Maggin Eight: Way of 8

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NOBLE EIGHTFOLD PATH vieSy, ptersecte, ee ofra8q, pS grande, gh grcrromegig, pSgrae21@Q03g, pf gresoondeysagosag, gpgrcpslinpsy~ ole eopbi eg gavl:ugeax saGoor06:05205 avé:§fad:aogmp aSBS:c0$Eco02 oySeSGSoop5u The Ariya Path of Eight Constituents; the middle way The eight constituents of the Ariya Path are: 1. Right Understanding, 2. Right Thinking, 3. Right Speech, 4, Right Action, 5. Right Livelihood, 6. Right Effort, 7. Right Mindfulness, and 8. Right Concentration. The Ariya Path is the practice that leads to the end of suffering, dukkha. RIGHT ACTION Sammakammanta agomgs - 9§o§eaxr send: sam€:grfoogdeu 690930905 o5:0):9 eqpé[o33[RE:0095 ago Megs epdel u Right conduct Right action consists of abstaining from the three demeritorious bodily actions,ie.killing living beings, taking that which is not given, and sexual misconduct. See also NOBLE EIGHTFOLD PATH. RIGHT CONCENTRATION Sammasamadhi aograe8 - e§m§eooo. npS[maSiSéu eorr€:gooras (3aS(BE-n Right concentration consists of concentration of one’s thought on a single object. RIGHT EFFORT Sammavayama aogoolusse - g4orgcon> 392:0905[RE:09,001 eré:g> mn:cpo5gnt (68B:e00> amsadsorepio33 od $Ees02€ (R00: wrposfae: ofgdeoo:e009 wmasoSorep:3h ofsdeaaré (Rros:srrrc703(BE:1 e{gdcao:ea00 NBSorepioR (gSccTeaang[R:on:s92:0705(86:1 (G8B:ea2o mpao8cSorep: oS Broradapr[go:corearé (eR:oo:a22:0708(RE: upcore aoggergecoil:gé — so28 (R:@o:a92:0905(gEra0p5 aogoolusse (gdaoa5u Right endeavour Right Effort consists in striving to discard whatever demerit that has accrued to oneself and to stave off whatever demerit that has not arisen in oneself, as well as in striving to eam whatever merit that has not accrued to oneself and to enhance whatever merit that has already arisen in oneself. RIGHT LIVELIHOOD Sammaajiva aogowto - g§orgcoos moooseg:[géu saardigo saoonseg:(gésn ar2029 085 2-Uh:1 082095 g-licBgE r€:cgodq} epdoagg, B8adgdaocoy corr saoonSegigoopS awgos8o epdeln Right livelihood means earning a living that in no way harms anybody, and in ways that are free from the three kinds of physical misdeed and the four kinds of evil speech. RIGHT MINDFULNESS Sammasati 20y20008 - ygargcarr carrndeymyosefgés: coré:go exraicy(gézn mBcSorep:03§ conrdiga exxraheyav08efgE:onp5 aogra008 epSailn Right Mindfulness means being never forgetful about doing good things that are meritorious. RIGHT SPEECH Sammavaca aogroles- coméig> onr:a8[RE:1 y§rr§cors onrr:08 aSeézn 0830§o5 g-chig cgpé(ezseé:a0p$ aogo0le> opSain Right speech consists in refraining from the four kinds of evil speech. RIGHT THINKING Sammisaakappa aogoooady - g§argcar sala3so0p51 enrrd:ga{oaSga egapgSoo05 saxgpula8orn5Sg) z28u8 ax080008 RoopS aogooomdy epSaiu Right Thinking means thinking about renouncing the world, and thoughts free from ill will and cruelty. RIGHT VIEW Sammiaditthi ango8g - g$0r$ca00 sa[aE,g§or§casoseuy! emrr€:ea72 safac ; GONE SAHITIUPN M, Del gaogpod ugfosasfeés sogoeco:0l:08 omens: c oo Sal aBlee[eE:o0p5 WEISS ave n Right understanding Right view means a firm belief in kamma, i.e, ones actions and the result thereof. It also means comprehending the four Ariya Truths. A DICTIONARY OF BUDDHIST TERMS egesase2eo7s eo 0729 soeo$ Ministry of Religious Affairs Yangon, Myanmar a020099- J9G2, eeND@n- 9QgH oges

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