Sci - LP1-4 Scientific Method, Attitudes, SciLab and Lab Tools

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SCIENCE 8 (7) Lesson Plan SY 2013-2014 First Quarter

Week of June 24-28, 2013


I. Objectives
A. Cognitive
1. Identify and enumerate the steps of the scientific method
2. Explain each of the steps of the scientific method
3. Define and illustrate a certain scientific attitude
B. Affective
1. Appreciate the role of the scientific method in enriching the humans
knowledge of the world around him
2. Manifest the various scientific attitudes
3. Reflect on ones level of a certain scientific attitude
C. Psychomotor
1. Make a semantic map of the scientific method
2. Arrange the steps of the scientific method in a logical way
2. List the desirable traits and attitudes of a scientist

II. Subject Matter

The Scientific Method and Scientific Attitudes

Valuing: Being aware of the traits and attitudes of oneself; Enriching ones
scientific traits and attitudes curiosity, humility, healthy skepticism,
positivity, open-mindedness, patience, perseverance

III. Materials: PPT Presentation, cards with labels

IV. Procedure

A. Motivation
Present the story Luisa is a grade 8 student in MCMS. It was Friday,
and as she was about to go home, she realized that she didnt have her
brand-new iPhone6 with her. O, HECK! she exclaimed. Ask students
what Luisa would have meant of her reaction. State that OHECK is
actually the solution to her problem. It is an acronym which stands for
O-bservation, H-ypothesis, E-xperiment, C-Conclusion and K-
nowledge. Elicit the concept of the scientific method.

B. Presentation
The teacher asks students to complete the semantic web by writing
words or phrases that come to their mind when they encounter the idea
of the scientific method.
SCIENCE 8 (7) Lesson Plan SY 2013-2014 First Quarter

CLS/Round Robin. The students help Luisa solve her problem going
through OHECK step-by-step; e.g.
O Luisa observes that she her cellphone is missing
H She hypothesizes that she left her cellphone in the club venue
(clubs are now held on Fridays in MCMS) or in the classroom
E She scours the club venue and the classroom for her missing
C She finds her cellphone in the club venue
K She learns to be mindful of her valuables

CLS/Brainstorming. Students are given pieces of paper; each

indicates a step in the scientific method. They arrange them to yield a
more detailed and standard scientific method.

The teacher uses the ladder as a metaphor for the scientific method.
Students explain and give illustrations for each step.

Drawing the Conclusion

Gathering Data


Formulating the Hypothesis

Defining the problem

Initial observations

CLS/Round Table. Students review the attitudes that one should

possess in studying science. A group is chosen to define a certain
scientific attitude. They also give an instance when they exhibited such
(Value on Being Conscious of Ones Traits).
Healthy Skepticism
Positive Attitude toward Failure
Intellectual Honesty
Scientific Intuition
SCIENCE 8 (7) Lesson Plan SY 2013-2014 First Quarter

Reflection. Students rate themselves according to the characteristics

below, with 5 being the highest.
Trait/Category 5 O* 4O 3 VS 2S 1 NSH
Knowledge of
the Scientific

C. Processing
Q: What are the steps of the scientific method?
Q: Why and how do you think people came up with the scientific
Q: Why is the scientific method likened to a ladder?
HOTS: Why and how is the scientific method helpful in solving scientific
HOTS: If you could modify the scientific method, what would you
change, add or delete? Why?
Q: Why should the problem be SMART i.e. specific, measurable,
attainable, realistic and time bound?
Q: Why is it advised to formulate the hypothesis in the If-then format?
HOTS: Is the scientific method the only method in solving scientific
Q: Why is intellectual honesty important especially in recording data? Teachers Reflection
Q: What is the difference between observation and inference? ____________________
Q: What is the difference between hypothesis, theory and law? ____________________
D. Synthesis
CAC/Writing; Metacognition; Value on Knowing Oneself. Students
write a reflection on how they could increase their knowledge of the __________________.
scientific method and how they could nourish their scientific attitudes.
SCIENCE 8 (7) Lesson Plan SY 2013-2014 First Quarter

Prd. 2:

I. Objectives
A. Cognitive
1. Define what a variable is
2. Explain what a fair test means
3. Differentiate the three types of variables: independent, dependent
and constant
B. Affective Affective
1. Realize the impact of experiments on the advancement of society
2. Manifest objectivity and clarity in planning experiments
C. Psychomotor
1. List the set-ups and variables in an experiment
2. Match the terms with their definitions

II. Subject Matter

Identifying the Set-ups and Variables in an Experiment

Valuing: Sense of fairness and control in conducting scientific

investigations and beyond

III. Materials: PPT Presentation

IV. Procedure

A. Motivation
CLS/Think-Pair-Share. Students are asked to identify the factors that
could affect the given. Elicit the term variable after. What is a variable?
a. The taste of a pizza
b. The mileage of a car
c. The score of an archer

B. Presentation
TAC. Students review the difference between
independent/manipulated variable (IV), dependent/responding variable
(V) and constant variables (CV), by matching or dragging the term to its
definition on the PPT slide.

Value of Fairness. Students define what a fair test or fair experiment

means. Students differentiate the experimental set-up from the control
set-up. Ask why experiments have to be fair.

Students enumerate ways on how to conduct a fair test. Defining the

problem clearly, identifying the different variables, setting up a control,
eliminating or minimizing the effects of the other variables (controlling
the experiment) etc.
SCIENCE 8 (7) Lesson Plan SY 2013-2014 First Quarter

CLS/Brainstorming. On a size 1, students identify the set-ups and

variables in the given situations/experiments by completing the table.
1. Homer notices that his shower is covered in a strange green slime.
His friend Barney tells him that coconut juice will get rid of the green
slime. Homer decides to check this this out by spraying half of the
shower with coconut juice. He sprays the other half of the shower
with water. After 3 days of "treatment" there is no change in the
appearance of the green slime on either side of the shower.
2. Rianna thinks that a special juice will increase the productivity of
workers. He creates two groups of 50 workers each and assigns
each group the same task (in this case, they're supposed to staple a
set of papers). Group A is given the special juice to drink while they
work. Group B is not given the special juice. After an hour, Rianna
counts how many stacks of papers each group has made. Group A
made 1,587 stacks, Group B made 2,113 stacks.
3. Maida believes that mice exposed to radiowaves will become extra
strong (maybe he's been reading too much Radioactive Man). She
decides to perform this experiment by placing 10 mice near a radio
for 5 hours. She compared these 10 mice to another 10 mice that
had not been exposed. Her test consisted of a heavy block of wood
that blocked the mouse food. She found that 8 out of 10 of the
radiowaved mice were able to push the block away. 7 out of 10 of
the other mice were able to do the same.

Quiz 2 is administered.

C. Processing
Q: What is a variable? What are the three types of variables?
Q: How do variables change the outcome of an event or experiment?
Q: Why is it important to have controlled variables in an experiment?
Q: What would be the effect if the experiment is not fair?
Value of Fairness: How else do you show fairness in conducting an
experiment? In what other kinds of investigations is maintaining a sense
of fairness important? Crime scene investigations, court investigations Teachers Reflection
D. Synthesis ____________________
CAC/Journal Writing; HOTS; Value of Having a Sense of Control. ____________________
Connect variables to your own life. What are the variables that lead to ____________________
you having a good day? What variables lead to your having a bad day? __________________.
As most say, happiness is a choice, how do you manage or control your
life to achieve it?
SCIENCE 8 (7) Lesson Plan SY 2013-2014 First Quarter

E. Appendix
Quiz 2 Scientific Method and Scientific Attitudes
Modified True or False. Write True if the statement is correct, if false,
replace the underlined word/s to make the statement correct. (10 pts.)
1. A/n prediction is an attempt to explain an observation. inference
2. Data refers to recorded observations and measurements. True
3. In a controlled experiment, a/n independent and a control set-up are
used. experimental
4. Inferring is concluding based on ones observations. True
5. The variable you change in the experiment is called a/n dependent
variable. independent/manipulated
6. A/n conclusion is a statement that summarizes the results of the
experiments. True
7. A person who is humble and accepts that no one has the answer to
every question exhibits humility. True
8. Factors that are the same in both the set-ups of the experiments are
called controlled variables. constant/fixed
9. Perseverance is accepting criticisms and taking them positively.
10. Much of what we know in science is based from our superstitious
beliefs of the natural world. Observation

