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AbstractThis paper deals with a few solutions for reduction of Biological effects of power frequency electric and magnetic
electric and magnetic field emissions caused by the overhead fields have been discussed by hundreds of studies and papers.
power lines. Calculations carried out for existing high voltage 400 In the 1975 and earlier the electric field performed the limit
kV overhead lines in Slovenia show that the emissions of electric only in the overhead line design to the view of safety point,
and magnetic field at the border of overhead line right of way while the biological and health effect had not had important
could be too high. For that very reason, the proposed paper, was impact. For example the main criteria, related to the human,
attempted to minimize the emissions of electric and magnetic was that the short circuit current flowing through a person body
fields caused by the overhead line based on rearrangement of its standing below the overhead line and touching a high
line conductors. The first proposed solution is to change the
conducting object should not exceed 5 mA [3], [4]. But in the
sequences of conductor placements between both systems of the
double-circuit overhead line. The second solution is the usage of
last decades the increasing public concern about exposure to
higher overhead lines tower, while the third solution is electric (and also magnetic) fields has been an important issue
electromagnetic field reduction based on conductor in most countries around the world [5]. At the ground level the
arrangements obtained in an optimization process. In the given electric field lines are vertical to the ground plane and in case
case, optimization goal is to find that arrangement of the of human body beneath of line can induce body currents, which
conductors, where the height of the tower is minimal and while may exceed the safe limits [6], [7].
the values of the magnetic and electric fields on the border of the In the same way the discussion of biological effects of
overhead line right of way are under prescribed limits. All
power frequency magnetic fields started in the late 1970s [8],
calculated results in this work are made for double-circuit
overhead power line in the Electric Power Network of Slovenia.
while in the recent years the relationship between magnetic
fields and the health is increasingly being investigated [1].
Keywords-overhead power line; electric field; magnetic field; From many studies can be established that the aforementioned
optimization; sagged conductor induced body currents can appear even in presence of magnetic
fields [1]. The relation between the electromagnetic field levels
and the possible induced body currents is often taken as basic
restrictions by the international organization like ICNIRP
In this paper, emissions of electric and magnetic field (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
caused by high voltage transmission line are studied. It is well Protection), IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic
known that all of the electromagnetic phenomena defining by Engineers), Council of the European Union, WHO (World
the general properties can be threated by a few equations called Health Organization), deals by regulation and recommendation
the Maxwell equations, which describes the nature of electric of limits connected to the electromagnetic fields [9]. The recent
and magnetic fields and the creation of magnetic and electric research findings are leading to the induced human body
fields due to electric and magnetic fields changing. Generally, current restricted to the 2 mA at the public and 10 mA at the
the magnetic and electric field are coupled, and it is necessary occupational area [4], [5] and [9]. This limits are connected to
to solve Maxwells equations to obtained them [1]. But in the the magnetic (100 and 500 T) and electric field (5 and 10
case of overhead lines, at the supplied voltage frequency 50 kV/m) limits [4], [5].
Hz, where electromagnetic field has a wavelength of 6000 km,
some simplifications can be assumed and electric and magnetic On the other hand the magnetic and electric field limit
fields can be calculated in an independent way [1], [2]. In the values accepted by Slovenian government are ten times lower
high wavelength range, where the wavelength is very large in than European Union recommendations [10]. In the same sense
comparison to the size of the voltage source, the quasistatic the limit magnetic field, at public area in Slovenia, is 10 T and
methods can be used [1]. This methods use the static limit electric field is 0.5 kV/m [10]. Because of very strict
Maxwells equations, where the static electric and magnetic electromagnetic field limit values on the border of overhead
fields can be easily calculated. right of way some modification should be applied for newly
Modern Electric Power Systems 2010, Wroclaw, Poland MEPS'10 - paper 13.2
constructed overhead power lines. This paper proposed three 0 i dl a
solutions for the electromagnetic field reduction based on dB = (cos 1 cos 2 ) (2)
4 a dl a
rearrangement of the overhead power line conductors. All
solutions and their results, proposed in this work, are valid for
Slovenian double-circuit 400 kV overhead power line, with Magnetic field density calculated by equation (2) consists
two conductor bundle. The first solution is to change the of three components dBx, dBy and dBz in three axes x, y and z
sequences of conductor placements between two circuits. The (3).
