M E LAB 3 Experiment 4 Heat Losses From Pipes 3
M E LAB 3 Experiment 4 Heat Losses From Pipes 3
M E LAB 3 Experiment 4 Heat Losses From Pipes 3
1. Objective:
The activity aims to provide knowledge on the calculation of heat losses from bare and lagged pipes.
3. Discussion:
A good pipe covering, in addition to being a good insulator, should be fireproof, waterproof, vermin proof,
odorless, and light in weight. It should also be mechanically strong and should suffer no loss of insulating
value due to time.
The only logical method for testing commercial pipe coverings is to mount these coverings on pipe of the size
for which they were intended. Extensive tests of commercial coverings have been made by various
investigators, and two general methods for heat measurement have been used. For steam-pipe coverings,
the most natural method is to fill the covered pipe with steam, to measure the heat content of the steam
entering and leaving the test section, and to condense and weigh the steam. A dead-end pipe is ordinarily
used, the test pipe itself acting as the steam condenser.
Movement of cooling water, brine, compressed air and steam is essential in any industrial complex. Fluid
movement takes place in piping due pressure difference. For carrying out study in these systems, knowledge
of pressure at various points is essential. For a given length of pipe, pressure drop can be measured or
calculated. Measurement of pressure drop is recommended if instruments of good accuracy are available
and measurement is practically possible. In systems where measurement is not possible, estimation of
pressure drop is recommended.
The measurements and estimations enables to take a decision whether the energy cost due to pressure drop
in existing piping system is more than the total cost of installing a new pipeline of same size or higher size in
order to reduce pressure drop. Recommended pipe size for steam systems is given to help in proper selection
and to verify whether existing piping is properly sized. As a general rule, the pressure drop should not
normally exceed 0.1 bar/50 m.
Piping if left bare can lose heat due to temperature difference between pipe surface temperature and ambient
temperature. The methods of measurements and calculations for estimation of heat losses and heat gain in
piping systems and insulation thickness are described. Measurements of fluid temperature and pipe surface
temperatures are necessary for above calculations.
Simplified formula for calculating the heat transfer coefficient h (mW/cm2-K) are given below. This is useful
if the temperature difference between surface and the ambient is less than 150C.
h = heat transfer coefficient, (mW/cm2-C)
Th = hot surface temperature, C
Ta = ambient temperature, C
Surface C1 C2
Aluminum, bright rolled 0.05 0.25 0.27
Aluminum, oxidized 0.13 0.31 0.33
Steel 0.15 0.32 0.34
Galvanized sheet metal, dusty 0.44 0.53 0.55
Non metallic surfaces 0.95 0.85 0.87
D = pipe surface outside diameter, cm
Leff = effective length of pipeline, cm
Types of pipe insulation
Bare and Lagged Pipes
4. Materials and Equipment:
5. Procedure:
The ASME Test Code specifies that each run should be at least 1 hour long. If the time available for this
experiment necessitates shorter runs, all readings should be taken every 5 minutes.
1. A team leader should be elected or appointed from the group. The team leader must develop specific
log sheets to be used by each member assigned to take data. Accomplished log sheets should be
submitted together with this experiment.
2. Make sure to wear/use the personal protective equipment in the entire duration of the experiment.
3. With the assistance of the laboratory technician, set the main pressure of steam to 40 psig and
difference of 10psig. Set-up and install the automation unit by attaching it to the terminal for bare
and covered pipe assembly. Set the data collection default at 5 minute interval. Encode the instructor
and technician names in the automation system.
5. When desired steam pressure is achieved, direct the steam to the Bare and Lagged pipe assembly
by opening and closing the corresponding valves in the steam line header.
6. With the drain valve open wide, turn the steam valve to allow steam to flow through the steam line
long enough to purge apparatus of all air. Close the drain valve. Measure the air properties inside
the boiler room. Plot the results on a psychrometric chart.
7. For the bare pipes, get the steam temperature and that of the outer surface of the pipe (both steam
inlet and outlet). Record the data on the log sheet. Determine the heat losses for each pipe.
8. For the lagged pipe, get the steam temperature, outer surface temperature of the pipe, and that of
outer surface of the covering (both steam inlet and outlet). Record the data on the log sheet. Identify
the insulation used. Determine the heat loss on the lagged pipe. With the bare pipe of same material,
compute the efficiency of the insulation.
9. For the finned pipe, get the temperature of the outer surface of the pipe and that of the outermost
fin surface (both steam inlet and outlet). Record the data on the log sheet. Considering the total
surface area of the finned pipe, compute the heat removed. With the bare pipe of same material,
compute the efficiency of the fin.
10. Repeat the procedure for each bare and lagged pipes over a 2-hour period with readings every 5
minutes. Due to the large number of readings, much care is necessary in arranging and recording
the data.
11. Upon completion of data gathering, stop the automation unit, making sure that data collected is
stored in the hard drive. Print a hard copy. Data from automation unit when used in computation
and diagram must be marked and cited accordingly.
