Eplc Risk Management Template
Eplc Risk Management Template
Eplc Risk Management Template
[Provide information on how the development and distribution of the Risk Management
Plan will be controlled and tracked. Use the table below to provide the version number, the
author implementing the version, the date of the version, the name of the person approving the
version, the date that particular version was approved, and a brief description of the reason for
creating the revised version.]
Version Implemented Revision Approved Approval Description of
Number By Date By Date Change
1.0 <Author name> <mm/dd/yyyy <name> <mm/dd/yy> <description of change>
1.0 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................4
1.1 Purpose Of The Risk Management Plan.............................................................4
2.0 RISK MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE....................................................................4
2.1 Process.....................................................................................................................4
2.2 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.......................................................................4
2.3 Risk Identification....................................................................................................5
2.3.1 Methods for Risk Identification.........................................................................5
2.4 Risk Analysis............................................................................................................6
2.4.1 Qualitative Risk Analysis...................................................................................6
2.4.2 Quantitative Risk Analysis................................................................................6
2.5 Risk Response Planning........................................................................................6
2.6 Risk Monitoring, Controlling, And Reporting.......................................................7
2.7 Risk Contingency Budgeting.................................................................................8
3.0 TOOLS AND PRACTICES.....................................................................................8
4.0 CLOSING A RISK...................................................................................................8
5.0 LESSONS LEARNED............................................................................................9
APPENDIX A: RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN APPROVAL..................................................10
APPENDIX B: REFERENCES..................................................................................................11
APPENDIX C: KEY TERMS.....................................................................................................12
A risk is an event or condition that, if it occurs, could have a positive or negative
effect on a projects objectives. Risk Management is the process of identifying,
assessing, responding to, monitoring and controlling, and reporting risks. This Risk
Management Plan defines how risks associated with the <Project Name> project
will be identified, analyzed, and managed. It outlines how risk management
activities will be performed, recorded, and monitored throughout the lifecycle of the
project and provides templates and practices for recording and prioritizing risks by
the Risk Manager and/or Risk Management Team.
A distinction may need to be made between overall project risk management and
IT system or application risk management. Risks related to IT systems or
applications must be identified and documented based on the methodology in
NIST SP 800-30, Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems.
Role Responsibilities
Business The BSME assists in identifying and determining the
SME (BSME) context, consequence, impact, timing, and priority of
the risk.
A Risk Management Log will be generated and updated as needed and will be
stored electronically in the project library located at <file location>.
High Greater than <70%> probability of occurrence
Medium Between <30%> and <70%> probability of occurrence
Low Below <30%> probability of occurrence
High Risk that has the potential to greatly impact project H
cost, project schedule or performance
Medium Risk that has the potential to slightly impact L M H
project cost, project schedule or performance Probability
Low Risk that has relatively little impact on cost, schedule
or performance
Risks that fall within the RED and YELLOW zones will have risk response plan
which may include both a risk response strategy and a risk contingency plan.
2.2 Quantitative Risk Analysis
Analysis of risk events that have been prioritized using the qualitative risk analysis
process and their affect on project activities will be estimated, a numerical rating is
applied to each risk based on quantitative analysis, and then documented in this
section of the risk management plan.
Each major risk (those falling in the Red & Yellow zones) will be assigned to a risk
owner for monitoring and controlling purposes to ensure that the risk will not fall
through the cracks.
For each major risk, one of the following approaches will be selected to address it:
Avoid Eliminate the threat or condition or to protect the project objectives from
its impact by eliminating the cause
Mitigate Identify ways to reduce the probability or the impact of the risk
Accept Nothing will be done
Contingency Define actions to be taken in response to risks
Transfer Shift the consequence of a risk to a third party together with
ownership of the response by making another party responsible for the risk (buy
insurance, outsourcing, etc.)
For each risk that will be mitigated, the project team will identify ways to prevent
the risk from occurring or reduce its impact or probability of occurring. This may
EPLC Risk Management Plan (v 1.0) Page 6 of 14
[Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]
<Project Name>
include prototyping, adding tasks to the project schedule, adding resources, etc.
Any secondary risks that result from risk mitigation response will be documented
and follow the risk management protocol as the primary risks.
For each major risk that is to be mitigated or that is accepted, a course of action
will be outlined in the event that the risk does materialize in order to minimize its
The level of risk on a project will be tracked, monitored and controlled and
reported throughout the project lifecycle. [Describe the methods and metrics that
will be used to track the projects risk status throughout the lifecycle as well as
how this status will be reported to the stakeholders/ management.]
Risks will be assigned a risk owner(s) who will track, monitor and control and
report on the status and effectiveness of each risk response action to the Project
Manager and Risk Management Team on a <insert timeframe>.
A Top 10 Risk List will be maintained by the PM/Risk Manager or IPT and will be
reported as a component of the project status reporting process for this project.
All project change requests will be analyzed for their possible impact to the project
As Risk Events occur, the list will be re-prioritized during weekly reviews and risk
management plan will reflect any and all changes to the risk lists including
secondary and residual risks.
Risk activities will be recorded in the <Document Name/ Risk Database Name>
located on <full network path location>.
A risk contingency budget can be established to prepare in advance for the
possibility that some risks will not be managed successfully. The risk contingency
budget will contain funds that can be tapped so that your project doesn't go over
There is a total of <$X> in the <Project Name> Project budget allocated for Risk
Management activities. These activities may include, but are not limited to,
identifying, analyzing, tracking, controlling, managing, and planning for risks. This
also includes creating and updating the risk response strategies and contingency
[Above is only an example of text that could be used. Enter whatever information
is appropriate to outline/ define the budget associated with the Risk Management
activities on the project.]
Signature: Date:
Print Name:
Signature: Date:
Print Name:
Signature: Date:
Print Name:
[Insert the name, version number, description, and physical location of any
documents referenced in this document. Add rows to the table as necessary.]
The following table summarizes the documents referenced in this document.
Document Name Description Location
<Document Name and <Document description> <URL or Network path where document
Version Number> is located>