Central Pain Syndrome - Pathophysiol., Diag., Mgmt. - S. Canavero, Et. Al., (Cambridge, 2006) WW PDF
Central Pain Syndrome - Pathophysiol., Diag., Mgmt. - S. Canavero, Et. Al., (Cambridge, 2006) WW PDF
Central Pain Syndrome - Pathophysiol., Diag., Mgmt. - S. Canavero, Et. Al., (Cambridge, 2006) WW PDF
Vincenzo Bonicalzi, MD
Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group (TANG), Turin, Italy
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, So Paulo
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls
for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not
guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
To my parents, for their unfailing support
to Serena, Marco and Francesca, wishing them a world without pain
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Definitions 1
History 3
viii Contents
6 Neuromodulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Electrical 183
1. Extra- and subdural motor (MCS) and sensory cortex
stimulation (PCS) 184
Mechanism of action 195
2. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) 199
Mechanism of action 199
a. PAG-PVG 199
b. Vc 206
c. Other areas 208
Efficacy 208
a. Vc DBS 209
b. PAG-PVG DBS 209
3. Spinal cord stimulation 211
Mechanism of action 211
Efficacy 211
Contents ix
References 339
Index 379
xii List of Tables
The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. (Mark Twain)
The story of this book goes back 15 enthusiastic years. At the end of 1991, S.C., at the
time 26, was asked by C.A. Pagni, one of the past mavens of the field, to take up
central pain. S.C. was back from a semester as an intern at Lyon (France)
neurosurgical hospital. A dedicated bookworm, he often skipped the operating
theater in favor of the local well-stocked library. In that year a paper was published
by two US neurobiologists, espousing the idea of consciousness arising from
corticothalamic reverberation: this paper drew his attention, as he was entertaining
a different opinion as to how consciousness arises. At the beginning of 1992 he came
across a paper written by two US neurologists, describing a case of central post-stroke
pain abolished by a further stroke: the authors were at a loss to explain the reason.
Discoveries sometimes happen when two apparently distant facts suddenly fit
together to explain a previously puzzling observation. And so it was. During a girl-
hunting bike trip at Turins best-known park, a sunny springtime afternoon, the
realization came thundering in. Within a short time, a name was found and so the
dynamic reverberation theory of central pain was born. It was first announced in
a paper published in the February 1993 issue of Neurosurgery and then in Medical
Hypotheses in 1994.
In May 1992 Pagni introduced Dr. Bonicalzi, a neuroanesthesiologist and pain
therapist, to S.C. Over the following years, the combined effort led to further
evidence in favor of the theory, in particular a neurochemical foundation based
on the discovery that propofol, a recently introduced intravenous anesthetic, could
quench central pain at nonanesthetic doses (September 1992). The idea of using
propofol at such dosage came from reading a paper by Swiss authors describing
its use in central pruritus. The similitude between central pain and pruritus, at
the time not clearly delineated in the literature, was the driving reason. In 1988
Tsubokawa in Japan introduced cortical stimulation for central pain: it was truly
ad hoc, as cortex plays a major role in the theory. Happily, since 1991, the cortex
has gone through a renaissance in pain research, although neurosurgical work
already pointed in that direction. We soon combined three lines of research drug
xiv Preface
dissection, neuroimaging and cortical stimulation data in our effort to tease out
the mechanism subserving central pain.
Central pain as a scientific concept was the product of an inquisitive mind, that of
Dr. L. Edinger, a neurologist working in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, at the end of
the 1800s. Despite being recognized by early-twentieth-century neurologists as
the initiator of the idea of centrally arising pains, this recognition soon faded,
shadowed by Dejerine and Roussy and their thalamic syndrome. At the beginning of
the twenty-first century, due credit must go to the physician who deserved it in the
first place, namely Dr. Edinger.
For a century, central pain has remained neglected among pain syndromes, both
for a lack of pathophysiological understanding and a purported rarity thereof.
Far from it! Recent estimates make it no rarer than Parkinsons disease, which,
however, commands a huge literature. Worse yet, the treatment of central pain has
only progressed over the past 15 years or so and much of the new acquisitions have
not yet reached the pain therapist in a rational fashion.
As we set out to write this book, we decided to review the entire field and not only
expound the dynamic reverberation theory, which, as we hope to show, may well
represent the end of central pain. It has truly been a sweatshop work as we
perused hundreds of papers and dusted off local medical libraries in search of obscure
and less obscure papers in many languages, as true detectives. We drew out single
cases lost in a mare magnum of unrelated data and in the process gave new meaning
to long-overlooked reports. We also realized that some bad science mars the field,
and this is properly addressed.
The result is hopefully the most complete reference source on central pain
in the past 70 years or so. The reader should finish the book with a sound
understanding of what central pain is and how it should be treated. The majority
of descriptive material has been tabulated, so that reading will flow easily. We hope
this will be of help to the millions who suffer from central pain.
Special thanks go to the unsung heroes at the National Library of Medicine in
Washington, DC, whose monumental efforts made our toil (and those of thousands
of researchers around the world) less fatiguing. Thanks also to the guys behind
Microsoft Word, which made the tabulations easy as pie. Also, due recognition
must go to the Cambridge staff who have been supervising this project over the
past two years, especially Nat Russo, Cathy Felgar, and Jennifer Percy and the
people at Keyword, above all Andy Baxter and Andrew Bacon for the excellent
editorial work.
Ever since Dejerine and Roussys description of central pain (CP) after thalamic
stroke in 1906, thalamic pain (itself part of the thalamic syndrome) has remained the
best-known form of CP and it has often misleadingly been used for all kinds
of CP. Since CP is due to extrathalamic lesions in the majority of patients, this term
should be discarded in favor of the terms central pain of brainbrainstem or cord
origin (BCP and CCP). Other terms that are now obsolete and should be discarded
include pseudothalamic pain (i.e., CP caused by extrathalamic lesions) and anesthesia
dolorosa, when this refers to CP in an anesthetic region caused by neurosurgical
lesions. If a stroke at whatever level is the cause of CP, the term central post-stroke
pain (CPSP) is used. Even though some clinical features are similar, peripheral
neuropathic pain (PNP) is not CP.
CP is akin to central dysesthesias/paresthesias (CD) and central neurogenic
pruritus (CNP): actually, these are facets of a same disturbance of sensory processing
following central nervous system (CNS) lesions. Dysesthesias and paresthesias differ
from pain in their being abnormal unpleasant and non-unpleasant sensations with a
nonpainful quality. While contributing to suffering, they can also be found in PNP.
Dysesthetic pain used as a synonym of CP must also be abandoned.
Since 1978 there has been a tendency to combine CP and PNP under the general
rubric of deafferentation pain on account of shared clinical features, both being due
to a decrease in afferent input into the CNS and consequent sensitization (see Tasker
2001). Deafferentation pain has never been included in the taxonomy published by
the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) (Merksey and Bogduk
1994), and actually indiscriminate lumping of all neuropathic pains under this term
2 Central Pain Syndrome
has created much confusion and even contradictions, often hindering assessment
of therapeutic strategies for single disease entities. The term neural injury pain
should also be discarded. In 1990 a consensus group (Devor et al. 1991) concluded
that: The term deafferentation pain as presently used is misleading and should
perhaps be abandoned altogether for purposes of clinical diagnosis.
Virtually all kinds of slowly or rapidly developing disease processes affecting the
spino- and quintothalamic pathways (STT/QST), i.e., the pathways that are most
important for the sensibility of pain and temperature, at any level from the dorsal
horn/sensory trigeminal nucleus to the parietal cortex, can lead to CP/CD/CNP.
These do not depend on continuous receptor activation.
The IASP defines CP as pain initiated or caused by a primary lesion or
dysfunction of the central nervous system (Merksey and Bogduk 1994), i.e., of the
spinal cord, brainstem or cerebral hemispheres. This definition is too extensive, as it
includes pain associated with motor disorders (Parkinsons disease and dystonia)
and painful fits, which although being CNS disorders are not strictly CP:
impairment of spinothalamocortical conduction, a cardinal finding of CP, is not
seen in these conditions. However, there are cases of bona fide CP without clinical
or electrophysiological signs of such impairment. We propose that CP/CD/CNP be
considered only spontaneous, constant and/or evoked pain, dysesthesia or pruritus
initiated by a CNS lesion impinging on or interfering with the spinothalamoparietal
path. Since CP appears to be the most frequent of these three conditions, we will
generally refer to CP throughout the text. Parkinsons disease, epileptic pains and
perhaps other diseases with a painful CP-like component should be classified as
central pain-allied conditions (CPAC).
Once thought an uncommon neurological curiosity, CP is an important and
underrecognized condition. CP produces immense suffering (a great burden), even
when intensity is low: its generally very unpleasant and irritating, largely constant
character makes it incomprehensible by almost all sufferers. Patients can be
completely disabled and CP may be so devastating as to override any other disability
in the chronic stage. By dominating the sensorium, interfering with the thought
processes and undermining the morale, CP frequently alters mood, intellect and
behavior with deterioration of personality, depression and neurotic tendencies,
interfering with rehabilitation, and impairing daily activities and quality of life. Many
patients with severe persistent pain undergo a progressive physical deterioration
caused by disturbance of sleep and appetite, a restriction in physical and daily
activities, and often become addicted to medications, all of which contribute to
general fatigue, increased irritability and decreased libido and sexual activity. The
social effects are equally devastating: many patients have progressively greater prob-
lems with their families and friends, reduce their social interactions and activities
and are unable to work (Widar et al. 2004). There are hints that chronic pain may
suppress the immune system and even alter insulin sensitivity. Some patients with
severe persistent pain become so discouraged and desperate that they commit sui-
cide, and usually not because of depression. Last, but not least, CP financially
burdens both society and patients. Thus, it represents a true challenge.
Introduction 3
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. (G. Santayana)
Cases of CP following brain or cord damage have most certainly been observed since
antiquity, but never understood as such. We have to wait until the nineteenth century
for published descriptions of what we now understand to be CP (Table 1.1) in
western medicine (there appear to be reports of what is most likely CP in ancient
Chinese medicine, this being the result of a deficiency of the Qi and attendant blood
stasis, in turn depriving the nourishing of meridians and tendons; see Kuong 1984).
TABLE 1.1. Historic highlights of central pain in the western literature (from
Garcin 1937; DeAjuriaguerra 1937)*
However, the possibility of centrally arising pains was simply dismissed by most
It was only in 1891 that Edinger, a German neurologist, challenging the prevailing
opinion of the day, and avec une rare sagacite (with rare sagacity; Garcin 1937),
introduced the concept of centrally arising pains. In his landmark paper Giebt es
central entstehende Schmerzen? Mittheilung eines Falles von Haemorrhagie in den
Nucleus externus Thalami optici und in das Pulvinar, dessen wesentliche Symptome in
Hyperaesthesie und furchtbaren Schmerzen in der gekreuzten Seite, ausserdem in
Hemiathetose und Hemianopsie bestanden haben (Are there centrally arising pains?
Description of a case of bleeding in the nucleus externus thalami optici and in the
pulvinar, whose essential symptom consisted in hyperesthesia and terrible pains in
the contralateral side, besides hemiathetosis and hemianopsia), he remarked how
only a few cases of pains associated with damage of the brain, brainstem and spinal
cord were on record (Die Durchsicht der Literatur nach aehnlichen Beobachtungen
hat nur wenig ergeben A literature review of similar cases has borne little fruit),
but that other reasons were adduced to explain them (generally peripheral nerve
causes or muscle spasms). One of the few well investigated cases was that of
Greiff (1883), concerning a 74-year-old woman who developed Hyperaesthesie und
reissenden Schmerzen im linkem Arm, geringgradiger im linkem Beine (hyperesthesia
and tearing pains in the left arm and of lesser intensity in the left leg) as a
consequence of several strokes and which lasted for two months until death. At
autopsy, two areas of thalamic softening were found, one of which was in what
appears to be ventrocaudalis (Vc). Greiff commented on vasomotor disturbances
as a possible cause of pain. According to Edinger Vielleicht giebt es auch corticale
Schmerzen (perhaps there are also cortical pains), and he cited as evidence
. . . schmerzhaften Aura bei epileptischen, abnorme Sensationen bei Rindenherden und
Reizerscheinungen im Bereich des Opticus bei Affectionen des Hinterhaupts-lappens
(. . . painful aura in epileptics, abnormal sensations in cortical foci and signs of
excitation in the territory of the opticus following diseases of the occipital lobe).
Edinger reported on einen Krankheitsfall . . . in dem als Ursache ganz furchtbaren
Schmerzen post mortem ein Herd gefunden wurde, der dicht an die sensorische Faserung
grenzend im Thalamus lag. Der Fall erscheint dadurch besonders beweiskraftig fuer die
Existenz centraler Schmerzen, weil die Hyperaesthesie und die Schmerzen sofort nach
dem Insulte und monatelang vor einer spaeter auftretenden Hemichorea sich zeigten
(a patient . . . in whom the origin of truly terrible pains was at autopsy a lesion that
impinged on the fibers abutting the thalamus. This case is thus especially convincing
evidence for the existence of central pains, as the hyperesthesia and the pains
showed immediately after the insult and months before a later arising hemichorea).
The patient was Frau R. (Mrs. R.), aged 48, who developed heftige Schmerzen und
deutliche Hyperaesthesie in den gelaehmten Gliedern (violent pains and clear-cut
hyperesthesia in the paretic limbs: right arm and leg); Wegen der furchtbaren
Schmerzen Suicidium 1888 (due to the terrible pains, suicide 1888). This woman
developed an intense tactile allodynia for all stimuli bar minimal, which hindered all
home and personal activities (e.g., dressing) and made her cry; also Laues wasser
wurde als sehr heiss, kaltes als unertraeglich schmerzend (lukewarm water was felt
as very hot, and cold water as intolerably painful) in both limbs. Very high doses
Introduction 5
nuclei and, to a lesser extent, involves a part of the posterior limb of the internal
capsule. Certainly, the complete syndrome is very rare. In their original paper on the
syndrome thalamique, Dejerine and Roussy evaluated microscopically the thalamic
lesion responsible for the syndrome. In their first case they noted a lesion in the
posterior thalamus, involving both external and internal nuclei and the internal
capsule. The lesion impinged more diffusely on the external thalamic nucleus. In
their second case the lesion again impinged more on the external thalamic nucleus,
but they also noted the lesion of the internal and median nuclei, internal capsule and
pulvinar. The lesion also impinged on the posterior pulvinar. In their third case a less
extended lesion was noted, impinging on the posterior part of the thalamic external
nucleus, the internal and median nuclei, the posterior part of the internal capsule and
part of the lenticular nucleus. They concluded that the thalamic syndrome follows a
lesion of the postero-external part of the external thalamic nucleus, impinging also
on part of median and internal thalamic nuclei and on the near part of the internal
A few years later, Head and Holmes (1911), on the basis of personal and literature
autoptic evidence, concluded that thalamic pain depends on the destruction of
the posterior part of the external thalamic nucleus. In their book-size article, they
provide the best and first quantitative description ever of somatosensory alterations
in CP patients (Chapter 2).
During World War I several observations on thalamic pains associated with
spinal cord war lesions were published, as previously done but only descriptively
during the U.S. Civil War in the 1860s.
The term central pain was first used in the English literature by Behan (1914).
In 1933 Hoffman reported a tiny lesion in the most basal part of the Vc, where
spinothalamic fibers end (Hasslers Vcpc). This is probably the smallest reported
lesion causing CP.
In the 1930s three major reviews on CP were published (De Ajuriaguerra 1937;
Garcin 1937; Riddoch 1938). Here, the interested reader will find an unparalleled
review of the literature of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, plus
unsurpassed descriptions of CP, whose ignorant neglect (admittedly also out of
language barriers) on the part of modern investigators is responsible for several re-
discoveries. Nothing new has been basically added to the clinical literature since.
Riddoch gave this definition: By central pain is meant spontaneous pain and pain-
ful overreaction to objective stimulation resulting from lesions confined to the sub-
stance of the central nervous system including dysaesthesiae of a disagreeable kind.
It was clear how thalamic pains could follow a lesion of the lateral thalamic area,
in the territories of the lenticulo-optic, thalamo-geniculate and thalamo-perforating
arteries, but also of the cortex (rarely), internal capsule, medulla oblongata and less
frequently the pons (no mesencephalic lesions were on record) and the spinal cord
(not infrequently; particularly following injury and syringomyelia). Thermoalgesic
sensory loss and somatotopographical constraints were clearly delineated. However,
De Ajuriaguerra, based on a patient with a thalamic lesion and CP without sensory
derangement described by Lhermitte, concluded against a role of the sensory relay
nuclei in the genesis of CP (actually that patient had minimal sensory loss and loss of
cells and fibers also included Vc).
Introduction 7
6) Activation of alternative secondary pathways, not usually opened and not used
when conduction via the spinothalamic complex is available.
7) Abnormal spontaneous or provoked activity in deafferented central sensory
neuronal pools which may act as spontaneous dysesthesia and pain-generating
8) Hypersensitivity of deafferented medial midbrain tegmentum, posterior
thalamus, thalamic radiations and somatosensory cortex.
9) Activation of nonspecific polysynaptic pathways (paleospinothalamic system),
i.e., the neospinothalamic complex and lemniscal system being damaged,
nociceptive stimuli are conveyed to the conscious level on this diffuse network
of short neurons.
Much has changed over the past 15 years, with several groups applying modern
neuroimaging and neurophysiologic techniques to the study of CP. In particular, it is
our contention that an explanation and a cure for this enigma can now be offered.
10 Central Pain Syndrome
Central Pain of Brain Origin: Epidemiology and Clinical Features 11
12 Central Pain Syndrome
Central Pain of Brain Origin: Epidemiology and Clinical Features 13
14 Central Pain Syndrome
Central Pain of Brain Origin: Epidemiology and Clinical Features 15
16 Central Pain Syndrome
Central Pain of Brain Origin: Epidemiology and Clinical Features 17
18 Central Pain Syndrome
Central Pain of Brain Origin: Epidemiology and Clinical Features 19
20 Central Pain Syndrome
Central Pain of Brain Origin: Epidemiology and Clinical Features 21
22 Central Pain Syndrome
tract and on the nucleus and/or the descending root of the trigeminal nerve on the
same side.
stroke than whites (at least in the United States and the UK), the worldwide
prevalence of CPSP alone may amount to several million patients.
As regards other causes of brain lesions, trauma, particularly penetrating head
injury, is said to be rarely associated with CP (2 of 11 patients with somatosensory
abnormalities in a 1000 patient series; Marshall 1951). No prospective study exists,
although clinical experience would suggest that CP in such cases is indeed rare. CP
arises only after disruptive or compressive lesions along the spinothalamoparietal
axis; contusions mainly involve basal frontal and temporal areas and hematomas
28 Central Pain Syndrome
(extradural and subdural) rarely impinge on the parietal lobe to such extent to
disrupt it. Moreover, half of patients with severe head injury go on to die within days
or weeks of trauma or develop severe disability. And yet a recent Chinese series
(Li 2000) reported 20 cases of typical CP after severe head injury observed over
8 years. At CT, 16 had brain hematomas at cortical and subcortical levels (14 were
evacuated) and 4 brain infarctions in deep nuclei and corona radiata. It is quite
possible that the true incidence is actually underestimated.
In the United States, 2 million cases severe enough to cause brain damage occur
yearly (20% of all head injuries), but penetrating trauma has become rare after the
enforcement of helmets and the introduction of airbags. Even in a war setting,
helmets reduce the extent of damage and the limited extent of SI (the portion of the
parietal cortex that has to be involved) ensures that CP would be rare.
Cancer most certainly represents an important cause of CP and, although data are
very limited and in the absence of prospective studies, we may expect that roughly
2% of cancer patients suffer CP. Parietal tumors not infrequently trigger CP
(especially meningiomas, but also gliomas, rather than metastases) (e.g., Bender and
Jaffe 1958), but this goes often unrecognized. Thalamic tumors only rarely cause CP
(Tovie et al. 1961), but this is not surprising: striatal tumors also only rarely cause
extrapyramidal symptoms (see also Lozano et al. 1992). Worldwide 10 million cases
of new cancers occur every year.
An underrecognized cause of CP is surgery (and particularly neurosurgery;
Table 2.13), either via direct brain damage or strokes.
No quantitative data exist regarding differential incidences of CP between rapidly
and slowly developing lesions.
In sum, in the United States alone, there should be more than a half million people
suffering BCP.
TABLE 2.3 (continued)
TABLE 2.4 (continued)
TABLE 2.4 (continued)
TABLE 2.5 (continued)
Cumulative % of pts with CP within
Author 1 day 2 days1 mo 1 mo3 mos 43 mos Notes
Schott et al. (1986) 75% Thalamic stroke. Immediate pain development in 15/20 pts. Pain onset delayed until
10 yrs after the stroke in one case. Data in text and in tables not in agreement
Shieff and Nashold (1987) 63% Series of 27 pts with the thalamic syndrome. 17/27 pts had their pain from the time of
their initial stroke, while in 10 it developed after an interval of as long as 2 yrs, in 3
after a further stroke
Mauguiere and Desmet (1988) 50% 75% 96% 100% Thalamic syndrome, 30 pts. CP in 24/30 pts. Max. delay: 6 mos
Bogousslavsky et al. (1988) 0% 33% 100% Delayed onset (1 wk, 2 mos and 3 mos) of CP in 3/40 pts
Leijon et al. (1989) 15% 52% 78% 100% Series of 27 pts. Pain onset: 4/27 on 1st day; 14/27 within 1 mo; 21/27 within 3
mos; 24/27 within 1 yr; 27/27 within 34 mos
Michel et al. (1990) 50% 58.3% 91.6% 100% Retrospective study. 12 pts. Cortical CP. Lesion sparing the thalamus confirmed by
means of MRI or CT scans with reconstruction. Very delayed onset (2 yrs) in 1 pt
Tasker et al. (1991) 29% 46% 100% Series of 73 pts with CP of brain origin. Pain onset was delayed after an identifiable
ictus in about two thirds of the cases, being less than 1 yr in 51% of the pts. The onset
was immediate in 29% but 42 yrs in 4.2% of their cases
Schmahmann and Leifer (17%) 33.3% 100% Parietal pseudothalamic syndrome. 6 pts. Pain occurrence: 1 wk after a traumatic
(1992) injury, 4 mos after resection of meningioma, and 3 wks, 6 mos, 1 and 4 (or 5) yrs after
vascular accidents. Immediate hemiparesthesia in 1 case
Bowsher (1993) 75% CPSP pts. Median time span: 3 mos. In some cases pain developed 24 mos after the
Wessel et al. (1994) 0% 50% 70% 100% 10/18 pts with single thalamic infarct and CP. Pain onset within 1 mo in 5 pts; within 6
mos in all pts
Samuelsson et al. (1994) 100% 3 CPSP pts among 39 pts with lacunar infarct syndromes (pure sensory stroke).
Painful dysesthesia developed gradually during the 1st mo after stroke
Kumral et al. (1995) 0% 100% Prospective study. 100 pts with thalamic hemorrhage. Delayed (1 mo) thalamic pain:
3 pts
Delayed (1 mo) thalamic pain plus chorea plus ataxia (thalamic syndrome): 6 pts
Andersen et al. (1995) ? 63% ? 100% Prospective study. The number of pts suffering from CP increased in time from 10 at 1
mo to 13 at 6 mos and to 16 at 1 yr after the stroke (end of follow-up)
Kumral and Celebisoy (1996) 1 thalamic stroke. CPSP 8 yrs after stroke
Bowsher (1996) ? 40% (<1 wk) ? 100% Personal series of 138/156 CP pts. Pain onset immediate (arguably less than a week
from the inciting event) in 47 (8 N/K, abbreviation not explained in the paper) pts
(39.8% of cases). Delayed pain onset (from 12 wks up to 6 yrs) in 83 pts (60.1%)
Average interval between stroke and delayed pain onset:
CVA pts (63): 6.2 mos (range 0.0872, median 3)
SAH pts (16 pts): 4.4 mos (range 0.2512, median 4)
Chung et al. (1996) ? (see notes) ? Thalamic hemorrhage. Paresthesia at onset: posterolateral lesion: 31/77 pts (40%).
(Disagreement between data in text and in Fig. 8 [Fig. 8: 21% of paresthesia at onset])
dorsal lesion: 34% of pts
Thalamic syndrome present at discharge from hospital (14 days after the admission),
on average:
posteromedial thalamic lesion: 25% of pts
posterolateral thalamic lesion: 32% of pts
dorsal thalamic lesion: 25% of pts
Nasreddine and Saver (1997) 18% 56% 71% 100% Systematic review on thalamic syndrome. 180 pts with the site of the lesion
documented by postmortem examination. Exclusion criteria: pts with tumoral/
nonvascular etiology, and symptoms consisting solely of evoked dysesthesia without
spontaneous pain. Information regarding the time from stroke to the development of
pain available in 66 cases.
Pain onset (% of pts, noncumulative):
immediate: 18%
within the first post-stroke wk: 18%
1 wk to 1 mo: 20%
13 mos: 15%
36 mos: 12%
612 mos: 6%
41 yr: 11%
TABLE 2.5 (continued)
Cumulative % of pts with CP within
Author 1 day 2 days1 mo 1 mo3 mos 43 mos Notes
McGowan et al. (1997) ? 75% ? 100% Lateral medullary infarction (LMI). CPSP in 16/63 pts. Average time span between LMI
and pain onset: 4 weeks (range 124). Pain onset was within 2 weeks in 3 pts, 1 mo
in 9 pts and 6 mos in the remaining 4 pts
Yamamoto et al. (1997) 100% 39 CPSP pts. Interval between the onset of the inciting lesion and the occurrence of
pain: 16 mos
Paciaroni and Bogousslasky 100% 25 pts with pure sensory syndrome in thalamic stroke
(1998) CPSP in 4/25 pts after a mean of 10.5 days (range 215 days). Delayed pain in 2 pts,
delayed pain and dysesthesias in 1 pt and delayed dysesthesia in 1 pt
Peyron et al. (1998) 33% 100% 9 LMI CPSP. Median stroke-pain delay 4 mos (range: 341)
Kim (1998) 40% 80% 100% 6 stroke pts. Early-onset CPSP contralateral to the ischemic lesion delayed ipsilateral
sensory symptoms mirroring the site of the most severe CPSP (without new ischemic
lesions). In 1 pt unclear time span
Kim and Choi-Kwon (1999) 14.3% LMI 42.9% LMI 85.8% LMI 100% Medullary infarction
100% MMI LMI pts: onset of sensory symptoms immediate to 6 mos after the stroke. Among 14
pts reporting severe paresthesia/pain the onset of symptoms was immediate in 2
cases (14.3%), within 1 mo in 4 cases (28.6%) and between 1 and 3 mos in 6 cases
(42.9%). In one pt (7.1%) symptoms developed after 6 mos and in one case the time
span between stroke and the onset of symptoms was unknown. MMI pts: immediate
development of sensory symptoms, if present, in all but 1 pt in whom they developed
within 1 mo
Li (2000) 3120 days after severe head injury (mean: 30.5 days)
Kumral et al. (2001) 0% 0% 100% 16 pts with bilateral thalamic infarction. CPSP in 1 pt 3 mos after the stroke
Bowsher (2001) 75% 100% 1 pt with possible CPSP was eliminated from study because pain appeared 108 mos
(9 yrs, 4 yrs in the text) after stroke
Oliveira et al. (2002) 75% Gradual onset in 77.5% of pts
Lampl et al. (2002) 0 14% 43% 100% Prospective study. Primary end point of the study: evaluation of CPSP incidence and
time span between stroke and pain. CPSP in 7/39 pts
Day CPSP occurred: 12, 36, 67, 70, 209, 246, 267. Median: 70
Kim (2003) 20 pts with CPSP or paresthesia after lenticulocapsular hemorrhage. Pain or
paresthesia occurred 024 mos after the onset, more prominently in the leg than
other body parts
Rossetti et al. (2003) 1 pt. Ipsilateral acute limb pain at stroke onset. MRI: infarction in the territory of the
right anterior parietal artery. Basal ganglia, thalamus, and subthalamic region intact.
Incidence of acute ipsilateral pain at the onset of stroke: 1/29 pts with hemiballismus-
hemichorea (retrospective analysis of more than 4000 pts). Occurrence of
hemiballismus with ipsilateral pain is specific for an anterior parietal artery stroke
Greenspan et al. (2004) 8% 46% 100% 13 consecutive CPSP pts. Mean latency from stroke to CPSP: 5.6 mos (112, median
Hansson (2004) 53% 100% Stroke pts. Data from Widar et al. (2002), Andersen et al. (1995) and Leijon et al.
Nakazato et al. (2004) 8 pts 8 pts 14 pts. Wallenberg syndrome, unreliable data (8 8 pts instead of 14)
40 Central Pain Syndrome
patient who immediately suffered CP upon awakening from parietal glioma surgery;
in one patient described in Garcin (1968), the onset was so sudden that the patient
thought he had been hit on the face and Cassinari and Pagni (1969) reported one
patient who developed CP immediately after stereotactic coagulation at thalamic
level. However, a majority (half to three quarters) develops it within 36 months
after the causative lesion. Pain onset delayed over 1 year is rare, but not exceptional:
in such cases, the pain may sometimes commence after an infection, trivial accident
or surgery (Tasker and Dostrovsky 1989). In some patients, the onset coincides with
improvement of the sensory loss. The time of onset does not appear to depend on
lesion level and early-onset (including immediate) and late-onset pains appear to be
clinically identical. CP may also precede other neurological signs.
8. Pain distribution
Contrary to the notion that CP is diffuse and difficult to localize, patients can usually
describe the location of their pain. Its distribution corresponds somatotopically to
the site of the lesion: e.g. after lower medullary infarction (Wallenbergs syndrome),
CP, when present, is projected to the ipsilateral hemiface, tongue, gums and inner
Central Pain of Brain Origin: Epidemiology and Clinical Features 41
42 Central Pain Syndrome
Central Pain of Brain Origin: Epidemiology and Clinical Features 43
44 Central Pain Syndrome
TABLE 2.7. Size of the lesion
TABLE 2.7 (continued)
aspect of cheek and often, but not always, contralaterally below the collarbone,
diffusely or sectorially (arm and rarely the trunk and leg), simultaneously or at
different intervals, in keeping with damage to the spinal nucleus and tract of the
trigeminal nerve and the crossed STT. Exceptional simultaneous involvement of both
sides of the face is explained by involvement of the descending root of the trigeminal
nerve of one side and the crossed quintothalamic pain fibers coming from the other
side (Riddoch 1938).
CP is always segmentally distributed, supporting a role of somatotopically
organized structures. Roughly 40% of all BCP patients complain of hemibody pain
(hemipain), with or without the hemiface. In all other cases, CP is restricted to one or
more body parts, e.g., the hemiface, one hand, one foot, a quadrant of the body, or
the mouth and hand (the cheiro-oral syndrome), without a transition zone; the face
and arm are most affected, and the leg least, reflecting greater cortical representation,
but a hemiface singly is affected in roughly 10% of the cases. The pain may vary in
site (wander), disappearing from one limb only to arise in another, and intense
pains in the limbs may be found simultaneously with only paresthesias in the face,
or vice versa (Garcin 1937; Riddoch 1938).
The area of pain (spontaneous and evoked and rarely only evoked) may match the
sensory and/or motor deficit, but may also be patchy, i.e., confined to a fraction of
the disabled region, even after lesions causing extensive loss of somatic sensibility
(e.g., Michel et al. 1990; Tasker et al. 1991); in contrast, CP is never localized to an
unaffected area. CP is experienced as superficial (projected to the skin), deep
(originating in muscle and bone) or both in varying proportions.
Muscle spindle pain A cramp or contraction, with burning. There are sometimes areas of constant
cramping sensation, usually in a single muscle belly, as well as diffuse burning
when the muscle takes on a load. Weight-bearing while sleeping or resting on a
surface also causes great soreness, so that pts feels like they have been
sleeping on rocks. (This, plus the burning dysesthesia from touching bedclothes,
can make sleeping a torment.) Pts may describe muscle spindle pain as
drawing or pulling or crushing
Burning A chemical, not a purely physical burn
Terms used:
mentholated burning
like the skin of my legs has been destroyed and the charred flesh turned up at
the edges
like in a dry lake bed
a sick burn, like that inflicted by a toxic chemical
a scalding, scathing torment, like in hell
Cold like touching dry ice so that it burns
my hand tells me the skin of my legs is cold but it feels like burning
like I am touching an incredibly cold pipe in a freezing night, so that it drains the
flesh and burns me
like a dentist is touching the nerve in my tooth, only very cold
Metallic like tinfoil under my skin
creepy, like chewing tinfoil
Wetness When I am wet and sweaty, my skin is really sensitized and the burning lights up
and I feel wet and uncomfortable underneath the burning
Dysesthesia in the aggregate I feel like I am being put on ice and then put into a fire with a million ice picks
plunged into my body (Bette Hamilton, one of Dr. Kevorkians clients): this
includes the burn, the cold, the metallic, and adds the lancinating component of
often intolerable . . . crushed feeling, scalding sensation, as if boiling water
was being poured down the arm, cramping, aching, soreness, as if the leg was
bursting, something crawling under the skin, pain pumping up and down the
side, as if the painful region was covered with ulcers, as if pulling a dressing
from a wound, as if a log of wood was hanging down from the shoulder, as if
little pins were sticking into the fingers, like a wheel running over the arm, cold
stinging feeling (Head and Holmes 1911)
boiling hot, deep as though in the bones, showers of pain like electric shocks
or red-hot needles evoked by touch, as though the arm and leg were being
twisted, continuous sensation of pins and needles, a strange sensation of the
limbs being abnormally full (Loh et al. 1981)
as if knives heated in Hells hottest corner were tearing me to pieces (Holmes
Circulatory Pins-and-needles
Visceral (peristaltic) Burning in the bladder, fullness or nausea in the gut (like my bowels will
explode), heightened sense of distension and urgency with flatus or stool
Pruritus This may occur singly or combined with other qualities
Central Pain of Brain Origin: Epidemiology and Clinical Features 49
other above-cited qualities (Table 2.9; Canavero et al. 1997). Paresthesias can also be
the main complaint. Numbness is experienced by many; it can occur with both total
loss of tactile sensibility, but also normal thresholds to touch, and sometimes
describes patients paresthesias or dysesthesias.
According to Dr. McHenry (www.painonline.org), himself a CP patient, patients
when asked to describe their pain quality sound like pain imbeciles and will only tell
of the components if they listen very carefully, and then only with cues from the
examiner. The result is that clinicians receive the false impression that CP is singular
when it is plural, especially in symptoms other than dysesthetic burning. The patient
of necessity borrows verbal descriptors from nociceptive pain, but these may mislead
the examiner, leading to conflicts that the patient cannot explain and decreased
credibility. Burning dysesthesia is an amalgam of pain sensations, but most closely
corresponds to the second pain that follows, for example, touching a hot stove. There
is nearly always a cold component, and frequently there is a metallic quality, as well as
a sensation of wetness.
11. Components
Patients with CP demonstrate three types of pain: (1) a constant spontaneous
component (almost all); (2) an intermittent (every day, with pain-free intervals
lasting a few hours at most), brief (seconds to minutes), intense, spontaneous
component (about 15%), generally shooting, shock-like or lancinating and with a
similar distribution to that of steady pain; when present, it can be the major
complaint; and (3) evoked pain (65%), that is, hyperesthesia, hyperpathia,
TABLE 2.9. Central neurogenic pruritus due to brain lesions (excluding MS)
Authors Sex/age Trigger Onset Sensory findings Site CT/MR Drugs Effect Notes
King et al. F 58 SAH Post- Pain left limbs, Hypodensity Carbamazepine Reduction Also occasional
(1982) (basilar operative, temperature left trunk of posterior in intensity, paroxysmal sensations
tip over hypesthesia (both limb internal frequency of warmth in the same
aneurysm) several pruritus capsule/ and duration distribution of pruritus. EEG:
wrapping. weeks and lateral focus of intermittent slow
Also: hypesthesia) aspect of activity sharp
stenosis frontal and waves spikes in
90% right temporal frontotemporal region.
ICA lobes (right) Episodes of pruritus
uncorrelated with
slow sharp activity
Sullivan and M 43 Nocardia Not Pin Left limbs, No lesion on Phenytoin Lessen EEG: mild diffuse
Drake (1984) abscesses specified sensibility left trunk sensory cyproheptadine. paroxysms slowing irregular
(2) F decreased (both axis Carbamazepine but pruritus polymorphic right
(right) no Occasional pruritus more frontotemporal delta
mass touch and persistent rhythm. Itching
effect allodynia hypesthesia) improvement uncorrelated to EEG
(perceived changes. Further
as pruritus) complaints: painful fits
Massey M 36 Infarct Not Hemianesthesia Left Hypodensity 5 of these pts EEG: no focus
(1984) specified (hemisoma) in middle treated with associated
cerebral carbamazepine to pruritus
artery or amitriptyline.
territory However, all 9 relieved
M 54 Hemorrhage Not ? Left hypodensity at 3 mo follow-up
specified (hemisoma in internal (in F 67, amitriptyline
?) capsule 50 mg benadryl)
F64 Infarct Not Hemianesthesia Right Hypodensity
specified (hemisoma) in middle
artery territory
M 72 Infarct NS Hemianesthesia Left Hypodensity
(hemisoma in internal
?) capsule
M 68 Infarct Not Hemianesthesia Right Hypodensity
specified (hemisoma in internal
?) capsule
M 61 Infarct Not Left Hypodensity
specified (hemisoma in middle
?) cerebral artery
F 62 Hemorrhage Not ? Right Hypodensity
specified (hemisoma in internal
?) capsule
M 76 Infarct Not Pinprick Left Hypodensity
specified sensibility forearm in internal
decreased and leg capsule
(left (pruritus) middle
hemisoma) cerebral
artery territory
F 67 Infarct Post- Hemianesthesia Left Hypodensity
operative, (pruritus hemisoma in middle
over bilateral cerebral
c.1 mo worse artery
(carotid on left) territory
surgery) internal
Shapiro F 74 Infarct Days Normal, left ear, Hypodensity Amitriptyline Significant but
and except cheek, (superficial) (20 mg/day) incomplete
Braun poor 2-point ala nasi, in parietal spontaneous
(1987) discrimination upper lip, lobe disappearance
(on left) neck, upper
back, knee
TABLE 2.9 (continued)
Authors Sex/age Trigger Onset Sensory findings Site CT/MR Drugs Effect Notes
Procacci and F 82 ? Not Hyperpathia Bilateral Negative Antihistaminics Ineffective Intense pruritus, 2 yr
Maresca specified (starting (also at MRI) psychotropics long, worse in the
(1991) on the left) morning
Canavero M 37 SAH 2 weeks Not Left nose Not available 54 drugs incl. Ineffective.
et al. available and amitriptyline Diazepam
(1997) throat at full dosage. 1025 mg
Propofol test. transitorily
IT baclofen effective
Kimyai- F 74 Right Several Normal (?) Various Right Topical therapies Alleviation of Episodic pruritus.
Asadi thalamic weeks localized thalamic (moisturizers, each episode Right side spared.
et al. stroke areas of stroke emollients) of pruritus Oral medications
(1999) the left refused
trunk and
M 69 Right Several Left-sided Left thigh Infarction of Amitriptyline Effective Localized, unremitting
MCA days hemiplegia the territory (50 mg/day) (or spontaneous pruritus, interfering
stroke of the middle resolution?) with sleep. Pruritus
cerebral artery resolved in a week
Central neurogenic pruritus due to spinal cord (excluding MS) lesions
Vuadens F 69 Cavernoma Not Dysesthetic 6 yr long Not specified Not specified
et al. at T1 (MRI) specified area inner pruritus
(1994) aspect also aching
right arm pain
Itch appeared
late and
preceded CP
by at least
4 yrs
Sandroni F 55 Cavernoma Sudden Pain plus Mid-back (itch) Lidocaine Marked relief Previous episodes of
(2002) at T910 intense Groin (pain); patch 5% No response typical CP in affected
itch; then spread to whole to H1 blockers hypesthesic areas,
pain abated, lower abdomen and steroids each spontaneously
and itch spread below T9 Topiramate regressed
Itch appeared ineffective on
on the 9th year both itch and CP
of symptoms Other AD/AED
(pain) ineffective
Dey et al. M 54 Cavernoma Gradual Unilateral, Excision at first Normal Lidocaine Moderately Both itch and pain
(2005) at C34 focal itch completely postop patch 5%, relieved itch improved by
(after pain) relieved both MRI EMLA cream distraction. Scratching
CP and itch. and gabapentin temporarily relieved
3 mos postop, itch although
neck and Opioids Improved worsening the pain.
shoulder pain pain but Some itch was felt
recurred, not itch deep within the biceps
radiating down area of upper arm;
left arm to base temporary relief
of left thumb, TCAs, SSRIs, Itch without pain
spreading over AEDs (OXCBZ, unrelieved exacerbation by
2 yrs to whole CBZ, zonisamide, squeezing biceps
hand. Pain tiagabine,
changed from levetiracetam),
intermittent and IV lidocaine,
stabbing to stellate ganglion
constant and block with lidocaine
burning. Itch
recurred 2 yrs TENS and Worsened
postop acupuncture the itch
In all pts other causes of pruritus were excluded by thorough investigation. The only dermatological findings were due to scratching. Pruritus in all came in paroxysms or bouts, intermittent or continuous
The undetailed report by Andreev and Petkov describes pruritus of the nostrils (6 pts) as almost pathognomonic of a brain tumor infiltrating the base of the fourth ventricle (see in Canavero et al. 1997)
Another report of localized pruritus appears in Johnson et al. (2000) (reference not available).
MS: Multiple sclerosis
54 Central Pain Syndrome
hyperalgesia and/or allodynia (Tasker 2001). Any single patient may, however,
complain of only one of these three components. Only a minority of CPSP patients
has their spontaneous CP absent for up to a few hours each day.
Shooting (lancinating) pain is the most distinct, most severe and most startling,
but it does not cause the most suffering, because the pain is limited to the surface
area affected and can often be eliminated by shifting position or rubbing the area;
this pain shoots from distal to proximal sites. The phenomenon is most dramatic
early in the disease and tends to diminish with time, leading to false notions of drug
benefit. It is indistinguishable clinically from the lightning pains of tabes dorsalis.
Lancinating pain is said to originate where mini-fasciculations occur (Dr McHenry,
Paretics display the greatest number of CP components, unlike plegics and MS
patients (although the ones they have can be severe). Gradients can be observed,
namely spontaneous pain tends to be distal (i.e., where sensory loss becomes greatest)
and evoked pains proximal (i.e., where sensory loss is present but least marked).
(wrongly), but also Head and Holmes (1911), considered these to be the cardinal
feature of CP: The sensation evoked is abnormal. The painful sensation develops
explosively. There is usually little relation between the strength of the stimulus and
the amount of sensation excited: it is nearly all or nothing. Moreover, there is no
refractory period for hyperpathic responses. The effective stimulus may include all
somatosensory stimuli or only a specific type of input (such as cold or draft, the light
touch of clothing or pinprick, even smoke). These grossly unpleasant sensations may
demonstrate temporal or spatial spread.
Simple neurologic sensory tests characterize radiation of pain or dysesthesia (to
body areas not directly in contact with the pain-evoking stimulus: in a hot room . . .
if one rubs the whiskers of the face with the palm of the hand, burning is felt in
the ulnar forearm. Sitting on a chair until the burning is prominent on points of
contact, burning is also felt in the lateral thigh which is not in contact with the
fabric of the chair), present in half the cases, after-sensations (the persistence of
pain long after the stimulus and the arrival of primary afferent impulses that evoke
pain), seen in about 40% of cases, and prolonged temporal summation (the gradual
build-up of pain with repeated stimulation) (Garcin 1937; Riddoch 1938). Radiation
of sensations from the stimulus site and spatial and temporal summation appear
to be more common in CP than in PNP. Although response latencies can be normal,
anomalous summations may be seen: slow temporal (pain or dysesthesias start
after a delay which, during the daytime, the patient can anticipate and avoid: if
occlusive touch is applied to the skin, within minutes, evocation of the spontaneous
dysesthetic burning occurs. The stimulus may be roughness, but the patient perceives
it as heat. The search for ever cooler shoes may be launched when what is needed
is smooth leather, not the sueded tongue which is common), very slow temporal
(starting after hours: as to confinement or weight-bearing it renders a nights
recumbency as feeling like the bed was hard as rocks. As to exercise, it means
the muscle soreness the day after exertion is overwhelming), delayed with overshoot
(this is not a temporal delay: rather it is a heightened threshold for pain, which,
when reached, overshoots wildly, most easily seen in the response to sharp objects.
A normal will note graded sharpness as painful before a CP patient will, but because
the pin in pinprick testing is so sharp, this delay is often missed at examination),
spatial (an unexpected increase in pain as the area of stimulus is increased: it appears
never to have been tested in CP). Wind-up pain (increasing pain with increasing
numbers of pinpricks, i.e., temporal summation) has been reported in CP (see also
Bowsher 2005).
In other words, provoked pain is characterized by late onset and poor localization,
generally radiates from the stimulated point to the entire half of the body (one third
of cases) or lesser body areas and persists for an unusually long time after stimulation
has ceased. Evoked pains have a distribution which is less widespread than that of
steady or intermittent pain. As a rule, somatic stimuli can cause or aggravate pain
only when applied to the affected side, but sometimes even the stimulation of the
normal side gives rise to exacerbation of pain (synesthesalgia).
Patients may wear as little clothing as possible over affected areas and seek a
narrow window of room temperature, or alternatively wear gloves to avoid contact
with the painful hand.
56 Central Pain Syndrome
Case no. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sex F M F M M F F M M
Age 51 49 60 64 59 65 52 65 43
Side of pain L R L L L L R L R
Tactile sensibility (Von Frey) 0 0
2-point discrimination 0 nt nt nt nt
Localization of stimuli nt nt / 0 nt
Threshold for prick
Unpleasant response to prick
Threshold for painful pressure / (palm, sole)
(sole) (hand) (sole)
Unpleasant response to pressure
Sensibility to heat 0 (shifting) - 0 0 0
Sensibility to cold 0 (shifting) - 0 0 0
Unpleasant response to extreme heat nr
Unpleasant response to extreme cold
Pleasant response to mild warmth nr nr nr nr nr nr
Unpleasant response to visceral stimulation nr nr nr nr nr nr
Unpleasant response to tickling/scraping nr nr 0 /
Appreciation of vibration nr nr /0 0 /0
0, lost; , unchanged (no difference between affected and unaffected side); , diminished; , strongly diminished; , increased; , strongly increased; nt, not tested; nr, not reported.
Head and Holmes objectively analyzed sensory loss and dissociation of sensibility in pts with lesions of the CNS at spinal, mid-brain, thalamic and cortical level by means of an instrumentation that in
some cases was designed expressly for this purpose. Results on the affected part were always compared with results obtained in the unaffected similar part of the body. Data were recorded as accurately
and objectively as possible. Light touch was examined first by applying a wisp of fine cotton wool avoiding any deformation of structure. For determining the threshold for light touch the authors employed
Von Freys graduated hairs ranging from 8 to 110 g/mm2. They always performed 16 contacts in 1 minute, avoiding rhythmicity. The series of tests were performed without word exchange; hallucinatory
responses were also recorded. Pressure-touch was tested by contact with the observers finger provided that its surface temperature was similar to that of the part to be examined. The threshold for
pressure-touch was determined by a pressure-aesthesiometer. Specific and as accurate as possible methods were used to test the faculty of localization, the threshold for the appreciation of roughness,
the ability to discriminate two simultaneous contacts, the power of recognizing the posture of any part of the body, the power of appreciating passive movements and the power of appreciating weight,
size, bi-dimensional shape, three-dimensional form, texture and consistence of objects. The power of recognizing vibration was tested by means of a tuning-fork, beating 128 Hz, also noting the duration
of the sensation. Tickling and scraping were employed to evaluate the affective component of sensation.
