Lower Mandible Maneuver and Elite Singers
Lower Mandible Maneuver and Elite Singers
Lower Mandible Maneuver and Elite Singers
Summary: Many elite singers appear to frequently drop the posterior mandible while singing to optimize resonance
production. This study investigated the physiology of the Low Mandible Maneuver (LMM) through the use of magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound (US), and spectrographic analysis.
The study of elite singers has been hampered by the paucity of internal imagery. We have attempted to address this
problem by using portable US equipment that we could transport to the homes, studios, or dressing rooms of such
ranking singers. With the US and acoustic data gathered in fairly brief sessions, we were able to ascertain the resonance
gains garnered from the techniques use.
The study featured two phases: IMRI study of the maneuver and its physiological effect on surrounding structures
(in collaboration of the Medical University of Graz, Austria) and IIUS investigation that studied tongue shape during
the maneuver.
The LMM has significant ramifications for resonance production by enabling a concomitantly lowered larynx and
increased resonance space in the pharyngeal and oral cavities. Measurements of the LMM ranged between 0.7 and
3.1 cm and showed a boost in the first harmonics as well as an enhancement in the singers formant. Its use also has
a rather significant effect on the tongue shapes required for all sung phonemes. The advantage of using US for this study
was the ability to produce real-time videos of the singer in action and then, through the use of stop action, precisely study
both individual phoneme production and phoneme-to-phoneme transitions during the LMM.
Key Words: UltrasoundResonance productionTongue shapesBiofeedback.
FIGURE 1. MRI images from phase I of our LMM study which illustrate the Low Mandible Maneuverleft image, speaking /i/ and the right
image, singing /i/ with full classical resonance. MRI courtesy of the Medical University of Graz, Austria.
Finally, in interviews with other singers and in looking for Problems with various image-collection modes. X-ray
clues in published interviews involving elite singers, the and CAT Scan Radiation Exposure. The most commonly used
LMM principle is mentioned although it does not have an offi- technologies for obtaining internal images involve the use of
cial name, as yet. radiation: x-ray and CAT scans. If we were to use x-ray with
a goal of assembling a catalog of images for all phonemes,
the subjects would have to endure radiation exposure far in
Current state of research in classical singing excess of allowable norms (morally, ethically, and legally).
Although there has been abundant scientific research on the With CAT scan, although techniques are available to drasti-
acoustic (aural) ramifications of classical singer resonance cally reduce the radiation exposure produced during x-ray
production, the anatomical and physiological elements use, the resulting images do not match the clarity of MRI.
have not been particularly well explored. To fully understand
the physical aspects of the art, we need top-grade internal imag- MRIThree Problems. Although MRI provides us with the
ery (magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], computerized axial sharpest view of the anatomical structure of the singers vocal
tomography [CAT], and ultrasound [US] images) demon- mechanisms, there are three drawbacks to this mode of imagery.
strating how a singers pharyngeal and oral spaces can be Static Imaging Often Requires the Subject To Freeze the
manipulated to produce the extraordinary sounds we enjoy in Vocal Mechanism. Standard MRI avoids the radiation expo-
the concert hall and the opera house. sure but has its own significant drawback because it often re-
However, we only rarely find such high-level internal imag- quires the subject to hold still for the entire time it takes the
ery in the scientific literature. This rarity becomes more pro- machine to capture an image. Because of this freezing of
nounced as one moves up through the professional ranks of anatomical structures during the utterance of a phoneme, the
classical singers. By the time we arrive at elite singers, we use of MRI can be highly susceptible to unwanted artifacts.
find absolutely no imagery on which to base our understanding Moving MRI (at up to 60 fps) is now possible and would
of how they produce their amazing sounds. Thus, we are left be an ideal method for studying the questions presented by
with an incomplete picture. this proposal. However, at the time of this study, such facil-
This research study is designed to acquire imagery from ities are rare and extremely costly.
those singers who have received the least scientific attention Cost. Normally, the cost of obtaining the number of images
because of their relative inaccessibility: elite singers. It is hoped needed for this study using standard MRI would be prohibitive.
that the collection of such imagery might add to our scientific However, thanks to the generosity of our colleagues at the Med-
knowledge of the physioacoustics of resonance creation of ical University of Graz (Austria), this drawback has been over-
the highest level and ultimately lead to the creation of a come during phase I of the study.
resource that may enlighten pedagogic approaches for all
singers, not just those of the highest rank. Gravity-Induced Artifacts. Singing is executed in an up-
right position but most MRI is done in a supine position.
