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Carledward Russell

Writing Prompt 1

UWRT 1104

Early in my life, I thought reading was riveting, because it gave you a way to step

in someone elses world. My fondest memory of reading had to come from my elementary

school, Forsyth Academy, because there I learned to read, write, and spell. I recall staying in

class with my teacher Ms. Poss and she had these paper books that I loved. I used to read about 3

a day and I really enjoyed them because you could write and color in them. A early memory I

remember is one time she called upon me to read this word and I knew in my mind I couldn't

pronounce it, so I got mad and the class laughed at me. From that day on I knew I was going to

give anything I try my best shot, because failure shapes you better than anything else. Those

books really accelerated my reading level, because most children began reading them in 1st

grade. By the time I got to first grade, I flew through the books all thanks to Ms. Poss. She

always told me You will thank me later, and she was correct cause I owe a lot to her. Thanks

to her, I found reading very easy and I would usually try to read bigger books because I always

loved a challenge, and I still do.

I remember my parents being heavily involved in my literacy narrative, because

they were always pushing me to take an extra step in my education on any level. Both my mom

and my father believed that exposing me to books at an early age would really help me later on

in life, and it do. I remember my mom bought the program Hooked on Phonics and that really

helped me because it gave me the basics of the English language. It also helped that my mom

bought the entire set, so I was always learning new things. When I was younger, my favorite

book was The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, and my mother would read it to me every chance

she got until I could read it on my own. That book was very important to me because it taught

me compassion and gave me a giving attitude that I still carry to this day. In The Giving Tree, the
tree gave the boy everything he had until he had nothing left, and as a kid that influenced me

greatly. I really enjoyed everything by Mr. Shel because he had an uncanny ability to make

difficult reading easy.

My siblings were also monumental in my literacy narrative, because they were always a

helping hand whenever I needed it. The age gap between my sisters (20 and 14 years) really

helped me because they could answer every question I asked. They are both extremely smart and

have been since the beginning so I knew everything they told me was correct. My brothers, on

the other hand, arent nearly as smart but they were there for me every step of the way. My

brothers have always been around and I look up to them, but I also want to outdo them in

everything I do.

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