Gear Couplings PDF
Gear Couplings PDF
Gear Couplings PDF
Director of Engineering.
Chief Engineer,
Coupling Division.
Gear Couplings
A discussion and mathematical analysis of the operation of gear couplings at angular
D. E. DE ROCKER misalignment; transmission of uniform motion, tooth separation, both load distribu-
Chief Engineer, tion, coupling load capacity, tooth bearing, and special tooth forms.
Product Developmen!.
THERE are dilferences of opinion as t o how flexible should also have a constant distance from each other in the direc-
gear couplings act, whether they transmit true uniform motion tion of the surface normals to match the sleeve teeth. This re-
a t substantial angles, how many teeth are in contact, and what quirement is no different on cor~plingsthan it is on gears. Teeth
kind of crown should be applied. with unequal normal distance p could not be brought to match
We shall now try to establish the facts pertinent to this and take over load smoothly from one another.
subject. As a result of this requirement, the tooth profiles of the hub, in
Gear couplings are usually arranged in pairs, each individual planes g perpendicular to the hub axis, should change increas-
coupling comprising a sleeve with straight teeth on its inside, and
ingly with increasing distance from the hub axis, a t least when the
a hub with teeth crowned to cooperate with the sleeve a t the coupling is designed for a substantial running angle. This will be
range of angles specified. further described.
A sleeve, S,and hub, H, are shown in aligned position in a frag- Fig. 2 shows a conventional uniformly crowned hub. The hub
mentary cross section in Fig. 1 and in an axial section in Fig. 2.looks like an excessively crowned gear. As on a gear, its shape is
Generally, the sleeve teeth have involute profiles, am, rising best defined by the shape of the rack teeth with which it can
from a base circle, b, as on conventional gears. Adjacent in- mesh and run so that its entire tooth sides get into contact.
volute tooth surfaces have a constant distance p from each other This rack can be considered a n extremely large, infinitely large,
anywhere, taken in the direction of the surface normal q. I n gear. A hob produces the straight profile of the involute rack in
consequence, the adjacent crowned tooth surfaces of the hub the midplane G. If now the hob is fed about an axis C as if
- turned about this axis, it will produce the same straight profile in
Contributed by the Design Engineering Division for presentation all planes containing axis C and envelop the rack tooth shape.
at the Winter Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pa., November 12-17,
1967, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETYOF MECHANICAL ENQINEERB.Each tooth surface of the rack contains straight profiles that
Manuscript received at ASME Headquarters, July 26, 1967. Paper intersect axis C a t the same point and that have a constant in-
No. 67-WA/DE8. clination to axis C. I n other words, the surface that would be
produced on the rack is a conical surface with axis C.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 5 Fig. 7
its straight path describes a line on the tooth sides as the cor~pling Tooth Bearing
turns. This line coincides with an involute profile on the sleeve
Fig. 6 is a fragmentary axial section of a sleeve, wherein i t s
involute tooth profiles appear as straight lines. In the aligned
A pat,h of contact n lies in a plane perpendicrllar to the sleeve
position of the sleeve and hub, the tooth contact is along profile yo
axis a, and when extended is tangent to base circle b (Fig. 5 ) .
a t zero load, all the teeth contacting simultaneously. On both
I t also intersects the instant axis I, a t N,.
sides of line yo, the contacting tooth surfaces gradually separate
The crown of the hub teeth can be determined so as tJo place
from each other a t a rate depending on the amount of crowning.
the path of contact a t a desired axial distance z from the inter-
They separate a t first very slowly. The cross-hatched area
section 0 of the axes, a t the design misalignment angle i. The
around point P has a separation within a fixed, very small amount
foregoing requirement defines the location of the contact point PC
z', such as 0.001 in. Such a separation might be overcome by
a t the pitch circle k. PCgenerally does not lie directly on the
elastic deflection under heavy load. The area then becomes a
vertical V t,hrough 0, but close enough to it that its distance from
tooth bearing area.
the instant axis I does not differ much from pitch radius R. For
At a coupling angle i, the contact hasshifted away from central
this reason, the sliding velocity v, a t mean contact point P, can
position to two mesh zones. A tooth contactsonly a t onepoint a t
be put down as
a time, a t zero load, a t a point such as Q in one turning position;
and after half a turn a t point Q'. The cross-hatched elliptical or
o, = - o (approx) (3) oval area has a separation within a given small amount z'. I t is
60 smaller than the cross-hatched area around point P. As the
coupling turns, the contact point moves along profile y. The
where o is the peripheral velocity R . w , and io is the coupling rectangular area around Q or Q' is within a separation z' of getting
angle i measured in degrees. into tooth contact a t zero load. Under load, it may become the
Each of the two sides of the teeth has two diametrically oppo- area swept by tooth coritact.
site paths of contact. One is along normal n that intersects the With the conventional uniform crowning the width of these
instant axis I a t N,. The other is along normal n' that inter- areas aror~ndpointas P a ~ Q, ~ Q'
d is approximately equal. When
sects instant axis I a t Nif on the opposite side from 0. The the cor~plingruns a t an angle, however, there are fewer teeth in
cont,act normals n, n' intersect the cylindrical inside surface of the contact, o111ytwo at times a t the maximum design angle, and
sleeve teeth and a spherical outer s~trfaceof t,he h11b teeth. The these fewer t,eeth have less intimate contact. Moreover, sliding
path of contact. is between the two intersection points. I t s length increases with increasing angle i. 111 consequence, the sustained
determines the duration of contact. If it were exactly equal to load capacity a t the design angle is only a small fraction of the
the normal distance p (Fig. 1 ) of adjacent tooth sides, then each capacity of the coripling in alignment or near-alignment.
tooth starts contact when the preceding tooth leaves off. As on Fig. 7 shows the kind of tooth bearing obtained a t a substantial
gears, profile overlap is desired, a length of 1.2p to 1.6p or more. angle i when the profile inclination of the hub teeth is constant in
This length and the duration of contact depend on the tooth depth planes g, Fig. 2, perpendicrllar to the hub axis rather than being
and on the pressure angle or profile i~lclination. constant in planes QC containing axis C . The profile inclination
After passing through the contact, a tooth separates from its is then too large in planes g, so that the tooth bearing is displaced
mate, to contact it again a t a different spot after about half a toward the top of the sleeve teeth when the couplhg runs a t the
turn. The maximum separation attained depends on the coupling design angle. This affects the smoothness of the transmitted
angle i. motion and causes early wear.
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