Daily Double, Volume 48B, Issue 07
Daily Double, Volume 48B, Issue 07
Daily Double, Volume 48B, Issue 07
Th e Total l y Hi stori cal l y A ccurate
Hi story of CRCA P
By Empress, Ph araoh , Warl ord, General , Queen, Grand
M agi strate, CEO and Hi gh Pri estess of
Ra/ Cth ul h u/ Wal k er, Rox anne Gl assenberg
Heya, kids! It?s tim e for stor y hour w ith Ranger Roxanne! And w ho doesn't love histor y? I cer tainly
know quite a bit about it and I w ill be shar ing som e super tr ue and totes r eal facts about the histor y of
cam p w ith you today. So let?s hop on our m agical tim e-tr aveling jeep, and get a blast fr om the
97,983 BCE ? Fir st Recor ded CRCAP Session. The only classes offer ed w er e ?Rock Sm ashing?, ?Cave
Painting?, ?Cr ude Hide Weaving? and ?Soapstone?, and ?The Gr unting and Scr atching Double?. (The
nam e w as changed to the ?Daily Double? som etim e betw een 85,400 BCE and 63370 BCE). For lunch,
hunks of r aw m eat w er e ser ved w ith pasta m am m oth-inar a.
3300 BCE ? We?ve skipped a lot of tim e, but CRCAP is still going str ong. W ith the advent of br onze, new
classes like ?Check Out This M etal Thing, it Kinda Looks Like a Duck? ar e added to the r oster , and w ar
gam es ar e added to the list of Festival offer ings.
2530 BCE ? The capstone is placed on the Old Building, w hich w as or iginally a pyr am id. The m um my
inside? Walker , w r apped in linen str ips w ith pencils, shar pies, and an em pty hedgehog-pencil holder
hidden in the w r aps. The tr easur es of King Ander son-hotep included a car touche w ith a bad pun on it,
and an ushabti shaped like M addie. W hen the pyr am id w as distur bed so a class could pr actice a song,
a spectr al figur e bar ing a str iking r esem blance to Ranger Roxanne r ose fr om the sar cophagus and
cur sed the onlooker s. Luckily, ?Scr aping Pictur es in Clay-Jour nalism ? w as ther e to docum ent the
cam per s being cover ed in lar ge, blue bolism , w hich w er e r evealed to actually be a r ar e kind of beetle.
1678 BCE ? Ham m ur abi having invented a code of law s, r ules ar e instituted at CRCAP. Pr ior to this,
cam per s could sim ply steal a counselor ?s char iot and r ide dow n to Isabella?s, w hich at the tim e sold
only gr uel and pieces of fr uit. Ar chaeologists tell us that this w as also w hen the fir st cow bell w as
br ought to cam p, and shar ds of said bell have been discover ed on cam pus. It seem s that this bell w as
less a cow bell and m or e a m egaphone, and that instead of r inging a cow bell, a tow n cr ier (usually
Cooper ) w ould yell, ?Ding! Ding!? thr ough the m egaphone until cam per s w ent to class.
522 BCE ? Ah, the Classical Per iod! A gr eat tim e for CRCAP! M ar ble sculpting classes w er e intr oduced
ar ound this tim e (since elim inated because of that incident w her e that one kid had a tw o-ton block of
m ar ble fall on him ), and a tem ple to ancient Gr eek god of cr afts, Cr eativita, w as built w her e the m ini
tent is today. How ever , it w asn?t all dem ocr acy and giant vases for ancient Gr eek CRCAP: Aar on insisted
on dr am atically posing for a statue to be er ected in fr ont of the Activity Center w ear ing nothing but a
sor t of loincloth, w hich w as aw kw ar d for ever yone.
98 BCE ? W ith the com ing of the Rom an Em pir e cam e a new -and-im pr oved CRCAP. Em per or Aar on
instituted a shor t-lived ?Festival Per iod Bathing? pr ogr am , w hich w as, as afor em entioned, shor t-lived
do to a lack of space/funds/per fum ed m iner al w ater. War gam es w er e a popular Festival offer ing, and
m ilitar y tr aining becam e a class (today it is called ?Acapella?). Caesar 's assassination w as actually
chor eogr aphed by som e cam per s, but their or iginal dr aft involved a lot m or e jazz hands, so it w as
scr apped. This w as tr uly the glor y age of CRCAP.
