NSTP 1st Sem PPT Poverty
NSTP 1st Sem PPT Poverty
NSTP 1st Sem PPT Poverty
Absolute Povergr
d) *cupational pretige
.Inadeguate provision of social services .) scholing
r) ancestrt
.Illiteracy e) nce and Gt rricity-
. Increased population
. Cvclicat unemotovm ls an Invotuntary
unemPloyment whldl
rsults faom lack of
. Automation in many industries
aggregate demand for
g6ds and geillc.
. Recession
. No security of tenure for
when l@klng casual employees/workers
for a new Job. Seasonal demand for certain
goods and services
1) e d opy offix ed hdHomt mSods .nd @nbt
2) ev6lop ydr oh methds .nd 6nht b.sd cl pdndpt6
. you need to haye iaith in youmr - , pEctice youEelvs, as if you
detsffi#anddeEne ' dsign a literccy proq6m
tr-aintng are the illitercte participants,
3) tuuf6 arc mt dttdM
4) Modeb tor bdlng *outd not k taks hm dets fo. dlldM that is - before launching the progrem
s) Rstsd Is vr/ lmpd.nr intersting, relevant, useful and in your target communities.
5) bmtng by dotng ts lrlm ffe&e han by wa6r4 or l*enl69 pactiGl
7) h nd.lm for htgh lv* of iltEry to the particular community and its . Come back together regularly
a) kk D6dql @mmuntaum
9)- Emphe l.n9u.g6 and .tphabeE md.mmonly lsd to report to erch otier how
10)Qmbin wdften wods wi& stmple 9tores things are going, provide
tl) Indud6 elmenbry numeEry edy rn your 8.6h9 pt.n 'As for siructure, try this: Do not mutual support, and to identifu
12)Wh.t ts lsmed mE b p6dot, lmmedEe, .nd uaeful d6i9n and run a "LiteEcy Class."
what problems arose and how'
13) t !m rd E wh.t 15 u*fu| rnd tntedno tn S @mmunN Instsd, run a "Litemc/ progEm"
they Gn be solved-
14) Avold dtulr (mtGnr) from oddcr $,-6In9 with 2 Wrc of sesions :
l5)Avold hdEon.l, orthdox, usd* bpl6
15)hls; do not ffidE 1. "meting' .Kep mords of what you try,
l7)Glve opotunH6 b Fddp.nE to td wh.t by tsm 2. "field trip" how you do them, and what
18)Gul& p.ffip.nE tnto th..we.nd en oymnt ordisvry
.Age on your content and methods, rsults frcm them
write them down, and dimss them
regslarly as a group.