Pipeline Consultation Plan
Pipeline Consultation Plan
Pipeline Consultation Plan
Page 1 of 37
Esso Pipeline Replacement Project
1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1. ABOUT ESSO ................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. ABOUT THE PROJECT......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.0 ESSO CONSULTATION COMMITMENT ...................................................................................................... 7
3.0 THIS PIPELINE CONSULTATION PLAN ........................................................................................................ 7
4.0 PIPELINE CONSULTATION PLAN OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................ 7
5.0 PIPELINE PROJECT LANDOWNERS AND OCCUPIERS .................................................................................. 8
5.1. PRIVATE LANDOWNERS AND OCCUPIERS ............................................................................................................... 8
5.2. PUBLIC LANDOWNERS AND OCCUPIERS ................................................................................................................ 8
5.3. INDIGENOUS GROUPS ....................................................................................................................................... 8
6.0 INFORMATION FOR LANDOWNERS / OCCUPIERS ....................................................................................10
6.1. GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.2. INTRODUCTION INFORMATION FOR LANDOWNERS AND OCCUPIERS ......................................................................... 10
6.2.1. General Survey Information.............................................................................................................. 10
6.2.2. How Potential Impacts Are Managed .............................................................................................. 10
6.2.3. Project Introduction Material ........................................................................................................... 12
6.2.4. Service of Regulatory Notices ........................................................................................................... 12
6.2.5. A Notice of Intention to Enter Land for the Purpose of Survey (Section 19) ..................................... 13
6.2.6. A Notice of Pipeline Corridor (Section 27 and Regulation 7) ............................................................ 13
6.2.7. A Notice of Pipeline Licence Application (Section 32) ....................................................................... 13
6.2.8. Application to Alter Authorised Route (Section 68) .......................................................................... 14
6.2.9. Rehabilitation of Easement (Section 145 and 148) .......................................................................... 14
6.2.10. Existing Pipeline Operations ............................................................................................................. 14
6.2.11. Overview of Construction ................................................................................................................. 14
6.2.12. The Rehabilitation Process ............................................................................................................... 17
6.3. CONSULTATION METHODS ............................................................................................................................... 18
6.3.1. Face-to-Face Discussion and Meetings ............................................................................................. 19
6.3.2. Letters ............................................................................................................................................... 19
6.3.3. Website ............................................................................................................................................. 19
6.3.4. Community Contact .......................................................................................................................... 20
6.3.5. Public Display of Regulatory Documentation ................................................................................... 20
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Overview Map of Existing Longford to Long Island Point Liquids Pipeline ............................................. 6
We continue to monitor, assess and invest in the integrity of this pipeline to ensure it operates
safely and reliably. However, we have now assessed that the pipeline is nearing the end of its
operational life and the preferred option is to replace it. Detailed specifications are yet to be
developed but a replacement pipeline is expected to be a steel pipeline of 350mm in diameter
with corrosion protection and a telemetry system for operations monitoring and control.
The replacement pipeline will be constructed along the existing pipeline route where Esso has
an easement set aside for its pipelines. Wherever possible, Esso will seek to locate the
replacement pipeline within the existing easement. There are a small number of locations
where, due to restricted space within the existing easement, Esso may seek to position the
replacement pipeline outside of the existing easement. In these locations a new easement will
be negotiated with the landowner / occupier concerned.
To facilitate the construction of the replacement pipeline, temporary work space in addition to
and adjacent to the existing easement may be required. Agreements regarding use of these
areas will be negotiated with the landowner / occupier in advance of any activities being
undertaken on the property.
Figure 1: Overview map of existing Longford to Long Island Point Liquids Pipeline
Our approach to corporate citizenship involves more than compliance with applicable laws,
sound business practices and operational excellence. We are also committed to supporting
and engaging with the communities in which we operate. We consider our community
relationships an essential element of our business.
Appropriate and timely consultation with landowners and occupiers will be carried out
throughout the Project. Direct contact with landowners and occupiers will be the main
method of contact to achieve the following objectives:
The basic consultation steps between Esso and landowners and occupiers during the
Project are summarised in Figure 2 below, and illustrated in more detail in Table 1.
