Historical Steelwork Handbook-Secure
Historical Steelwork Handbook-Secure
Historical Steelwork Handbook-Secure
Properties of U .K . and European
Cast Iron, Wrought Iron and Steel
Sections including Design, Load and
Stress Data since the Mid 19th
Published by
The British Constructional Steelwork Association Limited
4 Whitehall Court, Westminster, London SW1A 2ES
Telephone: 071-839 8566
UDC 624.94.014 .2
ISBN 0850730155
Bates, W.
Historical structural steelwork handbook .
1. Commercial buildings - Handbooks, manuals, etc.
2. Structural frames - Handbooks, manuals, etc.
3. Columns, Iron and steel - Handbooks, manuals etc.
4. Trusses - Handbooks, manuals, etc.
5. Industrial buildings - Handbooks, manuals, etc.
I. Title
693 .71 TH4311
Although care has been taken to ensure, to the best of its knowledge, that all data
and information contained herein is accurate to the extent that it relates to either
matters of fact or accepted practice or matters of opinion at the time of publication,
The British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd does not assume responsibility
for any errors in or misinterpretations of such data and/or information or any loss or
damage arising from or related to its use. Copyright of the contents of this publication
belongs to The British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd, 4 Whitehall Court,
Westminster, London SW1A 2ES. It may not be copied in any form or stored in a
retrieval system without the BCSAs permission .
This book is one of a series of publications produced by the BCSA to give practical
advice and guidance to all personnel engaged in working with structural steelwork in
the construction industry . For details of other publications contact the BCSA .
One of the most regular questions the BCSA is asked as part of its advisory service to the public is to
identify a steel section from its accessible dimensions and suggest ways of determining its load bearing
capacity .
This publication has been prepared to enable clients, architects, and engineers to have a comprehensive
guide to the various factors that need to be considered in assessing the load bearing capacity of an existing
steel framed building . The text is supplemented with advice on how to proceed with such structural
investigations and deriving additional data by simple calculation .
The author was the Chief Structural Engineer of Redpath Dorman Long and has had wide experience of
this type of work .
This book can be summarised as being a guide to over a century of building in iron and steel sections con-
taining information on properties of materials, profiles, loads and stresses .
In compiling this work the author has received help and encouragement from sources too numerous to
mention in detail . However special reference must be made to :
British Standards Institution
Institution of Structural Engineers
London County Council
British Steel Corporation
to former colleagues and to the very many people with whom he serves on technical committees both in
this country, and in Europe . Without their help so freely given this publication could not have been com-
piled in its present form .
Copies of current British Standards can be obtained from the British Standards Institution, Linford Wood,
Milton Keynes MK14 6LE.
Section 1 Introduction and Historical Notes
1 .1 Introduction ... ... .. . ., . ., . , 7
1 .2 Historical Notes ... ... .. . ... ., . , 7
Section 2 Materials
2.1 Introduction ... .., .. . ,., , , 8
2 .2 Cast iron as a structural material .. . .. . ... , .. 8
2.3 Wrought iron as a structural material .. . ... . 9
2 .4 Steel as a structural material .. . .. . ... . .. 9
2 .5 British Standard Specifications for structural steel ... . .. 9
2 .6 General .. . ... ... ... .. . ... . .. 11
6.4 Allowable stresses incolumns before 1QOO . .. ... . 54
8,4 .1 Genera . . . .. .. .. . .. .. - 54
6.4 .2 Eule,formula ... .. - .. .. ... 54
6.4 .3 Runkino's formula . .. .. . .. . .. . 64
6.4 .4 Other early column formulae .. .. . . .. .. 55
GAB early formulae . . .. . .. 55
GA .G .1 Cast Iron Colum,m ... . .. ... - . 55
G.452 Columns . .. .. .. 55
6.4 .5 .3 Mild StruuCohmmrm ... ... . .. ... . 67
S4 .6 .4 Comments on comparison and recommendations ... 57
6.5 stresses
Allowable K beams since 1900 57
G.5 .1 Cast !,on Beams - - . 57
SB2 Wrought Iron Beams 57
S5AI Mild Steel Bezims 57
~G Allowable stresses inoohumrm~nco1BDO . .. . 58
GA .1 Cwt Iron Columns ... . .. .. . ... . 58
6.6 .2 Wrought Iron Columns ... . .. .. . ... . .. 58
0A3 Mild Steel Columns . .. - .. . .. 58
O.O .3 .1 Mild SUM Columns to LCC 1909 58
GJG32 Mild SUM Columns to Moncrieff Formula 1909 - . .. 58
G633 Mild SUM Columnouo !&E 1927 . . . .. . 68
GAA Cohumnstmoe to BS44Q1Q37 - . ..~ ..~ 58
GA .5 Column stresses to8844B1Q48 ... . .~ - ... 58
GA]G Column stresses uoBS440after 1948 . .. .. . 82
GJ Ecuontric loads oncolumns . - .. .. 62
6 .8 High Strength Steels ... 62
Section 9 Miscellaneous
9.1 !,u,oduntion . .. . ... 73
9.2 Concrete encased stee!wo,k - - .. .. 73
R2 .1 G,i!lgobeumo ..~ .. . ..~ - .. .. 73
922 Fi!kr joist floo,oonotrvution . .. .. .. . 73
923 Beams supporting floor slabs . . .. . 73
82 .4 Concrete encased
vohumrm ... .. . - . .. . 73
93 Asymmetrical Sections .. .. - . .. . 73
93 .1 Wall beams . . .. - - . 73
932 Crane Gantry Girders . .. .. ... . .. 73
9 .4 Identification of material 75
95 Relationship between past and present .. ... ... 75
9 .5 .1 Material . . . .. - .. . .. 76
152 Load in9, . - ... .. . . 75
Q .53 Suosms . . . .. .. . .. . 75
9.6 Recommendations foxdesign . . . .. . 75
Section 10 Bibliography
1(l1 Bibliography . ... ... ... . .. .. 7G
List of Tables
Table 2.1 Ultimate Strengths of Cast Iron 1879 8
SECTION NO. 1 Introduction and Historical Notes
1 .1 Introduction
From time to time it is necessary to refurbish existing
buildings of which little is known other than the approxi-
mate period when construction took place .
It is possible to ascertain the shape and dimensions of
the existing structure by making a careful survey of the
premises . Having obtained this information a great deal of
extra detail is still required such as :-
(a) Probable material ie Cast Iron, Wrought Iron or
Steel .
(b) Technical properties of the different members .
(c) Origin of the members .
(ci) Strength of the material from which members
were made .
(e) Design loading at period of construction .
(f) Design stresses etc relative to the particular
material .
All this information can probably be found by access to
various sources of information, though few people would
know how to readily locate these sources .
Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the in-
formation given herein is accurate it must be appreciated
that gaps exist in some of the records which have been
consulted, and the author has attempted to bridge these
gaps in the interests of continuity .
1 .2 Historical Notes
Requirements regarding quality of material, shapes and
sizes, design loads and permissible stresses all developed
rapidly after the year 1900 when British Standards
Institution as it now is called first came into being, though
BSI must not be considered as the only authority as the
Institution of Structural Engineers, the Greater London
Council and Government departments have made major
contributions to regulations controlling construction .
The various ways in which each has played a part
are mentioned from time to time in the following text .
It should also be appreciated that many commercial
firms have also contributed in the effort to promote the
use of their products or of their technical skills . Again
references will be made to these firms when necessary .
During the years before 1900 however the engineers
designing or constructing using iron or steel products
had far more to say regarding design requirements, mater-
ials and shapes, factors of safety etc, and hence were
required to have a much greater knowledge of all the
aspects of construction including the properties of
materials and shapes than applies at the present time .
In order to contain this publication within reasonable
proportions it has been necessary to condense a great
deal of technical information . It can be assumed there-
fore that recommendations made regarding material
qualities, sizes etc are representative rather than inflexible,
and the following text should be treated in this way .
SECTION NO . 2 Materials
As the use of cast iron as a structural material was on the Mild steel has many of the properties of wrought iron,
decline when the BSI was first established little interest but with ultimate tensile and compressive strengths roughly
was shown in producing a detailed specification for the use equal ie between 28 and 32 tons/sq. inch .
of the material in structures . There are however a number In 1879 the following average values for the ultimate
of standards for cast iron as a material, and BS1452 1948 strength of mild steel were quoted :-
defines seven separate grades of cast iron with ultimate Ultimate strength in tension 32 tons/sq.in.
tensile strengths of 10, 12, 14, 17, 20, 23 and 26 tons/sq. Ultimate strength in compression 30 tons/sq.in.
inch . These grades and strength values can only be consid- Ultimate strength in shear 24 tons/sq.in .
ered of general interest. A factor of safety (usually of four) was adopted to ob-
tain the safe working stresses .
Structural steel quickly replaced wrought iron and by
2.3 Wrought Iron as a structural material the year 1900 few beams or other structural shapes were
Wrought iron was traditionally produced from cast iron by rolled in wrought iron .
the puddling process which consisted of raising the iron to a Developments in the manufacture and in the control of
high temperature in a reverberatory furnace where the quality and strength of steel are reflected in the British
carbon and other impurities were removed by a strong air Standard Specifications which are reviewed in 2 .5 .
blast, the iron being kept from direct contact with the fuel .
The carbon was removed by combining with the oxygen
as a gas and the silicon and other impurities forming a
fusible slag which could be run off. 2.5 British Standard Specifications for Structural
Wrought iron is almost pure iron, softer than steel but Steel
less liable to corrosion etc. The material being malleable BS15 1906 Standard Specification for Structural
could be forged and bent to shape. It was considered as Steel for Bridges and General Building
being of approximately equal strength in both tension and Construction
compression, the ultimate tensile strength varying between For bridges the steel must be made by the Open Heath
18 and 30 tons/sq. inch . process, either acid or basic.
In 1879 the following values were recommended as For general buildings the Bessemer process acid or basic
average for the strength of wrought iron :- was included .
Ultimate strength in tension 21 tons/sq.in. For bridges not more than 0.06% sulphur and no phos-
Ultimate strength in compression 16 tons/sq. in . phorus was allowed.
Ultimate strength in shear 20 tons/sq.in . For buildings 0.06% sulphur and 0.07% phosphrous
One of the main advantages of wrought iron was its was permitted.
facility to stand reheating and rolling to shape with increas- The ultimate tensile strength was specified at 28 to 32
ed strength resulting from elongating into fibres the cubic tons/sq. in .
crystals which formed the basic metal .
It is stated in 1879 that rolled I beams of depths from BS15 1912 Standard Specification for Structural
3" to 14" in an endless variety were obtainable from Steel for Bridges and General Building
different makers in both this country and abroad, particu- Construction
larly Belgium.
Same steel making processes as in 1906 .
It is of interest to note that the foreign iron joists could
A class steel for bridges not more than 0.06% sulphur
be obtained some 20% cheaper than the British!
or phosphorus .
B Class steel (not for bridges) not more than 0.06%
2.4 Steel as a structural material sulphur and not more than 0.08% phosphorus permitted.
Ultimate tensile strength specified at 28 to 33 tons/
Steel has been produced for structural purposes since about sq .in.
1850, although it took 40/60 years for it to entirely replace
wrought iron . BS15 1930 Standard Specification for Structural
Steel has much less carbon and other impurities than Steel for Bridges and General Building
cast iron, although appreciably more than wrought iron . Construction
Originally it could be produced by one of two methods All as 1912 except basic Bessemer process not now per-
mitted .
(a) By adding carbon to wrought iron .
(b) By removing carbon etc from pig iron .
BS15 1936 Standard Specification for Structural
The first of these methods is too expensive to be of
practical use and therefore the second was the method Steel for Bridges and General Building
generally adopted . Construction
The two early methods of steelmaking were Division of steel into classes A & B omitted.
(1) The use of the Bessemer converter Not more than 0.06% sulphur or phosphorus .
(2) The use of the Siemens Martin open hearth Ultimate tensile strength specified at 28 to 33 tons/
furnace sq .in.
Two alternatives of each process are
(i) Acid CF(15) 7376 1941 War Emergency revision to BS15
(ii) Basic Two main qualities of steel
The difference is in the lining of the furnace ; in the case No 1 Quality as BS15 1936 ; No 2 Quality as BS15 1936
of the acid process the lining consists of a material with a plus
high content of silicon, whilst in the case of the basic pro- (a) 0.20 to 0.35% copper
cess the lining contains a high proportion of basic oxides (b) 0.35 to 0.50% copper
ie calcined dolomite or magnesite. Otherwise as 1936 .
The use of either acid or basic process is governed by
the type of iron ore used since the former is not capable BS15 1948 Structural Steel
of removing sulphur and phosphorus and the latter is . Steel processes open hearth acid or basic or acid Bessemer .
There are now several more modern steel making pro- No 1 Quality not more than 0.06% sulphur
cesses all of which are acceptable . These will not be dis- No 2 Quality not more than 0.06% sulphur or phospho-
cussed in the publication . rus + 0.20 to 0.50% copper as wartime emergency.
For the first time yield strenth introduced into mech- Wartime amendment No 1 to BS 968 1943
anical properties ie y The chemical properties were divided into two classes
Up to and including /4 inch thick 16 tons/sq.in. viz:-
Over V up to 1'/2" thick 15 tons/sq.in. Class (a) Class (b)
Over 1'/2" thick 14 .75 tons/sq.in. Carbon maximum of 0.23% 0.23%
Ultimate tensile strength 28 to 33 tons/sq.in. Silicon maximum of 0.35% 0.35%
Manganese maximum of 1 .8% 0.8%
Nickel maximum of 0.5% 0.5%
Chromium maximum of 0.35% 0.8%
BS75 1961 Mild Steel for General Structural Sulphur maximum of 0.06/0 0.06/0
Purposes Phosphorus maximum of 0.06% 0.06%
Steel processes as 1948 plus any of the oxygen processes. Copper maximum of 0.6% 0.6%
Carbon content 0.25% to make suitable for welding.
If oxygen process used nitrogen content not more than Because chromium was in short supply the Class (b)
0.008%. steel only to be called up in exceptional circumstances .
The full chemical content now given against three The mechanical properties included :-
grades viz :- Material up to and including 3/4 " thick
Yield Strength 21 tons/sq.in.
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Carbon 0.25% 0 to 0.25% 0 to 0.25% Ultimate Tensile Strength 35 to 41 tons/sq .i n.
Copper 0 0.20 to 0.35% 0.35 to 0.5% Material over 3/4 " thick
Yield Strength 19 tons/sq .in.
Sulphur 0 .06% 0 to 0.06% 0 to 0.06%
Ultimate Tensile Strength 33 to 39 tons/sq.in.
Phosphorus 0.06% 0 to 0.06% 0 to 0.06%
BS4360 1979 Weldable Structural Steels
At the time of writing this is the current version of the
specification and apart from the inclusion of additional
steels, flat products are aligned with European practice,
and dimensional tolerances introduced to replace weight
rolling margins .
The BSI committee concerned has just embarked on a
further revision to BS4360 .
It is assumed that copies of BS430 and amendments
thereto are readily available hence no details of specific
items are given .
2 .6 General Remarks
This section has been restricted to the developments in iron
and steel construction in the United Kingdom . However a
great deal of parallel development took place in Europe,
especially in Belgium and Luxembourg .
For some reason the continental steel makers did not
match up to the qualities achieved by the U .K ., at least
most authorities insisted on the use of lower strength values
when the steel was imported .
As far as the design of structures was concerned, the
codes of practice and design specifications closely followed
upon developments in materials etc . and one must be
related to the other .
SECTION NO. 3 Shapes Ft Sizes
3.1 Introduction
Previous sections have given details of developments in
materials, and standardisation . This section will concen-
trate on shapes and sizes of structural sections over the last
100/150 years .
The subject will be dealt with in three parts correspond-
ing to the three basic materials .
3 .2 Cast Iron
During the period 1830 to 1900 cast iron was extensively
used as a building material and many important structures,
including the Crystal Palace, were constructed using the
material .
Because of the method of manufacture ie the casting
into moulds of moulten iron, sections were purpose made
for the particular application and therefore it is not possible
to give details of actual shapes and sizes .
The two main structural elements in cast iron ie beams
and columns, were used either separately or together . For
instance, cast iron beams were used supported on brick-
work or on columns and cast iron columns were used to
support timber and wrought iron beams as well as cast iron
Connections between beams and columns were of the
simplest form, consisting mainly of direct support on
brackets cast on the column with a nominal attachment
of beam to column by bolts or coach screws in cored holes .
Because it is impossible to give actual sizes some guide to
determining the proportions could be useful .
Figure 3.3 Barrel vault construction .
Web Plate Web Plate
(4) Angles (4) Angles
Figure 3. 5 Thickness of Cast Iron Column. (2) Flange Plates (4) Special Angles
3.4 Steel 3.5 Tables
Steel sections were produced in quantity from about 1883 In the tables which follow the properties of a wide range
through some of the smaller sections were available in mild of sections are given.
steel before that date . These tables are produced in the units in which the
Prior to the formation of the British Standards Institu- information was originally presented and the equivalent
tion (as it is now called) in 1900, shapes and sizes were sett- metric or imperial size is given immediately after the
led by the individual manufacturer, mainly of course to original . This is to enable the size to be identified in
meet their customers requirements . These manufacturers whichever form of measurement is adopted.
produced catalogues giving dimensions, and in some instan- When the section properties are required in the alterna-
ces design properties of the various sections which they tive units to those printed conversion factors must be used
produced . as Table 3.1 .
The earliest available handbook which has been consider-
ed is that published by Dorman Long and Company in
1887 . Subsequent copies were published in 1890 and 1895 Table 3.1 Conversion Factors
but showed little variation from the 1887 issue.
Redpath, Brown & Co published their first handbook in Imperial to Metric Metric to Imperial
1892 and as this firm manufactured girders etc as opposed Item Imp x = metric x = Imp.
to producing steel sections, their handbook was more of a
design manual than a catalogue. Depth & ins x 25 .4 = mm x 0.03937 = ins
As it was considered that only a limited number of Breadth
engineers could actually design, safe load tables were pro-
Mass/unit Ib/ft x 1 .48816 = kg/m x 0.67197 = lb/ft
duced from which, in theory at least, the uninitiated were length
able to select the right member to meet their requirements .
In part 3.5, numerous tables are given to provide as Thickness ins x 25 .4 = mm x 0.03937 = ins
much design information as possible on steel sizes from Area ins2 x 6.4516 = cm2 x 0.155 = ins2
1887 onwards. Notes are included giving details of the
various tables. Moment of ins4 x 41 .6231 = cm 4 x 0.024025= ins4
From 1903, when British Standard 4 was first issued, Inertia
all the tables refer to British Standard Sections, though at Radius of ins x 2.54 = cm x 0 .3937 = ins
various times since 1903 some steel sections have been im- Gyration
ported and used which do not conform to British Standards.
Section ins3 x 16 .3871 = cm 3 x 0.061024= ins3
The most notable of these are Broad Flange Beams rolled
on the continent of Europe . Details of these and other
continental sections are given in Section 8.
Since the last of the main section tables given in part In order to get the information regarding a section onto
3.5 two major developments have occured . In 1972 British a single line in the following tables, fractions of an inch
Standard 4848 Part 4 Metric Equal and Unequal angles are given as decimals of an inch based on Table 3.2 :
was issued . These metric sizes replace the imperial sizes in
British Standard 4 . The decimal values given are for indentification purposes
Details of metric angles and their properties are con- only and are based on the first two figures of the true
tained in the Constrado publication "Structural Steelwork values and therefore must not be used for calculation pur-
Handbook - Metric Angles to BS4848 Part 4 1972" pub- poses.
lished in 1973 and which is currently available.
The second major development was the issue of British
Standard 4 Part 1 . 1980 . This updated previous issues of
BS4 to correct minor inaccuracies and to cover the proper-
ties of Universal Beams which now all have parallel flanges.
Again, all the details given in BS4 Part 1 1980 are included
in the BCSA/Constrado publication "Structural Steelwork
Handbook - Sections to BS4 Part 1" which is currently
available and also includes the Safe Load Tables .
Though this was published in 1978, before the last re-
vision to BS4 Part 1 . 1980, it anticipated the information
given in the latter . Editorial and other minor corrections
have been incorporated in subsequent impressions of this
publication .
Decimal .53 .56 .59 .62 .65 .68 .71 .75 .78 .81 .84 .87 .90 .93 .96 1 .00
IMPERIAL UNITS See separate page for notes
Nominal Size Mass/ft Metric Equivalent Actual Size Thickness Area Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Section Modulus
D X B D X B Mass/m D X B Web Flange X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y
ins lbs mm kg ins ins ins ins2 ins4 ins ins3
20x8 100 508x210 149 20 x8 .26 0 .76 0 .97 29 .67 1825 .10 80 .43 7 .84 1 .65 182 .5 19 .5
95 508x208 141 20 x8 .18 0 .68 0 .97 28 .24 1774 .43 77 .99 7 .93 1 .66 177 .4 19 .1
90 508x206 134 20 x8 .11 0 .61 0 .97 26 .78 1725 .09 75 .62 8 .02 1 .68 172 .5 18 .6
18x7 90 457x183 134 18 x7 .20 0 .81 0 .94 26 .46 1255 .72 49 .98 6 .89 1 .37 139 .5 13 .9
84 457x180 125 18 x7 .10 0 .71 0 .94 24 .67 1207 .61 47 .59 7 .00 1 .39 134 .2 13 .4
78 457x175 116 18 x6 .90 0 .61 0 .94 22 .88 1159 .01 45 .32 7 .12 1 .41 128 .8 13 .1
16x6 68 406x155 101 16 x6 .12 0 .71 0 .82 20 .18 753 .30 29 .32 6 .11 1 .21 94 .2 9 .58
64 .5 406x154 96 16 x6 .06 0 .64 0 .82 19 .15 731 .11 28 .22 6 .18 1 .21 91 .4 9 .31
59 406x151 88 16 x5 .95 0 .54 0 .82 17 .51 696 .30 26 .69 6 .31 1 .23 87 .0 8 .97
15x6 65 381x157 97 15 x6 .17 0 .79 0 .81 19 .34 663 .68 30 .30 5 .86 1 .25 88 .5 9 .82
61 381x155 91 15 x6 .09 0 .72 0 .81 18 .15 641 .46 28 .98 5 .94 1 .26 85 .5 9 .52
57 381x153 85 15 x6 .01 0 .64 0 .81 16 .96 619 .24 27 .70 6 .04 1 .28 82 .6 9 .22
15x5 60 381x134 89 15 x5 .26 0 .70 0 .80 17 .85 566 .18 18 .55 5 .63 1 .02 75 .5 7 .05
55 381x131 82 15 x5 .16 0 .60 0 .80 16 .36 538 .34 17 .35 5 .74 1 .03 71 .8 6 .72
50 381x129 74 15 x5 .06 0 .50 0 .80 14 .88 510 .21 16 .23 5 .86 1 .04 68 .0 6 .42
14x6 61 356x154 91 14 x6 .05 0 .67 0 .81 18 .15 533 .89 28 .34 5 .42 1 .25 76 .3 9 .37
57 356x151 85 14 x5 .96 0 .59 0 .81 16 .96 514 .46 27 .07 5 .51 1 .26 73 .5 9 .08
53 356x149 79 14 x5 .87 0 .50 0 .81 15 .76 494 .56 25 .74 5 .60 1 .28 70 .7 8 .77
12x6 62 305x158 92 12 x6 .23 0 .73 0 .87 18 .45 404 .26 30 .98 4 .68 1 .30 67 .4 9 .95
57 305x155 85 12 x6 .11 0 .61 0 .87 16 .96 386 .41 29 .02 4 .77 1 .31 64 .4 9 .50
52 305x152 77 12 x5 .99 0 .49 0 .87 15 .47 368 .55 27 .04 4 .88 1 .32 61 .4 9 .03
12x5 47 305x131 70 12 x5 .17 0 .67 0 .65 13 .98 286 .58 14 .37 4 .53 1 .01 47 .8 5 .56
43 305x129 64 12 x5 .07 0 .58 0 .65 12 .80 272 .32 13 .44 4 .61 1 .02 45 .4 5 .30
39 305x126 58 12 x4 .98 0 .48 0 .65 11 .60 258 .14 12 .56 4 .72 1 .04 43 .0 5 .04
10x6 48 254x157 71 10 x6 .16 0 .66 0 .70 14 .27 221 .55 25 .16 3 .94 1 .33 44 .3 8 .17
45 .5 254x154 68 10 x6 .08 0 .58 0 .70 13 .54 215 .47 24 .23 3 .99 1 .34 43 .1 7 .97
43 254x153 64 10 x6 .01 0 .51 0 .70 12 .76 209 .22 23 .21 4 .04 1 .35 41 .8 7 .72
10x5 41 .5 254x133 62 10 x5 .23 0 .73 0 .66 12 .34 190 .25 14 .25 3 .93 1 .07 38 .1 5 .45
38 254x130 57 10 x5 .13 0 .63 0 .66 11 .30 181 .58 13 .33 4 .01 1 .09 36 .3 5 .20
34 .5 254x128 51 10 x5 .03 0 .52 0 .66 10 .26 172 .91 12 .40 4 .10 1 .10 34 .6 4 .93
10x4 .50 34 254x114 51 10 x4 .49 0 .49 0 .66 10 .11 155 .32 9 .14 3 .92 0 .95 31 .1 4 .07
31 .5 254x112 47 10 x4 .41 0 .41 0 .66 9 .37 149 .07 8 .67 3 .99 0 .96 29 .8 3 .93
29 254x111 43 10 x4 .38 0 .38 0 .66 8 .63 146 .40 8 .45 4 .12 0 .99 29 .3 3 .86
90 62 229x182 92 9 x7 .16 0 .92 0 .81 18 .45 226 .60 47 .62 3 .50 1 .61 50 .4 13 .3
58 229x179 86 9 x7 .03 0 .79 0 .81 17 .25 218 .52 45 .00 3 .56 1 .62 48 .6 12 .8
54 229x175 80 9 x6 .90 0 .66 0 .81 16 .06 210 .44 42 .40 3 .62 1 .62 46 .8 12 .3
9x3 .75 26 229x 95 39 9 x3 .75 0 .50 0 .50 7 .74 89 .02 4 .38 3 .39 0 .75 19 .8 2 .34
24 .25 229x 94 36 9 x3 .69 0 .44 0 .50 7 .22 85 .50 4 .13 3 .44 0 .76 19 .0 2 .24
22 .5 229x 92 34 9 x3 .63 0 .38 0 .50 6 .70 82 .04 3 .90 3 .50 0 .76 18 .2 2 .15
8x6 38 203x154 57 8 x6 .05 0 .55 0 .62 11 .30 117 .34 21 .93 3 .22 1 .39 29 .3 7 .25
36 203x152 54 8 x5 .98 0 .48 0 .62 10 .71 114 .14 21 .01 3 .26 1 .40 28 .5 7 .03
34 203x150 51 8 x5 .90 0 .40 0 .62 10 .12 110 .99 20 .24 3 .31 1 .41 27 .7 6 .86
8x5 34 203x130 51 8 x5 .12 0 .56 0 .62 10 .12 100 .98 13 .71 3 .16 1 .16 25 .2 5 .36
31 .25 203x127 47 8 x5 .01 0 .45 0 .62 9 .30 96 .58 12 .87 3 .22 1 .18 24 .1 5 .14
28 .5 203x125 42 8 x4 .91 0 .35 0 .62 8 .48 92 .23 12 .07 3 .30 1 .19 23 .1 4 .92
8x4 28 203x105 42 8 x4 .13 0 .53 0 .56 8 .33 78 .93 6 .17 3 .08 0 .86 19 .7 2 .99
25 203x102 37 8 x4 .02 0 .42 0 .56 7 .44 74 .17 5 .63 3 .16 0 .87 18 .5 2 .80
22 203x 99 33 8 x3 .91 0 .31 0 .56 6 .55 69 .40 5 .22 3 .26 0 .89 17 .4 2 .67
7x3 .75 22 178x 98 33 7 x3 .87 0 .49 0 .46 6 .55 47 .29 4 .15 2 .69 0 .80 13 .5 2 .14
20 178x 96 30 7 x3 .78 0 .41 0 .46 5 .95 44 .89 3 .86 2 .75 0 .81 12 .8 2 .04
18 178x 94 27 7 x3 .70 0 .32 0 .46 5 .36 42 .43 3 .57 2 .81 0 .82 12 .1 1 .93
6 .25x3 .50 20 159x 91 30 6 .25x3 .57 0 .45 0 .50 5 .95 35 .07 3 .43 2 .43 0 .76 11 .2 1 .92
18 159x 88 27 6 .25x3 .47 0 .36 0 .50 5 .36 33 .11 3 .22 2 .49 0 .78 10 .4 1 .86
16 159x 86 24 6 .25x3 .38 0 .26 0 .50 4 .76 31 .18 2 .87 2 .56 0 .78 9 .93 1 .70
6x5 28 152x131 42 6 x5 .14 0 .64 0 .50 8 .33 45 .64 10 .75 2 .34 1 .14 15 .2 4 .18
26 152x128 39 6 x5 .04 0 .54 0 .50 7 .73 43 .84 10 .07 2 .38 1 .14 14 .6 4 .00
24 152x126 36 6 x4 .94 0 .44 0 .50 7 .14 42 .04 9 .44 2 .43 1 .15 14 .0 3 .82
6x3 17 152x 79 25 6 x3 .09 0 .39 0 .50 5 .06 27 .55 2 .21 2 .33 0 .66 9 .18 1 .43
16 152x 77 24 6 x3 .04 0 .34 0 .50 4 .76 26 .69 2 .09 2 .37 0 .66 8 .90 1 .38
15 152x 76 22 6 x2 .99 0 .29 0 .50 4 .46 25 .77 1 .98 2 .40 0 .67 8 .59 1 .32
6x2 14 152x 55 21 6 x2 .15 0 .47 0 .38 4 .16 18 .59 0 .67 2 .11 0 .40 6 .20 0 .62
12 .25 152x 53 18 6 x2 .07 0 .39 0 .38 3 .65 17 .12 0 .58 2 .17 0 .40 5 .70 0 .56
10 .5 152x 51 16 6 x1 .99 0 .31 0 .38 3 .12 15 .64 0 .50 2 .24 0 .40 5 .21 0 .50
5 .50x2 12 138x 53 18 5 .5 x2 .10 0 .42 0 .38 3 .57 14 .18 0 .60 1 .99 0 .41 5 .15 0 .57
11 138x 52 16 5 .5 x2 .04 0 .36 0 .38 3 .27 13 .41 0 .55 2 .02 0 .41 4 .88 0 .54
10 138x 51 15 5 .5 x1 .99 0 .31 0 .38 2 .97 12 .65 0 .50 2 .06 0 .41 4 .50 0 .50
5x5 28 127x132 42 5 x5 .20 0 .64 0 .625 8 .33 32 .05 11 .24 1 .96 1 .16 12 .8 4 .32
25 .5 127x128 38 5 x5 .05 0 .49 0 .625 7 .58 30 .49 10 .21 2 .01 1 .16 12 .2 4 .04
23 127x125 34 5 x4 .90 0 .33 0 .625 6 .82 28 .90 9 .20 2 .06 1 .16 11 .6 3 .76
5x4 .50 26 127x117 39 5 x4 .62 0 .62 0 .58 7 .74 29 .24 9 .35 1 .94 1 .10 11 .7 4 .05
23 .75 127x113 35 5 x4 .43 0 .43 0 .58 7 .07 27 .32 8 .53 1 .97 1 .10 10 .9 3 .85
21 .5 127x111 32 5 x4 .35 0 .35 0 .58 6 .39 26 .44 7 .77 2 .03 1 .10 10 .6 3 .57
5x3 17 127x 83 25 5 x3 .25 0 .50 0 .46 5 .06 18 .22 2 .46 1 .90 0 .70 7 .28 1 .51
15 .25 127x 80 23 5 x3 .15 0 .40 0 .46 4 .54 17 .17 2 .22 1 .94 0 .70 6 .87 1 .41
13 .5 127x 77 20 5 x3 .04 0 .30 0 .46 4 .02 16 .09 1 .98 2 .00 0 .70 6 .43 1 .30
4 .75x1 .75 10 121x 46 15 4 .75x1 .82 0 .42 0 .35 2 .98 8 .50 0 .37 1 .69 0 .35 3 .58 0 .41
9 .25 121x 45 14 4 .75x1 .77 0 .37 0 .35 2 .76 8 .08 0 .35 1 .71 0 .36 3 .40 0 .40
8 .5 121x 44 13 4 .75x1 .72 0 .32 0 .35 2 .53 7 .66 0 .33 1 .74 0 .36 3 .23 0 .38
4 .62x3 16 117x 84 24 4 .62x3 .30 0 .55 0 .40 4 .76 14 .41 2 .36 1 .74 0 .70 6 .23 1 .43
14 117x 81 21 4 .62x3 .17 0 .42 0 .40 4 .17 13 .35 2 .06 1 .79 0 .70 5 .77 1 .30
12 117x 77 18 4 .62x3 .04 0 .29 0 .40 3 .57 12 .29 1 .80 1 .86 0 .71 5 .31 1 .18
4x3 14 102x 82 21 4 x3 .23 0 .48 0 .407 4 .16 9 .82 2 .12 1 .54 0 .71 4 .91 1 .31
12 .75 102x 80 19 4 x3 .14 0 .39 0 .407 3 .79 9 .32 1 .92 1 .57 0 .71 4 .66 1 .22
11 .5 102x 77 17 4 x3 .04 0 .30 0 .407 3 .42 8 .83 1 .74 1 .61 0 .71 4 .42 1 .14
4x1 .75 10 102x 50 15 4 x1 .98 0 .48 0 .35 2 .97 6 .07 0 .48 1 .43 0 .40 3 .03 0 .48
8 .5 102x 48 13 4 x1 .87 0 .37 0 .35 2 .53 5 .48 0 .39 1 .47 0 .39 2 .74 0 .42
7 102x 45 10 4 x1 .76 0 .26 0 .35 2 .08 4 .88 0 .31 1 .53 0 .39 2 .44 0 .35
3 .50x3 12 .5 89x 80 19 3 .5 x3 .14 0 .45 0 .30 3 .72 6 .80 1 .93 1 .35 0 .72 3 .88 1 .23
10 .75 89x 76 16 3 .5 x2 .99 0 .30 0 .30 3 .20 6 .26 1 .65 1 .40 0 .72 3 .58 1 .04
9 89x 72 13 3 .5 x2 .84 0 .15 0 .30 2 .68 5 .73 1 .39 1 .46 0 .72 3 .27 0 .98
3 .50x1 .50 7 89x 43 10 3 .5 x1 .68 0 .37 0 .30 2 .08 3 .34 0 .25 1 .27 0 .35 1 .91 0 .30
6 89x 41 9 3 .5 x1 .60 0 .28 0 .30 1 .78 3 .04 0 .20 1 .31 0 .34 1 .73 0 .25
5 89x 38 7 3 .5 x1 .51 0 .20 0 .30 1 .49 2 .74 0 .17 1 .36 0 .34 1 .57 0 .23
3x3 12 76x 80 18 3 x3 .16 0 .47 0 .40 3 .57 4 .73 1 .98 1 .15 0 .74 3 .15 1 .25
10 .25 76x 76 15 3 x2 .99 0 .30 0 .40 3 .05 4 .34 1 .65 1 .19 0 .74 2 .89 1 .10
8 .5 76x 71 13 3 x2 .81 0 .13 0 .40 2 .53 3 .94 1 .36 1 .25 0 .73 2 .63 0 .97
3x1 .25 6 76x 38 9 3 x1 .49 0 .40 0 .25 1 .75 1 .94 0 .15 1 .05 0 .29 1 .29 0 .20
5 76x 36 7 3 x1 .40 0 .31 0 .25 1 .50 1 .74 0 .12 1 .08 0 .28 1 .16 0 .17
Notes relative to Table 3.3
Table 3.3 has been developed from information contained
in a Handbook prepared by Dorman Long and Company
and published in 1887.
