Strength of Three New Types of Composite Beams: Althoughcompositeconstructionisnotnew, Having
Strength of Three New Types of Composite Beams: Althoughcompositeconstructionisnotnew, Having
Strength of Three New Types of Composite Beams: Althoughcompositeconstructionisnotnew, Having
ALTHOUGH COMPOSITE construction is not new, having 100,000 psi are available. T h e strongest are the quenched
been in use in this country since the late 1930's, it owes and tempered alloy steels having yield strengths in the
its current popularity in building construction to rela- range of 90,000 to 100,000 psi. These constructional
tively recent developments. Since the advantages of com- alloy steels are covered by A S T M A514 Specification.
posite constructionreduced weight of steel, smaller live In traditional steel framing, particularly for building
load deflection, or decreased depth of membersare construction, deflection a n d / o r buckling considerations
most pronounced in long spans and for heavy loads, often limit the application of higher strength steels. In
most of the early work was done in the bridge field. composite construction these limitations are minimized
However, neither the original nor the revised provisions or reduced a n d full advantage may be taken of the
on composite construction in the specifications of the higher strength steels. In a recent study of hybrid steel
American Association of State Highway Officials girders 7 composed of constructional alloy steel flanges
(AASHO) 1 , which were written specifically for bridges, and A36 steel web, the authors state:
were directly applicable to building construction because
of the different nature of the problems involved.
Both the lateral buckling problem and the deflection
T h e 1961 and 1963 revisions of the American Institute problem encountered through the use of high-strength
of Steel Construction (AISC) Specification 2 stimulated steel flanges can be resolved by using composite construc-
composite design for buildings by including provisions tion. The use of this method of construction not only fur-
for composite beams without encasement as well as the nishes lateral support for the compression flange, but also
old requirements of 1946 for fully encased beams. Until increases the moment of inertia of the section so that it
will not deflect as much. Since the stress in the compres-
1961 there was no applicable specification which in- sion flange of a composite section is usually quite low, this
cluded the practical a n d proven developments of that flange would not need to be composed of high strength
time. T h e sections of the above specification dealing with steel. The use of composite construction seems to offer the
this subject are based on the recommendations of the most possibilities for the efficient use of high strength steel
ASCE-ACI Joint Committee published in I960 3 a n d an and carbon steel combinations.
experimental investigation completed at Lehigh U n i -
versity in 1961. 4 ' 5
T h e development of the headed stud shear connector
in the 1950's has accelerated the acceptance of com- T h e investigation reported in this paper was a pilot study
posite construction by alleviating many of the fabrica- into three relatively unexplored areas of composite
tion and handling problems inherent with older types of design in steel and concrete. T h e three areas were: (a)
shear connectors such as the channel and the spiral. 6 the use of raised patterned floor plate as a shear transfer
T h e 1963 A I S C Specification allows the use of high device, (b) composite hybrid steel sections with high
strength steels conforming to American Society for Test- strength bottom flanges, and (c) composite beams with
ing a n d Materials (ASTM) Specifications A242, A440 inverted steel T sections (top steel flange omitted). T h e
and A441. T h e yield requirements for the three high purpose of the investigation was to obtain data on the
strength grades are the same, a n d decrease from 50,000 structural behavior of the three types of beams subjected
to 42,000 psi as the thickness of the material increases. I n to static loading.
practice, construction steels with yield strengths u p to In order to achieve the above-mentioned objective, a
test program of seventeen beams was designed as out-
lined in Table 1. There were four groups of specimens,
called Series 1 to 4. For each series, the object of the
A. A. Toprac is Professor of Civil Engineering, The University of investigation, the steel profile, the types of steel used
Texas, Austin, Tex., and is a Professional Member of AISC.
and the designations of specimens are shown in T a b l e 1.
JANUARY / 1965
Table 1. Outline of Experimental Program
Steel Sections
1 Floor plate for top flange Unsymmetrical I Floor PL A36 A36 12, 14a, 14b, 15
Unsymmetrical I A36 A36 A36 11
Symmetrical I Floor PL A36 A36 13
2 Hybrid steel section Symmetrical I A36 A36 A36 21
Symmetrical I A36 A36 H.S.S.* 22a, 22b, 23
3 Hybrid steel section Symmetrical I A36 A36, H.S.S." H.S.S." 32, 33a, 33b, 34,
4 Steel section without top flange Inverted tee None A36 A36 41a, 41b
H.S.S. = High strength steel, either A447 or A514.