Esso recognises that the individuals and representative bodies involved in the Project will
have an active interest in the cultural heritage assessment process and development of the
project Cultural Heritage Management Plan.
Identify landowners - desktop survey.
Landowner Title details (owner, Lot and DP number,mailing and street address.)
Esso will negotiate with landowners and occupiers over arrangements for
pipeline construction and operation, including land access arrangements, land
Land Access management plan, etc.
Negotiations may include details of compensation, ongoing access and
rehabilitation arrangements.
Information will cover various aspects of the Project, including the following:
From the first contact, and in all related project correspondence, Esso will inform landowners
and occupiers that the Department of State Development, Business and Innovation is the
regulator of the activity and that a landowner or occupier may contact the Department at any
time. The Departments contact details will be provided.
Note that the apparently legalistic elements of the process, such as the serving of Notices,
are not optional steps for Esso, but are mandated in the Act.
As required by s.17 (2) of the Act, the following information is included in this Pipeline
Consultation Plan.
General information about the types of activities to be undertaken by Esso for surveys
associated with the construction and operation of the proposed pipeline are to be provided
as part of the notice of intention to survey which will be generally in the form of the sample
shown in Appendix 1 of this Pipeline Consultation Plan.
Potential adverse impacts on private and public land are to be avoided by careful survey of
the land, consultation with landowners and occupiers, a land pre-condition report and land
management plan agreed by the landowner / occupier. Where adverse impacts cannot be
reasonably avoided the impacts will be minimised and then compensation for the impacts
will be agreed with the landowner / occupier.
Potential adverse impacts on health and safety will be managed within the framework of
Essos stringent health and safety regime, including a permitting system for everyone
entering the project/work area, training and inductions and reporting and auditing.
Potential adverse impacts on the environment are taken seriously. The construction footprint
will be minimised by locating the pipeline within the existing easement wherever possible.
Comprehensive surveys will be undertaken of the entire area with emphasis on habitat for
endangered species. Environmental impacts will be mitigated by a range of methods
Planning and design to avoid, where possible, areas classified as potential high
impact environmental areas
Keeping land and vegetation disturbance to a minimum
Minimising sedimentation and erosion by adopting International Erosion Control
Association guidelines
Adopting appropriate biosecurity measures
Applying specialist impact mitigation where listed species are known or predicted
Ensuring the workforce is fully briefed and informed regarding environmental
High quality environmental oversight of construction
Detailed approved rehabilitation plans
Operations Safety Management Plan The Operations Safety Management Plan will be
developed to provide an integrated safety management approach in line with Essos existing
safety management policies and practices for pipeline operations.
o Pipelines Act 2005 this is the primary Act under which the Project proposals are
o Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth);
o Native Title Act 1993 (Commonwealth);
o Environmental Effects Act 1978;
o Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988;
o Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006;
o Coastal Management Act 1995;
o Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994;
o Water Act 1989;
o Environment Protection Act 1970; and
o Road Management Act 2004.
In order to protect the interests of landowners and occupiers, the Act requires a formal
process for the service of Notices to Landowners and occupiers. The Act also requires that,
for this Project, Esso will be responsible for the service of such Notices. The intended
procedure for the service of Notices is outlined below:
Landowners and occupiers affected by the Project are encouraged by Esso to seek
independent legal advice on any concerns they may have with regard to legal implications of
the Project which could include the Projects potential impact on their land and its use or any
other legitimate concern.
Pre-defined and agreed reasonable costs incurred in seeking advice in relation to the Project
will be reimbursed by Esso.
6.2.5. A Notice of Intention to Enter Land for the Purpose of Survey (Section 19)
Under s.19 of the Act, Esso is required to deliver a Notice to each landowner and occupier of
affected land (including the Crown), advising of Essos intention to enter the land for the
purpose of a survey (such as an environmental survey). In issuing this notice Esso will seek
consent from the landowner/occupier to access their property to undertake survey works.
If after 14 days from the date that the notice of Intention to Enter Land for the Purpose of
Survey is issued the landowner declines to grant access there is provision under section 22
of the Act for the seeking of Ministerial approval to do so.