Superficial sensibility to pain was tested first by pricking with a sharp steel pin or needle and a comparison between normal and affected parts was always performed. Being well aware that this test was
subject to a source of error due to the reduction of the power of recognizing the size (sharpness) of the stimulating object, in cases with slight disturbances of pain sensation, they determined the
threshold for pain by means of an aesthesiometer (algesimeter). They also noted that if a pain-spot was not directly stimulated, the same pressure was reported as touch. Finally, pressure-pain was tested
by means of a Cattell algometer, measuring the amount of pressure (kg) on a standard area necessary to evoke pain. Results of the test on the affected part were always compared with results in the
similar unaffected part of the body.
The thermal sensibility was examined by means of silver tubes filled with hot or cold water. The temperature of the water at the moment of testing was read on a thermometer. The authors determined the
threshold for heat and cold on similar parts of the two halves of the body, as well as the power to distinguish the relative warmth or coldness of two tubes. Moreover, the sensation evoked by neutral
temperature was compared with that of a distinctly cold or warm tube. They also observed the effect of extreme heat (50C or more) and cold (15C or less) and compared the sensation evoked on
normal and abnormal parts of the body. To study the affective component of thermal stimuli, they employed large glass tubes (4 cm in diameter) filled with water at various temperature. They also noted
that the temperature tests were liable to lead to erroneous conclusions due to the tendency to call all sensations evoked during the testing either hot or cold. Pts with thalamic lesions and capable of no
thermal appreciation were more liable to call hot every thermal stimulus and even repeated pricking. This confusion was more likely to occur in pts with over-response to affective stimuli. In many pts it
was also difficult to determine the extent of the neutral zone between heat and cold threshold, as pts possessed no word which expressed this neutral sensation (nothing but a touch).
They reported data on one pt with SCI (BrownSequard paralysis) without CP, 3 cases of brainstem lesion (1 of them with CP following a Wallenbergs syndrome), 9 cases of thalamic lesion (thalamic
syndrome) and 5 pts with cortical lesions (1 of them reporting pain during sensory epileptic attacks). Their conclusions on neurological features in thalamic syndrome were however based on data on 24
pts. In their opinion, the essential feature of thalamic syndrome is the tendency to react excessively to unpleasant stimuli (over-reaction).
In the pt with CP following Wallenbergs syndrome the sensibility to light touch (cotton-wool, Von Freys hairs), the appreciation of roughness (GrahamBrown aesthesiometer) or of two simultaneous
contacts and the power of recognizing vibration were not different between the two sides of the face, even if the pt complained that all forms of touch were less vivid over the affected (right) side. The
affected side of the face was insensitive to superficial pain (prick), but pressure-pain was not lost (the Cattell algometer gave approximately equal readings on the two sides). Both heat and cold were
appreciated on the two halves of the face and the thresholds were the same, but heat seemed hotter over the affected side while cold seemed less cold. On the body there was no difference in
appreciation of touch, roughness and vibration but sensations were more vivid on the normal (right) half of the body. Heat and cold could be appreciated, but heat seemed hotter on the affected (left) half
of the body and cold seemed less cold. The left half of the body, except an area in the left perineum, penis and scrotum, was insensitive to prick. The pressure of the algometer necessary to evoke pain
was considerably higher on the affected hemibody than in the normal half. The left testicle was insensitive to the pressure.
Somatosensory troubles in their pts suffering from thalamic syndrome are summarized in the table above.
As of loss of superficial and deep sensibility, in some pts with thalamic syndrome this loss is so insignificant that it can be discovered by measurement only, so we can imagine the existence of the
over-reaction without it. Even if all pts with over-reaction had a more or less recognizable sensory loss, the excessive response bears no relation to the extent of the accompanying loss of sensation.
They noted that the appreciation of posture and recognition of passive movements is impaired more frequently than any other sensory quality. The amount of this loss varies from a scarcely measurable
defect to a complete loss of these sensibilities.
Tactile sensibility was frequently diminished and in some cases totally lost, but generally a threshold could be obtained, especially increasing the strength of the stimulus. Tactile threshold, measured with
Von Freys hairs, was unchanged between the two halves of the body in 5 cases, but in the majority of the cases it was raised on the affected side. In few cases only the affected parts were totally
insensitive to the tactile hairs and also to pressure-aesthesiometer. In some pts, the consecutive contacts (especially with increasing strength) caused widespread tingling that made conclusive
demonstration of the threshold impossible. Determination of tactile threshold was also prevented by the occurrence of involuntary (induced) movements, with accessory sensations misinterpreted as
TABLE 2.10a (continued)
Many pts (50% of cases) could not recognize the position of a stimulated spot. In many cases where tactile sensibility was diminished, the inability was maintained even with pricks or painful pressure, to
which the pt was sensitive. Pts could be at a loss where they were touched, or could refer touch to wrong areas. When the posture was not recognized and the power of localization was lost, pts recognized
the stimulus as a change within the part of themselves and did not refer the discomfort to the action of an external agent. Moreover, when localization was affected, unpleasant sensations could spread
widely over the affected part: for instance, they noted that a prick on the hand could cause a painful sensation in the cheek or side.
In no instance among 22 pts the threshold for pinprick pain was lower on the affected body side; it was identical on both sides in 13 cases and raised in 9 cases, in whom a stronger stimulus was needed
to produce a sensation of prick. Yet most pts (20/22) showed an over-response to prick.
They also attempted to measure the amount of pressure evoking pain, comparing the 2 sides of the body. They noted that the same pressure produced more disagreeable discomfort and increased
reaction on the affected side in every one of 24 pts tested. Moreover the pain developed explosively, as the pressure increased over a certain point. They noted that the threshold for pressure pain was
frequently lower on the affected side of the body (15 cases), but it was higher in 3 cases and unchanged in 6 cases. No pts showing a lowered threshold for painful pressure did show a lower threshold for
pinprick pain. Yet, the response on the affected half of the body was excessive in all 24 pts. They also stated that excessive pressure (especially on a bone) normally caused discomfort rather than pain,
and that distressing sensation differs profoundly from the pain produced by a prick, even if both stimuli were perceived as painful. They concluded that pressure pain contain some sensory factors to
which the affected half of the body is peculiarly susceptible and the over-reaction was due to this increased susceptibility, rather than increased sensibility to pain (as demonstrated by the fact that
threshold to pinprick may be raised in pts with lowered threshold to pressure). A reduced sensibility to pain delays the appearance of the over-reaction, but, as the stimulus is strong enough to cause
pain, the discomfort greatly exceeds that produced over the unaffected part.
Sensibility to heat and cold could show all degrees of change from total loss to a slight increase of the neutral zone. Thermal appreciation could be unaltered, even if, in the majority of cases, it was
diminished or lost and threshold for the appreciation of heat and cold were never lowered and could be the same on both sides of the body or be raised. The threshold for thermal stimuli and the range of
discrimination was normal and was the same on the 2 sides of the body in 37.5% of cases (9/24 pts). In these pts could appear an over-response to pleasurable heat. However, in many cases, the
appreciation of heat and cold was abolished and ice and water over 50C evoked only discomfort on the affected side. The threshold for heat-induced over-reaction was about 4045C in most pts, but
in some cases temperatures of 5560C were needed. The threshold for cold-induced over-reaction was generally below 15C. The evoked sensation was the same whichever of the two extremes was
used and the pt cannot recognize the cause of the unpleasant sensation. This over-reaction could occur both in pts in whom the threshold for the appreciation of heat and cold was identical on the two
halves of the body and in cases where the sensibility to heat and cold was completely lost: 22 out of 24 pts with thalamic syndrome showed an excessive response to extreme heat and cold. Even though,
in many cases, only heat above 50C and cold below 15C (or melting ice) evoked the over-reaction, in some cases with lesser thermal serangement, temperatures below 26C and above 40C evoked
this indiscriminate response from the affected half of the body.
Some pts, with less severe impairment of thermal sensibility, could recognize temperature above 3840C as warm and those below 2628C as cold. However, any temperature that could be
appreciated was hotter or colder on the affected side than on the unaffected one, perhaps due to the increased affective reaction.
They also stated that it was unlikely that pts had an actual increase in sensibility to temperature, but they simply translated the increased discomfort into terms of greater cold or heat; moreover, in pts
suffering from thalamic lesions, the power of appreciating either heat or cold cannot be lost singly.
In other words, heat and cold are not dissociated; if one form of sensation is lost, the other will be gravely disturbed.
The loss of thermal sensibility generally affected intermediate temperatures, yielding a sensation of pleasant warmth. However in several pts able to appreciate mild heat (34C), the application of water
at 38C on the affected part evoked a higher degree of pleasure than the same application over the unaffected part. In one case, excessive pleasure could be converted into excessive discomfort as soon
as water temperature exceeded 46C. In a few pts when thermal sensibility was abolished, warmth applied over a sufficiently large surface evoked a feeling of pleasure, even if the pt did not recognize it
was warm and extreme hot or cold evoked great discomfort.
Head and Holmes analyzed the effects of visceral stimulation in pts suffering from thalamic syndrome by comparing the effect elicited by squeezing testicles (without pinching the scrotum). They noted
that in many pts the discomfort was more intense and the cremasteric movements were more brisk after squeezing the testicle of the affected side. They also noted that even when pinprick pain threshold
on the glans penis were the same on both sides, the discomfort described by the pts was greater after pricking of the affected half.
Pts complaining of thalamic pain could complain of unpleasant sensations after scraping the palm or the sole of the foot, or moving a rough object over the skin or even rubbing the hairs over the affected
part of the body. Sometimes, these sensations were not painful, but very unpleasant and frequently they spread from the stimulated area to the entire limb or half of the body. Examination with a
GrahamBrown aesthesiometer (to estimate the appreciation of roughness) frequently induced this anomalous response. Nevertheless, the threshold of appreciation of roughness was never lowered. It
was always unchanged or increased, but in the large majority of the pts the aesthesiometer induced greater discomfort on the affected side. Occasionally even the vibration of the tuning fork was able to
give rise to similar spreading sensations. In pts characterized by an over-response to painful stimuli tickling was also unpleasant and induced greater reaction.
The vibrations of a tuning fork were generally appreciated on both halves of the body, but in almost every case for a shorter time on the affected side. In many cases, the pt complained that vibrations
were not so plain or tuning fork vibrated less rapidly on the affected side. Only in few cases (in whom most other sensations were gravely affected), the affected half of the body was insensitive to this
stimulus. They noted that a shortened appreciation of the vibration of a tuning fork is associated with the over-response to painful stimuli, independently of the unpleasant feeling-tone evoked by
Response to pleasurable stimuli (p. 133):
We were anxious to discover if sensations, normally accompanied by a pleasurable feeling-tone, also produced a similar over-reaction. Unfortunately, the greater number of methods . . . either produce
discomfort or . . . an entirely indifferent sensation. But in the milder degrees of heat we possess a measurable stimulus (!!) endowed with a pleasant feeling-tone . . . In a few cases when thermal
sensibility was abolished, warmth applied over a sufficient large surface evoked a feeling of pleasure . . . One of our patients found a hot-water bottle pleasant and soothing to the affected foot, but did
not recognize that it was warm until he touched it with some normal part . . . Many patients found the warm hand of the observer unusually pleasant on the abnormal side, although no such
manifestations of pleasure were produced when it was applied to the normal part of the body. In one case . . . the patient could not recognize any thermal stimulus as such, and yet over the affected half
of the chest . . . water at from 38C to 48C evoked intense pleasure. Temperature of 50C and above, or of 18C and below, caused great discomfort [three cases are described and several patients
referred to]. So far we have been unable to find any temperature which produces a sensation of pleasurable cold.
Behavior of the affected half of the body in states of emotion (p. 135):
A highly educated patient confessed that he had become more amorous since the attack, which had rendered the right half of his body more responsive to pleasant and unpleasant stimuli. I crave to
place my right hand on the soft skin of a woman. Its my right hand that wants the consolation. I seem to crave for sympathy on my right side. Finally he added, My right hand seems to be more artistic.
68 Central Pain Syndrome
24 CP pts.
As far as the loss of superficial and deep sensibility is concerned, in some patients with thalamic syndrome this loss is
so insignificant that it can be discovered by measurement only, so we can imagine the existence of the over-reaction without
it. Even if all pts with over-reaction had a more or less recognizable sensory loss, the excessive response bears no relation
to the extent of the accompanying loss of sensation
Tactile threshold (von Freys hairs):
identical on both sides: 5/24 pts (20.8%)
raised or lost or undetermined on the affected side: 19/24 pts (79.2%) *
Tactile sensibility was frequently diminished and in some cases totally lost, but generally a threshold could be obtained,
especially increasing the strength of the stimulus. In few cases only the affected parts were totally insensitive to the tactile
hairs and also to pressure-aesthesiometer
Threshold for pinprick pain:
identical on both sides: 13/22 pts (59.1%)
raised on the affected side (a stronger stimulus was needed to produce a sensation of prick): 9/22 pts (40.9%)
lower on the affected side: 0/22 pts (0%)
Over-response to prick: 20/22 pts (90.9%)
Threshold for thermal stimuli and range of discrimination:
raised on the affected side: 15/24 pts (62.5%)
normal and identical on both sides: 9/24 pts (37.5%)
lower on the affected side: 0/24 pts (0%)
Sensibility to heat and cold could show all degrees of change from total loss to a slight increase of the neutral zone.
Thermal appreciation could be unaltered, even if, in the majority of cases, it was diminished or lost. The loss of thermal
sensibility generally affected intermediate temperatures.
In pts with normal threshold could appear an over-response to pleasurable heat. In pts with abolished appreciation of heat
and cold, ice and water over 50C evoked only discomfort on the affected side. In pts suffering from thalamic lesions, the
power of appreciating either heat or cold could not be lost singly. In other words, heat and cold are not dissociated; if one
form of sensation is lost, the other will be gravely disturbed.
Threshold for heat-induced over-reaction:
about 4045C in most pts (5560C in some cases)
Threshold for cold-induced over-reaction:
generally below 15C
The evoked sensation was the same whichever of the two extremes was used and the pt could not recognize the cause of
the unpleasant sensation
Threshold for pressure pain:
lower on the affected side: 15/24 pts (62.5%)
identical on both sides: 6/24 pts (25%)
raised on the affected side: 3/24 pts (12.5%)
Visceral stimulation (comparison of the effects elicited by squeezing testicles without pinching the scrotum):
In many pts the discomfort was more intense and the cremasteric movements were more brisk after squeezing the testicle of
the affected side. Even when pinprick pain threshold on the glans penis were the same on both sides, the discomfort
described by the pts was greater after pricking of the affected half
Vibrations of a tuning fork (128 Hz):
Generally appreciated on both halves of the body, but in almost every case for a shorter time on the affected side;
vibrations not so plain or tuning fork vibrating less rapidly on the affected side. Only in few cases (in whom most other
sensations were gravely affected) the affected half of the body was insensitive to this stimulus. A shortened appreciation of
the vibration of a tuning fork was associated with the over-response to painful stimuli, independently of the unpleasant
feeling-tone evoked by vibration
In some pts the consecutive contacts (especially with increasing strength) caused widespread tingling that made
conclusive demonstration of the threshold impossible. Determination of tactile threshold was also prevented by the
occurrence of involuntary (induced) movements, with accessory sensations misinterpreted as stimulation.
TABLE 2.11. Somatosensory troubles in the review of De Ajuriaguerra (1937)
0, lost; , unchanged (no difference between affected and unaffected side);, diminished; , strongly diminished; , increased; nt, not tested; nr, not reported.
70 Central Pain Syndrome
Central Pain of Brain Origin: Epidemiology and Clinical Features 71
72 Central Pain Syndrome
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76 Central Pain Syndrome
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78 Central Pain Syndrome
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80 Central Pain Syndrome
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82 Central Pain Syndrome
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84 Central Pain Syndrome
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86 Central Pain Syndrome
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88 Central Pain Syndrome
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90 Central Pain Syndrome
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92 Central Pain Syndrome
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96 Central Pain Syndrome
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98 Central Pain Syndrome
However, these signs are equally present in non-CP patients with CNS injury;
decreased movement alone can cause autonomic changes. A cerebral lesion can
cause trophic disturbances in contralateral limbs (Arseni and Boetz 1971),
particularly the shoulder hand syndrome, even paroxysmally (Montgomery and
King 1962). A common source of pain after stroke is nociceptive pain localized
to the shoulder and resulting from paresis and changed muscular tone/posture
and sensory loss. One fourth of stroke patients develop it within 2 weeks (Gamble
et al. 2000).
Lance (1996) described the complaint of a painful, burning, red ear in a CP
patient with a right sylvian infarction (F42, case 10). Some 6 weeks later she
developed sharp pains like a hot needle in the left side of her head, which recurred
with increasing frequency until it became a diffuse burning ache in the left side of
her head and face, similar to the pain she experienced in her left shoulder and
upper limb. When the burning pain exacerbated, onlookers commented that her
left ear became red and might stay red all day. Sensory loss and weakness of her
left arm persisted. Her pain was diminished to about one half of the previous
severity by imipramine 125 mg daily. Three years after the accident, she developed
left-sided migraine-like headaches associated with increased intensity of her burn-
ing pain.
Although there are no formal studies of the interaction of mood and pain state
in CPSP, the experience of chronic pain can lead to depression, anxiety and sleep
disturbance. As such, inquiries as to the length and quality of sleep as well as the
patients mood should be made.
1. Sensory epilepsy
Epileptic pain is rare (0.32.8%: review of Scholz et al. 1999; 4.1%: Nair et al.
2001), although the exact frequency remains to be determined (amounting in the
United States to no less than 15 000 patients, assuming an average pain prevalence
of about 1%). Painful auras have been recognized as such for a long time
(De Ajuriaguerra 1937). Ferres textbook also reports instances of atrocious tearing
pains during jacksonian fits, although De Ajuriaguerra noted that painful fits
appeared to be less frequent than implied by Ferre, and this was in fact the general
impression of the time. Rather, it was not clear whether the origin was thalamic or
cortical (Garcin 1937). However, Penfield and Gage (1933) described the case of
an epileptic woman in whom seizures were heralded by a sharp pain in the right
lower quadrant of the abdomen, immediately followed by loss of consciousness.
At operation, they found atrophy of a small convolution just posterior to SI
and near the midline. Galvanic stimulation of this area reproduced her pain and
this was confirmed in another patient (case 5) with postraumatic epilepsy and
a normal cortex. They observed that seizures beginning in the postcentral gyrus
may be initiated by pain and discomfort in the opposite side of the body and
without direct reference to the thalamus. Other cases too of pain and paresthesias
in the same distribution had a march implying contralateral SI involvement
Central Pain of Brain Origin: Epidemiology and Clinical Features 101
(e.g., Young and Blume 1983). One epileptic patient had pain reproduced by
neurosurgical stimulation of parietal BA5 (see in Scholz et al. 1999).
In the partial review of Scholz and colleagues (1999) of the literature, pain
generally accompanied simple partial attacks, with or without a jacksonian march,
and with no side prevalence, in both adults and children. Pain could involve
the whole hemisoma (or sometimes the whole body or limbs bilaterally), a limb or
hemiface, combinations of these, or also spread contralaterally; also described
were visceral pain and throbbing, pricking or diffuse headache. The usual cause was
a tumor (meningiomas, gliomas, metastases or abscesses) or rarely penetrating
head trauma and stroke. In several cases, it was idiopathic.
Actually, during the attack, the patient may complain of unpleasant sensations
numbness, pins-and-needles, intensely unpleasant but difficult to define, burning,
cramping, aching, gnawing, throbbing, stinging, electric shock-like, stabbing, like
a thousand bee-stings, like a sharp knife besides true pain; these anomalous
sensations are like those described by CP patients. In recent series, the parietal region
(SI and SII) was the commonest with exceptions site for lesions responsible
for the painful seizures; however, the site of the lesion may not always correlate
with the site of the seizure during ictal pain, especially if the pain does not occur early
in the ictal sequence. Bilateral EEG anomalies during painful fits are on record
(Scholz et al. 1999).
Importantly, there is no objective sensory deficit (e.g., Retif et al. 1967); instead, it
seems clear how the decreased inhibition accompanying a seizure interferes with pain
control mechanisms in certain cortical areas. This might account for the apparent
intensification of paresthetic or dysesthetic sensations to the point of becoming
painful, in some patients.
A current estimate is that one third to one half of patients suffer some form
of pain. Sage (2004) classifies these into low-DOPA pain states (dystonic,
pseudoradiculopathic, akathesic, genital, trigeminal neuralgia-like, abdominal,
nonspecific, musculoskeletal and paresthetic, generally described as burning, tingling,
numbness in distal limbs or groins), high-DOPA pain states (dystonic, choreic,
102 Central Pain Syndrome
1. Hemispherectomy*
Dandy (1933) Brain tumors (2 pts) y Allodynia in both
Bell and Karnosh (1949) y Transient (bar a trace) hyperpathia; allodynia
Obrador (1956) y As above
Laine and Gros (1956) y Transient hyperpathia and allodynia (movement) up to 1 week
Quarti and Terzian (1954) 6 cases y Transient hyperesthesia in the limbs in all (2 weeks)
Gardner et al. (1955) y Dysesthesias, thermal allodynia (long term)
Zuelch (1960) (see also 13 cases y In the majority, transient (1 week in one)
Mueller et al. 1991)
3. Parietal cortectomy
Lewin and Phillips (1952) Cortectomy of the posterior lip of Rolandos y
fissure for amputation stump pain
Tasker (1990) n Review: no CP ever followed parietal cortectomies
TABLE 2.13 (continued)
6. Thalamotomies
Hassler and Riechert (1959) Vc y Delayed CP in 1/24 pts (phantom pain)
Mark et al. (1960) Vc y Painful dysesthesias in 1/77 pts numbness in 2
Bettag and Yoshida (1960) Arcuate, CM, DM y? In 3/7 facial painful anesthesia pts (recurrence of the original pain or true CP?)
Obrador et al. (1961) Vc, DM y Dysesthesia in 1 phantom pain pt
Urabe and Tsubokawa Bilat CM y 2/7 pts
Cassinari and Pagni (1969) Vc, CM (1 pt, 90Y); Vc-CM (2 pts); Vc-medial y 6/32 pts
lemniscus at subthalamic level-CM (1 pt);
CM (1 pt); CM first and Vc later (1 pt)
Cassinari and Pagni (1969) n Review; stereotactic lesions of VL, VA, posterior lateral, dorsal median, centrum
medianum, anterior, intralaminar, pulvinar and reticular nuclei sparing Vc and its
basal part never cause CP
Nashold (1974) n Review; no CP after lesions confined exclusively to the medialis dorsalis, ventralis
lateralis, anterior thalamic nuclei or pulvinar
Pagni (1977) y Review; CP follows thalamic surgery damaging or destroying Vc, when complete
anesthesia is not obtained, immediately after lesioning
Tasker (1990) y CP follows always in a mild degree all stereotactic thalamotomies he performed; it
never occurs after destructive lesions of the Vim and Vor nuclei to relieve
motor disorders
7. Mesencephalotomies{
Open lateral tractotomies
Dogliotti (1938) y Almost immediate in 2/4 pts (another died)
Walker (1942a) y 2/2 a few days to a few weeks later
Walker (1950) y Review
Schwarz (1950) y 2/2
Drake and McKenzie Lateral mesencephalotomy y 314 days later in all 6 pts (entirely new sensations), touch sensibility only
(1953) mildly affected
Bailey and colleagues Lateral mesencephalotomy y? Hyperalgesia to pricking and touch allodynia in 1 cancer pt; no lemniscal deficits
Mikula et al. (1959) Bilateral lateral mesencephalotomy y 1 week later in 1 tabetic case; all over the body
Cassinari and Pagni (1969) y Review; lateral mesencephalotomies have the highest incidence of CP among all
pain-relieving operations
Stereotactic mesencephalotomy
Torvik (1959) 1. Destruction of STT/ML (complete) y 1 of 2 (hyperpathia to painful stimuli and vibration allodynia); 1 pt died 14 days
reticular formation brachium inferior after the operation without CP
colic (partial)
2. Lesion of STT/ML extending to the most
medial portion of the thalamus
Roeder and Orthner (1961) y 1 PNP case; 8 mos later, dynamic tactile allodynia in hemisoma
Wycis and Spegel (1962) Lesion of the STT/QTT, a large part of y 8/54; severe in 2 cases and transient in 1; mild transient sensory disturbances
the reticular substance at the level of the possible after ML lesions
posterior colliculi
Mazars and colleagues Mesencephalic coagulations of the STT n 86 cases
Voris and Whisler (1975) y 6/52 cases
Nashold (1982) y Review; 70% after open mesencephalotomy, 5% after stereotactic
Frank and colleagues y 2/14 cancer pain pts
Tasker and Dostrovsky y Review of 92 reports; 1520% of pts submitted to mesencephalotomy develop
(1989) dysesthesia
TABLE 2.13 (continued)
8. Bulbar tractotomy
Zuelch and Schmid y 1 pt (burning hyperpathia to deep pressure)
Crawford and Knighton y 1/8 pts
Crawford (1960) y 2/4 pts (both neuropathic pains)
Cassinari and Pagni y Review of 63 mostly cancer pain cases; bulbar spinothalamic tractotomy only
(1969) rarely gives rise to CP. This may depend on the surgical interruption of
spinoreticular fibers intermingled with STT fibers, before reaching bulbar reticular
formation; deep incisions injure reticular neurons. No injury to lemniscal fibers
ensues with bulbar and spinal lesions
11. Cordectomies
Botterell et al. (1954) y Burning or dysesthetic sensations
Jefferson (1983) y Burning or dysesthetic sensations
12. Cordotomies
Open technique
Babtchine (1936) y A few cases out of 47
Dogliotti (1937) y Also in complete pain paths transection
Sasaki (1938) y 7/19 pts; postoperative paresthesia
Sjoqvist (1950) y 5/58 pts unpleasant sensation of heat or cold; 6/58 pts burning pain
Miserocchi (1951) y Heat allodynia? Troublesome paresthesias
Lapresle and Guiot y 5/8 arthrosis pts; hyperpathia; at least in one case new pain exactly comparable
(1953) to thalamic pain
Falconer (1953) Cervical plus thoracic y Hyperalgesia plus hyperpathia; tactile allodynia in 4/6 phantom pains;
continuous sensation of pins-and-needles in 1/6 phantom pain pts;
burning pain
Zuelch and Schmid Thoracic y Hyperpathia; tactile allodynia, hyperalgesia
White and Sweet y Icy cold sensations (in 1, 419 mos), paresthesias more severe after cervical
(1955) cordotomies (43 yrs); deep aching and shooting pains
Horrax and y 2/50 pts
Lang (1957)
TABLE 2.13 (continued)
TABLE 2.13 (continued)
* In cases of infantile hemiplegia, symptoms are generally short-lived (weeks); in tumoral resections, they last longer. Thalamus may be injured during surgery.
At midbrain level, the STT consists of only 1500 fibers, since 90% stopped in the reticular formation in the brainstem; mesencephalic lesions may impinge on descending analgesia stations: this may
relate to enhanced responsiveness to painful stimuli. Midbrain lesions invariably impinge on reticular formation.
At times, after STT-tomies, a vivid girdle pain appears, on one or both sides, usually referred to the transitional area between the analgesic and normal skin on the side contralateral to the incision and
accompanied by hyperesthesia; usually disappears in a few weeks; may be due to trauma to the exposed spinal roots.
NB: no CP after lesion of motor or extrapyramidal fibers.
Central Pain of Brain Origin: Epidemiology and Clinical Features 111
spinothalamic fibers, before the former reach the nucleus gigantocellularis in the
bulbar reticular formation. Also the reticular formation may be injured if the incision
is too deep. No injury is normally caused to the lemniscal fibers.
Bulbar trigeminal tractotomy (Sjoqvists operation). Trigeminal pain-relaying fibers
give off collaterals which end in the other portions of the trigeminal complex sensory
stations and in the reticular formation, and these are not involved in Sjoqvists
operation. A polysynaptic intranuclear pathway, similar to the supposed ascending
polysynaptic pathway of spinal lamina II, transmits impulses from the caudal nucleus
to the rostral portion and thence to the reticular formation (Stewart et al. 1964).
Thus, if the bulbar trigeminal tractotomy interrupts only the descending tract of the
trigeminus and not the nucleus with its intranuclear pathway, extratrigeminal
impulses may still be transmitted, giving rise to sensory dysesthesias, while
interruption of the nucleus too should block impulses ascending in the intranuclear
pathway, making the occurrence of dysesthesias more unlikely.
Anterolateral cordotomy (open and percutaneous). The incidence ranges from 0 to
more than 90% (Mazars 1976), being higher in patients undergoing cordotomy for
the treatment of benign disease (e.g., 4% in cancer pain and 19% in non-cancer pain
in White and Sweet 1969); this is accounted for by the latent period necessary for CP
to arise. Symptoms are generally long-lasting, commonly persisting until the patients
death, relief by a new cordotomy being unlikely. A few without any postoperative CP
are on record (e.g., Mansuy et al. 1976): this might also depend on short follow-up
time (6 months). Mazars (1976) pointed out that a higher incidence in some series
may depend on more extensive damage to the cord during surgery. Recent series can
be as low as 13% or as high as 20% (reviewed in Tasker and North 1997).
Appearing a few days to many months after a successful operation, these are
generally feelings of icy cold, burning dysesthesias or pain, sometimes with hyper-
pathia and hyperesthesia, generally referred to areas in which pain sensibility is
recovering, but also to totally analgesic areas. They are often most pronounced in
the original painful area for which the cordotomy was performed. CP can be
distinguished from a relapse of the original pain: in the latter, the pinprick sensa-
tion deficit disappears in the painful area due to a retraction in the pinprick level,
while in CP the pinprick level is retained and pinprick sensation is absent in the
painful area. At times, following anterolateral cordotomies, a vivid girdle pain
appears, which radiates to one or both sides, usually referred to the transitional area
between the analgesic and normal skin on the side contralateral to the incision and
accompanied by hyperesthesia. According to Sweet and Poletti (1989), girdle pain
disappears usually in a few weeks, being due to temporary trauma to the exposed
spinal roots.
Rarely, following anterolateral cordotomies, both mono- and bilateral (but also
after vascular damage to the anterolateral quadrant), the patient perceives pain and
temperature (but also non-painful) stimuli applied to analgesic or hypalgesic regions
in a part of the affected or controlateral side of the body in which the sensibility is
normal (referred or reference of pain when the pain is felt in a place apart from the
spot where the noxious stimulation is applied; mirror pain, allochiria, allachesthesia
when patients misperceive the location of a stimulus at the same point on the
opposite side of the body), a phenomenon first described by Obersteiner (1881).
112 Central Pain Syndrome
Central pain of cord origin is also known as below-level pain, remote pain,
functionally limiting dysesthetic pain syndrome. Burning dysesthetic pain and central
dysesthesia syndrome are general terms that have been used to describe CCP too.
114 Central Pain Syndrome
TABLE 3.1. Causes of cord central pain (compiled from a complete survey of the
literature and personal observations)
(1) Spinal trauma with fracture and/or dislocations producing complete or partial transection or
concussion of the spinal cord
(2) Ischemic/hemorrhagic (e.g., aortic dissection, systemic hypotension, atherosclerosis/thromboem-
bolism/infarcts, hematomyelia*/subarachnoid hemorrhage due to AVMs{, cavernomas, dural fistula,
traumatic/nontraumatic/iatrogenic cervical anterior spinal cord syndrome, etc.)
(3) Rheumatological and degenerative disorders (e.g., myelopathy due to cervical spinal stenosis-
spondylosis and cervical discal hernia, ankylosing spondylitis with conus lesions, Pagets disease,
rheumatoid arthritis, posterior longitudinal ligament ossification)
(4) Intra- and extramedullary tumors{
(5) Congenital and developmental (nontumoral cysts, syringomyelia, dysraphism, diastematomyelia,
spina bifida, myelomeningocele, etc.)
(6) Inflammatory-infective (multiple sclerosis: transverse myelitis, viral (e.g., herpes zoster, cytomega-
lovirus, HIV, poliovirus), bacterial (e.g., mycobacteria/Potts disease, luetic gumma}), fungal (e.g.,
cryptococcus) or parasitic infections/abscesses (e.g., toxoplasma, schistosoma) or infective
transverse myelitis)
(7) Degenerative CNS disorders
(8) Toxic (antiblastic agents, radiation, etc.)
(9) Genetic and metabolic
(10) Iatrogenic (cordotomy, aortic repair surgery, surgery for spinal angiomas/fistulas/hernias/
spondylosis/intra- and extramedullary tumors, spinal fusion surgery, myelography, anticoagulant
therapy with epidural/subdural hematomas)
TABLE 3.3. IASP classification of SCI pains (adapted from Siddall et al. 2001)
(1) Musculoskeletal (mechanical and lesional pain). Dull, aching, movement-related, eased by rest,
responsive to opioids and NSAIDs. Located in musculoskeletal structures. Bone, joint, disk, ligament,
muscle and soft tissue trauma and inflammation (e.g., strain in latissimus dorsi in a C7 complete
quadriplegic); mechanical instability, muscle spasms, secondary overuse syndromes. It may add to and
compound certain end-zone pains. Muscle pain is caused by stress consequent to mechanical
deformity due to immobility or overuse of shoulders, arms and back, when innervated, for balance and
mobility purposes, but also to secondary changes following fractures and fixation, mechanical
instability, and osteoporosis. Muscle spasms may sometimes produce discomfort and cramping pain in
the legs and abdominal muscles. Pain is referred at injury level or right above it (including spasm-
related). Especially when acute, it usually recedes with treatment.
(2) Visceral pain. Dull, cramping. Located in abdominal region with preserved innervation. Renal calculus,
bowel dysfunction, sphincter dysfunction, etc. Also includes dysreflexic headache. It usually presents in
high-thoracic and cervical SCI (quadriplegic) patients, despite varying degrees of sensory anesthesia
and/or paralysis, as chronic cramping pain or discomfort/fullness centered mostly in the periumbilical/
hypogastric and pelvic areas. It is both spontaneous and provoked by a full urinary bladder, fecal
impaction of the colon and rectum and other conditions that distend hollow viscera. It may be
associated with nausea, flushing of the face, headache, piloerection and sweating. It may present in the
absence of any abdominal organ dysfunction. Visceral sensation is conveyed via the dorsal columns.
Some visceral pain can actually be CP.
Neuropathic pain
(1) Above-level pain (in the region of sensory preservation). Compressive mononeuropathies (carpal tunnel
syndrome) present in up to half of paraplegics, often due to wheelchair propelling; complex regional
pain syndrome observed as arm pain and swelling in quadriplegics and rarely in incomplete
paraplegics, mostly bilaterally.
(2) Below-level pain. CCP (see text).
(3) At-level pain (also known as transitional zone, radicular/root, girdle, segmental, end-zone, junctional,
boundary zone pain). Occurs at or just above the level of the sensory loss, in the cutaneous transition
zone from the area of analgesia to areas of normal sensation (i.e., hypesthetic) and extends for 12
dermatomes and often more caudad (56 dermatomes) into the anesthetic zone; often it is not strictly
dermatomal (radiculometameric), can be uni- or bilateral (asymmetrically more than not), and can be
observed at all levels, perhaps with some preponderance, often in clinically complete injuries. It is
generally described as dull, aching (sometimes burning) with superimposed paroxysms of throbbing,
stabbing, electric shock-like or cramping pain lasting from one to several minutes. Allodynia and
hyperalgesia are frequent: touching/stroking the skin in the painful dermatomes, which may also
present as a very narrow band of hyperalgesia, often activates the pain itself, causing it to radiate into
the lower parts of the body, especially the legs. Trigger spots can also be found on the surface of the
skin, in the hypesthetic, painful areas, but sometimes as far as 6 dermatomes above the level of spinal
trauma. When these spots are touched, the pain is aggravated. Visceral stimulation (e.g., full bladder)
can also trigger it. When pain due to T8L2 vertebral lesion is referred to the legs, many patients
present with muscular spasms of ana- or hypoesthetic paraplegic legs, and pain is spasm-related.
At-level pain is usually due to direct injury to the dorsal roots at or near the site of trauma, but
also Lissauers tract and posterior horns, or even local arachnoiditis/scarring with entrapment
(occasional worsening by arm/leg movement suggests traction on these roots). One-third of SCI
patients have it, making it the most common type of pain in association with paraplegia (Nashold
1991; Beric 1999). A subset of these pains is cauda equina pain (damage from T12 caudad), and
involves the legs, feet, perineum, genitals, buttocks and rectum. It is generally very severe; usually
burning, it may often be seen with dysesthesias and neuralgic pain in the thighs, calves or feet.
Double lesion syndrome (DLS), seen more frequently in patients with complete cervical or upper
116 Central Pain Syndrome
thoracic lesions (perhaps 20%), is essentially a cauda equina/root dysfunction that modifies leg spasticity
and bladder behavior due to upper cord damage: the pain is most often sharp, pricking and electric shock-
like, with occasional burning, as well as aching and dull. Although usually stabilizing within several months,
or several years, it remains constant, with minimal fluctuation. Most patients eventually adapt to it. It
generally asymmetrically involves the leg, groin, thigh or foot, often in association with the perineum, rectum
and genitals (Beric 1999). It is not CP. L5S1 avulsion injuries of the conus (with myelocele at the L5/S1
foramen) are typically due to severe pelvic fracture (which may also cause pelvic plexus injuries). The pain
is typically confined to the leg and associated with varying degrees of weakness. Progressive posttraumatic
myelomalacic myelopathy too may lead to transitional zone pain.
Despite past claims, there is no evidence for psychogenic pain in the setting of spinal cord injury.
hemorrhages are more prone to produce pain than a compression lesion produced
by simple fracture dislocation (Nashold 1991; Tasker 2001). CCP after trauma
at levels higher than T10 has historically been considered rarer and of lesser
intensity in almost all series (e.g., Davis and Martin 1947; Freeman and Heimburger
1947), as conocaudal injury adds a peripheral component due to nerve and/or
nerve root damage (Nashold 1991). For instance, Davis and Martin reported
very severe CP in 8/77 cervical lesions, 73/288 thoracic lesions and 45/106 lumbar
lesions; previous series indicating the contrary (e.g., Holmes 1919) were written off
as small in size and with short follow-up. However, a review of data clearly shows
that CCP is equally represented at cervical, thoracic and lumbar levels and with
similar intensity; what appears to differ is the frequency of superimposed paroxysms,
higher in conocaudal injury. Also, quadriplegics may suffer more pain than
paraplegics. Neither vertebral level nor completeness of lesion affect the incidence of
steady CCP, although steady (usually burning) perineal pain occurs more frequently
with complete lesions; intermittent pain occurs equally in complete and incomplete
lesions at all spinal levels, but most frequently with lesions at T10L2 level (57%)
(Tasker et al. 1992). Since intermittent pain is the most painful component of CCP,
this may go some way to explaining the reported lower frequency of CCP at
cervicodorsal levels.
No. of
Author Pathology patients Patients with CP (%)
Beric et al. Spinal cord injury 243 Chronic SCI patients. CP in 13/243
(1988) patients (5.3%)
Milhorat et al. Syringomyelia 137 Retrospective review.
(1996) Segmental dysesthesia (burning pain,
hyperesthesia, pins and needles
sensations and throphic changes):
51/137 patients (37%); burning
pain: 43 (31.4%); hyperesthesia:
41 (29.9%); pins and needles:
37 (27.0%); stretching or pressure
of skin: 17 (12.4%)
Stormer et al. Spinal cord injury 901 Multicenter study. Pain and/or
(1997) dysesthesia in 591 patients (66%).
Pain alone in 50% of patients;
painful dysesthesia in 11%;
distressing dysesthesia without
pain in 5%.
Below-lesion pain: 278 patients (47%)
Transitional and/or below-lesion
pain: 508 patients (86%)
Siddall et al. Spinal cord injury 100 Prospective longitudinal study.
(1999) Prevalence of neuropathic pain
at 6 months: at-level pain, 36%;
below-level pain, 19%
Finnerup et al. Spinal cord injury 330 Postal survey in a community-based
(2001) sample of SCI patients. 330/436
responses. Pain or unpleasant
sensations in 254 (77%). Below-
and/or at-level pain/dysesthesia
in 221 (67%)
trauma. The SCI patients of Falci and colleagues (2002) (T10L1: 35; T4T9: 6)
experienced pain immediately in 63% of cases, within 2 months in 84%, within 6
months in 95% and within 1 year of injury in all cases. In contrast, one-third of the
patients of Nashold (1991) developed it up to 6 years later. About one-third of
patients with a delay of up to 1 year and more than half with a delay of more than 1
year harbored a posttraumatic syrinx in the series of Tasker and colleagues (1992). In
these cases, the syrinx rather than the original injury seems responsible for the pain.
Thus, late onset of pain (and always facial pain) must raise suspicions of a syrinx.
Like CPSP, CCP usually appears with some functional recovery in more severe cases
(Beric 1999).
5. Level of lesion
In two representative series (A: Tasker et al. 1992; B: Rogano et al. 2003) for a total
of 208 patients, CCP was caused by cervical lesions in 42% (A) and 28.4% (B) of the
118 Central Pain Syndrome
cases, thoracic in 21% (A: down to T9) and 44.4% (B: up to T11?) and conocaudal in
37% (A: T10L2) and 27.2% (B). In sum, conocaudal lesions are not the most
frequent lesions causing CCP, and that is also our experience (Canavero and
Bonicalzi 2004a) and that of others (see Beric 1999).
6. Distribution of pain
Pain may involve the entire body region below the level of injury (diffuse pain), but
usually is more intense in the sacral dermatomes, buttocks and genitalia, and the feet
(Friedman and Nashold 1986), never following a dermatomal distribution. Pain is
usually diffusely and symmetrically (although not at all times during follow-up)
referred to the parts of the body whose sensation is affected by the cord lesion;
however, a quarter complains of localized pain within a much larger area of sensory
alteration, some having a pain sharply localized to a small body part, usually the
saddle area. Tasker and colleagues (1992) found, in patients with complete lesions,
that steady pain occurred as a band at the upper level of cord damage in about 7% of
cases, diffusely below that level in less than 20%, patchily below the level in about
60% and in the perineum in 15%; in those with incomplete lesions, the pain occurred
diffusely below the level of cord dysfunction in two-thirds of cases, patchily in three-
quarters and as a band at the upper level in less than 20%. Patients with facial pain
(about 4%) all had incomplete lesions and a syrinx. Intermittent pain tended to run
around the trunk at the level of the cord lesion in complete cases, and shoot up and
down the body and/or the legs in incomplete lesions. While pain generally starts from
the level of injury and caudad, there may be a free area from the zone of injury to the
area of dysesthesias. In a series, the most common locations included the legs (84%),
posterior trunk (63%), anterior trunk (42%) and arms (16%; 100% in quadriplegics)
(see Beric 1999).
The bizarre distribution of CCP is demonstrated by Jefferson (1983), who broke
down his paraplegia pain patients into three groups:
1) Six patients had an area of pain on the front of, or just above, the knees
(a blob of about the same size as, or marginally bigger than, the patella),
symmetrically or with side prevalence. Invariably there were also pains
occupying the front of the thighs or else the front of the shins. One had pain
on the tops of his feet and some (very localized) pain on the back of his calves
(the only patient with a significant proportion of the pain occupying the
posterior aspect of the leg in the first two groups). Only one patient
complained of pain involving the pelvis (rectum and vagina).
2) Three patients described pain occupying the anterior aspect of the thighs. In
two of them the pain was symmetrical and there was no pain felt in any other
part of the body. In the third patient, the pain occupied a large part of the
front of the right thigh, extending upwards almost to the groin and
downwards to the middle of the patella. There was less severe pain in a similar
distribution on the left, together with an area of pronounced hyperesthesia in
the skin overlying the medial aspect of the left knee. Additionally, there was
slight pain behind the right knee.
Central Pain of Cord Origin 119
3) The third group (6 patients) had fairly widespread pain, extending from the
groin to the feet. Unlike groups (1) and (2), the pain spread downwards from
iliac crests or groins and in half the patients it also involved the backs of the
legs. Two patients had diffuse pain down the fronts of the thighs, knees and
shins and in one of them the pain extended round the hips symmetrically into
the lateral part of the buttocks. Three of the patients felt pain as extensively on
the back of the legs as on the front, in two with involvement of the feet. One
of these patients additionally described an episodic sensation which was
likened to an explosion in the rectum. One patient had leg pains and pain
involving the lower abdomen, the genitalia and the buttocks. Two patients
with no involvement of mid-thighs, knees or shins had pains in areas that
would be covered by bathing trunks (i.e., top of thighs, lower abdomen,
buttocks plus anus and rectum either on the anterior or the posterior aspect).
One of these patients also had isolated pains around the heels and ankles.
Of the three patients who had lesions involving the D10 vertebra the pains
were distributed either throughout the leg or legs or else in a bathing trunks
Like BCP, CCP can be felt superficially or perhaps more frequently deeply.
In Brown-Sequards syndrome (hemisection of the cord), on the lesion side, intense
pain spreading to the paralyzed, but not analgesic, limbs may be felt suddenly at the
moment of injury, fading away in a few days or weeks: this is not CP (Garcin 1937;
Riddoch 1938). Below-level CP is observed in the contralateral hemisoma with
respect to the lesion (end-zone pain is observed ipsilateral to hemisection).
In some cases, pain is felt contralaterally after stimulation of the affected
hypoesthetic areas (allochiria).
7. Quality
There are different pains present in different patients and also different pains present
in the same patient at different times or simultaneously. Sometimes, characteristics
change as they appear or disappear. Like BCP, there is no one quality prevailing in all
studies and CCP may be described with many terms by patients. However, the steady
component may be more often burning, but also aching, cutting, piercing, radiating,
tight, stinging, compressive or distractive; it may be dysesthetic (generally tingling
but also cold). Intermittent pain is generally described as shooting or coming in
electric shocks. Aching pain may prevail at neckshoulderback levels, especially in
tetraplegics, and burning elsewhere (Widerstrom-Noga et al. 2001). In the series of
Falci and colleagues (2002) (41 patients; T10L1: 35; T4T9: 6; at-level pain: 30.9%;
below-level pain: 69.1%), the pain was most frequently described as burning (91%)
or sharp/stabbing (61%), but also as cramping/pressure (38%), stinging/pins and
needles (23%), electrical/shooting (12%), aching (12%), cold/freezing (2%),
vibrating (2%). If pain occurred at and below level, the pain was different in
character. In the series of Rogano and colleagues (2003) (81 patients, complete SCI in
35.8%, incomplete in 64.2%), pain was burning in 86%, shock-like in 39%,
throbbing in 14.8%, pricking in 13.5% and aching in 11.2%.