These sections are in groups of threes, the middle section
in each group being the basic section and the other two
being manufactured by opening or closing the rolls. It is
claimed that these two special derived sections in each
group would be rolled to order providing that a sufficient
quantity was specified .
It is impossible to estimate at this date how often deriv-
ed sections were supplied, for this reason the properties of
all 99 sections are given.
The sections all had taper flanges and were rounded at
toe and root, as shown in Figure 3.7.
The properties provided are based on the following
Size in inches Metric Equivalent Approximate Inertia on Area
DepthxBreadthxThickness D x B x t mm Mass/ft axis YY
ins mm lbs ins4 ins2
12 .OOx3 .00xO .44 305x76xll 22 .44 4 .51 6 .60
12 .OOx3 .00xO .56 305x76x14 27 .54 5 .35 8 .10
10 .00x3 .00x0 .37 254x76x10 20 .91* 4 .24 6 .15*
10 .00x3 .00x0 .50 254x76x13 24 .14 4 .94 7 .10
9 .OOx3 .00xO .37 229x76x10 18 .60 4 .29 5 .47
9 .OOx3 .00xO .50 229x76x13 22 .44 4 .82 6 .60
9 .OOx2 .50xO .37 229x64x10 17 .78 2 .49 5 .23
9 .OOx2 .50xO .50 229x64x13 21 .62 2 .72 6 .36
7 .OOx3 .00xO .37 178x76x10 16 .42 4 .16 4 .83
7 .OOx3 .00xO .50 178x76x13 19 .41 4 .83 5 .71
6 .OOx3 .87xO .50 152x98x13 23 .80 10 .27 7 .00
6 .OOx3 .87xO .62 152x98x16 26 .52 13 .07 7 .80
6 .OOx2 .87xO .44 152x73xll 16 .25 3 .62 4 .78
6 .OOx2 .87xO .56 152x73x14 18 .80 4 .17 5 .53
5 .12x2 .87xO .44 l30x73xll 16 .49 4 .04 4 .85
5 .12x2 .87xO .56 l30x73xl4 18 .02 4 .43 5 .30
4 .50x2 .00xO .56 114x51x14 14 .96 1 .61 4 .40
4 .50x2 .00xO .69 114x51x17 16 .93 2 .11 4 .98
4 .50x1 .75xO .44 114x44xll 10 .64 0 .75 3 .13
4 .50x1 .75xO .56 114x44xl4 12 .75 0 .93 3 .75
4 .OOx3 .00xO .37 102x76x10 17 .00 4 .44 5 .00
4 .OOx3 .00xO .50 102x76xl3 18 .70 5 .47 5 .50
3 .50xl .50xO .37 89x38x10 6 .46* 0 .62 1 .90*
3 .50x1 .50xO .50 89x38xl3 9 .93 0 .77 2 .92
Note :- * Assumed values as information in handbook
appears incorrect!
Mass/unit length based on 1 sq .i n . of steel weighing
3 .4 lbs/ft .
No details are available of Ixx for these sections
------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
IMPERIAL UNITS See separate page for notes IMPERIAL UNITS See separate page for notes
------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
Normal Size in ins Normal Size in ins Special Size in ins Size in ins Size in ins Size in ins
A x B x Thickness A x B x Thickness A x B x Thickness A x B x Thickness A x B x Thickness A x B x Thickness
------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
8 .OOx8 .00xl .00 3 .OOx3 .00xO .68 4 .37x4 .37xO .75 lO .00x6 .00x1 .00 6 .OOx3 .00xO .75 4 .00x3 .50 x0 .87
8 .OOx8 .00xO .75 3 .OOx3 .00xO .43 4 .37x4 .37xO .56 10 .00x6 .00x0 .62 6 .OOx3 .00xO .56 4 .00x3 .50 x0 .62
8 .OOx8 .00xO .50 3 .OOx3 .00xO .25 4 .37x4 .37xO .37 10 .00x6 .00x0 .56 6 .OOx3 .00xO .37 4 .00x3 .50 x0 .37
6 .OOx6 .00x1 .00 2 .75x2 .75xO .62 4 .OOx4 .00xO .75 8 .OOx4 .75x1 .00 5 .50x4 .00xO .87 4 .00x3 .00 x0 .75
6 .OOx6 .00xO .75 2 .75x2 .75xO .43 4 .OOx4 .00xO .56 8 .OOx4 .75xO .75 5 .50x4 .00xO .62 4 .00x3 .00 x0 .53
6 .OOx6 .00xO .50 2 .75x2 .75xO .25 4 .OOx4 .00xO .37 8 .OOx4 .75xO .50 5 .50x4 .00xO .37 4 .00x3 .00 x0 .31
5 .50x5 .50x1 .00 2 .50x2 .50xO .62 3 .50x3 .50xO .75 7 .OOx4 .00xO .87 5 .50x3 .50x0 .81 3 .50x3 .00 x0 .68
5 .50x5 .50xO .75 2 .50x2 .50xO .43 3 .50x3 .50xO .56 7 .OOx4 .00xO .65 5 .50x3 .50xO .59 3 .50x3 .00 x0 .50
5 .50x5 .50xO .50 2 .50x2 .50xO .25 3 .50x3 .50xO .37 7 .OOx4 .00xO .43 5 .50x3 .50xO .37 3 .50x3 .00 x0 .31
5 .OOx5 .00xO .87 2 .25x2 .25xO .50 3 .OOx3 .00xO .62 7 .OOx3 .00xO .75 5 .50x3 .OOxO .75 3 .50x2 .50 x0 .62
5 .OOx5 .00xO .62 2 .25x2 .25xO .37 3 .OOx3 .00xO .46 7 .OOx3 .00xO .56 5 .50x3 .00xO .56 3 .50x2 .50 x0 .46
5 .OOx5 .00xG .43 2 .25x2 .25xO .25 3 .OOx3 .00xO .31 7 .OOx3 .00xO .37 5 .50x3 .00xO .37 3 .50x2 .50 x0 .31
4 .75x4 .75xO .87 2 .OOx2 .00xO .37 2 .75x2 .75xO .56 6 .50x4 .50x1 .00 5 .OOx4 .00xO .81 3 .50xO .43x1 .75xO .3 7
4 .75x4 .75xO .62 2 .OOx2 .00xO .28 2 .75x2 .75xO .31 6 .50x4 .50xO .68 5 .OOx4 .00xO .59 3 .50xO .37x1 .75xO .3 1
4 .75x4 .75xO .37 2 .OOx2 .00xO .18 2 .50x2 .50xO .62 6 .50x4 .50xO .43 5 .OOx4 .00xO .37 3 .50xO .31xl .75x0 .2 5
4 .50x4 .50xO .87 1 .75x1 .75xO .37 2 .50x2 .50xO .50 6 .50x4 .00xO .81 5 .OOx3 .50xO .75 3 .00x2 .75 x0 .68
4 .50x4 .50xO .62 1 .75x1 .75xO .28 6 .50x4 .00xO .62 5 .OOx3 .50xO .53 3 .00x2 .75 x0 .46
4 .50x4 .50xO .37 1 .75x1 .75xO .18 6 .50x4 .00xO .43 5 .OOx3 .50xO .31 3 .00x2 .75 x0 .25
4 .OOx4 .00x0 .68 1 .50x1 .50xO .31 6 .50x3 .00xO .75 5 .OOx3 .00xO .75 3 .00x2 .50 x0 .62
4 .OOx4 .00xO .50 1 .50x1 .50xO .21 6 .50x3 .00xO .56 5 .OOx3 .00xO .53 3 .00x2 .50 x0 .43
4 .OOx4 .00xO .31 1 .50xl .50xO .12 6 .50x3 .00xO .37 5 .OOx3 .00xO .31 3 .00x2 .50 x0 .25
3 .50x3 .50xO .75 1 .25x1 .25xO .31 6 .OOx5 .00x1 .00 4 .50x4 .00xO .87 3 .00x2 .00 x0 .56
3 .50x3 .50xO .50 1 .25x1 .25xO .21 6 .OOx5 .00xO .68 4 .50x4 .00xO .62 3 .00x2 .00 x0 .40
3 .50x3 .50xO .31 1 .25x1 .25xO .12 6 .OOx5 .00xO .43 4 .50x4 .00xO .37 3 .00x2 .00 x0 .25
3 .25x3 .25xO .75 1 .OOx1 .00xO .25 6 .OOx4 .00xO .87 4 .50x3 .50xO .87 2 .50x2 .00 x0 .50
3 .25x3 .25xO .50 1 .OOx1 .00xO .14 6 .OOx4 .00xO .62 4 .50x3 .50xO .62 2 .50x2 .00 x0 .37
3 .25x3 .25xO .31 1 .OOx1 .00x0 .09 6 .OOx4 .00xO .37 4 .50x3 .50xO .37 2 .50x2 .00 x0 .25
------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 .OOx3 .50xO .87 4 .50x3 .00xO .75 2 .00x1 .50 x0 .37
Note :- Normal sizes have sharp external corner as 6 .OOx3 .50xO .62 4 .50x3 .00xO .53 2 .00x1 .50 x0 .28
(1) in Fig .3 .8 whilst special sizes have rounded 6 .OOx3 .50xO .37 4 .50x3 .00xO .31 2 .00x1 .50 x0 .18
external corner as (2) in Fig .3 .8 . This enables
special section to nest in normal section .
IMPERIAL UNITS See separate page for notes
Ref Size Approximate Metric Equivalent Thickness Area Mom . of Inert . Rad . of Gyr . Sec . Mod .
No . D x B Mass/ft D x B Mass/m Web Flange X -1X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y
ins lbs mm kg ins ins2 ins4 ins ins3
BSB 1 3 x1 .50 4 .0 76x 38 6 0 .16 0 .25 1 .18 1 .66 0 .12 1 .19 0 .33 1 .11 0 .17
BSB 2 3 x3 8 .5 76x 76 13 0 .20 0 .33 2 .50 3 .79 1 .26 1 .23 0 .71 2 .53 0 .84
BSB 3 4 x1 .75 5 .0 102x 44 7 0 .17 0 .24 1 .47 3 .67 0 .19 1 .58 0 .36 1 .84 0 .22
BSB 4 4 x3 9 .5 102x 76 14 0 .22 0 .34 2 .80 7 .53 1 .28 1 .64 0 .68 3 .76 0 .85
BSB 5 4 .75x1 .75 6 .5 12lx 44 10 0 .18 0 .33 1 .91 6 .77 0 .26 1 .88 0 .37 2 .85 0 .30
BSB 6 5 x3 11 .0 127x 76 16 0 .22 0 .38 3 .24 13 .6 1 .46 2 .05 0 .67 5 .45 0 .97
BSB 7 5 x4 .50 18 .0 127x114 27 0 .29 0 .45 5 .29 22 .7 5 .66 2 .07 1 .03 9 .08 2 .51
BSB 8 6 x3 12 .0 152x 76 18 0 .26 0 .35 3 .53 20 .2 1 .34 2 .40 0 .62 6 .74 0 .89
BSB 9 6 x4 .50 20 .0 152x114 30 0 .37 0 .43 5 .88 34 .7 5 .41 2 .43 0 .96 11 .6 2 .40
BSB 10 6 x5 25 .0 152x127 37 0 .41 0 .52 7 .35 43 .6 9 .11 2 .44 1 .11 14 .5 3 .64
BSB 11 7 x4 16 .0 178x102 24 0 .25 0 .39 4 .71 39 .2 3 .41 2 .89 0 .85 11 .2 1 .71
BSB 12 8 x4 18 .0 203x102 27 0 .28 0 .40 5 .30 55 .7 3 .57 3 .24 0 .82 13 .9 1 .79
BSB 13 8 x5 28 .0 203x127 42 0 .35 0 .58 8 .24 89 .4 10 .3 3 .29 1 .12 22 .3 4 .10
BSB 14 8 x6 35 .0 203x152 52 0 .44 0 .60 10 .29 110 .6 17 .9 3 .28 1 .32 27 .6 5 .98
BSB 15 9 x4 21 .0 229x102 31 0 .30 0 .46 6 .18 81 .1 4 .20 3 .62 0 .82 18 .0 2 .10
BSB 16 9 x7 58 .0 229x178 86 0 .55 0 .92 17 .06 229 .7 46 .3 3 .67 1 .65 51 .05 13 .20
BSB 17 10 x5 30 .0 254x127 45 0 .36 0 .55 8 .82 145 .7 9 .78 4 .06 1 .05 29 .14 3 .91
BSB 18 10 x6 42 .0 254x152 63 0 .40 0 .74 12 .36 211 .6 22 .9 4 .14 1 .36 42 .32 7 .64
BSB 19 10 x8 70 .0 254x203 104 0 .60 0 .97 20 .58 345 .0 71 .6 4 .09 1 .87 69 .01 17 .9
BSB 20 12 x5 32 .0 305x127 48 0 .35 0 .55 9 .41 220 .1 9 .74 4 .84 1 .02 36 .69 3 .90
BSB 21 12 x6 44 .0 305x152 66 0 .40 0 .72 12 .95 315 .4 22 .3 4 .94 1 .31 52 .57 7 .42
BSB 22 12 x6 54 .0 305x152 80 0 .50 0 .88 15 .88 375 .6 28 .3 4 .86 1 .33 62 .60 9 .43
BSB 23 14 x6 46 .0 356x152 69 0 .40 0 .70 13 .53 440 .6 21 .6 5 .71 1 .26 62 .95 7 .20
BSB 24 14 x6 57 .0 356x152 85 0 .50 0 .87 16 .77 533 .1 27 .9 5 .64 1 .29 76 .16 9 .31
BSB 25 15 x5 42 .0 381x127 63 0 .42 0 .65 12 .35 428 .2 11 .9 5 .89 0 .98 57 .09 4 .78
BSB 26 15 x6 59 .0 381x152 88 0 .50 0 .88 17 .35 629 .1 28 .2 6 .02 1 .28 83 .88 9 .40
BSB 27 16 x6 62 .0 406x152 92 0 .55 0 .85 18 .23 726 .0 27 .1 6 .31 1 .22 90 .74 9 .02
BSB 28 18 x7 75 .0 457x178 112 0 .55 0 .93 22 .07 1150 .0 46 .6 7 .22 1 .45 127 .7 13 .30
BSB 29 20 x7 .50 89 .0 508x191 132 0 .60 1 .01 26 .16 1671 .0 62 .6 7 .99 1 .55 167 .1 16 .70
BSB 30 24 x7 .50 100 .0 610x191 149 0 .60 1 .07 29 .39 2655 .0 66 .9 9 .50 1 .51 221 .2 17 .80
---------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPERIAL UNITS See separate page for notes
Ref Size Approximate Metric Equivalent Thickness Area Mom . of Inert . Rad . of Gyr . Sec . Mod .
No . D x B Mass/ft D x B Mass/m Web Flange X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y
ins lbs mm kg ins ins2 ins4 ins ins3
NBSB 1 3 x1 .50 4 76x38 6 0 .16 0 .25 1 .18 1 .66 0 .13 1 .19 0 .33 1 .11 0 .17
NBSB 2 4 x1 .75 5 102x44 7 0 .17 0 .24 1 .47 3 .66 0 .19 1 .58 0 .36 1 .83 0 .21
NBSHB 1 4 x3 10 102x76 15 0 .24 0 .35 2 .94 7 .79 1 .33 1 .63 0 .67 3 .89 0 .88
NBSB 3 4 .50x2 7 114x51 10 0 .19 0 .32 2 .06 6 .65 0 .38 1 .80 0 .43 2 .96 0 .38
NBSB 4 5 x2 .50 9 127x64 13 0 .20 0 .35 2 .65 10 .9 0 .79 2 .03 0 .55 4 .36 0 .63
NBSHB 2 5 x4 .50 20 127x114 30 0 .29 0 .51 5 .88 25 .0 6 .59 2 .06 1 .06 10 .0 2 .93
NBSB 5 6 x3 12 15206 18 0 .23 0 .38 3 .53 21 .0 1 .46 2 .44 0 .64 7 .00 0 .97
NBSHB 3 6 x5 25 152x127 37 0 .33 0 .56 7 .35 45 .2 9 .88 2 .48 1 .16 15 .1 3 .95
NBSB 6 7 x3 .50 15 178x89 22 0 .25 0 .40 4 .42 35 .9 2 .41 2 .85 0 .74 10 .3 1 .38
NBSB 7 8 x4 18 203x102 37 0 .28 0 .40 5 .30 55 .9 3 .51 3 .24 0 .81 13 .9 1 .75
NBSHB 4 8 x6 35 203x152 52 0 .35 0 .65 10 .30 115 .1 19 .54 3 .34 1 .38 28 .8 6 .51
NBSB 8 9 x4 21 229x102 31 0 .30 0 .46 6 .18 81 .1 4 .15 3 .62 0 .82 18 .0 2 .07
NBSHB 5 9 x7 50 229x178 74 0 .40 0 .83 14 .71 208 .1 40 .17 3 .76 1 .65 46 .25 11 .48
NBSB 9 10 x4 .50 25 254x114 37 0 .30 0 .51 7 .35 122 .3 6 .49 4 .08 0 .94 24 .47 2 .88
NBSHB 6 10 x6 40 254x152 60 0 .36 0 .71 11 .77 204 .8 21 .76 4 .17 1 .36 40 .96 7 .25
NBSHB 7 10 x8 55 254x203 82 0 .40 0 .78 16 .18 288 .7 54 .74 4 .22 1 .84 57 .74 13 .69
NBSB 10 12 x5 30 305x127 45 0 .33 0 .51 8 .83 206 .9 8 .77 4 .84 1 .00 34 .49 3 .51
NBSHB 8 12 x8 65 305x203 97 0 .43 0 .90 19 .12 487 .8 65 .18 5 .05 1 .85 81 .30 16 .30
NBSB 11 13 x5 35 330x127 52 0 .35 0 .60 10 .30 283 .5 10 .80 5 .25 1 .03 43 .62 4 .33
NBSB 12 14 x5 .50 40 356x140 60 0 .37 0 .63 11 .77 377 .1 14 .80 5 .66 1 .12 53 .87 5 .38
NBSHB 9 14 x8 70 356x203 104 0 .46 0 .92 20 .59 705 .6 66 .70 5 .85 1 .80 100 .80 16 .70
NBSB 13 15 x6 45 381x152 67 0 .38 0 .66 13 .24 491 .9 19 .90 6 .10 1 .23 65 .59 6 .62
NBSB 14 16 x6 50 406x152 74 0 .40 0 .73 14 .71 618 .1 22 .50 6 .48 1 .24 77 .26 7 .49
NBSHB 10 16 x8 75 406x203 112 0 .48 0 .94 22 .06 973 .9 68 .30 6 .64 1 .76 121 .70 17 .10
NBSB 15 18 x6 55 457x152 82 0 .42 0 .76 16 .18 841 .8 23 .60 7 .21 1 .21 93 .53 7 .88 .
NBSHB 11 18 x8 80 457x203 119 0 .50 0 .95 23 .53 1292 .0 69 .40 7 .41 1 .72 143 .60 17 .40
NBSB 16 20 x6 .50 65 508x165 97 0 .45 0 .82 19 .12 1226 .0 32 .60 8 .01 1 .31 122 .60 10 .00
NBSB 17 22 x7 75 559x178 112 0 .50 0 .83 22 .06 1677 .0 41 .10 8 .72 1 .36 152 .40 11 .70
NBSB 18 24 x7 .50 90 610x191 140 0 .52 0 .98 26 .47 2443 .0 60 .40 9 .61 1 .51 203 .60 16 .10
Serial Size Mass/ft Depth Breadth Metric Equivalent Thickness Area Mom . of Inert . Rad . of Gyr . Sec . Mod . D/T
D B D x B Mass/m Web Flange X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y
lbs ins ins mm kg ins ins2 ins4 ins ins3
36x16 .50 260 36 .24 16 .56 920x421 388 0 .85 1 .44 76 .8 17230 1021 15 .0 3 .7 951 123 25
230 35 .88 16 .48 911x419 343 0 .77 1 .26 67 .7 14990 870 .9 14 .9 3 .6 836 106 29
36x12 194 36 .48 12 .12 927x308 289 0 .77 1 .26 57 .1 12100 355 .4 14 .6 2 .5 664 58 .7 29
170 36 .16 12 .03 919x306 253 0 .68 1 .10 50 .0 10470 300 .6 14 .5 2 .5 579 50 .0 33
150 35 .84 11 .97 910x304 224 0 .63 0 .94 44 .2 9012 250 .4 14 .3 2 .4 503 41 .8 38
* 135 35 .55 11 .94 903x303 201 0 .60 0 .80 39 .7 7801 207 .4 14 .0 2 .3 439 34 .7 45
33x11 .50 152 33 .50 11 .57 851x294 226 0 .64 1 .06 44 .7 8148 256 .1 13 .5 2 .4 486 44 .3 32
130 33 .10 11 .51 841x292 194 0 .58 0 .86 38 .3 6699 201 .4 13 .2 2 .3 405 35 .0 39
* 118 32 .87 11 .48 835x292 176 0 .55 0 .74 34 .7 5896 178 .8 13 .0 2 .2 359 29 .8 44
30x10 .50 132 30 .30 10 .55 770x268 197 0 .62 1 .00 38 .8 5753 185 .0 12 .2 2 .2 380 35 .1 30
116 30 .00 10 .50 762x267 173 0 .56 0 .88 34 .1 4919 153 .2 12 .0 2 .1 328 29 .2 35
* 99 29 .68 10 .44 754x265 147 0 .51 0 .69 29 .1 4049 120 .2 11 .8 2 .0 273 23 .0 43
27x10 114 27 .28 10 .07 693x256 170 0 .57 0 .93 33 .5 4081 149 .6 11 .0 2 .1 299 29 .7 29
102 27 .07 10 .02 688x255 152 0 .52 0 .83 30 .0 3604 129 .5 11 .0 2 .1 266 25 .9 33
94 26 .91 9 .99 684x254 140 0 .49 0 .75 27 .7 3267 115 .1 10 .9 2 .0 243 23 .0 36
* 84 26 .69 9 .96 678x253 125 0 .46 0 .64 24 .7 2828 95 .9 10 .7 2 .0 212 19 .3 42
24x12 160 24 .92 12 .26 633x312 238 0 .73 1 .24 47 .1 4979 359 .7 10 .3 2 .8 400 58 .7 20
120 24 .31 12 .09 618x307 179 0 .56 0 .93 35 .3 3635 254 .0 10 .2 2 .7 299 42 .0 26
100 24 .00 12 .00 610x305 149 0 .47 0 .78 29 .4 2987 203 .6 10 .1 2 .6 249 33 .9 31
24x9 94 24 .29 9 .06 617x230 140 0 .52 0 .87 27 .6 2683 102 .2 9 .9 1 .9 221 22 .6 28
84 24 .09 9 .02 612x229 125 0 .47 0 .77 24 .7 2364 88 .3 9 .8 1 .9 196 19 .6 31
76 23 .91 8 .99 607x228 113 0 .44 0 .68 22 .4 2096 76 .5 9 .7 1 .9 175 17 .0 35
* 68 23 .71 8 .96 602x228 101 0 .42 0 .58 20 .0 1815 63 .9 9 .5 1 .8 153 14 .3 41
21x13 142 21 .46 13 .13 545034 212 0 .66 1 .10 41 .8 3404 386 .0 9 .0 3 .0 317 58 .8 20
127 21 .24 13 .06 540x332 189 0 .59 0 .99 37 .4 3018 338 .6 9 .0 3 .0 284 51 .8 22
112 21 .00 13 .00 533x330 167 0 .53 0 .87 33 .0 2621 289 .7 8 .9 3 .0 250 44 .6 24
21x8 .25 82 21 .44 8 .34 545x212 122 0 .50 0 .84 24 .1 1828 77 .1 8 .7 1 .8 171 18 .5 26
73 21 .24 8 .30 540x211 109 0 .46 0 .74 21 .5 1600 66 .2 8 .6 1 .8 151 16 .0 29
68 21 .13 8 .27 537x210 101 0 .43 0 .69 20 .0 1478 60 .4 8 .6 1 .7 140 14 .6 31
62 20 .99 8 .24 533x209 92 0 .40 0 .62 18 .2 1327 53 .1 8 .5 1 .7 126 12 .9 34
* 55 20 .80 8 .22 528x209 82 0 .38 0 .52 16 .2 1138 43 .9 8 .4 1 .7 109 10 .7 40
18x7 .50 66 18 .40 7 .59 467x193 98 0 .45 0 .77 19 .4 1097 53 .2 7 .5 1 .7 119 14 .0 24
60 18 .25 7 .56 464x192 89 0 .42 0 .70 17 .6 984 .0 47 .1 7 .5 1 .6 108 12 .5 26
55 18 .12 7 .53 460x191 82 0 .39 0 .63 16 .2 889 .9 42 .0 7 .4 1 .6 98 .2 11 .1 29
50 18 .00 7 .50 457x191 74 0 .36 0 .57 14 .7 800 .6 37 .2 7 .4 1 .6 89 .0 9 .9 32
* 45 17 .86 7 .48 454x190 67 0 .33 0 .50 13 .2 704 .8 31 .9 7 .3 1 .6 78 .9 8 .5 36
18x6 55 18 .31 6 .04 465x154 82 0 .42 0 .74 16 .2 868 .7 26 .3 7 .3 1 .3 94 .9 8 .7 25
50 18 .16 6 .01 461x153 74 0 .39 0 .67 14 .7 777 .9 23 .1 7 .3 1 .3 85 .7 7 .7 27
45 18 .00 5 .98 457x152 67 0 .36 0 .59 13 .2 685 .2 19 .9 7 .2 1 .2 76 .1 6 .7 31
16x7 50 16 .25 7 .07 413x180 74 0 .38 0 .63 14 .7 655 .4 34 .8 6 .7 1 .5 80 .7 9 .8 26
45 16 .12 7 .04 409x179 67 0 .35 0 .56 13 .2 583 .3 30 .5 6 .6 1 .5 72 .4 8 .7 29
40 16 .00 7 .00 406x178 60 0 .31 0 .50 11 .8 515 .5 26 .5 6 .6 1 .5 64 .4 7 .6 32
36 15 .85 6 .99 403x178 54 0 .30 0 .43 10 .6 446 .3 22 .1 6 .5 1 .5 56 .3 6 .3 37
16x6 50 16 .39 6 .05 416x154 74 0 .40 0 .71 14 .7 647 .2 25 .1 6 .6 1 .3 79 .0 8 .3 23
45 16 .23 6 .02 412x153 67 0 .37 0 .63 13 .2 571 .8 21 .8 6 .6 1 .3 70 .5 7 .3 26
40 16 .06 5 .99 408x152 60 0 .34 0 .55 11 .8 495 .4 18 .5 6 .5 1 .3 61 .7 6 .2 29
16x5 .50* 31 15 .84 5 .61 402x142 46 0 .27 0 .44 9 .1 374 .9 12 .0 6 .4 1 .2 47 .3 4 .3 36
* 26 15 .64 5 .58 397x142 39 0 .25 0 .34 7 .6 298 .1 9 .0 6 .3 1 .1 38 .1 3 .2 46
15x6 45 15 .30 6 .08 389x154 67 0 .38 0 .64 13 .2 511 .2 22 .7 6 .2 1 .3 66 .8 7 .5 24
40 15 .15 6 .04 385x153 60 0 .34 0 .57 11 .8 447 .6 19 .6 6 .2 1 .3 59 .1 6 .5 27
35 15 .00 6 .00 381x152 52 0 .31 0 .49 10 .3 385 .5 16 .5 6 .1 1 .3 51 .4 5 .5 31
14x6 .75 45 14 .33 6 .82 364x173 67 0 .36 0 .62 13 .2 468 .1 30 .7 6 .0 1 .5 65 .3 9 .0 23
38 14 .12 6 .78 359x172 57 0 .31 0 .51 11 .2 385 .3 24 .6 5 .9 1 .5 54 .6 7 .3 28
34 14 .00 6 .75 356x172 51 0 .29 0 .45 10 .0 339 .2 21 .3 5 .8 1 .5 48 .5 6 .3 31
30 13 .86 6 .73 352x171 45 0 .27 0 .38 8 .8 289 .6 17 .5 5 .7 1 .4 41 .8 5 .2 36
14x5 * 26 13 .89 4 .96 353x126 39 0 .26 0 .42 7 .6 241 .6 8 .0 5 .6 1 .0 34 .8 3 .2 33
* 22 13 .72 4 .94 349x125 33 0 .23 0 .34 6 .5 196 .2 6 .2 5 .5 1 .0 28 .6 2 .5 41
12x6 .50 36 12 .24 6 .57 311x167 54 0 .31 0 .54 10 .6 280 .8 23 .7 5 .2 1 .5 45 .9 7 .2 23
31 12 .09 6 .53 307x166 46 0 .27 0 .47 9 .1 238 .4 19 .8 5 .1 1 .5 39 .4 6 .1 26
27 11 .96 6 .50 304x165 40 0 .24 0 .40 8 .0 204 .2 18 .6 5 .1 1 .4 34 .1 5 .1 30
12x5 32 12 .22 4 .93 310x125 48 0 .35 0 .55 9 .4 227 .9 10 .5 4 .9 1 .1 37 .3 4 .3 22
28 12 .07 4 .89 307x124 42 0 .31 0 .48 8 .2 195 .2 8 .8 4 .9 1 .0 32 .3 3 .6 25
25 11 .96 4 .86 304x124 37 0 .28 0 .42 7 .4 171 .6 7 .6 4 .8 1 .0 28 .7 3 .1 28
12x4 * 22 12 .31 4 .03 313x102 33 0 .26 0 .42 6 .5 155 .7 4 .6 4 .9 0 .84 25 .3 2 .3 29
* 19 12 .16 4 .01 309x102 28 0 .24 0 .35 5 .6 130 .1 3 .7 4 .8 0 .81 21 .4 1 .8 35
* 16 .5 12 .00 4 .00 305x102 25 0 .23 0 .27 4 .9 105 .3 2 .8 4 .7 0 .76 17 .5 1 .4 45
10x5 .75 29 10 .22 5 .80 260x147 43 0 .29 0 .50 8 .5 138 .1 15 .2 4 .3 1 .3 30 .8 5 .3 20
25 10 .08 5 .76 256x146 37 0 .25 0 .43 7 .4 133 .2 12 .7 4 .3 1 .3 26 .4 4 .4 23
21 9 .90 5 .75 252x146 31 0 .24 0 .34 6 .2 106 .3 9 .7 4 .1 1 .3 21 .5 3 .4 29
10x4 * 19 10 .25 4 .02 260x102 28 0 .25 0 .39 5 .6 96 .2 4 .2 4 .1 0 .86 18 .8 2 .1 26
* 17 10 .12 4 .01 257x102 25 0 .24 0 .33 5 .0 81 .8 3 .5 4 .1 0 .83 16 .2 1 .7 31
* 15 10 .00 4 .00 254x102 22 0 .23 0 .27 4 .4 68 .8 2 .8 4 .0 0 .80 13 .8 1 .4 37
8x5 .25 20 8 .14 5 .27 207x134 30 0 .25 0 .38 5 .9 69 .2 8 .5 3 .4 1 .2 17 .0 3 .2 22
17 8 .00 5 .25 203x133 25 0 .23 0 .31 5 .0 56 .4 6 .7 3 .4 1 .2 14 .1 2 .6 26
See separate page for notes Sections with * in 1963 addendum
See separate page for notes
Serial Size Mass/ft Depth Breadth Metric Equivalent Thickness Area Mom . of Inert . Rad . of Gyr . Sec . Mod . D/T
D B D x B Mass/m Web Flange X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - XY - Y
lbs ins ins mm kg ins ins2 ins4 ins ins3
14x16 426 18 .69 16 .70 475x424 634 1 .88 3 .03 125 .3 6610 2360 7 .3 4 .3 707 283 6
370 17 .94 16 .48 456x419 551 1 .66 2 .66 108 .8 5454 1986 7 .1 4 .3 608 241 7
314 17 .19 16 .24 437x412 467 1 .42 2 .28 92 .3 4399 1631 6 .9 4 .2 512 201 8
264 16 .50 16 .03 419x407 393 1 .21 1 .94 77 .6 3526 1331 6 .7 4 .1 427 166 9
228 16 .00 15 .87 406x403 340 1 .05 1 .69 67 .1 2942 1125 6 .6 4 .1 368 142 10
193 15 .50 15 .71 394x399 287 0 .89 1 .44 56 .7 2402 930 .1 6 .5 4 .1 310 118 11
158 15 .00 15 .55 381x395 235 0 .73 1 .19 46 .5 1901 745 .0 6 .4 4 .0 253 95 .8 13
Column Core 320 16 .81 16 .71 427x424 477 1 .89 2 .09 94 .1 3714 1635 6 .6 4 .2 493 196 8
14x14 .50 136 14 .75 14 .74 375x374 202 0 .66 1 .06 40 .0 1593 567 .8 6 .3 3 .8 216 77 .0 14
119 14 .50 14 .65 368x372 177 0 .57 0 .94 35 .0 1373 491 .8 6 .3 3 .8 189 67 .1 16
103 14 .25 14 .58 362x370 153 0 .50 0 .81 30 .3 1166 419 .7 6 .2 3 .7 164 57 .6 18
87 14 .00 14 .50 356x368 129 0 .42 0 .69 25 .6 966 .9 349 .7 6 .2 3 .7 138 48 .2 20
12x12 190 14 .38 12 .67 365x322 283 1 .06 1 .74 55 .9 1893 589 .7 5 .8 3 .3 263 93 .1 8
161 13 .88 12 .52 353x318 240 0 .91 1 .49 47 .4 1542 486 .3 5 .7 3 .2 222 77 .7 9
133 13 .38 12 .37 340x314 198 0 .76 1 .24 39 .1 1221 389 .9 5 .6 3 .2 183 63 .1 11
106 12 .88 12 .23 327x311 158 0 .62 0 .99 31 .2 930 .7 300 .9 5 .5 3 .1 145 49 .2 13
92 12 .62 12 .16 321x309 137 0 .55 0 .86 27 .1 788 .9 256 .4 5 .4 3 .1 125 42 .2 15
79 12 .38 12 .08 315x307 118 0 .47 0 .74 23 .3 663 .1 216 .4 5 .3 3 .1 107 35 .8 17
65 12 .12 12 .00 308x305 97 0 .39 0 .61 19 .1 533 .4 174 .6 5 .3 3 .0 88 .0 29 .1 20
10x10 112 11 .38 10 .42 289x265 167 0 .76 1 .25 32 .9 718 .7 235 .4 4 .7 2 .7 126 45 .2 9
89 10 .88 10 .28 276x261 132 0 .62 1 .00 26 .2 542 .4 180 .6 4 .6 2 .6 99 .7 35 .2 11
72 10 .50 10 .17 267x258 107 0 .51 0 .81 21 .2 420 .7 141 .8 4 .5 2 .6 80 .1 27 .9 13
60 10 .25 10 .08 260x256 89 0 .42 0 .68 17 .7 343 .7 116 .5 4 .4 2 .6 67 .1 23 .1 15
49 10 .00 10 .00 254x254 73 0 .34 0 .56 14 .4 272 .9 93 .0 4 .4 2 .5 54 .6 18 .6 18
8x8 58 8 .75 8 .22 222x209 86 0 .51 0 .81 17 .1 227 .3 74 .9 3 .7 2 .1 52 .0 18 .2 11
48 8 .50 8 .12 216x206 71 0 .41 0 .68 14 .1 183 .7 60 .9 3 .6 2 .1 43 .2 15 .0 12
