Tech Note 74 Gabion Aggregates LR

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Note 74

Aggregate for Gabion

Baskets & Wire Mattresses
The requirements of
AS 2758.4 - 2000

1.0 Background to AS 2758

Australian Standards are prepared by committees of This technical note provides background knowledge of the
industry representatives who contribute their expert requirements for aggregates for use in gabion baskets and wire
knowledge to ensure the information contained in a mattresses.
Standard reflects the best technical, scientific and
Aggregate produced from rock, gravel, metallurgical slag
system knowledge available.
or synthetic materials may be used provided the particular
In the case of AS 2758, Aggregates and rock for engineering criteria set out for the aggregate are met. AS 2758.4 sets out
purposes, a set of Standards has been developed to ensure the requirements for the quality of a material source and the
uniform material compliance is identified and specified, thus properties of the rock.
minimising the risk of a failure in a project. AS 2758 comprises
This Standard sets out best practice criteria as known at
seven individual standards, viz:
the time of publishing and should not be regarded as a
stand-alone material works specification. Most Australian
AS 2758.0 Part 0 Definitions and classification
industry procedures will include their own specification for
AS 2758.1 Part 1 Concrete aggregates aggregates supply into gabion and mattress works. These
AS 2758.2 Part 2 Aggregate for sprayed bituminous specifications will, in most instances, specify material attributes
surfacing that are either the same as or similar to those designated in
AS 2758.4.
AS 2758.4 Part 4 A
 ggregate for gabion baskets
and wire mattresses
AS 2758.5 Part 5 Coarse asphalt aggregates
AS 2758.6 Part 6 Guidelines for the specification
of armourstone
AS 2758.7 Part 7 Railway ballast

1 Aggregate for Gabion Baskets & Wire Mattresses The requirements of AS 2758.4 - 2009
Gabion basket and
wire mattress applications

Applications for gabion baskets and wire mattresses include,

but are not restricted to:
Retaining walls
Culvert protection
Wing walls
Bridge abutment protection
Erosion control

Gabion baskets are rectangular (box like) wire baskets of various

sizes that are filled with hard rock material to provide a secure,
sound and reliable way to retain soil and earth (Figure 1). When
Figure 1: Typical gabion basket
joined together, they act as a monolithic mass for retaining-wall
construction and are often used where soil retention or steep
slope stability is of concern (Figure 2). The free-draining nature
of this construction allows water to flow through the wall, thus
minimising the build up of pressure behind that may lead to
failure of the structure. Gabion baskets have been used in a
variety of ways throughout Australia since the ww, but have
been used worldwide for over a century.

Wire mattress cages are of similar construction to gabion

baskets, but they are of lower profile for use on flat or sloping
sites to cover more ground surface area (Figure 3). They usually
contain larger sized rock than that used in gabion baskets and
are used as an alternative to traditional armour rock to protect
against soil erosion and scour (Figure 4). Enclosing the rock in
Figure 2: Typical gabion wall application
a wire cage assists in increasing the shear capacity of the rock
layer while allowing convenient and predictable construction
procedures. Mattresses are primarily used where long-term
scour is an issue.

Large size aggregates are used in baskets and mattresses to

provide mass whilst allowing suitable drainage through coarse
packing of the large particles. The flexible nature of both basket
and mattress structures means that they generally do not require
extensive foundation treatments prior to construction. Thousands
of gabion and wire mattress projects have been successfully
completed throughout Australia since their introduction.

Manufacturers provide extensive instructions for the filling,

lacing and use of their products to ensure appropriate site
practices. Poorly made baskets may burst, while rock of poor Figure 3: Typical gabion basket and wire mattress
condition may deteriorate, which will affect the reliability of the

Gabion baskets and mattresses come in a variety of sizes

depending on particular project needs. The easiest way to
differentiate between gabion basket and mattress structures is
that the former tend to be used on steep slopes to hold material
behind them in place, whereas mattress structures can be seen
as a bed-like construction on top of a near-horizontal surface to
protect it against erosion and other environmental forces.

Figure 4: Typical wire mattress

2 Aggregate for Gabion Baskets & Wire Mattresses The requirements of AS 2758.4 - 2009
Figure 5A: Example of weave structure Figure 6 Filled basket

Figure 5B: The lacing process Figure 7: Diagram showing rock- on-rock contact and transfer
of load at these points