This fact might induce a degree of tissue distortion because
Reasons for the dearth of internal imagery of gravitational effects. Although a recent study on tenors
Most of the voice research is being done on students or low-rank showed that a supine position has a rather small effect on
professionals. There are two principal reasons for the dearth of the vocal tract12 and that the tongue was more posterior on
internal imagery of classical singers vocal apparatus in action: the supine than upright position, it had no significant
128.e15 Journal of Voice, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2016
FIGURE 7. Two jaw-opening paradigms. The two skulls at the top show the mandible at rest in its normal configuration (l) and the mouth opened
(r). The bottom skulls show the LMM in operation with the condyle dropped (l) and the resulting increase in mouth opening and oral resonance that
results from the maneuver. Illustration by Garyth Nair.
Figure 5 shows two MRI images that have been overlaid. The When one speaks, the condyle rotates mostly in the
red line shows the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) of the singer mandibular fossa (hinge motion) with a relatively stable jaw
at rest, whereas the green line shows the singer performing the and minimal vertical tongue motion (see the top two skull illus-
LMM. The condyle position both at rest and with LMM can be trations in Figure 6). For loud speech, there occurs a minor trans-
observed by the yellow line (image from our collaboration with lation along the articular eminence (also, articular tubercle).
the Medical University of Graz, Austria). From this relatively high mandible position, there is not much
resonance space available in the oral cavity.
LMM physiology
The TMJ is one of the most complex joints in the body,
providing a hinging and gliding movement at the same time. SingingLMM adds an additional maneuver
Figure 6 shows how the articular disc separates the condyle LMM, however, consists of two interconnected, simultaneous
from the mandibular fossa. Between the condyle and the disc actions (see lower two skulls in Figure 7). Once the condyle rea-
is the inferior joint cavity. This is also where the first part of ches the end of the first part of the mouth opening (25 mm), it
mouth opening occurs via pure rotation of the condyle. now starts to translate (a movement of a body in the same direc-
tion and at the same rate) over the superior joint cavity (space
Speech between the disc and mandibular fossa) out of the fossa into
The action of the jaw during speech is envisioned as a lever the articular eminence (5060 mm).14
where the fulcrum point is at its connection to the skull, the TMJ. In summary the two actions are:
Angelika Nair, et al The LMM and Its Resonential Implications for Elite Singers 128.e18
modifications in register transitions in male singer6 and the specifies the description of the sensation for the proper open
vocal tract in female registers.7 Among others, both studies throat and laryngeal position in the middle voice as the first
showed substantial changes in the jaw opening once F0 reached stage of a yawn, and that an expanded throat sensation must
the vicinity of F1. Thus, it appears that the use of jaw opening always be accentuated as the pitch is raised. Vennard19 ad-
was unanimously found to be applied once F0 reached the vicin- dresses the necessity of The Loose Jaw for better results in
ity of F1. Hence, preparing a register equalization in male and even more anatomical detail. A theory on the use of LMM,
female passaggi. Story et al16 investigated various voice quali- open mouth, relaxed ramus of the mandible, the lower larynx,
ties, such as yawny and found an increase in vocal tract vol- throughout all registers and the concomitant rehabituation of
ume through lengthening the vocal tract and widening the oral vowels and consonants, respectively was proposed in articles
cavity, confirming the yawn as a manipulation to achieve from Denver,11 Salzburg20 and the book, The Craft of Singing21
greater space and lower the larynx. by Garyth Nair. Last but not least, all the empirical visual/
The biomechanics of the TMJ is a finely tuned dynamic bal- audible evidence of its use by elite singers, whether live or on
ance among all the head and neck muscles. As a person yawns, video, exhibits a remarkable technical unanimity.
the head is brought back by contraction of the posterior cervical
muscles, which raises the maxillary teeth. This simple example
not only demonstrates that singing is solely orientated on the METHODS
first part of a yawn (avoiding a hyperextension of the skull) Our study is divided in 2 phases:
but also demonstrates that even normal functioning of the
masticatory system uses many more muscles than just those IPilot study with regionally ranked singers in which we
of mastication. With an understanding of this relationship, used both MRI and US, refined imaging methods and proto-
one can see that any effect on the function of the muscles of cols, and studied biomechanics of high-level resonance
mastication also has an effect on other head and neck muscles production.
