Lyrics PDF
Lyrics PDF
Lyrics PDF
Compilation coordinated by Robin Dunn - with lots of help.
As performed in principal recordings (or demos) by The Everly Brothers or, in the case of Everly
compositions, performed by others alone and/or with Don and/or Phil Everly. Additionally included,
for diehard collectors of all things Everly, are songs where lyrics refer to Don & Phil or their songs
shown in green. 400 pages; songs and information for every letter of the alphabet - except X!
The list is in strict alphabetical order starting with the initial letter of the title including words like
The or A and if within brackets e.g.: (Til) or (Id). Verses omitted (or added later e.g. Walk
Right Back) have been included for interest and are shown in dark blue as are notes, information
and lyrics to backing only and other currently missing tracks. Solo recordings are noted in
purple. The bracketed date (with a ? if uncertain, ? if unknown) following the title denotes the
year of first recording or release. Italics with song lyrics generally denotes speech. Future editions
will include more information on the composers, recordings etc. Also included are the songs from
the 1970 ABC TV show Johnny Cash Presents The Everly Brothers. Many joint or collaborative
recordings and/or performances are included. One omission is Don Everlys rumoured contribution
to Gram Parsons International Submarine Band album SAFE AT HOME; it is not apparent which
tracks, if any, he sang on. He contributed sleeve notes. The list is best read in conjunction with the
chronological track recording lists on the EBI website where more information is available.
In the main, the lyrics are reproduced from the standard or definitive recording or a bootleg if no
other is available. However, where a major variation occurs between two recordings these are
indicated or the complete alternative is included, e.g. Nancys Minuet and Phil Everlys Lady Anne.
Generally, but not always, standard English (without too much punctuation) is used, even where a
word or phrase is sung with a style or abbreviation. Also avoided are references to musical breaks
or to stretching words e.g., dream to dreeeeeam; you can do that as you sing along! Bracketed
lines generally allude to backing or echo singing. The list is updated as new information comes to
light. Many rare recordings are available as downloads and/or appear on YouTube. In a very few
cases it is very difficult to detect from the recording precisely what is being sung, in which case,
queries/gaps or alternative suggestions are included in blue and/or indicated by ?? (appears a bit
purple in PDF). Some very obscure titles have been discovered; these are marked*; information is
wanted about these compositions, dates and any recordings.
Please forward typos and other corrections/additions/suggestions to: [email protected]
I am very grateful for the assistance of all those who have made contributions and corrections - in
particular to Bronwyn Price, Ken Reeves & Chrissie van Varik (all of whom deciphered, contributed
many lyrics and corrected errors and typos; I could not have got so far without them. Ken and Chrissie proof-
read the list making many corrections!), Peter Aarts, Brian Ahern, Brian Boylan, Sonny Curtis, Edan
Everly, Alain & Anne Fournier, Chris Gantry, Al Kooper, Doug Lubahn, Martin Maas, Scott McKenzie,
Gray Newell, Annalia Rechnic, John Rhys, Dave Rich, Andrew Sandoval and Erik Tielman.
NB: The lyrics below are, as far as possible, as performed and are reproduced for amusement only and not
for commercial gain. Ownership and copyright remains with the original composer(s) and/or publishers. These
lyrics are for your personal use only. We will not, and you must not, gain commercially from this listing.
"When Phil and I started out, everyone hated rock & roll. The record companies didn't like it at all -
felt it was an unnecessary evil." Don Everly.
There's never been logic to music being forgotten, for if a song is good, it should be good all the time.
You never throw away a book that's good. And music should be treated as well. Phil Everly.
Omitted verse:
I've given up the game, I've got to leave
The pot of gold is only make-believe
The treasure can't be found by men who search
Whose gods are dead and whose queens are in the church
Well good-bye to all those castles in the air
And good-bye to all the dreams we used to share
They were fragments of a dream that fell apart
Now theyre gone because you've had a change of heart
The Boys Town Choir:
Sing choirs of angels
Sing in exultation
O sing all ye citizens of Heaven above
Glory to God
In the highest
O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him
Christ the Lord
Omitted verses:
God of God
Light of Light
Lo! He abhors not the Virgin's womb
Very God
Begotten, not created
(Jimmy Reed) Mathis James Jimmy Reed, 6th September 1925 29th August 1976.
Ain't that lovin' you baby
Ain't that lovin' you baby
Ain't that lovin' you baby
When you don't even know my name
Ain't that lovin' you baby
Ain't that lovin' you baby
Ain't that lovin' you baby
When you don't even know my name
Ain't that lovin' you baby
Ain't that lovin' you baby
Ain't that lovin' you baby
When you don't even know my name
Ain't that lovin' you baby
Ain't that lovin' you baby
Ain't that lovin' you baby
When you don't even know my name
Ain't that lovin' you baby
Ain't that lovin' you baby
Ain't that lovin' you baby
When you don't even know my name
(Jim Steinman/Andrew Lloyd Webber) These are almost completely different lyrics to the Whistle Down The Wind and Meatloaf versions.
In view of the EBs recording date (1986), it is presumably an earlier JS/ALW composition later adapted for WDTW.
And if only are the loneliest words youll ever know
A kiss is a terrible thing to waste
Just tell em your mama said so
A kiss is a terrible thing to waste
And if only are the loneliest words youll ever know
A kiss is a terrible thing to waste
Just tell em your mama said so
A kiss is a terrible thing to waste
And if only are the loneliest words youll ever know
Im dreaming my life away
I need you so, that I could die
I love you so, and that is why
Whenever I want you all I have to do is dream
Dream, dream, dream, dream
As I lie alone
I must convince myself
I have a life here of my own
But you call me over and over
And over again
So I pray to you
Please tell me what can I do
Please tell what can I do
Thats all we want to do
Thats all we want to do
Thats all we want to do
Thats all we want to do
Thats all we want to do
Thats all we want to do
Thats all we want to do
Thats all we want to do.
It said:-
Ill always drive a Cadillac
And Ill always drink champagne
And if you make time while the sun shines
You can buy your way out of the rain
I travel fast because I go alone
Everybody gets bought and sold
And I wondered if you'd really become that cold
(di Lazzaro/Richter) The original of this song is Italian called Reginella Campagnola, written in 1939; in America this tune goes by the
name of The Woodpecker Song where English lyrics were written by Harold Adamson in 1940. Among the artists
that recorded it are Glenn Miller, Kate Smith, The Gaylords, Gene Autry and The Andrew Sisters of some versions
can be found on YouTube. The German version was used (or perhaps specifically written) for a 1941 film of the same
name with Magda Schneider and Heinz Engelmann. Eldo di Lazzaro, February 1902 1968.
(La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la)
Am Abend auf der Heide / On the evening on the moor
Da kssten wir uns beide / That is when we kissed
Und deine Lippen sprachen leise von Liebe heiss was einer weiss was einer weiss nur ich / And your lips spoke softly of burning love
which one knows, which one knows, only me
Am Abend auf der Heide / On the evening on the moor
Da kssten wir uns beide / That is when we kissed
Seit diese Stunde dort zu zwei im Mondschein bin ich nur dein und denke allein an dich / Since that hour there with the two of us in the
moonlight I am yours alone and think of only you
(La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la)
Die schnen Tage sind vergangen / Those wonderful days have ended
Dein Herz ist lang schon nicht mehr mein / Your heart hasnt been mine for a long time
Doch immer denke ich voll verlangen / But I always think full of desire
Das Glck es kann nicht grosser sein / The happiness it could not be greater
(La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la)
Am Abend auf der Heide / On the evening on the moor
Da kssten wir uns beide / That is when we kissed
Und deine Lippen sprachen leise von Liebe heiss was einer weiss was einer weiss nur ich / And your lips spoke softly of burning love
which one knows, which one knows, only me
Am Abend auf der Heide / On the evening on the moor
Da kssten wir uns beide / That is when we kissed
Seit diese Stunde dort zu zwei im Mondschein bin ich nur dein und denke allein an dich / Since that hour there with the two of us in the
moonlight I am yours alone and think of only you
(La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la)
(La la la la la la la la la la la la la l.)
Amanda, Amanda Ruth
Amanda, Amanda Ruth
Amanda, Amanda Ruth
Amanda, Amanda Ruth
Amanda, Amanda Ruth
AND OH, I DIE (1957?) *
(Phil Everly) Phil demo solo. This track is believed to exist but I do not have it. Any information would be gratefully appreciated.
(Lady John Scott/ William Douglas) (Bob Dylan) Don duet with Linda Ronstadt. Performed on the 1970 ABC TV show Johnny Cash
Presents The Everly Brothers. No studio recording available but appears on bootlegs - tapes, CDs, VHS & DVD.
Recorded 17th May 1970; aired 12thAugust 1970 (Show No. 6). William Douglas, circa 1672 - 1748 (some sources
suggest 1753); Lady John Scott (ne Alicia Ann Spottiswoode) 24th June 1810 - 12th March 1900
(John Hiatt/Mike Porter)
Omitted verses:
When grandmama whose age is eighty
In night clubs is getting matey with gigolo's
Anything goes
When mothers pack and leave poor father
Because they decide they'd rather be tennis pros
Anything goes
(Ian Sutherland)
ASLEEP (1984)
(Don Everly)
Oh please let me fall asleep
It's like heaven when I sleep
Until morning I forget her
Oh please let me fall asleep
It's so peaceful when I sleep
Until morning nothing matters
If I could only fall asleep
It's like heaven when I sleep
Until morning I forget her
Oh please let me fall asleep
It's so peaceful when I sleep
Until morning nothing matters
Asleep (I lie awake in my lonely bed)
If I could only fall asleep (In a room without a light)
It's like heaven when I sleep (Trying hard to find a dream)
Until morning I forget her (That gets me through the night)
(Then I know)
(I know for sure)
(Know for sure)
(Im still in love with you)
(Im still in love with you girl)
It happens every time
It happened many times before
Just when I think Ive forgotten you
I only want you more-or-or-or..
I love you
I love you
I love you
Im still in love with you (I love you girl)
I love you (I love you girl)
I love you (I love you girl)
Im still in love with you
I love you (I love you girl)
I love you (I love you girl)
Im still in love with you
I love you..
Omitted verse:
She said, I'm here on a shore leave
Though we were miles at sea
I pointed out this detail
And forced her to agree
Saying, You must be the mermaid
Who took King Neptune for a ride
And she smiled at me so sweetly
That my anger straightway died
(Marty Robbins) Performed with Marty Robbins as part of a medley also comprising Singing The Blues/El Paso (lyrics for which
also see) on the 1970 ABC TV show Johnny Cash Presents The Everly Brothers. No studio recording available but
appears on bootlegs - tapes, CDs, VHS & DVD. Recorded 28th May 1970; aired 15th July 1970 (Show No. 2).
Marty Robbins (Martin David Robinson) 26th September 1925 8th December 1982.
Omitted verses
Once you told me long ago
To the prom with me you'd go
Now you've changed your mind it seems
Someone else will hold my dreams
Oh come with me
Take me by the hand
Walk with me
On the golden sand
Bye oh
Oh baby bye oh
Oh tell me why oh
Oh baby bye oh
Bye oh
Oh baby bye oh
Oh tell me why oh
Oh baby bye oh
Bye oh
Oh baby bye oh
Oh tell me why oh
Oh baby bye oh
Bye oh
Oh baby bye oh
Oh tell me why oh
Oh baby bye oh
Oh baby bye oh
Oh tell me why oh
Any way you want me let it roll
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Got me doin' want you want babe
Baby what you want me to do
Got me peepin'
Got me hidin'
Got me peep, hide, hide, peep
Any way you want me let it roll
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Got me doin what you want babe
Baby what you want me to do
Bad boy, sad girl
He passed by
True loves joy
To give false love a whirl
(Cowboy Jack Clement) Collaboration/duet with Johnny Cash & Roseanne Carter. Johnny Cash, 26th February 1932 12th September
2003. It was produced by Cowboy Jack Clement. Originally on the Johnny/Roseanne Cash album Water From
The Wells Of Home.
He turned his face unto the wall
He turned his back upon her
Adieu! Adieu! To all my friends
Be kind to Barbara Allen
(Phil Everly/Terry Slater) Phil Everly Solo. There are two album recordings of this track: - MYSTIC LINE (1975) and PHIL EVERLY
(1983) albums. The tempo, words e.g. Night time on one and Midnight* on the other - and the order of
verses differ slightly. No backing voices on MYSTIC LINE version. Words below are the PHIL EVERLY version.
Midnight walker
Soft word talker
Lovely, lovin lady of mine
You sure can move me
You know how to use me
You always make me feel so fine, so fine, so fine
Tryin' to make ends meet
By next Monday afternoon
Gonna be out on the street
Bird dog you better leave my lovey-dove alone
Hey, bird dog get away from my chick
Hey, bird dog you better get away quick
Bird dog you better find a chicken little of your own
Hes bird.
I found my thrill
On Blueberry Hill
On Blueberry Hill
When I found you
Though we're apart
You're part of me still
For you were my thrill
On Blueberry Hill
I found my thrill
On Blueberry Hill
On Blueberry Hill
When I found you
You, you
Omitted verse:
Love, was never meant for me
True love was never meant for me
It seems somehow
We never can agree
Bonsoir Dame, Madame, Fais dodo [Good evening dear, my dear, go to sleep]
Bonsoir Dame, Madame, Fais dodo
Bonsoir Dame, Madame, Fais dodo
Bonsoir Dame, Madame, Fais dodo
Bonsoir Dame, Madame, Fais dodo
Bonsoir Dame, Madame, Fais dodo
Bonsoir Dame, Madame, Fais dodo
Bonsoir Dame, Madame, Fais dodo
Born to lose
It seems so hard to bear
When I awake and find that youre not there
You've grown tired
And now you say we're through
Born to lose
And now I'm losing you
Born to lose
I've lived my life in vain
Every dream has only brought me pain
All my life
I've always been so blue
Born to lose
And now I'm losing you
(Boudleaux & Felice Bryant) Felice Bryant, 7th August 1925 22nd April 2003; Boudleaux Bryant 13th February 1920 26th June 1987.
Married in 1945, the Bryants started recording records as Bood & Fileece and Bud & Betty before a full-
time songwriting career creating compositions and hits for just about everyone.
A new boy came to town
I ain't seen you around
I feel a brand new heartache coming on
The clubs are all closed and the ladies are leaving
There's nobody, nobody knows on the street
A few stranded souls standing cold at the station
And nowhere to go but to bed and to sleep
Lord would you look at you
Now that you're here ain't you
Proud of your peers and the long way you've come
All alone all the way on your own who's to say
That you've thrown it away for a song
Boy you've sure come a long way from home
Crying tears over you
With all the heartache and the pain you put me through
If you wont change, what can I do
Just leave it
Broken hearted me, evil hearted you
(Phil Everly/John Durrill)
(Don Everly/Specchia) The Italian So Sad
Come on, come on n get it, get it
The only thing she left me was a bill from Master Charge
And a stack of paperbacks on the livin room floor
A pile of dirty sheets up in the bedroom
And a pair of socks Id never seen before
Malibu rompers
With their Gucci store lockers
Put their noses on the line
Everybodys playin and nobodys stayin
Leavin all the kids behind
Aint a thing I knew that wont be sold
Everybodys lookin for California gold
Gold, gold
California gold
California gold
California gold.
* It seems (possibly) that Phil might be singing BV wine an abbreviation of Beaulieu Vineyard a Napa Valley (California) winery. It could
be BB wine, possibly a US abbreviation of Blueberry or Blackberry wine. I stand to be corrected on the word(s) or the allusion(s).
All the kids are boppin
Driftin with the beat
But all I hear my lonely heart is
A shuffle of their feet
My babys gone
Cant dance alone
Whooohooo Ah Whooohooo Ah
Whooo-hooo Ah Whooo-hooo Ah
A million new moons and a million full moons
Cant breathe life into love
For day after day and night after night
Youre the one Im dreamin of (Im dreamin of)
Whooo-hooo Whooo-hooo
They say the eyes are the windows of your soul
Hey youre lookin like heaven to me
What we been doin everybody knows
Thats the way its gonna be
I cant get away from it at all (it at all)
When love is standin there
Touchin me inside somewhere
Never know which way Im gonna fall (Ah-ha)
Whooo-hooo Whooo-hooo
Whooo-hooo Whooo-hooo
Whooo-hooo Whooo-hooo
Whooo-hooo Whooo-hooo
Whooo-hooo Whooo-hooo
Whooo-hooo Whooo-hooo..
Ah, cant get over it
Cant get under it
Cant get away from it at all
Captain, Captain
Ill follow gladly
My countrys honour to uphold
But sir tell me
Is it the duty of the young to die to save the old
My mammas home
Shes softly crying
She prays long for me at night
My father walks around so proudly
But inside hes bent with fright
Captain, Captain
Ill follow gladly
My countrys honour to uphold
But sir tell me
Is it the duty of the young to die to save the old
Captain, Captain
Ill follow gladly
My countrys honour to uphold
But sir tell me
Is it the duty of the young to die to save the old
Love, oh love, oh careless love
In your clutches of desire
You've made me break a-many true vow
Then you set my very soul on fire
(Unknown) Track recorded on 1st September 1971 as part of the RCA STORIES WE COULD TELL sessions but never issued and is
presumed lost. Possibly another try at (then unreleased WB track) Carolina In My Mind (?)
Can't you just feel the moonshine
And ain't it just like a friend of mine
To hit me from behind
And I'm goin' to Carolina in my mind
Carolina in my mind
Eyes of blue
Knows shes true
Carol Carol Jane
I love a-love-a-love her*
Eyes of blue
Knows shes true
Carol Carol Jane
I love a-love-a-love her
I love a-love-a-love her
I love a-love-a-love her
I love a-love-a-love her
* Some think the last her on this line is you or Ya. Confirmed by Dave Rich that it is her.
Oh! she said, Casey it's been so long since I've seen you
Here, she said, Just a kiss to make a body smile
See, she said, I've put on new stockings just to please you
Lord, she said, Casey can you only stay a while?
Casey leaves the underground and stops inside the Golden Crown
For something wet to wipe away the chill that's on his bone
Seeing his reflection in the lives of all the lonely men
Who reach for anything they can to keep from going home
Standing in the corner Casey drinks his pint of bitter
Never glancing in the mirror at the people passing by
Then he stumbles as he's leaving and he wonders if the reason
Is the beer that's in his belly, or the tear that's in his eye
Oh! she said, I suppose you seldom think about me?
Now, she said, Now that you've a family of your own
Still, she said, It's so blessed good to feel your body
Lord! she said Casey it's a shame to be alone!
CECILIA (1994)
(Paul Simon) Phil Everly joins his son Jason (Born [Philip Jason] 9th September 1966) on this track (plus a re-mix) from Jasons debut CD
You're breaking my heart
You're shaking my confidence daily
Oh Cecilia
I'm down on my knees
I'm begging you please to come home
Come on home
Oh Cecilia
You're breaking my heart
You're shaking my confidence daily
Oh Cecilia
I'm down on my knees
I'm begging you please to come home
Oh Cecilia
You're breaking my heart
You're shaking my confidence daily
Oh Cecilia
I'm down on my knees
I'm begging you please to come home
Come on home
Oh Cecilia
You're breaking my heart
You're shaking my confidence daily
Oh Cecilia
I'm down on my knees
I'm begging you please to come home
She loves me again
I fall on the floor and I'm laughing
She loves me again
I fall on the floor and I'm laughing
CHANGE (??) *
(Phil Everly/Duane Eddy) This song is listed on the BMI website but no other information has as yet come to light.
Information about the song and any recording would be gratefully appreciated.
CHAINS (1962)
(Carole King)
Charleston guitar
Is strummin the strings of your broken heart
You sing all your songs to someone whos gone
She left you in Charleston all alone with your guitar
Charleston guitar
Is strummin the strings of your broken heart
You sing all your songs to someone whos gone
She left you in Charleston all alone with your guitar
Sweet Charleston guitar
Sweet Charleston .
CHLO-E (1961)
(Moret/Kahn) Gustav Gerson Kahn, 6th November 1886 - 8th October 1941; Neil Moret (born Charles N. Daniels), 23rd April 1878 - 21st
January 1943
Oh yeah, oh yeah
I gotta go where you are
(Dennis Linde) Dennis Linde, 18 March 1943 22 December 2006
(Unknown) The first Plymouth Duster was a semi-fastback version of the Plymouth Valiant automobile, produced in the US from
1970 to 1976. The Duster competed with Ford's slightly smaller semi-fastback Maverick compact, which was also introduced
in 1970, and Chevrolet's slightly larger semi-fastback Nova, sporting a body that was introduced in 1968. While the Maverick
and Nova were offered in a 4-door configuration, Chrysler chose to use the Duster nameplate only for the sporty 2-door
coupe, retaining the Valiant name for the more mundane 4-door sedan and 2-door hardtop. Numerous variants of the Duster
were offered ranging from economy to cargo capacity to performance, with such model names as Feather Duster,
Gold Duster, Space Duster, Duster Twister, and 340 Duster. Commercial first aired 18th September 1970.
Phil: Im Phil
Don: And Im Don
Phil: And together were the Everly Brothers comin through with Chrysler-Plymouth
Don: Dont miss the new Plymouth Duster; its the big difference in small cars
(Roy Orbison) Named after Roy Orbisons first wife. Orbison also recorded it. Roy Kelton Orbison, 23rd April 1936 6th December 1988.
COLD (1997)
(Jim Steinman/Andrew Lloyd Webber) The last EB studio recording to date.
The flowers have all died, the skies are going grey
I begged my baby not to leave, I couldn't make her stay
The heat has disappeared, the eternal flame is low
The forecast ain't so good, I'm all messed up no place to go
I gotta see my girl, I gotta see her eyes (Girl - gotta see my girl, gotta see her eyes)
The barometer is falling, only she can make it rise (Falling - she can make it rise)
There's nothing on the trees, there's nothing for me here (Nothing on the trees, nothing for me here)
I gotta find salvation and some thermal underwear (And some thermal underwear)
Omitted verse:
Many a night, with you I've rambled
Many an hour with you I've spent
Thought I had, your heart forever
Now I find it's only lent
(Guy Clark) Don Everly joins Guy Clark for this track originally from his 1978 album GUY CLARK. Albert Lee also helps out on the
harmony and plays lead guitar.