In the series of Garcia-Larrea and colleagues (2003) of 32 SC incomplete
injury cases (no midline pain or complete injuries) (proximal to DRG) (MS 9,
120 Central Pain Syndrome
8. Intensity
The intensity of the pain varies from mild, unpleasant tingling to one of the most
agonizing torments known to humans. When more components of pain are present,
the intermittent will be the more severe. The steady component is generally
fluctuating during the day and from day to day, also in bursts of activity and
cyclically (namely, every other day or even every other week) (Falci et al. 2002) and is
not always so harassing as to induce the patient to ask for medical help. Pain may be
more intense in the legs (Widerstrom-Noga et al. 2001). Generally speaking, CCP is
always very intense. In the series of Garcia-Larrea and colleagues (2003) of 32 SC
incomplete injury cases, CP was never scored less than 7. In the series of Rogano and
colleagues (2003), mean VAS score was 9.4, with pain more severe with gunshot
injuries (p < 0.001). A higher level of education may be reflected in more perceived
pain. SCI CP may or may not be perceived as worse than motor deficits
(Nepomuceno et al. 1979; Davidoff et al. 1987).
9. Components
CCP consists of three components (Tasker et al. 1992): a steady, spontaneous pain
(almost all), an intermittent, spontaneous pain (about one-third, singly found in 1%
of patients) and evoked pain (about one-half, singly in 3%). So, for instance, a single
patient may complain of episodic lightning pains down a leg, superimposed on a
continuous background of burning pain. Intermittent pain is particularly common in
patients with T10L1 injuries, whether complete or incomplete (57%), and often
shooting down one or both legs: 69% of Taskers CCP patients with intermittent pain
had thoracolumbar lesions. The steady, intermittent and evoked components are
often associated in a single patient. The type of pain has no rapport with the causative
lesion (Tasker et al. 1992).
may be less frequent in SCI than in other CPs (Beric 1999). Tasker and colleagues
(1992) observed evoked pain in about 40% of patients with complete lesions and in
about 50% of those with incomplete lesions. The Danish group (Finnerup et al.
2003a) found that 60% of their patients had allodynia (30% tactile, 26% cold, 14%
warm), while Garcia-Larrea and colleagues (2003) observed it in 7/32 CCP cases
(21.5%); the SCI patients of Falci and colleagues (2002) rarely showed allodynia (7%
touch allodynia).
CCP can be worsened by the same factors as BCP, as well as skin sores and
infections. Factors such as secondary gain or drug-seeking behavior will significantly
affect the severity and chronicity of the pain.
Table 3.5 gives summary data in a representative series.
In a minority of patients, the initially documented sensory loss may fade, even
though pain subsequently develops. Some studies failed to demonstrate any
differences in STT and lemniscal function between patients with CP and pain-free
patients or between painful and nonpainful denervated areas (Eide et al. 1996;
Finnerup et al. 2003). Tasker and colleagues (1992) described a patient with trauma-
related CCP, who had a normal appreciation of temperature and pinprick. Yet, the
patient was not studied with electrophysiological methods.
13. Course
Although in some cases it lasts only a few months, if paraplegia pain persists for
longer than 68 months after the injury (the majority), it will become a long-term
problem. Unlike BCP which usually tends not to change significantly, except in
degree, over time, CCP may change markedly, even dramatically, over the years:
it may increase in severity for several years and even change in distribution
and quality, sometimes dramatically. The patients of Davis and Martin (1947)
complained of hot burning suddenly turning into streams of fire or pressure of
a knife being burned in the tissue, twisted around rapidly and finally withdrawn.
Some patients follow an aggressive course with intensity escalation, a few having an
abatement of pain after a few years which becomes nondisabling (Beric 1999; Tasker
2001a). In Davis and Martins (1947) series, 40 of 217 patients still experienced pain
in the long term.
Central Pain of Cord Origin 129
1. Syringomyelia
Syringomyelia (in the spinal cord) and syringobulbia (in the lower brainstem) are
rare diseases. The lesion is a cystic cavity filled with CSF-like fluid, varying from a
small lesion in the dorsal part of the spinal cord over a couple of segments to huge
cavities extending from the most caudal part of the cord into the medulla oblongata
(Milhorat et al. 1996 and references therein). The largest cavities leave only a thin
layer of spinal cord tissue undamaged at the maximally cavitated regions; gray matter
necrosis and wallerian degeneration are usually seen. Cavities are thought to arise in
the center of the cord, which is where STT fibers cross the midline to reach their
position in the ventrolaterally located STT. A lesion with this location will affect the
sensibility to temperature and pain, i.e., a dissociated sensory loss will appear.
Syrinxes may be associated with Chiari I malformation, cervical disk disease/
spondylosis, basilar impression and communicating hydrocephalus; they may also be
posttraumatic and be caused by spinal cord hematomas.
Spontaneous pain and subjective sensory disturbances may often precede by many
years any other sign of this slowly progressing disease. The complaint is especially
common with posttraumatic syringomyelia. Pain is generally segmental, involving
one arm (seldom both), neck, shoulder and hemithorax, i.e., in the distribution of
the suspended dissociated sensory loss (Garcin 1968). Facial pain is frequently
reported with syringobulbia. Below-level pain (e.g., leg, generally singly) is rare, and
can be observed when the syrinx enlarges. Segmental pain is attributed to lesions of
the dorsal horns or of spinothalamic fibers crossing the midline. Sensations range
from an unbearable dysesthetic crawling to acute, severe, violent, lancinating (but
also burning, aching and pressing) pain; warmth and cold are often felt as painful,
and radiation may be present (Riddoch 1938). At first they are unilateral and
intermittent, occurring in attacks; later they become bilateral and continuous (likely
due to skewed unilateral encroachment with greater pain-inducing damage), and
may persist even when analgesia and thermanesthesia in the affected dermatomes are
complete. One series (Ducreux et al. 2006) showed that 27 out of 31 patients suffered
CP in the arm, 12 with additional pain in the neck or in the thorax, and another 5 in
both the thorax and the leg. CP extended over 210 dermatomes, unilaterally in 24.
Spontaneous pain occurred on its own in 11 and was associated with evoked pain in
20 (allodynia to brush 12, heat 5, and cold 11). Pain was described as burning in 23,
deep (pressure, squeezing) in 14, paroxysmal (electric shocks, stabbing) in 19;
paresthesias and/or dysesthesias (tingling, pins-and-needles) were reported in 24.
Painful dysesthesias (burning pain, pins-and-needles, stretching-pressure of the
skin, in most cases hyperesthesias) occur in 40% of syringomyelia patients (see
references in Milhorat et al. 1996) and may be more frequent in females (39 versus 12
males in the series of Milhorat et al. 1996). In that series, MRI demonstrated
extension of the syrinx into the dorsolateral quadrant of the spinal cord on the same
side and at the level of pain in 43/51 (84%) cases. In 42/51 cases, the dermatomal
pattern of pain overlapped with a segment of analgesiaanesthesia. Obvious trophic
changes were seen in 15/51 patients (29%).
130 Central Pain Syndrome
Quantitative sensory testing (QST) shows that all patients with syrinx have
abnormal temperature and pain sensibility, mostly pronounced with total loss of
temperature sensibility. Patients in advanced stages also have impairment of
lemniscal sensibility. For instance, Attal and colleagues (2004) performed QST before
and after surgery (3 and 9 months) in patients with cervical and dorsolumbar
syrinxes, most suffering pain. Thermoalgesic, but not lemniscal, deficits were found
in all. Spontaneous pain was generally located within an area of thermal defict, but its
intensity was not correlated with the magnitude of the deficit. Surgery induced a
significant decrease of the deficits (tactile more than thermal), but those on pain were
variable and not correlated with the effects on thermal sensibility.
Nashold (1991), in his series of paraplegics with pain, found a spinal cyst in 60% of
the patients, generally extending from the site of the spinal trauma rostrally,
involving multiple segments of the normal spinal cord. In a few patients, at
operation, two separate cysts that extended above and below the site of the trauma
were found, but they were not interconnected.
Paraplegics who suffer from a traumatic syringomyelia often develop pain
extending above injury level, even many years after injury (15 in one of the patients of
Durward et al. 1982), probably due to the slow enlargement of the spinal cyst and the
subsequent pressure on the normal spinal cord above the level of the trauma; up to
two-thirds of paraplegics with pain of delayed onset exhibit a syringomyelia. The pain
is generally sharp or aching, electrical and burning in character, being often located in
the dermatomes adjacent to the injury level, but may expand to involve higher
dermatomes. The paraplegic is often aware that his or her sensory level has risen, and,
if a spinal cyst encroaches on the cervical spinal cord, motor deficits can occur in the
arms. This pain may be activated along with diffuse visceral pain by infections of the
urinary tract or by constipation. Continuous escalation in pain is the natural course.
Shunting is generally ineffective in reversing the pain in a significant number of cases
(Dworkin and Staats 1985; Milhorat et al. 1996; Kramer and Levine 1997).
Type I Chiari malformations can originate a central cord syndrome with sym-
ptoms including pain (frequently burning), often diffuse, but also restricted to
a few dermatomes, most often in the cervical region and arms, plus dissociated and
posterior column sensory loss, due to tonsillar herniation or the associated syrinx
(Meadows et al. 2001; Bejjani and Cockerham 2001).
prevalence of CP versus nociceptive pain (Svendsen et al. 2005; see global discussion
in Solaro et al. 2004). CP is correlated with increasing age, EDSS, disease duration,
but not sex. Some patients with MS have CP for a limited period during relapses
(days to months); others have chronic CP. Since the worldwide prevalence is
estimated nearly 3 million, we expect that about 500 000 patients suffer CP.
MS CP is generally dysesthetic, but also tingling, pins-and-needles, pricking, cold
or warm. Like all CPs several other qualities, singly or in combination, may be
present, particularly burning and aching; a pressing belt-like (girdle) pain at the level
of the upper border of the lesion may also be seen.
CP, when maximal, was generally described as tingling (59%), tiring (52%), taut
(45%), burning, dull and grueling (41% each) in one study (Svendsen et al. 2005).
Intensity is often high. Pruritus is also part of the spectrum (Canavero et al. 1997).
During relapses, it can affect any part of the body, in different combinations at
different levels; in chronic stages, a great majority of those affected have pain in the
lower extremities, about one-third in the arm, and one-fifth in the trunk, partially or
totally, unilaterally (one-quarter) or bilaterally (three-quarters), hemipain being
uncommon. In MS patients it is not possible to relate the time of the onset of pain to
the time of development of the demyelinating lesions, because the latter cannot be
determined with certainty. However, some patients experience CP before other
symptoms, others complain of pain along with other symptoms and signs. It tends to
be worst at night and to affect less disabled patients. The pain tends to be constant,
but can be intermittent, deep more than superficial or both, and can radiate
(Svendsen et al. 2005).
As for other CPs, there is no correlation between pain and nonsensory signs. Not
infrequently, patients have signs of involvement of the posterior column-lemniscal
rather than spinothalamic dysfunction (Moulin et al. 1988), which can be less
prominent than, for example, in CPSP (Portenoy et al. 1988). Osterberg et al. (1994)
found decreased innocuous temperature heat and cold (90%), pinprick (60%) and
noxious temperature (80%) (plus 82% and 72% for vibration and touch); only two
patients had no spinothalamic impairment at QST (note that there is a duplicate
paper from this group [Osterberg et al. 2005] with differing data from the same study
population). A recent study that employed QST found STT involvement in all CP
cases (Svendsen et al. 2005): all CP patients had signs of STT dysfunction with
decreased or increased sensation to pinprick and/or temperature sense at maximal
pain site. MS patients with pain had decreased sensibility to touch, temperature and
vibration versus healthy subjects, but no differences between patients with and
without pain were detected in detection thresholds evaluated by QST, although
patients with pain tended to have higher vibration and tactile detection thresholds.
Results from bedside testing and QST differed: a higher frequency of pain patients
had decreased sensation to touch, vibration/joint position and warmth compared
with pain-free subjects at bedside examination. However, even on QST, there was a
tendency of lower tactile pain threshold in the pain group and pressure pain
detection threshold was lower and cold allodynia as well as temporal summation
were more frequent in the pain group.
Contrary to some belief, allodynia is found in MS patients: generally it consists of
anomalous sensations as one passes a hand over the affected area or worsening of
132 Central Pain Syndrome
pain or dysesthesias during movement. CP can also develop or worsen during a rise
of temperature (exercise, sunbathing), so-called Uhthoffs sign. In one study
(Svendsen et al. 2005), aggravating factors were cold in 12 patients, warmth in 5,
same position for a long time in 11, body movement including walking in 6, physical
strain in 6, touch (clothes, etc.) in 9, tiredness in 4, stress in 2 and loud noise in 1.
Alleviating factors were physiotherapy/massage/extension in 12 cases, analgesics in
11, rest in 5, warmth in 4, cold in 4, change of position in 4 and body movements
in 3. Touch allodynia was most commonly reported in CP patients: these more often
had cold and/or mechanical allodynia than patients with musculoskeletal pain (a
statistically significant difference). The frequency of temporal summation tended to
be higher in CP patients.
In MS, facial pain is at first usually identical to tic douloureux, with plaques
involving the trigeminal root entry zone. Later, with involvement of the descending
root, pain becomes continuous and disagreeable and paresthesias appear.
In MS (as well as cervical spondylotic chronic myelopathies and extramedullary
tumors, both cervical and of the foramen magnum), an uncomfortable, not truly
painful, sensation, closely resembling that produced by an electric current, can be
elicited by the active or passive flexion of the head, and radiating from the cervical to
the coccigeal region and to the four limbs, so-called Lhermittes sign (Lhermitte et al.
1927; Garcin 1968).
3. Spinal epilepsy
Tonic-clonic fits sometimes accompanied by paroxysmal burning, lancinating or
even electric shock-like pain in the legs, glutei or pelvis, both ipsi and contralateral to
the fits, have been described for extramedullary tumors, multiple sclerosis and
transverse myelitis (McAlhany and Netsky 1955; Ekbom et al. 1968; Harrington
and Bone 1981). Nathanson (1962) reported a patient with an extramedullary
meningioma at T1 presenting with paroxysms of severe burning pain, lasting about
twenty seconds in the left buttock and leg, with stiffening of the entire limb (the thigh
slowly flexed on the hip as the leg partially extended). Pagni and Regolo (1987)
reported the case of a woman who presented tonic-clonic spasms followed by clonic
jerks in the left limb, along with pain in the glutei and in the anterior aspect of
the leg: an anterior meningioma at T10 was found. In both cases, the attacks
ceased within a few days of tumor removal. Miro and colleagues (1988) described
paroxysmal pelvic pain, occurring 13 times a day, as a symptom of MS. Pagni and
Canavero (1993) reported a woman with paroxysms of pelvic pain resembling tic
douloureux: the pain, which was at first itching and burning, became electric shock-
like as the frequency of the attacks, which always lasted a few seconds, increased in
time. MRI disclosed a dorsal extramedullary meningioma at T67. Carbamazepine
and, later, surgery abolished the attacks.
The dorsal columns are known to convey visceral nociception (Willis and
Westlund 2004). In spinal cases, focal demyelination induced by compression can
induce hyperexcitable foci in the cord fibers and these foci may both discharge
spontaneously and be triggered by mechanical distortion of the cord (Pagni and
Canavero 1993). Such fibers convey nociception, making these patients instances
of CP.
134 Central Pain Syndrome
STEP 2. MRI of the brain and cord is the neuroimaging technique of choice
in all patients: it should reveal a CNS lesion that is consistent with the findings
on neurologic examination. However, it cannot be relied upon exclusively in
differentiating between complete and incomplete cord lesions.
STEP 3. When there is no clear-cut lesion visible on MRI and/or QST, cutaneous
stimulation of Ad fibers with pulses from an infrared or argon (or more tissue
damaging CO2) laser, which are selectively sensitive to abnormalities along the
STT activated by noxious and thermal stimuli, will usually reveal a late potential
recorded from the vertex at a peak negative wave latency of approximately 250 ms
Diagnosing Central Pain 135
EMG, thermography and regional blocks (Kingery 1997; Bonicalzi and Canavero
1999) have no place in the diagnostic approach to CP. However, abnormal lumbar
SEPs in an incomplete quadriplegic or high paraplegic may provide clues as to a DLS,
in those who present with leg or perineal segmental pain, while cauda equina versus
conus medullaris pains can be differentiated by lumbosacral SEPs and videouro-
dynamics (Beric 1999).
Some orienting clinical features of CP include (Garcin 1937, 1968; Pagni 1977):
a) Pain from injury to the posterior horn of the spinal cord and Lissauers tract
is on the same side of the lesion and corresponds to the affected or
neighboring metameres. Bilateral girdle pain is typical in cases of
intramedullary tumors or syringomyelia. CP after thoracic lesions can be
confused with DLS, which is usually sacral and lumbosacral, especially if at-
level pain is also present. Under these circumstances, the pain can mimic CP,
as it appears to cover the entire area below lesion level (Beric 1999).
b) Pain from injury to the anterolateral funiculus of the cord is referred to the
opposite side of the body below the lesion.
c) Dysesthesias from injury to the posterior column or to the nuclei of Goll and
Burdach are on the same side, below the lesion, and may be uni- or bilateral.
Usually, they are of short duration. Lhermittes sign is considered to be due to
mechanical excitation of the posterior columns: it is observed not only in MS,
but also in other myelopathies.
d) Pain and dysesthesia due to vascular bulbar lesion (Wallenbergs syndrome)
usually have a crossed distribution: to the face on the lesion side and to the
limbs and trunk on the contralateral side. Bulbar lesions can give rise to
136 Central Pain Syndrome
(1) Neurological disease results of CT, MRI, SPECT, PET, CSF assays,
neurophysiological examinations, etc.
(2) Major neurologic finding (e.g., spastic paraparesis)
(3) Sensory examination
Preferably use sensory chart with the dermatomes. Indicate if modalities
listed have normal, increased or decreased threshold, and paresthesias and
dysesthesias are evoked
(a) Vibratory sense (tuning fork, biothesiometer or vibrameter)
(b) Tactile (cotton wool, hair movement include von Frey if possible, nylon filaments)
(c) Skin direction sense, graphesthesis
(d) Kinesthesia (joint movements)
(e) Temperature (specify how tested, e.g., Thermotest apparatus)
Cold (noxious and innocuous); warm (noxious and innocuous)
(f) Pinprick
(g) Deep pain (specify how tested)
(h) Allodynia
To mechanical stimuli
To cold
To heat
(i) Hyperpathia (specify how tested)
(j) Other abnormalities like radiation, summation, prolonged after-sensation
Diagnosing Central Pain 137
bilateral facial pain if the lesion impinges on the descending root of the
trigeminus of one side and on the crossed quintothalamic fibers, coming
from the other side. In pontine lesions pain has a hemiplegic distribution,
that is, also includes the face contralateral to the lesion. There have been cases
of bulbopontine lesions that obey no rule in which the pains affected the
lower limbs and one side of the face.
e) Pain following mesencephalopontine lesions occurs on the side of the body
contralateral to the lesion, with hemiplegic distribution.
f) Pain and dysesthesia due to thalamic lesions have a hemiplegic distribution
and affect the side of the body contralateral to the injured thalamus.
Extension and distribution are variable, but generally pain is referred to the
extremities and face; in some cases a peculiar cheirooral distribution of
sensory disturbances is observed (Garcin and Lapresle 1954).
g) As in thalamic lesions, pain due to cortical or subcortical lesions is referred to
the contralateral distal parts (face, hands and feet), that is, to the regions with
the most extensive cortical and thalamic representation. Immediate onset
limb CP with ipsilateral hemiballismus-hemichorea may be typical of an
anterior parietal artery stroke (Rossetti et al. 2003).
In sum, lesion level and site can be clinically diagnosed only in cases of posterior
horn lesion (girdle pain) and bulbar lesions (crossed sensory syndrome). Except in
certain particular cases, such as the cheirooral distribution of sensory disturbances as
in thalamic lesions, it is practically impossible, on the basis of the topography and
clinical characteristics of pain alone, to distinguish between cortical, subcortical and
thalamic lesions. Bilateral pain and dysesthesia referred to the limbs, although usually
pointing to a spinal cord lesion, may be exceptionally observed after unilateral brain
lesions (see Chapter 8).
Drug Therapy 139
There are basically two tiers of therapies available for CP: pharmacologic (oral
and parenteral) and neuromodulative (electrical and chemical). Other approaches
will be discussed for the sake of completeness.
1. General comments
Common to all studies is the short follow-up (generally weeks or months, versus an
absolute optimum of 5 years or more), rarely undertaken by independent observers,
and the small size, raising the possibility of type II errors (false negatives). To evaluate
properly response, the following indications have been suggested: for moderate pain,
a 20% reduction on a 010 scale is minimal improvement, 35% reduction is much
improved and 45% reduction is very much improved; for severe pain, decreases
on a numerical scale (NRS) have to be larger to obtain similar degrees of pain relief.
In other words, the change in pain intensity that is meaningful to patients increases
as the severity of their baseline pain increases (Cepeda et al. 2003; see also Mamie
et al. 2000). Instead, analgesic use as a measure of outcome is probably of poor
value, as it may be complicated by dependency and coexistent nociceptive pains.
Last, but not least, in most studies, sensory and affective effects are not analyzed
As noted above, valuable time should not be wasted trying all possible effective
drugs and the clinician should focus on those with the best chances of success, over
a defined timeline (see Table 6.8). CCP is often refractory to this tier and thermal
allodynia is considered more resistant than spontaneous and tactile allodynia.
Thus, if these fail, neuromodulation should be rapidly undertaken.
a. GABA drugs. The only such drug assessed in a formal RCT is IV propofol
(Canavero and Bonicalzi 2004), a strongly hydrophobic IV anesthetic agent struc-
turally unrelated to other anesthetic agents. Tasker (2001, and references therein)
previously reported that IV infusions of 136 mg (mean) of sodium pentothal,
a GABAergic agonist, reduced brain CP in 73% of his patients (versus none with
15 to 18 mg of morphine). In our studies, propofol effectively controlled CP
at 0.2 mg/kg (one-tenth of the narcotic ED95 in humans), 5 times as effectively
as pentothal at equipotent doses for CP (discussed in Canavero et al. 1995).
Convergent evidence shows a specific effect of propofol for CP, but not PNP,
migraine or nociceptive pains, at the doses reported above (discussed and referenced
in Canavero et al. 1995, Canavero and Bonicalzi 2004). Unlike morphine and
lidocaine, which are effective in allaying mechanical allodynia-hyperalgesia, but
not cold allodynia-hyperalgesia (Section 5.1.e), our data suggest that, in CP, GABA
modulation can allay both. Propofol analgesia shows a clear-cut post-effect: after
several hours of infusion, analgesia can last for up to 24 hours (or more with longer
duration of infusion). Propofol modulates GABA neurotransmission in different
TABLE 5.1. Controlled studies of oral drugs
TABLE 5.1 (continued)
Final daily No. of Study Authors
Authors Drug(s) dose (mg) patients design Rating Outcome Notes conclusions
Vestergaard CPSP Lamotrigine LAM: 200 30 Randomized, Pain relief: 12/30 improved Stepped No significant
et al. (2001) double-blind, Likert scale. on LAM increased to final effects at
placebo Global pain 3/30 improved dose of LAM lower doses.
controlled, score. Stimulus on placebo (25 mg 1st LAM reduced
crossover evoked pain. 2nd wk, 50 mg pain score
(2 8 wks, Primary end 3rd4th wk, approximately
2 wks washout) point: median 100 mg 5th 30% (meaningful
pain score during 6th wk, 200 mg reduction for
the last wk of 7th8th wk). CPSP pts).
treatment Median pain LAM is a
score: LAM moderately
200 mg: 5; effective
placebo: treatment for
7. Significant CPSP. NNT
reduction of cold LAM: n.a.
allodynia. 1 pt
because of LAM
adverse events.
ITT analysis
(200 mg of LAM)
Heiskanen CPSP Dextro- DEX: 100. 2 Randomized, Pain relief: DEX had no effect Mixed population Results not
et al. (2002) methorphan Administration double-blind, VASpi, on morphine of 20 pts with broken down
followed (4 h) crossover, MPQ, QST analgesia. 8 pts chronic pain. DEX according to
by intravenous placebo responded to or placebo given pain type
infusion of controlled morphine after 4 h prior to an IV
morphine placebo morphine admini-
15 mg stration (15 mg)
Finnerup SCI Lamotrigine LAM: up to 400 30 Randomized, Pain relief: Categorical slight At- or below-level No statistically
et al. double-blind, change in to complete pain pain. Slow LAM significant
(2002) crossover, median pain relief (secondary increase. 22 pts effect of LAM
placebo outcome completed the in the total
controlled score from measure): 10/22 study. LAM more sample. In
(1 wk baseline baseline on LAM, 5/22 effective in pts 7/8 pts with
period, on placebo with brush-evoked incomplete cord
2 9 wks, allodynia and lesions LAM was
2 wks washout) wind-up like pain more effective
(7/7 pain relief than placebo on
vs. 1/14 without). at- or below-level
3 pts withdrawn pain. NNT LAM
because of (incomplete
adverse events. lesions, 50%
ITT analysis pain relief):
(200 mg LAM) 12 (21)
Cardenas SCI Amitriptyline AMI: 10-125 (84) Randomized, Pain relief: No dichotomous 84 pts. 44 pts No significant
et al. Benztropine 0.5 SCI pain: double-blind, average pain data AMI, 40 placebo. differences
(2002) besilate 26. placebo intensity (NRS, Aim of the study: between AMI
(active placebo) Transition zone controlled (6 wks) 010). MPQ, whether AMI is and placebo in
pain: 6 BPI, FMI, SWLS, efficacious in pain intensity (also
CHART relieving chronic with regression
pain in pts with analysis for
SCI. ITT analysis different types
and study of pain) or pain-
completers related disability.
analysis SWLS 4in placebo
group. Certain
subgroups of pts
may benefit. 18%
of pts chosen to
continue AMI, but
5% chose to
continue placebo.
No significant
difference in
AMI-placebo side
effects. No CP in
some pts.
TABLE 5.1 (continued)
TABLE 5.1 (continued)
TABLE 5.1 (continued)
Final daily No. of Study Authors
Authors Drug(s) dose (mg) patients design Rating Outcome Notes conclusions
Rog et al. MS Whole-plant THC 2.7 66 Randomized, Daily pain and Trial completed Inclusion criteria: CBM delivered via
(2005) cannabis-based CBD 2.5 double-blind, sleep by 64 pts (97%): pts with an oromucosal
medicine (CBM; (each spray). placebo disturbance 32 CBM pts spontaneous spray, as adjunctive
delta-9- Gradual controlled, (11-point (2 withdrawn), or evoked analgesic
tetrahydro- self-titration parallel group numerical rating 32 placebo pts. dysesthetic pain treatment. Mean
cannabinol: to a max. (5 wks: 1 wk scale). ITT analysis. (burning, aching, number of daily
cannabidiol 48 spray/day run-in, 4 wk Neuropathic Pain Results at week 4 pricking, sprays: CBM 9.6 +
[THC:CBD]) treatment) Scale (NPS). (mean change): stabbing, and 6 (range 225)
Cognitive pain intensity: squeezing) and placebo: 19.1 +
function, mood, CBM: 2.7 pts with painful 12.9 (range
MS-related (95% CI: 3.4 tonic spasms. 147). THC:CBD
disability, to 2.0). PLA: CBM generally ratio approximately
Patients Global 1.4 (95% CI: well tolerated 1:1 (other
Impression 2.0 to 0.8), (1 pt withdrawn cannabis-based
of Change p 0.005). because of compounds <10%).
Sleep adverse effects, CBM was superior
disturbance: CBM: but more pts to placebo in
2.5 (95% CI: on CBM than reducing the mean
3.4 to 1.7). PLA reported intensity of pain
PLA: 0.8 dizziness, dry and sleep distur-
(95% CI: 1.5 mouth, and bance. PIGC: no
to 0.1), somnolence) difference between
p 0.003) the proportion of pts
rating themselves
as much or very
much improved in
the CBM group (9/
34) vs. PLA group
(4/32). Cognitive
side effects: limited
to long-term
memory storage
TABLE 5.2. Controlled studies of parenteral drugs
TABLE 5.2 (continued)
TABLE 5.2 (continued)
No. of Study Authors
Authors Drug(s) Dosage patients design Rating Outcome Notes conclusions
Dellemijn and CP Fentanyl FEN: 5 mg/kg/h 3 Randomized, Pain relief: Maximum relief Mixed DIA had no clinically
Vanneste (mean dose: double-blind, rating scales of pain intensity population of significant effect on
(1997) 873 mg) active placebo (including was better with 53 pts with pain intensity and pain
controlled, unpleasant- FEN than with neuropathic unpleasantness. The
Diazepam DIA: 0.2 mg/kg/h crossover (drugs ness) DIA (66% pain. DIA as beneficial effect of FEN
(mean dose: infused at a (95% CI active placebo. was independent of the
52.1 mg) constant rate for a 5380) vs. Saline as inert type of neuropathic
maximum of 5 h) 23% (1235)) placebo. pain and the degree of
or with saline 2 consecutive sedation. FEN therapy
(50% (3663) double-blind produced equal relief
vs. 12% infusions: FEN of pain intensity and
(420)). FEN DIA and FEN pain unpleasantness.
CP pts saline DIA and saline did not
responders: reduce either pain
1/3. Placebo index. Side effects
CP pts more common with FEN
responders: than with DIA or saline.
0/3 No severe side effects.
The clinical characteris-
tics of neuropathic
pain do not predict
response to opioids
Mailis et al. SCI Amobarbital 47 mg/kg 1 Placebo Pain relief: VAS. VAS reduction 17 NP pts. No benefit on
(1997) (IV infusion, controlled Sensory testing from about 6 1 pt with C4 deep pain.
710 min, to about 4. myelopathy Sympathetic
max. dose Dramatic (AVM) block responder
500 mg or reduction of
50 mg/kg) allodynia.
reduction of
Potter et al. SCI Fampridine-SR 12.5 and 26 Randomized Patient No statistically Incomplete SCI
(1998) (sustained 17.5 mg bid double-blind satisfaction, significant in all pts
release (PO, 2-wks dose-titration sensory scores, benefits on
4-aminopyridine) treatment period, crossover motor scores measures
1 wk washout) of pain
Attal et al. CP Lidocaine 5 mg/kg CPSP: 6; SCI: Randomized, Pain relief: VAS Pain relief Post-study Significant greater
(2000) (IV infusion 10 (syrinx: 5; double-blind, (010), global 450%: 11/16 follow-up: pain relief starting
over 30 min) SCI: 3; placebo assessment, with lidocaine; 12 pts took 15 min
spondylotic PLA (saline) QST 6/16 with PLA. oral mexiletine postinjection and
myelopathy: 2) controlled, 3 had no benefit (400800 mg/ lasting up to
crossover or worse pain day) for 412 30 min after the
vs. 8 with PLA. wks. 3050% end. With lidocaine,
2 pts had more relief in 3 pts significant
relief with PLA. (2 lidocaine brush-induced
Burning totally/ responders, allodynia and
partially relieved 1 placebo static mechanical
in 6 vs. 2 (PLA), responder). No hyperalgesia
paresthesias improvement reduction. No effect
abolished in in 8 pts (6 on thermal evoked
8/11 vs. 2/11. lidocaine pains. In 2 pts,
In 5 pts (62%), responders). 3050% relief
allodynia Intolerable side for 210 days.
reduced 50% effects from NNT: 5 (SCI pts).
by lidocaine long-term mexi- Side effects in
(vs. 1 by PLA), letine. Difference two thirds
in 4 by 100% between lido- of patients
for up to 1 hour caine and PLA:
postinjection moderate. In 7
(never with PLA) pts refractory to
all previous
pain responded
less to lidocaine
TABLE 5.2 (continued)
No. of Study Authors
Authors Drug(s) Dosage patients design Rating Outcome Notes conclusions
Attal et al. CP Morphine 16 mg IV 15. SCI: Randomized, Pain relief: VAS No significant Morphine effect Morphine significantly
(2002) (mean dosage, 9; CPSP: 6 double-blind, (1100), QST difference in correlated with reduced brush-induced
range 930) placebo PLA pain reduction decreased allodynia but had
(saline) between responses to no effect on static
controlled, morphine and suprathreshold mechanical and
crossover placebo. 3 pts thermal stimuli thermal evoked
100% relieved (general pains. Ongoing
at the end of antinociceptive pain was not
injection (vs. 1 activity). significantly
with PLA), Following the reduced, but 7 pts
2 for 42 h, completion of (46%) responded
1 pt worsened the study all pts to morphine. The
by morphine. began to take effects of IV morphine
1 syrinx pt with sustained oral correlated with
prominent morphine those of oral
mechanical (mean dosage: morphine at
allodynia 100% 93 mg; range 1 month. Oral
relieved 60140 mg) morphine was
in a long-term effective only in 3
study on (2 SCI, 1 CPSP)/
efficacy and 14 pts (1 lost to
side effects follow-up) at
1218 months
with 5075%
relief, starting
from week 1
and peaking at
week 4. Morphine
PO less tolerated
than IV
Kalman et al. MS Morphine Up to 1 mg/kg 14 Single-blind, Pain relief: VAS 4 pts were Morphine is
(2002) over 20 min, placebo (saline) opioid effective only in
continuous controlled. responders a minority of pts
IV infusion Followed by (no pain relief (29%) and only
naloxone from placebo, at high doses.
450% pain Same results
reduction with reported by
morphine and these authors
425% pain in discussion
increase with for CPSP
Effective dose:
43, 47, 50 and
25 mg
Canavero and CP Propofol 0.2 mg/kg 44. CPSP: Randomized, Pain relief: Pain relief Study aimed Propofol was
Bonicalzi (single IV bolus) 23; SCI: 21 double-blind, VAS (010); (spontaneous at validating significantly
(2004) placebo NVS (04) pain intensity IV subhypnotic superior to the
controlled, reduction propofol as a placebo in
crossover 430% or diagnostic test reducing the
allodynia for CP intensity of
reduction spontaneous
450%): ongoing pain
24/44 pts with (for up to 1 h
propofol, after the
6/44 pts with injection) and
placebo of both
mechanical and
cold allodynia.
In a few cases,
only the evoked
were abolished
TABLE 5.2 (continued)
TABLE 5.2 (continued)
TABLE 5.4. Uncontrolled studies: parenteral drugs
Pain type;
Authors Drug(s) Route/dosage no. of patients Study design Outcome Other details
Di Biagio Atophanyl IV CP: 2 Placebo controlled Great relief in
(1959) 1, 0% in another
Plotkin Morphine IV 1.5 mg/min Thalamic pain: Case series No response Some control attempted,
(1982) up to 30 mg 1; SCI: 3 to morphine partially single blind. Pain
Results not broken relief evaluated by a 10 point
down according scale. Several days between
to pain. morphine and pentobarbital
test. Morphine followed by
naloxone 0.8 mg. Morphine
saturation test method
as per Hosobuchi.
Pentobarbital IV 25 mg/min Pentobarbital administered
until the pt is on the point of
unconsciousness, at which
time pain should totally
disappear if central
Boas et al. Lidocaine IV 3 mg/kg CP, thalamic: 1 90% relief (transient) 1.52 mg/kg
(1982) (infusion 240 mg) enough for CP
Tasker (1984) Pentothal IV 50225 mg BCP/CCP Case series 73% responded CP is not dependent
(average: 136 mg) to therapy on opiate
mechanism; 55% of
CCP cases responded
to morphine, but only
the evoked pains and
less frequently
lancinating pains,
rarely steady pain
Morphine (some IV 1518 mg BCP/CCP 0%
also fentanyl)
TABLE 5.4 (continued)
Pain type;
Authors Drug(s) Route/dosage no. of patients Study design Outcome Other details
Edwards et al. Lidocaine IV CP Benefit
Budd (1985) Naloxone 2050 mg IV CP Benefit
TABLE 5.4 (continued)
Pain type;
Authors Drug(s) Route/dosage no. of patients Study design Outcome Other details
Canavero and Propofol IV, 0.2 mg/kg CCP: 1 Review with case IT midazolam effective; All drugs proposed as
Bonicalzi 1998 report propofol effective; diagnostic test
baclofen and other
agents not as effective
Lidocaine IV, 35 mg/kg in
30 min
Ketamine IV, 60 mg/kg
6 mg/kg/min
Midazolam IT, 12.5 mg
Baclofen IT, 50 mg
Fentanyl IV, 50 mg
Alfentanil IV, 0.6 mg/kg
6 mg/kg/min
Clonidine IT
Wajma et al. Thiopental IV (approximately SCI: 1 Case report IM butorphanol, saline Original CP decreased after
(2000) 1 mg/kg) and atropine sulfate as 16 subarachnoid blocks with
placebo, IT morphine HCL, local anesthetic. IV thiopental
mexiletine, IV lidocaine was the most effective
ineffective. IV thiopental, treatment in CP. CP worsened
fentanyl, butorphanol, by spinal anesthesia
ketamine, midazolam,
droperidol, sevoflurane-
oxygen anesthesia
quite effective
Trentin and Lidocaine 4 mg/kg IV over CP: 16 Case series 44% responded; after Later good response
Visentin (2000) 30 min 45 min, LIDO PLA to mexiletine PO, but
not amitriptyline
Chatterjee et al. Herbal cannabis 1 joint daily CPSP: 1 Case report Complete pain relief and Right hemiplegic
(2002) marked improvement painful dystonia
in dystonia from (left-sided idiopathic
smoked cannabis caudate atrophy).
(3 months follow-up) 3 temporarily
performed. Partial
response to morphine
plus buproprion and
amitriptyline (VAS
reduction from
9/10 to 4/10)
Willoch et al. Morphine PO CPSP: 2 Poorly effective
Cahana et al. Lidocaine IV, 5 mg/kg (in CP (postinfective Case report Persistent spontaneous Persistent pain relief after
(2004) 150 mL of saline) pontine lesion): 1 pain and frequency of repeated IV lidocaine
over 30 min without pain attacks reduction infusions. PET study.
a bolus. 2 daily was observed Thalamic hypoperfusion
cycles for 5 days at immediately, 1, 3 and renormalized. CP unresponsive
a 6 month interval 7 days and 1, 2, to amitriptyline, nortriptyline,
and 3 months after carbamazepine,
treatment in all body oxcarbazepine, gabapentin,
areas, but the chin valproate, lamotrigine,
baclofen and clonazepam
Cohen and Ketamine PCA device CCP (syrinx): 1 Case report One year later, pain Previous high dose
DeJesus (2004) (2.7 mg/h basal; dramatically decreased, opioids ineffective
same dose on opioids significantly
demand) reduced
Nuti et al. Morphine IV test CP: 7 pts Case series No significant effect
176 Central Pain Syndrome
d. Antidepressants. Amitriptyline, a tricyclic, is useful for BCP, but not (or only
insignificantly) for CCP, syringomyelia CP or MS CP (see also Beric 1999), where
side effects have a larger impact. Even in BCP patients, only about half will benefit
and often only partially; worse yet, many cannot tolerate its many and sometimes
serious side effects. The NNT of amitriptyline and congeners in CP is 1.7 (McQuay
et al. 1996; Sindrup and Jensen 1999). Continuous, lancinating and thermally (but
less so mechanically) evoked pains may respond, with analgesic doses less but not
much less, at least in our experience than antidepressant ones. Analgesia can
appear days to 5 weeks after initiation, regardless of dose, and can increase slowly,
180 Central Pain Syndrome
even if plasma levels are stable: a trial of efficacy should never last less than 2 months,
bar intolerable side effects. After suspension of therapy, analgesia is lost gradually,
but slower than expected from plasma levels. Relief is seen in both depressed and
nondepressed patients and depressed patients may have their mood improved,
but not their CP. Side effects include, among others, orthostatic hypotension
(alpha block), urinary retention, memory loss, cardiac conduction abnormalities
(muscarinic block) and sedation (histamine block). Amitriptyline is usually started
at 10 mg in the elderly and 25 mg in younger patients and increased by 510 mg
every few days until benefit or toxicity or a maximum dose of 300 mg. Being sedating
(but less than doxepin), it can be given before sleep, until divided doses become
necessary. Tricyclics call for an EKG at onset and EKG and blood level measurements
above 100 mg die. Artificial saliva is indicated to counter mouth dryness (an
anticholinergic effect). Anticholinergic effects contraindicate tricyclics in SCI
pains, as these can trigger constipation or bladder retention and pain exacerbations.
Although some congeners may be better tolerated (e.g., nortriptyline and
clomipramine), it is a general opinion that amitriptyline is the most effective of all
antidepressants, with tertiary amines more effective than secondary amines and both
more than SSRIs (Sindrup and Jensen 1999). In fact, serotonin-specific reuptake
blockers (fluoxetine and congeners), but also atypical agents, such as trazodone and
risperidone, although better tolerated, have not proved superior to tricyclics and
actually relieved few patients to a meaningful extent, and so serotonin/norepinephr-
ine (e.g., venlafaxine) and selective norepinephrine (e.g., reboxetine) blockers.
Interestingly, Sicuteri (1971) had reported that 4 out of 18 cases of intractable
migraine treated with parachlorophenylalanine and 2 out of 23 treated with reserpine
(both drugs are serotonin antagonists) developed spontaneous pain, hyperalgesia and
hyperpathia in the body, similar to CP. No experience has accrued with MAO
inhibitors. Why amitriptyline should be the most effective agent remains
controversial. The importance of norepinephrine and serotonin agonism singly has
not stood up to scrutiny (Jasmin et al. 2003; Canavero and Bonicalzi 2004). Yet,
the range of action of tricyclics is bewildering: besides NE and 5HT effects, they
also are alpha-1 and histamine-1 antagonists, sodium blockers, NMDA antagonists,
opioid agonists, anticholinergic, increase local levels of adenosine, potentiate
neurogenesis, regulate synaptic plasticity and enhance endocrine function (see
references in Jasmin et al. 2003).
CP was opioid unresponsive (Edinger 1891; see Chapter 1) and, among others,
Davis and Martin (1947) found opioids ineffective for true CP of cord origin.
From a pathophysiological standpoint, opioid unresponsiveness may simply
depend on low rather than loss of opioid receptor binding in human SI (Pfeiffer
et al. 1982; Sadzot et al. 1990; Jones et al. 1991; Willoch et al. 2004): medial pain
system brain areas (i.e., thalamus, ACC, PFC, insula, temporal cortex and others)
have a high density of opioid receptors, and this would point to a critical role of
the sensory cortex in CP mechanisms (Chapter 8). However, morphine may have
some effect on non-thermal allodynia, a likely sensitization-driven event (Chapter 8).
Interestingly, opioids inhibit GABA interneurons, and, in light of the high efficacy
of GABA agonists, this would be further reason to limit their use. Opioid unres-
ponsiveness of CP speaks against a functional impairment of the CNS opiate system.
Naloxone has not proved analgesic in a RCT (see Tables 5.15.4), although the dose
employed was lower than per initial claims of efficacy. One notes the impossibility
for an agonist and its antagonist to have therapeutic effects on the same disease, bar
invoking unknown mechanisms of action.
Cannabinoids have a mixed (short) track record up to now, but the impression
is that they will not represent a substantial advance over currently available drugs
(see also Warms et al. 2002).
2. Drug aggravation of CP
Some of the drugs reviewed worsened CP in a few patients: ketamine in 2 patients
reported by Yamamoto et al. (1997), propofol in 3 and dextrometorphan (100 mg)
in 2 of our patients (unpublished observations), but also IT baclofen (Loubser et al.
1996). These should not be dismissed, as they may point to focal neurochemical
mechanisms in single patients.
We would also caution against the use of modafinil, a glutamatergic agonist and
GABA antagonist used in the treatment of MS: this might worsen MS-associated CP.
Perhaps we can now envision a day in which, with the use of stimulation techniques, we
can take advantage of the brains natural modes of organization and reinforce them in time
of need, whether to control pain , . . . epileptic . . . discharge, or . . . tremor.
(Ervin and colleagues, 1966)
When oral or parenteral drugs fail, the problem is what to do. In view of the
continuing efforts aimed at neural reconstruction in the human brain and thus
physiologically revert pain, and progress in neuromodulation and drug therapy,
today there is only little room left for ablative procedures. Despite temporary initial
benefit with several of these, destructive surgery at any level of the CNS has only
a low long-term (45 years) success rate, with a high incidence of recurrence and
only few lucky patients totally relieved in the long term (Tasker 2001). Moreover, all
techniques carry a serious risk of permanent, disabling complications, including new
or worsening of pre-existent CP, as ablation only adds further damage.
The only true option is neuromodulation. This can be mainly achieved through
electrical stimulation of the damaged nervous system or intrathecal pharmacologic
infusion through implanted pumps.
The analgesic effect of electrical stimulation has been known since Roman (and
perhaps even earlier) times, when the shock from an electric fish was used to relieve
gout pain and other pains, a custom that was not lost in the following centuries.
The eighteenth century witnessed a resurgence of this technique, despite strong
opposition. With Galvani and particularly Alessandro Volta in the nineteenth
century, electrotherapy was poised to make progress. One of the true pioneers in the
field was the Frenchman Duchenne de Boulogne, who published a classic book in
1855, in which he reported his experience in treating a wide variety of conditions,
and predominantly pain, with custom-made machines; Hermel too treated neuralgias
with electro-puncture (historical review in Sedan and Lazorthes 1978). Riddoch
(1938) noted that CP could sometimes be diminished by concomitant stimulation
184 Central Pain Syndrome
through faradization in the abnormal or adjacent normal body parts. Today, more
sophisticated means are employed.
TABLE 6.1 (continued)
Yamamoto et al. (2000) Small thalamic stroke, then action 50% relief over 2 years Thiamylal/ketamine responsive, morphine resistant
tremor, then Vim DBS, then
cardioversion, then CPSP
Katayama et al. (2001) CPSP (45 pts) Satisfactory pain control: (See text) Sometimes SCS and DBS produced
(Tsubokawas group) SCS: 7% of pts; long-lasting pain-free intervals (stimulator
DBS: 25% of pts; switched off). DBS and MCS in 4 pts: better result:
MCS: 48% of pts MCS 1/4 pts; DBS 2/4
Fukaya et al. (2003) CPSP (31 pts) Unsuccessful MCS in 2 CPSP pts Experimental study on conscious somatosensory
Also includes: reporting abnormal pain sensation after response during surgery for electrode placement
Katayama et al. stimulation of the motor cortex
Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2003; (see text)
(Tsubokawas group)
Toronto group:
Parrent and Tasker (1992) CPSP (1 pt, large suprathalamic infarct) Substantial pain relief with ipsilateral to Contralateral MCS due to a lack of sufficient MI on
Tasker et al. 1994 pain MCS with gradual abatement over the affected side. Stimulation-induced ipsilateral
Tasker 2001 6 yrs; relief with subdural stimulation paresthesias
over a few months.
CPSP (2 pts) 1 relief, 1 failure
Hosobuchi (1993) CPSP (5 pts; post-removal of parietal Pain relief: Efficacy dramatically reduced in 2 thalamic
Also includes: cortical AVM: 1 pt; brainstem infarction: Initial: 5/5 excellent. pain pts, to 0% in 1 pt and 30% in 1 pt 26 mos
Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 1992; 1 pt; thalamic lesion: 3 pts) At 23 mos: 4/5 excellent (450%); after implantation
59:7683 fair. At 930 mos: 3/5 excellent
Abstr. IASP Congress 1993 (thalamic, parietal, brainstem)
Karolinska group:
Meyerson et al. CPSP (3 pts; thalamic hemorrhage: Pain relief: CPSP: none: 3/3 In spite of multipolar electrode grid in 1 and
Acta Neurochir Suppl (Wien) 1993; 2 pts; brainstem infarction: 1 pt) relocation of paddle in another
TABLE 6.1 (continued)
Author(s) Type of pain (no. of patients) Results (follow-up) Notes
Paris group:
Nguyen et al. Acta Neurochir Suppl CP (12 pts; parietal lobe infarct: 1 pt; Pain relief: Disappearance of allodynia in 2, but reduction only
(Wien) 1997; 68:5460 basal ganglia hematoma: 3 pts; (a) parietal lobe infarct of spontaneous pain in 1 pt in the thalamic pain
thalamic pain: 5 pts (4 stroke, 80100%: 1/1 pt (14 mos) group. Globally, continuous pain improved in
1 abscess); deep post-traumatic brain (b) basal ganglia hematoma 4/10, evoked pain in 6/8 and paroxysms in 6/7.
lesion: 1 pt; SCI: 2 pts) <40%: 1/3 pts (30 mos) Reduction of the initial pain relief (to less than
4060%: 2/3 pts (25 32 mos) 40% in 2) in 3 cases. Previous ineffective Vc DBS
(c) thalamic pain (basal ganglia, deep lesion). Best results in the
<40%: 2/5 pts (18 22 mos) parietal lobe infarct, the thalamic abscess, and in
4060%: 1/5 pt (28 mos); 6080%: one thalamic infarct pt (almost normal life, drugs
2/5 pts (22 30 mos) markedly reduced).