(and vice versa) and ultimately the larynx. Further studies on IIInternal imagery of elite singers to investigate biome-
the complex orchestration of extrinsic neck and head muscles chanics of high-level resonance production. This phase of
and their influence on the larynx, tongue, and so forth may the study is still a work in progress and will attempt to ascer-
reveal more of the biomechanics and ultimately the techniques tain the prevalence of LMM in the technique of elite singers.
used in classical singing.
The potential benefits of the use of LMM are that it:
Subjects Demographics
Number of Number as Number of
Subject No. Voice Age Years Study Professional/y Performances/y
1 Mezzo-sopr. 37 8 15 <20
2 Basso cant. 69 8 40 <10
3 Baritone 53 8 25 <40
4 Baritone 61 8 40 <50
5* Soprano 25 8 7 <50
* Unfortunately this participant got sick and could not participate in the ultrasound protocol.
Angelika Nair, et al The LMM and Its Resonential Implications for Elite Singers 128.e20
The device used for this mode of imagery was a GE Logiq 7
FIGURE 11. EdgeTrak software capturing the edge of the sagittal
with 30 frame rates per second (misses most fast consonant
tongue profile (red line) as well as the hard palate (yellow line). (For
tongue actions), a GE 3S transducer, the HATS-ProVoce (stabi-
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader
lizes distance from the transducer to palate), and the Standoff
is referred to the Web version of this article.)
(to allow mandible platform drop). Before the session, the sub-
jects were asked to choose a phrase in Italian and their Native
language. For the sung part of the vowels and phrases, the
Head and transducer stabilization. For utilization as a
singers were asked to choose a comfortable pitch.
research tool, the relativity between the US transducer and
Principals. An US relies on piezoelectric crystalsfound in the subjects head must be stabilized while still allowing for
the transducerthat emanate ultrahigh-frequency sound waves vertical mandible movement above the US transducer through
and produce an image by using their reflective properties. Both the use of a device called a Head and transducer stabilization
the tongue surface and the hard palate can be imaged in real (HATS). In the lead-up to the image collection in phase I, we
time using US22 (Figure 10). were able to test and refine our HATS system for use during
EdgeTrak. The software program EdgeTrak23 uses a sophisti- US data collection (Figure 13).
cated algorithm that searches through the noise (reflections of In-laboratory HATS systems are generally quite large, heavy
the sound waves) of the US and determines where the edges and very nonportable. However, because this project calls for
of the sagittal tongue profile are located (Figure 11). collecting US imagery on-location and not in the lab, we proto-
typed a HATS-ProVoce unit that had to be:
Mapping and fixing the position of the hard palate.
Before beginning the US data collection protocol, the subject
light weight;
is asked to drink a bolus of water. On the US image, the US
unitizeda system that can be broken down for transpor-
signal reflected by the thin layer of water between the top of
tation to remote locationssingers homes, studios, dres-
the tongue and the hard palate reveals its precise location.
sing rooms, and so forth; and
Once that stable hard palate position has been obtained, it can
stablemaintains the spatial relationship between the
be superimposed on all subsequent images for that subject un-
subjects head and the transducer while allowing
der study and allows accurate measurement of the jaw elevation
mandible movement.
during the production of all phonemes (Figure 12).
FIGURE 10. Sagittal view of a US image. Illustration by Angelika FIGURE 12. US image showing the water bolus starting from the
Nair. alveolar ridge to obtain a stable position of the hard palate.
