3G Knowledge Sharing - H Troubleshooting
3G Knowledge Sharing - H Troubleshooting
3G Knowledge Sharing - H Troubleshooting
WCDMA Channels
UMTS Intra-Frequency Reselection
Qmeas,s = Serving Cell Ec/No
Qmeas,n = Neighbor Cell Ec/No
Concept Qoffset = offset for neighbor intra-frequency
Qhyst = hysteresis for serving Cell
Intra-frequency cell reselection is
based on the relative ranking of
the serving and the neighbor
Measurement Control
UTRAN configures event 1a, 1b and 1c
Active Set Update UTRAN decides to add new cell into active set
Active Set Update UTRAN decides to remove a cell from active set
RB Setup Complete
3 CM Patterns:
Inter-RAT MCM (GSM cells, CM Act., 3a) GSM RSSI
BSIC Ident.
Applies new measurement configuration BSIC Reconfirm.
Starts inter-RAT measurements
UE connects to GSM
WCDMA Events
Event 1c Replacement of active set cell
Event 1d Change of best cell
Event 2f Compressed mode exit
Event 3a iRAT execution
-6 dB
IdleQhyst, 2s
for GtoU re-selection)
-14 dB
Recommend Current
Parameter Description Remarks
ed Setting Settings
Minimum acceptable Quallevel in the If parameter is too small, the UE may camp on a cell with very low quality -18 dB
qQualMin -18 dB
cell, to perform cell selection and may not be able to receive reliable service. If the parameter is too
large, the UE will prematurely declare the cell unsuitable and may not
Minimum acceptable RX level in the -110 dBm
qRxlevMin -115 dBm camp on to 3G cell.
cell, to perform cell selection
If the parameter is too low, the UE will not perform intra-frequency
measurements and may miss the opportunity to perform cell
Threshold (relative to Qqualmin) to
reselection. If parameter is too high, the UE will perform intra- 10 dB
IdleSintrasearch enable intra-frequency 10 dB
frequency measurements although the likelihood that the
neighboring cells will meet the cell reselection criteria is very small,
thereby wasting UE battery.
If the parameter is too small, the UE will not perform inter-RAT
The decision on when measurements
measurements and may miss the opportunity to perform cell
on GSM frequencies shall be
SsearchRat 2 dB reselection to another RAT. If parameter is too large, the UE will 4 dB
performed is made using this
perform inter-RAT measurements very often, most likely leading to
parameter in relation with Squal.
unnecessary GSM reselections.
Hysteresis value in the cell ranking If parameter is too small, the UE may perform frequent cell 2 dB( Not
IdleQhyst2s criteria for cell reselection when 2 dB reselection to cells only marginally better than the current serving Applicable)
EC/N0 is used cell, which may lead to excessive battery consumption. If parameter
Hysteresis value in the cell ranking is too large, the UE may be camping on a relatively weak cell
IdleQhyst1s criteria for cell reselection when 2 dB although a significantly better cell is available 4 dB
RSCP is used
If parameter is too large, the UE may be camping on a relatively
Control of cell selection/reselection.
tReselection 1s weak cell although a significantly better cell is available, or worse it 2 Sec
Time-to-trigger for cell reselection.
may suffer an outage in case of a neighboring cells rising CPICH.
Parameter Description Remarks Current Settings
d Setting
Choice of measurement (CPICH EC/N0
or CPICH RSCP) to use as quality
measure Q for ranking candidate FDD
cells for cell reselection
Offset of neighboring cell CPICH
measurement value. This parameter is
used for RSCP measurement. The offset Idle mode neighbor cell re-selection will be delayed if the parameter is
idleQoffset1sn 0 0,2,4
is subtracted from the neighboring cell set to a value > 0
measurement value before cell
Defines idle mode 3G-2G cell re-selection. Too high value, will delay the
qOffset1sn(MO: Signal strength offset between source
5 dB 2G cell re-selection in bad RSCP condition and too low value will lead to 0 dB
GSM relation) and target cells
faster 2G cell re-selections
If the parameter is set too low, UTRAN FDD cells may be reselected too
Minimum RSCP threshold for UTRAN
FDD_RSCP_min -106 dBm early, leading to ping pong. If the parameter is set too high, UTRAN FDD -102 dBm
FDD cell reselection
cells may not be reselected compromising WCDMA coverage.
