std1090-07 Chapter 14 Below The Hook Lifting Devices PDF
std1090-07 Chapter 14 Below The Hook Lifting Devices PDF
std1090-07 Chapter 14 Below The Hook Lifting Devices PDF
This chapter provides the requirements for below-the-hook lifting devices used in hoisting and rigging,
such as spreader bars, lifting yokes, and lift fixtures. This section implements the requirements of ASME
B30.20, Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices (for latest ASME standards, see
NOTE: Special lifting devices for shipping containers weighing 10,000 lb or more that are used for
radioactive materials are governed by ANSI N14.6 [Standard for Special Lifting Devices for Shipping
Containers Weighing 10,000 Pounds (4,500 kg) or More for Nuclear Materials.]
14.4.4 Inspections............................................................................................................14-17 Initial Inspection .............................................................................14-17 Frequent Inspection.........................................................................14-17 Periodic Inspection .........................................................................14-17
14.4.5 Testing..................................................................................................................14-18 Operational Test..............................................................................14-18 Rated Load Test ..............................................................................14-18
14.4.6 Maintenance ........................................................................................................14-18
14.4.7 Training/Qualification ..........................................................................................14-19
14.4.8 Operation..............................................................................................................14-19 External-Powered Electromagnets ..................................................14-20 Battery-Operated Electromagnets ...................................................14-20 Electrically Controlled Permanent Magnets ...................................14-20 Manually Controlled Permanent Magnets ......................................14-20
14.4.9 Critical Lifts ........................................................................................................14-20
Exhibit I Lifting Bars and Spreaders Load Test and Inspection .................................................14-27
14-1 Chapter 14
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
a. Structural and mechanical lifting devices are 3. Lifter weight, if over 100 lb (45 kg)
often one-of-a-kind designs. Typical 4. Cold current (amps) (when applicable)
devices include:
5. Rated voltage (when applicable)
1. Load-supporting lifting devices (Figure
14-1). 6. Rated load (as described in section
2. Friction-type pressure gripping lifting
devices (Figure 14-2). 7. ASME BTH-1 Design Category
Structural and mechanical lifting devices shall be 1. name and address of the repairer or
designed, fabricated , labeled and assigned a modifier
design category according to the provisions of
ASME B30.20 and ASME BTH-1. 2. repairers or modifiers unit
14.2.2 MARKING
3. lifter weight (if altered)
a. The rated capacity of each lifting device
shall be marked on the main structure where 4. cold current (amps) (if altered)
it is visible and legible. If the lifting device
comprises several items, each detachable 5. rated voltage (if altered)
from the assembly, each lifting device shall
be marked with its rated capacity. At a 6. rated load (if altered) [as described in
minimum, a nameplate, name tag, or other section 14.2.2.a
permanent marker shall be affixed
displaying the following data. 7. ASME BTH-1 Design Category (if
1. Manufacturers name (contractors
name if fabricated onsite). 8. ASME BTH-1 Service Class (if altered)
2. Lifting device weight (if over 100 lb). d. A rerated lifting device shall be relabeled
with the new rated capacity.
3. Serial number (if applicable).
e. Cases may exist where a lifting device
4. Rated capacity. cannot be marked with its rated capacity and
weight. This may be due to the security
b. All new structural and mechanical lifting classification of the load to be lifted or other
devices shall be marked with, but not limited reasons approved by the responsible
to, the following information: manager. In these cases, the lifting device
shall be marked with an identification
1. Manufacturers name and address number, and its documentation shall
describe both its rated capacity and weight.