Gabion baskets and wire mattresses are manufactured from When sampling aggregate for use in baskets and mattresses,
steel wire that is heavily galvanized or plastic coated to minimize care is necessary to ensure that the samples represent the whole
the risk of rusting and degradation of the wire. Protection of mass of the material to be supplied.
these (or other) coatings is important since the service life of the
Sampling is carried out in accordance with AS 1141.3.2 rather
basket or mattress depends on the durability of the wire and
than the more commonly used AS 1141.3.1. This particular
thus its ability to hold the rock together. The durability of the
sampling method takes into account that the material being
rock used will also determine the life of these structures.
sampled is typically larger than 63mm nominal size. Samples are
The galvanizing process used is generally a proprietary process to be obtained by a competent person and in accordance with
designed by the manufacturer or supplier. Some authorities Section 6 of the procedure specified AS 1141.3.2.
nominate specific requirements for galvanizing which will have a
As basket and mattress structures rely on aggregate interlock to
direct affect on the life of the baskets in-service.
distribute service loads, the quality of the rock used and the way in
Baskets and mattresses obtain their strength from the way in which the rocks interact is very important (Figure 6). Point-to-point
which the wire is woven and twisted (Figure 5A & 5B). contact of rock surfaces must be maintained and anything that
For baskets, additional strength is provided by the inclusion affects this important feature may lead to problems in the structure
of transverse diaphragms. The weave structure is such that (Figure 7). AS 2758.4 requires rock used in these structures to have
unravelling is prevented should a wire break and the aggregate a consistent size and shape to promote interlocking and to have
placed into the basket or mattress will be retained. appropriate durability. Should the selected rock have a tendency
to break down due to the presence of weak particles or have micro
Basket and mattress structures are designed to withstand
internal cracking, this can initiate a breakdown of particles and a
differential settlement and to be porous to prevent the build up
weakening of the structure.
of hydrostatic pressure.

To reduce the risk of damage to the wire, the rock material is

generally placed by hand against the base and walls of baskets.
Mechanical equipment is then used to complete the filling.
Similarly, when filling mattresses by mechanical means, care
should be taken to avoid abrasion of the wire coating.

3 Aggregate for Gabion Baskets & Wire Mattresses The requirements of AS 2758.4 - 2009
Aggregate properties and the test
methods specified in AS 2758.4

4.1 General
AS 2758.4 outlines the test requirements for aggregates for use
in gabion baskets and wire mattresses. Each aggregate property
is covered in a separate section of the Standard as follows:

Section 7 Dimensional Requirements

 Section 8 Durability Requirements designated as Wet

Strength and Wet/Dry Strength Variation, Los Angeles value
and unsound and marginal stone content

 Section 9 Requirement for weak particles

All tests referred to in AS 2758.4 are covered in the AS 1141

series of test methods. In some work specifications or supply
documents, the test methods stipulated may be different from
those in this standard. In general however, these methods are
Figure 8: A sample of typical Gabion or Mattress rock.
very similar to those specified in AS 1141.

4.2.2 Durability Requirements (Section 8)

4.2 Test methods and their
purpose in the Standard
The aggregate used in gabion-basket and wire-mattress
4.2.1 Dimensional Requirements (Section 7) construction must be durable, as it is exposed to a range of
General atmospheric and other cyclic conditions which threaten to break
The ideal rock for gabion and mattress applications would it down while in service. That aggregate therefore needs to be
consist of particles with a range of sizes and degree of sufficiently durable to meet the required in-service life of the
angularity that would allow them to pack and interlock easily structure.
(Figure 8). They would need to be of hard and durable stone,
AS 2758.4 outlines a range of test methods that can be used
from a suitable rock source, free from adhering dust or
to determine the potential durability of an aggregate in a given
deleterious matter, and including very few flat or elongated
exposure condition. Two options are provided but only one is
required to be nominated in any given works specification.
Grading (Clause 7)
The chosen method should be that which most suits local
Grading or Particle Size Distribution (PSD) is determined when a
experience for the particular rock source selected. It has been
sample is tested in accordance with AS 1141.11.1. Table 1. That
a common error by specifiers to select more than one of the test
Standard gives the material sizing and acceptable minimum
sets. This can result in unnecessary testing and provide results
mass requirements of test portion for sieving.
that are not relevant and confusing for specifiers in the area in
The test for grading is carried out by sieving a sample in which the aggregate is to be used, eg some durability tests are
accordance with the requirements of AS 1141.11.1. In this commonly required in New South Wales but not in other states
process an aggregate sample is shaken through a nest of and vice versa.
selected sieve sizes from largest down to smallest. The result
The recommended durability test options in AS 2758.4 are:
is generally reported as the percentage passing each individual
sieve size. This test can be performed in either a dry state (a dry Wet Strength and Wet/Dry Strength Variation (AS 1141.22)
grading), or by wetting and washing (a wash grading). Los Angeles value (AS 1141.23) and unsound and marginal
stone content (AS 1141.30.1). Course aggregate quality
For gabion baskets, the rock size shall be a minimum of
assessed by visual comparison.
100mm and a maximum of 250mm.

For mattresses, the rock size shall be a minimum of 75mm and

the maximum size shall be 2/3 the thickness of the designed
mattress thickness or 250mm, whichever is the lesser.

Grading of aggregate is the most commonly requested test within

this industry. The purpose of the test is to determine the varying
amounts of material contained in standard size segments.

