designer "gets into" the problem is as im-

portant a DETERMINANT as the program data. The
starting point for the designer may involve:

1. solving for CRITICAL issues

2. deriving an overall concept from the ESSENCE of

the problem IJiSiJiiiJHi!!!!!!!!!!

3. working out the easy problems first and then the

more difficult ones or vice versa

4. doing an OVERVIEW of the whole situation to establish

relationships between major determinants

5. attending to the UNIQUE aspects of the problem before

dealing with the more general or universal ones (pedes-
trian-car separation), or vice versa

6. searching for dimensional relationships between spaces

and between spaces and the existing context for possi-

ble geometric organizational concepts

C. Some of the traditional issues related to synthesis as a

CONTINUATION of programs are:


Depending on the designer's attitude about the nature "^iiiiiiiiii n r'j ij
j jj j
\ * "

of the facts and his ROLE in the design process

1 i ..
m i ll I m i ll
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he may attempt to make his design a literal translation

of the program or an artistic expression of the pro- unit }

gram. The first of these views FACTS as crucial to
the success of the building, while the second sees them
as the basis for a creative INTERPRETATION.

Related to the literal versus artistic response issue is

that of INTERFACE between program and design.

Synthesis may vary programming
in its interface with
both in terms of DEGREE
of program (percentage
having DIRECT relatedness to solution) and LEVEL
(relative broadness or specificness of the program issues

responded to directly).


SPONSE. The designer may give little thought to what
part of the
point of beginning
program he
is as

attend to FIRST. "One
as another." In contrast,
j^ip ^^^^^
a structured response requires a review of the program
and then a PLAN for HOW it will be responded to
in design. The structured response assumes that the
SEQUENCE and MANNER OF designing from the /UuJUi/i^
program is a real influence on the nature and success
of the final solution.



FRAMEWORK APPROACH. The first of these entails

ISOLATING specific problems and searching for solu-
tions to them INDEPENDENTLY of each other. The
solutions may involve same architectural elements
the (Ml^
arranged different ways due to the different design
criteria. The "optimal solutions" to these individual
situations are then related to each other to make a
WHOLE. This approach is very effective in pointing
out the COMPETITION for form between the various
problem determinants as the designer attempts to com-
bine the sub-solutions without compromising them. The
concept framework approach leads first to the genera-
tion of the "big idea(s)" or OVERALL organizational
structure for the solution. The solutions to sub- jlp gI
problems then involve the ADDED determinant of
"relating to the whole."

The first of these approaches values the attitude that

the overall composition and sense of order should be
derived from solving problems at the level where the
building functions. "The building is a composite of
The second approach
solutions to individual problems."
values amore controlled, ordered and structured sense
of "whole." Compromises here are made in favor of
the total rather than the part.




on different categories

of these pertains to working
the program SIMULTA-
NEOUSLY but SEPARATELY (function and site). It |i!!::!j5i

is a form of suboptimization. Eventually conclusions


are drawn in each category and they are integrated.

The second approach studies one topic until tentative
conclusions are reached. Then another topic is studied
together IN CONTEXT with the first. Conflicts are
resolved and conclusions drawn about the synthesis
of the two. The process continues until all the topics
are covered. In this system, the sequence of topics
studied is vital.


are generated in the first of these, they are
Although alternatives
r&tr ^^
LY judged and either discarded or incorporated into the
solution. The approach values spending MINIMAL time
in developing what will prove to be inviable alternatives.
(One will be chosen and the others discarded.) The
designer attempts to work for the solution that BEST
responds to the program. He CONVERGES to that
solution by making judgments about alternatives "as
he goes" rather than by developing them and choosing
later. The second viewpoint values the use of different
solutions to help insure that the best direction will

be taken in solving the problem by looking at the

SPECTRUM of possibilities. These alternatives also serve
asCATALYSTS for developing further concepts and as
criteria for determining the most viable direction to take.


SOLUTION. The segregative solution minimizes sub-
solution compromises by SEPARATING the individually
generated forms insofar as possible. This usually in-

volves relating forms to a circulation framework but

NOT to each other. This is especially advantageous
where UNUSUAL forms are generated which would be
difficult to physically relate to each other. It also
allows work on parts of
the designer or designers to
the design independently of other parts. The segregative
approach demands a strong UNITING system or element
for finally assembling the sub-solutions. The integrative
approach attempts to "weave" the form together so
that there are as

ally, structurally,
the parts of the whole as possible (physically, dimension-


there is a
greater degreee of "fit" needed between elements there
is usually more COMPROMISE involved in achieving the

The first approach tends to generate an "assembly of

differences" while the second results in a more "unified
whole" where elements "belong" to each other.

D. The designer's METHODS in synthesis are largely depen-


dent on his VIEW OF DESIGN. The models he uses

for ordering the design situation are related to the models

he uses for ordering his everyday experience.