(d) post-traumatic lesion In sum: 58% of pts getting 440% relief
<40%: 1/1 pt (29 mos)
(e) SCI
<40% in a paraplegic pt (18 mos);
100% (visceral pain substantial
reduction of diffuse pain) in a
tetraplegic pt (22 mos)
Nguyen et al. Mov Disord 1998; Facial pain arm tremor after removal Complete pain relief (32 mos) Complete tremor relief
13:848 of an acoustic neurinoma (1 pt)
Nguyen et al. (1999) CP (parietal stroke: 2 pts; deep brain Satisfactory/good (40100%) pain Pain relief in 13 pts described as CP by authors:
(Includes all pts from previous paper) hematoma: 5 pts; thalamic stroke: relief: 5 good (70100%), 5 satisfactory (4069%),
Virtually the same patients reported in 4 pts; thalamic abscess: 1 pt; parietal stroke: 2/2 pts; deep brain 3 poor (<40%). SCI CP: 1: 70100% relief, 2:
Nguyen et al. In: Proc 4th Int Congress brainstem lesion: 1 pt; head trauma: hematoma: 4/5 pts; thalamic stroke: <40% relief. Progressive loss of effect in 6/32 pts
of INS, Luzern, 1998, 2 pts; SCI: 3 pts) 4/4 pts; thalamic abscess: 1/1 pts; (19%), due to electrode malpositioning in 5 pts.
brainstem lesion: 1/1 pts; head trauma: After electrode repositioning, good pain relief. RCT
and both following papers: 2/2 pts; SCI: 2/3 pts (350 mos) in 5 pts; 5/5 positive response
(Mean follow-up 27.3 mos)
Nguyen et al. Arch Med Res 2000; CP (16 pts; CPSP: 11 pts; thal. Pain relief: Progressive loss of effect in some pts
31:2635 abscess: 1 pt; head trauma: 1 pt; SCI: BCP: reversed in most by correct repositioning of
Nguyen et al. 3 pts) Good (70100%): 5/13 brain; 1/3 paddle.
Neurochirurgie 2000; 46:48391 SCI
Satisfactory (4069%): 5/13 brain In sum: 66% had 30100% relief,
Poor (<40%): 3/13 but less with at least 50% relief
Substantial pain relief:
BCP: 10/13 pts (77%)
SCI: 1/3 pts (33%)
(350 mos; mean
follow-up 27.3 mos)
Drouot et al. (2002) CP (13 pts; parietal stroke: 2 pts; thal. Good pain relief (440%): 9 (69%) MCS effective in pts with normal or quite normal
Same pts as reported above stroke: 8 pts; thal. abscess: 1 pt; SCI: Unsatisfactory pain relief (<40%): 4 non-nociceptive thermal threshold within the
2 pts) painful area or in pts with improved sensory
19932000 thresholds during MCS. QST testing bilaterally; in
non-responders, MCS induced significant changes
on the side of stimulation.
Parameters: 3 h ON, 3 h OFF, 60 ms, 40 Hz,
13 mV
Lyon group:
[includes: Nuti et al. (2005) CP: 27 pts. Follow-up: 2104 mos Prospective evaluation of MCS. Long-term outcome
Peyron et al. Pain 1995; 62:27586 Ischemic lesions: 11 pts (3 thalamic (mean 49 mos). evaluated by means of: 1) % pain relief, 2) VAS,
Garcia-Larrea et al. Stereotact Funct (Vc), 4 medulla, 2 cortical parietal, 1 Pain relief: 3) postoperative VAS decrease, 4) reduction in
Neurosurg 1997; 68:1418 parietal/insula/ACC, 1 parietal/insula). BCP: drugs intake, 5) yes/no response to being
Garcia-Larrea et al. (1999) Hemorragic lesions: 11 pts (1 excellent (470%): 3; good (4069%): operated on again.
Mertens et al. Stereotact Funct thalamic (Vc), 1 thalamus/midbrain, 8; poor (1039%): 8; negligible MCS efficacy not predictable by motor status, pain
Neurosurg 1999; 73:122 5 capsulothalamic, 1 capsulolenticular/ (09%): 4 characteristics, lesion type, QST, SSEP/LEPs, pain
Sindou et al. 9th World Congress on insula, 3 cortical parietal). CCP: excellent: 0; good: duration, BCP vs. CCP, presence of evoked pain.
Pain, Book of abstracts, IASP Press, Frontoparietal trauma: 1 pt. 3; poor: 1; negligible: 0. No subjective sensations during active stimulation.
1999 SCI (discal hernia-associated Decreased analgesic intake: 52% of pts Partial epileptic seizures in 3 pts in the early
Montes et al. Neurophysiol Clin 2002; myelopathy): 3 pts. Spinal conus AVM: (complete withdrawal 36%). postoperative stage or during trials for increasing
32:31325 1 pt. Unchanged: 45% of intensity. 1 speech disorder and 1 motor deficit
pts. Unavailable data: 3%. Decrease/ resolved spontaneously. Long-term relief predict-
19922003 withdrawal of analgesic in 10/11 poor able from early pain relief.
responders (contradictory results as 12 paddles.
noted by the authors). Parameters: 0.55 V, 3080 Hz, 60330 ms
Favour re-intervention: 70% of pts MCS may have adverse cognitive effects. The risk
may increase with age (450 yrs)
TABLE 6.1 (continued)
Author(s) Type of pain (no. of patients) Results (follow-up) Notes
Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group (TANG)
Canavero and Bonicalzi (1995) CP (2 pts; CPSP: 1 pt; syringomyelia: Pain relief: 3050% in syringomyelia pt Syringomyelia pt: parietal somatosensory
1 pt) (2 yrs); no relief in CPSP stimulation. Spreading of pain to contralateral side
and vanishing of analgesia at 2 mos. Modest
propofol response; CPSP pt: propofol
Canavero et al. (1999) CPSP (1 pt; thalamocapsular stroke) Effective short-term pain relief Propofol-responsive pt. Painful supernumerary
(allodynia disappearance and 50% phantom arm during MCS and lasting 6 mos after
reduction of burning pain) (5 wks) stimulator switch-off. Pain relapse after 5 wks
Canavero and Bonicalzi (2002, 2003) CP (CPSP 5 pts; SC pain: 2 pts) 1 Effective (30100%) pain relief with Effective SI stimulation in 1, then resubmitted to
Includes: Canavero et al.: In: Proc 4th (algodystonia) MCS/PCS in 2/7 pts. Long-term MCS with same benefit plus 50% opioid reduction
Int Congress of INS, Luzern, 1998 19932003 efficacy (4 yrs) in 1 pt (MS CP). (however, patient unsatisfied and explanted).
Canavero et al. Neurol Res 2003; Ineffective MCS in 4/7 Overall efficacy: 3/7 CP pts, all propofol-
25:11822 responsive. Ineffective MCS in 4/7 CP pts, all
propofol-unresponsive, but 1 who could not be
assessed due to intermittent nature of pain.
Algodystonia: temporary benefit
Saitohs group:
Saitoh et al. Neurosurg Focus 11(3), CPSP (thal. stroke: 6 pts; putaminal Pain relief: Pain relief categorization:
article 1, 2001 hem: 1 pt; pontine hem: 1 pt) SCI (1 pt) Immediate long-term (mos) Excellent (80100% relief)
Includes Saitoh et al. J Neurosurg 19962001 CPSP (8 pts): Good (6079% relief)
2000; 92:1505 Excellent 1 [1] (3); Good: 1[1] Fair (4059% relief)
(48) (putam.); Poor (<40% relief)
Fair: 2 [2] (4, 25); Poor responders not implanted. Pharmacological
Poor: 4 [not implanted with IPG] test with phentolamine, lidocaine, ketamine,
SCI: thiopental, morphine, placebo. Reduction over the
Excellent: 1 1 (1) time of MCS pain relieving effect in 3/10
implanted pts.
Some pain reduction by SI
stimulation. Ineffective prefrontal stimulation.
Subdural placement in some pts (5),
interhemispheric in 3. Dual IPGs driving 2 paddles
in 2 pts
Tani et al. First report of bilateral cortical stimulation
J Neurosurg 2004; 101:6879 for SCI pain. 4 mos interval between implants.
Thiamylal, lidocaine, ketamine, phentolamine,
morphine, and placebo unresponsive pt. Pain
control with 34 periods (30 min each) of
stimulation a day, followed by 56 h benefit
without stimulation. Left pain relapse after right
system removal (infection, 6 mos after surgery)
Saitoh et al. (2003) CP (11 pts; CPSP: 9 pts; brainstem Overall pain relief: Modified MCS protocol: subdural MCS within the
Includes all injury: 1 pt; SCI: 1 pt) Excellent: 6/19 pts central sulcus. Implants in interhemispheric
previous pts Good: 3/19 pts fissure: 5 pts (lower limb pain); within central
Fair: 5/19 sulcus: 5 pts (area 4 and area 3b stimul.)
None: 5/19 surface of the precentral gyrus.
Area 4 within central sulcus seems to be the
optimal stimulation point.
Ketamine-sensitive pts seem to be good
candidates for MCS
Saitoh et al. (2004) CPSP (1 pt) Immediate successful pain relief (VAS PET study (see text)
Likely included in series above decrease from 8 to 1)
Oxford group:
Nandi et al. (2002) CPSP (cortic. stroke 1 pt; thal. stroke: Appreciable pain relief: The only pt where it was tried: propofol-sensitive.
Includes all pts reported in Carroll et al. 3 pts; brainstem stroke: 2 pts). Gunshot 1 pt, cortical (4 yrs); Pain disappearance for 5 mos after stimulator
Pain 2000; 84:4317 brainstem injury (1 pt) 2 pts (weeks to months) switched off in the responder. Enduring benefit in
Smith et al. Neurosurg Focus 2001; No pain relief: 4/7 pts (thalamic, 1 pt only
11(3):article 2 brainstem)
Brainstem injury: 5060% (31 mos): 1
Other groups:
Cioni et al. Proc XLV SINCH Congress, CP (4 pts; thalamic pain) Pain relief (5060%): 1/4 pts, but Extradural multipolar (1620) grid in all plus
1996 unsatisfactory relief at 1 yr electrophysiologic mapping; several combinations
assessed over 12 h
TABLE 6.1 (continued)
Author(s) Type of pain (no. of patients) Results (follow-up) Notes
Dario et al. Long-term results of chronic CPSP (thal. stroke: 2 pts; brainstem 70% pain relief in 1 thal. pt. (3 yrs) All pts propofol-responsive. 22.5 V, 5075 Hz,
MCS for CP.A185 In Abstr. 9th World stroke: 1 pt) Gradual abatement of pain relief over 120210 ms, continuous mode.
Congress on Pain, IASP Press, 1999 2 yrs. 6090% relief, then 5070%,
Also includes Dario et al. Riv Neurobiol then 2030% at 341 mos (ave: 27
1997; 43:6259 mos)
Franzini et al. (2003) Also includes CPSP (3 pts, A, B, C) Satisfactory (3050%) pain relief: 2 responders propofol-sensitive. Pain abolition
Franzini et al. In: Abstr. XLVIII Congresso Pts. A (44 yrs) and B (42 yrs). after a second stroke in pt B.
SINCH, Copanello, 1999 Short-term pain relief (6 mos): pt C Unsatisfactory pain relief (30%) by further stimula-
Franzini et al. J Neurosurg 2000; tion in pt C.
93:8735 Complete abolition of thalamic hand
Herregodts et al. (1995) Thalamic pain (2 pts) Immediate pain relief: 450% in both
pts. Long-lasting: 1/2 (full relapse in
one at 4 mos)
Migita et al. (1995) CPSP (2 pts; putaminal hemorrhage: pt Pain relief: 7080% in pt A (1 yr) Pt A: morphine and barbiturate unresponsive. 30%
A; post-20 mos stereotactic No relief in pt B pain relief with TMS
thalamotomy: pt B) Pt B: previous 6 mos effective Vc DBS.
Barbiturate responsive, morphine and TMS
Fuji et al. (1997) CPSP (thal. infarction: 2 pts; thal. Satisfactory pain relief: 6/7 pts (1 mo) Lesions included internal caspule, Vc and pulvinar
hemorrhage: 5 pts) Unsatisfactory pain relief: 5/7 pts (MRI confirmed, 5 pts). Early electrode removal in
(3 mos) 1 pt after unsatisfactory test stimulation
Barraquer-Bordas et al. (1999) CPSP (1 pt: capsuloinsular hemorrhage) MCS trial ineffective (motor response Hemisoma burning pain, evoked pains. DBS
elicited) reduced CP for 5 mos and evoked pains, until
glioma displaced electrode with relapse and death
Kuroda et al. (2000) CPSP (evacuated putaminal hematoma) MCS ineffective. Later SI/SII CS
(1 pt) effective for 4 yrs
Mogilner and Rezai (2001) SCI (1 pt) Relief (not broken down) (mean follow-
up 6 mos)
Rodriguez and Contreras (2002) SCI CP (1 pt) Evoked pain dramatically improved. SCI pain following cervical ependymoma removal.
Third party analysis of results. Tremor improvement.
Steady burning pain moderately No reduction of analgesic intake after MCS. 7.1 V,
relieved (2 mos) 5 Hz, 450 ms, ON 2 h, OFF 3 h, 0/2
Frighetto et al. (2004) CPSP (1 pt) Relief (no details given) Previous ineffective thalamotomy
Henderson et al. (2004) CPSP (1 pt) Relief, then loss, then new relief (?)
after intensive reprogramming
Brown and Pilitsis (2005) CPSP, Wallenberg (1 pt) 0%; Follow-up max. in whole series (PNP and CP):
CPSP, thalamic (1 pt) VAS 10 to 8; McGill Quest. Index 10 mos.
from 65 to 32 (both sensory and Contrary to Nguyen, they conclude that
affective scores) precise, somatotopic localization of the electrode
may not be required, because the optimal
interelectrode distance determined during cortical
mapping and afterwards with subjective patient
evaluation of pain control was fully 3 cm.
Intraoperative neuronavigation and cortical
mapping for stimulation site targeting. Strength
and discriminative sensation improvement from
MCS in 3 pts with facial weakness and sensory
loss. Dysarthria improvement in 1 pt
More than 50% reduction in pain medication dose
Savas and Kanpolat (2005) CP (1 pt) No relief They state that some experienced authors have
expressed to them dissatisfaction with MCS. MCS
performed at many more centers than those which
publish; most of the failures go unreported and
only series with good results are published
Slawek et al. (2005) CPSP, brainstem (1 pt) 20% reduction on VAS; withdrawal of Follow-up: 4 mos. No side effects
narcotic and decrease of non-narcotic
medications, ability to introduce
rehabilitation and improvement of sleep
TABLE 6.1 (continued)
(1974) stimulated pyramidal fibers in the internal capsule to relieve human pain,
as they believed that CP is due to loss of intracortical inhibition, with relative
preservation of excitation. However, in humans, there are few descending fibers
from SI to the dorsal horn, and these do not end in laminas IIII (Schoenen and
Grant 2004). Similarly, there are no or few descending fibers from MI to the
superficial dorsal horn in man (Schoenen and Grant 2004). It is difficult to believe
that CS in humans acts by descending direct inhibition to the spinal cord (see also
Meyerson and Linderoth 2001). Other authors believe a cortical effect is foremost
in this regard.
Neurometabolic studies of this problem have been published. Garcia-Larrea and
colleagues (1997) studied 7 CPSP and 3 PNP (brachial plexus avulsion, BPA, pain)
patients submitted to contralateral MCS (in 3 medially, i.e., subdurally). H2(15)O
PET was done before, during 5 and 20 minutes and 30 minutes after a 20 minute
session of stimulation. Results were not differentiated between CP and BPA. There
was no significant difference in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) between the
two controls or the two stimulation conditions. The only locus of significant CBF
increase during MCS was observed in the motor thalamus. Sizable, but insignificant,
CBF increases during MCS were seen in the left insula, BA2432 and upper
mesencephalon (plus a rCBF decrease in BA1819 bilaterally). No significant change
was seen in MI (SI could not be resolved with their machine). All changes were
reversible upon stopping MCS, although BA24 and mesencephalic changes persisted
or even increased slightly after stoppage of MCS. They compared 3 patients with 80
100% relief and 4 with less than 40% relief. Mean thalamic CBF was enhanced in
both groups with a similar time course, albeit rCBF increase was greater in those with
80%-plus relief. In contrast, mean CBF in BA24-32 appeared to increase during
MCS only in patients with good relief and to decrease in poor responders, even in
individual analyses. The same group (Laurent et al. 1999; Garcia-Larrea et al. 1999)
evaluated 10 patients with CP and BPA (likely including the above-mentioned
patients, although time from implantation to PET does not correspond). MCS was
stopped 24 hours before PET. Four consecutive scans were first recorded (A). Then
PET was recorded at 5, 15, 25 and 35 minutes after switching on MCS (B). MCS was
subsequently stopped and PET recorded at 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 minutes after MCS
had been turned off (C). MCS (B versus A) was associated with increased rCBF in
rostral ACC contralateral to the electrode. During MCS stoppage (C versus A)
there was strong activation up to 75 minutes after MCS discontinuation of rostral
ACC, orbitofrontal cortex, basal ganglia and brainstem. MCS (BC versus A) was
associated with decreased blood flow (suggesting constriction) on the dura
immediately below the electrode. Images of CBF changes in the brainstem did not
cover the localization of the PAG. They did not find MCS activation of SI, a likely
consequence of the spatiotemporal resolution limits of their PET machine. The low-
threshold analysis (Z-score 3.5) of the two-step procedure yielded some regions of
significant CBF increase: the whole thalamus (ipsilateral to MCS), the ACC (mostly
contralaterally to MCS, plus midline), orbitofrontal areas, a region comprising the
insula and descending towards the inferomedial temporal lobe including amygdala
(exclusively contralateral to MCS), subthalamic-upper brainstem region (ipsilateral
to MCS). The second (high-threshold) step of the analysis (Z-score 4) restricted
Neuromodulation 197
spatially the above results and limited the anatomical region of significant CBF
increase to thalamic VL ipsilateral to MCS, with extensions to VA and subthalamic
region. Vc was outside the region of increased CBF in both high- and low-threshold
analyses. The sequence included condition A (CBF assessed basally, 15 minutes
before MCS with stimulator turned off for 18 hours), conditions B and C
(2 consecutive scans performed respectively after 5 and 20 minutes of continuous
MCS) and condition D (scan after 30 minutes after MCS discontinuation). Pain
ratings during PET were 4.8 + 2.6 during condition A, 4.3 + 2.9 and 3.69 + 2.8 in
conditions B and C and 3.69 + 2.8 in condition D. In spite of a trend to pain
decrease from A to D, differences were not significant. As far as rCBF changes are
concerned, in all cases there was an abrupt CBF increase during the first scan under
MCS (5 minutes after onset) which remained stable during PET 20 minutes after
MCS onset. These effects were reversible 30 minutes after MCS interruption in all
sites, except in ACC where rCBF had not yet reverted to pre-stimulation values
30 minutes after MCS discontinuation: here two spots of increased rCBF appeared in
right and left ACC/orbitofrontal boundaries and stayed almost so after switching off
the stimulator. No significant change related to MCS was observed in SI or MI. CBF
decreased in BA1819 areas and were totally reversible upon discontinuation of MCS.
In CP and BPA patients with 480% versus <20% relief, while lateral thalamic CBF
appeared to increase in all patients (albeit to a greater extent 15% versus 5% in
those relieved), BA32 CBF increased in responders (5% at 20 minutes), but
decreased in nonresponders (10% at 20 minutes); upon close scrutiny, this does not
seem a strong finding as in their two reported CP cases this was not the case. These
studies suffer from limited statistical power due to small number of patients and
shortcomings of ROI measurements (analysis was based on ellipsoidal ROIs placed
over the lateral thalamus and BA32, with other regions not studied due to their
irregular shape) and the authors themselves considered their results exploratory and
deserving confirmation. Also, VAS values reported here correspond to those obtained
during the week preceding PET, and thus may have not fully reflected current pain
intensity. They (Garcia-Larrea et al. 1999) also recorded CO2 laser-evoked potentials
(LEPs) and flexion nociceptive reflex (RIII) in these same patients. LEPs (amplitude
and latency of each component) and RIII (surface) were studied with MCS turned
off, on and at least 30 minutes after MCS interruption. LEPs were obtained after
stimulation of both the painful and the intact side, while RIII was obtained after
stimulation of the painful side only. In one patient, after stimulation of the non-
affected side, LEP amplitudes of the vertex component decreased significantly during
active stimulation. In the group as a whole, after stimulation of the non-affected
side, LEP amplitudes tended to decrease under MCS, although not statistically
significantly. RIII was not modified in the three conditions. Electrophysiological
responses did not correlate with VAS. There was a lack of any significant acute
change in SEPs during MCS in any of the recorded patients with central lesions.
None of the 4 patients whose nociceptive reflexes remained unmodified by MCS was
satisfied with the attained analgesia. Although the 7 patients with CP had sizable
epidural SEPs during intraoperative monitoring, only 4 retained scalp-recorded SEPs
of enough amplitude to permit assessment of MCS effects. Parietal somatosensory
responses up to 50 ms post-stimulus did not exhibit any significant change in
198 Central Pain Syndrome
than passive movements). Humans perceive forces they exert as weaker than identical
forces acted upon them: in fact, a corollary discharge of the effort attenuates the
subjects sensory feedback (Shergill et al. 2003) and pain interferes with mental
representations of movement (Schwoebel et al. 2002). Tonic painful input leads to
inhibition of MI and SMA during motor performance on the painful side (and
contralateral one though less) (Binder et al. 2002). TMS studies show that under
normal conditions sensory afferents limit the activity of inhibitory neurons in MI,
and that after pure thalamic sensory stroke, MI intracortical inhibition is increased
(Liepert et al. 2005). In one possible scenario, the CP generator tonically inhibits MI,
but, if this is too intense, CS may not be able to engage inhibition itself.
Finally, a relatively high stimulation frequency can induce a tonic depolarization
and cortical inactivation effect, which is known to inhibit thalamic relays.
Mechanism of action.
a. PAG-PVG: Numerous observations made in patients, such as an increase
of the endorphin content in ventricular fluid after PAG-PVG stimulation, cross
tolerance between SPA- and narcotic-induced analgesia, and naloxone reversal of
PAG-PVG stimulation-induced suppression of chronic pain, support the notion that
pain relief by PAG-PVG stimulation is mediated by endorphin-containing neuronal
TABLE 6.2. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) arranged by reporting groups
Author(s) Type of pain Target Results/notes
Mazars (1976) Thalamic lesion (3 pts) Failure
Mazars et al. (1979) Brainstem lesion (6 pts) Relief in 5
Includes all previous papers by this SCI (4 pts) Relief in 4
pioneer group on the topic BCP/CCP Vc (bilat. in SCI) or IC PAG/PVG Poor results
TABLE 6.2 (continued)
Author(s) Type of pain Target Results/notes
Levy et al. (1987) CP (25 pts) Vc or IC Test stimulations: 14 VPL, 11 VPM, 6 IC. Pain
Includes Fields and Adams (1974), relief sufficient for internalization in VPL:
Adams (19771978) 9/14 pts (64%); in VPM: 9/11 pts (82%); in
1/6 pts. Initial success rate: 56%; long-term
SCI CP Vc or PAG/PVG pain relief: 24%.
14 electrodes implanted (7 Vc, 7 PAG-PVG) in
11 SCI pts. Pain relief sufficient for
internalization in 2/11 pts (18%).
CP, thalamic (3 pts) PAG/PVG (both in 3) No persistent (46 wks) pain relief.
Paraplegia pain (7 pts) PAG/PVG Unsatisfactory pain relief, no internalization
7 electrodes implanted; 2 internalizations; no
Postcordotomy CP (5 pts) persistent pain relief (0%).
6 Vc and 2 PAG-PVG electrodes implanted;
2 Vc and 1 PAG-PVG electrodes internalized.
3/5 pts (60%) with initial successful
stimulation, 2/5 (40%) long-term pain relief.
Follow-up: 24168 mos; paresthesias inde-
pendent of analgesia, not vice versa.
CP relief approaches 30% (rate close to that
expected from placebo)
Siegfried (1991) Thalamic CP (19 pts) Vc Long-term: 5 very good, 7 good, 3 fair, 4 poor.
Includes all previously published Better results in parathalamic lesions than true
personal cases thalamic lesions
PVG Pain relief in 3
Partial SCI pain (17 cases) Vc 5 very good, 8 good, 3 fair, 1 poor
19731989 DBS for MS CP: effect lost in time
Crisologo et al. (1991) Case 1: thalamic stroke with left pain; 6 Vc Insignificant relief
mos later, left stroke with right pain
Tasker et al. (1991, 1992) CP (12 pts) Vc/IC Relief in 5 (3 with evoked pain: 2 relieved),
Includes all published cases from failure in 7 (6 with evoked pain: stimulation
Toronto Western Hospital painful in 3)
PVG PVG either ineffective or inferior to thalamic
stimulation with the exception of 1 CCP pt
whose severe allodynia and hyperpathia
disappeared acutely after 510 min of PVG
CCP (13 pts) (complete lesion or Vc (mostly bilat.) Steady pain relief 450%: 20% of pts;
incomplete lesion unresponsive to SCS) 2550%: 16% of pts;
Intermittent pain relief: 0%;
Evoked pain relief 2550%: 16% of pts
Global: relief in 3
Gybels et al. (1993) Thalamic pain (5 pts) Vc 3/5 pts initial pain relief; 1/5 long-term
SCI pain (5 pts) benefit
Postcordotomy CP (1 pt) Short-term pain relief in 3/5; long-term pain
relief in 2/5 pts
Hariz and Bergenheim (1995) CP, thalamic (6 pts) Centrum medianum 4/6 reliefs; follow-up: 16 mos
Young et al. (1995) BCP (14 pts) Unilat. PAG Koelliker-Fuse nucleus CP, thalamic. Failure
Includes all pts appearing in CCP (12 pts) (1 pt)
previous publications PVG Koelliker-Fuse nucleus (2 pts) Excellent pain relief in 2 pts suffering from SCI
CP (follow-up 2 yrs and 8 mos, respectively). In
1 pt cessation of stimulation after 2 yrs was not
19781993 followed by a full-fledged return of pain.
Additive effect from PVG-Koelliker-Fuse n.
simultaneous stimulation (but KF 4 PVG)
PAG-PVG Excellent or good pain relief from PAG-PVG DBS
only in 35% of pts (median follow-up 4 7 yrs)
Vc / PAG/PVG (From previous series.) Excellent pain relief
(Vc): 1; partial relief (Vc PAG-PGV): 9;
ineffective: 6
(Of SCI pts, 4 had 50% relief at 260 mos)
Apparently unsatisfactory long-term results
from PVG stimulation in CCP.
Analgesia onset: within minutes; long
after-effect in some pts
TABLE 6.2 (continued)
Author(s) Type of pain Target Results/notes
Kumar et al. (1997) CPSP (thalamic) (5 pts) Vc (1) IC (4) Short- and long-term (3.4 yrs) successful
Includes all pts from 1990 paper (5075%) pain relief in 1; early failures
(050% pain relief) in 4
SCI pain (3 pts) Vc Early successful pain relief (51100%),
1; early failures (050% pain relief), 2;
late failures (2 yrs), 3
Analgesia within 10 min (bipolar stim.);
duration of pain pre-DBS not prognostic
Barraquer-Bordas et al. (1999) CPSP (1 pt) Vc DBS Partial relief (analgesic reduction) of
spontaneous and evoked pain. MCS
ineffective. Painful relapse after tumoral
displacement of electrode
Blond et al. (2000) CP (brainstem or suprathalamic origin) Vc DBS Unsatisfactory results. Paroxysmal pain
(6 pts) refractory
SCI (3 pts)
(Eur. Coop. Study) Pain relief 450%: 1/3 pts
Phillips and Bhakta (2000) CPSP (1 pt) PVG Improvement
Krauss et al. (2001) CPSP (thalamic stroke) (1 pt) CM-Pf Vc Failure
Nandi and Aziz (2004) CPSP (14 pts) (1 pt) (cortical: 5; Vc PVG (16 pts) In 1 patient, trial PVG DBS provided 0% relief.
Owen et al. (2006) thalamic: 8; pontine: 1; IC: 1) PVG (1 pt) 12 patients seen for an average of 16 mos
Other CPs (5 pts) Vc (1 pt) (336 mos). One patient had less than 3 mos
follow-up. 11 of 14 were satisfactorily relieved
and opted for IPG. 13 of 19 consecutive CP
patients had satisfactory control with PVG and/
or Vc DBS. Trial relief maintained over an
19952005 average 16 mos in all but 2 pts. Vc stimulation
alone reasonably suppressed the pain in 4 pts
(MS, tractotomy, post-SAH stroke, Chiari);
however, in the first 2, paresthesias were
intolerable. In the other 2 PVG DBS alone was
superior. Combined Vc-PVG DBS was never
synergic and worsened the pain in 2 pts.
Their Fig. 2 with results on 14 pts (2 pts not
shown having less than 3 mos follow-up): 3 pts
not implanted (2 having less than 10% relief
but 1 40%: why not implanted?). In 7 relief at
follow-up was slightly better than test relief, but
in 4 it was less, in 1 case half of it; never
100% relief or somewhat less. Final series of
CPSP pts only (2006): 15 pts, evaluated with
VAS, MGPQ, PRI-R. Pts with Vc strokes only
implanted in PVG-PAG; avrg. follow-up:
27 mos, but results plotted at 2 yrs; mean
relief (VAS) for cortical strokes: 42% for all
others: 54%; opposite results with PRI-R (!).
Wide range of improvements: from slight
worsening to 91.3% improvement. 7 pts
stopped all analgesics.
Post-effect: for over 24 hours
Severe burning hyperesthesia most responsive.
Most pts preferred PVG DBS to Vc DBS
(results thus refer mostly to PVG DBS)
Once burning abates, pts note the background
crushing, aching sensation more strongly (past
authors may have exchanged this phenomenon
for tolerance and relapse)
Romanelli and Heit (2004) CPSP (1 pt) Vc DBS 100% relief over 455 mos with several
changes of parameters
206 Central Pain Syndrome
systems (see references in Gybels and Kupers 1995; Meyerson and Linderoth 2001).
However, this hypothesis has been firmly challenged by Young and Chambi (1987).
Using a double-blind, placebo-controlled study design, they found no evidence that
PAG-PVG-induced SPA in humans is mediated by an opioid mechanism. In a study,
low- (120 Hz) and high-frequency (50 Hz) stimulation of the PAG produced
neither relief nor reproduced pain in 8 thalamic CPSP, 1 tumor thalamic CP, 1 SCI
pain and 1 tabes dorsalis patients, despite a modest-to-significant increase of CSF
endorphin levels (Amano et al. 1982): this increase was interpreted as a psychological
The Oxford group (Nandi et al. 2003; Nandi and Aziz 2004) found that pain
suppression is frequency-dependent. During 535 Hz PVG stimulation, the
amplitude of thalamic field potentials (FPs) was significantly reduced and this was
associated with pain relief; at higher frequencies (50100 Hz), there was no reduction
in the FPs and pain was made worse. Switching on the stimulation was followed
immediately by a change in the thalamic potentials; however, the FPs did not revert
to baseline immediately on cessation of stimulation, but only after a lag of 515
minutes depending on the duration of stimulation. The FPs consisted of a very low
frequency potential, of 0.20.4 Hz, in Vc: their amplitude seemed to correlate with
pain intensity, being much stronger off or with 50 Hz stimulation when there was no
pain suppression, than with 535 Hz stimulation with accompanying pain relief. This
suggested a fairly direct neuronal circuit between PVG and Vc mediated by
reticulospinal neurons. All patients were also stimulated in Vc, alone or simul-
taneously with PVG. The PVG FPs were independent of both the pain scores and the
state of stimulation of Vc. In non-responders, there was no flattening in the slow
wave thalamic FPs across different frequencies of PVG stimulation.
b. V C : The mechanism by which Vc DBS works is not likely to result from the
activation of an endogenous opioid system (or other descending fiber tracts), because
its analgesic effect is not reversed by naloxone. Although investigators found that,
after thalamic stimulation, beta-endorphin levels were more than twice the resting
level, no differences in beta-endorphin levels could be demonstrated between
patients reporting complete pain relief and those reporting only partial relief
(Tsubokawa et al. 1984); a much higher increase in beta-endorphin levels was found
after PAG stimulation. In humans, administration of an antidopaminergic agent
antagonized the analgesic effect of Vc, but not PAG, DBS (Hosobuchi 1990).
However, Velasco and colleagues (1998) found that acute CM-PF stimulation at
60 Hz elicited pain in epileptic patients and this reaction was blocked by an opioid
agonist. Tsubokawa and Moriyasu (1975) found that Vc DBS in 2 of 4 pain (non CP)
patients at 50100 Hz inhibited Center Median nociceptive responsive thalamic
neurons, while stopping the pain.
A direct action on spinal STT neurons has been excluded, even via relay in the
brainstem (Vilela Filho and Tasker 1994); also in light of results of drug dissection of
CP, it is not clear if NE, 5HT or other fibers/nuclei are involved, and to what degree
(see discussion in Gybels and Kupers 1995; Meyerson and Linderoth 2001). Andy
(1983) suggested that altering the excitability state and/or the thalamic discharge
patterns by artificially induced electrical stimulation underlie the pain-relieving
Neuromodulation 207
effects of DBS, i.e., jamming a low threshold discharging pain system (Emmers).
However, an exclusive depolarization block is an unlikely explanation. A differential
effect on both gray (inhibition) and white matter (excitation) should also be
considered (Bejjani et al. 2002). Electrical stimulation of the neuropil in general
affects axons rather than cell bodies, thick before thin myelinated axons and
preferentially fibers parallel to the stimulating current more than those transversally
(Nowak and Bullier 1998; Ranck 1975). Neural elements up to 25 mm from the
stimulating cathode may be excited (Ranck 1975). Presently, a GABA release is
considered a likely mechanism (e.g., Obeso et al. 2000), although inhibition may
adapt with continuous stimulation (Ashby and Rothwell 2000). A possibility would
be orthodromic stimulation of inhibitory afferents to a target structure or recruit-
ment of local inhibitory interneurons (Ashby and Rothwell 2000). Vc stimulation
too can suppress medial thalamic hyperactivity (Tasker et al. 1983). Since the
thalamocortical loop probably works more like a nonlinear dynamic system that is
not solely based on a firing-rate code, DBS may actually work by rebalancing
a skewed oscillatory pattern (Canavero 1994).
Neurometabolic studies have been published on this problem. These studies
reported stimulator-induced signal increases to be higher than task activations
(maximum 2%). Heiss and colleagues (1986) studied one CPSP case with PET.
At rest (pain condition), the lowest metabolic rate was in the infarcted thalamus;
some areas showed decreased glucose consumption in the otherwise normal
ipsilateral cortex. A second PET during DBS (off-pain condition) revealed markedly
decreased glucose metabolism in most brain regions. Rezai and colleagues (1999)
scanned (fMRI) two patients who had steady-burning CP due to traumatic SCI
(a third had PNP). PVG DBS in contrast to Vc DBS did not activate SI, but the
cingulate cortex (compare to Vim DBS for tremor). Low-frequency stimulation of
PVG led to activation of the medial thalamus (compare with Nandi et al. 2003).
Activations near the electrode were written up to a possible, local nonspecific CBF
increase rather than neural pathway activation. At paresthesia-evoking intensities, Vc
DBS resulted in the activation of SI in all 3 pain patients. In most cases, areas of
cortical activation corresponded to the homuncular somatotopy of paresthesias (3 V,
75100 Hz, 150200 ms). With no paresthesias, SI was not activated. In addition to
SI, there was activation of thalamus, SII and insula. In a similar study, Duncan and
colleagues (1998) submitted 5 patients with neuropathic pain (perhaps inclusive of
CP) to Vc DBS. All had obtained relief for more than 3 years to reduce a placebo
confounding role. Three patients were relieved, while two had no immediate relief.
They reported that <100 Hz Vc DBS increased rCBF in and near the thalamus and
some cortical areas, the effect being more prominent with continued stimulation.
Their data did not support activation of tactile thalamocortical pathways being the
sole mechanism underlying successful Vc DBS. Their most prominent cortical rCBF
increase was in ipsilateral anterior insula, both with relief and not, although
somewhat stronger with relief. Patients perceived both paresthesiae and cold and
warmth during stimulation. The close proximity of microstimulation sites evoking
tactile and thermal sensations indicates that bipolar stimulating electrodes could
easily stimulate neurons within both the insular and SI pathways. They also observed
a nonsignificant trend toward activation in ACC with Vc stimulation. Davis and
208 Central Pain Syndrome
colleagues (2000) studied two patients with CCP (plus 3 other neuropathic pain
cases) submitted to Vc/ML stimulation. The first was a paraplegic suffering from
unilateral leg pain: he obtained 100% relief after 30 minutes of stimulation. This
analgesia disappeared immediately upon cessation of DBS. Follow-up was 9 months.
On PET day, he was on amitriptyline, baclofen, diazepam and oxycodone. The
second suffered from spinal AVM-related CP to left leg. Follow-up was 16 months.
Analgesics were retained for 12 hours before PET. There was 0% relief at follow-up,
but some relief immediately postoperatively (thalamotomic effect?). Paresthesias
were strongest at the beginning of stimulation and subsided as stimulation con-
tinued. There was no clear relationship between the degree of stimulation-evoked
pain relief and the magnitude of rCBF change in either region of the ACC (BA3224).
Activation of posterior ACC was detected after 30 minutes of DBS, but not at the
onset of stimulation, in contrast to the ACC, which was activated throughout the
period of DBS. Thus, posterior ACC was not related to direct activation from
thalamus, but to other structures. Duncan and colleagues (1998) also noted that
some of their DBS-induced activations were stronger after 30 minutes of DBS than at
DBS onset; unlike this study, patients in Davis study did not experience thermal
sensations during DBS and no insula activation was seen. Lack of activation of SI-SII
could be explained by low statistical power (only 2 responders), paresthesias in
different body regions, thus activating different portions of SI-II, or diminishing
paresthesias in the course of DBS. Other CBF changes may have involved other
cortical and subcortical areas.
a. V C D B S : Thalamic pain. Of 100 reported cases, mean success rate was 36%. The
median success rate based on seven studies was 30% (range 063%).
SCI pain (mostly paraplegia pain). In 63 patients, mean success score was 35%.
The median success rate based on eight studies was 25% (range 0100%).
Postcordotomy pain. Of 26 patients, 19 (73%) responded well to DBS. Median
success rate of four studies was 84.5% (range 40100%).
b. P A G - P VG D B S : These are generally poor for thalamic and paraplegic pain, with
some exceptions.
First, there can be a large placebo effect (Marchand et al. 2003). Secondly, CP
includes several components (Tasker 2001) which may be differentially responsive to
stimulation. Moreover, CP fluctuates, and a few successes may simply be due to
a spontaneous downward fluctuation.
In the longest followed-up series of Vc-IC DBS (Levy et al. 1987), CP relief
approached 30%, a rate close to the level expected of a placebo effect. They reported
0% relief for paraplegia pain. All patients with thalamic pain had a long-term success
rate of 24%; the success rate of Vc DBS was about 43%, and if cases in whom Vc
DBS produced paresthesias only are considered, the long-term success rate was
about 55%. Long-term relief was obtained in 40% of postcordotomy pain. Gybels
and Kupers (1995) stress the fact that true relief may be lower than suggested by
the literature.
It is interesting to compare some series of DBS for CP with regard to long-term
successes. Those with a short follow-up boast successes in the 7080% range, while
the longest followed-up series (Levy et al. 1987: mean, 80 months) reported long-
term relief in about 30% of patients. The lesson is clear: pain relief abates with time
(see also discussion in Nandi and Aziz 2004; Owen et al. 2006). So-called tolerance
to DBS, despite initial claims, has not been reversed by disulfiram, L-tryptophan,
amitriptyline, temporary holidays, while alterations in stimulus parameters have
sometimes proved effective (Young and Rinaldi 1997): this is not due to tissue or
endorphin changes (Tsubokawa et al. 1984), but electrophysiological adaptations.
Young (1995) originally believed that most patients who experience declining
effectiveness of DBS did so over the first year, but long-term follow-up over more
than 15 years indicates a steady decline: total pain relief remained possible only in
a few cases. According to Kumar and colleagues (1990), there is an initial two-year
fall-off of pain control caused by idiopathic tolerance, with stable results thereafter,
regardless of site of implant, suggestive of some biochemical modification of tissues
around the electrode. Romanelli and Heit (2004) suggested that changing parameters
at the first hint of relapse may block tolerance and restore relief; however, relief can
be lost suddenly without warning.
According to the thoughtful review of Duncan and colleagues (1991), (1) the
majority of the clinical reports are case histories rather than well-controlled studies,
(2) the pain measures described usually involve imprecise questions about pain relief
that do not allow a rigorous statistical evaluation, and (3) studies are rarely
conducted in a double-blind fashion, and data from placebo-controlled experiments
are seldom included. The potential for at least short-term placebo responses
210 Central Pain Syndrome
several years. Taskers group (Vilela Filho 1996) reported 6 BCP (not brainstem) with
evoked pain complaining of unpleasant paresthesias with Vc-ML-IC DBS. They all
had unpleasant paresthesias with previous SCS, restricted thalamic lesions on CT and
associated intermittent pain. Minor risk factors were cold allodynia-hyperpathia
and no sensory loss.
Most importantly, DBS has complications which can be lethal. Bleeding is
associated with a mean mortality of 0.3% and a permanent disabling morbidity rate
of 1.4% (Favre et al. 2002). The risk of bleeding from DBS is related more to the
patient (vascular fragility, various coagulopathies, unstable blood pressure) than to
the type of stereoprocedure performed. Young and Rinaldi (1997) in 178 patients had
3.9% permanent complications and 0.6% indirect deaths. Higher mortality was
reported in older series of DBS (<1.6%) (Bendok and Levy 1998).
Mechanism of action. This is basically unknown. Certainly, SCS does not activate
any gating mechanism, or it would also block acute pain. SCS may modulate local
spinal networks, but also thalamocortical areas: the amplitude of evoked potentials in
the human somatosensory cortex (Larson et al. 1974) and thalamic CeM nucleus
(Nyqvist and Greenhoot 1973) is reduced by SCS; SCS also reduced the firing rate
(including bursting) of thalamic Centrum Medianum neurons, with a post-
stimulation effect of a few hours, at parameters achieving partial relief, in a patient
with mixed nociceptiveneuropathiccentral pain (Modesti and Waszak 1975).
Taskers group (Kiriakopoulos et al. 1997) reported on a SCI pain patient who
described paresthesias and relief of her left leg pain at 2V, but not 1V: fMR showed
increased activity in the right sensory cortex at 2V compared to 1V stimulation.
SCS may modulate several transmitters and peptides (5HT, glycine, adenosine),
but the evidence favors GABA; in consideration of the efficacy of different GABA
agonists, a role for both GABA A and B receptors can be envisioned, with an action
on WDR cells (also see Meyerson and Linderoth 1999). If SCS acts by engaging
GABA neurons, some may have died following excitoxic post-trauma injury (human
studies show an increase of glutamate in such situations; see Canavero et al. 2003),
and are no more available.
Efficacy. A prerequisite for successful pain relief by SCS has usually been a coinci-
ding or blanketing of the painful area by the generalized paresthesias, but evoked
paresthesias do not guarantee pain relief, and evoked sensations can also be outside
the painful area.
Marchand and colleagues (1991) provided the first placebo-controlled study of
SCS for chronic pain (other than CP). The conclusion was clear-cut: reduction in
212 Central Pain Syndrome
clinical pain is small (less than 30%), and patients submitted to SCS all reported that
they felt some sensations, when in fact the stimulator was not activated. Even today,
there is a lack of high-quality evidence, no double-blind randomized trial (admittedly
rather difficult to set up in this context) and serious flaws in blinding, recruitment
and assessment in nearly all studies (Cameron 2004; Carter 2004).
When pain is below the lesion, SCS can be effective only if the corresponding
dorsal column(s) retain sufficient functional value. If the territory below the lesion is
totally anesthetic, SCS will not work. As a matter of fact, if the dorsal columns are
totally interrupted, electrodes even if implanted above the lesion cannot stimulate
the degenerated contained lemniscal fibers. Imaging and measurement of SEPs may
be useful to check integrity of the dorsal columns. Instead, SCS appears to be effective
in some patients with incomplete lesions, painful spasms, at-level pain or
postcordotomy pain. Poor results are seen with complete lesions and intermittent
and burning pain. Most studies report a decline in efficacy of SCS over time.
Generally, the best results have been obtained with multipolar electrodes, with
laminotomy epidural placement (Carter 2004), when electrodes are localized above
the pain segments, if stimulation paresthesias and pain segments are superimposed
and when the pain is localized rather than diffuse.
In conclusion, despite occasional spectacular successes, SCS is not indicated for CP
of brain origin and only a minority of well-selected CCP patients may obtain relief in
the long term (years) (see also Warms et al. 2002).
Mechanism of action. TENS can apparently reduce CP only if the dorsal column
medial lemniscal pathways are uninjured or only mildly injured (i.e., paresthesias are
evoked), perhaps by segmental conduction block of spinal projection fibers. At
appropriately high stimulation frequencies, after-hyperpolarizations seen in dorsal
horn neurons could coalesce and maintain the cell in a hyperpolarized and, therefore,
inhibited state (just as PNS would on neuromas) by tetanic hyperpolarization.
However, in the clinical situation, the intensity of the stimulating current for pain
relief is commonly below the threshold for activation of C- and A-d fibers, and the
relief may last days and occasionally weeks. Also, if central sensitization renders low-
threshold afferent input painful, it would be hard to explain how augmentation of
such input through TENS (or SCS) would suppress the pain, and, in fact, TENS may
exacerbate CP during stimulation. Suprasegmental mechanisms are, however,
possible (Sjolund 1993).
Neuromodulation 219
Efficacy. Controlled trials are lacking, and so are long-term studies. While certainly
less expensive than SCS, DBS or MCS, and with almost no adverse effects, TENS
cannot cover wide body areas and requires prolonged use several times a day,
basically hampering a patients daily activities. While a trial may be warranted before
other more invasive procedures are contemplated, few patients gain long-lasting pain
relief, both with BCP and below-level CCP. TENS may relieve some SCI patients with
muscular or at-level pain. For MS spontaneous CP, TENS is ineffective (Rosen and
Neuromodulation 221
Barsoum 1979; Young and Goodman 1979; Tasker 2001). Even cutaneous field
stimulation (16 metal pin skin cathode with single 1 ms, 4 Hz pulses, 30 minutes bid
at twice the sensory threshold) in TENS-resistant (low and high frequency) adds little
(20% more relieved patients) in PNP and maybe CP at 3 months.
