Fixed Local Anchor Scheme For Supporting Services in Wired Networks
Fixed Local Anchor Scheme For Supporting Services in Wired Networks
Fixed Local Anchor Scheme For Supporting Services in Wired Networks
Abstract - An intelligent network architecture with Fixed call delivery cost and location update cost. The paper is or-
Local Anchor (FLA) is proposed t o support Universal Per- ganized as follows. Section 2 briefly describes the features
sonal Telecommunication (UPT) services. The performance of UPT services. Section 3 proposes an IN architecture with
of the proposed IN architecture is compared with the architec- FLA. Section 4 derives both the call delivery cost and the
ture based on IS-41 considering UPT users personal mobility location update cost. Section 5 compares the performance
in terms of call delivery cost and location update cost. of the IN architecture with the architecture based on IS-41.
Finally, section 6 draws conclusions.
Since Universal Personal Telecommunication (UPT) ser- O F U P T SERVICE
vice will enable users t o originate and receive calls at any ter-
minal through personal identification numbers [l],the UPT The UPT service was recommended by ITU-T as one of
service is becoming one of the most popular telecommuni- target services of IN Capability Sets (CS) 1 and 2 [ll-131.
cation services. UPT networks can fully support terminal Essential features, such as identity authentication of UPT
and personal mobilities. Terminal mobility can be gener- user, incall registration, outgoing UPT call and incall delivery
ally supported through wireless access t o a fixed base station, were defined for operations of U P T service set 1 [14].
and personal mobility can be generally supported through a
unique personal number, i.e, U P T number in wired and wire- UPT user identity authentication is required t o verify the
less networks. identity of UPT user.
Incall registration enables a UPT user t o register for in-
Since personal mobility management can be overlaid on the
coming calls from the users current terminal address.
networks already providing terminal mobility management,
Outgoing UPT call supports a UPT user t o initiate an
the personal mobility management can be logically separated
outgoing U P T call attempt from any terminal.
from the terminal mobility management [2]. Several termi-
Incall delivery provides connections to both UPT users
nal mobility management schemes have been studied t o re-
and non-UPT users utilizing terminal address of UPT
duce signaling messages related t o terminal mobility manage-
number regardless of location and type of terminals.
ment [3-61. Ho and Akyildiz [4] proposed a local anchoring
scheme which can reduce the signaling traffic load between a Incall registration enables a UPT user t o indicate where
Home Location Register (HLR) and Mobile Switching Cen- incoming U P T calls are connected. Thus the characteristics
ters (MSCs). of UPT users incall registration are closely related t o the
Several IN architecture supporting UPT services have been personal mobility of the UPT user. Incall registration may
studied [7-lo]. Fokestad [8] presented three models of the be cancelled in one of the following ways [14]:
distribution of UPT service logic in signaling networks and
The U P T user can initiate incall registration at another
evaluated performance in terms of mean call setup time.
Kwiatkowski [9] calculated network load required to access terminal.
The U P T user can explicitly make incall deregistration.
SCP and databases without considering the characteristic of
The U P T user can specify timer or counter values dereg-
UPT user mobility. Lauer [lo] proposed local, remote, and
istering incall registration.
home methods t o control the U P T service in wired networks
U P T service providers can specifically deregister the
and also compared these methods in terms of new service
U P T user t o terminate the registration.
deployment, service providers requirements, network perfor-
Terminal owners(UPT or non-UPT) may reset all incall
mance and so on.
registration on their terminal addresses.
In this paper an IN architecture with FLA is proposed in
order t o support UPT services t o wireline users. The per- For simplicity, the first two ways are here considered for
formance of the IN architecture is also evaluated in terms of incall deregistration.
Initial Detection Point
Update data
Result as
<-> q&
Request Report BCSM Event
Prompt&Collect user Information
The equilibrium state probability of state i, pi can be ob-
tained by
where po = p.
The location information is updated when both registration
and deregistration occur concurrently with probability P T d r ,
or when only registration occurs with PdT,or when only dereg-
I T - 1 U date data
istration occurs with P,. It is assumed that RAs are square
shaped and each LSTP region consists of d x d RAs. UPT
users are assumed to equally reside in any RA and a UPT
user moves from an RA to one of the four neighboring RA's
with the same probability of 1/4.
