Alarms Reference: Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Alarms Reference: Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Alarms Reference: Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Alarms Reference
Document status: Standard
Document issue: 01.02
Document date: May 2007
Product release: 16.2
Job function: Fault and Performance Management
Type: NTP
Language type: U.S. English
NORTEL, the Nortel logo, and the Globemark are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
New in this release 4
Features 4
Other changes 4
Proxy alarms 5
Generic SNMP alarms 172
The following sections detail whats new in Alarms Reference for 16.2:
updated Details description for 3010 0801 (page 22) and 3010 0823
(page 28)
new alarm, 3010 0823 (page 28)
new alarm, 7042 0004 (page 168)
Other changes
See the following sections for information about changes that are not feature-
References to Nortel Multiservice Data Manager technical publications
were updated with new document numbers.
The Multiservice Data Manager generates proxy alarms and injects them into
the main alarm stream with the network element-generated alarms. Proxy
alarms are received from the following sources:
FMIP Management Data Router (FMDR)
Nortel Multiservice Provider Edge Data Translation (NDTR)
Inbound Management Data Router (IMDR)
Inbound Application Programming Interface (IAPI)
SNMP Management Data Router (SMDR)
DPN Management Data Router (DMDR)
Multiservice Data Manager Server Manager (SVM)
Management Data Provider (MDP)
0999 0001
Component Severity Status
<deviceType>/<deviceName> critical/cleared set/clear
Details When the status is set, the Multiservice Data Manager (MDM)
workstation has lost its IP connection to the indicated network
element. The cause of the failure is a problem with the
communications links connecting the workstation and the
network element or a failure on the network element itself.
When the status is clear, connectivity has been restored.
This alarm is generated by MDM on behalf of the network
element. The time-stamp of the alarm is based on the
workstation time.
For Multiservice Switch (MSS) network elements, MDM tries to
emulate the network element time-frame by tagging these
alarms with a GMT time adjusted with a configured offset
(FDTM servers command line, see the section on FDTM in
Nortel Multiservice Data Manager AdministrationServer
Management (NN10470-310). If no offset is configured on
FDTM, the alarms time frame is therefore GMT.
For Multiservice Provider Edge (MPE) network elements, MDM
tries to emulate the network element time-frame by
remembering the offset specified in the last message received
from the network element and use it when generating this
Probable cause equipment failure
Type equipment
Remedial action Check the communication link connecting the workstation and
the network element. Also ensure that the network element has
not failed. If you cannot detect a problem in the communication
link, the physical link, or the network element itself, and the
problem persists, contact Nortel Customer Support.
0999 0002
Component Severity Status
<deviceType>/<deviceName> critical/cleared set/clear
0999 0003
Component Severity Status
<deviceType>/<deviceName> critical/warning/ set/clear
0999 0004
Component Severity Status
<deviceType>/<deviceName> major/cleared set/clear
0999 0010
Component Severity Status
PM/<component id> major/cleared set/clear
0999 0011
Component Severity Status
<deviceType>/<component id> major/cleared set/clear
0999 0012
Component Severity Status
EM/<component id> major/cleared set/clear
Details (continued) If two fault collector servers (FMDRs) generate two active proxy
alarms on the same component, only one is kept. Also, it is
possible for one FMDR server to generate a proxy alarm
against a component (e.g. due to a state-walk resulting from a
loss of connection) while an actual alarm still exists on that
same component from another FMDR server that has not lost
connection. This doubling up is temporary and the proxy alarm
will automatically be cleared when the real problem is solved on
the network element.
Probable cause unknown
Type unknown
Remedial action Treat proxy alarms as you would treat regular alarms and use
them to troubleshoot network problems.
0999 0013
Component Severity Status
<deviceType>/<deviceName> major/warning/ set/clear
[<component type>/<component instance>]
0999 0014
Component Severity Status
<deviceType>/<deviceName> major/warning/ set/clear
[<component type>/<component instance>]
0999 0100
Component Severity Status
<deviceType>/<deviceName> warning message
3010 0000
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> APP <application name> major/cleared set/clear
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the workstation generating the error
<application name> is the server on the Nortel Multiservice
Data Manager workstation that has stopped or restarted
Details This alarm is generated by the Server Manager (SVM). It is
issued when the key Nortel Multiservice Data Manager server
application is stopped and restarted.
This alarm contains COMMENT text information that describes
the name of the server application. In the SET alarm, the
COMMENT text contains the signal # that caused the
application to stop. In the CLEAR alarm, the COMMENT text
contains the current number of restart times, out of the total
restarted times allowed for this application.
Probable cause
Remedial action Verify that no one on the workstation terminated the application.
If the application restarts on its own (as it is supposed to do)
there is no problem. However, if the application cannot restart,
review the failure code and refer to Multiservice Data Manager
documentation for more information.
