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Springfield College

Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Amanda Upchurch Date: September 30

Subject: Math Grade Level: Third Grade
Title of Lesson: Introduction to Multiplication Lesson Length: 90 minutes

Overview of the Lesson

Lesson Summary:
Todays lesson is an introduction to multiplication, we will be talking about two strategies
that will be used for solving equations and word problems. F

Lesson Objectives: The students will be able to

engage in turn and talks and whole group discussions to brainstorm a list of items that
come in groups
collaborate to complete word problems and equations for multiplication
connect addition as a helpful operation for solving multiplication equations

Materials/Equipment to be Used in Teaching the Lesson:

chart paper, index cards, work books, document cameras
Massachusetts Framework Standards:
Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 7 as the total number of objects in 5
groups of 7 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a total number of objects can
be expressed as 5 7.
Enduring Understandings:
Big Ideas: The students will understand that
repeated addition is a strategy for solving multiplication problems.
we use strategies to solve operations.
the groups of model assists their creation of a picture to represent a word problem or
specific vocabulary matches with different parts of an equation. (multiplication in particular)
Multiplication, Strategies ,Repeated addition, Combining, Pictures, Represent, Real
Essential Questions:
What strategies do good mathematicians use for solving multiplication problems?
Factual Content:
Vocabulary, groups of model, repeated addition
multiplication, factors, product, equation, equal groups
Tier 1:
equal, groups
Springfield College
Lesson Plan Template
Tier 2:

Tier 3:
multiplication, factors, product, equation (content connection to number sentence, addend,
Critical Thinking Skills (Reading, Writing, Speech, Listening)
Identify items that come in groups
Connect schema to understand multiplication as repeated addition
practice solving word problems and equations
Detect what parts of the equation mean from a word problem
Reflect on how addition can be used to solve multiplication
Connect to the real world

Assessments (Performance Tasks/Tests/Quizzes Formative/Summative, Informal/Formal)

Formal - (quiz) The assessment question
Informal - collaboration in group work
Informal - their group work work book work
Informal - contributions to craft

Resources used in creating this lesson and/or for use during the lesson instruction:
Envisions textbook
Models SPs past lessons

Action/Instructional Procedures
Math: 9:45-11:15
T. Guided Inst. 9:45-10:05
What?: Good mathematicians can write multiplication equations for equal groups.
Vocabulary: multiplication, factors, product, equation
Purpose- Today we will learn about how multiplication is like repeated addition and we will
create a visual by discussing a groups of model. 3x5 means 3 groups of 5.
First as a pre-assessment, we will first talk about what they think multiplication is. Then we
will go over our vocabulary for multiplication (using the flash cards) the students will work
in groups with the definition and visual and share out with the class. Reflection - I wish that I
used the same multiplication equation as the example for each flash card. That would have
made it easier when we created the anchor chart. We put all of their share out information on
the chart and talked about how multi (which we learned in multi-step problems means many,
thus relating to repeated addition).
We will close the share out by discussing groups, more importantly equal groups. We will
brainstorm items that come in groups (2-10).
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Lesson Plan Template
We will use one of the examples from the items that was brainstormed (a student who does
not generally keep their attention - Jaydian) as the example and write a word problem and
solve it.
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Springfield College
Lesson Plan Template
Why?:Strategies like equal groups, and repeated addition help us to solve multiplications.
Who has a question about what we learned today? Do you like these strategies? Tell them
that tomorrow we will be practicing these strategies more and then on Friday we will write
multiplication word probelms.

Guided Practice 10:05-10:30

In three small groups, the students will work on R4-1 (the other side is for homework) this
worksheet follows the Envisions re-enforcement and practice questions. The students will use
cubes, collaboration and teacher assistance to complete the front side of the worksheet in 15
to 20 minutes for a 5 to 10 minute share out. During this section I will pick students work to
show during the share out.
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Lesson Plan Template

Reflection 10:30- 10:35

The Why

Assessment 10:35-10:45
Mrs. Dixson has 4 buckets of candy. Each bucket has 7 pieces of candy. How many candies
are there in all? Draw a picture and write an addition and multiplication sentence. Hint use

Intervention 10:45-11:00
Number Talk - 78+16=
(making tens in mental math)
Post the equation, have the students work on the problem as mental math. Share three
students methods(call on a student raising their hand who struggled with the addition
strategies or who have challenges explaining their thoughts or showing their work-Check in
in with Jaedace, Jacob, Charlie, Amarui, Shuantrell, Tanejah,Izabella), write their word as
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Lesson Plan Template
they tell it on the chart paper. Go through any possible errors and work them out with the
student, ask for talk moves and add those students names to the chart paper.
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Lesson Plan Template
Springfield College
Lesson Plan Template
Games and reteach group 11:00 - 11:15

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