2. Serial number
Chapter 14 14-2
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
Exposed moving parts or pinch points, such as 3. Severe service quarterly. Inspect
gearing, chain drives, and rotating shafts, that equipment at site of use unless external
may be a hazard to personnel during lifting conditions indicate that disassembly
operations shall be guarded. should be done to permit detailed
4. Special or infrequent service as Initial Inspection recommended by a qualified person
before the first such use and as directed
Prior to their initial use, a qualified inspector by the qualified person for any
shall inspect all new, modified, or repaired lifting subsequent uses.
devices to ensure compliance with Section, Periodic Inspection. b. Lifting device service is defined as follows:
2. Loose or missing guards, fasteners, c. This inspection shall include the items listed
covers, stops, or nameplates. in Section, Frequent Inspection,
in addition to the following:
3. All operating mechanisms and
automatic hold-and-release mechanisms 1. Loose bolts or fasteners.
for maladjustments interfering with
operation. 2. Check for suspect/counterfeit parts (see
Terminology and Definitions, Chapter
b. The operator or designated person shall 1).
carefully examine any deficiencies and
determine whether they constitute a hazard. 3. Cracked or worn gears, pulleys,
Deficiencies noted during the inspection sheaves, sprockets, bearings, chains,
shall be corrected before the lifting device is and belts.
4. Excessive wear of friction pads, Periodic Inspection linkages, and other mechanical parts.
14-3 Chapter 14
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
e. Dated reports of each periodic inspection 2. Visually inspect the lifting device for
shall be prepared. They shall be kept on file deformation, cracks, or other defects
and shall be readily available. A sample after the load test is completed.
load test and inspection form is included as
Exhibit I at the end of this section. This 14.2.7 MAINTENANCE
form is intended to be a sample only and is
not intended to be mandatory. a. A preventive maintenance program shall be
established based upon manufacturers
14.2.6 TESTING recommendations. If equipment
maintenance procedures deviate from Operational Test published manufacturer's recommendations,
the alternate procedures shall be approved in
a. Modified or repaired lifting devices shall be advance by the manufacturer or another
tested before initial use to ensure qualified person and be kept readily
compliance with the requirements of this available.
section (test reports kept on file). Testing
shall include the following: b. Replacement parts shall be equivalent to the
original specifications.
1. Lifting devices with moving parts shall
be tested to confirm that the lifting 14.2.8 TRAINING/QUALIFICATION
device operates in accordance with
manufacturers instructions. a. Below-the-hook lifting device operators
shall be trained and qualified as required in
2. Lifting devices with manually operated or Chapter 6, Personnel Qualification and
automatic latches shall be tested to verify Training. At a minimum, instruction
that the latches operate in accordance with should include the following:
manufacturers instructions.
1. Application of the lifting device to the Rated Load Test load and adjustments to the device, if
any, that adapt it to various sizes or
a. All new, altered, modified, or repaired kinds of loads.
lifting devices shall be tested and inspected
before use. The results of the test and 2. Any special operations or precautions.
inspection shall be documented in the
equipment history file. 3. Condition of the load itself required for
operation of the lifting device such as
b. The rated capacity shall not be more than 80 balance, degree of order of stacked
percent of the maximum load sustained loads, surface cleanliness, bending, and
during the test. Test loads shall not be more load thickness.
than 125 percent of the rated capacity unless
otherwise recommended by the 4. Procedure for storage of lifting device
manufacturer. Test weights shall be to protect it from damage.
accurate to within -5 percent, +0 percent of
stipulated values.
Chapter 14 14-4
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
Te le sc o p in g co il g ra b C o il liftin g h o o k b e a m
Reprinted from ASME B30.20-2006 by permission of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
Reprinted from ASME B30.20-2006 by permission of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
14-5 Chapter 14
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
Reprinted from ASME B30.20-2006 by permission of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
Chapter 14 14-6
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
Reprinted from ASME B30.20-2006 by permission of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
14-7 Chapter 14
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
3. Maintenance and test personnel, when it 10. Do not remove Danger Do Not
is necessary in the performance of their Operate tags from lifting devices
duties. without the approval of the person who
placed them or an authorized person.
4. Inspectors of lifting devices.
11. Store the lifting device in a dry, inside
b. The following shall apply to all personnel location when not in use.
who operate structural and mechanical
lifting devices: 12. Ensure that markings or tags are not
removed or defaced. Replace missing
1. Observe the condition of the lifting or defaced markings or tags.
device before use and during operation.