40 8 .25 8 .08 210x205 60 0 .37 0 .56 11 .8 146 .3 49 .0 3 .5 2 .0 35 .5 12 .1 15
35 8 .12 8 .03 206x204 52 0 .32 0 .49 10 .3 126 .5 42 .5 3 .5 2 .0 31 .1 10 .6 17
31 8 .00 8 .00 203x203 46 0 .29 0 .43 9 .1 109 .7 37 .0 3 .5 2 .0 27 .4 9 .2 19
6x6 25 6 .37 6 .08 162x154 37 0 .32 0 .45 7 .4 53 .3 17 .0 2 .7 1 .5 16 .7 5 .6 14
20 6 .20 6 .02 158x153 30 0 .26 0 .37 5 .9 41 .9 13 .4 2 .7 1 .5 13 .5 4 .5 17
15 .7 6 .00 6 .00 152x152 23 0 .24 0 .27 4 .6 30 .3 9 .7 2 .6 1 .5 10 .1 3 .2 22
Serial Size Mass/ft Depth Breadth Metric Equivalent Thickness Area Mom . of Inert . Rad . of Gyr . Sec . Mod . D/T
D B D x B Mass/m Web Flange X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y
lbs ins ins mm kg ins ins2 ins4 ins ins3
24x7 61 23 .72 7 .02 603x178 91 0 .42 0 .59 18 .0 1537 34 .3 9 .3 1 .4 129 .6 9 .8 40
55 23 .55 7 .00 598x178 82 0 .40 0 .50 16 .2 1340 28 .9 9 .1 1 .3 113 .8 8 .3 47
21x6 .50 49 20 .82 6 .52 529x166 73 0 .37 0 .53 14 .4 970 .9 24 .7 8 .2 1 .3 93 .3 7 .6 39
44 20 .66 6 .50 525x165 66 0 .35 0 .45 13 .0 842 .9 20 .7 8 .1 1 .3 81 .6 6 .4 46
18x6 40 17 .90 6 .02 455x153 60 0 .32 0 .52 11 .8 611 .8 19 .1 7 .2 1 .3 68 .4 6 .3 34
35 17 .71 6 .00 450x152 52 0 .30 0 .43 10 .3 512 .8 15 .5 7 .1 1 .2 57 .9 5 .2 41
TABLE NO .3 .16 AMENDMENT No 1 TO BS4 1975
Imperial Metric
Serial Size & Mass Delete from Table No . Serial Size & Mass
24x 7 x 61 lbs/ft 3 .13 and 3 .14 6lOxl78x 91 kg/m
24x 7 x 55 lbs/ft 3 .13 and 3 .14 6lOxl78x 82 kg/m
21x13 x142 lbs/ft 3 .11 and 3 .14 533x330x212 kg/m
21x13 x127 lbs/ft 3 .11 and 3 .14 533x330xl89 kg/m
21x13 x112 lbs/ft 3 .11 and 3 .14 533x330xl67 kg/m
21x 6 .50x 49 lbs/ft 3 .13 and 3 .14 533xl65x 73 kg/m
21x 6 .50x 44 lbs/ft 3 .13 and 3 .14 533xl65x 66 kg/m
16x 6 x 50 lbs/ft 3 .11 and 3 .14 406x152x 74 kg/m
16x 6 x 45 lbs/ft 3 .11 and 3 .14 406x152x 67 kg/m
16x 6 x 40 lbs/ft 3 .11 and 3 .14 406xl52x 60 kg/m
15x 6 x 45 lbs/ft 3 .11 and 3 .14 381xl52x 67 kg/m
15x 6 x 40 lbs/ft 3 .11 and 3 .14 381xl52x 60 kg/m
15x 6 x 35 lbs/ft 3 .11 and 3 .14 381xl52x 52 kg/m
See separate page for notes
Serial Size Mass/m Depth Breadth Imperial Equivalent Thickness Area Mom . of Inert . Rad . of Gyr . Sec . Mod . D/T
D B D x B Mass/ft Web Flange X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y
kg mm mm ins lbs mm cm2 cm4 cm cm3
914x419 388 920 .5 420 .5 36 .2x16 .6 260 21 .5 36 .6 494 717300 42480 38 .1 9 .3 15590 2021 25
343 911 .4 418 .5 35 .9x16 .5 230 19 .4 32 .0 437 623900 36250 37 .8 9 .1 13690 1733 29
914x305 289 926 .6 307 .8 36 .5x12 .1 194 19 .6 32 .0 369 503800 14790 37 .0 6 .3 10870 961 .3 29
253 918 .5 305 .5 36 .2x12 .0 170 17 .3 27 .9 323 435800 12510 36 .8 6 .2 9490 819 .2 33
224 910 .3 304 .1 35 .8x12 .0 150 15 .9 23 .9 285 375100 10430 36 .3 6 .1 8241 685 .6 38
201 903 .0 303 .4 35 .6x11 .9 135 15 .2 20 .2 256 324700 8632 35 .6 5 .8 7192 569 .1 45
838x292 226 850 .9 293 .8 33 .5x11 .6 152 16 .1 26 .8 288 339100 10660 34 .3 6 .1 7971 725 .9 32
194 840 .7 292 .4 33 .1x11 .5 130 ' 14 .7 21 .7 247 278800 8384 33 .6 5 .8 6633 573 .6 39
176 834 .9 291 .6 32 .9x11 .5 118 14 .0 18 .8 224 245400 7111 33 .1 5 .6 5879 487 .6 44
762x267 197 769 .6 268 .0 30 .3x10 .6 132 15 .6 25 .4 251 239500 7699 30 .9 5 .5 6223 574 .6 30
173 762 .0 266 .7 30 .0x10 .5 116 14 .3 21 .6 220 204700 6376 30 .5 5 .4 5374 478 .1 35
147 753 .9 265 .3 29 .7x10 .4 99 12 .9 17 .5 188 168500 5002 30 .0 5 .2 4471 377 .1 43
686x254 170 692 .9 255 .8 27 .3x10 .1 114 14 .5 23 .7 216 169800 6225 28 .0 5 .4 4902 486 .8 29
152 687 .6 254 .5 27 .1x10 .0 102 13 .2 21 .0 194 150000 5391 27 .8 5 .3 4364 423 .7 33
140 683 .5 253 .7 26 .9x10 .0 94 12 .4 19 .0 178 136000 4789 27 .6 5 .2 3979 577 .5 36
125 677 .9 253 .0 26 .7x10 .0 84 11 .7 16 .2 159 117700 3992 27 .2 5 .0 3472 515 .5 42
610x305 238 633 .0 311 .5 24 .9x12 .3 160 18 .6 31 .4 304 207300 14970 26 .1 7 .0 6549 961 .3 20
179 617 .5 307 .0 24 .3x12 .1 120 14 .1 23 .6 228 151300 10570 25 .8 6 .8 4901 688 .6 26
149 609 .6 304 .8 24 .0x12 .0 100 11 .9 19 .7 190 124300 8471 25 .6 6 .7 4079 555 .9 31
610x229 140 617 .0 230 .1 24 .3x 9 .1 94 13 .1 22 .1 178 111700 4253 25 .0 4 .9 3620 369 .6 28
125 611 .9 229 .0 24 .lx 9 .0 84 11 .9 19 .6 159 98410 3676 24 .8 4 .8 3217 321 .1 31
113 607 .3 228 .2 23 .9x 9 .0 76 11 .2 17 .3 144 87260 3184 24 .6 4 .7 2874 279 .1 35
101 602 .2 227 .6 23 .7x 9 .0 68 10 .6 14 .8 129 75550 2658 24 .2 4 .5 2509 233 .6 41
610x178 91 602 .5 178 .4 23 .7x 7 .0 61 10 .6 15 .0 116 63970 1427 23 .5 3 .5 2124 160 .0 40
82 598 .2 177 .8 23 .6x 7 .0 55 10 .1 12 .8 104 55780 1203 23 .1 3 .4 1865 135 .3 47
533x330 212 545 .1 333 .6 21 .5x13 .1 142 16 .7 27 .8 270 141700 16060 22 .9 7 .7 5199 963 .2 20
189 539 .5 331 .7 21 .2x13 .1 127 14 .9 25 .0 241 125600 14090 22 .8 7 .6 4657 849 .6 22
167 533 .4 330 .2 21 .0x13 .0 112 13 .4 22 .0 213 109100 12060 22 .6 7 .5 4091 730 .3 24
533x210 122 544 .6 211 .9 21 .4x 8 .3 82 12 .8 21 .3 156 76080 3208 22 .1 4 .5 2794 302 .8 26
109 539 .5 210 .7 21 .2x 8 .3 73 11 .6 18 .8 138 66610 2755 21 .9 4 .5 2469 261 .5 29
101 536 .7 210 .1 21 .lx 8 .3 68 10 .9 17 .4 129 61530 2512 21 .8 4 .4 2293 239 .2 31
92 533 .1 209 .3 21 .Ox 8 .2 62 10 .2 15 .6 118 55230 2212 21 .7 4 .3 2072 211 .3 24
82 528 .3 208 .7 20 .8x 8 .2 55 9 .6 13 .2 104 47360 1826 21 .3 4 .2 1793 175 .0 40
533x165 73 528 .8 165 .6 20 .8x 6 .5 49 9 .3 13 .5 93 .0 40410 1027 20 .8 3 .3 1528 124 .1 39
66 524 .8 165 .1 20 .7x 6 .5 44 8 .8 11 .5 83 .6 35080 863 20 .5 3 .2 1337 104 .5 46
457x191 98 467 .4 192 .8 18 .4x 7 .6 66 11 .4 19 .6 125 45650 2216 19 .1 4 .2 1954 229 .9 24
89 463 .6 192 .0 18 .3x 7 .6 60 10 .6 17 .7 114 40960 1960 19 .0 4 .2 1767 204 .2 26
82 460 .2 191 .3 18 .lx 7 .5 55 9 .9 16 .0 104 37040 1746 18 .8 4 .1 1610 182 .6 29
74 457 .2 190 .5 18 .Ox 7 .5 50 9 .1 14 .5 94 .9 33320 1547 18 .7 4 .0 1458 162 .4 32
67 453 .6 189 .9 17 .9x 7 .5 45 8 .5 12 .7 85 .4 29340 1328 18 .5 4 .0 1293 139 .9 36
457x152 82 465 .1 153 .5 18 .6x 6 .0 55 10 .7 18 .9 104 .4 36160 1093 18 .6 3 .2 1555 142 .5 85
74 461 .3 152 .7 18 .2x 6 .0 50 9 .9 17 .0 94 .9 32380 963 18 .5 3 .2 1404 126 .1 27
67 457 .2 151 .9 18 .Ox 6 .0 45 9 .1 15 .0 85 .3 28520 829 18 .3 3 .1 1248 109 .1 31
60 454 .7 152 .9 17 .9x 6 .0 40 8 .0 13 .3 75 .9 25460 794 18 .3 3 .2 1120 104 .0 34
52 449 .8 162 .4 17 .7x 6 .0 35 7 .6 10 .9 66 .5 21350 645 17 .9 3 .1 949 .0 84 .6 41
406x178 74 412 .8 179 .7 16 .3x 7 .1 50 9 .7 16 .0 94 .9 27280 1448 17 .0 3 .9 1322 161 .2 26
67 409. .4 178 .8 16 .lx 7 .0 45 8 .8 14 .3 85 .4 24280 1869 16 .9 3 .9 1186 141 .9 29
60 406 .4 177 .8 16 .Ox 7 .0 40 7 .8 12 .8 76 .1 21520 1108 16 .8 3 .8 1059 124 .7 32
54 402 .6 177 .6 15 .9x 7 .0 36 7 .6 10 .9 68 .3 18580 922 16 .5 3 .7 922 .8 103 .8 37
406x152 74 416 .3 153 .7 16 .4x 6 .1 50 10 .1 18 .1 94 .8 26940 1047 16 .9 3 .3 1294 136 .2 23
67 412 .2 152 .9 16 .2x 6 .0 45 9 .3 16 .0 85 .3 23800 908 16 .7 3 .3 1155 118 .8 26
60 407 .9 152 .2 16 .lx 6 .0 40 8 .6 13 .9 75 .8 20520 768 16 .5 3 .2 1011 100 .9 29
406x140 46 402 .3 142 .4 15 .8x 5 .6 31 6 .9 11 .2 58 .9 15600 500 16 .3 2 .9 775 .6 70 .3 36
39 397 .3 141 .8 15 .6x 5 .6 26 6 .3 8 .6 49 .3 12410 373 15 .9 2 .8 624 .7 52 .6 46
381x152 67 388 .6 154 .3 15 .3x 6 .1 45 9 .7 16 .3 85 .4 21280 947 15 .5 3 .3 1095 122 .7 24
60 384 .8 153 .4 15 .2x 6 .0 40 8 .7 14 .4 75 .9 18630 814 15 .7 3 .3 968 .4 106 .2 27
52 381 .0 152 .4 15 .Ox 6 .0 35 7 .8 12 .4 66 .4 16050 685 15 .8 3 .2 842 .3 90 .0 31
356x171 67 364 .0 173 .2 14 .3x 6 .8 45 9 .1 15 .7 85 .3 19480 1278 15 .1 3 .9 1071 147 .6 23
57 358 .6 172 .1 14 .lx 6 .8 38 8 .0 13 .0 72 .1 16040 1026 14 .9 3 .8 894 .3 119 .2 28
51 355 .6 171 .5 14 .Ox 6 .8 34 7 .3 11 .5 64 .5 14120 885 14 .8 3 .7 794 .0 103 .3 31
45 352 .0 171 .0 13 .9x 6 .7 30 6 .9 9 .7 56 .9 12050 730 14 .6 3 .6 684 .7 85 .4 36
356x127 39 352 .8 126 .0 13 .9x 5 .0 26 6 .5 10 .7 49 .3 10050 333 14 .3 2 .6 570 .0 52 .9 33
33 348 .5 125 .4 13 .7x 4 .9 22 5 .9 8 .5 41 .7 8167 257 14 .0 2 .5 468 .7 41 .0 41
305x165 54 310 .9 166 .8 12 .2x 6 .6 36 7 .7 13 .7 68 .3 11690 988 13 .1 3 .8 751 .8 118 .5 23
46 307 .1 165 .7 12 .lx 6 .5 31 6 .7 11 .8 58 .8 99'24 825 13 .0 3 .7 646 .4 99 .5 26
40 303 .8 165 .1 12 .Ox 6 .5 27 6 .1 10 .2 51 .4 8500 691 12 .9 3 .7 559 .6 83 .7 30
305x127 48 310 .4 125 .2 12 .2x 4 .9 32 8 .9 14 .0 60 .8 9485 438 12 .5 2 .7 611 .1 69 .9 22
42 306 .6 124 .3 12 .lx 4 .9 28 8 .0 12 .1 53 .1 8124 367 12 .4 2 .6 530 .0 59 .0 25
37 303 .8 123 .5 12 .Ox 4 .9 25 7 .2 10 .7 47 .4 7143 316 12 .3 2 .6 470 .3 51 .1 28
305x102 33 312 .7 102 .4 12 .3x 4 .0 22 6 .6 10 .8 41 .8 6482 189 12 .5 2 .1 414 .6 37 .0 29
28 308 .9 101 .9 12 .2x 4 .0 19 6 .1 8 .9 36 .3 5415 153 12 .2 2 .1 350 .7 30 .0 35
25 304 .8 101 .6 12 .Ox 4 .0 16 .5 5 .8 6 .8 31 .4 4381 116 11 .8 1 .9 287 .5 22 .9 45
254x146 43 259 .6 147 .3 10 .2x 5 .8 29 7 .3 12 .7 55 .0 6546 633 10 .9 3 .4 504 .3 86 .0 20
37 256 .0 146 .4 10 .lx 5 .8 25 6 .4 10 .9 47 .4 5544 528 10 .8 3 .3 433 .1 72 .1 23
31 251 .5 146 .1 9 .9x 5 .8 21 6 .1 8 .6 39 .9 4427 406 10 .5 3 .2 352 .1 55 .5 29
254x102 28 260 .4 102 .1 10 .3x 4 .0 19 6 .4 10 .0 36 .2 4004 174 10 .3 2 .2 307 .6 34 .1 26
25 257 .0 101 .9 10 .lx 4 .0 17 6 .1 8 .4 32 .1 3404 144 10 .3 2 .1 264 .9 28 .2 31
22 254 .0 101 .6 IO .Ox 4 .0 15 5 .8 6 .8 28 .4 2863 116 10 .0 2 .0 225 .4 22 .8 37
203x133 30 206 .8 133 .8 8 .lx 5 .3 20 6 .3 9 .6 38 .0 2880 354 8 .7 3 .1 278 .5 52 .9 22
25 203 .2 133 .4 8 .Ox 5 .3 17 5 .8 7 .8 32 .3 2348 280 8 .5 2 .9 231 .1 41 .9 26
See separate page for notes
Serial Size Mass/m Depth Breadth Imperial Equivalent Thickness Area Mom . of Inert . Rad . of Gyr . Sec . Mod . D/T
D B D x B Mass/ft Web Flange X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y
kg mm mm ins lbs mm cm2 cm4 cm cm3
356x406 634 474 .7 424 .1 18 .7x16 .7 426 47 .6 77 .0 808 .1 275100 98210 18 .5 11 .0 11590 4632 6
551 455 .7 418 .5 17 .9x16 .5 370 42 .0 67 .5 701 .8 227000 82670 18 .0 10 .9 9964 3951 7
467 436 .6 412 .4 17 .2x16 .2 314 35 .9 58 .0 595 .5 183100 67910 17 .5 10 .7 8388 3293 8
393 419 .1 407 .0 16 .5x16 .0 264 30 .6 49 .2 500 .9 146800 55410 17 .1 10 .5 7004 2723 9
340 406 .4 403 .0 16 .0x15 .9 228 26 .5 42 .9 432 .7 122500 46820 16 .8 10 .4 6027 2324 10
287 393 .7 399 .0 15 .5x15 .7 193 22 .6 36 .5 366 .0 99990 38710 16 .5 10 .3 5080 1940 11
235 381 .0 395 .0 15 .0x15 .6 158 18 .5 30 .2 299 .8 79110 38000 16 .2 10 .2 4153 1570 13
Column Core 477 427 .0 424 .4 16 .8x16 .7 320 ' 48 .0 53 .2 607 .2 172400 68060 16 .8 10 .6 8075 3207 8
356x368 202 374 .7 374 .4 14 .8x14 .7 136 16 .8 27 .0 257 .9 66310 23630 16 .0 9 .6 3540 1262 14
177 368 .3 372 .1 14 .5x14 .7 119 14 .5 23 .8 225 .7 57150 20470 15 .9 9 .5 2104 1100 16
153 362 .0 370 .2 14 .3x14 .6 103 12 .6 20 .7 195 .2 48530 17470 15 .8 9 .5 2681 943 .8 18
129 355 .6 368 .3 14 .0x14 .5 87 10 .7 17 .5 164 .9 40250 14560 15 .6 9 .4 2264 790 .4 20
305x305 283 365 .3 321 .8 14 .4x12 .7 190 26 .9 44 .1 360 .4 78780 24550 14 .8 8 .3 4314 1525 8
240 352 .6 317 .9 13 .9x12 .5 161 23 .0 37 .7 305 .6 64180 20240 14 .5 8 .1 3641 1273 9
198 339 .9 314 .1 13 .4x12 .4 133 19 .2 31 .4 252 .3 50830 16230 14 .2 8 .0 2991 1034 11
158 327 .2 310 .6 12 .9x12 .2 106 15 .7 25 .0 201 .2 38740 12520 13 .9 7 .9 2368 806 .3 13
137 320 .5 308 .7 12 .6x12 .2 92 13 .8 21 .7 174 .6 32840 10670 13 .7 7 .8 2049 691 .4 15
118 314 .5 306 .8 12 .4x12 .1 79 11 .9 18 .7 149 .8 27600 9006 13 .6 7 .8 1755 587 .0 17
97 307 .8 304 .8 12 .1x12 .0 65 9 .9 15 .4 123 .3 22200 7268 13 .4 7 .7 1442 476 .9 20
254x254 167 289 .1 264 .5 11 .4x10 .4 112 19 .2 31 .7 212 .4 29910 9796 11 .9 6 .8 2070 740 .6 9
132 276 .4 261 .0 10 .9x10 .3 89 15 .6 25 .1 167 .7 22420 7444 11 .6 6 .7 1622 570 .4 11
107 266 .7 258 .3 10 .5x10 .2 72 13 .0 20 .5 136 .6 17510 5901 11 .3 6 .6 1313 456 .9 13
89 260 .4 255 .9 10 .3x10 .1 60 10 .5 17 .3 114 .0 14310 4849 11 .2 6 .5 1099 378 .9 15
73 254 .0 254 .0 10 .0x10 .0 49 8 .6 14 .2 92 .9 11360 3873 11 .1 6 .5 894 .5 305 .0 18
203x203 86 222 .3 208 .8 8 .8x 8 .2 58 13 .0 20 .5 110 .1 9462 3119 9 .3 5 .3 851 .5 298 .7 11
71 215 .9 206 .2 8 .5x 8 .1 48 10 .3 17 .3 91 .1 7647 2536 9 .2 5 .3 708 .4 246 .0 12
60 209 .6 205 .2 8 .3x 8 .1 40 9 .3 14 .2 75 .8 6088 2041 9 .0 5 .2 581 .1 199 .0 15
52 206 .2 203 .9 8 .1x 8 .0 35 8 .0 12 .5 66 .4 5263 1770 8 .9 5 .2 510 .4 173 .6 17
46 203 .2 203 .2 8 .Ox 8 .0 31 7 .3 11 .0 58 .8 4564 1539 8 .8 5 .1 449 .2 151 .5 19
152x152 37 161 .8 154 .4 6 .4x 6 .1 25 8 .1 11 .5 47 .4 2218 709 6 .8 3 .9 274 .2 91 .8 14
30 157 .5 152 .9 6 .2x 6 .0 20 6 .6 9 .4 38 .2 1742 558 6 .8 3 .8 221 .2 73 .1 17
23 152 .4 152 .4 6 .Ox 6 .0 15 .7 6 .1 6 .8 29 .8 1263 403 6 .5 3 .7 165 .7 53 .0 22
Notes relative to Tables 3.11 to 3.16 inclusive Notes relative to Tables 3.17 to 3.20 inc
Following upon the introduction of Universal Beam and Table 3 .17 lists the essential design properties for single
Column sections in 1959, BS4 was amended to cover these joist compound column sections as sketch a below.
sections and the specification split into two parts . Hence Table 3 .18 lists the same design properties for double
BS4 Part A, 1959 covered angles and tees etc whilst BS4 joist compound column sections as sketch a below .
Part B, 1959 covered Universal Beam and Column sections In compiling the properties of compound column sec-
together with a limited range of Broad Flange Beams . tions gross values of area and inertia have been used with
In 1962 BS4 Part 1 was issued to cover the range of no deduction for rivet holes .
Universal Beam and Column sections which were consider- Table 3 .19 lists the essential design properties for
ed, after initial use of the sections, to meet the then known single joist compound girder sections as sketch a below .
requirements . [With an addendum in 1963 listing extra Table 3 .20 lists the same properties for double
sizes] . joist compound girder sections as sketch b below .
Tables 3 .11 and 3 .12 give the imperial properties of In compiling the properties of compound girder
the BS4 Part 1 1962/63 sections, and whilst there were a sections gross area without deduction for rivet holes is
number of further minor additions - which are given in given but in calculating the section modulus deduction
Table 3.13 metric equivalents of the imperial properties has been made for rivet holes .
were given in a subsequent amendment ie BS4 Part 1 1972 . The mass per unit length for a// compound sections
These properties are given in Tables 3 .14 and 3 .15 . includes an allowance for rivet heads.
The Universal Beams given in these tables are shaped as It must be noted that the compounds listed in the four
Fig .3 .11 . except for 12 x 4 and 10 x 4 where the angle is tables are only a selection from the full possible range
91 0 -9' . which is too extensive to present in this publication .
Since rivetted compounds are a form of construction
Note :- - over a period the flanges of UBs have been made related to the period before the introduction of Universal
parallel but in no cases are the properties reduced from Beam and Column sections, and were substantially obsolete
those listed . before the change to metric in the industry, no attempt
has been made to tabulate metric conversions of the data,
Universal Columns were made from the outset with par- except to list the overall size and mass/m.
allel flanges and the properties given in Tables 3 .12 and
3 .15 are based on this shape.
In 1975 an amendment to BS4 Part 1, 1972 was issued
deleting a number of beams . These are shown in Table
3 .16 .
Figure 3.11 Universal Beam . Figure 3.12 Compound Girders and Columns .
------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPERIAL UNITS See separate page for notes
Size Composed of Mass/ft Metric Equivalent Area Rad . of Gyr . Sec . Mod .
D x B One joist Plates !era D x B Mass/m Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X
ins ins lbs mm kg ins2 ins ins3
22 x14 18x8x50 14x2 274 .0 559x356 408 79 .5 3 .5 9 .3 140 .6 628 .2
21 x14 14x1 .50 226 .4 533x356 337 65 .5 3 .4 9 .0 107 .9 504 .1
20 x14 14x1 178 .8 508x356 266 51 .5 3 .2 8 .6 75 .3 382 .1
19 .50x14 14x0 .75 155 .0 495x356 231 44 .5 3 .0 8 .4 58 .9 321 .9
19 x14 140 .50 131 .2 483x356 195 37 .5 2 .8 8 .2 42 .6 262 .1
22 x12 18x6x55 12x2 220 .5 559x305 328 64 .2 3 .1 9 .4 99 .9 514 .3
21 x12 12x1 .50 179 .7 533x305 267 52 .2 3 .0 9 .1 75 .9 406 .7
20 x12 12x1 138 .9 508x305 207 40 .2 2 .8 8 .7 51 .9 301 .0
19 .50x12 12x0 .75 118 .5 495x305 176 34 .2 2 .7 8 .4 39 .9 248 .7
19 x12 12x0 .50 98 .1 483x305 146 28 .2 2 .4 8 .1 27 .9 196 .7
20 x14 16x8x75 14x2 269 .0 508x356 400 78 .1 3 .6 8 .4 140 .4 552 .9
19 x14 14x1 .50 221 .4 483x356 329 64 .1 3 .4 8 .1 107 .8 441 .8
18 x14 14x1 173 .8 457x356 259 50 .1 3 .2 7 .7 75 .1 333 .2
17 .50x14 14x0 .75 150 .0 445x356 223 43 .1 3 .1 7 .5 58 .8 279 .8
17 x14 14x0 .50 126 .2 432x356 188 36 .1 2 .9 7 .3 42 .4 226 .7
20 x12 16x6x62 12x2 227 .4 508x305 338 66 .2 3 .0 8 .4 100 .5 462 .9
19 x12 12x1 .50 186 .6 483x305 278 54 .2 2 .9 8 .0 76 .5 367 .2
18 x12 12x1 145 .8 457x305 217 42 .2 2 .7 7 .6 52 .5 273 .5
17 .50x12 12x0 .75 125 .4 445x305 187 36 .2 2 .6 7 .4 40 .5 227 .2
17 x12 12x0 .50 105 .0 432x305 156 30 .2 2 .4 7 .1 28 .5 181 .4
20 x12 16x6x50 12x2 215 .5 508x305 321 62 .7 3 .1 8 .5 99 .7 452 .2
19 x12 12x1 .50 174 .7 483x305 260 50 .7 3 .0 8 .2 75 .7 355 .9
18 x12 12x1 133 .9 457x305 199 38 .7 2 .8 7 .8 51 .7 261 .6
17 .50x12 12x0 .75 113 .5 445x305 169 32 .7 2 .7 7 .6 39 .7 215 .0
17 x12 12x0 .50 93 .1 432x305 139 26 .7 2 .5 7 .3 27 .7 168 .8
19 x12 15x6x45 12x2 210 .5 483x305 313 61 .2 3 .1 8 .1 99 .3 418 .5
18 x12 12x1 .50 169 .7 457x305 253 49 .2 3 .0 7 .7 75 .3 327 .7
17 x12 12x1 128 .9 432x305 192 37 .2 2 .9 7 .4 51 .3 238 .8
16 .50x12 12x0 .75 108 .5 419x305 161 31 .2 2 .8 7 .2 39 .3 195 .0
16 x12 12x0 .50 88 .1 406x305 131 25 .2 2 .6 6 .9 27 .3 151 .6
18 x14 14x8x70 14x2 264 .0 457x356 393 76 .6 3 .6 7 .5 140 .2 478 .7
17 x12 14x1 .50 216 .4 432x356 322 62 .6 3 .5 7 .2 107 .5 380 .7
16 x14 14x1 168 .8 406x356 251 48 .6 3 .3 6 .9 74 .9 285 .4
15 .50x14 14x0 .75 145 .0 394x356 216 41 .6 3 .1 6 .7 58 .5 238 .6
15 x14 14x0 .50 121 .2 381x356 180 34 .6 2 .9 6 .5 42 .2 192 .2
18 x12 14x6x57 12x2 222 .5 457x305 331 64 .8 3 .1 7 .5 100 .7 402 .4
17 x12 12x1 .50 181 .7 432x305 270 52 .8 3 .0 7 .2 76 .7 317 .9
16 x12 12x1 140 .9 406x305 210 40 .8 2 .8 6 .8 52 .7 235 .7
15 .50x12 12x0 .75 120 .5 394x305 179 34 .8 2 .7 6 .6 40 .7 195 .3
15 x12 12x0 .50 100 .1 381x305 149 28 .8 2 .4 6 .4 28 .7 155 .2
18 x12 14x6x46 12x2 211 .7 457x305 315 61 .6 3 .1 7 .6 99 .6 392 .3
17 x12 12x1 .50 170 .9 432x305 254 49 .6 3 .0 7 .3 75 .6 307 .2
16 x12 12x1 130 .1 406x305 194 37 .6 2 .9 6 .9 51 .6 224 .3
15 .50x12 12x0 .75 109 .7 394x305 163 31 .6 2 .7 6 .7 39 .6 183 .5
15 x12 12x0 .50 89 .3 381x305 133 25 .6 2 .5 6 .5 27 .6 143 .1
15 x14 12x8x65 14x1 .50 211 .4 381x356 315 61 .1 3 .5 6 .3 107 .3 321 .2
14 x14 14x1 163 .8 356x356 244 47 .1 3 .3 6 .0 74 .6 239 .0
13 .50x14 14x0 .75 140 .0 343x356 208 40 .1 3 .2 5 .8 58 .3 198 .8
13 x14 140 .50 116 .2 330x356 173 33 .1 3 .0 5 .6 42 .0 159 .2
15 x12 12x6x54 12x1 .50 178 .7 381x305 266 51 .9 3 .0 6 .2 76 .7 269 .7
14 x12 12x1 137 .9 356x305 205 39 .9 2 .8 5 .9 52 .7 198 .8
13 .50x12 12x0 .75 117 .5 343x305 175 33 .9 2 .7 5 .7 40 .7 164 .2
13 x12 12x0 .50 97 .1 330x305 145 27 .9 2 .5 5 .5 28 .7 130 .0
15 x12 12x6x44 12x1 .50 168 .9 381x305 251 49 .0 3 .0 6 .3 75 .7 261 .8
14 x12 12x1 128 .1 356x305 190 37 .0 2 .9 6 .0 51 .7 190 .4
13 .50x12 12x0 .75 107 .7 343x305 160 31 .0 2 .8 5 .8 39 .7 155 .4
13 x12 12x0 .50 87 .3 330x305 130 25 .0 2 .6 5 .6 27 .7 120 .9
13 x14 10x8x55 14x1 .50 201 .4 330x356 300 58 .2 3 .6 5 .4 105 .8 259 .3
12 x14 14x1 153 .8 305x356 229 44 .2 3 .4 5 .1 73 .2 189 .7
11 .50x14 14x0 .75 130 .0 292x356 193 37 .2 3 .3 4 .9 56 .8 155 .9
11 x14 14x0 .50 106 .2 279x356 158 30 .2 3 .1 4 .7 40 .5 122 .7
13 x12 10x6x40 12x1 .50 164 .7 330x305 245 47 .8 3 .1 5 .4 75 .6 215 .7
12 x12 12x1 123 .9 305x305 184 35 .8 2 .9 5 .1 51 .6 155 .5
11 .50x12 12x0 .75 103 .5 292x305 154 29 .8 2 .8 4 .9 39 .6 126 .2
11 x12 12x0 .50 83 .1 279x305 124 23 .8 2 .6 4 .8 27 .6 97 .4
11 x12 8x6x35 12x1 .50 159 .7 279x305 238 46 .3 3 .1 4 .5 75 .3 169 .8
10 x12 12x1 118 .9 254x305 177 34 .3 3 .0 4 .2 51 .3 120 .6
9 .50x12 12x0 .75 98 .5 241x305 147 28 .3 2 .9 4 .0 39 .3 96 .9
9 x12 12x0 .50 78 .1 227x305 116 22 .3 2 .7 3 .9 27 .3 73 .8
IMPERIAL UNITS See separate page for notes
--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Size Composed of Mass/ft Metric Equivalent Area Rad . of Gyr . Sec . Mod .
