Magnetic Field Analysis of Wireless Power Transfer Via Magnetic Resonant Coupling For Electric Vehicle

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20 1 3 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Oct.

26-29, 20 1 3 , Busan, Korea

Magnetic Field Analysis of

Wireless Power Transfer via Magnetic Resonant
Coupling for Electric Vehicle
' '
Hideaki Fuj ibe , Katsumi Kesamaru
' Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan

Abstract - This paper describes the magnetic field analysis of

wireless power transfer via magnetic resonant coupling. The II. WIRELESS POWER TRANSFER SYSTEM
wireless power transfer system for supplying power to electric
vehicle is developed. The parameters of coil transfer system are Fig. 1 shows the wireless power transfer system via
simulated by the finite element method (FEM). Therefore the coil magnetic resonant coupling for charging the battery of electric
structure of power transfer system can be accurately analyzed. vehicle. The system consists of battery, charging circuit, coils,
This paper deals with 3kW wireless trans fer system. capacitor and ac source. The primary or transmitting coil is on
the ground, and the secondary or receiving coil is on the
1. INTRODUCTION vehicle. The structure of primary and secondary coils is the
A wireless power transfer system has the advantages in same. In the 3kW model, the distance between coils is 3 0 cm,
respect of less maintenance when the power is fed to the and the resonant frequency is 250 kHz. In Table 1 , the
electric vehicle. By Kurs et al. the magnetic resonant coupling specifications of coils are shown.
system was presented at 2007[ 1 ] . Then the references about
wireless transfer system have already been published, in which III. SIMULATION OF COILS SYSTEM

Hagiwara provides an analytical explanation of this principle A. Magnetic Field Analysis

by equivalent circuit[2] and Imura et al explains the principle
Fig.2 shows the model of coils . In order to decide the
by magnetic field analysis[3 ] . parameters of coils accurately, the 3-dimensional fmite
The wireless power transfer has already been put to element analysis is carried out. Software JMAG-Designer is
practical use of charging the small sized batteries. The used. The whole domain of model was divided into 47069
practical application to charging the large batteries of electric elements with 8470 nodes. For simplicity of analysis, the skin
vehicles is expected. effect is ignored, then the current density distribution is
In this paper we deal with the 3kW wireless power transfer
uniform in the cross section of coils.
system via magnetic resonant coupling as a home use. In this
application, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of

c ?
transfer system. Therefore the 3-dimensional modeling of the
coupled coils is carried out in order to determine the effects of
coil displacement on the transfer power.
Secondary Coil

Primary Coil


Fig. l Wireless power transfer for electric vehicle

TABLE I Fig.2 3-dimensional model of coil system

Specifications of coils
Diameter Cross Sec. Number Resistance
Fig.3 shows the mutual inductance M and the coupling
(cm) Area(cm ' ) of Turns Rc(Q.) coefficient k with the distance z between coils at alignment
Prim ary Coil 30 2x2 9 0.015 x=O. By dotted line, the case of the rated distance equal to
Secondary C oil 30 2x2 9 0.015 30cm is illustrated. The mutual inductance M is 1 .27 f-1 H, and
the coupling coefficient k is 0.032.

978- 1 -4799- 1447-0/1 3/$3 1 .00 20 1 3 IEEE

10 0. 5

B y solving the above matrix equation, the source power P"

I - M

\ I -k
0. 4
the load power PI, and the efficiency 7) are obtained as
I follows

0. 3 ....
I o
I tl

\' I
0. 2 (2)

0. 1
o o and
o 20 40 60 80 1 00
Dist ance Z(cm)

- xEc
(Rs + R / + 2R c ) XL C
Fig.3 Variations of M and k vs. distance z where
(displacement x=O) Xo = (Rs + R c ) (R / + R c ) + w Z Mz
Yo =

1.4 0. 07

"" -
..... M
0. 06
At the resonant condition equal to Xu:-=O, Ps, P, and 7) is

..... k expressed as follows
(R/+Rc)(Rs+Rc)+ w(jM 2
1 0. 05
i O.8 =
R/ w(jM 2

-;;;;! 0. 6

0. 04 z

o P.