3010 0700
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> GROUP <MSS group name> warning msg
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the workstation generating the error
<MSS group name> is the name of the unreachable network
element group
Details This alarm is issued when the Nortel Multiservice Data
Manager host cannot reach the indicated group to perform a
TODchangeover command.
Probable cause
Remedial action Verify that the group is included in the HGDS.cfg file and that
this group name was specified using capital letters. Verify that
the user ID and password for this group are valid. Execute the
command again using the correct parameters.
3010 0701
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> PP <MSS warning msg
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the workstation generating the error
<MSS nodeID/nodename> is the nodeID or nodename of the
unreachable node
Details This alarm is issued when Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
host cannot reach the indicated node to query the current time
Probable cause
Remedial action Verify that the specified node is active and accessible. Verify
that the userID and password for this node are valid. If the
userID or password are different than those used by the other
nodes in the group, have the userID and password added or
changed on the affected node. If the node was unavailable
during the execution of the TODchangeover, execute the
command again after the node has returned to service.
3010 0702
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> PP <MSS warning msg
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the workstation generating the error
<MSS nodeID/nodename> is the nodeID or nodename of the
unreachable node
This alarm is issued when Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
host cannot reach the indicated node to set the current time
Probable cause
Remedial action Verify that the specified node is active and accessible. Verify
that the userID and password are valid. If the userID or
password is different than those used by the other nodes in the
group, have the userID and password added or changed on the
affected node. If the node was unavailable during the execution
of the TODchangeover, execute the command again after the
node has returned to service.
3010 0703
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> APPL TODCHANGEOVER warning msg
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the workstation generating the error
Details This alarm is issued when the TODchangeover command failed
due to incorrectly specified parameters.
Probable cause
Remedial action Check the log file associated with this application to determine
which parameter was incorrectly specified. Execute the
command again with the correct parameters.
3010 0801
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> APP/PPAUTOPATCH minor set
cleared clear
3010 0802
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> APP/PPAUTOPATCH minor set
cleared clear
3010 0803
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> APP/PPAUTOPATCH major set
NODES/<nodes> cleared
3010 0820
Component Severity Status
EM/<node name> cleared clear
Legend <node name> is the name of the network element for which
automatic patch downloading tasks failed to complete.
Details If the status is set, an instance of the auto-patch process did not
complete the auto-patch downloading tasks for the network
element identified by <node name>. The MDM server name is
included in the comment text of the alarm.
A clear is issued each time that the process successfully
completes the auto-patch downloading tasks for the network
element identified by <node name>. The MDM server name is
included in the comment text of the alarm.
After performing the remedial action below, manually clear the
alarm before attempting to perform the auto-patch process a
second time. If the download fails again, a new alarm is
propagated and the MDM captures the cause of the new failure
in the comment text. If you do not manually clear the previous
alarm, the new alarm is treated as a duplicate and is dropped.
Probable cause Unknown
Type Processing
Remedial action Check the log files to determine which aspects of the execution
have succeeded and which have failed to complete.
If the network element could not be identified by the MDM,
ensure that the MDM server processes are configured properly.
If the MDM does not have IP connectivity to the network
element, this problem is independent of the auto-patch process.
There should be other alarms in the MDM Alarm Display to
indicate this problem.
If the MDM has IP connectivity to the network element but
cannot authenticate with the network element, ensure that the
access userID and password on the network element are valid.
If the access userID and password are invalid, restart the auto-
patch process with the correct authentication parameters.
If the MDM has IP connectivity to the network element and can
authenticate the network element but cannot access or
authenticate with the SDS, restart the auto-patch process using
the correct SDS access/authentication parameters.
Another administrator or engineer may be performing a
mutually exclusive task that has caused the download to fail.
If the missed patches are required before the process is
scheduled to run again, the missed patches can be manually
downloaded and manually applied. If the missed patches are
not required immediately, allow the process to complete the
task on the next scheduled attempt.
3010 0821
Component Severity Status
EM/<node name> cleared clear
Legend <node name> is the name of the network element for which
automatic patch application tasks failed to complete.
Details If the status is set, an instance of the auto-patch process did not
complete the patch application tasks for the network element
identified by <node name>. The MDM server name is included
in the comment text of the alarm.
A clear is issued each time that the process successfully
completes the patch application tasks for the network element
identified by <node name>. The MDM server name is included
in the comment text of the alarm.
After performing the remedial action below, manually clear the
alarm before attempting to perform the auto-patch process a
second time. If the download fails again, a new alarm is
propagated and the MDM captures the cause of the new failure
in the comment text. If you do not manually clear the previous
alarm, the new alarm is treated as a duplicate and is dropped.
Probable cause Unknown
Type Processing
Remedial action Check the log files to determine which aspects of the execution
have succeeded and which have failed to complete.