D x B Two joists Plates ena D x B Mass/m Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X
ins ins lbs mm kg ins2 ins ins3
22 x18 18x7x75 18x2 398 .6 559x457 593 116 .2 5 .0 9 .1 325 .8 866 .0
21 x18 18x1 .50 337 .4 533x457 502 98 .2 5 .0 8 .7 271 .8 709 .1
20 x18 18x1 276 .2 508x457 411 80 .2 4 .9 8 .3 217 .8 555 .4
19 .50x18 18x0 .75 245 .6 495x457 365 71 .2 4 .9 8 .1 190 .8 479 .7
19 x18 18x0 .50 215 .0 483x457 320 62 .2 4 .9 7 .9 163 .8 404 .5
22 x16 18x6x55 16x2 329 .9 559x406 491 96 .4 4 .5 9 .2 241 .3 736 .8
21 x16 16x1 .50 275 .5 533x406 410 80 .4 4 .5 8 .8 198 .6 595 .8
20 x16 16x1 221 .1 508x406 329 64 .4 4 .4 8 .4 156 .0 457 .4
19 .50x16 16x0 .75 193 .9 495x406 289 56 .4 4 .4 8 .2 134 .6 389 .1
19 x16 16x0 .50 166 .7 483x406 248 48 .4 4 .3 8 .0 113 .3 321 .4
20 x20 16x8x75 20x2 425 .6 508x508 633 124 .1 5 .6 8 .3 390 .6 845 .4
19 x20 20x1 .50 357 .6 483x508 532 104 .1 5 .6 7 .9 324 .0 689 .8
18 x20 20x1 289 .6 457x508 431 84 .1 5 .5 7 .6 257 .3 537 .9
17 .50x20 20x0 .75 255 .6 445x508 380 74 .1 5 .5 7 .4 224 .0 463 .3
17 x20 20x0 .50 221 .6 432x508 330 64 .1 5 .5 7 .2 190 .6 389 .4
20 x16 16x6x62 16x2 343 .7 508x406 511 100 .4 4 .5 8 .1 250 .3 665 .5
19 x16 16x1 .50 289 .3 483x406 431 84 .4 4 .4 7 .8 207 .6 540 .4
18 x16 16x1 234 .9 457x406 350 68 .4 4 .4 7 .4 165 .0 418 .3
17 .50x16 16x0 .75 207 .7 445x406 309 60 .4 4 .4 7 .2 143 .6 358 .2
17 x16 16x0 .50 180 .5 432x406 269 52 .4 4 .3 7 .0 122 .3 298 .8
20 x16 16x6x50 16x2 319 .9 508x406 476 93 .4 4 .5 8 .3 235 .1 644 .2
19 x16 16x1 .50 265 .5 483x406 395 77 .4 4 .5 8 .0 192 .5 517 .9
18 x16 16x1 211 .1 457x406 314 61 .4 4 .4 7 .6 149 .8 394 .5
17 .50x16 16x0 .75 183 .9 445x406 274 53 .4 4 .4 7 .4 128 .5 333 .8
17 x16 16x0 .50 156 .7 432x406 233 45 .4 4 .3 7 .2 107 .1 273 .6
19 x16 15x6x45 16x2 309 .9 483x406 461 90 .5 4 .5 7 .9 228 .6 592 .5
18 x16 16x1 .50 255 .5 457x406 380 74 .5 4 .5 7 .6 185 .9 473 .3
17 x16 16x1 201 .1 432x406 299 58 .5 4 .4 7 .2 143 .3 357 .0
16 .50x16 16x0 .75 173 .9 419x406 259 50 .5 4 .4 7 .0 121 .9 299 .8
16 x16 16x0 .50 146 .7 406x406 218 42 .5 4 .4 6 .8 100 .6 243 .1
18 x20 14x8x70 20x2 415 .5 457x508 618 121 .2 5 .6 7 .4 383 .0 728 .6
17 x20 20x1 .50 347 .6 432x508 517 101 .2 5 .6 7 .1 316 .3 591 .3
16 x20 20x1 279 .6 406x508 416 81 .2 5 .6 6 .7 249 .6 458 .1
15 .50x20 20x0 .75 245 .6 394x508 265 71 .2 5 .5 6 .5 216 .3 392 .8
15 x20 20x0 .50 211 .6 381x508 315 61 .2 5 .5 6 .3 183 .0 328 .4
18 x16 14x6x57 16x2 334 .0 457x406 497 97 .6 4 .5 7 .3 244 .8 576 .0
17 x16 16x1 .50 279 .6 432x406 416 81 .6 4 .5 7 .0 202 .1 465 .7
16 x16 16x1 225 .2 406x406 335 65 .6 4 .4 6 .6 159 .4 358 .7
15 .50x16 16x0 .75 198 .0 394x406 295 57 .6 4 .4 6 .4 138 .1 306 .2
15 x16 16x0 .50 170 .8 381x406 254 49 .6 4 .3 6 .2 116 .8 254 .4
18 x16 14x6x46 16x2 312 .3 457x406 465 91 .2 4 .5 7 .4 230 .4 555 .8
17 x16 16x1 .50 257 .9 432x406 384 75 .2 4 .5 7 .1 187 .7 444 .4
16 x16 16x1 203 .5 406x406 303 59 .2 4 .4 6 .7 145 .1 336 .0
15 .50x16 16x0 .75 176 .3 394x406 262 51 .2 4 .4 6 .5 123 .7 282 .8
15 x16 16x0 .50 149 .1 381x406 222 43 .2 4 .4 6 .3 102 .4 230 .2
15 x20 12x8x65 20x1 .50 337 .6 381x508 502 98 .2 5 .6 6 .2 308 .6 496 .1
14 x20 20x1 269 .6 356x508 401 78 .2 5 .6 5 .8 242 .0 381 .3
13 .50x20 20x0 .75 235 .6 343x508 351 68 .2 5 .5 5 .7 208 .6 325 .4
13 x20 20x0 .50 201 .6 330x508 300 58 .2 5 .5 5 .5 175 .3 270 .3
15 x14 12x6x54 14x1 .50 253 .1 381x356 377 73 .8 3 .9 6 .0 151 .7 356 .4
14 x14 14x1 205 .5 356x356 306 59 .8 3 .9 5 .7 129 .0 276 .7
13 .50x14 14x0 .75 181 .7 343x356 270 52 .8 3 .9 5 .5 112 .7 237 .9
13 x14 14x0 .50 157 .9 330x356 235 45 .8 3 .8 5 .3 96 .4 199 .8
15 x14 12x6x44 14x1 .50 233 .5 381x356 347 68 .0 3 .9 6 .1 149 .8 340 .7
14 x14 14x1 185 .9 356x356 277 54 .0 3 .9 5 .8 117 .2 259 .8
13 .50x14 14x0 .75 162 .1 343x356 241 47 .0 3 .9 5 .6 100 .8 220 .4
13 x14 14x0 .50 138 .3 330x356 206 40 .0 3 .9 5 .4 84 .5 181 .6
13 x18 10x8x55 18x1 .50 297 .2 330x457 442 86 .4 5 .1 5 .2 247 .0 365 .1
12 x18 18x1 236 .0 305x457 351 68 .4 5 .0 4 .9 193 .0 278 .2
11 .50x18 18x0 .75 205 .4 292x457 306 59 .4 5 .0 4 .8 166 .0 236 .3
11 x18 18x0 .50 174 .8 279x457 260 50 .4 5 .0 4 .6 139 .0 195 .3
13 x14 10x6x40 14x1 .50 225 .1 330x356 335 65 .5 3 .9 5 .3 145 .4 277 .9
12 x14 14x1 177 .5 305x356 264 51 .5 3 .9 4 .9 112 .7 209 .8
11 .50x14 14x0 .75 153 .7 292x356 229 44 .5 3 .9 4 .8 96 .4 176 .9
11 x14 14x0 .50 129 .9 279x356 193 37 .5 3 .9 4 .6 80 .1 144 .7
11 x14 8x6x35 14x1 .50 215 .1 279x356 320 62 .6 4 .0 4 .4 139 .6 215 .6
10 x14 14x1 167 .5 254x356 249 48 .6 3 .9 4 .1 107 .0 159 .9
9 .50x14 14x0 .75 143 .7 241x356 214 41 .6 3 .9 3 .9 90 .5 133 .3
9 x14 14x0 .50 119 .9 227x356 178 34 .6 2 .7 3 .9 74 .3 107 .4
IMPERIAL UNITS See separate page for notes
Size Composed of Mass/ft Metric Equivalent Area Net Inertia Section Modulus X - X
D x B One joist Plates ea D X B Mass/m X - X Girder 1" extra
flange plate width
ins ins lbs mm kg ins2 ins4 ins3
28 x12 24x7 .50x95 12x2 261 .8 711x305 390 75 .9 9783 698 .8 48 .4
27 x12 12x1 .50 221 .0 686x305 329 63 .9 7691 569 .7 36 .2
26 x12 12x1 180 .2 660x305 268 51 .9 5749 442 .2 24 .1
25 .50x12 12x0 .75 159 .8 648x305 238 45 .9 4832 379 .0 18 .0
25 x12 12x0 .50 139 .4 635x305 207 39 .9 3950 316 .0 12 .0
26 x12 22x7 x75 12x2 241 .8 660x305 360 70 .1 7892 607 .1 44 .4
25 x12 12x1 .50 201 .0 635x305 299 58 .1 6093 487 .5 33 .2
24 x12 12x1 160 .2 610x305 238 46 .1 4433 369 .4 22 .1
23 .50x12 12x0 .75 139 .8 597x305 208 40 .1 3653 310 .9 16 .5
23 x12 12x0 .50 119 .4 584x305 178 34 .1 2905 252 .6 11 .0
24 x12 20x7 .5Ox89 12x2 255 .8 610x305 381 74 .2 6876 573 .0 40 .4
23 x12 12x1 .50 215 .0 584x305 320 62 .2 5348 465 .1 30 .2
22 x12 12x1 174 .2 559x305 259 50 .2 3948 358 .9 20 .1
21 .50x12 12x0 .75 153 .8 546x305 229 44 .2 3294 306 .4 15 .0
21 x12 12x0 .50 133 .4 533x305 199 38 .2 2669 254 .2 10 .0
24 x10 20x6 .5Ox65 10x2 204 .6 610x254 304 59 .1 5486 457 .2 40 .4
23 x10 10x1 .50 170 .6 584x254 254 49 .1 4235 368 .2 30 .2
22 x10 10x1 136 .6 559x254 203 39 .1 3088 280 .7 20 .1
21 .50x10 10x0 .75 119 .6 546x254 178 34 .1 2552 237 .4 15 .0
21 x10 10x0 .50 102 .6 533x254 153 29 .1 2040 194 .3 10 .0
22 x12 18x7 x75 12x2 241 .9 559x305 360 70 .1 5466 496 .9 36 .5
21 x1 12x1 .50 201 .1 533x305 299 58 .1 4187 398 .8 27 .2
20 x12 12x1 160 .3 508x305 238 46 .1 3025 302 .5 18 .1
19 .50x12 12x0 .75 139 .9 495x305 208 40 .1 2485 254 .9 13 .5
19 x12 12x0 .50 119 .5 483x305 178 34 .1 1973 207 .7 9 .0
21 x10 18x6 x55 10x1 .50 159 .3 533x254 237 46 .2 3378 321 .7 27 .2
20 x10 10x1 125 .3 508x254 186 36 .2 2412 241 .2 18 .1
19 .50x10 10x0 .75 108 .3 495x254 161 31 .2 1964 201 .5 13 .5
19 x10 10x0 .50 91 .3 483x254 136 26 .2 1539 162 .0 9 .0
19 x10 16x6 x62 10x1 .50 166 .2 483x254 247 48 .2 2763 290 .8 24 .2
18 x10 10x1 132 .2 457x254 197 38 .2 1976 219 .6 16 .1
17 .50x10 10x0 .75 115 .2 445x254 171 33 .2 1615 184 .5 12 .0
17 x10 10x0 .50 98 .2 432x254 146 28 .2 1273 149 .7 8 .0
19 x10 16x6 x50 10x1 .50 154 .3 483x254 230 44 .7 2666 280 .7 24 .2
18 x10 10x1 120 .3 457x254 179 34 .7 1880 208 .9 16 .1
17 .50x10 lOxO .75 103 .3 445x254 154 29 .7 1518 173 .5 12 .0
17 x10 10x0 .50 86 .3 432x254 128 24 .7 1177 138 .4 8 .0
18 x10 15x6 x45 10x1 .50 149 .3 457x254 222 43 .2 2320 257 .8 22 .8
17 x10 10x1 115 .3 432x254 172 33 .2 1616 190 .2 15 .1
16 .50x10 10x0 .75 98 .3 419x254 146 28 .2 1294 156 .2 11 .3
16 x10 10x0 .50 81 .3 406x254 121 23 .2 991 123 .8 7 .5
18 x9 15x5 x42 9x1 .50 136 .1 457x227 203 39 .4 2051 227 .9 22 .8
17 x9 9x1 105 .5 432x227 157 30 .4 1424 167 .5 15 .1
16 .50x9 9x0 .75 90 .2 419x227 134 25 .9 1137 137 .8 11 .3
16 x9 9x0 .50 74 .9 406x227 111 21 .4 866 103 .3 7 .5
17 x10 14x6 x57 10x1 .50 161 .3 432x254 240 46 .8 2134 251 .0 21 .3
16 x10 10x1 127 .3 406x254 189 36 .8 1508 188 .5 14 .1
15 .50x10 10x0 .75 110 .3 394x254 164 31 .8 1223 157 .9 10 .5
15 x10 10x0 .50 93 .3 381x254 139 26 .8 956 127 .5 7 .0
17 x10 14x6 x46 10x1 .50 150 .5 432x254 224 43 .6 2054 241 .7 21 .3
16 x10 10x1 116 .5 406x254 173 33 .6 1429 178 .6 14 .1
15 .50x10 10x0 .75 99 .5 394x254 148 28 .6 1144 147 .6 10 .5
15 x10 10x0 .50 82 .5 381x254 123 23 .6 877 116 .9 7 .0
16 x9 13x5 x35 9x1 .50 129 .1 406x227 192 37 .3 1542 192 .7 19 .8
15 x9 9x1 98 .5 381x227 147 28 .3 1050 140 .0 13 .1
14 .50x9 9x0 .75 83 .2 368x227 124 23 .8 827 114 .1 9 .8
14 x9 9x0 .50 67 .9 356x227 101 19 .3 619 88 .5 6 .5
15 x10 12x6 x54 10x1 .50 158 .3 381x254 236 45 .9 1593 212 .4 18 .3
14 x10 10x1 124 .3 356x254 185 35 .9 1110 158 .6 12 .1
13 .50x10 10x0 .75 107 .3 343x254 160 30 .9 893 132 .3 9 .0
13 x10 10x0 .50 90 .3 330x254 134 25 .9 691 106 .3 6 .0
15 x10 12x6 x44 10x1 .50 148 .5 381x254 221 43 .0 1542 205 .5 18 .3
14 x10 10x1 114 .5 356x254 170 33 .0 1058 151 .2 12 .1
13 .50x10 10x0 .75 97 .5 343x254 145 28 .0 841 124 .6 9 .0
13 x10 10x0 .50 80 .5 330x254 120 23 .0 640 98 .4 6 .0
15 x9 12x5 x32 9x1 .50 126 .2 381x227 188 36 .5 1316 175 .4 18 .3
14 x9 9x1 95 .6 356x227 142 27 .5 885 126 .5 12 .1
13 .50x9 9x0 .75 80 .3 343x227 119 23 .0 692 102 .5 9 .0
13 x9 9x0 .50 65 .0 330x227 97 18 .5 512 78 .8 6 .0
IMPERIAL UNITS See separate page for notes
Size Composed of Mass/ft Metric Equivalent Area Net Inertia Section Modulus X - X
D x B Two joists Plates (e-ct D x B Mass/m X - X Girder 1" extra
flange plate width
ins ins lbs mm kg ins2 ins4 ins3
28 x18 24x7 .50x95 18x2 438 .4 711x457 652 127 .9 15500 1107 48 .4
27 x18 18x1 .50 377 .2 686x457 561 109 .9 12450 922 .4 36 .2
26 x18 18x1 316 .0 660x457 470 91 .9 9621 740 .1 24 .1
25 .50x18 18x0 .75 285 .4 648x457 425 82 .9 8285 649 .8 18 .0
25 x18 18x0 .50 254 .8 635x457 379 73 .9 7000 560 .0 12 .0
26 x18 22x7 x75 18x2 398 .4 660x457 593 116 .1 12320 947 .6 44 .4
25 x18 18x1 .50 337 .2 635x457 502 98 .1 9698 775 .8 33 .2
24 x18 18x1 276 .0 610x457 411 80 .1 7278 606 .5 22 .1
23 .50x18 18x0 .75 245 .4 597x457 365 71 .1 6141 522 .6 16 .5
23 x18 18x0 .50 214 .8 584x457 320 52 .1 5051 439 .2 11 .0
24 x18 20x7 .5Ox89 18x2 426 .5 610x457 635 124 .4 10840 903 .3 40 .4
23 x18 18x1 .50 365 .3 584x457 544 106 .4 8613 749 .0 30 .2
22 x18 18x1 304 .1 559x457 453 88 .4 6572 597 .4 20 .1
21 .50x18 18x0 .75 273 .5 546x457 407 79 .4 5618 522 .6 15 .0
21 x18 18x0 .50 242 .9 533x457 361 70 .4 4708 448 .4 10 .0
24 x16 20x6 .5Ox65 16x2 351 .2 610x406 523 102 .2 9031 752 .6 40 .4
23 x16 16x1 .50 296 .8 584x406 442 86 .2 7080 615 .7 30 .2
22 x16 16x1 242 .4 559x406 361 70 .2 5292 481 .1 20 .1
21 .50x16 16x0 .75 215 .2 546x406 320 62 .2 4457 414 .6 15 .0
21 x16 16x0 .50 188 .0 533x406 280 54 .2 3660 348 .6 10 .0
22 x18 180 x75 18x2 398 .6 559x457 593 116 .2 8524 774 .9 36 .5
21 x18 18x1 .50 337 .4 533x457 502 98 .2 6660 634 .3 27 .2
20 x18 18x1 276 .2 508x457 411 80 .2 4966 496 .6 18 .1
19 .50x18 18x0 .75 245 .6 495x457 365 71 .2 4179 428 .7 13 .5
19 x18 18x0 .50 215 .0 483x457 320 62 .2 3432 361 .3 9 .0
22 x16 18x6 x55 16x2 329 .9 559x406 491 96 .4 7274 661 .3 36 .5
21 x16 16x1 .50 275 .5 533x406 410 80 .4 5613 534 .5 27 .2
20 x16 16x1 221 .1 508x406 329 64 .4 4102 410 .2 18 .1
19 .50x16 16x0 .75 193 .9 495x406 289 56 .4 3401 348 .8 13 .5
19 x16 16x0 .50 166 .7 483x406 248 48 .4 2735 287 .9 9 .0
19 x14 16x6 x62 14x1 .50 268 .9 483x356 400 78 .4 4144 436 .2 24 .2
18 x14 14x1 221 .3 457x356 329 64 .4 3085 342 .8 16 .1
17 .50x14 14x0 .75 197 .5 445x356 294 57 .4 2597 296 .8 12 .0
17 x14 14x0 .50 173 .7 432x356 258 50 .4 2137 251 .4 8 .0
19 x14 16x6 x50 14x1 .50 245 .1 483x356 365 71 .4 3951 415 .9 24 .2
18 x14 14x1 197 .5 457x356 294 57 .4 2892 321 .4 16 .1
17 .50x14 14x0 .75 173 .7 445x356 258 50 .4 2405 274 .9 12 .0
17 x14 14x0 .50 149 .9 432x356 223 43 .4 1945 228 .8 8 .0
18 x14 15x6 x45 14x1 .50 235 .1 457x356 350 68 .5 3411 379 .0 22 .8
17 x14 14x1 187 .5 432x356 279 54 .5 2464 289 .8 15 .1
16 .50x14 14x0 .75 163 .7 419x356 244 47 .5 2030 246 .0 11 .3
16 x14 14x0 .50 139 .9 406x356 208 40 .5 1621 202 .6 7 .5
18 x12 15x5 x42 12x1 .50 208 .7 457x305 311 60 .7 2873 319 .3 22 .8
17 x12 12x1 167 .9 432x305 250 48 .7 2079 244 .6 15 .1
16 .50x12 12x0 .75 147 .5 419x305 220 42 .7 1715 207 .9 11 .3
16 x12 12x0 .50 127 .1 406x305 189 36 .7 1372 171 .6 7 .5
17 x14 14x6 x57 14x1 .50 259 .2 432x356 386 75 .6 3183 374 .5 21 .3
16 x14 14x1 211 .6 406x356 315 61 .6 2341 292 .6 14 .1
15 .50x14 14x0 .75 187 .8 394x356 279 54 .6 1957 252 .5 10 .5
15 x14 14x0 .50 164 .0 381x356 244 47 .6 1597 213 .0 7 .0
17 x14 14x6 x46 14x1 .50 237 .5 432x356 353 69 .2 3024 355 .8 21 .3
16 x14 14x1 189 .9 406x356 283 55 .2 2182 272 .7 14 .1
15 .50x14 14x0 .75 166 .1 394x356 247 48 .2 1798 232 .0 10 .5
15 x14 14x0 .50 142 .3 381x356 212 41 .2 1438 191 .8 7 .0
16 x12 13x5 x35 12x1 .50 194 .7 406x305 290 56 .6 2134 266 .7 19 .8
15 x12 12x1 153 .9 381x305 229 44 .6 1511 201 .4 13 .1
14 .50x12 12x0 .75 133 .5 368x305 199 38 .6 1228 169 .4 9 .8
14 x12 12x0 .50 113 .1 356x305 168 32 .6 965 137 .9 6 .5
15 x14 12x6 x54 14x1 .50 253 .1 381x356 377 73 .8 2363 315 .0 18 .3
14 x14 14x1 205 .5 356x356 306 59 .8 1712 244 .6 12 .1
13 .50x14 14x0 .75 181 .7 343x356 270 52 .8 1419 210 .3 9 .0
13 x14 14x0 .50 157 .9 330x356 235 45 .8 1148 176 .6 5 .0
15 x14 12x6 x44 14x1 .50 233 .5 381x356 347 68 .0 2260 301 .3 18 .3
14 x14 14x1 185 .9 356x356 277 54 .0 1609 229 .8 12 .1
13 .50x14 14x0 .75 162 .1 343x356 241 47 .0 1316 195 .0 9 .0
13 x14 14x0 .50 138 .3 330x356 206 40 .0 1045 160 .7 6 .0
15 x12 12x5 x32 12x1 .50 188 .9 381x305 281 54 .9 1808 241 .1 18 .3
14 12 12x1 148 .1 356x305 220 42 .9 1262 180 .3 12 .1
13 .50x12 12x0 .75 127 .7 343x305 190 36 .9 1017 150 .7 9 .0
13 x12 12x0 .50 107 .3 330x305 160 30 .9 790 121 .5 6 .0
IMPERIAL UNITS See separate page for notes
Reference Size Mass/ft Metric Equivalent Thickness Area Position Mom . of Int . Rad . of Gyr . Section Modulus
No D x B D x B Mass/m Web Flange of c .g . X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y min
from back
---------------mm -------_k9---------ins ----- ins --------ins- ---------ins -----------ins- --------
---------------ins lbs ----- ins-
BSC 1 6x3 14 .49 152x 76 22 0 .31 0 .44 4 .26 0 .94 24 .0 3 .50 2 .4 0 .91 8 .0 1 .7
BSC 2 6x3 .50 17 .90 152x 89 27 0 .38 0 .48 5 .27 1 .12 29 .7 5 .91 2 .4 1 .1 9 .9 2 .5
BSC 3 7x3 17 .56 178x 76 26 0 .38 0 .48 5 .17 0 .87 37 .6 4 .02 2 .7 0 .88 10 .8 1 .9
BSC 4 7x3 .50 20 .23 178x 89 30 0 .40 0 .50 5 .95 1 .06 44 .6 6 .50 2 .7 1 .0 12 .7 2 .7
BSC 5 8x3 19 .30 203x 76 29 0 .38 0 .50 5 .68 0 .84 53 .4 4 .33 3 .1 0 .87 13 .4 2 .0
BSC 6 8x3 .50 22 .72 203x 89 34 0 .43 0 .53 6 .68 1 .01 63 .8 7 .07 3 .1 1 .0 15 .9 2 .8
BSC 7 9x3 19 .37 229x 76 29 0 .38 0 .44 5 .70 0 .75 65 .2 4 .02 3 .4 0 .84 14 .5 1 .8
BSC 8 9x3 .50 22 .27 229x 89 33 0 .38 0 .50 6 .55 0 .98 79 .9 6 .96 3 .5 1 .0 17 .8 2 .8
BSC 9 9x3 .50 25 .39 229x 89 38 0 .45 0 .55 7 .47 0 .97 88 .1 7 .66 3 .4 1 .0 19 .6 3 .0
BSC 10 10x3 .50 23 .55 254x 89 35 0 .38 0 .50 6 .93 0 .93 102 .6 7 .19 3 .9 1 .0 20 .5 2 .8
BSC 11 10x3 .50 28 .21 254x 89 42 0 .48 0 .58 8 .30 0 .93 117 .9 8 .19 3 .8 1 .0 23 .6 3 .2
BSC 12 10x4 30 .16 254x102 45 0 .48 0 .58 8 .87 1 .10 130 .7 12 .0 3 .8 1 .2 26 .1 4 .1
BSC 13 11x3 .50 29 .82 279x 89 44 0 .48 0 .58 8 .77 0 .90 148 .6 8 .4 4 .1 1 .0 27 .0 3 .2
BSC 14 120 .50 26 .10 305x 89 39 0 .38 0 .50 7 .68 0 .86 158 .6 7 .6 4 .6 1 .0 28 .4 2 .9
BSC 15 12x3 .50 32 .88 305x 89 49 0 .50 0 .60 9 .67 0 .87 190 .7 8 .9 4 .4 1 .0 31 .8 3 .4
BSC 16 12x4 36 .47 305x102 54 0 .53 0 .63 10 .73 1 .03 218 .2 13 .7 4 .5 1 .1 36 .4 4 .6
BSC 17 15x4 41 .94 381x102 62 0 .53 0 .63 12 .33 0 .94 377 .0 14 .6 5 .5 1 .1 50 .3 4 .7
IMPERIAL UNITS See separate page for notes
Reference Size Mass/ft Metric Equivalent Thickness Area Position Mom . of Int . Rad . of Gyr . Section Modulus
No . D x B D x B Mass/m Web Flange of c .g . X -X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y min
from back
---__----------ins --------ins- -----------ins- --------
------ lbs ----mm--------k9---------ins ----- ins- -----ins ---------ins
NBSC 1 3x1 .50 4 .6 76x 38 7 0 .20 0 .28 1 .35 0 .48 1 .82 0 .26 1 .2 0 .44 1 .22 0 .26
NBSC 2 4x2 7 .1 102x 51 11 0 .24 0 .31 2 .09 0 .60 5 .06 0 .70 1 .6 0 .58 2 .53 0 .50
NBSC 3 5x2 .50 10 .2 127x 64 15 0 .25 0 .38 3 .01 0 .77 11 .9 1 .64 2 .0 0 .74 4 .75 0 .95
NBSC 4 6x3 12 .4 152x 76 19 0 .25 0 .38 3 .65 0 .89 21 .3 2 .83 2 .4 0 .88 7 .09 1 .3
NBSC 5 6x3 .50 16 .5 152x 89 25 0 .28 0 .48 4 .85 1 .14 28 .9 5 .29 2 .4 1 .0 9 .6 2 .2
NBSC 6 7x3 14 .2 178x 76 21 0 .26 0 .42 4 .18 0 .88 32 .8 3 .26 2 .8 0 .88 9 .4 1 .5
NBSC 7 7x3 .50 18 .3 178x 89 27 0 .30 0 .50 5 .38 1 .09 42 .8 5 .83 2 .8 1 .0 12 .2 2 .4
NBSC 8 8x3 16 .0 203x 76 24 0 .28 0 .44 4 .69 0 .83 46 .7 3 .58 3 .2 0 .87 11 .7 1 .7
NBSC 9 8x3 .50 20 .2 203x 89 30 0 .32 0 .52 5 .94 1 .05 60 .6 6 .37 3 .2 1 .0 15 .1 2 .6
NBSC 10 9x3 17 .5 229x 76 26 0 .30 0 .44 5 .14 0 .78 62 .5 3 .75 3 .5 0 .86 13 .9 1 .7
NBSC 11 9x3 .50 22 .3 229x 89 33 0 .34 0 .54 6 .55 1 .00 82 .6 6 .90 3 .6 1 .0 18 .4 2 .8
NBSC 12 10x3 19 .3 254x 76 29 0 .32 0 .45 5 .67 0 .74 82 .7 3 .98 3 .8 0 .84 16 .5 1 .8
NBSC 13 10x3 .50 24 .5 254x 89 36 0 .36 0 .56 7 .19 0 .97 109 .5 7 .42 3 .9 1 .0 21 .9 2 .9
NBSC 14 12x3 .50 25 .3 305x 89 38 0 .35 0 .50 7 .43 0 .85 156 .4 7 .07 4 .6 0 .98 26 .1 2 .7
NBSC 15 120 .50 29 .2 305x 89 44 0 .40 0 .60 8 .60 0 .90 180 .3 8 .44 4 .6 0 .99 30 .0 3 .2
NBSC 16 12x4 31 .3 305x102 47 0 .40 0 .60 9 .21 1 .06 200 .1 12 .12 4 .7 1 .1 33 .3 4 .1
NBSC 17 15x4 36 .4 381x102 54 0 .41 0 .62 10 .70 0 .97 349 .1 13 .34 5 .7 1 .1 46 .5 4 .4
NBSC 18 17x4 44 .3 432x102 66 0 .48 0 .68 13 .04 0 .92 520 .2 15 .26 6 .3 1 .1 61 .2 5 .0
IMPERIAL UNITS See separate page for notes
Reference Size Mass/ft Metric Equivalent Thickness Area Position Mom . of Int . Rad . of Gyr . Section Modulus
No . D x B* D x B Mass/m Web Flange of c .g . X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y min
from back
ins lbs mm kg ins ins2 ins ins4 ins ins3
BSC 101 3x1 .50 4 .60 76x 38 7 0 .20 0 .28 1 .35 0 .48 1 .82 0 .26 1 .16 0 .44 1 .22 0 .26
BSC 101A 3x1 .55 5 .11 76x 39 8 0 .25 0 .28 1 .50 0 .48 1 .94 0 .30 1 .14 0 .44 1 .29 0 .28
BSC 102 4x2 7 .09 10lx 51 11 0 .24 0 .31 2 .09 0 .60 5 .06 0 .70 1 .56 0 .58 2 .53 0 .50
BSC 102A 4x2 .06 7 .91 10lx 53 12 0 .30 0 .31 2 .33 0 .59 5 .38 0 .79 1 .52 0 .58 2 .69 0 .54
BSC 103 5x2 .50 10 .22 127x 64 15 0 .25 0 .38 3 .01 0 .77 11 .9 1 .6 1 .99 0 .74 4 .75 0 .95
BSC 103A 5x2 .56 11 .24 127x 66 17 0 .31 0 .38 3 .31 0 .76 12 .5 1 .8 1 .94 0 .74 5 .00 1 .01
BSC 104 6x3 12 .41 152x 76 19 0 .25 0 .38 3 .65 0 .89 21 .3 2 .8 2 .41 0 .88 7 .09 1 .34
BSC 104A 6x3 .06 13 .64 152x 78 20 0 .31 0 .38 4 .01 0 .87 22 .4 3 .1 2 .36 0 .88 7 .45 1 .42
BSC 105 6x3 16 .51 152x 76 25 0 .38 0 .48 4 .86 0 .91 26 .3 3 .7 2 .33 0 .87 8 .76 1 .77
BSC 105A 6x3 .05 17 .53 152x 77 26 0 .43 0 .48 5 .16 0 .90 27 .2 4 .0 2 .30 0 .88 9 .06 1 .84
BSC 106 6x3 .50 16 .48 152x 89 25 0 .28 0 .48 4 .85 1 .14 28 .9 5 .3 2 .44 1 .05 9 .63 2 .25
BSC 106A 6x3 .60 18 .52 152x 92 28 0 .38 0 .48 5 .45 1 .11 30 .7 6 .1 2 .37 1 .05 10 .2 2 .43