If you observe a defect that affects the 14.2.10 CRITICAL LIFTS
continued safe use of the lifting device,
remove it from service. See Chapter 2, Critical Lifts, for critical lift
2. Place any attached load on the floor or
ground and, after use, properly store the a. Structural and mechanical lifting devices for
lifting device before leaving. critical-lift service shall have an initial
proof-load test of not less than 125 percent
3. Before they are used on each shift, test of its rated capacity or as specified by the
the lifting device controls. If any design standard to which it was built. If
controls do not operate properly, adjust proof-testing cannot be verified, the lifting
or repair them before operations begin. device shall be proof-tested before being
used to make a critical lift.
4. Do not load the lifting device in excess
of its rated capacity (except for test
Chapter 14 14-8
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
Typical power-operated and mechanically manager. In these cases, the lifting device
operated vacuum lifting and manipulating shall be marked with an identification
devices are shown in Figures 14-5 and 14-6. number, and its documentation shall contain
This section does not cover devices used to both its rated capacity and weight.
handle porous materials, which requires special
design and construction. f. A label or labels shall be affixed t each
vacuum lifting device in a readable position
14.3.1 DESIGN/FABRICATION that displays the word WARNING or
other legend designed to bring the label to
Power- and mechanically-operated vacuum the attention of the operator. The label shall
lifting devices shall be designed and fabricated also contain information cautioning against:
according to the provisions of ASME B30.20,
20-2.2.2. 1. Exceeding the rated capacity or lifting
loads not specified in the
14.3.2 MARKING manufacturers instruction manual.
e. Cases may exist where a lifting device g. A label shall be affixed to each unit that
cannot be marked with its rated capacity and directs the user to consult the manufacturers
weight. This may be due to the security manual if the size or shape of the unit
classification of the load to be lifted or other prohibits the inclusion of the above
reasons approved by the responsible markings.
14-9 Chapter 14
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
Four-pad pow ered vacuum lifting device Four-pad pow ered vacuum lifting
device manipulator
Reprinted from ASME B30.20-2006 by permission of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
Reprinted from ASME B30.20-2006 by permission of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
Chapter 14 14-10
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
b. The power supply to the vacuum lifting a. A qualified inspector shall perform a
device shall be the same as that shown on complete inspection at the following
the nameplate and shall be connected to the intervals:
line side of the crane disconnect or to an
independent circuit. 1. Normal service yearly. Inspect
equipment at site of use.
c. The user shall check for correct rotation of
all pumps. 2. Heavy service semiannually. Inspect
equipment at site of use unless external
14.3.4 INSPECTIONS conditions indicate that disassembly
should be done to permit detailed Initial Inspection inspection.
Prior to their initial use, a qualified inspector 3. Severe service quarterly. Inspect
shall inspect all new or repaired vacuum lifting equipment at site of use unless external
devices to ensure their compliance with Section conditions indicate that disassembly, Periodic Inspection. should be done to permit detailed
inspection. Frequent Inspection
4. Special or infrequent service as
a. The operator or other designated person recommended by a qualified person
shall inspect each vacuum lifting device at before the first use and as directed by
the beginning of each shift or prior to use, if the qualified person for any subsequent
it has not been in regular service. occurrences.
b. The inspection shall be for the following b. Lifting device service is defined as follows:
(records are not required):
1. Normal operation with various
1. Deformation, cracks, and excessive weights within the rated load limit, or
wear of load-bearing parts. uniform loads less than 65 percent of
rated load.
2. Adequate vacuum generator output.
2. Heavy operation within the rated load
3. Cuts, tears, excessive wear, and foreign limit that exceeds normal service.
particles at vacuum pad seal rings.
3. Severe operation under normal or
4. Leakage, cuts, kinks, and collapsed heavy service with abnormal operating
areas of vacuum lines/connections. conditions.