Now you have got the best years of my life and I got yours
Well who else could you trust to hold your own
Ah No one, is the answer to that question Im quite sure
So treat 'em nice and easy to the bone
(Glen D. Hardin) This interesting and very rare fun curio was recorded on Calliope July 1962 under the name Keestone Family Singers
comprising Phil Everly, Glen Campbell and Carole King. The song was composed by Glen D. Hardin of Buddy
Holly/Crickets/ Elvis Presley/Emmylou Harris (plus many others) fame - based on The Kingston Trios 1959 Raspberries,
Strawberries (composed by Will Holt) to which it bears more than a passing resemblance. A tribute perhaps. See also
Melodrama - A-side of the original. Due to only mild sales for the labels output, this is the final release, Calliope 6505.
Phil: That was done because Donald had left the studio and we had about another twenty minutes. Everybody was
there so we went ahead and did it. What it amounted to was everybody could do something. That was a lot of fun, too.
It was just a strange circumstance. (From interview by Andrew Sandoval for the box set THE PRICE OF FAME.)
A young man goes to Paris
As every young man should
Theres something in the air down there in East Texas
That does a young man good
Them Paris girls are pretty wild
And if I ever get my way
Im gonna marry the one that waits on tables
Down there at the city caf
An old man returns to Paris
As every old man must
And plays dominoes down at the fillin station
His dreams have turned to dust
(Carole King/Howard Greenfield) Howard Greenfield, 15th March 1936 4th March 1986.
Omitted verses:
I've gambled in England
And I've gambled down in Spain
I gambled with five aces
Now I've gambled my last game
Oh there'll be dancin'
Dancin' in the street
This is an invitation
Across the nation
A chance for folks to meet
There'll be laughter, singin'
And music swingin'
And dancin' in the street
Philadelphia, P.A.
Across to Washington DC
Cant forget the Music City*
All we need is music, sweet music
There'll be music everywhere
There'll be swingin' and swayin'
Records playin'
Dancin' in the street
Just as long as you are there
So come on, every guy and grab a girl
Everywhere around the world
There'll be dancin'
Dancin' in the street
This is an invitation
Across the nation
A chance for folks to meet
There'll be laughter singin' and music swingin'
And dancin' in the street
DANGER (??) *
(Phil Everly/Ken Harrell/A J Masters) This song is listed on the BMI website but no other information has as yet come to light.
Information about the song and any recording would be gratefully appreciated.
Danger, danger, only game that you know
Danger, danger, you always let go
You got a bad, bad, bad name
But I want you just the same
Kisses so good
Go, go child
The devil himself
Must have made you his child
Danger, danger
Danger, danger
Danger, danger
Danger, danger
Danger, danger
Danger, danger
Danger, danger
Danger, danger..
Dream again
The dream I dreamed the first time
Dream again
That love can be mine
I love you
I give myself completely
With a love
I know will never end
You and I
We'll go on forever
Without you I know I'll never
Dare to dream again
Without you I know I'll never
Dare to dream again
Without you I know I'll never
Dare to dream again
I love you
I give myself completely
To this love
I know will never end
You and I
Will go on forever
Cause without you I know Ill never
Dare to dream again
(Welsh Trad.) Don & Phil sing over pre-recorded tapes of The Boys Town Choir. It was originally released on the LP CHRISTMAS WITH
THE EVERLY BROTHERS AND THE BOYS TOWN CHOIR. The tracks are also of course on the Bear Family box set
THE PRICE OF FAME. The choir comes from Boys Town, Nebraska, originally established (in Omaha) by Father Edward
Flanagan (13th July 1886 15th May 1948) in 1917 as a small home for homeless boys. It has grown into a nationwide
organization. The 1938 film Boys Town starring Spencer Tracy as Flanagan tells the story of its founding.
And Im in
Deep water
Wishing like a kid again
Yes Im in
Deep water
Ah, wont somebody come on into my life
And love me
To swim in
Deep water
Seems that Im a kid again
Back in that
Deep water
I wish somebodyd come on into my life
And love me
Now, its so easy to go up town
But I never get things done
A-one mistake and Im going down
Like to get away but
I cant run in
Deep water
Seems that Im a kid again
Back in that
Deep water
Wont somebody come into my life
And love me
Im in that
Deep water
Wishing like a kid again
Back in that
Deep water
Wont somebody come on into my life
And love me
Hey, love me
(Daniel Moore)
Hear my plea
Wont you take pity
I just cant get to know a soul in this city
Take my hand
Never to free me
Got to find a girl thats willing to see me
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Ah, deliver
Ah, deliver
Ah, deliver me
Dont you deceive me
I know I never should have let you bereave me
Youre out to take me
Got to find a girl that knows how to treat me
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Ah, deliver
Ah, deliver
Ah, deliver me
Hear my plea
Wont you take pity
I just cant get to know a soul in this city
Take my hand
Never to free me
Got to find a girl thats willing to see me
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I wanna go home
I wanna go home
Oh, how I wanna go home
I wanna go home
I wanna go home
Oh, how I wanna go home
Omitted verse:
Cause you know I rode the freight train north to Detroit City
And after all these years I find
I've just been wastin' my time
So I just think I'll take my foolish pride
And put it on a Southbound freight and ride
And go on back to the loved ones I left waiting far behind
(J. D. Miller) Performed with Doug Kershaw as part of a medley comprising The Battle Of New Orleans/Diggy Diggy Lo/Gran Mamou
(lyrics for which also see) ending with a fantastic fiddle/guitar break on the 1970 ABC TV show Johnny Cash Presents The
Everly Brothers. No studio recording available but appears on bootlegs - tapes, CDs, VHS & DVD. Recorded 18th May 1970;
aired 19th August 1970 (Show No. 7). J. D. Jay Miller 5th May 1922 - 23rd March 1996.
Omitted verses:
Finally went and seen her paw
Now hes got himself a paw-in-law
Move out where the bayou flows
And now hes got a little Diggy Diggy Lo
Donna, Donna, why dya wanna do that Picture sleeve for the Turkish release.
You led me on and lured me on
And then you turned me down flat, da-da, da-da
Donna, Donna, why dya wanna do that
You tempted me and tortured me
And left me where I was at, da-da, da-da-da
Donna, why'd you wanna do that
From everything you said
But when that Johnny boy came by
He really stole my thunder
When he gave you the bloomin' eye
He really cut me dead
Don't blame me
For falling in love with you
I'm under your spell, but how can I help it
Don't blame me
But don't blame me
(Leslie York) Recorded 12th April 1990. From the CD BRINGING IT ALL BACK HOME.
Ask me why and I'll tell you things that you never heard now
'Bout yourself what they're saying, I know that it will hurt you
Please fight back, it's important how you accept their lies now
If you run, youll condemn yourself and they'll realize now
Run, you'll be hurtin' me
'Cause I'm left on my own and I've got them to face
Stay with me you'll convince them all that it isn't true now
Be with me and we'll prove just how strong our love can be now
Please fight back, it's important how you accept their lies now
If you run, you condemn yourself and they'll realize now
Run, you'll be hurtin' me
'Cause I'm left on my own and I've got them to face
(B Neary/J Photoglo)
I was wrong
Im so ashamed
Treat me bad
Cause Im to blame
But dont say you dont love me no more
Dont love me no more
Tell me lies
Like I told you
Make me cry
If you need to
But dont say you dont love me no more
Dont love me no more
Don't worry baby
Don't worry baby
Don't worry baby
Don't worry baby
Don't worry baby
Don't worry baby etc
Rise and shine in the early morning shine your light off through the day
Makes no difference what they tell you stand right up and have your say
Cause the good Lord said he loved you and through him you're strict youre fine
MUSKRAT (Ike Everly singing) see main entry for full lyrics and credits
And do what you do, do well
THAT SILVER HAIRED DADDY OF MINE (Don & Phil singing) see main entry for full lyrics and credits
He drank to be happy
But it only made him mean
The kind of mean
A child cant forget
He just drank away
Til finally all I ever felt was sad
And Id give anything and everything
If only I could say
That I love you
And I forgive you dad
But I havent seen him
In such a long, long time
I hear hes livin down in Dallas
In a bottle of wine
Oh I miss you
And what we never had
But I havent seen him
In such a long, long time
I hear hes livin down in Dallas
In a bottle of wine
(Charlie Monroe) In the 1990s the EBs recorded a second version, titled Rose Connolly, for the BBC documentary Bringing It All
Back Home. It is a country traditional about a man who kills his lover in the towns willow garden, also known as
Rose Connolly, the original title. When Charlie Monroe recorded (March 1947), he changed the title to Down In The
Willow Garden and took the credit. It was first collected, as Rose Connolly, by folk song collector Edward Bunting
(1773-1843) in Coleraine, Co. Derry, Ireland. Like many songs with origins in Ireland and the British Isles, it made its
way to the America. There are at least 70 known versions. This one got to Kentucky where Ike Everly taught it to his
sons. Burgundy wine is thought to be a corruption of burglars (or burgalars) wine, a spiked drink given by Irish
highwaymen to victims before being robbed. It is also said that crooked innkeepers doped wine served to travellers
making it easier to steal their valuables when asleep. Burgaloo was also popular Virginia pear variety at the time,
identified as a variant of virgelieu. It makes more sense that Rose was doped or subdued rather than poisoned to make
sure that she did not resist when stabbed. Charlie Monroe, 4th July 1903 27th September 1975.
(Ted Daffan) Ted Daffan, 21st September 1912 6th October 1996.
Omitted verse:
Must I go thru hours of care
I wish I knew what lies over there
Wandering down the road of life
Wandering what's over the hill
(Tony Hatch) Performed as part of a medley on Hullabaloo on 13th April 1965 with Steve Lawrence & Francoise Hardy and is included on
the DVD with the Bear Family box set CHAINED TO A MEMORY. Downtown was a huge 1964 hit for Petula Clark - in
English, French, Italian, and German versions, topping music charts worldwide.
And you may find somebody kind to help and understand you **
Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand to
Guide them along
So maybe I'll see you there
We can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares
So go downtown, things'll be great when you're
Downtown - don't wait a minute for
Downtown - everything's waiting for you
DO YOU (1967)
(Terry Slater)
Do you love me
Make up your mind
Do you need me
For real this time
My darling cant you see
You mean more than life to me
Do you love me
Do you love me
Im giving up
This heart cant stand
To live its life
At your command
Love, its gotta give
Youve gotta let me know
Before I fall some more
Do you love me
Do you love me
Love, its gotta give
Youve gotta let me know
Before I fall some more
Do you love me
Do you love me
* They actually sing the end of the next line here in error, thus repeating it; see verse above. They also seem to sing
Sweet dreams baby when the original is actually Sweet dream baby; subtle difference I guess.
DREAMER (1980)
(John Moon* Martin) Phil Everly provides harmony vocals for Johnny Rivers on this track from his 1980 album BORROWED TIME.
* Called Moon because many of his song lyrics had moon in them.
Dreamer, dreamer
I remember when
She was in my skin
And though its wearin thin
She thinks shes gonna win
Dreamer, dreamer
Dreamer, dreamer
Dreamer, dreamer
Ooooooo, Ooooooo
(Deborah Harry/Chris Stein) Don Solo. Don with the Dead Cowboys included this Blondie song adaptation as part of their live set. A very
poor quality bootleg recording is around. Lyrics below - a fair guess at Dons version. Corrections welcome!!
Fade away, fade away
Dum dum, diddly dum
Sing it out, dum dum, diddly dum
Omitted verse:
Ahhh, I want you with me all of the time
Tell me you love me and you'll be mine
There's so many things that we could do
So say the word and make my dreams come true
(Jimmie Rodgers) Performed with Jimmie Rodgers (Not to be confused with country singer T For Texas Jimmie Rodgers no relation)
on the 1970 ABC TV show Johnny Cash Presents The Everly Brothers. No studio recording available but appears on
bootlegs - tapes, CDs, VHS & DVD. Recorded 22nd May 1970; aired 26th August 1970 (Show No. 8).
Im a dum-dum
Hmm, Im a dum-dum
Yeah Im a dum-dum
A dum-dum
A dum-dum
A dum-dum
Yeah a dum-dum
On a weekend pass I wouldnt have had time
To get home and marry, that baby of mine
So I went to the Chaplain and he authorized
Me to send for my Ebony Eyes
EL PASO (1970)
(Marty Robbins) Performed with Marty Robbins as part of a medley comprising also Singing The Blues/A White Sport Coat (lyrics for
which also see) on the 1970 ABC TV show Johnny Cash Presents The Everly Brothers. No studio recording available
but appears on bootlegs - tapes, CDs, VHS & DVD. Recorded 28th May 1970; aired 15th July 1970 (Show No. 2).
Marty Robbins (Martin David Robinson) 26th September 1925 8th December 1982.
Omitted verses:
Just for a moment I stood there in silence
Shocked by the foul evil deed I had done
Many thoughts raced through my mind as I stood there
I had but one chance and that was to run
But my love for Felina is strong and I rise where I've fallen
Though I am weary I can't stop to rest
I see the white puff of smoke from the rifle
I feel the bullet go deep in my chest
Its just like singin out though with the bass bassoon
Just like bein on a stage
Just like Sunday strolling on some afternoon
When theres sunshine and lemonade
I built a world of dreams and plans
Now that youre gone I even doubt I see your picture
Even though I hold it in my hands
(Harlan Howard) This curious track by The Kingston Trio includes in its last line a joshing reference to the Everly Brothers, their chart
competitors. It is believed by some to be a concealed plug for Don & Phil whose influence on the recording extends
beyond the final line to the Trio's use of a jumbo Gibson 12-string guitar played by Dave Guard, a musical element that
the Kingstons picked up from the Everlys. Harlan Howard, 8th September 1927 - 3rd March 2002
Everybody is somebody
Nobody is nobody
I mean the pauper or the wealthy
Everybody is somebody
Ooooooo, Ooooooo
Everybody is somebody
Nobody is nobody
I mean the pauper or the wealthy
Everybody is somebody
Ooooooo, Ooooooo
Everybody is somebody
Ooo nobody is nobody
I mean the pauper or the wealthy
Everybody is somebody
Ooooooo, Ooooooo
???I say
If youre walkin down the road today
He is somebody
???is gonna be there too
Is nobody
Everybody is somebody
Ooo nobody is nobody
I mean the pauper or the wealthy yeah
Everybody is somebody
Come on yall
Everybody is somebody
Everybody is somebody
Talk on your mountains
Everybody is somebody
Talk your big mountains. (?)
Everybody is somebody
Rock your body, rock your body
Everybody is somebody
Nobody is nobody
Everybody is somebody
Everybody is somebody
Everybody is somebody
Everybody is somebody
* Lines mistakenly sung live as above; original were and logically should be:
A loaded wallet makes one glad
An empty wallet makes one sad
I can't control my dreams
My heart can't seem to learn
To run and lock its door
When you return
My mind is reelin
From all of the feelin
Of just plain bein alive
Baby I love you
Theres nothin above you
And there wont be til I die
FEBRUARY 15th (1970)
(Don Everly) Don Everly solo
Woke up today
Opened my eyes and just slipped away
Look at me now
Im riding away on a silver cloud
How can it be
All those lost summers are in front of me
Where can she be
Shes there where Im going
Where she should be
FLY AWAY (2006)
(Edan Everly) Phil Everly joins his nephew (Dons son) on this track from Edans download album, FOR THE INSANTIY OF IT ALL.
See: iTunes, Amazon, and other sites.
You said this stuffs familiar but this garden has changed
And now poison ivys creepin up the walls
I had to leave just to get it back
Now somethings got to give
And now all we have are these memories
And its too hard to forgive
You tore it down and ripped it up to pieces
And now the age of innocence is callin you
What do you think about when you go to bed where you lay your head
To you the loneliness is all right
How does it work for you now you fell and alls not well
Just fly away
What do you think about when you go to bed where you lay your head
Sealed by the sorrow of a misery
How does it work for you now you fell and alls not well
Just fly away
Keep on riding, riding, riding
Frank and Jesse James
Keep on riding, riding, riding
'Til you clear your names
Keep on riding, riding, riding
Cross the prairies and the plains
Keep on riding, riding, riding
Frank and Jesse James
FRIENDS (1975)
(Phil Everly/Terry Slater) Phil Everly Solo
So sweet, so fine
So gentle and mild
The soul of an angel
The eyes of a child
Well I do love that woman
And she feels the same
She gave someone else her promise
I gave someone else my name
So sweet, so fine
Her hair so black
She smiled as I passed her
I stopped and I turned back
I wish Id kept moving
Cause who can I blame
She would never break her promise
I would not take back my name
So sweet, so fine
A tear in her eye
Ill always remember
Her words of goodbye
You have danced in my heart
And Ill not be the same
Though Ill never have her promise
And shell never have my name
La-da da da da da da da
La-da da da da da da
Da da da
Omitted verses:
Oh we make one another cry
Break a heart then we say goodbye
Cross our hearts and we hope to die
That the other was to blame
Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Omitted verse:
Get back Loretta
Your mother's waiting for you
Wearing her high-heel shoes
And her low-neck sweater
Get on home Loretta
Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged.
(K Phyllis Powell/Dewayne/Dewayne Orender) Don Everly joins Don Gibson and Sue Thompson on this track from their album
OH HOW LOVE CHANGES. Don also wrote the sleeve notes. K. Phyllis Powell, 15th March 1940 - 13th April 2011.
Grow me a heart that won't cheat but will beat just for me
Make me some lips that won't lie but will smile and speak sweet
Give me some eyes that are shined oh so blue
Give me a sweetheart, give me you
Give me some arms that will cling and won't mingle with friends
Make me a kiss that will stay even after it ends
Give me a touch that is tender and so true
Give me a sweetheart, give me you
Ministers, sinisters, banisters, canisters, bishops and fishops
Rabbis and pop eyes, bye-bye, bye-byes
Hare Hare Krishna
All we are saying (All we are saying) , is give peace a chance (Give peace a chance)
All we are saying (All we are saying), is give peace a chance (Give peace a chance)
All we are saying (All we are saying), is give peace a chance (Give peace a chance)
All we are saying (All we are saying), is give peace a chance
All we are saying, is give peace a chance
All we are saying, is give peace a chance
All we are saying, is give peace a chance
All we are saying, is give peace a chance
All we are saying, is give peace a chance.
Rest my load
Now I know
Glory road
Won't set me free
Bup, bup, bup, bup, da, da, da, da, da, da, da
Bup, bup, bup, bup, da, da, da, da, da, da, da
Da, da, da, da
Da, da, da, da
Da, da, da, da
Da, da, da, da....
La la-la la la la-la la la la la la la
(For They Made Rock & Roll)
(Phil Everly/Terry Slater) Phil Everly solo. STAR SPANGLED SPRINGER album version.
I say God bless older ladies
For they made rock and roll
In Bethlehem, in Israel*
This blessed babe was born
And laid within a manger
Upon this blessed morn
The which His mother Mary
Did nothing take in scorn
O tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
O tidings of comfort and joy
And when they came to Bethlehem
Where our dear saviour lay
They found Him in a manger
Where oxen feed on hay
His mother Mary kneeling down
Unto the Lord did pray
O tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
O tidings of comfort and joy
Ah but youre not one for reasons
That sound like alibis
You believe a man should toe the centre line
So if sorrys not enough my love
And you need a reason why
Honey, let me sing another line
From the early early mornin' til the early early night
When I saw Miss Molly rockin' in a house of blue light
Good golly, Miss Molly
You sure like to ball
When you're rockin' and a-rollin'
Can't y hear your momma call
Momma, Poppa told me: Son, you better watch your step
If you knew about Miss Molly, well Id watch her for myself
Good golly, Miss Molly
You sure like to ball
When you're rockin' and a-rollin'
Can't y hear your momma call
Oh, from the early early mornin' til the early early night
Saw Miss Molly rockin' in a house of blue light
Good golly, Miss Molly
You sure like to ball
When you're rockin' and a-rollin'
Can't y hear your momma call
Omitted verse:
I am going to the corner, gonna buy a diamond ring
Would you pardon me if it's a nineteen carat golden thing
Good golly, Miss Molly
You sure like to ball
When you're rockin' and a-rollin'
Can't hear your momma call
A long time forgotten are dreams that just fell by the way
And the good life he promised ain't what she's livin today
But she never complains of the bad times or the bad things he's done Lord
She just talks about the good times they've had and all the good times to come
He likes the night life, the bright lights and good timin' friends
When the party's all over she'll welcome him back home again
Oh no she don't understand him but she does the best that she can
Cause shes good hearted woman, she loves her good timin' man
(Paul Simon) The EBs join Paul Simon on the title track from his album GRACELAND.
Well, the world got seven wonders so the trav'lers always tell
Gardens and some towers, I guess you know them well
But now the greatest wonder is in Uncle Sam's fair land
On the King Columbia River, its the great Grand Coulee Dam
She heads up the Canadian Rockies where the rippling waters glide
Comes a-roaring down the canyon to meet the salty tide
Of the wide Pacific Ocean where the sun sets in the west
And the big Grand Coulee country in the land I love the best
For the farmer and the factory and all of you and me
He said, "Roll along, Columbia, you can ramble to the sea
But river, while you're rambling, you can do some work for me."
Now in Washington and Oregon you can hear the factories hum
Making chrome and making manganese and light aluminum
And there roars the flying fortress now to fight for Uncle Sam
Spawned upon the King Columbia by the big Grand Coulee Dam
Oh! moi j'm'en vas Gran Mamou / Oh! I'm going to Gran Mamou
C'est pour voir ma jolie / Just to see my sweetie
Ma petite fille mais malheureuse / My little girl but unhappy
Comment qu'tu veux me convenir / How do you want to feel good to me
Moi j'te connais j'te veux / I know you..I want you
Mais jamais toi ... / But you never want me ...