Cross-sectional area of the steel section was the same in all specimens.
t=hrfLOOR TP "T P
General Modes of FailureAll beams in this test pro-
gram failed in one of three modes which will be de-
II '
l2,l4o,l4b,l5 c13
j d a f=Lx-A5l4 t==*--A'
scribed as: (1) flexural failure, (2) shear failure in the
v studs and (3) shear failure in the concrete slab.
JANUARY / 1965
program, in which the neutral axis was well above the
steel section at ultimate moment, flexural failure was
similar to the tension failure of an under-reinforced con-
crete beam. As yielding of the steel section progressed, the
neutral axis rose until the compression stresses in the ex-
treme fibers of the concrete became critical. This is the
most desirable mode of failure for steel-concrete beams,
since it allows the cross-section to mobilize all of its re-
Fig. 3. Picture of Beam 22a at the end of the test. Note the crushing
of the concrete slab (flexural failure). The whole steel section was sistance and failure occurs only after considerable de-
yielded in tension just before the concrete crushed. The typical compres- flection and cracking.
sion type yield lines at the upper part of the web occurred after the Most of the beams tested in this program, following a
crushing of the concrete when the beam started carrying loads independently. flexural failure at their maximum moment value, were
able to maintain moments which were of higher magni-
tude than the plastic moment value Mv of the steel sec-
tion alone. This indicated t h a t part of the concrete slab,
although considerably damaged, was still available to
help carry the loads, or that the strains in the steel
section reached strain hardening at places where the
slab was ineffective. Most of the beams exhibited re-
markable reserve strength after the crushing of the con-
crete flange. T h e post-failure strength was limited by
buckling of the steel sectioii. Following the flexural fail-
Fig. 4. Beam 72 after removal from testing machine. Photo shows ure of the composite section, the concrete slab could not
typical top view of specimens which failed in flexure. provide effective lateral support in the constant moment
region. Thus the steel section usually buckled either
laterally or in the web.
Fig. 5. Beam 14b at failure. Note the large slip between the steel
flange and the concrete slab. Also the separation between steel and
concrete can be clearly seen.
Fig. 7. View of the underside of Beam 75 which clearly shows:
(a) the absence of tension type yield lines, (b) the separation between steel
and concrete (c) the flange and web buckling with the accompanying
compression yielding.
Fig. 6. View of Beam 74b before removal from testing machine. Note
the slip and separation between steel shape and concrete slab. The deep Fig. 8. View of Beam 32 at the end of the test. The separation at the
compression-type yield lines occurred after the shear failure took place right end and the absence of concrete crushing at midspan can be noted.
and the steel beam flange buckled laterally while the web buckled locally. This is a typical view of specimens with shear failure. The A574
The absence of tension yield lines above the middle of the web is ap- portion of the web shows no yield lines. Web buckled after the maximum
parent. The beam did not reach its calculated Mu. load was reached. Yielding due to buckling can also be seen.
Shear failure of a composite beam occurred when the Deflections and slips for all beams of this group are
shear connection was inadequate. Specimens which shown in Figs. 9 and 10 as functions of the ratio of ap-
failed in this manner sheared off all studs in one of the plied moment M to the theoretical ultimate moment Mu.
shear spans and allowed the slab to separate and slip Table 3 gives the observed ultimate moment Mm and
grossly, thus resulting in a major decrease in moment slip at failure. T h e same table also gives the theoretical
resistance due to the loss of composite action. After fail- values for the yield moment My, and the theoretical
ure of the studs, the slab cracked transversely just out- ultimate moments for composite beam with adequate
side one of the loads. At this point, with the studs broken, shear connection Mu, for composite beam with inade-
there was only friction available to provide lateral sup- quate shear connection M w ', and for non-composite
port and the steel section was relatively free to buckle. beam Mps. In Table 4 comparisons are made between
For all specimens which exhibited shear failure, the steel observed and theoretical ultimate moments.
section was able to develop moment close to its Mp Beams 11 and 12 failed in flexure after considerable
value before buckling caused the test to be stopped. deformation, indicating good plastic action. Beams 13,
Figures 5, 6, 7 and 8 are photographs which show fail- 14a, 14b and 15 failed in shear after relatively small
ures of this type in specimens 14b, 15, and 32. T h e amounts of plastic deformation and failed to develop the
separation of steel and concrete is visible in all these theoretical ultimate moment Mu. Comparisons in Figs.
pictures. 9 and 10 show that the ultimate load and the deflection
Only one beam, 41a, suffered a shear failure in the at ultimate load decreased with decreasing number of
concrete slab. This particular beam failure will be dis- connectors, and the end slip at ultimate load increased
cussed in greater detail with the results of Series 4. rapidly as the number of shear connectors was decreased.
