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Con. 3462-11.
www.campuskeeda.com RK-2040
Q.3. a) Consider the uniform flow (6 mls) flowing over a source and sink pair each of strength
15m2/s. If the source and sink are 1.5 m apart determine:
(i) The equation of the streamline 'P:: 0 (3)
(ii) Length and width of the streamline (4)
(Hi) location of stagnation points. (3)
b) Starting from the Navier-Stokes equation for an incompressible Newtonian fluid derive (to)
Bernoulli's equation stating the assumptions.
Q.4. Using the Reynolds Transport Theorem for the following problem:
(i) Derive the expressions for mass flow rate and Forces on water in the bend. (8)
(ii) Determine the force erected by the bend on the water. (12)
360 litres per second of water is flowing through a bend of initial diameter 300 mm and
fmal diameter 150 mm. The pipe is bent by 60 degrees. The pressure at the inlet of the
bend is 294.3 kPa and friction losses are ten percent of the velocity head at the exit.
Q.5. a) For steady incompressible flow verify if the following equations of velocity components
are possible:
(i) u = 4xy +y v = 6xy + 3x (2)
(ii) u = 2X2+ Y V = -4xy (2)
b) Write a note on Prandtl's mixing length theory stating any anamolies and limitations and (10)
discuss its relationship with the universal velocity distribution.
b) A wooden block 1 m long and 0.5 m wide has specific gravity 0.75 and floats in water. If (6)
the block is 0.4 m high determine its metacentric height.
c) With the help of examples distinguish between streamlined and bluff bodies. (5)
b) Water in reservoir A is at a level 6 m above the water level in reservoir B. The reservoirs
are connected by a 5 em diameter horizontal pipe 200 m long. The pressure in reservoir B
is 70 kPa gauge while the reservoir A is exposed to atmosphere. Assuming the Darcy
friction factor of the pipe is 0.02 and neglecting minor losses determine:
(i) Direction of flow (5)
(ii) Discharge of water (5)
c) With the help of examples distinguish between the Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches to (5)