E. The designer may divide synthesis into several stages.

Even the DECOMPOSITION of schematics and design

development into smaller increments may be necessary
depending on the COMPLEXITY of the project and the
FREQUENCY of needed client participation in the syn-
4di47tc^xi^ c::^e4AUpyyKU(t
thesis process.

F. It is important that contact with the client be maintained

through ALL stages of synthesis including the conceptual
stages. Vital is the communication with the client in a

manner which he can UNDERSTAND. This will help

avoid the problem of the client not really knowing what
his design is until it is built (with accompanying criticism,

dissatisfaction and changes to a constructed building).

G. To successfully "take the client along" through the reason-

ing that leads to the physical architectural solution re-

quires that the designer be highly ORGANIZED in his

logical sequence of decision-making. The discipline of hav-

ing to COiVIMUNICATE why you do what you do is an
excellent test of PROBLEM ORGANIZATION.

H. Just as the RECORD KEEPING during the gathering process

in programming can facilitate the other programming opera-
tions, the RECORD KEEPING during schematics can help
during design development. Well ordered and documented
schematic and development stages in turn can aid in

executing the contract documents. Each stage in the entire X~t~ -ill-
process should ANTICIPATE and SIMULATE the following



A. Evaluation: "An APPRAISAL of the VALUE or WORTH
of something."

B. To evaluate something is to judge it against some STAND-

ARD or SCALE. Evaluations always involve a RELATION- + -iiiiitr

T 1

SHIP between what COULD be or SHOULD be and what IS. 1-

r!?fiT . > JL

<./i^ Ci^.U^AC'

C. EVALUATION is distinct from ANALYSIS in that evalua-

tion involves a VALUE JUDGMENT (not necessarily in the
subjective sense). Analysis is concerned only with the decom-
position of a whole into its parts. Evaluation may be pre-
ceded by analysis, but analysis doesn't necessarily require
an evaluation. The one is DESCRIPTIVE while the other is


D. Evaluation can occur at varying levels of generality or

specificity. We can appraise a WHOLE or its PARTS.
Because it is desirable for there to be a close "fit" between
the "evaluation profile" and the profile of the thing being
evaluated, it seems best if INDIVIDUAL judgments are made
about specific COMPONENT aspects of the "whole." The
cumulative judgment of the parts IS the judgment of the

In the same way that a "whole" cannot be designed as such

but results from attention paid to the relationships of com-
prising parts, so also it seems meaningless to attempt to
evaluate the "whole." Even so-called immediate, over-all,

general positive or negative responses to things are based on

SPECIFIC qualities such as visual appeal.

Individual parts may be judged by totally DIFFERENT

criteria in evaluation.

E. The model of "ordering systems" serves as a useful means

for understanding the EVALUATION process just as it helps
in the understanding of DESIGN SYNTHESIS.

Evaluations are made NOT of the objects or things them-

selves but of their QUALITIES. The same scalar character-
istic of properties of elements which is used for ordering
the elements in design is used in evaluation.

F. Properties of elements and relationships are judged in a

manner which is essentially QUANTITATIVE. The degree
to which the object to be evaluated possesses the desired

quality or qualities determines the extent to which we

VALUE it. Even though the choice of the quality to be
used for the evaluation may be subjective, once selected,
the judgment may be made quantitatively.

G. The concept of evaluation

necessity of gratifying self-love.
negativity to experience based
is rooted in the model of the
We ASSIGN positivity or
on its PERCEIVED affect on A
h ^Ai
our own SELF-ESTEEM. We attend to phenomena only
when they potentially may be of CONSEQUENCE in some
way to our self-concept (which may range from physical
well-being to psychological considerations). We are most
SENSITIVELY attentive to those things which we have
grown to be most DEPENDENT upon for gratification of
self-love. Once attended to, experience is "evaluated" or

categorized in terms of its relative SUPPORT of or ^ll4/mTi^UK^

DAMAGE to our self-image.


A. Although normally we may think of "evaluation" as applied cieaiot^Cfi'tr^-^tivu^i'ntuCt
to final designs and finished buildings, its role extends
through the entire programming and design process. We are
continually making TENTATIVE COMMITMENTS and judg-
ing them
criteria for
against DESIRED CONSEQUENCES or goals. The
making these "sub-evaluations" are as numerous
~^^ ~^^^^\^^
as those used to make the commitments (visual, functional,

mechanical, structural, sensory). "-lU/filc^Zc^p^ a^-4<^i^^it**<'^

B. Examples of evaluations made at all stages of the planning

process follow. Evaluation in programming and design is an
ESSENTIAL aspect of the decision-making process as well
as simply the process of making sense (ordering) of ex-

1. Will the client be easy to work with?

2. Should you accept the job?
3. Is the commission socially significant?
4. What tactic would be best for data gathering?
5. How best can the information be organized?
6. What are the most important issues?
7. What value will you assign the various data?
8. Which alternative concepts should be pursued further?
9. Which concept is most viable?
10. How should the working drawings be structured?
11. Do you want open bidding or bidding by invitation?
12. Was the building successful?
13. Was the job successful?