Minimum Ec/No threshold for UTRAN If the parameter is set too low, UTRAN FDD cells may be reselected to
FDD_Qmin FDD cell reselection. (4 dB difference -14 dB too early, leading to ping pong. If the parameter is set too high, UTRAN -12 dB
from Qualmin) FDD cells may not be reselected compromising WCDMA coverage
Current settings will almost disable the idle mode cell re-selection and UE will remain
camped onto poor Ec/No cell
iRAT Events Ec/No
CS & CS+ PS Multi RAB
-13 dB 2f
-14 dB -14 dB 2f
-16 dB InterRATCSThd2DECNO
3a 3a
-17 dB 2f
-18 dB -16dB 2f
-20 dB InterRATR99PSThd2DECNO/ -18 dB
InterRATHThd2dECNO 2d
-21 dB 2d
If GSM RSSI > - 85 dBm
95 dBm
Current settings will trigger early iRATs for PS only RABs but low thresholds for GSM RSSI
will prevent the UE to perform iRAT early and will remain more time in compressed mode
iRAT Events RSCP
CS & CS+ PS Multi RAB
-104 dBm
-105 dBm -104 dBm 2f
3a 3a
PS only RAB
-109 dB 2f
HystFor2F/2 -106 2f
-110 dB
-113 dB 2d
-114 dB 2d
If GSM RSSI > - 85 dBm
95 dBm
Current settings will trigger early iRATs for PS only RABs but low thresholds for GSM RSSI
will prevent the UE to perform iRAT early and will remain more time in compressed mode
Connected Mode Parameters
Parameter Description Recommended Setting Current Settings
Threshold for event 2d for the used frequency when the measurement quantity is RSCP.
InterRATCSThd2DRSCP -108 -106
Event 2d is used to activate compressed mode
Threshold for event 2d for the used frequency when the measurement quantity is Ecno.
InterRATCSThd2DECNO -16 -17
Event 2d is used to activate compressed mode
The hysteresis parameter determines when any event is trigerred as well as re-trigerred
HystFor2D 2 dB 0 dB
and de-trigerred
Period of time during which the Event 2d triggering condition must be satisfied before
TimeToTrig2D 320 ms 640 ms
transmission of the MEASUREMENT REPORT message can occur
Period of time during which the Event 2d triggering condition must be satisfied before
TimeToTrig2D 320 ms 640 ms
transmission of the MEASUREMENT REPORT message can occur
Relative threshold for event 2f versus event 2d for the used frequency when the
InterRATCSThd2FRSCP 3 dB 2 dB
measurement quantity is RSCP. Event 2f is used to deactivate compressed mode
Relative threshold for event 2f versus event 2d for the used frequency when the
InterRATCSThd2FEcN0 measurement quantity is CPICH Ec/No. . Event 2f is used to deactivate compressed 2 dB 3 dB
The hysteresis parameter determines when 2f event is triggered as well as re-trigerred
HystFor2F and de-trigerred. A relatively higher value of hysteresis helps to avoid re-trigerring the 2 dB 0
same event several times under fluctuating radio conditions
Period of time during which the Event 2f triggering condition must be satisfied before
TimeToTrig2F 640 ms 640 ms
transmission of the MEASUREMENT REPORT message can occur
Period of time during which the Event 2f triggering condition must be satisfied before
TimeToTrig2F 640 ms 640 ms
transmission of the MEASUREMENT REPORT message can occur
Threshold for event 2d for HS, when the measurement quantity is RSCP
InterRATHThd2DRSCP -115 dBm -108
Threshold for event 2d for HS, when the measurement quantity is Ec/No
InterRATHThd2DEcN0 -21 dB -18
Soft Handover Parameters
Recommended Current
Parameter Description Remarks
Settings Settings
With too low value, cells of relatively good quality may not trigger an
Threshold used for Event 1a and will have no chance of inclusion in the active set, which
IntraRelThdFor1ACS addition-window in may lead to poor call quality and, ultimately, a call drop. If parameter is
3 dB 3 dB
NVP evaluation criteria for set to a value too large, cells of relatively poor quality may trigger an
event type 1a Event 1a and be unnecessarily included in the active set, therefore
degrading downlink capacity