Oh! moi j'm'en vas Gran Mamou / Oh! I'm going to Gran Mamou
C'est pour voir ma jolie / Just to see my sweetie
Ma petite fille mais malheureuse / My little girl but unhappy
Comment qu'tu veux me convenir / How do you want to feel good to me
Moi j'te connais j'te veux / I know you..I want you
Mais jamais toi ... / But you never want me ...
Oh! moi j'm'en vas Gran Mamou / Oh! I'm going to Gran Mamou
C'est pour voir ma jolie / Just to see my sweetie
Ma petite fille mais malheureuse / My little girl but unhappy
Comment qu'tu veux me convenir / How do you want to feel good to me
Moi j'te connais j'te veux / I know you..I want you
Mais jamais toi ... / But you never want me
(Don & Phil Everly) The EBs recorded an early version on 1st July 1968 - possibly for inclusion on the ROOTS album. This track has never
been issued and is presumed lost.
(Traditional) Don Everly instrumental under the pseudonym of Adrian Kimberly for Don & Phils new Calliope label. Thus no lyrics!
The composition is often mistakenly attributed to King Henry VIII. It is probably Elizabethan in origin and is based on an
Italian style of composition that did not reach England until after Henrys death. It was called A New Northern Dittye of the
Lady Greene Sleeves. The hymn What Child Is This, which most people think would think of, is actually a different set of
lyrics set to the Greensleeves tune. The original was likely not a very religious song the word green having sexual
connotations in the late 16th century: a green gown would refer to the grass stains on a ladys dress if shed made love
outside! Whichever version Don had in mind, he turned it into an instrumental big band rendition with the help of sometime
Sinatra arranger Neil Hefti.
Meat in the cupboard and hide on the churn
Meat in the cupboard and hide on the churn
That aint ground hawg Ill be durned
Ground hawg
Me and you
And you and me
No matter how they toss the dice
It has to be
The only one for me is you
And you for me
So happy together
First month, snows came
Put me in bed, couldn't work the same
Job's gone, bills are here
Been a hard, hard year
(Warren Zevon) Phil Everly provides harmony on this track from Warren Zevons debut solo album WARREN ZEVON.
Warren Zevon 24th January 1947 7th September 2003. Warren Zevon was a pianist and band leader for
the EBs during their early 70s tours.
You say that you want me and now that you've got me you're gone
Think what you're doin' or else you'll regret what you've done
Don't come back tomorrow and say what we did wasn't right
You'll cry in your pillow and find it hard to sleep at night
Remember what happened the last time that you said goodbye
Remember the saying that once bitten I'll be twice shy
It's no use me crying there is no denying it's right
But thinking has ruined the feeling and we had to fight
(Phil Everly/Ken Harrell) This song is listed on the BMI website but no other information has as yet come to light.
Information about the song and any recording would be gratefully appreciated.
Omitted verses:
You passed me by one sunny day
Flashed those big brown eyes my way
And ooo I wanted you forever more
Now I'm not one that gets around
I swear my feet stuck to the ground
And though I never did meet you before
Hey hey hello Mary Lou, goodbye heart
Sweet Mary Lou I'm so in love with you
I knew Mary Lou, we'd never part
So Hello Mary Lou, goodbye heart
So Hello Mary Lou, goodbye heart
Yes Hello Mary Lou, goodbye heart
You always did everything that you wanted to (Taking it too far)
You got a bunch of money and never finished school (Youre doing nothing to pass the time)
Forget about my brand new car on Christmas day (Oooooooo)
I never got one damn single thing in the hip-hip-hooray (Hip-hip-hip hooray)
He dont mind
Living his life in a bind
And the curly nose comes from a broken home
He was trouble from the first day
(Its all your charming wit, you know a fad, youre working friends)
You stabbed me in the back and now youre at the end
He dont mind
Living his life in a bind
And the curly nose comes from a broken home
He was trouble from the first day
Big gumbo ???? on a of the thing seems to be okay (??? por favor ???)
How strange it is that the feud seems to melt away (Into a silver spoon)
It is no coincidence, your cheeks are dry (Oooooooo)
I think hes taking us all for a ride, what a hell of a guy (Oooooooo)
What a hell of a guy
What a hell of a guy
He dont mind
Living his life in a bind
And the curly nose comes from a broken home
He was trouble from the first day
(Don Everly) Don Everly Solo
Just when I think Ive forgotten you
And our cheating loves at an end
I vow to myself
Ill see you no more
But here we are again
Just knock three times and whisper low
That you and I were sent by Joe
Then strike a match and you will know
You're in Hernando's Hideaway...Ol
Hes hypnotised
By your sweet sighs
He gonna wine and dine you in best of luxury
Spoken by Don:
She came by to see him one last time
We all wondered if she would
It kept goin through my mind
This time, he's really over her for good
He stopped lovin her today
They placed a wreath upon his door
And soon they'll carry him away
He stopped lovin her today
No more lookin'
I know I've been tooken [sic]
How's about keepin' steady company
And any time you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulder
Now you know that its a fool, who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder
Na na na na na na na na na
HEY MY LOVE (1976)
(Mark Radice) Included on Dions (Dion DiMucci) STREETHEART album on which the sleeve notes state that Phil Everly, along with
others, contributes backing singing albeit his voice is not readily identifiable.
HIDING (1979)
(Steven Rhymer) Don Everly provides harmony on this track from Albert Lees debut solo album HIDING. Buddy Emmons plays steel
guitar. Composer Steven Rhymer (died 2006) from Nova Scotia often wrote with his wife Elizabeth. A famous Christmas
song is Light Of The Stable sung by Emmylou Harris on an album of the same title. Producer Brian Ahern confirmed
the lyrics below.
(Larry Shay/Harry Harris/Tommie Malie) All or part of this 1920s song was performed by Don & Phil and broadcast on radio station KMA
(Keep Millions Advised), Shenandoah, Iowa. This 1927 song featured in the 1939 Gene Autry film Mountain
Rhythm and the 1943 Roy Rogers film Silver Spurs. Larry Shay, 10th August 1897 22nd February 1988.
Harry Harris 12th February 1901 - ???. Tommie Malie: no info. Although known to have been performed I do not
possess a recording. The words below taken from the sheet music.
Put on your red dress baby
Well be going out tonight
Put on your red dress babe
Well be going out tonight
And take along some boxing gloves
In case some fool might start a fight
(Bob Merrill) Performed with Jimmie Rodgers (Not to be confused with country singer T For Texas Jimmie Rodgers no relation) as part
of a medley comprising Honeycomb & Uh-Oh, Im Fallin In Love Again (lyrics for which also see) on the 1970 ABC TV
show Johnny Cash Presents The Everly Brothers. No studio recording available but appears on bootlegs - tapes, CDs, VHS
& DVD. Recorded 22nd May 1970; aired 26th August 1970 (Show No. 8). Bob Merrill 17th May 1921 17th February 1998.
Omitted verses:
And the Lord said now that I made a bee
I'm gonna look all around for a green, green tree
And He made a little tree and I guess you heard
What then, well, he made a little bird
And they waited all around till the end of spring
Gettin' every note that the birdie'd sing
And they put 'em all into one sweet tome
For my Honeycomb
SPOKEN (omitted):
Honey, I know I've said it too many times before
I said I'd never say it again
I guess I shouldn't say anything at all
Since you're supposed to belong to him
But I just can't let you go
Without telling you just how much I love you
So that is why I'm gonna say it one more time
Well I guess that's about all I gotta say
So I'm just gonna take my bags and I'm gonna walk
I know those bright lights are calling you honey
Big fine cars and fancy talk
But if you ever want somebody to just love you
Some day you just may, just give me a call
You know where I am ..
(Boudleaux Bryant) Boudleaux Bryant 13th February 1920 26th June 1987. Married in 1945, Felice & Boudleaux Bryant started out
recording records as Bood & Fileece and Bud & Betty before commencing a full-time songwriting career creating
compositions and hits for just about everyone.
Theyve got the million buck hotels and girls on beaches in bikinis
Theyve got the little man who sells the salted pistachios and weanies
Theyve got those flirty, flirty dollies that are sitting on their blankets in the sun
In Honolulu
In Honolulu
Yes my dreams get so good I really doubt that anyone has any better fun
In Honolulu
In Honolulu
In Honolulu
In Honolulu.
They said you was a high-class
Well that was just a lie
They said you was a high-class
Well that was just a lie
You aint never caught a rabbit
And you aint no friend of mine
Spoken (Don): She's in love with herself; you know the kind
Always puttin' on airs!
The guys in town all think she's a Mona Lisa
And she's got 'em all goin' out of their way to please her
Whatever they sees a mystery
Cause she don't do a thing to me
But where 's she live, what's her number and
How can I meet her
How can I meet her
How can I meet her
Wish I knew how you do it to me
But I haven't a clue
Theyd have to get up and open the door and see the human race
Theyve always been there, theres gonna be more of the human race
People have forgotten how to be people
The Pope has decided hes closin the door
The Ecumenical Council dont care anymore
And the population lays there and it soars
But if all the hungry children in the world cried at the door *
I wonder what theyd ask for when they pray
Theyd have to get up and open the door and see the human race
Theyve always been there, theres gonna be more of the human race
People have forgotten how to be people
Theyd have to get up and open the door and see the human race
Theyve always been there, theres gonna be more of the human race
People have forgotten how to be people
People have forgotten how to be people
People have forgotten how to be people
People have forgotten how to be people
People have forgotten how to be people
People have forgotten how to be people
People have forgotten how to be people
People have forgotten how to be people
People have forgotten how to be people
(See notes) Track recorded on 30th August 1971 for the RCA STORIES WE COULD TELL sessions but never issued - presumed lost.
THEORY #1 There is a 1955 song called Hummingbird composed by Don Robertson. The best-known version was the recording by Les
Paul and Mary Ford (1955). This reached #7 on the Billboard chart. It was also recorded at about the same time by Frankie
Laine and by The Chordettes (Cadence Records). On the Cash Box magazine Best-Selling Record chart, where all versions
were combined, the song reached #6 in 1955. In view of the history it is reasonable to consider (with the usual caveats -
main one being that most SWCT tracks were recent/original compositions) that the EBs recorded it.
THEORY #2 Possibly more credible. Leon Russell wrote a song with the same title which was recorded by B. B. King for his 1970 album
INDIANOLA MISSISSPPI SEEDS (still available on CD). Its a great song and would fit in perfectly with the other tracks
on STORIES WE COULD TELL. Leon Russell of course worked with the EBs as a session musician in the 60s.
See the book in the CHAINED TO A MEMORY box set for details and also the Warner recording list on the EBI site. His
original name was Russell Bridges. He played on The Facts Of Life and on the Beat 'n' Soul sessions. He also
arranged the Things Go Better With Coke sessions. He was probably on other sessions although not on STORIES. Many
musician credits are not recorded/listed. The words to the Leon Russell song are as follows:
Omitted verse:
I pass a million people
I can't tell who I meet
I pass a million people
I cant tell who I meet
Cause my eyes are full of tears
Where can my baby be
The picture that Ive painted
When we became acquainted
And Ive began to plan just for two
And youre a gift God gave dear
Yes youre all I craved dear
An angel came from heaven it was you
I believe in music
I believe in love
I believe in music
I believe in love
I believe in music
I believe in love
I believe in music
I believe in love
I believe in music
I believe in love
I believe in music
I believe in love
I believe in music
I believe in love
I believe in music
I believe in love
I believe in music
I believe in love
That I can't be myself when I'm with you
Oh yeah
I can't help myself
No, I can't help myself
Sugarpie, honeybunch (Sugarpie, honeybunch)
I'm weaker than a man should be (Yeah yeah yeah yeah)
I can't help myself
I'm a fool in love you see
(Once again)
Sugarpie, honeybunch (Sugarpie, honeybunch)
Do anything you ask me to (Ask me to)
(Come on now)
I can't help myself (Oh yeah)
'Cause I love you and nobody else ooh
(Rooster T
We love you, yes we do
And we can't help ourself
And we never even tried
I'll tell you why
Because you're beautiful people
You're swinging and rudy(?)
I can't help myself
Come out here, Marvin)
Sugarpie, honeybunch (Yes, everybody sing it together)
You know that I love you (Come on louder)
I can't help myself (Ah yeah)
I love you and nobody else
Come on, come on
Baby baby
Where did our love go
Don't you want me
(Come on up here, Marvin)
Baby baby
Sugarpie, honeybunch
(Tell you what, let's try and get The Everly Brothers up come on up, come on up, come on up, come on up)
I can't help myself
I love you and nobody else
Come on,
Ride your pony
Come on, pony ride
I can't help myself
(Tell you what, ladies and gentlemen, as we're leaving, we'd like to add here if you will
a few beautiful things, for three young ladies,
Mr Marvin Gaye, the Everly Brothers, the Supremes, The Four Tops, this heck of a band.
And since you've been such groovy people, would you applaud yourselves also, please?
Right now, all right, let's - everybody - sing it together
Loud and clear, come on)
Sugarpie, honeybunch
I know that I love you ah-ah-ah-yeah
I can't help myself (Ah yeah)
I love you and nobody else (?)
(Oh yes, good enough)
(Phil Everly) Phil Everly demo solo
She said
Ich bin dein (I am yours), du bist mein (You are mine)
Du sollst nie vergessen sein / You will never be forgotten
I am yours (Ich bin dein), you are mine (Du bist mein)
Our love will last through all time
She says
Ich bin dein (I am yours), du bist mein (You are mine)
Du sollst nie vergessen sein / You will never be forgotten
I am yours (Ich bin dein), you are mine (Du bist mein)
Our love will last through all time
Id do anything for you
Anything you want me to
Id do anything for you
You made my dreams come true
If you really only knew
Id do anything for you
You know that I love you
And I know you know my love is true
And I want you to love me
Love me just as much as I love you
Id do anything for you
Anything you ask me to
Id do anything for you
Oh, you
Id do anything for you
Anything you ask me to
Id do anything for you
Id do anything for you
Anything you want me to
Id do anything for you
Aw, you
You know you made my dreams come true
If you really only knew
Id do anything for you
Id do anything for you
Anything you ask me to
Id do anything for you
Oh, you
Id do anything for you
Anything you ask me to
Id do anything for you
Id do anything for you
(Don & Phil Everly) This song was covered by Australian Johnny Farnham in 1968 latterly of the Little River Band.
Love oh love please grow cold
If her heart isnt true
If I were a carpenter
And you were a lady
Would you marry me anyway
Would you have my baby
Save my love through loneliness
Save my love for sorrow
I'd give you my onliness
Give me your tomorrow
If I were a miller
At a mill wheel grinding
Would you miss your coloured blouse
And your soft shoe shining
If I were a carpenter
And you were a lady
Would you marry me anyway
Would you have my baby
I got a woman
Way over town
That's good to me
Oh yeah
I got a woman
Way over town
Thats good to me
Oh yeah
She is my baby
Don't you understand
And I'm her lover man
I got a woman
Way over town
That's good to me
Oh yeah
She is my baby
Don't you understand
And I'm her lover man
I got a woman
Way over town
That's good to me
Oh yeah
She is my baby
Don't you understand
And I'm her lover man
I got a woman
Way over town
That's good to me
Oh yeah
Shes alright
Shes alright
Shes alright
Shes alright
Shes alright
Shes alright
This verse was sometimes sung in live performances. There is a YouTube 1965 Hullabaloo TV version which includes it:
She's there to love me
Both day and night
Never grumbles or fusses
Always treats me right
Never runnin in the streets
And leavin' me alone
She knows a womans place
Is right there now in her home
I go to sleep, sleep
And imagine that you're there, with me
I go to sleep, sleep
And imagine that you're there
I go to sleep, sleep
And imagine that you're there, with me
I go to sleep, sleep
And imagine that you're there
I was wrong
I will love, I will love you till the day I die
You alone, you alone and no one else
You belong to me
I go to sleep, sleep
And imagine that you're there, with me
I go to sleep, sleep
And imagine that you're there
And imagine that you're there
Da da da da dada
Da da da da dada
(Phil Everly) Phil Demo This demo, along with others, was a possible song for Phils album LIVING ALONE. Possibly, Phil co-composed
this song with other(s) but no information is available.
Omitted verses:
Oh no, no, no, no
You don't smile the same
Oh no, no, no, no
Like you been hidin' pain
I love you so much, I could taste it
But girl, your eyes tell me it's wasted
I got the feelin'
I'm hearin' goodbye
Don't have to say it
It's there in your eyes
Oh why, oh my
Oh no, oh no, no
Oh no, baby
(John Durrill/Phil Everly/Joey Paige) Phil Everly Solo. Recorded by a few other artists.
I keep forgettin' how you made that so clear
Yeah baby
I keep forgettin'
Everytime I hear
How you never want to live a lie
How it's gone too far
And you don't have to tell me why
Why you're gone and why the game is through
If this is what's real, if this is what's true
Tell me baby
I keep forgettin' we're not in love anymore
Tell me babe
I keep forgettin' things will never be the same again
Hey now baby
I keep forgettin' how you made that so clear
I keep forgettin' baby
I know love
I know love
Every time I try to hold on, its gone
Yeah, I know love
I know love
I know love
Every time I try to hold on its gone
Yeah I know love
I know love
I know love
Every time I try to hold on its gone
Yeah I know love
I know love
I know love
Every time I try to hold on its gone
Yeah, I know love
I know love
I know love
Every time I try to hold on its gone
Yeah, I know love
I know love
I know love
I LIKE IT (1965)
(Mitch Murray) During TVs Shindig (16th June) the EBs join Gerry (Marsden) and The Pacemakers in a fun medley swapping songs.
G&TPs sing extracts from Bye Bye Love and Be Bop A Lula whilst the EBs sing How Do You Do It and I Like It.
Together they sing Pretend during which Gerry Marsdens guitar string snaps and hits Don in the eye. It can be found on
Omitted section:
Do that again
You're driving me insane
Kiss me once more
That's another thing I like you for
Ive planned in my mind what then I will do
Ill bide my time til Im even with you
Omitted verses (there are numerous variations to this traditional gospel song):
When the shadows of this life have gone
I'll fly away
Like a bird from these prison walls I'll fly
I'll fly away
I'll fly away
(Randy Newman)
In Illinois, Illinois
Let me try
Ill mend your broken heart
Omitted verses:
Don't tell me what is all about
'Cause I've been there and I'm glad I'm out
Out of those chains, those chains that bind you
That is why I'm here to remind you
What do you get when you fall in love
You get enough tears to fill an ocean
That's what you get for your devotion
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again
(Bodies Chandler/Edward Mackinder)
IM AFRAID (1963)
(Jay Gordon-Tintle)
Im too afraid
IM FREE (2010)
(Edan Everly) Don & Phil Everly join Edan (Dons son) on this track from Edans fine download album, SONGS FROM BIKINI ATOLL.
See: iTunes, Amazon, and other sites.
"I tried to raise my baby right
I have prayed both day and night
That he wouldn't follow the footsteps of his dad
I have searched both far and wide
And I feared that he had died
But at last I've found my baby here in jail
Oh warden
At last I've found my baby here in jail"
Omitted verses:
Mister fireman won't you please listen to me
Cause I got a pretty mama in Tennessee
Keep movin' me on keep rollin' on
So shovel the coal let this rattle a roll and keep movin' me on
I hope your records always break, new shoes make your feet ache
I hope your luck will get stuck on black cats
Until you want a kiss from me
I hope your TV's always bad
But I'm not angry, I'm just sad
Omitted verse:
The silence of a falling star
Lights up a purple sky
And as I wonder where you are
I'm so lonesome I could cry
Every time you leave you say youll come back home
But this time youve been too long gone
Well Im takin my time gettin back into
All the trouble that begins and ends with you
Im walking proud
Got my head held high
Im walking proud
And Ill tell you why
And Im walking proud
Cause youre walking with me
Im walking proud
Got my head held high
Im walking proud
And Ill tell you why
My darling dime store thief
In the War of Independence
Rock 'n' roll rang sweet as victory
Under neon signs
A girl was in bloom
And a woman was fading
In a suburban room
I said Take me to the dance
Do you want to dance?
I love to dance
And I told him
They don't take chances
They seem so removed from romance
They've been broken in churches & schools
And molded to middle class circumstance
And we were rollin', rollin', rock 'n' rollin'
The dance halls and cafes
Feel so wild you could break somebody's heart
Just doing the latest dance craze
Gail and Louise
In those push up brassieres
Tight dresses and rhinestone rings
Drinking up the band's beers
Young love was kissing under bridges
Kissing in cars
Kissing in cafes
And they were walking down Main Street
Kisses like bright flags hung on holidays
In France they kiss on Main Street
Amour, mama, not cheap display
And we were rollin', rollin', rock 'n' rollin'
In the pinball arcade
With his head full of pool hall pitches
And songs from the hit parade
He'd be singing Bye Bye Love (Bye Bye Love)
While he's racking up his free play
Let those rock 'n' roll choir boys
Come and carry us away
Sometimes Chickie had the car
Or Ron had a car
Or Lead Foot Melvin with his hotwire head
We'd all go looking for a party
Looking to raise Jesus up from the dead
And I'd be kissing in the back seat
Thrilling to the Brando-like things that he said
And we'd be rollin', rollin', rock 'n' rolling
IN MY ROOM (2007)
(Brian Wilson/Gary Usher) Phil Everly sings In My Room with Bill Medley and Brian Wilson on Bill Medleys 2007 CD DAMN NEAR
RIGHTEOUS. Originally recorded by The Beach Boys and released 1963 as the B-side of Be True To Your School.
Gary Usher, 14th December 1938 25th May 1990.
Yes, yes,
My crying
And my sighing
Laugh at (laugh at) laugh at (laugh at yest) yesterday
Omitted verse:
And I couldn't enjoy then, havin' a girl/boyfriend
I had nothing decent to wear at all
So I long for a love that I never had
In the good old days when times were bad
(Variously - Trad or Jimmie Davis/Clayton McMichen or Leadbelly) Performed live 29th April 1998 when Chet Atkins joined Don & Phil for
his final appearance with them at The Ryman Auditorium singing In The Pines. There are numerous variations to
this very old song of faithless love. It has traditional roots but is also credited as above. The Louvin Brothers
included a great yodel version on their 1956 album TRAGIC SONGS OF LIFE which also includes their version of
Kentucky. James (Jimmie) Houston Davis (famous for You Are My Sunshine and twice elected Governor of
Louisiana) 11th September 1899 5th November 2000. Clayton McMichen 26th January 1900 4th January 1970.
