ECHR - X. and Church of Scientology v. Sweden - 1979 - en - FR
ECHR - X. and Church of Scientology v. Sweden - 1979 - en - FR
ECHR - X. and Church of Scientology v. Sweden - 1979 - en - FR
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Article 10, paragraphe 2, de la Convention : La protection des droits d'autrui
inclut /a protection des consommateurs. La ncessit u d'une mesure restric-
tive s'apprcie notamment en fonction de la nature du droit garanti et de
t'intensit de t'ingrence, du rapport de proportionnalit entre t'ingArence et
son but, de la nature de l'intrt public sauvegarder et du degr de
protection qu'il mquiert .
La ncessit r doit tre apprcie moins strictement lorsque l'ingrence
affecte la diffusion R d'ides d'inspiration commerciale .
The applicants define the E-meter as follows "A religious artifact used to
measure the state of electricat characten'stics of the 'static fietd'surrounding the
body and believed to reflect or indicate whether or not the confessing person
has been relieved of the spiritual impediment of his sins " .
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1 . The Church of Scientology and Pastor X . claim that the injunction by
the Market Court on 19 February 1976 relating to their advertisements ofthe
Hubbard Electrometer (E-meter) violates their freedom of religion and ex-
pression in a discriminatory way contrary to Articles 9, 10 and 14 of the
Convention .
2 . However, before the Commission can consider these complaints two
preliminary matters should be clarified . The first matter concerns the question
of who can properly be considered as the applicant in the present case .
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and with the six months' rule in Article 26 . They refer to their " petition for a
re-opening of the case" which was dismissed by the Supreme Court on
18 August 1976 .
The Commission observes that a procedure which is directed towards a
re-opening of a case or a re-trial of its merits is not normally a remedy which
need be exhausted and which can be taken into account for the purposes of
the six months' rule . In this respect the Commission refers to its constant
c,isndaw Isee e .g . Application No . 6242/73, Collection of Decisions 46,
p .202) . In the applicants' case, however, he based his appeal on a provision
of the Swedish Code of Civil Procedure according to which the Supreme
Court may examine whether the application of the law IMarketing Improper
Practices Act 19761 was manifestly contrary to the law under Chapter 58 .
Article 1, sub-paragraph 4 . Such an appeal is only allowed if brought within
six months after the decision of the Court in question (Chapter 58, Art . 4,
para . 2 in fine) . The appeal was not admitted because the case did not dis-
close any obvious inconsistency with the law . If it had been admissible the
Supreme Court would have acted furtheras a cou rt of cassation . According
to Chapter 58, Sections 6 and 7 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure,
the Supreme Court may order that a judgment should not be executed and,
if it admits a case, it may choose to send the matter back to the lower court,
or, if the case is obvious, the Supreme Court may decide itself . In the
Commission's case-law, appeals on points of law and pleas of nullity have
always been held to be impo rtant for complying with the requirements of
Art . 26 (see e .g . Application No . 4072/69, Collection of Decisions 32, p . 80
and Application No . 4517/70, Decisions and Reports 2, p . 111 . Furthermore,
since the Supreme Court pronounced negatively on the merits of the appeal,
any other possible remedy would be likely to lack prospects of success .
Consequently, in the circumstances of this application the Commission
accepts that the applicants' recourse to the Supreme Court was an effective
and sufficient remedy and that the six months' period should run from the
date of the decision by the Supreme Court . The applicants lodged this
application in time and it cannot, therefore, be rejected in accordance with
Articles 26 and 27 131 of the Convention .
Article 9 (1) provides inter alia that eve ryone has the right to freedom of
religion . This right includes the freedom to manifest his religion or belief in
worship, teaching, practice and observance .
It is clear that the eftect of the Market Court's injunction only concerns
the use of certain descriptive words concerning the E-meter, namely that it is
"an invaluable aid to measuring man's mental state and changes in it" . The
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Market Court did not prevent the Church from selling the E-meter or even
advertising it for sale as such . Nor did the Court restrict in any way the
acquisition, possession or use of the E-meter .
jurisprudence under the Convention (e .g . Handyside Case, Judgment by the
European Court of Human Rights, 7 December 1977, paras . 42-59) . It observes
first, therefore, that the basis in law for the injunction issued by the Market
Court was the Marketing IImproper Practices) Act 1970 . Consequently, the
Commission finds that the restriction imposed on the applicants' freedom to
impart ideas was prescribed by law within the meaning of Article 10 121 of
the Convention .
The Marketing Act aimed at protecting the rights of consumers . This
aim is a legitimate aim under Article 10 (2), being for the protection of the
rights of others in a democratic society .
The remaining question to be examined concerns the "necessity" of
the measure challenged by the applicants . It emerges from the case law of
the Convention organs that the "necessity" test cannot be applied in absolute
terms, but required the assessment of various factors . Such factors include
the nature of the right involved, the degree of interference, i .e . whether it
was proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued, the nature of the public
interest and the degree to which it requires protection in the circumstances
of the cas e
In considering this question the Commission again attaches significance
to the fact that the "ideas" were expressed in the context of a commercial
advertisement . Although the Commission is not of the opinion that commercial
"speech" as such is outside the protection conferred by Article 10 111, it
considers that the level of protection must be less than that accorded to the
expression of "political" ideas, in the broadest sense, with which the values
underpinning the concept of freedom of expression in the Convention are
chiefly concerned (see Handyside Case, supra cit, para . 49) .
Moreover, the Commission has had regard to the fact that most European
countries that have ratified the Convention have legislation which restricts
the free flow of commercial "ideas" in the interests of protecting consumers
from misleading or deceptive practices . Taking both these observations into
account the Commission considers that the test of "necessity" in the second
paragraph of Article 10 should therefore be a less strict one when applied to
restraints imposed on commercial "ideas" .
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In these circumstances there is no basis for any further examination of
the complaint in the light of Article 14 .
n La technique de ta scientologie actuelle exige que vous possdiez
votre propre E-mtre . L'E-mtre llectromtre Hubbard) est un appareil
lectronique de mesure de l'tat de l'me et de ses variations. 11 n'y a
pas de purification sans E-mtre .
Prix : 850 couronnes ; pour les membres trangers, 20 % de rduction :
780 couronnes .
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1 . Selon l'Eglise de scientologie et le pasteur X ., la dcision que le tribunal
de commerce a prise le 19 fvrier 1976 au sujet de leurs annonces concernant
l'lectromtre Hubbard IE-mtrel viole leur libert de religion et d'expression
d'une faon discriminatoire, contrairement aux articles 9, 10 et 14 de la
Convention .
Par consquent l'Eglise de scientologie, en tant qu'organisation non
gouvernementale, peut juste titre tre considre comme un requrant, au
sens du paragraphe 1 de l'article 25 de la Convention .
3 . La deuxime question est de savoir si les requrants ont satisfait aux
conditions nonces l'article 26 quant A .I'puisement des voies de recours
internes et au dlai de six mois . Ils se rfrent leur demande de rou-
verture de l'affaire , que la Cour suprme a rejete le 18 aot 1976 .
Il s'ensit que ce grief doit tre rejet comme incompatible avec les
dispositions de la Convention, au sens du paragraphe 2 de l'article 27 .
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De l'avis de la Commission les requrants ne sont nullement empchs
d'avoir leur opinion sur le caractre religieux de l'E-mtre . Ils ont toutefois
communiqu des ides sur cette opinion et le tribunal du march leur a
interdit de continuer employer certains termes . C'tait l une ingrence
dans l'exercice, par les requrants, de la libert de communiquer des ides,
libert que leur reconnait le paragraphe 1 de l'article 10 .
En outre, la Commission a pris en considration le fait que la plupart
des Etats europens ayant ratifi la Convention ont adopt des dispositions
lgislatives qui restreignent la libre circulation d'a ides commerciales, afin
de protger les consommateurs contre des pratiques trompeuses ou menson-
gres . Compte tenu de ces deux observations, la Commission considre que
le critre de la ncessit , au deuxime paragraphe de l'article 10, doit @tre
moins rigoureux ds lors qu'il est appliqu des restrictions apportes aux
ides commerciales .
La Commission note que le priodique des requrants, o l'annonce a
paru, a t distribu raison de 300 exemplaires aux membres de l'Eglise . Le
tribunal du march a toutefois relev que les annonces, qui visaient inciter
aussi bien des personnes non membres de l'Eglise que les propres membres
de celle-ci acqurir un E-mtre, taient par consquent destines pro-
mouvoir ces ventes . Le tribunal est arriv cette conclusion aprs avoir pris
en considrations les facteurs suivants :
1 . le magazine, bien que distribu aux seuls fidles, pouvait tre com-
muniqu par eux d'autres personnes, qui pouvaient tre incitAes l'achat
d'un E-mtre ;
Elle note en outre que le tribunal du march n'a pas interdit aux
requrants de faire .de la rclame pour l'E-mtre et n'a pas rendu sa dcision
sous peine d'amende . Le tribunal a pris la mesure la moins restrictive qu'il
pouvait, semble-t-il, prendre - savoir l'interdiction d'un certain libell dans
les annonces . En consquence, la Commission ne saurait conclure que la
dcision prise l'encontre des requrants tait disproportionne au but
poursuivi de protection des consommateurs
. Compte tenu de ce qui prcde, la Commission reconnat par cons-
quent que la dcision prise par le tribunal du march a t ncessaire, dan s
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