C. Evaluation requires that there be a desired GOAL or

STANDARD and a commitment to judge against that

standard. Evaluation may be in terms of "unspol<en"

criteria sucii as economy of effort or in terms of criteria
which are EXPRESSED.

D. The evaluation process may occur at ANY LEVEL from

the very GEIMERAL to the very PARTICULAR in pro-

gramming and design. The smallest design development
f^--^ f\^,M-
decision may be evaluated within the FRAMEWORK of

the broader project CONCEPT. CONCEPTS may be judged

against the problem GOALS. Problem GOALS may be
evaluated in the light of the VALUES of the programmer
or designer and how his values relate to the issue of

satisfying the client's needs and wants.

E. Some of the evaluations made in programming and design

offer FEEDBACK immediately to decisions and affect the
process"en route," while others are made only AFTER
more complex and lengthy decision-making processes have
been completed. (Evaluate the building to determine whether '''^'"Otij!^ C{iMii^
the whole process needs to be recycled.)

F. Evaluation as a task becomes more difficult when goals have

not been EXPLICITLY set PRIOR to proceeding with pro-

gramming and design. The more declarative and specific the
goals, the EASIER the task of evaluation.

G. Evaluation on the basis of ARBITRARILY determined

criteria is as much of a problem as design on the basis of
arbitrarily determined criteria.

H. We can think of the evaluative process as design synthesis

in REVERSE. SYNTHESIS proceeds from goals to product
while evaluation proceeds from product to goals, in synthesis
we may think of the problem in terms of two major con-
CONSISTENCY OF EXECUTION. Evaluation of a project
may be made in terms of these same two aspects. For
example, may be VALID as to its goals but
a project
INCONSISTENTLY executed or may be a magnificently
CONSISTENT execution of an INVALID assumption.

I. An evaluation may be based on SUBCONSCIOUS criteria

known by experience or a careful and systematic evaluation
on the basis of logically constructed criteria generated by
CONSCIOUS thought and recorded verbally and graphically.

J. Using the same design model as mentioned in the Introduc-

tion, the evaluation of the final product of the design pro-
cess should be based on the EXTENT to which it generated
the desired CONSEQUENCES. Evaluation of a design prior
to construction must necessarily be based on past experience
of cause-effect relationships between physical FORM and

resulting CONSEQUENCES. It is not unreasonable to expect

that observed consequences or hypothetical consequences
may be highly positive but not PROJECTED or EXPECTED
at the beginning of the planning process. This serendipity
may sometimes prompt a re-evaluation of the originally
stated goals and desired consequences.


A. The EVALUATION of completed buildings is a rapidly
developing ASPECT of architectural design. This is evidenced
by the inclusion of this specialty into the curricula of many
architectural graduate schools.

B. It would seem appropriate in the evaluation of a building

(or unbuilt design) that it be judged in the light of the
INTENTIONS that formed it. These intentions are probably
nowhere as CLEARLY stated as in the building program.

C. Although the principle role of the architectural program

is that of a DIRECTION GIVING device in synthesis, it
may also serve as a tool for EVALUATING the final design

D. The FORM of the program should facilitate its use as an

EVALUATIVE tool. Critical issues should be identified
and precepts should be CONCISE and DECLARATIVE.
It becomes much easier to judge the relative success of a

building when the program states what SHOULD HAPPEN

in the building.

E. In its ideal form, the evaluative situation should involve a

program that PREDICTS desired EFFECTS and CONSE-
QUENCES and an observation to determine if these conse-
quences do in fact OCCUR and if they are indeed DESIR-

F. The program "sets the tone" for the evaluation. A well

documented systematic program will usually prompt a
THOROUGH and well ORGANIZED evaluation.

G. The use of the program to evaluate the building can serve


1. If the program is of LITTLE help in evaluating the

building, it was probably of LITTLE help in the design
of the building.

which are BURIED supporting data

2. Critical issues

present a problem to the evaluator and designer alike.

3. When the evaluation deals with points and issues NOT
COVERED in the program, this is an indication that the
program may not have been COMPLETE or THOROUGH.

4. A good program format for EVALUATING a design is

also a good one to DESIGN from.

H. The FORMAT and organization of the evaluation may be

related but not limited to the FORMAT of the program.

I. A reorganized TABLE OF CONTENTS for the evaluation

may be taken as a suggested improvement in the PROGRAM
table of contents.
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