Huddie William Ledbetter (Leadbelly) 20th Jan 1888 - 6th December 1949. Like many folk songs, Where Did You
Sleep Last Night was passed on from one generation and locale to the next by word of mouth. The first printed
version of the song, compiled by English folk song collector Cecil Sharp, appeared in 1917, and comprised just
four lines and a melody. Unfortunately the EBs sing only an extract and the chorus.
Little girl, little girl, what have I've done
That you should have passed me by
The Black Girl words as sung by Leadbelly (to whom authorship is sometimes credited) are as follows:
Black girl, black Girl, dont lie to me
Tell me where did you sleep last night
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun never shine
I shivered the whole night through
I dont like this runnin free
And Im never gonna leave you anymore
Oh, it dont stop here
It dances by and disappears
Then it goes away
To mark it with a love of day
I THINK OF ME (1964)
(Don Everly)
It pleases me to please you baby
To please yous gonna take a while
There's so much that we share that its time we're aware
It's a small world after all
Although its our first date you know I really had a ball (Me too)
Youre just my kind of chick youre not too short or too tall (Oh yes I am)
How can you treat me that way (What kind of girl dyou think I am)
When you know I want to stay
I dont wanna hear you say (Goodnight)
Its been nice (I gotta go)
But goodnight (Sleep tight)
I gotta get up very early in the morning
It's just another morning here (it's morning)
It's just another morning here
It's just another morning here (it's morning)
It's just another morning here
It's just another morning here (it's morning)
It's just another morning here.
Its my time
Its my time
Its my time
Its my time to cry, hm, hm, hm
Its my time to cry, oh, oh, oh
Its my turn to cry, yeah, yeah, yeah
Its my time
Its my time
Its my time
Its my time
Its my time to cry, hm, hm, hm
Its my time to cry, oh, oh, oh
It my turn to cry, yeah, yeah, yeah
Its my time
Its my time
Its my time
Its my time
Its my time to cry, hm hm hm
Its my time to cry, oh, oh, oh
Its my turn to cry, yeah, yeah, yeah
Its my time to cry, hm hm hm
Its my time to cry, oh, oh, oh
Its my turn to cry, yeah, yeah, yeah
Its my time to cry, hm, hm, hm
Its my time to cry, oh, oh, oh
Its my time to cry
Its true
Painfully true babe
But you knew
And I did too
We do
What lovers do babe
Love best
When love is new
Its true
Youd be true babe
As true
As it suited you
And I knew
I would too babe
Be true
As true as you
I dreamed
A dream of you babe
And it seemed
You were with me
Ah if dreams
Were all they seem babe
I dream a dream
To set me free
(Phil Everly) Phil Demo This demo, along with others, was a possible song for Phils album LIVING ALONE. Possibly, Phil co-composed
this song with other(s) but no information is available.
I know about sorrow
I know about pain
I know about cryin
And goin insane
Ive been in love
Ive been in love
I've been wrong before
But I know for sure
That I saw you last night
With another guy
It nearly made me cry
So I'm telling you girl
Stand by me my love
And I'll give you anything you want
Anytime you want
So, stand by me my love
And I'll give you everything
And I'll give you everything
Stand by me my love
And I'll give you anything you want
Anytime you want
So, stand by me my love
And I'll give you everything
And I'll give you everything
I've been wrong before
But I know for sure
That I saw you last night
With another guy
It nearly made me cry
So I'm telling you girl
So I'm telling you girl
So I'm telling you girl
JC - spoken:
Hey, how does it feel to have your own show a little nervous? Well, let me tell you something:
Sung by JC:
Well Im so glad to present your summer show
Cause now all summer, a-fishing I will go
And since were in this game together you should know
That itll work out fine, if you walk the line
Spoken -
Don: Great. Thanks. Dont worry bout a thing because weve got a lot of good people helping us. And some great artists lined up for the
Phil: The Carter Family, Arlo Guthrie, Michael Parkes, Neil Diamond, Bobby Sherman, Rick Nelson and lots, lots more.
Don: It looks like were gonna have a lot of good music and a lot of fun this summer.
JC: Yeah, well, it sounds like youre all set then. Good luck!
Sung by EBs:
Well thank you John, for your concern, its outa sight
Were gonna try to do our best both day and night
But just one question, would it be all right
If we just slightly (if we just slightly) bend the line
Spoken JC:
Well, I guess if you bend it itd be all right. It wont hurt much, I bent it a couple of times. So lets take it on home whatd you say?
(Julian Raymond) Don & Phil Everly join Dons son Edan (Born 25th August 1968) on this track from his 1992 debut solo album
I want to be myself
Im gonna love you
I want to be myself
Nobody else
I want to be myself
Yes I would love you
I want to be myself
Nobody else
Oh please, say to me
And let me be your man
And please, say to me
Youll let me hold your hand
Youll let me hold your hand
And let me hold your hand
Omitted section:
And when I touch you
I feel happy, inside
Its such a feeling
That my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide
(Hank Williams) Performed with Brenda Lee as part of a medley comprising Jambalaya & (Wont You Come Home Bill Bailey (lyrics for
which also see) on the 1970 ABC TV show Johnny Cash Presents The Everly Brothers. No studio recording available
but appears on bootlegs - tapes, CDs, VHS & DVD. Recorded 23rd May 1970; aired 29th July 1970 (Show No. 4). Although
Hank Williams gets sole composing credits, there are sources that claim it was a co-composition of him and Moon
Mullican (Aubrey Wilson Mullican, 29th March 1909 1st January 1967). Hank has stated Moon Mullican was one of his
favourite artists. The melody was based on a Cajun song entitled Grand Texas, Hank only changed the lyrics, keeping
the Cajun theme since he sings in part about stereotypical Cajun foods such as Jambalaya, crawfish pie, fil gumbo.
Hank Williams, 17th September 1923 1st January 1953.
Omitted verses:
Thibodeaux, Fontainebleau, the place is buzzin
Kinfolk come to see Yvonne by the dozen
Dress in style, go hog wild, me oh my oh
Son of a gun, well have big fun on the bayou
(Phil Everly/Warren Zevon) Phil Everly Solo. Warren Zevon, 24th January 1947 7th September 2003.
JEZEBEL (1961)
(Wayne Shanklin) First recorded by Frankie Laine in 1951. Wayne Shanklin, 1919 - 1970. Wayne Shanklin, 6th June 1916 - 16th June
Omitted verses:
'Twould be better I had I never known
A lover such as you
Forsaking dreams and all
For the siren call of your arms
(Pat Alger/J. Fred Knobloch)
Oh Julianne
Give a poor boy a chance
Oh Julianne
Give a poor boy a chance
You say
Baby nows the time to work and wait
You say
No more kisses til we graduate
I say Live it up live up a bit right now
Just in case
We have to part
(Don Gibson) Donald Eugene Gibson, 3rd April 1928 17th November 2003.
Kansas City here I come
They got some crazy little women there and I'm gonna get me one
Keep a-lovin me
Keep a-lovin me
Keep a-lovin me
The way I love you
Keep a-lovin me
Keep a-lovin me
Keep a-lovin me
The way I love you
Keep a-lovin me
Keep a-lovin me
Keep a-lovin me
The way I love you
(Karl Davis) Karl Victor Davis, 17th December 1905 29th May 1979. Karl and Hartford (Harty) Taylor (with whom he wrote Im Here To
Get My Baby Out Of Jail (see above) were boyhood pals who became a Kentucky singing duo "Karl and Harty." Karl,
sometimes mistakenly spelt Carl, was also a member of the CUMBERLAND RIDGE RUNNERS consisting six members,
Karl Davis, Red Foley, John Lair, Slim Miller, Linda Parker, and Hartford Taylor. Performing mainly in the 1930's, they were
billed as the first authentic southern playing-singing act on the Barn Dance and WLS radio. He stayed with WLS long after
the switch to rock as a record turner. His job was to record the music played on the station to a cart. Only a member of the
Musicians Union was allowed to handle the actual phonograph record. * coon is short for Raccoon
You are the dearest land outside of Heaven to me
I miss your laurel and your redbud trees
When I die
I want to rest upon a graceful mountain so high
For that is
Where God will look for me
I miss the old folks singing in the silvery moonlight
I miss the hound dogs chasin coon *
I know that
My mother, dad and sweetheart are waiting for me
I will be coming soon
(Neil Diamond) Performed with Neil Diamond as part of a Neil Diamond medley comprising I got The Feelin/Solitary Man/Kentucky
Woman (lyrics for which also see) on the 1970 ABC TV show Johnny Cash Presents The Everly Brothers. No studio
recording available but appears on bootlegs - tapes, CDs, VHS & DVD. Recorded 4th June 1970; aired 22nd July 1970
(Show No. 3).
Kentucky woman
She shine with her own kind of light
They look at you once
And a day thats all wrong looks all right
And I love her
God knows she loves me
Kentucky woman
She get to know you
She goin to own you
Kentucky woman
Kentucky woman
Kentucky woman
Omitted verses:
Well, she aint the kind
Make heads turn at the drop of her name
But something inside
That shes got turns you on just the same
And she loves me
God knows she loves me
Kentucky woman
She get to know you
She goin to own you
Kentucky woman
Kentucky woman
She get to know you
She gointo own you
Kentucky woman
Kentucky woman
She get to know you
She goin to own you
Kentucky woman
Kentucky woman
Kentucky woman
Well kiss me once
And maybe Ill go away
Then I wont be pleadin
To carry your books each day
I guess you will always know
If you give in once more
Id be back for more
Kiss me once
And maybe Ill let you go
Then you wont be bothered
Having me beg you so
How can you be so unkind
Im asking for one this time
But if you give in
Id be back for more
Well Id be back for more
(Phil Everly) Phil Everly solo
If I took my hat
From the rack in the hall
And I walk through the door
I dont think youd call
I fear dear
You dont care dear
At all
I never planned to
Stand here this way
So lonely waiting only
For words you cant say
I fear dear
You dont care dear
At all
If I were a man
With a silver-tipped cane
And spats of doeskin grey
If I owned a house
At the end of Park Lane
With butler and maid in my pay
If I wore silk ties and a beaver top hat
Everything custom-made
Would that be enough
Or would I need more
To have you Lady Anne
If I were a man
With a carriage fine
Drawn by horses that were the best
A golden pocket watch fine
That chimed out the time
Engraved with the family crest
If I were asked to the palace to dine
A most respected guest
Would that be enough
Or would I need more
To have you Lady Anne
If I were a man
With a silver-tipped cane
And spats of doeskin grey
If I owned a house
At the end of Park Lane
With a butler and maid in my pay
If I wore silk ties and a beaver top hat
Everything custom-made
Still I would be, a very poor man
Without you Lady Anne
All of my life
Will you be my wife
Without you my life (All of my life)
Has no meaning (Ill be your wife)
Well spend the nights (Without you my life)
In soft bedroom lights (has no meaning)
In the morning well rise up (Well spend the nights)
Singing (in soft bedroom lights)
All of my life
Will you be my wife
Without you my life (All of my life)
Has no meaning (Ill be your wife)
Well spend the nights (Without you my life)
In soft bedroom lights (has no meaning)
In the morning well rise up (Well spend the nights))
Singing (in soft bedroom lights)
Lady Madonna
Baby at your breast
Wonder how you manage feed the rest
Lady Madonna
Lying on your bed
Listening to the music playing in your head
Lady Madonna
Children at your feet
Wonder how you manage to make ends meet
Burdened by the things I've learned
Hurting cause I'm too concerned
Nonetheless I confess I yearn
To find a way to lay it down
If you dont want, you dont have to, get into trouble
If you dont want, you dont have to, get into trouble
If you dont want, you dont have to, get into trouble
You just leave my woman alone
But if you dont want, you dont have to, get into trouble
If you dont want, you dont have to, get into trouble
If you dont want, you dont have to, get into trouble
You just leave my woman alone
But if you dont want, you dont have to, get into trouble
If you dont want, you dont have to, get into trouble
If you dont want, you dont have to, get into trouble
You just leave my woman alone
But if you dont want, you dont have to get into trouble
If you dont want, you dont have to get into trouble
If you dont want, you dont have to get into trouble
You just leave my woman alone
LESS OF ME (1968)
(Glen Campbell) Curiously there is a poem written by Edgar A. Guest (1881-1959) published around 1909 called A Creed, whereupon
it became very popular and was often quoted in magazines and journals and included in devotional calendars.
Glen Cmpbell re-titled it Less of Me. The lyrics are identical except that Guest includes a third verse (see * below).
The reference is Breakfast Table Chat (1914) at p. 130, by Edgar Albert Guest which can be found on websites.
Edgar Guest named several of his poems A Creed. There are three with that same title in the 1914 edition of Breakfast
Table Chat . The one that begins "Let me be a littler kinder ..." is on page 130. The poem was often reprinted without a
title and without the last stanza. The other poems entitled "A Creed" appear on pages 53 and 159. Campbell no doubt
composed the tune but he ought to have acknowledged Guest as for the words.
Let me be a little sweeter
Make my life a bit completer
By doing what I should do
Every minute of the day
Let me toil, without complaining
Not a humble task disdaining
Let me face the summons calmly
When death beckons me away
LET EM IN (1976)
(Paul McCartney) Nice Phil and Don salute/reference in this Paul McCartney & Wings track from the album AT THE SPEED OF SOUND
included here for fun and for the diehard collectors of all things Everly!
Sister Suzie
Brother John
Martin Luther
Phil And Don
Brother Michael
Auntie Gin
Open the door
Let 'em in - yeah
Sister Suzie
Brother John
Martin Luther
Phil and Don
Uncle Ernie
Auntie Gin
Open the door
Let em in - yeah
Sister Suzie
Brother John
Martin Luther
Phil and Don - ooo
Uncle Ernie
Uncle Ian
Open the door
Let em in - yeah
Someone's knockin' at the door
Somebody's ringin' the bell
Someone knockin' at the door
Somebody ringin' the bell
Do me a favour
Open the door
Let em in - yeah yeah yeah
LET IT BE ME (1959)
(Mann Curtis/Gilbert Bcaud) French lyrics: Pierre Delano, 16th December1918 27th December 2006. Gilbert Bcaud, 24th October 1927
18th December 2001. Phil Everly also sings a solo version (circa 1981) which is included on RARE SOLO CLASSICS.
Originally a French song Je tappartiens (I Belong To You), it has been covered by many singers including Bob Dylan,
Elvis Presley , Brenda Lee, Tanya Tucker, Willie Nelson, Tom Jones and George Harrison with Jeff Lynn. Mann Curtis
aka Manny Kurtz (born Emanuel Kurtz) 15th November 1911 6th December 1984.
There is another published verse not known to have been included in any recording by anyone:
If for each bit of gladness
Some one must taste of sadness
Ill bear the sorrow
Let it be me
Let's go get stoned
It ain't no harm
Taking just a taste
But don't blow your cool
And start messing up the place
It ain't no harm, your taking just a little nip
But make sure, you dont fall down, oh, and bust your lip
Why so sad
I just lost the only love that Ill ever have
Dont be blue
You would feel the same way if it happened to you
Why so sad
I just lost the only love that Ill ever have
But dont be blue
You would feel the same way if it happened to you
LETTIN GO (1976)
(Sanger D. Shafer) Don Everly solo
Was it a fair exchange
My love for cheating
Now I die each time
You give a kiss away
Life aint worth living
If I cant live it, live it with you
(Bradley Kincaid or J. Fred Helf/Edward Paul Moran) Interestingly the EBs sang this rarely performed song with Garrison Keillor on his
Lake Wobegon Spring Weekend (for Minnesota Public Radio - 16th May 1987). On the EBs album SONGS OUR
DADDY TAUGHT US the composition of this song is credited to folk/country singer/composer Bradley Kincaid.
However, as will be seen from the copy of the sheet music cover below it appears to have been written by J. Fred
Helf (words) & E. P. (Edward Paul) Moran (music) prolific late 19th /early 20th century composers. Bradley Kincaid was
three years old when the song was originally published (1898). J. Fred Helf, 1870(?) (Maysville, Kentucky) - 1915(?).
E.P. Moran, unknown. William Bradley Kincaid 13th July 1895 23rd September 1989.
(L. Ransford) Phil solo on an EB album: TWO YANKS IN ENGLAND. L. Ransford is a pseudonym for Allan Clarke, Tony Hicks & Graham
Nash of The Hollies. It was also issued as a special tie-in single, coupled with Fifi The Flea, (Don solo).
You are the lion, I am the lamb
Living alone
Love can never make you cry
Living alone
You never have to say goodbye
Living alone
Love can never make you cry
Living alone
You never have to say goodbye
Living alone
Love can never make you cry
Living alone
You never have to say goodbye
Living alone
Love can never make you cry
Living alone
You never have to say goodbye
LODI (1970)
(John Fogerty) Performed on the 1970 ABC TV show Johnny Cash Presents The Everly Brothers. No studio recording available but
appears on bootlegs - tapes, CDs, VHS & DVD. Recorded 17th May 1970; aired 12thAugust 1970 (Show No. 6). Originally a
1969 hit for Creedence Clearwater Revival.
I rode in on a greyhound
Ill be walkin out if I go
I was just a-passin through
Seven months or more
I ran out of time and money
And it looks like they took my friends
Oh Lord, Im stuck in Lodi again
(Doc Pomus) Doc Pomus 27th January 1925 14th March 1991.
Lonely nights (Oh, lonely nights), lonely days (lonely, lonely days)
Without you I know theyll never go away
Lonely nights (Oh babe, these lonely), lonely days (so lonely without you)
Without you I know theyll never go away
Lonely nights (Oh-oh-oh), lonely days (dont you know I miss you baby)
Without you I know theyll never go away
Lonely nights (lonely nights), lonely
(Boudleaux Bryant) Boudleaux Bryant 13th February 1920 26th June 1987. Married in 1945, Felice & Boudleaux Bryant started out
recording records as Bood & Fileece and Bud & Betty before commencing a full-time songwriting career creating
compositions and hits for just about everyone.
Im living
On a lonely island
In a loveless ocean
Full of misery
Ill die here
On my lonely island
Unless you give your sweet love back to me
Im living
On a lonely island
In a loveless ocean
Full of misery
Ill die here
On my lonely island
Unless you give your sweet love back to me
Said you'd be
Good to me
Said our love would never die
Said you'd be good to me
But baby you didn't even try
I make it alright
From Monday morning til Friday night
But oh oh oh those lonely weekends
Said you'd be
Good to me
Said our love would never die
Said you'd be good to me
But baby you didn't even try
I make it alright
From Monday morning til Friday night
But oh those lonely weekends yeah
Omitted section:
Well, long tall Sally she's
Built for speed, she got
Everything that Uncle John needs
Oh baby
Ye-e-e-eh baby
Woo-o-o-oh baby
Havin' me some fun tonight
LOUISE (1982)
(Ian Gomm) Phil Everly solo
Why did you come today now
What have you got to say now
Oh-oh, Louise, Louise
Ah youre such a strange girl
You look just like an angel
Oh-oh, Louise, Louise
Are you just a vision
Out on another mission
Oh-oh, Louise, Louise (Louise, Louise)
LOVE ANGEL (1981?)
(Phil Everly/John Durrill) Phil Everly Solo
Oh love angel
Youre so good to me you know you are baby you know it
Love angel youre all you should be
Ow, when Im down
She gets me up
Loves to drink from my lovin cup
Tastes so good, so good
My love angel hear me boys
My love angel
Oh yeah love angel
Love her
And tell her each day
That girl needs to know
Tell her so
Tell her everything I couldnt say
Like shes warm and shes sweet and shes fine
Oh, love her
Like I should have done
Hold her
And show her you care
When her world is blue
See her through
Anytime that she needs you be there
By her side, be the guy that I couldnt be
And love her
Love her for me
Love hurts
Love scars
Love wounds and mars
Any heart
Not tough
Nor strong, enough
To take a lot of pain
Take a lot of pain
Love is like a cloud
Holds a lot of rain
Love hurts
Love hurts
* The EBs sing love although it could be lost or left. However Leave can clearly be heard on the original Mickey &
Sylvia recording and other versions.
High in some silent sky
Love sings a silver song
Making the earth whirl softly
Love makes the world go round
My hungry arms
Long for your charms
Mmmm love of my life, I love you
Love of my life, I love you
Because shes
Living in the love of the common people
Smiles from the heart of a family man
Daddy's gonna buy her a dream to cling to
Mama's gonna love her just as much as she can
And she can
Goodbye lover
Lover goodbye
Well goodbye
Lover goodbye
Well goodbye, (goodbye, goodbye)
Lover goodbye, (goodbye, goodbye)
Goodbye lover, goodbye (goodbye, goodbye)
Lover goodbye (goodbye, goodbye)
Goodbye (goodbye, goodbye)
Lover goodbye (goodbye, goodbye)
Goodbye goodbye goodbye
(goodbye, goodbye) (goodbye, goodbye) (goodbye, goodbye)
Lover goodbye (goodbye, goodbye)
Dont cry baby goodbye
(goodbye, goodbye) (goodbye, goodbye) (goodbye, goodbye)
(goodbye, goodbye) (goodbye, goodbye) (goodbye, goodbye)
Goodbye love goodbye, goodbye lover, goodbye yeah
Wherever we go now
Whatever we have to do
Well find a way somehow
Cause love will pull us through
Love will pull us through
Wherever we go now
Whatever we have to do
Well find a way somehow
Cause love will pull us through
Love will pull us through
Love will pull us through
Love will pull us through
Ill do it anyway
Ill give my love and stay
And think about the consequence tomorrow
Love, love
(Kris Kristofferson) According to interviews with Don Everly at the time this track was recorded for possible inclusion on the STORIES
WE COULD TELL album. However it has never been released as is presumed lost. Apparently the EBs did
sometimes perform it live during this period.