128.e21 Journal of Voice, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2016
FIGURE 16. Oral cavity producing a spoken // and /i/ vowel (left) and performing an LMM // and /i/ vowel (right). Notice the size and shape of
the fluid reservoir at the bottom of the wedge. It indicates that the mandible has dropped approximately 1 cm. (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) Illustration by Angelika Nair.
must make allowance for vertical jaw movement and still main- MRI
tain acoustic contact between the surface of the transducer and This part of the pilot study was conducted in collaboration with
the flesh on the bottom of the subjects jaw. the Medical University of Graz, Austria, Franz Ebner, head of
This continuity is accomplished through the use of a standoff radiology, and Gernot Reishofer, medical physics expert,
(water-filled, acoustically transparent reservoir) between the respectively. Measurements were performed on a Siemens Mag-
transducer head and the bottom of the jaw (Figure 12). By netom Tim TRIO using a 12-channel head coil combined with a
providing a generous amount of US gel between the (1) trans- four-channel neck coil. The imaging of the spoken and sung pas-
ducer head and the reservoir and the top of the reservoir and sages was performed with a temporal resolution of 0.8725 sec-
(2) the flesh on the bottom of the subjects jaw, acoustic conti- onds, frame rate 1.15/s. The sequence parameters for the 2D
nuity can be maintained so that the US signal remains viable no turbo flash sequence were as follows: echo time (TE) 1.49 ms,
matter what elevation the mandible attains during the produc- repetition time (TR) 868 ms, flip angle (FA) 10 , matrix 192
tion of each phoneme under study (Figure 15). 3 199, field of vision (FoV) 183 3 199 m2, 8 mm slice thickness.
FIGURE 17. Three MRI images showing the LMM at rest (left), back vowel (middle), and front consonant (right). The different lines showing the
SAR (turquoise), the positions of the mandible (green), and the larynx (blue) and their elevations (M, L). (For interpretation of the references to color
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
128.e23 Journal of Voice, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2016
One image at the time of each spoken and sung vowel was per-
formed using a turbo-spin-echo sequence with the following pa-
rameters: TE 17 ms, TR 2000, FA 122 , matrix 224 3 320, FoV
220 3 220, 2 mm slice thickness.
The subject was introduced to the same protocol as in the US
imaging and chose a comfortable pitch for the sung tasks.
Image analyses. The measurements from the US images
were obtained by using the onscreen measurement tool Screen
Calipers (Version 4.0). By calibrating the numbers of pixels to
the integrated axial length unit of the US machine measurements
for the elevation of the mandible were taken from the standoff
(Figure 16).
The acquired MRI imagery was displayed by means of the
syngo fastView (Siemens). The softwares integrated measuring
tool was used to obtain the mandible drop capacity and the
laryngeal elevation. For the mandible and laryngeal drop, a pro-
tocol with the following landmarks was applied (Figure 17). A
horizontal line was drawn from a posterior stable anatomical
reference (SAR), right around the atlas and axis area. From FIGURE 18. Increase in vocal resonance during LMM. The dark
there, in a 90 angle, the distance to the bottom midpoint of herring-boned area denotes the resonance space available during a
the mental protuberance (prominence of the chin at the anterior non-LMM /i/ vowel. The white areas are the spaces that are added dur-
part of the mandible bone) was taken to measure the jaw open- ing LMM. Image from our collaboration with the Medical University
ing and the laryngeal drop. of Graz, Austria.
To obtain the values of LMM from both US and MRI, mea-
surements were taken from the spoken/sung [] and [i] vowel as
well as the sung Italian phrase. relaxation of the singers posterior mandible that can produce
The values for both the mandible and the laryngeal move- enormous resonance gains through enlargement of space in
ment were normalized by calculating the resting mandible/lar- the oral cavity as well as concomitant resonance pharyngeal
ynx to the SAR (ie, D0 Rest Rest). Subsequently, the area gains because of a significant drop in laryngeal elevation
mandible/laryngeal drop of any phoneme was subtracted from (Figure 18). These gains in resonance capacity for all areas of
its resting position (ie, D[] Rest max). the instrument acoustically interact and are a major component
The formula for the efficiency value (%) of the laryngeal in the type of rich tone we associate with classical singing.
drop derived from the mean of range of drops divided by the (Phase II of this study will attempt to ascertain the prevalence
maximum drops (Rest max). of LMM in the technique of elite singers.) When skillfully
used by the classical singer, LMM appears to be applied to
%Effcy mean drop=max: drop the production of all a singers vowels and consonants.