It is apparent from the ratios Mm/Mu in Table 4 that,
Series 1The objective of this series was to determine as far as the ultimate strength is concerned, the floor
whether the use of the raised pattern floor plate for the plate did not replace effectively the connectors omitted
top flange would permit a decrease in the required num- from specimens 12 through 15. T h e questions then remain
ber of connectors. It can be seen in Table 2 that only whether the floor plate contributed at all to the ultimate
Beam 11 had the number of connectors required by the strength of the beams and whether it altered the be-
A I S C Specification 2 and that the number decreased in havior at working loads.
the following order: 11, 12, 14 and 15. Beam 13 had T h e ultimate moment Mu was computed on the as-
the same n u m b e r of connectors as Beam 14 but it had a sumption, shown in Fig. l i b , that the connection is ade-
different shape of the steel section (Fig. 2). quate. For beams with fewer than the adequate n u m b e r
Theoretical Values
Specimen Type of Mm End slip
Number Failure ft-kips Mu Mu' My Mps at failure, in.
ft-kips ft-kips ft-kips ft-kips
11 Flexure 217.7 194.5 142.5 83.2 0.0787
12 Flexure 207.3 198.7 188.0 142.5 90.9 0.0900
13 Shear 169.6 182.5 140.0 119.5 95.4 0.1332
14a Shear 161.5 203.0 154.0 142.5 90.9 0.1582
14b Shear 172.2 198.2 153.0 142.5 90.9 0.1305
15 Shear 139.1 198.0 130.5 142.5 90.9 0.1954
21 Flexure 177.7 159.6 119.5 86.7 0.0400
22a Flexure 364.6 334.0 133.3 113.4 0.1504
22b Flexure 364.6 342.0 133.3 113.4 0.1320
23 Flexure 244.3 212.0 133.3 104.4 0.0305
32 Shear 395.8 369.0 173.5 118.4 0.1710
33a Flexure 361.3 331.0 184.5 123.9 0.0271
33b Flexure 367.8 334.0 184.5 123.9 0.0200
34 Flexure 253.1 214.1 137.1 115.2 0.0650
35 Flexure 521.1 487.5 314.0 177.5 0.0492
41a a 251.5 229.0 170.6 73.7 0.0115
41b Flexure 234.6 215.0 170.6 73.7 0.0048
Concrete shear failure
JANUARY / 1965
of connectors attached to a smooth top flange, the ulti-
mate strength of the beam is governed by the aggregate
strength of the connectors. 9 T h e stress distribution for
such a beam with inadequate connectors is shown in
Fig. l i e . Assuming that the ultimate strength of the in- 1
.25.50.75 1
11 Flexure 1.118
12 Flexure 1.041 1.102
13 Shear 0.928 1.210 Fig. 70. Plot of M/Mu vs. maximum end slip for Series 7
14a Shear 0.795 1.050
14b Shear 0.868 1.125
15 Shear 0.702 1.065
21 Flexure 1.112
22a Flexure 1.110
22b Flexure 1.065
\ 0.85
23 Flexure 1.152 a I
i &*&??#%$$'
1.092 T
33b Flexure 1.103
34 Flexure 1.180
35 Flexure 1.070
41a a 1.098
41b Flexure 1.092 Fig. 77. Stress distribution at ultimate moment for beams with steel
Concrete shear failure. section of one yield strength
Series 2The objective of this series was to study the
structural behavior of composite beams with hybrid
steel sections. T h e top flange and the web in all beams
was of A36 steel, but the bottom flange was of A36, A441
or A514.
T h e experimental moment-deflection curves for the
four beams are shown in Fig. 12. It is apparent that the
ultimate strength increased and the deflection at ulti-
0 10 2D 3D 4D 5D
mate load tended to decrease with increasing strength of
the bottom flange.
All four beams failed in flexure and developed the
12. Series 2, experimental moment-deflection curves
theoretical ultimate moment (Table 3). T h e ratio of the
test to theoretical ultimate moment Mm/Mu was always
in excess of 1.0 (Table 4), but the excess was the lowest
for Beams 22a and 22b having only 72 percent of con-
nectors required by the AISC Specification 2 , and the
largest for Beam 23 having 138 percent of the required
minimum number.