12. For all pipes tested, draw a temperature-length diagram, pipe cross section showing dimensions,
respective heat flow directions. Label each diagram properly.
(Heat lost from bare pipe) - (Heat lost from covered pipe)
E = x 100%
(Heat lost from bare pipe)
The steam-side-surface coefficient and the contact resistance between covering and pipe may be neglected.
1 L 1
+ +
h1 k h2
q = heat flow rate
A = area of surface on which heat transfer coefficient is based
T1 = higher temperature
T2 = lower temperature
MTD = mean temperature difference (arithmetic or logarithmic)
L = length of heat path
k = thermal conductivity
h = surface conductance
U = transmittance or over-all coefficient
2. Most likely the source of error is due to insufficient venting of air before starting. Make sure
that each test pipe is blown down thoroughly.
3. Use several thermometers for air temperature, place them on a level with the test section,
but protect them from radiation. A piece of aluminum foil makes a good shield for the
thermometer bulb.
4. Do not open doors or windows near the test unit during the conduct of the test.
Pipe Material
1 Galvanized iron
2 Black iron
Black iron pipe with insulation (Perlite
3 asbestos, outside aluminum)
4 Stainless Steel
5 Copper tube
This experiment used 5 minutes interval for gathering data. For measuring surface temperature in
every pipe we used laser thermometers and psychrometer for air temperature porperties.
Table 2: Pipe inlet
Inside Temperatures: (Reading based on temperature gauges)
Surface Temperatures: (Using infrared gun thermometer)
( )
Note: use LMTD if >2
Note: use AMTD if 2 with 4% error
Table 35:
For Pipe 1:
= (. . ) = .
= (. . ) = .
= = .
Such that;
. < 2
. + .
= = .
Table 36:
tmax /
Pipe Tmax Tmin MTD
Table 37:
Pipe Number Pipe Material Outside Inside Diamater, Conductivity, k
Diamater, Do (m) Di (m)
1 Galvanized Iron 0.0334 0.02654 80.2
2 Black Iron 0.0334 0.02664 80.2
3 Black Iron 0.0334 0.02664 80.2
Perlite Asbestos 0.12652 0.0334 0.02
Aluminum 0.012664 0.012652 205
4 Stainless Steel 0.0334 0.02664 15.1
5 Copper Tube 0.02858 0.025281 401
6 Copper Tube 0.02958 0.02858 401
with Fins
Outside Surface Conductance (ho)
Since the pipes are in horizontal position then we use the equation:
= 1 + 0.005 ( )
Pipe 1: @ Entry
1 = 0.53
= 55.85
= 30
= 0.53 + 0.005 (55.85 30) = 6.5925
Pipe 1: @ Outlet
1 = 0.53
= 70.45833
= 30
= 0.53 + 0.005 (70.45833 30) = 7.3229
Pipe C1 Th Ta
Pipe C1 Th Ta
Surface Area
For Pipe 1 to 5
= .
Table 40:
= 32
= 0.1
. = 2.33
= (2.33)
= 746
= (2) ( ) [(0.02958 )2 (0.02858 )2 ](746) + ()(0.02858)(2.33)
= 0.277353 2
f in = tanh(mL) mL (2) where m = (hC/KA) h = film heat transfer coefficient from the fin surface
[Kcal/hrm2C ] C = circumference of the fin [m] K = thermal conductivity of fin material [Kcal/hr mC ] A =
cross-sectional area of fin [m2 ]
= (401/)(0.2773532) x 2.33m
mL = .273
. 273
= 64.59%
Pipe Inlet:
Pipe 1
= 0.0334 m
0.02654 m
2(80.2 )(2.34m) (0.2452 )(6.5925 2 )
= 61.85
1 61.85
2 41.46
3 7.9049
4 44.58
5 96.33
We recommend getting new laser thermometer so we can able to get more accurate measurement of the
surface temperature of the pipes.
9. Assessment Rubric:
Revision Status/Date:0/2009 September 09
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety Members follow safety
Precautions safety precautions. precautions most of the precautions at all
time. times.
Work Habits
Time Members do not finish Members finish on timeMembers finish ahead
Management/ on time with incomplete with incomplete data. of time with complete
Conduct of data. data and time to revise
Experiment data.
Cooperative Members do not know Members have defined Members are on tasks
and their tasks and have no responsibilities most of and have
Teamwork defined responsibilities. the time. Group responsibilities at all
Group conflicts have to conflicts are times. Group conflicts
be settled by the cooperatively managed are cooperatively
teacher. most of the time. managed at all times.
Neatness and Messy workplace during Clean and orderly Clean and orderly
Orderliness and after the workplace with workplace at all times
experiment. occasional mess during during and after the
and after the experiment.
Ability to do Members require Members require Members do not need
independent supervision by the occasional supervision to be supervised by the
work teacher. by the teacher. teacher.
Other Comments/Observations:
x 100%