Welcom e to the Inter national M LB New s, the Her e ar e som e healthy snack and lunch ideas for
one place for ever yday baseball new s. Red back to school. They?r e easy to m ake and fun to eat.
Sox r ained out last night in a gam e that they
w ould have played the Cleveland Indians, Snacks: Car r ot sticks, fr esh fr uit, popcor n (not
but it w ill be r escheduled for August 14th. m icr ow ave popcor n), cheese and cr acker s, or a
Also, Giancar lo Stanton sealed a 7-0 victor y gr anola bar.
in the ninth inning as he r obbed a hom e r un
fr om Br ian Goodw in to give the M ar lins the Lunch: Basil Pesto Pizza: Pr eheat oven to 400o.
shutout. M ike Tr out hit his 20th hom er of the Slice a baguette hor izontally and spr ead your pesto
season to give the Angels the w in. And, in a on the baguette. Then spr inkle cheese on the pizza.
Dodger s loss to the Br aves, Cody Bellinger hit Cut som e tom atoes in half and put them on the
his 30th hom e r un, becom ing only the 10th pizza. Cook for 4-8 m inutes (or until cheese is
National League Rookie in histor y to m elted). Now you?r e done!
accom plish that feat.
Pasta Salad: Cook pasta fr om a box (follow cooking
M i sadven t u r es of a Du m b Pu bescen t dir ections). Let pasta cool dow n. Once pasta has
By Peter Tr avis cooled, in a bow l add your pasta, olive oil, basil
pesto, chopped tom atoes, and cheese. M ix. Now
In this ar ticle of the M isadventur es of r efr iger ate for next day.
a Dum b Pubescent, I?m going to tell you the
w onder that is called Inter net Ar cade. Hoo I hope you enjoyed these fun and easy healthy
boy, I?m getting geekier by the day. r ecipes for school. Bye!
On ar chive.com , you can look up over
600 ar cade gam es r eady to played. This
includes gam es like Tr on, M ar io Br os,
Q* ber t, and m any m or e. At your finger tips
ar e the gr eat classics that 80s kids know and
As for myself, as a pubescent that
didn?t gr ow up in the 80s, and now w ith all
the ar cades that didn?t give out cheap knick
knacks that you eventually thr ow aw ay, I can
say that the ar cade gam es of the past ar e
fr ankly m uch better than Cr ossy Road: The
Ar cade Gam e. We can only hope that a
r enaissance of classic gam es r estor es the
balance in the for - Okay, I?m getting too W hy ar e Dogs Cal l ed M an ?s Best Fr i en d?
ner dy. By Sar ah
So if you w ant to check these gam es
out, go ahead! I have a list of som e gam es W hy ar e dogs called a m an?s best fr iend
that you should tr y. w hen they love all people? M y dogs ar e my best
1. Joust. You joust w ith bir ds. Enough said. fr iends, and I am not a m an. Dogs love all, and I
2. Tr on. A loose r etelling of the m ovie. love dogs.
3. Discs of Tr on. Now w ith 10x m or e discs, W hat is better , having a dog, having a cat,
and -10x less stor y! W hat a value! having a hor se, having a bir d, having som e sor t of
4. Robotr on 2084. Robots tr y and take over r eptile or having m ultiple pets?
the w or ld. They?ll pr obably succeed. Fun Fact! - M ost dogs chase cats because
5. M ar io Br os. How obvious. they w ant to play w ith them , not because they
I?m done r am bling about how ar cades don?t like them . Did you ever notice that the noise
ar e aw esom e. The next ar ticle you?ll r ead a cat m akes is high pitched? A dog?s sign of play is
w ill be better than this ar ticle. high pitched noises. Also, chase is a gam e to dogs
Next episode: I dunno. so they think the cat is playing.
ASK LI NK! Cam p Bu ck et Li st !
By Lita And Link . (but m ostly Link . Lita just By Br ian Taliano
tr anslates.)