Threshold used for With too large value, cells of relatively poor quality may not trigger an
IntraRelThdFor1BCS drop window in Event 1b and capacity will be degraded. If parameter is set to a value
10(5dB) 12 (6 dB)
NVP evaluation criteria for too small, cells of relatively good quality may trigger an Event 1b
event type 1b prematurely, thereby negatively affecting call quality
Hysteresis used in If parameter is set to a value too large, cells of relatively good quality
replacement may not trigger an Event 1c and will not replace cells of relatively poor
threshold in quality, therefore degrading downlink capacity. If parameter is set to a
HystFor1C 2(1dB) 8 (4 dB)
evaluation criteria for value too small, cells of quality only marginally better than that of an
event 1c to avoid active set cell may trigger an Event 1c, therefore increasing signaling
ping pong effects load without appreciably improving the combined active set cells quality
Transmission period of If the interval is chosen too short, the UE will transmit an unnecessarily
MEASUREMENT REPORT large amount of measurement reports, thereby consuming processing
messages sent by the UE in 1 sec power in the UTRAN. If the interval is chosen too long, the reporting might 4 sec
case of periodic reporting not reflect the UEs environment closely, thereby inhibiting the benefits of
triggered by an Event 1a periodic reporting after an Event 1a was detected
Transmission period of If the interval is chosen too short, the UE will transmit an unnecessarily
MEASUREMENT REPORT large amount of measurement reports, thereby consuming processing
messages sent by the UE in 1 sec power in the UTRAN. If the interval is chosen too long, the reporting might 4 sec
case of periodic reporting not reflect the UEs environment closely, thereby inhibiting the benefits of
triggered by an Event 1c periodic reporting after an Event 1c was detected
CPICH power Ratio and Ec/No
It has been observed that majority of cells having low CPICH to max power ratio have very high percentage of Ec/Io samples < -14dB.
As a rule of thumb, CPICH power should be in the range 8% to 10% of total power. Lower values may degrade EcIo distribution in the
cell, especially at high load and in the cell edge, causing problems for the UE to be able to decode Common Control Channels,
leading to accessibility and retainability issues.
For Ex:
Total TX power = 40W Ec/No @ 2.8W CPICH = 34.47 43 dBm = -9 dB (own cell)
Feeder loss = 0.5 dB Net Ec/No considering 3dB inter cell interference = -12 dB
Required CPICH power ratio = 8%
Avg DL Power utilization = 50%
CPICH pwr = 8%*(35.48W( equivalent of 45.5 dBm) = 2.8W
Ec/No CPICH power ratio
Currently around 60% cells are configured with 40W Tx power, but CPICH power ratio in these cells is only 5%
Power Mapping for R99 Services
Relative RL power
4 dB
3.5 dB
0 dB
If the max power for each DCH is set too high, the capacity of the cell might be severely limited in case multiple
UEs are at the cell edge, and if it is set too low, the coverage for that service might be severely limited
compared to the CPICH
Current R99 power settings
Too low max power for higher data rates ranging from 64 kbps to 144 kbps will limit the coverage for these
Other Control Channel Parameters
Parameter Description Remarks Current Settings
It defines the maximum power used for Too high value may cause high capacity
transmitting the logical channels (BCCH, blockings.The value can be increased after
maxFachPower 18(1.8dB) 1,3,4,5 dB
CCCH, and DCCH control signaling) relative identification of cells having poor RRC
to the primaryCpichPower value. success rate due to bad coverage
Too high value of maxfachpower relative to CPICH will lead capacity blockings and too less values for
Psch & Ssch power may lead to misdetection of primary & secondary SCH channel.
