NEMA23 Stepper Motors Non Stock PDF
NEMA23 Stepper Motors Non Stock PDF
NEMA23 Stepper Motors Non Stock PDF
General Specifications
Step Angle Accuracy 5% (full step, no load) Insulation Resistance 100M min., 500VDC
Resistance Accuracy 10% Dielectric Strength 500VAC for one minute
Inductance Accuracy 20% Shaft Radial Play 0.02mm max. (450g load)
Temperature Rise 80C max. (rated current, 2 phases on) Shaft Axial Play 0.08mm max. (450g load)
Ambient Temperature -20C ~ +50C Max. Radial Force 75N (20mm from the flange)
Step Angle 0.9 degree Max. Axial Force 15N
Model Specifications
Model Part Number Voltage Current/ Resistance/ Inductance/ Holding Rotor Detent No. of Length Weight
V phase phase phase Torque Inertia Torque Leads mm g
Single shaft Double shaft A mH mNm gcm2 gcm
M57STH41-1006JS M57STH41-1006JD 5.7 1 5.7 8.0 382 120 210 6 41 450 Page
M57STH76-2804JS M57STH76-2804JD 3.2 2.8 1.13 5.6 1765 480 680 4 76 1200
General Specifications
Step Angle Accuracy 5% (full step, no load) Insulation Resistance 100M min., 500VDC
Resistance Accuracy 10% Dielectric Strength 500VAC for one minute
Inductance Accuracy 20% Shaft Radial Play 0.02mm max. (450g load)
Temperature Rise 80C max. (rated current, 2 phases on) Shaft Axial Play 0.08mm max. (450g load)
Ambient Temperature -20C ~ +50C Max. Radial Force 75N (20mm from the flange)
Rotation CW (seen from front flange) Max. Axial Force 15N
Model Specifications
Model Part Number Voltage Current/ Resistance/ Inductance/ Holding Rotor Detent No. of Length Weight
V phase phase phase Torque Inertia Torque Leads mm g
Single shaft Double shaft A mH mNm gcm2 gcm
M57STH41-1006S M57STH41-1006D 5.7 1 5.7 5.4 382 120 210 6 41 450 Page
M57STH56-2804S M57STH56-2804D 2.5 2.8 0.9 2.5 1236 300 400 4 56 700
M57STH76-1006S M57STH76-1006D 8.6 1 8.6 14 1324 480 680 6 76 1200
M57STH76-2804S M57STH76-2804D 3.2 2.8 1.13 3.6 1853 480 680 4 76 1200
General Specifications
Step Angle Accuracy 5% (full step, no load) Insulation Resistance 100M min., 500VDC
Resistance Accuracy 10% Dielectric Strength 500VAC for one minute
Inductance Accuracy 20% Shaft Radial Play 0.02mm max. (450g load)
Temperature Rise 80C max. (rated current, 2 phases on) Shaft Axial Play 0.08mm max. (450g load)
Ambient Temperature -20C ~ +50C Max. Radial Force 75N (20mm from the flange)
Step Angle 1.8 degree Max. Axial Force 15N
Model Specifications
Model Part Number Voltage Current/ Resistance/ Inductance/ Holding Rotor Detent No. of Length Weight
V phase phase phase Torque Inertia Torque Leads mm g
Single shaft Double shaft A mH mNm gcm2 gcm
M57ST41-1106S M57ST41-1106D 4 1.1 3.6 3.6 282 57 180 6 41 540 Page
General Specifications
Step Angle Accuracy 5% (full step, no load) Insulation Resistance 100M min., 500VDC
Resistance Accuracy 10% Dielectric Strength 500VAC for one minute
Inductance Accuracy 20% Shaft Radial Play 0.02mm max. (450g load)
Temperature Rise 80C max. (rated current, 2 phases on) Shaft Axial Play 0.08mm max. (450g load)
Ambient Temperature -20C ~ +50C Max. Radial Force 75N (20mm from the flange)
Step Angle 1.8 degree Max. Axial Force 15N
Model Specifications
Model Part Number Connection Voltage Current/ Resistance/ Inductance/ Holding Rotor Detent No. of Length Weight
Type V phase phase phase Torque Inertia Torque Leads mm g
Single shaft Double shaft A mH mNm gcm2 gcm
Unipolar 3 2 1.5 2 765 275 500 Page
M60STH47-2008SF M60STH47-2008DF Parallel 2.1 2.8 0.75 2 1079 275 500 8 47 600
Series 4.2 1.4 3.0 8 1079 275 500
Unipolar 3.6 2 1.8 3.6 1147 400 700
M60STH56-2008SF M60STH56-2008DF Parallel 2.52 2.8 0.9 3.6 1618 400 700 8 56 770
Series 5.04 1.4 3.6 14.4 1618 400 700
Unipolar 4.8 2 2.4 4.6 1471 570 900
M60STH67-2008SF M60STH67-2008DF Parallel 3.36 2.8 1.2 4.6 2059 570 900 8 67 1200
Series 6.72 1.4 4.8 18.4 2059 570 900
Unipolar 6 2 3.0 6.8 2157 840 1000
M60STH88-2008SF M60STH88-2008DF Parallel 4.17 2.8 1.5 6.8 3040 840 1000 8 88 1400
Series 8.4 1.4 6.0 27.2 3040 840 1000