second solution is the usage of higher overhead lines tower,
while the third solution is electromagnetic field reduction based
on conductor arrangements obtained in an optimization dB = ( dBx , dBy , dBxz ) (3)
process. The first and second solutions have been studied and
published in many works so far, while the third proposed If there exists several straight conductor sections, individual
solution is relatively new. components must be summed in x, y and z directions (4), (5),
(6), which finally results in three magnetic field density
II. MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC FIELD EMISSIONS components in all three axes Bsx, Bsy and Bsz. All three
magnetic field components can be valid at the same time
A. Magnetic Field Density denoted by t.
The magnetic field density dB caused by the current i
flowing through the straight section of a conductor with the Bsx ( t ) = dBx ( t ) (4)
length dl, can be calculated by using the Biot-Savart's law (1)
[11], where 0 stands for the permeability of the free space, and
R denotes the vector from the element dl pointed to an arbitrary
point. The length of vector R is characterized by the R. Bsy ( t ) = dBy ( t ) (5)
0 i
dB = ( dl R ) (1) Bsz ( t ) = dBz ( t ) (6)
4 R 3
Biot-Savart law (1) can be easily converted to another form The length of the magnetic field density vector B at the
(2). This form (2) can be easily applied for the calculation of time t can be calculated by (7).
the magnetic field caused by the overhead power lines, where a
is the vector orthogonal to the dl, and it is pointing from dl to
B ( t ) = Bsx ( t ) + Bsy ( t ) + Bsz ( t )
2 2 2
the any observation point. Its length is designated as a. (7)
Additional the marks 1 and 2 are two angles between the start
and end points of the conductor element dl and the point of In the case of the overhead power line, there are three
observation (Figure 1). phases with three time delayed (2/3 = 120) currents i1, i2, i3
(8), (9), (10) where Im is the current amplitude and is the
angular frequency (2f = 250).
i1 = I m cos ( t ) (8)
i2 = I m cos t (9)
i3 = I m cos t (10)
Figure 1. Magnetic and electric field calculation. 3
As Figure 1 shows the begging (b) point of the conductor The Root Mean Square (RMS) value of the magnetic field
element dl is characterized by P(xb, yb, zb), while the ending density BRMS can be calculated by (11), where magnetic field
(e) point is marked by P(xe, ye, ze). Marks xb, yb, zb, xe, ye and density B is defined by (7), T = 0.02 means a cycle of
ze are stand for the coordinates in three direction x, y and z. The fundamental frequency, while is the integration of auxiliary
point P(xob, yob, zob) is an arbitrary point where the magnetic variable.
field is observed (ob). In the case of the magnetic field
calculations dN in Figure 1 is considered as dB.
Esz ( t ) = dEz ( t ) (19)
B 2 ( ) d
T t T
BRMS 2 = (11)
The length of the electric field strength vector E at the time
t can be calculated by (20).
B. Electric Field Strength
The electric field emissions are caused by the charge q
placed on the conductor element dl, with length dl. In that way, E (t ) = Esx (t ) 2 + Esy (t )2 + Esz (t )2 (20)
the electric field strength dE in the any observation point, may
be calculated by the equation (12) [12]. In (12) R is the vector In the case of the overhead power line, there are three
pointing from the conductor element dl to the any point of phases with three time delayed (2/3 = 120) line-to-ground
observation. Its length is denoted by R, while 0 is the voltages u1, u2, u3 (21), (22), (23) where Um is the voltage
permittivity of the free space. In the case of the electric field amplitude and is the angular frequency (2f = 250).
calculations dN in Figure 1 could be considered as dE.
u1 = U m cos (t ) (21)
dE = R (12)
4 0 R 3
After the short derivation the electric field equation (12) u2 = U m cos t (22)
could be transformed in another form (13), where dE is 3
consisted by its components in tangential (t) and radial (r)
axis (14), (15). Those expressions could be easily used for
electric field calculation caused by overhead power lines. In 4
(14) and (15) a is the vector orthogonal to the dl, which is u3 = U m cos t (23)
pointing to the direction of any point of observation (Figure 1). 3
Its length is designated as a, while 1 and 2 are the two angles
between the beginning and ending of the conductor element dl The Root Mean Square (RMS) value of the electric field
and the point of observation. strength ERMS can be calculated by (24), where electric field
strength E is defined by (20), T = 0.02 means a cycle of
fundamental frequency, while is the integration of auxiliary
dE = dE t + dEr (13) variable.