Appendix 1 Sample Notice of Intention to Enter Land for Survey provides an example of a
Notice of Intention to Enter Land for Survey.
Prior to applying for the Pipeline Licence, a Notice of Pipeline Corridor, as prescribed in
regulation 7, must be served to each landowner and occupier of land inside the pipeline
This Notice must be sent to all directly-affected landowners and occupiers. The Notice
describes the proposed pipeline corridor, includes a plan of the proposed corridor and states
the intended use of the proposed pipeline. This notice lapses after twelve months, unless the
Minister in writing extends that period.
The Notice of Pipeline Licence Application will also be published in one or more newspapers
that circulate generally in Victoria and throughout the areas to which the notification relates.
Following submission of the Pipeline Licence Application to the Minister, a Notice of Pipeline
Licence Application, under section 32 of the Act, must be served by Esso to each landowner
and occupier directly affected by the Licence Application
There is a statutory opportunity for landowners and occupiers to make submissions to the
Minister about the pipeline licence application. This is described in the Pipelines Act which
can be found at Victorian Law Today and Acts at legislation.vic.gov.au. The Notice of
Pipeline Licence Application provided to the landowner / occupier includes a date for
submissions determined by the Minister. Landowners and occupiers have until the
submission date to make a written submission to the Minister regarding the Pipeline Licence
This is a provisional requirement in relation to the Project. Under s.68 of the Act, if Esso
proposes to significantly alter the authorized pipeline route, Esso must consult with all
owners and occupiers of the land affected and any responsible authorities who might be
affected by the proposed alteration. Esso will take all reasonable steps to reach agreement
with those persons on the proposed alteration.
Under s.145 of the Act, Esso must rehabilitate following construction of the approved
pipeline at its own expense. The land must be restored as far as practicable to the purposes
for which it was used prior to disturbance in relation to pipeline construction.
Under s.148 of the Act, in the event that Esso fails to rehabilitate the land as agreed prior to
commencement of construction, a landowner may do so in lieu of Esso, and may recover
reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out the rehabilitation.
Note that the service of regulatory notices as described above relates to the proposed new
pipeline. The existing pipeline will continue to operate until the replacement pipeline has
been constructed and is ready for operation. The licence to operate the existing pipeline
includes provision to access the pipeline on private land.
Esso Pipeline Operations operate and maintain the existing pipeline. This team will continue
to make arrangements for access with landowners and occupiers as required for ongoing
inspections and maintenance.
To minimise the disruption and impacts to landowners and occupiers and the broader
community, wherever possible Esso will seek to locate the replacement pipeline within the
existing easement. There are a small number of locations where, due to restricted space
within the existing easement, Esso may seek to position the replacement pipeline outside of
the existing easement. In these locations a new easement will be negotiated with the
landowner concerned.
Initial Survey
Environmental, cultural heritage and other surveys will be carried out to prepare Project
assessment documentation. Prior to starting these activities, affected landowners and
occupiers will be consulted about the timing and location of survey and access needs.
Access protocols relating to biosecurity management, physical access requirements, hours
of operation, etc. will be documented.
The construction process can include making provision for the following work areas and
These work areas are integral to the pipeline construction and help ensure it is installed in
the shortest period possible and in a safe and environmentally sound manner.
Extra work areas, required for construction, will be agreed with the relevant landowners and
occupiers. Landowners and occupiers will be consulted over any proposed fence or gate
realignments required, and their timing. Related compensation will be negotiated in advance
of works commencing.
This construction phase involves preparing the pipeline easement, plus extra work space as
agreed with landowners and occupiers. The combined easement and extra work space is
commonly referred to as the construction right-of-way.
The construction right-of-way will be clearly identified, and fenced off if required. Typically,
the right-of-way can be between 25 40 metres in width. Landowners and occupiers will be
consulted over aspects such as clear and grade timing, arrangements for fencing, dust and
noise management, biosecurity, etc. They will have the opportunity to ensure issues agreed
as part of the Property Management Plan negotiations are satisfactorily managed.
A grader stockpiles the topsoil in a windrow to the side prior to excavating the trench.
A decision on final trenching techniques will be decided in conjunction with the construction
contractor; however a specialised rotary trenching machine or excavator would typically be
used to dig the trenches.