It is noteworthy that the stiffness at working load
levels (Fig. 12) was about the same for all beams. T h e
absolute deflection at working load level was, of course,
higher in the stronger beams (Fig. 13). But the load de-
flection curves were essentially straight even at moments
in excess of 0.5 Mu. Thus the connectors were adequate
both from the standpoint of strength and the standpoint
of beam stiffness.
T h e magnitude of end slip at failure in Beams 22a
and 22b (Fig. 14) indicated that the failure of the con-
nectors in these beams was imminent.
oi , , ,_, , ,
O I.O 20 3.0 4.0 5.0
Series 3The objective of this series was to study the
13. Plot of M/Mu vs. centerline deflection for Series 2
structural behavior of composite beams with hybrid
steel sections having high strength steel not only in the
bottom flange but also in the lower part of the web, and
to compare the behavior of such beams with the corre-
sponding beams of Series 2. In Beam 32, the bottom
flange was of A514 steel and the lower part of the web
was of A441 steel. In Beams 33a and 33b, the bottom
flange was of A441 steel and the lower part of the web
was of A514 steel. In Beams 34 and 35 the bottom flange
and the lower part of the web were of identical steel:
A441 in Beam 34 and A514 in Beam 35, as shown in
Fig. 2.
All five beams developed the theoretical ultimate
moment Mu of the composite section (Table 3) and,
except for Beam 32, failed in flexure. Beam 32, having
74 percent of the connectors required by the AISC
Specification, failed in shear at an end slip of 0.171 in.
(Fig. 15) at a load exceeding the theoretical ultimate
The balanced failure of Beam 32 permits calculation
. 14. Plot of M/Mu vs. maximum end slip for Series 2 of the ultimate strength of the 3^-in. studs. At flexural
JANUARY / 1965
failure, the steel section had yielded through the full T h e effect of the presence of high strength steel in
depth. Thus the horizontal force acting on the connec- the web is illustrated by the moment-deflection curves in
tors in one shear span is equal to the area of the steel Fig. 17. In this figure the type of steel used in the lower
section times the yield point. In Beam 32 the average web is given in parenthesis. It is apparent that while the
shear load per connector at failure was 14.6 kips. In comparable beams of Series 2 had lower, ultimate
Beams 22a and 22b, for which the magnitude of slips strength because of the weaker web, their stiffness in
indicated that failure of connectors was imminent, the the range of working loads was essentially the same as
average loads per connector computed as outlined the stiffness of Series 3 beams. T h e slight increase in
above were 14.6 and 14.4 kips, respectively. stiffness in the elastic range for Beam 35 is due to dimen-
T h e flexural failures of Beams 33a, 33b and 35 oc- sional differences. T h e plate thicknesses for this beam
curred suddenly and with little warning (Fig. 16). T h e were larger than the thicknesses of the other beams.
sudden failure was probably caused by the fact that a Further, the relatively larger capacity for Beam 35 is
relatively large depth of the slab was subjected to high due to the unusually high yield strength of the A514
compressive stresses. steel plate in the web.
Particularly interesting is a comparison between
Beams 23 and 34. T h e A441 steel in the web of Beam 34
extended far enough so that the current A I S C Specifica-
tion 2 would permit the full design stress of 33 ksi to be
used in the bottom flange of this beam. T h e absence of
the A441 steel in the web of Beam 23 would require that
the design stress for the flange of this beam be reduced
to 24 ksi, a decrease of 28.2 percent. Yet the ultimate
test moment of Beam 23 was only 3.5 percent less than
that of Beam 34, and the deflections of the two beams
BEAM NO. 3 3 b
BEAM NO. 33 o
were practically identical in the working load range.
BEAM NO. 3 2
BEAM NO. 3 4
BEAM NO. 35 Series 4The objective of this series was to observe the
behavior of a composite beam with the steel section in
the shape of an inverted T. T h e two specimens of this
series were of the same design.
Fig. 75. Plot of M/Mu vs. maximum end slip for Series 3
500 |
/V 35(A5I4)
400 j
350 / --^
/ 'J
-** \ (A36
250 If
fV \
22b (A 36)A
// k l ^ _ 3 2(A44 1)
/ )
3 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.
350 -=j=h \
33b( A5I4)
f 0.60-1
s> 33o
// 34 ( A44I)
-~ai A36)
150 1 S* V
100 /
/ / FLM 4GE 0 F A44 1 STEEL
Fig. 76. Plot of M/Mu vs. center line deflection for Series 3 Fig. 77. Comparisons between Series 2 and 3 beams
BEAM NO. 4 I 0
BEAM NO. 41b
Fig. 21. View of Beam 41b. Note the absence of herringbone type
cracking in this beam. Collapse was due to flexural failure {crushing of
concrete slab).