14-11 Chapter 14
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
d. A qualified inspector shall inspect fixtures c. The rated load test shall consist of the
not in regular use according to periodic following steps at a minimum:
inspection requirements before placing them
in service. 1. Attach pads to the designated test load.
e. Dated inspection reports shall be prepared 2. Raise the test load a minimum distance
for each inspection. Inspection records shall to ensure that it is supported by the
be kept on file and shall be readily available. vacuum lifting device, and hold it for 2
14.3.5 TESTING
3. Remain clear of the suspended load. Operational Test
4. Lower and release the load.
a. All new, reinstalled, modified, or repaired
vacuum lifting fixtures shall be tested prior 5. Visually inspect the vacuum lifting
to use. Tests shall be performed by a device for defects, and correct any
qualified inspector or under the direction of deficiencies prior to returning the
that inspector to ensure compliance with the device to service.
requirements of this section. Dated reports
shall be dept on file. 14.3.6 MAINTENANCE
a. All new, reinstalled, repaired, or modified a. Vacuum lifting device operators shall be
vacuum lifting devices shall be tested and trained and qualified as specified in Chapter
inspected before use. Tests and inspections 6, Personnel Qualification and Training.
shall be performed by a qualified inspector At a minimum, instruction shall include the
or under the direction of that inspector. Test following (as applicable):
Chapter 14 14-12
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
1. Application of the lifting device to the 1. Before starting the lift, verify that the
load and adjustments of the device, if vacuum on indicator has reached the
any, that adapt it to various sizes or required level. Also, verify that the
kinds of loads. vacuum lifting device has been
correctly applied and a stable vacuum
2. Any special operations or precautions. level exists by lifting the load a few
inches and observing conditions.
3. Condition of the load itself required for
operation of the lifting device such as 2. Observe the condition of the lifting
balance, degree of order of stacked device before use and during operation.
loads, surface cleanliness, bending, and If you observe a defect that affects the
load thickness. continued safe use of the lifting device,
remove it from service.
4. Procedure for storage of lifting device
to protect it from damage. 3. Place any attached load on the floor or
ground and, after use, properly store the
5. Instructions for not exceeding the rated lifting device before leaving.
capacity of the lifting device or the
capacity of the hoisting equipment by 4. Before they are used on a shift, test the
the combined weight of the load, the lifting device controls. If any do not
lifting device, and the rigging. operate properly, adjust or repair them
before operations begin.
6. Charging of the battery (if required).
5. Do not load the lifting device in excess
7. The purpose of indicators, meters, or of its rated capacity (except for test
alarms on the vacuum lifting device. loads) or handle any load for which it is
not designed.
8. The proper attachment of adaptors to
vacuum lifting devices for handling of 6. Apply the lifting device to the load in
special loads. accordance with established procedures.
b. Users shall demonstrate the ability and 7. Before lifting, ensure that lifting-device
competence to operate the lifting device as ropes or chains are not kinked and
instructed before assuming responsibility for multiple-part lines are not interwoven.
using it.
8. Ensure that the load is correctly
14.3.8 OPERATION distributed for the lifting device being
a. Only the following personnel shall operate
vacuum lifting devices: 9. Do not use the lifting device for side
pulls or sliding the load unless
1. Qualified operators or riggers. specifically authorized by a qualified
person or by an approved procedure.
2. Trainees under the direct supervision of
a qualified operator. 10. Warn all personnel in the vicinity of the
lifting device and place the load on the
3. Maintenance and test personnel, when it floor or ground, if possible to do so, if
is necessary in the performance of their electrical power goes off while a load is
duties. being lifted.
14-13 Chapter 14
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
14. Store the lifting device in a dry, inside a. Vacuum lifting devices for critical-lift
location when not in use. service shall have an initial proof-load test
of not more than 125 percent of its rated
15. Ensure that markings or tags are not capacity. If proof-testing cannot be verified,
removed or defaced. Replace missing the lifting device shall be proof-tested before
or defaced markings or tags. being used to make a critical lift.