If the log files provide the required information, logon to the
indicated MSS node to resolve the issue.
If the auto-patch process specifies -apply without the -download
command parameter, perform the Remedial action described
for alarm 3010 0820 before taking the remedial action below.
You may also run the auto-patch process again and specify the
-log_verbose command line parameter to collect query patch
information. If -log_verbose is specified, view the patch query
output file /opt/MagellanNMS/data/log/ppautopatch/
<YYYYMMDDThhmmss>.status. Then logon to the MSS node
to resolve the issue.
You can also directly perform MSS commands to diagnose and
resolve the issue. When the patch download has completed
successfully, you can manually apply the patches at anytime.
3010 0823
Component Severity Status
EM/<node name> cleared clear
Legend <node name> is the name of the network element for which
automatic untar tasks fail to complete.
Details If the status is set, an instance of the auto-patch process failed
complete the auto-patch untar tasks for the network element
identified by <node name>.
A clear alarm is issued each time the ppautopatch process
starts to perform the auto-patch untar task.
Probable cause Unknown
Type Processing
Remedial action Check the log file in /opt/MagellanNMS/data/log/ppautopatch/
directory to determine which aspects of the execution have
succeeded and which have failed to complete.
If the network element could not be identified by the MDM,
ensure that the MDM server processes are configured properly.
If the MDM does not have IP connectivity to the network
element, this problem is independent of the auto-patch process.
There should be other alarms in the MDM Alarm Display to
indicate this problem.
If the MDM has IP connectivity to the network element but
cannot authenticate with the network element, ensure that the
access userID and password on the network element are valid.
If the access userID and password are invalid, restart the auto-
patch process with the correct authentication parameters.
Make sure /bin/tar command is installed correctly.
Check SDS hosts are mounted onto correct mount point.
Check proper permission is assigned to current user if any
access error occurs.
Check the required patch tar files are stored in the correct
Check the integrity of patch tar files using tar command
Log in to MSS to check its shelf type. Only 7k, 9k, or 15k is
supported in release 16.2 .
3011 0100
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> DISK <id> critical/major/ set/clear
3011 01FF
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> cleared cleared
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the workstation generating the error
Details This alarm is generated by workstation surveillance. It is issued
at startup to clear outstanding alarms against disk components.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
3011 0200
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> CPU critical/major/ set/clear
3011 0210
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> CPU/<id> critical/cleared set/clear
Use the command psr info to get more information on the status
of all CPUs or on a specific CPU.
Probable cause
Remedial action Contact the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager administrator
and the workstation administrator and apprise them of the
resource alarm.
3011 02FF
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> cleared clear
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the workstation generating the error
Details This alarm is generated by workstation surveillance. It is issued
at startup to clear outstanding alarms against CPU
Probable cause
Remedial action none
3011 0300
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MEMORY critical/major/ set/clear
3011 03FF
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> cleared clear
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the workstation generating the error
Details This alarm is generated by workstation surveillance. It is issued
at startup to clear outstanding alarms against the MEMORY
Probable cause
Remedial action none
3011 0401
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> PORT <ip_addr> major/cleared set/clear
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the workstation generating the error
<ip_addr> is the IP address assigned to the Ethernet port.
Details This alarm is generated by workstation surveillance. It is issued
when the port at the indicated IP address is out of service. This
alarm contains COMMENT text information that identifies the
component. When the alarm clears, the COMMENT text
information indicates that the component is back in service.
There are no threshold values that trigger this alarm.
Probable cause
Remedial action Contact the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager administrator
and the workstation administrator and apprise them of the
resource alarm.
3011 04FF
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> cleared clear
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the workstation generating the error
Details This alarm is generated by workstation surveillance. It is issued
at startup to clear outstanding alarms against PORT
Probable cause
Remedial action none
3011 0501
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> CONNECTION <ip_addr> critical/cleared set/clear
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the workstation generating the error
<ip_addr> is the IP address of the remote workstation.
Details This alarm is generated by workstation surveillance. It is issued
when the connection to either a remote peer Nortel Multiservice
Data Manager workstation or a common device is lost. This
alarm contains COMMENT text information that identifies the
remote peer workstation or the device. When the alarm clears,
the COMMENT text indicates that the connection to the peer
workstation or the device has been re-established and
redundancy is restored.
There are no threshold values that trigger this alarm.
Probable cause
Remedial action Contact the Multiservice Data Manager administrator and the
workstation administrator and apprise them of the resource
3011 05FF
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> cleared clear
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the workstation generating the error
Details This alarm is generated by workstation surveillance. It is issued
at startup to clear outstanding alarms against CONNECTION
Probable cause
Remedial action none
3011 0600
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> SDS <logical disk name> critical/cleared set/clear
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the workstation generating the error
<logical disk name> is the logical disk name used by Solstice
Disk Suite (SDS).