The recently introduced scrambler therapy has yet to be tried on CP (Marineo
Mechanism of action. Bilateral ECT sends electric impulses through the thalamus,
the hypothalamus and the brainstem. While ECT affects many neurotransmitters
and neuroendocrine substances (e.g., endorphins, acetylcholine, (nor)epinephrine,
dopamine, serotonin and GABA), Salmon and colleagues (1988) found no significant
correlations between endorphin levels and ECT in CP; they also noted no placebo
effect. Such changes of neurotransmitters but also changes in gene expression
repeated over the course of a series of ECT treatments could modulate neural
function at numerous sites throughout the nervous system. The a4 subunit of GABA
222 Central Pain Syndrome
A receptors may be implicated in the clinical effects of ECT (see in Olsen and Avoli
ECT likely has direct, acute effects on the cerebral cortex. In the words of Von
Hagen (1957): Electroshock therapy may produce its effect . . . from a reduction in
the influence of the cortex on . . . reverberating . . . (circuits). We proposed that ECT
interferes with a corticothalamic reverberation mechanism (Canavero 1994;
Canavero and Bonicalzi 2001). Seizures may be a natural example of spontaneous
ECT: case 3 of Bornstein (1949) reported that a phantom sensation slowly shrunk
before an epileptic fit to recede totally at the moment of the fit. After recovering
Neuromodulation 223
consciousness, the phantom reappeared only after a certain lapse of time, a possible
sign of the warm-up period required by the reverberation to restart.
The minimal electrical intensity needed for a generalized seizure of a specified
minimal duration appears to vary by approximately 40-fold in the population
(Sackeim et al. 1993): this range may also apply to reverberation strength.
Efficacy. Some patients with CP have been meaningfully relieved by ECT for more
than a short time. Given the high rate of relapse (perhaps particularly in previously
drug-refractory cases), the need for multiple courses, possible permanent side effects
(amnesia) and non-uniformity of response, ECT should be considered as a last resort
in highly refractory cases.
8. Conclusions
The most important paper providing conclusive evidence about the role of electrical
neurostimulation for CP is that of Katayama and colleagues (2001). These authors
analyzed a series of 45 patients with CPSP, all tested with percutaneous SCS.
Satisfactory analgesia was set at 60% reduction on a VAS scale. In the long term
only 7% (3 patients) achieved satisfactory analgesia with SCS. Of the remaining 42,
12 underwent Vc DBS (in 7 also of IC and/or medial lemniscus): 25% (3 patients)
obtained satisfactory relief in the long term, while 31 patients in whom SCS was
ineffective underwent MCS (1 underwent both MCS and Vc DBS): 48% (15 patients)
obtained long-term relief. In particular, 9% (3/35) thalamic-infrathalamic and 0 of 10
suprathalamic obtained long-term relief from SCS; 0 of 2 suprathalamic and 30%
(3/10) thalamic-infrathalamic obtained long-term relief from DBS; 37.5% (3/8)
suprathalamic and 52% (12/23) thalamic-infrathalamic obtained long-term relief
from MCS. In sum, CS is superior to all other techniques.
Thus, in light of minimal invasiveness, no reported mortality and disabling
permanent morbidity, and the possibility of running placebo tests, CS is the
technique of first choice in BCP patients in whom oral drugs as previously suggested
have proved ineffective. In CS failures, DBS with simultaneous implantation of Vc
(or ML) and PVG should be attempted as a second step. For CCP cases with some
retained sensibility in painful areas, SCS is the first choice; in failures or totally
anesthetic patients, there is as yet not enough evidence to support CS over DBS. CS
may be a first option for reasons discussed above. TENS may be an option if cost is at
issue or patients refuse surgery.
These conclusions must be tempered by the expensive nature of such treatments,
including changes of batteries, loss of efficacy in several to many patients depen-
ding on the technique and explantation for intercurrent problems. Whereas SCS
and CS appear to be safe, DBS carries a small risk of mortality and disabling
Author(s) Type of pain Drug Results/notes
Pollock et al. (1951) SCI pain IT tetracaine 1 ml (0.5%) In a number (unspecified) of cases, spinal
anesthesia below level: burning pain did not
disappear. In 4 cases with CSF block,
anesthesia above level: in 3 distal pain
gradually disappeared, then slowly returned
(in 1 case, absent for 2456 min, full relapse
at 3 h)
Davis et al. (1954) SCI pain IT local anesthetic Completely relieved spontaneous, diffuse,
burning, below-level pain
Waltz and Ehni (1966) CP, thalamic (2 pts) IT pantocaine (6 mg) Immediate abolition of leg pain, even before
sensory block. In one case, leg pain was
abolished, while arm and face pains were
Namba et al. (1984) CPSP (1 pt) IT morphine Failure
Glynn et al. (1986) CCP (15 pts) EPI clonidine (150 mg) Non-RCT, single-blind, crossover, single-dose
EPI morphine (5 mg) study. EPI clonidine vs. EPI morphine. Pain
EPI buprenorphine (0.3 mg) relief: EPI clonidine: 7 pts (morphine
unresponsive); EPI morphine: 5 pts
(3 clonidine responsive). 3 pts unresponsive
both to morphine and clonidine, 2 of them
buprenorphine responsive
Crisologo et al. (1991) CPSP (3 pts) IT lidocaine (0.5%, 2%, 2 mL) In all, complete or almost complete
sensory block
Case 1: thalamic stroke with left hemisoma CP;
6 mos later, left stroke with right hemisoma
pain. IT lidocaine: at 0.5%: 0% relief; at 2%:
100% relief in left leg for 5 h
Case 2: right hemispheric cortical stroke with
CP in left arm/leg. Lidocaine at 0.5%: 0%
relief; at 2%: 100% relief for 1 h, then gradual
relapse at 5 h
Case 3: thalamic CPSP (longer duration and
higher intensity than cases 1 and 2): 0% relief
at both concentrations, despite complete
sensory block
Loubser and Donovan (1991) SCI (21 pts) IT lidocaine; 50100 mg (2 injections 1 RCT. Spontaneous burning pain and intermit-
h apart) tent sharp pain. IT lidocaine effects: (1)
level of anesthesia above the level of injury in
pts with lumbar and thoracic injuries and to T4
in pts with cervical injuries; (2) significant
reduction of pain intensity when compared with
placebo (13 vs. 4); (3) analgesia lasting for a
mean time of 123 min, exceeding the expected
duration of action for interruption of nocicep-
tive messages. IT lidocaine effects on pain:
overall: 65% relief of pain (mean) in 12/16 pts
Pts with spinal canal obstruction, sensory block
above SCI level: no change in 4 and 20% relief
of pain in 1. Negative response in 4 pts (2 with
incomplete anterior cord syndromes), despite
sensory anesthesia rostral to the level of SCI
(pain generator more rostrally?)
When spinal anesthesia proximal to SCI level
was adequate, 9 of 11 had a positive response
vs. 4 of 10 who did not obtain anesthesia
above SCI level, because of spinal canal
obstruction or high lesion level
Herman et al. (1992) CCP (MS: 4 pts; spinal cord compres- IT baclofen (50 mg) Cord CP: RCT (crossover with placebo
sion: 1 pt; transverse myelitis: 2 pts) vehicle) assessing the efficacy of acute IT
baclofen on chronic, dysesthetic and
spasm-related pain. IT baclofen significantly
suppressed dysesthetic pain and, after
the suppression of neuropathic pain,
spasm-related pain
SCI (2 pts) Non-RCT
TABLE 6.7 (continued)
TABLE 6.7 (continued)
Author(s) Type of pain Drug Results/notes
Meglio (1998) SCI CP (8 pts) 2 pts: IT baclofen (50 mg) Baclofen failure.
5 pts: IT morphine Relief in 3, then 2 (due to side effects in 1)
1 pt: both with 450% relief at 1 yr
Test: 0.5 mg IT morphine Average morphine dosage: 3 mg/day
At- and below-level pains not distinguished
Angel et al. (1998) Cord CP (syrinx) (1 pt) IT morphine Initial IT morphine dosage: 0.5 mg/day; 2 yrs
later, the pt needed 3 mg/day of IT morphine to
maintain the best possible analgesia (VAS
reduction from 10 to 2)
Nitescu et al. (1998) Cord CP (ischemic myelopathies: 5 pts; IT opioids (morphine or buprenorphine) Non-RCT. Drug dosage: morphine 0.5 mg/ml,
MS: 2 pts; post-traumatic myelopathies: and IT bupivacaine buprenorphine 0.015 mg/ml, bupivacaine
3 pts) 4.755.0 mg/ml. Daily volumes tailored to
give the pts satisfactory to excellent
(60100%) pain relief, with acceptable side
Results: MS-related pain: effective; ischemic
and post-traumatic myelopathy: ineffective in
5/8 (63%) pts (due to centralization at
higher levels of pain). Several refused to
continue treatment
Anderson and Burchiel (1999) CPSP (1 pt) IT morphine Outcome of CP patients (out of 30 sundry pts)
CCP (2 pts, 1 syrinx) not specified, but all 3 had 450% relief at
test injection
Belfrage et al. (1999) CP (CPSP?) (2 pts) IT adenosine Reduction of spontaneous and evoked pain.
Results not broken down according to pain type
(CP vs. other pains)
Becker et al. (2000) MS incomplete T5 CP (1 pt) IT baclofen (110 mg/day, continuous Complete pain relief for 20 mos. Pain
administration) (450 mg at each refill) reappearance soon after baclofen
discontinuation (pump explanted on patients
request after progression of MS)
Gatscher et al. (2002) IT morphine (up to 3 mg/die) Failure
Siddall et al. (2000) SCI CP (15 pts) (below level: 13; IT morphine (0.75 mg (mean) (IT, bolus 6-day double-blind crossover, placebo-
at-level: 4 pts; both types: 3 pts. 0.21.5 mg) and/or IT clonidine controlled RCT. Overall pain relief (4 h after
Figures not in agreement!) (50 mg (mean) (IT, bolus 50100 mg or drug administration):
300500 mg over 6 h). Combination: IT morphine alone IT clonidine placebo.
half of each dose. Minimum IT morphine (median minimal effective dose
4 injections, 1 day apart 0.75 mg) IT clonidine (median dose 50 mg
as bolus injection or 300500 mg over 6 h)
produced significantly more pain relief than
placebo 4 h after administration.
Pain relief 50% (mixture): at-level pain: 50%
of pts; below-level pain: 35% of pts (in this
group of patients, IT placebo was pain relieving
in about 30% of cases).
Conclusions: at-level pain appears to be more
responsive. The concentration of morphine in
the cervical CSF and the degree of pain relief
correlated significantly, so drugs should be
administered above-level
NNT: 7.5 (combination)
Siddall et al. (1994) SCI CP (1 pt) IT morphine (10 mg/day) Pain unresponsive to IT morphine alone.
& IT clonidine (17 mcg/day) Marked decrease in pain from IT morphine IT
clonidine combined administration
Ridgeway et al. (2000) SCI CP (2 pts) IT ziconotide (and opioids No relief at end of trial. 47% CP decrease at
coadministration) up to 144 mg/day 14.4 mg/day. No further decrease at 28.8 mg/
day. Dramatic pain increase over time,
requiring an increase in concurrent opioid
administration. Trial stopped and IT baclofen
restarted after appearance of confusion and
Penn and Paice (2000) MS CP (1 pt) plus other 2 chronic IT ziconotide up to 5.3 mg/h Ineffective. Very serious side effects. Infusion
pain pts stopped. Coma. Residual memory impairment
TABLE 6.7 (continued)
There are no known ways to preempt the development of CP, nor are there markers
for identifying pain-prone patients. Prophylactic amitriptyline does not appear to
exert any meaningful effect (Chapter 5). Neuroprotective agents have yet to deliver
the promise they raised in the stroke-trauma setting (Canavero et al. 2003).
Zimmermann (1979) questioned whether implantation of an electrical stimulator
immediately after a CNS lesion could prevent changes, like supersensitivity, leading
to CP. While this is of course totally unfeasible, brain reorganization could be
modulated by TMS and this may become a possibility in the future, once we identify
CP susceptibility markers. Preemptive manipulations, such as those employed in
amputees, e.g., with memantine (Flor 2003), to block SI reorganization and reduce
phantom pain, may also be explored for CP.
Cognitive strategies to deal with the situation may be used sometimes with
hypnosis as coping may change not just the perception of pain, but also autonomic
responses during noxious stimulation (Thompson 1981; Weisenberg et al. 1996). In
this regard, the relative increase of activity in the lateral orbitofrontal cortex during
pain may represent a source of cognitive modulation of emotional components that
are produced by or interact with pain processing (references in Petrovic and Ingvar
2002). Coping aims at making pain comprehensible, planning activities, taking drugs,
communicating and distracting oneself. One possible cognitive coping mechanism
involves suppression of activity in ACC, OFC and PAG: cingulate cortex, for one, is
known to regulate brainstem opioid network during opioid and placebo analgesia
(Petrovic and Ingvar 2002). However, in our extensive experience and that of others
(e.g., Warms et al. 2002), such strategies never provided substantial relief to CP
patients: submitting anyone to psychotherapy is callous and unrewarding, except to
help control depression, which may profoundly affect the perception of pain.
CP is life-long and a durable rapport with doctors is vital, particularly to rein in
moments of despair: thus, a placebo approach is warranted in all cases. For
instance, excellent interpersonal relationships, demonstration of caring by the
therapist and enthusiasm, spending time with the patient, supplying accurate,
rational information on the effects/results to be obtained, a predicted positive course,
belief in treatment efficacy and charisma (the surgical look) all affect placebo
circuits. Patients with strong dependency needs and desire to please will respond
positively, while those with more explicit conversion of negative affect and somatic
preoccupation respond negatively (Nicholson et al. 2002). All this is reduced by
informed consent, decreased physician paternalism/authority, and so on. When both
context and expectations are completely eliminated (hidden therapy), pain relief is
less than when therapy is in full view of the patient (Pollo et al. 2001). Anticipation of
pain relief is closely tied to the placebo response and intimately tied with actual pain
reduction. Since a high level of activity at prefrontal levels marks patients with high
expectation of pain relief and high levels of actual pain relief, prediction of response
to medication may become possible by looking at the expectation component in
patients brain scans. Also, the same sets of neurons activated both by experienced
and imagined (empathy) pain (ACC and other areas, but not SI) are also set in
motion by the anticipation of pain (Holden 2004 and references therein). However, it
should be stressed that in CP patients a placebo response seems less common
(unpublished observations) than other neuropathic pain states (Verdugo and Ochoa
1991), suggesting that placebo mechanisms may be disrupted in CP.
Riddoch (1938) already noted that CP could sometimes be diminished by
concomitant stimulation (e.g., pinching, induced itching, fractures); also, pushing
into the muscle tendons or bellies may relieve cramping pain up to a few hours
(McHenrys website: www.painonline.org).
Distraction from pain through attractive and pleasant hobbies is indicated, as these
compete for attention. We and others noted that orgasm can temporarily decrease
CP, but also vice versa. A distracting task can reduce pain by reducing activity in
somatosensory regions and the PAG. Cognitive distraction may attenuate the pain-
evoked activity in the ACC, the insula and the thalamus, and in phantom pain this
can be activated by simple hypnotic suggestion (see review and references in Petrovic
234 Central Pain Syndrome
and Ingvar 2002). Pain can be momentarily soothed by making comparisons and
enduring the pain; consideration shown by others may also help.
Several alternative approaches have been attempted. However, trials of alternative
medicine must be considered in the light of their quality (as for any other therapy):
pot-pourris of several treatments such as EMG biofeedback, behavioral coping
training, cognitive behavioral therapy and the like may be moderately effective for a
short time (Edwards et al. 2000). On the other hand, several CP patients are poorly
compliant with their drug regimens (justifying some apparent failures) and it may
happen that, being under the doctors eye, the patient feels compelled to take drugs
on a regular basis and thus obtain drug-related benefit.
There is uncontrolled evidence that eastern medical treatments can allay CP,
particularly combined with western drugs (Yen and Chan 2003; Kong et al. 2004).
Li (2000) treated 20 cases of central pain after head injury (19901998) by
invigorating blood circulation. Bi Tong Tang (a decoction of several herbs taken
daily in divided doses for 14 days) was used for the pain. Acupuncture was used in
some patients for 7 days, and infrared radiation (20 minutes die) for 7 days. Pain
disappeared in 18 patients after 2 to 12 weeks of therapy, and in 2 was reduced.
Follow-up was not specified. Perhaps, this is the natural history of brain injury-
related CP.
No reports exist on biofeedback techniques (surface EMG, temperature/thermal,
EEG-based) in the CP setting. A small controlled study found that people can learn to
suppress acute pain when shown the activity of the rostral ACC in real time from
fMRI represented on a computer screen as, for example, a flame of varying size in just
three 13-minute sessions, the effect seeming to last beyond the sessions in the scanner
(DeCharms et al. 2005). In this case, it would be important to define neurometabolic
markers of CP for possible image-guided feedback therapy.
Autogenic and/or progressive muscle relaxation training, physical and massage
therapy have only a minimal role to play in the vast majority of patients. However,
they may help in treating secondary or associated musculoskeletal and other
nociceptive components. Musculoskeletal pain arising from, for example, abnormal
posture must be specifically addressed in all cases. On the other hand, physical
activity may either increase or decrease CP in individual cases. Pain can be
momentarily soothed by changing body position.
Acupuncture has never relieved our patients (as also experienced by Bowsher
1994), a sign that acupuncture only works if the CNS is intact. However, it may
moderately help non-CP SCI pains (Warms et al. 2002).
Phantom pain has been reportedly reduced with mirror training: actually, only the
clenching spasm and cramping pain, not the burning or lancinating pains, were
reduced. Analogous treatment for CP has not been reported.
As regards CCP, it must be added that any factors that work to the detriment of
general health will often worsen or contribute to the severity of pain, and any form of
stimulation below injury level may worsen the pain (UTI, bladder stones, decubitus
ulceration, paronychia, stress, psychological factors, etc.).
Neuromodulation 235
Neuroablative techniques as a whole have failed to relieve more than a few patients,
often with intolerable side effects; sometimes, they have triggered new pains
(Chapters 1 and 7).
Today, properly used oral drugs can allay the suffering of many patients and totally
relieve a few. Neuromodulation as discussed may achieve similar results in the sizable
proportion of patients who drew no relief whatsoever, or help boost relief in others.
The bottom line is that only a minority of patients will not be helped by current
strategies (Table 6.8). On the other hand, patients with good initial relief may later
find that they can no longer tolerate even modest degrees of pain.
The literature is clear in this regard. For instance, in a SCI CP series (Falci et al.
2002), all patients were refractory to tricyclics, antiepileptics, baclofen, klonopin and
Step 1: mexiletine (up to 1000 mg) gabapentin (up to 3600 mg); timeline: 1 month
Step 2: lamotrigine (up to 600800 mg); timeline: 3 months
Step 3: amitriptyline (up to 150 mg) (only brain central pain); timeline: maximum 3 months
Step 1: (only if propofol AND/OR TMS responsive)
Extradural cortical stimulation (12 paddles)
OR (if hemisoma or diffuse pain)
IT midazolam/clonidine or IT baclofen/clonidine
Step 2: Bifocal DBS (Vc and PVG)
Step 3: Convulsive therapy
A. Some preservation of lemniscal conduction
Step 1: SCS
Step 2: IT midazolam/clonidine or IT baclofen/clonidine
Step 3: Extradural cortical stimulation (only if propofol and/or TMS responsive)
OR Bifocal DBS (Vc and PVG)
Step 4: Convulsive therapy
B. No preservation of lemniscal conduction
Step 1: IT midazolam/clonidine or IT baclofen/clonidine
Step 2: Extradural cortical stimulation or Bifocal DBS (Vc and PVG)
Step 3: Convulsive therapy
opioids (at most taking the edge off the pain), and in some to IT opioids, baclofen,
clonidine, local anesthetic or SCS.
The promise of peptides (e.g., neurotensin; cholecistokinin modulation during
opioid administration; growth factors antagonists) coming from animal studies has
yet to materialize.
What options are available? It will be our contention that CP can be abolished,
immediately and permanently, by a small focal lesion in the internal capsule
(Chapters 7 and 8). We will try to prove that this is the only ablative technique with a
place in the therapeutic armamentarium of CP particularly at a time when neural
reconstruction with stem cells or other engineered cell lines or implantation of cells
secreting analgesic substances subarachnoidally in the nervous system is slowly
becoming a reality (e.g., Kondziolka et al. 2002; Wirth et al. 2002; Szentirmai and
Carter 2004; Fouad and Pearson 2004; Bang et al. 2005).
However, for those unwilling to undergo demolitive surgery of any kind, the
benefit of combining different strategies (despite higher costs) may represent an
interesting avenue. Recently, SCS analgesia has been found to be boosted by
concurrent pump infusion of baclofen or adenosine in PNP patients over a few years
(Lind et al. 2004). In CP, combining CS with IT drugs as discussed above could prove
effective, and so could the combination of CS with DBS (although at a high cost).
Given the pivotal role of GABA, the infusion of a GABA A agonist such as muscimol
(a drug with a 1520 minute posteffect seen in tremor patients; Levy et al. 2001)
directly in the thalamus or cortex may become an option, and so may the
transplantation of GABA (stem) cells. Mark and Tsutsumi (1974) have already
reported on intrathalamic infusion of lidocaine in the treatment of chronic pain.
To wrest from nature the secrets which have perplexed philosophers in all ages, to track to
their sources the causes of disease, to correlate the vast stores of knowledge, that they may be
quickly available for the . . . cure of disease these are our ambitions. (William Osler)
A theory that accounts for all the facts is bound to be wrong, because some of the facts are
bound to be wrong. (Francis Crick)
238 Central Pain Syndrome
Actually, animal data in the whole field of biomedicine show profound flaws (see
review by Pound et al. 2004; Linazasoro 2004). Even capsaicin-evoked pain in human
volunteers is not a model of neuropathic pain, as the latter is often delayed
and generally permanent, whereas capsaicin-induced hyperalgesia develops within
minutes and is transient.
Finally, CP differs from peripheral neuropathic pain (PNP) and, although they
share clinical similarities, no attempt will be made to correlate the two.
The vast majority of theories proposed to explain CP until now are based on
incomplete current anatomical knowledge, selective adaptation of anatomical
data (often of animal provenance) to authors needs, scarce appreciation of the
full clinical spectrum of CP and its features, exclusion of contradictory findings
or scarce familiarity with the full gamut of neurosurgical data (e.g., Melzack 1991;
Cesaro et al. 1991; Jeanmonod et al. 1996; Craig 1998). Some are technology- more
than idea-driven. Dismissal of exceptions not just single cases, but whole groups of
patients is the norm in the field. It should not come as a surprise that different
authors, based on similar evidence, reached opposite conclusions. As physicist
Stephen Hawking (1988) put it, you can disprove a theory by finding even a single
observation that disagrees with the predictions of the theory . . . if ever a new
observation is found to disagree, we have to abandon or modify the theory. At least
that is what is supposed to happen. Finally, a few authors embarked on phreno-
logical approaches that try to paste the CP sensation to a unique brain center, with
scarce success.
Our thesis is straightforward: CP is the end result of a decorrelation of sensory
information processing along the sensory thalamocortical loop. The only permanent
cure, bar complete neural restoration, is a stereotactically guided lesion of the
Pathophysiology: Human Data 239
descending arm of this loop. This theory refutes neuromatrix approaches, which,
in light of the wide network of interconnecting areas at the basis of acute pain,
find surgical lesions useless (Melzack 1991). It also refutes the suggestion that the
spontaneous, resting component of CP is the end result of different pathophysiologic
mechanisms (see Garcin 1937): differential engagement of this single mechanism
explains, for instance, different descriptions of the pain. This chapter reviews the
evidence for such a theory.
Important sources of information regarding the genesis of CP are:
1) functional imaging studies;
2) neurophysiologic studies;
3) results of neuroablation for CP;
4) reports of sudden disappearance of CP;
5) pharmacological dissection data (see Chapters 5 and 6).
These will be reviewed in detail.
Throughout the text, no reference to psychological theories of CP will be
made, not because of a dearth of such theories, but for the simple reason that CP
is somatic pain that cannot in any way be understood in terms of a psychological
(e.g., cognitive or psychodynamic) framework of any kind, but in reductionist
terms. In addition, several studies indicate that CPSP is not part of a psychiatric
disorder. A Danish group (Andersen et al. 1995) found no statistical evidence
of an association between depression, social factors or major life events and CPSP.
Mukherjii and colleagues (1999) found depression-dysthymia in 41% of CPSP versus
40% of non-CP stroke patients. Likewise, Stenager and associates (1991) found
no differences between MS patients with and without pain with respect to depression
(see also Osterberg et al. 1994). Thus, the presence of depression/dysthymia does
not correlate with CP. Even suicidal ideation, which is frequent (up to a quarter
of patients at some point of their history), is proportional to severity of pain
and hostility, and not depression. On the other hand, like all pains (and medical
conditions), the experience of CP may be influenced by so-called psychological
With the advent of human neuroimaging over the last 20 years, there has been
a trend to use this technique with its pretty pictures of colored blobs on brain slices
almost as a modern-day phrenology. It is crucial that we remember that these pretty
pictures can easily mislead us and that their interpretation needs to take into account
the wealth of scientific evidence obtained with different methods from humans.
There are many, sometimes quite small, populations of neurons with different
responses to different types of stimulus or event in brain regions which may not all be
revealed by functional neuroimaging, which rather reflects the average metabolic
demands of a brain region. Further, brain imaging does not address the issue of
the information that is represented by virtue of the different tuning of individual
neurons (which are the computing elements of the brain), and so does not provide
240 Central Pain Syndrome
8. Ness and colleagues (1998) studied a patient with paraplegia who, for many years,
experienced rapidly fluctuating, severe, highly aversive (VAS 10), unilateral pain
below the level of the lesion. The searing attacks lasted up to 10 seconds. SPECT
was done in pain and non-pain conditions (threshold of significance: 10%). When
experiencing pain, there was increased CBF to ACC (cingulate), increased thalamic
CBF bilaterally and increased SI contralaterally, plus decreased CBF in caudates
bilaterally. The patient responded to gabapentin, which reduced the anomalies (and
also induced mirror pain).
9. Doi and colleagues (1999) showed renormalization of thalamic SPECT hypo-
perfusion after successful convulsive therapy in 5 suprathalamic CP patients.
10. Fukui and colleagues (2002) reported thalamic hypoperfusion with
HMPAO SPECT in CPSP: ECT relieved the pain and renormalized thalamic
11. Cahana and colleagues (2004) studied a patient with encephalitis and CP, who
showed left thalamic (Vc region) hypoperfusion. The patient complained of hot
left-sided paresthesias and burning pain, particularly in the chin and left palm,
plus evoked pains. SSEPs were normal. Lidocaine infusions relieved the pain and
the anomaly.
pain to the normal side, rCBF increased significantly bilaterally in BA3940 and
SII, contralaterally in BA6 (anterior insula), ipsilaterally in BA444547. rCBF
decreased ipsilaterally to stimulation in BA10. Again, no rCBF change was seen
in BA24. rCBF was significantly decreased bilaterally in BA1819. Cold stimuli
to the normal side induced significant increases in contralateral SII and BA3940,
without extending into SI, and ipsilaterally in BA46. No significant modification
was detected in the thalamus and ipsilateral parietal cortex. rCBF was signifi-
cantly decreased bilaterally in BA1819 and ipsilaterally to stimulation in the
caudate head. There was a sub-significant decrease in contralateral BA2432 and
ipsilateral BA10.
The same group (Peyron et al. 1999) studied with PET 8 patients with CP (1 CCP,
3 brainstem CP, 1 thalamic CP, 3 corticosubcortical CP). They compared rest, cold
moving allodynia and thermal heat pain. They also studied 4 additional patients with
fMRI. Cold allodynia was associated with rCBF increases in contralateral insula-SII
and SI and bilaterally in posterior parietal cortex and ACC (plus ipsilateral
cerebellum). Thermal pain induced increased CBF bilaterally in insulae-SII, posterior
parietal, ACC and right prefrontal cortex (plus bilateral cerebellum), but not SI. MR
analysis showed individual variations in the allodynic response, except for the
contralateral insular-SII activity. Compared to thermal pain, allodynic pain induced
a greater activity in contralateral SI (ascribed to moving stimulus). Allodynic
pain compared to control stimulation of non-painful side showed higher activity
in contralateral SI and ACC.
They (Peyron et al. 2000) also reported on a CPSP patient, who complained
of spontaneous paroxysmal pain, mechanical and thermal allodynia and pinprick
hyperpathia. She had severe thermal hypesthesia of the left hand and foot. SSEPs
were diminished, but not absent. This case developed CP and allodynia in her left
side after a bifocal embolic infarct following vascular surgery involving both the right
parietal cortex (SI and SII) and the right rostral ACC (BA 24 and 32), plus
a small anterior and inferior part of the inferior parietal lobule (BA40), plus BA6, 8,
9 and 10. Judging from the images, SI could have still been partially active,
with reorganization posteriorly. SII was considered anterior to BA40 in the upper
bank of the sylvian fissure. This patient was studied with both PET and fMRI,
under basal conditions (PET only), control and allodynic stimulation. No rCBF
increase was found in any part of the residual cingulate cortices, neither in the basal
state (which included spontaneous pain and extensive hypoperfusion around the
infarct), nor during left cold allodynic pain (see their previous study). No
abnormality was observed in the left cingulate cortex. PET at rest (VAS 1) showed
a wide hypoperfusion including the infarct and widely extended within the frontal
and parietal cortices. Left parietal cortex, in the depth of SI, showed a significant
increase of rCBF in the control condition, which remained below the statistical
threshold for the allodynic condition. In the allodynic condition only, the rCBF
was significantly increased in the right anterior insula-SII, immediately forward
to (at the boundaries of the insular-SII infarct) the right parietal lesion; there
were also prominent responses in the hemisphere ipsilateral to allodynic (but
not control) stimulation: insula-SII and lateral thalamus and (sub-significantly) SI.
Sub-significant rCBF increases were observed in the head of the right caudate during
Pathophysiology: Human Data 245
the control condition and in the right lateral thalamus during allodynia. No rCBF
increases, even at a sub-significant threshold, were observed in ACC on both sides.
No intracerebral significant rCBF decrease was observed. Results remained
unchanged even on non-normalized PET images.
Finally, these authors (Peyron et al. 2004) studied the brain responses of
27 patients with peripheral (5), spinal (3), brainstem (4), thalamic (5), lenticular (5),
or cortical (5) lesions with fMRI, as innocuous mechanical stimuli were addressed
to either the allodynic territory or the homologous contralateral region. When
applied to the normal side, brush and cold rubbing stimuli activated the contralateral
primary (SI) and secondary (SII) somatosensory cortices and insular regions.
The same stimuli became severely painful when applied to the allodynic side and
activated contralateral SI/SII and insular cortices with, however, lesser activation
of the SII and insula. Increased activation volumes were found in contralateral
SI and primary motor cortex (MI). Whereas ipsilateral responses appeared very
small and restricted after control stimuli, they represented the most salient effect
of allodynia and were observed mainly in the ipsilateral parietal operculum (SII),
SI, and insula. Allodynic stimuli also recruited additional responses in motor/
premotor areas (MI, supplementary motor area), in regions involved in spatial
attention (posterior parietal cortices), and in regions linking attention and motor
control (mid-ACC).
4. Lorenz and colleagues (1998) studied a single patient who suffered Wallenbergs
syndrome with selectively abolished pain and temperature sensitivity in the right
leg. One year later, CP had developed in the leg, with touch and cold allodynia.
P40m dipoles calculated from magnetoencephalographic (MEG) fields after electrical
stimulation of both tibial nerves were localized in SI; however, stimulation of
the affected side caused deep pain sensations and elicited a large N80m component
best explained by an additionally co-active dipole in the cingulate cortex.
Cingulate activation was in the medial part slightly more posterior than BA24.
Electrophysiologically, the affected limb was characterized by larger components P40
and N80 of the tibial nerve SEP compared with the unaffected left limb. In particular,
the enhanced N80 amplitude augmented in parallel with the enhancement of CPSP
severity in the patient.
The same group (Kohlhoff et al. 1999) studied with MEG 4 patients with
Wallenbergs syndrome and CP. They found that the component around 80 ms
after tibialis stimulation showed side asymmetries in the patients which exceeded
the normal interindividual variability and were also reflected in the equivalent
current dipole parameters. The degree of asymmetry seemed to be related to the
severity of allodynia. They concluded for CP possibly reflecting functional
disorganization in SI.
5. Jensen and colleagues (1999) studied 10 CPSP women with H215O PET under
resting conditions and following stimulation of the painful body part and
the corresponding non-painful body part with phasic heat stimuli. They observed
hypoperfusion of the affected thalamic region versus non-affected thalamus under
resting conditions.
246 Central Pain Syndrome
7. Morrow and Casey (2002) studied a CPSP man with H215O PET. He had sudden
onset of constant persistent painful dysesthesias of left hemisoma. Sensory
examination was normal, bar deep pressure allodynia on the left and elevated but
symmetrical cutaneous heat pain thresholds. MR disclosed a lacunar infarction
(2 4 7.5 mm) in Vc. At rest, rCBF was markedly reduced in the right Vc (as
compared to left Vc) and insula. Heat stimulation (4955) of either side showed
exaggerated rCBF increases relative to rest on the right (Vc and insula). They then
studied another 4 CP (CPSP, CCP) male patients (age: 4068), all with clinically
detectable impairment of heat and/or mechanical pain sensibility on the side of
CP. Each patient had abnormal, contralateral to pain, thalamic (3, hemithalamic
hypoactivity; 1, hemithalamic hyperactivity) and/or cortical asymmetry at rest and
increased thalamic and/or cortical responsiveness to contralateral stimulation
following contact heat stimuli.
8. Bowsher and colleagues (2004) studied four patients with small cortical infarcts:
one with a parietal operculum (SII) lesion, another with SII lesions encroaching on
the posterior insula, a third with damage to both banks of the sylvian fissure plus the
dorsal insula and the last with damage to the upper bank of sylvian fissure. In all, SI
was intact. Patients 1 and 2, but not 3 and 4, had (mild) spontaneous pain and also
pinprick and thermal anesthesia. In affected areas, mechanical pain was not felt in all.
FMR following thermal stimulation in patients 1 and 2 showed SII involved in
reception of innocuous and noxious thermal, mechanical and pinprick pains, and SI
in non-painful mechanical stimuli, although SI was activated in one patient by
innocuous cooling.
9. Seghier and colleagues (2005) studied a CPSP patient who suffered deep and
superficial burning cold-like constant and paroxysmal pain in the left hemisoma,
worse in the pectoral region, hand and foot. The pain was triggered by cold objects
and cool temperatures. He displayed a prominent mechanical allodynia. There were
severe left hypesthesia for heat, warm and cold temperatures, selective cold allodynia
and pinprick hyperpathia. On MRI, there was an infarct of Vc and adjacent internal
capsule (IC) along the STT. Under FMR conditions, the hand was stimulated with a
plastic object filled with water at 22, 15 and 5 (only 5 painful). Touch activated
bilateral SI, right SII and supplementary motor area (SMA). Increasing temperature
activated the right middle insula and right mesial SI. Hyperpathia activated BA24/32,
BA5/7 and the left anterior putamen. The activation in the putamen and BA5/7 was
ipsilateral to the stimulated hand. ACC activation was not correlated with the simple
cold quality of the pain-eliciting stimulus, as innocuous cold correlated with activity
in, for example, right insula and right SI.
Pathophysiology: Human Data 247
10. Villemure and colleagues (2006) reported on a patient with typical iatrogenic
cervical myelopathic CCP. The odor of cat litter, newspaper or popcorn triggered
electric shock/shooting paroxysms and also slowly increased spontaneous pain after
repeated challenge. Upon moving away from odors, pain abated. FMR under odor
challenge showed larger activations after the termination of the unpleasant odors
than after the termination of pleasant ones in the contralateral thalamus, amygdala,
insular cortex (bilaterally) and ACC, with similar trends in contralateral SI. Odors
triggered pain only on days they were judged unpleasant.
11. Ducreux and colleagues (2006) submitted 6 patients with syringomyelia
and suffering CP to fMRI. Cold allodynia (felt like a deep, freezing sensation,
sometimes burning, with a tingling sensation) under static conditions activated the
mid-posterior insula, ACC, SII, inferior parietal areas, frontal areas (BA8, 9, 45, 46),
mostly ipsilaterally and contralateral SMA. In 23 patients, activation in the
lenticular nucleus, hippocampus and cerebellar lobes was also observed. Brush
allodynia (felt like burning in 4 and electric shocks in 2) activated ipsi- and
contralateral SI-SII, inferior and superior parietal cortex, ipsi- and contralateral
middle frontal gyri (including BA 45-46), contralateral thalamus, caudate and SMA.
No activation was observed in BA24-32.
1. Very large discrepancy between actual decreases in spiking activity and rCBF decreases (by a factor
3 to 7): under pathologic conditions neuroimaging methods based on hemodynamic signals may
only show small changes, although the underlying decrease in neuronal activity is much larger (Gold
and Lauritzen 2002).
2. Complex mechanisms of cortical activation, even in cases of simple sensory stimulation:
dissociations may occur between obvious neurological deficits and apparently normal activation
patterns, i.e., activation studies should be interpreted cautiously in patients with focal brain lesions
(Remy et al. 1999). Also, noxious stimuli produce arousal, orientation, escape or immobilization
and help-seeking, which must be properly dissected.
3. False negatives due to arbitrary group analyses (averaging) that miss important individual rCBF
changes due to intersubject variability (e.g., anatomical [cingulate gyry patterns, thalamic/pallidal
size and location of tactile representation of various body regions somatotopy differ among
subjects], attentional [requirement of attentional resources is longer after pain than other sensory
stimuli], affective [e.g., anxiety], previous experience) or averaging over task duration. Various
combinations of cortical and/or thalamic activations, uni- or bilateral, in individual subjects
following the same stimulus and a high degree of variability in cortical activation patterns seem the
norm, calling for repetitive single-subject analysis, particularly during heat- and cold-evoked pain.
Intensity of a stimulus may be rated similarly among subjects, but overall sensory-cognitive
experience of that stimulus may vary. Comparisons of different individuals have shown that fMR
responses to the same stimulus within a particular area are variable in location and can also differ in
extent over time depending on pain duration and intensity. Hence the importance of single case
4. Different neural recruitment depending on methodology of noxious/non-noxious stimulation (contact
versus noncontact, escapable versus nonescapable pain), type (cold pain, more unpleasant versus
heat pain, less so, having only some regions in common; tonic cold pain and phasic heat pains
having different sets of afferents and different sympathetic activation; pinprick engaging the lateral
system, heat pain both lateral and medial pain systems), duration (tonic stimuli being more
unpleasant than acute ones at any given level of pain intensity), location (skin, subcutis, muscle:
frontal areas and SII more activated with skin than muscle pain), periosteum, vascular nociceptors
and side of the body), quality and, most importantly, intensity (which bears on attention, arousal,
orientation and intrusiveness) of stimulus (Bushnell et al. 1999). Responses are usually lateralized
and most often contralateral to a noxious stimulus, but the side can be unpredictable. Different
operational mechanisms recruited in processing a long-lasting pain state with persisting emotional
distress versus acute pain with a low affective tone.
5. Low sensitivity of fMR to small, but important, differences in cortical activation, to cold pain and to
deep structures.
6. Different spatial resolutions among studies (due to different techniques and different generations of
machines) fMR 4 PET 4 SPECT which cannot yet resolve, for example, single thalamic nuclei or
SII from insula, and may wash out small foci of activation during averaging over a wide neuronal
7. Different temporal resolution of chosen technique (PET/SPECT versus fMR versus MEG/EEG), with
brief, transient changes or frequent fluctuations in neuronal activity, which may be a critical
component of the brain process under investigation, going undetected: non-converted BOLD fMRI
cannot capture the initial highly localized increase in O2 consumption (proportional to initial
changes in neuronal spike frequency) following a stimulus, with serious mapping consequences
(Smith et al. 2002); dissociation between changes in synchronization of neuronal populations and
(no significant) changes in mean neuronal firing rates (mute imaging).
Pathophysiology: Human Data 251
While hyperactivations imaged by current technologies can be more easily explained, deactivations have
not yet been adequately explained. In particular, noxious input may initially activate, and after some
time depress certain brain regions. Backonja and colleagues (1991) suggested that initial somato-
sensory activation in response to tonic pain (decreased alpha 1 power) progresses to somatosensory
inhibition (alpha 1 augmentation) after the first minute of stimulation. Le Pera and colleagues (2000)
showed that tonic muscle pain induces EEG increments of both delta and alpha 1 powers bilaterally
over the parietal somatosensory areas (but not SII-insula or ACC), more so contralaterally to painful
stimulation. Since enhanced slow waves are usually considered an expression of inhibition, these
findings could be related to inhibitory processes occurring in SI. Apkarian and colleagues (1992)
showed SI deactivation following contralateral stimulation with moderately painful hot water bath.
A SPECT study found that thalamic perfusion increases just after onset of symptoms as a reaction to
pain and then gradually decreases in more chronic phases (Fukumoto et al. 1999). High intensity
stimuli produce SI deactivation. Thus, tonic pain may trigger an inhibitory response in these areas.
The same line of reasoning applies to CP.
Possible mechanisms include the following. (1) Organized, baseline default mode of brain function,
which is suspended during activating contexts (Raichle et al. 2001) or pathologic states. (2) Ongoing
inhibition (Canavero et al. 1993): activity of GABA neurons demands energy (i.e., enhanced glucose
metabolism; Ackermann et al. 1984), but the net inhibition may swamp their increased demand for
energy. Also, few interneurons (whose firing rate tends to be higher than pyramidal neurons) can
effectively inhibit many projection cells, particularly if GABA is over-released by these or GABA receptors
are increased on target projection neurons. (3) Diminished input: this cannot be the explanation in the
CP setting, since excitatory allodynic barrage is accompanied by further deactivation. Also, thalamic
hypometabolism renormalizes, along with analgesia, after cordotomy (i.e., further input reduction)
in cancer patients (Di Piero et al. 1991). (4) Passive shunting to nearby activated areas. (5) Decrease
in thalamic firing between bursts (Lenz 1991), due to excessive inhibition in the thalamus trying
to overcompensate excessive excitatory nociceptive input (this cannot be the case: see section on
neurophysiology and Box 7.3). (6) Attentional focusing on an area and shutting down of another;
even anticipation of a painful stimulus yields decreases in blood flow in areas of SI outside the
representation of the anticipated stimulus (Drevets et al. 1995). (7) Diminution of ongoing neuronal
processes as an outcome of increased neuronal activity elsewhere. (8) Diaschisis (Nguyen and Botez
1998), defined as a sudden inhibition of function produced by an acute or chronic focal disturbance in
an anatomically intact portion of the brain remote from the original site of injury, but anatomically
connected with it through fiber tracts. There are several forms: (a) the transhemispheric form
acts through the corpus callosum and may be due to loss of facilitatory inputs; in the acute phases
of stroke there may be reactive contralateral disinhibition or facilitation followed by depression; (b) the
corticothalamic form, which follows pure cortical stroke, is accompanied by ipsilateral thalamic
hypometabolism (e.g., Kuhl et al. 1980: 5 non-CP stroke patients); (c) the thalamocortical form, in
which both small and large posterior thalamic infarcts can result in ipsilateral parietotemporal
hypometabolism; unilateral thalamic stroke may induce bilateral (ipsilateral 4 contralateral) metabolic
cortical depression, perhaps mediated by the corpus callosum; and (d) reverse diaschisis (i.e., increase
in CRF) determined by contralateral structures (Weiller et al. 1992) (interestingly, isolated lesions of the
internal capsule show no significant cortical hypometabolism). (9) Neuronal death. This has been
excluded (Baron et al. 1986): cortical hypometabolism shows a trend toward renormalization over time.
Most importantly in the CP setting, both pain and (de)activations can be promptly reversed.
Among these, inhibition is a prime candidate. For instance, different net effects of excitation and
inhibition have been observed within SI, with nociceptive neurons even suppressed by noxious stimuli
(see references in Bushnell et al. 1999; Schnitzler and Ploner 2000). Inhibitory effects within SI have
also been demonstrated simultaneously with (Tommerdahl et al. 1996, 1999) and after excitation
(Backonja et al. 1991), within (Tommerdahl et al. 1996, 1998) as well as outside the somatotopically
appropriate regions of SI (Derbyshire et al. 1997). Inhibition within SI is known to enhance contrast
both within-area and with contralateral SI for pain perception (Drevets et al. 1995). The net effect of
Pathophysiology: Human Data 253
exciting some neurons and inhibiting the spontaneous activity of others could have different effects on
PET rCBF or on fMR measured venous blood oxygenation. Recently, a TMS study found that pure sensory
thalamic stroke, which reduces or abolishes sensory input induces a hyperactivity of inhibitory cortical
neurons and simultaneously induces intracortical excitability without affecting corticospinal excitability
(Liepert et al. 2005).
Thalamic hypoperfusion has been reported not only in CP, but also in PNP and cancer pain (Di Piero
et al. 1991; Hsieh et al. 1995), making it an unspecific finding. However, the underlying mechanism
may be different between CP and other pains, as propofol only relieves CP, along with this anomaly
(Canavero et al. 1995). Part of the normal tonic synaptic thalamic activity may be concerned with
inhibition of pain perception/input and this may be defective in CP, the thalamus being hyperresponsive
following innocuous or noxious stimuli (allodynia-hyperalgesia).
By focusing on the pharmacodynamic profile of propofol (Chapter 5), we may speculate on the origin
of such deactivations. One possible mechanism would be disinhibition, that is, CP would be subtended
by ongoing hyperinhibition at cortical and/or thalamic levels: our binding study may be explained by
both reduction of GABA receptors and GABA hypertonus displacing the tracer. We know that, under
normal conditions, there is tonic inhibition at both thalamic and SI levels and for some reason this
would be increased in the CP setting. On the other hand, almost half of patients do not respond to
propofol and we speculated that this might depend on too strong an excitatory tone in the cortex
(Canavero et al. 1996). Since the end result in CP must be net corticothalamic facilitation (Chapter 8),
this inhibition would be sufficient to produce deactivation, but not switching off descending input, which
seems indefensible. In fact, ketamine can quench CP by antagonizing intracortical excitation and some
studies actually point to cortical excitation and thalamic deactivation, so that one possible explanation
would rest in study methodology (Hirato et al. above versus our data). Moreover, some patients with
thalamic deactivation showed no anomaly at SPECT. Differential participation of separate cortical layers
too may originate different findings on SPECT or PET. Feedback excitatory connections coming from a
higher order cortical area densely project to layer I, where they may activate pyramidal neurons by
synapsing on their apical dendrites. In parallel they might also activate GABAergic interneurons located
in this layer and in turn may inhibit the same pyramidal cells, so that inhibition of an area may disinhibit
another. This might explain hyper- and hypoactivations of different areas. In fact, GABA inhibition
reaches both horizontally through long-range monosynaptic projections (surround inhibition) and
vertically in the same column (vertical inhibition): pyramidal cells found in layers VVI are under stronger
inhibition than those in layers IIIV (Shepherd 2004). Inhibition, besides adapting receptive fields (RFs)
of pyramidal cells to context, has also a synchronizing role; interlaminar inhibition, for one, has an
important role: the synchronous activity of even a small number of inhibitory cells (unlike pyramidal
cells) making many contacts onto postsynaptic cells could be sufficient to provide synchronization in a
large population of pyramidal neurons. Specularly, the synchronous activation of a local group of many
pyramidal neurons may provide an optimal stimulus for activation of inhibitory neurons, compensating
for the sparse connectivity from individual pyramidal neurons onto interneurons. The extensive recurrent
excitatory connections between pyramidal neurons allow positive feedback to dramatically amplify
afferent signals, important in enhancing cortical sensory selectivity. However, these circuits are
intrinsically unstable. This is kept in check by GABAergic interneurons, in a tightly regulated balance.