HSPA throughput related parameters
Parameter Description ded Remarks Current Settings
The parameter should be set to produce CQI
reports that are centered with respect to the
Measurement power offset, sent to the UE to obtain CQI reporting range. If the parameter is set
total received HS-PDSCH power. too low, it may not appropriately represent the
6 to 8 dB 7.5 dB ( 2.5 dB
MeasurePowerOffset Measure Power Offset = Max(-6, power allocation to the HS-PDSCH, resulting
Min(13,CellMaxPower - PcpichPower - Measure in the UE reporting CQI=0 across a large SNR
Power OffsetConstant)) range in cell edge conditions. In this situation,
the Node-B cannot schedule any data to the
2/3 UE will be scheduled in the same TTI,
Parameter determines how many HS-SCCHs that
HsScchCodeNum 2,3 increasing HSSCCH codes will increase 2,4
must be configured
power utilization & code
Used as a switch to turn, the Dynamic Code
Allocation feature, on or off by setting its value to true
AllocCodeMode Automatic Will improve scheduling traffic between users Automatic
or false enable code multiplexing between users in
the same TTI
AllocCodeMode parameter in the RNC and
HsPdschMaxCodeNu Parameter that defines the maximum number of HS- Dynamic code allocation in the Node-B
15 15
m PDSCH codes that are allocated in a cell should be set to " TRUE" to enable max
code usage for HSDPA
HsPdschMinCodeNu It determines the number of codes of SF=16
5 5
m reserved for the HS-PDSCH
It is the power margin, the HSDPA scheduler is using
when allocating remaining power. It is the reserved Too high value will lead to very low HS
PwrMgn 5%
power as a percentage of the maximum transmit throughput
power of the cell
Support for 64QAM 1 1
RLS procedure timeout
CSRLReEstCellUpdateTmr = 15
PSRLRestCellUpdateTmr = 35
T313= 3 Sec/ RlRstrTmr=10sec
NOutsyncInd = 50 =3 sec
=0.5 sec
(0.5 sec) t313= 3 sec t314= 12 sec
t315= 30 sec
Poor UL RSSI and EC/No leads to high no. of RLS procedure timeouts and call drops
Current L1 Timer Settings in Chennai
CSRLReEstCellUpdateTmr = 23
PSRLRestCellUpdateTmr = 23
T313 = 5 sec/ RlRstrTmr=11 sec
=5 sec
NOutsyncInd = 50
=0.5 sec
(1 sec) t313= 5 sec t314= 6 sec
t315= 10 sec
Other Parameters to improve UL RSSI
Parameter Description ded Remarks Chennai Settings
Constant used to If set too small, the preamble initial transmit power may be insufficient
determine the initial for reliable detection at the Node B. This leads to a delay in the
ConstantValue PRACH transmitted power -23 to -27 access procedure. If set too large, the preamble initial transmit power -20
(transmit power of may be larger than needed for reliable detection at the Node B. This
preamble sent on PRACH) causes unnecessary uplink interference
Maximum number of
If parameter is too small, the probability of successful preamble ramping
preamble transmissions in
PreambleRetransMax 6 to 10 cycle decreases. If parameter is too large, the uplink interference increases. 20
one preamble ramping
If parameter is too small, the RACH access may not take full advantage of
Maximum number of the time diversity provided by preamble ramping cycle repetition. If
Mmax 3 to 6 8
preamble ramping cycles. parameter is too large, the uplink capacity consumption may unnecessarily
With the introduction of CPC, the DPCCH channel in UL and HS-SCCH channel in DL is sent and received discontinuously by the UE,
resulting in the reduction of UL RSSI and improved battery life.
CPC capable UE can now remain inactive in Cell_DCH state for longer time, and can restart transmission with much shorter delay and
also reduces the # of channel switching between DCH and FACH.
A new HSDPA inactivity timer: hsdschInactivityTimerCpc is introduced for CPC users and its value can be set higher than
hsdschinactivity Timer which is for non-CPC users.
