POPCOM Chapter 1.A
POPCOM Chapter 1.A
POPCOM Chapter 1.A
was reinforced in February 19, 1969, with the issuance of Executive Order No.
On May 15, 1970, Executive order No. 233 was issued to officially launch the
which was family planning and responsible parenthood oriented. The core of
the program then was birth controllimiting the number of children of each
deals with the issues related to sexual and reproductive health including
their desired timing, spacing and number of children in accordance with their
youth on their sexual and reproductive health including too early pregnancy.
enable them cope with issues related to their sexual and full development; 3.
comes across the first two components. The four Core roles are focused on
Mobilization of Resources.
with national and local government policy and decision makers, program
We will be the leading strategic partners and policy and program advocates
We are committed to
number of children.
To attain a better quality of life for all Filipinos through management and