Chapter 14 14-14
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
b. Also, battery-powered and external-powered 4. Operating with the control handle not
lifting electromagnets and electrically fully in the Lift position (on manually
controlled permanent-magnet lifting controlled permanent magnets).
magnets shall be marked with:
14-15 Chapter 14
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
lifting electromagnet
electrically controlled
permanent magnet
manually controlled
permanent magnet
Reprinted from ASME B30.20-2006 by permission of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
Chapter 14 14-16
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
DOE-STD-1090-2007 Rated Load (Capacity) device at the beginning of each shift or prior
to use, if it has not been in regular service.
a. General-application magnets shall include
the rated load (capacity) of the magnet on b. The inspection shall be for the following
the lifting magnet or on a tag attached to it. (records are not required):
This capacity rating shall refer to the
instruction manual for information relating 1. Lifting magnet face for freedom from
to decreases in rating due to the load surface foreign materials and for smoothness.
condition, thickness, percentage of contact
with magnet, temperature, metallurgical 2. Lifting bail or sling suspension for
composition, and deflection. proper condition.
b. Specified-application magnets shall include 3. Control handle for proper condition and
the application load (capacity) of the magnet operation.
on the lifting magnet or on a tag attached to
it. This capacity rating shall refer to the 4. Current indicator, where applicable, for
specific loads for which it applies. proper condition and operation.
14-17 Chapter 14
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
c. This inspection shall include those items inspection results shall be documented and
specified in Section, Frequent kept on file.
Inspection, in addition to the following:
b. General-application magnets are required to
1. Deformation, wear, and corrosion of all satisfy the rated breakaway-force test. The
members, fasteners, locks, switches, breakaway force measured in this test must
warning labels, and lifting parts. exceed the rated load (capacity) by a factor
of at least 2.
2. Check for suspect/counterfeit parts (see
Terminology and Definitions, Chapter c. Specified-application magnets are required
1). to comply with the application breakaway-
force test. The breakaway forces measured
3. Operation and condition of electrical in this test must exceed the specified
components (i.e., meters, indicators, and application load (capacity) by a factor of at
alarms). least 2.
4. Magnet coil tested for ohmic/ground d. The rated breakaway-force test shall
readings and readings compared to establish the breakaway force required to
manufacturers standards. vertically remove the lifting magnet from a
low-carbon rolled-steel plate of the
d. A qualified inspector shall inspect a lifting minimum thickness stated by the magnet
magnet that has been idle for 1 month or manufacturer. The portion of this plate in
more according to periodic inspection contact with the magnet shall have a 125-
requirements before placing it in service. in. (3.2 x 10-3 mm) finish and be flat within
0.002 in./ft (0.05 mm/m), but not exceeding
e. Dated inspection reports shall be prepared 0.005 in. (0.127 mm) total. The full
for each inspection. Inspection records shall operating face of the lifting magnet shall be
be kept on file and shall be readily available. in contact with the steel plate, which shall be
between 60 degrees F (15 degrees C).
14.4.5 TESTING Battery-operated electromagnets and
external-powered lifting electromagnets Operational Test shall be operated at the manufacturers
recommended current.
a. All new, modified, or repaired lifting
magnets shall be tested prior to their initial e. The application breakaway-force test shall
use. Tests shall be performed by a qualified establish the application breakaway forces
inspector or under the direction of that of the lifting magnet under the variety of
inspector. Dated reports shall be kept on loading conditions for which the magnet is
file. specified. The details of this test should be
supplied by the manufacturer of the lifting
b. Testing shall include the following: magnet.
1. Ensure that all sources of magnet power 6. Charging of the lifting magnet battery
are disconnected and locked out, tagged (if required).
out, or flagged.
7. The purpose of indicators, meters, or
2. Ensure that a magnet removed for repair alarms on the lifting magnet.
is tagged as defective.