By setting the hsdschInactivityTimerCpc parameter to a high value, the CPC UE stays longer on CELL_DCH before switching down to
CELL_FACH at inactivity
With SRB on HSDPA feature, SRBs can be mapped to HSDPA at call setup. The main impact and advantage is that less DL code and
hardware resources are needed for SRB on HSDPA, when it replaces the normal A-DCH channel.
Up to 10 separate SRB on HSDPA connections can be mapped onto one SF256 in DL, compared to that each A-DCH connection
requires one DL SF256. Internally this is implemented by each connection using different time positions, using F- DPCH function
Parameter Description
extraHsScchPowerForSrbOnH Extra power used for HS-SCCH for a user with SRB on HS. Relative to the output
sdpa from the HS-SCCH power control.
Extra power used for sending the data during a HSDPA TTI which includes SRB
extraPowerForSrbOnHsdpa 2dB
data. Relative to the output from the HS scheduler.
HS cell change failures and procedure timeouts can increase with SRB on HS.
HsHysteresis1d 3dB
Decreasing the value will make early cell change before Ec/No severly degrades
RlcBufUpswitch Hs-DSCH inactivity Timer : 2 Sec
Downswitch threshold
256 B Current Setting : 4 sec
5 Kbps
(2048 B)
64 Bytes)
Direct Upswitch to
(256 Bytes) Inactivity Timer: 15 Sec
Current Setting : 6 sec
This feature enables the HSDPA usage in
Cell_FACH state. The logical channels mapped in
previous releases to the FACH transport channel
can be now mapped to HS-DSCH for improving
the performance.
Inter System Direct Retry is executed at the time of RAB assignment procedure, when a new Voice
call fails to access the system in the admission procedure.
If the RAB ASSIGNMENT procedure fails during admission, the RNC will respond with the RAB
ASSIGNEMNT RESPONSE message with the cause "Direct Retry". Then, a relocation procedure
will be initiated by RNC with the cause of "Direct Retry"
Inter System Redirect is executed at the time of RRC Connection Set up procedure, when a new
Voice call fails to access the system in the admission procedure.
If a new speech call is blocked by RRC admission control, then UE is redirected to GSM via
idle mode cell reselection procedure.
Parameter : RedirSwitch = 1
A speech call that has no ongoing packet connection is the only service that is targeted since it
is also the only one that is safe to divert to GSM.
After an RRC connection setup, the RNC determines whether to establish services in inter-RAT
cells based on the current cell load. RNC sends the UE an inter-RAT measurement control
message, instructing the UE to measure the signal quality of the target cell. If the signal quality
of the target cell meets the specified requirements, the RNC establishes services in the target
PERFENH_MBDR_TARCELLSEL_OPT_SWITCH: Preferentially select a cell with the optimum
signal quality as the target cell.
Flag of MBDR Cell to TRUE
Offloading starts as soon as the cell load rises above the 85% of pwradm
LoadSharingGSMfraction specifies the %age of Directed retry candidates to be diverted to GSM
while the cell load is above the specified load threshold.
Load Based HO
Load Based Handover feature provides the possibility to move
speech users to GSM or another UMTS carrier when the load in
a cell is at admission level or above.
If admission control algorithm detects high load when evaluating
an admission request in a cell, then LBHO to GSM for speech
users will be triggered.
The following load quantities are evaluated:
Power load
If the high load is detected for at least one of the load quantities
in the cell and there is new incoming call, one or several
ongoing speech connections will be selected for GSM HO
Selected UE will be instructed to perform measurements for
these GSM cells (i.e. non-blind HO). If the UE detects and
reports a good-enough GSM cell, the handover attempts will be
Dependency for HSUPA IC and Turbo IC : WBBPd/f or higher boards are IC enabled
The minimum rate of 2 ms TTI HSUPA UEs at the RLC layer is 160 kbit/s without this feature and 20
kbit/s with this feature.
Adaptive Adjustment of HSUPA Small Target Re-transmissions
In earlier versions than RAN15.0, the small target number of retransmissions cannot be adaptively adjusted. When
the uplink load is limited, a small target number of retransmissions will require a high signal-to-interference ratio
(SIR) on the DPCCH, and the DPCCH must have a higher power. This leads to decreased available power on the
E-DCH and E-DPDCH, a lower UE throughput, and a lower cell throughput.