Unfor tunately, it is my last year at this
Today, w e got SOOO m any questions, that w e could w onder ful cam p, so I thought I w ould put
m ake a w hole daily double out of our ar ticle, so if your together a nice list of things that you should
question is not her e today, w e pr om ise w e w ill put it do befor e leaving CRCAP.
in! Rem em ber to w r ite neatly because if w e can't r ead
your handw r iting your question w ill not be published. 1. Tr y all the food. Deli bar , salad bar , hot
We also com bined som e of the questions to fit in as m eal, ever ything. It?s your last chance.
m any as w e could today! We appr eciate you! Thank 2. Take classes you haven?t taken befor e.
you so m uch! Love, Lita and Link Sw itch up your schedule and tr y som e new
Should I play The Legend Of Zelda? And why do you like 3. Wr ite an ar ticle for the Daily Double.
Zelda?? W hy haven't I heard of you? Anything you w ant.
YES YES YES! You should play Zelda! And I like Zelda 4. Get to know a CIT because they?r e all
because she?s pr etty and super nice, and she laughs at gr eat.
ALL of my jokes. But she fr iend-zoned m e? and you 5. Par ticipate in a Noontim e Show. Even if
haven't hear d of m e because you don't play good video it?s som ething com pletely m eaningless like
gam es? Hehehe JK. r unning ar ound onstage and scr eam ing.
6. Steal the cow bell fr om Aar on and r un
Help me get A GIRLFRIEND!!! / what do I do if I?m single ar ound cam pus r inging it as loud as you
on valentines day? can. (Just kidding. M aybe.)
Well, if you have a cr ush on a gir l, ask her to go to an 7. Do Pr oduction. You m ay find you enjoy it.
event w ith you. Or invite her to a school dance. Then 8. Hack into Walker ?s laptop and change his
tell her she?s pr etty, and how you love her per sonality. w allpaper to a lar ge high-definition pictur e
(gir ls love that) then ask her out. For V-day, give her of a gr een car toon llam a.
r oses, or leave them in her locker , and confess your 9. Get Har r ison to teach you how to hack so
love to her. you can do the above.
10. Tr y out a m edia class (like
NOTICE M E LINKY SENPAI OR I W ILL KILL YOU!!!!!! M ockum entar y or Sum m er Shor ts).
I've gotten this question a lot lately. But have been 11. Play an instr um ent in one of the bands.
avoiding it. But I guess I have to answ er. I can be your Or , lear n a new instr um ent.
fr iend, but I?m not ver y fond of death thr eats. I'm m or e 12. Hang out w ith Olive the dog at festival
inter ested in pr incess Zelda. per iod.
13. Cr y w hen cam p ends.
I Love you 14. Give all your fr iends com plim ents often.
Aw , that's sw eet. * blow s a kiss* Wuv you too These ar e fr iends you?ll w ant to keep for life.
All my friends don't like me anymore how do I get at least 1 person to like me?
I?ll be your fr iend! Lita w ill be too! You can sit w ith us tom or r ow at lunch. Look for a gir l w ith blue
hair sitting at one of the tables near the car line ar ea okay? (anyone is w elcom e to join)
Hi there, what do I do if I?m addicted to cheez doodles?/ what's your favorite kind of bean?? Is there pizza
in Hyrule?
Cheese doodles ar e super good? M y advice w ould to be stop buying them for a w hile. And my favor ite
kind of beans ar e m agic beans! And HECK yeah ther e's pizza in Hyr ule!
Rodr igo Bass is a m an w ho has am assed a for tune fr om his Adr ianna,
infor m ative sem inar s on fishing-r elated topics fr om casting lur es Do you like
to differ entiating betw een var ieties of koi. It is a w ell-know n fact Ram en noodles,
to his fans that he pr actices new speeches for m onths in advance I do.
in his pr ivate study. Know ing full w ell that, if leaked, his speeches And you?
could be used by a r ival. M r. Bass has becom e som ething of a No, I do
par anoiac about people bugging his study, and as such allow s Not,
none of his staff into the r oom , occasionally cleaning it him self At all.
and im plem enting a finger pr int lock at all tim es. Having gone
w ithout incident for a full decade, M r. Bass has decided to finally Sim psons
allow thr ee lucky fans into his study for an exclusive tour In
thr ough a w ell-adver tized contest. Still not being com pletely M oes, longest r unning
tr usting, M r. Bass placed a secur ity cam er a to sur vey the r oom Pr im etim e tv
and its occupants for this special occasion. Weeks later , r ival Show
com pany Salm on Inc. r eleased a book entitled Hook, Line, and On, I m ean in the w or ld.