This investigation was carried out u n d e r a research
g r a n t f r o m t h e C o m m i t t e e of Steel P l a t e P r o d u c e r s of
A m e r i c a n I r o n a n d Steel Institute a n d u n d e r the super-
vision of t h e J o i n t E n g i n e e r i n g S u b c o m m i t t e e of t h e
C o m m i t t e e of Steel P l a t e P r o d u c e r s a n d t h e C o m m i t t e e
of S t r u c t u r a l Steel P r o d u c e r s . M o s t of t h e w o r k r e p o r t e d
h e r e i n w a s c a r r i e d o u t u n d e r t h e d i r e c t i o n of t h e w r i t e r
b y M r . J. W . H a l l , J r . T h e w r i t e r expresses his a p p r e -
c i a t i o n to M r . H a l l for his e x c e l l e n t p e r f o r m a n c e ,
initiative a n d assistance.
T h e a u t h o r t a k e s this o p p o r t u n i t y to t h a n k D r . I v a n
M . V i e s t for t h e t e c h n i c a l g u i d a n c e h e p r o v i d e d i n his
c a p a c i t y as p r o j e c t s u p e r v i s o r for t h e J o i n t E n g i n e e r i n g
S u b c o m m i t t e e a n d for his c o n t i n u e d i n t e r e s t in this
DEFLECTION, INCHES T h e i n v e s t i g a t i o n w a s c a r r i e d o u t in t h e M a t e r i a l s
Fig. 22. Comparison of symmetrical and unsymmetrical sections of A36 L a b o r a t o r y of t h e D e p a r t m e n t of Civil E n g i n e e r i n g a t
steel t h e U n i v e r s i t y of T e x a s . A p p r e c i a t i o n is e x p r e s s e d to t h e
staff of t h e l a b o r a t o r y a n d to t h e m a n y g r a d u a t e a n d
u n d e r g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t s w h o assisted in this p r o j e c t .
CONCLUSIONS T h a n k s a r e also d u e for the" s p l e n d i d c o o p e r a t i o n a n d
B a s e d o n t h e results of this i n v e s t i g a t i o n , w h i c h w a s of a n h e l p g i v e n b y t h e staff of t h e B u r e a u of E n g i n e e r i n g R e -
e x p l o r a t o r y n a t u r e , t h e following c o n c l u s i o n s a r e t e n t a - s e a r c h , C o l l e g e of E n g i n e e r i n g .
tively d r a w n :
1. T h e use of t h e h y b r i d steel sections in c o m p o s i t e REFERENCES
b e a m s w a s s h o w n to b e feasible. T h e h y b r i d 1. American Association of State Highway Officials Standard
b e a m s d e v e l o p e d t h e c a l c u l a t e d full plastic Specifications for Highway Bridges 7th Edition, Div. I, Sect.
s t r e n g t h Mu. However, their rotation capacity 9, 7957.
( t o u g h n e s s ) w a s s o m e w h a t s m a l l e r t h a n t h a t of 2. American Institute of Steel Construction Specification for the
t h e c o m p o s i t e b e a m s w i t h A 3 6 steel sections. Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for
Buildings New York, N. Y., 7963.
2. E x c e p t for i n c r e a s e d s t r e n g t h , t h e r e w a s n o signifi-
3. Joint ASCE-ACI Committee on Composite Construction Tenta-
c a n t benefit d e r i v e d f r o m t h e h i g h s t r e n g t h w e b s
tive Recommendations for the Design and Construction of
in t h e h y b r i d c o m p o s i t e b e a m s . Composite Beams and Girders for Buildings Proceedings
3. Steel sections w i t h o u t t o p flanges m a d e v e r y effi- ASCE, Structural Division, December, 7960, pp. 73-92.
c i e n t c o m p o s i t e b e a m s . B e c a u s e o n l y t w o tests 4. Culver, C, Zarzeczny, P. J. and Driscoll, G. C. Composite
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i n g e n d slip a n d deflection a t w o r k i n g l o a d level.
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s t r e n g t h of these b e a m s w i t h i n a d e q u a t e s h e a r 7. Toprac, A. A. and Engler, R. A. Plate Girders with High-
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5. T h e A I S C p r o v i s i o n s for t h e d e s i g n of s t u d s h e a r 7967 National Engineering Conference, American Institute of Steel
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c o n n e c t o r s p r o v i d e d a d e q u a t e factor of safety
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