This feature supports an alternative small target number of retransmissions for each typical type of service. The
actual small target number of retransmissions can dynamically shift between the original fixed number and the
alternative number based on the cell uplink load and UE rates, which are configured by the
EdchTargetLittleRetransNum(BSC6900,BSC6910) and EdchAltTarLittleRetransNum (BSC6900,BSC6910)
parameters, respectively. This improves the system capacity when the uplink load is limited
With the Adaptive Adjustment of HSUPA Small Target Retransmissions feature, when the uplink load is limited,
multiple UEs are selected for adjustment to the small target number of retransmissions. This further improves the
cell throughput.
WMRR(2 hour Busy hour): Was used to get coverage and quality estimations for
the network for each RAB configuration separately
Parameter dump: Was used for getting network parameters and configuration
settings. Was used to see the licensed and activation status of various features
of the RAN release.
GPEH(2 hour busy data): GPEH data was used for in-depth analysis of all issues
by looking at Internal events and external signaling messages.
INVH dump/Hardware configurations: was used for baseline check of some of the
hardware dependent parameters.
In DLGGN01: 34 % cells having more than 25 % samples( < -14 dB) during busy hour
In DLVKP01: 38 % cells having more than 25 % samples( < -14 dB) during busy hour
In DLOKL01 : Only 10 % cells having more than 25 % samples( < -14 dB) during busy hour
In DLGGN02: 13.11 % cells having more than 25 % samples( < -14 dB) during busy hour
This shows that DLGGN01 and DLVKP01 RNCs have very high poor EcIo samples than other
two RNCs
RSCP Distribution- 4 RNCs
In DLGGN01: 25 % cells having more than 15 % samples( < -99 dBm) during busy hour
In DLVKP01: 44 % cells having more than 15 % samples( < -99 dBm) during busy hour
In DLOKL01 : 46 % cells having more than 15 % samples( < -99 dBm) during busy hour
In DLGGN02: 40 % cells having more than 15 % samples( < -99 dBm) during busy hour
In DLGGN01: 25% cells in RNC is having average RSSI > -95dBm in busy hour
In DLVKP01: 9.3 % cells in RNC is having average RSSI > -95dBm in busy hour
In DLOKL01 : Only 1.4 % cells in RNC is having average RSSI > -95dBm in busy hour
In DLGGN02: 5.2 % cells in RNC is having average RSSI > -95dBm in busy hour
Summary-IRAT Rate
In DLGGN01, DLVKP01 and DLGGN02 majority of compressed mode are
triggered because of poor EcIo
In DLOKL01 majority of compressed modes are triggered because of poor RSCP
For CS+PS multiRAB configurations, % of Compressed modes due to UE Tx
power are very high.
Very low CPICH power settings are observed for the cells having high IRAT rate
Serviceoffset for EcIo for PS only services has been recently changed in the
network from -7 to -4. This has increased the % of EcIo driven compressed
modes and no of IRATs for PS only configuration which were earlier RSCP
Current IRAT trigger thresholds for CS is -15 dB for EcIo and -110 dBm for RSCP.
At very low CPICH settings and at very high loading, EcIo degradation will be
high and hence the IRAT rate.
Lower CPICH settings will also increase RSCP based trigger.
Summary-CS DCR Rate
CS DCR of all 4 RNCs are very good. CS call drop rate is about 0.46 % & 0.51 % in RNC
DLOKL01 & RNC DLVKP01 respectively
CS call drop rate is about 0.67 % & 0.49% in RNC DLGGN01 & RNC DLGGN02
CS-DCR From Network Counters & GPEH logs (Analysis on 4 RNCs)
About 54 % to 63 % of call drops are due to other reason category across all 4 RNCs
About 17 % to 25 % of call drops are accounted for Uplink Sync across all 4 RNCs
DLGGN01 is having very poor UL RSSI.