Issues such as hours of operation and dust and noise management will be discussed with
the landowners and occupiers.
Horizontal Directional Drilling is a pipeline installation method used when routine trenching
techniques are not suited to the conditions, such as crossing watercourses or some public
Specialist operators drill a hole beneath the surface, at a shallow angle, and then pull a
welded length of pipe through the hole without disturbing the surface.
Specially qualified welders join the lengths of pipes together adhering to relevant fire
regulations and restrictions. Welds are inspected using x-ray or ultrasonic equipment, and
the joint is then coated to protect against corrosion.
Lowering In
After final quality assurance checks, the pipe is lowered into the trench using specialist side-
boom tractors or excavators.
When the pipe is in place the excavated subsoil is compacted back into the trench. The
topsoil is then re-instated over the disturbed trench area to the contour of the land, so
pasture or other groundcover can be rehabilitated.
Easement Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation of the site will be undertaken in accordance with industry standards taking into
consideration any detailed additional landowner or occupier requirements.
Permanent markers to show pipeline location will remain after rehabilitation, as required by
the Australian Standard AS 2885.
Hydrotesting of the pipeline verifies the strength of the pipeline and ensures that there are no
leaks. Hydrotesting involves filling the pipeline with water and pressurising it. The hydrotest
process is assessed by the regulator to ensure that the operation of the pipeline will not
harm the environment and will operate safely. The regulator will also assess and approve
hydrotesting noise and dust impacts.
The discharge of liquids used in hydrotesting into natural water bodies is not permitted, and
disposal will comply with relevant regulations. Once the pipeline has been appropriately
tested, it will be cleaned, dried and purged before operations are started.
Progressive Reinstatement
Once pipe laying is complete and trenches have been backfilled and compacted,
rehabilitation crews will take over, and start the following:
Rehabilitation Bond
A State Government held rehabilitation bond is the landowners guarantee that the land and
surrounding infrastructure will be reinstated and restored to its previous condition or better.
The Project rehabilitation bond provided by Esso to the government guarantees that
disturbed land will be rehabilitated even if, for some unexpected reason, Esso cannot fulfil
rehabilitation obligations.
The rehabilitation bond will be held for the duration of the Project and only invoked if Esso
fails to complete its rehabilitation commitments in accordance with the Project approval
Essos consultation methods and activities have been designed to ensure that:
The primary contact for landowners and occupiers will be the Land Liaison Officers. Each
Land Liaison Officer will engage with landowners and occupiers to provide information, to
identify issues and to facilitate the resolution of these issues. The role and responsibilities of
the Land Liaison Officer role will be described in the Letter of Introduction which will be
provided to all landowners and occupiers.
If the landowner or occupier is not satisfied with the level of information, or is concerned with
the behaviour of the Land Liaison Officer, they may contact the Community and Stakeholder
Manager Esso Pipeline Project, using contact details provided in the Letter of Introduction.
Meeting landowners and occupiers face-to-face builds relationships and trust and is the best
method to ensure landowners and occupiers understand the pipeline planning and
construction processes.
6.3.2. Letters
Letters will be used as an initial consultation tool to introduce the project to landowners and
occupiers and establish appropriate forms of communication that will be used during the
Project. They will be used throughout the Project to provide formal correspondence and also
to inform landowners and occupiers of Project developments or upcoming activities. When
appropriate, letters will also be used to provide a formal written response to landowners and
occupiers in relation to specific issues, concerns or requests.
6.3.3. Website
Assessment documents will be placed on public exhibition for comment as part of the
statutory approval process following submission to the Regulator. Esso will publicise the
timing of the public exhibition period and will display planning and assessment
documentation on the Project website.
As the Project planning progresses and detailed timeframes become clearer, Esso will
consult and inform the landowners and occupiers as appropriate.
Table 1: Key Interactions, Activities and Consultation with Landowners and occupiers
Purpose Method
1 Letter introducing the Project and outlining Project contact details. Posted or delivered in person
Introductory meeting to introduce the Project, outline timelines and In Person
objectives and present initial Project consultation materials.