Details This alarm is generated by workstation surveillance. It is issued
when the redundancy of the SDS disk mirroring system fails.
This alarm contains comment text that identifies the file system
that is jeopardized. When the alarm clears, the comment text
indicates that the redundancy of the file system is restored.
There are no threshold values that trigger this alarm. This alarm
is generated only by the machine that has SDS installed.
Probable cause
Remedial action Contact the Nortel Multiservice Data Manager administrator
and the workstation administrator and apprise them of the
resource alarm.
3011 06FF
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> cleared clear
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the workstation generating the error
Details This alarm is generated by workstation surveillance. It is issued
at startup to clear outstanding alarms against SDS
Probable cause
Remedial action none
3012 0001
Component Severity Status
NMS_APP/CFGAUDIT EM/<node name> major set
3012 0002
Component Severity Status
NMS_APP/CFGAUDIT EM/<node name> major set
3013 0001
Component Severity Status
NMS/<ws name> APP/BACKUP EM/<node warning msg
50XX 00XX
Component Severity Status
<xx> /<component id> major/cleared set/clear
50XX 01XX
Component Severity Status
<xx> /<component id> major/cleared set/clear
50XX 02XX
Component Severity Status
<xx> /<component id> major/cleared set/clear
5004 0001
Component Severity Status
Network major set
Legend none
Details The SNMP Integrator has received an invalid SNMP poll
response. Operator data contains in the first 4-bytes, the source
code location, and in the next 4-bytes, further information to be
used for debugging.
Comment text contains the IP address of where the poll
response is originated.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0002
Component Severity Status
Network major set
Legend none
Details The SNMP Integrator has received an invalid SNMP trap
Operator data contains in the first 4-bytes, the source code
location, and in the next 4-bytes, further information to be used
for debugging.
Comment text contains the Internet address of where the poll
response is originated.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0003
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details A software error has occurred.
Operator data contains in the first 4-bytes, the source code
location, and in the next 4-bytes, further information to be used
for debugging.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0004
Component Severity Status
Engineering major set
Legend none
Details An overrun condition is encountered during polling. It occurs
when the actual poll interval device exceeds the poll interval
defined in the network element configuration file. The probable
cause is due to improper engineering of the polling parameters:
time-out, number of retry, and poll interval.
Operator data contains in the first 4-bytes, the source code
location, and in the next 4-bytes, the actual poll interval.
Comment text contains: Polling frequency overrun.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0005
Component Severity Status
Engineering major set
Legend none
Details The SNMP GET response message indicates that there is an
error for the requested MIB variable.
Operator data contains in the first 4-bytes, the source code
location, and in the next 4-bytes, the error code as follows:
1. tooBig
2. noSuchName
3. badValue
4. readOnly
5. genErr
Consult Internet Standard RFC 1157, Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) for more meanings of this error
Comment text contains the Internet address of where the poll
response message is originated and the symbolic name of the
MIB variable.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0006
Component Severity Status
Engineering major set
Legend none
Details An overrun condition is encountered during PING polling. It
occurs when the actual poll interval device exceeds the poll
interval defined in the network element configuration file. The
probable cause is due to improper engineering of the polling
parameters: timeout, number of retry, and poll interval.
Operator data contains in the first 4-bytes, the source code
location, and in the next 4-bytes, the actual poll interval.
Comment text contains: Polling frequency overrun.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0007
Component Severity Status
Network major set
Legend none
Details The SNMP trap message received contains a MIB variable that
the SNMP Integrator cannot translate into a symbolic form.
Operator data contains the MIB variable in a numeric format.