Figure 19 showing a spoken/sung comparison of the vowels
Acoustic considerations. Audio recordings of each subject [] and [i] from subjects 1 to 4 in the US and subjects 1 to 5 in
were made during the US and the MRI scanning procedure. For the MRI procedure. Overall, all four subjects showed a clear
the US, a headset microphone (Known-Brainer) was used and employment of LMM when singing. The average of the vertical
run through an external USB sound card (Andrea PureAudio drop ranged between 0.7 and 2.09 cm. Within the sung vowels,
USB) for optimal performance. Acoustical signals during the subjects 1 and 2 showed an increased drop of the mandible on
MRI scanning procedure were acquired through a commercial the vowel [i] versus subjects 3 and 4 who showed an increased
microphone and recorded with Windows sound recorder. drop on the vowel [].
Acoustical documentation was measured by means of the Pratt Also of note is subject 3 whose spoken vowels showed an
software (University of Amsterdam, NL) and VoceVista 3 (D. almost sung LMM use, indicating an impressionistically
Miller). Because a normal within-subject variability can be ex- sung spoken vowel. With the employment of LMM an ex-
pected in the toggle between spoken and sung [] and [i] vowel, pected increase in intensity can be observed (Table 2). Howev-
a single repetition may not be an ideal exemplar of the task. er, compared with the other subjects, the increased LMM on the
Thus, actual measurements were taken for the second repetition spoken vowels of subject 3 did not show a concomitant increase
and midpoint of the vowel. However, because of the loudness of in intensity but rather equal (0.5 dB) to subject 4 with less
the MRI noise, few viable audio samples could be used for LMM.
actual measurement. Measurements from the MRI procedure confirmed the drop
of the mandible. However, in three of the four US subjects, a
RESULTS general increase of LMM on all tasks was observed
The LMM is a specialized resonance creation technique that (Figure 19, middle). In particular, the sung vowels showed
seems to be used mostly by elite singers. It features a downward double (subjects 1 and 4) to quadruple (subject 2) the increase.
Angelika Nair, et al The LMM and Its Resonential Implications for Elite Singers 128.e24
Intensity Values for the Sung and Spoken Vowels From
the US Procedure
Intensity (dB SPL) From US
FIGURE 20. Graphics from the US procedure of the mean amplitude (dB) of the fundamental frequency (F0), the harmonics in the range of the
first formant (F1) for [] and [i], as well as in the range of 2.03.5 kHz. Various pitches and multiples of the fundamental frequency (nF0) are indi-
cated in the horizontal axis of each graph. Note, because of illness, subject 5 could not participate in this imaging procedure and is not included in this
Angelika Nair, et al The LMM and Its Resonential Implications for Elite Singers 128.e26
FIGURE 21. Graphics from the MRI procedure of the mean amplitude (dB) of the fundamental frequency (F0), the harmonics in the range of the
first formant (F1) for [] and [i], as well as in the range of 2.03.5 kHz. Various pitches and multiples of the fundamental frequency (nF0) are indi-
cated in the horizontal axis of each graph. Note, the audio of subject 1 was not usable and could not be included in this illustration.
for the vowels. Both modes of imagery showed that LMM was sits much lower in the oral cavity. Hence, the tongue must
used while singing, with the concomitant lowering of the larynx work more intensely on the vertical plane to achieve the Point
and elongating the pharynx thus ultimately forcing the tongue of Articulation necessary for all phonemes (Figure 23). Howev-
to be far more active than in speech. The floor of the tongue er, this also means that the airspaces surrounding the tongue
128.e27 Journal of Voice, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2016
FIGURE 23. Oral cavity producing a spoken // and /i/ vowel (left) and performing an LMM // and /i/ vowel (right). Notice the size and shape of
the fluid reservoir at the bottom of the wedge (green) as well as the advanced tongue root on the sung /i/ (circled and indicated by an arrow). The latter
indicating an increase in pharyngeal volume. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web
version of this article.) Illustration by Angelika Nair.
