Amazed-ing: increble
Annoyed-ing: molesto
Contestant: concursante
Character: personaje
Entertaiment: entretenimiento
Episode: episodio
Extremely extremadamente
To Follow: seguir
Footage: secuencia
High: alta
Less: menos
Outrageous: ultrajoso
Plot: argumento
Presenter: presentador
Really : en realidad
Review Crtica
Rubbish = trash
Rude: maleducado
Schedule: horario
Shocking: chocante
Slightly: ligeramente
To attend / go to: ir
To Ban: prohibir
To behave: comportarse
To broadcast: retrasmitir
To discuss: dialogar
To Encourage: alentar,animar
To vote: votar
Very: muy
Viewer: Espectador/a