Thus, it is not difficult to envision different degrees of activation and inhibition (even overinhibition
leading to bursting: see Box 7.3), simultaneously or not, even in the same lamina. To this, we must add
regional differences in GABA and glutamate release (Salin and Prince 1996; Castro-Alamancos and
Connors 1997; Shepherd 2004). An imbalance in excitatory and inhibitory influences most likely will
not consist of uniformly increased excitation and decreased inhibition. Spatial and temporal changes
are the norm. Under physiological conditions, the shifting balance between these components serves
the scope of promoting contrast enhancement to improve discrimination or curbing strong inputs
(centersurround interactions), primarily in supragranular layers. The check is a shift over time that
favors inhibition (i.e., prolonged firing induces a much stronger depression of pyramidal excitatory
synapses than of interneuronal inhibitory ones, never vice versa), particularly at relatively high
frequencies (Galaretta and Hestrin 1998; Nelson and Turrigiano 1998), or during prolonged sensory
stimulation (such as during chronic pain). This high-frequency shift may be due to sensory adaptation of
254 Central Pain Syndrome
Findings in BCP
1. Obrador and colleagues (1957) failed to elicit pain by stimulating the thalamus
in cases of CP.
2. Nashold and Wilson (1970) reported on 3 CP patients. One (V.H., female) was
affected by severe paroxysms of right lancinating facial pain plus dull, aching pain
(thalamic pain), both worse in the cheek (which became red), due to vascular
mesencephalic lesion associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage. During the
pain paroxysms, EEG recording demonstrated in the left dorsal mesencephalic
tegmentum epileptiform spike activity grouped in trains lasting for the duration of
the pain, and less striking EEG spikes coincident with dull aching pain. Electrical
stimulation of this area enhanced the paroxysms and a radiofrequency lesion
eliminated both the abnormal EEG activity and the pain. Interestingly, despite gross
anomalies in the anterior parietal lobe and left frontoparietal white matter (single
spikes or multiple bursts at 6 s and beta rhythms mixed with spike activity, with
bursts every 13 s, minimal beta activity and slow theta), stimulation at these sites
Pathophysiology: Human Data 255
and multiple peak configurations between 0 and 1000 Hz with a maximum at 200
300 Hz. Thalamic background neural activity in and around Vim was comparable to
controls. Background neural activity in intralaminar nuclei (CL) was generally low.
In thalamic CP, the power amplitude voltage histogram (i.e., background neural
activity) showed marked decrease in and around the Vim nucleus (which shows
clusters of STT fibers), suggesting damage in Vc. The background neural activity in
CL was higher than in Vim, especially in its dorsal part, and was also higher than in
the non-thalamic lesion group. In a case without any CT lesion, but a dominant
superficial pain, the background neural activity in CL was relatively high. Thus, in
non-thalamic CP (deep pain dominant) thalamic background neural activity was
relatively high in Vim (where deep muscle sensation can be usually elicited), but low
in CL, whereas in thalamic CP (superficial pain dominant), this was higher in CL than
in Vim and markedly decreased in Vc. The initial small damage in Vc may have
induced an abnormal state of activity in the surrounding areas in surviving Vc
neurons and adjacent Vim neurons (and their projection areas). Ohye (1998) very
often found that spontaneous activity in Vim and Vc of CP patients was considerably
reduced, particularly with massive thalamic involvement. Many irregular burst
discharges were encountered throughout the electrode descending in these nuclei, but
he noted no coincidence between pain sensation and moment of burst discharge.
The topographic representation in Vim and Vc was lost. He also found more
responses related, for example, to face and arm and often convergent responses from
different peripheral receptive fields (RFs). Moreover, a response to ipsilateral stimuli
was found. Neurons of the face area (including eye movement neurons) seemed to
occupy a wide area of Vim. Curiously, coagulation in this area did not change eye
movements, but relieved deep pain.
7. Fukaya and colleagues (2003) reported on cortical stimulation findings in
31 CPSP patients (28 thalamo-putamino-capsular; 3 Wallenbergs syndrome). In 23
(84%), SI stimulation at 50 Hz elicited contralateral tingling versus 40% of non-pain
patients; in 12 (39%), abnormal pain sensation or exacerbation of original CP were
observed, versus 0% of non-pain patients. MI stimulation at 50 Hz had no motor
effects, but evoked sensory tingling in 52% of the patients versus 20% of non-pain
patients, and very unpleasant sensations (interpreted as a sign of extensive
reorganization and unfavorable prognostic sign for MCS-induced analgesia) in
6% of the patients, versus none of non-CPSP cases. MI stimulation at 12 Hz evoked
tingling in 25% of the patients. In these authors experience, half of their CPSP cases
submitted to Vc DBS reported more pain.
Findings in CCP
spinal recordings:
1. Loeser and colleagues (1968) recorded unit activity in the dorsal horn of
a chronically denervated conus medullaris of a paraplegic suffering from burning
rectal and thigh pain and hyperpathia following trauma: denervated cell groups
(10 dorsal horn neurons rostral to the site of injury) had developed spontaneous
high-frequency epileptic paroxysmal burst discharges.
Pathophysiology: Human Data 257
cerebral recordings: Lenz (1991 and references therein; Lenz et al. 1994)
studied patients with CP following spinal cord transection. All patients experienced
pain in the anesthetic part of the body; some also experienced dysesthesias in the part
of the body adjacent to the area of sensory loss. They designated the area of thalamus
representing the borderzone area and the anesthetic area as the borderzone/anesthetic
258 Central Pain Syndrome
activity occurred which was strictly localized within these structures. Only slight
traces appeared in the frontoparietal cortical activity (unlike Guecer et al. 1978).
These changes were most pronounced in phantom pain (4 patients), but could also
be observed in CP. In CP, the spontaneous and evoked electrical activity in the
specific and non-specific thalamic nuclei was characteristically paroxysmal and could
be strongly enhanced from each other (Vc-medial thalamus autokindling).
4. Taskers group in Toronto published an impressive series of papers on the topic.
These authors (Hirayama et al. 1989) performed single-unit analysis of spontaneous
neuronal activity in 3 patients with thalamic CP and 2 with complete cord
transection at C3 and T4, respectively (plus 4 PNP cases and 4 non-pain controls:
3 MS cases and one patient with dystonia following a supratentorial thrombotic
stroke which produced a painless DjereineRoussy syndrome). They recorded three
kinds of cells firing in bursts (types AC) and one kind not firing in bursts. (1) In
pain patients, 47% of the studied bursting cells were of type A, 42% of type B and
11% of type C. Some 43% of the cells were located in Vc, 32% in Vim, 19% in Vcpc,
4% in Vop and 2% in zona incerta. A total of 22% of bursting cells had cutaneous
RFs. In other words, bursting cells typically fired at interspike intervals of 12 ms and
interburst intervals of 50 ms. Microstimulation at sites where bursting cells were
recorded usually induced no response. Bursting cells tended to be located in Vc and
Vcpc (sites in pain patients believed to be in Vim could actually have been in Vc).
(2) In non-pain patients, 59% of bursting cells were of type A, 23% of type B, 18% of
type C. Fifty-three percent of the cells were located within Vim, 35% in centrolateralis
intermedius, 6% in Vc and 6% in Vop. None had cutaneous RFs or responded to
movements. Thus, bursting cells were rarely encountered in Vc, and those bursting cells
encountered elsewhere tended to have lower mean firing rates and longer interspike
and interburst intervals. Stimulation in Vc never induced pain. Although it was
concluded that the Vc region of pain patients (CP and PNP) contained many more
bursting cells than the comparable region in non-pain patients, with different
characteristics than bursting cells in non-pain patients, It is not possible to
determine whether the bursting cells recorded in pain patients have anything to do
with the pain the patient experiences.
They (Gorecki et al. 1989) reported thalamic exploration in 39 patients:
13 thalamic CP cases, 10 SCI pain cases, 4 postcordotomy pain cases and 11 PNP
cases. Macrostimulation was carried out in the first 23 cases, with microelectrode
recording and microstimulation performed in the last 16 cases. In these latter cases,
abnormal neuronal firing was recorded in all, as spontaneous bursts of action
potentials. The interburst interval was of the order of 50 ms; 76% of bursting units
did not have RFs. Stimulation at 8% of the sites where bursting units were recorded
induced burning or pain, being found both in close proximity to or remote from
units subserving deafferented dermatomes. The time course of appearance of these
units could not be determined. Non-pain patients also demonstrated bursting cells
with intervals of the order of 200 ms, burst frequency of approximately 5 Hz, usually
located more anterior and dorsally with respect to Vc. Unlike normal patients, in
17 cases, 16 of whom had a clear history of hyperpathia or allodynia, stimulation
in Vc elicited painful sensations, often reproducing the patients particular pain
Pathophysiology: Human Data 261
of bursting cells per track) in the pain and non-pain groups were not significantly
different from each other. Low-threshold Ca2 spike-evoked bursts (with shortening
of the first interspike interval, an increase in the number of interspike intervals in the
burst and progressive prolongation of successive interspike intervals) were identified
in 57% of bursting cells in pain patients and 47% of non-pain patients, suggesting
no definite rapport with pain. Only a few cells of the bursting kind were located
in Vc, the majority being anterodorsally and ventroposteriorly to it (see also Ohye
and Narabayashi 1972).
Finally, they (Manduch et al. 1999) did microelectrode recordings in 40 movement
disorder and 37 chronic pain patients through Vc and regions ventroposterior
to it. Stimulation evoked painful or innocuous thermal sensations at 2.9 and 4.7%,
respectively (5023 stimulation sites). A total of 77% were located ventroposterior to
Vc and of these 74% were located in or medial to the face/hand representation border
in Vc. No significant differences were noted between controls and non-CPSP cases
in the incidence of pain and temperature sites. Instead, the incidence of pain sites
was higher in CPSP cases (n 11) compared to the other 2 groups (9.5% versus
2.5% in the ventroposterior region of Vc and 15.1% versus 1.4% in Vc). In contrast,
the incidence of thermal sites was lower below Vc in CPSP than in the other 2 groups,
but not different in Vc.
5. Yamashiro and colleagues (1991) made microrecordings in the Vc of 2 patients
with SCI, 1 with CPSP, 1 with MS-associated CP and 4 PNP cases. Epileptiform
discharges from hyperactive neurons were recorded and two firing patterns seen. One
showed regular firing which had 35 trains of epileptiform grouped discharges with
a frequency of 45 Hz. The latter showed continuous firing. These hyperactive
neurons were distributed in Vc, Vim and Vop and may have received facilitation
from SI/MI.
6. Jeanmonod and colleagues (1996) recorded unit activities from the thalami
of 74 patients with CP and PNP. Some 99.8% of their medial thalamic units did not
respond to somatosensory stimulation (in contrast to a few other studies; see Lenz
and Dougherty 1997). In addition to their unresponsiveness, half of the units showed
a striking bursting (45.1%) activity (rhythmic: 25%; random: 30%) not due to sleep,
as all patients were fully awake during surgery. The rhythmic-random low-threshold
Ca2 spike (LTS) bursting units were considered abnormal and were found
distributed throughout the posterior half of CL. The rest of their sampled units
displayed unresponsive sporadic activities. Many of them exhibited occasional LTS
bursts. LTS bursts displayed a theta rhythmicity, with a mean interburst discharge
rate of about 4 Hz. In patients with intermittent pain without steady component,
they made recordings only during pain-free periods, and never showed a large
amount of LTS bursts, as can be the case in patients with steady pain.
in Vc (core and shell) in CP versus PNP or other controls (see also Hassler and
Riechert 1959; Levin 1966; Mazars et al. 1974); (2) a likely role of thalami ipsilateral
to CP; (3) thalamic involvement in cold allodynia (see below). Different participation
of Vc, Vim and CL may justify different qualities of CP. Interestingly, Lenz and
Dougherty (1997) reported that sensations are more likely to be referred to deep
structures at stimulation sites in Vc posteroinferior areas more than in the core.
Along these lines, useful information should accrue by studying central pruritus
patients: itch is a purely cutaneous sensation and might elucidate central mechanisms
of cutaneous anomalous sensations (Canavero et al. 1997).
The reticular formation (and related propriospinal cells and fibers in the DREZ) is
also likely involved (see Chapter 8). Somatotopic rearrangements (such as expansion
of adjacent regions into denervated) and burst firing (Box 7.3) seem to be the result
of denervation injury, and not a correlate of pain (unlike, possibly, phantom pain),
since they can be observed in non-pain conditions (Jeanmonod et al. 1996; Tasker
2001b; see Chapter 8). Since Vc stimulation evokes tactile allodynia more commonly
in CP than non-CP pains (Davis et al. 1996; Lenz et al. 1998), pain more frequently
in those with hyperalgesia than in those without and in the representation of the part
of the body where the patient experiences hyperalgesia than in the representation
of other body parts (Lenz et al. 1998), the findings discussed may have a special
relevance to allodynia (see Chapter 8).
All thalamic relay (e.g., Vc) cells respond to excitatory inputs in one of two different modes: burst and
tonic (Sherman and Guillery 2004). In burst mode, the inward T-type (IT) Ca2 channel in soma and
dendrites is activated and an inflow of Ca2 produces a low-threshold spike (LTS) that in turn usually
activates a burst (usually less than 25 ms long) of conventional action potentials. After about 100 ms
or more of depolarization, the IT inactivates and the cell fires in tonic mode; after about 100 ms or more
of relative hyperpolarization, inactivation of IT is alleviated and the cell fires in burst mode. Just
like tonic, burst firing is an important relay mode during waking behavior and could play an important
role in attention. Unlike single action potentials, which are very often filtered out, bursts particularly
coincident bursts are reliably signaled, because transmitter release is strongly facilitated. In fact,
single spikes are spontaneously emitted by neurons, creating noise (i.e., disinformation) (Lisman
1997). Bursts are particularly effective for synaptic communication in the cortex. Specifically, bursting
can record significant, but possibly minor changes in specific afferent activity (initial stimulus detection)
and use this to focus the tonic mode upon the causes of these changes for more accurate analysis.
Also, rhythmic bursts may signal no transmission, while arrhythmic bursts may indicate sensory trans-
mission. Switching between tonic and burst firing occurs irregularly every several hundred milliseconds
to every several seconds, presumably reflecting slow changes in membrane potential that switch
IT between inactivated and deinactivated. Only 510% of synapses on Vc TC cells come from the
periphery: 30% are from local GABAergic neurons, 30% from cholinergic sources and 30% from SI
layer 6. Thus the vast majority of inputs are modulating, controlling the state of IT and thus the response
mode between burst and tonic (Sherman and Guillery 2004).
Despite several authors highlighting the importance of Ca2-related bursting activity (inside the
more general phenomenon of sensitization) in the genesis of CP, several pieces of evidence nix
this concept:
(1) Ca2 LTS bursts in the thalamus (particularly Vc and CL) (thalamic dysrhythmia) and supposed
neurophysiological correlates thereof (i.e. theta/beta bands of juxtaposed cortical activity) are not
specific to CP, and have been consistently observed in the same nuclei in PNP patients, as well as
CNS disorders without a pain component (Jeanmonod et al. 1996; Llinas et al. 1999: no CP cases
were studied in this latter paper). Also, loss of corticothalamic input (Llinas et al. 1999) believed
by some authors to produce CP-associated electrophysiological anomalies, actually abolishes CP
(see section on reports of sudden disappearance of CP).
(2) Although it seems more prominent in neurons with representation areas in the anesthetic part of
the body, Ca2-related bursting is also found in normal awake controls, during slow-wave sleep
and also during anesthesia. The proportion of intrinsically bursting cells in the intact cortex is about
1520% (Steriade 1999; Sanchez-Vives and McCormick 2000) and many such bursting cells are
found in the thalamus (Tasker 2001b). Most importantly, there is no coincidence between pain
sensation in CP patients and moment of burst discharge (Ohye 1998) and following anterolateral
cordotomy CP is not usually felt in areas of the body as surmised from, for example, Lenzs
speculations (Beric et al. 1988).
(3) Bursting, as CP sensation-related activity, due to STT injury, cannot explain immediate-onset CP (is
bursting immediate?) and also cases in which there is no clinically evident STT-mediated sensory
loss (e.g., Stoodley et al. 1995).
(4) The balance of excitatory and inhibitory inputs leading to Ca2 spike associated bursting is unclear
(overinhibition? Loss of excitation?) and may depend on the presence or absence of RFs.
(5) Lenzs view that bursting and absence of RFs in the Vc BAA of SCI CP patients is due to decreased
tonic NMDA excitatory drive with attendant hyperpolarization collapses on STT input being non-
NMDA mediated. Also, the fact that Ca2 bursting may be decreased by norepinephrine and
increased by acetylcholine (i.e., amitriptylines profile) is meaningless in view of poor efficacy
in CCP (Chapter 5).
Pathophysiology: Human Data 267
(6) In patients with spinal transection, the painful area overlaps with the area of sensory loss (Lenz
et al. 1994), making bursting the result of sensory loss rather than pain.
(7) A 1 mm increment of electrode insertion in an area of spontaneous discharge can result in
an artefactual temporary increase in activation of the existing discharge patterns (Andy 1983).
Models explaining bursting in relation to CP collapse for all these reasons (e.g., Jeanmonod et al.
1996). Moreover, those models, even in these authors minds, have much more difficulty in explaining
CP than PNP. The anatomical background too is unsupported: bidirectional TRN interconnections
between pain-related CL and Vc cells, with back-and-fro exchange of waves of inhibition, starting
from the less sensory-input-deprived CL exciting TRN, is presently unsubstantiated (Steriade et al.
Bursting can be a normal condition of thalamic functioning in awake humans. Possible increments of
bursting in certain locations can be explained away as an injury-related disorder of normal thalamic
oscillatory mechanisms (Ohye 1998; Tasker 2001b). On the other hand, Kim and colleagues (2004)
proposed that it may be part of a robust pain-relieving mechanism. T-type Ca2 channel activation in
Vc can activate TRN cells, with subsequent hyperpolarization and rebound burst spikes again in TC cells
through reciprocal VcTRNVc connections; hyperpolarization and/or burst sequences can contribute to
sensory inhibition by reducing the responsiveness of TC neurons. Specifically, because a burst has
a long refractory period (170200 ms), bursting sequences might actually prevent rapidly recurring
sensory signal inputs to TC relay cells. Inactivation of this Ca2 channel and thus bursting interferes
with sensory gating of pain. The nociceptive dampening/filtering role of the thalamus had
been hypothesized by several past authors (e.g., selective filter [Lhermitte 1933]; thalamic
function . . . with . . . an inhibitory effect of normal afferent impulses [Botterell et al. 1954]).
Complete interruption of lemniscal transmission through Vc up to
parietal cortex does not necessarily release the mechanisms underlying CP, refuting
past theories of deficient lemniscal inhibition of nociceptive STT conduction. Most
importantly, both series agree that complete destruction of Vc and possibly other
nuclei may be incompatible with the occurrence of CP. Ohye (1998) reached the
same conclusion. Thus, the sensory thalamus is necessary for CP to arise.
cortectomies relieved some cases for years, although others were failures. In the CP
case reported by Lende and colleagues, cortical removal extended up to the border
of the motor and sensory representation of the hand area and down to the sylvian
fissure, with excision of the operculi of the pre- and post-central gyri, and exposing
the insula. Thus, effective cortectomies should likely include not only SI, but also
SII/insula and even MI. SI-MI coactivation in metabolic studies underlies the
concerted effectuation of interrelated sensorimotor functions (see also Penfield and
Jasper 1954; Libet 1973). At least some failures can be explained away by the wide
variability in somatotopy in individuals and somatotopic differences not only
TABLE 7.1. Results of neuroablative procedures
TABLE 7.1 (continued)
Author(s) Cause of central pain Procedure Efficacy/(follow-up) Notes
Psychosurgery (continued)
Le Beau et al. (continued) Unilateral BA910 topectomy Complete relief after 2nd
surgery/follow-up not specified
Bilateral orbital gyrectomy 1020% relief for 2.5 yrs
Unilateral frontal lobotomy 0% over 2 weeks
Botterell et al. (1954) CP, SCI (not available) Prefrontal lobotomy Gratifying (follow-up: not
White and Sweet (1955, 1969) CP (2 pts) Bilateral orbital gyrectomy (BA Failure, then success at
1112) 2nd operation
CPSP (1 pt) Unilateral frontal leukotomy Pain sometimes felt, but not
bothering; total disappearance
over 2 yrs until death another
2 years later (patient had
CCP, postcordotomy (4 pts) Fractionated radiofrequency Burning relieved, but PNP-asso-
frontomedial leukotomy ciated hyperpathia 0%
100% immediate relief;
total relapse at 2.5 mos
0% (2 pts)
CCP (1 pt) Unilateral frontal leukotomy Not complete relief, but no
longer in need of analgesics for
16 years
Constans (1960) CP, brain (1 pt) Frontal operation Unsatisfactory
Wycis and Spiegel (1962) Tabes dorsalis (2 pts) Bilateral prefrontal lobotomy 0% Transitory relief with mesencepha-
CP (1 pt) lotomy, then relapse
Foltz and White (1966) SCI CP (3 pts) Rostral cingulumotomy 1 fair at 4 yrs and 1 poor at 3
yrs (unilateral); 1 excellent at
1 yr, then fair at 2.5 yrs
(bilateral cingulumotomy)
Porter et al. (1966) CP, SCI Prefrontal lobotomy Gratifying
Spiegel et al. (1966) CPSP (1 pt) Bilateral anterior capsulotomy 0%
Nashold and Wilson (1970) 1 CPSP (brainstem) Unilateral left frontal lobotomy 0%
Turnbull (1972) Tabes dorsalis (2 pts) Bilateral cingulotomy Relief
Bouchard et al. (1977) CP, brain (2 pts) Ipsilateral cingulotomy No benefit
Contralateral cingulotomy Benefit
Jefferson (1983) CP, SCI (1 pt) Bilateral stereotactic Reasonable relief Previous unsuccessful cordotomy
Ballantine and Giriunas (1988) CP, brain (3 pts) Bilateral stereotactic No substantial relief
Tasker (1990) CP, SCI (1 pt) Bilateral stereotactic No relief Followed by unsuccessful bilateral
cingulotomy medial thalamotomy and mesen-
cephalic tractotomy
Pillay and Hassenbusch (1992) CP, brain (1 pt) Bilateral stereotactic No (VAS from 9 to 8); quality of
cingulotomy life unchanged
Mazars et al. (1976) cite two cases of thalamic pain submitted to frontal lobotomy by Siocet and Bartich with improvement, but not abolition
Mayanagi and Sano (1988, CP, brain and cord (at least 2 or Posterior hypothalamotomy No (025% in one CPSP at max. Pain increased by electrical stimula-
1998); plus Amano et al. 1976 more BCP pts) (medial; III ventricle gray matter) follow-up 17 mos) tion in 2 pts
(in Japanese)
Levin (1988) CP (7 pts) Stereotactic chemical More than 50% relief in 6, 2 still Several complications
hypophysectomy relieved 2 yrs later; at least
2 relapses within a few mos
Miles (1998) CCP (1 pt) plus another CP? Hypophyseal stimulation 0%
Hayashi et al. (2005) CPSP, thalamic (17 pts) Pituitary gamma knife radiosur- 13/17 had pain reduction Single 8 mm isocenter, 50% isodose
gery at the border between the (within 48 hours): 76.5% line covered the border between the
pituitary stalk and gland (max. At longer term (41 yr): pituitary gland and lower part
dose 140160 Gy, 180 in 1 pt) 5/13 effective relief (in 1 pt of pituitary stalk
480% relief); 4/13 fully No complications
relapsed within 3 mos; 4/13 Numbness not improved
still relieved at 6 mos Neuromodulatory effect hypothesized
TABLE 7.1 (continued)
Author(s) Cause of central pain Procedure Efficacy/(follow-up) Notes
Hecaen et al. (1949) CP (4 pts) 1 center median Yes, immediate (4 mo) Thalamic hand and clonus induced
1 center median Vc Yes, immediate and complete by Vc stimulation, no effect with DM
(f-up: 1 yr) stimulation
2 center median DM Yes, immediate and for at least
4 mos
Talairach et al. (1949) CP, thalamic (12 pts) Vc (radioactive gold) 6, 75100% reliefs; 2, 50%
reliefs; 2, 25% reliefs; 2 deaths
Baudoin and Puech (1949) CP, brain (1 pt) Local novocaine injection into 0%
Spiegel and colleagues (1952) CP, brain (3 pts) Vc Temporary (max. 4.5 mos), in
one relapse after a few weeks
Talairach et al. (1955) CP, brain (12 pts) Vc Favorable relief in 50% of pts
Laspiur (1956) CP, brain (2 pts) Vc Yes (in one, 100% relief, in the
latter spectacular relief)/
Obrador et al. (1957) CP, thalamic (2 pts) Vc 0% 1 suicide
Hassler and Riechert (1959) CP, brain (1 pt) Vc Relief, 5 weeks
Hassler (1960) CP, brain (4 pts) Vc, limitans and CeM Yes, lasting relief
Bettag and Yoshida (1960) CP, thalamic (4 pts) Vc (3 pts) In all, lasting relief
DM (1 pt)
Mark et al. (1960) CP, SCI (4 limb burning Vc Partial pain relief, but recur-
dysesthesias) pts? rence after 6 mos
Hankinson (1962) CP, brain (2 pts) CM and Vc Yes (1624 mos)
Davis and Stokes (1966) Neurogenic pains Lateral plus medial nc Immediate pain relief in 75% of
pts, decreasing to 5060% after
612 mos
Bettag (1966) Neurogenic pains CM, DM Persisting pain relief only
in 6/31 pts
Pain relief only in 1/4 pts
subjected to CM lesions, with or
without DM
Spiegel et al. (1966) CCP (1 pt) Medial thalamotomy 100% relief; full relapse 1 wk
later; 100% relief after reop.
At 1.5 yrs, pain reduced
CPSP (1 pt) Medial thalamotomy Partial relief. Late result:
indifference to pain
CPSP (1 pt) Basal thalamotomy 100% relief for 3 wks, then
partial relapse (superficial vs.
deep pain) with allodynia,
at 3 mos
SCI pain (1 pt) Bilateral basal thalamotomy 100% relief, full relapse
at 4 mos
Kudo et al. (1968) CPSP (6 pts) out of 17 with Pulvinar Whole series: 8 complete
cancer or noncancer pain reliefs, 6 remarkable, 3 slight
pain remaining
White and Sweet (1969) CP, brain (1 pt) Pf (unilateral) Poor result
CP, MS (1 pt) Pf (unilateral) Good relief
CCP (cervical) (1 pt) Vc Fair relief
CCP (conocaudal) (1 pt) Pf (bilateral) and ant. Nc. Good relief
Tabes dorsalis (1 pt) Vc and DM (unilateral) Poor relief
Sugita et al. (1972) CP, brain (unspecified) CeM, Pf, intralaminar, MD No effect
Siegfried and Krayenbuehl Neurogenic pain Vc, intralaminar system plus DM No Not available for review
(1972) 1 of 9 pts with Vcpc
thalamotomy relieved
Cooper et al. (1973) Burning hypesthesia and spastic LP-pulvinotomy Relief in 3. No relapse Acute pain sensation not affected
hemiplegia (3 pts)
TABLE 7.1 (continued)
Author(s) Cause of central pain Procedure Efficacy/(follow-up) Notes
Thalamotomies (continued)
Amano et al. (1976) (and Sano Thalamic CP (10 pts) Thalalaminotomy (i.e., CM-Pf Thalamic CP: follow-up 124
et al. 1966) Other CP (14 pts) and CL) months. At discharge: 100% in
3, slight residual but tolerable
pain in 6, 0% relief in 1. At
follow-up: 100% in 3, tolerable
pain in 4, tolerable pain with
drugs in 2, 0% in 1.
Other CP: at discharge: 100% in
2, slight residual but tolerable
pain in 6, tolerable with drugs in
3, some relief but intolerable in
1, 0% in 2. At follow-up: 100%
in 2, tolerable in 4, tolerable
with drugs in 3, some relief but
intolerable in 2, 0% in 2
Mayanagi and Bouchard CP (thalamic: 3 pts) Basal: CM / pulvinar Follow-up: 6 mos
(197677) CP difficult to control
Mundinger and Becker (1977) CP Medial nc 40% good; total relief up to
14.5 yrs
Siegfried (1977) CP neurogenic pain (13 pts) Pulvinar Yes, dramatic initial relief in Some had subtle sensory alterations
several. Recurrence within 1 yr
in several
Pagni (1977) CP, brain Intralaminar nc (including CM/ Total or partial long-term relief Survey. Dysesthesia can persist
Pf), sometimes extending to Vc in 12 BCP and 3 CCP unmodified. Multiple thalamic
CP, SCI and DM Pagnis experience with CP: (CM-VPL/VPM-pulvinar) and
30% relief mesencephalic coagulations may be
necessary if lesions to a single
structure are unsuccessful. Center
median lesions very effective for
thalamic pain, with long-lasting
results. Basal thalamotomies for
brainstem lesions. Long-term results
with CM-Vc, intralaminar and DM
lesions generally unsatisfactory
Yoshii and colleagues (1980) CP (14 pts) Pulvinar (bilateral if needed; Yes, immediate complete in 6 No bearing on final outcome from
supranucleus pulvinaris media- pts, almost complete in 7 pts, bilateral lesions
lis nc lesion in all cases) good in 1 pt
At 3.510 yrs: 4 pain-free,
4 almost pain-free, 3 sufficient
pain relief, 3 failures
Cases with follow-up 4 5 yrs:
1 pain-free, 2 almost pain-free,
3 sufficient pain relief, 2 failures
Hitchcock and Texteira (1981) CP, brain (3 pts) Postc Basal (including Vcpc and n. Yes (2/3 pts) CM thalamotomies deemed superior,
ordotomy/thoracotomy limitans portae) Yes (5/5 pts) particularly if bilateral, to basal
dysesthesias thalamotomies (better pain relief
(5 pts) and fewer side effects).
CP, brain (6 pts). Postcordotomy Medial (CM), some bilateral Yes (5/6 pts) Very high rate of complications
dysesthesias (1 pt) Yes
Niizuma et al. (1982) Includes CPSP (17 pts, one of which Unilateral/bilateral center Relief (1, 100%) in 56%, then
Niizuma et al. (1980) cheiroral) median full relapse within 7 mos in all
Barcia Salorio et al. (1987) CPSP (2 pts) LINAC radiosurgical Vc Burning paroxysms abolished,
thalamotomy background pain diminished/
follow-up 6 mos
Laitinen (1988; see also 1977) CPSP (2 pts) CM thalamotomy Yes (624 mos) CM-intralaminar and pulvinar lesions
highly effective for CP. However, in a
CPSP (3 pts) CM-intralaminar thalamotomy Yes, immediately (818 mos) mixed series of cancer and neuro-
genic pain, only 29% were pain-free
after 2.5 yrs
SCI (1 pt) CT-guided pulvinarectomy Good early result
Ohye (1990, 1998) CPSP, mainly deep muscle pain Vim (a part)-Vcpc (deep Deep pain of compressing, No true effect on paresthesia and
(about 40 pts) portion) thalamotomy (i.e., burning or sometimes squeezing numbness
coagulation of the isolated nature considerably ameliorated
hyperactive area around the
thalamic stroke lesion)
TABLE 7.1 (continued)
Author(s) Cause of central pain Procedure Efficacy/(follow-up) Notes
Thalamotomies (continued)
CPSP (9 pts) Vim and/or CL thalamotomy Satisfactory relief in 4/9 Relief only of deep pain and not
superficial or dysesthetic pain
Jeanmonod et al. (1996, 2001) CP, parietal cortex (5 pts), Medial thalamotomies Yes, 50100% relief in 40% of Generally without postop. somato-
thalamus (3 pts), brainstem (if necessary, lesion ipsilateral BCP pts and 38% of SCI pts. sensory including pain deficits; in
(4 pts), spinal cord (12 pts) to pain) Relief was best for evoked and several, postop. improvement of
intermittent pain and superficial somatosensory deficits
pain, poorer for steady pain
(which lingered on in more than
half the cases) and deep pain
One CCP patient referred by us:
0% relief ( complications)
Hirato et al. (1995) CPSP (thalamic and putaminal) Radiosurgical Vim thalamotomy A: Vim thalamotomy: some Relief seen in both after 36 mos
(2 pts) relief, relapse, radiosurgical Vim (!?)
thalamotomy, relief
B: Vim thalamotomy: poor relief,
gamma thalamotomy good relief
(not abolition) for 3 mos
Young et al. (1995) CP (thalamic) (3 pts) Gamma knife medial Median follow-up for whole
SCI pain (1 pt) thalamotomy group of 20 mixed pains pts;
about 1 yr relief seems to have
been obtained in at least some
Frighetto et al. (2004) CPSP (MCA stroke and thalamic Radiosurgical CM/Pf A: immediate relief, relapse No 100% abolition; effect on pain
stroke) (2 pts) thalamotomy at 4 mos (relieved by MCS) before onset of necrosis (!);
B: some drug reduction, allody- necroses 3.5 5 mm and 8.5 7
nia improved, 3 yrs later drugs mm (too large to have exclusively
only twice a week targeted CM-PF)
Mesencephalotomies (STT tractotomies and reticulotomies) and other brainstem procedures (coagulations)
Walker (1942) Thalamic pain (1 pt) Open lateral Death after 26 h
Torvik (1959) CP (2 pts) Not available for review
Wycis and Spiegel (1962) CPSP (14 pts) Spinothalamic tract plus reticu- 11 initial pain disappearances 3 mesencephalotomies plus
Including patients reported in lar formation at midbrain level or abatements, 3 failures, thalamotomies: 1 complete relief for
previous series 2 deaths 10 yrs, 1 partial relief, 1 transient
CP due to parietal lesions As per above, plus possible Follow-up: 4 full relapses
(2 pts) thalamic impingement (15 mos), 2 partial relapses
(15 mos), 5 long-term good
1 (pontine lesion) Pain relief (6 mos)
1 (ACoA aneurysm) 0% relief
CCP (3 pts) Mesencephalotomy 1 complete relief for 1 yr,
1 transient relief, 10%
Helfant et al. (1965) CPSP (thalamic) (1 pt) STT 0%
Orthner and Roeder (1966) CPSP (1 pt) Lateral plus medial lesions Almost complete relief for
Includes Roeder and Orthner 26 mos up to death
Gioia et al. (1967) CP neurogenic pain (2 pts) Medial lesion Poor
Turnbull (1972) Tabes dorsalis (1 pts) Combined mesencephalotomy- 1 modest relief
Schvarcz (1977) CP (5 pts?) Mesencephalotomy 4 pain reliefs at 624 mos Not available for review
Amano et al. (1980, 1986, CPSP (25 pts) Rostral mesencephalic reticu- Group 1: 2 complete reliefs, Results confirmed in 1992.
1992) CP, tumor (1 pt) lotomy (highly selective lesion in 3 partial reliefs at 5070 mos 64% complete or near complete
Postcordotomy dysesthesia-PCD the medialmost portion of the Group 2: 6 complete reliefs, pain relief. No postop. dysesthesias
(1 pt) midbrain reticular formation, 9 almost complete reliefs, One of the pts relieved 100% at
Tabetic pain-TB (1 pt) medial to the STT which is not 6 partial reliefs at <50 mos 11 yrs noticed at year 78 tactile-
lesioned unlike Nasholds thermoalgesic anesthesia of left
procedure) contralateral to pain PCD 0% relief. TB almost hemisoma
in all cases complete relief at 57 mos
TABLE 7.1 (continued)
Author(s) Cause of central pain Procedure Efficacy/(follow-up) Notes
Mesencephalotomies and other brainstem procedures (continued)
Shieff and Nashold (1988) CPSP, brain (20 pts) Lesion at: 4 pts with repeat early surgery,
(includes all patients from CPSP, brainstem (7 pts) 1. medial lesions at superior 14 early pts: 5, 100% reliefs; 6 reoperated for late relapse and
Nasholds previous publications colliculus level 6 fair (minimal residual pain, 1 pain-free after 4 procedures
on this treatment) (19631985) non-opioids required); 3, 0%
12 late pts ( 1 death 1 lost Unilateral lesions relieved bilateral
to follow-up): 7, 100% reliefs; pain
2 fair, 1 poor (significant resi-
dual pain), 2 0% (follow-up: Gradual disappearance of pain
360 mos)
2. lesions at inferior colliculus 13 early pts: 5, 100% reliefs, Lesion impinginng on reticular
level 5 fair; 1 poor; 1, 0% formation
(1 moribund); 12 late pts:
4, 100%; 3 fair; 2 poor; 3, 0%
Laitinen (1988) Thalamic pain (2 pts) STT ? Whole neurogenic pain group:
Paraplegia pain (1 pt) ? 25% relieved at 3 yrs. Complications
in half, including new dysesthesias
Sampson and Nashold (1992) CPSP (brainstem) (2 pts) Caudalis DREZ 1 complete relief, 1 partial relief Arm ataxia
(448 mos)
Gorecki and Nashold (1995) CPSP (45 pts?) 50% relief at 3 mos?
Tasker et al. (1991) Brain CP (11 pts) Mesencephalotomy with/with- Steady pain relieved in 3 (plus Evoked pain more responsive than
out medial thalamotomy other 3 temporarily) and failed steady pain
in 5; intermittent pain relieved
in the only pt who had it; evoked
pain relieved in 3 and unre-
lieved in 2
Bosch (1991) Thalamic pain (2 pts) Rostral mesencephalotomy 0% relief at 1 yr
Teixeira et al. (1998, 2003) CP, Wallenberg (7 pts) Bulbar trigeminal stereotactic Orofacial pain <VAS 3 in 85.7% 1 pt full relapse in 4 weeks and one
nucleotractotomy of pts immediately and at partial relapse in 6 mos. One repeat
follow-up (2 yrs) procedure
CP, brainstem Caudalis DREZ Failure
Midline commissural myelotomy (and stereotactic central C1 myelotomy)
Sourek (1969) 2 MS and 1 tabes dorsalis (pain Commissurotomy at D1011/ All 3 immediately relieved after
at L2S2 in both MS and L1S1 12 in MS and D11L1 in tabes surgery. 1 MS case had no
in tabes) relapse at 1 yr (at 6 mos girdle
pinprick analgesia disap-
peared). No follow-up in other 2
due to poor general conditions
Lippert et al. (1974) 1 paraplegia pain at T11 Surgery at T12S4 Over 7 mos relief from 80 to 20% Follow-up: NA
1 MS paraplegia pain Surgery at T12S2 Relief over 6 mos
1 transverse myelitis with girdle Surgery at T58 Much relieved
King (1977) 1 gunshot wound to L1 Commissurotomy at T11S1 Total relief (26 mos, until death)
Schvarcz (1978) 1 MS Stereotactic trigeminal Details as of CP not given
3 spinal lesions Stereotactic extralemniscal 0.56 yrs follow-up
Anterolateral cordotomies (spinothalamic tractotomies)
Frazier et al. (1937) CPSP (1 pt) Right, then left cordotomy (C5 Relief for 6 mos, then for 2.5 Facial pain treated by gasserian
and C3) mos until death ganglion alcohol injection
Turnbull (1939) CP, brain (1 pt) C3 anterolateral cordotomy Immediate abolition of pain No relief from previous sympathetic
Follow-up: 1 yr block
Kuhn (1947) CP, cord Cordotomy Partially effective
Freeman and Heimburger SCI CP (45 pts) Cordotomy Partially effective; 96% relief at
(1947) 18 mos
Davis and Martin (1947) SCI pain (18 pts) Cordotomy 1 lasting relief, 2 for 12 wks
with full relapse, all others
TABLE 7.1 (continued)
Author(s) Cause of central pain Procedure Efficacy/(follow-up) Notes
Anterolateral cordotomies (continued)
Stone (1950) CPSP (1 pt) Cervical anterolateral cordotomy 0%
Pollock and colleagues (1951) CP, cord (16 pts) Cervical anterolateral cordotomy 2 total pain reliefs
9 abolition of end-zone pain
(but not diffuse pains)
5 failures
Drake and McKenzie (1953) CP after lateral mesencephalo- Spinothalamic tractotomy 100% relief
tomy (1 pt) at bulbar level
Botterell et al. (1954) CP, complete SCI (5 pts) Bilateral high thoracic 3 excellent or good pain reliefs In each case, pain was sharp,
cordotomy (2, 3, 8 yrs); 1 early failure, cramping, stabbing and episodic.
1 late failure (6 yrs) Burning pain in saddle area present
in 2 cases, eliminated in 1
White and Sweet (1955) CP, brain (1 pt) Anterolateral cordotomy at C2 No pain relief Temporary relief from cortectomy
(see Table)
CP, postcordotomy (1 pt) Higher cordotomy Pain abolition Electrical and burning sensations,
Krueger (1960) CP, cord Cordotomy Partially effective Not available for review
Bohm (1960) CP, postcordotomy (1 pt) Lower bilateral cordotomy 0% Previous bilateral thoracic cordot-
omy. Burning pain
Porter et al. (1966) SCI CP and root damage (34 Bilateral T1T3 cordotomies 0% for burning pain in the legs Shooting or electrical-like pain
pts) relieved at least partially in 87%
at 13 mos and 62% at 820 yrs
(cauda pain)
Rhizotomy unsuccessful in cases
subsequently relieved by cordotomy
Burning leg pain not an indication
Waltz and Ehni (1966) CPSP (1 pt) Unilateral C2 anterolateral 100% relief; full relapse
cordotomy at 6 mos
Joyner et al. (1966) (Freeman CP, cord Cordotomy Partially effective
coauthor: see above)
White and Sweet (1969) Paraplegia pain (12 pts) High thoracic cordotomy 8 late reliefs (9 early)
Tabetic crises (6 pts) 5 late reliefs (6 early)
Paraplegia pain (2 pts) High cervical cordotomy 1 early plus 1 late failure
Tabetic crises (3 pts) 2 reliefs (plus 1 early failure)
Thalamic pain (1 pt) 1 early failure
Follow-up: up to 12 yrs
Sweet (1991) CP, brain (1 pt) Cervical anterolateral cordotomy Pain relief
Tasker et al. (1992) 34 (cord CP) Percutaneous cervical Steady pain: c. 75% of pts
cordotomy unrelieved; 20% of pts relieved
2550%; the rest relieved
Intermittent pain: c. half the pts
relieved 450%; c. one third
relieved 2550%; the rest
Evoked pain: half the pts
relieved 450%, one-fourth 25
50% and the rest unrelieved
Results at 1 year
Parrent et al. (1992) CPSP (1 pt) Cordotomy 0%
Armour (1927) SCI pain Cordectomy at the lower end Complete pain relief in thighs War conocaudal injury
of the cord and adjacent cauda and lower abdomen
equina (T12L2)
Davis and Martin (1947) CP, cord (1 pt) Cordectomy 0%
Freeman and Heimburger CP, cord Removal of a 23 cm cord Unsuccessful Leg pain
(1947) segment at T34
TABLE 7.1 (continued)
Author(s) Cause of central pain Procedure Efficacy/(follow-up) Notes
Cordectomies (continued)
McCarty (1954) Traumatic T7 total transverse Removal of the lower 21 cm Narcotics stopped/follow-up:
lesion; pain at T56 (1 pt) of the cord from T5 down to the 6 mos
conus Annoying girdle pains relieved
6 mos later and occasional
root pain at T5
Botterell et al. (1954) SCI (thoracic gunshot) pain Excision of the damaged cord Girdle pain at lesion level totally
(1 pt) up to grossly normal cord relieved for 8 yrs
T45 rhizotomy Burning pain in the feet arising
after cordectomy
Smolik et al. (1960) SCI pain (4 pts), including 1 pt Cord removal from the T10 level Pain and spasm relief in 2 pts
with anterior spinal artery down through conus medullaris Unsuccessful in ASAS pt
syndrome ASAS and upper cauda equina despite flaccidity
Werner (1961) SCI pain (1 pt) Cordectomy Pain persistence after first End-zone pain. First resection left the
myelectomy. Pain relief after scarred proximal cord stump adher-
a 2nd myelectomy ing to the dura
Druckman and Lende (1965) SCI pain (1 pt) Cordectomy just above trauma No pain relief Conocaudal injury. Pain in lower
level (T11 vertebra) abdominal and inguinal areas
Second higher cordectomy 3 cm Complete pain relief. Follow-up: mild burning in legs girdle pain.
above previous one in normal 18 mos. Persistence of mild No pain relief from a previous
tissue burning in legs bilateral T1112 rhizotomy
Druckman (1966) SCI pain (1 pt) Cordectomy above injury Pain relief. Follow-up: 12 mos
through normal cord
White and Sweet (1969) SCI pain (2 pts) 1. Limited cordectomy No pain relief Severe burning pains in legs
2. Cordectomy up to T11 Pain relief. Follow-up 4 yrs
Melzack and Loeser (1978) SCI pain (5 pts) with complete Cordectomy at various levels 2 unsuccessful (burning pain in Sympathetic blocks ineffective
transection legs, abdomen, buttocks);
1 partial (1st cordectomy at
T912 abolished part of the
pain for 2 yrs with worsening at
3rd year; 2nd one at T45
2 pain reliefs (paroxysmal
shooting pains in legs abolished
for 11.5 yrs with full relapse;
thoracoabdominal pain abol-
ished by T89 operation with
gradual full relapse by 5 yrs)
Nashold and Bullitt (1981) SCI pain (2 pts) Cordectomy of tethered cord Pain abolished T4 fracture; severe pain in legs only
upon head flexion
1 cm long low thoracic Pain relief. Follow-up: 12 yrs T12L1 fracture; pain in both legs
Durward et al. (1982) SCI pain (6 pts), in 5 also Cordectomy somewhat above Pain relief of arm pain in 3
posttraumatic syringomyelia the area of trauma at T68
(upper level of transection
below the upper level of the
syrinx) in 3 (14 yrs after CP
Cordectomy at various thoracic No pain relief of legbuttock
levels (T2 for a C6 lesion, T45 pain in 3
for major injury at T7 plus syrinx,
T1012 for same level injury)
Jefferson (1983, 1987) SCI pain (19 pts), diffuse to Cordectomy at T11 and/or Pain relief: 70100% in Lesions at/below T11 with episodic,
legs in 15 below 14/15 pts (100% in 7/14 pts) electric shock/spasm non-burning
Partial (leg pain abolished, pain more likely to respond to
abdominalgenitalsbuttocks cordectomy immediately, completely
pain unrelieved) in 1 and permanently
Cordectomy at T1011 and 025% relief In some cases cured of their pains,
T37 ( limited rhizotomy) there was still severe widespread
cord damage at the upper incision
TABLE 7.1 (continued)
Author(s) Cause of central pain Procedure Efficacy/(follow-up) Notes
Cordectomies (continued)
Tasker et al. (1992) CP, cord (12 pts) Cordectomy Steady pain relief: none in
70% of cases, 2550% in
30% of cases
Intermittent pain relief at 1 yr:
450% in 60% of cases,
2550% in 40% of cases
Evoked pain relief (41 yr):
450% in 80% of cases,
2550% in 20% of cases
Pagni and Canavero (1995b) CP, cord (2 pts) Cordomyelotomy (T5SI Shooting pain/spasms abol- Long-lasting (10 yrs) pain relief
myelomeres) ished; moderate burning to legs
and perineum lessened
DREZ lesions
Samii and Moringlane (1984) SCI pain (5 pts) DREZ lesions Pain relief: 70100% in 2/5, Pain at T23; burning pain in 1,
5070% in 2/5, <50% in 1/5 burning and needles in 1, in
3 unspecified
Dieckmann and Veras (1984) SCI pain (2 pts) DREZ lesions 0%
Richter and Seitz (1984) SCI pain (2 pts) DREZ lesions 0% benefit
Thomas and Jones (1984) SCI CP (1 pt) DREZ lesions Poor relief
Tumor CCP (1 pt) Good relief
Wiegand and Winkelmueller SCI pain (20 pts) DREZ lesions Pain relief (534 mos): At follow-up, 10 had maintained
(1985) 100% in 9, 80% in 1 their early postoperative relief and
moved from 80 to 100% relief
Friedman and Bullitt (1988) SCI pain (56 pts): end-zone DREZ lesions (lesions from a Pain relief end-zone pain: Bilateral pain resistant, but 9 of 10
pain (31 pts); burning few segments above to a few 74% good (100% relief with unilateral pain had good relief
dysesthesic pain (25 pts) segments below) and/or no analgesics needed
OR residual discomfort not
interfering with daily living
activities), 6% fair (still requiring
some analgesics), 20% no
Pain relief diffuse dysesthetic
pains: 20% good, 12% fair,
68% no results
Powers et al. (1988) (also CCP (9 pts) DREZ lesions, laser 5 successes, 4 failures End-zone pain in 4: all relieved
includes Powers et al. 1984) SCI pain (cauda) (2 pts) 0% Below-level pain: relief in 2/8
Follow-up: 463 mos Midline (perineal, scrotum) pain:
relief in 0/3
Sweet and Poletti (1989) SCI pain (1 pt), trauma DREZ lesions at T35 Complete relief of thoracic
posterior poliotomy end-zone pain and
(LX ablation) coccygeal/foot pain for 3 mos.