Fig. 4. Deregistration scenario in the FLA
Let a k l ( n ) denote the probability that a U P T user regis-
tered at RA k moves to RA I after n RA crossings. Then
and f & ( s ) is the Laplace Transform of f m ( t ) . The mean of akl(n) is obtained as
t , is l/A,. The embedded Markov chain model in Fig. 5
represents the mobility and location registration patterns of
U P T users. State i is defined as the number of RA crossings (4)
after the registration. The state transition probability from
state i to state j , aij can be given by
where f(n, x,y) is the number of possible paths from RA k
1-p, j=i+l to RA 1 after n RA crossings [4].
.-={;: j = o
(1) PIA, PIL,P I R ,POA, POLand POR are the probabilities of
location changes, where the subscripts are denoted as:
where p is the probability that one or more location registra- I 1 0 : current user location insidejoutside the FLA's RA
tions occur between two RA crossings and can be expressed A / L / R : user location at FLA's/Local/Remote RAs.
81 4
These probabilities can be expressed as: TABLE I1
1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 I 5 I
3 1 4 3 9
4 1 5 4 16
+ P v ( P I A ( Z ) * C I A ? f P I L ( 2 ) * C I L r + PIR(Z) * C I R r
C H , CLO and CRO,are used, as shown in Table 11. Fig. 6
+ P O A ( Z ) * C O A T t P O L ( % )* C O L r + F O R ( %*) C O R I . )
shows the relative location update cost for varying the value of
+Pdv(PIA(Z) * C I A d ? f P I L I ( % *) C I L d r + P I R ( Z ) * C I R d r RMR when the incall deregistration probability is 0.5. Since
+POA(z) * COAdr P O L ( % )* C O L d P + P O R ( Z ) * C O R d v ) 4 1 1 ) the information in the FLA is updated for registration within
an LSTP region, the location update cost becomes lower for
The average location registration cost per state transition is
lower mobility and for higher registration rate. In addition,
given by
the relative location update cost becomes lower as the set
number increases.
Fig. 7 illustrates the call delivery cost as a function of
incall deregistration probability. The relative search cost de-
Finally, the average location registration cost per unit time is
creases as the incall deregistration probability increases and
expressed as
the access cost t o SCP(H) increases.
c,: = A&.; (13) Fig. 8 shows the relative total cost for varying the value of
RMR when the CRR and incall deregistration probability are
B. Call delivery cost fixed. It is noted that the proposed architecture with FLA
Users may register their locations and deregister their pre- is more efficient for the lower mobility and for the higher
vious registration simultaneously, or may cancel the previous accessing cost to SCP(H).
VI. CONCLUSIONS Recommendation Q.1211, Introduction t o Intelligent Network Ca-
pability set 1, Mar. 1993.
In this paper, an intelligent network using FL,4 was pro- Recommendation Q.1211, Introduction t o Intelligent Network Ca-
posed to support UPT services including personal mobility. pability set 2, 1994.
Recommendation F.851, Universal Personal Telecommunica-
When location updates occur within an LSTP region, only tion(UPT) - service description(service set l), Jan. 1994.
the information in FLA is needed t o be updated. SCP (H) is EIA/TIA: Cellular Radio-Telecommunications Intersystem Oper-
ations, Technical Report IS-4f Revision B: EIA/TI.L\, 1991.
informed only when a user leaves the LSTP region. although
the call delivery cost is rather high in the proposed archi-
tecture compared with in the IS-41 based one, the proposed
architecture is more efficient in the following conditions:
higher probability of cancelling the previous Ggistration
before the next registration.
lower mobility
higher probability of registration and deregistration
within a region.
higher deliver cost of signaling message to SCP(H).
As a further study, this study can be extended t o sup- ~
05 I 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
port both personal mobility and terminal mobility in the in- Registration to Mobility Ratio
tegrated network of wired and wireless networks.
Fig. 6. Relative location update cost for R M R ( P d , = 0.5)
The location registration cost per unit time C I S Land the
call delivery cost in the IS-41 based network C I S Dare given
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