However, comparing the LMM and laryngeal drop efficiency in But, let us have a look at the internationally ranked singer
the MRI, we observed (in that order) that subjects 1, 4, and 5 Thomas Hampson singing a single la from Rossinis Largo
maintained the highest laryngeal elevation while using an al factotum (Figure 27). In these two images, one can clearly
LMM strategy with an entire jaw drop (Figure 26C) such as see that the entire jaw platform is down and that the tongue is
subjects 1 and 5, and a posterior drop of the mandible doing all the work of the language. This use of the LMM engen-
(Figure 26D) such as subject 4. For subject 2, however, the ders optimal resonance in the posterior oral cavity and allows
LMM only reflects in a 47% laryngeal drop and subject 3, the shift from /l/ to // with a minimum of movement and a
63.9%. Unfortunately, with the loudness of the MRI noise, an consistently large resonance space. The resulting sound is a
acoustical analyses of the entire phrase were not possible. How- Hampson hallmark and is one of the factors that place him in
ever, some extracts show similar harmonic enhancement as in the highest rank of todays singers.
the sung vowels.
To summarize the results, we found that all five subjects: CONCLUSIONS
(1) utilized the LMM with greater or lesser success; The images from both US and MRI show that the LMM is a
(2) exhibited the mandible strategies shown in Figure 26; technique used in classical singing. The strategies of the
and LMM varied between the entire drop of the jaw platform and
(3) radiated signal correlated with the results shown in the the posterior drop of the mandible, but both resulted in a
imagery. concomitant drop of the larynx. However, the enhancement of
the first harmonics and the Fs as well as the increase of the in-
Also, there is visual and aural evidence available for the ex-
tensity was greater with the drop of the entire mandible. Clear
istence of the LMM: modifications in the tongue shape for all phonemes were
(4) far higher percentage of mouth opening during sung observed when the LMM was used to maintain the integrity
passages; of the phoneme while increasing the sound output. In a column
(5) visible evidence of a lowered posterior mandible (the of the Journal of Singing, Titze25 addressed the question why
angle of the ramus); classical singers widen their airways in the pharynx and the
(6) where visible, the laryngeal prominence (the protruding back of the oral cavity. Acoustically, the answer is that a large
Adams apple) reveals a consistently low larynx; and mouth opening is needed to radiate lots of sound to the
(7) less visible evidence of superficial tension in the lower listenersuch as brass and woodwinds instrument that have a
neck region. bell to get more acoustic power into free space. However, an
128.e29 Journal of Voice, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2016
FIGURE 24. Top right image, spoken /i/ and the left image, sung /i/ with full classical resonance. Note the drop of the mandible and the larynx.
Note that, in the top right-hand static image, the singers velopharyngeal port was not closedin a moving MRI, the port would have been closed and
would appear identical to the corollary region in the top left side image. Bottom images showing spoken // (right) and sung // (left) with full clas-
sical resonance. Also note the different angles following the LMM (yellow line). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) Images from our collaboration with the Medical University of Graz, Austria.
inverted megaphone mouth shape is also needed to produce the thereby allowing the singer to sense the precise position
mixed registration with vowel modification. Hence, there is a of the tongue and how it is shaped); The front portion of
need to expand the throat. the tongue has many proprioceptors (those nerves that
The comparison of US and MRI imagery showed similar out- give the brain the awareness, often subconsciously, of
comes in shape and direction of the tongue and mandible weight, posture, movement, position in space in relation-
although the drop of the mandible measured in the US does ship to the body; based on sensory input from nerve ter-
not represent the actual drop. However, the deformation of minals in joints and muscles . .26 However, as we
the standoff does show clear directions as well as the angle of progress back along the tongue body, the density of pro-
the mandible drop. Also, with a frame rate of 30 fps, more prioceptors drops precipitously. Thus, the singer has a
tongue shapes of all phonemes can be observed. difficult time sensing where the tongue is and how it is
We are already working to quantify the useful factors of the shaped.
biodynamic system for use in the voice studio. With the use of Faster correction of a singers phonemic problems;
US imagery in the voice studio (supported by MRI), the authors Teaching the LMM; and
of this study have already experienced a rapid acceleration in Redefining vowel shapes as well as consonants resonance.
their students understanding of these complex vocal strategies.