I have seen the morning burning golden on the mountains in the skies
Achin' with the feelin' of the freedom of an eagle when she flies
Turnin' on the world the way she smiled upon my soul as I lay dying
Healin' as the colours in the sunshine and the shadows of her eyes
Comin' close together with a feelin' that I've never known before
In my time
She ain't ashamed to be a woman, or afraid to be a friend
I don't know the answer to the easy way she opened every door
In my mind
But dreamin' was as easy as believin' it was never gonna end
And lovin' her was easier than anything I'll ever do again
Hmmmmm hmmmm
Hmmmmm hmmmm
Hmmmmm hmmmm
LUCILLE (1960)
(Albert Collins/Richard Penniman) Albert Collins, 1st October 1932 24th November 1993.
You don't do your daddy's will
You don't do your daddy's will
There's aint nothin to you
But I love you still
Please come back where you belong
Please come back where you belong
I've been good to you baby
Please don't leave me alone
Please come back where you belong
I've been good to you baby
Please don't leave me alone
You don't do your daddy's will
You don't do your daddy's will
There aint nothin to you
But I love you still
LUCKY ME (??)*
(Phil Everly/Duane Eddy/Susan Manning) This song is listed on the BMI website but no other information has as yet come to light.
Information about the song and any recording would be gratefully appreciated.
The Eddie Hodges version includes a complete verse not recorded by the EBs:
Then you'll meet that special girl
Who'll sweep you off-o-your feet
You'll want to say you love her
But you'll find it hard to speak
This is a time
When you'll find
It better left unsaid
Just tell her like I told your Mom
With a kiss instead
MAGGIE MAY (1971/2)
(Rod Stewart/ Martin Quittenton) According to interviews with Don Everly at the time this track was recorded for possible inclusion on the
STORIES WE COULD TELL album. However it has never been released as is presumed lost. Further information
would be welcome.
Wake up Maggie
I think I got something to say to you
It's late September and I really should be back at school
I know I keep you amused
But I feel I'm being used
Oh Maggie, I couldn't have tried anymore
Maggie - I wished Id
Never seen your face
Twilight falls
Evening shadows find
There neath the stars
A maiden so fair divine
Moon on high
Seems to see her there
In her eyes theres a light
Shining ever so bright
As she whispers a silent prayer
Omitted verses:
I'm a-gonna tie me up in a red string
I'm gonna tie blue ribbons too
I'm a-gonna climb up in my mail box
I'm gonna mail myself to you
MARY JANE (1967)
(Terry Slater)
(Chuck Berry/Russ Fratto/Alan Freed) Russ Fratto, a local DJ, was a friend of Chuck Berrys who gave his third of the royalties to CB so
that he got twice as much as the token name of Alan Freed (1921- 1965) who in fact took no part in the composition;
his name was on it for airplay purposes (the Payola scandals which ended Freeds career)! Maybelline was all CBs
work. Maybelline was Chuck Berrys debut Pop hit in 1955 as well as an R & B #1. A regular in the EBs live repertoire.
Composing credits: (Rock n Roll Music: Chuck Berry);
(The End: John Lennon/Paul McCartney) John Lennon, 9th October 1940 8th December 1980;
(Aquarius (From the musical Hair)): Galt MacDermot/ Gerome Ragni/James Rado. Gerome Ragni, 11th September 1935 (?1942?) - 19th
July 1991;
(If I Were A Carpenter: Tim Hardin) Tim Hardin, 23rd December 1941 - 29th December 1980; (The Price Of Love: Don & Phil Everly);
(The Thrill Is Gone: Roy Hawkins/Rick Darnell) Roy Hawkins died circa 1973. Rick Darnell 26th April 1929 24th December 2008;
(Games People Play: Joe South.)
This medley (often played live) occupied all of Side 2 of the original 1970 LP - the final contractual EB LP release on Warner Brothers.
Boogie-woogie time
yeah heh
If I were a carpenter
And you were a lady
Would you marry me anyway
Would you have my baby
Wine is sweet, gin is bitter
Drink all you can but you wont forget her ooh-aah
You talk too much, laugh too loud
See her face in every crowd
Hey, dont you know its the price of love, price of love
Debts you pay with tears and pain
Price of love, price of love
Costs you more when youre to blame yeah
Now give me rock n roll music - whoo-oo-oo-oo
Any old way you choose it
Its gotta have a backbeat or you cant use it yeah
Rock n roll music whooo
And they wile away their hours (wile away the hours)
In their ivory towers (ivory towers)
Until theyre covered up with flowers
In the back of a black limousine, now oooh
Nananana nanananana
You know Im talkin bout you and me
And the games people play
Aaaaahhhhh whooooo
Kiss one girl, kiss another
Kiss em all but you wont recover
Hey- youre dancin slow, youre dancin fast
Youre happy now but that wont last yeh
(Carole King/Gerry Goffin) This interesting and very rare fun curio was recorded on Calliope July 1962 under the name Keestone
Family Singers which comprised Phil Everly, Glen Campbell and Carole King also co-composer.
See also Cornbread And Chitlings the B-side of the original recording.
Dudley Do-Right, Snideley Whiplash and Nellie are characters who originally featured in a 1959-64 US TV show
The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show the collective name for two separate American television animated series:
Rocky and His Friends (1959-1961) and The Bullwinkle Show (1961-1964). Dudley Do-Right was a
Canadian Mountie who always gets his man and Snideley Whiplash was his arch-enemy. Dudley romantically
pursued Nell Fenwick (Nellie Nice-girl), the daughter of Inspector Fenwick, the head of the Mountie station. A
segment of the show was entitled The Dudley Do-Right Show which parodied early 20th century
melodrama and silent film (by using only a piano as a musical background). In 1999, a live-action film starring
Brendan Fraser (as Dudley), Sarah Jessica Parker (as Nell), and Alfred Molina (as Snidely) was released.
Phil: That was done because Donald had left the studio and we had about another twenty minutes.
Everybody was there so we went ahead and did it. What it amounted to was everybody could do something.
That was a lot of fun, too. It was just a strange circumstance. (From interview by Andrew Sandoval for the
Ride Dudley Do-right
Save this little innocent girl
My Dudley my hero
While the teletypes are talkin and the sirens roar
Ill be hoppin on a freighter for a foreign shore
* Sheboygan is in Wisconsin,
Paducah is in Kentucky and Tacoma is
in Washington State (Northwest US).
Bridge and verse in original Beatrice Kay version not used by the EBs.
The Elmira referred to is, I imagine, the one in New York state.
There are other much smaller Elmiras in Michigan and California
(Tony Romeo) Tony Romeo, 25th December 1939 23rd June 1995. Tony Romeo composed music and songs for film and TV including
I Think I Love You for the sitcom The Partridge Family.
MR SOUL (1968)
(Neil Young) Originally recorded by Buffalo Springfield in 1967.
And let a real woman in
MUSKRAT (1961)
(Merle Travis/Tex Ann/Harold Hensley) Merle Travis, 29th November 1917 20th October 1983. Harold Hensley, 3rd July 1922 15th
September 1988
MY BABE (1965)
(Willie Dixon) William James Dixon, 1st July 1915 29th January 1992.
MY BABY (1970)
(Don Everly) Don Everly solo
You will see someday
I know theyll make you smile
My baby
* It might be thought that this should be sun as the album lyrics insert clearly spells it. Personally, I think it is son as
the song is clearly about Dons then young baby not about a woman or the weather! Other thoughts/views welcome.
Omitted verse/chorus:
Oh blow ye the winds o'er the ocean
And blow ye the winds o'er the sea
Oh blow ye the winds o'er the ocean
And bring back my Bonnie to me
Omitted verse:
Now we've left Alaska
Because there was no gold mine
This time only two
Of us moved on
MY FRIEND (1970)
(Don Everly) Don Everly solo
They called her frivolous Sal
A peculiar sort of a gal
With a heart that was mellow
An all 'round good fellow, was my old pal
Your troubles, sorrow and care
She was always willing to share
A wild sort of devil, but dead on the level
Was my gal Sal
(Henry Clay Work) Henry Clay Work, 1st October 1832 8th June 1884. Henry Clay Work wrote many songs including Marching Through
Georgia. My Grandfather's Clock written in 1876 was one of his most successful and popular ones. James P. Christian
owned the old Grandfather Clock which inspired his son C. Russel Christian to write the famous poem by that name.
From then on these tall or long case clocks have been known as grandfather clocks.
Omitted verses:
In watching its pendulum swing to and fro
Many hours had he spent while a boy
And in childhood and manhood the clock seemed to know,
And to share both his grief and his joy
For it struck twenty-four when he entered the door
With a blooming and beautiful bride
But it stopped short, Never to go again
When the old man died
My little yellow bird
I used to hold it in the palm of my hand
Now Im a very lonely man
I couldnt keep it and I love it
My little yellow bird
(Phil Everly) Phil Everly solo demo
MY MAMMY (1961)
(Walter Donaldson/Samuel M. Lewis/Joseph Young) Walter Donaldson, 15th February 1893 15th July 1947. Samuel M. Lewis, 25th
October 1885 22nd November 1959. Joseph Young, 4th July 1889 21st April 1939.
Mammy, mammy
The sun shines east
The sun shines west
But I just learned
Where the sun shines best
Mammy, mammy
My heart strings
Are tangled around
Im a-comin
Sorry that I made you wait
Im a-comin
Hope and pray Im not too late
Mammy, mammy
Id walk a million miles for one of your smiles
My mammy
Mammy, mammy
The sun shines east
The sun shines west
But I just learned
Where the sun shines best
Mammy, mammy
My heart strings
Are tangled around
Im a-comin
Sorry that I made you wait
Im a-comin
Hope and pray Im not too late
Mammy, mammy
Id walk a million miles for one of your smiles
My mammy
Mammy, mammy, mammy
(Phil Everly) Phil Everly solo
The music's deep within my heart
She looks at me the dancing starts
I know I'm just a foolish marionette
I'll never break a single string
To stay with her means everything
Im dancing to Nancy's minuet
(Boudleaux & Felice Bryant) Don sang a live duet of this song with Frances pop star Johnny Hallyday for his album NASHVILLE EN
DIRECT; CD: JOHNNY HALLYDAY 84. The first two verses above are omitted and replaced by JH singing
French words as below and a different English verse added at the end. Oddly the album credits Don & Phil as
composers. Clearly there was some adaptation but the song remains a Bryant composition.
Theres too many heartaches (Never gonna dream again)
Too many tears (Never gonna dream again)
Too many heartbreaks (Never gonna dream again)
(Im never gonna dream again)
Theres too many heartaches (Never gonna dream again)
Too many tears ..
So many names
So much the same
So many of my old friends
Though I know thats the way it goes
Still Ive been around so long
That in my memory
Its just a new old song
With smoke and wine (Hmmhmm)
I write the lines (Hmmhmm)
That lead me to a new dream (Hmmhmm)
But nothing lasts (Hmmhmm)
This too will pass (Hmmhmm)
Ive known it all along (Hmmhmm)
And to my memory (Hmmhmm)
Its just a new old song (Sha la la la la, sha la la la la)
Its just a new old song (Poor little fool, I was a fool, oh yeah)
Its just a new old song (Dream, dream dream dream)
Its just a new old song (Sha-boom, sha-boom la la la la/Dream, dream dream dream/I was a fool)
Its just a new old song (Sha-boom, la la la la/Dream, dream dream dream/Little fool, I was a fool)
Its just a new old song (Sha-boom, la la la la/ I had a girl, Donna was her name/ Little fool, I was a fool)
Its just a new old song (Sha-boom, la la la la/ I had a girl, Donna was her name/ Little fool, I was a fool)
Its just a new old song (Sha-boom, la la la la/Dream, dream dream dream/ Little fool, I was a fool)
Its just a new old song (Sha-boom, la la la la /Dream, dream dream dream/ Little fool, I was a fool)
Its just a new old song (Sha-boom, la la la la /Dream, dream dream dream/ Little fool, I was a fool)
I want to flee to LA
And I wish it would just rain
And wash away the sorrows of my tears
Hey now, hurry now
Night time girl
Its the right time now
T get even with the world
Live fast, lifes a gas
Night time girl
Theres no future
Just the past for you
(Theres no future
Just the past for you)
Theres no future
Just the past for you
To run from
NO BEER (2010)
(Edan Everly) Phil Everly joins his nephew (Dons son) on this track from Edans fine download album, SONGS FROM BIKINI ATOLL.
See: iTunes, Amazon, and other sites.
No beer on Sunday
Used to be my fun day (My fun day)
No beer on Sunday for me
No beer on Sunday
Used to be my fun day (My fun day)
No beer on Sunday for me
Do do do do
Do do do do
Do do do
Pa pa pam pa-ya
Pa pa pam pa-ya
Pa pam pa
No beer on Sunday
Used to be my fun day (My fun day)
No beer on Sunday for me
(Phil Everly/Gordon Anderson/John Hobbs) This song is listed on the BMI website but no other information has as yet come to light.
Information about the song and any recording would be gratefully appreciated.
NO NEVER (1956?)
(Phil Everly) Phil Everly solo demo
Io ti mando tutti i giorni tanti fiori / I send you every day lots of flowers
Ma a spasso insieme a me non vieni mai / But you never come out with me
Se mi vuoi bene / If you love me
Io voglio i tuoi baci / I want your kisses
Il tempo delle rose e ormai passato / The time for roses is past
E allora provo a cantare ma non a mandati tanti fiori / So I try to sing and not to send you flowers
Allora forse tu mi vorrai / Maybe then
Un mondo di bene / You will love me
Lo sai che in primavera gli innamorati si baciano sui prati / You know that in the spring the lovers kiss on the grass
Perche non andiamo in un campo anche noi, eeeee / Why dont we also go in a field, ehhhh
Io non ti mandero piu tutti quei fiori / I will not send you anymore flowers
Pero con me dovrai uscire fuori / But you will have to go out with me
Lo sai che ti amo sempre piu / You know that I love you even more
Lamore mio sei solo tu / You are my only love
Basta con i fiori, voglio i tuoi baci / Enough with flowers, I want your kisses
Voglio i tuoi baci / I want your kisses
Voglio i tuoi baci / I want your kisses
Voglio i tuoi baci / I want your kisses
(Norman Petty/Charles Hardin (Buddy Holly)) Charles Hardin Holley (Buddy Holly) 7th September 1936 3rd February 1959.
Norman Petty, 25th May 1927 15th August 1984. The song was originally written for Don & Phil in 1958 -
using Dons favoured Bo Diddley style. However they decided not to record it then as they had All I Have
To Do Is Dream. Holly also wrote Wishing and Loves Made A Fool of You for the EBs but apparently
they never heard the demos and regrettably for us, have never recorded either song.
Nothing but the best for me
Thats my way of life (my way of life).
NOT ME (1961)
(Gary Anderson [Gary U.S. Bonds]/Frank Guida) Recorded by Gary U.S. Bonds. Nice EB Cathys Clown reference included here for fun
and for diehard collectors of all things Everly! The green lyrics are the original but there is a version with slight
changes as indicated in blue for the line above. The first blue line in first verse in this later version are performed
by a girl group and the second by a deep voiced male singer. The Orlons (who might be the singers performing
these lines) had a hit with a version of Not Me in 1963 which reached number 2 in the US; it retains the Don &
Phil references. The Madison* is a popular line-dance, first introduced late 50s/60s. All versions are on YouTube.
Ya-da-da-da-da-dat, dat-dat-dat-dat,
Well Im down in California where the orange trees grow
(Oh California)
And theres a pretty little girl here I used to know
(Oh California)
Well, she called me yesterday about a quarter to one
(Oh California)
She said, come on over daddy, lets a-have some fun
She said - come on over baby lets do the Madison*
(Oh California)
I said, now what about your husband, he come back from the gym
I said - what about your boyfriend, called battling Jim
She said - come on over baby, dont worry about him
Not me
I like Livin
Well alright
(Oh Virginia)
Well, a fella walked up to me, he said - lets take a trip
I said - you better shut-up, before I bust you in your lip
Not me
I aint goin to go nowhere!
You know you could get hurt out there on that road
Im tellin you
Not me baby.
Omitted verse:
Sunset glow fades in the west
Night o'er the valley is creeping
Birds cuddle down in their nest
Soon all the world will be sleeping
Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on
La la la life goes on
Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on
La la la la life goes on
In a couple of years they have built a home sweet home
With a couple of kids running in the yard of
Desmond and Molly Jones
Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on
La la la life goes on
Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on
La la la la life goes on
Say ob-la-dida-da yeah
Oh my golden girl
Youve such a pretty face
And your body moves with such style and grace
You can make me feel, that theres no space or time
Id do anything to make you mine
OH BOY (1967)
(Bill Tilghman/Sonny West/Norman Petty) Norman Petty, 25th May 1927 15th August 1984.
All of my life, Ive been a-waitin
Tonight therell be no hesitatin
Oh boy - when youre with me - oh boy
Well the world can see that you, were meant, for me
Dum-diddy-um-dum, oh boy
Dum-diddy-um-dum, oh boy
He taught me how
To watch
Fight and pray
Fight and pray
And in rejoicing
Everyday (Everyday)
He taught me how
To watch
Fight and pray - come on
Fight and pray - all right
And in rejoicing
Everyday - oh yeah
Oh, happy day (Oh, happy day)
Oh, happy day (Oh, happy day)
When my Jesus washes - yeah (When Jesus washed)
Oh, when he come down and washes (When Jesus washed)
When my Jesus washes (When Jesus washed)
All my sins away yeah (Oh happy day)
Oh it got to be a happy day (Oh happy day)
Talkin bout a happy day (Oh happy day)
Oh happy day (Oh happy day)
Oh when my Jesus washes my sins away (Oh happy day)
Got to be a happy day (Oh happy day)
Oh happy day (Oh happy day)
Got to tell you bout a happy day (Oh happy day)
Oh happy day (Oh happy day)..
NB: There are numerous variations to this now traditional gospel song.
Maybe I should fly to China
Or drive to North Carolina
It doesnt matter which way
Ooo Id like to go away (Ooo Id like to go away)
Ooo Id like to go away (Ooo Id like to go away)
Mmm Id like to go away (Ooo Id like to go away)
Ooo Id like to go away (Ooo Id like to go away)
(Don Gibson) Donald Eugene Gibson 3rd April 1928 17th November 2003.
Well there must be some way I can lose these lonesome blues
Forget about the past and find somebody new
I've thought of everything from A to Zee
Oh lonesome me
No one could be
So gentle and so lovable
Oh my papa
He always understood
Oh my papa
To me he was so wonderful
Deep in my heart
I miss him so today
Oh my papa
Oh my papa
Oh my papa
(Frankie Bailes) Frankie Bailes (14th December 1921 18th July 2005) was married to Walter Bailes (17th January 1920 27th November
2000) one of the four Bailes Brothers singing group.
Oh the night
That the music came into my life and it took control
You touched my very soul
Oh my love
Oh the night
That the music came into my life and took control
You touched my very soul
Oh my love
I didnt know it
How could I show it
You took me by surprise, baby
Come on admit it
I know that you did it
You walked into the room and looked into my eyes, baby
Oh the night
That the music came into my life and it took control
You touched my very soul
Oh my love
Oh the night
That the music into my life and it took control
You touched my very soul
Oh my love
Oh oh true love
Im glad that I found you
True love
I needed you so, needed you so
Oh oh true love
With my arms around you
Our true love
Will mellow and grow, mellow and grow
Oh oh never
I never will leave you
For ever
Ill call you my own, call you my own
No oh new love
Could cause me to leave you
Cause true love
Im your love alone and youre mine alone
If ever there was a love that naturally makes a dream come true
Baby its you
Oh oh true love
I know there was never
A true love
As sweet as our own, as sweet as our own
Oh oh true love
Im glad that I found you
True love
(Don Everly) Don Everly sings a solo version on BROTHER JUKEBOX (1976)
It must be love
Oh, what a feeling
It must be love
Although its bitter
It must be love
I cant forget her
It must be love
Oh, what a feeling
It must be love
Oh, what a feeling
We rewrote the rock n roll swindle, telling lies with his cocaine-filled bindles
And his B&D rig at his side
He never learned his lesson til the very end
And now he knows it was a blessing
(Phil Everly/Terry Slater) Phil Everly Solo
Omitted verses but may well have been sung by the EBs as boys:
Rattler breaked the other night, I thought he treed a coon
When I come to find him, he's barkin' at the moon
Here, Rattler, here, here, Rattler, here
Call old Rattler from the barn, here Rattler here
Rattler was a friendly dog, even though he was blind
He wouldn't hurt a living thing, he was so very kind
Here, Rattler, here, here, Rattler, here
Call old Rattler from the barn, here Rattler here
But Rattler wouldn't fetch for me, because he liked that coon
I saw them walking paw in paw, later by the light of the moon
Here, Rattler, here, here, Rattler, here
Call old Rattler from the barn, here Rattler here
Now old Rattler's dead and gone, like all the good dogs do
Don't put on the dog yourself, or you'll be going there too
Here, Rattler, here, here, Rattler, here
Call old Rattler from the barn, here Rattler here
Grandpa had a muley cow; she was muley when she was born
It took a day-bird forty years to fly from horn to horn
Well, here Rattler, here, here, here Rattler, here
Come oh, Rattler, from the barn, here Rattler, here
To the rescue he came
He jumped in and helped pull me out
Omitted verses:
For Christ is born of Mary
And gathered all above
While mortals sleep, the angels keep
Their watch of wondering love
O morning stars together
Proclaim the holy birth
And praises sing to God the King
And peace to men on earth
The Boys Town Choir:
O holy Child of Bethlehem
Descend to us, we pray
Cast out our sin and enter in
Be born in us today
We hear the Christmas angels
The great glad tidings tell
O come to us, abide with us
Our Lord Emmanuel
OMAHA (1968)
(Don Everly) Don sang a solo version on his first solo album don EVERLY where the second verse is omitted.