For example, the MIB variable will be shown as
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0100
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The RTR X25 link named in this alarm has gone down. Check
whether the device has been shut down on purpose. If not,
check the physical connection first, then the network path to this
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0101
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The RTR X25 link named in this alarm has gone into testing
mode. The interface should be considered unavailable for
operational data.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0102
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The RTR FR link named in this alarm has gone down. Check
whether the device has been shut down on purpose. If not,
check the physical connection first, then the network path to this
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0103
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The RTR FR link named in this alarm has gone into testing
mode. The interface should be considered unavailable for
operational data.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0104
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The RTR EPO link named in this alarm has gone down. Check
whether the device has been shut down on purpose. If not,
check the physical connection first, then the network path to this
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0105
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The RTR EPO link named in this alarm has gone into testing
mode. The interface should be considered unavailable for
operational data.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0106
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The HUB EPO link named in this alarm has gone down. Check
whether the device has been shut down on purpose. If not,
check the physical connection first, then the network path to this
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0107
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The HUB EPO link named in this alarm has gone into testing
mode. The interface should be considered unavailable for
operational data.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0108
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The BR EPO link named in this alarm has gone down. Check
whether the device has been shut down on purpose. If not,
check the physical connection first, then the network path to this
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0109
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The BR EPO link named in this alarm has gone into testing
mode. The interface should be considered unavailable for
operational data.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0110
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The SLAN SBR B_EPO link named in this alarm has gone
down. Check whether the device has been shut down on
purpose. If not, check the physical connection first, then the
network path to this device.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0111
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The SLAN SBR B_EPO link named in this alarm has gone into
testing mode. The interface should be considered unavailable
for operational data.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0112
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The SLAN SHUB H_EPO link named in this alarm has gone
down. Check whether the device has been shut down on
purpose. If not, check the physical connection first, then the
network path to this device.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0113
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The SLAN SHUB H_EPO link named in this alarm has gone into
testing mode. The interface should be considered unavailable
for operational data.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0114
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The SLAN PRT P_EPO link named in this alarm has gone
down. Check whether the device has been shut down on
purpose. If not, check the physical connection first, then the
network path to this device.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0115
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The SLAN PRT P_EPO link named in this alarm has gone into
testing mode. The interface should be considered unavailable
for operational data.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0116
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The SLAN FS F_EPO link named in this alarm has gone down.
Check whether the device has been shut down on purpose. If
not, check the physical connection first, then the network path
to this device.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0117
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The SLAN FS F_EPO link named in this alarm has gone into
testing mode. The interface should be considered unavailable
for operational data.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0118
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The SLAN WS W_EPO link named in this alarm has gone
down. Check whether the device has been shut down on
purpose. If not, check the physical connection first, then the
network path to this device.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0119
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The SLAN WS W_EPO link named in this alarm has gone into
testing mode. The interface should be considered unavailable
for operational data.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0120
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The SLAN SRTR R_X25 link named in this alarm has gone
down. Check whether the device has been shut down on
purpose. If not, check the physical connection first, then the
network path to this device.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0121
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The SLAN SRTR R_X25 link named in this alarm has gone into
testing mode. The interface should be considered unavailable
for operational data.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0122
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The SLAN SRTR R_EPO link named in this alarm has gone
down. Check whether the device has been shut down on
purpose. If not, check the physical connection first, then the
network path to this device.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0123
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The SLAN SRTR R_EPO link named in this alarm has gone into
testing mode. The interface should be considered unavailable
for operational data.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0124
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The SLAN SRTR R_FR link named in this alarm has gone
down. Check whether the device has been shut down on
purpose. If not, check the physical connection first, then the
network path to this device.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0125
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The SLAN SRTR R_FR link named in this alarm has gone into
testing mode. The interface should be considered unavailable
for operational data.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0126
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The ERTR S_X25 link named in this alarm has gone down.
Check whether the device has been shut down on purpose. If
not, check the physical connection first, then the network path
to this device.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0127
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The ERTR S_X25 link named in this alarm has gone into testing
mode. The interface should be considered unavailable for
operational data.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0128
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The ERTR S_FR link named in this alarm has gone down.
Check whether the device has been shut down on purpose. If
not, check the physical connection first, then the network path
to this device.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0129
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The ERTR S_FR link named in this alarm has gone into testing
mode. The interface should be considered unavailable for
operational data.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0130
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The ERTR EPO link named in this alarm has gone down. Check
whether the device has been shut down on purpose. If not,
check the physical connection first, then the network path to this
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 0131
Component Severity Status
Software major set
Legend none
Details The ERTR EPO link named in this alarm has gone into testing
mode. The interface should be considered unavailable for
operational data.
Probable cause
Remedial action none
5004 8888
Component Severity Status
<deviceType>/<deviceName> major set
5004 FFFF
Component Severity Status
<deviceType>/<deviceName> cleared clear
6000 0001
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process cannot open an input file.
Probable cause
Remedial action Ensure that the indicated file exists and has adequate
6000 0005
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process cannot open an output file.
Probable cause
Remedial action Ensure that the parent directory of the output file has adequate
permissions and that sufficient disk space is available.
6000 0010
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process cannot open a configuration file.
Probable cause
Remedial action Ensure that the indicated file exists and has adequate
permissions. If the indicated file does not exist, refer to Nortel
Multiservice Data Manager FundamentalsMDP Data
Collection (NN10470-309) for information about configuring the
indicated process.
6000 0015
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process is providing critical information.
Probable cause
Remedial action No action is required.
6000 0020
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process cannot access the indicated directory.
Probable cause
Remedial action Ensure that the indicated directory exists and has adequate
permissions. If the indicated directory does not exist and should
be under /opt/MagellanMDP, use the MDP Flexible Directory
Installation application gmdpinst to re-install the missing
6000 0025
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process cannot access the indicated directory.
