Dial A Dump

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Questions from Four Corners to Dial-A-Dump Industries.

Responses received by email on 3 August 2017.

1. We understand Mr Malouf has strong views about the interstate transportation of waste
and its detrimental effect on industry. Just to confirm, DADI does or does not send waste
interstate to QLD?
Since 2012 Sydney waste has been transported to Queensland and for five years DADI group
has not participated and as a result has suffered a serious commercial disadvantage caused
by its competitors under-pricing.
In January 2017 DADI Group proposed a legal solution to give the EPA power to stop the
traffic. When no action was taken in response to its proposal, DADI group concluded that the
practice of transporting waste must be considered lawful. Since November 2016 until the
present day, DADI Group has transported 65,767 tonnes of waste, which is 1.2 % of its total
throughput of waste since January 2013

2. Has Mr Malouf sent any letters to community members threatening them with potential
legal action for expressing their concerns about The Next Generation (TNG) proposal, on
social media?
(Relevant Letters attached to Kerry Bradbury, Mr Atalla, Ms Tanya Davies, Mayor Stephen

3. Has Mr Malouf said community members and/or Councils and/or opponents of TNG
proposal have spread fake news?
Yes. Certain people have deliberately misrepresented the TNG proposal for their own
political agendas. Please see attached letters.

4. What stage is TNG proposal at? Is it before the NSW Department of Planning yet?
The Response to submissions has been re lodged with the NSW Department of Planning.

5. Can you please confirm that the TNG plant plans to burn around 1 million tonnes of C&D
waste annually (generating energy), with around half a million tonnes of toxic ash and
residue to be landfilled?
This is not correct. The Facility for which approval is sought is to use 552,000 tonnes of
residual waste per annum as fuel, with around 265,315 tonnes of ash residue to be

6. Is the landfill at Eastern Creek the largest privately-owned landfill in Australia or NSW?
We dont know.

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