(( R/+Rc )(Rs+Rc)+W(jM2 )

PI =
0. 03

f': "r-.....
:2: (6)

0.4 0. 02

0. 2 0. 01
o o
o 10 20 30 40
Di sp l a c eme nt X(cm)
Fig.4 Variations of M and k vs. displacement x OJ o =2 Jr/o, fa is the resonant frequency.
(distance z=3 0cm)
From above equations, by increasing the load resistance R"
Fig.4 shows the mutual inductance M and the coupling the load power P, increases, and the efficiency 7) decreases. In
coefficient k with the displacement x between coils at the the same way, by increasing the mutual inductance M, the
distance z=30cm. When the secondary coil is displaced by half power P, decreases, and the efficiency increases.
pitch of diameter, the mutual inductance is reduced by 20 %.
The self inductance L is 40 f.l H, and then the resonant
capacitor C is 1 O . 1 3nF. IV. ANALYTICAL RESULTS

Fig. 6 shows the variations of the power Ps, P, and

B. Equivalent Circuit
efficiency 7) with load resistance R,. At load resistance 3 Q ,
On the basis of parameters determined above, the equivalent
the power R, is 3 . 5kW, and the efficiency 7) is 0.90.
circuit is derived, and the characteristics are analyzed.
Fig. 7 shows the variations of Ps, P, and 7) with coil
displacement x. When the secondary coil is displaced by half
pitch of diameter, the power P I increases from 3 . 5kW to
4. 5kW, and the efficiency 7) decreases from 0.90 to 0. 86. At
V, R,
this variation range of coil displacement a high efficiency is
maintained and the deterioration is less.
Fig. 8 shows the variations of Ps, P, and 7) with the source
frequency f The powers Ps and P, decrease except for the
Fig.5 Equivalent circuit of the system resonant frequency equal to 250kHz. The change of efficiency
7) becomes small.

Fig.5 shows the equivalent circuit of the wireless power Fig. 9 shows the waveforms of voltage and currents at
transfer system. The following matrix is derived by applying 3 . 5kW, The rms value of primary current I, is 56 A. The rms
circuit theory. value of secondary current 12 is 34 A. The phase angle
between i, and i2 is about 90 .
Fig. l O(a) and (b) plot the vectors of the magnetic flux
density, at OJ 1=90 and OJ t= 1 80 , respectively. These plots
where are corresponding for the waveforms of Fig.9. The maximum
Zl = Rs + R c + jXL C, Zz = R / + Rc + jXL C, of flux density is 0.0 1 3 7T on primary coil of Fig. 1 0(a).
XL C = wL - - wC

12 1.2 2 00
-e - il i2 vi
10 1 150

1 00
8 0.8
=- I:"

c;- 50
6 0. 6
I: :;
" u
Co. o
Qj it
3: 4 0. 4 LIJ " 50

- 1 00
2 0. 2
- 1 50
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 - 2 00

Lo a d re si st a n c e RI (0)

Fig.6 Load characteristics at x=o and z=30cm Fig.9 Waveforms of voltages and currents at RF3 Q

50 1

C 5)
40 0.8

-- Ps
.... I:"
= 30 0. 6 c; ----

Co. - 11 "
Qj 2 0 0. 4 it
3: LIJ
10 0. 2

0 o

0 10 20 30 40
Di sp l a c e m e nt X

Fig. 7 Displacement characteristics at RF3 Q and z=3 0cm (a) w t=90

. _...
, ._

. 'u_....
.t l ......
1 ......-
U rU_
5 .i "
. H ....

" ' 1 1'''''
U.. ....
4 0. 8 ,.


