Rail Wheel 1
Rail Wheel 1
Rail Wheel 1
Contents Page No
1. Objective 1
2. Geometry Details 2
3. Materials&Properties 3
4. Description 4
5. FEA model 5
6. Boundary Conditions 6
7. Results 7
8. Conclusion 8
1. Objective-To study the static behavior of rail road wheel at two loads using
Finite element analysis (FEA) for two different material compositions.
2. Geometry Details
3. Materials: Analysis has been carried out for two materials, both existed and the
new material. Chemical compositions of material are shown in following tables.
Chemical composition(weight %)
Name C Mg Si V Cr Ni Mn Fe
Material 1 IS 228 0.37 0 0.15 0.05 0.3 0.3 1.12 Bal.
Material 2 SAE 1045 Steel 0.33 0.13 0.29 0.04 0.14 0.49 0.9 Bal.
Mechanical properties
Young's Poisson
Material Modulus(Mpa) Ratio Density(Kg/m3)
IS 228 2.04E+05 0.3
SAE 1045 Steel 2.06E+05 0.33 7800
4. Description
FEA functionality
The functionality of FEA will be as shown in Fig.1.Analyst need to take the feed
back from the initial design parameters and can asses the new proerties.To get the
optimized design one should carry multiple no of analyses. This analysis mainly
carries totally four cases, for two different materials. Design feed back may be at
any stage, like geometry, material and loading conditions. Here it is mainly
considered material as the key parameter
A railroad wheel is usually rigidly mounted on a steel shaft. Due to the high axle
load and small contact area of the wheel/rail interface, the stresses at contact
region are very high. To overcome the limitations of the traditional approaches for
the wheel/rail contact problem, a 3D elasto-plastic finite element model is needed.
After comparing several possible approaches, a simulation methodology for
wheel/rail contact analysis is proposed in this analysis. 3D finite element model
and can accurately calculate the 3D stress response in the contact region. Next, it
includes both material and geometric nonlinearity. It can be used to simulate large
and complex wheel motions. Different meshing is applied to the full model using
3D element (SOLID 45 in ANSYS). In the contact region, relatively finer mesh is
used. At the wheel center, a pilot point is connected to the wheel using some rigid
link elements. All the external loading and boundary conditions of the wheel are
applied on the pilot point. On the possible contact areas of the railhead and the
wheel tread, area contact elements (CONTACT 174 and TARGET 170 inANSYS)
are used corresponding to the geometry mesh of the wheel. The contact algorithm
is augmented Lagrangian method. Friction effect (0.3) is included into the material
properties of the contact element. The elements used for analysis is shown below
Elements used
Component Name Type No of elements
Wheel Solid92 3-d-Tetreahedral 131434
Rail Solid92 3-d-Tetreahedral 5000
Contact Inter face on
Wheel Conact174 2-d-Triangular 600
Contact Inter face on Rail Target170 2-d-Triangular 600
For Load application Rigids(Cerig) 1-d-Cerig 1
Dummy Mass Mass21 0-d 1
About Element:
Element Features:
Nodes I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R
Degrees of Freedom UX, UY, UZ
Special Features Plasticity, Creep, Swelling, Stress stiffening, large deflection,
large strain
Figure 3 SOLID92 Geometry
FIG: 4
Loading Details-
There are mainly two loads considered in this analysis. Two loads applied on the Wheel
component through a pilot mass element. Given loadings per axle are
Load 1-200(kN)
Load 2-1.53*200(kN)
Load 4-2.5*200(kN)
As there is symmetry existed in the model it is considered that the load get shared by two
wheels. The magnitude of load will get halved.