Probable cause
Remedial action Ensure that the indicated directory exists and has adequate
permissions. If the indicated directory does not exist and should
be under /opt/MagellanMDP, use the MDP Flexible Directory
Installation application gmdpinst to re-install the missing
6000 0030
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process expected to find a directory but instead
found a file.
Probable cause
Remedial action If this is as a result of a command line parameter, re-run the
command and specify the correct directory. If the indicated
directory should be under /opt/MagellanMDP, use the MDP
Flexible Directory Installation application gmdpinst to re-install
the directory.
6000 0035
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process cannot close the indicated file.
Probable cause
Remedial action Ensure that sufficient disk space is available.
6000 0040
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process has encountered an invalid file name
Probable cause
Remedial action To determine the correct file name format, refer to Nortel
Multiservice Data Manager FundamentalsMDP Data
Collection (NN10470-309).
6000 0045
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process has made a system call to the operating
system and the system call has failed.
Probable cause
Remedial action Refer to the message details.
6000 0100
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The userID used to run this process was not a valid MDP user.
Probable cause
Remedial action Run the process using a valid userID.
6000 0105
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The process cannot determine the userID of the current user.
Probable cause
Remedial action Run the process using a valid userID.
6000 0106
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The process cannot determine the identity of the MDP
Probable cause
Remedial action The MDP administrator is assumed to be the owner of the
/opt/MagellanMDP/cfg/mdp. Ensure that this directory is
accessible and is owned by the MDP administrator.
6000 0110
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The process cannot use the MDP administrator userID or
Probable cause
Remedial action Ensure that a valid MDP administrator userID and group have
been created.
6000 0120
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details Another instance of this process is running. Some MDP
processes can have only one instance running, to preserve file
Probable cause
Remedial action Stop the first instance of a process before starting another.
Issue the command 'ps -ef | grep <process name>' to check the
running processes.
6000 0121
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The MDP Disk Manager is not running. The MDP Disk Manager
must be running before the MDP File Managers can start.
Probable cause
Remedial action Configure the MDP Disk Manager using the MDP configuration
application gmdpconfig.
If the MDP Disk Manager is configured but not started, start the
MDP Disk Manager using the MDM Server Administration
system. For more information about the MDM Server
Administration system, see Nortel Multiservice Data Manager
Administration (NN10470-303).
6000 0150
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details A valid MDP software license cannot be found. The license may
have expired or the license file may be corrupt.
Probable cause
Remedial action Contact your Nortel Customer Support to get a new license.
6000 0200
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process has aborted due to a received signal.
Probable cause
Remedial action Restart the process.
6000 0220
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process has a command line error.
Probable cause
Remedial action Use the option -help to determine the correct command line
6000 0300
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process has encountered a configuration error.
The configuration file for this process is corrupt or contains an
invalid value.
Probable cause
Remedial action Configure the process using the MDP configuration application
6000 0320
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details A module file is corrupt.
Probable cause
Remedial action Re-run the MDP Topology Generator.
6000 0325
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated record description file (RDF) is corrupt.
Probable cause
Remedial action If this is a user-defined RDF, inspect the RDF for errors.
If this is a default Nortel-supplied RDF, contact your Nortel
Customer Support.
6000 0350
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details An error was encountered while decoding a record. The data
file is not compatible with the RDF.
Probable cause
Remedial action Determine if the data file or the RDF are corrupt.
Ensure that the correct RDF is being used with the data file.
6000 0400
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details An invalid group name has been specified.
Probable cause
Remedial action Specify a valid group name.
6000 1000
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process cannot open the schema file database.
Probable cause
Remedial action Ensure that the following directories have permissions of 755
and are owned by the MDP administrator: /opt/MagellanMDP/
Ensure that the schema files /opt/MagellanMDP/lib/mdp/
schema/<switch>/<datatype>/* are readable by the MDP
administrator userID.
6000 1100
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details A raw input data file, received from a network element, is
Probable cause
Remedial action Contact your Nortel Customer Support.
6000 2000
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The data model being parsed is corrupt.
Probable cause
Remedial action Re-run the process that produced this error using a new data
model (or run using a different Multiservice Switch). If the error
persists, contact your Nortel Customer Support.
6000 2010
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process could not determine the version of the
latest data model.
Probable cause
Remedial action Contact your Nortel Customer Support.
6000 2015
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details A data model could not be found on the network element.
Probable cause
Remedial action Attempt to run the Schema Generator using another data
model. If the error persists, contact your Nortel Customer
6000 2030
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated record content file (RCF) is corrupt.
Probable cause
Remedial action Update the indicated RCF with corrected content.
6000 2050
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The specified directory already exists.
Probable cause
Remedial action Re-run the process using a different directory or remove the
specified directory.
6000 2100
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details Errors have occurred while downloading a data model from the
Multiservice Switch.