.... .
I ..........
, -
... 1 1 ...
, , 1 11-
= 3 0. 6 c;- ._-

,, " U l._
' " .... u...--.w
Qj 2 0. 4 it
3: LIJ
1 0. 2

0 o

240 245 250 255 260

Freq u ency f ( H z)

(b) w t= 1 80
Fig.8 Frequency characteristics at x=O, z=30cm and R,=3 Q
Fig. 1 0 Vector of magnetic flux density at R,=3 Q
(z=30cm and x=O)


/ \
- Squa re e ......
- Fl at type

The effects of geometry of coil cross section on power
transfer characteristics were investigated.
./ \

Secification of coils(Flat te)
Diameter Cross Sec. Number Resistance
(em) Area(cm 2 ) of Turns o 10 20 30 40

Prim ary Coil 30 O.4x lO 9 0.015 Displacement X (em)

Secondary C oil 30 0.4X I0 9 0.015 Fig. 13 Power vs. displacement at RI=3 Q and z=3 0cm

TABLE II shows the specifications of coils, in which the --......

geometry of coil cross section is flat. The cross section area

is the same as that of square type coil section in shown in
c:- 0.6
u a r e type

TABLE I. - at type

0. 4
Fig. 1 1 shows the mutual inductance M with the
displacement x between coils at the distance z=30cm. Mutual
0. 2

inductances for Square type and Flat type are about same but
in the range of 1 0 to 20cm, the square type is a little higher. o 10 20 30 40
Fig. 12 shows the coupling factor k with the displacement Displacement X (em)
x between coils at the distance z=3 0cm. The self inductance Fig. 14 Efficiency vs. displacement at RF3 Q and z=30cm
L of flat type coil is 27 f1 H. Due to small self-inductance,
the factor k is larger than that of square type coil.
Fig. 1 3 and 14 show the variations of load power PI and
efficiency 1) with coil displacement x at load resistance 3 Q . .... <Hz: UOOE>Ol

The differences cannot be found almost. In detail, the square

type is slightly better in efficiency.
Fig. 1 5 shows the vectors of the magnetic flux density at
Ul t= 1 80 . The maximum of flux density is 0.0048T on
secondary coil. The magnetic density is small with that of
Fig. l O(b).



.L vno


..= 0. 8

Fig. 1 5 Vector of magnetic flux density at RI=3 Q

... 0.6

0. 2 (z=3 0cm and x= 1 0cm)


- 0. 2
Displacement X(cm)
In this paper, the magnetic field analysis of wireless power
Fig. l l Variations of M vs. displacement x transfer via magnetic resonant coupling for electric vehicle has
(distance z=3 0cm) been described. The 3-dimensional modeling of the coupled
coils is carried out in order to determine the effects of coil
0.05 displacement on the transfer power. If the secondary coil is
displaced in the range of the half coil, it is confirmed that the
0_ 04 1------+:---_+----=--+-------1
deterioration is less.
-" 0.03
0. 02
[l] A. Kurs, at. ai, Wireless Power Transfer via Strongly Coupled Magnetic
0. 01 Resonances, in Science Express on 7 June 2007, Vol. 31 7,No. 5834,
pp. 83-86(2007-6) .
o L-_____-L___-L__ [2] N. Hagiwara, "Study on the Principle of Contactless Electric Power
o 10 20 30 40 Transfer via Electromagnetic Coupling, " lEEJ Transactions on lA, Vol.
Displacement X(cm) 1 3 1 , No. 5, pp. 708-7 1 3 (20 1 1 -5).
[3] T. Imura, Y. Hori, "Determination of Limits on Air Gap and Efficiency
Fig. 1 2 Variations of k vs. displacement x for Wireless Power Transfer via Magnetic Resonant Coupling by Using
Equivalent Circuit, " lEEJ Transactions on lA, Vol. 1 3 0, No. I O, pp.
(distance z=30cm) 1 1 69- 1 1 74(20 1 0 - 1 0).


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