25% cells in RNC is having average RSSI > -95dBm in busy hour
DLOKL01 is having high percentage of poor RSCP samples than other RNCs
46 % cells having more than 15 % samples( < -99 dBm) during busy hour
DLGGN01 and DLOKL01 is also having high number of drops due to missing neighbors
DLGGN02 is having cells which contributes to very high drops due to congestions
66% of CS drops in network is happening in MultiRAB calls. Out of 66% MultiRAB drops, 42
%drops are captured in CS+PS(0/0).
DLGGN01 is having very high unspecified drops. Analysis of those drops points to the very
high UL RSSI in the cells of DLGGN01
There are very high number of unspecified drops in MultiRAB due to network configuration
Besides physical optimization , UL RSSI, IRAT related parameters and call reestablishment
parameters might need tuning.
Summary-HS DCR
It has been observed that poor UL and DL coverage
is the main cause for HS drops. So L3, L2 and L1
timeouts are very high in the network
GGN01 and VKP01 are having high HS DCR than
other two RNCs
Only 4 cells in GGN02 and OKL01 RNC is having
average HS DCR > 3%. Also number of days in
measurement period(7days) where HS DCR was >
3% are less.
54% of HS drops in the network are due to channel
78% of total channel switching drops are due
to L3 procedure timeouts. Out of these L3
procedure timeouts, 84% of procedure
timeouts happened during transition from HS
to FACH alone
~20% of HS drops are due to Layer 2 timeout with
RLC unrecoverable error
~15 % of HS drops are due to hsDschRcLost (L1)
timer expiry
L3 timers for synchronization and non
synchronization procedures is 18 sec and L1 timer is
9 second. It has been observed that RNC is keeping
the session alive even after L1 timeouts till 18
RRC and Iu resources will be wasted
It might cause MT call failures
Summary- CS & PS CSSR
CS CSSR for all 4 RNCs are very good. All RNCs have CS CSSR > 99%. Both CS RRC and CS RAB success rate is > 99%.
PS CSSR for all 4 RNCs are good. All 4 RNCs have PS CSSR > 98%.
In all the RNCs PS RRC success rate is main contributor for PS CSSR degradation.
Out of all call setup failures detected in the RNCs for RRC and RAB, resources admission failures are very less.
75% of total RRC and RAB failures in DLGGN02 and DLOKL01 are pegged in After admission category
Unspecified RRC failures are very high in the network and distributed almost all cells in the RNC. These failures are
pointing towards netwok issue.
Same observation like in HS and CS DCR that L3 timers are keeping context in the RNC too long after L1 timer
expiry is also observed for RAB failures after admission.
There are few Iub related failures are also observed but those are contributed by 2 sites.
IRAT Rate(Key findings)
Compressed mode Trigger distribution
In DLGGN01 ~64 % of
Compressed modes are
triggered because of poor
In DLVKP01 ~55 % of
Compressed modes are
triggered because of poor
In DLGGN02 ~48% of
Compressed modes are
triggered because of poor
EcIo while in DLOKL01,
majority of CM triggered
because of poor RSCP
Compressed mode Triggers: (DLGGN01-GPEH stats)
Too low CPICH power ratio(some cells have less than 2 %) is the major reason of very poor EcIo.
CPICH power needs to be tuned in these cells to reduce the IRAT rate. Increase in CPICH should be done with down
tilting and on cluster of cells to minimize the overshooting and capacity blockings.