BSC 107 7x3 14 .22 178x 76 21 0 .26 0 .42 4 .18 0 .88 32 .8 3 .3 2 .80 0 .88 9 .36 1 .53
BSC 107A 7x3 .12 17 .07 178x 79 25 0 .38 0 .42 5 .02 0 .84 36 .2 3 .9 2 .68 0 .88 10 .3 1 .70
BSC 108 7x3 .50 18 .28 178x 89 27 0 .30 0 .50 5 .38 1 .09 42 .8 5 .8 2 .82 1 .04 12 .2 2 .42
BSC 108A 7x3 .58 20 .18 178x 91 30 0 .38 0 .50 5 .94 1 .07 45 .1 6 .5 2 .76 1 .05 12 .9 2 .58
BSC 109 8x3 15 .96 203x 76 24 0 .28 0 .44 4 .69 0 .83 46 .7 3 .6 3 .16 0 .87 11 .7 1 .65
BSC 109A 8x3 .10 18 .68 203x 79 28 0 .38 0 .44 5 .49 0 .81 51 .0 4 .1 3 .05 0 .87 12 .8 1 .79
BSC 110 8x3 .50 20 .21 203x 89 30 0 .32 0 .52 5 .94 1 .05 60 .6 6 .4 3 .19 1 .04 15 .1 2 .60
BSC 110A 8x3 .61 23 .20 203x 92 35 0 .43 0 .52 6 .92 1 .01 65 .3 7 .3 3 .09 1 .03 16 .3 2 .81
BSC 111 9x3 17 .46 229x 76 26 0 .30 0 .44 5 .14 0 .78 62 .5 3 .8 3 .49 0 .86 13 .9 1 .69
BSC 111A 9x3 .08 19 .91 229x 78 30 0 .38 0 .44 5 .86 0 .76 67 .4 4 .2 3 .39 0 .85 15 .0 1 .80
BSC 112 9x3 .50 22 .27 229x 89 33 0 .34 0 .54 6 .55 1 .00 82 .6 6 .9 3 .55 1 .03 18 .4 2 .76
BSC 112A 9x3 .54 23 .49 229x 90 35 0 .38 0 .54 6 .91 0 .99 85 .1 7 .3 3 .51 1 .03 18 .9 2 .85
BSC 112B 9x3 .61 25 .63 229x 92 38 0 .45 0 .54 7 .54 0 .97 89 .3 7 .9 3 .44 1 .02 19 .8 2 .98
BSC 113 10x3 19 .28 254x 76 29 0 .32 0 .45 5 .67 0 .74 82 .7 4 .0 3 .82 0 .84 16 .5 1 .76
BSC 113A 10x3 .06 21 .33 254x 78 32 0 .38 0 .45 6 .27 0 .73 87 .7 4 .3 3 .74 0 .83 17 .5 1 .85
BSC 114 10x3 .50 24 .46 254x 89 36 0 .36 0 .56 7 .19 0 .97 109 .5 7 .4 3 .90 1 .02 21 .9 2 .93
BSC 114A 10x3 .62 28 .54 254x 92 43 0 .48 0 .56 8 .39 0 .94 119 .5 8 .5 3 .77 1 .01 23 .9 3 .17
BSC 115 11x3 .50 26 .78 279x 89 40 0 .38 0 .58 7 .88 0 .93 141 .9 7 .9 4 .24 1 .00 25 .8 3 .09
BSC 115A 11x3 .60 30 .52 279x 92 45 0 .48 0 .58 8 .98 0 .91 153 .0 8 .9 4 .13 0 .99 27 .8 3 .30
BSC 116 12x3 .50 26 .37 305x 89 39 0 .38 0 .50 7 .76 0 .83 159 .7 7 .2 4 .54 0 .96 26 .6 2 .68
BSC 116A 12x3 .60 30 .45 305x 92 45 0 .48 0 .50 8 .96 0 .81 174 .1 8 .0 4 .41 0 .94 29 .0 2 .86
BSC 117 12x4 31 .33 305x102 47 0 .40 0 .60 9 .21 1 .06 200 .1 12 .1 4 .66 1 .15 33 .4 4 .12
BSC 117A 12x4 .13 36 .63 305x105 55 0 .53 0 .60 10 .77 1 .02 218 .8 13 .8 4 .51 1 .13 36 .5 4 .44
BSC 118 13x4 33 .18 330x102 49 0 .40 0 .62 9 .76 1 .04 246 .9 12 .8 5 .03 1 .14 38 .0 4 .31
BSC 118A 13x4 .13 38 .92 330x105 58 0 .53 0 .62 11 .45 1 .01 270 .7 14 .5 4 .86 1 .13 41 .6 4 .64
BSC 119 15x4 36 .37 381x102 54 0 .41 0 .62 10 .70 0 .97 349 .1 13 .3 5 .71 1 .12 46 .6 4 .40
BSC 119A 15x4 .12 42 .49 381x105 63 0 .53 0 .62 12 .50 0 .94 382 .9 15 .0 5 .54 1 .09 51 .1 4 .71
BSC 120 17x4 44 .34 432x102 66 0 .48 0 .68 13 .04 0 .92 520 .2 15 .3 6 .32 1 .08 61 .2 4 .96
BSC 120A 17x4 .12 51 .28 432x105 76 0 .50 0 .68 15 .08 0 .91 569 .3 17 .0 6 .14 1 .06 67 .0 5 .28
* In this table only the breadth dimension is accurate and not a decimal equivalent of a fraction of an inch
----------------------------- - - - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPERIAL UNITS See separate page for notes
------------------------ - - - - --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Designation Dimensions Metric Equivalent Thickness Area Position Mom . of Int . Rad . of Gyr . Section Modulus
Serial Size Mass/ft Depth Breadth D x B Mass/m Web Flange of c .g . X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y min
D x B D B from back
------- i ---------ins- -------
------ --------Lbs -------_ins --------mm-------kg---------ins ---- ins- ---- ins --------ins- ns
17x4 44 17 4 432x102 66 0 .48 0 .66 12 .94 0 .91 514 .1 15 .10 6 .3 1 .1 60 .5 4 .9
15x4 37 15 4 381x102 55 0 .41 0 .64 10 .88 0 .99 537 .2 13 .93 5 .7 1 .1 47 .7 4 .6
12x4 31 12 4 305x102 46 0 .4 0 .58 9 .12 1 .05 197 .3 12 .00 4 .7 1 .2 32 .9 4 .1
12x3 .50 28 12 3 .5 305x 89 42 0 .4 0 .54 8 .23 0 .86 169 .6 7 .82 4 .5 1 .0 28 .3 3 .0
10x3 .50 24 10 3 .5 254x 89 36 0 .36 0 .54 7 .06 0 .95 106 .9 7 .27 3 .9 1 .0 21 .4 2 .9
10x3 19 10 3 254x 76 28 0 .32 0 .43 5 .59 0 .73 80 .88 3 .91 3 .8 0 .84 16 .2 1 .7
9x3 .50 22 9 3 .5 229x 89 33 0 .34 0 .52 6 .47 1 .00 81 .38 6 .85 3 .6 1 .0 18 .1 2 .7
9x3 17 .50 9 3 229x 76 26 0 .30 0 .44 5 .15 0 .79 62 .70 3 .81 3 .5 0 .86 13 .9 1 .7
8x3 .50 20 8 3 .5 203x 89 30 '0 .32 0 .51 5 .88 1 .04 59 .85 6 .35 3 .2 1 .0 15 .0 2 .6
8x3 16 8 3 203x 76 24 0 .28 0 .44 4 .70 0 .84 46 .86 3 .64 3 .2 0 .88 11 .7 1 .7
7x3 .50 18 7 3 .5 178x 89 27 0 .30 0 .48 5 .29 1 .09 42 .12 5 .79 2 .8 1 .1 12 .0 2 .4
7x3 14 7 3 178x 76 21 0 .26 0 .41 4 .11 0 .87 32 .13 3 .22 2 .8 0 .88 9 .18 1 .5
6x3 .50 16 6 3 .5 152x 89 24 0 .28 0 .46 4 .71 1 .13 28 .01 5 .17 2 .4 1 .1 9 .34 2 .2
6x3 12 6 3 152x 76 18 0 .25 0 .36 3 .53 0 .87 20 .46 2 .73 2 .4 0 .88 6 .82 1 .3
5x2 .50 10 5 2 .5 127x 64 15 0 .25 0 .36 2 .94 0 .76 11 .59 1 .62 2 .0 0 .7 4 .64 0 .93
4x2 7 4 2 102x 51 10 0 .24 0 .30 2 .06 0 .60 4 .99 0 .70 1 .6 0 .6 2 .50 0 .50
3x1 .50 4 .50 3 1 .5 76x 38 7 0 .20 0 .27 1 .32 0 .47 1 .78 0 .26 1 .2 0 .4 1 .19 0 .25
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPERIAL UNITS See separate page for notes
Designation Dimensions Metric Equivalent Thickness Area Mom. of Int . Rad . of Gyr . Section Modulus
Serial Size Mass/ft Depth Breadth D x B Mass/m Web Flange X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y
-__------ins -----------ins- ----------
------- - --------ins ------- --------kg---------ins ----- ins- ------ ins- ---------ins
24x12 165 24 .0 12 .0 610x305 246 0 .70 1 .36 48 .53 4857 393 .2 10 .00 2 .85 404 .8 65 .54
22x12 150 22 .0 12 .0 559x305 223 0 .65 1 .28 44 .12 3768 368 .7 9 .24 2 .89 342 .5 61 .44
20x12 135 20 .0 12 .0 508x305 201 0 .63 1 .16 39 .71 2818 334 .2 8 .42 2 .90 281 .8 55 .70
18x12 122 18 .0 12 .0 457x305 182 0 .59 1 .08 35 .88 2090 310 .8 7 .63 2 .94 232 .2 51 .80
16x12 110 16 .0 12 .0 406x305 164 0 .55 1 .00 32 .35 1508 289 .2 6 .83 2 .99 188 .5 48 .20
14x12 100 14 .0 12 .0 356x305 149 0 .55 0 .92 29 .41 1051 268 .0 5 .98 3 .00 150 .1 44 .33
14x12 90 14 .0 12 .0 356x305 134 0 .50 0 .82 26 .47 956 .7 238 .0 6 .01 3 .00 136 .7 39 .66
14x12 84 14 .18 12 .023 360005 125 0 .45 0 .77 24 .71 928 .4 224 .6 6 .13 3 .02 131 .0 37 .35
14x12 78 14 .06 12 .0 357005 116 0 .43 0 .72 22 .94 851 .0 206 .3 6 .09 3 .00 121 .0 34 .39
12x12 91 12 .14 12 .0 308x305 135 0 .55 0 .85 26 .76 720 .3 246 .3 5 .19 3 .03 118 .7 41 .05
12x12 83 12 .0 12 .0 305x305 124 0 .47 0 .80 24 .41 655 .3 229 .3 5 .18 3 .06 109 .2 38 .21
12x12 78 12 .06 12 .0 306x305 116 0 .47 0 .73 22 .94 621 .3 210 .6 5 .20 3 .03 103 .0 35 .09
12x12 75 12 .0 12 .0 305x305 112 0 .43 0 .71 22 .06 598 .7 206 .0 5 .21 3 .06 99 .79 34 .33
12x12 72 12 .25 12 .04 311006 107 0 .43 0 .67 21 .18 597 .9 195 .0 5 .31 3 .04 97 .61 32 .38
10x10 66 10 .06 10 .0 256x254 98 0 .46 0 .75 19 .41 357 .9 125 .7 4 .30 2 .54 71 .15 25 .14
10x10 63 10 .0 10 .0 254x254 94 0 .43 0 .72 18 .53 340 .9 120 .9 4 .29 2 .55 68 .18 24 .18
10x10 54 10 .12 10 .03 257x255 80 0 .37 0 .62 15 .88 305 .7 103 .6 4 .39 2 .56 60 .41 20 .65
8x8 45 8 .0 8 .0 203x203 67 0 .39 0 .64 13 .23 152 .9 55 .13 3 .40 2 .04 38 .21 13 .78
7x7 34 7 .0 7 .0 178x178 51 0 .35 0 .55 10 .00 88 .15 31 .48 2 .97 1 .77 25 .19 8 .99
6x6 25 6 .0 6 .0 152x152 37 0 .31 0 .47 7 .35 47 .40 16 .82 2 .54 1 .51 15 .80 5 .61
Notes relative to Tables 3.21 to 3.24 inc
These tables list most of the properties of channels from
1904 up to but not including the last revision of BS4 in
1980 and are as follows :-
BS6 1904 (Table 3 .21)
Initially BS4 covered only beams . Channels and other
structural sections appeared in BS6 .
The channel sizes covered by this early specification are
much heavier than later amendments.
BS4 1921 (Table 3.22)
These channels were known as new British Standard
Channels and were produced with thinner web and flange
to give lighter sections . They carry the reference NBSC 1
to 18 inclusive .
BS4 1932 (Table 3 .23)
A completely new range of channels with the reference
BSC101 to BSC120 inc . was listed and this list of twenty
sizes was extended to a total of forty one sizes by giving a
series of sections with thicker webs and having the refer-
ence BSC101A to BSC120A inclusive, and BSC112B .
These sizes with thicker webs were produced from the
basic size by lifting the rolls . This had the effect of increas-
ing the breadth B by an amount equal to the increase in
web thickness - this increase is indicated in the tables in
the size column .
1354 1962 (Table 3 .24)
A new range of channel sizes being minor adjustment to
the properties in the 1932 range except that the derived
sizes are now dropped from the standard .
In 1972 this range of channel sizes was repeated in
metric units .
In each of the four tables the metric equivalent of depth,
breadth and mass/unit length is given .
The properties of channel sections are based upon Fig
3 .13 .
IMPERIAL UNITS See separate page for notes
Designation Mass/ft Metric Equivalent Area Centre of Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Section Modulus
Size Nom . Size Th . Mass/m Gravity X - X Y - Y U - U V - V X - X Y - Y U - U V - V X - X Y - Y
A x B Th . A x B Cx Cy minimum
ins ins lbs mm mm kg ins2 ins ins ins4 ins ins3
8 x8 1 51 .0 203x203 25 .3 76 15 .01 2 .36 2 .36 88 .56 88 .56 140 .42 36 .69 2 .43 2 .43 3 .05 1 .56 15 .69 15 .69
0 .87 45 .0 203x203 22 .1 67 13 .24 2 .31 2 .31 79 .15 79 .15 125 .71 32 .59 2 .45 2 .45 3 .08 1 .57 13 .91 13 .91
0 .75 38 .9 203x203 19 .0 58 11 .44 2 .26 2 .26 69 .30 69 .30 110 .19 28 .41 2 .46 2 .46 3 .10 1 .58 12 .08 12 .08
0 .62 32 .7 203x203 15 .8 49 9 .61 2 .21 2 .21 58 .99 58 .99 93 .86 24 .12 2 .48 2 .48 3 .12 1 .58 10 .20 10 .20
6 x6 0 .87 33 .1 152x152 22 .2 49 9 .74 1 .81 1 .81 31 .73 31 .73 50 .18 13 .28 1 .81 1 .81 2 .27 1 .17 7 .58 7 .58
0 .75 28 .7 152x152 19 .0 43 8 .44 1 .77 1 .77 27 .96 27 .96 44 .34 11 .59 1 .82 1 .82 2 .29 1 .17 6 .60 6 .60
0 .62 24 .2 152x152 15 .8 36 7 .12 1 .72 1 .72 24 .00 24 .00 38 .12 9 .87 1 .84 1 .84 2 .31 1 .18 5 .61 5 .61
0 .50 19 .5 152x152 12 .6 29 5 .74 1 .67 1 .67 19 .68 19 .68 31 .29 8 .06 1 .85 1 .85 2 .34 1 .18 4 .54 4 .54
0 .37 14 .8 152x152 9 .4 22 4 .35 1 .62 1 .62 15 .15 15 .15 24 .10 6 .20 1 .87 1 .87 2 .35 1 .19 3 .46 3 .46
5 x5 0 .75 23 .6 127x127 19 .0 35 6 .94 1 .52 1 .52 15 .63 15 .63 24 .71 6 .56 1 .50 1 .50 1 .89 0 .97 4 .49 4 .49
0 .62 19 .9 127x127 15 .8 30 5 .86 1 .47 1 .47 13 .45 13 .45 21 .32 5 .57 1 .52 1 .52 1 .91 0 .98 3 .81 3 .81
0 .50 16 .1 127x127 12 .6 24 4 .74 1 .42 1 .42 11 .10 11 .10 17 .64 4 .56 1 .53 1 .53 1 .93 0 .98 3 .10 3 .10
0 .37 12 .3 127x127 9 .5 18 3 .61 1 .37 1 .37 8 .63 8 .63 13 .73 3 .53 1 .55 1 .55 1 .95 0 .99 2 .38 2 .38
4 x4 0 .75 18 .5 102x102 19 .0 28 5 .44 1 .27 1 .27 7 .61 7 .61 11 .95 3 .27 1 .18 1 .18 1 .48 0 .77 2 .78 2 .78
0 .62 15 .7 102x102 15 .9 23 4 .62 1 .22 1 .22 6 .60 6 .60 10 .42 2 .78 1 .20 1 .20 1 .50 0 .78 2 .37 2 .37
0 .50 12 .7 102x102 12 .6 19 3 .73 1 .17 1 .17 5 .47 5 .47 8 .68 2 .27 1 .21 1 .21 1 .52 0 .78 1 .94 1 .94
0 .37 9 .7 102x102 9 .5 14 2 .85 1 .13 1 .13 4 .28 4 .28 6 .80 1 .76 1 .22 1 .22 1 .54 0 .78 1 .49 1 .49
3 .50x3 .50 0 .62 13 .5 89x 89 15 .8 20 3 .97 1 .09 1 .09 4 .27 4 .27 6 .72 1 .82 1 .04 1 .04 1 .30 0 .68 1 .77 1 .77
0 .50 11 .0 89x 89 12 .6 16 3 .23 1 .05 1 .05 3 .57 3 .57 5 .65 1 .49 1 .05 1 .05 1 .32 0 .68 1 .46 1 .46
0 .37 8 .4 89x 89 9 .4 13 2 .47 1 .00 1 .00 2 .80 2 .80 4 .44 1 .15 1 .06 1 .06 1 .34 0 .68 1 .12 1 .12
0 .25 5 .7 89x 89 6 .3 9 1 .68 0 .95 0 .95 1 .95 1 .95 3 .09 0 .80 1 .08 1 .08 1 .36 0 .69 0 .76 0 .76
3 x3 0 .50 9 .3 76x 76 12 .6 14 2 .73 0 .92 0 .92 2 .17 2 .17 3 .43 0 .92 0 .89 0 .89 1 .12 0 .58 1 .05 1 .05
0 .37 7 .1 76x 76 9 .4 11 2 .09 0 .88 0 .88 1 .71 1 .71 2 .71 0 .71 0 .90 0 .90 1 .14 0 .58 0 .80 0 .80
0 .25 4 .8 76x 76 6 .2 7 1 .41 0 .83 0 .83 1 .19 1 .19 1 .89 0 .49 0 .92 0 .92 1 .16 0 .59 0 .55 0 .55
2 .50x2 .50 0 .50 7 .6 64x 64 12 .5 11 2 .23 0 .80 0 .80 1 .21 1 .21 1 .90 0 .52 0 .74 0 .74 0 .92 0 .48 0 .71 0 .71
0 .37 5 .9 64x 64 9 .5 9 1 .73 0 .76 0 .76 0 .97 0 .97 1 .54 0 .41 0 .75 0 .75 0 .94 0 .49 0 .56 0 .56
0 .25 4 .0 64x 64 6 .2 6 1 .18 0 .71 0 .71 0 .69 0 .69 1 .09 0 .28 0 .76 0 .76 0 .96 0 .49 0 .38 0 .38
2 .25x2 .25 0 .37 5 .2 57x 57 9 .3 8 1 .53 0 .69 0 .69 0 .69 0 .69 1 .08 0 .29 0 .67 0 .67 0 .84 0 .44 0 .44 0 .44
0 .25 3 .6 57x 57 6 .3 5 1 .06 0 .65 0 .65 0 .49 0 .49 0 .78 0 .20 0 .68 0 .68 0 .86 0 .44 0 .31 0 .31
2 x2 0 .37 4 .6 51x 51 9 .4 7 1 .35 0 .63 0 .63 0 .47 0 .47 0 .74 0 .20 0 .59 0 .59 0 .74 0 .39 0 .34 0 .34
0 .25 3 .2 51x 51 6 .3 5 0 .94 0 .59 0 .59 0 .34 0 .34 0 .54 0 .14 0 .60 0 .60 0 .76 0 .39 0 .24 0 .24
1 .75x1 .75 0 .31 3 .4 44x 44 7 .9 5 1 .00 0 .55 0 .55 0 .27 0 .27 0 .42 0 .11 0 .52 0 .52 0 .65 0 .34 0 .22 0 .22
0 .18 2 .1 44x 44 4 .7 3 0 .62 0 .50 0 .50 0 .17 0 .17 0 .28 0 .07 0 .53 0 .53 0 .67 0 .34 0 .14 0 .14
1 .50x1 .50 0 .31 2 .85 38x 38 7 .9 4 0 .84 0 .48 0 .48 0 .16 0 .16 0 .25 0 .07 0 .44 0 .44 0 .55 0 .29 0 .16 0 .16
0 .18 1 .8 38x 38 4 .7 3 0 .53 0 .44 0 .44 0 .11 0 .11 0 .17 0 .04 0 .45 0 .45 0 .57 0 .29 0 .10 0 .10
1 .25x1 .25 0 .25 1 .9 32x 32 6 .3 3 0 .56 0 .40 0 .40 0 .07 0 .07 0 .12 0 .03 0 .37 0 .37 0 .46 0 .24 0 .09 0 .09
0 .12 1 .0 32x 32 3 .1 2 0 .29 0 .35 0 .35 0 .04 0 .04 0 .07 0 .02 0 .38 0 .38 0 .47 0 .24 0 .05 0 .05
1 x1 0 .25 1 .5 25x 25 6 .4 2 0 .44 0 .34 0 .34 0 .04 0 .04 0 .06 0 .02 0 .29 0 .29 0 .36 0 .19 0 .05 0 .05
0 .12 0 .8 25x 25 3 .2 1 0 .24 0 .29 0 .29 0 .02 0 .02 0 .03 0 .01 0 .30 0 .30 0 .37 0 .19 0 .03 0 .03
IMPERIAL UNITS See separate page for notes
Designation Mass/ft Metric Equivalent Area Centre of Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Section Modulus
Size Nom . Size Th . Mass/m Gravity X - X Y - Y U - U V - V X - X Y - Y U - U V - V X - X Y - Y
A x B Th . A x B Cx Cy minimum
ins ins lbs mm mm kg ins2 ins ins ins4 ins ins3
9 x4 0 .75 31 .2 229x102 18 .9 46 9 .17 3 .39 0 .90 75 .78 9 .50 78 .87 6 .42 2 .88 1 .02 2 .93 0 .84 13 .50 3 .07
0 .62 26 .3 229x102 15 .8 39 7 .74 3 .34 0 .85 64 .75 8 .22 67 .47 5 .49 2 .89 1 .03 2 .95 0 .84 11 .43 2 .61
0 .50 21 .2 229x102 12 .6 32 6 .23 3 .28 0 .80 52 .79 6 .79 55 .07 4 .50 2 .91 1 .04 2 .97 0 .85 9 .23 2 .12
8 x6 0 .75 33 .8 203x152 19 .0 50 9 .93 2 .55 1 .56 63 .07 30 .46 77 .09 16 .44 2 .52 1 .75 2 .79 1 .29 11 .57 6 .85
0 .62 28 .4 203x152 15 .8 42 8 .36 2 .50 1 .51 53 .74 26 .07 65 .82 13 .98 2 .54 1 .77 2 .81 1 .29 9 .77 5 .80
0 .50 22 .9 203x152 12 .6 34 6 .73 2 .45 1 .46 43 .86 21 .38 53 .81 11 .43 2 .55 1 .78 2 .83 1 .30 7 .90 4 .71
8 x4 0 .75 28 .7 203x102 19 .0 43 8 .44 2 .94 0 .95 54 .69 9 .26 57 .89 6 .07 2 .55 1 .05 2 .62 0 .85 10 .80 3 .04
0 .62 24 .2 203x102 15 .8 36 7 .12 2 .89 0 .90 46 .78 8 .01 49 .60 5 .19 2 .56 1 .06 2 .64 0 .85 9 .15 2 .58
0 .50 19 .5 203x102 12 .6 29 5 .74 2 .83 0 .85 38 .22 6 .62 40 .59 4 .25 2 .58 1 .07 2 .66 0 .86 7 .40 2 .10
7 x3 .50 0 .62 21 .0 178x 89 15 .8 31 6 .18 2 .56 0 .82 30 .75 5 .22 32 .56 3 .41 2 .23 0 .92 2 .30 0 .74 6 .92 1 .94
0 .50 17 .0 178x 89 12 .6 25 5 .00 2 .50 0 .77 25 .25 4 .34 26 .79 2 .80 2 .25 0 .93 2 .32 0 .75 5 .62 1 .59
0 .37 12 .9 178x 89 9 .5 19 3 .79 2 .45 0 .72 19 .46 3 .39 20 .67 2 .17 2 .27 0 .94 2 .33 0 .76 4 .28 1 .22
6 x4 0 .62 19 .9 152x102 15 .8 30 5 .86 2 .02 1 .03 20 .92 7 .43 24 .02 4 .33 1 .89 1 .13 2 .03 0 .86 5 .26 2 .50
0 .50 16 .1 152x102 12 .6 24 4 .74 1 .97 0 .98 17 .21 6 .17 19 .82 3 .56 1 .91 1 .14 2 .05 0 .87 4 .27 2 .04
0 .37 12 .3 152x102 9 .5 18 3 .61 1 .92 0 .93 13 .34 4 .82 15 .40 2 .76 1 .92 1 .15 2 .06 0 .87 3 .27 1 .57
6 x3 .50 0 .62 18 .8 152x 89 15 .8 28 5 .53 2 .12 0 .87 19 .89 5 .00 21 .78 3 .11 1 .90 0 .95 1 .99 0 .75 5 .12 1 .90
0 .50 15 .3 152x 89 12 .6 23 4 .50 2 .07 0 .83 16 .45 4 .18 18 .07 2 .56 1 .91 0 .96 2 .00 0 .76 4 .18 1 .56
0 .37 11 .6 152x 89 9 .4 17 3 .41 2 .01 0 .78 12 .68 3 .26 13 .96 1 .98 1 .93 0 .98 2 .02 0 .76 3 .18 1 .20
6 x3 0 .62 17 .8 152x 76 15 .8 27 5 .24 2 .22 0 .73 18 .88 3 .17 19 .95 2 .09 1 .90 0 .78 1 .95 0 .63 5 .00 1 .40
0 .50 14 .4 152x 76 12 .6 21 4 .24 2 .17 0 .69 15 .54 2 .64 16 .47 1 .72 1 .92 0 .79 1 .97 0 .64 4 .06 1 .14
0 .37 11 .0 152x 76 9 .5 16 3 .24 2 .12 0 .64 12 .08 2 .08 12 .82 1 .34 1 .93 0 .80 1 .99 0 .64 3 .11 0 .88
5 x3 .50 0 .62 16 .7 127x 89 15 .8 25 4 .91 1 .69 0 .95 11 .91 4 .76 13 .93 2 .74 1 .56 0 .99 1 .69 0 .75 3 .60 1 .86
0 .50 13 .6 127x 89 12 .7 20 4 .00 1 .64 0 .90 9 .89 3 .99 11 .62 2 .26 1 .57 1 .00 1 .70 0 .75 2 .95 1 .53
0 .37 10 .3 127x 89 9 .4 15 3 .03 1 .59 0 .85 7 .65 3 .11 9 .01 1 .74 1 .59 1 .01 1 .72 0 .76 2 .24 1 .17
5 x3 0 .50 12 .7 127x 76 12 .6 19 3 .73 1 .74 0 .74 9 .34 2 .53 10 .32 1 .55 1 .58 0 .82 1 .66 0 .64 2 .86 1 .12
0 .37 9 .7 127x 76 9 .5 14 2 .85 1 .69 0 .70 7 .27 1 .99 8 .05 1 .20 1 .60 0 .84 1 .68 0 .65 2 .19 0 .86
4 x3 .50 0 .62 14 .6 102x 89 15 .8 22 4 .30 1 .29 1 .04 6 .30 4 .47 8 .57 2 .20 1 .21 1 .02 1 .41 0 .72 2 .32 1 .81
0 .50 11 .9 102x 89 12 .7 18 3 .50 1 .24 0 .99 5 .26 3 .74 7 .19 1 .80 1 .23 1 .03 1 .43 0 .72 1 .90 1 .49
0 .37 9 .1 102x 89 9 .5 14 2 .68 1 .19 0 .94 4 .12 2 .94 5 .65 1 .40 1 .24 1 .05 1 .45 0 .72 1 .47 1 .15
4 x3 0 .50 11 .0 102x 76 12 .6 16 3 .23 1 .32 0 .82 4 .97 2 .37 6 .04 1 .30 1 .24 0 .86 1 .37 0 .63 1 .85 1 .09
0 .37 8 .4 102x 76 9 .4 13 2 .47 1 .27 0 .77 3 .88 1 .87 4 .74 1 .01 1 .25 0 .87 1 .39 0 .64 1 .42 0 .84
4 x2 .50 0 .37 7 .8 102x 64 9 .5 12 2 .29 1 .36 0 .61 3 .66 1 .10 4 .10 0 .66 1 .26 0 .69 1 .34 0 .54 1 .39 0 .58
0 .25 5 .3 102x 64 6 .3 8 1 .56 1 .30 0 .56 2 .54 0 .77 2 .86 0 .46 1 .28 0 .70 1 .35 0 .54 0 .94 0 .40
3 .50x3 0 .50 10 .2 89x 76 12 .7 15 3 .00 1 .12 0 .87 3 .41 2 .29 4 .56 1 .14 1 .07 0 .87 1 .23 0 .62 1 .43 1 .08
0 .37 7 .8 89x 76 9 .5 12 2 .29 1 .07 0 .82 2 .67 1 .81 3 .60 0 .88 1 .08 0 .89 1 .25 0 .62 1 .10 0 .83
0 .25 5 .3 89x 76 6 .3 8 1 .56 1 .02 0 .77 1 .86 1 .26 2 .51 0 .61 1 .09 0 .90 1 .27 0 .63 0 .75 0 .57
3 .50x2 .50 0 .37 7 .1 89x 64 9 .4 11 2 .09 1 .15 0 .65 2 .50 1 .05 2 .96 0 .59 1 .09 0 .71 1 .19 0 .53 1 .06 0 .57
0 .25 4 .8 89x 64 6 .2 7 1 .41 1 .09 0 .60 1 .73 0 .74 2 .06 0 .41 1 .11 0 .72 1 .21 0 .54 0 .72 0 .39
3 x2 .50 0 .37 6 .5 76x 64 9 .5 10 1 .91 0 .94 0 .70 1 .62 1 .01 2 .12 0 .51 0 .92 0 .73 1 .05 0 .52 0 .79 0 .56
0 .25 4 .4 76x 64 6 .3 7 1 .30 0 .89 0 .65 1 .13 0 .71 1 .48 0 .35 0 .93 0 .74 1 .07 0 .52 0 .54 0 .38
3 x2 0 .37 5 .9 76x 51 9 .5 9 1 .73 1 .03 0 .54 1 .52 0 .54 1 .74 0 .32 0 .94 0 .56 1 .00 0 .43 0 .77 0 .37
0 .25 4 .0 76x 51 6 .2 6 1 .18 0 .98 0 .49 1 .07 0 .38 1 .23 0 .22 0 .95 0 .57 1 .02 0 .43 0 .53 0 .25
2 .50x2 0 .37 5 .2 64x 51 9 .3 8 1 .53 0 .82 0 .58 0 .89 0 .50 1 .13 0 .27 0 .76 0 .57 0 .86 0 .42 0 .53 0 .35
0 .25 3 .6 64x 51 6 .3 5 1 .06 0 .78 0 .58 0 .64 0 .36 0 .82 0 .19 0 .78 0 .59 0 .88 0 .42 0 .37 0 .25
2 .50x1 .50 0 .31 3 .9 64x 38 7 .8 6 1 .15 0 .89 0 .39 0 .70 0 .19 0 .77 0 .12 0 .78 0 .40 0 .82 0 .32 0 .43 0 .17
Notes relative to Tables 3.26 and 3.27
These tables give sizes and section properties of a selection
of equal and unequal angles extracted from BS4 Part 1
1962 .