However, with the acquisition of a portable US machine (GE Most classical singers in training unconsciously attempt to
Logiq E) and its use in the voice studio, we are seeing even use LMM in their vowels as a way of attempting to duplicate
greater benefits to all classical singers in training: the classical vowel tone they hear around them. However,
within these vowel attempts, one rarely encounters singers or
biofeedback for phoneme rehabituation (overcoming the pedagogues discussing the resonance requirements of conso-
problem of relative lack of tongue proprioceptors, nants. It is hoped that the collection of such imagery might
Angelika Nair, et al The LMM and Its Resonential Implications for Elite Singers 128.e30
FIGURE 26. Different mandible strategies found in all five subjects. (A) mandible at rest. (B) Anterior drop of the mandible (speech template). (C)
Complete LMM, entire jaw platform is down. (D) Posterior drop of the mandible.
128.e31 Journal of Voice, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2016
FIGURE 27. The internationally ranked singer, Thomas Hampson, in two frames from a video of him singing the word la from Rossinis Largo
al factotum. The two images are just 1/30000 of a second apart in time. On the left, one sees the /l/, and on the right, the open //. The two guidelines
indicate the elevation of the posterior and anterior mandible.
have to combine both sets of images on the screen by capturing It is a very short leap from the use of US as feedback in the
the US video on the laptop through the Debut Video Capture soft- voice studio to its use by the speech-language pathologist to
ware in one Window and running the spectrogram (Gram Lite, help those with speech defects correct them faster. Thus, the
VoicePrint) software in another Window. The vision for the future gains for such use of US are not limited to research but may
with the USB transducer would be to combine the US with the have a broader application big enough to constitute a new mar-
real-time spectrum analyses within one software, similar to Voce- ket for US used in this way.
Vista which displays the signals in combination of spectrogram, Voice science has not pointed out any new techniques during
power spectrum, and high time-resolution waveforms. We hope the past 30+ years, but it has shown the efficacy of certain tech-
to have the interest of Donald G. Miller to consider the ability nical approaches and helped to illuminate and eliminate un-
to include US real-time imagery in VoceVista (Figure 28). healthy vocal practices. There are areas of the voice yet to be
Additionally, in a recently started collaboration with the studied just like this study of the LMM, that will benefit all
Interdisciplinary Speech Research Laboratory (ISRL) at Uni- singers and teachers of singing into the future.
versity of Columbia, Vancouver (research project: The Efficacy
of Ultrasound in the Voice Studio), we have also presented our
vision to the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). The
ISRL and ECE developed ArtiSynth (www.artisynth.org), a
state-of-the-art biomechanical simulation platform focused on
modeling the human vocal tract. It is our hope for the future
that this 3D mechanical modeling system may be developing
into a real-time computer animation, showing the US signal
of the tongue in 3D.
All these developments may take us toward removing facets
of vocal technique from the realm of opinion and into a more
objective understanding of how the instrument works. Given
the nonfact-based technique that we routinely encounter in
singerstraining that cannot be understood in terms of anat-
omy or physicswe need more voice science that can clarify
how the instrument actually works and that can help move
pedagogy more toward the objective side (a movement, that FIGURE 28. Authors vision of US through a USB transducer, incor-
has already begun in the best voice teaching centers). porated in VoceVista and run on a tablet. Illustration by Angelika Nair.
Angelika Nair, et al The LMM and Its Resonential Implications for Elite Singers 128.e32
Acknowledgments 11. Nair G. Acoustics and physiology of singers consonantsa little explored
The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Maureen Stone for area. Paper Presented at the 2nd Physiology and Acoustics of Singing Con-
ference, Denver, 2004.
her generous contributions in her consultations and lab equip- 12. Traser L, Burdumy M, Richter B, Vicari M, Echternach M. The effect of
ment; Dr. Wolfgang Klinger (Neurologist) for making his prac- supine and upright position on vocal tract configurations during
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