Once more
I'd give a fortune
If I could see you
Once more
Once more
To be with you dear
Just for tonight
To hold you tight
Once more
I'd give a fortune
If I could see you
Once more
Once more
To be with you dear
Just for tonight
To hold you tight
Once more
I'd give a fortune
If I could see you
Once more
If I could see you
Once more
Will she ever show him; lay her heart down at his feet
And turn a one-way love into a two-way street
(Its a one-way love, going down a two-way street)
(Its a one-way love, going down a two-way street)
(Its a one-way love, going down a two-way street)
(Its a one-way love, going down a two-way street)
(Its a one-way love, going down a two-way street)
(Its a one-way love, going down a two-way street).
ONLY ME (1970)
(Don Everly) Don Everly Solo
When I love
I get a feeling like Im travelling through the sky
On the wings of a nightingale
As I ride
My head is reeling but I dont even wonder why
On the wings of a nightingale Ill fly
So hold my hand
I got a feeling that the journey has just begun
On the wings of a nightingale
When I love
I get a feeling like Im travelling through the sky
On the wings of a nightingale
On the wings of a nightingale
On the wings of a nightingale fly
On the wings of a nightingale
(Phil Everly/John Durrill) Recorded by Rene Shuman with Phil Everly1992 (CD: SET THE CLOCK ON ROCK).
If you could see me now
Sitting here
On top of the world
Oh I wish somehow
You were here
On top of the world
If things could change somehow
Youd be with me
On top of the world
Oh I wish somehow
You were here
On top of the world
(Edan Everly) Phil Everly joins his nephew (Dons son) on this track from Edans fine download album, SONGS FROM BIKINI ATOLL.
See: iTunes, Amazon, and other sites. Pacifico is a Mexican beer and Cozumel an
island off Mexico in the Caribbean.
My stomach hurts
My brain dont work
I owe it all to you
Stuck in a trap
My headaches back
You know Ive gotta choose
I kept callin and callin my home
And no one would even answer the phone
Then I went to the bar and I bought me a drink
And I went for a couple of winks
My stomach hurts
My brain dont work
I owe it all to you
Stuck in a trap
My headaches back
What am I to do
Oh, they put out the lights at the, pajama party
They all said goodnight at the, pajama party
Well, they went to dream of Elvis and the brothers Everly
I hope my baby dreams of me
PARADISE #1 (1972)
(John Prine) Don: I ran into Kris Kristofferson on the road, and he said, Geez, me and Paul Anka just heard this songwriter up in
Chicago, and you should have heard some of his songs hes from Kentucky. I got a hold of his album and listened to it
Paradise was about my home town, you know, the Green river: I said, I gotta do this.
(Interview with Andrew Sandoval for the 1994 HEARTACHES & HARMONIES box set)
Then the coal company came with the world's largest shovel
And they tortured the timber and stripped all our land
Well, they dug for their coal till the land was forsaken Phil, Billy Harlan, Tommy Payne & Don: The Green Valley River Boys.
Then they wrote it all down as the progress of man (1949)
And daddy won't you take me back to Muhlenberg County
Down by the Green River where Paradise lay
Well I'm sorry my son, but you're too late in asking
Mister Peabody's coal train has hauled it away
PARADISE #2 (1987)
(Taj Mahal) Don and Phil, with Albert Lee, join Taj Mahal during a performance on Garrison Keillors Lake Wobegon Spring
Weekend (for Minnesota Public Radio) available (in an edited version) on HighBridge DVD A Prairie Home
Collection, broadcast from the Fitzgerald Theatre, St Paul, Minnesota. A tape of the full-length version is also around.
PARTY (??)*
(Phil Everly/Andrew M Dorff/Bobby Wayne Tomberlin)This song is listed on the BMI website but no other information has as yet come to
light. Information about the song and any recording would be gratefully appreciated.
(Phil Everly) Phil Everly solo (Also recorded by Larry Barnes 1961. More rocky version with slightly different words)
And Ill, just go on lovin you patiently
Omitted verses:
People get ready
For the train to Jordan
Picking up passengers
From coast to coast
I belong to another
Whose arms have grown cold
But I promised forever
To have and to hold
I can never be free dear
But when I'm with you
I know that I'm losing
The strength to be true
And all the memories we share
*1 this verse sung on Star Spangled Springer album version but not on the Chained To A Memory box CD version.
*2 this verse sung on Chained To A Memory box CD version but not on the Star Spangled Springer album version.
Down there we got a plant that grows out in the woods and the fields
Looks somethin' like a turnip green
Cept it aint
Cause everybody calls it Polk salad
Polk - salad
Cause down in Louisiana
Where the alligators grow so mean
There lived a girl that I swear to the world
Made the alligators look tame
Everyday before suppertime
She'd go down by the truck patch
And pick her a mess o' Polk salad
And carry it home in a tote sack
Lord her daddy was lazy and no count
He claimed he had a bad back
And all her brothers were fit for
Was stealin' watermelons out of my truck patch
(Edward Elgar) A largely instrumental big band tune by Adrian Kimberly - an pseudonym for Don Everly assisted by Neil Hefti plus
female chorous. Released on Don & Phils new Calliope label. initially with Black Mountain Stomp on the flip side -
later replaced with Bumps. It reached #34 on the Billboard charts but was banned in Britain.. The Pomp And
Circumstance Marches are a series of marches for orchestra composed by Sir Edward Elgar. What is known as The
Graduation March and played at high school and college graduations in the US is really March No. 1 in D, composed in
1901. The title for the marches comes from Shakespeares Othello, Act lll, Scene iii:
Farewell the neighing steed and the shrill trump,
The spirit-stirring drum, th'ear-piercing fyfe,
The royalbanner, and all quality,
Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war
Don: I started Calliope because I wanted to do things with horns and big bands and I couldnt fit it into what the
Everly Brothers were doing. I did Pomp And Circumstance under the pseudonym of Adrian Kimberly. It was a real
rocking instrumental version with lots of brass and a girl vocal group. () The joke is that Pomp And Circumstance is
the graduation theme in the States and my idea was to release it around graduation time starting [like cheer leaders]:
No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks and then into the song. It was banned in Britain.
I didnt realise at the time that it was a national monument in Britain or we mightve had a hit with it there.
Edward Elgar 2nd June 1857 23 February 1934.
La la la la la
La la-la la la
No more pencils
No more books
No more teachers dirty looks
Da da-da da-da oi!
La la la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la
No more pencils
No more books
No more teachers dirty looks
La la la la la la
La la la la la
No more pencils
No more books
No more teachers dirty looks
And then some joker went and called the cops on the phone
So everybody scattered out for places unknown
I couldn't carry Jenny so I left her alone
Poor Jenny
Her eye was black, her face was red, her hair was a fright
She looked as though she'd been a-cryin' half of the night
I told her I was sorry, she said Get out of sight
Poor Jenny
New verse and extra chorus for the ALBUM, WARREN ZEVON (the first verse above is omitted):
I met a girl at the Rainbow bar
She asked me if I'd beat her
She took me back to the Hyatt House
I don't want to talk about it
(Unknown) This track is known to have been recorded (on 28th February 1968) but is lost and never issued. There is a 1968 instrumental
composition by Rod McKuen recorded with Henry Mancini (Don Everly was big fan of HM) which may have a link.
Portuguese Bend alludes to the Palos Verdes Peninsular costal region of California. A geologically unstable area of wildlife
reserve and natural beauty. This mile-long stretch of road experiences some of the most dramatic geological shifts anywhere.
Located just east of Abalone Cove Shoreline Park, this area has seen more than 100 homes lost to landslides since 1956.
Yet people continue to build large estates in the area. Driving through provides plenty of evidence of the area's infamous
geological history; the road is crooked and bumpy in many parts. All we need is the song!
PRETEND (1965)
(Lew Douglas/Cliff Parman/Frank Lavere) During TVs Shindig (16th June) the EBs join Gerry (Marsden) and The Pacemakers in a fun
medley swapping songs. G&TPs sing extracts from Bye Bye Love and Be Bop A Lula whilst the EBs sing How Do You Do
It and I Like It. Together they sing the Nat King Cole hit Pretend. At one point Gerry Marsdens guitar string snaps and
hits Don in the eye; the singing rather disintegrates into laughter followed by a very professional recovery. It can be found
on YouTube.
And if you sing this melody (If you sing this melody)
Youll be pretending just like me (Youll be pretending just like me)
The world is mine, it can be yours, my friend
So why dont you pretend
And if you sing this melody (If you sing this melody)
Youll be pretending just like me (Youll be pretending just like me)
The world is mine, it can be yours, my friend
So why dont you pretend
PRIDE (1980)
(Johnny Rivers/Michael Georgiades) Phil Everly provides chorus chants with Casey Kelly (see Where You Been) and Johnny Rivers on
this track from Johnny Rivers 1980 album BORROWED TIME.
Pride keeping us apart
Pride tearing up my heart
Its hard to say youre sorry
When you dont have long in your eyes
Pride it hurts so bad
Pride its so sad
Weve been sleeping on a feather bed of lies
Oh lies
(Boudleaux & Felice Bryant) Felice Bryant, 7th August 1925 22nd April 2003; Boudleaux Bryant 13th February 1920 26th June 1987.
Married in 1945, the Bryants started out recording records as Bood & Fileece and Bud & Betty before
commencing a full-time songwriting career creating compositions and hits for just about everyone.
Le Copains recorded a French version Les Problems and The Honey Twins a German one Schade, Schade
If you come down to the river
Bet you gonna find some people who live
You dont have to worry cause you have no money
People on the river are happy to give
Omitted verses:
And the world (and the world)
Will be a better place
All the world (all the world)
Will be a better place
For you (for you)
And me (and me)
You just wait (just wait)
And see, wait and see
People, now put a little love in your heart
Each and every day
Put a little love in your heart
There's no other way
Put a little love in your heart
It's up to you
Put a little love in your heart
Come on and
Put a little love in your heart
QUEEN OF 59 (1976)
(Dion DiMucci) Phil sings harmony with Dion on this track and contributes backing vocals to all other tracks on Dions album
Shes a lady
Ba la la la la la la
Ba la la la la la la
Ba la la la la la la
Ba la la la la la la
My favourite cheer-leader
Finds her hair streaked with grey
And instead of drive-in movies
Shed rather see a play
I know that her initials
Are carved in a desk somewhere
And like rock n roll heroes, pony-tails
Have been combed from her hair
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
Woo bub a la la
La la la
QUIET (2004?)
(Chris Everly) Phil Everly joins his son Christopher (Born 25th September 1974) for this track released as a download. It is quite difficult
to obtain.
What is gone is gone
What is lost is lost
Forever an ever
What you said to me
Is such a mystery
It wont make things better
Just for more (more, more, more)
It's nice to sit and say the things that lovers have to say
While the good guys chase the bad guys and the top ten records play
It's nice to sit and say things that lovers have to say
While the good guys chase the bad guys and the top ten records play
(Bill Carlisle) Performed with Tennessee Ernie Ford on the US TV The Ford Show (named for sponsors Ford Motors, not the host
Tennessee Ernie Ford!). All three play together on one guitar with TEF plucking, Don tuning and plucking and Phil tuning.
Available on DVDs The Ford Show and Rock n Roll Odyssey. It also featured on the BBC Arena Rock Doc programme Songs
of Innocence and Experience. Rattlesnake Daddy was a hit single for Bill Carlisle (19th December 1908 17th March 2003) in
1933 on ARC Records (American Record Corporation).
TEF (following a bit of banter about the song and if Don & Phils dad knew it) :
Im a rattlesnake daddy
And I rattle where I please
Yes Im a rattlesnake daddy
And I rattle where I please
And when you hear me rattle
Better get down on your knees
I rattled last night
The night before
I work up this morning
Gonna rattle some more
Im a rattlesnake daddy - yes
From Tennessee
And when you hear me rattle
TEF: Youd better let me be
D&P: Youd better let me be
RAVE ON (2004)
(Sonny West/Bill Tilghman/Norman Petty) Phil duets with his son Jason of the 2004 CD THE CRICKETS AND THEIR BUDDIES.
Originally recorded by Buddy Holly in 1958 at Norman Pettys New Mexico studio.
Well, the little things you say and do
Make me want to be with you
Rave on, this crazy feelin'
And I know, it's got me reelin'
When you say, I love you
Oh baby rave on
Red, white and blue boys
Your country she needs you
You gotta pull her through boys
You know its up to you
(Eddie Miller/Dub Williams/Robert Yount) Edward Monroe Eddie Miller, 10th December 1919 11th April 1977.
Omitted verse:
Please release me cant you see
Youd be a fool to cling to me
To live a lie would bring us pain
So release me and let me love again
(Scott Wiseman) The EBs sang this with the cast of Garrison Keillors Prairie Home Companion 2nd Annual Farewell Performance
(for Minnesota Public Radio - 4th June 1988). Available on cassette and CD. The EBs also perform a medley of hits and
Long Time Gone. They also join in the cast on The Lord Will Make A Way Somehow and Miss The Mississippi And
You and an instrumental of Ill See You In My Dreams (all included here). Scott Greene Wiseman, 8th November 1908
31st January 1981.
Omitted verse:
You told me once, that youd be mine alone forever
And I was yours till the end of eternity
But all those vows are broken now
And we will never be the same except in memory
And in your heart youll find the dream you thought was gone
Theyre playing
Ring around my Rosie
Trying to steal my girl
Where wed walk and talk for hours
Theyre playing
Ring around my Rosie
Tryin to get cosy
They bring Rosie pretty things
All that I could hope to bring
Is a small bouquet of posies
And a big heart full of love
Stop playing
Ring around my Rosie
Tryin to get cosy
I cant buy her fancy things
Just a simple wedding ring
And a small bouquet of posies
And a big heart full of love
RIP IT UP (1957)
(Robert A. Blackwell/John S. Marascalco) Robert Alexander Bumps Blackwell, 23rd May 1922 9th March 1985. Phil Everly also it sings
with Cliff Richard during his 23rd November 1981 show at Hammersmith Odeon, London as part of
a medley with Long Tall Sally. Available on CD and DVD.
Shag* on down by the union hall
When the joint starts jumpin
Ill have a ball
Im gonna rock it up
Im gonna rip it up
Im gonna shake it up
Im gonna ball it up
Im gonna rock it up
Have a ball tonight
* Shag in this case probably refers to a popular stomp/swing dance similar to the Jitterbug, Lindy Hop and later
Rock n Roll not, in this case, to the UK meaning! There are numerous Shag variations e.g. St Louis, Charleston.
Ah lets go cat!
Well, now we cant make it to the American Bandstand
But, youre at home with just ol madman
And rock, at the record hop ah-huh
(Trad.) A snatch of this old traditional spiritual is heard at the beginning of the ROOTS album as part of the 1952 Everly Family radio
show recordings.
They say that it even grows in the winter time
And blooms in the dead of the night
Omitted verse:
Don't question why she needs to be so free
She'll tell you it's the only way to be
She just can't be chained
To a life where nothing's gained
And nothing's lost
At such a cost
Im a runaway man
Keep on changing my plans
Seems whatever I do
Theres no home without you
Ive done all that I can
And I know what I am
Just a runaway man
Im a runaway man
Keep on changing my plans
Seems whatever I do
Theres no home without you
Ive done all that I can
And I know what I am
Just a runaway man
Im a runaway man
Keep on changing my plans
Seems whatever I do
Theres no home without you
Ive done all that I can
And I know what I am
Just a runaway man
Im a runaway man
Keep on changing my plans
Seems whatever I do
Theres no home without you
Ive done all that I can
And I know what I am
Just a runaway man
SAFARI (1970)
(Don Everly) Don Everly solo
Fr jede Stunde, danke ich dir / For every hour, I thank you
Fr jede Stunde, mit mir / For every hour, with me
Sag auf wiedersehen / Say farewell
Musst du Heut auch gehen / Should you have to leave today
Sag auf wiedersehen / Say farewell
Denn es war so schn / As it was so nice
Was so schn began / Something that started so nicely
Dein Herz vergessen kann / Your heart could forget
Denke so wie ich daran / Such as I will remember
Bis zum wiedersehen / Until we again see each other
Wiedersehen / See each other again
Wiedersehen / See each other again
Wiedersehen. / See each other again ..
Goodbye to
Helen Heartbreak, Rosa Rain
Susie Sorrow, Paula Pain
Terry Teardrops, Betty Blue
Cause Sally Sunshine, I love you
Goodbye to
Helen Heartbreak, Rosa Rain
Susie Sorrow, Paula Pain
Terry Teardrops, Betty Blue
Cause Sally Sunshine, I love you
Farewell to
Helen Heartbreak, Rosa Rain
Susie Sorrow, Paula Pain
Terry Teardrops, Betty Blue
Cause Sally Sunshine, I love you
Sally Sunshine I love you
Sally Sunshine I love you
Presenter: Oh, that was really swell Donnie Everly, thanks a whole lot.
A sea of heartbreak
Lost love and loneliness
Memories of your caress
So divine, how I wish, you were mine
Again my dear
I am on a sea of tears
Sea of heartbreak
Omitted section:
Oh what I'd give to sail back to shore
Back to your arms once more
Come to my rescue
Come here to me
Take me and keep me
Away from the sea
This Sea of heartbreak
Lost love and loneliness
The memories of your caress
So divine how I wish you were mine
Again my dear
I am on a sea of tears
Sea of heartbreak
Im willing to compromise
When I look into your big brown eyes
Its hard to be the bearer of bad news
Youre callin when Im diallin you
Its hard to be the bearer of bad news
(Mark Knopfler) Don Everly provides harmony on this track from Albert Lees debut solo album HIDING. Mark Knopfler is of course a
highly well known musician originally with Dire Straits and wrote Why Worry for the EBs. Albert Lee of course was a
member of Heads Hands And Feet; The Crickets for a while; Emmylou Harris Hot Band and was lead guitarist with the
EBs main touring band during the 1980s and 90s as well as being a highly accomplished and widely respected musician
contributing to many recordings. He regularly tours with Hogans Heroes.
Setting me up
To put me down
Making me out
To be your clown
Setting me up
To put me down
Youd better give it up, baby
Quit your messing round
Setting me up
To put me down
Youre making me out
To be your clown
Setting me up
To put me down
Youd better give it up, baby
You gotta quit your messing round
Shady Grove, my little miss
Shady Grove, my darlin'
Shady Grove, my little miss
Come with me to Harlan
Omitted verses:
I believe it to my soul you're the devil in nylon hose
I believe it to my soul you're the devil in nylon hose
For the harder I work the faster my money goes
I believe you're doin' me wrong and now I know
I believe you're doin' me wrong and now I know
The more I work, the faster my money goes
Oh oh she's my world
Oh oh not just some girl
Harder, it's getting harder
To fool anyone
Not just her, but I act like a man
She'd expect me to
No tears win her respect
(J. Danielson (aka Phil Everly)/Terry Slater) A demo of this track was laid down by Phil with Terry Slater on 1st October 1968 as the
ROOTS sessions were concluding. No details/lyrics are known. J. Danielson is an alias for Phil Everly.
(She runs, she runs, she runs)
She (She) dont wanna rest (dont wanna rest)
She wants to get dressed (She wants to get dressed)
And run to the crowd (And run to the crowd)
In (In) bell-bottom pants (bell-bottom pants)
She looks for romance (She looks for romance)
The music is loud (The music is loud)
Should we tell him
To let him go on trusting isnt fair?
Should we tell him,
Should we tell him that his girl doesnt care?
(L. Ransford) L. Ransford is a pseudonym for Allan Clarke, Tony Hicks, Graham Nash of The Hollies.
Presenter: ..and now, heres a fella next - he didnt sleep all night, he was rehearsing his song, I hear. I hear you were singing your
song in your sleep, Phillip, is that right?
Phil: Thats what mother thought, but I dont know.
Presenter: Margaret Everly told me this morning that she woke up, oh in the middle of the night, and she heard some noise. And she
went into the boys bedroom and there was Phillip sound asleep and he was still rehearsing his song in his sleep. Phillip, how old are
Phil: Seven years old.
Presenter: Youre seven years old, a-huh. What did Santa Claus bring you for Christmas?
Phil: He brought me a football and a pocket knife and a set I forget the name. I think its aits heating set or something - make some
Presenter: Ask Pop what it is.
Ike: Its a foundry.
Presenter: A foundry. Oh, you can make all the lead armies you want to make, is that the idea? What did you, what dyou get the old
man for Christmas? Dyou give him a present?
Phil: Hm-mm
Presenter: I heard you got him an oil painting set, is that right?
Phil: Oh - yeah.
Presenter: A-huh. You know, Ike is an artist, folks, and he, eh, he paints landscapes - oil paints very, very fine works. So thats what
he got for Christmas. And what did you get your mother? You remember that?
Phil: O, I gotwe gotmy daddy and Don and me, we got her a house coat.
Presenter: A house coat, a-huh. And Margaret was telling us all about it this morning; how she liked it. Well folks, here is Phillip Everly
now, and hes got a very fine song for you; its Silent Night.
Come little children, come one and all
Come to the manger in Bethlehems stall
And see what our Father from heaven so bright
Has sent for a joy on this most holy night
Presenter: O that was really fine, Phillip. Did you wish the folks merry Christmas?
Phil: Yeah - no, not yet.
Presenter: Well you do it right now then.
Phil: I wish everybody a very merry Christmas - merry Christmas.
Presenter: Okay.
Am I gettin the
Silent treatment
Silent treatment
Silent treatment
From you, gee
I hate this cold and
Silent treatment
Silent treatment
Silent treatment
From you, oo
Say it aint true
Am I gettin the
Silent treatment
Silent treatment
Silent treatment
From you, gee
I hate this cold and
Silent treatment
Silent treatment
Silent treatment
From you, oo,
Say it aint true
Omitted verses:
Well, I never felt more like singin' the blues
'Cause I never thought that I'd ever lose
Your love dear, why'd you do me this way
Well, I never felt more like cryin' all night
'Cause everythin's wrong, and nothin' ain't right, without you
You got me singin' the blues
Let him..
Sing me back home a song I used to hear
Make my old memories come alive
Take me away and turn back the years
Sing me back home before I die
Won't you...
Sing me back home, a song I used to hear
Make my old memories come alive
Please take me away and turn back the years
Sing me back home before I die
(Boudleaux & Felice Bryant) Felice Bryant, 7th August 1925 22nd April 2003; Boudleaux Bryant 13th February 1920 26th June 1987.
