Preparation of Pt-Ru Bimetallic Anodes by Galvanostatic Pulse Electrodeposition: Characterization and Application To The Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
Preparation of Pt-Ru Bimetallic Anodes by Galvanostatic Pulse Electrodeposition: Characterization and Application To The Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
Preparation of Pt-Ru Bimetallic Anodes by Galvanostatic Pulse Electrodeposition: Characterization and Application To The Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Key words: carbon electrode, DMFC, electrodeposition, galvanostatic pulses, platinum–ruthenium catalysts
The electrodeposition of platinum and ruthenium was carried out on carbon electrodes to prepare methanol anodes
with different Pt/Ru atomic ratios using a galvanostatic pulse technique. Characterizations by XRD, TEM, EDX
and atomic absorption spectroscopy indicated that most of the electrocatalytic anodes consisted of 2 mg cm)2 of
Pt–Ru alloy particles with the desired composition and with particle sizes ranging from 5 to 8 nm. Electrochemical
tests in a single DMFC show that these electrodes are very active for methanol oxidation and that the best Pt/Ru
atomic ratio in the temperature range used (50–110 C) is 80:20. The influence of the relaxation time toff was also
studied and it appeared that a low toff led to smaller particle sizes and higher performances in terms of current
density and power density.
electrodes requires 4.2, 4.4 and 4.6 C cm)2 for Pt/Ru 1200
catalysts with an atomic ratio of 80/20, 65/35 and 50/50, 1000
respectively. The calculation of the time necessary for
Intensity / a.u.
metal deposition, assuming a faradaic yield of 100%,
gives about 90 and 15 min, with toff ¼ 2.5 s and 0.3 s, 600
3.2. Fuel cell tests Fig. 6. Cell voltage (E) and power density (P) against current density
(j) in a single 5 cm2 surface area DMFC with a 80–20 Pt–Ru/C anode
prepared with toff ¼ 0.3 s, at different temperatures (Nafion 117
The electrodes were tested in a single 5 cm2 surface area membrane, 2 M CH3OH). Temperature: ()) 50, (n) 70, (n) 90, (*) 100
DMFC in order to determine their electrochemical and (s) 110 C.
behaviour under operating conditions. Figure 6 shows
the performances of a 80–20 Pt–Ru/C anode as a
function of temperature. Increasing the temperature reaches 110 C. This fact confirms the difficulty of
leads to improved performance. The maximum power oxidizing methanol and the necessity to work at
density at 50 C, close to 12 mW cm)2, is greatly temperatures higher than 100 C to enhance the elec-
enhanced (about ten times higher) when the temperature trode kinetics, and thus, the DMFC performance.
0.8 120 0.7 120
100 0.6 100
80 0.5
P / mW cm
P / mW cm-2
0.4 60 0.4
0.3 60
20 40
0.1 0.2
toff = 0,3 s
0 0 toff = 2,5 s
0.1 20
0 200 400 600 800 1000
j / mA cm 0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Fig. 7. Cell voltage (E) and power density (P) against current density j / mA cm
(j) in a single 5 cm2 surface area DMFC with a 80–20 Pt–Ru/C anode
prepared with toff ¼ 0.3 s (¤) and commercial E-TEK anode 50–50 Fig. 8. Cell voltage (E) and power density (P) against current density
(h), at 110 C (Nafion 117 membrane, 2 M CH3OH, PO2 ¼ 2:5 bar; (j) in a single 5 cm2 DMFC with a 80–20 Pt–Ru/C anode prepared
PMeOH ¼ 2.0 bar). with toff ¼ 0.3 s (d) and toff ¼ 2.5 s ()) at 110 C (Nafion 117
membrane, 2 M CH3OH, PO2 ¼ 2:5 bar; PMeOH ¼ 2.0 bar).
P / mW cm-2
E-TEK anode and to 110 mW cm)2 with the 80–20 Pt–
P / mW cm-2
as higher current densities are achieved with the home 0.3
made anode. This difference can be explained by catalyst 0.2