8. The proper attachment of adaptors to
d. Only qualified personnel shall work on lifting magnets for handling of special
equipment when adjustments and tests are loads.
b. Operators shall demonstrate the ability and
e. After adjustments and repairs have been competence to operate the lifting device as
made, the lifting magnet shall not be instructed before assuming responsibility for
returned to service until it has been using it.
inspected according to Section
f. Dated records of repairs and replacements
shall be available. a. Only the following qualified personnel shall
operate lifting devices:
g. Maintenance personnel shall ensure that any
defective condition disclosed by the 1. Designated persons.
inspection is corrected before operation of
the lifting magnet is resumed. Repairs shall 2. Trainees under the direct supervision of
be done only by designated persons. a designated person.
1. Application of the lifting device to the 1. Place any attached load on the floor or
load and adjustments of the device, if ground and, after use, properly store the
any, that adapt it to various sizes or lifting device before leaving it.
kinds of loads.
2. Before they are used during a shift, test
2. Any special operations or precautions. all controls. If any do not operate
properly, adjust or repair them before
3. Condition of the load itself required for operations begin.
operation of the lifting device such as
balance, degree of order of stacked 3. Do not load the lifting device in excess
loads, surface cleanliness, bending, and of its rated capacity or handle any load
load thickness. for which it is not designed.
4. Procedure for storage of lifting device 4. Apply the lifting device to the load in
to protect it from damage. accordance with established procedures.
5. Instructions for not exceeding the rated 5. Before lifting, ensure that lifting-device
capacity of the lifting device or the ropes or chains are not kinked and that
capacity of the hoisting equipment by multiple-part lines are not interwoven.
the combined weight of the load, the
lifting device, and the rigging.
14-19 Chapter 14
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
15. Store the lifting device in a dry, inside a. General-application magnets are required to
location when not in use. satisfy the rated breakaway-force test. The
breakaway force measured in this test must External-Powered exceed 200 percent of the rated load. If the
Electromagnets rated breakaway-force test cannot be
verified, the lifting device shall be required
Before raising the load more than 2 in (50 mm), to satisfy the rated breakaway-force test
ensure that any adjustable input control is before being used to make a critical lift.
switched to the FULL POWER or FULL
ON position and remains in this position until b. Specified-application magnets are required
the load is removed from the magnet. to satisfy the rated breakaway-force test.
The breakaway force measured in this test
must exceed 200 percent of the rated load.
If the rated breakaway-force test cannot be
verified, the lifting device shall be required
to satisfy the rated breakaway-force test
before being used to make a critical lift.
Chapter 14 14-20
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
Typical remote-operated magnetic lifting devices 2. Power conductors and controls are of
are shown in Figure 14-8. adequate rating and are insulated or
otherwise protected against accidental
14.5.1 DESIGN/FABRICATION interruption or damage.
b. Cases may exist where a lifting device 3. All visible electrical conductors
cannot be marked with its rated capacity and (without disassembly).
weight. This may be due to the security
classification of the load to be lifted, or Periodic Inspection
other reasons approved by the responsible
manager. In these cases, the lifting device a. A qualified inspector shall perform a
shall be marked with an identification complete inspection of the lifting device
number, and its documentation shall contain with the equipment in place at the following
both its rated capacity and weight. intervals:
14-21 Chapter 14
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
Reprinted from ASME B30.20-2006 by permission of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
Chapter 14 14-22
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
2. Heavy operation within the rated load b. Replacement parts shall be equivalent to
limit that exceeds normal service. original specifications.
c. This inspection shall include those items 1. Ensure that all sources of magnet power
specified in Section, Frequent are disconnected and locked out, tagged
Inspection, in addition to the following: out, or flagged.
1. Deformation, wear, and corrosion of all 2. Ensure that a magnet removed for repair
members, fasteners, and lifting parts. is tagged as defective.