At least two thicknesses have been selected from each
size of angle, other thicknesses for the same sizes can be
assumed to have properties pro rata and therefore these
can be found by interpolation . The metric equivalents of
the leg lengths A & B as well as the thickness and mass/
unit length are given .
The sketches, Figure 3.14 and 3.15 show the position
of the axes .
It will be noted from the tables that the maximum
moment of inertia and radius of gyration occur about the
inclined axis U.U, and that the minimum moment of inertia
and radius of gyration occur about axis V.V, pendicular to
axis U .U .
Because of the asymetrical shape of the sections there
will be two values for the section modulus about each axis .
The values given in the tables for section modulus x-x and
y-y are minimum and are found by dividing the moment
of inertia by the distance from the centre of gravity to the
3.6 Conclusion
It is considered thast the contents of this section gives
sufficient information in both the tables and the notes to
enable the engineer to assess existing construction with
accuracy and the minimum of trouble.
A certain number of additional shapes were produced
in both iron and steel. These included Zed bars, bulb
angles, tee bars etc.
Such sections were frequently used as stiffeners in plate
work, both for bridges and in shipbuilding .
Though plastic methods of design are now in common
use it has been assumed that any investigation of existing
construction will be based on elastic concepts and therefore
plastic properties of sections have not been provided .
SECTION NO . 4 Codes of Practice Ft Building Regulations
4.1 Introduction 4.2 .2 L.C .C. (General Powers) Act 1915
Whilst it is intended in later sections to deal in some detail This act gave the London County Council more powers for
with loads and stresses, a review of some of the many codes dealing with buildings erected in proximity to dangerous
of practice for the design of structures, and building regula- businesses, and some other provisions, but did not have any
tions concerned therewith, will serve as a reminder that structural effect . In 1915 however the Reinforced Con-
various authorities have from time to time introduced re- crete Regulations were passed which controlled both design
quirements, some of which were mandatory and others and site work in construction .
purely recommendations . 4.2 .3 London County Council (General Powers) Acts
The authorities which will be considered are :- 1920 to 1929
London County Council A number of acts were passed during this period of which
Institution of Structural Engineers the most significant was the 1926 act which gave the
British Standards Institution Council the right to make and enforce regulations with
In addition, many public and private concerns have respect to the conversion of any building or part of a build-
refused to accept the supply of structures by contractors ing constructed in Reinforced Concrete .
which did not conform to their own codes of practice .
These firms etc include:- 4.2 .4 London Building Acts 1930 to 1939
Railway Companies (now British Rail) Again, this period showed many changes in the require-
Imperial Chemical Industries ments. In 1932 a Code of Practice for the use of structural
Lloyds of London steel and other materials was issued giving reduced floor
etc loads and higher stresses . In 1938 Building By Laws were
It is impossible to discuss all these in this publication . issued giving more details of loading, wind pressure and
It is probable that the first Building Regulation was that stresses etc.
promulgated by London in the year 1189 (almost 800 In between these two, the London Building (Amend-
years ago) . This gave requirements for the thickness of ment) Act 1935 was issued .
party walls!
4.2 .5 . London Building (Constructional) Bylaws 1952
Over the years between1189 and 1909 many Building
These Bylaws give additional requirements for the design of
Acts were passed, mainly confined to the City of London
structural steelwork.
and the surrounding home counties like Middlesex, Surrey,
Westminster etc. 4.2 .6 London Building Acts 1930-39
During the period 1850 to 1900 many important and Bylaws made 2 March 1965 amending the London
historic structures stimulated improvements in design in Building (Constructional) Bylaws 1952
Cast and Wrought Iron . For example, Crystal Palace, con- This comprehensive document gives details of requirements
structed in Cast Iron in 1851, and the railway terminals at for loading and design in steel, reinforced concrete,
Euston and Paddington, also constructed in 1851 but timber etc.
mainly in Wrought Iron, are just a few of many such struc-
4.2 .7 General
The first major step towards controlling the design of As will be seen from the foregoing, changes were constantly
Steel Structures in the area of the County of London came taking place during the best part of the present century.
in 1909 though some control of Reinforced Concrete was The L.C .C . as a body producing bylaws however was super-
introduced a few years earlier. seded by the Building Regulations Advisory Committee,
It is fitting to conclude this introduction with a refer- who were responsible for The Building Regulations 1965 .
ence to the District Surveyors who play a major part in the 4 .3 The Building Regulations 1965
control of building in London . These were prepared for the Minister of Public Buildings
In 1667 an act was passed for the rebuilding of the City
and Works and came into effect on 1 February 1966 . They
of London . This act was replaced in 1774 and the new act gave comprehensive requirements from materials, prepar-
caused the appointment of a number of surveyors to over ation of site, structural stability etc to such things as sani-
look construction . In 1832 a government report showed tary conveniences.
that there were currently 32 surveyors, 4 in the City, 5 in It was following upon the disastrous collapse at Ronan
Westminster ; 18 in Middlesex, 4 in Surrey and 1 in Tower Point that the "Fifth Amendment" designed to prevent
Royalty. progressive failure in future, was issued . This, in the sim-
The 1844 Building Act gave the surveyors the title Dis- plest of terms, requires the tying together structurally of
trict Surveyors and in 1845 the District Surveyors Associa- walls, beams, columns etc.
tion was established . This is of course still in existence.
4.4 Institution of Structural Engineers
4.2 London County Council
In June 1927 the Institution published Part 1 of what was
4.2 .1 The London County Council (General Powers) intended to be a comprehensive report on Steelwork for
Act 1909 Buildings . This Part 1 was entitled Loads and Stresses and
The act made it lawful to erect - "buildings wherein the gave recommendations for superimposed and wind loads for
loads and stresses are transmitted through each storey to which the structure should be designed, together with
the foundations by a skeleton framework of metal or part- working stresses for the design of beams and columns .
ly by a skeleton framework of metal and partly by a party This report preceeded the issue of the first edition of
wall or party walls." BS449 by some five years .
Party walls could not be framed by this act, however the Various revisions were made to Part 1 including the
permissible loads on the floors etc and the limiting stresses second revision in 1938 which made many changes from
on the structural members were specified, and full details the original . It was replaced by the issue in 1948 of British
including calculations had to be deposited with the District Standard Code of Practice CP113 which was sponsored by
Surveyor . the Institution .
In connection with the submission of calculations etc, Subsequent parts of the report on Steelwork for Build-
the District Surveyors Association published a document in ing were :-
1911 entitled Skeleton Frame Buildings showing the format Part 2 Steelwork Connections published in July
in which calculations should be prepared for submission . 1927
Part 3 Materials and Workmanship in June 1931 technical change from Part 2 and provision was made for
Part 4 Foundations not issued the designer to use either part provided one set of values
Part 5 Details of Design & Construction as such only was used throughout.
An additional report published in June 1927 was on Over many years committees have been active in an
Loads and Stresses for Gantry Girders. attempt to update BS449. It has been agreed that when
Part 1 of the Insitutions's report on steelwork for build- the replacement is issued - to be given the number BS5950
ings was used in the preparation of BS449 in 1932 and - BS449 will not immediately be withdrawn but will
acknowledge is given in that standard . coexist with the new version for some period of time .
4.5 . British Standards Institution
At various places in this manual reference is made to the 4.5 .2 Code of Practice CP113 1948 . The structural use
British Standards Institution and to Specifications and of steel in building.
Codes of Practice developed under the influence of this This document was the result of a programme of Codes
Institution . It is interesting to note that BSI came into of Practice for Buildings developed under the aegis of the
being as a direct result of the wide variety of iron and steel Ministry of Works .
products produced by individual manufacturers. BS1 was Whilst much of the information given in both BS449
titled "Rolled steel sections for structural purposes". and CP113 was the same, there were a number of funda-
In the last decade of the nineteenth century technical mental differences and these caused some confusion
advances in the production and use of iron and steel were amongst engineers.
running full spate. Since every architect or builder ordered With the formation of the Codes of Practice Council
the size and quality of iron or steel sections which he within BSI it was decided to combine BS449 and CP113
required for his own projects, the range and variety became into one document and this was subsequently the 1959
excessive and the economics of marketing and storing had issue of BS449.
to be seriously considered .
Various attempts were made to alleviate this problem by 4.5 .3 CP3 Chapter V Loading, Code of Basic Data for
standardisation but it was not until April 26 1901 that the the design of Buildings.
Engineering Standards Committee - the forerunner of the This was first published as CP4 in November 1944 but
British Standards Institution - came into being. The was not generally accepted until it was issued as Chapter
Engineering Standards Committee was representative of V of CP3 in August 1952 .
the Institutions of Civil and Mechanical Engineers and of The purpose was to extract from the design codes
Naval Architects, the Iron and Steel Institute, and later fundamental information regarding dead, imposed and
other Professional Institutions . wind loadings and publish this separately to be applicable
The original terms of reference of this Committee were to the type of building rather than the construction there-
the standardisation of iron and steel sections, and as a result of .
the number of structural sections in common use reduced CP3 Chapter V was amended in 1958 and 1965 and
from 175 to 113, whilst tramway rails were slashed from 75 a reset version was printed and issued in 1965 .
to 5. It is estimated that immediate economies in Subsequently, in 1967 Part 1 of CP3 Chapter V - Dead
production costs were of the order of 1,000,000 per year . and Imposed Loads - Metric Units - was published and in
A great deal more could be written on this subject but 1970 Part 2 of CP3 Chapter V - Wind Loads - Metric
this short precis shows the influence exerted by the iron Units - was issued . This Part 2 was again revised in 1972
and steel products discussed in this manual on the develop- to include additional information .
ment of standardisation .
4.5 .4 BS648 Schedule of Weights of Building Materials.
4.5 .1 BS449 Use of Structural Steel in Buildings
This was first published in 1935 as an attempt to provide a
This was first issued in 1932, the same year as the L.C .C .
solution to the problems which had arisen in preparing
Code of Practice, and whilst the L .C .C . Code was the es- structural calculations based on different data for the
tablished standard for building in London, BS449 was weights of the materials concerned.
generally accepted elsewhere in the United Kingdom and
In 1949 a revision was issued which made the data
indeed in many places overseas . provided much more complete, and which also changed
BS449 1932 specified superimposed and wind loads items where such changes were considered necessary .
and also design stresses for beams, columns etc. The 1964 revision continued the process of updating
In 1935 a revision to BS449 was issued to allow recogni- and improving, and in 1968 metric equivalents were added
tion of the work of the Steel Structures Research Commit- based upon the imperial units and to the same degree of
tee and to give design stresses for the new High Tensile
accuracy .
Steel to BS548 1934 .
In 1937 a further revision to BS449 was issued making 4.6 Other specifications and codes
minor alterations only . This remained effective until Whilst many private specifications have been prepared to
1948 apart from two war emergency revisions, the first meet the requirements of particular industries and com-
being issued in November 1939 and the second in May panies these cannot be discussed at length . It is however
1940 . These were substantially the same except whereas interesting to note that in the absence of official guidance
the first was to remain effective for a period not exceeding on certain aspects, the structural fabricators themselves
6 months after the end of the war the second specified 12 prepared and published codes of good design which they
months . incorporated in Handbooks of Structural Steelwork. From
The 1948 edition of this specification made major very small beginnings at the end of the last century these
changes to loading including wind pressure etc which was handbooks became very comprehensive volumes containing
now zoned and classified by degree of protection from 800/900 pages of useful data . The British Constructional
natural ground features and other buildings. Steelwork Association also contributed extensively to these
BS449 was next altered in 1959 . This revision incorpor- provisions .
ated CP113 which was then withdrawn . Minor amend-
ments were issued and subsequently incorporated in BS449.
In 1969 BS449 Part 2 in metric units was issued . This
included provision for steel to BS4360 which had then re-
placed BS15 BS968 and BS2762 . Though this Part 2 was
the metric version of BS449, Part 1, the imperial version
was not issued until 1970 . This did not introduce any
SECTION NO . 5 Loads
5.1 Introduction Note :- The usual allowance for a plaster suspended ceiling
was 10 Ibs/sq foot to include laths etc, and 51bs/sq foot
The question of the loading for which a structure was
per plastered face was added to the weight of brickwork in
designed, or for which it should be designed requires a
walls etc .
great deal of consideration. Since the regulations and
codes discussed in the previous section became established
loading can be assumed with a fair degree of accuracy, but 5.3 Live Loads
prior to the introduction of such regulations loading often The term "live" in this context is intended to cover the use
depended upon the whim of the engineer . to which a floor is subjected, and is also called "imposed"
Experience has shown that some engineers calculated or "superimposed" . It is not intended to cover moving or
with some accuracy the amount of loading that a structure dynamic loads .
or structural element would have to carry in order to serve The allowance made for live load has varied appreciably
its purpose and designed exactly to this amount giving no and prior to the turn of the century was very much a factor
margin whatsoever to possible change of process or occup- to be decided by the architect, having regard to the circum-
ancy at a later stage! stances .
Loadings will be discussed under three main headings In about 1945 an investigation carried out on the capa-
viz :- city of the floors of a cotton spinning mill in Lancashire
Dead Loads showed an allowance for live load of well under 201bs/sq
Live or Imposed Loads foot! The floors had been provided to support spinning
Wind Loads . mules, and a calculation of the weight of such a machine in
operation revealed an imposed load of 71bs/sq foot.
5.2 Dead Loads It follows from this that when dealing with the strength
of old construction care must be taken to carefully assess
The dead load to be carried by a structural member is the the dead load if the margin for live load is to be factual .
mass per unit area multiplied by the area supported . The Not all buildings were designed to so narrow a margin,
area supported is usually easy to determine whilst the mass
and advice on live loads was available from various sources .
per unit area must be calculated from an assessment of the
Some of these are as follows :
construction .
It was mentioned in an earlier section that BS648 which 5 .3 .1 Encyclopaedia of Architecture 1881 (first
was first published in 1935 was an attempt to rationalise
published 1842)
the calculation of dead loads .
Earlier efforts at achieving this object can be found on 1 . Light workshops and factories, public halls and churches
investigation . and other buildings in which people only accumulate,
In the introduction to their 1895 Handbook Dorman with warehouses for light goods . An allowance of
Long and Company state :- "In planning a floor the first 168lbs/sq foot (including 40lbs/sq foot for timber floor)
thing to be determined is the load that will be placed upon ie a live load of 1281bs/sq foot .
it . This consists of the weight of the materials composing 2 . Storehouses for heavy goods 280lbs/sq foot (including
the floor - or the dead load - and the weight of the per- 401bs/sq foot dead load) ie a live load of 2401bs/sq foot .
sons or goods - being the live load, which together make 3 . Ordinary dwelling houses 1401bs/sq foot (including
up the total load . The dead load of a fire-proof floor made 40lbs/sq foot dead load as before) ie a live load of
of steel joists and 6in coke-breeze concrete may be taken 1001bs/sq foot .
as 701bs/sq foot . . . " .
In their various handbooks Redpath, Brown and Co 5 .3 .2 Dorman Long and Co Handbook 1895
Limited gave extensive tables of approximate weights of Deducting the dead load allowance already referred to, this
materials for estimating dead and superimposed loads, from handbook makes the following recommendations :-
which extracts are given in Table 5 .1, these were sufficient- 1 . Dwellings or Office Buildings 801bs/sq foot
ly comprehensive to enable dead loads to be calculated with 2 . Public Halls or Schools 1101bs/sq foot
a fair degree of accuracy . 3 . Warehouses 120 to 3201bs/sq foot
Weights for calculating dead loads 4 . Heavy Machinery 220 to 4201bs/sq foot
Table 5 .1
In the case of 1 and 2 701bs/sq foot has been deducted
for dead load but in the case of 3 and 4 this has been in-
Mass per Mass per sq foot
creased to 801bs/sq foot as a more realistic amount .
Material cubic foot per inch thickness
5 .3.4 London County Council (General Powers) Act 5 .3 .5 Institution of Structural Engineers Report on
1909 Steelwork for buildings 1927
Clause 18(A) of the above Act gave the following require- This report gave a very comprehensive classification of live
ments for live loads :- loads which is shown in Table 5 .3 . It also gave loads for
1 . For a floor intended to be used flat and sloping roofs . In 1933, after BS449 1932 was
wholly for the purpose of human issued a revised schedule was published which is shown in
habitation 70lbs/sq foot Table 5 .4 . The roof loads in the 1927 report are com-
2 . For a floor intended to be used pared with the 1933 revision in Table 5 .5 .
wholly for office or counting-house An interesting development shown in the 1933 revision
etc 100lbs/sq foot was the requirement of minimum loads for the design of
3 . For a floor intended to be used slabs in some instances greater than those for the structure .
wholly for workshop or a retail These are given in brackets in Table 5 .4 .
store 1121bs/sq foot
4 . For every floor of a building of
the warehouse class not intended
to be used wholly for any of
the purposes aforesaid not less
than 224lbs/sq foot
5 . For a roof the plane of which
inclines upwards at a greater
angle than 20 degrees to the
horizontal a live load (deemed to 28lbs/sq foot of
include wind pressure) of surface
6. For all other roofs 56lbs/sq foot on
plan .
Table 5 .3 Live loads on floors per I .S.E . 1927 Table 5 .4 Live loads on floors per I .S.E . 1933
(a) 40 lb/sq ft Tenements and upper floors of (a) 40 lb/sq ft Bedrooms, living rooms, toilets,
houses not exceeding 4 storeys in (50 lb/sq ft for bathrooms and private corridors in
height slabs) private houses, hotels, flats, hospi-
(b) 60 lb/sq ft Upper floors of houses of more tals, tenements etc ; dormitories and
than 4 storeys wards in hospitals etc .
Ground floor of houses not exceed- (b) 50 lb/sq ft Offices, corridors and passages above
ing 4 storeys (60 lb/sq ft for entrance floor ; public corridors to
Bedrooms on upper floors of hotels slabs) class (a)
Private bedrooms in hospitals etc (c) 70 lb/sq ft Rooms and halls for public assembly
Residential flats (80 lb/sq ft for with fixed seating including theatres
(c) 80 lb/sq ft Classrooms in schools etc . Dormi- slabs) etc. classrooms etc in schools and
tories and upper floors in offices colleges, reading and writing rooms
(d) 100 lb/sq ft Assembly Halls etc including access in libraries, clubs and hotels ;
thereto, churches, chapels, assembly churches, chapels and art galleries .
rooms in hospitals, colleges etc . (d) 80 lb/sq ft Retail shops, offices on entrance
Theatres etc . Dance halls, ball- (ditto for slabs) floor and below . Garages for cars
rooms and reception rooms in not exceeding 2 ton gross wt .
hotels and private houses . (e) 100 lb/sq ft Rooms and halls for public assembly
Ground floors of houses exceeding (ditto for slabs) without fixed seating ; drill halls,
4 storeys, Ground floors and below dance halls and public rooms in
of offices, hospitals etc . Retail hotels, hospitals and restaurants
shops for display and sale of light- spectators stands, lobbies, corridors
weight goods . Garages for private and stairs to this class . Light work-
cars . Light workshops and storage . shops .
(e) 150 lb/sq ft Garages for vehicles up to 3 ton (f) 120 lb/sq ft Garages for vehicles up to 3 tons
gross weight, Rooms for storage of (150 lb/sq ft for gross weight when loaded . Storage
medium weight goods and medium slabs) rooms, workships, retail shops,
workshops, Theatre stages, Drill bookshops and libraries where it
Halls and Spectators stands . can be shown that the average load/
(f) 200 lb/sq ft Book stores at libraries, Museums sq foot does not exceed 120 lbs .
for heavy goods, Heavy storage and Staircases etc to this class.
workshops etc, Pavements surround- (g) 200 lb/sq ft Storage rooms workshops and the
ing buildings . (ditto for slabs) like where it can be shown that the
(g) Over 200 Storage of extra heavy goods and average load/sq foot does not ex-
lb/sq ft floors supporting printing machinery ceed 200 lbs . Staircases etc to this
and the like class .
(h) Staircases etc . Same as floor served but not to Pavements surrounding buildings
exceed 100 lb/sq foot . but not adjoining roadway .
Table 5.6 Imposed loads from BS4491948
Minimum* loads
on slabs or floor
Superimposed boards per ft. Minimum* load
Class of floor load per width, uniformly on beams uniformly
loading Floor space occupancy sq .ft . distributed distributed
* Minimum load for slabs becomes operative at spans of less than 8 ft . Minimum load for beams becomes operative on areas
less than 64 sq . ft . Beams, ribs and joists spaced at not more than 3 ft. centres may be calculated for slab loadings .
The loadings stated in these columns refer to the design of the slabs and individual beams respectively, including their
connections .
t Fixed seating implies that the removal of the seating and the use of the space for other purposes are improbable .
Table 5 .5 Comparison of roof loads to I .S.E . The figures quoted for Canada show substantial reductions
on the ISE and LCC values which have already been quoted
Report published 1927 Report revised 1933 herein .
The following imposed loads The following imposed 5.4 Wind Loads
apply to the horizontal and loads deemed to include From the very nature of the subject this has been one of
vertical projection of the roof snow and wind the most difficult matters to resolve .
(i) Flat roofs with inclin- (i) On roofs with inclin- Prior to the Tay Bridge disaster in 1879 comparatively
ation not exceeding 15 ation not exceeding little attention was given to the subject by engineers,
to horizontal 10 to horizontal :- though Smeatons formula, published in 1759, ie 120 years
Vertical load 50 Ib/sq ft (a) Where no direct earlier, proves that it had long been appreciated that forces
Horizontal load 0 Ib/sq ft access 151b/sq foot due to wind pressure were both real and important .
(ii) Sloping roofs with inclin- (b) Where direct access Smeatons formula is given as-
ation not exceeding 40 30 Ib/sq foot p = 0 .005V2
to horizontal (ii) On all roofs inclined where p is the pressure or load in Ibs/sq foot and V the
Vertical load 25 Ib/sq ft at more than 10 to velocity of the wind in miles/hour .
Horizontal load 10 Ib/sq ft to horizontal, curved Following upon experiments at the National Physical
(iii) Sloping roofs with inclin- and barrel roofs etc . Laboratory it was considered that Smeaton's formula gave
ation not exceeding 75 without access . results which were too high and the formula was altered
to horizontal 10 Ib/sq foot on plan to :-
Vertical load 15 lb/sq ft taken as uniformly p=0 .003V 2
Horizontal load 15 lb/sq ft distributeol over the Using this latter formula a wind velocity of 100 miles
(iv) Sloping roofs with inclin- slope of the roof per hour gives a pressure of 30lbs/sq foot, but as such a
ation exceeding 75 to plus the normal wind velocity of wind would not normally be sustained, the
horizontal to be treated as load . average velocity would give a more realistic loading .
vertical surfaces . Prior to the erection of the Forth Railway Bridge Sir
The above loads are to be consid- Benjamin Baker conducted experiments on wind loads
ered as inclusive of temporary
by measuring the pressure on plates exposed to the wind .
loads, snow and wind, and only
Records of such experiments over a period from 1884 to
apply to roofs in multi-storey
1890 gave the following average results :-
steel frame buildings not exceed-
(a) On 1 .5sq ft revolving gauge 27 .61b/sq ft
ing 50 ft in span . However, the
(b) On 1 .5sq ft fixed gauge 29 .81b/sq ft
imposed load on a flat roof need
(c) On 300sq ft fixed gauge 16 .91b/sq ft
not exceed the imposed load on
Subsequent to the erection of the Forth Railway Bridge
the floor below .
records were kept on small fixed gauges 1 .5sq ft in area
placed at different heights above high water level . The
5 .3.6 British Standard 449 1932 average pressures recorded between 1901 and 1906 were :
This specification gave a much simpler schedule of loading (a) At 50ft above high water
viz :- . level 131b/sq ft
Imposed loads (b) At 163ft above high water
Floors of rooms used for domestic level 231b/sq ft
purposes 401b/sq ft . (c) At 214ft above high water
Offices - floors above entrance level 291b/sq ft
floor 501b/sq ft (d) At 378ft above high water
Offices - entrance floor and level 501b/sq ft .
below 80lb/sq ft It is on record that wind loads of 30, 40, 50 and even
Churches, reading rooms etc 701b/sq ft 561b/sq ft have been specified by various authorities prior
Retail stores 80lb/sq ft to the introduction of the L .C .C . loading in 1909.
Assembly Halls etc 1001b/sq ft In 1930 a volume, Wind Stresses in Buildings by Robins
Flat Roofs 30lb/sq ft Fleming was published in USA . This details the investiga-
Inclined Roofs - wind load only tion into wind loads at length and was accepted at that
at 151b/sq ft inwards on windward slope period as the most authoritative work on the subject .
and 10lb/sq ft outwards on leeward slope Various specifications for wind loads are as follows :-
This substantially remained unaltered until 1948 .
5 .4 .1 London County Council (General Powers) Act
5 .3.7 British Standard 449 1948 1909
Ten categories of imposed load were tabulated . In addition The requirements for loads on roofs which were deemed to
to the distributed loads per square foot of area minimum include wind forces were given in item 5 .3 .4 . and will not
loads on slabs and on beams were also given . be repeated . The most important requirement is :-
This is given as Table 5 .6 . "All buildings shall be so designed as to resist safely a
wind pressure in any horizontal direction of not less than
5 .3 .8 General 301b/sq ft of the upper two-thirds of the surface of such
buildings exposed to wind pressure" .
Sufficient information has been given to show the develop-
This requirement was strictly imposed in the design of
ment of live or imposed loads over a long period of time .
The publication of CP3 Chapter V 1952 and subsequent buildings in London . It was also used outside London
prior to the publication of the ISE Report .
amendments transferred loadings from design specifications
to separate documents.
CP3 Chapter V should be consulted for any required 5 .4 .2 Institution of Structural Engineers - Report on
information subsequent to BS449 1948. Steelwork for Buildings
It is interesting to note that E .S . Andrews in his book Part 1 Loads and Stresses 1927
Theory and Design of Structures (Fifth Edition 1932) Apart from the loads on roofs which have already been
gives a table comparing live loads in Britain and those specified (see 5 .3 .5 .) the following simple requirement
concurrently in use in Canada, New York and Germany . was given :-
"The whole building must be designed to resist a (i) Refers to wind on cylindrical surfaces to be taken
horizontal wind load equivalent to wind pressure on a at 60% of values in (a) and (b) .
projected vertical surface of :- (il All the forces specified to apply where velocity V
(a) Up to a level of 30ft above of wind at a height of 50ft above mean ground
ground 151b/sq ft level was not expected to exceed 80 miles/hour.
(b) At levels more than 30ft On sea coast and other exposed positions the
above ground 201b/sq ft values given to be increased in ratio of :-
(c) Towers, turrets and like (Anticipated Velocity V) 2
structures projecting above
roof 301b/sq ft 802
The negative wind pressure on the leeward side may be As will be seen the determination of wind loads to this
ignored for ordinary buildings" . report was very comprehensive, and much more related to
fact than previous requirements as will be appreciated by
5 .4 .3 Institution of Structural Engineers - Report on reference to CP3 Chapter V 1972 .
Steelwork for Buildings
Part 1 Loads and Stresses 1938 5 .4 .4. British Standard 449 1932
This report made drastic amendments to wind loads on the This substantially repeated the LCC requirements with
complete structure, as well as on roofs which have already some additions and alterations viz :-
been reported upon (see 5 .3 .5 .) Wind on vertical surfaces 15lb/sq ft horizontal
All wind forces must be calcualted on the whole area of on upper 2 i3rds
the exposed surface irrespective of length and height as Wind on inclined surfaces
follows :- Windward 151b/sq ft inward
(a) On vertical exposed surfaces normal to the direc- Leeward 101b/sq ft outward
tion of the wind .
A horizontal wind force of 51b/sq ft at mean Wind on projections above main roof
ground level increasing by 11b/sq ft for each 10ft 101b/sq ft horizontal
increase in height up to a maximum of 15lb/sq ft
at a height of 100ft and then a constant value of 5 .4 .5 British Standard 449 1948
151b/sq ft for all heights exceeding 100ft . Ten years after the Institution of Structural Engineers
(b) Wind forces equal to 50% in excess of the above issued their amended Part 1 - Loads and Stresses 1938 of
values for exposed chimneys, isolated ventilators their Report on Steelwork for Buildings, which so
and similar projections above general roof level . drastically altered the whole approach to wind loading,
(c) Wind forces normal to inclined windward surfaces British Standard 449 was also altered to give a more
transverse to the direction of the wind equal to the rational view of wind loading .
mean intensity of the wind between eaves and This specification now related the wind pressure to the
ridge, calculated as (a) above and multiplied by co- assumed wind velocity in miles per hour and the exposed
efficient C from Table 5 .7 below . height of the building .
For assuming the wind velocity the United Kingdom was
Table 5 .7 List of Coefficients C for calculating wind divided into three zones and three conditions of exposure
forces normal to surface as shown in Table 5.8 . :
e C 0 C e
Table 5.8 Wind Velocities in miles/hour
5 0.173 30 0 .800 65 0 .995
10 0 .337 35 0 .863 70 0.998 With Open Condition
15 0 .486 40 0 .910 75 0 .999 natural country of max .
20 0 .612 45 0 .943 80 1 .00 District protection inland exposure
25 0 .718 50 0 .965 85" 1 .00
26 .34 0 .745 55 0 .980 90 1 .00 West Scotland
60" 0 .990 N W Ireland
N W England 60 70 80
NB . 0 is the angle of inclination to the horizontal S W England
(d) Wind Forces normal to inclined leeward surfaces
transverse to the direction of the wind equal to East Scotland
50% of the values given in (c) acting outward, to N E Ireland
be considered as acting simultaneously with the N E England 55 65 75
downward acting force on the windward face spec- E England
ified in (c) . S E England
(e) For open sided buildings the wind load on the lee- S England
ward slope to be 100% that on the windward slope .
(f) Wind loads on gable ends to be calculated from Central England
(a) except that between eaves and ridge the mean including Severn 50 60 70
value to be used . Estuary
(g) A dragging force on the full area of surfaces parall-
el to the direction of the wind of 21/2% of the value
of the wind at the appropriate height from (a)
above . The unit wind pressure (p) in Ibs/sq ft on the veri-
(h) Reduction of wind loads on multi-span roofs, viz ical face of a building applied uniformly over the whole sur-
Span next windward span 50% reduction face was given by the formula :-
Next span 75% reduction
Remaining spans 87'/2% reduction
these to be used to calculate the overall effect of
the wind on the structure .
where: - 5.4.7 Code of basic data for the design of buildings CP3
h - the height of the windward face above general Chapter V Part 2 Wind Loads 1972 :
ground level This is a reprint of the 1970 version, with additional infor-
s - the assumed sheltered height from permanent ob- mation contained therein. The loads and other data apply
stacles (not to be taken at more than 0.5h. to any type of building including steel framed hence the
This unit wind pressure (p) was used to determine the current design codes do not give details of loadings but
applied forces as follows :- specify the use of CP3 Chapter V to determine these.
0) The external wind load on vertical surfaces of Using this code the assessment of the wind loads on a
buildings was divided into a pressure of 0.5p on structure can be shown by a series of steps thus :-
the windward face and a suction of 0.5p on the 1 . The basic wind speed V applicable to the district where
leeward face . the structure is to be erected is found from a map or
N .B . A surface inclined to the horizontal of 70 table
or more was considered to be vertical . 2. The design wind speed V, is found by multiplying V by
(ii) The external wind load on roofs was as shown in factors S1, S2 and S3 .