Sinker : How to Pick Out the Per fect Bait for the Per fect Fish. A Napkins and the
fur ious M r. Bass has hir ed you, a pr oven detective, to investigate Sim psons.
the case on the claim that the book contains ideas and advice
fr om his speech, but he w ill not be able to sue Salm on Inc. unless Illum inati
he can pr ove he w as bugged. You have found a bug in his study, Lapple
hidden in the r oom ?s shag car pet, but know that w ithout a Lake
confession fr om the per son w ho placed the bug, you w ill not be Under
able to pr ove that M r. Bass did not place the bug him self. Your M ur der
pr elim inar y investigation pr oduces the follow ing infor m ation: I m ean
the cr im inal w or ked alone, the bug you found w as the only one No
the speech could have been hear d fr om , the cr im inal m ust have Adjectives
been one of the thr ee visiting fisher m an, and the bug itself, a Today
par ticular ly stur dy m odel, has a str ange fishy sm ell and is I love pain to bathr oom
colour ed w hite. You have inter r ogated the fisher m an and stalls
checked the video cam er as, giving you the facts you w ill need to
solve the case. Guppy Gilder stein has been one of M r. Bass?m ost
vocal fans for year s, and thr ough inter r ogating his close fr iends
you have lear ned that he w ould often tell them ?W hat I w ouldn?t Adv i ce f r om a
give to hear him pr actice one of his speeches? .? In the study, he M ar sh m al l ow
w as seen bending to look under a table near the w all, but you By Pleep the M ar shm allow
could find no evidence of a bug being placed ther e. He also (Kylie)
unsuccessfully tr ied to hug M r. Bass sever al tim es. M akenzie
Rellin is a m or e casual fan of M r. Bass w ho has r un into financial Have you ever
pr oblem s in r ecent w eeks. She w as seen as r ude by the other w anted to ask a
fisher m en, sloppily eating a tuna fish sandw ich w ith extr a m ar shm allow a question?
m ayonnaise w hile tour ing the study. She also spent a long tim e Now you can!!!!!! Pleep the
near the r oom ?s sole w indow , but no tr aces of a bug w er e found M ar shm allow can answ er
in its vicinity. Bar r y Cudona has gained r espect am ong M r. Bass? your questions! He is an
fans as one of his m ost consistent financial backer s, but thr ough or dinar y m ar shm allow w ho
your investigation you have discover ed he is an ex-em ployee of w ants to help other s by
Salm on Inc., still being on close ter m s w ith m uch of the staff. He giving them advice. Please
w as seen glar ing at the secur ity cam er a, and often m oved to ask Pleep questions! Put
locations it w as unable to view , although an investigation of the them in the activity center
study found no tr ace of a bug in any of these locations. After in the r ed thingy that says
finishing your investigation, you have appr oached M r. Bass, advice fr om a
confident that you have uncover ed the identity of the tr ue culpr it. m ar shm allow.
W ho bugged the study of Rodr igo Bass?
Q + A (Qu est i on s + An sw er s) w i t h Th e Won der f u l Wor l d of Lau n ch pad Cover s
Cooper By Peter Tr avis
By Nor a.C. Kalie
Author?s Note: This is satire.
(M usic playing in backgr ound)
Rem em ber the days w hen you needed
Q: Do you like working here? INSTRUM ENTS to play m usic? * shiver * Such old
A: Yes, I love it! technology. Now , w e have a fancy, new w ay to
play m usic, a Launchpad!
Q: On a scale from 1-10 how much? This eight-by-eight gr id allow s you to
A: 10 (r ealistically 9.8) cr eate the coolest songs ever !...
Pr ovided you have tw o hundr ed dollar s
Q: If you could choose one class to teach under your m attr ess and the basic know ledge of
what would it be? how to w or k w ith a Digital Audio Wor kstation.