At 13 mos, 450% relief
CP (1 pt), T12 AVM Extensive DREZ lesions 0% of diffuse bilateral pain from
lower abdomen downwards
Kumagai et al. (1990) SCI pain (4 pts) DREZ 50% relief at 1130 mos Not available for review
Young (1990) SCI pain (26 pts) DREZ lesions (standard 55% of pts relieved. Follow-up: Midline pain, especially in mid-
and laser) up to 5 yrs lumbar area or genitalia, unrelieved;
83% of pts with cauda equina end-zone pain benefited
lesions relieved
Tasker et al. (1992) SCI pain (4 pts) DREZ lesions No effect on steady pain
2550% relief on evoked pain
present in 2 pts (41 yr)
Edgar et al. (1993) SCI pain and other pains Computer-assisted End-zone pain relieved in 92% 93% had diffuse pains and/or
(120 pts) DREZ lesions of pts; follow-up: 296 mos sacral pain
Standard DREZ lesions End-zone pain relieved in 58%
of pts
Rath et al. (1996) Paraplegia pain (22 pts) Junctional DREZotomy Diffuse burning: 5 failures of 6
Spinal cord cyst: 5 failures of 7
End-zone pain relieved in most
who had it
Follow-up: mean 54 mos
TABLE 7.1 (continued)
Author(s) Cause of central pain Procedure Efficacy/(follow-up) Notes
DREZ lesions (continued)
Nashold and Pearlstein (1996) Conocaudal pain (39 pts) DREZ lesions Pain relief at a mean of 3 yrs: Narcotics down from 90% of pts
(includes all previous papers of good (no analgesics required) in to 12%. Conocaudal pain relieved
the Dukes group on this 54% of pts; fair (nonnarcotics in 60%
procedure) still necessary, but pain not Best results in electric shock pain
interfering) in 20% of pts and end-zone pain
100% relief in 35% of pts Facial pains abolished in
at 10 years 40% at 10 yrs
Sampson and Nashold (1992) Pontine CPSP (1 pt) Caudalis DREZ 100% relief 2 days later
over 4 yrs
CP, mesencephalic AVM (1 pt) 50% relief 8 days later (death
4 mos later during surgery)
Sindou et al. (2001) (includes SCI (44 pts) Radicellotomy 450% pain relief in 14/16 pts Below lesion pain not favorably
all previous papers of Sindou (6 mos7 yrs) influenced, particularly
on this procedure) Long-term good results in perineosacral; radiculometameric
68% of pts pain responsive
Prestor (2001) SCI CP (1 pt) Junctional DREZ 0%
Syrinx CP (6 pts) Excellent relief (83.3%)
Good (16.7%)
at 648 mos
Falci et al. (2002) SCI pain (41 pts), generally at DREZ lesions guided by multiple Group A (9 pts): 100% relief 15% of repeat surgeries
T10L1, but 6 cases at T49 electrophysiological techniques in 56% of pts (50100% relief 4.7% of pts developed a new
in 78%); follow-up: 67 yrs permanent pain of low intensity
Group B (32 pts): 100% relief in (VAS 13)
84% (50100% relief in 88%);
follow-up: 16 yrs
End-zone pain (present in 6 of Evaluation: telephone interview and/
32): 100% relief in all. Below- or outpatient evaluation (VAS/verbal
level pain (present in 26 of scales)
32 pts): 100% relief in 81% of
pts (50100% relief in 85%)
Spaic et al. (2002) SCI pain (T9L4) (26) pts DREZ lesions Thermal pain (burning and
similar), steady pain and diffuse
infralesional pains: 0% long-
term relief.
Shooting, cutting, stabbing,
sharp, cramping, constriction,
throbbing end-zone pains:
100% relief in 70% of pts
and 450% relief in 20%
at 1350 mos
Rogano et al. (2003) SCI pts (complete/incomplete) DREZ lesions VAS from 9.7 to 1.9: end-zone
(11 pts) pain only
TABLE 7.1 (continued)
Author(s) Cause of central pain Procedure Efficacy/(follow-up) Notes
Spinal rhizotomies, peripheral blocks, sympathectomies and sympathetic blocks (continued)
Rowbotham (1961) CP, brain (1 pt) Retrogassearian neurotomy Failure
Stellectomy Failure
Campanini and De Risio (1962) CP, brain (1 pt) Stellectomy Good pain relief
Porter et al. (1966) SCI pain Sympathectomy Failure
Waltz and Ehni (1966) CPSP (1 pt) Sympathetic lidocaine block Failure
White and Sweet (1969) CPSP, Wallenberg (1 pt) Alcohol injection of III branch of Failures
trigeminal n. and later gasserian
Retrogasserian rhizotomy
Alcoholic injection of the
thoracic sympathetic chain
CP, syringobulbia Trigeminal rhizotomy Failures
CP (several pts) Sympathectomies Failures
CCP, postcordotomy (1 pt) Rhizotomy Failure
Nashold and Wilson (1970) CPSP, brainstem (1 pt) Peripheral blocks (local anes- 0% relief
thetic, alcohol) in trigeminal
Hannington-Kiff (1974) CPSP (6 pts) Guanethidine sympathetic block 6/6 pain relief Placebo (saline) or bupivacaine
Melzack and Loeser (1978) SCI pain (5 pts) with complete Sympathetic blocks Failure
Loh et al. (1981) (likely 1. CP, brainstem (no confirma- 1. Guanethidine block (leg) 1. Complete permanent relief All pts had burning pain plus
includes almost all pts tory CT scan) several kinds of allodynia/
previously published in Loh et hyperpathia
al. (1980) and Loh and Nathan 2. CPSP 2. Sympathetic chain block 2. 50% 1 h relief No placebo injections!
(1978), where apparently a 3. CPSP 3a. Guanethidine block 1 3a. Pain and allodynia much Only pts with hyperpathia-allodynia
further tumor CCP case and a improved for 5 days Also, guanethidine infusion did not
postcordotomy CP case were 3b. Guanethidine block 2 3b. No effects completely block sympathetic
also included) 3c. Guanethidine block 3 3c. Pain almost gone, allodynia control of digital blood vessels.
much improved for 40 h
4. CPSP (negative CT scan) 4a. Sympathetic chain block 4a. Complete relief for No effects on sensibility of normally
2.548 h innervated regions, but pts may
4b. Guanethidine block 4b. Complete relief for 12 h notice an area of diminished sensi-
bility and numbness restricted to the
5. CCP (Schneiders syndrome) 5a. Sympathetic chain block 5a. 50% relief of burning and
territory of the damaged nerve
allodynia improved for 20 h
5b. Guanethidine block 5b. Slight relief of pain, allodynia
slight or moderate relief for 24 h
6. CP, multiple sclerosis 6a. Guanethidine block 1 6a. Burning improved (?), Pain relief beyond area of block in
allodynias removed or much 2 cases. Case 4: stellate block also
improved for 46 h blocked leg pain; case 3: neckear
pain relieved, plus shoulder pain
6b. Guanethidine block 2 6b. Burning abolished,
allodynias abolished or much
improved for 60 h
6c. Guanethidine block 3 6c. Burning 75% reduced, Stellate block: local anesthetic; IV
allodynias abolished or much guanet: 15 mg in 30 ml saline
improved for 20 h
6d. Guanethidine block 4 6d. Burning 50% reduced,
allodynias improved or much
improved for 2024 h
6e. Guanethidine block 5 6e. Burning abolished,
allodynias abolished or
improved for 46 h
6f. Iontophoretic guanethidine 1 6f. Pain reduced in fingers
and 2
7. CP, multiple sclerosis 7a. Guanethidine block 1 7a. Slight effect on burning and
allodynia for 2 h
TABLE 7.1 (continued)
Author(s) Cause of central pain Procedure Efficacy/(follow-up) Notes
Spinal rhizotomies, peripheral blocks, sympathectomies and sympathetic blocks (continued)
Loh et al. (continued) 7b. Guanethidine block 2 7b. Burning halved, allodynia
much improved or abolished for
60 h
7c. Guanethidine block 3 7c. Burning halved, allodynia
modestly improved for 3 h
8. CP, cervical astrocytoma 8a. Left sympathetic chain 8a. Burning almost abolished
block and allodynia improved for 1 h
8b. Right guanethidine block 1 8b. Burning halved, allodynia
improved for 1 h
8c. Guanethidine block 2 8c. Burning halved, allodynia
improved for 1 h
8d. Iontophoretic guanethidine 8d. Tenderness improved,
1 and 2 in phalanges allodynia gone
Tasker et al. (1992) CCP (5 pts) Rhizotomy (L4, T12L1, L12 Pain relief in 2/5 (C4, T512) Rhizotomy only transiently effective
bilaterally, intercostal nerves) (hyperpathia only) for steady pain and then worsening
D. Long (comment to Milhorat Syringomyelia CP Sympathectomy Most failures
et al. 1996)
Milhorat et al. (1996, 1997) Syringomyelia SCI CP (2 out 1. Sympathetic block with 1. Prolonged relief, then 100%
of 15 pts) 10 ml of 0.25% bupivacaine, relief at 5 mos
then stellate ganglionectomy
Syringomyelia CP (1 pt) 2. Similar blocks 2. Relief
sympathectomy 100% relief 22 mos later
Yamamoto et al. (1997) CPSP, thalamic and suprathala- Stellate ganglion block Failure Stellate ganglion block with 10 ml of
mic (39 pts) 0.5% mepivacaine and to cervical or
lumbar epidural block with 5 ml of
0.5% mepivacaine
Pathophysiology: Human Data 291
(hence, its bilaterality of activation), but is clearly not essential for stimulus
localization/discrimination (see Schnitzler and Ploner 2000; Fujiwara et al. 2002);
in humans, it receives few fibers from Vc (Kaas 2004). Unlike tactile input,
noxious input simultaneously activates SI and SII (see Schnitzler and Ploner 2000;
see also Hobson et al. 2002). First pain is particularly related to SI activation, second
pain to ACC activation; both are associated with SII activation (Ploner et al.
2002). Actually, SII and the (right) posterior insula may be considered as a unique
structure (and cannot be separately resolved by present day PET) (see also Frot and
Mauguiere 2003). The insula may integrate pain-related input from SII and the
thalamus with contextual information from other modalities before relaying
this information to the temporal lobe limbic structures (pain-related avoidance
memory/learning) and to autonomic stations (amygdala, brainstem, etc.). Patients
with insular lesions recognize a stimulus as painful, but exhibit absent or inappro-
priate affective responses (Berthier et al. 1988), as early stages of affect are mediated
in the insula.
The posterior parietal cortex (PPC, BA5-7) may play a role in conscious pain
perception and body awareness (Witting et al. 2001) and in the initial stages
of cortical motor planning (Driver and Mattingley 1998). PPC receives input from
SI and SII, while the DLPFC and the PPC are the most densely connected areas
of the association cortex (and may actually process attentional-orientation toward
incoming sensory input). Lesions to PPC produce multisensory (body schema)
neglect syndromes. Nonetheless, a role in CP is questioned by Hoogenraad and
colleagues (1994), who described a 46-year-old man with ischemic infarction of the
right parietal cortex following carotid dissection and, among others, left hemianes-
thesia with almost complete loss of all sensory modalities. MRI disclosed an infarc-
tion involving the posterior part of the postcentral (SI), supramarginal and angular gyri
plus inferior and superior parietal lobe. Over the next month the patient was unaware
of his left arm, had no feeling in the arm, could not use it, but when he saw the arm
being approached by someone it would suddenly move sideways as if it had been
stung; simultaneously, he experienced a burning pain. The involuntary withdrawal
movements of his left arm were so embarrassing that he tied it to his belt. Eight
months later, with eyes closed, he showed loss of superficial sensation (pain and
touch) in the left side of his body, more severely in the arm than in the leg, trunk and
face, the distal parts of the extremities being affected most. No delayed pain reaction
occurred. There was also complete loss of postural sense, which resulted in sensory
ataxia and pseudo-athetoid movements. Vibration was not perceived. There was lack
of awareness of the left half of his body and inability to move his left hand and fingers
without visual control. With his eyes open and his gaze directed at his left hand, the
patient was able to open and close the hand very slowly. There were no sensory
abnormalities on the right side of his body. On seeing that the left part of his body
was approached for sensory testing, the patient invariably made a brisk withdrawal
movement; at the same time he felt a burning pain that was accompanied by
grimacing. On moving about, an incidental contact that was not anticipated did not
result in pain and withdrawal. When the patient himself approached his left arm
with his right hand there was neither pain nor withdrawal (suggesting that attention
activates CP).
Pathophysiology: Human Data 293
C I N G U L O T O M Y , L E U K O T O M Y ):
Unlike other chronic pains (Bouckoms 1989), results
are generally disappointing for CP. In rare cases in which it was deemed effective,
the pain was simply less distressing and bothersome (pain indifference), the patient
less anxious or depressed by pain; spontaneous complaints about pain are diminished
and a patients ability to appreciate the meaning of the pain may be disrupted.
According to Turnbull (1972), bilateral cingulotomy alone is ineffective when pain
is caused by a major organic disease (p. 962), including CP.
Bilateral cingulotomy/capsulotomy (but also some psychiatric conditions) result
in decreased pain tolerance and hyperphatic-type responses to acute painful stimuli
following frontal surgery (e.g., Davis et al. 1994; Talbot et al. 1995). This is the reverse
situation expected from some theories (Craig 1998), in which interruption of the
thalamocingular path or destruction of cingular areas may actually relieve CP.
Contrary to some speculations (Pattany et al. 2002), frontal lobes are not essential
to CP generation. However, prefrontal activity may lead to an increased salience
of pain at the cost of other cognitive and emotional behavioral abilities, with pain
constantly interfering with attention to other tasks.
In humans, the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) may be divided into a caudal
region, showing increased activity during pain per se (from STT input), an
adjacent part preferentially involved in general attention (alerting/orienting attention
[at 125 ms] and [escape] response competition monitoring [at 200 ms] to pain;
Dowman 2002) and a rostral region involved in pain affect (i.e., unpleasantness
of pain). Rostral ACC (and/or underlying cingulum) tonically suppresses pain,
with opposite effects on pACC and insula (reviewed in Petrovic and Ingvar 2002),
but chronic pain engages both ACC and mid-cingulate cortex (MCC) (which also
includes cingulate motor areas) (Vogt et al. 2003); differential involvement of MCC
in pain may result in different outcomes in cingulotomy analgesia. Interestingly,
differences between physically and psychologically induced pain may be quantitative
rather than qualitative, with a role of rostral/perigenual ACC and pericingulate
areas in source monitoring (Raij et al. 2005).
The significant involvement of CC in pain processing may be an evolutionary relic
from a distant past when the prefrontal neocortex had not yet evolved and hippo-
campus, cingulate cortex, cingulate and brainstem motor areas/nuclei and amygdala
represented the highest order cognitive, afferent and efferent levels (McCrone 1999).
In humans, the assembly of information and motor-autonomic response to a painful
experience may depend largely upon the evolutionarily late PFC and its extensive
output to multiple brain sites, with a particularly important role for late cognitively
driven stages of pain affect and for the sharp consciousness of a mental event
(McCrone 1999). According to Freeman and Watts (1950), the frontal lobes are
important structures, not so much for the experiencing of pain as for the evaluat-
ing of the sensation, the estimation of its significance in terms of the self and
of the future. However, this network plays clearly no primary sustaining role in
chronic CP.
Finally, Guiots group is said to have temporarily relieved CP by bilateral ablation
of BA6 (Garcin 1968), but stimulation in these areas never provided a benefit (one
personal case plus others from a Japanese group; see Chapter 6).
294 Central Pain Syndrome
d. T H A L AM O T O M I E S : The literature is for the most part too old to be significant and
many series of thalamotomies did not differentiate results according to pain category
and are not available for discussion; most are pre-CT and MRI. Importantly, there
is poor agreement on thalamic nomenclature among series. With older technology,
it is difficult that lesions may have been limited to Vcpc and also other nuclei
are difficult to evaluate.
Thalamotomies for CP aimed at lesioning the entrance point into the thalamus of
quinto and spinothalamic pain fibers, limitans nucleus, Vc or nonspecific nuclei
(CM-Pf, CL, DM, pulvinar and anterior nuclei) were believed to involve the spino-
reticulothalamic (polysynaptic) pain pathways or thought to modify the emotional
response to pain. Paradoxically, therapeutic lesions in Vc resulted in CP (White and
Sweet 1969; Siegfried and Krayenbuhel 1972). Cassinari and Pagni (1969) concluded
that only large thalamic lesions centered on CM-limitans-CL nuclei would comple-
tely interrupt spinoreticular pathways (partial lesions would be only temporarily
effective by a temporary suppression of hyperactivity of thalamic or cortical neurons,
for lack of facilitation). Lesions centered on Vc always encroached on the nuclei
of the diffuse projection system of the thalamus immediately close by, and this might
have either promoted or limited CP onset. Mazars (1976, p. 141) stated that all
posterior thalamotomies are followed, after a more or less long time, by CP. Basal
thalamotomies, placed above the midbrain at the base of the medial thalamus,
extended laterally to interrupt both specific and nonspecific pain afferents, and
exactly enclosed Vcpc: results have been similar to other sites. Independently of
the targeted nuclei, initial results of thalamotomies are positive in most cases,
with immediate relief of CP after Vc, CM and pulvinar lesions in some patients
Pathophysiology: Human Data 295
(see Table 7.1). Results appear to be modestly better (and complications lower, with
no or little sensory loss) with medial (particularly bilateral) than with Vc
thalamotomies (see also Tasker 1990). Bilateral medial lesions, though, increased
the risk of cognitive impairment, by interfering with attentional processes. Few CP
patients appear to have benefited in the long term. The great variability of response,
relapse rate of pain (up to 50%), non-negligible operative mortality, dysphasia and
severe dysesthesias make stereotactic thalamotomy a poor option for CP. Bilateral
lesions produced many more complications and deaths and bilateral extensive
destruction of thalamus is incompatible with life; severe, permanent complications
and deaths have been reported with all thalamotomies. Interestingly, some unilateral
lesions relieved bilateral pain.
Recent image-guided series provide some additional data. Jeanmonod and
colleagues (1996, 2001) found 50100% improvement in 40% of CP much less
than for PNP at 2 years, in line with the experience of Tasker (1990) and Young and
colleagues (1995), after medial thalamotomies (see also Ohye 1998). The lesions
centered in CL, where most bursting units were found, revealed themselves to be
the most efficient. Next, in descending order of efficiency, came Pf, PO, PuO and
PuM nuclei. Results after lesions in CM and midline nuclei were the least efficient.
However, steady pain with thermal qualities proved the most resistant pain profile
than intermittent pain and allodynia, deep (proprioceptive) pain more resistant than
superficial pain. Magnin and colleagues (2001) observed that in neurogenic pain
(including CP) CL stimulation leads to paresthesia, in motor disorders to motor
reactions and in psychiatric disorders to emotional feelings, i.e., CL is a supporting
nucleus, not specific to CP. It should be noted that pulvinotomy, like medial
thalamotomies, can reduce chronic, but not acute, pain (Richardson 1974).
Tasker (2001a) concluded that there may be a place for medial thalamotomy for
evoked-intermittent pains. On the other hand, Ohye (1998) found Vim thalamo-
tomies effective for deep pain only in about 40 CP cases. He also concluded that
CM-Pf used as a target in the past may have been the wrong target (Ohye 1990; but
see Weigel and Krauss 2004). This is interesting, as old series did not distinguish
the various components of CP sufficiently. Excellent results for CP have been
reported after pulvinotomy by some (Yoshii et al. 1980; Laitinen 1988), but these are
difficult to analyze (Tasker 1990).
Taken together, available data suggest involvement of several thalamic nuclei in
the genesis of CP. Certainly, unlike medial lesions, Vc lesions add to denervation,
perhaps resulting in less long-term relief due to shift of the CP generator contra-
laterally (see Chapter 8). VMpo plays no role in the genesis of CP (Montes et al.
The puzzling efficacy, at least in the short term, of lesions of different nuclei may
be explained by invoking current anatomical concepts. Cortical areas can speak
to each other through higher order thalamic nuclei, with one thalamocortical (TC)
pathway reporting to its own cortical area the major (layer 5) output of another
cortical area (i.e., higher order TC cells have a role in corticocortical communication)
in tonic mode. Through their layer 6 corticothalamic (CT) connections, they can in
turn modify the report of a cortical output, as this is passed through the thalamus,
by promoting burst or tonic mode. Higher order nuclei receive from layer
296 Central Pain Syndrome
5 pyramidal cells about the cortical output (versus first order nuclei). Within each
sector of the reticular nucleus (TRN), cortical areas with the same spectrum of
function (e.g., pain) may influence each other through the action of TRN on sensory
or associative thalamic nuclei. Cortical areas receiving thalamic afferents from higher
order relay nuclei may well be dominated by that input, rather than by other direct
cortical connections (explaining, for example, pulvinotomy effects on CP: pulvinar
is a higher order nucleus projecting to SI, but without STT input). Neurons in
separate somatosensory nuclei of the dorsal thalamus influence (excite or inhibit) one
anothers activity through the TRN (Crabtree et al. 1998), further contributing to
efficacy of different thalamotomies.
Interesting cytoarchitectonic data strengthen the concept. The spread of coherent
activity across ensembles of cortical neurons has traditionally been ascribed to
intralaminar nuclei (Castro-Alamancos and Connors 1997), but in fact this 40 Hz
synchronization can be the sole result of a matrix of calbindin-immunoreactive
(CAL) neurons present in all thalamic nuclei and projecting diffusely to superficial
layers of several adjacent cortical areas (Jones 2001). In some nuclei, a core of
parvalbumin-immunoreactive (PA) neurons is superimposed upon the matrix.
Core neurons project in a topographically ordered fashion to middle layers of the
cortex in an area-specific manner. Matrix neurons, recruited by corticothalamic
connections, can disperse activity across cortical areas and thalamic nuclei. Their
superficial terminations can synchronize specific and nonspecific elements of the
thalamocortical network in coherent activity (perhaps also explaining bilateral
recruitment during allodynia). Subcortical inputs too (e.g., the STT) adhere to this
scheme, being less precise to matrix and more focused on the core. Thus, after
a population of cortical cells is activated by whatever stimulus, it feeds back onto
the matrix cells of its thalamic relay neurons, engaging, via the diffuse projections
of the matrix cells, other adjacent populations of cortical cells. These cells (layer VI)
in turn would feed back to the matrix cells of their thalamic relay nuclei, and so on,
forming links between distant neurons. Multiple thalamic nuclei could be recruited by
corticothalamic fibers returning from the first area to nuclei other than that from which
that area receives its principal thalamic input and might be a key element in binding
together the activities of multiple cortical columns in the generation of a sensory percept.
If sufficiently widespread, it could provide a basis for interactions between distant
cortical areas in uniting perception with planning strategies for action, but also
explain effects of thalamotomies.
The terminations in superficial layers of matrix neurons, together with those of
PA cells in middle layers, form a coincidence detection circuit. The vertical inte-
gration of coincident matrix inputs to apical dendritic branches of cortical pyramidal
cells in upper layers and of PA core inputs to their dendrites in middle layers
should promote oscillatory activity in these cells. This would be reinforced by the
projections of cells in layers VVI back to the thalamus, first engaging core and
matrix cells that are topographically related to an activated set of cortical columns,
but soon spreading across more widespread areas of thalamus and cortex. In this way,
transient links would be formed between discrete populations of cortical and thalamic
cells with different relationships to a cognitive event. Attention would modulate this
synchronized neuronal activity and affect intensity of CP.
Pathophysiology: Human Data 297
g. A NT E R O L A T E R A L C O R D O T O MI E S ( S P I N O T H AL A M I C T R A C T O T O M I ES ): According to
Joyner and colleagues (1966), 103 reported cordotomies have successfully relieved
paraplegia pain (CP not broken down), and only 27 of the 154-strong group were
unrelieved. On the other hand, White and Sweet (1969) reported that, despite
an initial 56% incidence of pain relief in paraplegics, only 33% have remained
pain free in the long term. Low cordotomies have been much less successful than
higher ones, all at the expense of significant sensory loss. Davis and Martin (1947)
found cordotomies ineffective in several cases of CCP.
The pain that responds to cordotomy is not the steady pain. White (1963) stated
that when the spinal cord is involved rather than its sensory roots, spinothalamic
tractotomy, or even a complete myelotomy, is not likely to eliminate pain in the back
and legs. Botterell and colleagues (1954) stated: in complete lesions . . . burning
pain has proved a problem difficult of solution in cases of injury to the . . . spinal
cord, but by contrast, jabbing, shooting, crampy, gripping, colicky and vice-like
pains, have been regularly relieved by satisfactory bilateral tractotomy (i.e., open
cordotomy). Porter and colleagues (1966) stated that cordotomy has . . . no
effect . . . on the frequently encountered burning pain in the lower extremities
(in traumatic paraplegia). According to Lipton (1989), cordotomies should not be
used (for denervation pains) because when pain returns it may have dysesthetic
qualities and the patient is worse off than previously. Rosomoff (1969) considered
cordotomies futile for CCP and found a high incidence of associated dysesthesias
in this group. Tasker (1990) too stated that long-surviving cord CP patients often
relapse, or new pains emerge and/or the analgesic levels achieved by cordotomy fade
with time. By interrupting the spinothalamic fibers, this obviously sets the stage for
further later different pains (although it was suggested that bilateral cordotomies may
lessen this risk). According to Tasker and North (1997), postcordotomy dysesthesias
typically take time to develop and occur in 11.5% of cordotomized patients, in
about 4% being long lasting and severe. Other series provide higher figures (620%),
but data in many series are difficult to interpret. Tasker (1997) operated on 23 CCP
patients with percutaneous, plus 8 with open cordotomy. Pain recurred in 8 after 1
21 years with gradual fading of analgesia. Repetition of cordotomy in 6 restored the
level of analgesia in all, but pain relief was recaptured in only 3. He (Tasker et al.
1992) relieved spontaneous pain in 27%, intermittent spontaneous pain in 86%
and evoked pain in 75% of his SCI CP cases, showing how intermittent/evoked pains
were dependent upon transmission in STT paths. Thus, STT-tomies may relieve
some cases of CCP (and exceptionally BCP); in the majority, CP relapsed shortly
contralaterally (White and Sweet 1969), ipsilaterally (Bowsher 1988) or bilaterally
(Graf 1960).
Thus, MS CP, CPSP, postcordotomy burning pain and pain due to scarring
of the upper thoracic spinal cord are poorly responsive to anterolateral cordotomies
(but also cordectomies and traditional DREZ lesions), with some exceptions
(single cases of, e.g., Botterel et al. 1954; Davis and Martin 1947; Pollock et al.
1951a). Hyperactive spinal cells may feed the brain generator; reduction of this
bottom-up barrage in some patients (obtained by cordotomy, cordectomy and
DREZ lesions) may at least transitorily interfere with supraspinal mechanisms,
as discussed above.
Pathophysiology: Human Data 299
18 cases with an intramedullary cyst (syrinx), drainage of the cyst alone did not
suffice, whereas in 18 in whom this was combined with DREZ lesions, 12 good and
2 fair results were achieved.
As mentioned, hyperactive STT and propriospinal cells may contribute to feed the
supraspinal generator (see Chapter 8).
There are a few cases of CP which suddenly vanished after long-standing disease.
Nature is teaching us a valuable lesson we must learn from.
Pathophysiology: Human Data 301
Case 1 (Spiegel et al. 1954; Hassler 1970). They observed sudden disappearance
of thalamic hyperpathia due to a lesion of the posterior portion of the thalamus after
a new larger lesion in the posterior ventral nucleus of the thalamus.
Case 2 (Gybels and Sweet 1989, p. 342). These authors treated one patient with pain
in the right leg of 12-year duration after a left cerebral stroke. Several neurosurgical
operations (not specified) had no effect, but morphine (0.05 mg) administered via a
ventricular catheter was followed by a 12 day long complete pain relief and severe
paraparesis; 0.025 mg relieved the pain for 12 hours without motor deficits.
Satisfactory relief continued for 7 months, at which time a major left cerebral infarct
produced a right hemiplegia and complete relief of her pain.
Case 3 (Soria and Fine 1991). Their 62-year-old patient developed an acute
stroke with a right hemisensorimotor syndrome, including pain and temperature
hypoesthesia. Typical CPSP with allodynia developed over 12 months. The threshold
for pain, temperature and light touch was increased, but, when exceeded, the pain
resulting was intolerable. One year following the stroke, a CT revealed a small lacunar
infarct of the left thalamus. Somatosensory evoked potentials revealed absent N18,
N20 and P27 components. Several drugs and other kinds of treatment had no
enduring, satisfactory effect. However, 7 years after the original episode, a second
stroke produced sudden right hemiplegia, motor aphasia and complete disappear-
ance of both the pain and the allodynia. At follow-up, 5 months later, there was pain
and temperature hypoesthesia in the right half of the body. A late CT scan revealed
a well-demarcated, low-density lesion in the left parietal lobe, deep in the centrum
semiovale, adjacent to the body of the lateral
ventricle. Pain was still absent 1 year later
(Figure 7.3).
Case 4 (Hirato et al. 1993). These authors
reported a patient with CP after a putaminal
lesion, in whom many irregular burst discharges
were encountered in the thalamus (Vim-Vc). PET
revealed thalamic hypoactivity and cortical hyper-
activity. CP disappeared after a small subcortical
hemorrhage had accidentally occurred near the
cerebral cortex around the central sulcus during
Case 5 (Canavero et al. 2001). This woman
developed disabling left hemisoma (C4 sensory
level) CP following surgery for a C45 herniation,
with prominent thermomechanical allodynia in
involved regions. She was refractory to multiple
drug therapy. During MCS, a microdialysis Figure 7.3: This patient developed CP after a pure
thalamic stroke (not shown). A further stroke along
catheter was inserted into right SI arm area.
the parietothalamic axis abolished the pain.
Within 48 hours of surgery, the patient started to (Adapted from Soria and Fine [1991], with
complain of a dead flesh sensation to the left permission from the International Association for
arm distal to the deltoid. A CT scan showed a the Study of Pain.)
302 Central Pain Syndrome
Figure 7.4: CT scan of a SI stroke selectively abolishing arm cord central pain (left). MR image showing
resolution of the stroke at a time when central pain had relapsed (right). (From Canavero et al. [2001],
with permission.)
right SI infarction and the catheter was removed. For 20 days, the patient complained
of her previous pain, except for the left arm. Thereafter, her CP returned with the
same intensity and characteristics as per before the stroke. During those 20 days there
was complete dense anesthesia of the limb with no sign of allodynia (mechanical and
thermal). Burning pain was absent (VAS/NRS: 0). MRI 8 months later showed
a normal-appearing SI with only a serpiginous area inside (Figure 7.4).
Case 6 (Helmchen et al. 2002). In June 1999 this 58-year-old man experienced
sudden stroke with left-sided sensorimotor symptoms (bar face and neck), with both
lemniscal and spinothalamic deficits. CT showed a hemorrhage in right thalamic Vc.
Three months later, he noticed the gradual onset of a throbbing, burning, aching,
dysesthetic pain on his left side (maximal in the arm) (VAS 8) which became
disabling and was aggravated by movements and cold stimuli. Ten months later,
hemihypesthesia and hypalgesia were unchanged (movement was improved), but
there was mechanical and thermal (cold and warm) allodynia; on CT, a cir-
cumscribed hypodense lesion was seen in the posterior right thalamus. MRI also
showed a few subcortical parietal and frontal infarctions in the centrum semiovale
not involving the ACC. Drugs were ineffective. In April 2001, while washing his
hands, he could no more appreciate warm temperature on his right hand, although
being able to differentiate between warm and cold water on his left arm; allodynia on
the left was gone and the spontaneous aching CP on his left side disappeared. He
presented sensory deficits on the right side, particularly severe thermalgesic
hypesthesia. On the left, he could differentiate warm and cold stimuli in his hand,
without a trace of allodynia. There was still hemidysthesia and hypesthesia, partic-
ularly in the arm. Simultaneous tactile, but not thermal, stimulation was localized to
the right arm. There was no thermal or algesic sensation in his right hand, while in
Pathophysiology: Human Data 303
his left it was practically normal. Over the following 2 months, sensory deficits largely
improved on the right side, bar position sense. Concomitantly, spontaneous CP and
to a smaller degree cold thermal allodynia redeveloped on the left side and still
increased over the following months. Almost 1 year later, left CP still persisted, but
without warm thermomechanical allodynia. No CP had yet developed on the right
side. On SSEPs there was prolonged P40 latency on right tibial nerve stimulation.
MRI showed left hemispheric postcentral parietal ischemic infarction (5 4 5 cm)
that involved SI, supramarginal gyrus, SII, external capsule and a very small portion of
the posterior insula, sparing the anterior insula, internal capsule and the left
Case 7 (Daniele et al. 2003). A hypertensive 68-year-old woman developed acute left
hemiparesis with mildmoderate motor impairment, hypoesthesia and tingling
sensation which increased over the days. CT showed a right thalamic hemorrhage.
Several days after discharge, she began to complain of spontaneous pain in her left
limbs, sometimes described as burning and excruciating, and tactile allodynia.
Carbamazepine at 800 mg was only partially effective. Three years later, the pain was
unabated, with partial reduction of hypesthesia. Then, she suddenly developed acute
aphasia. A CT showed a left frontoparietal ischemic lesion plus bilateral lacunar
infarcts. For the next 3 years (until death) her pain and allodynia were completely gone.
Similar cases of disappearance without pathologic confirmation are on record.
For instance, White and Sweet (1955) reported a woman suffering from thalamic
CPSP. Two-staged bilateral orbital gyrectomy gave no relief of pain. However, four
months after operation the pains inexplicably disappeared and the patient was well.
Patient 2 of Michel and colleagues (1990) developed douleur fulgurante en coup de
couteau to the left hand, plus brachial paresis and tactile and pinprick hypesthesia.
CPSP worsened, but 3 weeks later it disappeared with onset of brachiofacial left
hemiplegia, only to be replaced by cheirooral paresthesias; a CT scan showed
a superficial cortical hypodensity straddling right SI/MI. Young and Rinaldi (1997)
state that in one patient, who experienced a right-sided thalamic hemorrhage, neglect
of the left side of the body developed that relieved the patient of her pain, but they
do not state if it was CP. Franzini and colleagues (2003) reported disappearance
of CPSP partially relieved by MCS after an undetailed brainstem stroke.
Finally, there is one single case report (Koszewski et al. 2003) of full CP relief
following thalamoparietal radiation lesioning. Three years previously, a 72-year-old
man developed a right hemispheric stroke. Immediately after the stroke he was
hemiplegic and hemianesthetic. Then sensibility renormalized and his plegia became
a nondisabling hemiparesis. Three months after stroke, he developed burning pain
and allodynia in the left hemibody and became suicidal. In 2002 an MRI showed
a right lesion covering most of the putamen, claustrum, external capsule and part
of the insular cortex; the internal capsule was at least partially damaged.
He was submitted to stereotactic anterior capsulotomy for no clearly explained
reason. During surgery, stimulation of the border between the internal pallidum and
posterior limb of the internal capsule diminished, but not fully abolished the pain.
Two large lesions were done covering the whole border between the posterior limb of
the internal capsule and the lentiform nucleus: in this area only, stimulation controlled
304 Central Pain Syndrome
normal-appearing postcentral gyrus above the arm area elicited painless prickling
sensations in the foot. A transpial incision was made 5 mm deeper than the gutters
of the gyri along the posterior edge of the postcentral gyrus and over three
contiguous parietal gyri. The cortex and adjacent U-fiber areas of the white matter
were easily removed. On the next day the patient had no subjective pain or
dysesthesia or allodynia. The patient remained pain-free 10 years after surgery.
5. Retif and colleagues (1967) reported on a patient (their case 3) who had an
anterior parietal meningioma with purely paroxysmal fit-like pain and a jacksonian
march. Removal was followed by a complete recovery. EEG showed an irritative
6. Stoodley and colleagues (1995) reported a 63-year-old woman who gradually
(over many years) developed constant dull pain to the whole right hemisoma (worse
in the face) and an unpleasant tingling sensation on being touched on those areas.
There was no sensory deficit. Neuroradiologically, she harbored a saccular aneurysm
of the bifurcation of the left internal carotid artery extending up to the left thalamus.
There was complete resolution of all her sensory symptoms immediately following
surgical clipping and for a follow-up of 18 months.
7. Potagas and colleagues (1997) described a patient with intermittent pain in
the right arm caused by an otherwise asymptomatic low-grade glioma of the white
matter of the parietal operculum whose pain stopped after excision of the tumor.
8. Fukuhara and colleagues (1999) reported on a woman with a 9-year story of
progressively worsening of episodic deep aching/burning CP to the right hemisoma.
No sensory deficit was present. Neuroimaging disclosed an arterovenous malforma-
tion in the corona radiata of the parietal lobe, along the posterior horn of the lateral
ventricle. Embolization achieved complete remission. Transient sensory hypesthesia
was seen (postembolization subparietal ischemia?).
9. Albe-Fessard (personal communication to Barraquer-Bordas et al. 1999) had
a woman with CP in an anesthetic facial area. She had a huge parietal meningioma
with maximal compression on face area. Removal led to CP disappearance and
renormalization of sensibility.
10. Tasker (2001) operated on a patient with a right parietal hemispheral
meningioma presenting with contralateral dysesthetic causalgic pain, which
disappeared after removal of the tumor.
11. We observed several cases ourselves. Pagni and Canavero (1993) reported on
a woman suffering paroxysms of pain, described as burning, lancinating
or electric shock-like, which increased in frequency over the months.
MRI disclosed a posterior T67 meningioma. Extirpation resulted in total remission
over 24 hours, without any further recurrence. Canavero and colleagues (1995)
described a man who developed acute Schneiders syndrome and hyperacute
allodynia to the limbs (worse in the arms in C68 dermatomeres bilaterally) within
30 minutes of a fall. Allodynia was so intense to make sensory examination
impossible. On MRI, there was spondylotic narrowing of the vertebral canal with
306 Central Pain Syndrome
. . . in the light of knowledge finally achieved, deductions seem almost obvious and can
be understood by any intelligent student; but the experience of research, gropingly in the
darkness, with its profound anxiety to succeed and its alternating character between certainty
and discouragement, can only be understood by him who has experienced it. (A. Einstein,
The evidence reviewed strongly suggests that CP may be understood as the result
of a localized reverberation loop between the parietal cortex (SI, and perhaps SII)
and the sensory thalamus (Vc, core and shell) with a supporting role of Vim, CL
and its SI projections, and pulvinar (Canavero et al. 1993; Canavero 1994), as this is
the only mechanism able to explain pain disappearance following lesions limited
to the subcortical white matter (see Box 8.1). This dipole is exquisitely adjusted
to explain somatotopographical pain distribution in CP (Canavero 1994). The loop,
with its descending excitatory arm, is engaged bilaterally, with contralateral or,
in some cases, ipsilateral predominance. In those rare cases with complete SI
or thalamic destruction (e.g., maxithalamotomies), the reverberant loop can be
activated contralaterally. CP appears to be more frequent after right-sided lesions,
perhaps due to lateralization of norepinephrine. Since the evidence points to
a major role of this arm in CP sustenance (see also Yamashiro et al. 1991), we
propose that STT lesions (or simple interference, without actual sensory loss)
unbalance the normal oscillatory corticothalamic dialogue, starting in SI, where
GABA levels drop acutely, and induce changes caudad along a diffuse spinotrun-
cothalamic reticular core (see in Gybels and Sweet 1989; Nandi et al. 2004), which
becomes hyperactive. The end result is bilateral facilitation from multiple top-down
(locked SI) and bottom-up (cord and brainstem reticular) sources. Intrathalamic
activity hinging on TRN can be entrained by corticothalamic oscillations and drive,
in turn, the cortex.
The substratum of release is speculated to be a genetically defective GABA A
receptor at cortical sensory level, which may be present in about one-fifth to
one-third of the population (see the speculation of Zimmermann [1991] of
a molecular defect at the level of inhibitory synapses as the underpinning of
neurogenic pain).
308 Central Pain Syndrome
Livingston (1943) proposed that chronic pains following peripheral neural injury were the result of a vicious
cycle set up as a central perturbation of function in the internuncial neuron centers of the spinal grey
matter by an irritant focus. He wrote:
once the central process is started it assumes the major role . . . If the trigger point is removed early,
the process may subside spontaneously. If the process is permitted to continue . . . even a removal
of the original irritant may not be sufficient to establish a cure . . . the central disturbance is the essential
factor in many diseases, and that there should be better means for eliminating pain than by a chordotomy or
posterior root section or other anatomic interruptions of nerve continuity.
Building on the work of Lorente de No in the 1920s on the concept of closed self-reexciting chains within
neuronal pools, Von Hagen (1957) wrote:
chronic pain syndromes, i.e., sustained pain after the disappearance of the original impetus, cannot
develop unless cortical components are involved . . . [it] is the product of reverberating circuits in
the nervous system of which the cortical components are of great importance . . . the various emotional
reactions related to this state, namely, preoccupation with symptoms, introspection concerning among
other things the memories of the pain and anticipation of the future, depression, and anxiety, as well
as emotional stress brought on by other conflicts, also serve to reinforce the reverberating circuits
and further perpetuate the disability.
Likewise, Talairach and colleagues (1960) believed that:
Certain factors favorise the concepts of the cerebral cortex taking part in the elaboration of the
painful sensations, the parietal lobe being directly involved . . . it seems proved that there are reverberating
thalamo-cortico-thalamic circuits, capable to modify at any time the modalities of the afferent impulsions
and their non specific incidences.
Thus, they coagulated the white matter beneath the parietal lobe in four causalgic, two phantom pain and
two facial pain patients, as
a sub-cortical lesion localised at the cross-road of thalamo-cortical paths should achieve a sufficiently
generalized section of the painful afferences, and disturb in the same time this modulating system
of thalamic activity or more generally the regulation of the areothalamic couple.
In particular, they wanted to interrupt the path to SII. Sano and coworkers (1966) hypothesized that CP due
to thalamic lesions might be due to a reverberating circuit between hyperirritable cells of the lateral and medial
thalamic nuclei. Emmers (1981) speculated that peripheral nociceptive sensory input may impinge upon
a preexisting low-threshold thalamic discharge system to activate a self-sustained reverberating system of parallel
facilitatory feedback loops. The reverberating system between the lamellar, CM-Pf and SII neurons would sustain
a more or less constant level of centrally activated pain referred to a given body part, depending upon the somatic
representations of the involved SII neurons.
The reticular formation (RF) becomes bilaterally primed right after injury;
one possible role, besides feeding the loop, could be to engage a dedicated pain-
coded sensory loop contralaterally (this may also occur by corpus callosum-mediated
transfer of anomalous oscillatory activity to the opposite side). Since the switch
from unconscious to conscious state likely correlates with the strength of activation
in a given area (Zeki and Ffychte 1998), a hyperactive RF feeding on the cortico-
thalamic loop may contribute to the conscious feeling of CP. Thus, in patients
with deafferentation pain the medial midbrain tegmentum becomes hypersensitive
to stimulation, and that along with posterior thalamus, thalamic radiations and
Piecing Together the Evidence 309
both from evoked and spontaneous sensory stimuli, flexibility implying the capa-
city to occupy different bands of discharge frequencies. In the cortex, stimuli
are coded with a loosened information exchange and peculiar sparse clusters of
connectivity (Biella et al. 1999), i.e., information processing decorrelates. Loss/
distortion of proper spatiotemporal sequence/somatotopy of incoming impulses
at cord, brainstem or thalamocortical levels in CP has already been entertained
by past authors (e.g., Foix et al. 1922; Zuelch and Schmid 1953; Donovan and
colleagues 1982).
Thus, we may now have a cure for CP, i.e., a stereotactic lesion in the subparietal
white matter, in some cases bilateral, targeting the descending facilitatory arm
of the loop. Neurosurgical experience shows that, once the sensory component of
chronic pain is abolished, pain affect also is renormalized (not vice versa) and
this would be the case for the proposed intervention. Of course, this intervention,
carrying the same morbidity/mortality of, for example, deep brain stimulation,
should be reserved to patients refractory to therapies detailed in Chapters 5 and 6.
The proposed scenario also would explain successes with electroconvulsive therapy
(Canavero 1994; Chapter 6).
Importantly, the present framework nixes the idea that in chronic pain, the
widespread nature of pain (matrix) processing precludes effective focal treatment
by neurosurgical means (Melzack 1991): CP can be reversed (Chapter 7, Section 4).
Also, the vast majority of proposed theories, including exclusively based thalamic
theories of CP, collapse on such clear-cut observations.
Three approaches appear promising in the present context and these will be briefly
discussed. The gist is bistability, i.e., the property of switching between two stable
states (e.g., painnon-pain).