Table 5.9 :- Hence V, = V x S1 x S2 x S3
where S1 is topography factor varying between
Table 5.9 Wind Pressure on roofs 0.9 and 1 .1
S2 is ground roughness, building size and
Windward slope Leeward slope height above ground factor and can vary
Slope of roof or half of flat or half of flat between 0.47 and 1 .27 for a building up
in degrees roof roof to 200m in height
S3 is building life factor based upon a
0 - 1 .0p statistical probability of winds of excep-
22% - 0.25p tional violence occuring during the life of
30 0 - 0.5p the building
45 + 0,25p This is usually taken as 1 .0 .
70 and over + 0 .5p 3. The design wind speed V, is converted to dynamic pres-
sure q using the formula
The specification required that the supporting frame- where k is a constant based on the units being used viz:-
work and foundation of a building must be designed to k = 0.613 in S.I . Units (N/m 2 and m/sec)
resist the accumulative effect of the wind on the sides and or k = 0.0625 in technical metric units (kg/m2 and
roof plus any projections above the main roof, with certain m/sec)
allowance being made for the stiffening effect of walls and or k = 0.00256 in imperial units. (Ib/sq ft and miles/
floors, when stability calculations could be neglected. It hour)
also called for an examination of the permeability of the 4 . The dynamic pressure q is multiplied by pressure co-
cladding and allowances depending thereon for internal efficients Cpe and Cpi or by force co-efficients Cf to
pressure and suction . find the pressure p exerted at any point on the surface
These notes, which do not give a fully comprehensive of a building .
repeat of the wind load requirements contained in the 1948 Numerous examples exist of the application of the pro-
edition of BS449, are intended to indicate the extensive visions of CP3 Chapter V Part 2 Wind loading including
change in requirements for wind loading which occured Constrado Publication "Workshop with EOT Crane" pub-
shortly after the end of the wartime relaxations. Though lished in 1977
the ISE report was issued before the war commenced in
1939 this was not mandatory whilst the use of BS449 was
called for in the by-laws of a large number of local author- 5.5 General
ities. The three basic loadings, ie dead, live and wind have been
covered in some depth in this section. There are, of course,
5.4.6. CY3. Chapter V 1952 etc many others which need to be considered from time to
This "code of functional requirements of buildings", Chap- time such as plant loads, dynamic loads from crane gantries
ter V Loading gave very detailed information for the deter- etc which are of too variable a nature to be easily summar-
mination of wind loads on structures. ised in this publication .
Due to extensive investigation at the Building Research
Station, thinking on wind loads constantly altered, and
therefore it is not intended giving any detailed explanation .
In 1965 a reset edition of CP3 was published, the title
being amended to "code of basic data for the design of
buildings" . In the introduction to this edition it reported
that the recommendations in the Code, and, in particular,
those on wind loading were the subject of further investi-
gation .
In the event, CP3 Chapter V was shortly re-issued in
two parts viz :-
Part 1 Dead and Imposed Loads (1967)
Part 2 Wind Loads (1970)
Both parts gave information in metric and imperial units .
SECTION NO . 6 Design stresses
These figures are a little higher than the available evid- If both sides the formula are divided by A
ence suggests and therefore when checking mild steel beams
installed about 1880 stresses of about 6.5 tons/sq inch
(100 .4 N/mm 2 ) should be used for both pbt and pbc,
always having regard to the lateral restraint of the com-
pression flange .
and substituting
6.4 Allowable stresses in columns before year
6.4 .1 General
It had apparently been appreciated for a considerable
time that the allowable stress in a column must be reduced
as the slenderness increased, and many people attempted to If the factor of safety K = 4
develop formulae to give satsifactory results under all
conditions .
One of these conditions was the situation at the ends of allowable stress
the column, ie the degree of restraint provided . Professor
Hodgkinson, about 1850 took as the basis for design a
column with flat, or firmly fixed ends and stated that a
column, with both ends rounded or hinged should only
be allowed to carry 33 1 /3% of the basic case, and a column
with one end fixed and one end hinged should take 66 2/3%
of the basic case .
Though in some formulae, (even until as late as 1932), and E for wrought iron is approximately 12,000
separate allowable stresses were specified for different end tons/sq inch .
conditions (though not as widely apart as Hodgkinson's),
other formulae were based on the effective or equivalent
length of the column, Q, this being deduced from the for wrought iron
actual length L having regard fo the end conditions . Table
6.1 gives one set of such equivalent lengths which is in
some measure still valid today. and E for cast iron is approximately 6,000 tons/sq inch .
Condition of Ends Equivalent The values of E for wrought and cast iron are attributable
length Q to Goodman .
(a) Both ends rounded ie fixed in position but 6.4 .3 Rankine's Formula sometime the Gordon-Rankine
not in direction This is usually given in the form
(b) One end rounded other end fixed or
built-in ie One end fixed in position
but not direction and other end fixed in
both position and direction
(c) Both ends fixed or built in ie both ends
fixed in both position and direction For mild steel
(d) One end built in ; other free ie one end
fixed in position and direction and other
end free to _-
6.4 .4 Other early column formulae
Two straight-line formulae are quoted, the first from
American sources being :-
pc = p(1 - ec) tons/sq.in .
where e and p had the following values :-
Mild steel e = 0.0053, p = 6.7 tons/sq .i n
Wrought iron e = 0.0053, p = 4.0 tons/sq .i n 3. American Formula
Cast iron e = 0.0080, p = 7.0 tons/sq .i n
again, however, these constants can vary depending upon
the different authorities .
The second straight line formula is from Prof Goodman
and is :- 4. Goodman's Formula
1 . Eulers Formula
With factor of safety of 4
2. Gordon-Rankine Formula
1 . Euler's Formula
For factor of safety K of 4
3. American Formula
4. Goodman's Formula
2. Gordon-Rankine Formula
Using an average value for a of
This stress was to be applied to the gross section, and working stresses for wrought iron columns as two-thirds
Q/r, or c was not permitted to exceed 300. those of the equivalent mild steel columns. Table 6.5b
In 1932 British Standard 449 was first published. The gives these allowable stresses which can readily be
allowable stresses in beams in this specification repeated converted to metric if desired.
the 1927 report of the Institution of Structural Engineers .
During the period 1940/1945 war time emergency 6.6 .3 Mild Steel Columns
relaxations permitted pbt and pbc with lateral restraint
to be increaed to 10 tons/sq .i n and the formula to :- 6.6 .3 .1 Mild Steel Columns to LCC 1909
pbc = [14.4-0 .22 Q/B] tons/sq .in. In 1909 the London County Council (General Powers) Act
In 1948, BS449 was again revised and CP113 was issued . quoted the figures given in Table 6 .5c.
These, together with the London Building (Constructional)
By Laws 1951, ratified the use of a bending stress of 6.6.3 .2 Mild Steel Columns to Moncrieff Formula 1909
10 tons/sq . in (154.4 N/mm 2 ) in tension and also in com- Whilst the LCC stresses had to be used when designing
pression where lateral restraint was provided, and where for construction in London elsewhere a more relaxed
the compression flange was not continuously restrained the attitude was taken. Redpath Brown and Co Ltd put for-
stress was calculated by a formula viz:- ward a set of values determined from formulae developed
In BS449 :- by J Mitchell Moncrieff and these were widely accepted .
Bending stress in compression They are tabulated in Table 6.6, and it can be assumed
that they date from the early part of the century.
Year Steel Tension Compression Bending Shear Bearing
Grade Thickness Stress (Maximum) Thickness Stress Max Thickness Average
(ins) (ins) (Maximum) Stress (ins) Stress
1932 MS
1935&37 MS 8 8 8 5
HY 12 12 12 7 .5
1939&40 MS 8 10 10 5
(Admts) HY 12 12 12 7 .5 `
1948 MS 9 9* 10(9 .5) 6 .5 12
HY '<1 .75 13 .5 13 .5 <1 .75 15(14 .5) 9 18
>1 .75 11 .5 13 .5 >1 .75 13(12 .25) 8 18
1959 MS '<1 .50 9 .5 9 .5 f1 .50 10 .5(10 .0) 7 .0 X0 .75 6 .0(6 .0) 12 .0
>1 .50 9 .0 9 .5 >1 .50 10 .0(9 .5) 7 .0 >0 .75 6 .0(5 .5) 12 .0
HY <<2 13 .5 13 .5 C2 14 .5(13 .5) 10 .0 <2 8 .5(8 .0) 17 .0
>2 YS 13 .5 >2 Ys ( YS ) YS >2 - (7 .0) 17 .0
1 .63 1 .52(1 .63) .2
* for discontinuous angle struts ; MS-6 . HY-9 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
() values refer to plated members
Note : This table cannot cover all the nuances of the standard, thus for detailed
requirements reference must be made to the original text of BS449 .
MS refers to mild steel to BS 15
HY refers to high yield steel to BS 548 before 1959
and to BS 968 after 1959
TABLE NO .6 .5a L .C .C . requirements for C .I . Columns 1909
Ratio Working Stress in tons/sq inch of net section
actual length -------------___------------------------------
L to least Both ends hinged One end hinged Both ends
radius of gyration One end fixed fixed
20 3 .5 4 .0 4 .5
30 3 .0 3 .5 4 .0
40 2 .5 3 .0 3 .5
50 2 .0 2 .5 3 .0
60 1 .5 2 .0 2 .5
70 1 .0 1 .5 2 .0
80 0 .5 1 .0 1 .5
TABLE NO .6 .5b L .C .C . requirements for W .I . Columns 1909
Ratio of Working Stress on tons/sq inch of section
actual length ---__---___------__------__--__--------------
L to least Both ends hinged one end hinged Both ends
radius of gyration one end fixed fixed
20 2 .67 3 .33 4 .00
40 2 .33 3 .00 3 .67
60 2 .00 2 .67 3 .33
80 1 .67 2 .33 3 .00
100 1 .33 2 .00 2 .67
120 0 .67 1 .67 2 .33
140 0 .00 1 .33 2 .00
160 0 .67 1 .67
180 0 .00 1 .00
200 0 .33
210 0 .00
TABLE NO .6 .5c L .C .C . requirements for mild steel columns 1909
Ratio of Working Stress in tons/sq inch of section
actual length -------___-------__------___-----__-------__----
L to least Both ends hinged One end hinged Both ends
radius of gyration One end fixed fixed
------- 5 ------__-- 6 ----
20 4 .0 .0 .0
40 3 .5 4 .5 5 .5
60 3 .0 4 .0 5 .0
80 2 .5 3 .5 4 .5
100 2 .0 3 .0 4 .0
120 1 .0 2 .5 3 .5
140 0 .0 2 .0 3 .0
160 1 .0 2 .5
180 0 .0 1 .5
200 0 .5
210 0 .0
TABLE 6 .6 Column stresses to Moncrieff formula
Ratio Working Stress in tons/sq inch
L/r --------___----___----__----__------
Both ends Both ends Both ends
hinged fixed flat
20 6 .50 6 .65 6 .65
40 5 .93 6 .50 6 .50
60 5 .03 6 .27 6 .27
80 4 .01 5 .93 5 .93
100 3 .09 5 .52 5 .52
106 2 .86 5 .38 5 .38
107 2 .82 5 .35 5 .35
120 2 .38 5 .03 4 .25
140 1 .86 4 .52 3 .12
160 1 .48 4 .01 2 .39
180 1 .20 3 .52 1 .89
200 0 .99 3 .09 1 .53
--------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
TABLE 6 .7 Column stress to BS449 1937 TABLE NO .6 .8 Column stress to BS449 1948
--------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
Slenderness ratio Axial stress Axial stress Slenderness ratio Axial stress Axial stress
c = effective L pc in tons/sq inch pc in N/mm2 c = effective L pc in tons/sq inch pc in N/mm2
min . r min . r
--------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
20 7 .17 110 .7 20 8 .03 124 .0
30 6 .92 106 .9 30 7 .54 116 .5
40 6 .64 102 .6 40 7 .06 109 .0
50 6 .30 97 .3 50 6 .57 101 .5
60 5 .89 91 .0 60 6 .09 94 .1
70 5 .41 83 .6 70 5 .66 87 .4
80 4 .88 75 .7 80 5 .12 79 .1
90 4 .33 66 .9 90 4 .62 71 .4
100 3 .81 58 .8 100 4 .13 63 .8
110 3 .34 51 .6 110 3 .67 56 .7
120 2 .93 45 .3 120 3 .26 50 .3
130 2 .58 39 .8 130 2 .89 44 .6
140 2 .28 35 .2 140 2 .57 39 .7
150 2 .02 31 .2 150 2 .30 35 .5
160 1 .81 28 .0 160 2 .06 31 .8
170 1 .62 25 .0 170 1 .86 28 .7
180 1 .46 22 .5 180 1 .68 25 .9
190 1 .33 20 .5 ---------------------------------------------------
200 1 .21 18 .7 190 1 .52 23 .5
210 1 .10 17 .0 200 1 .39 21 .5
220 1 .01 15 .6 210 1 .27 19 .6
230 0 .93 14 .4 220 1 .17 18 .1
240 0 .86 13 .3 230 1 .08 16 .7
240 0 .99 15 .3
250 0 .92 14 .2
300 0 .65 10 .0
350 0 .49 7 .6
6.6.6 Column stresses to BS449 after 1948 W = Load
These are sufficiently recent as to be readily available if x = Eccentricity of load about centroid
required . A = Area of section
I = Moment of Inertia about axis through centroid
6.7 Eccentric Loads on Columns D = depth of section
Whilst the allowable column stresses already discussed at yt and yc = distances to extream fibres from centroid
length include a small allowance for "accidental eccentri- BM = Wx
city", they are primarily concerned with centrally applied
loads, or loads balanced about the centroid of the section . Note : The classic expression is written:-
Loads not applied at the centroid, ie eccentric thereto,
produce bending stresses as well as axial stresses which can
materially reduce the carrying capacity of the column . Combined stress
Early literature dealing with eccentric loads on columns
appears to be sparse . Goodman, however, dealing with cast
When considering mild steel and wrought iron the maxi-
iron columns condemns the "barbarous" practice of loading mum stress ie direct + bending is the critical one to watch.
columns on side brackets which "reduces the load the With cast iron however, when the bending stress exceeds
column can carry to one tenth, or even one twentieth what
the direct stress tension occurs on part of the section, and
it would carry if centrally loaded". since the strength of cast iron in tension is so poor this can
The fundamental principle of stress due to eccentricity is be critical .
given in Figure 6.1 . The engineers prior to the twentieth century, appeared
to limit the combined stress to the allowable stress produc-
ed by the application of the column formula which they
favoured . This was very conservative . However, since the
quality of the material, and other factors, were far from
consistent, it is recommended that this practice should be
observed when dealing with cast and wrought iron columns.
For steel columns, where the material generally is more
reliable, the allowable stresses for both axial load and for
bending should be used, and whilst there have been many
variations, including the method given in BS449 1937, the
basic combination given by the formula :-
SECTION NO . 7 Developments in Fabrication and Design
7.1 Introduction During the intervening years several British Standards
were produced with respect to the various threads eg
A historical publication of this nature would be incomplete
Whitworth, Fine, Unified Course and Fine etc and also to
without some reference to changes in design, fabrication
the type of bolt head eg cup, countersunk square etc .
and erection techniques which have occured during the
Details of the fasteners currently produced are available
period under review .
in BCSA's publication "Structural Fasteners and their
Perhaps the most important fundamental change was the
introduction of framing a structure, ie the provision of application ."
In the Table 7 .1 are listed the allowable stresses, in
beams and columns bolted together to act as a skeleton to
support the walls and floors and thus transfer the loads tons/sq .i n for rivets and bolts in accordance with various
direct to suitable foundations . editions of BS449 . Mild steel (MS) was always to BS15
and high tensile steel was to BS548 with the exception of
For a long time after iron and steel were introduced into
the 1959 edition when it changed to BS968.
building construction the method of use consisted almost
If the stresses in the bolts in a connection are at a criti-
entirely of beams supported on brickwork or on intermed-
cal level, then it may be better to simply replace the exist-
iate columns, and there was no interconnection other than ing bolts with those of known quality .
simple bolting to maintain the members in position .
The nominal diameter of the shank of an existing rivet
Of course there were exceptions such as the historic
may be found by dividing the diameter of the cup head by
arch supporting the roof of St Pancras Station, and other 1 .6 and similarly that of an existing bolt by dividing the
similar structures . But in the main, simply supported distance across the flat surfaces of the head by 1 .5 .
beams were the main uses of the materials, with columns
introduced to break up long spans .
It is claimed that the first completely steel framed
building in the British Isles was a furniture store at 7.3 Electric Arc Welding of Steelwork
Stockton-on-Tees designed and constructed in the year The welding together of two pieces of metal is quite an old
1900 by Redpath Brown and Co Ltd . This consisted of process, though the method of carrying out the work has
beams and columns bolted together, though in America changed . Welding of structural steelwork probably dates
site riveting was extensively used for joining the compon- from about the year 1900, this being done first by the
ents of a structure together . oxy-acetylene process .
The basic difference between riveted and bolted connec- Construction by this process was very limited, though
tions should be clearly understood . Driving hot rivets ex- properly carried out the results could be quite sound and
panded them to fill the holes and thus produced a non-slip durable . A canopy at the Manchester Works of Redpath
connection, whilst ordinary bolts in clearance holes gave Brown and Co Ltd, constructed about 1902, was supported
connections with a certain amount of slip and hence these on a series of welded lattice girders and remained in use for
could not be regarded as rigid . some fifty years until dismantled to make way for a new
Site riveting was not a common practice in this country development .
though some engineers did insist on non-slip connections, Electric Arc Welding commenced to infiltrate into the
and as an alternative to site riveting the use of close toler- United Kingdom in the mid 1920's though its adoption was
ance bolts was accepted . This consisted of using turned very slow . Apart from the capital cost of new equipment
barrel bolts in holes marginally (3/1000" to 5/1000") to carry out the process, the changes necessary in design
larger . As it was impossible to align holes to this degree and detailing to suit the new technique were slow to be
of accuracy they were drilled to a smaller diameter and developed .
reamed out to the required size after the parts had been Initially electric are welding was used to replace riveting
assembled . in the fabrication of components and connections . It was
Before proceeding to a discussion of more recent not at first fully appreciated that it was not economic to
developments in fabrication and design etc a review of bolts weld on an angle cleat - if welding was being used the angle
and bolted connections is given in section 7 .2 . Subsequent- must be replaced by a plate .
ly sections 7 .3 to 7 .7 inc . refer to a selected number of The outbreak of war in 1939, and the need to fabricate
changes viz :- quickly components for the war effort such as bridge
7 .3 Electric Arc Welding of steelwork parts etc accelerated the development of arc welding
7 .4 Use of High strength friction grip bolts though it was not until after the cessation of hostilities that
7 .5 Rigid frame analysis it was possible to lay down special welding shops .
7 .6 Plastic methods of design Over the years since the war major improvements in arc
7 .7 Computer Analysis welding techniques has meant that most major components
of large steel structures are fabricated by this means. Little
site fabrication however is done this way probably because
7.2 Riveted and Bolted Connections of the difficulties in quality control and inspection .
Experience has shown that it is often the connections Initially, electric arc welding was restricted to mild steel
rather than the members themselves that may form the and even then specially prepared electrodes were required
weak link in the chain . It is often difficult to identify the to ensure that the strength of the parent metal was not
bolt and nut material from the markings on them, even if reduced . Subsequently, however, developments in the
they exist . manufacture of electrodes, and in welding techniques has
The first of the British Standards for black bolts was meant that all grades of steel can now be arc welded with-
BS28 issued in 1932 which was eventually replaced by out difficulty .
BS916 in 1953 . This was superseded by the current It should be noted that the welding of cast iron requires
standard BS4190 in 1967 which was introduced to cover special attention to the selection of electrodes and the pre-
the International Standards Organisation (ISO) range of heating of the parent metal and therefore it is not recom-
bolts . mended that welding should be used to connect to existing
Similarly high tensile bolts, which were generally close cast iron members .
tolerance bolts, were first covered by BS1083 in 1942 In broad terms, any welded fabrications found and dat-
which was subsequently superseded by the current standard ing before 1930/35 are almost certain to be gas welded, and
BS3692 in 1967 . later electric arc welded .
Detail Rivets Bolts
Type MS HT Type MS HT
Tension Shop 5 >0 .75"~ 5
Site 4 <0 .75"1k 0
Shear Shop 6 Turned 6
Site 5 Black 4
Bearing Shop 12 Turned 12
Site 10 Black 8
1935 & 1937
Tension Shop 5 7 .5 >0 .62"<p 5 7 .5
Site 4 6 <0 .62 11 -P 0 0
Shear Shop 6 9 Turned 6 9
Shop 5 7 .5 Black 4 6
Bearing Shop 12 18 Turned 12 18
Site 10 15 Black 8 12
Tension Shop 5 7 .5 X0 .75"4 6 9
Site 4 6 <0 .75"O 5 7 .5
Shear Shop 6 9 Turned 6 9
Site 5 7 .5 Black 4 6
Bearing Shop 12* 18* Turned 12* 18*
Site 10 15* Black 8 12*
* increase by 25% when in double shear
Tension All' 6 .0 9 .0 >1 .12" 8 .0 12 .0
40 .87"(k 7 .0 10 .5
<0 .87"95 6 .0 9 .0
Shear Power Shop 6 .5 9 .0 Turned 6 .0 9 .0
Power Site 6 .0 8 .5 Black 5 .0 7 .0
O Hand 5 .5 7 .5
Bearing Power Shop 19 .0 27 .0 Turned 19 .0 27 .0
Power Site 17 .5 25 .0 Black 12 .5 $
Hand 16 .0 23 .0
All values reduced by 20% when in single shear
$ Value not given, approx . 17 .5 prorata .
Note :- MS = Mild Steel
HT = High Tensile Steel
7.4 Use of High Strength Friction Grip Bolts 7.6 Plastic Methods of Design
Connections made with HSFG bolts rely upon the friction Plastic methods of design developed by Professor J .F . Baker
between faying surfaces induced by torque in the bolts . and his colleagues, during and after the war of 1939/45
Because of this the question of holes for the bolts reducing exploit fully the continuity in a structure where the form-
the effective area of a member does not arise . ation of a plastic hinge can result in the rediposition of
This type of connection must not be confused with High moment, and thereby ulitise more fully the strength of the
Strength Bolted connections where the bolt acts in shear construction .
or bearing similar to an ordinary black bolt, but with in- Whilst the plastic theory has been extensively applied to
creased allowable stresses . portal frame construction there are a limited number of
High strength friction grip bolts were first introduced multi-storey building frames designed in this manner, poss-
in this country about 1950 but it was not until after the ibly due to the difficulty in determining the positions
ISE Jubilee Symposium in June 1959 that their use became where plastic hinges will form, though research is continu-
widespread . ously in progress at Manchester University and elsewhere to
The main function of these bolts initially was to replace simplify the application of the plastic theory to multi-
close tolerance fitted bolts for non-slip connections . These story frames .
were expensive to install as the holes had to be drilled
undersize and then be reamed out to the exact size after 7.7 Computer Analysis
assembly of the parts . Carrying out such work on site was
The development of the electronic computer led to the
also slow .
preparation of computer programmes to solve the problems
Of course, site riveting met the same need, but very little
of multi-storey rigid frames which had for so long inhibited
site riveting has ever been carried out in this country,
their adoption .
though its use was widespread in America .
The first practical programme of this nature was written
The main danger with HSFG connections is in loosing
to suit the Ferranti Mercury Computer, and is described in
the friction by loosening the bolts . To avoid this danger
the Steel Designer's Manual 3rd Edition 1966 .
some engineers required the thread of the bolt to be
Basically the programme was limited to a frame of
"clinched" after the required torque had been applied .
twenty joints but by an overlap system many more joints
As this type of fastener is relatively recent in adoption it
could be accommodated .
is unlikely to crop up often in buildings being renovated .
The first major multi-storey frame-work designed using
If however it should be found excessive care must be used
the computer method of analysis, and constructed with site
to make sure that the viability of the joint should not be
welded joints was the Littlewoods Headquarters Building in
destroyed . Liverpool which was eighteen storeys in height, constructed
in 1963 .
7.5 Rigid Frame Analysis
Whilst rigid frame construction was extensively used for 7.8 General
arches, portal frames etc from quite an early date it did
These short notes are intended to indicate that care must be
not become generally applied to building frames for two
taken if altering or renovating a more recent structure say
main reasons viz :-
about 25 years or less in age, to ensure that the methods of
(i) Difficult to analyse in detail design and construction are fully understood so that there
(ii) Difficult to make fully rigid connections . are no adverse results due to interaction or load transfer .
For a long time multi-storey steel building frames were
Guidance on the design of individual elements of a
designed to empirical rules ie they were designed as pin
structure and the connections between them to the current
jointed for vertical load and as fixed jointed for horizontal British Standard BS449 Part 2 1969 is given in BCSA pub-
loads from the wind .
lications 'Structural Steelwork - Design of Components'
The design as pin jointed for vertical loads avoided the
and 'Manual on Connections' .
use of statically indeterminate methods, and the analysis
for the horizontal loads could be carried out using one of
a variety of recognised approximate methods .
To design even a small building frame as fully rigid by
any of the recognised methods such as strain-energy, slope
deflection etc was so laborious as to be avoided except in
exceptional cases . The use of approximate methods such as
Hardy Cross method of moment distribution etc did simp-
lify the work a little but even this method was avoided
whenever possible .
Developing fully rigid connections using rivets or bolts
also presented many problems and even though the advan-
tages of rigid construction were fully appreciated very few
examples were to be found .
The Steel Structures Research Committee, which was
established jointly by the Government and the Steel
Industry, developed a semi-rigid method of design where
the stiffness of simple connections and their effect on the
interaction between beam and column were assessed and
exploited . Even this method met with little use in
practice .
The widespread use of welding, and to a lesser extent
HSFG bolting, made rigid frame construction easier to
attain (though not without cost) and several frames erected
during the last twenty years are in this form .
SECTION NO. 8 Continental Sections
8.1 Introduction 8.4 Luxembourg Sections
It is known that around the turn of the century, and, in Luxenbourg, depending almost entirely upon exports
some instances, up to the late 1930's, steel sections were of its steel products, has always rolled sections of sizes
imported from various parts of Europe, in particular from to suit its customers.
France, Belgium and Luxembourg . Reference to a handbook published by Columeta
Whilst most of the Continental exporters were prepared Luxenbourg (now Arbed-Belval) in 1934 lists standard
to roll and supply British Standard Sections once these continental sections ranging from 80 x 42 to 550 x 200,
were established, quite a large quantity of standard contin- again the basic sections only - not the derived - and
ental beams were also used in this country . the properties are similar to those in Table 8.1 .
This section is therefore devoted to providing basic The table of wide flange profiles also differs to the
information about these continental sizes together with extent that two smaller sections ie 100 x 100 and 120 x
an indication of the extent of the availability from various 120 are included and the upper limit is 400 x 300.
countries. For convenience Table 8.7 has been prepared to show the
From reference to various continental handbooks a properties of the two smallest profiles, the balance of
fair proportion of the information required is obtainable the table to repeat Table 8 .6 .
from a handbook published by the French steelmaker
Longwy in 1928 . This did not imply a new range of sizes 8.5 Belgium Sections
dating from 1928, the sizes were produced much earlier Reference to a handbook dated about 1930 shows that
than that and were well established in the year 1900 . standard continental sections ranging from 80 x 42 to
Handbooks from other countries with dates ranging 550 x 200 were produced in Belgium.
from 1913 to 1934 indicate the supply of sections to Unlike the French however a lighter version of all
the French sizes. It can be assumed therefore that these sections from 100 x 49 .5 to 560 x 198 were also produced .
sizes are typical of standard continental beams. This is Sufficient technical detail of continental sections has
confirmed by reference to another French producer's already been provided and therefore no information is
handbook dated 1905 . given of these reduced profiles .
In addition to the standard beams, R .A . Skelton and Belgium also produced a few special light beams with
Company produced a range of Broad Flange Beams which narrow flanges viz :-
were in imperial sizes, and aimed at the United Kingdom 100 x 44 x 7.35kg (3 .94ins x 1 .73ins)
market . A substantial quantity of these beams were 120 x 44 x 8.98kg (4 .73ins x 1 .73ins)
known to have been imported between 1920 and 1950, and 140 x 50 x 10 .7kg (5 .51 ins x 1 .97ins)
details extracted from Skelton's 1921 Handbook are given. 160 x 50 x 11 .9kg (6.30ins x 1 .97ins)
180 x 55 x 14 .4kg (7 .09ins x 2.17ins)
8.2 French Sections 200 x 60 x 17 .Okg (7 .87ins x 2.36ins)
and also produced wide flange DIL and DIN sections as
As mentioned, these are standard continental sections based already tabulated .
on the sizes of beams produced from a very early date .
From about 1845 to 1860 all-such beams produced in 8.6 German Sections
France were in wrought iron but from 1860 some beams
were in steel made by the Bessemer converter, and from Extracts from a German handbook dated 1913 lists 39
1870 by the Siemens Martin process. standard continental profiles ranging from 80 x 42 x
5.95kg/m to 550 x 200 x 167 .21 kg/m . Whilst the
After 1900, the sections produced were almost entirely
specified mass/m shows slight variations the properties
in steel, though some wrought iron was used until about
of these beams can be considered as similar to corres-
1915 .
ponding properties for the basic sections in Table 8.1 .
The tables given, numbered 8.1 to 8.4 inclusive are
It can be stated here that in Europe the root radii
taken from Longwy's handbook dated 1928 . In the cata-
for beam sections is not standardised and varies slightly
logue published by Descours Cabaud and Cie in 1905 many
of the sizes shown are included . The catalogue also lists between countries and makers . This variation has little
others, with narrower or wider flange widths. Unfortunate- effect on section properties but can make a small
ly, no technical data is available for these sections, but it is difference in mass/m .
stated that all sections could be obtained in iron or steel. The same German handbook also list 36 wide flange
sections, 18 in the normal series similar to Table 8.6 and
18 in the reduced series similar to Table 8.5 . In both series
8.3 Italian Sections the sizes range from 180 x 180 to 475 x 300 but as the
thicknesses of web and flange do not match those given for
Reference to extracts from an Italian handbook - date
the Italian sections the properties of the German sections
unknown - shows a much wider range of wide flange can not be considered as comparable with the Italian sec-
sections than those produced by Longwy in France which tions. Unfortunately no detailed properties are available
are shown in Table 8.2 . for the German sections .
These consisted of light profiles DIL, and normal pro-
files DIN, and it is apparent from the tabulated properties Notes relative to tables 8.1 to 8.4 inclusive
that the two series were separate rather than one being Tables 8.1, 8 .2 and 8.3 Joists
derived from the other.
Table 8.5 gives the properties of the light or reduced (a) The sizes are metric based but for convenience the
DIL profiles and Table 8 .6 the properties of the normal imperial equivalent of both depth and width is
DIN profiles . given.
The same handbook lists standard continental profiles (b) In tables 8.1 and 8.3 two widths are given for each
ranging from 80 x 42 to 500 x 185, only the basic and depth of section, the second width in each case being
not the larger derived sections which were produced by obtained by opening the rolls.
opening the rolls. (c) All beam sections were rolled with 14 taper flanges.
The properties of these standard continental beams Table 8.4 Channels
numbering 32 in all - are obtainable from Table 8.1 Two widths are given for each depth of channel, again
already presented. the second is obtained by opening the rolls.
1;3.7. Skelton Broad Flange Beams
These beams, shown in the Skelton handbook No 17A
dated 1921 in Imperial dimensions and with Imperial pro-
perties can be considered to be equivalent to the DIN
beams given in Table 8.6, and slight variations in mass/m
can be accounted for by the root radii.
Six extra sizes of beam are included in the Skelton
range viz :-
170 x 170 x 48 .57 kg/m
190 x 190 x 54 .39 kg/m
210 x210 x68.16 kg/m
230 x 230 x 74 .78 kg/m
270 x 270 x 98 .26 kg/m
290 x 290 x 116.67 kg/m
If necessary, properties of these sections can be assumed
by interpolation between the size above and the size below.