A: All of the classes I teach (m aybe Rem ix) Be pr epar ed to w atch countless hour s of
tutor ial videos and sick, nasty cover s w ith 23
Q: W hat?s your favorite color? Launchpads...that you don?t have. W hen you
A: Yellow finally lear n how to dow nload your favor ite tr ap
beat, put it into a sam ple, then cut it up and
Q: W hat?s your favorite song? m ake m acr os to assign those sam ples to one
A: Rem ix?s cover of One Dance PAGE of your cover , you w ill r ealize that these
cover ar tists have $700 cam er as. Got any
Q: W hat?s your favorite song One Hit m oney?
Wonder has written? Alr ight, you?ve w asted your college funds
A: I don?t know on this m achine and ar e r eady to post your sick,
nasty Launchpad cover online...befor e you
Q: W hat?s the weirdest song One Hit r ealize the com m ents on your video ar e
Wonder has written? pr obably death thr eats dir ected at you.
A: I caught you tootin? Have fun, and don?t for get to hir e a
bodyguar d!
4) People w ho ar e fam ous on social m edia: Just w hen w e all thought that r eality tv w as as bad as it gets,
w e discover ed that now that Youtube and affor dable cam er as exist, anyone can cr eate their ow n
r eality tv show. And people w atch it because? ? Now I?m not saying that ever y celebr ity that uses
social m edia is talentless. Actually social m edia can be a ver y good w ay to launch your car eer as either
an actor , a m usician, or ? w ell yeah that?s about it. And I?m not saying that ever yone w ho is fam ous on
social m edia is necessar ily talentless either. I w atch a lot of youtuber s. W hat I r eally hate ar e the
Instagr am ?com edians?, the Viner s w ho sw itched over to youtube because Vine died, and of cour se, the
?m usical.ly kids?. You know w hat I?m talking about. The people w ho don?t know how to be funny for
m or e than a few seconds. The people w ho kill tr ends like hover boar ds, dabbing, and m or e r ecently,
fidget spinner s.
Okay that?s a lot of cr iticism . I?m just going to do a little lightning r ound for som e of the sm aller things
that I hate.
- Dabbing: I have never dabbed unir onically. The fir st tim e that som eone explained it to m e and
told m e it?s a ?dance m ove?, I w as like ?no it?s not?
- ?Lit? and ?fam ?: Again, never said either of these unir onically. It sounds stupid.
- M oder n pop m usic: It?s basically EDM w ith lyr ics. The only differ ence is that EDM ar tists w r ite
their ow n songs.
- ?All m etal is scr eam o?: IT?S NOT!!!
Qu est i on s, Par t 4 Good New s
By Baseball and Tigger , r ival baseball cats. By AnoNYm OuS777 (Ben Cr able)
Baseball: Hello and Welcom e to our 4th questions. We Good new s ever ybody, I have decided
have 4 questions, so let?s answ er them . to be like half of the entir e Daily
Double w r iter s, and star t an advice
Q: do you like to eat? if so what is you fav food colum n! I am so or iginal, ar en?t I, that
Tigger : Gr am m ar ! Capitalization! Punctuation! This you r eader w ho seem ingly found my
question lacks all thr ee. ar ticle and found the title to be
Baseball: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Fav food som ew hat clickbait. I have decided to
is pizza call my advice colum n Anonym ous
Tigger : I have to disagr ee. Tacos, or knishes! (If you Advice (for obvious r easons) and you
don?t know w hat a knish is you ar e dead to m e.) guys have to subm it questions ASAP! I
can?t just m ake up questions like for
Q: * smiling/frowning face with mustache* som e fanfictions of Walker I did. So
Tigger : Um ? not sur e how to answ er this. W hile please subm it any question you have,
m ustaches ar e am azing, w hat is the m outh doing? It or subm it any r andom thought that
looks kind of like a stylized fish w ith a tail at both com es to your head. Please send
ends. questions, I am so lonely w ithout
Baseball: Does this have any connection to the gr afitti them .
on our questions box that states ?fr ed w az her e? in
hur r ied scr ibbles? I have a feeling that?s the tr uth.