1. Neural networks. Neural networks are dynamically regulated entities, constrained
by their anatomical connectivity and membrane properties of the component
neurons. They can be tuned and configured into several operational modes,
each depending upon the expression and modulation of the constituent cellular,
synaptic and network building blocks, and in accordance with the conditions of the
moment. By changing the properties of selected synapses, cells or pathways, the operation
of a network can be dramatically altered, e.g., from mutual inhibition to mutual
excitation; controlling inputs may turn an oscillatory circuit on and off, and the
functional connectivity can be reconfigured by ascending and descending CNS
influences, i.e., a radical rewiring. Control systems able to switch the operational
mode of nociceptive cells exist in the CNS (Willis 1985). Also, a single network can
participate or generate a large repertoire of outputs, which may be determined,
among others, by sectorial damage to targets of innervation (e.g., Selverstone and
Moulins 1985; Getting 1989). Persistent activity can arise from a large neural network
that involves recurrent excitatory loops through reciprocal excitation between the
312 Central Pain Syndrome
The neocortex and thalamus are a unified oscillatory (reverberant) machine and they work in concert (Jones
2001). The main cortical projections from Vc end in layers IV and III forming dense, topographically organized
arbors that synapse mainly with dendritic spines, plus some branches ending in layer VI. Synapses formed
by Vc TC axons in layer IV are less than 10%. Possibly, individual TC synapses produce a stronger synaptic
drive than intracortical synapses. CT fibers go back to correspondent TC neurons only to a limited extent.
Anatomically and functionally, feedback connections are quite different from feedforward connections: although
much more numerous than the latter between the same structures (Ullman 1995; Sillito et al. 1994), individual
feedback projections mediate less powerful effects, having more sparsely branching, widespread arbors, with
fewer less effective synapses largely on distal dendrites (versus proximal dendrites of feedforward fibers), and
also being less precisely focused within a sensory representation, reaching a larger proportion thereof
(see references in Kaas 1999; Ergenzinger et al. 1998). Overall, top-down feedback connections seem better
designed to stimulate weakly larger groups of neurons and modulate ongoing activity (versus feedforward
connections creating activity in smaller groups of neurons). Following, for example, NMDA block of corticothalamic
(CT) SI cells, these fibers might focus transmission (small RFs), via GABA interneurons in Vc and TRN
(and eventually other thalamic nuclei), thus placing thalamic plasticity under cortical SI control (Kaas 1999).
Also, top-down influences may alter the overall functional nature of SI and layer-specific mechanisms of sensory
processing (Krupa et al. 2004). On the other hand, intranuclear inhibition through the TRN may affect RFs
of cortical neurons.
Thalamocortical rhythmicity is driven by the thalamic GABAergic reticular nucleus (TRN) that projects to
almost all thalamic relay nuclei (Shepherd 2004). It receives excitatory glutamatergic inputs from axon collaterals
of thalamocortical (TC) fibers that traverse it on their way from thalamic relay nuclei (including Vc) to cortex
and of corticothalamic glutamatergic fibers that project back from cortical layer VI to thalamic relay nuclei.
However, it is possible that not all TC/CT axons give off collaterals to TRN. TRN cells are highly interconnected
through inhibitory, mainly GABA A, dendrodendritic or axodendritic synapses: they can generate rhythmic
sequences of LT Ca2 spikes (through an interaction between the LT Ca2 current and a Ca2 activated K
current), which, through activation of GABA A receptors, generate similar bursting in TC cells. These in turn excite
TRN cells, closing a disynaptic loop. TRN cells show the highest levels of tonic activity during heightened vigilance.
Some GABA TRN cells also project to local inhibitory neurons located in different dorsal thalamic nuclei.
Thus, some TC cells may be disinhibited inside a surrounding core of inhibition. In primates, the TRN can be
divided into a number of sectors each concerned with a different function. Each sector is connected to more
than one thalamic nucleus and to more than one cortical area; each sector has topographically mapped
connections with the thalamus and cortex. For instance, Vc relates to one sector of TRN, bidirectionally, and
TRN also receives from SI. Connections are not the same for each sector: TRN acts as a nexus where several
functionally related cortical areas and thalamic nuclei interact modifying TC transmission through the inhibitory
connections that go from TRN cells to TC relay cells. In the somatosensory system, both first- and higher-order
nuclei project to the same sector (e.g., Pom higher order relays to SII; Vc first order to SI). Although
complete human data are not available (Guillery et al. 1998), humans appear to have a network of intrinsic
thalamic and cortical GABA interneurons. A mutual inhibitory coupling exists between TRN cells, responsible
for nuclear oscillation, synchronized by CT input. TRN cells may also project to contralateral dorsal thalamus in
the intrathalamic commissure, potentially influencing the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia of both hemispheres
(Steriade et al. 1997).
The cortex has a powerful role in controlling the coherence of thalamic oscillations. CT synaptic volleys
succeed in synchronizing pools of thalamic cells by activating GABA TRN cells that project to thalamic relay
cells and hyperpolarize them. Slow cortical oscillations initiated apparently in layer 5 as an excitatory interaction
between pyramidal neurons propagate through the neocortex. This generates a depolarized state through recurrent
excitation regulated by inhibitory networks, thus allowing local cortical circuits to enter into temporarily activated
and self-maintained excitatory states. At each step of the pathways that link various neocortical areas, CT neurons
impinge on TRN cells that in turn produce inhibitory rebound sequences in dorsal thalamic relay neurons projecting
in the reentrant corticopetal systems, thus changing the time course and synchronization of intracortical events.
Short-term plasticity processes, i.e., persistent and progressive increases in depolarizing synaptic responses and
Piecing Together the Evidence 313
cortex and thalamus (Wang 2001), but can also be produced locally within a cortical
area from reverberatory excitation, stimulus selectivity being formed by recurrent
inhibition within a columnar cortical network (Goldman-Rakic 1995). Persistent
activity can also be maintained by reciprocal loops between cortical areas (see
references in Wang 2001); extensive horizontal excitatory connections are known to
exist, especially in layer 23. Feedback excitation can also originate from regenerative
membrane dynamics of single neurons: voltage and Ca2 gated ion channels could in
principle generate bistability between a resting and an active state, sustained by a
plateau potential. Activation of relevant ion currents could require neuromodulatory
signals such as acetylcholine. Also, the coupling strength of the neural network of the
brain changes periodically, with a cyclic alteration from a central to a parallel
314 Central Pain Syndrome
mechanism is only responsible for dysesthesias and not pain. Actually, lemniscal
fibers do play a role in tactile allodynia (see below).
2. ML inhibits STT. Fabritius (1907) believed that it was damage in the posterolateral
columns of white matter of a corticofugal pathway that was correlated with
the appearance of the spontaneous pains that beset some of his patients after
SCI. Forster (1927, 1936) observed that, after division of the posterior columns or the
medial lemniscus, normally painful stimulation becomes excessively painful,
stimuli normally painless become painful and, above all, spontaneous unpleasant
dysesthesias and more or less severe spontaneous pains in those parts of the
body corresponding to the lesion in the posterior column may occur. After weeks to
months, symptoms gradually disappeared, but in some cases persisted for years.
Forster (1927) wrote: in the area of the posterolateral columns, possibly in the
boundary zone with the gray matter, a corticofugal pathway runs which exerts a
damping influence on the pain system associated with neurons of the posterior horn
whose loss leads to increased excitability of these posterior horns (see also Riddoch
1938; Frazier et al. 1937). Pool (1946) noted in his posterior cordotomies that
The application of cool or warm objects to the skin produced an exaggerated and
disagreeable sensation of cold and warm respectively, causing the patient to flinch.
Orthner and Roeder (1966) believed that CP resulted from lesions of the ML (but not
of the SRT) tract. The patients reported by Nathan and colleagues (1986) with
posterior column lesions
had an abnormally increased sensation with pricking, warm and cold stimuli,
with rubbing the skin and with any stimuli that caused tickle. Pain on pressure had
a lower threshold than in the normal; and painful stimuli felt more unpleasant and more
painful than in normally innervated regions. In fact, all forms of sensibility relying on
impulses in the spinothalamic complex were increased. When the lesion had been made
in one posterior column, these effects were ipsilateral to the lesion and occurred in
the segments deprived of posterior column fibers. That this increased sensation is
accompanied by an increased discharge in the relevant neurons is suggested by the fact
that in one patient the threshold of the flexor response to noxious, warm and cold
stimuli was lowered.
Sweet (1991) believed that it seems possible that the pain following posterior
column lesions . . . is due to elimination of tonic suppressor impulses in this same
region. One of his patients with bilateral cancer pain in the torso had a bilateral
cordotomy in two stages at high dorsal levels. Both incisions accidentally generously
incised both posterolateral columns. Months after the second operation, CP
developed first on one side, then on the other, in analgesic areas. The only type of
posterior column sensory deficit was a loss of vibration sense in the right leg. Autopsy
revealed extensive demyelination of the ventral 70% of the posteromedial columns of
white matter and less intense degeneration of the ventral part of the posterolateral
columns of white matter. A second patient developed CP and spasticity in all four
limbs since birth, from a central cerebral lesion. He underwent a two-stage bilateral
upper thoracic cordotomy, which relieved the pain in both legs. At autopsy, there was
an even greater posterior, but a lesser anterior, extension of the lesions on both sides.
There was no involvement of the posterior horns or posterior columns on either side.
318 Central Pain Syndrome
The differing incisions in these two cases intimate that the pain suppressor function
in the posterior columns was destroyed in the first case. Actually, posterior
cordotomies never gave rise to persistent pain (Chapter 2) and posterior columns are
intact in cases of CP following anterolateral cordotomies and ASAS. SCS, which
should engage this tonic suppressor mechanism, is ineffective even in the majority of
patients with retained DC function (see Chapter 6) and can even worsen CP (Triggs
and Beric 1994). The impairment of touch processing seen in CP patients can be
normalized by pain relieving procedures (e.g., propofol, TMS and CS), so that the
patient can feel touch normally (see also Nathan 1960). Actually, lemniscal activity in
BA3b and STT pain related BA3a are mutually inhibitory by intracortical connections
(Tommerdahl et al. 1996; see also Apkarian et al. 1994; Schnitzler and Ploner 2000).
In the human Vc, STT terminal clusters appear to be relatively separated from
lemniscal terminal areas, with some overlap (Lenz and Dougherty 1997). This
notwithstanding, the strongest opposition to a role of DC/ML fibers in CP comes
from several CP patients having intact epicritic conduction.
3. STT inhibits SRT. A slow multisynaptic spinoreticulothalamic pathway (SRT) is
strongly suggested by neurosurgical evidence (see King 1977; Gybels and Sweet 1989,
p. 192), but also by current clinical (medial medullary infarctions; Bassetti et al. 1997)
and neurophysiological data (Rousseau et al. 1999). According to several authors
(e.g., Noordenbos 1959; Hassler 1959; Cassinari and Pagni 1969; Nathan and Smith
1984; McGowan et al. 1997), damage to STT weakens this damping on SRT (slow
multisynaptic ascending system) at all levels of cord and brainstem and CP arises
(i.e., local disinhibition of the polysynaptic system which becomes hypersensitive):
The more the lesion spares the paleospinothalamic afferents, the greater the chances
of occurrence of central pain. (Lhermitte also postulated a damping of the SRT by
the ML.) At least one report (Mikula et al. 1959, 25 mesencephalotomies) concluded
that sparing the reticular system reduces the incidence of dysesthesias. On the other
hand, Amanos group (Table 7.1) abolished CP in many cases by selective destruction
of the reticular formation, with no new CP arising (unlike STT mesencephalic
interruption): this is the strongest evidence up to now of a role of the reticular
formation in CP.
4. Descending fiber damage. Some believe that the simultaneous involvement of
multiple different descending inhibitory fibers and ascending pathways may
be more important than denervation singly. An imbalance of descending modulating
pathways, affected at sites remote from the injury, is thought to be a mechanism
of release. It should also be recalled how there not only exist antinociceptive
systems, but also pro-nociceptive systems, so that different degrees of injury may tip
the balance toward one of them, favoring, or not, hyperexcitability and the onset
of pain (Millan 2002). Since the brainstem analgesia systems have bilateral effects,
damage thereof is unlikely to explain a unilateral pain syndrome; besides, it is
not clear what would predominate in CP, excitation or inhibition (Sandkuehler
1996; Porreca et al. 2002). Others find that initiation (but not maintenance) of
CP is independent of reduction or loss of descending or propriospinal inhibitory
Piecing Together the Evidence 319
the sudden onset of a lesion must alter the activity of the CNS . . . The usual
organization of facilitation and inhibition will be changed . . . The organization
of descending control is bound to be altered drastically. That there are possible
pathways constantly closed by inhibition was shown by Kirk and Denny-Brown
(1970) and Denny-Brown et al. (1973). In patients with complete section of the
spinothalamic complex and dense and persistent contralateral analgesia, immediate
onset of allochiria is seen in the previously analgesic area after cordotomy. Although
allochiria is not CP, it has supported speculations that CP may be subtended by an
already existing, but unavailable, subsidiary pathway (Nathan and Smith 1979;
Nagaro et al. 1993) localized in the posterior third of the cord (posterior horns or
Lissauers tracts), as reference of pain and CP may be observed following complete
destruction of the anterior two thirds of the cord (like in ASAS). This mirror pain (or
reference of pain or allochiria) occurs in 963.3% of cordotomized patients and in
some can be severe (Tasker and North 1997). Nagaro and colleagues (1993) found
that in 7/66 patients undergoing percutaneous cordotomy, allochiria appeared
immediately after induction of analgesia and disappeared when analgesia faded. It
was elicited only from analgesic areas and was experienced either at the same or a
more cephalad dermatomal level on the contralateral body (only in one patient in the
literature it was more caudad). Each patient with allochiria also developed new
contralateral, usually mirror, pain after cordotomy and, in one patient in whom
mirror pain appeared 6 hours after the cordotomy, subarachnoid phenol block
temporarily relieved both, suggesting a spinal mechanism. The fact that allochiria is
observed after destruction of the anterior two-thirds of the spinal cord (also in ASAS)
supports the idea that the pathways responsible for reference of pain, normally silent,
are found in the dorsal horn (lamina II) and connecting fibers (propriospinal)
including the tract of Lissauer. The disappearance of referred pain with contralateral
cervical cordotomy shows that the impulses causing reference of pain reach the dorsal
horn neurons which have a receptive field where the pain is felt and go up the
contralateral anterolateral column (Nagaro et al. 1993). Thus, allochiria and new
mirror pain may depend on loss of feedback inhibition from second-order neurons
and/or more central neurons of the nociceptive pathway of an already existing
subsidiary pathway, i.e., a network of short neurons which connects dorsal horn
neurons longitudinally and latitudinally. Destruction of tonic descending inhibitory
pathways is excluded, as reference of pain occurs only from the region rendered
analgesic by cordotomy, while disinhibition would occur more widely than this
region. Despite the interest of such rapid appearance of mirror pain, this is a
completely different phenomenon than acute-onset CP.
become clear that there is no unique GABA A (and possibly also B) receptor in the CNS,
instead there is great heterogeneity, with a large number of different GABA A receptor
subunits with distinct regional distribution; also, individual GABA A receptor subtypes
are associated with distinct neuronal structures and subcellular distributions.
Thus, composition differs not only in different parts of the brain or in different cells,
but also in the same cell at different synapses, and their differential activation is
correlated with distinct pharmacological and behavioral phenotypes. The same
GABAergic axon can form distinct types of synapses onto different classes of target
neurons (Markram et al. 2004). While synapses at the soma control action potential
generation, synapses at distal dendrites control incoming input and propagation
of Ca2 currents. Each receptor subtype (more than 20) has its own target identity
depending on the subunits.
GABA receptors are pentameric heterooligomers; 19 distinct GABA A receptor
subunit genes are known, classified into 8 classes (a 16, b 13, g 13, d, e, y, p
and r 13). GABA A receptor assembly can be derived from a permutation and
combination of two, three, four or even five different subunits, with the majority
of subtypes in the brain composed of assemblies of alpha, beta and gamma
subunits. Distribution of the major subunits in various regions of the brain varies:
e.g., the cerebral cortex has intermediate levels of a 14 subunits and low levels
of a 5 subunit, whereas the thalamus contains high levels of a 4 subunits and
intermediate levels of d subunit (Olsen and Avoli 1997; Sleghart and Sperk 2002;
Kittler and Moss 2002; Rudolph and Antkowiak 2004; Olsen and Betz 2006).
The number of synaptic GABA A receptors can be dynamically modulated and the
modulation of 5HT and dopamine receptor function also hinges on modification
of GABA A receptor activity (Sleghart and Sperk 2002; Kittler and Moss 2002).
Finally, inhibitory interneurons are heterogeneous (about 50 types), some long-
ranging, some also displaying bursting patterns; their role at both cortical and
thalamic levels may vary greatly among various types of processing streams (reviewed
in Markram et al. 2004).
The consequences of GABA A receptor activation on active membrane prop-
erties is context-specific, depending on the history of the membrane (the ratio of
activated to inactivated to closed voltage gated channels at the time of GABA A
receptor activation), the spatial location of GABA A receptors and the distribution
of voltage gated channels along the somatodendritic axis. GABA neurotransmission
can be excitatory in basal conditions, also in adult tissue, so that hypofunctionality
of a GABAergic pathway can in reality decrease the global excitability of
the network. Unlike cationic glutamatergic synapses, GABA synapses have
a unique feature resulting from their chloride permeability that enables them
to shift from an inhibitory mode of operation to one that mainly excites (Cossart
et al. 2005).
What happens following injury (for simplicity, we assume no fundamental
difference among trauma, ischemia and compression)? Considerable and rapid
plastic changes in the amount and distribution of many CNS receptors take place:
neurons can alter their chemical code and increase, decrease or change the expression
of neurotransmitters; intense electrical activity may in itself affect the concentrations
of some peptides (see Bullitt 1991). However, data strongly suggest that the key
Piecing Together the Evidence 323
Neuroplastic changes are at the basis of much current thinking on the pathogenesis
of chronic pains of different kinds and these will be shortly discussed.
That injury may cause hyperactivity has been known since Hall (1841) and
Claude-Bernard (1880). A supersensitive state of denervated neural structures was
postulated by Cannon and Rosenblueth (1949), who, even though they did not
mention pain, recognized the fact that reorganization of the CNS follows
denervation, discussed plasticity of the neurons, the interchangeability of the
nervous pathways and influences, the functional opening of new vicarious
pathways determined by training and the onset of initiative foci.
Supposed animal models of chronic neuropathic pain evidenced a smorgasbord of
plastic alterations, all apparently important in their genesis, that are rather difficult,
even for proponents, to integrate in a coherent picture, including possible pre-
emptive manipulation (e.g., Juliano et al. 1991).
One commonly discussed entity is so-called central sensitization, which follows
prolonged or repeated noxious stimulation of STT neurons at the time of the
pain-inducing lesion, possibly due to loss of effectiveness of inhibitory mechanisms
within the spinothalamocortical pathway. This consists of a spectrum of derange-
ments which include increased spontaneous discharge, evoked pains, but also
denervation supersensitivity (an enhanced response of neural cells to the transmitter
lost, and then reexpressed) and RF expansion, due to loss of sensory input. It is
considered to be a form of long-term potentiation. So-called wind-up, a progressive
increase in neuronal excitability akin to sensitization, observed in a minority of
spinal cells only and some, but not all, chronic pains, follows repeated stimulation
of nociceptive C fibers (Baranauskas and Nistri 1998). Although the NMDA
receptor is considered pivotal to such changes, long-term sensitization actually
Piecing Together the Evidence 325
after sensory deprivation (Finnerty and Connors 2000). Human evidence disproving
the role of somatotopic rearrangement has been published (e.g., Moore and
Schady 2000; Vega-Bermudez and Johnson 2002) and referred sensations/
mislocalization do not appear to be a direct perceptual correlate of cortical
reorganization (Knecht et al. 1996). Knecht and colleagues (1998) report that
phantom sensations can be evoked even in normal persons without deafferentation
and pain itself in chronic pain patients can lead to representational reorganization
(references in Knecht et al. 1996).
Generally discussed with injury-related neuroplasticity is neuronal degeneration,
including inhibitory cells, and shrinkage, along with substantial dendritic atrophy,
loss of dendritic spines and truncated dendrites and/or loss of the proximal axons
and perikaryo-nuclear alterations. However, transneuronal degeneration with
neuronal loss may be incompatible with concurrently extant central sensitization,
and acute loss of GABA cells, for one, is excluded by the timeline of GABA decrease
(although GABA cells appear to be particularly sensitive to disruptions of blood
flow to the brain: over time these effects might kill them or reduce their ability
to make and release GABA).
Truth is, neuroplasticity is something intrinsic to the nervous system, independent
of injury. For instance, cortical maps express experience-dependent plasticity and
SI normally reorganizes during various tasks; after injury, it serves a purpose of
All the discussed neuroplastic changes simply cannot sustain irreversible changes
during CP, because CP can be promptly reversed (Chapter 7). This is not unique
to CP. Cases of years-long neuropathic pains, including trigeminal neuralgia and
carpal tunnel syndrome pain, resolve immediately after pain relieving surgery
(Schott 2001a). Just as chronic pain is so often entrenched, changes in the nervous
system following injury and disease (central sensitization) might be envisioned as
irreversible. Abolition of chronic pain resulting from gross structural nerve damage
sustained over many years is difficult to explain by current views on the major and
extensive peripheral and central somatosensory changes thought to occur after nerve
lesions. Interestingly, reversible epidural blocks of the nerve roots result in the
acute appearance of new RFs that are lost and replaced by the original RF after
the peripheral nerve recovers (Metzler and Marks 1979), pointing to great flexibility.
Thus, either that they can be rapidly reversed or not, such changes would be
inconsequential. Instead, they might play a role in the initial stages of CP: a GABA A
receptor subunit switch was previously suggested. Further, loss of sensory input
cannot explain immediate and delayed-onset pains, which are clinically identical:
in the former, processes involving slowly developing, continually progressive
neuronal changes cannot be essential for the generation of pain; likewise, loss of
sensory input produces an immediate and simultaneous change in neuronal activity
at multiple CNS levels for instance, human thalamic neurons develop novel RFs
within minutes (515 minutes) of lidocaine block (Kiss et al. 1995) and SI rapidly
reorganizes during acute cluster headache attacks (Soros et al. 2002), with dendritic
filopodia appearing within minutes (Maletic-Savatic et al. 1999). Thus, it is difficult
to understand the progressive entrenchment (Schott 2001) some believe to exist.
Further, denervation supersensitivity is present in both pain and non-pain cases.
Piecing Together the Evidence 327
Although individual brain regions and networks of brain regions exhibit some
degree of functional specialization, acute pain is processed by a highly distributed,
redundant and resilient brain system, with unlike other sensory modalities
detailed information about the intensity of a painful stimulus being conserved
at multiple levels in both hemispheres an arrangement that would justify the
difficulty of eliciting painful sensations by cortical stimulation, as simultaneous
activation of several regions may be necessary (Willis and Westlund 2004, and
references therein). In other words, there is no unique pain center. Acute pain
328 Central Pain Syndrome
is essential for survival: individuals born without the ability to perceive pain
frequently die from injuries and infections they have never felt. The distributed
processing of pain within the human brain ensures that this critical ability to detect
tissue injury can be spared in the face of extensive CNS damage. On such grounds,
Melzack-Caseys hypothesis of sensory discriminative and affective motivational
components of pain being processed in parallel by distinct neural systems fatally
collapses, all the more so since it has never been seriously tested (Fields 1999).
However, this is not equivalent to saying that chronic pain cannot be effectively
abolished by selective lesions: while acute pain is necessary for survival, chronic pain
is not, and abolition of even focal generators can relieve it. The impression that
chronic pain cannot be abolished by focal lesions is due to poor analysis of the
relevant literature and misconceptions about the exact generator of a particular
chronic pain syndrome, as in the case of CP. On the other hand, the same neural
substrates that support the bilateral distribution of nociceptive information
processing during acute pain could subserve bilateral spread of chronic pain.
Somatosensation may be served by ipsilateral brain structures (reviewed in Coghill
et al. 1999), as shown by hemispherectomy cases (Dandy 1933; Muller et al. 1991).
Noordenbos and Wall (1976) described a patient with spinal cord transection with
saving of only a part of one anterolateral quadrant, who could perceive tactile and
painful stimuli on both body halves. Patients with corpus callosum transection
can report tactile and painful (Stein et al. 1989) stimuli from either body half.
Contrary to traditional views of spinothalamic transmission of pain, a significant
proportion of functional imaging studies (8/20) employing unilateral painful stimuli
have detected activation of both the contralateral and ipsilateral thalamus (see
references in Coghill et al. 1999), which cannot be understood as a generalized
arousal in reaction to pain.
Following PNS lesions, there are well-documented events affecting the contra-
lateral nonlesioned structures, qualitatively similar to those occurring on the
ipsilateral side (although usually smaller in magnitude and with a brief time course):
mirror pains contralateral to nerve injury in humans have repeatedly been noted,
and so bilateral hyperalgesia after unilateral nerve injury (Mohammadian et al. 1997,
Oaklander et al. 1998); a significant percentage of patients with so-called complex
regional pain syndrome experience bilateral spread of pain despite an initial,
unilateral injury (Veldman and Goris 1996); SCS, like MCS (see Chapter 6) can
induce bilateral effects following unilateral stimulation (Lazorthes et al. 1978;
Garcia-Larrea et al. 1989).
This is also the case for CP. Riddoch and Critchley (1937) reported exceptional
cases of bilateral pain due to unilateral thalamic lesion. We (Canavero 1996)
described a woman with a subparietal cavernoma and contralateral CP who, for
about 10 days, complained of the same kind of pain (burning paroxysms to arm
and, when severe, the whole hemisoma) on the contralateral arm. Both pains
simultaneously responded to propofol. No sensory deficits were ever observed in
involved areas. Kim (1998) described six patients with unilateral stroke who
initially developed painful sensory symptoms on the side contralateral to the lesion.
The patients CPSP progressively worsened for a certain period of time when
sensory symptoms also occurred on the side ipsilateral to the lesion. The delayed
Piecing Together the Evidence 329
For almost 50 years, a dichotomy of response between episodic and constant pains
in the setting of spinal injury has been discussed. Botterell and colleagues (1954)
stated: Burning pain has proved a problem difficult of solution . . . By contrast,
jabbing, shooting, crampy, gripping, colicky and vice-like pains, have been regu-
larly relieved by bilateral tractotomy. Porter and colleagues (1966) wrote: The
effectiveness of cordotomy in relieving the symptoms of sharp, lancinating pains
in the lower extremities in patients with cauda equina lesions is summarized . . . The
operation had no effect, however, on the frequently encountered burning pain
in the lower extremities. White and Sweet (1969), seemingly inferring that
intermittent pain is radicular in origin and steady pain of central origin,
concluded: Cordotomy is very useful in paraplegia for relief of pain of radicular
origin . . . Provided the injury involves the cauda equina and does not extend rostrally
beyond the conus medullaris to involve the cord, we believe that relief can be
obtained in a high proportion of cases by anterolateral cordotomy. Jefferson (1983)
noted that cordectomy was differentially effective for discrete pain radiating into
the thighs, knees or legs, especially if shooting and episodic, and especially if caused
by lower cord lesions. Pain associated with high lesions, particularly if diffuse,
steady and in a bathing trunks distribution, was relieved poorly. He stated: One
of the very interesting, and perhaps characteristic features of the pain which is likely
to respond . . . is that it is episodic. Tasker and associates (1992) found a statistical
correlation between disappearance of intermittent and evoked pain and demolitive
procedures, compared to these latters ineffectiveness for spontaneous pain. They
wrote: destructive surgery is selectively successful in relieving the spontaneous
intermittent, often shooting radicular pain that tends to project down the legs . . .
present in 30% of . . . patients with cord central pain . . . particularly associated
with thoracolumbar lesions . . . evoked pain, present in 47% of . . . patients, responds
similarly to destructive surgery. Intermittent and evoked, but not steady, pains
should be dependent upon transmission in somatosensory (probably spinothalamic)
pathways, intermittent shooting pain perhaps being the result of ectopic impulses
instituted at, or proximal to, injury sites (e.g., through ephapses or peripheral ectopic
pacemakers) and then transmitted centrally in these pathways to be perceived as
pain. Pagni and Canavero (1995) also noted that the paroxysmal components,
often associated with spasms, usually due to lesions at T9T12 vertebral level,
are satisfactorily relieved by cordomyelotomy. On such basis, it has been concluded
that evoked pains depend on a local cord generator, whereas diffuse steady pains
on more rostrad stations. According to Tasker (2001), intermittent shooting (89%)
and allodynia-hyperpathia (84%) respond to cordotomy-cordectomy-DREZ; steady,
causalgic, dysesthetic, aching pain only in 26% of the cases.
Piecing Together the Evidence 331
Another dichotomy has been noted between end-zone or girdle (at-level) pain
and diffuse (below-level) pains. On the basis of results of conventional DREZ surgery
and cordectomies (Chapter 7), it was concluded that steady burning pain referred
to the lower abdomen, and burning or dysesthetic pain diffused to the legs or
localized to the retroperitoneal region, buttocks or feet usually are not relieved.
Best results were reported for patients complaining of shooting, paroxysmal pain
(and spasms), even though referred to apparently totally anesthetic and paralyzed
limbs, and girdle pains. Pain worsened by bowel or bladder distension was also
likely to be improved by surgery. Results of cordectomies have been less rewarding
with lesions and sections at levels higher than T10.
Pain relief in paraplegics after cordectomy appears to be directly related to the
extent of the removal, with better results occurring when long rostral segments
of the cord are resected, that is, 23 cm (three spinal segments) are resected
above the site of injury (e.g., Druckman and Lende 1965; Table 7.1). Loeser and col-
leagues (1968) pointed to the cord segments rostral to injury playing important
role in the genesis of pain. Jefferson (1983) noted that, although abnormal tissue
was left above the level of his resections, without apparently influencing pain relief,
sometimes extension of cordectomy to apparently normal tissue was necessary.
Bilateral DREZ lesions that involve two to three spinal cord segments above the
spinal injury, and extend into normal cord, achieve a better pain relief (coagulation
includes laminas IIV, but may involve up to lamina VI and adjacent white
columns), as damage extends for several segments well above injury site (Nashold
1991), whereas extension of DREZ lesions caudad into the sacral segments of the cord
does not improve the results (only 1 patient with diffuse sacral pain improved in the
series of Friedman and Bullitt [1988]; Table 7.1).
Edgar and colleagues (1993) and recently Falci and colleagues (2002) (Table 7.1)
found that DREZ surgery can indeed relieve diffuse pains, if lesions are extended
sufficiently. In the latter paper, in 62% of patients with below-level pain, spontaneous
DREZ hyperactivity was found 35 levels cephalad to injury level (7 in the series
of Edgar et al.). Their findings contradicted traditional dermatomal mapping
and thus they hypothesized that below-level pain was mediated significantly by
interneuronal pathways, while at-level pain was assumed to be mediated through
more traditional pain pathways (e.g., STT) corresponding to the DREZ at injury
level. Spinal block studies also (see Chapter 6) found that block above lesion level was
necessary for analgesia; failure in two patients (both with below-level pain) despite
anesthesia two levels cephalad to injury supports even more rostral mechanisms.
Davis and Martin (1947) wrote: If the distal end of the proximal segment of the
injured spinal cord was anesthetized by spinal anesthesia, the pain disappeared
(p. 493), This suggests that the origin of the pain was the end of the proximal
segment of the injured spinal cord . . . operations upon the sympathetic nervous
system [being] ineffective. Studies (Finnerup et al. 2003a,b) indicate that changes
in somatosensory function in dermatomes rostral to the injury level may be
important in the sustenance of CCP, with a significant correlation between intensity
of brush-evoked dysesthesia at lesion level and spontaneous below-level pain.
The same group (Finnerup et al. 2003c) also examined 23 SCI patients above T10
(14 with CP and 9 without CP) in an MRI study. At the level of maximal cord injury,
332 Central Pain Syndrome
21 patients had lesions involving the entire cord on axial images, except for a small
border of lower signal intensity, whereas 2 patients had central lesions. Rostral to the
main injury, the first image with an incomplete lesion showed significantly more
involvement of gray matter in pain than in pain-free patients. According to Defrin
and colleagues (2001), both a critical level of injury and a state of hyperresponsivity
is necessary for CCP to arise. Thus, apparently, above-level hyperactivity may
sustain CCP.
This diffuse, likely bilateral, spinal generator involving multisynaptic proprio-
spinal systems in and around the lesioned gray matter may feed the thalamocorti-
cothalamic loop; a similar generator would be present in the brainstem reticular
formation. However, this hyperexcitability is useless without STT-induced changes
at corticothalamic levels, which is the first step needed for CP to arise.
In thoracolumbar lesions, further excitatory input may derive from peripheral
(root/nerve) mechanisms. This hyperactive core may have variable extent
depending on subject. It is important to remember, though, how previously
unreported burning sensations developed after cordectomy (Botterell et al. 1954) and
even Falci and colleagues, who believed that the higher temperature they used had
markedly decreased the development of new squeezing, pressure pains, possibly
because of a more complete destruction in deeper laminas, triggered new CP
sensations; moreover, they could not relieve all their patients of below-level CP,
implying even more rostral hyperactivity. Beric (1993) pointed out that the ASAS
syndrome is characterized by severe, practically complete interruption of the STT at
the spinal level: here, the hypothesis of dorsal horn nociceptive cell hyperactivity at
the level of the lesion becomes inconceivable and useless in explaining the painful
symptoms of this syndrome. However, propriospinal hyperactivity can still be
present and hyperexcitability may have spread more rostrally.
Previously reviewed studies suggest that CP is much more frequent in incomplete
cord injuries. Actually, a majority of seemingly clinically complete transection injuries
are subclinically incomplete and retain significant communication between segments
above and below the cord injury zone even many years after the original trauma, as
shown both anatomically and electrophysiologically (Dimitrijevic 1987; Beric 1999),
so-called dyscomplete lesions, i.e., no volitional sensorimotor functions below
lesion level, but some residual descending function or control demonstrated by
electrophysiology. Also, some sensory cortical evoked responses may still be
detected in SCI patients with no clinically appreciable sensory function below the
lesion site; prolonged, repeated or continuous application of different stimuli may
be transmitted from below lesion level to the brain and produce the awareness
that something is happening in seemingly anesthetic areas (this is the case of
peripheral or central pathways still transmitting across the traumatic lesion on
fast or slow conducting fibers which are, however, functionally useless (Donovan
et al. 1982)). Finnerup and associates (2004) compared 24 SCI patients (11 with
CP and 13 without) with a clinically complete SCI (ASIA grade A), and found
that painful or repetitive pinprick stimuli elicited vague localized sensations in
50% of cases. SEPs and MRI found no difference between groups. Thus, sensory
communication was retained across injury level (sensory dyscomplete SCI).
Piecing Together the Evidence 333
Kakulas and colleagues (1990, and references therein) observed that out of 197 SCI
cases, only 22 reported pain and 5 burning sensations. Of these, 18 had clinically
incomplete and 4 a complete cord transection syndrome; in 10 cases the lesion was
cervical, in 6 thoracic and in 6 lumbar. They concluded that: there is a larger
proportion of patients with pain and abnormal sensations with anatomically
incomplete injuries. They also noted that an extensive regeneration of nerve roots
at the level of injury is more frequently observed in patients suffering from pain
and that most of seemingly clinically complete cord transection syndromes (63 out
of 88) show, on pathological examination, continuity of nervous tracts across the
lesion, with a variable residuum of descending and ascending central nervous fibers
running in the wall of the lesion. They also noted that spinal cord lesions are spread
over many segments below and above the level of the bony lesion and lesions may
extend well above the injury site (Durward et al. 1982). At these levels, loss of
myelinated fibers and neurons of the gray substance and gliosis intermingle. Damage
of the roots may swing from minor damage to complete or nearly complete
loss of nerve fibers. In the chronic stages, nerve root regeneration is a typical
feature with formation of neuromas, and is more frequently seen in cases of pain.
In traumatic spinal cord damage, the end result is a scar, with collagenous connective
tissue and, in the less damaged parts of the cord, demyelination of fibers, intense
astrocytic fibrous gliosis (Hughes 1976), involving posterior and anterior horns,
plus schwannosis. Surviving axons in injured spinal cord (MS, cervical spondylosis:
Hughes 1976; extramedullary tumors: McAlhany and Netsky 1955) have neurophys-
iological features typical of demyelinated axons (Rasminsky 1980). Then, sensory
loss would be due not so much to loss of axons (both during trauma and MS), but
to loss of their ability to transmit properly encoded information, conducting slower
and ineffectively. Repetitive discharge results in a change of the axons membrane
excitability caused by the propagation of an impulse per se (activity-dependent after-
oscillations). Failure of sensation may occur with such activity-dependent changes
in axonal excitability, justifying the periodicity of intermittent conduction which
occurs in spontaneous discharge in axons with focal demyelination and in
spontaneous trains of discharge from axons ending in neuromas (Thalhammer and
Raymond 1991). Demyelination may involve cord tracts under the compressing
lesion or on the opposite side of the cord.
Pathological afferent discharges may spontaneously originate in the surviving
central stumps of divided central nerve fibers and damaged demyelinated fibers
of both anterior and posterior cord quadrants, with impulses arising ectopically
(Smith and McDonald 1982), both in incomplete and dyscomplete spinal cord
traumatic transections. Demyelinated axons may be responsible for pain paroxysms
(Pagni and Canavero 1993); minimal mechanical deformation of the cord at the
lesion site both increases the level of previous spontaneous activity, inducing
spontaneous activity in silent fibers.
Abnormal excitability is likely a general attribute of any demyelinated central
nerve fiber, including dorsal columns. These may be at the basis of Lhermittes sign
which would then be a typical mechanical irritative phenomenon of the posterior
columns at cervical level and other electric shock-like pain paroxysms with
lesions inside the cord or compressing it from outside. Interestingly, such painful
334 Central Pain Syndrome
fits may depend on lesions of the dorsal columns, where visceral pain fibers are
found (Pagni and Canavero 1993; Willis and Westlund 2004). Here, cordotomies
would be ineffective. That scarring-induced irritation of sensory pathways might
play a role in CP was surmised by earlier authors: constant bombardment by
subliminal impulses from the periphery that under normal conditions are not felt
produces painful sensations (Garcin 1937). Traumatic lesions of the spinal cord
and cerebral cortex give rise to acute terrible aching pain which fades away in
a few hours, days or weeks (Garcin 1937). However, lesions that interrupt central
pathways will result in wallerian degeneration of the axons, and thus there is no
way for interrupted central axons to became a source of ectopic nerve impulses,
as can happen with peripheral axons, for example, in neuromas (Willis 1991).
In traumatic lesions at the thoracolumbar passage (T10L1), which generally
involve both the cord lumbar enlargement and caudal roots, neuromas form in
the chronic stage (Kakulas 1990; Pagni and Canavero 1995). Nerve root lesion
or compression may add to denervation and ectopic impulse generation inducing
and maintaining a hyperexcitability of central multimodal neurons. From neuromas,
which are powerful ectopic pacemakers (though the amount of spontaneous
electrical activity of neuromas may have been overestimated; Burchiel and Russel
1987), and dorsal root ganglion cells of damaged roots, abnormal spontaneous,
paroxysmal discharges may sustain the activity of partially deafferented multimodal
neurons in the dorsal horns of not completely destroyed cord segments and
in the nearby less damaged rostral cord segments, at- and above-level and not
necessarily from a change in the excitability of the spinal neuron itself (Pagni and
Canavero 1995).
A role of Lissauers tracts, which lie outside the area included in anterolateral
cordotomies, must also be envisioned in the rostral spread of hyperactivity.
Denny-Brown and colleagues (1973) found that the medial division of Lissauers
tract seems to exert a facilitatory effect, and the lateral division a suppressor effect
on transmission of afferent impulses at the first synapse. Lesion of the lateral part
gives rise to hyperesthesia extending both above and below the lesion level on
the section side, while section of the whole Lissauers tract at any one level
had prolonged release effect on the next headward dermatome. Involvement
of Lissauers tract might justify the at-level hyperesthesia on the lesion side after
cord hemisection, Lissauers tract section, section of the posterior columns
impinging on the dorsal horn, and girdle pains in spinal tumors.
Roughly half or more of patients with syringomyelia suffer from a blend of
at-level and below-level pains. The onset of pain associated with traumatic
syringomyelia usually occurs in those dermatomes just above the level of the
trauma, but may sometimes be referred to distant dermatomes as the cyst encroaches
on high spinal cord segments.
In contrast to other types of pain that usually respond well to surgical treatment
of syrinx, dysesthetic CP can persist or even increase postoperatively, despite
collapse of the syrinx, and actually new CP can appear ex novo after surgical
treatment (Tator and Agbi 1991). In the series of Milhorat and colleagues (1996),
surgical treatment of syrinx resulted in total relief in only 7 of 37 patients (19%),
Piecing Together the Evidence 335
distant from the transplant site. Pain intensity reports often varied substantially in
time, with distribution of dysesthesias more stable. However, complete disappearance
of a dysesthesia was seen in only 2 of 8 subjects. In one patient, the burning sensation
in the dermatomes associated with an upper C6T3 cyst disappeared immediately
after grafting without shunting (follow-up 2 years), with complete collapse of cyst.
Nonetheless, he developed stabbing pain in the T69 dermatomes 3 months after
surgery due to expansion of the lower T69 cyst, both gradually increasing over
18 months; 27 months after the first surgery, a second graft was placed in this
lower cyst, with unsatisfactory results at 1 year, despite 50% collapse of the cyst.
Subject 5 had her previous stabbing pain in her legs limited to below knees at 6 weeks
and complete disappearance at 9 months (complete obliteration of cyst at 9 months),
but full relapse at 18 months (slight reopening at 12 months and persistence through
2 years). In the other 6 unrelieved patients, 5 had substantial collapse of the cyst
at the graft site, but also a persistent cyst above the graft site or shunt tubes at or
above the graft site. In the ninth, no collapse was seen.
However, Durward and colleagues (1982) reported that, although the syrinx
continued upward for many segments above the level of cordectomy and the upper
ends of the specimens of the cord showed pathological changes in three of their
patients, they were all relieved of their arm pain, indicating that this type of
abnormality may not be a generator of pain. On the other hand, in none of other
three cases where cordectomy failed was the rostral incision into histologically
normal cord. In two of them with a post-traumatic syringomyelia, earlier drainage
of the cyst had improved the syndrome, with the exception of the continuing pain.
The pain in these latter three failures was all referred well below the level of the lesion
in the cord, and these lesions were all at levels at which Jeffersons cordectomies had
also failed.
In patients with dysesthetic CP due to intramedullary tumors, symptoms tend
to persist in many after removal (Epstein et al. 1993; McCormick et al. 1990).
Surgical removal of intramedullary cavernomas may relieve CP initially, but many
relapse at follow-up (Kim et al. 2006). Also, new CP can appear after excision of
the mass (Canavero et al. 1994).
In sum, STT damage is the primary event in both BCP and CCP. While segmental
pains engage local processes, below-level diffuse pains, even in the best series, are
not uniformly relieved (unlike end-zone pains), so that we may conclude that cord
foci of hyperactivity play a boosting role only.
That allodynia is not pivotal to CP is proved by the simple observation that not all
patients complain of it, unlike steady spontaneous pain. As observed in exceptional
patients, allodynia may follow a different time course than spontaneous pain.
Greenspan and colleagues (1997) reported a woman with a thalamic lesion observed
over 4 years who had CP only during 3 months. Prior to spontaneous pain, there was
transient, but intense thermal allodynia several months before. Attal and colleagues
(1998) described a patient who presented uniquely with very intense brush-induced
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380 Index
Central post stroke pain (CPSP) 1, 9, 2840, 45, 46, Double lesion syndrome 115
54, 56, 100, 131, 145, 14955, 158, 1725, Dronabinol 146
18594, 196, 198, 200, 201, 2047, 212, 213, 216, Drug therapy 138
2208, 239, 240, 2428, 251, 255, 256, 259, antidepressants 179, 180, 235
2624, 27681, 28690, 298, 301, 303, 306, 319, cannabinoids 180
328, 329, 337 combinations of 181
Cerebral blood flow (CBF) 207, 208, 2414, 249, 251, 310 drugs aggravation of CP 182
Cerebral cortex 240, 241, 301, 308, 312, 322, 334 GABA drugs 139
Cingulate cortex 207, 242, 293 miscellaneous agents 181
Cingulotomy 291, 293 opioids 180, 278, 315, 337
Citalopram 141 oral, controlled studies 140
Clonazepam 121, 175, 176 oral, uncontrolled studies 160
Clonidine 174, 224, 226, 227, 229, 231, 232, 235, 236 parenteral, controlled studies 149
Commissural myelotomy 279 parenteral, uncontrolled studies 171
Commissurotomies 299 Dynamic reverberation 30738
Computed tomography (CT) 45, 136, 3013 Dysesthesia 1, 2, 8, 37, 38, 47, 4955, 102, 104,
Coping 233 111, 11315, 117, 118, 129, 1327, 156, 212,
Cord central pain 1, 11332, 135, 139, 173, 175, 237, 246, 258, 2768, 295, 297, 298, 305,
208, 21217, 2228, 234, 242, 256, 306, 31618, 331, 336
age of onset 116 Ectopic pacemakers 330, 334
causes 11314 Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) 221, 223
clinical features 11921, 135 Electroencephalogram (EEG) 252, 255
course 128 End-zone pain 113, 115, 119
evoked pains 120, 134 Epilepsy, central pain and 100, 132
incidence 113 Evoked pain 2, 49, 54, 55, 99, 120, 121, 129, 134, 150,
lesion level 113 1769
microrecording; stimulation studies 2567
pain components 120
pain distribution 118 Fampridine-SR 153
pain intensity 120 Fentanyl 152, 174
pain quality 119, 134 Flexion nociceptive reflex (RIII) 135, 197, 242
prevalence 113 Fluoxetine 138, 180
sex distribution 116 Fluvoxamine 162
somatosensory findings 121 Frontal areas 198, 247, 249
sympathetic and other signs and symptoms 128 Functional imaging studies 8, 134, 23954
time to pain onset 116 Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
Cordectomies 299, 3302 2446, 250, 327
Cordotomies 299
anterolateral 298 GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) 139, 176, 177,
posterior 299 179, 181, 182, 184, 198, 207, 211, 221, 231,
Cortectomy 27694 232, 236, 248, 251306, 31113, 3216, 329,
Deactivations 252, 253 GABA responsive patients (class A), 176
Deafferentation 1, 2, 308, 320, 323, 326, 329 GABA unresponsive patients (class B), 176
Deafferentation pain 1, 2, 308 Gabapentin 53, 138, 144, 146, 1757, 181, 235, 243
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) 199 Gasserian ganglion stimulation 221
effects on PAG-PVG 199 Genetic predisposition to pain 315
effects on Vc 206 Gigantocellular reticular nucleus 111
efficacy of 208 Girdle pain 110, 111, 135
PAG-PVG 199204, 20810 Gliosis 333
Vc 199211 Glutamate 177, 179, 253, 313, 323
Deep pain 136, 152, 241, 245, 255, 256, 276, 295, Guanethidine 28890
Descending inhibitory systems 102, 318, 321 Hemialgic thalamic syndrome 6, 7
Dextromethorphan 141, 142, 147 Hemispherectomy 102, 103, 328
Diazepam 52, 152 Historical review 38, 183
Disappearance of central pain, sudden 3006 Hyperalgesia 49, 105, 107, 109, 115, 139, 180, 265,
Disinhibition 316, 31821, 324, 325, 337 328
Distraction 233 Hyperpathia 54, 98, 103, 105, 106, 10911, 136, 180,
Divalproex sodium 163 243, 256, 260, 262, 330, 337
Dorsal column 218, 316 Hypoesthesia 56
Dorsal horn 2, 3, 196, 218, 237, 256, 309, 320, 321, Hypophysectomy 294
332 Hypophysectomy-hypothalamotomy, results of 276
Dorsal root entry zone (DREZ) 284 Hypothalamotomy 294
coagulation 297 Hypothalamus 221, 294, 312
Index 381