Probable cause
Remedial action Ensure connectivity to the network element and ensure that the
Multiservice Switch userID and password have the necessary
6000 2110
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process cannot uncompress/untar the indicated
Probable cause
Remedial action Ensure that the permissions of the indicated file and the parent
directory are sufficient. Ensure that sufficient disk space is
6000 2120
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details An invalid loadname was specified.
Probable cause
Remedial action Specify a valid loadname.
6000 2150
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details Fields specified in the RDF are missing in the corresponding
schema file.
Probable cause
Remedial action Run /opt/MagellanMDP/bin/schemagen on the MSS data
6000 2500
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The Multiservice Data Manager (MDM) software is not installed
Probable cause
Remedial action Re-install and configure the MDM software.
6000 3000
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The MDP Data Model Manager (mdpdmm) could not be
Probable cause
Remedial action Ensure that the port configured for use by the mdpdmm does
not conflict with other services.
6000 3500
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details A problem has occurred while manipulating the MDP File Mover
.todo files.
Probable cause
Remedial action Ensure that the file permissions of the .todo file in the directory
/opt/MagellanMDP/data/mdp/dump/<datatype> are sufficient.
Check for the retransmission of data files.
6000 9000
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The MDP software is not installed correctly.
Probable cause
Remedial action Re-install the MDP software and run gmdpinst. If the error
persists, contact your Nortel Customer Support.
6000 9010
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The MDP workstation is out of memory.
Probable cause
Remedial action Re-evaluate the engineering requirements for this workstation.
Temporarily, you can stop other processes and restart the
failed process.
6000 9100
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process has terminated with errors.
Probable cause
Remedial action Refer to the log file for details.
6000 9110
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The schema database is corrupt.
Probable cause
Remedial action If you are running the BDF Converter from the command line,
re-run the BDF Converter using the option -force. If the error
persists, contact your Nortel Customer Support.
6000 9999
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> critical message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details An internal error has occurred.
Probable cause
Remedial action Contact your Nortel Customer Support.
6001 0000
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details An error has occurred.
Probable cause
Remedial action This message is for information purposes, only. No action is
6001 0001
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process cannot access the indicated file.
Probable cause
Remedial action Ensure that the permissions of the indicated file are sufficient.
Ensure that sufficient disk space is available.
6001 0045
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details A system call to the operating system has failed.
Probable cause
Remedial action Refer to the log file for details.
6001 0070
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The File Prober failed to connect to the File Prober host.
Probable cause
Remedial action Check the connectivity of the File Prober host and ensure that
the File Prober userID and password are correct.
6001 0090
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details A file transfer failed to complete.
Probable cause
Remedial action Retry the FTP transfer.
6001 0100
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The workstation failed to connect to the network element.
Probable cause
Remedial action Ensure connectivity to the network element and ensure that the
Multiservice Switch userID and password have the necessary
6001 0174
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details Connectivity to the IMDR workstation has been lost.
Probable cause
Remedial action Check connectivity to the IMDR host. Ensure that the IMDR is
active on either the local MDP workstation or the Multiservice
Data Manager workstation specified in the MDP Surveillance
6001 0320
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details A module file is corrupt.
Probable cause
Remedial action Re-run the MDP Topology Generator.
6001 0500
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details A data conversion has failed.
Probable cause
Remedial action Contact your Nortel Customer Support.
6001 0550
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details This message provides a summary of the number of error
records in a raw data file.
Probable cause
Remedial action Contact your Nortel Customer Support.
6001 0700
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details A duplicate raw data file has been received from the network
Probable cause
Remedial action No action is required.
6001 0900
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major set
Dir<directory name>
cleared clear
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
<directory name> is the name of the directory
Details Available disk space for the indicated directory is insufficient to
continue processing.
Probable cause
Remedial action Re-evaluate the engineering requirements for this workstation.
Temporarily, you can remove files on the disk to increase
available disk space.
6001 1000
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The BDF file format is invalid.
Probable cause
Remedial action If the BDF file was updated or corrupted after conversion,
recreate the BDF file from the raw data file. If the BDF file was
not manually updated, contact your Nortel Customer Support.
6001 1500
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details A field exists in the original RDF but not in the data model being
Probable cause
Remedial action Ensure that the data model is the latest available data model.
6001 2000
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details There was a problem with FMIP communication between the
MDP workstation and a network element.
Probable cause
Remedial action If the problem persists, contact your Nortel Customer Support.
6001 2500
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The specified component does not exist.
Probable cause
Remedial action Either the component name is incorrect or the component is not
provisioned on the network element.
6001 3000
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details Due to traffic congestion, the network element is too busy to
send polled information.
Probable cause
Remedial action Increase the polling interval or reduce the number of
components polled.
6001 4000
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details A record in a raw data file is corrupt.
Probable cause
Remedial action Contact your Nortel Customer Support.
6001 4100
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The schema database is corrupt.
Probable cause
Remedial action Stop and re-start the File Manager. If you are running the BDF
Converter from the command line, re-run using the option -
force. If the problem persists, contact your Nortel Customer
6001 9011
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details A cronjob error has occurred.
Probable cause
Remedial action Ensure that the MDP administrator userID is able to create/
delete a cronjob.
6001 9098
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated process has made a system call to the operating
system and the system call has failed.
Probable cause
Remedial action Refer to the message details.
6001 9099
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details An internal error has occurred.
Probable cause
Remedial action Contact your Nortel Customer Support.
6001 9999
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> major message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details An internal error has occurred.
Probable cause
Remedial action Contact your Nortel Customer Support.
6002 0000
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> warning message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details This message is for information purposes, only.
Probable cause
Remedial action No action is required.
6002 0900
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> warning message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The available disk space will soon be insufficient to continue
Probable cause
Remedial action Re-evaluate the engineering requirements for this workstation.
Temporarily, you can remove files on the disk to increase
available disk space.
6002 1000
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> warning message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details An unknown attribute was encountered in a raw data file.
Probable cause
Remedial action Run schemagen.
6002 1020
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> warning message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details Corrupt records were encountered during processing.
Probable cause
Remedial action Contact your Nortel Customer Support.
6002 2000
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> warning message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The current MDP configuration does not enable processing of
the indicated file types.
Probable cause
Remedial action If you do not require processing of the indicated file types,
ignore this message. If you require processing of the indicated
file types, reconfigure the MDP software to perform this
6002 2030
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> warning message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The indicated record content file (RCF) is corrupt.
Probable cause
Remedial action Update the indicated RCF with corrected content.
6002 3000
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> warning message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details Due to traffic congestion, the network element is too busy to
send polled information.
Probable cause
Remedial action Increase the polling interval or reduce the number of
components polled.
6003 0000
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> warning message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details This message is for information purposes, only.
Probable cause
Remedial action No action is required.
6003 0001
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> warning message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The MDP has begun processing of the indicated raw data file.
Probable cause
Remedial action No action is required.
6003 0002
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> warning message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The MDP has successfully completed processing of the
indicated raw data file.
Probable cause
Remedial action No action is required.
6003 0010
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> warning message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details The MDP has completed processing of the indicated raw data
file. Errors were encountered. This message indicates the
number of errors encountered.
Probable cause
Remedial action No action is required.
6003 0020
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> warning message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details This message indicates the number of: records, unsupported
records, and error records found in a file.
Probable cause
Remedial action No action is required.
6004 0000
Component Severity Status
NMS/<w/s name> MDP<application name> warning message
Legend <w/s name> is the name of the MDP workstation that generated
the error
<application name> is the name of the MDP process that
generated the error
Details This message is for information purposes, only.
Probable cause
Remedial action No action is required.
7042 0004
Component Severity Status
Lp/<num1> <type>/<num2> major/cleared set/clear
Legends <num1> = 0 - 15
<type> = DS3, E1, DS1, SONET, and SDH
<num2> = 0 - n, where n is 1 less than the number of
ports supported on the card type
Details When one CES connection is failed, the set alarm will
be raised against the CES interface that the CES
connection relates to.
The alarm is cleared when all connections associated
with the CES interface are back in service.
Probable cause VC inactive
Type Communications
Remedial action Check the connectionStatus of CES connection that is
associated with the physical port. If the
connectionStatus is atmNotReady, check the ATM
If the connectionStatus is channelNotReady, check
the physical port or logical port associated with
If the connectionStatus is atmNotConfigured, check
the configuration of aal1Ces subcomponent.
Component Severity Status
<xx> /<component id> major/cleared set/clear
Component Severity Status
<xx> /<component id> major/cleared set/clear
Component Severity Status
C000 0000
Component Severity Status
<device type>/<device name> warning set
minor set
major set
critical set
cleared clear
C000 0001
Component Severity Status
<device type>/<device name> warning set
minor set
major set
critical set
cleared clear
C000 0002
Component Severity Status
<device type>/<device name> IF/<IF name> major set
critical set
cleared clear
C000 0004
Component Severity Status
<device type>/<device name> SECURITY warning message
warning set
minor set
major set
critical set
cleared clear
C001 9999
Component Severity Status
GEN/<device name> indeterminate message
Legend <device name> is the name of the device that has issued the
corresponding SNMP trap.
Details A device specific trap has been received for which the generic
SNMP device driver has no translation.
Probable cause unknown
Type unknown
Remedial action Take appropriate action for the specific trap received.
Publication: NN10470-501
Document status: Standard
Document issue: 01.02
Document date: May 2007
Product release: 16.2
Job function: Fault and Performance Management
Type: NTP
Language type: U.S. English
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