Prds. 3 and 4:

I. Objectives
A. Cognitive
1. Identify and define the problem in the experiment
2. Formulate a hypothesis for the experiment
3. Explain the effect of the independent to the dependent variable
B. Affective
1. Recognize the convenience and benefits of using the scientific
method in finding answers to everyday phenomena
2. Manifest scientific attitudes in carrying out an experiment
3. Realize the relevance of the experiment to everyday life
C. Psychomotor
1. Perform an experiment and apply the steps of the scientific method
2. Conduct an activity that uses the elements of water, temperature

II. Subject Matter

Laboratory Sheet No. 1 The Scientific Method (with Post-Lab)

Valuing: Being organized, systematic and efficient in solving a problem

III. Materials: refer to list of materials in Lab Sheet 1

SCIENCE 8 (7) Lesson Plan SY 2013-2014 First Quarter

IV. Procedure

A. Motivation
Students recall an instance when their clothes were stained. Share that
in the olden times, people didnt have detergents and they used urine
because of its acid. Ask what was done in order to remove or lessen
the stain on their clothes. Elicit ways of stain removal e.g. use of strong
detergents and bleaching agents, varying the temperature of the water

B. Presentation
SCA/Experiment. Students are grouped by fours and perform Lab
Sheet 1. They study the effect of the temperature of the water on the
removal of stain.

C. Processing (Refer also to the questions in the lab sheet.),

Q: What are the independent, dependent and constant variables of the
Q: What are the experimental and control set-ups?
Q: What is the effect of temperature on the speed of the removal of the
Q: How did you ensure that the experiment was fair? How did you
control the experiment?
HOTS: How do you apply the knowledge that you have gained from the
activity in your respective households?
Value on Organization and Efficiency: How does the scientific
Teachers Reflection
method make solving problems easier? Why is the scientific method an
efficient method? Why is it important to be organized, systematic and
efficient in doing our tasks and in providing solutions to our problems? ____________________
D. Synthesis ____________________
CAC/Writing. Students complete the statements My greatest learning __________________.
today is . . . . I would want to learn more about . . . .

Prd. 5:

I. Objectives
A. Cognitive
1. Enumerate the guidelines and mechanics of the IP
2. Identify the roles of each member of the IP group
3. Explain the expectations in terms of the IP outputs
B. Affective
1. Manifest the desirable scientific attitudes as they plan the IP
2. Exhibit the attitudes of teamwork and cooperation
3. Realize the importance of collaboration in the quest for knowledge

C. Psychomotor
SCIENCE 8 (7) Lesson Plan SY 2013-2014 First Quarter

1. Write a reflection on how one can be a valuable contributor to the IP

2. List the proposed IP topics on the proposal form

II. Subject Matter

Investigative Project (IP) Day

Valuing: Teamwork, cooperation, peace and the arts of dialogue and


III. Materials: PPT Presentation, IP booklet

IV. Procedure

A. Motivation
The teacher presents the winners in the previous years Investigative
Project Oral Defense (IPOD) for Grade 7. Ask: What do you think made
these groups win? Elicit answers e.g. the study is unique, the study
contributed something new, the group showed teamwork.

B. Presentation
Students share their positive (and negative) experiences in doing the IP
in the past years. They may share what they like most and what they
like least in the IP.

IP Booklets are distributed. The teacher guides the students as they

discuss the IP guidelines and mechanics, as well as the expectations
per quarter. Refer to the IP booklet for details.

SCA/Investigative Project-Making. Students form their IP groups

based by friends; maximum of four members, or five. They come up
with a creative name for the group, and choose the groups [1] leader,
[2] assistant leader, [3] scribbler and [4] keeper.