4 Aggregate for Gabion Baskets & Wire Mattresses The requirements of AS 2758.4 - 2009
Wet Strength and Wet/Dry Strength Variation (Clause 8.3) Los Angeles Value and Unsound and Marginal Stone
This test is performed in accordance with AS 1141.22 and Content (Clause 8.4)
is a basic aggregate crushing test. It is performed by taking
Los Angeles Value (LA)
a measured quantity of sized aggregate and subjecting the
The Los Angeles (LA) test is performed in accordance with
sample to a force within a confined space (Figure 9). The test is
AS 1141.23 and is a dry abrasion test. It is performed in a rotating
performed on aggregate in both the wet and dry condition. The
steel drum loaded with steel balls and sample aggregate
aim is to obtain, by crushing, 10% of produced fines in order
(Figure 10). A bar across the drum interrupts the flow pattern of the
to ascertain the strength of the aggregate in both wet and dry
steel balls, ensuring that they perform a crushing/impact process
conditions, and to determine the percentage variation between
on the aggregate sample and do not just roll around the drum
the aggregates strength in the two conditions.
during rotation. The drum is rotated for 500 revolutions and through
The strength of the aggregate is defined as the crushing force this action fine aggregate particles are generated from the sample.
which, when applied to a known mass of the aggregate, will The sample is then sieved over a 1.7mm test sieve and the loss is
produce fines amounting to 10% of the mass of the dry test expressed as the percentage LA abrasion loss. A high value may
portion. The wet test is performed on a sample of the same size indicate a weak material which could degrade in service.
as that for the dry test but it is soaked for 24 hours then towel
Table 2 in AS 2758.4 gives a range of acceptable LA test results
dried to Saturated Surface Dry Condition (SSD), and crushed.
based on rock type and class of aggregate.
This allows an understanding of the change in strength between
the dry and wet states, thus identifying any sensitivity to water.
This test is used widely, in New South Wales and Queensland
Revolution Counter
particularly, as a measure of aggregate durability.
Access Cover
For gabion and wire mattress aggregate, AS 2758.4 requires
the wet strength to be not less than 100 kN and the wet/dry
variation to not exceed 35%.


Tray to
catch sample
after test

Charge of 11 No.
47mm steel balls

Figure 10: Typical Los Angeles test machine layout

Figure 9: A Wet/Dry sample under test in a compression


Due to the size of the rock used in gabion baskets and wire
mattress construction, the test is generally performed on a
sample sized to -19.0 +13.2mm or to -19.0 +9.5mm. Testing
should be carried out on material from a quarry source that
represents that being crushed and supplied to a particular
project. Results obtained from normal quarry production can be
acceptable for the source of supply should supply be coming
from that area of the quarry.

5 Aggregate for Gabion Baskets & Wire Mattresses The requirements of AS 2758.4 - 2009
Unsound and Marginal Stone Content 4.0 Conclusion
This test is performed in accordance with AS 1141.30.1. It
is necessary that the unsound and marginal stone has been
Aggregates that satisfy the requirements of AS 2758.4 are
defined and is visibly distinguishable from sound rock within the
likely to be suitable for use in either Gabion basket or wire
same deposit. Unsound and marginal stone is likely to have poor
mattress structures provided they are consistently supplied
durability in-service and is therefore unsuitable for use in Gabion
and regular sampling and testing is undertaken to ensure those
and mattress applications. The difference between sound and
properties remain compliant with this Standard, relevant works
unsound aggregate is normally determined visually and may be
specifications or industry requirements.
identified according to colour or texture. AS 1141.30.2 gives
the procedure for preparation of the reference specimens used
for this comparison. It is critical that the reference samples are
prepared by an experienced person so that they accurately
represent the rock source and location from which they are

The test is performed on a sample of aggregate retained on a

4.75mm sieve. The sample is checked firstly for soft material
which is removed. The remainder of material is then washed and
the sample is visually examined and compared to the reference
specimens and any unsound particles are separated from the
rest of the sample. The mass of these unsound particles is
expressed as a percentage of the total sample mass. Samples
are then generally kept so they can be used at a given rock
deposit for visual comparison with future production.

It is noted in AS 2758.4 that some rock sources contain

deleterious secondary minerals or exhibit other properties,
which may affect the long-term durability. Table B1 of
Appendix B in that Standard gives values to take into account
when assessing for unsound and marginal stone content.

3.2.3 Weak Particles (Section 9)

The weak particle test is performed in accordance with
AS 1141.32. The test involves soaking a sample of aggregate
for a given period of time to remove any clay lumps and then,
by using finger pressure on each individual aggregate piece,
from the remaining sample, checking for pieces that are easily
broken. These are the weak particles in the sample.

Once separated, the percentage of these weak particles within

the test sample can be determined. AS 2758.4 specifies that there
shall not be more than 1% of weak particles in any sample tested.

This test ensures that only minimal soft and weak material is
used in Gabions basket and wire mattress construction. This
is important since the breakdown of aggregate can affect the
integrity of this particular type of structure.
TN74. AUG14

6 Aggregate for Gabion Baskets & Wire Mattresses The requirements of AS 2758.4 - 2009

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