Married in 1945, the Bryants started out recording records as Bood & Fileece and Bud & Betty before
commencing a full-time songwriting career creating compositions and hits for just about everyone.
I wanna be a
Snowflake bombardier
Snowflake bombardier
Let me make it perfectly clear
Snowflake bombardier
I once loved a lady
Who always dressed in brown
Shell come back in the autumn
When leaves are on the ground
I wanna be a
Snowflake bombardier
Snowflake bombardier
Let me make it perfectly clear
Snowflake bombardier
I wanna be a.
SOBER (2010)
(Edan Everly) Phil Everly joins his nephew (Dons son) on this track from Edans fine download album, SONGS FROM BIKINI ATOLL.
See: iTunes, Amazon, and other sites.
Nothings on TV
Nothings on my mind
Got to find something to do with
All this idle time
How he feels, I just have to say goodbye
SO FINE (1964)
(Johnny Otis) #11 hit in 1959 for New Jersey vocal group The Fiestas.
So fine
So fine yeah
My babys so doggone fine
She loves me come rain or shine
Woah woah yeah yeah
So fine
She thrills me
She thrills me yeah
My baby thrill me all the time
She sends cold chills up and down my spine
Woah woah yeah yeah
So fine
Well I know
She loves me so
Well I know
Cause my baby, tells me so
So fine
So fine yeah
My babys so doggone fine
She loves me come rain or shine
Woah woah yeah yeah
So fine
So fine
So fine
So fine
So fine .
Come home
Come home
Ye who are weary
Come home
Earnestly, tenderly
Jesus is calling
Calling, O sinner, come home
Come home
Come home
Ye who are weary
Come home
Earnestly, tenderly
Jesus is calling
Calling, O sinner, come home
O for the wonderful love
He has promised
Promised for you and for me
Though we have sinned
He has mercy and pardon
Pardon for you and for me
Come home
Come home
Ye who are weary
Come home
Earnestly, tenderly
Jesus is calling
Calling, O sinner
Come home
Omitted Verse:
Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing
Passing from you and from me
Shadows are gathering
Deathbeds are coming
Coming for you and for me
So it always will be
So it always will be
Omitted verses:
Ive had it to here
Bein where
Loves a small world
Part-time thing
Paper ring
SO LONELY (1966)
(L. Ransford) L. Ransford is a pseudonym for Allan Clarke, Tony Hicks, Graham Nash of The Hollies.
Every time I see you walking down the street with my girl
I get a funny feeling when I see you out with my girl
I get so lonely
I get so lonely without you
I get lonely for you
Waiting (Waiting, yes I'm waiting)
Oh how I'm waiting (Waiting, yes I'm waiting)
Waiting (Waiting, yes I'm waiting)
For your loving
To keep me satisfied forever
To keep me satisfied forever
(Woody Guthrie) Part of a tribute medley to Woody Guthrie (whose birthday was the day before the broadcast) performed with Arlo
Guthrie, Marty Robbins and Jackie DeShannon, comprising The Grand Coulee Dam/ Old Rattler/This Land Is Your
Land/So Long, Its Been Good To Know Yuh (lyrics for which also see) on the 1970 ABC TV show Johnny Cash Presents
The Everly Brothers. No studio recording available but appears on bootlegs - tapes, CDs, VHS & DVD. Recorded 28th
May 1970; aired 15th July 1970 (Show No. 2). Woody Wilson Guthrie, 14th July 1912 3rd October 1967.
This dusty old dust is a-gettin' my home
And I got to be driftin' along
I didnt follow
But I didnt stay
My heart went with her
Its with her today
But love goes up in flames
When shes in a mood
Some hearts just take
Some hearts just give
Some hearts will die
Some hearts just live
But some hearts
Fall in love again
I hope it wont be long til I can take you and make you my very own
Cause baby-doll I get so tired of wishing and dreamin alone
I hope it wont be long til I can take you and make you my very own
Cause baby doll I get so tired of wishing and dreamin alone
(George Harrison) Phil Solo. Performed on the 1970 ABC TV show Johnny Cash Presents The Everly Brothers. No studio recording
available but appears on bootlegs - tapes, CDs, VHS & DVD. Recorded 23rd May 1970; aired 29th July 1970 (Show No.
4). Also performed as an EB duet on Show No. 9, Recorded 10th June 1970; aired 16th September 1970.
George Harrison, 25th February 1943 29th November 2001.
Every now and then the things I lean on lose their meaning
And I find myself careening
Into places that I should not let me go, no
Hes got the power to go, where no one else can find me
Silently remind me
Of happiness and good things that I know - and I just know
Omitted verse:
It isnt what shes got to say
Or how she thinks or where shes been
To me, the words are nice, the way they sound
I like to hear them best that way
It doesnt much matter what they mean
She says them mostly just to calm me down
Im givin up the fast life
Gonna slow it down
And drift along with the flow
Ill let the good times
Show me where to go
Somewhere south in Mexico
(Tony Colton/Ray Smith) Don Everly solo
Southern California
Oh I want to be a star
Southern California
Please remain the way you are
Southern California
Oh I want to be a star
Southern California
Please remain the way you are
* NB: this final section reprise words and music from Melody Train (see above)
Stay close to me
Give me your heart
Then you will see
Well never part
Stay close to me
Tell me youre mine
When youre with me
True love well find
Stay close to me
Tell me youre mine
When youre with me
True love well find
Well you cant stand back
You gotta step it up and go
(Mel Tillis)
(Jim Pewter) Sung by Gene Vincent (SPARK SRL1091) with a mention of Don & Phil plus many others. Included here for fun and for the
diehard collectors of all things Everly! One of their greatest hits was of course a cover of Gene Vincents Be Bop A-Lula.
Hear me now
Chuck Willis, Lord Old Sam Cooke
Sock it to me, yeah
Buddy Knox, Jimmy Bowen, Lloyd Price
Hey don't touch that dial, I ain't through
I forgot somebody
Bobby Darin, Larry Williams, The Blue Caps...
Here we go...
(Dion DiMucci/Bill Tuohy) Included on Dions (Dion DiMucci) STREETHEART album on which the sleeve notes state that Phil Everly,
along with others, contributes backing singing albeit his voice is not readily identifiable.
(Phil Everly/Terry Slater) Phil Everly solo
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Drive that old rain away from me
That old skys too grey for me
Shine, summershine
Shine, summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine
Shine summershine.
SUSIE (1963)
(Mayer/Kurt Hertha)
Willst du nicht mein darling sein - Susie, Susie / Wont you be my darling Susie, Susie
Denn mein Herz ist immer dein - Susie, Susie / For my heart is always yours Susie, Susie
Lass dich morgen wiedersehen - Susie, Susie / Let me see you again tomorrow Susie, Susie
Nicht nur im vorbergehen / Not just in passing
Oh Susie du bist schn / Oh Susie you are beautiful
Alle sind in dich verliebt - Susie, Susie / Everyone is in love with you Susie, Susie
Weil es dich nur einmal gibt - Susie, Susie / As there is only one of you Susie, Susie
Keiner ist so lieb wie du - Susie, Susie / No one is as sweet as you - Susie, Susie
Und ich denke immer / And I always think
Oh Susie I love you
Willst du nicht mein darling sein - Susie, Susie / Wont you be my darling Susie, Susie
Denn mein Herz ist immer dein - Susie, Susie / For my heart is always yours Susie, Susie
Lass dich morgen wiedersehen - Susie, Susie / Let me see you again tomorrow Susie, Susie
Nicht nur im vorbergehen / Not just in passing
Oh Susie du bist schn / Oh Susie you are beautiful
Susie du bist schn / Oh Susie you are beautiful
Susie du bist schn / Oh Susie you are beautiful
SUSIE Q #1 (1964)
(Dale Hawkins/Stan J. Lewis/Eleanor Broadwater) In fact James Burton wrote this song with Dale Hawkins for whom it was a 1957 hit.
Stan Lewis owned a record store and got Hawkins original recordings underway and Eleanor Broadwater was the
wife of DJ Gene Nobles on Nashvilles R&B radio giant, WLAC. In the 50s and 60s powerful DJs often got a cut of
the royalty as a bribe to play songs (the Payola scandal). Lewis took his part, it is assumed, for his efforts in getting
the recording to Chess. James Burton, rightly, felt cheated! Dale Hawkins, 22nd August 1936 13th February 2010.
Oh, Susie Q
Oh, Susie Q
Oh, Susie Q
I love you, my Susie Q
Oh, Susie Q
Oh, Susie Q
Oh, Susie Q
I love you, my Susie Q
Oh Susie Q
Oh Susie Q
Oh Susie Q
Tu mi piaci sempre piu / I like you more and more
Lo dico in Italian(o) e in American(o) / I say it in Italian and in American
Lo dico in Italian(o) e in American(o) / I say it in Italian and in American
Yes I love you
Oh Susie Q
Oh Susie Q
Oh Susie Q
Non so come faro / I dont know what Ill do
Come mi curero / How I will get better
Oh Susie Q ...
Won't you let me go down in my dreams
And rock-a-bye sweet baby James
There's a song that they sing when they take to the highway
A song that they sing when they take to the sea
A song that they sing of their home in the sky
Maybe you can believe it, if it helps you to sleep
The singing works just fine for me
Oh mommy mommy
Please may I go
Its such a sight to see
Somebody steal the show
Oh daddy daddy
I beg of you
Whisper to my mama
Its all right with you
(Phil Everly/Terry Slater) Phil Everly solo. Released as a single (B-side, Goodbye Line) outside US only.
If I knew a melody
That could haunt your memory when Im away
There would never be a time
Id be out of your mind be it night or day
Id have a grand old choir to follow by the hour
Just to sing for you
So you would always know
No matter where you go
That I love you
Omitted verses:
I'm sitting on my front porch
Mmm sweet nothins
Well, do I love you
Of course
Mmm, sweet nothins
Mama turned on the front porch light
And said "Come in darling
That's enough for tonight"
Sweet nothins
Mmm, sweet nothins
Sweet nothin
Mmm, sweet nothins
Sweet nothins
I smiled at you
You smiled at me too
And I thought your eyes were telling me
What you wanted me to do
So I said Hello
I let my feelings show
But you only laughed
And now I just dont know
Sweet pretender
Will you surrender
Are you teasin me
Will our love ever be
Sweet pretender
Sweet pretender
Sweet pretender
Sweet pretender
Oh, come here girl and give that sweet southern love to me
Oh, come here girl and give that sweet southern love to me
Yeah, come here girl and give that sweet southern love to me
Come here girl and give that sweet southern love to me
Yeah, come here girl and give that sweet southern love to me
Oh, come here girl and give that sweet southern love to me
Don & Phil talk about boyhood memories of tent revival services.
SYLVIE (1971)
(Unknown) Track recorded on 25th August 1971 as part of the RCA STORIES WE COULD TELL sessions but never issued and is
presumed lost. One speculates that the title might possibly allude to the French singer Sylvie Vartan, a contemporaneous
performer with the EBs in the 60s/70s. Alternatively it could be a cover of the Hudie Ledbetter (Leadbelly) song Bring A Little
Water Sylvie.
Say I won't be coming home
Gotta start a new life
Take a letter Maria
Address it to my wife
Send a copy to my lawyer
Gotta start a new life
Mary, Mary
Oh, Lord this cell is cold
(Tony Colton/Ray Smith) Don Everly solo
When youve made the rounds
And theres no one left around
To take your loving to
When all the words theyve said
Go whirling through your head
But thats the soul of you
TATUM (2006)
(Edan Everly) Phil Everly joins his nephew (Dons son) on this track from Edans download album, FOR THE INSANTIY OF IT ALL.
See: iTunes, Amazon, and other sites.
Its so sad
But dont be mad
Its all just part
Of life
I heard you say
Friends are forever
Thats a fact
You will see
Oh I would try to keep my tears from fallin down
As my world keeps turnin round and round
And all my
Tears fall down
Just as my
World turns round
I feel my life
Will rearrange
I pray my dream
Wont ever change
I heard you say
Friends are forever
Thats a fact
You will see
Its never too late
Never too late
To do the intelligent thing
And all my
Tears fall down
Just as my
World turns round
I feel my life
Will rearrange
I pray my dream
Wont ever change
I dont know if -
If I should feel sad tonight
Cause I know I cant laugh
While all my tears fall down to the ground
Down to the ground
And all my
Tears fall down
Just as my
World turns round
I feel my life
Will rearrange
I pray my dreams
Wont ever change
I said, Sound me chick, is this something new This pic shows, Chet, Billy and Don.
Oh dad, she said, like whats a-happened to you
This teen jean jive is the latest thing
Im-a hip, I said, baby this a-really swings
She was the coolest
And her dancin was too
Tomorrow night at five
Ill be at Joes doin the teen jean jive
(Nacio Herb Brown/Arthur Freed) Nacio Herb Brown, 22nd February 1896 28th September 1964.
Arthur Freed (Arthur Grossman), 9th September 1894 12th April 1973.
Yea, yea, yea yeah
Yea, yea, yea yeah
Yea, yea, yea yeah
You came, I was alone
I should have known
You were temptation
Take away the trees and the birds will have to sit upon the ground, (You like that?)
Take away their wings and the birds will have to walk to get around
Take away the bird baths and dirty birds will soon be everywhere
Ah-ah, take away their feathers and the birds will walk around in underwear
Take away their (chirp sound) and the birds will have to whisper when they (chirp sound) (You like that?)
And how about some common sense so they wont be blocking traffic in the spring
Oh remember me my darling
When spring is in the air
And the calling birds
Are whispering everywhere
You can see them walking
Southward in their dirty underwear
That's Tennessee Bird walk
That's Tennessee Bird walk
That's Tennessee Bird walk
That's Tennessee Bird walk
That's Tennessee Bird walk
That's Tennessee Bird walk
(Jimmie Rodgers) There are numerous variations to this song. Aside from the ROOTS version (and bootlegs) there is a great live
recording from 4th June 1994, Nashville, Tennessee, which appears on the 2006 HighBridge CD A PRAIRIE HOME
COMPANION DUETS titled: T For Texas (Blue Yodel No.1). It has a different arrangement; verses are re-ordered;
has some different words added e.g. Lord here and there and ends with a brief yodel. Some live performances include
the last section as below*. An 18th July 2001 recording at King Cat Theater Seattle includes this version but omits the
shooting poor Thelma verse. James Charles Jimmie Rodgers, 8th September 1897 - 26th May 1933.
If you don't want me mama you sure don't have to call (Oh T for Texas, T for Tennessee)
If you don't want me mama you sure don't have to call (T for Texas, T for Tennessee)
I can get more women (Get more women)
Than a passenger train can haul
THATS OLD FASHIONED (Thats The Way Love Should be) (1961)
(Bill Giant/Bernie Baum/Florence Kaye) Bernie Baum, 13th October 1928 28th August 1993. This trio wrote a number of Elvis
Presley numbers. Florence Kaye, 19th January 1919 12th May 2006.
(Don & Phil Everly) Also recorded by Justin Tubb 1957 as The Life I Have To Live
Now we are one no longer two, my darling
But thats too good, to be true
Making love with you, has left me peaceful warm and tired
What more could I ask
There's nothing left to be desired
Sometimes all I need is the air that I breathe and to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe yes to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
La la la la la la la la la.
Sometimes all I need is the air that I breathe and to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Yes to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
La la la la la la la la la.
Omitted verses:
Well, I seed Mars Jackson come a-walkin' down the street
And a-talkin' to a pirate by the name of Jean Lafitte
He gave Jean a drink that he brung from Tennessee
And the pirate said he'd help us drive the British to the sea
Well, we looked down the river and we seed the British come
And there must have been a hundred of them beating on the drum
They stepped so high and they made their bugles ring
While we stood behind our cotton bales and didn't say a thing
Well, the guide who brung the British from the sea
Come a-limping into camp just as sick as he could be
He said the dying words of Colonel Packenham
Was, "You better quit your foolin' with your cousin Uncle Sam."
At the brand new Tennessee Waltz
There's no telling who will be there
At the brand new Tennessee Waltz
You're literally waltzing on air
At the brand new Tennessee Waltz
No longer free
She begs to be free
With no-one to help her
Shell learn to care
Depending on me
Im a collector of beautiful things
And I have collected a beautiful dream
(Don Everly) Don Everly solo
Just close your eyes and pretend that she still loves you
The tears will come soon enough so tell yourself a lie
Just turn your back, on all that pain and sorrow
Youre too young to face the facts of life
Just walk the floor make believe shes walking with you
Pretend that she said hello, forget she said goodbye
Put on an act, pretend you never lost her
Youre too young to face the facts of life
In the fall of 59
Such a shame those yesterdays are gone
In the Fall of 59
I could rock n roll all night long
In the fall of 59
Such a shame those yesterdays are gone
In the Fall of 59
I could rock n roll all night long
Omitted verses:
And by the light of that same star
Three wise men came from country far
To seek for a King was their intent
And to follow the star wherever it went
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the King of Israel
The girl can't help it she was born to please
(Can't help it, the girl can't help it)
And the girl can't help it if her figures meant to squeeze
(Can't help it, the girl can't help it)
Wont you kindly be aware
The girl cant help it (Girl can't help it)
(Phil Everly) Phil demo solo. This track is believed to exist but I do not have it. Any information would be gratefully appreciated.
Omitted verses:
Now the only thing a gambler needs
Is a suitcase and a trunk
And the only time that he's satisfied
Is when he's on a drunk
An earlier take on CHAINED TO A MEMORY is somewhat different one verse and repeated chorus.
You know that was the last thing on my mind
You know that was the last thing on my mind
Omitted verses:
You've got reasons a-plenty for goin'
This I know, this I know
For the weeds have been steadily growin'
Please don't go, please don't go
(Traditional) Performed as a finale with The Lennon Sisters, Doug Kershaw, Michael Parkes and the show company on the 1970 ABC TV
show Johnny Cash Presents The Everly Brothers. No studio recording available but appears on bootlegs - tapes, CDs, VHS &
DVD. Recorded 18th May 1970; aired 19th August 1970 (Show No. 7). Lead Belly (Huddie Ledbetter - to whom the
composition is often attributed) performed The Midnight Special for father and son folk song collectors John & Alan Lomax
in 1934 and they assumed he wrote it. Lead Belly changed and/or added lyrics from other songs. It was originally written, or
at least collected and transcribed, by sociologist Howard Odum. There are many variations to the lyrics. The Midnight Special
was a train that each night passed the prison in Sugarland, Texas, and became a symbol or metaphor for freedom, for going
away from Sugarland or indeed any other prison. Lead Belly said that it was considered good luck to have a cell located so
that the headlight from that train would shine in as the train passed. It was often sung as a prison work-song.
Howard Washington Odum, 24th May 1884 - 8th November 1954.
Well you wake up in the morning, you hear the ding-dong ring
And they march you to the table, you see the same old thing
Well, aint no food on the table, aint no pork in the pan
If you complain about it, well youre in trouble with the man
Omitted verse:
Yonder come Miss Rosie, how in the world did you know
By the way she wears her apron and the clothes she wore
Umbrella on her shoulder, piece of paper in her hand
She come to see the govnor, she wants to free her man
And exchange it some day for a crown
Can make a hero afraid
That what Ive plenty of
Do I give
Yes sirree
Im no fool, I just gave her me
Theres nothing too good for my baby
(Ted Snyder/Harry Smith/Francis Wheeler) Composed in 1921. Ted Snyder, 15th August 1881 16th July 1965. Harry B. Smith, 28th
December 1860 2nd January 1936.
I'm the Sheik of Araby
Your love belongs to me
At night when you're asleep
Into your tent Ill creep
You thought my dream world
Would soon disappear
That all you would leave me
Was heartaches and tears
You thought that without you
I could not carry on
My dream world still stands
Though you are gone
Omitted verse:
I've put my dangerous feelings
Under lock and chain
Killed my violent nature with a smile
Let the demons dance and sing their songs
Within my fevered brain
Not all my God like thoughts were defiled
(Bert Reisfeld/Jean Villard) Phil Everly solo. From the 1946 French song: Les Trois Cloches by Jean Villard & Marc Herrand. Edith Piaf
sang a famous version. Jean Villiard, 2nd June 1895 26th March 1982. Bert Reisfeld, 12th December 1906
11th June 1991.
All the chapel bells were ringing, in the little valley town
And the song that they were singing, was for baby Jimmy Brown
Then the little congregation prayed for guidance from above
"Lead us not into temptation, bless this hour of meditation
Guide him with eternal love"
All the chapel bells were ringing, twas a great day in his life
'Cause the song that they were singing, was for Jimmy and his wife
Then the little congregation, prayed for guidance from above
"Lead us not into temptation, bless oh Lord this celebration
May their lives be filled with love"
To the wayward wind
To the wayward wind
Omitted verse:
Oh I met a girl in a border town
I vowed we'd never part
Though I tried my best to settle down
She's now alone with a broken heart
Even now, as I am
And us, the way we were
Leaving times for you to change
I think of you
The way you remain
I picked up my bag
I went looking for a place to hide
When I saw Carmen and the devil
Walkin side by side
And I said, Hey Carmen
Come on would you go downtown
And she said, Well I gotta go
But my friend can stick around
Your love has gone the wrong way
Yes maam
Your ribbon days are through
No maam
A Barbie doll wont do
Yes maam
You dance with rhythms sweet
No maam
You dont have two left feet
Yes maam
Ask and Ill tell you true
No maam
Ill never lie to you
In my mind - in my dreams
Feels so natural to me
Maybe love - I dont know
Its close enough, so here I go
You make a man get to thinkin
Bout what hes gonna do
Stoppin something old
Startin something new
Hello love - goodbye blues
All I think abouts thinkin bout you
Thinkin bout you
Thinkin bout you
Thinkin bout you
Thinkin bout you
Thinkin bout you
Thinkin bout you..