Each IP group proposes at least three topics that they want to work on
by filling out a proposal form on a size 1. Deadline of the proposals is
on July 1, Monday.
SCIENCE 8 (7) Lesson Plan SY 2013-2014 First Quarter

C. Processing
HOTS: What do you think is the purpose of doing the IP?
Q: What are the rules and guidelines in doing the IP?
HOTS: What do you think is necessary for your group to be successful
in the IP?
Value of Teamwork and Cooperation: How will you exhibit teamwork
and cooperation among your group in carrying out your IP? How is Teachers Reflection
collaboration important in the quest for knowledge? How do you arrive ____________________
at a compromise when there are disagreements and conflicts in your ____________________
D. Synthesis ____________________
CAC/Reflection. Students write a reflection on how one can be a __________________.
valuable member and team player in the IP group. Sharing follows.

Prd. 6:

I. Objectives
A. Cognitive
1. Identify the parts of a typical science laboratory
2. Explain the functions of the different lab tools and apparatus
3. Compare a science lab to a regular classroom
B. Affective
1. Manifest the scientific attitudes in the science laboratory
2. Exhibit caution and care in the use of the lab tools
3. Appreciate the science laboratory and the schools other provisions
for learning science
C. Psychomotor
1. Label the parts of the science lab
2. Procure the lab tools indicated in the list by transferring them from
the common table to the designated work area
3. Handle the various lab tools and explore their uses

II. Subject Matter

The Science Laboratory and the Common Laboratory Tools

Valuing: Care and value for physical properties

III. Materials: lab tools, equipment and apparatus

IV. Procedure
SCIENCE 8 (7) Lesson Plan SY 2013-2014 First Quarter

A. Motivation
CLS/Think-Pair-Share. The teacher presents the riddle below. The
class proceeds to the Science Laboratory once the idea of the latter is
elicited from the students.

Lets go to a place
Where knowledge fills the space
Here there are lots of tools
To help you measure and fill vessels full
As we discover natures patterns and gifts
We become young and eager scientists. Ans. Sci lab

B. Presentation
CLS/Brainstorming. Provide labels to each IP group and ask students
to label the different parts of the science lab. Checking follows.

Teachers Worktable First-aid Cabinet/Kit

Students Work Area Fire Extinguisher and Sandboxes

Safety Exits Exhaust Fans

Storage Room Trash Cans and Containers

for Chemical Wastes
Preparation Room

Shower Room

CAC/Riddle. The idea of lab tools and apparatus is elicited from the
students through another riddle.

Most of us are made of glass

We are used a lot in Science class
We perform a lot of functions
Weigh, mix, heat and make a concoction
Very rarely we malfunction
If it happens, let it not affect your disposition.

Ans. lab tools/equipment

Bring-the-Tools Game. Each group is given a list of lab tools. Within

three minutes, they must be able to get all the lab tools in their list. They
may need to negotiate with the other groups in order to complete their
requirements. Each group then shares with the class their impression of
the uses of the various lab tools. The teacher reminds students to be
careful. Pictures may be used instead of actual tools.
SCIENCE 8 (7) Lesson Plan SY 2013-2014 First Quarter

C. Processing
Q: What is the purpose or function of the science lab?
Q: Why does a science lab have different parts?
Q: What are the things that you can find in a science lab? How is it
different from a regular classroom?
Q: Why is it important to know the different parts of a science lab?
Q: Should every school have a science lab? Explain.
Q: Who is a science lab custodian? How important is his/her role?
HOTS: Is it possible to be scientific without using the science lab?
Value on Taking Care of Properties: How do you show care and
value for the science lab and the lab tools?

Q: Why do you think there are tools specifically used for science only?
Q: What are some of the precautions you need to observe in using the
different lab equipment and apparatus? Lab safety will be discussed Teachers Reflection
more extensively in another time. ____________________
Q: How can you apply you knowledge on lab tools even if you are ____________________
outside the science lab? ____________________
D. Synthesis __________________.
CAC/Riddle. Students come up with their own riddle on the science lab
or a lab tool of their choice. Sharing follows.


Lesson Tracker
If Iv Mg Tg
06/24 1 1 1 1

06/25 2&3 2 2&3 2

06/26 4 3 4 3

06/27* 5 4&5 5 4&5

06/28 6 6 6 6

Spill-over for the following week:

*06/27 is Grade 8 Honors Assembly Rehearsals.

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