2. Check for suspect/counterfeit parts (see d. Only qualified personnel shall work on
Terminology and Definitions, Chapter equipment when maintenance and test are
1). required.
3. Proper operation and condition of e. After repairs have been made, the lifting
electrical components. magnet shall not be returned to service until
it has been inspected according to Section
4. Magnetic coil tested for ohmic/ground
readings and compared to
manufacturers standards. f. Dated records of repairs and replacements
shall be available.
d. Dated inspection reports shall be prepared
for each inspection. Inspection records shall g. Any defective condition disclosed by the
be kept on file and shall be readily available. inspection shall be corrected before the
lifting magnet is returned to service.
14.5.5 TESTING
14.5.7 TRAINING/ Operational Test QUALIFICATION
a. All new, modified, or repaired lifting a. Operators shall be trained and qualified as
magnets shall be tested prior to initial use. specific in Chapter 6, Personnel
Tests shall be performed by a qualified Qualification and Training. At a minimum,
inspector or under the direction of that instruction shall include the following:
inspector. Dated reports shall be kept on
file. 1. Application of the lifting device to the
load and adjustments of the device, if
b. Testing shall include the following: any, that adapt it to various sizes or
kinds of loads.
1. A check for proper operation of all
electrical equipment. 2. Any special operations or precautions.
2. A visual inspection of the lifting magnet 3. Condition of the load itself required for
for visible defects. operation of the lifting device, such as
balance, degree of order of stacked
14-23 Chapter 14
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
loads, surface cleanliness, bending, and properly, adjust or repair them before
load thickness. operations begin.
4. Procedure for storage of the lifting 3. Do not load the lifting device in excess
device to protect it from damage. of its rated capacity or handle any load
for which it is not designed.
5. Instructions for not exceeding the rated
capacity of the lifting device or the 4. Apply the lifting device to the load in
capacity of the hoisting equipment by accordance with established procedures.
the combined weight of the load, the
lifting device, and the rigging. 5. Before lifting, ensure that lifting-device
ropes or chains are not kinked and that
6. Charging of the lifting magnet battery multiple-part lines are not interwoven.
(if required).
6. Ensure that the load is correctly
7. The purpose of indicators, meters, or distributed for the lifting device being
alarms on the lifting magnet. used.
8. The proper attachment of adaptors to 7. Ensure that the temperature of the load
lifting magnets for handling of special does not exceed the maximum
loads. allowable limits of the lifting device.
b. Operators shall demonstrate the ability and 8. Do not use the lifting device for side
competence to operate the lifting device as pulls or sliding the load unless
instructed before assuming responsibility for specifically authorized by a qualified
using it. person.
4. Inspectors of lifting devices. See Chapter 2, Critical Lifts, for critical lift
b. The following shall apply to all personnel
who operate remote-operated magnets: a. Remote-operated magnets for critical-lift
service shall have been tested for proper
1. Place any attached load on the floor or operation of all electrical equipment and a
ground and, after use, properly store the visual inspection of the lifting device for
lifting device before leaving it. defects. If testing and inspection cannot be
verified, the lifting device shall be tested and
2. Before they are used during a shift, test inspected before being used to make a
all controls. If any do not operate critical lift.
Chapter 14 14-24
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
14-25 Chapter 14
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
Chapter 14 14-26
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
NOTES: 1. Proof-test to not more than 125 percent f rated capacity for critical lift service. The test load
shall be accurate to within 5%, +0% of stipulated values.
Lifting bars and spreaders shall be checked for signs of incipient failure in bending and shall be replaced if
permanently bent more than inch in 10 feet, or twisted more than 5 degrees out of the original plan.
Hook attachment welds shall be examined for cracks and signs of failure in tension.
Qualified inspector shall perform test by visual examination, liquid-penetrant examination, or magnetic-
particle examination.
STATIC TEST: Hold weight for 10 minutes and visually inspect for deformation.
Remarks ______________________________________________________________________________
14-27 Chapter 14
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
Chapter 14 14-28
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices