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A waste of time: prdida de tiempo

Absolutely = completely: completamente

All in all: en resumen

Amazed-ing: increble

Annoyed-ing: molesto

Audience: pblico , audiencia

Bored / ing: aburrido

Contestant: concursante

Current = now: actual

Character: personaje

Chat show: programa de entrevistas

Embarrassed-ing: avergonzado, vergonzoso

Entertaiment: entretenimiento

Episode: episodio

Ethnic Background: orgenes tnicos

Excited / ing: emocionado-ante

Extremely extremadamente

Fairly /quite: bastante

To Follow: seguir

Footage: secuencia

Game show: concurso televisivo

High: alta

It is worth: merece la pena

Issue: asunto / tema

Less: menos

Low: bajo (volumen)

Nice: bonito

Outrageous: ultrajoso

Plot: argumento

Presenter: presentador

Really : en realidad

Review Crtica

Role: papel , interpretacin

Rubbish = trash

Rude: maleducado

Schedule: horario

Shocking: chocante

Sitcom /comedy: comedia

Slightly: ligeramente

Soap operas: telenovelas

To agree: estar de acuerdo

To Assist /Help: ayudar, auxiliar

To attend / go to: ir

To Ban: prohibir

To be concerned about sth:

To behave: comportarse

To broadcast: retrasmitir

To Catch up with: ponerse al da

To discuss: dialogar

To Encourage: alentar,animar

To Film: rodar una pelcula

To fill up: rellenar

To Make a copy hacer una copia

To miss: echar de menos

To overcome = To solve (a problem): solucionar

To record = to copy: gabar

To switch off/on: apagar/encender

To turn down / decrease: bajar (volumen)

To turn over = To change the channel: cambiar de canal

To turn up: subir (volumen)

To vote: votar

Very: muy

Viewer: Espectador/a

Wildlife: vida salvaje

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