See separate page for notes
Size Mass/m Imperial Equivalent Thickness Area Moment of Inertia ) Radius of Gyration Section Modulus
D x B Size D x B Mass/ft Web Flange X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - x Y - Y
mm kg ins lbs mm mm cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3
80x42 5 .95 3 .15x1 .65 4 .00 3 .9 5 .9 7 .58 77 .7 6 .28 3 .20 0 .91 19 .4 2 .99
80x48 9 .72 3 .15x1 .89 6 .53 9 .9 5 .9 12 .38 103 .3 10 .21 2 .89 0 .91 25 .8 4 .25
90x46 7 .06 3 .54x1 .81 4 .74 4 .2 6 .3 8 .99 117 .0 8 .76 3 .61 0 .99 26 .0 3 .81
90x51 10 .59 3 .54x2 .01 7 .12 9 .2 6 .3 13 .49 147 .4 12 .82 3 .31 0 .98 32 .7 5 .03
100x50 8 .34 3 .94x1 .97 5 .60 4 .5 6 .8 10 .63 170 .0 12 .20 4 .00 1 .07 34 .0 4 .86
100x56 13 .05 3 .94x2 .20 8 .77 10 .5 6 .8 ' 16 .63 220 .0 18 .30 3 .64 1 .05 44 .0 6 .54
110x54 9 .66 4 .33x2 .13 6 .49 4 .8 7 .2 12 .31 238 .0 16 .20 4 .40 1 .15 43 .2 5 .99
110x59 13 .98 4 .33x2 .32 9 .39 9 .8 7 .2 17 .81 293 .4 22 .50 4 .06 1 .12 53 .3 7 .61
120x58 11 .13 4 .72x2 .28 7 .78 5 .1 7 .7 14 .18 327 .0 21 .40 4 .80 1 .23 54 .5 7 .38
120x64 16 .78 4 .72x2 .52 11 .28 11 .1 7 .7 21 .38 413 .4 30 .90 4 .40 1 .20 68 .9 9 .64
130x62 12 .62 5 .12x2 .44 8 .48 5 .4 8 .1 16 .08 435 .0 27 .40 5 .20 1 .30 66 .9 8 .85
130x67 17 .72 5 .12x2 .64 11 .91 10 .4 8 .1 22 .58 526 .5 36 .50 4 .83 1 .27 81 .0 10 .90
140x66 14 .32 5 .51x2 .60 9 .62 5 .7 8 .6 18 .24 572 .0 35 .20 5 .60 1 .39 81 .7 10 .70
140x72 20 .91 5 .51x2 .83 14 .05 11 .7 8 .6 26 .64 669 .2* 48 .60 5 .01* 1 .35 101 .3 13 .49
150x70 16 .01 5 .91x2 .76 10 .76 6 .0 9 .0 20 .39 734 .0 43 .70 6 .00 1 .46 97 .8 12 .50
150x76 23 .07 5 .91x2 .99 15 .50 12 .0 9 .0 29 .39 902 .8 59 .30 5 .54 1 .42 . 120 .3 15 .61
160x74 17 .90 6 .30x2 .91 12 .03 6 .3 9 .5 22 .80 933 .0 54 .50 6 .40 1 .55 116 .6 14 .70
16009 24 .18 6 .30x3 .11 16 .25 11 .3 9 .5 30 .80 1103 70 .20 5 .98 1 .51 137 .9 17 .70
170x78 19 .77 6 .69x3 .07 13 .28 6 .6 9 .9 25 .19 1165 66 .50 6 .80 1 .62 137 .0 17 .10
170x84 27 .78 6 .69x3 .31 18 .67 12 .6 9 .9 35 .39 1410 88 .90 6 .31 1 .58 166 .0 21 .20
180x82 21 .88 7 .09x3 .23 14 .70 6 .9 10 .4 27 .87 1444 18 .30 7 .20 1 .71 160 .4 19 .80
180x88 30 .36 7 .09x3 .46 20 .40 12 .9 10 .4 38 .67 1735 106 .4 6 .70 1 .66 192 .8 24 .20
190x86 23 .95 7 .48x3 .39 16 .09 7 .2 10 .8 30 .51 1759 97 .20 7 .59 1 .78 185 .1 22 .60
190x91 31 .40 7 .48x3 .58 21 .10 12 .2 10 .8 40 .00 2045 120 .4 7 .15 1 .73 215 .1 26 .50
200x90 26 .24 7 .87x3 .54 17 .63 7 .5 11 .3 33 .43 2139 117 .0 8 .00 1 .87 214 .0 25 .90
200x96 35 .66 7 .87x3 .78 23 .96 13 .5 11 .3 45 .43 2539 147 .8 7 .48 1 .80 254 .0 30 .80
210x94 28 .47 8 .27x3 .70 19 .13 7 .8 11 .7 36 .27 2558 137 .0 8 .40 1 .94 243 .6 29 .30
210x99 36 .71 8 .27x3 .90 24 .67 12 .8 11 .7 46 .77 2943 166 .7 7 .93 1 .89 280 .3 33 .70
220x98 31 .02 8 .66x3 .86 20 .84 8 .1 12 .2 39 .51 3055 163 .0 8 .79 2 .03 277 .7 33 .30
220x104 41 .38 8 .66x4 .09 27 .81 14 .1 12 .2 52 .71 3587 203 .4 8 .25 1 .96 326 .1 39 .10
230x102 33 .46 9 .06x4 .02 22 .48 8 .4 12 .6 42 .63 3605 188 .0 9 .20 2 .10 313 .4 36 .90
230x107 42 .49 9 .06x4 .21 28 .55 13 .4 12 .6 54 .13 4112 226 .3 8 .72 2 .04 357 .5 42 .30
240x106 36 .17 9 .45x4 .17 24 .31 8 .7 13 .1 46 .08 4239 220 .0 9 .59 2 .19 353 .3 41 .5
240x112 47 .48 9 .45x4 .41 31 .91 14 .7 13 .1 60 .48 4930 271 .2 9 .03 2 .12 410 .8 48 .4
250x110 38 .98 9 .84x4 .33 26 .19 9 .0 13 .6 49 .65 4954 255 .0 9 .99 2 .27 396 .3 46 .4
250x115 48 .79 9 .84x4 .53 32 .79 14 .0 13 .6 62 .15 5605 300 .4 9 .50 2 .20 448 .4 52 .2
260x113 41 .83 10 .24x4 .45 28 .11 9 .4 14 .1 53 .29 5735 287 .0 10 .37 2 .32 441 .1 50 .8
260x119 54 .08 10 .24x4 .69 36 .34 15 .4 14 .1 68 .89 6614 357 .9 9 .80 2 .28 508 .7 60 .2
270x116 44 .89 10 .63x4 .57 30 .16 9 .7 14 .7 57 .18 6623 325 .0 10 .76 2 .40 490 .5 56 .0
270x121 55 .48 10 .63x4 .76 37 .28 14 .7 14 .7 70 .68 7453 382 .8 10 .27 2 .33 552 .0 63 .3
280x119 47 .89 11 .02x4 .69 32 .18 10 .1 15 .2 61 .01 7575 363 .0 11 .14 2 .44 541 .0 61 .0
280x124 58 .88 11 .02x4 .88 39 .57 15 .1 15 .2 75 .01 8489 405 .0 10 .64 2 .32 606 .4 65 .3
290x122 50 .81 11 .42x4 .80 34 .14 10 .4 15 .7 64 .73 8619 403 .0 11 .54 2 .49 594 .4 66 .1
290x127 62 .20 11 .42x5 .00 41 .80 15 .4 15 .7 79 .23 9635 472 .8 11 .03 2 .44 664 .4 74 .5
300x125 54 .16 11 .81x4 .92 36 .39 10 .6 16 .2 68 .99 9785 449 .0 11 .91 2 .55 652 .3 71 .9
300x131 68 .29 11 .81x5 .16 45 .89 16 .8 16 .2 86 .99 11135 538 .1 11 .31 2 .49 742 .3 82 .1
320x131 61 .00 12 .60x5 .16 40 .99 11 .5 17 .3 77 .71 12493 554 .0 12 .68 2 .67 780 .8 84 .6
320x136 73 .56 12 .60x5 .35 49 .43 16 .5 17 .3 93 .71 13858 642 .4 12 .16 2 .62 866 .1 94 .5
340x137 68 .04 13 .39x5 .39 45 .72 12 .2 18 .3 88 .68 15670 672 .0 13 .45 2 .79 921 .7 98 .1
340x142 81 .39 13 .39x5 .59 54 .69 17 .2 18 .3 103 .7 17307 775 .0 12 .92 2 .73 1018 109 .2
360x143 76 .13 14 .17x5 .63 51 .16 13 .0 19 .5 96 .98 19576 817 .0 14 .21 2 .90 1088 114 .2
360x148 90 .26 14 .17x5 .83 60 .65 18 .0 19 .5 115 .0 21520 938 .5 13 .68 2 .86 1196 126 .8
380x149 83 .98 14 .96x5 .87 56 .43 13 .7 20 .5 107 .0 23978 972 .0 14 .97 3 .01 1262 130 .4
380x154 98 .89 14 .96x6 .06 66 .45 18 .7 20 .5 126 .0 26264 1113 14 .44 2 .97 1382 144 .5
400x155 92 .43 15 .75x6 .10 62 .11 14 .4 21 .6 117 .8 29173 1160 15 .74 3 .14 1459 149 .6
400x160 108 .13 15 .75x6 .30 72 .66 19 .4 21 .6 137 .8 31839 1317 15 .20 3 .09 1592 164 .7
425x163 103 .82 16 .73x6 .42 69 .76 15 .3 23 .0 132 .3 36956 1433 16 .71 3 .29 1739 175 .8
425x168 120 .51 16 .73x6 .61 80 .98 20 .3 23 .0 153 .5 40154 1623 16 .17 3 .25 1890 193 .3
450x170 115 .27 17 .72x6 .69 77 .46 16 .2 24 .3 146 .8 45888 1722 17 .68 3 .42 2039 202 .5
450x175 132 .93 17 .72x6 .89 89 .32 21 .2 24 .3 169 .3 49685 1959 17 .13 3 .40 2208 223 .9
475x178 127 .81 18 .70x7 .01 85 .88 17 .1 25 .6 162 .8 56410 2084 18 .61 3 .58 2375 234 .1
475x183 146 .46 18 .70x7 .20 98 .42 22 .1 25 .6 186 .6 60875 2343 18 .06 3 .54 2563 256 .1
500x185 140 .79 19 .69x7 .28 94 .61 18 .0 27 .0 179 .4 68736 2470 19 .57 3 .72 2749 267 .0
500x190 160 .41 19 .69x7 .48 107 .79 23 .0 27 .0 204 .4 73944 2765 19 .02 3 .67 2958 291 .1
550x200 166 .65 21 .65x7 .87 111 .98 19 .0 30 .0 212 .3 99054 3486 21 .60 4 .05 3602 348 .6
550x205 188 .24 21 .65x8 .07 126 .49 24 .0 30 .0 239 .8 105990 3866 21 .02 4 .02 3854 377 .2
600x215 199 .27 23 .62x8 .46 133 .90 21 .6 32 .4 253 .9 138960 4553 23 .39 4 .24 4632 423 .5
600x220 222 .82 23 .62x8 .66 149 .73 26 .6 32 .4 283 .9 147960 5180 22 .83 4 .27 4932 470 .9
Note :- * Assumed values only
- -- - - -- -- --- - -- - -- - - - - --- -- - -- -- - - - -- - -- - -- - --- -- - - - - - - - --- -- --- - -- - -- - -- - -- - --- --- - -- - -- - -- - --- --- -- - -- - -- -- - - --- ---- - --- - - -- -
See separate page for notes
Size Mass/m Imperial Equivalent Thickness Area Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Section Modulus
D x B Size D x B Mass/ft Web Flange X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y
mm kg ins lbs mm mm cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3
180x180 48 .43 7 .09x 7 .09 32 .54 8 .5 13 .6 61 .70 3611 1109 7 .65 4 .24 401 .2 123 .0
200x200 57 .56 7 .87x 7 .87 38 .68 9 .0 14 .5 73 .32 5294 1597 8 .50 4 .67 529 .4 160 .0
220x220 64 .84 8 .66x 8 .66 43 .57 9 .0 15 .0 82 .60 7359 2202 9 .44 5 .16 669 .0 200 .0
240x240 76 .00 9 .45x 9 .45 51 .07 10 .0 15 .9 96 .80 10218 3028 10 .27 5 .60 851 .5 252 .0
250x250 82 .50 9 .84x 9 .84 55 .44 10 .5 16 .5 105 .1 12066 3575 10 .71 5 .84 965 .2 286 .0
260x260 90 .66 10 .24x10 .24 60 .92 11 .0 17 .6 115 .5 14308 4244 11 .13 6 .06 1101 326 .0
300x300 119 .40 11 .81x11 .81 80 .23 12 .5 20 .0 152 .1 25187 7409 12 .87 6 .98 1679 494 .0
See separate page for notes
Size Mass/m Imperial Equivalent Thickness Area Moment of Inertia ' Radius of Gyration Section Modulus
D x B Size D x B Mass/ft Web Flange X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y
mm kg ins lbs mm mm cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3
100x42 7 .09 3 .94x1 .65 4 .76 4 .0 6 .5 9 .03 138 .2 6 .8 3 .91 0 .87 27 .6 3 .24
100x51 14 .15 3 .94x2 .01 9 .51 13 .0 6 .5 18 .03 213 .2 14 .1 3 .44 0 .88 42 .6 5 .53
120x44 8 .18 4 .72x1 .73 5 .50 4 .3 6 .5 10 .43 224 .2 8 .2 4 .64 0 .88 37 .3 3 .72
120x48 11 .95 4 .72x1 .89 8 .03 8 .3 6 .5 15 .23 281 .8 10 .3 4 .30 0 .82 46 .9 4 .29
140x47 10 .38 5 .51x1 .85 6 .98 4 .5 7 .9 13 .23 390 .8 12 .4 5 .43 0 .97 55 .8 5 .28
140x51 14 .78 5 .51x2 .01 9 .93 8 .5 7 .9' 18 .83 482 .3 16 .5 5 .06 0 .94 68 .9 6 .47
160x50 12 .68 6 .30x1 .97 8 .52 5 .5 8 .3 16 .16 598 .2 14 .6 6 .08 0 .95 74 .8 5 .84
160x55 18 .93 6 .30x2 .17 12 .72 10 .5 8 .3 24 .16 768 .9 20 .9 5 .64 0 .93 96 .1 7 .60
250x100 37 .28 9 .84x3 .94 25 .05 10 .0 12 .5 47 .50 4478 178 .9 9 .71 1 .94 358 .2 35 .78
250x105 47 .10 9 .84x4 .13 31 .65 15 .0 12 .5 60 .00 5128 191 .2 9 .24 1 .78 410 .2 36 .42
See separate page for notes
Size Mass/m Imperial Equivalent Thickness Area Distance to Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Section Modulus
D x B Size D x B Mass/ft Web Flange N .A . from X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y min .
mm kg ins lbs mm mm cm2 cm cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3
80x45 8 .64 3 .15x1 .77 5 .80 6 .0 8 .0 11 .00 1 .48 106 .0 19 .9 3 .10 1 .35 26 .5 6 .57
80x50 11 .78 3 .15x1 .97 7 .92 11 .0 8 .0 15 .00 1 .51 127 .3 28 .7 2 .91 1 .38 31 .8 8 .22
100x50 10 .60 3 .94x1 .97 7 .12 6 .0 8 .5 13 .50 1 .58 206 .0 29 .7 3 .91 1 .48 41 .2 8 .67
100x55 14 .52 3 .94x2 .17 9 .76 11 .0 8 .5 18 .50 1 .58 247 .7 41 .9 3 .66 1 .50 49 .5 10 .69
120x55 13 .35 4 .72x2 .17 8 .97 7 .0 9 .0 17 .00 1 .63 364 .0 43 .9 4 .63 1 .61 60 .7 11 .33
120x60 18 .06 4 .72x2 .36 12 .14 12 .0 9 .0 23 .00 1 .64 436 .0 59 .7 4 .35 1 .61 72 .7 13 .68
140x60 16 .01 5 .51x2 .36 10 .76 7 .0 10 .0 20 .40 1 .79 605 .0 63 .5 5 .45 1 .76 86 .4 15 .07
140x65 21 .51 5 .51x2 .56 14 .45 12 .0 10 .0 27 .40 1 .76 719 .5 85 .1 5 .12 1 .76 102 .7 17 .96
160x65 18 .84 6 .30x2 .56 12 .66 7 .5 10 .5 24 .00 1 .88 925 .0 87 .1 6 .21 1 .91 115 .6 18 .84
160x70 25 .12 6 .30x2 .76 16 .88 12 .5 10 .5 32 .00 1 .84 1095 114 .3 5 .85 1 .89 137 .0 22 .15
180x70 21 .98 7 .09x2 .76 14 .77 8 .0 11 .0 28 .00 1 .96 1354 115 .5 6 .95 2 .03 150 .4 22 .91
180x75 29 .05 7 .09x2 .95 19 .52 13 .0 11 .0 37 .00 1 .92 1597 148 .8 6 .57 2 .00 177 .4 26 .66
200x75 25 .28 7 .87x2 .95 16 .99 8 .5 11 .5 32 .20 2 .00 1911 150 .7 7 .70 2 .16 191 .1 27 .65
200x80 33 .13 7 .87x3 .15 22 .26 13 .5 11 .5 42 .20 2 .00 2244 191 .1 7 .29 2 .13 224 .4 31 .85
220x80 29 .36 8 .66x3 .15 19 .73 9 .0 12 .5 37 .40 2 .18 2690 199 .7 8 .48 2 .31 244 .5 34 .31
220x85 38 .00 8 .66x3 .35 25 .53 14 .0 12 .5 48 .40 2 .12 3133 250 .0 8 .05 2 .27 284 .9 39 .18
240x85 33 .21 9 .45x3 .35 22 .32 9 .5 13 .0 42 .30 2 .27 3598 252 .0 9 .22 2 .44 299 .8 40 .44
240x90 42 .63 9 .45x3 .54 28 .65 14 .5 13 .0 54 .30 2 .21 4174 311 .4 8 .77 2 .39 347 .8 45 .86
260x90 37 .92 10 .24x3 .54 25 .48 10 .0 14 .0 48 .30 2 .40 4823 323 .0 9 .99 2 .59 371 .0 48 .93
260x95 48 .12 10 .24x3 .74 32 .34 15 .0 14 .0 61 .30 2 .34 5555 395 .2 9 .52 2 .54 427 .3 55 .20
280x95 41 .84 11 .02x3 .74 28 .12 10 .0 15 .0 53 .30 2 .56 6276 404 .9 10 .85 2 .76 448 .3 58 .43
280x100 52 .83 11 .02x3 .94 35 .50 15 .0 15 .0 67 .30 2 .48 7190 493 .9 10 .34 2 .71 513 .6 66 .94
300x100 46 .16 11 .81x3 .94 31 .02 10 .0 16 .0 58 .80 2 .74 8026 500 .9 11 .68 2 .92 535 .1 69 .00
300x105 57 .93 11 .81x4 .13 38 .93 15 .0 16 .0 73 .80 2 .63 9151 608 .1 11 .14 2 .87 610 .1 77 .26
Size Mass/m Imperial Equivalent Thickness Area Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration section modulus
A x B D x B Mass/ft Web Flange X - X Y - Y x - x Y - Y x - X Y - Y
mm kg ins lbs mm mm cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3
140x140 31 .3 5 .51x 5 .51 21 .03 4 .5 12 .0 39 .9 1473 549 6 .1 3 .7 210 78
150x150 35 .0 5 .91x 5 .91 23 .52 4 .75 12 .5 44 .6 1898 704 6 .5 4 .0 253 94
160xl60 38 .8 6 .30x 6 .30 26 .07 5 .0 13 .0 49 .4 2398 888 7 .0 4 .2 300 111
180x180 47 .7 7 .09x 7 .09 32 .05 5 .5 14 .0 60 .7 3745 1362 7 .9 4 .7 416 151
200x200 56 .6 7 .87x 7 .87 38 .03 6 .0 15 .0 72 .1 5522 2002 8 .8 5 .3 552 200
220x220 67 .2 8 .66x 8 .66 45 .16 6 .5 16 .0 85 .6 7948 2843 9 .6 5 .8 723 258
240x240 77 .7 9 .45x 9 .45 52 .21 7 .0 17 .0 99 .0 10975 3921 10 .5 6 .3 915 327
250x250 83 .3 9 .84x 9 .84 55 .98 7 .25 17 .5 106 .1 12775 4561 11 .0 6 .6 1022 365
260x260 90 .0 10 .24x10 .24 60 .48 7 .5 18 .0 114 .7 14940 5281 11 .4 6 .8 1149 406
280x280 102 .1 11 .02x11 .02 68 .61 8 .0 19 .0 130 .1 19693 6960 12 .3 7 .3 1407 497
300x300 115 .5 11 .81x11 .81 77 .61 8 .5 20 .0 147 .1 25611 9012 13 .2 7 .8 1707 601
320x300 122 .5 12 .60x11 .81 82 .32 9 .0 21 .0 156 .1 30744 9463 14 .0 7 .8 1922 631
340x300 129 .7 13 .39x11 .81 87 .15 9 .5 22 .0 165 .2 36529 9914 14 .9 7 .7 2149 661
360x300 136 .9 14 .17x11 .81 91 .99 10 .0 23 .0 174 .4 43009 10364 15 .7 7 .7 2389 691
380x300 144 .4 14 .96x11 .81 97 .03 10 .5 24 .0 183 .9 50226 10815 16 .5 7 .7 2644 721
400x300 151 .9 15 .75x11 .81 102 .07 11 .0 25 .0 193 .5 58224 11266 17 .3 7 .6 2911 751
425x300 160 .1 16 .73x11 .81 107 .58 11 .5 26 .0 203 .9 68836 11718 18 .4 7 .6 3239 781
450x300 168 .5 17 .72x11 .81 113 .23 12 .0 27 .0 214 .6 80680 12169 19 .4 7 .5 3586 811
475x300 176 .9 18 .70x11 .81 118 .87 12 .5 28 .0 225 .4 93829 12620 20 .4 7 .5 3951 841
500x300 186 .3 19 .69x11 .81 125 .19 13 .0 29 .0 237 .3 108742 13074 21 .4 7 .4 4350 872
550x300 197 .8 21 .65x11 .81 132 .92 13 .5 30 .0 252 .0 138461 13527 23 .4 7 .3 5035 902
600x300 209 .8 23 .62x11 .81 140 .98 14 .0 31 .0 267 .2 172989 13980 25 .4 7 .2 5766 932
Size Mass/m Imperial Equivalent Thickness Area Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Section Modulus
D x B D x B Mass/ft Web Flange X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y X - X Y - Y
mm kg ins lbs mm mm cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3
140x140 34 .63 5 .51x 5 .51 23 .27 8 .0 12 .0 44 .1 1552 550 5 .9 3 .5 217 79
150x150 37 .15 5 .91x 5 .91 24 .96 8 .0 12 .0 47 .3 1897 670 6 .3 3 .8 253 90
160x160 45 .81 6 .30x 6 .30 30 .78 9 .0 14 .0 58 .4 2634 958 6 .7 4 .1 329 120
180x180 51 .62 7 .09x 7 .09 34 .69 9 .0 14 .0 65 .8 3833 1363 7 .6 4 .6 426 151
200x200 64 .94 7 .87x 7 .87 43 .64 10 .0 16 .0 82 .7 5952 2136 8 .5 5 .1 595 214
220x220 71 .54 8 .66x 8 .66 48 .07 10 .0 16 .0 91 .1 8052 2843 9 .4 5 .6 732 258
240x240 87 .39 9 .45x 9 .45 58 .72 11 .0 18 .0 111 .3 11686 4152 10 .2 6 .1 974 346
250x250 91 .08 9 .84x 9 .84 61 .20 11 .0 18 .0 116 .0 13298 4692 10 .7 6 .4 1064 375
260x260 94 .77 10 .24x10 .24 63 .68 11 .0 18 .0 120 .7 15050 5278 11 .2 6 .6 1158 406
280x280 112 .71 11 .02x11 .02 75 .74 12 .0 20 .0 143 .6 20722 7324 12 .0 7 .1 1480 523
300x300 120 .87 11 .81x11 .81 81 .22 12 .0 20 .0 154 .0 25759 9007 12 .9 7 .6 1717 600
320x300 134 .48 12 .60x11 .81 90 .37 13 .0 22 .0 171 .3 32249 9910 13 .7 7 .6 2016 661
340x300 136 .52 13 .39xll .81 91 .74 13 .0 28 .0 173 .9 36942 9910 14 .6 7 .5 2173 661
360x300 150 .30 14 .17x11 .81 101 .00 14 .0 24 .0 191 .5 45122 10813 15 .4 7 .5 2507 721
380x300 152 .50 14 .96xll .81 102 .48 14 .0 24 .0 194 .3 50949 10813 16 .2 7 .5 2682 721
400x300 163 .68 15 .75x11 .81 110 .00 14 .0 26 .0 208 .5 60642 11714 17 .1 7 .5 3032 781
425x300 166 .43 16 .73x11 .81 111 .84 14 .0 26 .0 212 .0 69483 11714 18 .1 7 .4 3270 781
450x300 181 .84 17 .72x11 .81 122 .19 15 .0 28 .0 231 .6 84223 12619 19 .1 7 .4 3743 841
475x300 184 .78 18 .70x11 .81 124 .17 15 .0 28 .0 235 .4 95122 12620 20 .1 7 .3 4005 841
500x300 200 .44 19 .69x11 .81 134 .69 16 .0 30 .0 255 .3 113177 13525 21 .1 7 .3 4527 902
550x300 206 .72 21 .65x11 .81 138 .91 16 .0 30 .0 263 .3 140342 13527 23 .1 7 .2 5103 902
600x300 226 .80 23 .62x11 .81 152 .40 17 .0 32 .0 288 .9 180829 14435 25 .0 7 .1 6028 962
650x300 233 .47 25 .59x11 .81 156 .88 17 .0 32 .0 297 .4 216783 14437 27 .0 7 .0 6670 962
700x300 254 .36 27 .56x11 .81 170 .92 18 .0 34 .0 324 .0 270290 15346 28 .9 6 .9 7723 1023
750x300 261 .42 29 .53xll .81 175 .67 18 .0 34 .0 333 .0 316256 15349 30 .8 6 .8 8434 1023
800x300 268 .49 31 .50x11 .81 180 .42 18 .0 34 .0 342 .0 366386 15351 32 .7 6 .7 9160 1023
850x300 291 .67 33 .46xll .81 195 .99 19 .0 36 .0 371 .6 443890 16267 34 .6 6 .6 10444 1084
900x300 299 .12 35 .43x11 .81 201 .00 19 .0 36 .0 381 .1 506040 16270 36 .4 6 .5 11245 1085
950x300 306 .58 37 .40x11 .81 206 .01 19 .0 36 .0 390 .6 572953 16273 38 .3 6 .5 12062 1085
1000000 314 .04 39 .37x11 .81 211 .03 19 .0 36 .0 400 .1 644748 16276 40 .1 6 .4 12895 1085
SECTION NO . 9 Miscellaneous
9.1 I ntrodu ction the machine was completed and the tests carried out on
a series of steel sections as columns both uncased and
A publication of this nature would be incomplete without
cased .
some information dealing with unusual applications of
Mr J Mitchell Moncrieff CBE reported on the tests,
steel construction, and also if advice on how to use the
the results, subsequently published in 1924 by Redpath
contents was omitted . This section will be devoted to some
Brown and Co Ltd ., showed the considerable assistance
notes on the following :- in carrying capacity the concrete gave to the bare steel .
9 .2 Concrete encased steelwork However it was not until 1948, some 24 years later that
9 .3 Asymmetrical sections clauses were written into the design specifications to permit
9 .4 Identification of material
an even modest assistance from the concrete casing to
9 .5 Relationship between past and present steel columns .
In the 1950's Dr Oscar Faber OBE conducted a new
series of tests which were reported in the Structural
9.2 Concrete encased steelwork Engineer in 1956 . Again the test results proved that far
Four particular examples of concrete encasement are con- greater reliance could be placed on the concrete casing
sidered . than is officially permitted .
These brief notes show that many engineers were aware
9 .2 .1 .Grillage beams from a very early date that concrete encasement materially
Grillage beams solidly encased in mass concrete must assisted the carrying capacity of steel sections, in particular
behave as a composite construction and this was recognised of steel columns and it is therefore possible that some
from the early days when it was permitted to design grillage structures exist where, before regulations were introduced,
beams for stresses as much as 50% greater than normal the engineer made some allowance for concrete casing .
stresses . Since, however, such casing would not be reinforced in the
manner prescribed in later specifications it should be ig-
9 .2 .2 Filler joist floor construction
nored in assessing the carrying capacity of any structure
Before the introduction of precast and patent concrete apart from the floors . However, since the contribution of
floors extensive use was made of small beams at regular the concrete casing can be significant, if considered desir-
spacing either fully encased or with the soffit uncased
able this can be fully examined and its value determined .
forming very durable and satisfactory floorings .
Records show that such filler joist floors existed before
the year 1900 and in some early examples cast iron sections 9 .3 Asymmetrical Sections
are known to have been used . The only examples which can be found of rolled asymme-
The stiffening effect of the concrete slab was recognised trical beam sections is in a 1925 French handbook, and
by permitting an increased stress on the steel sections pro- these sections were limited in both number and size . Ob-
vided that these were designed to carry the load without viously, these were produced for special applications .
assistance from the concrete, a favourate method being to In this country two main applications of asymmetric
allow 1 ton/sq inch increase in bending stress for each 1 sections can be found . These inevitably are built up sec-
inch of concrete cover over the top flange up to a maxi- tions, and the two applications are considered as follows :-
mum of 3 inches .
When regulations in the form of BS449 1932 were 9 .3 .1 Wall beams
issued this rule of thumb basis was altered in favour of In early construction uncased steel beams were often
design as a concrete beam with the combined moment of used to carry brick walls, and a common detail was as
inertia of the steel and surrounding concrete but later issues shown in Fig .9 .1 .
of BS449 reverted to the original concept . In these and similar details the added strength provided
by the steel plate was usually ignored and the whole of the
9 .2 .3 . Beams supporting floor slabs load was carried by the steel beam .
Beams supporting reinforced concrete floor slabs were
often encased in concrete for fire protection, such casing 9 .3 .2 Crane Gantry Girders
being cast integral with the floor . Again, the stiffening Because of the nature of the load to be carried ie vertical
effect of such encasement was appreciated so that in BS449 load from the weight of the crane plus the load plus impact
1935 an increase in the bending stress on such beams was allowance, coupled with horizontal load applied adjacent
allowed . However, before such increase was permissible to the top flange from cross-surge, unless horizontal stiffen-
a number of conditions had to be met, and then the in- ing girders were used the girders were built-up asymmetric
crease was so small few designers were prepared to use sections .
the concession . Fig 9 .2 shows some of the different types frequently
used in general workshop construction .
9 .2 .4 . Concrete encased columns For steel mill buildings etc much more complicated
In all of the three previous cases the steel beams were shapes were developed, generally consisting of plate girders
subjected to bending as the main function . In the case of with asymmetric flanges, and with the development of
columns however the principal condition is axial com- metal arc welding welded sections replaced riveted sections,
pression . Concrete is an excellent material in compression but inevitably with the top flange much larger than the
though poor in bending and tension, hence adequate bottom flange .
recognition of the compressive assistance of concrete Many of the Structural Steelwork Handbooks which
encasement to columns was an early priority . have been issued from time to time list the design proper-
As early as 1914 Redpath Brown and Company Ltd ties of some asymmetrical sections but the permutations
decided to initiate investigations into this question . In are such that it is impossible to repeat this information
the absence of suitable test equipment they offered to here . Often, the section under review is not one of those
supply a testing machine to the National Physical Labor- listed and it is necessary to calculate the properties from
atory . first principles . This is best done by using the tabular
The outbreak of the first World War stopped the manu- method, an example of this being given in the BCSA pub-
facture of the machine and it was not until 1922/1923 that lication "Structural Steelwork - Design of Components" .
Figure 9.1 Uncased Steel Lintel .
9.4 Identification of material 9.6 Recommendation for Design
The situation will often occur when examining old con- Bearing in mind the above changes the following recom-
struction that it is necessary to determine the material used mendations are made :
in order to select the proper working stresses . 1 . Imposed loads suitable to the proposed use of the struc-
Identification of cast iron should present no problems true should be taken in accordance with modern prac-
for several reasons viz :- tice .
(a) The shape of the member will not conform to any 2 . Where current design methods may not be appropriate,
special class ie in the case of a cast iron beam the eg design of a cast iron column, then members should be
section will almost without exception be asymmetric, checked using the working stresses and design methods
whilst a cast iron column will have connection mater- applicable to the time of original construction .
ial cast on . 3 . Where current design methods may be appropriate eg a
(b) Evidence of the mould will almost certain exist in the laterally unrestrained beam, then members should be
form of a joint line . checked with BS449 : Part 1 : 1970 or BS449 : Part 2 :
(c) The surface of the member will be pitted and not re- 1969
latively smooth as with roll marks . (a) using the working stresses applicable to the mat-
Distinguising between wrought iron and steel can be erial at the time of original construction .
more difficult . However it may be sufficient to assume the (b) revised working stresses based on a detailed
quality of the material using a time factor as follows : material analysis .
(i) If it is known that the structure existed before It should be appreciated that these views are the authors
1890 it is almost certain that the material is wrought own and it is essential that the engineer carrying out the
iron and appropriate wrought iron stresses used . investigation satisfies any appointed authority .
(ii) If the structure was built after 1910 and member
sizes conform to BS4 it should be safe to assume mild For further guidance on the survey and appraisal of
steel stresses . existing building structures readers are recommended to
(iii) Between 1890 and 1910 either wrought iron or mild refer to the Institution of Structural Engineer's publication
steel could apply and unless very conservative stresses "Appraisal of Existing Structures" .
are adopted the material quality should be determin-
ed .
If a definate answer is required small borings could be
made on locations remoted from the positions of maximum
shear and bending and the metal extracted sent for chemi-
cal analysis . Since wrought iron is substantially free from
carbon the presence of this element in measurable quantity
indicates that the material is steel not wrought iron .
9 .5 .1 Material
During the last 100 years or so vast improvements have
taken place in the manufacture and quality of steel . There-
fore it must be assumed that old steel cannot be used with
the high stresses permitted today without a detailed analy-
sis of the material being undertaken .
9 .5 .2 Loadings
Apart from wind loading, knowledge gained with respect to
imposed loading has meant that most requirements have
been reduced from those in use at the beginning of the
period under review .
With increased knowledge from experiment and observa-
tion, conclusions have been reached which suggest that
early structures were under-designed for the effect of wind
load . It should be appreciated however that such structures
were far more robust than modern structures .
9 .5 .3 Stresses
Working stresses have increased in line with improvements
in quality, except in so far as the behaviour of certain ele-
ments under loading conditions is better understood, lead-
ing to more stringent requirements for lateral restraint etc .
SECTION NO. 10 Bibliography