E 2 ( ) d
T t T
q dl ERMS2 = (24)
dE t = ( sin 2 sin 1 ) (14)
4 0 a dl
The charge q required in (12), (14) and (15) could be
calculated for each conductor element dl at time t by equation
q a (25), where C is the matrix of transmission line capacities, q is
dE r = ( cos 1 cos 2 ) (15) the matrix of charges on all conductor elements and u is the
4 0 a a
matrix of voltages (26).
Electric field strength calculated by (13) consists of three
components dEx, dEy and dEz in three axes x, y and z (16). q=Cu (25)
magnetic flux density and electric field strength vectors over 5
one cycle of the fundamental frequency (11) and (24).
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 2 shows typical 400 kV overhead power line located x (m)
in Slovenia. This is a double-circuit overhead line with two
conductor bundle. All distances [mm] marked in Figure 2 are Figure 3. Calculated electric field (y = 1m) of double-circuit overhead power
valid at the mid-span, where the conductor sagging is maximal. line with two conducor bundle: straight conductor at 2/3 (A) and at 3/3 of
sagging (B) and sagged conductor (C).
B) C)
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
x (m)
Figures 6 (+ 25 m) and 7 (-25 m).
d) 0 5 10 15 20 25
a) e) Height (m)
10 0.9
f) 0.8
1.3 0.5
b) e) 0.4
0 5 10 15 20 25
a) Height (m)
substantial increase of the cost this solution is not really
b) suitable. For that reason the third solution (C) to reduce B and
E, on the basis of conductor arrangements obtained by an
optimization, was applied [13]. The optimization goal is to find
such conductors arrangement where the tower height is
minimal and the RMS values of the magnetic flux density and
c) e) electric field strength at the border of the overhead line right of
way are below of the prescribed limits. Further optimization
conditions are minimum air clearances required to prevent a
distruptive discharge between phase conductors (3.68 m) and
0.5 between conductors and objects at ground potential (3.02 m)
Arrangement during slow-front overvoltages [14]. It follows that clearances
between the conductors and the spacing between conductors
and overhead ground wire are selected to fulfill the
Figure 7. Electric field strength and magnetic field density calculations (y = requirements related to the insulation coordination [15], [16].
1m, x = - 25m). Minimal value of distance between the conductors and the
ground is Hmin = 8 m, while the shielding angle is set to the 30
[13]. The optimization procedure tries to find the symmetrical
B. Usage of the Higher Overhead Power Lines Towers
arrangements of the overhead line conductors with double-
The second solution is to reduce the electric and magnetic circuit and one overhead ground wire. All results of the
field, caused by overhead lines, by the usage of the higher presented work are obtained with straight conductor and
towers. This means that the distance from the point of interest without consideration of the individual tower parts. As we can
to the overhead lines is increased (Figure 8). The height of 0 m see from Figures 3 and 4 the results can be acceptable even
means that the level of Figure 2 is valid, while the height 25 m when the sagged conductors are approximated with the straight
means that all distances in Figure 2 are higher for 25 m. The conductor placed in the point of maximal sagging. Figure 9
RMS values of the magnetic field are lower for higher shows the overhead power line arrangements, of two conductor
bundle, determined during the optimization process. All higher towers, are not quite appropriate, the third solution
distances in Figure 9 [m] are valid at the midspan. based on conductor re-arrangements obtained in an
optimization process could be satisfied. In the given case
optimization goal is to find conductors arrangement where the
height of the tower is minimal, whereas the values of the
magnetic and electric fields on the border of the overhead line
right of way are under prescribed limits.
This work was partly supported by ELEKTRO
SLOVENIJA, d.o.o., Project No. 6576.
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