Present Notice of Intention to Enter Land for the Purpose of Survey. In Person
3 Consult with landowner / occupier prior to each survey to confirm Contact made by preferred
access and any changes to conditions. method (phone, in person or mail)
with agreed notice prior to access
4 Ongoing consultation addressing any issues raised by landowner / Mail, phone or in person
6 Ongoing negotiation and consultation with landowner / occupier or a In person, phone or mail
delegated representative until agreement on the easement and
compensation is reached
8 Ongoing consultation and Project updates on progress of application. In person, phone or mail
Addressing any issues as raised by landowner / occupier.
Pre-construction consultation
Purpose Method
Anticipated Timing: Q3 2014 (Licence Approval & Construction)- after Pipeline Licence Approval
Construction consultation
Anticipated Timing: Q3 and Q4 2014; Q1 and Q2 2015 (Construction)- follows Consent to Construct being
provided by Department of State Development, Business and Innovation and Energy Safe Victoria
10 Ongoing consultation throughout construction to notify and update In person, phone or mail
contractor / construction progress in relation to each property and to
address any issues raised by the landowner/occupier.
12 Ongoing consultation through the operation of the pipeline in In person, phone or mail
accordance with the easement conditions for access
The activities and timeframes described above do not take into account the process that
would be adopted should it become necessary for any easements to be compulsorily
The system will include a checklist of activities required for the completion of Project
consultation and easement negotiations. It will also record enquiries, feedback and
complaints raised and details of response resolution.
Following collection of information and feedback from landowners and occupiers, there is a
responsibility to communicate the views of the Project or information requested back to the
Information collected in discussions with landowners and occupiers will be used for Project
purposes only by Esso and its Project contractors. Esso acknowledges the requirement to
manage personal information in compliance with the Victorian Information Privacy Act 2000.
A dedicated 24-hour a day, 7 day a week 1800 freecall number will be in operation and the
associated response process will be implemented by Esso as follows:
1. Stakeholder makes an enquiry, leaves feedback or registers a complaint
2. Enquiry, feedback or complaint recorded in the project Stakeholder Information
Management System
3. Project investigates and undertakes one of the following:
a. Accepts the suggestion/ question/ complaint
b. Proposes an alternative to the suggestion or complaint
c. Reports that the suggestion or complaint requires no further action
d. Defers action until the relevant information (e.g., outcomes from baseline
studies) is known or made available.
4. Stakeholder is advised of the outcome and the reasons for the outcome and this
is recorded
A response will be provided as quickly as possible, and if a timeframe has been committed
this will be monitored. If a committed timeframe cannot be met then Esso will contact the
stakeholder to provide an updated timeframe for response.
If a dispute cannot be resolved, then a mediator or arbitrator may be used to assist in such
resolution. Estimated timelines for resolution will be communicated in advance.
10.2. Measurement
In order to monitor the effectiveness of consultation as the Project progresses, Esso will
measure the effectiveness of landowner and occupier consultation against the following
Where an extension of the easement is required the Pipelines Act 2005 provides that Esso
and the owner of any private land may enter into an agreement to obtain an easement over
that land for the purposes of the pipeline. This is usually achieved through negotiation.
If, after six months of negotiation, there is no agreement to obtain an easement, Esso may
apply to the regulatory authorities for compulsory acquisition of an easement.
The following process is a summary of the steps that would be undertaken in accordance
with the Pipelines Act 2005, for compulsory acquisition of an easement. This is a reflection of
the provisions within the Act only and does not constitute legal advice:
The Ministers decision regarding the application for compulsory acquisition will
be made within 28 days of the submission date, and should the Minister grant the
application, a Notice of Acquisition detailing the acquisition will be published in
the Government Gazette - at which time the easement(s) shall vest in Essos
favour. The Notice of Acquisition will also be served upon all interested parties,
and will be published in a newspaper generally circulating in the area of the
Within 14 days of the notice of acquisition being gazetted, Esso will make a fair
and reasonable compensation offer to the landowner, in accordance with the
provisions of the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act. The interested parties
in the land have a three month period to respond to the offer, and may lodge a
claim for compensation with Esso within this period. Esso will consider any claim
and respond within three months of it being received. If agreement over the level
of compensation payable cannot be reached, either Esso or the landowner may
refer the matter to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal for amounts less
than $50,000, or may seek a court hearing for disputes over $50,000.
