Edutopia Kipp Criticalthinking Lessonplansrubric Rubric Forspeech
Edutopia Kipp Criticalthinking Lessonplansrubric Rubric Forspeech
Edutopia Kipp Criticalthinking Lessonplansrubric Rubric Forspeech
Categories 1 2 3 4
Baseline Attempts the Approaching the Target
Standard Standard
You are obviously not familiar with You are only fairly familiar with your You are generally familiar with your You have obviously practiced your
your speech.. You pronounce few speech.. You pronounce many words speech and it is evident that you have speech repeatedly. You pronounce
A: Familiarity words correctly and often use filler correctly, but also many incorrectly. practiced. You pronounce most words almost all words correctly and seem
to be very comfortable with what you
words such as like or um You may sometimes use filler words correctly and seem comfortable with
With Your Overall, you show a very limited such as like or um Overall, you what you have to say. You may use filler have to say. You never use filler
comfort with the material. show limited comfort with the words such as like or um a few words such as like or um.
Material material times. Overall, you know your speech Overall, you know your speech quite
generally well well.
You have poor posture throughout You have good posture throughout You have good posture throughout most You have good posture throughout
your speech You often lean from some parts of your speech. In most of your speech. You rarely lean from side to your speech. You do not lean from
side to side, nor do you slouch onto
B: Posture side to side and slouch onto the parts of the speech you lean from side side, slouch onto the podium, or fidget
the podium, or fidget with your hands.
podium, or fidget with your hands. to side, slouch onto the podium, or with your hands. Most of your
fidget with you hands. movements serve to enhance the speech All of your movements serve to
rather than distract from it enhance the speech rather than
distract from it
You move through your speech very You move through your speech at an You move through your speech at an You move through your speech at an
quickly or too slowly. As a result,
C: Pacing the words that you say are not
appropriate pace only in some parts
of your speech. Sometimes you make
appropriate pace for most of your speech.
A few times (2-3) you may make
appropriate pace. You pause in at the
end of sentences or at significant
understood, or felt by the audience. awkward pauses or sometimes you awkward pauses or speech up moments so that your words are felt
speed up unexpectedly. unexpectedly. by the audience.
You speech very soft or too loud for You speak clearly and forcefully in You speak clearly and forcefully You speak clearly and forcefully
most of the speech. As a result, you parts of your speech, but in most parts throughout most your speech. In a few throughout the entirety of your
D: Volume do not command the attention of the you are either too loud or too soft. parts you may be too loud or too soft. speech. In no parts are you too loud or
audience. too soft.
You make eye contact 1-3 times You make eye contact with your You consistently make eye contact with You consistently make eye contact
with your audience during your audience in some parts of your your audience throughout the entirety of with your audience throughout the
E: Eye Contact speech. speech. your speech, but you make eye contact entirety of your speech. You make
with limited sections of the room. Or you eye contact with all sections of the
make eye contact throughout most of room throughout your speech. Your
your speech, but only with limited eye contact flows well with the words
section. of your speech.
Sample Speeches 1 2 3 4 5 6 Explanation
B: Posture
C: Pacing
D: Volume
E: Eye Contact