Club Sports Council Constitution
Club Sports Council Constitution
Club Sports Council Constitution
Binghamton University
PO Box 6000, East Gym
Binghamton, NY 13902
The official name of this organization shall be the Club Sports Council of Binghamton University, hereafter
referred to as the Club Sports Council.
The purpose of the Club Sports Council shall be to provide a vehicle for the administration of the Club
Sports Program according to its Constitution and Bylaws and according to the rules and regulations of
Binghamton University, Division of Student Affairs, Student Association and Campus Recreational Services.
It exists to promote participation in the Club Sports programs and has as its primary objective to provide a
forum for the exchange of club sports information.
Only matriculated undergraduate students at Binghamton University shall be eligible to represent the club
as a member of the club Executive Board.
The Club Sports Council shall have regularly scheduled meetings in September, October, November,
December, February, March, April, and May. At least one week's advance notice of all meetings will be
made in writing to the membership. The President of the Club Sports Council, the Assistant
Director/Program Coordinator of Campus Recreational Services, the Director of Campus Recreational
Services, or the Vice President of Student Affairs may call special meetings. Any member may petition the
President of the Club Sports Council to convene for a special meeting.
The Club Sports Council will have the following officers:
1. President
2. Vice-President
The Assistant Director/Program Coordinator of Campus Recreational Services will serve as the advisor and
as ex-officio member in a non-voting capacity.
The Director/Associate Director of Campus Recreational Services shall serve as an advisor and as ex-officio
member in a non-voting capacity.
The standing committees shall be the Finance Committee, and the Review Committee. The membership
shall elect members of the standing committees (volunteers accepted). The elected members must be a
current club president or elected club president from the same academic year. The Assistant
Director/Program Coordinator of Campus Recreational Services may appoint additional committees as the
need arises.
The Constitution will be approved at the first regularly scheduled Club Sports Council meeting by a two-
thirds vote of a quorum of the membership. Note: Since club sports fall under the auspices of Campus
Recreational Services, the Club Sports Administration reserves the right to review, agree and/or modify
decisions made by the voting members within a given year.
All amendments to the Constitution shall be by a two-thirds vote of a quorum of the membership. The
amendments shall be proposed at a regularly scheduled meeting and debated and voted upon at the next
regularly scheduled Club Sports Council meeting.