6 Principles of IDEA: Gamoso, Roan Mia E
6 Principles of IDEA: Gamoso, Roan Mia E
6 Principles of IDEA: Gamoso, Roan Mia E
6 Principles of IDEA
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was enacted by the federal
government to ensure that all children with disabilities are provided with equality of
[educational] opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-
Originally adopted in 1975 and amended in 2004, the IDEA aims to curb educational
problems associated with low expectations and insufficient focus on alternative
research, teaching methods, and tools. Following are the six major principles of the
IDEA, focusing on students rights and the responsibilities of public schools to children
with disabilities.
Under the IDEA, every child with a disability is entitled to a Free Appropriate Public
Education (FAPE). The IDEA emphasizes special education and related services, which
should be designed to meet a childs unique needs and prepare them for further
education, employment, and independent living.
Furthermore, courts have held that the IDEA requires schools to prepare Individualized
Education Plans, which confer meaningful educational benefit to children with
disabilities. The meaningful educational benefit requirement includes a focus on raised
student expectations, appropriate progress, and transition into postsecondary education
and independent living.
2. Appropriate Evaluation
The IDEA requires that schools conduct appropriate evaluationsof students who are
suspected of having a disability. An appropriate evaluation must be implemented by a
team of knowledgeable and trained evaluators, must utilize sound evaluation materials
and procedures, and must be administered on a non-discriminatory basis.
The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) was established by the IDEA to help ensure
every childs access to a Free Appropriate Public Education. The IEP is a written
document, developed by an IEP team, which draws upon existing evaluation information
in order to meet a students unique educational needs.Under the IDEA, an IEP must
include information regarding a students present levels of educational performance,
annual goals and benchmarking objectives, services and supplementary aids to be
received, and a detailed explanation of instances where a student is not participating in
the general classroom and why.
The IDEA places a strong emphasis on placement in a general education setting. Under
the IDEA, a student is guaranteed placement in the Least Restrictive Environment
(LRE) possible. Therefore, an IEP team must explore a number of alternatives for
enabling a student to participate in the general education classroom. These may
include: classroom modifications, supplemental aids and services, alternative
instructional methods, etc.
5. Parent Participation
The IDEA has a special provision for parent participation in placement decisions.
Under this provision, state educational agencies and local school boards must ensure
that the parents of a child with a disability are members of any group that makes
decisions regarding the placement and LRE of that child.Parents have the right to equal
participation in this process, and are entitled to notification of a planned evaluation,
access to planning and evaluation materials, and involvement in all meetings regarding
their childs placement.IDEA explicitly establishes a role for the parent as equal
participant and decision maker.
6. Procedural Safeguards
Finally, the IDEA establishes procedural safeguards to help parents and students
enforce their rights under federal law. The primary purpose of this requirement is
twofold: safeguards protect parental access to information pertaining to placement and
transition planning; and procedures are put in place to resolve disagreements between
parents and schools regarding the placement of a student.
Under the IDEA procedural safeguards, parents have a right to review all educational
records pertaining to their child, receive notice prior to meetings about their childs
evaluation, placement, or identification, and to obtain an Independent Educational
Evaluation (IEE) for consideration at such meetings.