High UE Tx Power triggered CM in CS+PS
multiRAB states but no IRAT
For CS+PS multiRAB configurations, high number of compressed mode were
triggered due to high UE Tx power % of UE (event 6D)
IRAT handover wasnt always triggered and UE was continuously transmitted at
max power, because RSCP of current used frequency has to be below: -108 + (-
4) + 5 = -107dBm for 3a event to trigger. This indicates that the UE was not at
edge of coverage and UE Tx power is high due to UL RSSI
Current network configuration to trigger IRAT HO due to Poor UE Tx power is
Serviceoffset2d for CS+PS multiRABs are: -4( for RSCP)
2d threshold RSCP: -108 dBm
utranRelThreshRscp(offset for UE Tx power): 5
As a result of the above configuration UE stays in CM for longer duration and
keeps transmitting at max power
Total no of
Channel switching failure: Sub causes
AL 1
Total 4460
Out of all Channel switch drops 78% of drops are purely Layer 3 procedure timeouts
Sub causes: Channel Switching drops
Procedure timeout
Percentage of
Cause: Procedure Timeout
INACTIVITY(expiry of
Out of all L3 procedure timeouts, 83.8% drops are happening during HS to FACH transition
~ 15 % of procedure timeouts are during FACH to HS transition
24.8 % of L3 procedure timeouts are happened at UL RSSI< -95 dBm
Procedure Timeout- Inactivity(Poor UL RSSI)
UE was on EUL/HS and due to
inactivity and expiry of
hsdschinactivityTimer, RNC
RBR for triggered transition from HS to
reconfiguring to
FACH FACH by sending RBR message to
UE and started tRrcChSwitch1:
15 sec
Since RNC didnt receive any RRC
Cell Update message from UE
during transition So after 15
seconds Channel switching
There was no cell
update received procedure failed and call was
from the UE released.
probably because
of high UL RSSI This cell was having very high UL
RSSI samples as seen from the
GPEH for that hour. Probably UE
has sent cellupdate but it was
not decoded by RNC due to very
high UL RSSI.
Cause 2: Impact of SRB on HS
Maximum number of RLC
retransmissions is reached
Case study-HS cell change failures due to RLC timeout(
Very poor EcIo in serving cell)
RNC has released this call with cause : L1 timer expiry(from its internal event), but from the
signaling, we can see that RNC didnt release the call after L1 expiry but at L3 expiry. Needs to
check with vendor about this behavior. Since these types of HS drops are high in number, it might
impact paging type 2 success rate.
CS Call Drop Reasons Distribution per each RNC
RNC DLGGN01 CS Call Drop Reasons RNC DLOKL01 CS Call Drop
RNC DLGGN02 CS Call Drop
Distribution Reasons Distribution
Reasons Distribution Drop call Drop call
Drop call soft missing
soft handover nbr
Drop call Drop call
Drop call IRAT handover Drop call 3%
Drop call 4%
missing nbr congestion
6% Drop2%
call missing nbr IRAT Drop call
6% 0% 9%
Drop call soft IRAT 5% congestio
handover 7% n
3% Drop call Drop call 0%
congestion uplink
Drop call 8% sync
17% Drop call
uplink sync Drop call other
18% uplink sync 67%
Drop call
19% other
Drop call 59%
Cell Average of Speech call drop rate % Drop call congestion % Drop call missing nbr % Drop call uplink sync % Drop call IRAT % Drop call soft handover % Drop call other
There were 4
CS call drop
captured during
the recording
period for
to missing
There were 4
different PSCs
detected for
each drop.
Drop due to congestion- Top cell:
mimimumRate of 3.7 kbps is for ADCH signaling. For cells with high HSDPA
load (many HSDPA users) the A-DCH power can constitute of a large part
of the used downlink. minpwrmax for these two cells are set to 3 dB
higher than CPICH power(34 dBm). This might be creating high congestion
ADCH in these two cells.
Counter stats for these cells shows, these cells have very high HS traffic
and HS RAB attempts. CS traffic is also high in these cells.
HS traffic: ~4 GB per day
HS RAB attempts: ~13000 per day
CS Conv--Speech
Majority of MRAB call drops captured from GPEH are from CS +PS 0/0
66% of CS drops in network is happening in MultiRAB calls. Out of 66% MultiRAB drops,
42 %drops are captured in CS+PS(0/0).
MRAB analysis
RNC has released this call with cause: L1 timer expiry(from its internal event). But from signaling, we can see that RNS didnt
release the call after L1 expiry but L3 expiry. Need to check behavior with vendor. Since these types of HS drops are higher in
number, it might impact paging type 2 success rate.
Admission Vs After Admission Failures
Count of After Count of
RNC Admission Admission
Failures Failures