There are publications available from the Department of State Development, Business and
Innovation on this matter:
12.3. Legislation
Website: http://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/
Website: http://www.comlaw.gov.au/ or http://www.austlii.edu.au
Primary Act:
Pipelines Act 2005 (Victoria)
Appendix 1 Sample Notice of Intention to Enter Land for Survey (for non Crown
[for Private Land - To: [Name and address of the owner and occupier of the land]
[for Crown Land To: [Name and address of Crown Land Minister or name and address of the occupier]
In accordance with Section 19(1) of the Pipelines Act 2005, Esso Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 49 000 018 566)
of 12 Riverside Quay Southbank, Victoria 3000 hereby gives you Notice of its intention to enter your land
for the purpose of a survey.
In accordance with Section 19 of the Act and Regulation 6 of the Pipelines Regulations 2007 (the
Regulations), this Notice also contains the following information and is accompanied by the "approved
consultation information":
The proposed pipeline will replace the existing liquids pipeline that runs from the Longford Crude
Stabilisation Plant in South Gippsland, Victoria, to the Long Island Point Crude Storage Facility, at Hastings
75 km south-east of Melbourne. The proposed pipeline will transport stabilised crude oil/condensate
between Essos facilities at Longford and Long Island Point.
The proposed survey will conduct engineering, environmental, cultural heritage and cadastral surveys as
well as any additional specialist surveys required for the design and construction of the proposed Esso
Pipeline Project.
Information about the type of activities to be undertaken for the purpose of the survey and the
construction and operation of the pipeline.
Name and address of the person or body engaged to carry out the survey for the proposed pipeline
[Consultant or contractors details- name and address] or [Esso Australia Pty Ltd] will be coordinating and
managing surveys. Prior to access, you will be notified of the survey to be carried out and the person or
body engaged to conduct the survey.]
A map is attached of the proposed pipeline route over your land showing:
the relevant part of the land over which the survey is proposed to be made; and
the location of that land including the allotment and selection numbers, parish and
municipal names and the boundaries of adjacent lands relating to the proposed survey.
[for Crown land map to show sufficient detail to identify the land]
Under Section 20 of the Act, Esso Australia Pty Ltd must take all reasonable steps to reach agreement with
you in relation to the entry onto your land for the purpose of conducting a survey for the proposed pipeline.
If Esso Australia Pty Ltd is unable to obtain your agreement within 14 days after this notice has been given
to you, Esso Australia Pty Ltd may apply to the Minister for consent to enter your land under Section 22 of
the Act.
Signed by Proponent:
To: [Name and address of the owner or occupier of the land within the proposed pipeline corridor1]
I, Esso Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 49 000 018 566), am considering applying for a licence to construct and
operate a pipeline over the following land:
[Description of the land (including, if appropriate, a sketch showing the relevant part of the land) and title
A copy of the plan showing the proposed pipeline corridor is attached to this Notice.
The proposed pipeline is: to replace the existing liquids pipeline that runs from the Longford Crude
Stabilisation Plant in South Gippsland, Victoria, to the Long Island Point Crude Storage Facility, at Hastings
75 km south-east of Melbourne. The proposed pipeline will transport stabilised crude oil/condensate
between Essos facilities at Longford and Long Island Point.
Information regarding the proposed pipeline, including the processes that will be followed for obtaining
required approvals and details of how Esso Australia Pty Ltd proposes to consult with you [is attached ][
was given to you] with the notice of intention to enter land for survey issued on [date issued].
[Copy of a plan drawn to an appropriate scale showing the proposed pipeline corridor attached]
A pipeline corridor is an area of land being considered as a possible suitable location for the siting of a pipeline
regulated by the Pipelines Act 2005. The final location of the proposed pipeline within the corridor is subject to
consultation and approval under the Pipelines Act 2005.
Under section 27(3) of the Pipelines Act 2005 this Notice lapses after 12 months from the date of this notice,
unless the Minister administering that Act extends that period in writing.