Omitted verse:
What will I tell old friends back home
Theyre gonna wanna know what went wrong
Ill just say the Grand Ol Opry didnt have a place for me
No, they didnt wanna hear my song
As I go walking that freedom highway
Nobody living can ever make me turn back
This land was made for you and me
The song was sung by Bruce Springsteen and Pete Seeger, accompanied by Seeger's grandson, Tao Rodrguez-Seeger, at
We Are One: The Obama Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial on 18th January 2009. It was restored to the
original lyrics (including the 'There was a big high wall there' and 'Nobody living can ever stop me' verses) for this
performance (as per Pete Seeger's request) with the exception of a change in the end of the 'Relief Office' verse to "As
they stood hungry, I stood there whistling, This land was made for you and me.
Gonna make this world a better place, just for you and me
Ah, gonna make this world a better place, just for you and me
Im gonna make this world a better place, just for you and me
Gonna let the worlds love come through
NB: There are numerous variations to this now traditional childrens/folk/gospel song. It has entered the folk tradition,
first being collected by John Lomax in 1939.
TIGER (1977)
(Jonas Fjeld/Audun Tylden) Don joins the Norwegian Jonas Fjeld Band on this track from their album THE TENNESSE TAPES, recorded
in Nashville. Buddy Emmons also plays steel guitar on this track and some others. Audun Tylden, 29th October 1948
24th January 2011.
Mmm, you got a way about you
Now I cant live without you, uh-huh
Never knew what I missed 'til I kissed you
Uh-huh I kissed you, oh yeah
Well by and by
Your foolish ways
Will bring you back again
Youll try my kisses
Say you missed them
Ask me how Ive been
My waiting heart
Will wait again
Ill say you wasnt fair
Youll never love me
Youll never care
But Ive got the time to spare
Ive got the time to spare
Ive got the time to spare
I live in yesterday
I know what I should do
I should find somebody new
But like your eyes
Im too blue
TORTURE (1964)
(John D. Loudermilk) Petula Clarke had a hit in France with a version of this song entitled Coeur Bless.
Torture, torture
Baby, you're torturing me
Why do you lead me around and make me chase you
When I catch you, you won't let me embrace you
Please baby, have a heart 'cause can't you see
You're torturing me
Torturing me
Torture, torture
Baby, you're torturing me
You know that I'm crazy about you
Yet you make me do without you
Do you mean to hurt, or can't you see
You're torturing me
Torturing me
So many things
That I could say and do
So many ways
To prove my love is true
(Burt Bacharach)
We were so in love
And high above
We had a star
To wish upon, wish
And dreams came true
But not for me
The trains and the boats and planes
Took you away
Away from me
Trains and boats and planes.
TROUBLE (1963)
Omitted verses/variations:
Trouble in mind I'm blue
My old heart is beatin' slow
I ain't had so such trouble
In my life before
TRUE LOVE (1961)
(Cole Porter) From the 1956 film High Society. Cole Albert Porter, 9th June 1891 15th October 1964.
I give to you
And you give to me
True love, true love
So on and on
It will always be
True love, true love
Love comes
Love goes
Now and then love will blossom and grow
We had a good thing
Theres no denying
But lately somethin beautifuls dying
Silent night
Sing a sad song
Its hard times when true love is gone
A heartache and a sad goodbye
But true love, it never runs dry
Time heals
All wounds
Love came but it left us too soon
Hearts break
But hearts mend
Lets patch it up, start over again
Silent night
Sing a sad song
Its hard times when true love is gone
Heartache and a sad goodbye
But true love, it never runs dry
Silent night
Sing a sad song
Its hard times when true love is gone
Heartache and a sad goodbye
But true love, it never runs dry
Heartache and a sad goodbye
But true love, it never runs dry
Ive grown accustomed to the comfort
Nothin heavy on my plate
Come to see myself as free at last
But now I just dont feel that great
Turned down
Turned down
Should have known I couldnt win
Turned down
Turned down
I wont give you that chance again
Turned down
Turned down
Should have known I couldnt win
Turned down
Turned down
I wont give you that chance again
Turned down
Turned down
Should have known I couldnt win
Turned down
Turned down
I wont give you that chance again
Omitted verses:
She had the bluest of blue eyes
She had the cherriest lips
Shouldn't have kissed her
I tried to resist her but
One kiss, and I was a goner
I couldn't run if I'd wanted
I couldn't run if I tried
Saw what I liked
And I liked what I saw
And my heart went along for the ride
UPTIGHT (1970)
(Stevie Wonder/ Sylvia Moy/Henry Cosby) Performed with Stevie Wonder on the 1970 ABC TV show Johnny Cash Presents The Everly
Brothers. No studio recording available but appears on bootlegs tapes, CDs, VHS & DVD. Recorded 17th May 1970;
aired 12th August 1970 (Show No. 6).
She says, baby everything is all right, uptight, (everybody put their hands together) out of sight
Baby, everything is all right, uptight, out of sight - yeah
Dont you know, baby, so much baby so much honey, yeah yeah
And its all me and dont you know
Its love, love, love
Everybody say, love, love, love
Tell me yeah, love, love, love
One more time, say (recording breaks off here)
Let me show you how to walk the dog
Additional verses composed by Sonny Curtis but too late for The EBs recording:
These eyes of mine
That gave you loving glances once before
Changed to shades of cloudy gray
I want so very much to see you
Just like before
I gotta know youre comin back to stay
Please believe me when I say
Its great to hear from you
But theres a lotta things
A letter just cant say, oh me
I might be in Colorado
Or Georgia by the sea
Working for some man who may not know
At all who I might be
'cause you know I'm on the lamb
WARUM (1963)
(Dobschinsky/Hans Bradtke) Hans Bratke, 21st July 1921 12th May 1997.
Ist es alles schon zu Ende ist es alles schon vorbei / Is it all over then, are we really through
Dabei hast du tausend mal gesagt ich bleib dir true / Even though you said a thousand of times, Ill be true to you
Warum kommen all meine Rosen zurck / Why are all my roses returned
Warum, warum, warum / Why, why, why
Ist es alles schon zu Ende, ist es alles schon vorbei / Is it all over then, are we really through
Dabei hast du tausend Mal gesagt ich bleib dir treu / Even though you said a thousand of times, Ill be true to you
Warum kommen all meine Rosen zurck / Why are all my roses returned
Warum, warum, warum / Why, why, why
Warum, warum, warum / Why, why, why
(Gene Thomas)
experimented with Dons first drafts of Human Race. In 1984 The Jackson Five also recorded a song with the same title
written by Tito Jackson & Wayne Arnold but somehow I dont think the EBs recorded that version.
WE COULD (1967)
(Felice Bryant) Duet with Phil Everly and Felice Bryant from the Bryants 1967 10 LP ROCKY TOP. Felice Bryant, 7th August 1925
22nd April 2003. Don Gibson recorded a nice version of We Could in 1957. A fine version is also on John Prines great
1999 CD IN SPITE OF OURSELVES where he duets We Could with Iris DeMent.
We could
We could
You and I
I try to get through the day
Without thinking of the past
Well its a shame those days are gone
(Toothpaste void)
(Toothpaste void)
(Toothpaste void)
(Toothpaste void)
Dann zergeht jedes Eis, zergeht jedes Eis / Then all the ice melts, all the ice melts
Wenn du mich ksst / When you kiss me
Wenn du mich ksst / When you kiss me
Dann zergeht jedes Eis, zergeht jedes Eis / Then all the ice melts, all the ice melts
Wenn du mich ksst / When you kiss me
Wenn du mich ksst / When you kiss me
Wenn du mich ksst / When you kiss me
Wenn du mich ksst / When you kiss me
Well Im witnessing something
I never had dreamed of
Even a couple of years ago
Families screaming and running about
Wringin their hands in the sky, singing
No, no, no, not our generation
No, no, no, not our generation
No, no, no, not our generation
Tell us its a lie
Were running out (runnin out you know were runnin out)
Were running out (runnin out you know were runnin out)
There's nothin there (runnin out you know were runnin out)
Hey-hey hey - were running out (runnin out you know were runnin out)
Hey-hey hey - were running out (runnin out you know were runnin out)
Aah, no, no, no, not our generation
No, no, no, not our generation
No, no, no, not our generation
Tell us its a lie
Were running out (runnin out you know were runnin out)
Were running out (runnin out you know were runnin out)
Were running out (runnin out you know were runnin out)
Were running out (runnin out you know were runnin out)
Were running out (runnin out you know were runnin out)
Were running out
My friends tell me you say that youve got nothin to cry about
And youre not the least bit disturbed about the way that things turned out
Youre not sorry we said goodbye, of this I have no doubt
No youre not feeling blue, but what about me
It didnt take you long to find a guy to take my place
But I cant be satisfied with any other girls embrace
The futures looking bright to you, but mine is hard to face
Oh youve found someone new, but what about me
I hear your new love gives you nothing but the best
Im sure youll never have to know, a moments loneliness
I dont have to wish you luck, youve got it all I guess
Oh loves been good you, but what about me
What about me, what about me, what about me..
Omitted verse:
Why lies He in such mean estate
Where ox and ass are feeding?
Good Christians, fear, for sinners here
The silent Word is pleading.
Nails, spear shall pierce Him through
The cross be borne for me, for you.
Hail, hail the Word made flesh
The Babe, the Son of Mary
So bring Him incense, gold and myrrh
Come peasant King to own Him
The King of kings salvation brings
Let loving hearts enthrone Him
Last night I made the rounds to some of the same old places
Some places you and I used to go
I saw some old friends and they asked the same old questions
And I felt the same old pain that hurts me so
See the woman with the red dress on
She can Birdland all night long
All right (Baby its all right)
Hey hey (Baby its all right)
All right (Baby its all right)
All right (Baby its all right)
So kiss me my sweet
And so let us part
And when I grow too old to dream
That kiss will live in my heart
* These intro words not included in the EB version and this verse is omitted:
After you've gone life will go on
Time will be tenderly melting our tears
Yet will I find you in my mind
Beckoning over the years
Oh - oh Mama Linda
Shes out to get my hide
Shes got a shotgun and a daughter by her side
Hey there ladies, I dont come free
Whos got the love, whos got enough
To keep a man like me
The reason I speak Portuguese
Is I'm some clever guy
But if "Parley vous?" means "How are you?"
Then won't you tell me why
I saw a Chinaman
Fight a Scandinavian
Up stepped an Englishman
And said "I'd like to speak
Why kick this man around
Why strike him when he's down
Just hit him with a hammer
And then bite him on his cheek!"
If you haven't an appetite
Just think of Paul Revere
By the time that they pass a bill
To bring back wine and beer
It'll be night-time in Italy
And Wednesday over here
Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
A sweet fulfilment of
Their secret longing
Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
A sweet fulfilment of
Their secret longing
Omitted verse:
Life here is grand, with friends I love so well
Comfort I get from God's own Word
But when I pass the chilling hand of death
Where could I go to the Lord
Tell me
Where you been
What been doin
Who you been doin it to
Tell me
Where you been
What you been doin
Who you been doin it to
Tell me
Where you been
What you been doin
Who you been doin it to
Tell me
Where you been
What you been doin
Who you been doin it to
Tell me
Where you been
What you been doin
Who you been doin it to
Tell me
Where you been
What you been doin
Who you been doin it to
Oh honey
Where you been
What you been doin
Who you been doin it to
Tell me
Where you been
What you been doin
Who you been doin it to
Where you been
What you been doin
Who you been doin it to
Where you been
What you been doin .
Black roses
White rhythm and blues
Who cares when you lose
Black roses
White rhythm and blues
You say that somebody really loves you
You'd find him if you just knew how
Honey, everyone in the whole wide world
Is probably asleep by now
Wishing for
Black roses
White rhythm and blues
Who cares when you lose
Black roses
White rhythm and blues
Just send me
Black roses
White rhythm and blues
Who cares when you lose
I need some
White rhythm and blues
I need
Black roses
White rhythm and blues
And somebody
Who cares when you lose
Just play a little hillbilly rhythm and blues
Black roses
White rhythm and blues
And somebody
Who cares when you lose
I need some
White rhythm and blues
She said
All I need are
Black roses
White rhythm and blues
Somebody (somebody)
Who cares when you lose
I need a little white rhythm and blues
Whos gonna keep me warm at night
Whos gonna keep me held so tight
Whos gonna keep me warm at night
Whos gonna keep me tonight, tonight, tonight
(Edward A. Snyder/Richard Ahlert) Edward A. Snyder, 22nd February 1919 10th March 2011 (co-composer of Strangers In The Night).
Richard Ahlert, 4th September 1921 - 9th August 1985.
Why not
Why not
Why not let me love you darling
Why not let me love you dear
Why not
Why not
Why not let me love you darling
Why not let me love you dear
Why not
Why not
Why not let me love you darling
Why not let me love you dear
Oooo- ooo
You put the whammy on the love we had (Ooooo)
Why why (why why)
Bye bye (bye bye)
I see this world has made you sad
Some people can be bad
The things they do
The things they say
But baby
I'll wipe away those bitter tears
I'll chase away those restless fears
That turn your blue skies into grey
Why worry
There should be laughter after pain
There should be sunshine after rain
These things have always been the same
So why worry now
Why worry now
When I get down I turn to you
And you make sense of what I do
I know it isn't hard to say
But baby
Just when this world seems mean and cold
Our love comes shining red and gold
And all the rest is by the way
Why worry
There should be laughter after pain
There should be sunshine after rain
These things have always been the same
So why worry now
Why worry now
Why worry now
WILD BOY (1963)
(Phil Everly) Recorded and released by The Castaways (not of Liar, Liar fame, but another, earlier, same named group) in 1963. My
guess is that it was composed much earlier than 1963. No doubt a Phil demo is out there somewhere. (?).
La, la la la la la la la
La, la la la la la la la
La, la la la la la la la
(John Stewart) Phil Everly harmonies on this track. Originally released on the 1980 album DREAM BABIES GO TO
John Stewart - 5th September 1939 19th January 2008. John Stewart was a member of The Kingston Trio
1961 67. He wrote The Monkees biggest hit Daydream Believer and The Lovin Spoonfuls Never Goin
Back plus many other songs.
Shes as golden as the jewels of a Hollywood fool
A highway out to the sun
She is somewhere to stand for a rock & roll man
Living his life on the run
Shes as silver as the flight of a comet in the night
A stairway out to the stars
She is heaven on the run who was captured by the sun
A cool mist over my scars
Moonlights alright
Radio is all night
Seems like heaven to me
Down by the river taking all I give her
Shes as golden as the jewels of a Hollywood fool
A highway out to the sun
She is somewhere to stand for a rock & roll man
Living his life on the run
Moonlights alright
Radio is all night
Seems like heaven to me
Down by the river taking all I give her
WISDOM (2004?)
(Chris Everly) Phil Everly joins his son Christopher (Born 25th September 1974) - released as a download. Quite difficult to obtain.
As I go
And think about
All the things I dream about
I pray theyre not too hard to reach
Your inner soul will tell you right
Dont you ever try to fight
The wisdom life has to preach
I hear a voice
That comes into my mind
It soothes my soul
Like the
Ocean tide
I think so clear
With such freedom
Must be the sounds I hear of wisdom
As you go
And live your life
Dont you ever sacrifice
The things of love
You have to hold
Nothing ever stays the same
Some say lifes a silly game
There cant be wisdom in your soul
I hear a voice
That comes into my mind
It soothes my soul
Like the
Ocean tide
I think so clear
With such freedom
Must be the sound I hear of wisdom
All the lonely people
(Acting like such fools)
Acting like such fools
(Livin' in a world)
Livin' in a world
(And singin the blues)
Singin the blues
(Wisdom, wisdom, wisdom, wisdom)
(Phil Everly)
I just need a woman friend
I see you on the movie show
I see you nearly every place I go
I feel your presence in the air
Touching me whenever Im alone
And I must, confess
That a warm, caress
Makes me want a woman friend
(Hughie Cannon) Performed with Brenda Lee as part of a medley comprising Jambalaya & (Wont You Come Home) Bill Bailey (lyrics for
which also see) on the 1970 ABC TV show Johnny Cash Presents The Everly Brothers. No studio recording available
but appears on bootlegs - tapes, CDs, VHS & DVD. Recorded 23rd May 1970; aired 29th July 1970 (Show No. 4).
Hughie Cannon, 11th May 1877 22nd September 1912.
Omitted verses:
Won't you come home Bill Bailey
Won't you come home
She moans the whole day long
I'm gonna do the cookin' honey
I'm gonna pay the rent
I know that I've done you wrong
Won't you come home Bill Bailey, won't you come home
She moans the whole day long
I'll do the cooking darling, I'll pay the rent
I knows I've done you wrong
Member that rainy eve that I drove you out
With nothing but a fine tooth comb
I know I'se to blame; well ain't that a shame
Bill Bailey won't you please come home?
Won't you come home Bill Bailey, won't you come home
She moans the whole day long
I'll do the cooking darling, I'll pay the rent
I knows I've done you wrong
Member that rainy eve that I drove you out
With nothing but a fine tooth comb
I know I'se to blame; well ain't that a shame
Bill Bailey won't you please come home
Oh my darlin
Talk to me
Open up your heart
Dont give up so easily
Dont let us fall apart
What can I do
Its really up to you
The words in your eyes, say youre leavin
Oh my darlin
Talk to me
Open up your heart
Dont give up so easily
Dont let us fall apart
I cant pretend
I dont know its the end
The words in your eyes, say youre leavin
Yes the words in your eyes, say youre leavin
The words in your eyes, say youve gone
Wo sind die schnen Tage mit meiner Rosmarie / Where are the lovely days with my Rosemarie
Drben in Alabama am Rande der Prairie / Over in Alabama on the edge of the prairie
Wo sind die schnen Stunden im Hause voll Sonnenschein / Where are the lovely hours in the house full of sunshine
Drben in Alabama, so wird es nie mehr sein / Over in Alabama, it will never be like that again
Wo sind die Sterne, die Sterne in der Nacht / Where are the stars, the stars in the night
Die uns das Leben, so lebenswert gemacht / That made our life so worthwhile
Wo sind die schnen Tage mit Rosmarie im Mai / Where are the lovely days with Rosemarie in May
Drben in Alabama, die Tage sind vorbei / Over in Alabama, those days are gone for good
Wo sind die Sterne, die Sterne in der Nacht / Where are the stars, the stars in the night
Die uns das Leben so lebenswert gemacht / That made our lives so worthwhile
Wo sind die schnen Tage, mit Rosmarie im Mai / Where are the lovely days with Rosemarie in May
Drben in Alabama, die Tage sind vorbei / Over in Alabama, those days are gone for good
Die Tage sind vorbei / Those days are gone for good
Die Tage sind vorbei / Those days are gone for good
X - None!
All of life is a song
You and I are a song
They say the times are tough and the road ahead looks rough
And tonight I cant see how Ill face tomorrow
Ive had all that I can stand
So I think Ill just take things in my own hands
God knows I love this farm and the valley when its warm
And the kids wont say it but I know they love me
And I have myself a woman
Who always understands
You broke it
You broke the chain of love
You, you broke it
You broke the chain of love
Of love, our sweet love
You broke it
You broke the chain of love
You, you broke it
You broke the chain of love
Of love, our sweet love
You broke it
You broke the chain of love
You, you broke it
You broke the chain of love
You broke it
You broke the chain of love
You, you broke it
You broke the chain of love.
There you go
Hand in hand
With some guy
Out here I am, alone I stand
About to cry
I should have stopped you
But now its done
You can bet a broken heart aint no fun
Guess that I
Should go on home
To be blue
Oh I dont want the guys to know
I still love you
I should have stopped you
But now its done
You can bet a broken heart aint no fun
You can bet a broken heart aint no fun
Well I got some
Gold inside me too
You got the power baby
Ill write you a letter
Youll be surprised
Girl when you walked in the room for me the song began
I felt like we had met before in some far distant land
You moved with ease across the floor, your motion captured me
I remember that night clearly, again in love so free
And baby
The whole night through
Your cheatin heart, will tell on you
Tenderly, tenderly
Come to me, tenderly
You're the one I love
You're the one I love
You, send me
You, send me
You, ah, you send me
Honest you do
Honest you do
Honest you do
You, thrill me
You, thrill me
You, ah, you, ah you thrill me
Honest you do
Honest you do
Honest you do
You, send me
You, send me
You, ah, you ah you send me
Honest you do
Honest you do
Honest you do
You, send me
You, send me
You, ah, you ah you send me
Honest you do
Honest you do
Honest you do
You thrill me
Honey, honey how you thrill me
Baby, baby how you thrill me
You thrill me through and through
You thrill me
You thrill me
If I lost you it would kill me
Baby, baby how you thrill me
You thrill me through and through
You thrill me
If I lost you it would kill me
Baby, baby how you thrill me
You thrill me through and through
Whenever Im with you
You thrill me through and through
You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips
And there's no tenderness like before in your fingertips
You're trying hard not to show it
But baby, baby I know it
Omitted verses:
Now there's no welcome look in your eyes
When I reach for you
And now you're starting to critisize little things I do
It makes me just feel like crying (baby)
'Cause baby, something beautifuls dying
YVES (1969)
(Scott McKenzie) Scott McKenzie also recorded this song. It can be found on a Raven anthology CD STAINED GLAS REFLECTIONS
1960 -70.
La la la la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la la
(La la la la la la la la la la la la la)
So all of his friends (La la la la la la)
Lit a candle for him (La la la la la la)
All through the night (La la la la la la)
So much candlelight (La la la la la la)
Einst warst du mein, in der trumenden Nacht / Once you were mine in the dreamy night
Und der Mond nur allein hat das traum Glck bewacht / And the moon alone watched over the dream happiness
Einst warst du mein, in der trumenden Nacht / Once you were mine, in the dreamy night
Und der Mond nur allein, hat das traum Glck bewacht / And the moon alone, watched over the dream happiness
.These two guys, who were big stars, starting back when I was in high school back when
they should have been in high school are two guys who taught a whole generation of people to
sing in sweet harmony in two-part brotherly harmony. We all sang their songs and all
practiced those intervals. We owe them a great debt. Someday theyll be on stamps
Garrison Keillor: Prairie Home Companion; The 2nd Annual Farewell Performance, 4th June 1988.
The Everly Brothers Complete Lyrics was first issued November 2006.
Last revised/updated/corrected, May 2012.